#mlqc cyril
thatfanfictionchick · 3 years
Mr Love Queens Choice Masterlist
Updated 01/29/2023
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Memento Mei
MLQC Dads p.2
MLQC Song List
MLQC as Golden Girls quotes
Minor Feature
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Smut [Explicit]
1:30 Meeting
Confessions: Part 1
Confessions: Part 2
A Dummy's Help
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Smut [Explicit]
No More Interruptions
A Little More
Mountains or Molehills
Crime & Punishment
The Trick with Cherries
Lucien laughing
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Smut [Explicit]
Before I Go
Gavin x MC x Victor
Green could be Your Color
We should work out
Not Just You
Hell Hath Mild Fury
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Smut [Explicit]
[HC] Dating Kiro
Malicious Compliance
Tell Me you Love Me
[S.o.S] Petting in the Pool
[Kinktober] Choking
Show Me
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Smut [Explicit]
Not Me
What You Want
[S.o.S] Popsicle Licking
[S.o.S] Untying a Biking Top
[S.o.S] Banging on the Beach
[S.o.S] Skinny Dipping
While I'm Gone
Beg for it
About That Night (collab effort with @/truth-be-told-im-lying)
Pillow Talk
Birdy Beatdown
Daddy Helios
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[Currently as barren as my heart after the loss of our beloved VA's]
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Smut [Explicit]
[S.o.S] Strip Poker
ABC's of Sex
[Kinktober] Temperature Play
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hakutaichou · 3 years
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hmm....is our "love interest-able" enemy in next arc an orange🧡boi?
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So I was watching the old release trailers for MLQC... dude fucking Cyril/Hypnos man.. I had forgotten how just... HAUNTING his voice is in the Daybreak trailer. holy hells.
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Cyril- Character Analysis
This post was based on an ask made a while ago concerning Hypnos’ character. I personally think his appearance enhanced the development of the game for the Winter World chapters, additionally with the depth of MC’s character. Hopefully this post will help clarify some things in relation to who he is and why he is important to the game’s progression. Please enjoy his well-deserved character analysis post. And yes- lots of spoilers! Please don’t read if you don't want to be spoiled on future content from Chapters 19+.
“This is the world you wanted.”
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Hypnos first appears in the Epilogue of Chapter 19, when MC escapes her dream (the one with the separate routes of the guys) and begins to enter the Winter World through Black Cabin.
A soft hue appeared amidst this world of frozen white. A handsome, elegant young man walked towards me from the mist. Snow fell upon him, but as if he was protected by some force, none stuck on him. For a moment, I felt that this person looked really familiar, but it was someone I’ve never met. His eyes seemed detached, yet full of pity.
“This world’s pretty interesting, don’t you think?”
I did not sense any direct threat from him, but I was also unable to let my guard down.
“Is this not the world you wanted? You were aware of it long ago. No need to go on deceiving yourself.”
His tone was peaceful, but there was a chill to it that made me shiver.
“In this world, time’s been frozen. Everything you fear hasn't taken place. It was not I who made this world, but you. Everything you have experienced is a product of that which you yearn for the most. If everything could start over, if life could return to normal, if none of this had occurred...”
He saw into my heart effortlessly, tearing down each fragile wall I’d made with each word that he spoke.
The man’s gentle expression turned cold. His smile faded into subdued indifference.
“You think everything you’ve experienced is fake? Everything is real. Everyone in this world had sunken into the same dream. We will forever remain in a dream land.”
The man chuckled gently. Snow and wind blurred his form, blurring my vision. -Chapter 19 (Epilogue)
Some people would probably have the reaction of ??? and others would think he’s a new love interest HAHA.
It’s clear that this section of the chapter does not give much insight into his character, his name or who he is all. But, we can (hopefully) tell from what we are given, that he will play an important role in the future since he has an actual VA, and is (quite confusingly) going on about “the world that she wanted”. Though, this will be all cleared up later. From here, he makes small appearances in the next few chapters, which helps foreshadow and gradually help set the final showdown to conclude the Winter World.
While my mind wandered, I accidentally ran into someone in the corner. Even more unluckily, as I retreated backwards I stepped on a slick patch of ice, almost sending me sprawling.
