#mod mos is ready to die
So is Jared still an asshole
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Fluff Alphabet - Mondo Oowada 💕 💕
Woah, Mod Mahiru’s First Post!!! Im literally in love wih this fucking butter boy lol.
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Warnings: Mentions of breakup, mentions of body shaming,tooth-rotting fluff 💕💕
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A = Affection: (How affectionate are they?)
- Despite what most people may think, Mondo is super into any kind of affection,
-He’s prone to jealousy so simple things like holding his hand will totally make him melt inside.
- Will not hesitate to throw hands with anyone who’ll tease you guys (he just wants to take care of you lol)
B = Best friend: (What would they be like as a best friend?)
-Mondo would 100% be a mix between a dad friend and the crackhead friend.
- Breaks all the rules but makes sure you don’t get in trouble lmao.
- Expect tons of offers to ride you home on after wherever you two end up.
- He just wants to help, while semi-flexing on you as well lmao.
C = Cuddles: (Do they like to cuddle?)
-He’s a biker gang leader, do you think he likes to cuddle?
-Hell yes he does.
-101% a big spoon ( again he just wants to take care of you )
- LOVES chest to chest cuddling, it’s one of the many things that make him blush sksks.
D = Domestic: (Do they want to settle down?)
- He isn’t the best at cooking, but if you come home late one night expect a full-course meal awaiting you lol.
- He does think about life after the gang a lot actually, so cooking and cleaning are comfort things for him, even if he’s not the best at either of them.
E = Ending: (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
-Awkward silence, you can feel the tension surrounding the room.
-Definitely pulls the whole “ It’s not you, it’s me”.
-Even if he doesn’t love you anymore, he still doesn’t want to hurt you.
-You’ll most likely stay friends though, depending on how bad it goes.
-Will still check up on you regularly, he cares way too much lol.
F = Fiance(e): (How quick would they want to get married?)
-A year, that’s all it takes for this guy.
-He just wants to stay with you forever (wow so cute lmao)
-If you say yes, prepare for lots of hugging and cheering from Mondo, he’s so super excited. Ten times more than you might expect.
-If you say no, prepare for a slight stutter and defeated tone as he says how he’s sorry about how soon he asked and he should’ve thought about it better and all that.
-It’ll take him about a week to recover, then he’s back to being all over you.
G = Gentle: (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
- Surprisingly super gentle, with you at least.
-ALWAYS make sure you're okay and you feel alright.
-Spams you with messages about if you've drank enough water, if you’ve eaten, if anyone has treated you like shit. Basic things like that.
-If he doesn’t believe you, he’ll totally rush over to wherever you are with a bottle of water, a fresh meal and 100% ready to pound the asshole who called you ‘overweight.’
H = Hugs: (Do they like hugs?)
-Fuck yes he does.
-He just fucking *yawns and casually puts arm around your shoulder*
-Hug him first, he’ll literally die.
I = I love you: (How fast do they say the L-word?)
-Day fucking one.
- He has no shame telling you exactly how he feels, in the most insecure way.
-He wants you to know exactly how he feels, even though he really can’t.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get?)
-It’s Mondo, he’s never jealous.
-Except for when he is, which is all the time
-This dude could see you look at someone else and will literally have a full on meltdown lmao.
-Be careful.
K = Kisses: (What are their kisses like?)
-Super intense, in a good way.
-He totally wants to french kiss, at least once.
-Please do it, put this poor man out of his misery.
L = Little ones: (How are they around children?)
-Children. Love. To. Bully. This. Poor. Soul.
-He definitely gets super pissed after the 5th time a kid ran away from him laughing their fucking ass off.
-Get this man some therapy.
M = Morning: (How are mornings spent with them?)
-This mf sounds like corpse when he wakes up lmao.
-if you’re really into morning voices then good for you.
-if not, feel free to make fun of him for it.
-he really doesn’t mind.
-does that whole ‘puts hand in your pocket while you're doing shit’ thing.
-lowkey kinda cute.
N = Night: (How are nights spent with them?)
-will brush his fingers through your hair.
-doing a whole late night asmr about how his day was.
-the best person to spend the night with honestly.
O = Open: (When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
-About half-way through the relationship probably.
-depends on how good you guys can communicate.
-he probably just wants someone to listen *cries cutely*
-he still doesn’t know exactly how to tell you about his brother.
-will probably let it slip during an argument or something. (rip)
P = Patience: (How easily angered are they?)
-Mondo never, ever, ever, EVER, gets mad.
-at you at least.
-he will throw hands in the kfc parking lot.
-will totally stick up for you though.
Q = Quizzes: (How much would they remember about you?)
-he will remember everything.
-this man is fucking dedicated.
