#loveland city
starstruck358 · 1 year
Part 3 of megs ask FINAL
after "defeating" cass they stop celebrating:
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A little reference to sectonia's 2nd phase, the second cutscene :)
Anyway they wake up and find a ribbon road which leads to cassiopeia's destiny:
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Yeah pretty much this whole fight represents sectonia BUT LETS GO WITH A FIGHT!!!:
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This is what the land used to look like:
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Alright uuuuuuhh
I'll post more later or I can just do it fast as I can, but thats her lore! I have other comics that will put this together and make sense but they're so old and bad 😖 BUT! I'll finally... post... TINT AND MINT NOW YAAAAY SINCE YOU KNOW THE STORY!!!!
luffen muffen lost a part of her ear after the beam attack that cassie did so yeah
NOW you can do whatever you want with this :)
(But if your gonna reblog it please do it in order so it's not confusing)
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choirose · 2 months
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Thanks to Rafayel, who came in my first pull with the event 'free' tickets, I got zayne guaranteed without any trouble ☠️...
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This week, a congressman is sworn in on a copy of the first issue of Superman, mysterious solar powered antennas are appearing around Salt Lake City, and the guys get to know…The Faces of Death!
Hosts: Kevin Harrison, Mike Wiebe, Brian Camp
Producer & Music: Mark Ryan
Announcer: Nancy Walker
Graphic Designer: Mike Tidwell
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detroitography · 2 years
Map: Detroit Property Home Values Assessed vs. Average 2022
Map: Detroit Property Home Values Assessed vs. Average 2022
As a member of the Coalition for Property Tax Justice, which has been organizing against the $600 million overassessment of property values in Detroit that drove much of the tax foreclosure crisis, ReGrid (Loveland) created the Detroit Assessment Gauge tool. The tool compares the assessed value to the average property value from the US Census. The tool is meant to help homeowners check if they…
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[CN] Li Zeyan’s Reliance Date (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 依靠之约, that is yet to be released on the global server! ♡
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⚠️ Additional Warning ⚠️ while the entire date is not spice-themed, but the steamy parts are borderline dangerous and highly not recommended if you don’t qualify for the 17+ age rating (CN server). so, the call is yours~ :>
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【Subbed Video】
【Chapter 1】 
MC: [on the call] …We need to find some local media outlets that we can potentially partner with for our ad campaign ASAP.
MC: [on the call]  Also, email me a copy of the revised design proposal for the main exhibit booth.
As soon as I hang up the phone, a flurry of work notifications causes my phone to vibrate again. I roll over on the soft couch and can’t help but heave a sigh.
MC: Sigh…
[MC’s Company Name] has undertaken several major projects this year, and all of them have been executed very successfully. The company’s reputation is also gradually expanding beyond Loveland City.
Last month, our company bid for a large-scale project in collaboration with Copenhagen City Council and Loveland City, and I worked overtime for over a month for this.
However, just as we were about to secure the project smoothly, we were maliciously intercepted by the competing company Shuanjian Media. In the end, it was due to LFG stepping in that we were able to resolve the situation with a narrow escape.
Even though the project has been secured, a lingering sense of defeat from being backstabbed and making critical errors remains with me, refusing to dissipate from my mind.
Perhaps because of this, I’ve recently spent the majority of my time being on top of all kinds of tedious work, afraid that if I don’t handle them in time, it will lead to further consequences.
The sound of steady footsteps gradually draws near, and I turn my head to see Li Zeyan walking towards me. He places a cup of hot Longan tea on the coffee table next to me.
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LZY: This is already the eighth time a certain someone has sighed tonight. What’s so thorny about the project that got you on edge?
I put my phone down and, somewhat coquettishly, open my arms toward the person in front of me.
MC: We’re planning an exhibition for the project in Copenhagen. Just finalized the venue today and now ironing out the details.
He readily responds to my cue and enfolds me in his arms. His fingers trace their way up my neck, massaging the skin there in a soothing manner.
LZY: If I remember correctly, the preparation period for this exhibition is quite long, and there’s no need for your recent overtime to catch up on the schedule.
MC: You’re right, but the coordination needed for various aspects of a multinational project is quite intricate. Starting earlier allows more elbow room…
MC: Plus, the reason I’ve been working overtime isn’t just for this project. The business interview you’re starring in will also be recorded tomorrow.
MC: It’s the final episode of the year, so I cannot afford any slip-ups!
LZY: You’ve already confirmed the program sequence with me three times today. What could possibly go wrong?
While speaking, Li Zeyan sits down next to me and draws me into his arms.
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MC: After all, the external press would absolutely kill to have their names in the show where the CEO Li of LFG is making an appearance. So, I definitely need to be 200% cautious.
Nestled in his embrace, breathing in his familiar scent, I make a conscious effort to relax my somewhat tired brain.
LZY: If you encounter any difficulties, reach out to me at any time.
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MC: I’m facing difficulties right now, and I’m in urgent need of CEO Li’s encouragement!
I pucker my lips and lift my head to approach him. The corners of Li Zeyan’s lips curl up slightly, and he lowers his head–– a soft, warm touch descends before leaving just as quickly.
Though fleeting, the tenderness of the moment washes over my heart. I nuzzle his chin with the tip of my nose, feeling perfectly content.
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LZY: [chuckles indulgently] Dummy, you’re so easily satisfied.
MC: Why wouldn’t I be? What could be more soothing than a kiss from CEO Li?
MC: As for work matters… CEO Li has already helped me a lot, so I’ll work hard and handle the rest on my own!
LZY: We’ll talk about the “working hard” part later. But if you keep dawdling like this, the bathtub is gonna need a refill of hot water.
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MC: Hehe, right now, you should say something like, “Honey, it’s bath time~”
LZY: …
Ignoring the speechless look in his eyes, I lazily shift my position and nuzzle his neck, then stand up with a smile.
MC: Would you like to join me for some relaxation time?
I notice that his fingertips seem to tense up for a moment. Before he can really come and “arrest” me, I make a face at him and dash into the bathroom.
【Chapter 2】
Soaking in the warm bath, I feel the fatigue in my body dissolving into the water.
Just as I’m about to use my phone to find a drama to watch and completely clear my mind, work messages begin popping up one after another on the screen, and I subconsciously click on them.
MC: [to herself] So, the collaboration partner we agreed on before has backed out…?
As part of our tourism project with Denmark, we are planning to establish recreational and promotional zones in both cities, and we have found an experienced collaborator in the relevant field to partner with.
MC: [to herself] Everything was already talked through and all set, so why are they bringing up issues with the company’s capital chain at this critical juncture?
I feel my insides somewhat burning with rage, so I give Anna a call. She also sounds just as angry and swiftly catches me up to speed on the situation.
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Anna: [on the call] I did some digging, and it turns out one of the shareholders of this company has a very close personal relationship with the owner of Shuangjian Media.
MC: [on the call] Shuangjian Media?
Isn’t that the black-hearted company that tried to sabotage our tourism project?
Anna: [on the call] We initially partnered with them because of their experience in cross-border tourism projects, but now wrangling with them is more cumbersome than it’s worth. I think it might be better to take this opportunity to switch to another company.
MC: [on the call] …let me think about it.
I release a sigh and hang up the phone, then bury my face in the water, blowing bubbles as a mild head throbbing creeps over me.
The perfect company… As I ponder on this matter, a face flashes through my mind.
As a matter of fact, I have casually mentioned this project to Li Zeyan before, but he didn’t show much interest in it.
Should I… go ask him?
Even though I know in my heart–– LFG is the ideal choice that can’t go wrong, for some reason, I can’t seem to bring myself to voice my thoughts.
I can’t always turn to Li Zeyan to help resolve my problems every time I run into one.
No longer in the mood to soak in the warm bath, I reach for the shampoo and press the nozzle, intending to wash up as quickly as possible.
I press down hard twice, but the bottle only emits a sputtering sound, and the last remaining bit of shampoo drips pitifully into my palm.
MC: …
Akin to a sudden spark explosion, it instantly triggers a denotation of all the built-up frustration inside me.
I take a deep breath, jerk myself up from the water and throw on a robe, intending to head for the cabinet to find a new bottle of shampoo.
Little did I know, the moment I step onto the tiled floor, I feel my feet slip out from under me, and my body uncontrollably begins to topple forward––
With a loud thud, the immediate sensation of pain shoots up my knee.
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MC: [in pain] Hiss…
The pain causes my eyes to burn hot, and I slide down onto the bathroom floor, rubbing my knee.
A flurry of somewhat anxious footsteps echoes outside the door. Moments later, the door is flung open, revealing Li Zeyan’s face, tension written across his entire countenance, an expression that is rarely seen on him.
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LZY: [panicked af]  What happened?
The blast of cold air from the open door causes me to shiver. Noticing this, he closes the door before squatting down beside me.
MC: …I slipped and banged my knee.
As he looks at my slightly reddened knee, a hint of helplessness crosses his expression.
LZY: [sighs with infinite indulgent resignation] Restless.
His warm thumb massages the area around my reddened knee, causing the jumble of fretful emotions in my heart to instantly turn into a surge of grievances and pour out.
I blink, trying to dispel the mist clouding my vision. The finger caressing my skin pauses for a moment before suddenly landing at the corner of my eye, catching me unawares.
LZY: [even more indulgently] Crying because it hurts too much?
MC: …no, it’s not that!
MC: It’s nothing serious, just that I got a call from Anna earlier. There’s been… a minor hiccup with the tourism project.
Pouting my lips, I recount to Li Zeyan the “bad news” I’ve just received.
LZY: Do you need my help?
This seems to be the second time he has asked this question. I struggle with myself for a moment before shaking my head.
MC: There’s… no need for now, but if I can’t handle it myself, I’ll definitely reach out to CEO Li.
Hearing me respond this way, Li Zeyan doesn’t press further, and he simply places his palm on the side of my knee.
LZY: Does it still hurt?
Listening to his tender tone, I can’t help but gently hook my finger around his.
MC: It hurts… I can’t get up.
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LZY: [laughs helplessly] When a certain stubborn someone fixates on something, there’s no stopping her, but she’s oddly honest when it comes to being afraid of pain.
MC: I’m just being a little persistent, is all. I can’t always have you be my safety net every time there’s an issue… ouch!
My knee twitches slightly, and a dull ache once again surges through my knee, reminiscent of spreading out along silken threads.
LZY: You can’t solve two things at once, so take them one at a time.
LZY: Do you want to take care of your knee first, or deal with the work matters?
MC: …knee.
The air in the small bathroom with thick with white steam, and even Li Zeyan’s faint sigh seems to blend into the steaming hot vapor.
LZY: [lets out a complex laugh; it’s of sb who is all-knowing of all happenings but is infinitely indulgent towards you]  Then listen to me.
MC: [confused]  What…
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Before I can finish my sentence, Li Zeyan has already shown me through his actions how I should “listen.”
A soft touch imprints on my skin, and a burning sensation spreads from my knee along my skin to my entire body.
I jolt slightly and freeze for a moment. The patch of skin kissed by that softness tingles, and it seems like even the pain is slowly dissipating.
LZY: Don’t fidget; it might make the pain worse.
The deep, slightly hoarse tailing note of his voice, accompanied by the sound of running water, causes me to subconsciously draw my leg back a little, only to have it restrained in place by that hand again.
A gentle sensation, carrying with it a slight chill, seems to pepper its way over my knee, and the painful spot feels as if it’s being licked with cherishment and care.
All the senses in my body seem to be concentrated on that one spot, and I can’t help but take a light breath.
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MC: Li Zeyan… 
LZY: [SO SOF– but you can also hear he’s THERE–]  Hm?
MC: …It’s nothing, I just wanted to say your name…
The fingers supporting my knee tighten slightly, and a surge of scorching breath sweeps over me, swallowing my trailing notes.
I follow his breath and, bit by bit, probe deeper, my heart in my chest pounding in synchronization with his increasingly rising body heat.
Warm water continues to gush from the showerhead, soaking both Li Zeyan’s clothes and mine without distinction.
A body temperature hotter than mine gradually closes in, and I feel as if I’m drowning in this steamy heat swirling in the air.
The lingering colorful bubbles from the shower gel float into the air, then burst open with a pop, leaving behind a soft chime drowned out by the sound of water.
【Chapter 3】
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Even though I gave up on the bubble bath halfway, ended up having to take a second shower, and by the time I went to bed, it was already the middle of the night, I still woke up early today.
[MC’s Company Name] annual business interview program is scheduled to shoot its final episode today, and Li Zeyan will be appearing as the heavyweight guest in this installment.
I have postponed all my other work and arrived at the studio early to ensure every detail of the shoot is absolutely flawless.
The soft white light from the softbox projects onto the light gray background wall, dimly reflecting the shadows of people hurrying around.
Standing in front of the filming equipment, I direct the production crew to adjust the set.
MC: This table needs to be moved a bit more. It doesn’t look well-positioned at the moment.
MC: Turn the reflector on the front left a little more to the right… there, perfect!
MC: The set is almost ready. I’ll go and check on the guest first.
After saying hello to the supervisor, I head to the dressing room.
Li Zeyan, clad in a suit, sits in front of a vanity mirror, his bangs swept up, causing his somewhat piercing eyes to be enhanced with an even deeper intensity.
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The moment I walk in, those eyes precisely capture me from the reflection in the mirror.
MC: How is the preparation coming along, CEO Li?
LZY: Not bad. Is everything taken care of on the set?
Detecting a hint of jest in his tone, I walk over with a smile.
MC: Yup, that’s why I’m here to check in on this side of things–– CEO Li is our important, esteemed guest after all, so we can’t afford to be negligent.
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MC: Therefore, today, my entire day belongs to you, CEO Li.
I wink at him through the mirror and catch a subtle smile playing at the edge of Li Zeyan’s lips.
I sit down on a stool nearby and watch the makeup artist styling Li Zeyan.
From this angle, his ocular orbit and the bridge of his nose appear even more defined, accentuating the depth of his eyes all the more.
MC: CEO Li’s side profile could outshine many stars on the cover of fashion magazines without competition.
LZY: [laughs in spite of himself] …always laying it on thick.
Even though he says this, the slight arch at the tip of his brows betrays a hint of delight.
Spellbound, as I continue to watch him, my phone suddenly vibrates twice, and a message from Kiki pops up––
Kiki: Boss, great news!!
In the chat window, a push notification jumps into my sight, and a few familiar words grab my attention.
MC: [reading the news] “Shuangjian Media Faces Major Crisis! Multiple celebrities under its banner are implicated in tax evasion scandals, and the investigation is underway. The amount of tax evasion has reached up to…”
Upon seeing the number below, I take in a sharp breath of air.
With such a large amount of tax evasion being investigated, it’s sure to land them in serious trouble.
Although I have caught the wind of some rumors before, suddenly so many people being exposed at once seems more like a deliberate action…
A vague idea surfaces in my mind. I instinctively look towards the man not far away, only to lock eyes with him directly.
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I haven’t even noticed when, but his styling is already complete, and the makeup artist has left the dressing room, leaving only the two of us.
The slightly slim-fitted suit highlights his already tall and straight stature, and his slender fingers unhurriedly adjust the cufflinks. He looks in my direction, lifting his head slightly.
LZY: Help me out.
I raise my eyes and see a rose gold collar pin loosely hanging from the collar of his light gray shirt. 
I walk up to him and carefully fasten the collar pin. My fingertips inadvertently graze against the skin of his neck, eliciting a slight quiver of the Adam’s apple beneath the collar.
A somewhat scorching breath caresses my bangs, leaving a tickling sensation.
LZY: [laughs in amusement] Why are you zoning out?
His warm fingertips are on my neck, gently grazing the skin there intermittently.
MC: Just saw some good news that came as a relief for body and mind, that’s why I was a little distracted.
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MC: Shuangjian Media, the company that intercepted [MC’s Company Name] before, has hit a roadblock… I wonder who “played the hero to uphold justice.”
I smile and wink at him, trying to discern any inkling of a clue from his expression that would confirm my guess.
However, he simply lowers his eyes slightly and looks at me, a barely perceptible arc forming on his lips.
LZY: [chuckles softly, but that’s a mastermind chuckle i tell you lmao] That’s quite nice.
MC: Li Zeyan, you…
A knock on the door cuts me off, and the voice of my assistant comes from outside.
Assistant: Boss, CEO Li, it’s almost time for the shoot to begin.
MC: Got it, we’ll be right there.
I purse my lips, suppressing my urge to inquire further, and loosen my hands, intending to escort Li Zeyan to the filming studio.
To my surprise, the pair of arms holding me within show no intention of letting go. He lowers his eyes, his gaze intent upon me.
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LZY: Given the importance of this shoot, there ought to be an additional step in the preparation process.
With his head lowered, Li Zeyan leans in towards me slightly. A gentle and familiar breath assaults my senses, and his soft finger pad presses between my lips and teeth, hinting at something ambiguous. 
I cradle his face and lift myself up on my toes.
Our breaths intertwine for a brief moment, but a gentle ripple is left in my heart, reminiscent of a dragonfly lightly touching the water’s surface.
MC: So, even CEO Li needs a little encouragement before stepping in front of the camera?
LZY: I learned it from a certain someone.
The light in those deep eyes remains locked onto me, shimmering slightly, radiating a glow that seeps into my heart.
LZY: And it’s very effective.
Such scenes are run-of-the-mill for Li Zeyan. His tone remains steady throughout and devoid of any trace of tension.
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LZY: The economic situation this year isn’t conducive to expanding the business scope or making risky investments, but there are more opportunities in the lower-tier markets compared to previous years…
As I watch Li Zeyan through the camera lens, the soft light, which leans more on the cooler tone, accentuates the depths of the man’s countenance all the more.
He speaks at a measured pace, but each word is uttered with an inexplicable sense of certainty.
Host: Although CEO Li mentioned just now that this year isn’t favorable for expanding business extern, LFG seems to be steadily venturing into new fields this year.
LZY: As a matter of fact, LFG has not been as stable this year as it may seem from the outside. On the contrary, we’ve encountered more crises than in previous years.
LZY: The failure of some investments has even put us under the preying eyes of many industry peers.
LZY: But fortunately, I’m not alone in holding up LFG, and LFG is not an isolated island––
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As he speaks, his gaze seems to subtly shift towards me behind the camera. In that brief second our eyes interlock, the corners of his lips curl upward into a small smile.
But when I focus and take a closer look again, it’s as if that fleeting smile was never there.
LZY: LFG was able to weather this year’s storms without any mishaps not only due to our decisions but also thanks to the countless colleagues who worked tirelessly day and night to recover the company’s losses, as well as to the support of our subsidiaries.
LZY: Especially the companies that LFG has invested in. Without them, LFG would’ve encountered even greater challenges this year.
Li Zeyan’s straight-from-the-shoulder remarks leave even the host a little taken aback, an expression of surprise settling on their face.
Host: It appears that even LFG, regarded as the lion king in the eyes of the others, has times when it rides the waves to advance.
LZY: That’s inevitable; no one walks a solitary path in this society.
LZY: Having your own plans and making decisive choices is important, but choosing the right people to move forward with is equally important.
I am slightly taken aback.
This was not in the script; it’s obviously an impromptu remark from Li Zeyan.
I’m not sure why, but these words suddenly make me think of those eyes gazing into mine in the bathroom last night.
The unnecessary persistences in my heart seem to quietly start to disintegrate. I tightly clench my fingers and pull my attention back to the show.
Host: We can tell that CEO Li is speaking from the heart. It seems that not only for the company but also for you, CEO Li, personally, do you have someone who can be considered as your exclusive “valued person”?
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This time, I clearly see the smile in his eyes. I hold my breath slightly, waiting for the answer that I may have already known for a long time, yet can’t help eagerly anticipating––
LZY: [while looking at you] I do. It’s a well-spring that will never run dry, even in the desert. No matter what trouble may arise, I know without a doubt––
LZY: [while looking at you] She will be by my side forever.
【Chapter 4】
After the interview concludes, the filming crew and I head to the Central Grand Hotel.
To celebrate the completion of year-end work and the official wrap-up of the show, [MC’s Company Name] is holding a team-building celebration party here.
Perhaps because the end of the year is drawing closer, a festive atmosphere gradually begins to permeate, filling the banquet hall with laughter.
Being spurred on by this pure joy, I also end up having a few extra drinks.
I find myself feeling a little woozy, until, finally, Li Zeyan takes the wine glass from my hand and escorts me all the way to the lounge of the suite.
