#mod celes lights it up
a fic of byakuya getting celes a dozen extremely expensive roses???
Here you are! This is my first time doing a fanfic format as opposed to headcanons, which is exciting but also a bit nerve-wracking. It's a little longer than my typical posts, but I wanted to do the prompt justice! Honestly I'm proud of this one. Let me know what you think, anon :)
-Mod Celeste
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A Gift as Beautiful as You: Celestia Ludenberg x Byakuya Togami
When Celeste had arrived to classroom 78, something was amiss. It wasn't just her who had come to that conclusion; the other students seemed to gather around a desk in confusion and surprise.
That desk was hers, peculiarly. She couldn't see what was so important at first. "Tell me everyone, what seems to be the matter?"
Naegi laughed awkwardly. "Well, Celeste, we think someone sent you a present." He gestured behind him and she finally caught a glimpse of the gift.
Crimson red roses, in a gorgeous vase. It had golden detailing and an ornate silk bow that caught the light. Clearly the sender knew her preferences. Their scent was fresh and welcoming, but there was more to this splendid present-- In what could only be described as impeccable penmanship was a small note that read:
"A gift for a woman as beautiful as yourself."
It was no wonder the class stood around in awe. Not only was the bouquet eye-catching, the note wasn't signed!
"I... am so very flattered. Whoever sent these has lovely taste." Celeste was over the moon, but tried to sound calm. More than anything, she wanted to know who did this.
Hina was quick to notice. "So which of you boys was it, huh? I wanna know!" This led to some grumbling, whispers and a few who wished they had done it themselves. Unfortunately, no one came forward. With that out of the way the students resumed their day as normal, with Celeste left to wonder on her own.
After class, she went to the library for some books she had wanted-- though her ulterior motives were clear. Sitting comfortably in his usual place was the enigmatic Byakuya Togami, engrossed in a complex novel.
"Do you mind if I ask you something, Togami?" she inquired. Having barely looked up, he nodded.
"Might it have been you who sent me those roses?" Her typical poker face allowed her to ask with no worry in her voice.
"What could have possibly tipped you off, Celeste?" he smirked, finally closing his book to face her.
"Well, a certain detective aided my search." With that, Byakuya knew he'd been discovered. Though he had been anticipating that from the start. "Did you mean what you wrote?"
"A Togami always means exactly what he says. I am a man of my word," he said, approaching Celeste. "My question is, what do you plan on doing with this information?" After adjusting his glasses, his blue eyes were directly on hers.
"Well, I hadn't really thought about that, but I'm open to suggestions," a playful smile had graced her red lips.
Byakuya had been waiting for this moment. "You're a smart woman, so I know you'll choose wisely. Care to join me as an heiress to the Togami name?"
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
s/o, who doesn't really want to come home because having their basic needs satisfied without working for it is really just enough for them to be happy (unlike celestia, huh) & ranraro, nekomaru, nagito, teruteru, soda, mikan, sayaka, celestia and makoto. i guess, they will worry about apathiness of s/o when someone talks about past life or reasons to return, and think what they has problems in their live, but actually s/o just has so simple needs and philosophy. ...i hope it makes sense, eheheh
Rantarou Amami, Nekomaru Nidai, Nagito Komaeda, Tereteru Hanamura with a simplistic S/O (PART 1)
you said unlike celes and i went DRAG HEERR YESS LMAO!!! I changed the prompt per character a lil bit I hope you don’t mind hhhhhh
I’m putting it into parts just so I can get something out bonk
-Mod Souda
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Rantarou Amami
He doesn’t like to admit it, but he always waits outside of the school gates for you.
You notice, of course, even when acts like it’s just a coincidence... every day.
It puts a smile on your face. 
Honestly, you are a bit of a mystery to him. 
You never want him to take you out to dinner, or buy you any treats and trinkets, or really anything he’d consider vaguely romantic.
Time hanging out with you is spent in the park, climbing trees, getting splinters and throwing branches at each other.
During those times he can see you, looking out into the horizon, higher than he can ever climb. With the wind blowing against you - you are almost an angel.
When he sees you, peaceful, looking off into the horizon of Japan, your past conversation rings through his head. “You think I’m materialistic?” 
He didn’t know what to respond with at the time. He had trinkets from all over the world, he could get you almost anything, and still, you deny.
There’s no talk of your past - no talk of things that make you happy - or anything he can use of leverage for presents.
“I’m just happy to be with you,” were the exact words you said to him.
He still doesn’t quite understand.
Nekomaru Nidai
You walk him to the gym - or the field, or where ever he always finds himself being needed, almost every day.
You stay with him, too, watching in the sidelines while he does his work.
Over the course of the time, he turns and sees you sitting, doing certain activities, just passing the time.
Never leaving without him.
And then you walk him to his house. This occurs in the am’s. Three to four, maybe. Two if you’re lucky.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” He asks, rubbing the back of his neck, staring down at your neutral eyes.
“Somewhere to be? No, not exactly.”
There’s no change in your gaze. No hint of teasing or annoyance. You didn’t seem bothered at all by his comment.
You continue, “I get enough pleasure from watching you, I don’t need to go anywhere else.”
A laugh leaves him, scaring away nearby birds.
Even though there’s a touch of concern in your core - wondering if he’s going to interrogate you - you laugh alongside him.
Nagito Komaeda
He tucks a beanie over his head, pulling it down to cover his ears before grabbing the edge of the ice rink.
There’s a minute before you actually finish tying your laces. Are they too tight? Maybe. But it’s better than the skates being too loose.
His eagerness is palpable. Your feet march on their own, wobbling and scared against the cheap saturated carpet. You follow him off of the floor and onto the ice, where only about a dozen of people continued their practice.
No one captured your attention as much as he did. 
As he went ahead, mediocrely familiar with his own rhythm, the lights ahead shone bright and illuminated how delicate his smooth neck looked. 
So cute, you think, smirking a bit as pride swells inside of you. So you sway your feet, picking up speed, and find yourself pushing past him. When you turn to look at him, he's smiling calmly, as if you are an angel guiding him.
The space between you grows thinner and thinner, until soon he reaches out for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. Spotlights travel around the ground, showing the lingering carvings of friends and partners together on the ice with their light.
“It might be obvious,” Komaeda starts, grabbing the edge of the rink to stop both of you. His eyes glitter, though with tears or not, you aren’t too sure. “But I just so happen to have come across you walking here after school every day. You spend hours in here a day, don’t you?”
It’s not an accusation, but it feels like one.
You look at him, and then his eyes shift from yours. He even removes his hand from yours.
“Yes?” You edge on.
Silence is in the air - well, other than the other parties sending waves of laughter and happiness into the unease of his anxiousness. 
“Are you okay?” He eventually spits out. 
You look at his hands. They fidget together. 
So you put yours over them, letting your warmth soothe him, and putting on a playful tone. “I just like coming here, Nagito, there’s nothing for you to worry about.”
Teruteru Hanamura
He did not follow you to into the garden right away. It was as if he was hiding from you, as if he was sulking behind a corner. 
Ever since he had brought his mother - and his past home - he had not forgotten the way you shook your head when he asked about yours.
Concern hits him hard.
He’s worried about you more than he can even admit.
“Honey bunch?” He asks, slowly opening the door.
You look back to him, eyes bright, holding a watering can in your gloved hands. You just smile kindly at him.
His feet pull him forward even when anxiousness laces in everything he does.
“You’re safe, aren’t you? Like... no one is causing you any harm?”
The softness of your expression shifts, only slightly. “You’re worrying yourself.”
The words came off passive aggressive, which wasn’t your intent, but definitely the end result.
“Maybe you’re right.” His accent draws out. Admitting it wasn’t hard but it was definitely the correct way to go about this. And he knows that. Starting any arguments is the last thing he wants.
“Thank you for worrying, but if I was unsafe I would tell you.”
Yeah, he thinks, but doubts your words nonetheless. 
You continue with a joyful laugh, “but now that you’re here, sorry to say, you are obligated to help me with the garden.”
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I have an idea: basically, each of the DR1 kids gets sucked into a different horror movie, and they all become the protagonist of that movie, & have to keep themselves and the rest of the victims alive & defeat the killer. What kind of horror movie would each of them be in? How would they go about defeating the killer? I think Mondo & Sakura would defeat it by fighting their killers, Toko would use a magic spell book to banish hers, ect.
I think I'm the only mod with extensive knowledge of horror movies, I hope I can do your ask justice while in a funk. If you want any of these expanded upon just ask!
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Makoto: Makoto would land himself in a Hellraiser movie (look it up if you love graphic body horror and cosmic horror). Getting ahold of the infamous puzzle box, The Lament Configuration, he'd just fiddle with it without knowing what he was doing, using it as a stress toy. He liked the soft melody that played as he moved each piece, and one night while in the shower he'd be manipulating the box when suddenly the room grew ice cold and light seeped from every single corner. He brought forth a small gash of cenobites. Looking upon him, they could not believe that someone so small and untempted could have even held the Lament Configuration. Makoto of course was all kinds of freaked out, being naked in the same cold room as 4 leather bound bleeding freaks. He fumbled with the box, reconfiguring it to try and put them back. Sadly, Makoto just summoned more cenobites. Ones whose flesh twisted unnaturally into various shapes, others with no eyes or mouths. He couldn't comprehend what was happening, and opted to just ask the least bodily frightening one. Coincidentally, this one looked like a pin cushion. This cenobite spoke with an oddly warm voice, instructing him on how to send them all back to where they belong. Makoto followed the instructions carefully, and finally sent the terrifying ghouls home to their Leviathan. He promptly pitched the box out a window, where a hobo picked it up out of the street and turned into a bone dragon and flew off into the night. Kirigiri would never believe him. He didn't believe him.
Komaru (hush she doesn't get enough attention): Komaru would be stuck in Suspiria, having been sent away to a dance academy. She'd make friends with some of the staff and girls also attending, and learn of weird occurrences and a few deaths that had happened. Over time she would figure out the hidden secrets of the academy, and find out that the owner of the academy was actually a really old witch. She would try to run away, but learn quickly that was not an option. In an odd turn of events she'd find the sleeping owner, and stab the hell out of her (fittingly invisible) body. The rest of the coven would of course crumble, and she'd go home alive and wanting nothing to do with dance ever again.
Kyoko: Our Kirigiri would be entrapped in an episode of an Alfred Hitchcock Thriller show. She'd be a detective of course, working to learn the identity of a killer who had been targeting women who live in a very specific apartment building. It was just reasonable deduction, though what she did not account for was herself becoming a target. When Kirigiri would have the killer cornered and questioned, she tried to overpower her and strangle her. Kirigiri having none of that smashed an ashtray over his head, killing him. Makoto was never told that this was how the case ended.
Touko/Syo: This human 2-for-1 deal would end up in Child's Play. Chucky would come into their possession while Touko was writing a horror-romance novel and researching what it's like to have a human shaped doll that actually was a demon that would only take for at midnight and--- you get the idea. After the creepy little doll started to do some intensely unsettling things, Syo took the wheel and threatened the possessed doll with evisceration. It took no time for Chuck to show his true colors, one being the red of his blood trickling down the wall from where it was pinned by a pair of scissors.
Byakua: Togami would be trapped in The Shining, slowly losing his mind in the massive Overlook Hotel. He'd see all kinds of visions, images of his loved ones and people his didn't know butchered in great detail. He'd see a laughing woman decaying in a bathtub, mere moments after seeing her humming away and beckoning him to her. He'd see Fukawa hung in the middle of the ballroom, only to glance away and back to nothing at all. He lost his mind, almost. In a night of desperation, he set the hotel on fire and fled, any visions he had fading as he got further away. The hotel lay burned, and Togami is still missing.
Chihiro: Managing to move into a gated community, Fujisaki thought he was getting into a safe place. He thought it would all be fine. What he did not account on was someone trying to turn him into a cyborg that was a submissive little girl. Needless to say, it took very little time for him to escape capture and take control of all the other cybertronic captives. In spectacular fasion, Fujisaki took over an entire community of monsters with an army of Cybernetic women. Good for him!