-will recite every conversation you two have.
-he would totally write all these things down if he could spell. (rip)
R = Remember: (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
-this guy is so fucking cheesy.
-if you ask him he will say “the moment I first fucking saw you”
-but if he’s being honest, it’s the first date you guys had.
-he loves the excitement, the thrill of first stating something HOPEful, passionate and sweet, due to how different that is from his regular lifestyle.
S = Security: (How protective are they?)
-very protective.
-even though he won't admit it.
-he just wants to protect you, from everything lol
-if someone looks at you strange, he will put his arm around your shoulder and casually give them a death stare.
-it works tho
T = Try: (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
-please this man doesn't just try.
-he will go out of his way to make it as perfect as he can
-while blushing the entire time
-the look on your face is all he really cares about
-he loves to make you smile, it can change his entire fucking day.
U = Ugly: (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
-honestly his anger issues.
-it honestly gets tiring listening to him talk about how much he hates the “bastard who ran into me at the store”.
-you know he’s trying his best tho
-and that’s enough for you ( unless it isn't then rip)
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
-he knows he looks pretty….bizarre
-but he likes how he looks
-and that's all he really cares about.
X = Xtra: (A random headcanon for them.)
-before you two were together he totally showed up at your door holding a bunch of roses
-he just fucking yells “HERE YOU GO GODDAMMIT” and runs away fucking blushing
-he couldn’t look at you for weeks without blushing and yelling.
Y = Yuck: (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
-honestly, anyone that annoys the shit out of him.
-people who think their way better than others
-or worse than others
-he can’t stand being around people like that
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
-will not let go of you
-he’ll hold onto you the entire night, lightly breathing into your neck.
-if you don't like it, he’ll try his best to stop
-but he really can’t help it.
Hope you enjoyed < 3
-Mod Mahiru
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theoriginalladya · 4 years
A sort of writing prompt - Sims 3 style
Okay, a bit of set up here.
A couple of months ago, I decided to go back to playing Mass Effect on my PC once I found the game controller mod.  I much prefer it on my PS3 because of that.  Still the mod made it easier, and I was able to add a few more mods to lengthen the games, etc.  Suffice to say, I can now play an extended version of my Shepards’ games on my PC at my desk.  
That said, it also means I have access to my other games I had on Origin.  Including Sims 3.  Silly me decided to try and create Caleb and Kaidan in Sims 3 (I did this years ago with one of my femsheps and DA characters).  I was talking to @swaps55 around the time that I started the game up and in the first few minutes, Caleb and Kaidan had no less than FIVE PILLOW FIGHTS.  I know Kaidan was the instigator at least one time - saw it with my own eyes.  Of course, Swaps, being Swaps, encouraged the ‘prompt’.
Fast forward a few weeks.  I woke up this morning and in that hazy inbetween state of unconsciousness/consciousness, I suddenly SAW the prompt.  I’ve spent most of the morning writing this, so here you go, Swaps!  A huge thank you for dragging me into mshenko and encouraging me to write!  Just for you - Caleb and Kaidan having a pillow fight ala Sims 3!
On AO3 here
Making a bed to military precision is easy enough, if time consuming – consuming only because he can find far better and more entertaining ways to spend those minutes with Kaidan – but it’s a necessity, and better to get it done now than to leave it until right before bed when they are   distracted. He’s spent his career – his life – able to focus on the job at hand, whatever the mission requires, and he isn’t about to stop that now.  Especially when the greatest distraction of his life stands on the other side of the bed, waiting.
The fitted sheet is easy enough to manage. He tucks the two corners on his side in quick, precise movements, then places his knee on top of the sheet and mattress to keep his balance while leaning halfway across.  He’s tall and his arms long enough to reach the far corner, but a strong hand is waiting, ready to assist.  
Fingers brush and tangle, a soft chuckle fills the air. “You still don’t know how to ask for help, do you?”
Caleb huffs softly.  “This job is better done by one,” he argues, tucking the corner securely around the mattress.  “Faster that way.”
(under cut for length)
Kaidan runs his fingers along the edge of the fabric and finds the last corner, snagging it and tugging to stretch it out.  “Not always,” he replies as he slides it easily around the mattress.
Caleb rises, sends a quick smirk in the major’s direction, then grabs the duvet off the nearby chair.  It’s folded into quarters and he places it precisely in the center of the bed – a trick he’s come up with over the years and one that works well.  Within seconds, it covers the bed as it should, corner to corner.  “You were saying?”  He glances over to where Kaidan stands … only he isn’t there anymore.  With a frown marring his face, he turns …
His peripheral vision saves him, eyes slamming shut and head turning just enough out of the way before contact is made.  A startled murfle escapes his lips but it is stifled by the thick feathered pillow.  Reaction has him reaching for it automatically. ��It falls into his hands without difficulty.  “Jesus, Kaidan!” he breathes, shaking his head once to remove any lingering sting from the contact.  “What the – ?”