A light laughter fell on my ears. Before I could react, I was caught by the person I bumped into.
“Are you okay?”
I looked up and was met with a pair of gentle green eyes. A handsome face filled my vision. For an instant, I felt that he was familiar, and the sight of an ice-covered world seemed to appear before me. He gracefully let go of my wrist in a gentlemanly manner, stepped back to a more appropriate distance. -Chapter 20-17
A man walked out onto a rooftop covered with snow and held out his hand, catching a snowflake falling from the sky. The snowflake in his palm turned into an exquisite, white robin with its eager wings spread as if escaping a prison and flying into the sky.
He looked down from on high, surveying the city blanketed in dazzling white snow, a faint smile on his face.
“Truly something to look forward to- a long cold winter.” -Chapter 21-25
At this point, we still don’t even know who this man is. Or if he even has a name! But finally, the chapter after reveals a little bit more to help us come to somewhat of a conclusion about his character.
Chapter 22-5
The automatic vending machine behind me kept repeating the same sentence. I turned around to find that the machine wasn't on the fritz- there was actually someone continually trying to make a payment. I couldn't help but go over to see if they needed help.
A pair of eyes clear as glass turned on me. Although there was a gentle look in his eyes, there was a subtle feeling of distance.
I suddenly recognised that face! It was that famous piano player- Cyril!
MC: “Excuse me, do you need help?”
A hint of warmth suffused his cold eyes, as he gestured in frustration at the vending machine.
Cyril: “Just want to buy a bottle of water, but I don’t know how to use these machines.”
(*Intense vending machine purchase in process*)
Instead, I decided to just point at the app on my own phone and give him a brief explanation, afraid that I would miss my bus.
MC: “This time, I’ll buy for you. This is the one you want?”
Cyril: “Right, thanks.”
When I accidentally brushed against his long, slender fingertip, there wasn’t even a hint of warmth.
MC: “Your hand is ice cold. How about I buy a warm drink for you?”
He seemed a little hesitant, but he gave a slight nod and accepted my proposal with a smile.
The drink thunked down into the dispenser, and before I could react, he already bent down and retrieved the bottle and mine from the machine.
When he extended the drink to me, I realised that at the bottom, there were two kinds of paper, which appeared to be tickets of some kind.
I lifted them up and carefully looked at them. They were tickets to an upcoming and very sold out piano tour. Moreover, this was for the final VIP performance aboard the HMS (Abbreviated for “Her Majesty’s Ship”) Victoria.
He may not look like it, but he’s actually quite a warm, kind person.
The silver haired man watched as the bus drove away, and the drink in his hand turned solid ice without him noticing.
As snow drifted down around him, a faintly perceptible smile formed on his lips.
“I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”
We find out that the young man’s name is Cyril, a famous piano player. During this exchange, Cyril is taking his time to observe MC and how she’s responding to the Winter World. He appears to be genuinely surprised about MC’s display of kindness, even though she’s been tossed out by the men most important to her, and into a foreign world wreaked of havoc.
He lets MC purchase the warm milk tea for him, and they both talk about the most mundane things ever. This may seem like just filler conversations, but actually holds importance because it actually influences how he views the world and MC in the future.
Cyril then uses this chance to extend his invitations to his sold out piano performance on the HMS Victoria. MC thinks he’s “quite a warm, kind person”- to which, we will find out if she’s wrong later. We also can confirm that he is an Evolver as we watch him turn his drink into solid ice, as well as the same man who was left unidentified in the previous chapters.
Chapter 23-13
??: “At this point, we’re all certain that the one behind this “Eternal Winter” is one of our former members.”
??: “Another traitor?”
??: “One with the power to traverse time and construct dreamscapes. There's only one that it could be.”
??: “The traitor code-named Hypnos?”
With those words, a deathly stillness fell over the air, as if some indescribable darkness had stolen into the room.
True name: Unknown. Age: Unknown. Evol: Time travel, dream construction.
Pitifully few clues to go on, not even a single photograph.
Was that person who trapped me in that dream and the traitor the same? If it was true that everything before happened on another world’s timeline, then does that mean this person had jumped through into this world timeline?
??: “Just what is he planning to do?”