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Inside the room’s bathroom, I turn on the faucet–– the cool water flows over my hand, washing away the slight tipsiness from the alcohol.
After the buzz from the alcohol has worn off a bit, I exhale and push open the bathroom door.
The lights in the room are not lit, and a familiar voice can be heard drifting from near the window. He seems to be on the phone with someone.
LZY: …got it. Email it to me.
The high heels under my feet tread on the soft carpet, barely producing any sound as I walk quietly to the floor-to-ceiling windows––
Outside the glass windows of the high-rise, thousands of lights spread out into the distance like a dazzling mosaic of stars.
Li Zeyan is lying on the carpet, the neon lights falling upon him in soft, colorful specks.
I sit down by the freestanding panoramic bathtub not far from him, watching as he hangs up the call.
MC: Was that about work?
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LZY: Mm. I heard [MC’s Company Name] is looking for new partners for the Denmark project. I’ve asked the marketing department to draft a proposal. Once it’s finalized, I’ll send it over to you.
MC: But… weren’t you not very interested in this project before?
LZY: It’s true that the profit margins of this project are finite for LFG. However, if we approach it strategically, it could be a breakthrough in the Nordic market.
Seeing my somewhat baffled expression, he raises an eyebrow.
LZY: Since a certain someone has been dragging her feet, I have no choice but to take the initiative and propose it myself.
LZY: Or perhaps you already have other choices in mind?
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MC: Of course not!
I don’t shy away from meeting those deep eyes of his squarely. My heart skips a beat, and I’m reminded of the question I’ve been holding back all afternoon.
MC: Before I give you my formal answer, I also have something I’d like to ask CEO Li––
MC: Shuangjian Media artists were found to have engaged in tax evasion. Helping [MC’s Company Name] vent some frustration this way… that was CEO Li’s doing, wasn’t it?
LZY: After all, a certain someone has been frowning and being glued to her phone even during meals for the past two weeks because of the troubles this company has stirred.
LZY: It’s best to take care of it early on, so it doesn’t take up more of your energy.
I’m momentarily stunned, and as I reflect on the recent events, a surge of emotions suddenly intertwines in my heart.
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MC: So, CEO Li, what you are subtly reminding me is that I’ve been too occupied with work recently and have been neglecting you?
LZY: [you can’t hear me, but I’m screaming––]  I simply want to have the share that’s rightfully mine.
His understated words convey a hint of tenderness that’s impossible to miss, and it sears into my heart, making the swaying toes of my feet pause mid-motion.
MC: Li Zeyan, thank you. Even though it may sound very formal, I still want to say thank you.
LZY: I wonder who was the person that said before that, you and I, we are one identity?
I’m slightly taken aback for a moment–– I did seem to have said those words not too long ago.
At the time, FengZhen Group was making moves against LFG, and I couldn’t be more grateful to be the one who could stand by his side.
[Tidbits]: It’s a call-back to Li Zeyan’s 2024 CNY UR: Burning Imprints~
MC: [teasingly]  I believe I said “and LFG” at the time.
LZY: [confidently shrugs off LOL] Same thing.
LZY: Both LFG and I are enmeshed in many complicated relationships, and more and more branches and leaves are slowly growing outward.
LZY: So there’s no need to be so anxious. You’ve long been the sharpest blade capable of breaking the siege for LFG.
The lingering haze that has been weighing on my mind for the past half a month suddenly clears up. In its place, there arises a kind of sweet and surging fluttering sensation, and it’s overwhelming enough to fill my entire heart.
I did seem to be a little too anxious, so anxious that I overlooked the fact that I didn’t need to be in a hurry to rush forward. The unshakable position by his side will always belong to me and me alone.
I lower my eyes, my gaze tracing the contours of his outline obscured by the darkness.
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MC: Li Zeyan… you will forever be my first choice.
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As the words leave my lips, my ankle is suddenly clasped by a warm, dry palm.
Followed by a sigh that almost blends into the night, a twinge of pain shoots through my calf––
My eyes widen, watching as Li Zeyan’s lips meet my skin and nip me gently. He raises his eyes to interlock with mine, and I can see a hint of dissatisfaction swimming in their depths.
LZY: [GOSH THAT SULKY YET SEXY TONE] You’ve hesitated for too long.
Warm fingertips trace upward along my calf little by little, as if offering a kind of appeasement.
The worries haunting me every now and again, concealed in the darkest recesses of my heart, are set alight and burned to ashes.
MC: …I didn’t take that long.
LZY: Since I am your first choice, don’t hesitate.
His fiery breath snakes slowly up the inside of my knee, accompanied by comforting words tinged with a layer of inexplicable rosy hue, causing one to become addicted.
The soft touch rests gently agains the bend of my knee, causing me to shiver involuntarily. I chuckle softly and look at him with a semi-playful gaze.
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MC: Um… Mr. “First Choice,” could you help me with something––
MC: Tell me, what can I do to make you happier?
Not waiting for me to finish my sentence, the pressure on my thigh increases slightly, and suddenly my body feels lighter.
The cry of exclamation hasn’t even left me before I find my entire person already wrapped in strong, solid arms.
LZY: You knowingly ask the question.
His deep eyes are so close to me, almost within reach. I can clearly see countless sparks surging beneath them, stirring up an ambiguous and inexplicable heat.
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LZY: [chuckles softly] Also, while I said I would help you, it doesn’t mean you won’t have to pay the price.
LZY: After all, I don’t do business at a loss.
LZY: You still have time to think about… what you can give to pay me.
My heart is filled to the brim. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, bury my face in the crook of his neck, and release a sigh of contentment.
The throbbing and undulations of his chest pound against my body again and again, and even the depths of my very soul seem to be trembling along with the motion––
Filling up my entire being.
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laxmiree · 12 days
[CN] MLQC’s Lucien - Fragment Date - English Translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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[Warning]: The content of this date is pretty explicit and may not be suitable for individuals under the age of 17 (CN server). It is recommended that those who do not meet this age requirement refrain from proceeding beyond this point.
He traces a trail of delicate nibbles along my neck, kissing the path where life itself flows.
I feel those affectionate yet slightly demanding marks being etched again and again. For some reason, I find myself speaking without thinking.
"Bite me, Lucien."
Translation under the cut!
[T/N: This date references some dates in the past; like his Prison Date, Monochrome Scenery Exclusive Past and its Event Story,  “Lab Koi” call, his Last year’s Birthday Story, and The Sea No Longer Distant MQ. Since this date has a lot of callback, I think it’d be better if you read those dates, events, and phone calls first if you haven’t :>; or at least the MQ and birthday story one because this date is also some kind of extension to those]
[Subbed Video]
[Transcript Ver]
=[Part 1]=
I wake up to the faint whirring of the fan and the subtle scent of a fruity fragrance lingering in the air. I turn over in bed, slowly blinking my eyes open.
The brilliant sunlight filters through the lace curtains, casting iridescent patches of light that dance playfully across Lucien's body.
He sits in a rattan chair by the window, flipping through a book in his hand. An exquisite purple clay tea set rests on a side table nearby.
For a fleeting, dreamlike moment, I feel like I've traveled back to the 1970s.
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As if sensing my gaze, Lucien turns his head, and a hint of a smile appears in his eyes as he looks at me.
Lucien: It seems a certain lady hasn't adjusted to the time difference yet.
Lucien: It is now noon in U.S. time.
My foggy brain finally starts to turn sluggishly. I leave the bed, drag a chair over to sit beside him and yawn again.
MC: It can't be helped. It's already the wee hours in Loveland City.
Lucien: [teasingly] Oh? But as I recall, a certain night owl sometimes doesn't go to bed obediently even at those hours.
MC: [pouts] ....Hmph, you're one to talk, Mr. I-Don't-Need-Sleep!*
[T/N: MC actually calls him 进化了睡眠的人 here, which literally means “evolved sleep people”, it might be referring to him seemingly have evolved beyond the need of sleep😂]
Lucien: I've been quite well-behaved lately, haven't I? And when it comes to sleep duration, well, let's just say you're the ‘expert’.
Lucien blinks at me innocently, and I quickly take a sip of the tea he offers, hoping he won’t delve deeper into this topic.
A sweet and sour sensation blooms in my mouth. Perhaps there are other unknown herbs added, as I also detect a hint of honeyed sweetness.
=Flashback start=
Ten hours ago, in the dim and quiet cabin, the only sound was the occasional soft tapping of a keyboard from the seat next to me.
I lifted a corner of my eye mask and leaned closer.
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MC: It's time for sleep, Professor Lucien. Didn't you say the seminar doesn't start until next week? We arrived three days early.
Lucien: That's true, but I don't plan to use this time for conference preparations.
Lucien: After all, a certain classmate expressed a desire to take this opportunity to visit my lab from my master's and Ph.D. days. I want to dedicate my time fully to you without any interruptions from other matters.
Beyond his words, I sensed other emotions in his earnest tone.
MC: [curiously] Is our Professor Lucien nervous because I'm going to visit the places where you once studied and lived?
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Lucien: Yes.
He admitted it frankly, his eyes lit up as he looked at me.
Lucien: That place is very important to me.
Lucien: This feeling is like... inviting you to step into a chapter of my past.
Lucien: It should be a proper occasion, something worth your anticipation.
=Flashback end=
As I step out the door, a wave of heat washes over me. Thankfully, the house is nestled among the trees, providing some relief from the sweltering heat.
Lucien leads me down the stone steps, deeper into the verdant greenery. The lively apple trees grow abundantly, and even the breeze seems to carry a sweet fragrance.
The bed-and-breakfast he booked is located within Carver Estate Farm, not far from the lab. Since it's still early, we decided to take a stroll in the farm's orchard first.
MC: Now I finally feel like I'm truly on an American farm—
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Lucien: The furniture and decor in that room can indeed be a bit misleading.
Lucien: That said, the radio and clock in the living room are just decorative pieces, and the stainless steel kettle in the kitchen is also fixed to the table.
Lucien: As for the fan and the TV, including the sewing machine, they actually work and can somewhat be considered "antiques.”
MC: When did you…
Lucien: [chuckles] The wait while you're asleep feels endless*, so I have to keep myself busy.
[T/N: Lucien uses the word "难熬" (literally means hard to bear) to describe his feelings while waiting for MC to wake up. Rather than feeling annoyed, the original sentence conveys a sense of longing and impatience, emphasizing how much he misses her so the wait feels unbearable]
Seeing him speak so seriously, I can't help but give his palm a gentle pinch.
Lucien: To be honest, I was a bit curious. I didn't expect the owner to maintain this style, or rather, deliberately preserve it.
MC: Have you been here before?
Lucien: Mm, Dr. Lawson brought the entire lab here before.
[T/N: Dr. Lawson was Lucien's mentor during his Master's and PhD years, in those years Lucien also had some seniors like Colt, Caroline, and Elliot. You can read more in Monochrome Scenery Exclusive Past. It can be said that the time during his Master’s and PhD years was the 'happiest' for him, after he abandoned his name and before he met MC. This young boy discovers that he’s not the only genius in this world. Surprisingly, this isn’t a bad thing; because being considered a genius had previously isolated him from his peers, but being surrounded by other geniuses provides him with a taste of mundane life… although he can’t fully taste it due to Black Swan’s pressure :"]
=[Part 2]=
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Lucien: I remember it was autumn. We had just finished a phase of our experiment.
Lucien: The process of this experiment was very prolonged, and almost everyone expended a lot of effort. Fortunately, the results exceeded expectations.
Lucien: As a celebration, or perhaps simply out of a need for a break, Dr. Lawson suggested an outing after the experiment concluded.
MC: Sounds like a team-building activity?
Lucien: [chuckles] You could say that.
Lucien smiles lightly.
Lucien: At first, we all thought it would just be a matter of finding a nice restaurant, having a meal and chatting, or going to the theater to watch a performance.
Lucien: It wasn't until everyone received an email from Dr. Lawson that we realized we had been granted a mandatory five-day vacation. And the destination was this very farm estate.
MC: Pfft, Dr. Lawson is quite ceremonious about giving everyone a day off~ So, did everyone just obediently accept the arrangement?
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I notice Lucien pausing, lost in thought, which is unusual for him. Then, a smile spreads on his lips.
Lucien: [chuckles] Not exactly.
Lucien: Eventually, everyone practically treated this place as a lab annex, almost bringing in equipment. Fortunately, the farm owner was an old friend of Dr. Lawson's, so we weren't kicked out.
MC: Hahaha, I knew it!
As we walk deeper into the apple orchard, the intertwined branches and leaves block out the sunlight, creating a vast expanse of shade. Vibrant red apples dot the lush greenery, looking especially tempting.
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Lucien: The farm owner is an elderly Chinese gentleman. It's said that he and his wife came here to live when they were young, and this apple orchard was also planted by them with their own hands.
MC: No wonder. I think I suddenly understand why the house's decor feels so nostalgic.
Lucien: Perhaps it's precisely because they've been away for so long that they need tangible things to solidify those memories.
The swaying shadows of the trees dance in his deep eyes, and even though he's talking about someone else, I feel like I'm hearing unspoken words meant for himself.
So I rise on my tiptoes and cup his face, turning it towards me.
MC: So today, little Lucien is revisiting his old stomping grounds~ And as such an accomplished young professor, no less!
MC: This memory is very precious, and it's important to solidify it well.
Lucien: Is that so?
His voice is soft as he lowers his eyelashes and gazes into my eyes.
I feel like my entire being is almost seen through by him. He doesn't say a word, just keeps looking at me.
MC: Why are you staring at me?
Lucien: [chuckles] I'm solidifying this memory.
MC: Um?
Lucien: Because I'm not just here by myself.
Lucien: Today, I'm revisiting this place with my girlfriend. I want to look closely, carefully, and remember your appearance clearly.
I can't help but laugh, my fingertips brushing against his earlobe.
MC: Then how about remembering a bit more~ What else did little Lucien do here?
Lucien: I ate the apples.
MC: ....That doesn't count!
Lucien: Of course it counts. To be precise, it was an apple feast, with apple pie, apple muffins, apple salad, apple stew…
MC: Stop...! You're making me dizzy just looking at these apple trees now.
MC: I feel like they're saying to me, "I'm apple pie, I'm apple muffin…”
I dramatically shake my head and point to the huge fruits hanging above us.
Lucien seems amused by my actions. Seizing the moment, he smoothly takes my hand and plucks the apple hanging closest to us.
Lucien: [chuckles] Then let's eat them all, one by one.
He finishes speaking and even "conjures" a thin blanket from his bag, spreading it on the ground. He pulls me, who is still processing the moment, to sit under the tree.
His seamless actions leave me completely unable to keep up with him, and my questions come out in a jumble.
MC: C- Can we just pick the apples here? And sit down like this? And this blanket…
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Lucien: I told you waiting for you to wake up feels endless, and I wasn't lying.
He looks as if he knows I can't do anything about him, and his tone, though seemingly aggrieved, is full of triumph.
We sit side-by-side under the tree, falling into a brief silence. The wind gently blows, as if not wanting to disturb this tranquility.
Lucien & MC: What are you thinking about?
Suddenly, we speak at the same time, and the unexpected coincidence makes us look at each other and laugh.
MC: You go first~
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Lucien: I was wondering if an apple might fall on my head.
He says it so seriously that I find it rather cute. On a whim, I get up, pluck an apple, and then gently tap him on the head.
MC: Knock knock…
Lucien seems surprised by my action, the light in his pupils flickers.
Lucien: [gently] What about you?
MC: Me…
I smile sheepishly.
MC: I thought of a fairy tale, Prince... Snow White.
Lucien: But that's not how I remember the story?
MC: Because… this is a story I imagined!
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Lucien nods thoughtfully, not minding my nonsense at all, but instead curving his eyes in a good mood.
Lucien: Then in your story, who are you?
This question stumps me for a moment, and I pause to think seriously before answering.
MC: I'm the magic mirror.
Lucien: Because the magic mirror knows everything?
MC: [smiles softly] Not really, it's because the magic mirror only looks at...the prince.
MC: And if I were the magic mirror, I wouldn't need you to ask, I'd tell you that—
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MC: Lucien is the most handsome, the most intelligent, the most amazing, and the person I love the most in this entire world.
My voice is not loud, yet it feels like the entire orchard of apples has heard it. Their already gorgeous red blushing even deeper, making their vibrancy impossible to conceal.
My clamorous heart seems to be thoroughly exposed by the sun, allowing me to distinctly feel its beating and clearly see the smile filling Lucien's eyes.
He lowers his head, takes a bite of the apple in his hand, and lies down without hesitation.
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Our hands, which have been holding each other all along, pull me slightly forward because of his sudden movement.
MC: …!
Lucien lies lazily on the plush blanket, each strand of hair scattering softly, as if quietly outlining his innermost feeling at this moment.
His already loose shirt falls open completely, revealing a patch of skin.
He gently blinks and the corners of his lips slightly curl up.
Under the scorching heat, the apples hanging from the branches exude an even more enticing fragrance.
The wind gathers from afar, wave after wave, sweeping through the villa, the woods, and each apple tree, carrying an increasingly rich scent toward us.
His fingertip traces mine, gently caressing the sensitive skin between my thumb and index finger.
It's like some kind of seduction.
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Lucien: [whispers hoarsely] Miss Magic Mirror, I've been poisoned.
His voice is soft as if melting into the sunlight, yet it possesses a bewitching power that makes one willingly lean closer to him.
Lucien: You can kiss me now.
[T/N: Prince Snow White and Miss Magic Mirror… it’s a reference to his second Halloween date; Prison Date! Also, I love the way it seamlessly fits in the theme of ‘lover is like a mirror’ from last year's kiss SP; Blooming Amidst Turbulent Desires MQ... perhaps by seeing your lover's eyes you can see the real and complete you :”. And unique to Lucien, it could be that only through seeing his reflection in her eyes can he perceive the colorful version of himself]
=[Part 3]= 
After buying some apple cookies at the farm store and making a reservation for apple cider making tomorrow, we drive to Dr. Lawson's lab.
The asphalt road under the shade of the trees glistens in the summer light. In the distance, sailboats glide on the river and people cycle along the riverbank.
Perhaps it's due to the fluttering anticipation in my heart, but the half-hour drive feels like it's over in the blink of an eye.
Lucien: Dr. Lawson is giving a lecture in London this week, and the current head of the lab is my senior, Colt. After graduation, he stayed on to continue the research.
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Lucien: But he happens to be leading a group of students in an academic exchange with another lab today…
Lucien pauses for a moment, moves the gift bag he just placed on the desk to the side, and takes a sticky note off the computer screen.
Lucien: [quietly reading the sticky note] …..
He waves the sticky note at me, and I can clearly see the lively handwriting on it: "Enjoy: )".
Lucien: It seems like no one will be back today. In that case, let's graciously accept this invitation to enjoy ourselves.*
[T/N: "恭敬不如从命" means “it's more respectful to follow a request than to decline it out of politeness.” In this case, rather than refusing Colt's invitation, they graciously accept and agree to enjoy the day as requested]
The white walls make the spacious corridor even brighter. Along the way, the walls of classrooms and laboratories are adorned with various awards and patent certificates.
It seems that just by passing through, one can feel countless figures with unceasing footsteps, moving forward persistently and rationally, knocking on one unknown door after another.
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Lucien: The desk by the window was the place I most often sat in the lab. Because I always sat there, it eventually became my ‘workstation’.
Lucien: Even if I arrived late, everyone would save this seat for me;
Lucien: [chuckles] But I don't really have a fixed seat in the library. I've never known if those people who are already looking up information early in the morning are actually early risers or if they just never went to bed;
Lucien: Occasionally, when the weather was nice, professors would take us out to the lawn for class;
Lucien: This vending machine used to swallow coins. I wonder if it's been fixed…
Lucien leads me through the corridor, past the small garden, into classrooms, laboratories, and the library…
Perhaps even he himself hasn't realized it, but returning here has made him happy.
It's in the little things he doesn't even realize he's doing: the way his steps quicken without him noticing, the instinctive caress of his fingertips against my palm, the soft murmurs he makes when he notices something different from his memories.
And even the hint of joy as he reveals those past memories with me.
He leads me by the hand through every nook and cranny of this place, making me feel as if I'm walking through his youth.
Finally, we arrive at the dormitory building. 
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Lucien: Generally, everyone lives here. They're mostly single rooms, so you have a lot of privacy.
MC: I remember you mentioned it before, so is this the common lounge area?
In this not-so-large space in front of us, several sofas and coffee tables are neatly arranged, and the bar counter displays simple everyday items.