He realizes his mistake instantly.  His arm rises this time, blocking a blow.  On the other side of a second pillow, a smug smirk greets him.  “You need to relax, Shepard,” Kaidan insists.  “Learn to live a little.”  
His voice is low, rumbling, and Caleb melts a little as it washes over him.  It takes all of his concentration and willpower to remain on task.  “I know how to live,” he argues.  “Too busy trying not to die lately.”
Their gazes meet and it’s impossible not to read the silent challenge inside Kaidan’s dark, whiskey-colored eyes.  A soft frown mars Caleb’s brow.  “What’s gotten into you, Alenko?”
The smirk remains on his lips, a fire of delight building; Caleb has only ever seen him like this once.  They aren’t on Utukku fighting their way free of the rachni at the moment, however.  Why the hell am I suddenly your target?
“You need to relax,” Kaidan replies.  “Have a little fun.”
“And shoving a pillow in my face will do that.” It’s a matter of fact statement, not a question.
The smirk widens and Kaidan’s chuckle fills the room.  “You make it sound more like battlefield skirmish.”
Dropping his hands but securing the corner of the pillow between his fingers, Caleb’s hands rest at his hips as he stands there staring at him.  “A pillow fight?  Really?”
Kaidan drops his pillow onto the bed as he walks over, a grin on his face.  Leaning in, he brushes a quick kiss across Caleb’s lips.  “So you have heard of them.  I was beginning to wonder.”
“Heard of, yes.  Doesn’t mean I’ve ever been in one.”  A soft sigh filled with a hint of regret slips past Caleb’s lips as he runs a hand through his tousled hair.  “I was an only child, in the Reds by the time I was fourteen.  Not the best environment for such things.”
Kaidan’s hand slides up to the back of his head, gently tugging.  Their foreheads meet, touch, rest for a half a moment before he pulls back.  “All the more reason for one now,” he murmurs.  “C’mon, Shepard, haven’t you ever wanted to have an honest to goodness pillow fight?”
Tilting his head, Caleb says, “As I recall, you were an only child too.”
Kaidan grins.  “I have my ways …”
“You are impossible.”  It comes out as a grumble, but there is a hint of agreement to it.  Enough that even when Caleb finally decides to react, he’s too late.  Kaidan’s pillow is back and in his face before he even has his raised.  “Mffff!”
The ‘fight’ feels more like a war in some ways once Caleb can see again.  Adrenaline rushes through him, putting his senses on full alert.  A sheen of bluish haze surrounds Kaidan a moment later – not for offensive purposes but defensive, but Caleb doesn’t mind.  Hell, he doesn’t even think about it.  All he sees is his target.  The bed presents a fairly large obstacle, however, and once they both have banged their shins against the frame at least three times each, the battle moves out into the hallway for safety.  
Caleb loses track of how long it lasts, but never takes eyes off Kaidan who manages to give as well as he receives, too.  And though it’s competitive – at their level of training, it’s impossible to be any other way when life and death hang in the balance every single day – there is laughter.  Joy.  Amusement. Fun.
It comes to an end when Caleb, after having Kaidan’s pillow stuffed into his face yet again, grabs him by the front of his shirt, drops his own ‘weapon’ and pushes him hard up against the wall. The kiss that follows is heated, hungry and very, very thorough.  The sounds that escape Kaidan’s throat as a result leave Caleb wondering if this isn’t another ploy just to stir something up between them; but it doesn’t really matter. The answer is more than obvious as they stand there in each other’s arms.  
Pulling his head back, Caleb braces his hands on the wall to either side of Kaidan’s head and rests their foreheads while struggling to catch his breath.  This time, the smug smirk curves on his lips.  “H-how was that, mo shearc?”
Kaidan uses his fingers to comb some of Caleb’s hair out of his eyes as a soft smile curls around his lips.  “Not too bad for a beginner.”  
The hand eventually slides behind his head, pulling him close for a much tamer kiss this time.  When Caleb retreats, however, he sees the spark back, the flames trying to kick back to life.  Caleb groans softly, but something in the look sparks his own competitive streak.  “Again?”
“I have my reputation to uphold.”
Caleb snorts softly.  “I can think of far better ways to bolster your reputation.”
The flames ignite.  “Well, why didn’t you say that in the first place?”  His hand slides down Caleb’s arm so their fingers tangle together loosely.  