??: “Whatever it is, since he’s a traitor to the organisation, it’s bound to be contrary to our goals. We must put a stop to him.”
??: “Continue the investigation. We must find the satellite coordinates. We cannot let him interfere with our plan.”
If this mystery mastermind had such powerful abilities, then what chance do I have at stopping him?
The hexagonal crystal symbol wasn't a major part of their discussion, but it stuck a faint chord with a hazy part of my memory. I finally remembered- that ticket to the concert!
They consider this powerful Evolver- Hypnos, a traitor to Black Swan and the individual behind the Eternal Winter incident. But nobody knows what he looks like. However, MC notices that the hexagon design is seen similar to the tickets that Cyril gave to her for his performance on the HMS Victoria. She now knows that Cyril is Hypnos, then realises that the satellite launch isn’t on land, but on sea. She knows how to stop the winter from spreading.
Here we automatically assume that he’s another Black Swan bad-guy-turned-traitor. What is his true goal? And why does it have to be that handsome piano player, out of all people?
Chapter 24-5
Before we could enter the main hall and check out the situation, a sonorous piano melody was belated through the ship’s speakers over that whole patch of sea.
The gentle tune formed an invisible yet unbreakable net in the air. Everyone in proximity to it became the piano music’s prisoner, unable to escape.
I felt a strong feeling of drowsiness. I tried to stop it but it seemed to have already gotten into my veins. Every cell in my body reverberated with it.
Everyone in the hall was swaying like soulless puppets, and on the stage, Cyril held his eyes slightly closed as he played the last requiem for them.
Chapter 24-7
MC travels to confront him on his ship, and watches him entrance people with his piano playing. This is how he got his code-name “Hypnos”. (Similar to how Kiro can charm and control people). Thankfully, Helios appears, his Evol is powerful enough to command MC to escape this.
“Why can’t a lie... be a good thing, too? Is this not the world you wanted?”
An anonymous voice seeped into my consciousness, accompanied by a dim, far away sounding piano.
The false warmth swooped in, and exhausted as I was, I chose to accept it.
My hand was originally grasping at air, but just then I distinctly felt the touch of something solid and warm. I could faintly feel someone grabbing onto me tight.
I forced open my heavy eyes, and a familiar outline filled my blurry vision.
“K- Kiro...?”
For a second, I couldn’t tell if I was in a dream or reality. His face was in shadow, and those usually sea blue eyes now flashed golden, as beautiful as the night stars.
He shouted at me, loud enough to hear over the inescapable piano music-
“I command you to awaken!”
Although without a hint of warmth, his eyes were like the first rays of dawn filtering through the curtains, melting away the fanciful dreamworld clouding my brain.
“I’m not like Ares. I don’t care about any Queen. If you want to influence the outcome, you have to do it your own way.”
Cyril still didn't stop playing, and instead kept moving his fingers across the key in a self-satisfied manner. The audience were completely under the spell of his melody, sunken into the deepest depths of a dream.
A black pistol was pointed straight at him, but the enraptured pianist did not let that stop his performance. Helios wasn’t in a hurry either, waiting quietly for the perfect, culminating core for this piece.
Just as the final note was stuck, Helios resolutely pulled back the tigger. A stream of smoke rose from the gun, but Cyril was somehow unharmed, blocked by an invisible force field.
Helios: “You constructed this dreamscape long before.”
Cyril: “I just don’t want this performance to have any interruptions.”
He rose elegantly from his piano bench and took a deep bow toward the hall absent of applause. Then he sauntered off the stage and looked at me.
Cyril: “You finally came.”
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Chapter 24-9
Cyril: “Thank you for teaching me how to use the vending machine.”
I didn't expect him to speak up first, much less did I expect him to bring up that. As if we weren’t staring into the upcoming apocalypse, but just another utterly normal day.
Cyril: “It was you who showed me a different side of life. Although I still think, milk tea tastes better iced.”
MC: “But that doesn’t mean you have to wipe out the people who prefer drinking it hot.”
Cyril: “I think you misunderstood me. Just like you, I love this world. I love the complexity and uncertainty humanity has brought to it. I just think, it just doesn't have to move so fast.”