Lucien: Mm, usually everyone relaxes here while waiting for experiment results. Occasionally, we also play a round of NOU.
MC: Pfft, I didn't expect this kind of leisure activity.
Lucien: [chuckles] To be precise, it's a traditional activity.
Sensing an interesting topic, I quickly shake his hand and press for more details.
MC: What else? What other things do you do?
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Lucien thinks for a moment, then suddenly smiles.
Lucien: There's actually one interesting thing.
Lucien: In the past, before important experimental results were concluded, everyone would tacitly let a certain colleague touch the experiment machine a few more times, and then pray to it.
Lucien: And often, the results wouldn't be too bad, and there was a high probability of exceeding expectations.
MC: Hahaha, so he's the ‘lab koi’ you were talking about!
[T/N: It’s a reference to the  “Lab Koi” call from last year!]
Lucien nods, the warm white light tracing the contours of his face, making his features appear even softer.
I can hear the nostalgia in his voice that he unintentionally revealed, and I know that he might be thinking about a lot of things at this moment.
I'm reluctant to break this brief silence*, my gaze subconsciously drifting towards this lounge, as if I could catch a glimpse of the genius boy who had once been here.
[T/N: The phrase "不舍得" (bù shě de) expresses a reluctance or unwillingness to part with something precious or cherished. While the English translation "reluctant" conveys the general idea, it might not fully capture the way MC cherishes this rare moment of Lucien being so nostalgic that she's reluctant to break🤧]
Suddenly, my attention is drawn to the wall next to the bar counter.
It's a small display wall. Besides showcasing some achievement certificates of past researchers, there's also a handwritten message board and some photos.
It turns out there will always be someone who earnestly preserves and longs for the past, with all its time and traces.
I quickly find a familiar figure among them.
It's a slightly blurry photo, almost as if it were a frame grabbed from a video.
The boy surrounded by the crowds slightly widened his eyes, a bouquet of flowers was thrust into his arms as he let the others boisterously tease and laugh around him.
Lucien: [chuckles, his voice exclaims a little in surprise] ...So, I really was quite surprised back then.
Lucien quietly walks up behind me at some point, his gaze intently fixed on this photo.
The world is truly a wondrous place. It appears to operate according to established principles, yet it often defies logic.
Those emotions that he never understood in the past are now brought before him in some fateful way, regaining their meaning and significance.
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Lucien gazes at the girl beside him, observing her happiness and surprise, witnessing all the beautiful emotions that have blossomed because of him.
But she has no idea that her existence has allowed him to see how beautiful the world is.
Lucien's gaze slowly returned to the photo.
Countless colorful ribbons flutter in the air, shimmering and sparkling. The colors, engraved with blessings and well-wishes, seem to transcend time, flowing into his eyes in this very moment.
He speaks softly.
Lucien: It turns out that day was actually so lively.
The last scene is about his Last year’s Birthday Story! He graduated with his PhD on his birthday. This graduation was celebrated by his seniors and professor. At that time, everything was monochrome in his eyes. However, visiting the place with MC and seeing his graduation photo with her brings color to a memory that was once only in black and white. He now realizes how lively and vibrant that day truly was.
=[Part 4]=
MC: Are you saying that Senior Brother Colt and Senior Sister Caroline being together was something specifically emailed to you?
Lucien gives a helpless smile.
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Lucien: Their reasoning was that I'd receive the information faster by email, and it turns out they were absolutely right.
MC: Hahaha!
We walk back, laughing and chatting. Along the way, I listen to Lucien share stories from his past that he seldom opens up about, about the later developments of his companions, and their current situations.
Some things he tells me without much recollection, while others he needs to think about for a moment. But it seems that the process of remembering makes him a bit happier.
One intersection away from the farm, we pass by a market and stop to buy some food.
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Lucien: I'll take the things to the car first, wait for me here.
MC: Okay~ I'll be right here at the market.
While waiting for Lucien to get the car, I notice a stall at the market.
A silver-haired grandma is engrossed in weaving bracelets, her stall filled with dazzling beaded ornaments that shimmer under the soft glow of the glass lamps.
Suddenly, an idea strikes me, and I walk towards the stall.
MC: Ah, it's so hot.
As soon as I enter the house, I hurriedly turn on the air conditioner and fan.
Although the temperature here is still quite pleasant compared to the summer in Loveland City, I’m probably still jet-lagged that I feel a little dizzy.
Struggling to fight the rising drowsiness, I sort and organize the purchased items with Lucien.
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Lucien: How about having dinner at the farm's eco-restaurant tonight? That way you can sleep earlier and won't be too tired.
Lucien: Or should we go somewhere farther to try some local specialties?
MC: Either is fine with me~ But before we eat, I need to do something important first.
I arrange the washed apples in a fruit bowl and pull Lucien to sit down with me.
I fish the woven bracelet I bought earlier from the stall out of my pocket. I pull his arm towards me and carefully, with a sense of cherishing, fasten the bracelet around his wrist.
Lucien clasps my wrist in return, his gaze shifting from the bracelet to me, as if waiting for an explanation.
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MC: It's just... I suddenly wanted to give you something.
MC: Maybe it's because I saw your photos in the lounge earlier, or maybe it's because I heard so much about your past today.
MC: Even though I knew what those days truly meant to you, it wasn't until I actually went there that I realized…
MC: Everything about Lucien has been well treasured.
He's looking at me, hanging on to my every word.
MC: I'm so lucky to have picked them up again and to have pieced them together with you.
MC: To let them become you, the complete person standing before me.
Gazing into his eyes and seeing the one and only figure reflected there, I feel surprisingly calm and settled inside.
I gently caress his wrist twice.
MC: You see, I tied this knot myself! And I picked out this little agate bead super carefully. Don't you think it's pretty?
MC: It can be like the apple that falls on your head and sparks inspiration or the one that tempts you to be curious about everything.
MC: But now, it is also the "apple" I am giving to you.
MC: [smiles softly] Lucien, I hope the present me can also become a special fragment, forever remaining in your memories.
Pinkish-purple hues gently paint the horizon, and a beam of light happens to fall in, illuminating the agate bead.
The smooth texture is brightly highlighted, making the color seem to dance, leaping into those beautiful dark eyes.
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Lucien: [softly] Indeed… very vibrant.
Lucien: Like an apple.
As he says this, he looks at me, his brows and eyes curving into a beautiful arc, leaving me momentarily unsure of what exactly he's referring to.
MC: Then let’s go eat…!
My cheeks start to feel warm as I belatedly realize what he means, and as I try to rise from his embrace, an irresistible force pulls me back onto his lap.
The arm wrapped around my waist tightens slightly, deepening the embrace.
Lucien: [whispers seductively] Before that, I also have something important to do.
He lowers his head, kissing the little agate bead cherishingly, then gently moves his kisses to my fingertips resting on his wrist, his lips slowly trailing upward, inch by inch.
Each kiss is feather light and slow, as if he’s carefully tracing every detail, until every part of my skin is stained with his warmth.
Lucien: MC.
He gives my earlobe another gentle peck before pulling back slightly, creating a small distance between us.
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Lucien: [softly] Today, I've felt the significance of those seemingly meaningless moments from the past.
Lucien: It turns out there are many other people in my dreams.
[T/N: This part is what I mean by the date being the extension of last month's MQ (The Sea No Longer Distant MQ). It can be said that on this date, Lucien finally understands what MC means in that MQ. It's like... growing a 'heart' and feeling emotions that he doesn't comprehend before. He's lucky to have many people willing to ‘dream’ together with him🥺]
His abrupt change of topic leaves me momentarily confused as if he’s speaking in riddles. It takes me a moment to catch up and understand what he’s talking about.
Memories of the beach from a month ago flood back. I look into those eyes that are still fixed on me, and I seem to see emotions in them that weren't there before.
Lucien: You're right. People are complex, and they're also greedy.
Lucien: Because of you, I've accepted many things, and as a result, I desire even more.
Lucien: I'm curious about what other changes I'll experience because of you, and what surprises you'll bring me.
Lucien: And besides curiosity, there's also expectation.
I tilt my head up and kiss the corner of his lips.
MC: Then keep being curious about me.
MC: I like that you're curious about me.
I reach out to touch Lucien's face, wanting to look more clearly into his eyes.
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Lucien: [whispers softly] Miss Magic Mirror, can you tell me…
Lucien: In your eyes, what am I like at this very moment?
I can't help but laugh.
MC: Right now, your eyes are the color of the entire sky. They're so beautiful.
MC: Your hair is bestowed with the warm glow of the setting sun, looking soft and fluffy. Your lips…
As I talk, I give him another kiss.
MC: It makes me want to do this.
Lucien also starts laughing.
MC: Lucien, right now, everything about you is complete in my eyes, and I can see you clearly.
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He leans down again, his warm and moist breath brushing against my neck as he kisses me, causing subtle tingling sensations on my skin.
I instinctively try to pull away, but as I reach out to hold onto the back of his neck, he firmly holds me in place.
My legs dangle, unable to find a foothold, forcing me to use all my strength to hook onto his lap, while my other hand blindly grabs onto the curtain.
The crimson sunset spills over us unrestrainedly. As if dazzled by the spots of light, Lucien lifts me towards him, shifting a little as he holds me.
Amid the rocking motion, his leg accidentally touches the nearby coffee table, making a noise.
The sudden weightlessness makes me instinctively tighten my arms, causing him to gently bite my collarbone.
His scorching breath brushes against my neck like a feather, his scent overwhelming and filling every corner. It mingles with the fruity fragrance in the air, creating an even more alluring aroma.
Out of the corner of my eye, the goldfish in the fish bowl seem startled as well, swaying and swinging, leaving behind two tangled and intertwined trails*.
The skin grazed by my fingertips starts to burn, and I'm getting hot too.
Lucien: [whispers hoarsely] MC, you make me feel a gentle gaze.
Right now, we probably can't see each other's expressions, but it's as if we can see everything.
His low, hoarse voice resonates against my neck, and his moving lips make my throat vibrate, as though his words and voice have become my own.
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Lucien: [x2] Make me feel truly seen by you, deeply loved by you**.
Lucien: [x3] Make me… feel happy and satisfied.
He traces a trail of delicate nibbles along my neck, kissing the path where life itself flows.
I feel those affectionate yet slightly demanding marks being etched again and again. For some reason, I find myself speaking without thinking.
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MC: Bite me, Lucien.
The rustling of clothes suddenly stops, and his breathing also ceases, as if he is holding his breath.
I know my face is burning bright red, but I only shyly embrace him, moving myself even closer to him.
MC: I've also been seen by you and possessed by you.
In the sweaty air, I hear his long, drawn-out breath.
But in the next moment, they are all swept into my lips and tongue, obtaining all my oxygen in a different way.
Lucien: [kisses and pants] It is because you possess me that I am complete.
Lucien: [x2] Please keep possessing me forever… MC.
Lucien: [x3] In this world, only you will possess this kind of me.
*: The fish in the bowl description might seem out of place, but it's not! It alludes to '鱼水之欢' (lit. 'the joy of fish and water'), which is a Chinese idiom that describes the joy and intimacy of sexual intercourse or the metaphor for the act itself. It's also an idiom that is a metaphor for the intimate and harmonious emotional or sexual life of men and women.
**: This is my favorite line in this because of the way it emphasizes Lucien's feeling of being understood and cherished 🤧 “看见" (kàn jiàn, to see) has the connotation of being acknowledged and truly understood. I think, for Lucien, being ‘seen’ and understood is significant; understanding the world is his thing as a scientist, so when someone makes an effort to understand him, it means a lot to him. Then the use of directly spoken “爱” (ài) which is a very, very sentimental word to say compared to how the west uses ‘love’ regularly… and the way it also encompasses a sense of enduring love, a sense of care, cherishing, and protectiveness🥺
Those last lines!!!!! Under her gaze, he feels utterly seen, completely known, and thus, entirely himself. It's because she possesses him fully that he feels complete. While others in his life may hold only fragments of him, she alone possesses his entirety. As the fox says in "The Little Prince," “But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.” It is through her 'taming' that his completeness becomes something uniquely hers and hers alone.
And as Lucien mentioned in the Radio Broadcast Date, his form of possessiveness goes beyond one-sided control or dominance. Rather than just possessing her, he longs even more for her to possess him. To let her influence and 'change' him. Their possessiveness is a two-way thing: just as he is insatiable and wants all of her, he also craves to belong to the one he loves and to surrender himself entirely. After all, possessiveness is also a form of exceptional cherishing of the other party (his words in radio broadcast date, not mine), and he enjoys the feeling of being cherished and loved in this way.
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cheesy09 · 5 months
[CN] Kiro's Wrapped in Silk Date
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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Note: This date explores some very suggestive themes, so if you do not meet the game's recommended 17+ age rating, I'd suggest to avoid reading this date.
[PART 1]
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The clear night sky seems to have been washed by spring water, and the stars are akin to diamonds against the dark blue gauze.
[MC's Company Name] has recently discussed collaboration with LEEZY, a well-know foreign fashion brand, and therefore I personally made the trip to come to their headquarters in West Asia.
The first reason being because they attached great importance to this collaboration, and second one being because Kiro too was filming in this city.
It's been three months since Kiro came here to film a movie. During this time, all we could do was accompany each other through the tiny screens of our mobile phones every day.
So when this opportunity to "visit work" presented itself, I immediately applied for a visa and flew over.
After several days of meetings and visits, the contract was successfully signed. The other party hoped that we could promote the latest season of their clothing.
I was also invited to attend this charity dinner party being held by the lake tonight.
In my drunken stupor, a slight sense of dizziness floods my head. I lift the shawl of my dress, shake the wine glass in my hand and look at the figure standing close by--
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Kiro smiles and talks to the person in front of him, his golden hair shinning brightly in the darkness of night.
Seemingly noticing my gaze, he turns his face slightly, and his blue eyes catch my sight.
I raise my glass, smile at him, and take another slow sip. His eyes flicker for a moment and he calmly looks away from me.
Not long after, he smiles, nods, and comes to me with a glass of wine, lightly touching it to mine.
Kiro: I'm back!
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MC: Was that the producer who invited you to the dinner just now? Why don't you chat for a little longer?
Kiro: We've already chatted for quite a bit. He even asked for my autograph for his little daughter.
Kiro: So, from now on, my time is all yours, MC.
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Kiro: That being said... how much have you had to drink?
He seems to have noticed the unyielding warmth on my face. He raises his hand and gently touches the side of my face with the back of his hand.
That familiar body temperature departs as soon as it touches, leaving me feeling a little disappointed. I simply pinch his fingertips and take the opportunity to slip my fingers into the gaps between his.
MC: Not a lot, maybe... five or six glasses.
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Kiro: That's not a lot...?
He lowers his head slightly and draws closer to me, the glimmer of expectation in his eyes quietly falling into mine.
Kiro: MC, should we run away?
MC: Now?
Kiro: Well~ You're going back to Loveland tomorrow afternoon, and I won't be back in China for another three weeks.
Kiro: There are less than 15 hours left. I don't want to waste another minute.
That reluctance tucked away in my heart is outlined by his words and tugs at my heartstrings.
All the work that needed to be discussed has been taken care of, so I nod. After paying our respects to the organizer, Kiro takes my hand and leaves the venue.
The taxi takes us all the way back to the hotel. After getting out of the cab, I stop, shake our intertwined hands and look at him eagerly.
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MC: ...My feet hurt.
A smile seems to flash across those blue eyes. The next second, my body grows light and I'm being held in his arms.
Kiro: [chuckles indulgently] Hold me.
Amidst the cool night breeze, the embrace I am nestled in is particularly affectionate. I put my arms around his neck, and from time to time I run my lips across the side of his face, which is now slightly cooled by the night wind.
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After entering the room, he bends down and gently places me on the small sofa.
The warmth that came from being close to each other seems to escape. Just as I am about to reach out and hug him, I suddenly feel my clothes tighten. Seemingly pulled by something, he too, falls towards me--
Those slightly wide blue eyes suddenly close in within my field of vision, and a warm softness unexpectedly falls against the corner of my lips.
[PART 2]
The bright moonlight falls on the tip of his slender eyebrows, creating a faint white circle, akin to a piece of fallen snow.
His blue eyes appear deeper than usual. Through the moonlight, I can clearly see myself reflected in that clear spring.
The tenderness lingering at the corner of my lips stays for a moment, then departs slightly.
Kiro: Sure enough, you still smell like champagne.... I'll get you a glass of water.
I don't let go of the hands holding him. All I do is blink my eyes and soften my voice.
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MC: ...I don't want to let go.
Noting my retention, he doesn't get up and just gently kisses my ear.
Suddenly, he pauses slightly, picks up the beaded chain on my clothes with one hand and shakes it.
Kiro: Turns out that there was a "trap" waiting for me here.
I follow his line of sight and see that the pearl chain from my clothes had somehow managed to get entangled with the accessories on his outfit.
Kiro: I won't leave. So... there's no need for this.
Those slender fingertips travel along the intricately wound chain and slowly disassemble it under the moonlight. Every now and then the silver chain reflects a cold silver light, like starlight dancing along his fingertips.
The alcohol gradually takes over my brain, and the person in front of me appears to be covered in a layer of mist under the moonlight.
My hands slowly slide along his arms to his back, feeling the familiar contours of his muscles under the thin layer of fabric. And when his tight buttons block the path of my fingertips, I gently undo them--
His white collar falls open a bit, revealing the lines of his collarbone.
Kiro: [Almost breathlessly] ....Why are you still being naughty?
MC: How could I....
When my nails gently scratch his waist, I feel the body under my fingertips stiffen slightly, and the breathing in the air suddenly grow heavier.
I blink innocently, finding some kind of pleasure in this long wait, and gently squeeze along his waistline.
Just as I'm busy enjoying myself, he suddenly grabs a hold of my wrist and then raises it above my head without any explanation.
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At some point, he manages to untie the longest chain of beads and holds it casually between his fingertips.
His eyes, which have always been clear, are now stained with a hint of drunkenness, influenced by my own, and even his voice sounds hoarse.
Kiro: [huskily] If you keep making trouble like this, we won't be able to finish undoing this tonight.
Kiro: [x2] Leave your hands to me for now.
A cold touch falls on the skin of my wrist. Along with the slight rustling sound of metal, something wraps around my wrist one after another. Belatedly, my somewhat sluggish brain realizes that it's the chain that was untied from my dress.
My heartbeat inexplicably speeds up.
MC: [blushing] Kiro....
Kiro: [voice soft yet seductive] Don't move, it'll be fine soon.
As he says this, he deliberately slows down and enjoys every minute the peaceful moonlight has to offer.
The cold tassels brush against my skin from time to time, leaving at the first sign of touch. Tiny stimulations flow along my skin and blood vessels, causing my heartbeat to grow a little faster.
MC: Mmn...
I shrink on reflex, and he gently holds me down.
Taking in my state, he smiles softly, supports my knees and raises them slightly, lowering his head and kissing the spot where the chain grazes me.
His overwhelmingly hot breath seems to carry with it a small fire, burning along the blood in my veins.
As time passes by, the body's sensitivity seems to be heightened, feeling the other person with every ounce of strength.
I want to hug that warm back, but I find my hands tied together, unable to move freely. So I simply raise my ankle and gently press it against his calf.
As if eager to occupy the little time we have left, the breath tracing the side of my neck grows more and more rapid.
In the room soaked in moonlight, the tips of my fingers are tightly clasped, as if the vacancy formed during this period of time is being filled.
The overlapping of shadows is reflected on one side, almost blending together, blurring the slowly approaching moment of separation.
This night seems to go on forever, but also seems to pass by in an instant.
And amidst the chaos, I feel as if I'm being held in a scorching embrace.
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Wanting to turn over a bit, I felt my wrist tighten. And when I open my eyes, I find a familiar metal chain still hanging on my wrist.
The other end of the chain is loosely wrapped around Kiro's wrist. Looking at the bright white pearls, my mind goes blank for a while.
At that moment, the mobile phone screen next to my ear lights up, and a travel information prompt pops up.
"The pre-scheduled flight has arrived. Please arrive at the airport two hours before departure to complete formalities..."
In that instant, the strength against my waist tightens slightly, and a tired warmth presses up against it.
Kiro: [sleepily] ...Is it morning already?
MC: Mm. It's time to get up.
I forcefully turn over and peck him softly on the lips.
He lets out a "Huh", turns over and pushes me under him. Using the grip of the chain, he grabs my wrist and nuzzles my neck.