Caleb grins as he grabs his pillow off the floor and retreats a step to allow Kaidan the opportunity to move.  As they walk in the direction of the bedroom, he replies, “I thought I did.  It’s all about subtlety.  Why do you think I made the bed in the first place?”
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nuclearblastuk · 6 years
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AENIMUS | Release second single, 'The Dark Triad', kick-off West Coast dates tonight in Santa Rosa, CA!
With an arsenal of technical skills ready to unleash upon the world, Bay Area natives AENIMUS are proud to announce their upcoming sophomore album, 'Dreamcatcher', will be released on February 22nd via Nuclear Blast Records. Today, the band releases their second single, 'The Dark Triad'.
Guitarist Sean Swafford comments, "'The Dark Triad' is based on Silence of the Lambs and Clarice trying to understand Hannibal. Clarice tries to categorize Hannibal by using the dark triad in psychology which refers to the personality traits of narcissism, machiavellianism and psychopathy. However, Hannibal’s condition isn’t anything she has encountered before which leads Hannibal to manipulate her."
Check out the track stream here: https://youtu.be/RYklEWMLN3M
This week, the band are playing 3 west coasts shows leading up to the release of 'Dreamcatcher' - find the full touring schedule below.  
Pre-order your copy of 'Dreamcatcher' now: nuclearblast.com/aenimus-dreamcatcher Pre-order 'Dreamcatcher' digitally to receive 'Before The Eons' and 'The Dark Triad' instantly! Pre-save it on Spotify: http://nblast.de/AenimusDreamcPreSave Listen to 'Before The Eons' and 'The Dark Triad' in the NB Novelties Playlists: http://nblast.de/SpotifyNovelties / http://nblast.de/AppleMusicNovelties 
Dreamcatcher is a concept album that draws inspiration from horror novels and movies, such as It, The Shining, Hannibal Lecter and The Dead Zone. The album was recorded by the band while mixing and mastering were handled by Jamie King (BTBAM, THE CONTORTIONIST). The album features guest appearances from Mike Semesky (INTERVALS, THE HAARP MACHINE), Jamie Hanks (I DECLARE WAR), Brian James (FALLUJAH) Sims Cashion and Leonardo Guzman. 
The tracklist reads as follows 1. Before the Eons 2. Eternal 3. The Ritual 4. My Becoming 5. The Dark Triad 6. Between Iron and Silver 7. The Overlook 8. Caretaker 9. Second Sight 10. Day Zero 11. Dreamcatcher
AENIMUS announced 3 west coasts shows leading up to the release of Dreamcatcher. In addition, the group will embark on the 'Death ...Is Just The Beginning' North American Tour 2019 as direct support for co-headliners and label mates HYPOCRISY and FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE. The tour kicks off on March 15th at The Regent in Los Angeles and will make stops in Richmond, Toronto and New York before concluding in Oakland, CA on April 15th.
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Tickets for the tour are now on sale here: www.nuclearblast.com/aenimus-tour 
AENIMUS live: 04.01. USA Santa Rosa, CA - Arlene Francis Center for Spirit, Art & Politics (w/ 4199,AUDEO) 05.01. USA Grants Pass, OR - The Haul (w/ ATTIC, DEAD THRALL) 06.01. USA Portland, OR - The Bossanova Ballroom (w/ BYSTANDER, EARTH EATER, TO DIE ELSEWHERE)
'Death…Is Just The Beginning' w/ HYPOCRISY, FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE 15.03. USA Los Angeles, CA - The Regent 16.03. USA San Diego, CA - Brick By Brick 17.03. USA Mesa, AZ - Club Red 19.03. USA Salt Lake City, UT - Urban Lounge 20.03. USA Denver, CO - The Oriental Theater 21.03. USA Kansas City, MO - The Riot Room 22.03. USA Dallas, TX - Gas Monkey Bar N’ Grill 23.03. USA Austin, TX - Come and Take It Live! 24.03. USA Houston, TX - Scout Bar 26.03. USA Orlando, FL - The Haven 27.03. USA Atlanta, GA - The Masquerade 28.03. USA Raleigh, NC - The Maywood 29.03. USA Richmond, VA - The Canal Club 30.03. USA Worcester, MA - Palladium 31.03. USA New York, NY - Gramercy Theatre 01.04. CDN Montréal, QC - Théâtre Corona 02.04. CDN Québec City, QC - Impérial Bell 03.04. CDN Toronto, ON - Mod Club Theatre 05.04. USA Chicago, IL - Bottom Lounge 06.04. USA Minneapolis, MN - Studio B 07.04. CDN Winnipeg, MB - The Park Theatre 08.04. CDN Regina, SK - The Exchange 09.04. CDN Edmonton, AB - Starlite Room 10.04. CDN Calgary, AB - Dickens Pub 12.04. CDN Vancouver, BC - Rickshaw Theatre 13.04. USA Seattle, WA - El Corazon 14.04. USA Portland, OR - The Bossanova Ballroom 15.04. USA Oakland, CA - Metro Opera House 
ICYMI: 'Before The Eons' OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob-qUFQkbFc Trailer #1 - Inspiration & Lyrical Themes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIEuiWfZ74c Trailer #2 - The History Of The Band: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuJmsdvN6YE Trailer #3 - About 'Before The Eons': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob-qUFQkbFc Trailer #4 - Signing To Nuclear Blast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04mGvTQLMSk Trailer #5 - The recording process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF8B4Y7qZzk 
AENIMUS is: Alex Green | Vocals Sean Swafford | Guitar Jordan Rush | Guitar Seth Stone | Bass Cody Pulliam | Drums 
More info: www.aenimusofficial.com www.facebook.com/aenimus www.nuclearblast.de/aenimus
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Hoshi, mondo, fuyuhiko and teruteru’s s/o gets accused and mocked in the class trial (s/o is not the blackend)
Mod Ishimaru again, hope you don’t mind! I’ll be doing them in order of the games they came in. There’ll be a bit of angst and this will be quite long!