The smile he had showed- made me believe that from the bottom of his heart, everything he did was to make the world better, and that he should not recover any blame or interference from anyone.
Cyril: “Before one fully understands oneself, power beyond control can only be dangerous. Just like if I were to ask you now, do you truly understand yourself? How would you answer?”
He chuckled at my inability to respond.
The thoughts in his heart were hidden beneath a glacier, and all it showed on the surface was the very tip of it, preventing me from ever getting a clear idea of what he was thinking.
Cyril: “I’ve prepared a little gift for this kind of world.”
A giant steel tower shot upwards and stood tall between the water and sky. The satellite launch tower!
Cyril took hold of my hand and causally moved the key from his own hand. Before I had time to stop him, I saw crystal clear ice form at his fingertips. Pure and unblemished, but also dead. Just like this world before us.
Cyril: “Isn’t this a nice way to end things? This. Is the world you want.”
He then hands MC to press the button for him, then freezes the key to the Black Cabin. Cyril here genuinely believes that what he is doing is good for MC, as he uses the satellite launch platform from the ocean to spread the “Eternal Winter”- the “perfect world”.
Black Swan still pursues evolution of all humanity, but Cyril doesn’t agree with their methods. He knows MC is the Queen and thinks that in this Winter World, this is how she will only grow- without those she loves- if she had not known the boys and everyone she cares about. "If none of those things in the original world had occurred..."
What Hypnos stated reminds me of the Winter World Helios and what he said from when he saved her in Chapter 21.
“The weak should learn to survive on their own. No one will help them. Do everything you can, by fair means or foul. Give up everything in your past… even yourself. If you can’t do that, then go back to the world you came from.”
Which is a little nice touch because Helios appears to save her again with his Evol- but this time, MC is saving the world in her own way. She is not identifying with QUEEN first- but as herself. She had seen and been through so much pain to grow her mental and emotional strength to persevere and save this world with her kindness and love for humanity. MC, herself, has evolved.
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Chapter 24-10
Cyril: “Not going to give the button to the launch a push? Perhaps you’ve forgotten, this is only my dream. Any decision you make here won't affect the outside world. Aren't you at least curious? The perfect world I wanted.”
What is the meaning of existence in a world of unrealistic perfection!?
MC: “If I do that, wouldn’t I be like an ostrich, sticking my head into the sand?”
Cyril: “If people found the perfect pile of “sand”, who knows if they’d stick with reality- and choose not to escape? After all, in reality, no one can predict what's going to happen from second to second. But in a perfect dream, everything always unfolds exactly as people desire.”
MC: “I can’t answer that for others. But it shows that the decision for how to answer should be left for each individual person.”
Cyril: “The way I see it, those who have no ability to judge never had the right to choose in the first place.”
Naturally, traitor though he was, he was still like others in Black Swan, holding a disdain for normal people, deep in his bones. When he rebelled against wasn't the thinking of the organisation, but their methods. But no matter which method of theirs it was, they all wanted to force their ideology on the whole world.
Did the world really need their brand of reason? Did humanity really need their idea of progress?
Everything in existence follows its own, original path, with absolutely no need for human intervention. And what I had to do was to maintain this balance.
I abruptly placed the remote back in his hand and told him my final decision.
It’s clear that Cyril doesn’t have that much experience with normalcy or identifies with at least humanity. He believes that it’s better to ignore reality and to live in a dream without the memories of the past or mourn the loss of others. Frozen without emotions, pain, or progress- the “perfect world”.
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Chapter 25-4
After MC accepts her QUEEN identity, she finally uses that power to unite all timelines ultimately defeating Cyril, then returns back to the original world. Weirdly, he appears in front of her when she wakes up.
Cyril: “I believed I warned you long ago, no matter what world it is, it doesn't make much of a difference. You assume too much. In this world, I am just like you, a normal person. Think of it… as the price I’ve paid. My choice… was made for you. You were growing too slowly. Maybe that world was best suited for you after all. Too bad, you were too muddled to realise it. This world may soon experience a change, and it’s the kind of change that has nothing to do with you.
Time Subway
Time Subway takes place before Cyril leaves, after MC is hospitalised in Chapter 32. It reveals more about MC’s power and spiritual connection to Loveland City, the rest of the worlds and their timelines.
