#mod iono speaks!
appeal-zone · 1 year
Ahoy!! I'm the famous Contest Idol hailing from Hoenn, Lisia~ ホウエン地方から大有名アイドルのルチア〜
And I'm the ELECTRIC-SUPERCHARGED streamer from the Paldea region, Iono!! ボクは大人気の電エレキトリカル★ストリーマー!ナンジャモじゃも〜ん!
Together, we are...
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We're here to run this Rotomblr blog as part of our NEW idol duo... Appeal☆Zone!! Amazeballs, amirite!?
//mun + blog info↓:
hii! my name is actually lisia — part of a reason why i'm a big fan of lisia pokémon. i'm lisia, 17, and speak english + japanese! i run the official @bulbagarden blog, but my personal account is @bulbalisia. nice to meet you~
アホイ!あたしの名はリシアで〜す。17歳で♀!英語も英語も話せますよ〜!@bulbagardenの公式ブログの担当する女の子〜 専用ブログは @bulbalisiaです〜よろしくね✧
blog rules✧ブログルール:
please keep everything sfw! even as i turn 18, i still don't want to be near anything nsfw, thanks for understanding! r15にしていこうね〜
you can interact in english or japanese! 日本語でも英語でも話してもいいのでよ〜
if you want to ask lisia or iono specifically, just ask! if not, you'll get both of them! ルチアちゃんかナンジャモちゃんだけを問いたいなら、そう言ってね!しないとルチアちゃんもナンジャモちゃんが答える〜
lisia speaks in blue text, and iono speaks in pink text! ルチアちゃんは青いテキストでナンジャモちゃんはピンク色テキスト!
tags are:
#mod iono speaks! #mod lisia speaks! #mun lisia speaks! #日本語 #appeal-zone ask!
this shooould be all, but if there's anything else that you think should be added, please let me know!! for convenice's sake, you can refer to me (on this blog) as mun lisia! (or bulbalisia if you'd like~)
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yveltalreal · 8 months
Redoing this because Yveltals old one was shit.
Welcome to the rotumblr blog for the real actual god of death Yveltal! They/It/She/He pronouns. She enjoys Barbie media, baking, playing various video games I show him, listening to classical music like the old geezer (/aff) she is, and spending time with its family and friends. Do not call her a bacon bird or a murder chicken or anything like that, she doesn’t like it. Also you can ONLY call her Yveltal. If you are allowed to call her something else they will tell you. This is primarily their blog, I just live here.
I’m Maple, host of the Reaper System! I use He/She/They and we use She/They/It collectively! We’re Yveltal’s Chosens and frequent hijackers of this blog because we can’t be assed to make our own!! There’s me (#from m), Whirlybird (#whirlybirds musings), Circut (#circuits circus), Marble (#marble posting), and Acer (#acer speaks). We’re attending university at Naranja-Uva Academy and also are Paldea’s very own Dark Type gym leader (Fuck you, Iono! It’s my gym now!) You might also occasionally hear from my rotom, .ZIP, or my Ninetails, Glacier. I don’t think any of the others know how to use rotumblr.
some of the others in question are:
Pickle - Meowscarada (Service/Partner pkmn)
Dash - Cyclizar (We do a lot of racing)
Hephaestus - Houndoom/Lycanroc hybrid (Service/Partner pkmn)
Glacier - Chimeric Shiny Alolan Ninetails (Alpha)
Little - Shiny Scolipede
Bubblegum Bitch/Bibi - Shiny Lopunny (Freak)
Eepy - Zoroark
Tami - Absol (Basically my mom)
Biscuit - Hydreigon (General in the Deino Army)
En Passant - Kingambit
Wave - Wattrel
Sneeze - Houndour
Theres a couple others like the rest of my gym team and all of en passant's army and a few others. Also I USED to have a kilowattrel named storm but. lets not talk about him :D
Oh, also sometimes I turn into a houndoom for a little bit and it’s Zygarde’s fault apparently.
okay hi second pinned post yippe.
likes and follows come from @vibossvi
peliper mail, musharna mail, and magic anons are on if i think theyre funny enough/arent like annoying or really fucked up, and in this vein musharna malice (sending nightmares) is off. you can also send ic anon hate just dont be like. too over the top with it. i may smudge the rules if what you send is something im not particularly freaked out by and can figure out how theyd respond, but dont push it. if you aren't completely sure just like ask me with a dm or something, either here or over on discord if you already know it (im not giving it out just in case. if you know you know, and if you dont you dont.)
mod and characters are adults however reaper system does include a little in it and also im just generally not comfortable with nsfw?? i might make slur jokes or kys jokes so keep that in mind but i do tag them and thats p much the extent ill go.