Mondo: Mondo would get himself in a ghostly situation like what was seen in Paranormal Activity. Instead of getting scared shitless, he'd visit a nearby Church and get some holy water, 8 silver rings, a few bundles of sage, and some seals for protection. The moment he'd be pulled out of bed by an unseen force or something similar, he'd come out swinging with holy water soaked fists and silver rings. He placed a seal in every room, and burned sage within each one, still swinging away wherever he heard footsteps. He was never haunted ever again, but he hasn't taken off the rings. Just in case.
Kiyotaka: He'd land himself in a camp-based slasher film as a straight laced counselor, being spared any harm for not being immoral. He'd probably take out the killer after finding some evidence of some kind. Probably a mask and bloodied weapons. Taka would send everyone still alive home on account of the murders, save for the killer. He'd take a final stand, backed by a group of police officers. Why would he endanger himself? Heroism like that isn't meant for a camp environment.
Aoi: this swimmer would get stuck in a short film called The Raft, as seen in Creepshow 2. She'd go skinny dipping in a nice secluded lake where nobody else would bother her, stopping on a wooden barge in the middle of the lake. From there, she'd notice a churning black patch floating around the lake. It looked like it was just being moved by the breeze. She dove back in for a few laps around the lake to warm up, when the tar started to move and follow her. The next time she was on the barge, the tar had gotten closer and was on the other side of the lake. Sensing something wasn't right, Asahina watched the tar move close to a duck that had landed in the water. The tar bubbled up and over the duck, taking it under. Seeing this, Asahina dove into the lake and beat her legs as fast as she could, not stopping until she was ashore and driving outta there. The tar didn't even have the chance to catch her.
Sakura: She'd be hunted by a Yautja of Predator fame, noting she was a formidable fighter among humans. Sakura and the Yautja fought hard, both taking blow after blow. Both bleeding and battered, it was a draw. After a rest, the honor bound pair traded honorable partings. The Yautja learned new hand to hand techniques and Sakura was given a mark on her cheek that meant (roughly) in English "Strong Friend" and a set of bracers made of a light and strong metal.
Mukuro: Mukuro would be in a Purge situation, picking off anyone trying to take her neighborhood year after year. Pretty simple all things considered. She never left rooftops unless it was to block roads with cars and take out hard to hit targets by hand.
Hifumi: Yamada would awaken an AI program that would take over his whole life, and be madly in love with him. Yamada, being Yamada, was overly okay with this. He'd eventually be stuck in a VR sim with his AI darling. He defeated the antagonist by loving his 2-D yandere girlfriend, who would have thought?
Celestia: She'd have inadvertently been hexed by an old woman while playing poker. This being a Drag Me To Hell scenario, Celes just took a gamble and payed the woman back before the curse got any worse. It subsided quickly, and they continued to play cards every Thursday. Anytime Celes won, she'd a cursed until the following Thursday. This almost friendly exchange between the two was enriching to the old woman, taking Celes under her wing as a practitioner of black magic. Couldn't have ended much better.
Leon: Leon would be firmly lodged in a sci-fi original movie called Werehog (not a real movie probably). He'd be friends with a man that would change into a human sized black and red hedgehog at the sight of the full moon. Taking all of his silver piercings, he melted them down into a ball and hit it like a base ball to kill his cursed friend.
Hagakure: This big ol dumb would be the one character who'd live through any movie or show. I'd like to do an entire ask dedicated to to him if you'd like.
Sayaka: She'd be a final girl in The Evil Dead, as in she'd pitch the spooky book into a roaring fire the moment she heard creepy Latin or Sumerian whispering from nowhere. After throwing the book, she'd run out of the cabin and never look back. Gladly, nothing was awoken in those woods. Not yet.
Junko: This loony would be in a Saw movie, basically killing off all the other people stuck with her in any and every puzzle. Upon making it to the end, and being free, she'd even critique Jigsaw's methods. Nobody said she had to be a good person right?
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Rpg Anon: Ok quick. What element do you think each member of class 78 is? This is persona style so we got fire, ice, wind, electric, psy, nuke, light, dark, and almighty. Some can be all physical if you want. So far I got Sayaka as wind (singing/sound), Leon as fire, Taka as light, Celes as dark, and Sakura as all physical. I'm using this so I can quickly make a weakness chart.
//For me, Makoto should also be Light/Bless, because I think Junko should be Dark/Curse and that way they can counteract each other.
//Mondo should also be dark because of his street origins and dark backstory, and also he can contrast with Taka in that regard too.
//Sayaka is the only one I can think of who fits wind. Fire could also work with Celeste because...y’know? But Dark I think works pretty well, and Fire works well for Leon too.
//Toko/Jack should be Electric because they use a Taser to transform between each other.
//Kyoko and Hina should both be ice but for different reasons. Kyoko because she’s cold-natured and I could see her being a cryomancer in an RPG setting. Hina should by Ice/Cryo because from the list, it’s the closest thing to water. (In fact, in Persona 4, Chie is the initial Ice user on the team before Teddie replaces her and Chie begins to specialize more in Physical damage. In BlazBlue Cross Tag battle and Persona 4 Arena, Chie’s ice attacks are replaced with water attacks in some cases.)
//Hifumi and Hiro are both Psi. Hiro because he’s a fortune teller, pretty obviously, and Hifumi...well, to be honest it’s the only one that I think fits him. The connection could be that his mind is what comes up with his weird fantisies.
//Byakuya, Komaru and Chihiro are all Nuke. Byakuya because he’s the heir to a financial conglomerate which may have at one point invested in nuclear study and/or military, Komaru because of the energy the hacking gun runs on, and Chihiro because energy (not necessarily nuclear energy but energy regardless” is needed to run a laptop/computer, which he needs for his line of work.
//Lastly, Sakura and Mukuro should both be physical attackers, but have the similar dynamic to Yusuke and Ryuji, in that Sakura is stronger, but Mukuro is faster. Also, Mukuro should have a wide array of Gun skills in her repertoire.
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bookfortune · 3 years
Breathtaking. Warga Jasmine - ‘My Heart and other black holes’ , ‘Inima mea si alte găuri negre’
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Something about this book that makes you not want to put it down for more than a couple of hours.
The story revolves around a sixteen year old teenager named Aysel which is obsessed with it’s own suicide. With a criminal father, a mother who can hardly look her in the eye and an unusual passion for the laws of physics she eventually comes in touch with a boy found on a website under section ‘partners for suicide wanted’. Therefore they start to get their plan going.They both go through a series of more or less Fortunate events. They go for regular car rides and in the end they end up going to visit Aysel’s dad in prison. The two charachters are beautifully constructed as well as their relationship. Their dialogues are breathtaking and their inner thoughts and struggles are as fascinating to read.In the end Aysel is trapped between her own wish to fulfill her own suicide or to try and help ‘FrozenRobot’ ( they boy’s online nickname) to want to stay alive. She’s constantly trying to keep reviving herself by finding and using their ‘potential energy’ (physics principle) to boost further, hiding her fear of being considered a coward regarding the plan they were determined to have the courage not to stray from.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It is one great Young Adult and I couldn’t have enough of it. It’s light and entertaining to the bone even if it’s dealing with such a sensitive subjects. I recommend it anytime you feel like you want to read something ‘out of the ordinary’. Enjoy!
"At times poignant, bitter, and funny, this narrative captures [a] unique voice that questions what it means to die-and to live."-- Booklist (starred review)
“Earnest and heartfelt . . . any teen who's ever felt like an outsider will be able to relate to Aysel's and Roman's fully realized characters."-- Kirkus Reviews
“Warga delves honestly into the very difficult issues of teenage depression...sometimes sad, sometimes funny, but ultimately filled with hope."--Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA)
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Aysel, o adolescenta de saisprezece ani pasionata de fizica, este obsedata sa-si planifice sinuciderea. Cu o mama care nici nu o poate privi fara sa se cutremure, colegi rautaciosi si un tata a carui crima a dat peste cap micul oras, Aysel este pregatita sa-si transforme „energia potentiala” in neant.
Este doar o problema, insa: Aysel nu e convinsa ca are curajul s-o faca singura. Dar odata ce descopera un site cu o sectiune care se cheama Parteneri pentru Sinucidere, Aysel crede ca a gasit solutia: un adolescent cu pseudonimul FrozenRobot (aka Roman), bantuit de o tragedie de familie, isi cauta si el partener.
Desi Aysel si Roman nu au nimic in comun, in scurt timp ajung sa-si gaseasca fiecare locul in viata distrusa a celuilalt. Pe masura ce planul lor de sinucidere incepe sa capete contur, Aysel se intreaba daca intr-adevar vrea sa mearga pana la capat. In cele din urma, ea trebuie sa aleaga intre dorinta de a muri si incercarea de a-l convinge pe Roman sa traiasca, pentru a-si descoperi „energia potentiala” impreuna. Numai ca Roman ar putea sa nu se lase convins. ( -review gasit pe www.elefant.ro)
„Vie, plina de intensitate, sinceritate naucitoare, umor si bineinteles emotie. Este un debut extraordinar al unei voci aparte in fictiunea pentru adolescenti, care m-a lasat peste masura de uimita si profund emotionata. A nu se rata!“ — Nova Ren Suma —
„Cu o inteligenta iesita din comun si o sensibilitate dusa la extrem, Warga ne daruieste un roman care are melodicitatea lui Mozart, logica fizicii avansate si perspectiva corecta pentru a vedea legatura dintre ele. Este ceva complet nou, o carte frumoasa, care te misca si care in mod neasteptat este o pledoarie pentru viata.“ — Chris Lynch —
„Warga, aflata la debutul ei literar, trateaza fara ezitare un subiect delicat cu sensibilitate si sinceritate, fara a banaliza gandurile si emotiile personajelor ei, totul culminand cu o fermecatoare poveste de dragoste.“ — The Horn Book —
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dangkinronpa · 7 years
headcanons for chihiro who isnt on good terms with celes but wants to be friends
heres ur headcanons chihiro! i hope u like them and make sure to let me know if theres anything u want me to change! - mod kiibo - chihiro wasnt actually sure why they werent exactly on good terms with celes, because they really did want to be someone she could look to as a friend. they just couldnt tell if it was something they had said in the past or some other small thing that set the two of them apart. still, for some reason or another, the two didnt exactly like each other - despite the fact that they werent close, though, chihiro knew that they still wanted to be friends with celes. after all, it would be better for the two of them to become friends than for the two of them to just spend their days on not-so-great terms. the only problem was that chihiro wasnt really sure how to go about trying to befriend celes - in order to try and get celes to notice them in a positive light, chihiro was always trying to do nice littl things for her, such as giving her a pencil if she needed one or offering to lend her a few dollars if she needed it. celes never really wanted to accept chihiros friendly advances, though, and that was a bit upsetting for them - whenever chihiro was with some of their friends, they would talk about celes and wonder aloud about why she didnt want to be friends with them. none of chihiros friends really knew; after all, chihiro was a really nice person and a good friend to have. still, chihiro just didnt see a way to let celes know they wanted to be her friend - since they werent on good terms, celes would act a bit condescending towards chihiro occasionally, though this wasnt always the case. the two of them could work together on projects and such, for example, and sometimes celes would be pretty kind to them. the differences in treatment always confused chihiro, though - if celes and chihiro are ever assigned to do a project together, chihiro tries to use it as an excuse for the two of them to work out their differences and try to become friends with each other. it never really worked since celes would just tell them that they had a project to do, though, and they would end up working on their parts of the project separately - sometimes chihiro will stay awake at night, wondering about what they could do to become friends with celes and put all these negative feelings behind them, but they couldnt really come up with any answers. chihiro would just end up having bags under their eyes the next day, not explaining why they had a lack of sleep - around halloween, chihiro figures that they should try to do something nice for celes to celebrate the holiday, since they were fairly sure celes was a fan of all the creepy vibes that halloween brought along. unfortunately, all of chihiros plans ended up falling flat, and any plans they had for getting celes to befriend them didnt end up working - one day, chihiro finally decides to go up to celes and apologize for whatever they did wrong to get the two of them into a state where they just didnt like each other. celes accepted their apology, letting them know that they both messed up somewhere down the line, but she ended up having to leave for something important before chihiro could ask her to be friends - no matter what chihiro seems to do, they just cant seem to figure out how to get close to celes and get to a point where they have a better relationship. theyve poured so much effort into the process of trying to befriend them, but in the end nothing seemed to be working. still, chihiro wasnt going to give up, and they promised themself to befriend celes
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news24hrou · 5 years
Festivalului Internațional al Luminii – Spotlight începe joi seară
Ediția din 2019 a Festivalului Internațional al Luminii – Spotlight debutează joi seară, la ora 20.00, în Piața “George Enescu”, cu recitalul francezului Bob Sinclair și aprinde mai multe spații din centrul Capitalei.
