#mod kath
seaquestions · 7 months
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yeah... i've been going up baldy... (ids in alt)
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sheylads · 9 months
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unfinished but like. what if a mod and a rocker dated wouldn't that be cool
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bloodplague · 26 days
Addressing all allegations
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Before mentioning everything, I'd like y'all to note a few things.
— Trigger warnings: Mentioning gore, slurs, Offenderman, mentioning an abuser (Crystal Castles, Ethan), mentioning of alcohol, etc. — Please do not harass Seirei over this at all. Yes, she made 2-3 videos about that and yes, she has spread some false information, but this is about me and not her. She does not deserve to be harassed. Seirei has been harassed over this, which is why I wanted to mention this. [ @seireitonin ] — Some people don't want their names leaked, so obviously I will draw over some users. — If I'm unsure about what prons to use for different people, I will use they/them. — I don't know where people got that from, but I'm not 25, nor am I in my twenties. My age will be mentioned in this post. Topics: 1. Doxxing & Spamming gore 2. Crystal castles 3. Kastoway 4. Lulu canon sheet 5. Offenderman „headcanons“ 6. Sally‘s channel 7. "Groomer" allegations 8. L slur 9. Asher 11. School shooting jokes? 12. The whole SA thing 13. "Ben drowned controller"-person 14. August and her personal relationship 15. Alcohol mentioning 16. Overly dark humor 17. Krunkatron
I think people tried to doxx me over all of this now, sending my IP address to Seirei and (possibly!) others, which is a bit wild but there's not much I can do except get a VPN. They also threatened to doxx a literal 13 year old and spam them gore images which is fucked up, nicely said. "Tulip" is the "frenchfucker67200" person.
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Crytal Castles
Because someone mentioned me supporting Ethan Kath, I'd like to mention that I don't. He's a terrible person who has abused Alice Glass (The old lead singer of Crystal Castles) for years and more.
I do love listening to Crystal Castles and ramble about how much I love the music, but did not say anything positive about Ethan. I don't idolize him either. I idolize Alice Glass, who unfortunately was a victim of Ethan.
As far as I'm informed, Alice is the victim and Ethan the abuser. I heard rumors about Ethan being innocent, but there's too much against him. I'm just a Crystal Castles listener, I do NOT know what's the 100% truth.
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I made a video, claiming that "Kastoway didn't actually do anything" and people shouldn't immediately believe everyone claiming stuff without showing proof, and now I'm basically getting called out for that too. I researched a bit and went through his sister's TikTok who made a whole google doc about Kastoway, linking it in her bio. People claim Kastoway is trans-phobic and supported a really weird creator (Sally's creator, La_Mishi_Mishi), so I wanna show what I actually found related to that since I never saw anything confirming that Kastoway is trans-phobic.
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The links in the doc don't work anymore. Also another screenshot of me saying "as far as I know" and not saying "100% the truth".
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Lulu canon sheet
Basically; In our Discord server, every character has her own channel for canon information and images. I threw in most canon drawings the creator made, including one where she was very exposed with only a part of the chest-area covered and the hips including private areas. This was a scar, body and bruise reference. I only put it there for scar refernece purposes, though I see and understand how this drawing is disgusting and should not be shown in a public server. I deleted it after talking about it with someone I will keep anon and a few mods.
Because people got upset over me adding a sexuality headcanon, it's canon that Lulu is straight. When making the headcanon about her being straight, I had no intention of "sexualizing her". I just threw in a headcanon about what sexuality she could possibly have since apparently she's dating someone?
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^ This is all canon information. I'm not sure what "via" means, so I'm not gonna comment that, that's all I could related to Lulu's age. I do not know how old she is on the picture, but assuming she's a minor, I deleted it from her channel.
Someone basically claimed I was making Offenderman headcanons:
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^ , even though that's straight up a lie? Those are not my headcanons, those were canon facts. For context, we have channels for all characters and their canon information, including Offenderman (until he got removed). I copied those from his canon sheets on DeviantArt, I did not write them myself.