They meet on the train, though MC can’t remember meeting Cyril before. His piano music continues to play as the train moves backwards. (And that’s the thing about the subway- the train goes in cycles to each station, to the memories and worlds MC has previously lived in.)
Chapter 5
MC: “This train is really strange. It’s going backwards.”
Cyril: “Does the direction really matter? Though, I’ve never been on a subway train. Perhaps, there are a few imperfections.”
MC: “How did you get on the train?”
Cyril: “Same as you, I guess.”
MC: “Do you know where this train is going?”
Cyril: “To a place you want to be. So embrace your imagination. Think of everything you ever wanted. Eventually we will arrive at the perfect ending you’ve longed for.”
Chapter 6
MC: “I feel like I’m forgetting something. My memory has been foggy ever since I boarded this train.”
Cyril: “You do know me. You have to recall those memories on your own. Do you want to remember everything? Or, do you prefer to give up the past and start again right here?”
Cyril seemed to be hinting something, I felt that he’d always use such implicit language, but I couldn't remember when…
Chapter 7
Somehow this train gave me a sense of security. I could feel a familiar resonance between us. As if it was closely linked to me in the first place.
A thought slowly came to my mind, maybe I could decide on its direction at some point in time.
MC: “Why do you want me to go to the past?”
Cyril: “Back to when everything hadn’t taken place, isn’t that what you wanted? I’m only doing this for you. Sorry I didn’t ask for your permission. But you’ll be my best work.”
Chapter 8
Cyril: “This world belongs to you. My power doesn’t work here. I’m nothing more than a normal person in the real world. I’m going to use my power one last time. And this will be my final work. A perfect world is still what I’m after. It was you who broke free from the world I created. You showed me my limit. Indeed, the power triggered by your emotion outshined my skills. That’s why I chose your spiritual world, as the raw material of my final work.”
MC: “So this is just an infinite cycle within my spiritual word, isn’t it?”
Cyril: “I won’t say you are wrong. In this train, you can choose any stop and choose any exit you want. When you step out, this world becomes more complete. Meanwhile, this dream will continue the everlasting cycle, which is also your karma.”
MC: “So do I stay here?”
Cyril: “You can choose to leave… if you have the power to battle yourself. If you leave, this world will continue to exist all independent from all time space.”
MC: “How do I leave?”
Cyril: “You have to discover that for yourself.”
MC: “...Cyril, I need to go. If there’s really a perfect world you want, just take this world as my gift to you.”
Cyril: “I see, thank you... If only you could eventually put an end to this cycle.”
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Chapter 32-1
Cyril- “I came to say goodbye.”
MC: “All that stuff that happened to me after losing my Evol has something to do with you. Starting from when “I ran into you” on the train, it was all a part of your plan.”
He smiled slightly, met my hostile gaze without a hint of displeasure. He didn’t deny it, but he didn’t admit it either. There was an undercurrent of tension to the stillness, but also some unusual and subtle peace.
This pianist… I’ve never seen anyone so out of touch with the world.
MC: “The vending machine, the scammer in the square, thorns on a flower, you don’t have much experience with everyday things, do you?”
Cyril: “However, it really has been a long time since anyone’s talked with me about such things.”
I may have been imagining it, but I seemed to detect a hint of nostalgia in his voice.
MC: “Just what are you after, coming here to see me like this?”
As he spoke, he reached out and put his hand at the back of mine. His fingers were ice cold.
But in this brief moment, a flurry of images flashed before my eyes.
Four white walls, an empty room, a triangular piano of translucent crystal placed in the corner. The figure of a man gradually emerged before the piano bench.
His thin graceful fingers danced daintily across the keys as snowflakes fell upon him and settled undisturbed.
That gentle piano melody reverberating in the shadows also came out as a muttered groan from the girl as pain hit her.
Suddenly, the piano playing intensified, the tempo building to a frenzy like a subway train rattling through a tunnel.
I saw a boy get up from the piano, walk to the front of the stage, and take a bow to the thunderous roar of applause.
The scene shifted. The boy was once again standing in the gloomy storm, holding a white rose to his chest, listening in silence to a priest delivering a eulogy.