Lucrările semnate de artiști străini și români recunoscuți în domeniu vor îmbina arta și tehnicile cele mai inovatoare pentru a exprima valorile europene ce susțin tema ediției a V-a a festivalului – EuropeLights -, marcând, totodată, două evenimente majore ale anului: președinția României la Consiliul Uniunii Europene și deschiderea Sezonului România-Franța la București, anunță organizatorii.
Publicul prezent la Spotlight va putea asculta, în Piața „George Enescu”, ritmurile electronice pregătite special pentru eveniment de către celebrul artist francez Bob Sinclar, unul dintre cei mai apreciați DJ din lume.
Din SUA până în America de Sud, din Europa până în Asia, ajungând până în Australia, muzica sa circulă și electrizează audiența, uimind de fiecare dată prin diversitatea sunetelor și a instrumentelor folosite. Concertul este precedat de un warm-up cu DJ Andi, de la ora 20.30.
Traseul principal al Festivalului Internațional al Luminii -Spotlight este Calea Victoriei, completat de spațiile din Strada Lipscani și din Piața Universității, care vor găzdui instalații interactive, sesiuni de video-mapping și multe altele, timp de patru zile, începând cu ora 20.00 și până la miezul nopții.
Lista lucrărilor prezentate în cadrul Festivalului Internațional al Luminii – Spotlight include “Abstract“, o instalație expusă de Collectif Coin (Franța) în fața Bibliotecii Centrale Universitare „Carol I”. “Pornind de la ideea că trecerea timpului este o iluzie, cei de la Collectif Coin au imaginat un nou stil de reprezentare vizuală: Abstract, o matrice de triunghiuri, în care fiecare se mișcă de-a lungul axei sale verticale. Într-o buclă de 20 de minute, care combină lumina, sunetul și mișcarea, Abstract își dezvăluie sursa de inspirație: relativitatea”, explică organizatorii demersul artiștilor într-un comunicat de presă.
“Wave-field“, este lucrarea semnată de L4 Studio & Wireframe Studio (Canada) și prezentată în fața curții Muzeului Național de Artă al României. “Wave-Field oferă tuturor privitorilor posibilitatea de a interveni participativ asupra spațiului urban. Balansoarul încurajează dezvoltarea relațiilor dintre oameni și consolidează relațiile dintre prieteni și membrii unei familii. Balansoarele Wave-Field sunt luminoase și muzicale, fiecare având propriul temperament și vocabular muzical”, se arată în textul de prezentare.
“microCosmos“, de Ygreq Interactive (Romania), în parcul Bisericii Kretzulescu “este inspirată din fascinația pentru astre ca generatoare de lumină și își propune să cuprindă un fragment din Univers, un obiect care ziua reflectă lumina soarelui, iar noaptea devine sursă de lumină. Titlul are dublă valență, descriind pe de o parte un Cosmos în miniatură, iar pe de altă parte invitând la o privire microscopică asupra lumii interioare a omului. Astfel, interacțiunea particulelor din interiorul structurii oglindește, la nivel simbolic, felul în care particulele de electricitate călătoresc și interacționează în rețeaua neuronală umană”, spun realizatorii.
“A Sky For All” este instalația Liviei Zaharia (Romania), realizată la Biserica Kretzulescu. Ideea de bază a proiectului este cea a unităţii – sub același cer – indiferent de posibilele divergenţe. Acesta este proiectul câștigător în urma apelului de proiecte pentru tineri artiști „Europa digitală. Europa viitorului”, lansat de Primăria Capitalei, prin ARCUB, în cadrul ediției a V-a a Festivalului Spotlight.
“Abyss“, al francezului Nicolas Paolozzi de la Module, aduce în Piața Revoluției, la Memorialul Renașterii “o creatură mistică venită din adâncurile lumii. Lumina și structura ei rafinată sunt alcătuite din patru linii principale, conectate printr-o rețea minuțioasă de cabluri. Nicolas Paolozzi privește spațiul ca pe un ansamblu de interacțiuni, care evoluează în timp. Module oferă o experiență unică și imersivă a realității prin designul arhitecturii hibride”, dezvăluie textul organizatorilor.
“Stratum“, de Chevalvert Studio & Mirage Festival (Franța), propune în Piața Revoluției, în cadrul Ansamblului Monumental „Iuliu Maniu” “o instalație interactivă ce permite influențarea spațiului printr-un singur gest și crearea unei geografii a mișcării. Gestul este detectat prin leap motion, ce transmite informația mai departe. Interacțiunea este posibilă pentru o singură persoană o dată, dar declanșează lumini și sunete care îi fac părtași și pe ceilalți spectatori”, promit realizatorii.
“Discoballs” e instalația 360 Revolution, demersul românilor din dreptul magazinului Muzica devenind o imagine obișnuită pentru participanții la festival din anii trecuți. “Trei instalații discoball sunt amplasate într-o secvență paralelă cu Calea Victoriei, proiectând spoturi luminoase pe toate clădirile din zonă și rotindu-se, pe muzică, într-o dinamică ce invită la petrecere. Dancing stars este un proiect conceput în colaborare cu Reprezentanța Comisiei Europene în România, care include jocuri de lumini în tematica ediției de anul acesta a festivalului – EuropeLights”, se arată în comunicat.
“Wheel Of Time“, de la Les Ateliers Nomad (România) aprinde Hotelul Novotel și Palatul Telefoanelor iar “privitorii pot naviga vizual atât prin zi și noapte, cât și prin anotimpurile anului, cu ajutorul unei cârme interactive plasate în fața clădirilor care găzduiesc proiecția. Tranzițiile și animațiile sunt controlate în timp real de către privitori, rezultatul fiind compoziții reale și abstracte care urmăresc pulsul naturii”.
Pentru “Urban Pinball“, cei de la Mindscape Studio (Romania) s-au inspirat pentru a anima fațada Teatrului Odeon din din celebrul joc arcade numit Pinball. “Lucrarea este controlată de doi «jucători», care trebuie să interacționeze unul cu altul și împreună să animeze fațada Teatrului Odeon prin apăsarea a trei butoane luminoase. Urban Pinball este un joc la dublu care stimulează dialogul și coordonarea între cele două persoane”.
“Lightpong“, este demersul Cinetic (România), de la Cercul Militar Național. Instalația are ca punct de plecare jocul pe calculator PONG, faimos în anii ’70. “Scopul este acela de a transforma mecanismele vechiului joc într-o experiență interactivă. Poate fi jucat de doi jucători, care controlează paletele cu o sursă luminoasă – lanterna telefonului, brelocurile luminoase sau brichetele. Jucătorul care obține primul cinci puncte este declarat câștigător, iar jocul se reia”, spun realizatorii.
“Grand Lights Boulevard“, de la 360 Revolution (Romania), promite că fațada este pusă în valoare prin jocuri de lumini. Pe clădirea hotelului, care datează din 1871, logo-ul festivalului Spotlight prinde viață, îmbinând trecutul cu prezentul și amintindu-ne de legăturile strânse cu Europa, care se regăsesc în tema de anul acesta: EuropeLights.
“Pavilion“, instalația lui Sébastien Lefèvre (Franța) din Piața Universității “este o structură deschisă – luminoasă și sonoră – care permite accesul publicului în interiorul său. Este un spațiu viu și primitor, o împletire de fire luminoase, suspendate în aer, ca un frunziș de lumini. Instalația, lejeră și dinamică, este cufundată în universul sonor compus special de Yes Soeur”, se arată în descrierea oficială.
“BeeHive“, de la One Night Gallery & Mișu Cojocaru (România), pe blocul Rosenthal “poate fi asemănată cu structura unui stup, autorii lucrării au creat un centru de lumină, folosindu-se de jocurile și reflexiile fagurelui și ale mierii, peste care sunt suprapuse albinele”.
“Tensegrity“, semnată de Aérosculpture / Jean-Pierre David & Christian Thellier (Franța) în dreptul Direcției Generale de Poliție a Municipiului București, vine cu “șase tuburi fluorescente de cinci metri lungime care plutesc în aer, într-un echilibru tensionat. Pentru această lucrare, Jean-Pierre David revizitează principiul tensegrității, în timp ce Christian Thellier reinterpretează digital ezitările electronice ale tubului fluorescent, amândoi relatând, fiecare în felul său, istoria neonului”, spun realizatorii.
“Luminuits“, de La Camaraderie (Franța/ Canada), aduce pe Calea Victoriei, la numărul 15, o “instalație misterioasă și participativă, care devine vizibilă grație luminii declanșate de către participanți. Luminuits sunt personaje timide și discrete, cărora nu le place să atragă atenția. Totuși, există o modalitatea de a le face să apară, și anume luminându-le cu blițul aparatului de fotografiat”, explică artiștii.
Australienii de la Parer Studio vin la Spootlight cu “Intrude“, Amanda Parer reflectând o problemă din istoria țării sale natale, “o invazie de iepuri, care au devenit o pacoste pentru locuitori. Lucrarea creată de artista australiană este inspirată de această situație problematică, dar și de contrastul cu imaginea idilică a acestei creaturi, mai ales pentru copii. În mod intenționat, Intrude evocă această imagine drăgălașă a iepurelui și recurge la umorul vizual pentru a invita publicul să ia în serios mesajul ecologic al lucrării”, arată producătorii.
“Wish Blow“, semnată de francezii de la LNLO, este produs la Banca Națională a României, și a fost prezentată pentru prima dată la Fête des Lumières – Lyon, în 2018.
“Brâncuși“, lucrarea românilor de la Mindscape Studio aduce la Palatul CEC o interpretare a operei celebrului artist român. “Având la bază trei materiale – piatră, lemn și metal -, proiecția realizată de Mindscape Studio – câștigătorii concursului de video mapping de la ediția precedentă Spotlight – ilustrează în mod abstract procesul de transformare a materialului din stare brută în operă de artă, totul în prezența luminii creatoare a artistului”, spun creatorii.
“Absorbed by Light“, semnat de Gali May Lucas, din Marea Britanie, problematizează la efectele smartphone-ului asupra utilizatorilor săi. Personajele din “Absorbed by Light” sunt concepute de artista britanică Gali May Lucas și realizate de sculptorul Karoline Hinz, stabilită la Berlin.
“Lighting Europe“, este instalația MotionLab concepută pentru Palatul Loteriei Române. “Spațiul virtual deschide un univers fantastic, plin de conexiuni între diverse domenii și teme: poezie, proză, teatru, emoții, culori, muzică, desen, filosofie… traversate, toate, de magie”, își descriu artiștii lucrarea.
Restricţii rutiere din zonă se vor aplica, de joi până duminică, în intervalul orar 20.00 – 23.55, pe Calea Victoriei, între Strada C.A. Rosetti și Bulevardul Regina Elisabeta, și între Bulevardul Regina Elisabeta și Splaiul Independenței. Organizatorul recomandă folosirea mijloacelor de transport în comun pentru a evita aglomerarea traficului.
http://bit.ly/2VQEoI1 http://bit.ly/2Djybgt
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paramediks-blog · 6 years
5 Laws That'll Help the dj nunti iasi preturi Industry
Wedding Dj
We caught up with Doruk Guralp recently before his debut release, the'Caspian' EP. A self-described'wedding DJ & bedroom manufacturer from Istanbul', Doruk Guralp is among the leading DJ's in the Turkish scene. There are numerous Chicago DJs on the market, but you want to ensure the Chicago DJ you choose has expertise'especially' in weddings. We are also proud https://deejayevents.ro members of the Wedding DJ Alliance - Promoting Specialist Wedding DJs. All Wedding DJs will make announcements on the nighttime, introducing the bride and groom for their first dance, cutting the cake, even opening the buffet and giving shout-outs where required.