Kiro: Okay, Kiro is attempting to get up. Progress is 1%, 14%...
Kiro: [sighing in mock defeat] Kiro has failed to get up and has now entered the Miss Chips mode with a five-minute countdown...
The person behind me mutters and hugs me tighter.
I don't know how many five-minutes pass before we finally get up from the bed and wash up.
Holding me in his arms, he helps me tie the straps behind my back.
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Kiro: You really don't need me to take you to the airport?
MC: No need. Didn't the director give you an "ultimatum" to arrive on set by 1 o'clock in the afternoon at the latest?
MC: You concentrate on filming. I'll contact you when I get to the airport.
Hearing this, he curls his lips in frustration.
Kiro: Sigh... I wish I had a time machine. It could take us back to last night, or take me to 20 days later, when my filming ends.
I suppress the longing in my heart, raise my head and gently kiss his lips.
MC: You can rest for a few days when you get back. There are several new handicraft stores that have opened on Huapu Street. We can wait in line to visit them.
MC: Or we can play games together at home and rest together.
Kiro: Okay, it's settled.
Warm fingertips occasionally glide across my skin through the chiffon fabric, taking their time, fearing that this little time will quietly slip away from our fingertips.
Feeling a sense of comfort in my heart, I change my position and lean into his arms, gazing up at him.
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MC: How long will it take you to fasten them?
Kiro: It's a bit complicated. Might take a while.
He looks at me and says earnestly.
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Kiro: So, before you get ready and leave for the airport... let me hold you like this for a while.
[PART 3]
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After returning to China, I put the new collaborative project on the agenda. And in the storm of work and overtime, three weeks quickly pass by.
Kiro has successfully completed his filming and returned to China. Our reunion lasts for about two nights, but I'm unable to find the time to fulfill the promise I made to him about going shopping together--
The release date of LEEZY's new season of clothing gradually approaches, but I still haven't formulated a promotional plan that I'm sold on yet.
MC: What's missing....
Facing a dozen documents on my computer, I find myself feeling a little distressed.
Just as I am about to pick up my mug and take a few more sips of black coffee to refresh myself, a warm embrace greets from behind.
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Kiro: What are you sighing about?
I put down the black coffee, smile, turn around and hug him back.
MC: Did you sleep well?
Kiro: Mm-- I just dreamed that my Miss Chips was being chased by the document monster, and I quickly woke up.
MC: ...Don't tell me. That dream is quite vivid.
Noting my slight frustration, he rubs his chin on the top of my head and looks at my screen.
Kiro: Are you still writing about LEEZY's announcement?
MC: Yeah... Their latest season's clothes were the ones they gave me before, with a lot of straps on them.
MC: I've made several promotional plans, but they all seem to lack a bit of novelty...
Kiro: Generally, brands will focus on a theme when designing a new season clothing line. Wouldn't it better to explore options based on their theme?
MC: Their clothes this season all have a lot of straps and chains on them. Their theme of design is said to be "Entwining".
MC: But this theme has been done by other brands before, so I couldn't find a unique direction to take it in.
Kiro: If you can't get any ideas by just looking at the information, shouldn't you try out some other methods?
MC: For example..?
Kiro thinks for a moment and then snaps his fingers.
Kiro: I've got a good idea. Besides, I've got nothing to do today, so let me be Miss Muse's inspiration-finding assistant!
MC: [excited] What?
He pulls me up from my seat and winks.
Kiro: Of course, we're going to use the method we're both good at - shooting!
Kiro: But this time, let's switch roles. You can be the model.
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Kiro: Hmm... This angle of the light box should be fine. For the lighting...
I change my clothes, walk into the huge dance studio, and see Kiro adjusting the bracket of the lighting board.
The backdrop has been decorated by him in a simple manner, with various colorful ribbons hanging loosely but not messily. A stool is placed in the center of the background wall.
When he sees me come in, his eyes light up, and he comes over and takes my hand.
Kiro: I want the opinion of a professional producer: What do you think? Is it pretty good?
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MC: It's very layered, and the color and backdrop complement each other well!
Watching my eyes light up fills him with a sense of pride.
Kiro: Feeling the theme for yourself might give you different ideas.
He leads me to sit on the stool, guides me to hook my hand on the hanging ribbon, raises his camera and presses the shutter.
After taking a few photos in various positions, we lean in front of the camera and look at the pictures.
Perhaps because of his rich shooting experience, Kiro is very good at guiding postures and states.
Kiro: What do you think?
MC: The composition and lighting are very good, and can be used as a photo album. It's just... I still feel clueless.
I look through the pictures carefully one after another, but I still get the sense that something isn't right.
MC: ....Is it possible that the characters don't fit the environment well enough?
After listening to my words, Kiro also lowers his head and thinks for a while.
Kiro: Wait for a moment.
I watch him drag out a box from the standing cabinet on the side and rummage through it. Then he picks up a large number of differently styled decorative chains and ribbons.
MC: Why do you have so much of this stuff?
Kiro: They were all leftover props from previous shoots. I had a feeling that they'd come in handy sooner or later.
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Kiro: Now, let me "transform" the model and scene.
After we add some of them to the background wall, we open the stool up wide and I sit directly in the middle of this tangled up scene.
Kiro holds a long ribbon and casually wraps it around my thigh.
The cool silk gently touches my skin, making me shiver and my entire body tenses up.
As if noting my slight nervousness, Kiro chuckles, drawing the ribbon around my waist, and then wrapping it loosely around my wrist.
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Kiro: Don't be nervous. Do you still remember the lesson in perception you took before?
I follow his voice and recall that in the greenhouse, he had once taught me bit by bit how to use senses other than sight to feel.
Note: This is a callback to Perception Date :>
Kiro: [voice enticingly soft] Try searching for the feeling of having your body wrapped in ribbon.
Following his voice, I carefully feel the silk wrapping around my skin - soft and thin.
Kiro's mirthful voice is akin to the ribbon entwined around my body. He gently lifts it, leaving my heart feeling a bit itchy.
Kiro: [x2] Raise your right hand a little higher... yes.
The hand holding the ribbon moves, and the soft fabric slowly slides along my skin and tightens slightly. My eyes subconsciously follow it.
The soft click of the shutter occasionally dissipates in the quiet air.
He adjusts the position of the ribbon around my body, arms, neck...
And the soft fabric seems to come to life in his hands, ensnaring all of my thoughts and following in his lead.
Occasionally, he adds one or two thin pearl strands that make a crisp sound every time my body sways.
I think of the chain wrapped around my wrist on that moonlit night.
My heart beats loudly, and my ears are so hot that they are on the verge of bleeding. I can't help but move my body.
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MC: ...You - please be serious.
Kiro: Hm? But I am seriously trying to help you find that "entwining" sensation.
His eyes widen slightly, but the curvature at the corners of his lips betrays the cunning in his heart. It's as if he's playing an interesting "game".
I purse my lips, suddenly curious about the "reason" that has captured his interest, and with a bit of force, I grasp a hold of his wrist.
His surprised face gradually enlarges in my field of vision. He stretches out his hand to the wall beside my face in order to support and steady his body, and for a moment, his breathing becomes chaotic.
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MC: In addition to being entwined, I too want to experience what it's like to entwine someone...
MC: Can this superstar help me out?
[PART 4]
There's a hint of a smile present in his brow.
Kiro: Sure.
The hand holding me tightens. He turns me over and my entire body presses up against him.
A scorching body temperature comes from our closely connected skin, and the side of my face and the base of ears are also dyed in a slight warmth.
I prop up my body, and following his example, I slowly pull a ribbon from the side and gently touch it to his ear.
His whole body seems to relax, lazily waiting for my next move.
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Kiro: [whispering temptingly] Need help?
MC: I - I want to experience this for myself first.
Even though I say this, I'm unsure as to what to do next. I aimlessly wrap the ribbon around his slender fingers and slowly slide it down...
Stopping on his well-jointed wrist.
I wrap the ribbon in my hand around his wrist, imitating his actions from that night, and tie it into a somewhat clumsy knot.
He arches his eyebrows slightly and glances at me.
Kiro: [I HV NO IDEA HOW TO DESCRIBE HOW SEDUCTIVELY HE DRAGGED HIS VOICE HERE BUT HNNG-] I see... I reasonably suspect that you're trying to "avenge yourself".
MC: I'm just serious about set design!
Another pale yellow ribbon is loosely wrapped around his neck. I hold the other end of the ribbon and trail it across his arms, chest, the curves of his sides...
Then, gently tighten it.
The hair of the person in front of me is slightly tousled, and entangles with the strings of ribbon scattered on the side.
Among these bright and beautiful colors, those blue eyes gazing at me get darker and darker.
Kiro: [temptingly soft again] Does this give you inspiration?
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MC: My eyes have captured it... But I also wanted to capture this on camera.
I lift up my camera and capture this scene.
His languid eyes look directly into mine through the lens, like a warm current hitting my chest.
Kiro: [x2] Actually, there's something else that could also help you.
MC: ...What?
Kiro: [x3] Unlike entangling something, untangling these entanglements could also be fun... Do you wanna try it?
He holds my hand, guides my fingers to pick up a ribbon that had dropped onto his skin, and slowly pulls it away.
I look down at him, wrapped in colorful ribbons, and at this moment, he looks as if he's waiting to be unwrapped...
Like a gift.
The memory hidden in the recesses of my mind cause my heartbeat to pound a bit out of control.
Noting the pause of my hand, Kiro raises his eyes slightly, a couple of doubts present in his eyebrows.
Kiro: ...What's wrong?
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MC: It feels like I'm opening a gift...
He startles slightly, and then a smile appears on his lips.
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Kiro: I've always been a gift belonging to you alone. You can open it at any time.
The black ribbon absentmindedly wraps around his fingers, drawing out lingering memories and taking me back to that Valentine's Day filled with the scent of essential oils.
This time, I take over the role of "signee". I lower my head a bit and approach him, gently tugging on the silk threads in my hand.
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MC: You are also the most precious gift given to me by God.
All of this is a call back to Entwining / Unwrap the Gift Date released for the game's first Valentine's day event :>
What answers me is a gentle pressure on the back of my neck and a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth.
The pounding in the left of my chest grows faster and faster, as if mirroring my desire to open this long-awaited gift to see what surprises are kept in store.
One by one, the ribbons are pulled away from him and scattered to the side.
After tearing them all off, I am left confused for a moment. He takes my hand and gently places it on the button of his shirt.
Kiro: [voice dark & husky] You're not done yet.
A burning sensation comes from beneath the thin silk fabric.
Kiro: [x2] Continue.
Bewitched by his gentle voice, my hand slowly travels down from his collar, and with just a slight flick of my fingers, the buttons of his white shirt come undone.
One, two...
Those blue eyes seem to bear an indescribable gravity. Just the way he gazes at me alone prompts me to draw closer and closer.
By the time the last button comes undone, our breaths completely merge.
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His slender fingers grasp my wrist unobjectively and he lowers his head a bit, biting the chiffon string on the bust of my dress and gently tugging it open.
His scorching hot breath falls on the skin of my chest, like a falling spark, setting my entire chest on fire.
Kiro's eyes are half-lidded, and his somewhat hoarse voice carries an inexplicable rough quality to it that gently caresses my eardrums.
Kiro: [x3] Did you like that?
His headless and baseless words are so soft that they almost scatter with the heat of his breath, but they fall heavily onto my heart.
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MC: Of course I liked it... In this world, I like you the most.
Upon hearing my answer, his breath suddenly surges and almost melts into my body.
Even though it's obvious that there is no pull from any thread, my body feels bewitched. I unconsciously murmur his name.
MC: Kiro....
My fingertips glide over his skin, seeking out his deeper exploration. He deliberately feigns ignorance, however, and tilts his head in curiosity.
Kiro: What's wrong?
His curled fingers tighten a bit, and the breath in my ears makes me feel as though my ears are about to combust into flames.
I bite my lip, unwilling to lose in this silent tug-of-war, and turn my face a bit to the side.
MC: I was just thinking that I do have more ideas... Mmn.
As if dissatisfied with my answer, he lightly nips at my collarbone, causing me to tremble slightly.
Kiro: [with the hint of a sulk] I can't believe you're still thinking about "work" right now, Miss Chips.
Kiro: Looks like I'm gonna have to get even more "serious" to make you think of me with all your heart.
There's a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice, and he presses the tip of his tongue to my collarbone and gently licks it.
He unties the chiffon straps on my chest bit by bit, slowly and carefully, his gaze, now shrouded in desire, still feeling extremely precious.
Due to the time we spend together, this throbbing that almost engulfs me never seems to fade away. It only gets stronger and stronger.
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MC: I always think of you with all of my heart...
I close my eyes and allow our interlocked fingers to tightly intertwine.
The last strap of chiffon is finally undone. He gently releases his teeth and the soft strap drops to the floor beside him.
Daylight gradually fades, hiding away all the warmth and turbulence of the night.
More Translations: Here
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hotcryptidsinyourarea · 2 months
Falling for the Frogman of Loveland, Ohio
story synopsis: Molly is a 30-something cookbook editor who has decided to move from New York to Loveland, Ohio after a bad breakup and a desire for a fresh start. She is instantly attracted to her neighbor Jeremiah's midwestern charms, but this local guy is much more than meets the eye...
human (she/her) + interdimensional humanoid frogman (he/him)
cw: aint-shit brooklyn hipster ex-boyfriend. millennial real estate angst. Ohio.
Chapter 1
I never thought in a million years I would end up in Ohio of all places. I’ve always fancied myself a real City Girl type. I grew up in the Houston metro area where I was more likely to be perusing the Galleria or eating sushi than I was engaging in any of the more agrarian behaviors outsiders assume Texans are wont to do but largely don’t. And then as soon as I graduated, I made my way to New York to officially start my life in the city I would never leave, as far as I was concerned.
But after 14 years of scraping by, 14 years of overpriced rent and skipping meals in order to afford the bills, I’ve had enough. I sold my furniture, wrapped up my loose ends, and made a break to escape the rat race. 
Okay, maybe I’m not some maverick refusing to buy into the capitalist hustle. My grand escape from New York is a little less Snake Plimson and more desperate-slash-dumped. I was supposed to move in with my boyfriend Mark, the gorgeous and brilliant photographer I had been seeing for three whole years. My lease with my last roommate was coming to an end, so Mark and I decided to do what grown ups supposedly do and finally get a place together to embark on the whole domestic bliss thing. I was absolutely looking forward to having someone to split expenses with, but even more so it felt like I was finally becoming a real adult. Moving in with your boyfriend in New York is, as far as lifestyle accomplishments go, the equivalent of getting married and having kids for people in the burbs. And I was ready to start this next chapter of my life knowing I was on track with the milestones expected of me. 
Unfortunately, Mark was not ready. At the big age of 36, he came to the conclusion that he didn’t know himself well enough to get tied down to a life of commitment– or even the eighteen months our lease would occupy. “There’s so much I still want to do,” he said. “It would be unfair to you if I was here physically, when my heart and soul are somewhere else,” he said. I wanted to deck him.  
Honestly, I can get over the rejection from a man who was self-admittedly only half present, but his dumping me put me in a position far more precarious than heartbreak: sitting there with just six weeks to find an affordable place to live in New York City. Not impossible, mind you, but a significant burden where I will absolutely be forced to make concessions regarding what I want. I was looking down the barrel of a too much for too little housing situation that I’d be stuck in for the foreseeable future. It wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that I would end up in a street level roach motel with a toilet in the kitchen for no less than $4000/month. 
But after a few hours online searching for options, the algorithm gods smiled down upon me. I was scrolling through my feed having just double tapped on a high school friend’s baby announcement when I saw it: a targeted ad that read: GET PAID $30,000 TO LIVE AND WORK IN OHIO. 
$30k is not going to make me a wealthy woman, by any means, but it’s a hell of a lot more than I stood to lose trying to find acceptable lodging in the city. And while I had a decent social circle I didn’t want to abandon, my desire to go out and spend my free time (as well as my not-so-free-money) had dwindled as of late. I found myself avoiding the parties and bars where I more often than not spent the evening straining my voice just to have a simple conversation with someone I can barely even hear in favor of staying in to read with a glass of wine while brainstorming fan theories with other members of one of the several fandom Discord channels I belong to. And my job has essentially become 100% remote as of late. Any essential meetings I may need to attend could be covered as a business trip, but considering most of my job involves research and grunt work versus client-facing duties, it likely wouldn’t come up at all. I was free to leave New York. 
That is to say, my curiosity was piqued. So I clicked. And I applied. Then in what felt like a whirlwind courting, I was put into contact with a state worker who walked me through the grant application with the kind of midwestern charm I found refreshing after over a decade of city cynicism. I was then presented with a selection of eligible properties, mortgage options, and even connections to discounted moving services. Seemingly quicker than one could say “buckeye state,” I had a home lined up for me. 
A month later, here I am: driving west to Loveland, Ohio. I would never admit it out loud to my friends in New York, but when I saw the option for the little single story bungalow in a town called Loveland, I was instantly drawn to the romanticism of the name. I’ve never considered myself a romantic. After all, my last relationship was built more upon a desire to live a D.I.N.K. lifestyle than some sort of deep, burning passion between two souls made of the same. But finding this opportunity to start anew in an actual hand-to-god house that I could feasibly own felt more like a whirlwind case of woo than dating men ever did. After all, having a place of one’s own to which she can safely escape has been an unattainable dream for women throughout the recorded centuries. 
I am not so jaded as to deny the appeal of true romantic love; the security of a trusted partner and the comfort of consistent, pleasurable sex is not something I would turn away if it presented itself. But I also accept the fact that those ideals are born from a rather modern mindset born from the emergence of the bored middle class who desired a genteel way to express their own horniness disguised under the veil of “art.” 
Well, I mostly know that. Maybe it’s all I’m allowing myself to believe in order to keep myself from being disappointed when I inevitably never experience the kind of love that makes one write poems and paint portraits. I mean, there’s ample evidence in this world that some people truly do fall in love  I recently read that the English poet and surrealist patron Edward James was so in love with his dancer wife Tilly Losch, he had the impressions of her footsteps woven into the stair’s carpet in their home together, creating a tribute to their shared intimacy and the love he held not just for her physicality, but her contribution towards turning their house into his home. 
Of course, Edward and Tilly ended up divorced. To his credit, James didn’t destroy the carpet upon the dissolution of his marriage and her subsequent campaign to pin it on his bisexuality rather than her infidelity. Instead he ended up donating it to an arts’ college and replaced the one in his home with a new commission– this time, featuring the pawprints of his beloved dog. C’est l’amour! One day you’re in love with your gorgeous dancer wife and her elegant footsteps, the next, she’s outing you in divorce court and you’re making lobster telephones with Salvador Dalí. 
So with all that in mind, I find myself here in the Cincinnati suburbs, heading directly to my new life in a land of love smack dab in the middle of The Heart of It All. But despite how it sounds, I’m not holding out for a hero. I will happily settle for falling in love with my new life and my new house. 
I may not be in love, but I am definitely crushing on my new place. As I pull into the driveway, I feel my heartbeat quicken in excitement. It’s so BIG! I mean, I’m from Houston– I know how big houses can be and this isn’t a mansion by any means. In fact, the listing called it a “modern cottage” style, insinuating that it’s on the smaller side of homes. But I’ve been apartment dwelling in New York for so long, I feel unsure about what to do with so much space to myself. I don’t have even close to enough furnishings to fill this place. There shall be much shopping in my foreseeable future. And there isn’t just a yard– there’s two! I might take up gardening. Maybe I’ll get a dog. My head is swimming with the possibilities. 
I grab my bags from the car and saunter up to the front door. It’s not my first time across the threshold– I flew out here before closing to oversee the inspection and get to know the area. But none of that diminishes my excitement. After all, this is my first home! I get to have a little bit of romanticization within the experience. As a treat.
The first thing to notice when walking into the house is the spacious open-plan kitchen and living area. The kitchen is what really excited me about this house. As an editor for cookbooks, I spend a lot of time there developing and testing. And now with all this room, I can fill it with every specialized tool and rare ingredients my little heart desires. The kitchen island fills the space and features a dozen or so drawers and cabinets of all different shapes and sizes to accommodate all my storage needs. And the appliances are perfect. The refrigerator is a pistachio green color with a design that looks like it came straight out of the 1950s, but it’s actually brand new and energy efficient. The stove features a gas range as well as a griddle top– the kind my Nana used to make us pancakes whenever we’d stay with her over Christmas. There’s also plenty of room for me to set up a desk for when the actual writing needs to occur. I’m going to get so much done!