Rough context to the Offenderman channel: He was supposed to be a part of the book because of the whole 4-Slender-brother thing and I planned on killing him off & was NOT gonna include ANY of his actions, but after people expressed their discomfort towards Offendermans channel and him being a part of the book, I removed him completely.
I also like to mention that I don't support Offenderman nor his actions at all. I only added him to have "the 4 Slender-brothers" in the book.
Krunkatron was willing to purposely take something out of context which is kinda crazy, but also what you have to expect when it comes to using Discord, I guess.
But yeah every time someone tried to tell them, they got blocked.
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Sally's channel
Krunkatron claimed I called Sally "sexy" which is also a wild thing to say, purposely taking it out of context.
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This is all copied information I threw in the channel after copying it from her canon sheets. I didn't read everything, I just threw everything in I found. A while later I went through everything and noticed the "sexy", so I removed it.
As far as I can tell, La_Mishi_Mishi (Sally's creator) was explaining the "meaning of the name Sally" which you can literally see on the screenshot too.
Though, I don't see why they would have to include that in a character description of an 8 year old, so I'm absolutely NOT defending them & removed it. Not to mention that they drew weird shit as well.
Groomer allegations
I don't really have much of a choice in this since allegations like that are serious as hell, so please, I'm not 25 (where ever people got that from). I'm a minor. I was never comfortable with revealing my age or talking about it a lot, since I got groomed several times and wanted to avoid that happening again.
Some of my friends didn't know, so don't pounce on them, only a few knew. The me driving a car video, that was in a parking lot. I've shown my ID to a few people like August, Vanessa, Asher, Alory and Jack too.
I never planned on sharing my exact age. Once people started making guesses, saying they think I'm 19-24, I just went along with it because I was not comfortable sharing my age.
With that being said, most of the allegations are probably cleared up. Specially the "jokingly flirts with minors"-thing.
And before krunk comes at me for my diagnoses, surprise, you can get diagnosed at the age of 15 in Germany. Some personality disorders can be diagnosed at 15 and yes, I got my diagnoses by several professionals. Faking mental disorders is disgusting, I don't do that.
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There's basically a screenshot of me saying the L slur, and I just want to say that I didn't know it was a slur. I don't use slurs I'm not allowed to use, so I immediately stopped saying the word once Alory (the person who I said it to) explained it.
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Some people claim it's not a slur, some say it is, but it doesn't really matter. What matters is that I will not use it again since I'm not a lesbian and have no right to use that slur.
Some people claim Asher is a n.zi, and I just want to reassure everyone that he is definitely not one. He explained several times that he does not support any of HABIT's actions and rambles about how terrible he actually is. And no, I'm not "grooming Asher"?? Like I said, I'm a minor myself. In fact, I helped Asher get rid of groomers to stay safe 3 times now.
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School shooting jokes
I basically made a joke about something like "shoot them like the kids in America", and honestly, isn't that the most common joke? I see so many famous YouTubers like Markiplier or Flamingo joke about it, almost everyone on TikTok and literally everyone I talk to. I see how people are uncomfortable if they suffer under trauma related to school shootings, so I won't make those jokes anymore, but aren't they more or less normal at that point? (genuine question)
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Tumblr is only letting me add 30 images in total, so I'm trying to think fo a way to show screenshots without being forced to make 6 different posts.
The "Ben Drowned's controller" person
Basically a 12 year old that was upset that they got kicked from our server. You have to be 13+ to use Discord. Either way, they claimed that Virus (someone who tried to get nudes from a 13 year old and someone who tried to groom Asher) was not a groomer.
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Please note this person is ONLY 12, so DO NOT HARASS THEM.
They were spreading false information, claiming Virus (aka Kiro on those pictures) is "normal", even though he's far from that. Virus is 22, telling a 14 year old about his kinks, offering to write smut, writing smut, talking about porn and sending sexual drawings. This is absolutely not okay. Saying "Asher could've told him to stop" is not a valid excuse either. Why would an adult tell a minor about that in first place. That's just disgusting.