DJ Wedding Requests from guests. 30 În același a fost votat nr. 3 în revista DJ Mag și și-a păstrat poziția și în următorii doi ani ( 2004 , 2005 ). Tot în 2004, Van Buuren a remixat tema serialului TV 24, într-un succes trance. Pe langa aspectul financiar, generally speaking, la astfel de targuri participa Dj care sunt la inceput de cariera si incearca sa se promoveze.
Multi award winning Wedding DJs for 2015, 2016 & 2017. Un DJ p cununie, nunta sau botez experimentat are cultura muzicala bogata si variata, nu se limiteaza la un repertoriu mend si are in arhiva sa cele mai frumoase si mai apreciate titluri ale ultimelor decenii. Un Dj Profesionist va intelege ideal acest aspect si va reusi de fiecare data sa iti surprinda invitatii intr-un mod placut.
There appears to Be no significant difference between the expertise given by a live group along with also the expertise given by a DJ. As long as there is continuous fantastic music during the party or celebration, then the atmosphere ought to be fine. Nu recomandam targurile p nunti pentru alegerea Dj-ilor (sau a altor servicii) deoarece preturilor vor fi mereu mai mari.
Pete & Melissa didn't want the standard wedding songs and music that are staples with many wedding reception DJs (ie: Electric Slide, YMCA, Cha Cha Slide, etc) they wanted more of a CLUB VIBE that could get their buddies energized and dancing to the hype style that they had expected. The UK's best insurance company for Djs,Disco's and Entertainers(many venues need the entertainment company to supply this service)For peace of mind we always make sure any dj for a kids or school celebration are CRB(Criminal Records Bureau)checked.
Dj Foto&Video Eveniment va asigura servicii de Sonorizare si Filmare de calitate si la preturi decente pentru Nunta sau Botez, Evenimente p Firma, sau Petreceri Private. I was the DJ for their wedding night at the Skytop Lodge in Skytop, PA (Poconos). Cei mai buni şi mişto.Ne-'m simţit extraordinar cu voi, fără voi nunta noastră nu ar fi fost la fel de frumoasă.
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Garantam pentru calitatea serviciilor si te asiguram ca Dj nunta este varianta ideala pentru orice tip de eveniment vei avea. A fost votat cel mai bun DJ al anului 2009, în ancheta revistei DJ Mag , pentru al treilea an consecutiv. A common running order might be for your DJ to start the evening off after your speeches, with songs running from 7.30pm - 8.30pm, enjoying the first dance before your band starts their first set.
We've got a detailed knowledge of many of Ayrshire's finest wedding venues and also have supplied wedding DJ's in most of these, we work hard to make sure we've got a great relationship with the venues and other wedding suppliers and have found those relationships help us to provide the outstanding service to our clients that we're known for.
If you are looking for the perfect entertainment for your wedding , a professional wedding DJ from a company with a reputation you can trust then contact the Devotion Wedding Team today for a friendly, professional discussion with no obligation. The very best thing a DJ does during weddings is to set the disposition of everybody by playing the ideal songs.
The attire of the wedding DJ is important in any kind of event. Veti avea ocazia sa intalniti oameni cu experienta in domeniu, care sunt, in majoritate, foarte comunicativi, cu personalitate placuta si dispusi oricand sa va ofere sfaturi utile pentru a avea cea mai frumoasa nunta. By employing a professional wedding DJ you'll be assured that you have the ideal music played along with the professional audio and lighting gear to ensure everything goes as planned.
BG EVENTS PRODUCTION offers full services of Sound System DJ (wedding dj, christening dj, personal party dj, club&pub dj), photo-video professional services for same events, offers you a full package of unique effects(architectural lights, ample smoke machine, bubbles machine ), anything for spending with you the most beautiful moments of your lifetime.
From top excellent mic gear to top excellent sound equipment and lighting we are seriously interested in what we do, that is why you will rest assured once you've booked with individuals we take pride in what they do. Feel free to talk to us anytime for more information about our professional wedding DJ service in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Gauteng in addition to neighboring states.
Various genres of music: Experienced DJs can read the dance floor and mood of your guests and react very quickly with music to amuse everybody. Dj-ul pentru evenimente pare a fi meserie destul de usoara,fapt pentru care, in ultima vreme, oricine are un notebook si conexiune de internet se declara dj si face oferte care mai de care mai atragatoare pentru a atrage clientii necunoscatori.
Un MC care sa stie sa energizeze oamenii si sa dea tonul distractiei, in asa fel incat nuntasii si invitatii sa-si aminteasca de nunta voastra mult timp dupa ce s-a terminat. Your Chicago DJ may play a big part in your special day and picking the ideal one may be the difference maker in how your guests will recall. Choosing a professional DJ at Chicago who has experience can make or break your day.
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We're here to assist you in finding a fantastic Wedding DJ for your special day. This one might seem obvious, but the very first thing that you should discover is whether the Chicago wedding DJ is available for the date that you've reserved. Dj-ul trebuie sa creeze programul pornind de la tematica impusa p customer, integrand in setul sau piese dorite p acesta, acolo unde isi au locul, fara a pierde din vedere preferintele intregului auditoriu.
Mai bine iei DJ, sant DJ care stiu sa faca atmosfera super calumea si stiu ce melodii scot lumea la dans cel mai bine, formatia oricat de buna ar fi nu poate canta perfect orce melodie. Stim ca de multe ori viitori miri se intreaba daca sa angajeze un dj pentru ca este mai ieftin si are un repertoriu mai vast sau formatie deoarece canta live dar care este considerabil mai scumpa.
DJ-ul sa va spuna ca nu va veti da seama seama daca melodie este la 128Kbps sau la 320, ceea ce este partial adevarat. Aveam nevoie de DJ pentru nunta mea. Throughout the entire year of 2015, we were proud to progress through the rounds of The Wedding Business awards, first receiving the regional award for Best Wedding DJ", culminating in winning the national accolade.
Wedding DJs give mobile disco services for weddings, and playing lively party audio for evening receptions to get the party pumping, in addition to chilled-out background collections for drinks receptions. These and other apparent reasons for a poor performance can normally be prevented by making sure you reserve with a high rated reputable Wedding DJ in the area where you are getting your Wedding - with lots of testimonials nevertheless, I do not want to go off topic as this comes under"picking the finest DJ for the wedding".
Echipa Dj Eveniment, da dovada de profesionalism si seriozitate deoarece are in componenta oameni cu peste 10 ani de experienta in domeniul sonorizarilor, evenimetelor speciale, nunta, botez, majorat, bal, petreceri p firme, sonorizare de expozitii. Ca dj, ofer varietate muzicală pentru toate gusturile, alegerea în ceea ce privește selecția genurilor p muzică se face de comun acord.
Musical Variety: Often the choice will be between a band and a DJ. Since DJs can normally provide greater musical diversity compared to a band, they're more inclined to provide each one of your guests an amazing time, as a seasoned DJ will perform music which appeals to all of your visitors, whatever their creation or favorite genre. Should you plan a special event, it will be practical to know few things prior to choosing a Dj. To maintain the guests on the ground, using a maximum amusement depends on how great the Dj's playlist is and how Dj works with that.
While decades ago it might have been a plastic collection being lugged around from the wedding DJ, now, he or she could well bring his songs on CDs, or more likely, electronic storage facility. Our DJs having a fantastic expertise in any type of occasion (weddings dj, christening dj, personal parties dj, nightclubs dj, pubs dj, etc) along with an entertaining playlist, communicate with the crowd and understand how to keep it to the dance floor.
BG EVENTS PRODUCTION guarantees a very professional Dj Sound System with only Large power and fidelity equipment (Dynacord, Electro-voice, Pioneer, Yamaha, Shure, Sennheiser, etc.), appropriate to any type of occasion (weddings dj, christening dj, personal parties dj, anniversaries dj, launches dj, conferences dj, congresses dj, symposiums dj, live concerts dj).
De asemenea, trebuie să menţionăm că Dj-ul nostru are pregătirea necesară pentru a anima şi nunţile mixte", adică acele nunţi unde mirii sunt p naţionalităţi diferite. Nimic mai simplu, alegeti serviciile ofertite de Dj valcea si nu sa regeti de calitatea si de pretul competitiv al acestora. Special announcements during your weddingThe DJ may also act as an accomplished Master of Ceremonies, that will declare and host the expert activities during the day and evening reception.
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Do not neglect to check WeddingWire for reviews from actual couples that have worked with those DJs before. Modelul celor de la Pioneer, MEP 7000 ofera solutie flexibila, de inalta calitate, in special cand lucrezi cu muzica digitala, acesta fiind compact si usor de transportat, incorporand toate functiile din populara serie CDJ. You'll probably want both your group as well as your DJ to be set up before the day party begins, so they can seamlessly transition between performances.
Wedding DJs tend to be less expensive than live bands. Majoritatea DJ-ilor accepta comenzi chiar daca acestea se suprapun peste alte evenimente. Din ce in ce, la mai multe evenimente (nunta, botez, cununie, aniversare) cu program artstic asigurat fie de dj, fie p orchestra, se doreste si spectacol laser. Chiar daca va doriti orchestra sau lautari la nunta, va recomand sa apelati si la serviciile unui Dj profesionist pentru a acoperi toate cerintele.
Sometimes it's possible with enough advance warning, to the band and DJ to combine their gear in the exact same space, or share the identical PA speakers. Poate pentru ca nunta nu inseamna jocul gainii", poate pentru ca jump around" este must have, poate pentru ca muzica buna a anilor 80-90 poate inlocui cateva sarbe si hore, poate pentru ca cei ce asculta altfel de muzica se regasesc in playlist-urile dj-ilor nostrii.
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The couple's selection of songs will dictate what playlist dj nunta the DJ should be enjoying. Had a totally amazing wedding night and can not thank the DJ enough for putting together the best playlist, together with everything we asked for and a good deal of great added paths, an impromptu encore of New York, New York right in the end. An experienced wedding DJ may select the suitable music even during spontaneous areas of the wedding celebration.
Provided you're confident in your musical Tastes and those of your visitors, a well thought out song record is a priceless tool for the customer along with the DJ to make sure the audio is not only the special songs you want but allows the DJ to program the audio mixing and switching discreetly between genres to make the music flow all evening.
Cine il cunoaste deja pe DJ Robby stie ca el face totul din pasiune si ca in aceasta bransa de sonorizare nunti sau sonorizare botezuri este apreciat si lasa in urma doar impresii pozitive. This came as a pleasant surprise to us, especially since there was a fantastic competition, consisting of 7 other entertainers in our category, such as acts such as bands, magicians, not to mention our Wedding DJ peers.
DeejayEvents si conceptul de muzica pentru petreceri private a aparut pentru a face petrecerile deosebite si de neuitat. Dupa o experienta de aproximativ 20 de ani pe partea de clubbing, pub-uri si discoteci, DeeJay Radoo s-a hotarat sa isi folosesca experienta si daruirea pentru muzica la nunti, petreceri de botez, aniversari, majorate si celelalte petreceri care marcheaza cele mai frumoase momente ale vietii.