The rest of the house is perfect for me. The master bedroom faces the east, so the sun pours in as soon as it rises. The connecting bathroom has a huge clawfoot tub AND a corner shower with rain-style fixtures. The second-largest room features floor-to-ceiling built-in bookcases that basically called to me when I first saw them in the listing. I was planning on converting it into a dual-use library-slash-guest room, but now that I’m here, I wonder if I’ll be willing to share it with any guests. Is it considered gauche for a grown woman to commit an entire room to house her hardcover romantasy collection? Well, they might just have to call me fucking gauche because I am seriously considering it.
Besides, the smallest third bedroom could serve as a perfectly adequate guest room. It can barely fit more than a bed and a dresser, but it would work. Between the future library and future guest room is the second bathroom. It’s not as nice as the master bath, but all the fixtures are new and the tiling is a really cute black and white subway style that will go well with the modernist decor I have in mind. 
But decorating, working, filling up bookshelves– those are all to-do items for the near future. At the moment, I should really focus on the tasks at hand. First, I need to unload the rest of my things still in the car. The storage pod I have the majority of my possessions in is scheduled to be in my driveway in a couple days, but I brought the bare necessities along with me. After that, I will need to get some food in me. I make a mental grocery list while I unload the car. 
I got the entire $30k from the grant, but I only needed $20k for the down payment, leaving me with a nice chunk of change to invest in a new-to-me hybrid sedan. I haven’t owned a car since I sold the one I drove in high school after graduation. But considering I grew up in a city that is mostly a collection of zig-zagging freeways and pavement, I am pretty comfortable behind the wheel even after all these years of living by the graces of public transportation. The autonomy granted with a personal vehicle is not lost on me. No more showing up late due to MTA delays or having to avert my eyes from strange male passengers whose hands are conspicuously not in plain sight, though still in visible motion. Instead, I now get to enjoy the comfort of a working air conditioner and the freedom to belt out Beyoncé songs at the top of my lungs. Which is exactly what I do on my drive to the supermarket.
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therosettasun · 3 months
La Llorona
Loveland Frogman
Beast of Bray Road
Jersey Devil
Madam Koi Koi
Bloody Mary
Nain Rouge
Raven Mocker
Motor City Madman
Phantom Chickens
Thunder Horses
Spook Rabbit
Tamamo no Mae
Flatwoods monster
Grey Alien
Gaffney Alien
Black Eyed Children
Night Crawlers
Teke Teke
Jane & John Doe
(And many, many more!!)
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) — The last two members of a trio who carjacked and kidnapped an FBI employee in South Dakota in 2022 have been sentenced to lengthy prison sentences.
Deyvin Morales, 29, was sentenced to 47 years in prison. At the same hearing, 29-year-old Karla Lopez-Gutierrez, was sentenced to more than 26 years in prison.
The third person involved in the crime, Juan Alvarez-Sorto, 25, was sentenced earlier this month to 37 years.
Alvarez-Sorto and Morales had pleaded not guilty to kidnapping, carjacking and other crimes, but were convicted in January. Alvarez-Sorto also was convicted of unlawfully entering the U.S. after being deported to his home country, El Salvador. Lopez-Gutierrez pleaded guilty in August to aiding and abetting kidnapping and a weapons charge.
At the hearing, the victim said the assailants “showed me no mercy” before he was able to escape.
“You had everything of mine already,” he said. “Why did you have to kidnap me?”
Prosecutors said the three attackers left Greeley, Colorado, on May 5, 2022, and were on a “drug trafficking trip” to South Dakota in a Ford Expedition. Nearly out of gas at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Morales told the others they needed to “take over” a new vehicle, Lopez-Gutierrez testified in January.
A short time later, the FBI employee speeding in his Dodge Durango saw the Expedition and pulled over, believing it was a tribal officer. Prosecutors said the suspects took the Durango at gunpoint and forced the victim to go along. The victim said Alvarez-Sorto threatened his family and held a gun to the back of his head as he was facedown in the Badlands.
When the group stopped to buy gas and zip ties in the town of Hermosa, South Dakota, the victim decided to try and escape. He said at the hearing that he crawled over Morales and “clawed” his way out of the car. Morales grabbed his jacket and the victim fell, but managed to get to his feet. He “ran like a chicken with my head cut off” to get away, he said.
Morales and Alvarez-Sorto were arrested in Greeley a week later. Lopez-Gutierrez was arrested in August 2022 in Loveland, Colorado.
Morales’ attorney, Jonathan McCoy asked the judge for a sentence of 20-25 years. He said Morales was granted asylum in 2017 because a gang in Guatemala wanted to kill him.
“Deportation sentences him to death in Guatemala,” McCoy said.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeremy Jehangiri said Morales squandered “the good will of our country” in committing the crime.
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sylvia-forest · 10 months
[CN] Shaw's 6th Anniversary event - Prologue
⚡ Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an Event which hasn't been released in EN yet!⚡
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[This was translated with the help of Google translate!]
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Everyone: It’s over——!
At [MC company’s name] Company, we eagerly watched as the promotional video for the "Love is on the way" event, which we had been working on for several days, came to an end, marking the beginning of a long-awaited holiday for the entire team.
The "Love is on the way" event, jointly launched by the City Hall and the Tourism Bureau, celebrated Loveland City once again being recognized as the best city for romance.
To encourage citizens to embark on a journey of exploring, conveying, and receiving love with their loved ones, the event specially designed multiple sweet tour routes.
In addition, the City Hall would randomly select numerous lucky citizens to provide them with varying amounts of travel funds.
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Minor: I'm so nervous; the draw is about to begin.
Watching everyone in front of me stare at their phone screens with a look of anticipation, I couldn't help but feel excited as I took out my phone.
Soon, the notification sound of text messages echoed continuously.
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Anna: I'm coming! I won free tickets for the entire scenic area!
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Kiki: Oh my God...I also won, and I can travel on the high-speed train for free in business class seats~
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Minor: Are you guys too lucky? Why do I only have a 50% discount coupon for shared bicycles?
MC: Pfft, that does sound a little pitiful.
After everyone received the messages, they all turned to look at me. I could only shake my phone, which still showed no signs of any messages.
MC: Haha, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I originally planned to travel during the holidays. Whether or not I win the lottery will not affect me.
Before I finished speaking, my phone suddenly vibrated.
In the expectant eyes of everyone, I curiously opened the short letter.
"Dear Miss MC, we are delighted to inform you that you have won the Grand Prize, a 'RV Travel Gift Package,' in the 'Love is on the way' lottery event held by the City Hall.
The relevant winning information will be sent to the email address you provided during the registration for the 'Hundred Days impressions' event shortly. Please check your email carefully."
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Everyone: ……huh? MC: ……. MC: Ah!!
🚙 Day 1 (coming soon)
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starstruck358 · 1 year
part 2 of meg's ask
Blah blah then the reader sees this after a fight:
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Um... yeah when its the eclipse she has the ability to have EVERYTHING in her hands, the whole multiverse, yeah pretty strong right?
Any way Hoshi almost forgets to tell the gang that he listened to this song:
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After they dont pay attention this happens:
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after defeating the bosses from other universe's, they finally finish the star toy:
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After cassie knowing this...
Hoshi meet's fate:
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After the incident, they go in the mirrior and meet the star queen:
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Cheesy... uh anyway they fight her, she summons monsters blah blah yadda then squary finds this:
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They teleport to "earth" (the world ended and got reincarnated to that world so yeah djdjfhfv)
They find hoshi's ship and then... :
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As that happens this is the map that they are at right now, they are going up into the Heavens.
ok lets continue:
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link4eva · 2 years
Kiro’s My Heart Jumps for Joy Mind’s Quest Translation [CN]
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Hello, thank you for patience! The translation of this masterpiece of a date has arrived!! 😍
💛 A few things to note before you begin reading 💛
If you haven’t seen it yet, you can find the Exclusive Radio for this date here!
This translation was done with the help of Google Translate and @keliosyfan​!
I’m going to be including links to videos about certain moves and exercises that are described/mentioned in the date if you would like a little more detail. I’ve been classically trained in ballet ever since I was 5, so I’m going to leave little tidbits here and there throughout. My bun head self was so giddy while reading through 🤩 
I am going to give a slight TRIGGER WARNING in regards to the theme of weight loss in this date. The content of the date doesn’t really revolve around this topic, but it was mentioned enough times for me to feel that I should say something about it. Having been in the dance scene, I know it can be a sensitive topic.
So without further ado, enjoy!
*Spoilers for future content below!*
[First Part]
??: Dear passengers, welcome to Loveland Airlines flight LY0521 from Loveland City to Bern…
Accompanied by the gentle broadcast sound, I quickly finished the work email. After closing the file, I click to open the top chat box–
“Hey, I’ll take off right away~”
The moment the message is sent, a typing indicator pops up with a round-headed bear bouncing around.
Kiro: “Great! See you in seventeen hours and seven minutes!”
After the message arrived, another bear popped up and blew a pink heart kiss to me.
After we “blew kisses” back and forth several times with joy, I turned on airplane mode and looked at the blue sky outside the porthole. *CUUUUUTE*
In order to star in a literary film with a professional ballet dancer as the main character, Kiro decided to go to France for further studies despite the training he had when he was young.
Because this stay is for a month, we agreed to celebrate New Year’s in France so that he could study without apprehension.  
(Flashback to MC’s bedroom)
One week ago, Kiro unexpectedly sent a message adding additional plans–
Kiro: “MC, I’m going to Bern to find the teacher who taught me back then to take ballet lessons. See you in Bern!”
(Back to present)
MC: Phew… finally arrived.
After getting off the plane, I pulled the suitcase and walked quickly to the exit while rubbing my sore shoulders.
After walking through several passages, I finally saw the pick-up area. However–
The area was densely packed with golden heads occupying my field of vision. My ability to “spot the blond at a glance” is completely lost here. *I’m hoping this is what the text meant to say. GT made it sound really strange lol*
MC: Hmm…let’s use the power of technology.
Just as I was about to take out my phone, a brown colour appeared in the corner of my eye at a distance, shaking left and right midair in the crowd.
I looked closely and found that it was a little bear hand puppet!
It is wearing a beret and a plaid suit. It is obviously a gentleman’s outfit, but it is waving its bear paws excitedly, and its round head is also swinging back and forth in a rock-and-roll style.
After I waved to the Little Bear with a knowing smile, I quickened my pace.
At the same time, Little Bear also quickened his pace. *Changed some wording*
As I crossed the boundary line of the exit, I finally saw the person I had missed day and night for the past half month.
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MC: Kiro! 
I let go of my luggage and threw myself into his arms. He tightened his arms, and a laughing voice rang in my ears.
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Kiro: It seems that Kiro is also very lucky today. 
Kiro: It was supposed to take seventeen hours and seven minutes to see you, but only sixteen hours and fifty-three minutes have passed. *The fact that he counts down the minutes until he sees his beloved again 😭*
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MC: Pfft, are you so easily satisfied? It’s just ten minutes early… 
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Kiro: But for those of us who haven’t seen Miss Chips for half a month, we should cherish every moment we can earlier. 
MC: Us?
He raised the Little Bear with a smile, and it leaned down to me in a gentlemanly manner and kissed my cheek.
Kiro: Bear Ro-Ro misses you so much that he told me to kiss you when we meet~
Kiro: But I made an agreement with him a few weeks in advance. He can only kiss cheeks, and I–
In the next second, a softer touch lands on my upper lip and leaves a touch of sweetness.
Looking at the cunning he had in his eyes, I stand on my tiptoes and rubbed my nose with his.
MC: This big star Kiro really has a bunch of tricks up his sleeve. *Changed some wording. GT was giving something about 108 minds and I couldn’t tell you what it meant. I searched forever and couldn’t find anything 🥲*
MC: Even “stealing relatives” needs to find a high-sounding reason~ *This, too...*
Kiro: Don’t you like it? It’s not impossible to omit this step next time…
Just as I was about to smile and pinch his palm, my phone sounded with the company’s notification tone.
MC: …Give me one sec.
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Kiro: Is it still busy during this time? 
MC: It’s okay~ In order to have a happy New Year with Superstar Kiro, I have already dealt with most of the stuff at work.
MC: Now we are waiting for an overseas company’s cooperation intention to reply.
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Kiro: So that’s it…and there’s a lot of time for me? 
After pressing the send button, I took his arm with a smile.
MC: Well, almost 70% of the time is yours. The rest I can leave to work~
Kiro: Not bad, I’m accounted for more than half of your time.
He rolled his eyes, took my hand and walked towards the parking lot.
But after walking a few steps, I suddenly felt something was wrong and squeezed his palm.
Like realizing something, I took two quick steps forward, then turned around to face him, carefully observing him as I walked backwards.
Perhaps because of the sunlight, his jawline was more defined, and even his eye sockets became somewhat deep.
Although I knew that in order to meet the requirements of the role, he needed to be thinner. But now that I actually get to see him in person, he was much thinner than in the video call a few days ago.
MC: …
I feel a surge of tears beginning to rise, making my eyes feel a little hot.
Kiro has made such an effort for this role. I want to affirm him more than feel sorry for him.
I sniffled hard, pretending to be cold, and gave him a big smile.
MC: Kiro, you did it, congratulations! You have lost a lot of weight! Now it is very in line with what you showed me before the appearance of the protagonist was set. *Changed some wording*
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Kiro: Really? Is it that obvious? 
MC: Of course! My Kiro now has a thin and lean beauty.
He opened his eyes slightly and smiled triumphantly.
Kiro: With your words, I seem to have the courage to insist on eating salad for a month again.
MC: You want to lose more weight?
Kiro: Well, after showing the teacher the premise of the character I’m playing, he thinks that the upper body needs to be thinner.
I froze for a moment and reacted belatedly.
MC: Are you talking about the ballet teacher you came here to take lessons with?
Kiro nodded.
MC: It seems that this mentor is really serious, otherwise he wouldn’t have made you willing to “toss” back and forth like this.
He seemed to be lost in thought, and after a while, he grinned wryly. 
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Kiro: It’s better to say...that he’s a devil teacher rather than just a teacher. 
[Second Part]
After returning to Kiro’s temporary residence in Bern, it was already dark.
First, he studied the script for two hours according to the plan, and after half an hour of exercise…
We finally lay down on the sofa and chatted while resting, listening to the stories about him practising when he was young.
MC: What?! Even if you practice until late at night the day before, you have to get up at 5:30 in the morning the next day to practise again? *Can confirm this is 100% true. Had some practices until midnight sometimes and then had to go to school bright and early the next day. Rip 🥲*
Hearing this, I couldn’t help raising my head from his arms in surprise.
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Kiro: Well, there are benefits to waking up early, too. You can take your time and have a hot breakfast. Otherwise, you can only just bite a piece of bread and run to class. 
Kiro: But what impressed me the most was that if we fell below his expectations even just a little bit, he would force us to stand on our heads.
Kiro: Ah— At that time, I was dizzy every day and often saw stars in front of my eyes in the room.
He paused and poked my nose triumphantly.
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Kiro: But under such strict training, I was accidentally trained to be a pro “One, two, three wooden man”! *If you’ve heard of “Freeze Dance”, it’s pretty similar to what I believe he’s saying here (except that it’s not a punishment lol). The goal of the game is to only dance when the music is playing. When the music stops, everyone freezes. If you’re caught moving even just a little bit, you’re out. Whoever is the last one remaining wins. For an added challenge, there’ll be certain poses that the players have to freeze in such as a tree or flamingo.*
MC: Pfft… why is this such a game? Is it some kind of trick to avoid the devil teacher?
Kiro: Hmph, that’s right! As long as I am punished to stand on my head, I will try to “idle” while he is not looking at me~
Kiro: If I don’t, my head will be filled with blood and I will pass out, and I don’t want the ambulance to “wee woo, wee woo” me away. *He actually makes the siren sounds LOL*
MC: …
Listening to him joking about his previous experience, I felt a bit of a tug at my heart.
Even though I know this is typical for professional training, I still feel that this is a bit “wicked” for a ten-year-old child.
MC: Damn, I didn’t expect it to be so “devilish”!
Faced with my belated dissatisfaction, Kiro just smiled, his eyes reflecting the colours of flickering stars.
Then his fingertips wove between mine as if absorbing their warmth and began caressing them gently.
Kiro: I didn’t care about those things long ago, but now that I’m hearing Miss Chips’ cry of injustice…
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Kiro: I am still very happy. 
I couldn’t help hugging him and leaning my head gently against his chest.
MC: …Then the reason why you came to him for mentoring is that this teacher has an irreplaceable strength?
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Kiro hugged me tightly, closing the distance between us silently. 
Kiro: That’s right. But at the beginning, I didn’t have such an idea, but when I was training in France some time ago…
Kiro: I found that although the teacher in charge is very professional, he just encouraged me to get used to things slowly whenever I made a mistake. *Changed some wording*
Kiro: But…I don’t have much time to get used to it.
Kiro: I have to practice every movement to the extreme as soon as possible so that I can take on more difficult skills. 
MC: Have you communicated with him? Ask him to be stricter?
He paused, his eyes flickering with a complex expression.
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Kiro: Well, he said that it was because I have missed the best age to practice professional ballet… 
Kiro: So even if one were to follow the requirements of professional dancers, it may not be enough.
He let go of me slightly, the deep sea in his eyes filled the night with more profound emotions secretly surging.
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Kiro: But even though he said that, I still can’t accept it. 
The classical music flowing continuously from the record player in the room became extremely clear in the “pause” at this moment.
Kiro got off the sofa silently and walked towards the centre of the terrace alone–
Looking at his sudden actions, I seemed to know what he was going to do next, but I also didn’t. 
I can only watch him quietly.
After he slightly raised the corners of his lips to me, his body swayed gently to the melody.
*Bear with me as I give some terminology. GT isn’t the best at giving exact details for movements, so I had to get creative to make the steps make sense in word format 😅*
Soon, he seemed to enter the state. Kiro took a round step, jumped into the air and twirled lightly. *It looks like here he is doing a piqué turn en dehors and then going into a tour en l’air. You can watch it here (start at 1:30)*
The moonlight spread across the area, dyeing him bright and clean. His slender arms seem to touch the stars, stretching with supple grace.
Several times, he made difficult moves in the air that I couldn’t put a name to, just like an angel who strayed into the mortal world. *(Video) The text doesn’t say which moves but this link will give you an idea of what is being described here* 
He danced like this in the moonlight with the specs of dust, flowing in my unmoving eyes.
I don’t know how long it took before Kiro put down his lightly raised arms and turned to look at me.
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Kiro: MC, this is the only episode that was approved by that teacher when I was ten years old. 
Kiro: Although I didn’t study with him for long, I still remember this part even now.
Kiro: …Every moment, height, and angle I never forgot.
Looking at the man who was still panting slightly, I couldn’t help sitting up from the sofa and staring at him sincerely.
MC: Kiro, although I don’t know much about ballet, I think the part you just performed was awesome.
MC: Just like the professional ballet dancers I see on TV.
Kiro: Really?
Kiro: But this is not enough.
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Kiro: Because I want to play the protagonist who is dancing in the presence of thousands of people on stage. 
Kiro: For this reason, he has put in a lot of hard work. He has been practising day and night since he was five years old. In the past twenty years, he never slacked off a single day.
Kiro: And there’s this kind of distance between me and that person that I can’t catch up with.
Kiro: I can only keep practising, keep running forward, and walk through every road he has experienced.
Kiro: Only in this way can I empathize with him and interpret this role more realistically.
Kiro said this softly, his eyes slowly falling back on me.
Kiro: Therefore, his skills must not be treated “according to” Kiro’s own conditions.
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Kiro: It is to be worthy of the stage of ten thousand people. 
Kiro: I have to be worthy of this pride.
Kiro spoke firmly against the night as if nothing could shake him.
At the same time, a gust of evening wind blows, and the raised hem of his clothes outlines his emaciated body.
The already distinct collarbone is getting deeper now, and even his shoulder blades are clearly protruding.
The emotion called “distress” turned into a thin rope at this time and it slowly twisted, making my breathing more rapid.
I silently walked behind Kiro and hugged him proudly but gently.
MC: Kiro, if you work hard, you will definitely make it through.
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MC: And I will always be with you. 
He turned around with a smile and rubbed my head.
Kiro: Then I will prepare you in advance. *Changed some wording*
Kiro: I may practice without sleep or food, and may even have some small abrasions on my body…
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Kiro: You can’t stop me then. 
