#ml concepts
gale-gentlepenguin · 5 months
I wonder if there is like a Kwami of War.
Or Kwami of Aggression.
Special power being “Battle.” Which forces the opponent into a fight.
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twin-books · 1 year
Hello I would like to know if there is any concept art with Marietta from Ladybug:Mini Menace
Hello there! There sure is! You certainly came to the right place! The annoying bit is how Tumblr only lets me go to 10 photos so I'm going have to be picky here. I have some Mini Menace covers. Now, as far as I'm aware, Thomas Astruc drew all of these and I must say he's a very talented artist! (Yes, I can compliment him too). I like seeing his art. And this is technically "not his best" stuff, if you want to go there. Since he's grown a lot since this and he already seemed to be pretty good at reference drawing. All the Mini Menace covers are spoofs on popular comic covers. Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less from someone who started out as a storyboard artist. So anyway, here are some of my favorites:
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This next one is a fun one because it hints at Marietta's origins. Originally her father was meant to die and she was supposed to be a vigilante. She seemed to have got her powers, or her inspiration at least, from the necklace that her father died with:
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And this next one seems to follow directly after it where she decides to become Ladybug and get revenge on the people who murdered her father. Eventually she was going to become a vigilante:
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This one is just cute and I thought it would be fun to share because Miraculous season 4 actually makes a reference to this cover, specifically:
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I love this next one the most. It's one of my absolute favorites:
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Now this one is extra fun as this hints at the relationship between her and her Chat Noir. See, Marietta's original Chat Noir was supposed to be a mentor figure for her, much like Master Fu. A vigilante before the Ladybug. It looks like in this cover he has discovered her identity and she's trying to deny it but she knows she's been caught. It almost appears as if she's getting scolded:
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Here's her using what I imagine is either one of her powers or her gadgets:
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And, here, of course is a full-body action pose of Marietta's Ladybug from right when the show was probably picked up. This, I don't believe, was drawn by Astruc, but I could be wrong. But this is where it all truly began, I imagine:
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Now, there isn't a whole lot more, but I do have a few more covers saved. Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot on Marietta. She shifts into Marinette very quickly after this, then goes through that "Bridgette" (I put this in quotes not to disrespect it, I actually very much love this name, it just isn't an official name used for her) phase, before coming right back to Marinette.
Thank you for asking about her! I had fun digging through my files! And lucky enough for you I had already organized my files a bit a week before this just to make sure I could find this stuff easier. Come to me any time about the concepts! I'm very happy to talk about them! Hope you're having a wonderful day, afternoon, evening, night, or whatever time it is where you are!
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anna-scribbles · 5 months
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they should've been at the club(infertility treatment centers)
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van1shiro · 9 months
A quick sketch of ladynoir chilling , and also trying out different colors 🐞🐈‍⬛️
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belowthesurface · 1 year
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AU where Adrien (and Félix) are both transfem and their transformation to Chat Noire (and Argos) appear feminine - with a slightly higher pitched voice to match. Adrien doesn't understand at first, she is like "oh so that's what the magic does to hide my identity, especially since I'm so well known out of costume. Neat" and then probably, like, too-long-later down the line she is like Oh. Oh okay. Im a girl
heres more of this concept
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ravenluckarts · 2 years
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Miraculous doodles because I’m suffering intense brainrot about this show right now especially from the two fanworks included here! Bakery “Enemies” AU by @buggachat and odnlb by @wackus-bonkus-maximus, both are really well written and have me at the edge of my seat for respective updates at the moment!!
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theartofnieriel · 5 months
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Character redesign: Hawkmoth (Miraculous Ladybug)
reblog, don’t repost. thank you
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iindigoeyed · 7 months
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feather mark (drops this and scatters)
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halfahelix · 1 year
I can finally say it
Adribugnoire / Turbo Ladrien rights
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Ft. sketches from a while back that I may clean up later 🌞❤️🐞🐈
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marskiiii · 2 years
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dtiys collab with @shiftystorm ! Check out her original piece here ! Keep an eye out for her dtiys for one of my drawings too!
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teamoon7 · 1 month
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🇺🇸: So, @kabartmatzu suggested we did a screenshot redraw Collab with our Ladybug and Chat noir redesigns from our AUs!! :D [Their post]
I made a version with my "normal" style and a simpler version- I really want to develop a simpler style so I can use it in some scenes IF I do the comic for my AU, so I'm doing some tests by now. I wanted to make the coloring more interesting than that, but I think it is ok.
Those designs are definitely not the final ones, specially ladybug's- but I knew that if I waited until I got satisfied with the designs I'd probably never post it lol. I also changed her hair a little bit.
[The designs: Old Ladybug - New Ladybug - Chat Noir]
At the same time that I do want to post a lot about my AU, most of it is either something I'm afraid to be a spoiler or something that can change/has not be fully decided yet. So it can take a while before I start posting actual relevant stuff about it.
Anyways, it was fun to make. The screenshot:
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🇧🇷: Então, @kabartmatzu sugeriu que nós fizéssemos um Collab de redesenhar alguma cena com os designs de Ladybug e Chat Noir das nossas AUs! :D
[O design delu]
Eu fiz uma versão com meu estilo "normal" e uma versão mais simples- quero muito desenvolver um estilo mais simples pra poder usar ele em algumas cenas CASO eu faça a comic pra minha AU, então tô fazendo alguns testes por agora. Queria q a pintura ficasse um pouco mais interessante que isso, mas acho que ficou ok.