Addresa : Aleea Tudor Neculai, nr 66,
Tel : 0771388459
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poopybabyjunction2 · 10 years
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danganshitposts · 10 years
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~Mod Celes
14 notes · View notes
dangkinronpa · 7 years
headcanons for a nondespair stunt double mukuro who was gamer junko a protective big sister and was close to astronomer celes
hey mukuro, i hope u like ur headcanons! if u ever want me to make more or if u want me to change something about these let me know - mod kiibo - mukuro being the shsl stunt double not only means that shes very good at athletics, but also good at impersonating others during her action scenes. however, this is only looks-wise, and she generally cant act like the original actors - one time when mukuro sees someone flirting with her little sister, she really does slam them into the wall. so hard that the wall actually cracks a little. she doesnt know if the guy is ok, but she and junko dont stick around to find out because they would get in huge trouble - mukuro actually fends people away from her sister a lot, to the point where junko actually jokes about how shes going to die alone. mukuro doesnt think its very funny, but junko just takes it as light hearted teasing towards her older sister - junko likes to show off her gaming skills to her sister, and often rags on her for not being able to win. mukuro might say "i just let u win" for a little while, but eventually has to admit that her sister is just much better at games than she could ever be - when mukuro meets with celes, its usually during the nighttime. celes is usually staring up at the sky, and if mukuro talks to her, celes begins explaining every constellation and going in depth about the lifespan of a single star and all the planets that might surround it - despite the fact that a majority of stunts dont require her to fight, mukuro is really strong and knows how to fight really well. when asked about why she can fight so well, she admits that she trained herself in order to protect junko better - one time, mukuro brings celes home with her so that she can relax with her and junko. at first celes does her best to not touch much of anything, but eventually junko and celes end up playing games like galaga and pacman and tetris (partially because mod kiibo apparently likes nanami references) while mukuro just watches over them - mukuro isnt afraid of things like heights or planes or car crashes, simply because shes so used to falling and being thrown into other potentially dangerous situations. however, that doesnt mean shes fearless; what stunt double has to deal with threats like spider bites on camera, after all? - mukuro also has a fairly high pain tolerance, partially because shes always willing to fight someone if her sister needs it, and partially because she is a stunt double who puts herself in dangerous situations on camera and stuff happens. getting scratched in the face is pretty much nothing to her - when mukuro finds herself getting close to someone, she instinctively finds herself becoming more protective over them. of she sees junko, or even celes, looking the slightest bit destressed, she runs to their side. its how she shows she cares about them
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paramediks-blog · 6 years
Enough Already! 15 Things About dj cristi ciobanu iasi We're Tired of Hearing
Wedding Dj
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We caught up with Doruk Guralp lately ahead of the debut release, the'Caspian' EP. A self-described'wedding DJ & bedroom manufacturer from Istanbul', Doruk Guralp is one of the top DJ's in the Turkish scene. There are numerous Chicago DJs on the market, but you would like to ensure that the Chicago DJ you choose has experience'specifically' in weddings. We're also proud members of the Wedding DJ Alliance - Promoting Specialist Wedding DJs. All Wedding DJs will make announcements on the nighttime, introducing the bride and groom for their first dance, cutting the cake, opening the buffet and providing shout-outs where required.
DJ Wedding Requests out of guests. 30 În același an a fost votat nr. 3 în revista DJ Mag și și-a păstrat poziția și în următorii doi ani ( 2004 , 2005 ). Tot în 2004, Van Buuren a remixat tema serialului TV 24, într-un succes trance. Pe langa aspectul financiar, generally speaking, la astfel de targuri participa Dj care sunt la inceput de cariera si incearca sa se promoveze.
Multi award winning Wedding DJs for 2015, 2016 & 2017. Un DJ p cununie, nunta sau botez experimentat are cultura muzicala bogata si variata, nu se limiteaza la un mend si are at arhiva sa cele mai frumoase si mai apreciate titluri ale ultimelor decenii. Un Dj Profesionist va intelege perfect acest aspect si va reusi de fiecare data sa iti surprinda invitatii intr-un mod placut.
There appears to Be no substantial gap between the expertise supplied by a live group along with the experience given by a DJ. Provided that there is constant good music throughout the party or celebration, then the air ought to be OK. Nu recomandam targurile p nunti pentru alegerea Dj-ilor (sau a altor servicii) deoarece preturilor vor fi mereu mai mari.
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Pete & Melissa didn't want the standard wedding songs and music that are staples with many wedding reception DJs (ie: Electric Slide, YMCA, Cha Cha Slide, etc) they wanted more of a CLUB VIBE that would obtain their friends energized and dancing into the hype style they had anticipated. The UK's best insurer for Djs,Disco's and Entertainers(many venues need the amusement company to provide this support )For peace of mind we always ensure any dj for a children or school party are CRB(Criminal Records Bureau)checked.
Dj Foto&Video Eveniment va asigura servicii p Sonorizare si Filmare de calitate si la preturi decente pentru Nunta sau Botez, Evenimente p Firma, sau Petreceri Private. I was the DJ for their wedding last night at the Skytop Lodge in Skytop, PA (Poconos). Cei mai buni şi mişto.Ne-'m simţit extraordinar cu voi, fără voi nunta noastră nu ar fi fost la fel de frumoasă.
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Garantam pentru calitatea serviciilor si te asiguram ca Dj nunta este varianta ideala pentru orice tip de eveniment vei avea. A fost votat cel mai bun DJ al anului 2009, în ancheta revistei DJ Mag , pentru al treilea an consecutiv. A common running order might be for the DJ to start the evening off following your speeches, with music running from 7.30pm - 8.30pm, enjoying with the very first dance before your band starts their initial set.
We've got a comprehensive knowledge of many of Ayrshire's finest wedding venues and also have supplied wedding DJ's at most of them, we work hard to make sure we've got a great relationship with the venues and other wedding suppliers and have found those relationships help us to provide the outstanding service to our clients that we're known for.
If you are looking for the perfect entertainment for your wedding day, a professional wedding DJ out of a business with a reputation you can trust then contact the Devotion Wedding Team today for a friendly, professional discussion with no obligation. The very best thing a DJ does through weddings is to set the disposition of everyone by playing the right songs.
The apparel of the wedding DJ is significant in any sort of event. Veti avea ocazia sa intalniti oameni cu experienta in domeniu, care sunt, in majoritate, foarte comunicativi, cu personalitate placuta si dispusi oricand sa va ofere sfaturi utile pentru a avea cea mai frumoasa nunta. By hiring a professional wedding DJ you will be assured you have the right music played along with the professional audio and lighting gear to ensure everything goes as planned.
BG EVENTS PRODUCTION presents full services of Sound System DJ (wedding dj, christening dj, personal party dj, club&bar dj), photo-video professional services for same events, offers you a complete package of unique effects(architectural lights, ample smoke machine, bubbles machine etc), anything for spending with you the most gorgeous moments of your lifetime.
From top quality mic equipment to high excellent sound equipment and lighting we are seriously interested in what we do, that's why you will rest assured once you've booked with people we take pride in what they do. Don't hesitate to talk to us anytime to learn more about our professional wedding DJ service in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Gauteng as well as neighboring states.
Different genres of music: Experienced DJs may read the dance floor and disposition of your visitors and react quickly with songs to entertain everybody. Dj-ul pentru evenimente pare a fi meserie destul de usoara,fapt pentru maintenance, in ultima vreme, oricine are un laptop si conexiune de internet se declara dj si confront oferte care mai de care mai atragatoare pentru a atrage clientii necunoscatori.
Un MC care sa stie sa energizeze oamenii si sa dea tonul distractiei, in asa fel incat nuntasii si invitatii sa-si aminteasca de nunta voastra mult timp dupa ce s-a terminat. Your Chicago DJ may play a huge role in your special day and picking the right one can be the difference maker in the way your guests will recall. Deciding on a professional DJ at Chicago who has experience can make or break your day.
We're here to assist you in finding a great Wedding DJ for your special day. This one may seem obvious, however, the very first thing that you ought to discover is whether the Chicago wedding DJ is available for your date that you have reserved. Dj-ul trebuie sa creeze programul pornind de la tematica impusa p client, integrand in setul sau piese dorite de acesta, acolo unde isi au locul, fara a pierde din vedere preferintele intregului auditoriu.
Mai bine iei DJ, sant DJ care stiu sa faca atmosfera super calumea si stiu ce melodii scot lumea la dans cel mai bine, formatia oricat de buna ar fi nu poate canta perfect orce melodie. Stim ca de multe ori viitori miri se intreaba daca sa angajeze un dj pentru ca este mai ieftin si are un repertoriu mai vast sau formatie deoarece canta live dar care este considerabil mai scumpa.
DJ-ul sa va spuna ca nu va veti da seama seama daca melodie este la 128Kbps sau la 320, ceea ce este partial adevarat. Aveam nevoie de DJ pentru nunta mea. During the year of 2015, we're proud to progress through the rounds of The Wedding Industry Awards, first getting the regional award for Best Wedding DJ", culminating in winning the national accolade.
Wedding DJs give mobile disco services for weddings, and enjoying lively celebration audio for night receptions to get the party pumping, in addition to chilled-out background sets for drinks receptions. These and other apparent reasons for a poor performance can normally be prevented by making certain you reserve with a high rated reputable Wedding DJ in the area where you are getting your Wedding - with lots of testimonials nevertheless, I don't want to go off subject because this comes under"picking the finest DJ for the wedding".
Echipa Dj Eveniment, da dovada p profesionalism si seriozitate deoarece are in componenta oameni cu peste 10 ani de experienta in domeniul sonorizarilor, evenimetelor speciale, nunta, botez, majorat, bal, petreceri de firme, sonorizare p expozitii. Ca dj, ofer varietate muzicală pentru toate gusturile, alegerea în ceea ce privește selecția genurilor p muzică se face de comun acord.
Musical Variety: Often the choice will be between a band and a DJ. Since DJs can normally provide greater musical diversity than a group, they're more likely to provide all of your guests an amazing time, as a seasoned DJ will play music which appeals to each one of your visitors, regardless of their generation or favorite genre. If you plan a special occasion, it'll be practical to know few things before picking out a Dj. To keep the guests on the ground, with a maximum amusement depends on how good the Dj's playlist is and how Dj works with that.
While decades ago it might have been a plastic collection being lugged around by the wedding DJ, now, they may well bring his songs on CDs, or more likely, digital storage facility. Our DJs with a great experience in any type of event (weddings dj, christening dj, personal parties dj, nightclubs dj, pubs dj, etc) along with an entertaining playlist, communicate with your crowd and understand how to keep it to the dance floor.
BG EVENTS PRODUCTION guarantees a very professional Dj Sound System with only Large power and fidelity equipment (Dynacord, Electro-voice, Pioneer, Yamaha, Shure, Sennheiser, etc.), appropriate to any type of event (weddings dj, christening dj, personal parties dj, anniversaries dj, launches dj, conferences dj, congresses dj, symposiums dj, live concerts dj).
De asemenea, trebuie să menţionăm că Dj-ul nostru are pregătirea necesară pentru a anima şi nunţile mixte", adică acele nunţi unde mirii sunt p naţionalităţi diferite. Nimic mai simplu, alegeti serviciile ofertite de Dj valcea si nu sa regeti p calitatea si p pretul competitiv al acestora. Particular statements https://deejayevents.ro during your wedding: The DJ can also function as an accomplished Master of Ceremonies, that will announce and host the specialist activities during the day and evening reception.
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Do not neglect to test WeddingWire for testimonials from actual couples which have worked with these DJs before. Modelul celor de la Pioneer, MEP 7000 ofera solutie flexibila, de inalta calitate, in special cand lucrezi cu muzica digitala, acesta fiind compact si usor de transportat, incorporand toate functiile din populara serie CDJ. You will most likely want both your group as well as your DJ to be setup before the evening celebration starts, so that they can seamlessly transition between performances.
Wedding DJs are far less expensive than live bands. Majoritatea DJ-ilor accepta comenzi chiar daca acestea se suprapun peste alte evenimente. Din ce in ce, la mai multe evenimente (nunta, botez, cununie, aniversare) cu program artstic asigurat fie de dj, fie de orchestra, se doreste si spectacol laser. Chiar daca va doriti orchestra sau lautari la nunta, va recomand sa apelati si la serviciile unui Dj profesionist pentru a acoperi toate cerintele.
At times it's possible with enough advance warning, for the band and DJ to combine their gear into precisely the exact same space, or talk about the same PA speakers. Poate pentru ca nunta nu inseamna jocul gainii", poate pentru can jump round" este need to have, poate pentru ca muzica buna a anilor 80-90 poate inlocui cateva sarbe si hore, poate pentru ca cei ce asculta altfel de muzica se regasesc in playlist-urile dj-ilor nostrii.
The couple's selection of music shall dictate what playlist dj nunta that the DJ should be enjoying. Had an absolutely amazing wedding night and can not thank the DJ enough for putting together the best playlist, together with everything we asked for and a good deal of great added tracks, even an impromptu encore of New York, New York right in the end. An experienced wedding DJ may select the proper music even during spontaneous areas of the wedding party.
Provided you're convinced in your musical Tastes and those of your visitors, a well thought out tune record is an invaluable tool for the client along with the DJ to be certain that the audio is not only the special songs you need but enables the DJ to program the music mixing and switching discreetly between genres to make the music flow all evening.
