My Love, Come and Save Me Ch5
Warning for slight grossness at the end of the chapter. If I need to tag any other warnings, let me know
Carlos drags a hand through his hair as he paces back and forth. How could he be so stupid? Cecil was right there and Carlos just let him go. What’s worse is he provided what was likely critical information to Cecil’s safety. He’s the reason Cecil is going to get hurt. How can he fix this? Charles had his hands on Cecil in a way that made Carlos’s blood boil.
“Uh boss?” Jason’s voice breaks Carlos from his thoughts. 
Carlos stops pacing and looks up. “Hey Jace. How can I help you?” He asks with a tired expression. 
“When was the last time you slept?” Jason moves closer and puts a hand on the older man’s shoulder.
“I’ll sleep when he’s home safely.”
“You aren’t any good to any one if you’re too exhausted. Go at least take a nap. Please. I’m worried about you.”
“Don’t make me pick you up.” Jason threatens. Jason had been a Marine, forced into early retirement due to injury but he was still more than strong enough to carry Carlos around easily. 
Carlos puts his hands up in surrender again. “Fine. But I’m getting up in an hour.” He starts to walk away before stopping and turning back. “I have to find him Jace. I have to save him.”
“And we will but you need to take care of yourself. You know Cecil would be disappointed if you aren’t taking care of yourself, even if he was kidnapped. It wouldn’t make for a good reunion if you look like a hobo and pass out when you finally get him back.” Jason points out.
“Alright. Okay.” Carlos puts his hands up in surrender. “I’m going.” He leaves the room.
Walking slowly down the hall, Carlos runs a hand through his hair again. He should have been paying more attention…. If he had, Cecil would be here right now. He can’t help but wonder what was happening to Cecil at this moment. Was he hurt? Locked up? Dead? Something worse? Would Cecil even want him back after Carlos was dumb enough to let him go? 
He gets into bed, pulling the blanket up around his shoulders, staring into the darkness. He should have known something was going to happen. His life was dangerous and Cecil…. Cecil teaches kindergarten. He wore pastel cardigans and scrunchies. He wasn’t cut out for this life. And yet he chose to be a part of it. Because he loves Carlos and he’s grown attached to the others. Failing to save him...Carlos wasn’t sure he could survive that. He pulled the blanket over his head and closes his eyes, finally letting his body give into the exhaustion. 
When Carlos wakes up, sunlight streams from the window, across his face. He blinks in confusion for a moment before bolting upright and checking the time. Shit. It’s after ten. In the morning. He throws the blanket to the side and makes his way to the kitchen quickly. He finds Jason and Rochelle talking over coffee. “Why did you let me sleep for so long?” He demands.
Rochelle puts her mug down before facing him. “Because you needed the sleep. Cecil’s been gone for nearly two weeks and you’ve slept maybe a full eight hours in that time.” She points out. “We need you at your best and not sleeping hinders that.” 
Carlos starts to retort but is cut off when Jason shoves a piece of begal into his mouth. He glared at him, but chews and swallows anyway. “Was that necessary?”
“Completely.” Jason nods. “Because I know you aren’t eating.”
“I do eat.”
“Once every few days doesn’t count so shut up and eat the begal.” Jason pushes the begal into Carlos’s hands. He turns back to Rochelle. “I’m going to scope out the area, see if I can find anything. We are going on nothing so we need something.”
“I want to go with you.” Carlos brushes his hands off. “I need to stop being useless. I can’t just keep being useless.”
“Carlos no. We can’t risk it. If he sees you, he will hurt Cecil more if not kill him. Let me check it out first.”
“No Carlos. You’re staying with me. He’s right. We will work with Riley and see what we can do here.” Rochelle puts a hand on Carlos’s shoulder. “It’s the safest alternative.”
Carlos studies both of his teammates, slowly coming to realize there was no way he could win this argument. He sighs softly. “Fine. Alright.” He looks at Jason. “Be careful. If you get hurt I’ll smack the shit out of you.”
Jason smirks. “Boss I’m offended that you think I’d be so reckless.”
“I mean it.”