Hearing his coquettish tone, I couldn’t help smiling and leaning into his arms.
MC: Of course, I know that. After all, you are Kiro who pursues perfection.
MC: Besides, I’m by your side now.
MC: If you feel tired and out of breath because you are too involved in doing something…
MC: I will hold you firmly like driftwood in the water so that you can find support as soon as you reach out. Reach out and I’ll be there.
MC: Let me help you find your breath.
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MC: So you can rest assured do your best. 
[Memory Silhouette]
It was late at night and light snow fell outside the window.
Kiro sat in a corner of the terrace, quietly watching the world being gradually dyed into a pure white.
He originally thought that the chat tonight was just a shallow recollection of childhood trivialities.
But the sleepless heart lying on the bed seemed to prove that his emotions were not as relaxed as he had thought.
Although he has long forgotten how painful it is to stretch his legs to the right degree. *Changed some wording*
He could still vaguely see a picture in his mind with transparent ink stains dripping on the smooth floor.
It’s just that no one can tell whether it’s tears or sweat. *From experience, probably both 🥲*
Kiro exhaled lightly, stood up on his tiptoes and jumped again following the fluttering white snow.
But even so, he still likes it all.
Whether it is music or dance, they can make one’s heart calm.
And even more so when he was a child.
Apart from KEY’s home, he likes to spend time alone in the practice room.
You can temporarily isolate yourself, and then devote your full being to the melody of each stanza. *Changed some wording*
It’s where no one can bother him, it belongs to him alone–
A secret base.
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Thinking of this, Kiro couldn’t help raising the corners of his lips. 
He hummed softly, and in the ever-changing dance steps, he caught flakes of white snow with his palm.
It wasn’t until a cloud slowly blows away that the obscured stars finally appear.
Kiro looked at the sky and couldn’t help but speak softly.
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Kiro: Miss Chips, the stars are out. 
After a brief silence, Kiro looked back at the girl who was already asleep and walked quietly to her side.
The girl fell asleep peacefully, the laptop was still on the quilt, and the screen was covered with program budgets.
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Kiro: Trying to work with jet lag must be hard, right? 
Kiro picked up the laptop while talking, and after pressing the save button, he closed the screen and put it aside.
Just when he was about to get into bed, he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly stayed in place. 
Kiro: …
In the next second, Kiro began to rub his somewhat cold hands to warm them up and then on the clothes and trousers that were penetrated with cold air.
It wasn’t until his body became warm that he lifted the quilt and lay down slowly.
But before he could find the most suitable sleeping position, the girl suddenly rolled over and hugged him.
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Kiro: Are you a koala? You found the right place in one go. 
Even though he said this, he still gently took the girl into his arms.
Just as he closed his eyes contentedly, he suddenly opened his eyes as if he had forgotten the most important thing.
Kiro smiled, leaned over and kissed the girl’s soft lips. *This is a reference to his first Exclusive Memory in his Mini House where they agreed to share a kiss in the morning when they wake up and before they go to bed 💛*
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Kiro: Good night, my Miss Chips. 
[Third Part]
The morning sun gleamed leisurely on my eyelids. I opened my eyes and found that the other half of the bed was empty, only covered with residual warmth.
Thinking that Kiro had already woken up, I also took out the laptop beside the bed and started working.
There is a seven-hour time difference between Loveland City and here, so I can only start work in the early hours of the morning and at midnight.
In order to finalize the cooperation intention with the overseas “TN” company earlier, I have been organizing online meetings with Anna and optimized the planning proposal and budget table many times.
It’s just that the other party hasn’t expressed its intention and my heart is beginning to sink.
After another reminder to keep the staff on track, I got off the computer and walked out of the bedroom in my nightgown.
(Cut to courtyard)
The morning sun shines in through the leaves in the courtyard, casting a peaceful moment.
I walked lazily until I noticed the empty yogurt bowl on the island in front of me and a banana peel in the trash can.
This scene reminded me of the thin frame dancing in the moonlight.
I pursed my lips, stepped forward and opened the refrigerator–
At a glance, there are only fruits and vegetables and unsweetened yogurt on the side door panel.
MC: He’s been eating these every day…there’s not even meat.
I continued to rummage and finally found a steak in the small and exquisite freezer with a sticky note on the sealed bag–
Kiro: “I’ll eat you on Thursday!”
Kiro: “What’s Kiro, who’s had meat for only two days, going to do? Can’t stand it T_T *Changed some wording*
Just seeing the words on the sticky note, his tone of grievance and bitterness filled in my mind.
Feeling sad, I picked up a pen and wrote a cute little sentence–
“I promise that when you accomplish the weight loss, we will find an authentic hot pot restaurant in Switzerland, so come on!”
After closing the refrigerator, I sighed and walked toward the living room. My gaze continued to search for Kiro’s figure.
As if responding to me, after turning a corner, I heard soft piano music playing slowly.
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I followed the sound and saw a figure standing against the light. 
Kiro stepped on the green grass with bare feet and stretched his slender arms toward the blue sky as if he was stroking something.
His fingertips touch the tree trunk, one arm stretched over the other as his leg extended up in the air.
The close-fitting clothes trace out lean lines and the light is like a paintbrush, leaving traces of lustre. *Once again, GT wasn’t very clear, but it sounds like he is doing an adage which is slower-paced to focus on lines and extensions of the body. The video here will give you an idea.* 
Under the shadowy backlight, that unreal figure seemed to make me really see the dream-chasing boy in the script.
The sky and the earth are his audience, the grass, trees and sunshine are his feathers, and the sound of rustling leaves in the wind is the uninterrupted applause.
And like a noble prince standing under the sunlight, the immediate everything is calmly captured in his eyes.
I never made a sound, unwilling to destroy the eternal moment in this “picture frame”. It wasn’t until the sound of the piano subsided that he finally stopped and sat on the soft bed next to him. *It’s interesting that “picture frame” is mentioned because this is one of the techniques used in dance. You can use it for any sort of dance but adage is one where it’s super important to remember. Basically, imagine that as you are dancing, there is a photographer who is taking pictures of you throughout. As these pictures are being taken, you want the photographer to capture each and every position you go through to get to the next. While you want each position to be clear in the picture, you also have to remember to have your body flow rather than have it be rigid.*
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I don’t know what he is thinking as he waits for his panting breaths to calm down. Only then did he reach out and lace his fingers into his hair gently, lifting it out of the way. 
My gaze was following his movements, and when I found that the zipper was reaching his waist, I opened my mouth in a strange way.
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MC: Do you need help? 
Hearing my voice, Kiro paused slightly. He stood still for a moment and then looked sideways at me.
The moment our eyes met, the deep blue sea begins to secretly surge.
It’s as if it’s going to drag me into the tide.
Kiro: Well, help me undo it.
His voice was slightly hoarse. I walked over and slowly undid the zipper.
With the movement, the tulle of the shirt slid to the sides, revealing the thin neck and slightly protruding spine.
Perhaps the sunlight was a bit dazzling which made me involuntarily put my fingertips on his.
It is a different touch from the past because it is not so smooth. It is also a little cold.
I pursed my lips and continued to pull down the zipper. Looking at the gradually revealing spine, I finally couldn’t help blurting out my silent emotions.
MC: Kiro, I’ve made up my mind, I want to accompany you. Let’s start with a salad.
MC: I know it will be very hard for one person, so let’s work together to resist the temptation of delicious food. Just consider it a challenge!
MC: But you have to promise me that when the shooting is over, you will eat all the meat that is hidden away.
MC: If Savin disagrees, I will help you to intercede.
MC: Otherwise…you might as well take on some characters that need to gain muscle so that you can eat delicious foods freely–
Without waiting for these words to pour out, he suddenly turned around, put his hands on my lower back and kissed me.
The sudden kiss made me feel overwhelmed, but the instigator just kept silent as he breathed with me.
Slowly, his cold body embraced me and we sank onto the soft couch together, as if immersed in a clear spring in winter.
I opened my eyes slightly and found that the eyes of the person close at hand were still shut, his eyelashes trembled slightly with his breathing.
But soon, he seemed to notice my gaze and opened his eyes.
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Kiro: … 
Now that his eyes were no longer closed, he looked at me quietly, his fingertips wandering around my lower back.
His fingertips were “cascading”, slowly running over my back and continuously rolling upwards until finally sinking deep into my hair.
The fingertips that kept rubbing made me shiver slightly.
Kiro: MC…
MC: Hm?
I murmured indulgently, but not even a moment after my breath was released, he seized me again.
At the same time, the nightgown was easily untied.
His kiss slowly moved downstream, leaving a ticklish feeling everywhere he went.
Although my body trembled slightly, I couldn’t help but want to do something… I raised my chin and caught his eyes which were as muddled as mine.
MC: Kiro…
MC: Hold me closer.
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Kiro: Mm. 
Even though I said this, I was the first to wrap my arms around him, making sure to leave no extra gaps.
In this way, we roamed each other’s bodies in this clear spring surging with tides, letting the temperature slowly boil.
Until the sun rises and completely covers the spring–
Only fine layers of sweat were left in the silence between each other which seemed to confirm something.
He finally let me go, but his warm fingertips were still caressing my collarbone.
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Kiro: You know what? Before you came, I thought this morning was going to be a repeat of the previous few days. 
I lay in his arms, a little confused by the sudden conversation, but he just raised the corners of his lips and continued talking.
Kiro: After repeating the exercises over and over again, my brain began to empty, and I imagined myself coming to the seaside. My feet were no longer touching green grass, but rather soft sand.
Kiro: It seems that you can float in the clouds with just a light jump.
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Kiro: At that time, I was thinking, what could be better than now? 
He stopped slowly, looking down at me.
Kiro: Then you stopped me.
Kiro: At that moment, all the bubbles of my fantasy disappeared little by little until there was no sea or beach.
Kiro: I came back to reality and saw my favourite scene.
At this moment, looking at those blue eyes that only reflected me, my heart began to softly surge.
MC: Is that what’s best for you?
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Kiro: Well, there is no other scenery like yours. 
I buried myself in his chest with a smile. We tacitly enjoyed the tranquillity at this moment and felt each other’s breath.
Until some sudden sound came from my stomach.
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Before I could explain myself, Kiro poked my stomach with a smile. 
Kiro: It seems like Miss Chips’ stomach has started to eat itself. 
MC: I…
He smiled brighter and lowered his head to rub the tip of my nose.
Kiro: But it’s mainly my fault that I didn’t prepare breakfast for you in advance.
After he finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the kitchen. Halfway through, he suddenly thought of something and turned to look at me.
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Kiro: By the way, come to class with me after eating. I already let the teacher know in advance~ 
[Fourth Part]
In the afternoon, I ended up in a sunny classroom and met the rumoured “Devil Teacher”.
He is warming up at the barre. Although his hair is white, his face is thin and his eyes are as sharp as an eagle’s.
From the slender limbs and elegant posture, it is not difficult to see that even in his sixties, he still has the ultimate pursuit of art.
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Kiro: Bonjour, professeur. 
Kiro looked at me, wrapped an arm around my waist and continued speaking in French so that I couldn’t understand–
It wasn’t until I caught my name that I realized he was introducing me to the teacher.
I hurriedly nodded to the teacher and wondered whether I should also greet him in French, but my tongue was tied when I opened my mouth.
MC: [In English] …Hi, nice to meet you.
Teacher: Bonjour.
The teacher nodded calmly, and with a wave of his forearm, gave way to the position of the barre as if signalling the start of class.
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Kiro: I’m ready to start, so you have to keep looking at me. 
He leaned over slyly and looked at me, tilted his head and pecked my cheek lightly.
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MC: Kiro…the teacher is still there. 
Kiro: Don’t worry, he’s a “devil”, but he’s also a romantic French man.
As he spoke, he took out the dance shoes in his bag and changed into them. After taking off his jacket, he revealed the clothes he wore for practising from not long ago.
Watching him walk quickly to the barre to start warming up, I also went to the corner and sat down quickly.
The piano accompaniment sounded quickly and the classroom is gradually filled with dancing and Bu Bu’s main theme.
Teacher: Non, non, non…!! (No, no, no…!!)
Although I don’t understand French, from the teacher’s passionate tone sounding again and again, I also noticed that the atmosphere is tense and strict.
In just ten minutes, Kiro’s clothes were soaked with sweat, his cheeks were flushed, and he gasped for breath.
But he never stopped. He took a step back onto his left leg with his arms held to the side and bent his knees–
After a burst of momentum, he began to rotate round and round.
Sweat drops were scattered onto the ground following the inertia, and the only sound left in the whole classroom was the sound of the rotation… *(Video) From the sounds of it, Kiro’s doing pirouettes or fouette’s, but I’m leaning towards pirouettes.*
The corrections sounded continuously along with “Non”. *Changed some wording*
Suddenly, the picture in front of me gradually overlapped with a thin golden figure following the story I heard last night.
I thought that when he was a child, in the face of such a “vicious spirit”, he would be trembling.
But looking at it now, that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Even if the nay-saying voice is louder, he held his jaw up high and proceeds to jump up in the air, one smooth movement after the other. *(Video) Possibly grand allegro?*
His face stays determined throughout as if nothing could defeat him.
Looking at him like this, the little golden portrait I built in my mind was stroked with “pride”.
Involuntarily, I took out my phone and silently recorded the picturesque scene.
After an unknown amount of time, the light was dyed red-gold by time and afterglow slipped in.
I straightened my body slightly, and the moment the devil teacher stepped out of the classroom, I quickly walked in front of Kiro.
At this time, he was sitting on the floor stretching his muscles. I squatted down, handed over the water bottle and kissed him lightly.
MC: Kiro, thank you for your hard work~
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Kiro: It wasn’t hard, I’m just a little tired– 
He pouted coquettishly, opened his arms, and lay back on the floor.
MC: The floor is so cold, you’ll catch a cold like this!
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Kiro: Then you should come and warm me up. 
Kiro smiled and tugged me lightly so that I fell into his lap and open arms.
As if he wanted to rest for a while, he closed his eyes, his fingertips caressed my shoulder restlessly.
Kiro: Miss Chips, how did I do in class?
MC: Do I really need to say? You did very, very well, of course.
Kiro: Hmm…could this be the encouragement of love?
MC: Wrong. To be precise, it is the encouragement and affirmation of love~
MC: If you don’t believe me, take a look at the dance you just did. It was just like a dynamic oil painting~
As I said that, I took out my cell phone and played the video I just recorded for him.
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Kiro: Sigh…It seems that the jump is not high enough and the feeling of staying in the air isn’t either. 
Kiro: And when controlling the legs, the insteps are not very straight, and it seems that the muscles are subconsciously relaxed.
According to his comments, I carefully observed every frame of the screen for a second and finally poked him with my elbow helplessly.
MC: …Are you sure you’re not nitpicking? *If there’s one thing that most dancers hate, it’s watching themselves dance in a video. It’s like “Omg, not the sickled foot! 😫” “ What is that leg doing?!” LOL*
MC: Or maybe it’s because I’m an outsider, so I can’t see things the same way you do.
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Kiro: Maybe both? 
Kiro: After all, in the eyes of the professional, you can see at a glance whether the movements are in place.
Kiro: So I still have a long, long way to go before reaching that level.
Kiro: It just so happens that there is no class tomorrow, so why not spend the whole day in the practice room, trying to improve the instep situation…
Even though he said that, his tone was not the slightest bit discouraged. On the contrary, there is still a bit of eagerness to try.
I couldn’t help but prop my head sideways, stretch out my thumb and poke his cheek like a stamp.
MC: Kiro, you are really amazing.
He also imitated me and turned his head sideways and touched the tip of my nose.
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Kiro: Huh? Did you just find out that I’m amazing today? 
MC: …Seriously?? I’m praising you!
Seeing me pretending to be serious, he smiled and narrowed his eyes like the corners of his mouth. The little bear dipped in honey obediently waits for “praise”.
MC: Because I saw you in class today, I realized that this process seems to be more difficult than I imagined.
MC: It is simply a double tempering of the mind and body…but you seem to be enjoying it, so that’s what makes it amazing.
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Kiro: Hearing you say that, I don’t seem to be bad~ 
I smiled and winked as I handed the microphone to his mouth.
MC: In this case, I want to interview Superstar Kiro. What tips can you pass on to me in this regard?
MC: I also want to have fun on the journey of training~
He rolled his eyes and laid down again with his head on top of his arms.
Kiro: It seems that there is no trick, I just often see things that make me stick to it when I practice. *Such a dancer thing to say haha*
I looked around the classroom, tilting my head in confusion.
MC: But isn’t there just a barre and a mirror here?
Kiro: Not quite, maybe it’s because our perspectives are different?
Kiro: For example, in your eyes, what you see is that I keep dancing and practising.
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Kiro: But in my eyes, besides the barre and the mirror, I also see many different things. 
MC: What is that?
Kiro: …I’m trying to figure out how to describe it to you.
In the end, his eyes lit up. When he came close to me, his sweet breath stopped at the tip of my nose.
Kiro: Let’s see, how about you practice with me tomorrow?
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Kiro: So that you can see what I see. 
[Memory Silhouette]
In the evening after Kiro and I got back from class, we began eating a salad.
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Kiro: Miss Chips, are you sure you don’t want to add any salad dressing? 
Kiro: You know you don’t have to follow so closely.
I nodded with firm eyes, put a vegetable in my mouth and chewed.
MC: No need, I said I want to be with you.
MC: And eating a healthy salad is good for me, too. It’ll help to remove the buildup of the greasy food I ate before~
MC: If I’m really gluttonous, I’ll use the “self-deception method”--
As I said this, I picked up a piece of tofu, closed my eyes and put it in my mouth.
MC: This is meat, this is meat. Just chew this tender and fragrant meat.
Kiro: I’ll try it, too.
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Kiro: What I’m eating now is tender beef and eggs. 
I couldn’t help but secretly open my eyes halfway and smile after Kiro had followed my example and closed his eyes to eat.
MC: So? Does it work?
He opened his eyes and shrugged his shoulders with a helpless smile.
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Kiro: No, it’s just plain white tofu. 
Kiro: Ah– I can’t wait until tomorrow to eat that steak.
Hearing this, I suddenly thought of something and opened my mouth while picking up some beans.
MC: By the way, you said that there is no class tomorrow in the afternoon and you can only practice by yourself.
MC: So when is your next class?
He rolled his eyes and bit into a vegetable.
Kiro: Next Monday.
I froze for a moment and couldn’t help being a little surprised.
MC: Is there always such a long time between classes?
Kiro: Well, he has so many students to teach, so the queue is very full.
MC: Ah..that sounds so hard having to teach classes all day long.
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Kiro: He doesn’t find it hard. Since he retired from the stage, he has been teaching students who also want to be on the stage. Kiro: In this way, day after day, twenty or thirty years have passed.
MC: Amazing… *I’ve had a couple of professors who were in their seventies. One of them even performed occasionally, too.*
Before I could finish speaking, Kiro took out a tissue, wiped the corner of my mouth lightly, and continued to eat with a fork.
Kiro: Mm, but being able to maintain his fierce character for thirty years is something that is special about him…
MC: You never really talked about his gentle side before. Is it the encouragement method? *Changed some wording*
Kiro thought for a while, smiled and shook his head.
Kiro: He himself said that he can gently praise and encourage just like other teachers.
Kiro: But to do so would smooth out the edges of genius.
Kiro: If ultimate perfection is desired, then indulgent compliments should be an afterthought. 
MC: …Hold on.
I bit the fork lightly, pretending to look at Kiro seriously.
MC: Could it be that your perfectionism was nurtured by this teacher?
Kiro: That’s not true, it just happens to be the same idea.
MC: Really…you already had such an awareness when you were ten years old?
MC: At that time, I would only cry and complete all the holiday homework the day before school started…
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Kiro put down the fork, smiled and rubbed my head. 
Kiro: Of course, at the time I didn’t know what the term perfectionism meant.
Kiro: I just simply wanted to be the best, to be first.
Looking at his smiling eyes, I couldn’t help pinching his nose.
MC: A very ambitious ghost– *I don’t know what this was meant to be*
Kiro: As you said, being a workaholic is not bad~ 
He pinches my nose in return and then puts the two empty salad bowls in the sink and starts cleaning.
I blinked and ran to help him clean up the table.
MC: After washing, I’ll help you with the lines, alright?
His soapy hand paused slightly, and after a while, he quickly pecked the side of my face.