??: “Keep playing, Little Cyril. Use your power and help Mummy make the perfect world.”
Cyril: “A perfect world… I’ve got it.”
I saw his past, present and future. I saw the boy slowly growing up and playing that final melody in the centre of a frozen plain. He played tirelessly, as if he’s trapped inside in a world of memory.
Cyril: “Can you tell me what you saw?”
In those crystal clear eyes, I saw my own expression, and there was an ineffable expression of sadness to them.
MC: “Is a perfect creation… really that important?”
Cyril’s eyes were flat, like the negative space in an ink wash painting.
Cyril: “The sad fact is that they will never be able to achieve it.”
MC: “But absolute perfection doesn’t exist. Everything has blemishes and faults. But that doesn’t mean that they’re not good enough, and it certainly doesn’t mean that they don’t have a right to exist in this world.”
Cyril: “Perhaps. You’ve certainly proven that point yourself. One final thing before I go, of course, you can choose not to believe it. Perfection has never been an illusion; everything in this world has a singular, perfectly-suited exit. Although, I think you already found it.”
MC: “Where are you going?”
Cyril: “A world that belonged to you, but now belongs to me. Thank you for the world you’ve given me, and the interesting memories. And that bubble tea, I quite like the flavour.”
His words fell softly, as if shrouding me in a tranquil, pure white dream.
Upon seeing his past, present and future, all that MC sees is Cyril playing the piano. It turns out, his true motivation for creating the “perfect world” was for his mother when she passed. With MC’s help, he finally admits that it cannot be achieved. He isn’t directly hostile like the other Black Swan members either, and calmly admits his defeat and accepts MC’s decision.
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Behind the Curtain- 6 (Chapter 28)
??: “If you want to see it, go. The door being opened will be closed soon.”
The black box grows bigger, and fills the entire vision in black-
Cyril: “Do you know the origin of the name BLACK SWAN?”
I see an elegant young man standing inside a luxury gift shop. There, piano pieces are playing. He looked down at me. The black box reflects in the cool eyes looking a lot like snow.
MC: “Am I inside the box?”
Cyril: “BLACK SWAN” is a word that means an unexpected event. Humans have no way to predict the impact of the event. When I first heard their name, I immediately saw the appeal. I also wanted to be a part of it. But…the majority of them still live in this illusion. Only a few were aware that humanity is ignorant. They can't help me to complete my work.”
While speaking, he pressed the crystal piano keyboard. The jolting sound echoes—
Cyril’s Mum: “With your power, continue this and please show me the perfect world.”
The woman lies on bed, looking at him with those beautiful eyes that looked a lot like that boy’s. There’s no strength in them.
Cyril’s Mum: “For one last time, I want to experience the beauty of this world with my whole being. That’s also the reason for your existence.”
The boy then grows up in the snowstorm and turns into an innocent boy. His outline became sharp, becoming an elegant young man.
The snowy wind pushes the window open and surrounds his mother. She then transforms into white snow and suddenly disappears.
The man doesn’t notice the occurring snowstorm, but instead concentrates on the graceful piano playing.
A piece of glass shatters and lands on the piano. The young man engrossed in playing keeps an eye on the keys.
MC: “Look out!”
The piece of glass cuts the young man’s long finger. A line of blood flows, on the skin like ice and snow.
The young man finally stops. As if time had been frozen, the lingering sound of the piano remained in the room covered with heavy snow.
He looks up. Like an innocent puzzled child who touched the piano for the first time, those eyes come into mind.
Cyril: “Who…are you?”
MC: “...who am I?”
Cyril had been stuck all this time within his memory of his promise to his mother- in pursuit of the “perfect world”. His world was biased upon thinking that humanity- even Evolvers, were ignorant and unable to help him achieve his goals. This demonstrates the divide and individuation between each Black Swan member of not being able to work together effectively to achieve the collective goal- of the “New World”.
It was nice to see MC being able to overcome her self-doubt and enter Black Cabin by accepting the QUEEN title in a world so foreign to her. Her hope, love and determination had saved the world again. Cyril played a huge part in this chapter of her life, almost like prepping her for the final prophecy of fate.
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And “Doomsday” is coming.