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“Wouldn’t that lead the blame to S/O?” Toko looks to you. That smug half smile on her face as her eyes say ‘gotcha’.
It definitely wasn’t you, absolutely not! You were still reeling from poor Chihiro’s fate, who could do such a thing?
You look at everyone pleadingly
“No, please it wasn’t me! I could never!”
“We all know you and Mondo are dating, you could have easily killed Chihiro out of jealousy.” replied Celeste, crossing her arms and tilting her head in a condescending manner.
“What? Definitely not, she was my friend! She was so sweet I would never want to hurt her.”
“It’s not-not like you’re the mo-most attractive! Someone would co-come along and take your place.” Toko remarks.
“I know that, dammit. I know, but I wouldn’t hurt anyone!”
“Surely we should believe them! They looks very sincere!” yells Ishimaru, bringing a clenched fist to his mouth.
“Yes bro! I know they didn’t do it, they couldn’t have!” Mondo exclaims.
“You two should be quiet. Mondo you have feelings for them and Ishimaru is your friend we can trust your objections.” Byakuya booms, staring Mondo down with an accusing glare.
“What ma-master says is right! You two don’t have a right to try to convince us that this prostitute didn‘t kill Chihiro. Especially when they obviously did!” Practically giggling, Toko takes Byakuya’s side.
Mondo looks at your horrified expression, the tears gathering in your eyes and decides enough is enough at this rate everyone will be killed, he couldn’t bear the thought of you dying because he did something he didn’t mean to do.
“No! I have every right, I know for a fact it wasn’t fucking them! I know because I did it! Me, I fucking did it!” 
The room is silent, shocked expressions all around, even Kyoko looks a little surprised at this development.
“Wha-what? Mondo?” You croak tears starting to slip down your face.
“I’m sorry.” He looks down, face hidden. 
“Why? Why did you hurt Chihiro?” There isn’t any hidden meaning in the way you question him, you are utterly baffled by this.
“I-I don’t know. Things were said and I found something out about Chihiro... I thought Chihiro was mocking e so I got angry and I blacked out... The next thing I knew I was standing above the dude with a dumbbell in my hand.”
“You killed Chihiro, and strung her up? How could you do that?” You sob.
“I swear! I never hung Chihiro up like that! I left Chihiro in the girls changing room and left! I fucking promise!”
“... I believe you.” You look him in the eye and he feels slightly more at ease, but he’s devastated that he did this to everyone especially you.
“This is getting boring! Iiiiiiiit’s voting time~!” Monokuma intervenes. 
No matter whether Mondo came clean or not, you couldn’t bring yourself to vote for him so you vote for yourself, tears falling onto your hands.
you get an explanation everything is revealed and you feel even worse than before, free to move about the room you embrace Mondo sobbing about how you don’t want him to go. How this wasn’t fair. 
Mondo is surprised that you still feel that way for him after all of this and almost cries as you refuse to let go until he is forcefully ripped from your grasp. Even then you try to run after him but are grabbed by your classmates. 
It really wasn’t fair.
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How did this happen?
Your classmates, your friends, the people you want to flourish are blaming you for killing Byakuya?
They are about four more sentences from voting and you still haven’t managed to convince them otherwise.
“We’re all going to die if you choose me, please! Reconsider!”
“Of course you would say that you want us to die so you can escape, we’re not stupid!” Kazuichi exclaims, pointing at you.