Cine il cunoaste deja pe DJ Robby stie ca el face totul din pasiune si ca in aceasta bransa de sonorizare nunti sau sonorizare botezuri este apreciat si lasa at urma doar impresii pozitive. This came as a pleasant surprise to us, especially since there was some excellent competition, comprising 7 other entertainers in our group, such as acts such as rings, magicians, and of course our Wedding DJ peers.
DeejayEvents si conceptul de muzica pentru petreceri private a aparut pentru a face petrecerile deosebite si de neuitat. Dupa o experienta de aproximativ 20 de ani pe partea de clubbing, pub-uri si discoteci, DeeJay Radoo s-a hotarat sa isi folosesca experienta si daruirea pentru muzica la nunti, petreceri de botez, aniversari, majorate si celelalte petreceri care marcheaza cele mai frumoase momente ale vietii.
Addresa : Aleea Tudor Neculai, nr 66,
Tel : 0771388459
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paramediks-blog · 6 years
How to Save Money on pret dj botez iasi https://deejayevents.ro
Wedding Dj
We caught up with Doruk Guralp lately ahead of the debut release, the'Caspian' EP. A self-described'wedding DJ & bedroom manufacturer from Istanbul', Doruk Guralp is among the leading DJ's from the Turkish scene. There are multiple Chicago DJs out there, but you would like to make sure the Chicago DJ you choose has expertise'especially' in weddings. We are also proud members of the Wedding DJ Alliance - Promoting Specialist Wedding DJs. All Wedding DJs will make statements at the night, introducing the bride and groom for their first dance, cutting the cake, opening the buffet along with giving shout-outs where required.
DJ Wedding Requests out of guests. 30 În același a fost votat nr. 3 în revista DJ Mag și și-a păstrat poziția și în următorii doi ani ( 2004 , 2005 ). Tot în 2004, Van Buuren a remixat tema serialului TV 24, într-un succes trance. Pe langa aspectul financiar, in general, la astfel de targuri participa Dj care sunt la inceput de cariera si incearca sa se promoveze.
Multi award winning Wedding DJs for 2015, 2016 & 2017. Un DJ p cununie, nunta sau botez experimentat are cultura muzicala bogata si variata, nu se limiteaza la un repertoriu fix si are in arhiva sa cele mai frumoase si mai apreciate titluri ale ultimelor decenii. Un Dj Profesionist va intelege perfect acest aspect si va reusi de fiecare data sa iti surprinda invitatii intr-un mod placut.
There seems to Be no substantial gap between the experience given by a live group along with also the expertise supplied by a DJ. As long as there is continuous good music throughout the party or celebration, then the atmosphere should be fine. Nu recomandam targurile de nunti pentru alegerea Dj-ilor (sau a altor servicii) deoarece preturilor vor fi mereu mai mari.
Pete & Melissa didn't want the standard wedding songs and music which are staples with lots of wedding reception DJs (ie: Electric Slide, YMCA, Cha Cha Slide, etc) they needed more of a CLUB VIBE that could obtain their friends energized and dancing to the hype style that they had expected. The UK's best insurer for Djs,Disco's and Entertainers(many venues require the amusement business to provide this service)For peace of mind we always ensure any dj for a children or school party are CRB(Criminal Records Bureau)checked.
Dj Foto&Video Eveniment va asigura servicii de Sonorizare si Filmare de calitate si la preturi decente pentru Nunta sau Botez, Evenimente p Firma, sau Petreceri Private. I was the DJ for their wedding last night in the Skytop Lodge in Skytop, PA (Poconos). Cei mai buni şi mişto.Ne-am simţit extraordinar cu voi, fără voi nunta noastră nu ar fi fost la fel de frumoasă.
Garantam pentru calitatea serviciilor si te asiguram ca Dj nunta este varianta ideala pentru orice tip de eveniment vei avea. A fost votat cel mai bun DJ al anului 2009, în ancheta revistei DJ Mag , pentru al treilea an consecutiv. An average running order may be for the DJ to start the evening off following your speeches, together with music running from 7.30pm - 8.30pm, enjoying with the very first dance before your band begins their initial set.
We have a detailed knowledge of several of Ayrshire's finest wedding venues and have supplied wedding DJ's at most of them, we work hard to ensure we have a great relationship with the venues and other wedding suppliers and have found these relationships enable us to supply the exceptional service to our clients that we are famous for.
If you're interested in the ideal entertainment for your wedding day, a professional wedding DJ from a business with a reputation you can trust then contact the Devotion Wedding Team now for a friendly, professional discussion with no obligation. The very best thing a DJ does during weddings would be to set the disposition of everybody by playing the right songs.
The apparel of the wedding DJ is significant in any kind of event. Veti avea ocazia sa intalniti oameni cu experienta in domeniu, care sunt, in majoritate, foarte comunicativi, cu personalitate placuta si dispusi oricand sa va ofere sfaturi utile pentru a avea cea mai frumoasa nunta. By hiring a professional wedding DJ you'll be assured you have the ideal music played along with the professional audio and lighting gear to ensure everything goes as planned.
BG EVENTS PRODUCTION offers complete services of Sound System DJ (wedding dj, christening dj, personal party dj, club&pub dj), photo-video professional services for same occasions, offers you a full package of special effects(architectural lights, heavy smoke machine, bubbles machine ), anything for spending with you the most gorgeous moments of your lifetime.
From top excellent microphone equipment to high excellent sound equipment and lighting we are seriously interested in what we do, that's why you will rest assured as soon as you've booked with people we take pride in what they do. Feel free to talk to us at any time for more information concerning our professional wedding DJ service in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Gauteng as well as neighboring states.
Various genres of music: Experienced DJs may read the dancing floor and disposition of your visitors and react very quickly with songs to entertain everybody. Dj-ul pentru evenimente pare a fi meserie destul de usoara,fapt pentru maintenance, in ultima vreme, oricine are un laptop si conexiune de internet se declara dj si face oferte care mai de care mai atragatoare pentru a atrage clientii necunoscatori.
Un MC care sa stie sa energizeze oamenii si sa dea tonul distractiei, in asa fel incat nuntasii si invitatii sa-si aminteasca de nunta voastra mult timp dupa ce s-a terminat. Your Chicago DJ may play a big part in your special day and choosing the ideal one may be the difference maker in the way your guests will remember it. Deciding on a professional DJ at Chicago who has expertise can make or break your day.
We are here to help you find a great Wedding DJ for your special day. This one may seem obvious, however, the very first thing that you ought to find out is whether the Chicago wedding DJ is available for the date that you have reserved. Dj-ul trebuie sa creeze programul pornind de la tematica impusa p client, integrand in setul sau piese dorite de acesta, acolo unde isi au locul, fara a pierde din vedere preferintele intregului auditoriu.
Mai bine iei DJ, sant DJ care stiu sa faca atmosfera super calumea si stiu ce melodii scot lumea la dans cel mai bine, formatia oricat de buna ar fi nu poate canta perfect orce melodie. Stim ca de multe ori viitori miri se intreaba daca sa angajeze un dj pentru ca este mai ieftin si are un repertoriu mai vast sau formatie deoarece canta live dar care este considerabil mai scumpa.
DJ-ul sa va spuna ca nu va veti da seama seama daca melodie este la 128Kbps sau la 320, ceea ce este partial adevarat. Aveam nevoie de DJ pentru nunta mea. Throughout the entire year of 2015, we were pleased to advance through the rounds of The Wedding Business awards, initially receiving the regional award for Best Wedding DJ", culminating in winning the national accolade.
Wedding DJs provide mobile disco services for weddings, and playing lively celebration music for evening receptions to get the party pumping, in addition to chilled-out background collections for drinks receptions. These along with other obvious reasons for a bad performance can normally be prevented by making certain you book with a top rated reputable Wedding DJ in the area where you are having your wedding with lots of testimonials however, I do not want to go off subject as this comes under"choosing the finest DJ for the wedding".
Echipa Dj Eveniment, da dovada de profesionalism si seriozitate deoarece are in componenta oameni cu peste 10 ani de experienta in domeniul sonorizarilor, evenimetelor speciale, nunta, botez, majorat, bal, petreceri p firme, sonorizare p expozitii. Ca dj, ofer varietate muzicală pentru toate gusturile, alegerea în ceea ce privește selecția genurilor de muzică se face de comun acord.
Musical Variety: Frequently the choice will be between a band and a DJ. Since DJs can normally offer greater musical diversity compared to a group, they're more inclined to provide all your guests an amazing time, as an experienced DJ will play music that appeals to all of your guests, whatever their generation or favourite genre. If you plan a special occasion, it will be practical to understand few things before choosing a Dj. To maintain the guests around the ground, with a maximum entertainment is dependent upon how good the Dj's playlist is and how Dj works with that.
While decades ago it would have been a vinyl collection being lugged around from the wedding DJ, now, they may well bring his songs on CDs, or more likely, digital storage facility. Our DJs having a great expertise in any type of occasion (weddings dj, christening dj, personal parties dj, clubs dj, bars dj, etc) and an entertaining playlist, communicate with your audience and understand how to keep it to the dance floor.
BG EVENTS PRODUCTION ensures a very professional Dj Sound System with only high power and fidelity gear (Dynacord, Electro-voice, Pioneer, Yamaha, Shure, Sennheiser, etc.), suitable to any kind of event (weddings dj, christening dj, private parties dj, anniversaries dj, launches dj, conferences dj, congresses dj, symposiums dj, live concerts dj).
De asemenea, trebuie să menţionăm că Dj-ul nostru are pregătirea necesară pentru a anima şi nunţile mixte", adică acele nunţi unde mirii sunt p naţionalităţi diferite. Nimic mai simplu, alegeti serviciile ofertite de Dj valcea si nu sa regeti de calitatea si de pretul competitiv al acestora. Special announcements during your wedding: The DJ can also act as an accomplished Master of Ceremonies, who will announce and host the specialist actions during the day and evening reception.
Don't neglect to test WeddingWire for reviews from actual couples which have worked with these DJs before. Modelul celor de la Pioneer, MEP 7000 ofera solutie flexibila, de inalta calitate, in special cand lucrezi cu muzica digitala, acesta fiind compact si usor de transportat, incorporand toate functiile din populara serie CDJ. You'll probably want both your group as well as your DJ to be set up before the day party begins, so that they could seamlessly transition between performances.
Wedding DJs tend to be less expensive than live bands. Majoritatea DJ-ilor accepta comenzi chiar daca acestea se suprapun peste alte evenimente. Din ce in ce, la mai multe evenimente (nunta, botez, cununie, aniversare) cu app artstic asigurat fie de dj, fie p orchestra, se doreste https://deejayevents.ro si spectacol laser. Chiar daca va doriti orchestra sau lautari la nunta, va recomand sa apelati si la serviciile unui Dj profesionist pentru a acoperi toate cerintele.
At times it's possible with sufficient advance warning, to the band and DJ to combine their gear in precisely the same area, or share the identical PA speakers. Poate pentru ca nunta nu inseamna jocul gainii", poate pentru can jump round" este must possess, poate pentru ca muzica buna a anilor 80-90 poate inlocui cateva sarbe si hore, poate pentru ca cei ce asculta altfel de muzica se regasesc in playlist-urile dj-ilor nostrii.
The couple's selection of songs shall dictate what playlist dj nunta that the DJ should be enjoying. Had an absolutely awesome wedding night and can't thank the DJ enough for putting together the perfect playlist, with everything that we asked for and plenty of great extra paths, even an impromptu encore of New York, New York right at the end. An experienced wedding DJ can select the suitable music even during spontaneous areas of the wedding party.
Provided you are convinced in your musical Tastes and those of your guests, a well thought out tune record is an invaluable tool for the customer and the DJ to make sure the audio is not only the particular songs you want but enables the DJ to program the music mixing and switching subtly between genres to make the audio flow all night.
Cine il cunoaste deja pe DJ Robby stie ca el face totul din pasiune si ca in aceasta bransa de sonorizare nunti sau sonorizare botezuri este apreciat si lasa at urma doar impresii pozitive. This came as a pleasant surprise for us, particularly since there was some fantastic competition, consisting of 7 other entertainers within our group, such as acts such as rings, magicians, and of course our Wedding DJ peers.