Esses designs definitivamente não são definitivos, especialmente o da ladybug (inclusive, mudei o cabelo dela um pouco)- mas eu sabia que se eu esperasse até ficar satisfeita eu nunca ia postar kkkk
[Os designs: Ladybug Antiga - Ladybug Nova - Chat Noir]
Ao mesmo tempo que eu quero postar bastante sobre minha AU, a maior parte dela é ou algo que eu tenho medo de ser spoiler, ou algo que pode mudar/que eu não decidi totalmente ainda. Então talvez demore um pouco até eu começar a postar coisas de fato relevantes sobre ela.
De qualquer forma, foi bem divertido de fazer :)
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twin-books · 1 year
Can you draw redraw with this cuties!?
This concept art features Gorgeous Nathan from the gym club (AKA Pre Felix) and Marietta (Or Marinette)!
You have very nice drawings,I like it,Dude!!Very beautiful and creativity.Your drawings are just a masterpiece!!!
Firstly, I must thank you for helping me identify that the dude in this concept is Gorgeous Nathan. I always thought he couldn't be Felix because he seemed different, and it's not just because of the outfit, though that's a heavy reason. I never thought about it being Gorgeous Nathan but that does make the most sense. Also, I must say I very much appreciate you referring to him by his full title. Beautiful. We always appreciate Gorgeous Nathan from the Gym Club. (I will bully this man relentlessly for this title, I swear). For those who don't like using links that they can't be sure where they lead, this is the image anon is talking about:
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Anyway, I'm not sure if you were actually asking me to draw them separately or redraw this image. I went with redrawing it. I do have this image and I very much love it more compared to the final product. So I decided to redraw it based on what ended up being the final product and on this sketch version. The final product involves the weird combination of Marinette and "Bridgette" and Felix. There was not much else in the scene besides two people and a car and while I liked the focus on Felix and "Bri" it looked so barren and lifeless somehow compared to all other concept images. That isn't to say the art is bad, of course. The art was very, very good. It just didn't have quite the same life I loved about the other concepts so it's one of my least favorites. Here's them compared side by side:
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I quite liked the sketch because of life it had and I wanted to somehow mimic that without people so I decided to add a lot more plant life and hopefully bring more "energy" you could say. I'm not sure I did it justice. I also did some very sloppy coloring because I thought it would be fun. I don't really love the outfit Marietta have so I did my best with what I was provided. That's one of the things I preferred about the final image. I will say I couldn't help myself and added Marietta's necklace even though this isn't quite the Marietta we know because she seemed to have the more Marinette-like bangs.
But here it is... I did my best. I much prefer the original products myself but this was fun. I recommend clicking on it. This image is big so Tumblr makes it look worse. XD
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I really had to deconstruct this image. I went through tracing the very basic shapes of it to get the basic idea of the energy then I went to making my own building blocks so I could draw my own style over top of that then it was redrawing it all over again and so forth and so on... I basically drew this image multiple times. Can't say I'm all that thrilled with this one. I actually don't quite like it. But I do try to be honest about my art journey. I am one of those artists who believes it's the fun that's important and I had a whole lot of fun making it. Except Gorgeous Nathan's head. That wasn't fun. Very unfun. You think I would hate his hands but no it was his freaking head. Ironic since that's the stuff I draw the most; heads and faces. I hope you at least like it, even just a little bit. Maybe one day I can draw them again without trying to measure up to someone else's work, I suppose. That's probably what threw me off a lot, that I really wanted to do it justice even though I knew this would be a very simple drawing. Thanks for the request! It was very fun to draw this version of the characters! I also very much like the story this one tells! Also anon, I gotta ask... are you the same anon sending me all the wonderful asks in my inbox? I, of course, appreciate them but it did get me curious! I hope you're having a wonderful day, afternoon, evening, night, or whatever time it is where you are! <3
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anna-scribbles · 2 years
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midnights listen party !!
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van1shiro · 5 months
Lets go to the weekend market mister bug 🥞 i miss thailand days and the market, colours are much fun here to play around
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lesbitorte · 1 month
Don't think of toxic Ladynoir. Don't think of it happening once adrinette is an established couple. Don't think of Ladybug being jealous of Chat Noir, he's happy with a girlfriend and that girlfriend is not her even though she shouldn't mind, Marinette is dating Adrien and everything is well. Don't think of Adrien looking at his relationship in sadness because everything he has with Marinette is what he wanted with Ladybug. Don't think of Ladybug acting up on her jealousy, don't think of Chat Noir snapping at her, don't think of them crying and shouting and wanting to kiss but also feeling all wrong about it. Don't think of adrinette falling apart because of this.
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gg-ladybug · 11 months
This scene is so gut wrenching to me, because his son just upped and disappeared OVERNIGHT and he was waiting. It’s Gabriel Agreste written at his absolute finest by Jeremy Zag. It’s the little things here that’s absolutely derailed me despite not having enough time to really go into it (which is a travesty)
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He hasn’t shaved. He hasn’t changed. His hair is unruly. There haven’t been any dramatic calls, or search missions. He’s just been waiting by the stairs and hoping for the best. Adrien didn’t just leave for a few hours during the day— he didn’t come home last night.
But he still lets him run back off because hey— at least he’s safe and at least his akuma attack has nothing to do with it, because they saved her miracle cure for the final attack, which means the stakes of all this was VERY real to begin with
No one touch me, and let Jeremy Zag COOK
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