August and their relationship
There's nothing much I have to say to that other then that people shouldn't send around screenshots of August's and their ex's DM's?
They are both the same age and (as far as I know) were comfortable with what happened, bringing up their old relationship has NOTHING to do with all of this, so stop.
Alcohol mentioning
The whole alcohol mentioning has been stopped about 2 months ago. People already expressed their feelings about this, so I stopped. I used to send pictures of my collection at times, which some people twisted into "promoting alcohol" as if I was telling people to drink.
As said, I stopped around 2 months ago (I think) and won't really mention alcohol anymore. I don't know why people brought it up again if we stopped.
I'm gonna post a "part 2" tomorrow or once I can, talking about all the overly dark jokes I made. It's like 3:17 AM and I have to go to work in a few hours so yeah I'll do that tomorrow.
A few more notes!!!
— I'm most likely gonna delete overly rude comments because it's just unnecessary (looking at Krunkarton who said "Idc if youre a minor, slit to the bone"???) — Read everything before commenting something please, I don't wanna explain things several times when most answers are in this post — Again, I'll address the rest in the second post because of the picture limit
Telling 13 year olds stuff like that is feral. (most of the comments are towards 2 of my friends so yah)
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lesbiannova · 2 years
If you follow the modding scene of Knights of the Old Republic, you might be aware of a conversation with Juhani where the player asks her why she is hostile towards Canderous. It is a commonly assumed that it is cut content, because the condition to trigger said conversation is unknown by the KotOR community, and there are mods that aim to restore said conversation.
After thorough investigation into the game files, I finally discovered that it is actually possible to access Juhani's conversation about Canderous without any restoration mod. However, the issue is that in the vanilla game, the condition to make said conversation available is very specific, thus making it extremely easy to miss. Therefore, what restoration mods do to this specific Juhani conversation is making it easier to access.
Here are the conditions to make Juhani's conversation about Canderous without restoration mods:
Firstly, you need to have both Canderous and Juhani in your party when talking to certain NPCs on Dantooine. Canderous will make comments when you talk to those NPCs, then Juhani will interject and show hostility towards Canderous. Specifically, these interjections happen when you:
 Talk to Gar at the courtyard outside the Jedi Enclave and ask him about the problems with kath hounds and Mandalorians
Accuse Handon Guld of murdering Calder Nettic for cheating on his wife, during the "Murdered Settler" side quest
Tell Nurik Sandral you are investigating Shen Matale's disappearance, during the "Sandral-Matele Feud" side quest
You need to hear Juhani's interjections to Canderous' commentson at least two of the above occasions..
Secondly, you need to progress Juhani's conversations to the point where she reveals that her family fled to Taris because the Mandalorians attacked the Cathar homeworld and slaughtered many Cathar people. It is after this conversation where you get the dialogue option to ask Juhani why she is hostile towards Canderous.
As evidence, I have recorded and compile the above video myself to show Juhani's interactions with Canderous and Juhani's conversation about Canderous.
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hiiiii agaaaain... still dunno their alliance name, but just wanted to clarify, Scott, Kath and Shrub also had a very close relationship! idk if to say family?? mightve been found family of sorts!! specially w Kath and Shrub ad Scott's sort of little sisters lols.. and yeah their alliance also included Joey?? I think?? I dont actually remember much abt that guy! But anyhow so those guys were a separate alliance than the Wither Rose Alliance, yet they WERE allies with us! just like- two different groups united as one on the long run! still separate names
On another empires note! Gilded Helianthia had these events from time to time, like the day after a big harvest, and it was like a town fair (idek if we can be called a kingdom atp, very small empire compares to others idk..) and we had a hot pot and every family brought something to add, idk it was nice it was a fairly small community, compared to neighboring empires at least, idk we felt small but cozy :)
-🌙Pearlie (He/She)
fair enough, the event sounds nice! very interesting memories!