DeejayEvents si conceptul de muzica pentru petreceri private a aparut pentru a face petrecerile deosebite si de neuitat. Dupa o experienta de aproximativ 20 de ani pe partea de clubbing, pub-uri si discoteci, DeeJay Radoo s-a hotarat sa isi folosesca experienta si daruirea pentru muzica la nunti, petreceri de botez, aniversari, majorate si celelalte petreceri care marcheaza cele mai frumoase momente ale vietii.
Addresa : Aleea Tudor Neculai, nr 66,
Tel : 0771388459
0 notes
paramediks-blog · 6 years
5 Cliches About dj florin iasi You Should Avoid
Wedding Dj
We caught up with Doruk Guralp lately before his debut release, the'Caspian' EP. A self-described'wedding DJ & bedroom producer from Istanbul', Doruk Guralp is one of the leading DJ's in the Turkish scene. There are multiple Chicago DJs on the market, but you would like to ensure that the Chicago DJ you choose has experience'especially' in weddings. We're also proud members of the Wedding DJ Alliance - Promoting Specialist Wedding DJs. All Wedding DJs will make statements at the nighttime, showcasing the bride and groom for their first dance, cutting the cake, opening the buffet and providing shout-outs where required.
DJ Wedding Requests from guests. 30 În același an a fost votat nr. 3 în revista DJ Mag și și-a păstrat poziția și în următorii doi ani ( 2004 , 2005 ). Tot în 2004, Van Buuren a remixat tema serialului TV 24, într-un succes trance. Pe langa aspectul financiar, in general, la astfel de targuri participa Dj care sunt la inceput de cariera si incearca sa se promoveze.
Multi award winning Wedding DJs for 2015, 2016 & 2017. Un DJ de cununie, nunta sau botez experimentat are cultura muzicala bogata si variata, nu se limiteaza la un repertoriu fix si are in arhiva sa cele mai frumoase si mai apreciate titluri ale ultimelor decenii. Un Dj Profesionist va intelege perfect acest aspect si va reusi de fiecare data sa iti surprinda invitatii intr-un mod placut.
There seems to Be no substantial gap between the experience given by a live group along with also the experience given by a DJ. As long as there is constant fantastic music throughout the party or celebration, then the air ought to be OK. Nu recomandam targurile de nunti pentru alegerea Dj-ilor (sau a altor servicii) deoarece preturilor vor fi mereu mai mari.
Pete & Melissa did not need the traditional wedding music and songs that are staples with lots of wedding reception DJs (ie: Electric Slide, YMCA, Cha Cha Slide, etc) they wanted more of a CLUB VIBE that would get their friends energized and dancing into the hype style they had anticipated. The UK's best insurer for Djs,Disco's and Entertainers(many venues need the entertainment company to supply this service)For peace of mind we always ensure any dj for a children or school party are CRB(Criminal Records Bureau)checked.
Dj Foto&Video Eveniment va asigura servicii de Sonorizare si Filmare de calitate si la preturi decente pentru Nunta sau Botez, Evenimente de Firma, sau Petreceri Private. I was the DJ for their wedding last night at the Skytop Lodge in Skytop, PA (Poconos). Cei mai buni şi mişto.Ne-am simţit extraordinar cu voi, fără voi nunta noastră nu ar fi fost la fel de frumoasă.
Garantam pentru calitatea serviciilor si te asiguram ca Dj nunta este varianta ideala pentru orice tip de eveniment vei avea. A fost votat cel mai bun DJ al anului 2009, în ancheta revistei DJ Mag , pentru al treilea an consecutiv. A common running order may be for the DJ to start the day off following your speeches, with music running from 7.30pm - 8.30pm, playing with the very first dance prior to your band starts their first set.
We have a detailed knowledge of several of Ayrshire's finest wedding venues and also have provided wedding DJ's at most of them, we work hard to ensure we have a fantastic relationship with the venues and other wedding suppliers and have found those relationships enable us to provide the outstanding service to our clients that we're known for.
If you're looking for the ideal entertainment for your wedding day, a professional wedding DJ from a business with a reputation you can trust then contact the Devotion Wedding Team now for a friendly, professional chat with no obligation. The very best thing a DJ does during weddings is to place the disposition of everybody by playing the right songs.
The attire of the wedding DJ is significant in any sort of occasion. Veti avea ocazia sa intalniti oameni cu experienta in domeniu, care sunt, in majoritate, foarte comunicativi, cu personalitate placuta si dispusi oricand sa va ofere sfaturi utile pentru a avea cea mai frumoasa nunta. By employing a professional wedding DJ you will be assured that you have the ideal music played along with the professional audio and lighting gear to ensure everything goes as planned.
BG EVENTS PRODUCTION presents complete services of Sound System DJ (wedding dj, christening dj, personal party dj, club&pub dj), photo-video professional services for same events, offers you a complete package of special effects(architectural lights, ample smoke machine, bubbles machine etc), anything for spending with one of the most beautiful moments of your life.
From high quality microphone equipment to high excellent sound equipment and lighting we're serious about what we do, that's the reason you will rest assured as soon as you've booked with individuals we enjoy what they do. Don't hesitate to talk to us at any time for more information about our professional wedding DJ service in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Gauteng as well as surrounding provinces.
Various genres of music: Experienced DJs may read the dance floor and disposition of your visitors and respond quickly with music to entertain everybody. Dj-ul pentru evenimente pare a fi meserie destul de usoara,fapt pentru maintenance, in ultima vreme, oricine are un laptop si conexiune de internet se declara dj si face oferte care mai de care mai atragatoare pentru a atrage clientii necunoscatori.
Un MC care sa stie sa energizeze oamenii si sa dea tonul distractiei, in asa fel incat nuntasii si invitatii sa-si aminteasca de nunta voastra mult timp dupa ce s-a terminat. Your Chicago DJ will play a huge role in your special day and picking the right one can be the difference maker in how your guests will remember it. Choosing a professional DJ at Chicago who has expertise can make or break your day.
We are here to assist you in finding a great Wedding DJ for your special day. This one might seem obvious, however, the very first thing you should discover is whether the Chicago wedding DJ is available for the date which you have reserved. Dj-ul trebuie sa creeze programul pornind de la tematica impusa p client, integrand in setul sau piese dorite de acesta, acolo unde isi au locul, fara a pierde din vedere preferintele intregului auditoriu.
Mai bine iei DJ, sant DJ care stiu sa faca atmosfera super calumea si stiu ce melodii scot lumea la dans cel mai bine, formatia oricat de buna ar fi nu poate canta perfect orce melodie. Stim ca de multe ori viitori miri se intreaba daca sa angajeze un dj pentru ca este mai ieftin si are un repertoriu mai vast sau formatie deoarece canta reside dar care este considerabil mai scumpa.
DJ-ul sa va spuna ca nu va veti da seama seama daca melodie este la 128Kbps sau la 320, ceea ce este partial adevarat. Aveam nevoie de DJ pentru nunta mea. Throughout the entire year of 2015, we were proud to progress through the rounds of The Wedding Industry Awards, first receiving the regional award for Best Wedding DJ", culminating in winning the national accolade.
Wedding DJs provide mobile disco services for weddings, playing lively party audio for night receptions to get the party pumping, as well as chilled-out background collections for drinks receptions. These along with other apparent reasons for a poor performance can usually be avoided by making certain you reserve with a high rated reputable Wedding DJ in the area where you are getting your Wedding - with lots of testimonials however, I do not wish to go off subject as this comes under"picking the finest DJ for the wedding".
Echipa Dj Eveniment, da dovada p profesionalism si seriozitate deoarece are in componenta oameni cu peste 10 ani de experienta in domeniul sonorizarilor, evenimetelor speciale, nunta, botez, majorat, bal, petreceri p firme, sonorizare p expozitii. Ca dj, ofer varietate muzicală pentru toate gusturile, alegerea în ceea ce privește selecția genurilor p muzică se face de comun acord.
Musical Variety: Often the choice will be between a band and a DJ. Since DJs can normally offer greater musical diversity compared to a group, they're more likely to provide all your guests an wonderful time, as an experienced DJ will play music that appeals to all your guests, regardless of their creation or favorite genre. Should you plan a special event, it'll be useful to know few things prior to picking out a Dj. To keep the guests on the ground, with a maximum entertainment depends on how good the Dj's playlist is and the way Dj works with that.
While decades ago it might have been a plastic collection being lugged around by the wedding DJ, now, they may well bring his music on CDs, or even more likely, digital storage facility. Our DJs having a great experience in any type of event (weddings dj, christening dj, private parties dj, clubs dj, bars dj, etc) along with an entertaining playlist, communicate with the crowd and understand how to keep it on the dance floor.
BG EVENTS PRODUCTION guarantees a very professional Dj Sound System with only high power and fidelity equipment (Dynacord, Electro-voice, Pioneer, Yamaha, Shure, Sennheiser, etc.), appropriate to any kind of event (weddings dj, christening dj, private parties dj, anniversaries dj, launches dj, conferences dj, congresses dj, symposiums dj, live concerts dj).
De asemenea, trebuie să menţionăm că Dj-ul nostru are pregătirea necesară pentru a anima şi nunţile mixte", adică acele nunţi unde mirii sunt de naţionalităţi diferite. Nimic mai simplu, alegeti serviciile ofertite de Dj valcea si nu sa regeti p calitatea si de pretul competitiv al acestora. Special announcements during your weddingThe DJ may also act as an accomplished Master of Ceremonies, who can declare and host the specialist actions during the day and evening reception.
Don't neglect to test WeddingWire for testimonials from actual couples that have worked with these DJs before. Modelul celor de la Pioneer, MEP 7000 ofera solutie flexibila, de inalta calitate, in particular cand lucrezi cu muzica digitala, acesta fiind compact si usor de transportat, incorporand toate functiile din populara serie CDJ. You'll most likely want both your group and your DJ to be set up before the evening party begins, so they can seamlessly transition between performances.
Wedding DJs tend to be less expensive than live bands. Majoritatea DJ-ilor accepta comenzi chiar daca acestea se suprapun peste alte evenimente. Din ce in ce, la mai multe evenimente (nunta, botez, cununie, aniversare) cu program artstic asigurat fie de dj, fie p orchestra, se doreste si spectacol laser. Chiar daca va doriti orchestra sau lautari la nunta, va recomand sa apelati si la serviciile unui Dj profesionist pentru a acoperi toate cerintele.
Sometimes it's possible with sufficient advance warning, for the band and DJ to combine their equipment in the exact same space, or share the same PA speakers. Poate pentru ca nunta nu inseamna jocul gainii", poate pentru ca jump around" este must possess, poate pentru ca muzica buna a anilor 80-90 poate inlocui cateva sarbe si hore, poate pentru ca cei ce asculta altfel de muzica se regasesc in playlist-urile dj-ilor nostrii.
The couple's choice of songs shall dictate exactly what playlist dj nunta the DJ should be enjoying. Had an absolutely awesome wedding night and can not thank the DJ enough for putting together the perfect playlist, with everything that we asked for and plenty of amazing added paths, even an impromptu encore of New York, New York right in the end. An experienced wedding DJ can select the suitable music during spontaneous areas of the wedding party.
Provided you are convinced in your musical Tastes and those of your visitors, a well thought out song list is a priceless tool for the customer and the DJ to make sure the audio isn't only the particular songs you https://deejayevents.ro want but allows the DJ to program the music mixing and switching discreetly between genres to produce the audio flow all evening.
Cine il cunoaste deja pe DJ Robby stie ca el face totul din pasiune si ca in aceasta bransa de sonorizare nunti sau sonorizare botezuri este apreciat si lasa in urma doar impresii pozitive. This came as a nice surprise for us, especially since there was some fantastic competition, comprising 7 other entertainers in our group, including acts such as rings, magicians, and of course our Wedding DJ peers.