Cecil wakes slowly, wincing when he moves, the burns from the cigarette still healing.Instead of sitting up, he curls up into a ball. He was alone and he felt it. The silence of the empty room was heavy, pressing down on Cecil’s shoulders. He had seen Carlos ...was close enough to touch and yet so far out of his reach. He hears the door open and holds his breath, waiting for the worst. When the bed dipped behind him, Cecil squeezes his eyes shut. Here it comes…. 
But then a gentle hand touches his shoulder. Cecil jumps before giving a soft cry of pain. Turning his head quickly, he realizes it’s only Kevin and not Charles.
“Hey.” Kevin puts his hands up. “I’m not going to hurt you.” 
“Kevin?” Cecil squints a little at the man in yellow. “What are you doing in here? Won’t Charles-”
“Shh…” Kevin hushed him quickly. “He’s not here right now. I figured you’d like a shower or something. Y'know...without the huge risk.”
“We don’t have much time and that needs to be cleaned out before it gets infected.” Kevin stands and offers his hand to Cecil.
Cecil studies the outstretched hand for several moments before taking it and standing slowly. “Okay…” He lets himself be led out of the room and down the hall. He looks around as they walk. This is the most he’s scenes of the house, as when he woke up that first day he was already in the room and wasn’t allowed out since, other than the lunch. The walls were a light blue, lighter than those of the room, with a green floral print. The floor is a beautiful hardwood, cold under his feet. 
FInally they get to the bathroom. The walls are lined with light grey and yellow tiles, with both a shower stall and a large elegant bathtub. The floor in this room are some kind of brown stone. Cecil looks around the room. There’s a cabinet next to the toilet which Cecil assumes holds towels.
“You can use either on you like.” Kevin offers.
“Will you sit with me?” Cecil asks softly. “I ...don't want to be alone.” 
Kevin looks surprised at this but nods. “Of course I’ll sit with you.” He perches on the toilet. 
Cecil nods and slowly strips down, not really caring that he was naked in front of practically a stranger. It didn’t really matter at this point did it? Charles would either break him or kill him so what was the point? Deciding to go with the bathtub, Cecil fiddles with the knobs before getting it to be the right temperature. FInally stepping into the tub, Cecil puts in the plug in and sits down, closing his eyes. “Kevin?”
“Hm?” Kevin looks over, fidgeting a little. 
“You don’t have to sit all the way over there.”
“Oh…” Kevin stands and shuffles over, sitting on the floor next to the tub, facing Cecil. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.” Kevin smiles.
“What were you like before….”
“Before he got me?”
“I was…...at the tail end of my divorce. My wife and I….we had fallen out of love. Better off as friends y'know? I have a son. HIs name is Donavan. I love him deeply but I don’t know if he even remembers me. I was taken six years ago. I resisted for a long time. But I think I have Stockholm Syndrome. I’ve…..grown to love him. That doesn’t mean I support him. I don’t. I want to help you. Keep you safe and eventually help you get out. But ...I don’t think I’ll ever be truly free of him.” Kevin trails his fingers over the surface of the water in the tub. “I want to help you before it hurts you like he’s hurt me.”
“Oh…..” Cecil pushes stray hair from his face. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I just ...let me help you.”
Cecil is quiet for a moment before nodding and smiling a little. “Thank you Kevin.”
“Thank me after you’re home.”
“Hey boss!” Rochelle calls through the house. Jason still wasn’t back yet and he had left three days ago.
“What?” Carlos calls, moving from the office in the back of the house to the den. He looks around. “Have you seen Jason?”
“No. I was going to ask you.” She looks around where there’s a knock at the door. “Maybe that’s him?”
“No ...he has a key. Jason doesn’t knock.” Carlos moves to the door and opens it. On the porch was another box, much like the one he had gotten containing Cecil’s hair. He feels his stomach drop. Oh god…what now? Carlos crouches and opens his pocket knife. Rule nine. He cuts open the box and slowly looks inside.Looking inside made Carlos’s blood run cold. “Santo infierno…” He whispers, falling back and dropping the knife.
“What is it?” Rochelle asks, leaning forward. “Oh god…”
Nestled inside the box was a bag…..containing Jason’s head.
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