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hiraya-sa-dilim · 3 years
5 notes · View notes
kyunyuki · 3 years
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No Cyril don't leave ur so sexy aha
21 notes · View notes
quesocane · 4 years
Cyril: fr like you just never seem to appreciate anything i do for you and tbqh this relationship is feeling a little one-sided :/
MC, having her cognition sabotaged, her life disrupted, and her memories erased by Cyril:
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19 notes · View notes
Ok so I was re reading some of the new chapters and I just had a random thought..
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What if these two are actually related??? Like father and son or something
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cheesy09 · 4 years
My reactions to chapter 25 because the pain is just too good to not share 💔
*Spoilers for Chapter 25 of the game*
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The beauty in having small, precious children call out your name after being forgotten for months is just....
Please, I cried 😭
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Kiro please! I still have to get through two more chapters to get to you and I already miss you so much 😭
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Two minutes in, and shit's already hit the fan 😑 I swear, this game has no chill 🤦
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Cyril! Is! Back!
Oh, you wanna go, Pretty Piano Boy? Square up, punk! Am taking you down! 😤👊
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....Why did that sound so romantic? Or am I reading this wrong?
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This moment was a 💯
The way their gazes locked... the tension, the emotion. It was... *chef's kiss* beautiful!
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This.... This woman.
Can't she just... go away? ☺️🔪
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phairfantooooom · 4 years
As someone who shotgunned through the new chapters, man, just when you think you finally have earned the right to some good ole fluff with your boy the game just backhands you and you just kinda are like. Oh angst again? And we all are simps for the angst 😔😔😔
Really tho. It had me entirely on edge during the first quarter with Lucien. I didn’t know what was true and what was not until we finally got to chat and OH BOY was that just. Absolutely heartrenchingly sad. And don’t get me started on the stuff that happens at the apartment I was actually crying when Lucien came and sat down by her bed and just. Talked. Honestly. That almost crying voice of his made me burst into tears. Smh this man has too much power over me.
Gavin’s Quarter was interesting. I was never a huge stan for him but I really warmed up to his character in the Dream World. Luckily whatever feelings I had attained while there seemed to stay as I found myself really enjoying the sweet dynamic between him and MC. The fact that he remembers what she is capable of from her experience in the dream world is just the cherry on top.
Victor’s Quarter was bittersweet. I had a soft spot for him ever since chapter 10 and his part in the new expanison was just as emotionally charged as Lucien’s I’d argue. You can really see his wall crumble down and fuck hearing him choke up and try not to cry really just. Sent me. He smoothly deals with Leto and play-mocks you like back in the early days. Strangely I really enjoyed his Dream counter part a lot and will miss that verison of him. It was kinda cute when he was clueless and didn’t constantly have the upper hand over you. The part at Souvenir was just. The perfect mix of blissful nostalgia and the painfully realization that you will never be able to return to those happy days long since gone.
And Lastly Kiro! After dealing with Helios for so long I almost forgot how sweet our Blonde Boy was. Going to the amusement park was fun while it lasted. And then when shit went down and you just see the bombs and fires going off and Kiro just sitting there unbothered that sensation of oh please god no please don’t let it be what I think it is was perfect. Kiro’s and by extension Helio’s plans weren’t very clear, but it makes sense cause that’s our job to figure out right?
All in all it was very satisfying save for that god tier of a cliffhanger and I enjoyed the new chapters a lot. I was a bit surprised with myself with how much I missed the dream world. The dramatic irony in that was the best in my humble angst opinion. Where you know them, but they don’t know you. The harsh coldness of it and bitterness of them slowly starting to care about you as an acquaintance or something more..... I wouldn’t mind if we got sent back there. I missed them already even if we have our original boys by our side 😔
Also is it just me or did Cyril become like. Even more attractive cause damn. D a m n. I was eager to win against him in the Dream World but now I’m like. He seems actually... kinda nice...? Somehow I went from hating him to being soft for him in the span of a few hours.
Other question. Did the Black Queen steal Shaw and Cyril’s evols? I’m. Very concerned???