DeejayEvents si conceptul de muzica pentru petreceri private a aparut pentru a face petrecerile deosebite si de neuitat. Dupa o experienta de aproximativ 20 de ani pe partea de clubbing, pub-uri si discoteci, DeeJay Radoo s-a hotarat sa isi folosesca experienta si daruirea pentru muzica la nunti, petreceri de botez, aniversari, majorate si celelalte petreceri care marcheaza cele mai frumoase momente ale vietii.
Addresa : Aleea Tudor Neculai, nr 66,
Tel : 0771388459
0 notes
paramediks-blog · 6 years
Miley Cyrus and dj cristi ciobanu iasi https://deejayevents.ro: 10 Surprising Things They Have in Common
Wedding Dj
We caught up with Doruk Guralp lately before the debut release, the'Caspian' EP. A self-described'wedding DJ & bedroom producer from Istanbul', Doruk Guralp is one of the leading DJ's in the Turkish arena. There are numerous Chicago DJs out there, but you would like to make sure that the Chicago DJ you choose has expertise'specifically' in weddings. We are also proud members of the Wedding DJ Alliance - Promoting Specialist Wedding DJs. All Wedding DJs will make statements on the night, showcasing the bride and groom for their first dance, cutting the cake, opening the buffet and providing shout-outs where required.
DJ Wedding Requests out of guests. 30 În același a fost votat nr. 3 în revista DJ Mag și și-a păstrat poziția și în următorii doi ani ( 2004 , 2005 ). Tot în 2004, Van Buuren a remixat tema serialului TV 24, într-un succes trance. Pe langa aspectul financiar, generally speaking, la astfel de targuri participa Dj care sunt la inceput de cariera si incearca sa se promoveze.
Multi award winning Wedding DJs for 2015, 2016 & 2017. Un DJ p cununie, nunta sau botez experimentat are muzicala bogata si variata, nu se limiteaza la un repertoriu mend si are at arhiva sa cele mai frumoase si mai apreciate titluri ale ultimelor decenii. Un Dj Profesionist va intelege perfect acest aspect si va reusi de fiecare data sa iti surprinda invitatii intr-un mod placut.
There appears to Be no significant difference between the experience supplied by a live group and the expertise supplied by a DJ. Provided that there is constant fantastic music during the party or party, then the air should be fine. Nu recomandam targurile de nunti pentru alegerea Dj-ilor (sau a altor servicii) deoarece preturilor vor fi mereu mai mari.
Pete & Melissa did not need the standard wedding songs and music that are staples with many wedding reception DJs (ie: Electric Slide, YMCA, Cha Cha Slide, etc) they needed more of a CLUB VIBE that would get their friends energized and dancing to the hype style that they had expected. The UK's best insurance company for Djs,Disco's and Entertainers(many venues need the entertainment company to supply this service)For peace of mind we always ensure any dj for a kids or school party are CRB(Criminal Records Bureau)checked.
Dj Foto&Video Eveniment va asigura servicii de Sonorizare si Filmare de calitate si la preturi decente pentru Nunta sau Botez, Evenimente p Firma, sau Petreceri Private. I was the DJ for their wedding last night in the Skytop Lodge in Skytop, PA (Poconos). Cei mai buni şi mişto.Ne-'m simţit extraordinar cu voi, fără voi nunta noastră nu ar fi fost la fel de frumoasă.
Garantam pentru calitatea serviciilor si te asiguram ca Dj nunta este varianta ideala pentru orice tip de eveniment vei avea. A fost votat cel mai bun DJ al anului 2009, în ancheta revistei DJ Mag , pentru al treilea an consecutiv. An average running order may be for the DJ to start the evening off after your speeches, with songs running from 7.30pm - 8.30pm, enjoying the first dance before your band starts their first set.
We've got a comprehensive knowledge of many of Ayrshire's finest wedding venues and have provided wedding DJ's at most of them, we work hard to make sure we've got a great relationship with the places and other wedding suppliers and have found these relationships help us to provide the outstanding service to our clients that we're famous for.
If you are looking for the ideal entertainment for the wedding , a professional wedding DJ out of a company with a reputation you can trust then contact the Devotion Wedding Team today for a friendly, professional chat with no obligation. The best thing a DJ does during weddings is to place the disposition of everyone by playing the right songs.
The apparel of the wedding DJ is important in any kind of event. Veti avea ocazia sa intalniti oameni cu experienta in domeniu, care sunt, in majoritate, foarte comunicativi, cu personalitate placuta si dispusi oricand sa va ofere sfaturi utile pentru a avea cea mai frumoasa nunta. By employing a professional wedding DJ you will be assured you have the ideal music played and the professional audio and lighting gear to ensure everything goes as planned.
BG EVENTS PRODUCTION presents full services of Sound System DJ (wedding dj, christening dj, personal party dj, club&bar dj), photo-video professional services for same occasions, offers you a full package of special effects(architectural lights, heavy smoke equipment, bubbles machine ), anything for spending with one of the most gorgeous moments of your life.
From high quality microphone gear to high excellent sound equipment and lighting we are serious about what we do, that's the reason you will rest assured once you've booked with people we enjoy what they do. Feel free to speak to us anytime to learn more concerning our professional wedding DJ service in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Gauteng in addition to surrounding provinces.
Various genres of music: Experienced DJs can read the dancing floor and disposition of your visitors and respond quickly with music to entertain everybody. Dj-ul pentru evenimente pare a fi meserie destul de usoara,fapt pentru maintenance, in ultima vreme, oricine are un notebook si conexiune de internet se declara dj si confront oferte care mai de care mai atragatoare pentru a atrage clientii necunoscatori.
Un MC care sa stie sa energizeze oamenii si sa dea tonul distractiei, in asa fel incat nuntasii si invitatii sa-si aminteasca de nunta voastra mult timp dupa ce s-a terminat. Your Chicago DJ will play a huge part in your special day and choosing the ideal one can be the difference maker in how your guests will recall. Deciding on a professional DJ in Chicago who has experience can make or break your day.
We're here to assist you in finding a great Wedding DJ for your special day. This one may seem obvious, however, the very first thing that you should find out is whether or not the Chicago wedding DJ is available for your date which you have reserved. Dj-ul trebuie sa creeze programul pornind de la tematica impusa de client, integrand in setul sau piese dorite p acesta, acolo unde isi au locul, fara a pierde din vedere preferintele intregului auditoriu.
Mai bine iei DJ, sant DJ care stiu sa faca atmosfera super calumea si stiu ce melodii scot lumea la dans cel mai bine, formatia oricat de buna ar fi nu poate canta perfect orce melodie. Stim ca de multe ori viitori miri se intreaba daca sa angajeze un dj pentru ca este mai ieftin si are un repertoriu mai vast sau formatie deoarece canta reside dar care este considerabil mai scumpa.
DJ-ul sa va spuna ca nu va veti da seama seama daca melodie este la 128Kbps sau la 320, ceea ce este partial adevarat. Aveam nevoie de DJ pentru nunta mea. Throughout the year of 2015, we're pleased to progress through the rounds of The Wedding Industry Awards, initially getting the regional award for Best Wedding DJ", culminating in winning the national accolade.
Wedding DJs provide mobile disco services for weddings, playing lively party music for evening receptions to get the party pumping, in addition to chilled-out background collections for drinks receptions. These along with other obvious reasons for a bad performance can usually be avoided by making certain you book with a top rated reputable Wedding DJ in the area where you are getting your wedding with lots of testimonials nevertheless, I don't want to go off subject because this comes under"picking the best DJ for your wedding".
Echipa Dj Eveniment, da dovada de https://deejayevents.ro profesionalism si seriozitate deoarece are in componenta oameni cu peste 10 ani de experienta in domeniul sonorizarilor, evenimetelor speciale, nunta, botez, majorat, bal, petreceri de firme, sonorizare p expozitii. Ca dj, ofer varietate muzicală pentru toate gusturile, alegerea în ceea ce privește selecția genurilor p muzică se face de comun acord.
Musical Variety: Frequently the choice will be between a band and a DJ. As DJs can normally provide greater musical diversity compared to a group, they are more inclined to give all your guests an amazing time, as an experienced DJ will play music that appeals to all your visitors, regardless of their generation or favorite genre. If you plan a special occasion, it will be practical to understand few things prior to choosing a Dj. To keep the guests on the ground, with a maximum amusement is dependent upon how good the Dj's playlist is and how Dj works with that.
While decades ago it might have been a vinyl collection being lugged around by the wedding DJ, today, they may well bring his songs on CDs, or more likely, digital storage facility. Our DJs with a fantastic expertise in any type of event (weddings dj, christening dj, personal parties dj, nightclubs dj, pubs dj, etc) and a fun playlist, communicate with the audience and understand how to keep it on the dance floor.
BG EVENTS PRODUCTION ensures a very professional Dj Sound System with only high power and fidelity equipment (Dynacord, Electro-voice, Pioneer, Yamaha, Shure, Sennheiser, etc.), suitable to any type of occasion (weddings dj, christening dj, personal parties dj, anniversaries dj, launches dj, conferences dj, congresses dj, symposiums dj, live concerts dj).
De asemenea, trebuie să menţionăm că Dj-ul nostru are pregătirea necesară pentru a anima şi nunţile mixte", adică acele nunţi unde mirii sunt de naţionalităţi diferite. Nimic mai simplu, alegeti serviciile ofertite de Dj valcea si nu sa regeti p calitatea si p pretul competitiv al acestora. Particular statements during your wedding: The DJ can also function as an accomplished Master of Ceremonies, that can announce and host the specialist actions during the day and evening reception.
Don't neglect to test WeddingWire for testimonials from actual couples that have worked with these DJs before. Modelul celor de la Pioneer, MEP 7000 ofera solutie flexibila, de inalta calitate, in special cand lucrezi cu muzica digitala, acesta fiind compact si usor de transportat, incorporand toate functiile din populara serie CDJ. You will most likely want both your group and your DJ to be set up before the evening celebration starts, so that they can seamlessly transition between performances.
Wedding DJs are far less expensive than live bands. Majoritatea DJ-ilor accepta comenzi chiar daca acestea se suprapun peste alte evenimente. Din ce in ce, la mai multe evenimente (nunta, botez, cununie, aniversare) cu app artstic asigurat fie de dj, fie p orchestra, se doreste si spectacol laser. Chiar daca va doriti orchestra sau lautari la nunta, va recomand sa apelati si la serviciile unui Dj profesionist pentru a acoperi toate cerintele.
At times it's possible with sufficient advance warning, to the band and DJ to combine their equipment in precisely the exact same space, or share the identical PA speakers. Poate pentru ca nunta nu inseamna jocul gainii", poate pentru can jump round" este must have, poate pentru ca muzica buna a anilor 80-90 poate inlocui cateva sarbe si hore, poate pentru ca cei ce asculta altfel de muzica se regasesc in playlist-urile dj-ilor nostrii.
The couple's selection of songs will dictate exactly what playlist dj nunta the DJ should be enjoying. Had an absolutely amazing wedding night and can not thank the DJ enough for putting together the best playlist, with all we asked for and a good deal of amazing added paths, an impromptu encore of New York, New York right in the end. An experienced wedding DJ may pick the suitable music even during spontaneous parts of the wedding celebration.
Provided you're confident in your musical Tastes and those of your guests, a well thought out song record is an invaluable instrument for the customer and the DJ to make sure the audio isn't only the particular songs you need but allows the DJ to program the audio mixing and switching subtly between genres to make the audio flow all night.
Cine il cunoaste deja pe DJ Robby stie ca el face totul din pasiune si ca in aceasta bransa p sonorizare nunti sau sonorizare botezuri este apreciat si lasa in urma doar impresii pozitive. This came as a nice surprise to us, particularly since there was some excellent competition, consisting of 7 other entertainers within our group, including acts such as rings, magicians, and of course our Wedding DJ peers.
DeejayEvents si conceptul de muzica pentru petreceri private a aparut pentru a face petrecerile deosebite si de neuitat. Dupa o experienta de aproximativ 20 de ani pe partea de clubbing, pub-uri si discoteci, DeeJay Radoo s-a hotarat sa isi folosesca experienta si daruirea pentru muzica la nunti, petreceri de botez, aniversari, majorate si celelalte petreceri care marcheaza cele mai frumoase momente ale vietii.
Addresa : Aleea Tudor Neculai, nr 66,
Tel : 0771388459
0 notes