-Mod hels
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lyricsssdotin · 1 month
Vaardaat Lyrics
Singer:Himmat SandhuAlbum:Dusk N Dawn Desi crew! Desi crew! Ho caran thar’an utte khadeRakh billo kaudiyanDubban vich asleDaleriyan ne dooniyan Galan vich mufflerKhade muchhan mod keKaali jehi dali chonKujh khayi jande tod ke Nave je shlaruan deTole hunde bhare aa Hey yo!Vaardaat pakka honiWaardaat pakka honiWardaat pakka honiJatt kathe khade aa Lagdi na sukh ajjLagdi na sukh ajjRabb sukh…
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erlkonigstochter · 11 months
There is a mod that adds top surgery scars, but I can’t get it to work with the mods I currently have installed and I’ve been too lazy to fix it. One day I’ll be able to do a photo shoot with Kath and it will be great
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suntiger745 · 2 years
More Skyrim characters
Haven’t played Skyrim in a while, partly because the game got unstable due to the bunch of mods I used. So, cleaned up the load order and deleted all the savegames and started over. First out, Nightshade (no, Nightshade is not her real name). Altmer assassin on the run from the Thalmor. Usually wields two-handed swords or crossbows. Did not expect hiding out in Skyrim to get so complicated so soon after her arrival. Luckily, she found some allies to help her out.
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Next up, Merode Kath. A son of the Kath family of vampires who made an alliance with the more powerful Volkihar clan in the second era. Both as a favor and as a hostage, Merode was chosen to be the bodyguard to Serana Volhikar when she was sent to retrieve and Elder Scroll. While searching for the Elder Scroll, Merode was hit by a powerful paralysis spell by an altmer mage. The next thing he knows he wakes up in some sort of tomb with his teeth buried in a very dead adventurer’s neck. Now he’s trying to figure out where he is, *when* he is and what to do with himself.
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Katari of House Redoran was cosen to be a Flamekeeper, a guardian of one of their ancestor tombs, as a young girl and trained in both weapons, a bit of magic and the proper ceremonies for the ancestors. One day, guarding her assigned tomb with her mentor the tomb was raided by necromancers. Katari was knocked out in the fight and when she came to her mentor was badly injured and the remains of three ancestors had been stolen, most notably those of Salidri Redoran, a hero of the Oblivion Crisis which devastated their House. Her mentor tasked her with tracking down the necromancers and get their ancestor’s urns back.
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From my love of weird crossovers; Vali Tannen. Jedi knight who was working with a team of clone troopers to catch smuggler when Order 66 came. After a scuffle she escaped on a ship with the clone troopers in hot pursuit. In desperation she made a blind hyperjump, crossed into aetherius and crashlanded on Nirn.
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Jemima is a cathay khajiit who likes the water and was learning to be a pirate under Landon, a redguard captain. Unfortunately, as they sailed along the northern coast of Skyrim they got attacked by an East Empire warship and during the battle both ships were caught in a blizzard.
When Jemima woke up she was, as far as she could determine, the sole survivor. She found the corpse of Landon and took his sword, both for good memories and for practicality. Cold and wet she made her way to the shore and is now looking to survive and ideally make a fortune once she gets a little coin as a nest egg.
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Hope grew up in a family of necromancers. Being born into it, it never really was a search for power or an act of rebellion against narrowminded “colleagues” to afraid to look beyond the usual “proper” schools of magic for her. Digging up graves and reanimating corpses was just normal family activities and she though everyone had skeletons that helped out with household chores until she was a teenager. However, one night the family had their large stone and wood cottage raided by Vigilants of Stendarr. Her mom and dad had worked hard to find an old Nord hero to revive, a more ambitious ritual that would raise more than a mere skeleton, and that more high-profile work had attracted the attention of the Vigilants. Hope hid in the woods for a week and when she returned the cottage was in ruins and there were no bodies left, neither of the Vigilants nor her parents. She gathered up what few supplies she could find and set off to find her parents, as well as improving her necromancy skills.