MC: Pfft…Are you that happy to practice lines with me?
Kiro: Of course, with your sweet self by my side, I’m jumping with joy. *Changed some wording*
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Kiro: So how can I be unhappy when I am soaked in a honeypot~ 
[Fifth Part]
On the second day, wisps of morning light were hidden behind the classroom door. I pushed it lightly and the sun enveloped my whole body at once, making me feel marvellous and causing my eyes to narrow.
MC: Sure enough, a beautiful day starts by being greeted by the sun.
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Kiro: That’s right, today’s practice will definitely be “distinction”. *Changed the word at the end because one of the highest levels of marks you can get in a ballet exam is called “distinction” (at least in RAD)* 
Thinking about what Kiro said yesterday, I smiled and wrapped my arms around the nape of his neck.
MC: But before starting, let me say this in advance!
MC: If I look stiff and have two left feet, you must not laugh at me. *Changed some wording*
He looked at me who was close at hand, leaned in and pecked the side of my lips.
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Kiro: Okay, but before that, go and change your clothes, alright? 
MC: …Clothes?
I followed his gaze and looked back to find a brand new dance skirt on the stool in the classroom.
Kiro: You should know that in addition to office supplies and daily necessities in your suitcase, there are only Spring Festival-themed clothes to be worn here.
Kiro: I don’t have any close-fitting sportswear, so I had to ask someone to buy some overnight.
I walked over curiously and picked up the dance skirt. It was like a cicada’s wings, the thin lace looked gorgeous and comfortable.
MC: Why is this different from the practice clothes in my memory, it looks like a performance costume–
Kiro slightly shrugged his shoulders, cunning in his eyes.
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Kiro: Maybe that’s because it was bought for the “princess” I talked to on the phone? ….She’s both cute and fascinating. 
MC: ……You really didn’t say that, did you? 
He smiled and took off his coat and the practice clothes he had changed into were inexplicably matched with the skirt in my hand.
Kiro: Miss Chips is so silly. Actually, I ordered this skirt online myself overnight.
Kiro: It’s just that my eyes are too picky, so I finally chose the one that I think is best.
Kiro: Of course, the prerequisite for choosing is that it has to match my clothes.
After changing clothes and walking into the classroom, Kiro’s gaze fell on me and he laughed.
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Kiro: It’s so beautiful. Now it’s time to invite my Princess Chips to warm up with me~ 
As he spoke, he led me to the barre and I imitated his movements and put my leg on the barre.
In an instant, I felt my muscles being stretched.
Kiro: Does it hurt?
Kiro walked behind me and lightly stroked my lower thigh with his fingertips which made me tremble uncontrollably.
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MC: …No, but it’s a bit ticklish. 
Kiro: Then just try to bear it? Your body is left vulnerable to injury if it’s not properly warmed up. 
Seeing me nodding my head, he also suppressed his smile a little and helped me warm up earnestly.
His cold fingertips moved from my thighs to my waist and then my butterfly bone. After a while, sweat beads began to appear.
His fingertips are no longer cold, almost as if they were absorbing my increasing body temperature.
It wasn’t until the sunlight shifted after a few minutes that I exhaustedly leaned on his shoulder.
MC: Why…is warming up so tiring. I feel that it’s even more energy-consuming than Pilates. *Between the two, Pilates rocked me omg. My body wouldn’t stop shaking after 😖. But ballet warm-ups can be hella intense, too. I had one teacher that used to say that if you’re not pouring sweat after the first exercise, you’re doing something wrong 😅*
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Kiro: You can’t stop now, this is just the beginning. 
Without waiting for me to make a bitter face, he rubbed my cheek.
Kiro: Or do you not want to feel it?
MC: Of course I do, what should I do next?
At this time, there was a vibrating sound which seemed to be coming from my cell phone on the bench.
I glanced at Kiro, walked over suspiciously and picked it up to find it was Anna calling.
Anna: MC, TN, which had been wanting to talk about cooperation before has finally agreed.
Anna: But the profit they proposed is far worse than our expectation. We don’t even have the authority to plan the programs we cooperate with…It feels like the company has exhausted all its options.
MC: Is there room for negotiation?
Anna: Probably not. After all, TN is an experienced overseas media company, and many domestic media companies want to cooperate with them even after paying money.
My heart sank. Facing this “favourite” in the eyes of the media, I was speechless, so I had to end the call first.
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Kiro: What’s the matter? Your expression doesn’t look good. 
I don’t know when but Kiro came to my side and rubbed between my brows.
I took a deep breath and briefly explained the incident.
MC: I thought it was good news, but I didn’t expect it to be a sum of money that would almost erase our profits besides increasing popularity.
As I said that, I buried myself in his chest with some distress.
MC: But in the long run, this is a very important step in the strategy of “occupying” overseas markets.
MC: So is it better to agree to cooperate?
Kiro: So you’re conflicted about which option to go with?
MC: After all, it is a matter of choice. No matter which option we go with, I won’t feel very reconciled…
Kiro gently stroked my hair, his eyes filled with light.
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Kiro: I don’t think there’s anything to be worried about. 
He said this and took me to the barre and put my hands on top of it.
Kiro: MC, in order to achieve our goals, we have to accept that no trade-offs can be made.
Kiro: But it’s not a once-and-for-all decision. Sometimes it’s only an illusion that confuses you.
Kiro: Let you mistakenly think that giving up important things will give you better returns in the future.
MC: Kiro…
Gazing into my perplexed eyes, he just moved closer to me, breathing lightly by my ears.
Kiro: I still remember the teacher telling me in my first ballet class–
Kiro raised my chin with his fingertips, making my breathing stop.
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Kiro: Never bow your head so easily. 
His eyes are clear and bright in the sun, but also a little fierier.
Kiro: Everyone has their own pride.
Kiro: So we need to continue to maintain it to keep it fulfilled.
No matter how slow I was, I realized that Kiro seemed to care about what he was referring to.
Kiro: And, if you want to let your every move be relaxed and controlled.
Kiro: Then you yourself must first have strength.
In the next second, his fingers moved between my legs. Within seconds, tremors spread all over my body.
Kiro: Squeeze your legs.
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Kiro: The strength runs through from the feet to the head, so this way you can stand more firmly and not be easily shaken. 
A low but undeniable voice sounded in my ears. I took a light breath and tried to squeeze my legs together according to his words.
I gradually felt his fingertips being squeezed and restrained by my legs, but I still let his fingertips climb up calmly.
Kiro: Your inner strength is not enough, I can still do whatever I want. *Just want to add that this is something that dance teachers stress to their students. Having inner thigh strength is one the most important things to maintaining good balance, along with core strength.*
As if to prove his words, he pulled out his hand and easily picked up my leg with one finger and slowly tightened his palm.
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The sudden move made me want to look in the mirror ahead. 
He seemed to sense what I was going to do and gently held my jaw. *The position that MC is in is called arabesque*
MC: Kiro…?
Seeing that I was a little surprised, those quiet eyes finally turned into a small smile.
Then he leaned closer and rubbed my shoulder.
Kiro: Miss Chips, remember what I said yesterday?
Kiro: About what exactly I saw in my vision.
MC: Mm…
He smiled lightly and looked into the distance.
Kiro: I’m not actually watching myself in the mirror doing one movement one after another.
Kiro: Nor am I looking at every person and thing in this classroom.
He paused and slowly retracted his palm that was tightly holding my waist.
Kiro: I will look to the end of the distance. *YASSSS!! This is another thing that is taught in dance. You don’t want to just aim your focus at the audience or at an object, you want to project it outside the venue and beyond.*
Kiro: Sometimes there is the sea, the green grass, and the place where I shuttle between cities.
Kiro: They are all my stages.
Kiro: And when I perform on my stage, how can I feel bitter?
Kiro: I just feel satisfied, and I just want to stay on this stage just a little longer.
Looking at the vast sea in his eyes, my heart also ripples like the waves.
It surges endlessly, pushing me to the bright place again and again.
Kiro: Now, do you still feel stuck on which decision to make? 
I looked and him and shook my head slightly.
MC: It seems that I no longer am. I know what I should do now.
Seeing that I had an answer, Kiro laughed.
In the next second, he held my waist with both hands like in a classic ballet pas de deux and lifted me into the air.
Kiro: MC, I have one more thing to ask you.
He said this while supporting me to turn and face the window.
Kiro: Can you tell me what the scenery is in your eyes right now?
Following his voice, I looked at everything in my field of vision and my heart began to surge softly.
MC: I…
MC: I see the grass, the sky, and the distance…
MC: I see many beautiful sceneries.
Even though it is an all-too-common scene in front of me, I dare not blink at this moment.
I don’t want to spoil a single bit of it.
Kiro: You said before that if I feel tired, out of breath or frustrated…
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Kiro: You’ll be the driftwood that’ll always hold me up. 
Kiro: So that I can do whatever I want to the best of my ability.
Kiro: And I’ll be yours. 
Kiro lowered me slowly while talking and we were attached to each other without any gaps.
His eyes were shining brightly as if this fine light is enough to light up my whole being.
I couldn’t help but hold his cheeks and smile brightly.
MC: Kiro, you have always been doing something like this for me.
MC: I know you will always be by my side, encouraging and supporting me. So no matter what happens, I won’t be timid.
MC: You have always been my strength. *CRYING RN*
Kiro shook his head lightly with a gorgeous smile on his face.
Kiro: Just this is not enough.
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Kiro: I want even more of you. 
After speaking, he gently held my head and kissed me tenderly.
His breath is so soft, but it seems to be able to invade my whole world, leaving only the surging sea.
I just lay in the blue ocean, letting it move my body with the tides.
In his arms, I also slowly closed my eyes, feeling his temperature, feeling being surrounded by light–
Because my heart has already crafted the brightest and most beautiful scenery.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Holidays 8.23
Asian Corpsetwt Day [Every 23rd]
Battle of Kursk Day (Russia)
Black Ribbon Day (Baltic states)
The Blitz Begins (WW2; 1940; UK)
Daffodil Day [also 4th Friday]
European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism (EU)
Find Your Inner Nerd Day
Flag Day (Ukraine)
Goldfinch Day
Grand Mahal de Touba (Senegal)
Hashtag Day
Health Unit Coordinator Day
Hebron Massacre Anniversary (Israel)
Hug Your Sweetheart Day
International Blind Dog Day
International Day For the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition (UN)
International Redhead Day
Internaut Day
Liberation from Fascist Occupation Day (Romania)
National Cheap Flight Day
National Doctors’ Day (Iran)
National Holiday (Socialist Republic of Romania)
National Levi Day
National Physicians Day (Iran)
National Plumber's Day
National Poetry Day (New Zealand)
National Sneak Off to the Beach Day
One-Way Street Day
Permanent Press Day
Pilot 823 Day
Purple Poppy Day (UK)
Ride the Wind Day
Sacco-Vanzetti Memorial Day
Schueberfouer Shepherd’s Fair begins (Luxembourg)
Singin’ in the Rain Day
Slavery Remembrance Day
Tansy Day
Tuberose Day (French Republic)
Umhlanga Day (Eswatini, f.k.a. Swaziland)
Valentino Day
Victory Over Germany in the Battle of Kursk Day (Russia)
William Wallace Day (Scotland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Buttered Corn Day
Cuban Sandwich Day
National Spongecake Day
Peruvian Coffee Day (Peru)
Swedish Meatball Day
World Vada Pad Day (Maharashtra, India)
Independence & Related Days
Aerlig (Declared, 2001) [unrecognized]
Hong Kong (UK Takes from China; 1839-Non-Aggression Pact; 1939)
Kharkiv City Day (Ukraine)
Mexico (Treaty of Aquala Signed; 1821)
Open Rebellion Day (UK declared US Colonies; 1775)
4th Friday in August
Brother’s Day [1st Friday after Full Moon]
Comfort Food Friday [Every Friday]
Daffodil Day (Australia, Southern Hemisphere) [4th Friday]
Five For Friday [Every Friday]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Forgive Your Foe Friday [Friday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Friday Finds [Every Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
International Pozole Day [4th Friday]
TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) [Every Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 23 (3rd Full Week of August)
Health Unit Coordinators Week (thru 8.29)
Festivals Beginning August 23, 2024
Askov Rutabaga Festival and Fair (Askov, Minnesota) [thru 8.25]
Big Feastival (Kingham, United Kingdom) [thru 8.25]
Bosque Chile & Music Fest (Albuquerque, New Mexico) [thru 8.24]
Butler Italian Festival (Butler, Pennsylvania) [thru 8.25]
Chorus Inside International (Rovinj, Croatia) [thru 8.28]
Colorado State Fair (Pueblo, Colorado) [thru 9.2]
DeKalb Corn Fest (DeKalb, Illinois) [thru 8.25]
Espoo Ciné International Film Festival (Espoo, Finland) [thru 9.1]
Fallon Cantaloupe Festival & Country Fair (Fallon, Nevada) [8.25]
Fête Rouge Food & Wine Fête (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
German-American Festival (Oregon, Ohio) [thru 8.25]
Hill City Wine, Brew and BBQ(Hill City, South Dakota) [thru 8.24]
Humungous Fungus Fest (Crystal Falls, Michigan) [thru 8.24]
Indianapolis GreekFest - Indianapolis, Indiana
Mammoth Rocks & Music & Food Festival (Mammoth Lakes, California) [thru 8.24]
Northwest Art and Air Festival (Albany, Oregon) [thru 8.25]
Nebraska State Fair (Grand Island, Nebraska) [thru 9.2]
Old Fashioned Corn Roast Festival (Loveland, Colorado) 9thru 8.24]
Oregon State Fair (Salem, Oregon) [thru 9.2]
Potato Days Festival (Barnesville, Minnesota) [thru 8.24]
Roots Festival (Paola, Kansas) [thru 8.24]
Shrewsbury Folk Festival (Shrewsbury, United Kingdom.) [thru 8.26]
Soybean Festival (Mexico, Missouri) [thru 8.24]
Sylvester Swine Festival (Sylvester, Georgia) [thru 8.24]
Washington State Garlic Fest (Chehalis, Washington) (thru 8.25]
Whiskies of the World (Boston, Massachusetts)
World Food & Music Festival (Des Moines, Iowa) [thru 8.25]
Feast Days
Allan Kaprow (Artology)
Appollinaris Sidnonius, Bishop of Clermont (Christian; Saint)
Appreciate What You’ve Got Day (Pastafarian)
Ascelina (Christian; Saint)
Asterius, Claudius, Domnina, Neon, and Theonilla (Christian; Martyrs)
Chǔshǔ begins (China) [Thru 9.7]
Claudius, Asterius and Others (Christian; Martyrs)
Day of Hephaestos (Pagan)
Day of Nemesea (Old Roman Goddess Nemesis, defender of the relics & memory of the dead from insults)
Dick Bruna (Artology)
Dollond (Positivist; Saint)
Dunadd in Argyll (Celtic Book of Days)
Éogan of Ardstraw (Christian; Saint)
Ernie Bushmiller (Artology)
Eugene Lanceray (Artology)
Eugenius of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Nemesis (Goddess of Fate; Ancient Greece)
Gaura Parba (Women’s Festival to Goddess Gauri; Nepal)
Great Feast of the Netjeru (All Gods/Goddesses; Ancient Egypt)
Hammer Fraggle (Muppetism)
Hannah Frank (Artology)
Janmashtami (Lord Krishna Nativity; Hindu)
Justinian the Hermit (Christian; Saint)
Keith Tyson (Artology)
Kirvis (Harvest Festival; Lithuania)
Lupus (a.k.a. Luppus) of Novae (Christian; Saint)
Nemeseia (Ancient Greece)
Nuclear Accident Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Philip Benitius (Christian; Saint)
Quiriacus and companions, of Ostia (Christian; Saint)
Rose of Lima (Christian; Saint)
Second Festival of Vertumnalia (Ripening Fruit; Ancient Rome; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Theonas, Archbishop of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Tydfil (Christian; Saint)
Vertumnalia (Old Roman God of the Change of Seasons)
Vulcanalia (Ancient Roman festival to Vulcan)
William Ernest Henley (Writerism)
Willy Russell (Writerism)
Zacchaeus of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
A-Hunting We Won’t Go (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1943)
Alice Adams (Film; 1935)
Angel Has Fallen (Film; 2019)
Animal Crackers (Film; 1930)
Barton Fink (Film; 1991)
Better Off Dead (Film; 1985)
The Big Sleep (Film; 1946)
Birdland (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Canadian Capers, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White, recorded Perez Prado (Song; 1954)
Club Life in the Stone Age (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
DC Super Hero Girls: Hero of the Year (WB Animated Film; 2016)
The Death of Superman (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Drinking Buddies (Film; 2013)
Freeway (Film; 1996)
The Girl at the Ironing Board (WB MM Cartoon; 1934)
Going! Going! Gosh! (WB MM Cartoon; 1952)
Grace, by Jeff Buckley (Album; 1994)
Henry IV, Part 2, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1600)
Knighty Knight Bugs (WB LT Cartoon; 1958)
Lover, by Taylor Swift (Album; 2019)
Pass the Biscuits Mirandy! (Swing Symphony Cartoon; 1943)
Scotty Finds a Home (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
She Loves You, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1963)
She’s the One (Film; 1996)
Sir Army Suit, by Klaatu (Album; 1978)
The Sun Also Rises (Film; 1957)
Superior Duck (WB Cartoon; 1996)
Superman: Man of Tomorrow (WB Animated Film; 2020)
Teen Wolf (Film; 1985)
That ’70s Show (TV Series; 1998)
Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz (WB Animated Film; 2011)
Woody’s Magic Touch (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1971)
The World’s End (Film; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Isolde, Philipp, Rosa, Zachäus (Austria)
Rozalija, Ruža, Ružica (Croatia)
Sandra (Czech Republic)
Zakæus (Denmark)
Signe, Singe (Estonia)
Signe, Varma (Finland)
Rose (France)
Isolde, Rosa, Zachäus (Germany)
Bence (Hungary)
Fabrizio, Maria, Regina (Italy)
Benjamins, Ralfs, Spriditis, Vitālijs (Latvia)
Girmantas, Pilypas, Tautgailė (Lithuania)
Signe, Signy (Norway)
Apolinary, Benicjusz, Filip, Laurenty, Sulirad, Walerian, Waleriana, Zacheusz (Poland)
Filip (Slovakia)
Rosa (Spain)
Signe, Signhild (Sweden)
Eugene, Eugenia, Geena, Gena, Gene, Genie, Gina, Jina, River, Zacchaeus, Zaccheus (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 236 of 2024; 130 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of Week 34 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 20 (Ji-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 19 Av 5784
Islamic: 17 Safar 1446
J Cal: 26 Purple; Fryday [26 of 30]
Julian: 10 August 2024
Moon: 80%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 11 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Dollond]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 65 of 94)
Week: 3rd Full Week of August
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 2 of 32)
Calendar Changes
Rad (Motion) [Half-Month 17 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 9.6)
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endless-season · 2 years
5th Anniversary Livestream - Puppet Skit
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You can watch the livestream recording here!
The Puppet skit is around 1:05:00 - 1:23:00
Host: Good evening everybody and welcome to Kitchen Battle! Tonight is the anniversary of Loveland TV and also the 5th anniversary special edition of Kitchen Battle! And so, today we’ve invited five popular guests to our studio to join us in celebrating the 5th anniversary and also cook us up a surprise!
Host: Without further ado, please welcome our guests, the Outstanding Talents of Loveland City
Host: The Expert Food Critic – Kiro!
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Kiro: My food judging skills are as good as my singing!
Kiro: Although last time when I was on a gourmet food variety show there were some… minor accidents… Tonight I’ll definitely show everyone my true cooking skills!
Host: *nervous laugh* Ok!
Host (away from mic): Could all staff please ensure that Kiro stays away from any open flames and knives to ensure safety and avoid any risks to the studio.
Host: Please welcome our next guest - Taste Adventurer, Gavin!
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Gavin: I’ll create impossible dishes out of readymade ingredients.
Gavin: No matter what happens next, I’ll accomplish this mission without a hitch.
Host: We’re just cooking, no need to be so tense… In any case, Officer Gavin please take your place.
Host: Please welcome our next guest – The Greatest Cookbook, Lucien!
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Lucien: I’ve already spent 3 days 8 hours and 21 minutes memorizing all the recipes online.
Lucien: By researching and analysing the experiences of our predecessors and their unique recipes, we can quickly master the secrets of the kitchen.