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xcoconutbeanx · 4 years
I wrote a reader-insert story, if anyone wants to read it 🥰 It's about the reader being transported into the world of Mr. Love Queen's Choice
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thatfanfictionchick · 4 years
Y'all were need to TALK about this time subway nonsense and by that I mean SPECIFICALLY about Cyril because WTF IS HAPPENING HERE YO.
Spoilers for the MLQC Time Subway
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I don't understand! What can't he tell her? Is this like a "I'm too embarrassed after repeatedly trying to destroy your world to tell you" or a "I've made a deal with the devil to not tell you things that I really think you ought to know" kind of thing.
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Aah lovely Cyril if only it were that easy. Then again we've had like three first meetings already so 🤷‍♀️
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Why did the emotion when he said "you remember that" hit me so hard? Like, slightly withdrawn but also strangely optimistic. What is it you want, sir??
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I laughed, like, hard. At least he's honest you gotta give the man that much.
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Oof hitting me with the deep philosophical questions. Sir please stop trying to psychologically kidnap me into slow epiphanies just tell me.
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I'm overwhelmingly curious what his hard on is for "helping" MC in ways that are increasingly convoluted. Does he actually want to help her or is he helping her only as a means to help the Queen and I--
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I love this man so much and the more he's around the more I try and convince myself that while he's still as dangerous as they come in his own weird ass way he actually does mean well and him saying things like this doesn't help.
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hakutaichou · 3 years
[JP] Love and Producer: Localized Dictionary (NPCs)
This post is about all of localized names in Anime and MLQC JP server itself, like Love Interest’s name, NPC’s name, etc.
If you want to know about JP nickname/terms that I haven't included in this post. Just ask me in reply section, and I’ll add it in here. :)
Main Character: Love Interests
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“In this world, it takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place”
- Red Queen Hypothesis
[JP] / [EN]
MC’s Colleague
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アンナ / Anna
JP VA: Sato Rina
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ユイ (Yui) / Kiki
JP VA: Koga Aoi
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クミ (Kumi) / Willow
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カンヤ (Kan’ya) / Minor
JP VA: Hayashi Yuu
Victor’s Team
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ケン (Ken) / Goldman
JP VA: Yano Shougo
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サイさん (Sai-san) / Mr. Mills
JP VA: Nakano Yukata
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シンディ / Cindy
JP VA: Fukuen Misato
Gavin’s Squad
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ジュン (Jun) / Eli
ジュン隊長 (Jun-taichou) / Captain Eli
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リンさん (Lin-san) / Mr. Noah
JP VA: Sasaki Hiroo
リンさんのラーメン屋 (Lin-san's Noodle Shop) / Lynn’s Kitchen
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ワン刑事 (Wan-keiji) / Officer Landsman
JP VA: Sugino Tanuki
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メリー (Merry) / Hollow
JP VA: Kinugawa Rika
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ケイ (Kei) / Litton
JP VA: Suzuki Tatsuhisa
テイ (Tei) / Perry [Litton’s Son (Game only)]
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クロ (Kuro) / Sparky
Kiro’s Support
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シン (Shin) / Savin
JP VA: Nojima Hirofumi
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サカキ (Sakaki) / Leto
JP VA: Sakuya Shunsuke
指揮官 (Shikikan) / Commander
特殊部隊恋花市作戦本部 / Special Task Force Loveland City HQ
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ジェイ (Jay) / Cyril
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smileyishere92 · 4 years
Just finished chapter 24 of MLQC 😭
And now we wait for an update with the next batch of chapters
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Hi (* ̄▽ ̄)ノ~~ ♪
How are you today? I hope you have a great day.
I have another question. I know that Cyril is Hypnos. But what exactly is his role in the game? I can't narrow down whether he is from Black Swan or a loner, he seems to be a villain because he was the reason for the dream world. But I am still confused. 😐 (I finished Ch 28 yesterday)
I hope you can help me. Thank you 😊
Hello! How are you? :)
Thank you for putting in the effort to send another ask! 💙
I'm so sorry for the long wait for this one. There's a lot to cover and I've been accumulating the goods to form a response.
Again, I will put it on a seperate post dedicated to Hypnos only because of its length and due to the fact that I think he deserves his own character analysis himself. Hope you don't mind!
Love your questions~
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elvisqueso · 4 years
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This ☝man doesn't know how to work a vending machine.
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