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There are few worlds closed to someone of divine lineage. Drawn to Nirn to help one of its Gardeners, Kamiel arrived in Skyrim at the lodge of the Vigilants of Stendarr. The undead were getting more powerful and they needed all the help they could get to make sure the living would be able to still have relatively normal lives. Kamiel did not hesitate, but swore that she would help the Vigilants in every way she could.
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wmqg · 2 years
Poll Results
Thought I’d jump on and share the results of our Poll (Closed 30/12/2023)
Many thanks to the 19 Financial Members who responded.
16 supported a weekday to sew day 12 agreed to the 3rd Friday in the month
No one wants to be the contact for the day...  :(  Perhaps we can work on this.
Let's try it for the 3rd Friday each month for this year and see how we go if it works for us or if we need to tweak it.
Our first Friday will be 20 Jan 2023 - Bulli Community Centre - 9.00 - 3PM. Look out for the event invite on the Members ONLY FB Page.  Please bring your own everything e.g.:  milk, tea, coffee, snacks and lunch.
16 interested in a workshop with Jess Wheelahan for her improv letters.
10 Lorena / 8 Brenda - I will try for both see if we can get in their calendars for the year.  If they can’t this year, then we will try for 2024!
As for suggestions they were broad however colour theory, quilting techniques and how to pick designs for your project were mentioned more than once. As was a suggestion for how to make your application, photos and mission statement the best they can be to get selected into quilt shows.
The attending events question - 5 yes, 13 maybes...   This will depend on members availability and what's happening. If you are interested in committing to the Royal Easter Show please message me - It could be a good opportunity to connect with Sydney Mod Quilters, QuiltNSW and the broader community at the show.
Thanks Everyone this is a great start to 2023.  I will let you know workshop dates when I can get them firmed up...  
Best I get back to my sewing.  So many papers..  *sigh*  
Happy New Year! Kath
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autism-asks · 3 years
Do you have any posts or resources on how comorbid ADHD/autism presents? If not could you still post this ask to see if any followers have resources? Also many of the links on your "Resources" page seem to be broken :(
Thanks for checking our resources page before sending in an ask! Mod Wren is currently in the process of fixing any broken links we come across.
In the mean time, maybe one of these links will be helpful to you:
Are these links working for you?
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//Update Two!\\
//Hello every- 114 followers?! Wow! Okay, so this has made my day! 
First: I’ve had more health issues in the past few months that required my full attention, but I’ll be working on the blog tomorrow since today is my birthday! 
Again, thank you all for making this blog blow up so much, and I’ll work really hard this week to make up for the time I was gone! 
Love you all, Mod Kath\\
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weeklyjohndave-blog · 7 years
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Hiya, Kath here. Sorry I haven’t been posting as much lately, I sadly got sick for awhile! ): 
I’m better now, and I changed up the blog a bit, by adding a theme and changing the colors. If anyone has any ideas to make this any calmer, I’ll happily take them! As always, lots of love and I hope you all have a goodnight or good morning. I love you all! -Mod Kath
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your response to an anon who asked about how you do matchups popped up on my dash and I thought it was really insightful. you seem like you have a lot of wisdom. i hope it's okay to request a romantic matchup of my own then, no worries if not.
My pronouns are she/her and my romantic preference would be for a guy. I'm 5'4 and my style usually lingers somewhere between feminine, preppy, and "basic". I do think it's important to put at least some level of effort into my appearance.
I'm a super hardworking and ambitious person (sometimes at the expense of my own mental health and wellness). It's important to me to be able to work towards my goals and be with someone who has goals of their own. I'd get frustrated by someone who never knows when to take things seriously. I have a tendency to stress myself out sometimes and often let my stress bottle up. Cleaning/organizing and baking always help me feel centered and reduce my stress when I feel like I'm freaking out a bit. I tend to also be a little bit of a control freak on occasion in everyday life.
I can be a bit reserved when it comes to meeting new people, but when I'm around my close friends and family, I'm much more open and talkative. I always don't feel the need to force conversation though and can enjoy time around people just by doing our own thing next to each other and relaxing in each other's company. My friends and family are really important to me and I always try to be reliable and there for them whenever they need support.