Host: It seems Professor Lucien’s already done some theoretical work before coming to the studio! Thanks for coming Professor Lucien.
Host: Please welcome our next guest – The Ultimate Chef, Victor!
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Victor: I won’t let these ingredient down.
Victor: Chef? This particular title should not be one used in a general setting. My assistant will be contacting you later to investigate the source of this information.
Host: Uh... ok Mr Victor.
Host: Please welcome our final guest - Food Tyrant, Shaw!
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Shaw: Yo boss, get me one of everything on the menu to try.
Shaw: Hurry up already, I’m hungry from all this waiting.
Host: Ok! All five of our guests are here! Welcome all!
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Host: First, if you could all introduce yourselves.
Kiro: Hello everyone! I’m Kiro, a well-known foodie of Loveland. Tonight I’ll definitely bring you all an incomparably delicious dish!
Gavin: I’m Gavin. I don’t usually cook, but I’ll try my best tonight.
Lucien: Hello, I’m Lucien. I believe facing an unfamiliar cuisine is just like facing an experiment with unknown results. Looking forward to a pleasant surprise.
Victor: I’m Victor. I’m sure everyone can look forward to a good dish.
Shaw: Me? Shaw. Can’t cook, gonna wing it tonight.
Host: Thank you all for coming tonight. Before we start with tonight’s special recipe, I have a few questions for everyone.
Host: Does anyone have any memorable cooking experiences to share? Or any expectations for tonight’s recipe.
Lucien: I don’t have much cooking experience, but each time is different. I trust tonight will also be a valuable experience.
Gavin: I trained a bit before coming here so my cooking skills may have improved. We’ll see how it goes later.
Kiro: I have a lot of memorable experiences tasting food! I hope to invent some never before seen food, like spicy donuts~
Victor: I have decent cooking experience. I guess you could say enough to be proficient. But of course, it would be nice to experience something new tonight.
Shaw: Hurry up and start already. Just make something I like eating.
Host: I’m sure our audience is all curious what our special 5th anniversary recipe is. But hold your horses, cooking isn’t that easy!
Host: Let’s start off with a small game, only after clearing it can you get all the ingredients needed!
Host: Please turn your attention to the screen.
Host: Warm Up Game! Ingredients Battle, you draw, I guess. Each game is divided into 5 rounds. The guests take turns to each draw the given prompt within 10 seconds and the other 4 guests try to guess the answer based on their drawing. Just a reminder, the prompts given are the ingredients needed for the secret recipe so try your best!
Kiro: This game’s easy! I’ll go first!
Host: Kiro is intensely drawing, what kind of artwork will he bring?
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Kiro: I’m done drawing! Tada! Super easy to guess!
Shaw: I can’t tell what it is.
Victor: If it’s an ingredient… maybe flour?
Gavin: Is it sesame seeds?
Lucien: Perhaps some form of seasoning like sugar or salt…
Correct Answer! Sugar
Kiro: Correct! As expected of Professor Lucien!
Lucien: Mm, the drawing is actually quite good, there’s an indescribable beauty about it.
Host: The first round was successfully passed, let’s continue with round two! Student Shaw, please take a look.
Shaw: Oh, my turn? Heh. Time for you have a look at my artistic skill. *humming while drawing*
Host: Student Shaw looks brimming with confidence, looking forward to see his work.
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Shaw: Ok everyone, look over here. Look carefully, next is the important part. *humming while erasing*
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Shaw: How is it? Easy yeah?
Victor: … Did he look at the wrong word?
Gavin: Is this some kind of performative art.
Lucien: Is it... chives?
Kiro: emmmm… I know! It’s strawberry! Hahahahah
Correct Answer! Strawberry! (T/N: Strawberry = lit. Grass + Gone)
Shaw: Not bad, pretty smart.
Kiro: Heh, as expected of me.
Lucien: Quite a creative way to communicate the prompt.
Gavin: It does make sense.
Victor: … a childish performance.
Host: Congratulations on another correct answer! Next, could we get Professor Lucien.
Lucien: Guess it’s my turn.
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Lucien: Sorry to make a fool of myself, time is limited so the drawing isn’t that great.
Kiro: Isn’t this a bit toooooooo refined. I’m guessing an egg? A duck’s egg? A quail egg!
Victor: Undoubtedly an egg.
Gavin: Agreed
Host: Student Shaw, how about your answer?
Shaw: … surely it can’t just be an egg, is there a catch.
Correct Answer! Egg!
Lucien: Too much caution can cause people to deviate from the correct answer.
Host: That’s right, it’s that easy! Let’s continue with the next round.
Gavin: I’ll go next.
Host: Officer Gavin is concentrating very hard, I trust it’ll be an amazing work.
Gavin: Um, I guess just like this.
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Kiro: Oh I know - Ice cream!
Lucien: Maybe mashed potato?
Shaw: Meat bun? Pork soup dumpling? Or is it crab dumpling? Tch, can’t tell.
Victor: Looks like a bowl of rice.
Gavin: … Everyone keep trying. Hint, it’s something sweet that makes people happy when they eat it.
Victor: … Cream?
Correct Answer! Cream!
Kiro: How did you guess that!
Victor: Got lucky…
Lucien: There is some resemblance.
Host: Next is Mr Victor, looking forward to his performance.
Victor: I will try my best.
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Kiro: Ah, it looks delicious. It’s chocolate chip cookies…
Gavin: Shouldn’t it be beef?
Lucien: I think it should be milk. The cookies are just a side.
Shaw: It’s clearly this cows afternoon tea.
Kiro: Huh…? Do cows drink milk for afternoon tea?
Shaw: Who said it had to be milk inside the glass.
Victor: Hm?
Lucien: Sometimes the truth nature of things is unexpectedly simple. No need for everyone to think too deeply. I think the answer is indeed milk.
Host: Well then, let’s see, is our last answer indeed milk?
Correct Answer! Milk!
Kiro: Sure enough, it was the simple answer.
Host: Congratulations everyone! Sugar, strawberry, egg, cream, milk. All ingredients successfully obtained~
Host: On to our next segment. Our kitchen battle officially begins!
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Host: Ingredients are in place, is everyone ready?
Kiro: Now that I think about it, this is my first time wearing an apron on camera.
Lucien: Congratulations on unlocking another life achievement.
Gavin: Erm… these aprons… *ahem* are a bit too cute.
Victor: Indeed. Compared to making a cake, this seems to be the greater challenge.
Kiro: Hey, someone’s trying to avoid it.
Shaw: *sighs* Okay, okay.
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Host: Okay, since everyone is ready, I’ll announce the aim of today’s challenge! Today our five guests will be making anniversary cake! Well then, let’s hand over to our guests!
Victor: Let’s divide up the work.
Kiro: Ok.
Gavin: Understood.
Lucien: No objections.
Shaw: I learn fast, anything is fine.
Victor: We’ll split into pairs. I’ll help out both sides. If there’s any problems, you can find me.
Shaw: *peaces out*
Kiro: Aw yeah! I’m going to make the best cake in the world.
Gavin: I’m going to do some warm up exercises on the side first.
Victor: *sighs* … so be it.
Lucien: I’ll check we have all the ingredients we need.
~ On Lucien and Shaw’s side ~
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Lucien: 3 eggs… 180g… so each egg should be 60g…
Shaw: You still haven’t finished choosing the eggs?
Lucien: But the scale says…
*A wild Victor emerges*
Shaw: Ahhh close enough.
Victor: Hm... actually-
Lucien: Sugar? If I’m remembering correctly… we only need 60g?
*Victor peaces out*
Lucien: It’s better to follow the ratio of the recipe to better guarantee the accurate result.
Lucien: Perfect, 60g on the dot. Hm… next is…
*A wild Kiro appears*
Kiro: Wow! I’ve discovered that milk plus lemon juice plus sugar tastes really good! I highly recommend this Kiro Original recipe to everyone!
Shaw: What are you having?
Kiro: An original mix, wanna try some?
Shaw: Lemme try. *drinks* Ah, not bad.
*A wild Victor appears*
Victor: What are you guys doing?
Shaw & Kiro : Ahhhhh
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*Shaw gets back to cooking, Kiro escapes into the sunset*
Victor: This smell…
Lucien: I’ve separated the egg white and egg yolk. I’ll leave the rest to you, student Shaw. I’m sure you’ll do well.
Shaw: No worries!
Lucien: First you stir clockwise 120 times, then you stir anticlockwise 150 times.
*A wild Victor emerges*
Lucien: Then add milk and butter, and stir clockwise and anticlockwise 180 times each.
Shaw: Hmm… so first, clockwise 120 times…
Shaw (in the bg): 101... 102... 103… 104…
Victor (whispering to Lucien): I don’t recall these steps in the recipe. Also the program staff prepared an electric mixer.
Shaw (in the bg): 105… 107… 108… 110… 115…
Lucien (whispering back): University students are always very energetic.
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pls appreciate this beautiful fanart
~ On Kiro and Gavin’s side ~
Gavin: Let me see… the next step… add a suitable amount of cocoa powder and some crushed biscuits…
Gavin: … Suitable amount? What’s a suitable amount? Some? How many is some?
Kiro: Urgh… the most annoying recipe instructions have appeared.
Gavin: Then… I’ll just go with gut feel…
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Gavin: *gasp* Oh no.
Kiro: Uh… no worries Officer Gavin, we’ll just start over.
Kiro: Here *passes egg*
Gavin: Thanks
Kiro: Here
Gavin: Thanks
Kiro: Here
Gavin: Thanks
*A wild Victor emerges*
Victor: How are you guys going?
Gavin: It should be… okay.
Victor: Why does it look like there’s eggshells in the cake… let me see.
Victor: You don’t have any more eggs!?
Kiro: Gavin’s already-
Gavin: *Ahem* So, can we move on to the next step?
Kiro: Right, yes, so next is putting on the cream.
Gavin: I’ll do it.
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Kiro: Go go you can do it!
Victor: Don’t be nervous. This part is easy.
Kiro: Ah!
Gavin: Um. Did I put too much cream?
Victor: Pause time and immediately finish the entire thing… feasibility is… … *sighs*
Host: The cake base for all the 5 guests is already complete, next up is time for their individual decorations. What kind of cake will they make? Let’s have a look.
Host: Hm. We see Kiro here with a lot of chips… what kind of cake are you planning to make?
Kiro (stuffing his face with chips): Wait, no looking. This is my original recipe and cannot be leaked.
Host: Uh, I’m sure it’ll be a great cake.
Host: Well then, let’s have a look at our next guest.
Host: Officer Gavin seems to be deep in contemplation.
Host: Officer Gavin, could you share with us your ideas for the cake?
Gavin: Huh? Oh, okay.
Gavin: Um. I’m not very good at making cakes. I’m still coming up with an idea.
Host: O-oh I see. Good luck Officer Gavin.
Host: Let’s see Professor Lucien’s latest progress.
Host: Professor Lucien, do you have any particular designs or ideas for the cake?
Lucien: You’ll need to wait and see it with your own eyes to appreciate it.
Host: Professor Lucien gives off an unpredictable feeling, we’ll look forward to see your amazing work.
Host: Lastly we have Mr Victor.
Host: Wow, as expected of the Ultimate Chef, such extraordinary skills~
Victor: I do not want to be disturbed while cooking.
Host: Ah okay, so exquisite I can’t bear to eat it.
Host: Let’s wait to interview Mr Victor after he’s done.
Host: Lastly is student Shaw.
Host: This looks a bit peculiar… where did this idea come from?
Shaw: Art comes from life and life is to do as one pleases.
Host: Uh, very reasonable cake philosophy. We’re looking forward to your final product.
Host: Our 5 guests have completed their cakes. Up next is the exciting moment where we unveil the cakes. Let’s invite our 5 chefs to unveil their cakes!
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Kiro: As you can all see, this is the Chips Cake! Unique taste guaranteed!
Gavin: Erm. I drew Pearly. Doesn’t really look like her, hope she’s not angry.
Lucien: A ripe cherry will definitely make people want to eat it more *sparkle*
Victor: Time was limited, so I could only put some simple decorations.
Shaw: My cake obviously has my style.
Host: They’re all very unique and exciting. Thank you for sharing.
Host: We’ll take a short break and then continue with our final segment.
~ Kitchen Battle Anniversary Ceremony ~
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Host: Congratulations all for completing the cake.
Host: Kitchen Battle ~  Food enriches life - eat well, drink well, and tomorrow will be well ~
Host: Thanks again to our 5 guests. We’ve also prepared a big cake! We welcome everyone watching to celebrate the anniversary with us!
Gavin: Kitchen Battle has helped many people learn how to cook, I too have learned a lot today. May this program continue to get better and better. Happy 5th Anniversary.
Kiro: Here’s to wishing this show will continue to proper next year too and share delicious food with everyone! Happy 5th Anniversary!
Shaw: Today was fun! Looking forward to a harder battle next year, Happy 5th Anniversary!
Lucien: Although our time was short. I’m very glad to have spent this unforgettable and lovely night with you all. Happy 5th Anniversary everyone.
Victor: I’ve always believed in the healing power of good food. Looking forward to discovering even more good food with everyone in the future. Happy 5th Anniversary.
All: Happy 5th Anniversary!
Host: That’s all for today’s program. Thank you all for participating and thank you all for watching! See you next time!
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[CN] 6th Anniversary Event: “Love is on the way” – (Li Zeyan’s Prologue)
⌚ since global server won’t be getting this event anyway, I’m not going to add spoiler warning~ ⌚ ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
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[notes from Anika before we begin]: after the last day of the anni event, i was crying so hard that it felt like a sin to not bring it over haha. however, i don’t exactly have much time to spare despite the off days from uni, so this might take a while but i’ll try to update regularly and phase by phase~ (*´▽`*)♡
【Event Common Prologue】 
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The Loveland city hall and tourism bureau have arranged a “Love is on the way” event to celebrate the city being acknowledged as the best city for romantic experiences. 
MC wins an “RV Travel Gift Package” in the lottery event held by the city hall as a part of the program ~  
【Event Extended Prologue – Li Zeyan】 
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LZY: Why the frown when you’ve just hit the jackpot?
MC: You’re here just in time! Come and help me decide on a new travel plan.
As I agonize over the itinerary for the RV trip, I see Li Zeyan walking in and hurriedly wave at him to come over.
He takes the route map, gives it a brief glance, and then points to a path that starts from Tongyun Ancient town.
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LZY: This one looks like it has the most potential for fun.
MC: My thoughts exactly, but the distance is quite far. It’d be quite a long drive…
LZY: This isn’t our first time going on a road trip like this.
LZY: Plus, the fuel coupons I won are enough to cover us for this entire long-distance trip.
At this unexpected answer, I can’t help but burst into laughter.
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MC: Hahaha, what!? You know that’s clearly not what I’m worried about!
LZY: [laughs softly]  Dummy, I know.
Contemplating the potential challenges that’d arise in managing his time around, I gently shake his hand.
MC: Taking this route will also add a few extra days to the travel duration we initially planned. I have some vacation days, but will you be able to adjust your schedule?
LZY: Absolutely.
Hearing him respond without the slightest hesitation, I look up at him in elation.
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LZY: Every year around this time, when have I ever not freed up my time?
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Lounging on the sofa, I cushion my head comfortably on Li Zeyan’s leg, my eyes glued to the short video playing on the phone––
The scene shows couples, family members, or friends lifting their right fists and solemnly pledging adorable vows like “to never be a wet blanket” before setting off on their travels.
Just picturing the scene of Li Zeyan raising his hand to take a vow for tomorrow’s trip involuntarily causes the corners of my lips to hook upwards.
LZY & MC: [simultaneously] During this trip––
Our simultaneously resounding voices catch me off guard for a moment, and then I lock eyes with him.
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LZY: Found something fun again?
MC: A super awesome travel hack we’ve never tried before!
LZY: Seeing how you used such a long preamble, it doesn’t sound like something good.
MC: You’re being biased! Who knows, what you wanted to say might not even be as cool as my hack.
LZY: Very true. After all, I only did some pre-travel preparation, and that’s all.
With a subtle smile playing in his eyes, Li Zeyan hands me the tablet he is holding.
My eyes can’t help but widen in astonishment as I look at the minimalistic yet inclusive travel guide that covers everything from destinations to transportation routes and activity arrangements.
The itinerary includes almost every place I wish to check off, along with numerous delightful surprises.
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MC: Where did you find this rice wine ice cream? It looks really yummy~
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LZY: …you’re the one who found this.
In my bewildered gaze, he digs up our chat history from two days ago and opens a check-in post titled, “I’ll be heartbroken for anyone who hasn’t tried the rice wine ice cream, okay?”
MC: I have no recollection of it at all…
LZY: It’s normal to not have any recollection. Since you started planning, you’ve sent me 63 check-in posts in just two days.
MC: It’s because there are just too many fun things.
Feeling a bit embarrassed, I stick my tongue out at him, but soon, my eyes are drawn to the many empty time slots in the itinerary.
MC: CEO Li, are these time slots designated for spontaneous activities?
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LZY: Yup, just in case a certain someone has spontaneous whimsy to add more activities halfway through the trip.
Looking at his perfectly strategized itinerary, I suddenly feel a little guilty about the “travel hack” I’ve just boasted about.
LZY: Tell me, what’s your travel hack?
Looking away from his eyes filled with interest, I try hard to compose myself. Then, I raise my chin with a false bravado.
MC: Your strategy is amazing, and it just so happens that my hack can make it even more perfect!
He noncommittally arches an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue.
MC: Recently, there’s a trending travel vow making waves on the internet…
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LZY: …sure enough, it’s a childish game.
MC: No, it’s not! Only the people who are closest to each other can take this vow together!
Seeing my eager expression, he sighs in compromise.
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LZY: How do we take the vow?
Not giving him a chance to regret it, I promptly raise my right hand to the side of my forehead and gesture for him to follow suit.
Li Zeyan remains silent for a moment, but eventually, he still closes his right hand into a fist and raises it awkwardly.
LZY: It’s silly.
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MC: We’re being silly together~
My eyes crinkle into a smile, and I hand him the vow from my phone.
MC: I solemnly vow, during our anniversary trip, to never cry out because of being tired, to never stay cooped up all day lying in bed, to never get upset over taking ugly photos.
LZY: With mutual tolerance and accommodation, we will complete all the planned activities.
MC: Should anyone violate––
Realizing that his voice has suddenly ceased to be heard, I look to my side with confusion, only to find him staring at the vow with a crease between his brows.
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LZY: “An irreconcilable conflict will be declared between the two parties”?
MC: The vow can be effective only when the punishment is severe enough~ Looks like a certain someone is scared now.
Brushing off my immensely complacent expression, he regards me with a contemplative look.
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LZY: [he’s amused af LOL] Before proceeding, let’s clarify what “irreconcilable conflict” actually means for our situation.
LZY: Do you intend to return all of Huarui’s (LFG) investment?
MC: [confused] …Eh?
LZY: Also, which one of us will Pudding reside with?
MC: [even more confused] …Pudding?
LZY: And, moving forward, the entrance to Souvenir…
I finally catch on and promptly extend my hand to cover his mouth in an attempt to prevent more dangerous and dreadful words from escaping.
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MC: How can such icy words come out of your 37-degree Celsius mouth!
[T/N]: In case the joke escapes anyone, 37°C = 98.6°F, which is the normal body temperature – quite close to the boiling temperature and a far cry from the freezing point, so “technically,” he shouldn’t be able to say such “icy/ chilling” words 😂
LZY: [laughs softly]  Just wanted to confirm whether a certain someone who is beside herself with joy actually has any practical plans.
LZY: But I think someone else is feeling scared at the moment.
The slightly curved corners of his lips leave a tingling sensation in my palm, giving away a hint of teasing.
Realizing that he is deliberately messing with me, I can’t help but feel indignant.
MC: I’m not scared at all; increasing the challenge a bit more is perfectly fine with me.
LZY: As long as you don’t regret it.
Faced with his amused gaze, I clench my teeth and lay out the rules.
MC: How about counting by the number of times someone fails to keep their vows? Each violation results in a deduction of one point, and the person with the lower score shoulders all the consequences.
LZY: To avoid any attempts to dodge responsibility, let the other person have the authority for judgment.
MC: What if we end up with a tie?
LZY: What would you want to do?
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MC: I most certainly don’t want to split up with you!
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Upon hearing my immediate, unfiltered answer, he lets out a muffled chuckle.
LZY: In that case, after the game begins, make sure to uphold this attitude of yours.
🚐 • First Location: To be updated
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