while high stakes shit might be mentioned (i will tag it as high stakes) uhhh it probably wont be too much?? at least other than occasionally mentioning offhand highstakes events.
maple and yveltal primarily exist within a discord rp, meaning events, characters, lore, and places specific to that rp may be mentioned on this blog ans maple and yveltal will favour interactions with people from that rp as they will have already been friends/know eachother but i will try to interact with others as well as long as you dont contradict any of my lore too much!!
mod and character are both systems so please be normal about that. this means dont be systemphobic but also dont try to drag me into like discourse about endogenic systems.
homophobes/transphobes/racists/other bigots are not welcome. neither are pedophiles/maps/no-maps/pears or whatever the fuck you call yourselves. also general rule of dont be a freak /neg and just dont be an asshole. the amount of batshit anons i have that you people should not be sendinf a random guy roleplaying a bird on the internet is insane.
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appeal-zone · 1 year
(@wingsofachampion) Hiya! What do you do as Appeal☆Zone? -Tropius
Hello there~
So... basically, we've only just started out as Appeal☆Zone, but we do just about everything a normal idol unit does!! It's a bit of a secret, but we do have a few songs in the works, so stay tuned for that♪
Lisia also goes onto my streams sometimes!! She isn't very good at the gaming ones, but doing fun lil' challenges and stuff has been REALLY great! Next, I might make her battle some Gym Challengers for a change... it'll be an ELECTRIC time!!
Please don't be mad if everyone beats me, ahaha...
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appeal-zone · 1 year
What are your favorite pizza toppings? Also, side question: Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?
Ooh, pizza... in Hoenn, people put mayonnaise on pizza, so it's completely normal to me — but my friends from Unova get really surprised when I say that... is it not normal there?
That's gross. WTF??????? People actually do that??? On my trips to Kalos, I've gotten some original-style margherita pizza that was electrifyingly tasty, but honestly... I'm more of a mear-lover's pizza gal myself. Gotta use my sharp teeth somehow!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧rawr
Also, pineapple on pizza is a disgrace to society. If you like it, I will personally track you down and literally steal your eyeballs.
...Uh oh. :(
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appeal-zone · 1 year
...I'm not giving Iono the phone with this account until she apologizes for insulting me like that :/
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meanie. .):&jskxjdo3827/$ $:)71sjd):$.
HIIIYA CIAO IT'S IONO HEEERE!!! (stole the phone <3)
now that THAT bitch (loving) is gone, I!!! will be here ALL WEEK (and even longer~) to answer YOUR!! questions!
So send away!! I'm sure that my partner in crime would be happy to answer too! ...iiiiiif she still wants to talk with me after this. ʕº̫͡ºʔ(。ŏ﹏ŏ)
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appeal-zone · 1 year
HI!!! Neo here!! I am very excited to fight you eventually Iono! I might've accidentally.. Skipped you, in the gym challenge? Not too far but only then I realized "wait i forgot my third badge-"
BUT I'M EXCITED TO FIGHT YOU!!!!! Me and Umbreon are raring to go! -@neonumbreons
Skipped!? Moi!? THE Iono!?
You better put on a great show to make up for it, eh? I'm ready whenever you are, so come ready for an ELECTRIFYING battle!! It better be amaze!!ψ(`∇´)ψ
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appeal-zone · 1 year
How did you meet your partner Pokemon?
I met Ali when I was reeaaally little... maybe about six or seven? He was a Swablu back then!! Wallace gave me his Egg for my birthday, and I eventually hatched it!! It was the best birthday gift ever...
Bellibolt!? I found him on my first vlog stream and he wouldn't leave me alone... like I wandered allll around Levincia for hours. It was hella creepy TBHε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ, but chat was all like 'IONO!!! TAKE HIM HOME!!!' So I just... took him home with me, and he became my mascot? Now I can't imagine streaming without him around o/
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appeal-zone · 1 year
Hey, welcome! Do either of you like playing games? If so, what’s your favorite game to play?
Hiii, it's really great to see how nice everyone's been on here :) I really appreciate the warm welcome!
I'm personally not much of a gamer... but I do like dancing games like DDR! Have you seen that one video on PokéTube of that super talented guy playing Pump It Up? I'm like them, but... not as good. Iono on the other hand, she's-
HOLA, IONO HERE!! I play games a lot!! It's part of my job as the WORLD'S BEST STREAMER! ...I tried to get that title trademarked, but they wouldn't let me. _(._.)_ damn you, geeta...
My favorite game is... whatever's popular right now, because I looooove to stay current! So my favorite game is... Minecraft, because when is it not popular, amirite!? I also like, uh... Tetris??? that one's a classic, right?
Ooh, I love Tetris too!!
...I'd kick your ass at it. <3
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appeal-zone · 1 year
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