When it comes to hobbies, I enjoy reading, watching tv/movies, cross stitch, and shopping. My favorite genres in books, movies, tv shows, etc. are romance and mystery, but I especially love when something has a big plot twist or is really thought provoking so that I can discuss it with someone I know. I also tend to be a romantic. I'm not really an outdoorsy person though and don't enjoy things like camping and hiking a ton.
When it comes to my idea of a perfect date it would probably be something pretty classic like going out to a nice dinner. I do enjoy getting dressed up and doing something fancy. Though, I'd also enjoy something like going to a carnival or festival together and just enjoying each other's company for a day. The most important thing is just spending time and connecting with the person I care about. My love languages are quality time and physical touch. It's simple, but I think it's super sweet just walking down the street and holding hands with someone. I also think it's nice when someone is taller than me so I can lean my head on their arm or shoulder while we stand next to each other (this sounds cheesy haha).
Goodness this came out so long, but I hope it's okay. Thanks so much for doing this!
I match you with...
You're someone that tends to know what the little things are. You've got everything down to science simply because you want to be able to find that sense of whimsy. You know what feels good to you and all of the things that don't.
You want someone who means what they say and says what they mean, you don't want someone to lead you on or hide from you. You're a conversationalist, but you're also very simple when it comes to how you want to be in love. You want the classic bells and whistles. That's why Jumin Han works for you in the first place, you're the two that can get a nice meal together and not worry about what comes after that. You can take a walk together and look at the sky afterward, finding joy in holding each other tenderly.
You value parallel play. The ideal evening is you two working on your hobbies by the fire, Elizabeth curled up between you as you idly talk now and again, but let the music play in the background as things do play around you. Jumin loves to talk but at the same time, he loves that he has someone who knows what he's saying without thinking, and you talk through the meeting of your hands, your eyes, and your smiles. It's perfect.
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large ass queerplatonic polycule and yall got children?? damn, livin ur best life, arent ya!
yet another confession from good ol perlo, empires this time...
The Wither Rose Alliance was actually Wither Rose Cousins (just countin Gem, fWhip, Sausage and me self, actually in my canon that *was* our alliance, Scott, Kath, Shrub and Joey had another one, and i swear its like that in the canon too?? but cant find nor remember their name..)
Like not the name- just silly pun bc they were my cousins :} yeah!! Gem and fWhip were twins, Sausage was their younger brother, and I was their cousin (younger than the twins, older than sausage). We grew up together since well. my "creator" just decided to left me at sum mortal family's porch ig.. so they took me in and i grew up as their cousin!! Sadly while very accepted by them and their parents, I never got the child or sibling title... I was the niece and cousin! And it was okay by me! A bit sad but hey, I had a neat family! :) I did gain a father figure of sorts when I met Pix tho! Pixlriffs (cooooincidentally one of my online dad's kintypes...).. yeah I took him as a father figure pretty quickly, and he returned the affection ! Which- made it harder when there was conflicts between Pixandria and the Mythlands.. but oh well..
SORRY FOR THE BIG ASS MEMORY DUMP AAA- anyways i probably will send more in another ask if thats okay.. peeks like a cat
-🌙Pearlie (He/She)
Huh! interesting. I'd say more but i never did watch empires...i should probably do that, but anyway! sometimes family just, works like that? i don't know all i got is my older sibling (mod wels!)...i think the king we served was an adoptive parent of sorts to us? er...more so to wels, ill probably make a mod kinfession explaining all that actually... as for the ask thing you can send as many as you want! we don't really have a limit on how many can be sent at a time
-Mod hels
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vocaloid-tunes · 4 years
GLIDE (mashup) | .Kath. feat. Megurine Luka & GUMI Append Power // GLIDE (cover) | Cheezitsareyummy (Circus-P) feat. Megurine Luka //  GLIDE (cover) | nekoseruu feat. GUMI Append Power // Original | niki feat. Lily
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