3 more sentences
“You weren’t in the room when Byakuya was killed and you didn’t say anything during the blackout why should we ever believe you weren’t the one who went under the floorboards?” Nagito inquires, giving you a condescending glare that you wouldn’t have expected from him before the trial.
Teruteru looks incredibly unnerved and worried
Why isn’t he saying anything to defend you? He knows you went for a nap before the dreadful end of the party
2 more sentences
 He’s clenching and relaxing his fists, eyes flitting over the rest of your friends in a panicked glance. You also look to everyone, anyone, looking for a sign of doubt that they may defend you, but no-one meets your gaze
“Do you have anything else to say?”
“It wasn’t me! I swear, I went for a nap under the desk in the reception area I’m telling you, Teruteru can back me up he walked me there!”
1 more sentence
“But he wouldn’t have seen you leave if you went to the storage room when he was back in the kitchen.”
“They didn’t do it!” Teruteru roars in an unfamiliar accent
“I love you mama, but I can’t let them die, I thought I would be ready when the time came but I can’t let them die.” He murmurs under his breath
“They definitely didn’t do it!”
“Upupupu, what’s this interesting development?” Monokuma coos
“Teruteru, what are you doing?” Nagito asks looking at him suspiciously 
Teruteru takes a deep breath and looks at you
“I did it, it was me, not S/O. I killed Byakuya, I thought he was Nagito who was trying to kill someone so I did it.” You cry, you haven’t cried in a long time but his startling confession drew it out of you
The trail continues, but he speaks no more words, he just looks down only occasionally glancing up at you
He’s crying too, fat droplets dripping down his face in a torrent, but he makes no sound
Everyone starts to figure it out and all too soon it’s voting time
You’re numb, you can’t press any buttons, Monokuma starts to become irritated and warns you of the consequences
“It’s OK cher, you can vote for me.” Teruteru whispers
But you don’t, instead you vote for Nagito, Teru teru said it himself he was going to kill him because he was going to murder someone else, from the positioning it may have been Hajime
It stems back to being Nagito’s fault and you grow a contempt for the boy as you mash your finger onto his option
Obviously, you’re outvoted by everyone else but knowing you had voted for Nagito made you feel only slightly better
Teruteru is devastated of course, he is about to die, and he has hurt his S/O terribly, he feels so awful he almost wishes he had let you all die
But he would never wish that upon you he wouldn’t be able to live with himself, if he had known that sooner he probably wouldn’t have gone through with it
Before he dies you cry that you still love him and how much you’re going to miss him, how much you don’t want him to go
you plead with Monokuma to stop, trying everything your despair riddled mind can come up with
You’re on your knees by the end of his execution refusing to look but the sounds alone make you cry and scream, he must have been in so much pain
They have to drag you out of the court room kicking and screaming, hating everything and seething to the brim with the world everyone is living in you don’t remember much of the days that follow other than your pain, sorrow and grief.
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“Then what about the sword!? It would’ve been left in the shower room and she wouldn’t have been able to recover it, dumbass!”
“F-Fuyuhiko... why do you even care?”
“Sh-shut up! Just shut the fuck up and answer me! If you have an answer then fuckin’ give it to me! If she used the bamboo sword as a stepstool, it would’ve been left behind!” Hajime looks surprised and even a little hurt.
“Maybe he’s right actually! How would she have gotten the sword?” Akane chips in. You stand there confused yourself, surely Peko wouldn’t.
“I agree, it has to have been someone else!” Peko looks shocked that you would defend her, she wasn’t as close as you were with Fuyuhiko so she didn’t think you would care enough to defend her.
“But who?” Nekomaru booms, slightly unamused. Peko sees her opportunity, if she can get the blame to fall on you then, you will be executed and she can protect Fuyuhiko.
“That is because it was S/O.” Both yourself and Fuyuhiko gasp, both for different reasons.
“Wha-what? No Peko you’re wr-”
“Peko what’re you doing?!” Fuyuhiko yells.
“I’m not the killer because she is. It is as simple as that.”
“No Peko! It can’t have been me! You know that!”
“Peko, don’t do this!” Everyone is stumped about this little argument between the three of you. They didn’t understand what was happening.
“I have to, after all she killed Mahiru.”
“No, she didn’t, I won’t stand for this!”
“I have to, you must survive.”
“But Peko, I would never kill anyone, I wouldn’t be able to let everyone here die!”
“Peko, I’m warning you, stop it!”
“Stop blaming the killer? I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“What’s happening?!” Akane roars.
“You all need to shut up! We need to find poor Mahiru’s killer, you dummies!” Hiyoko squeals.
“Peko please!”
“I can’t take this! Peko come clean! I’m sorry, I can’t let you do this!”
“Young master!” Peko looks surprised.
“Do it! I told you I wouldn’t stand for this, I’m sorry Peko, I really am but I can’t allow this any longer, not when S/O is in danger.”
Peko looks disdained but does as he says and you can’t believe your ears. The trial ends in a whir and you can barely catch your breath.
“How could this happen?” You stare at Monokuma as he slams his gavel down. There’s nothing else you can do but cry, joining Fuyuhiko in tears.You’re so numb as you watch her be taken to her death, you are completely unprepared for Fuyuhiko to leap into the fray you scream his name as he is slashed by Peko’s bamboo sword.
You are held back by the others as you have to watch it all happen, even as the ambulance drives in. You don’t even remember anything from the time between losing Fuyuhiko and finding him again in the hospital after Peko’s execution. 
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“I doubt Shuichi is the culprit, he had no reason to do it. Well, no more reason than the rest of us to and he was with Kaede the entire time!” You reason.
“Shuichi would never do that. Right, Shuichi.” Gonta confirms.
“Oh don’t tell me you’re going to plead the fifth now.” Mutters Hoshi.
“Hoshi please, this isn’t getting us anywhere!”
“It’s not like him saying nothing is helping either, S/O.”
“Even so!”
“Why are you fighting so hard to say he isn’t the culprit, there’s no proof, unless... You are the culprit, huuuuh S/O?” Kokichi sing-songs mockingly. A bit surprised at this suddenly being aimed at you, there is a stumble and suddenly everyone is upon you.
“Actually, that makes sense, you seem the most adamant that Shuichi isn’t the killer, what makes you so sure?” Kiibo inquires, honestly baffled.
“Well-well, I just don’t see him being a killer, but that doesn’t mean that I killed poor Rantaro!”
“I dunno~ You seem pretty suspicious right now S/O~” Kokichi chimes in.
“So not cool man.” Hoshi perks up staring down the grinning prankster across from him.
“Aww~ But I’m just playing with S/O.”
“Well don’t.” Hoshi’s tone demands no more discussion on the topic and you send him a relieved look. He nods back to you and the discussion continues on to a drawn-out heartbreaking end.
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A Hundred Lesser Faces: (Three)
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Notes from Mod Bonnie
This story stems from the premise: what if Voyager!Claire had gone first to Lallybroch instead of directly to the print shop in Edinburgh?
Links to past installments:  (One) (Two)
I’d run upstairs the instant Claire was gone through the door—first to the bedchamber overlooking the road, then up still further to the upper floors, so I could see her for just a moment longer. For, damn me, but I couldna take my eyes off her…just kept—watchin’ her— until the last.
And even when the shape of her had long vanished over the horizon, I was still watchin’, staring into the spot where she’d been, the last place she’d inhabited before she’d gone away….just as she’d promised. 
The letter—God, Claire’s letter—was clutched tight in my hand and heavy on my heart. But it was also heavy in my hand, I realized. There was more than paper, therein, I’d swear to it; firm, whatever it was, but not rigid, exactly, for I could still bend it easily.  
I had the nail of my finger under the edge of the wax before somethin’….somethin’ stopped me—or could it be someone?—and I shivered. 
Claire was in the doorway of the kitchen, cloak on, the letter clutched to her breast. 
I stood, awkwardly. “You’ve finished?” 
She nodded, and her eyes closed, of a sudden, and she looked so very young, like one of the bairns in a thunderstorm, all scared and—small—So sad, and—
—and I wavered. 
But before I could say anythin’, Claire was there right before my face, pressin’ the envelope hard into my hands. She didna let go, just kept—holdin’ on to me, eyes boring into mine so I couldna even blink. 
 “Whatever hurt there is between you and me, Jenny—” Those whisky-colored eyes were shining wi’ feeling, ready to spill over wi’ it. “—I beg you to see that Jamie gets this.” She added her other hand and squeezed me so hard that own hands were shakin’ along wi’ hers. “Please don’t wait too long to give it to him.” 
My voice cracked, and I couldna look away. “Why’s that?” 
“There are things in here, that—” the paper crinkled, loud and violent, that bitty sound, “—that will give him peace….I hope.” A small, broken breath. 
Peace…Peace for Jamie…
“Please, Jenny—PLEASE—promise me that you’ll give it to him.” Those wildcat eyes begged, and I could do nothing but nod. She heaved an enormous sigh and closed them, nodding, herself. “Thank you.” 
She released me, then and made for the door, pulling her cloak tight about her. Her eyes were on the handle as she said, “Goodbye.” 
And then before I could blink, she’d come back again and thrown both her arms ‘round me. Unnaturally tall as she was, my arms were trapped down at my sides, so I couldna have hugged her back, even had I wished to. 
Her voice was a ragged sob of a whisper. “I do love you, Jenny.” She kissed my cheek.
And then she was out the door, gone. Forever.  
And it was only as she was far, far gone, a vanished speck through a frozen windowpane, that I realized….
I *had* wished to. 
I nearly leapt out of my skin as I whirled like a guilty bairn to the door behind, where Maggie stood wi’ her own babe on her hip. 
“Ye’ve been up here for an age and a half, Mam. Did…” She gave me a significant look, “….something give ye a turn?” 
“I’m fine, mo chridhe,” I promised, flustered-like, bustling past her down the stairs to resume my work and hide my face. “Perfectly fine, nothin’ to—”
“But who was she, Mam?” Maggie’s voice, her footsteps, chased me down the stairs. “The dark-haired Englishwoman? Why was she here?” 
“She was a traveler. No one ye need be worrit about.” 
“Mam, I’m no’ a wee bairn. We all heard the great skelloch the two of ye were makin’. Clearly she was someone ye kent well, and it sounded as though she had come were wi’ a purpose, and  — “ 
“Maggie, do not— ” 
“But what was it she wanted of ye, Mam? She stayed hardly an hour, and we — “
“I dinna wish to DISCUSS it, Margaret.” 
From the look on her face, I’d shouted it, violently. She went all meek-like and left me standing alone on the stairs landing without another word. I started to go after her, but—I let my hands fall back to my side, clenching into shaking fists.  
What was it the Englishwoman had wanted of me, Maggie, love? The woman who saw ye delivered into this world? Only to come make peace and to mend your Uncle Jamie’s heart…and I… 
Hands of guilt seemed to shove me toward the door, toward the stables. 
Janet Murray, go after Claire. Go after her right this moment. There’s still time to catch her up! 
“Aye, and WHY should I?” I muttered under my breath, stormin’ to the pantry and busyin’ my hands, furiously flyin’ from task to task. 
WHY? Because it was doomed from the start! 
Dinna lay the troubles of their marriage at my feet. It was GOOD for Jamie to be marrit. He NEEDED a woman.
You saw her fetch at the wedding. Jesus God, woman, THAT was your warning. THIS is the test. 
I wasna going to see my brother die alone, and I couldna have dreamed that she’d saunter in one day after—
No one could have supposed Claire was alive; but now that you know, you MUST make this right. 
Go and stop her…GO!
She had no right —No RIGHT to just vanish as she did. God, the —the arrogance of it — I threw an old jar against the wall, the crash of the pottery against the stone some kind of satisfaction amid the storms of rage and of shame within me. — not to even CHECK !—And ‘complicated,’ she says…COMPLICATED! 
She said she’d be able to explain. 
All can be made right, Janet Murray. Go after her, beg her to  —
I'll no’ beg that Sassenach witch for anythin’. The rage was boiling up within me, and suddenly even the promise of delivering her letter seemed like the vilest of insults. ‘Will bring him peace,’ she says…How could she POSSIBLY ken what can bring him peace, having been gone from him for twenty —
YOU would know, just fine, if it were Ian. Separation couldn’t change your knowing of him, could it? 
I ignored that pleading, reasonable voice and stormed back up the stairs. The only sensible thing was to pretend as though the letter had never existed. 
Jamie need never know. If he wasna precisely at *peace,* now, he’d at least settled into a living, and found a certain —
He hasn’t. 
NO sense at all in opening up old —
And since when were love or mercy about *sense*?  
What he doesna know canna pain him, and that’s all there is to it.
I stormed upstairs and threw the letter resolutely into the back of the drawer, coverin’ it over wi’ old underthings and rags where Ian wouldna find it. 
But all the rest of the day, that stern voice haunted me, warred with me. 
Go after her. 
Leave me be. 
What’s done is done. 
No, it isn’t. 
Claire let him suffer. 
She stayed away for TWENTY—
She doesna DESERVE  —
That was Jamie’s judgment to make, woman. Not yours. 
I told her only the bare facts. 
No. You lied to her. 
He DOES have a wife!
He DOES have two daughters that called him Da!
You told her all the difficult truths and made them as painful to her as you could. 
And you told one lie.
 That Jamie is happy.
Is he?  
The guilt shuddered through me, a fist wrapped around my throat. 
He’s broken…
He’s still hurting…still raw….
From want of Her. 
And you sent her away. 
The look on her face as she begged me to give him that letter—
But the THINGS she did to  —
What you’ve just done is worse, still —For you did it from spite, Janet Murray; of your own pride and —
Across the house a door CRASHED open and I reeled back from the spice cupboard as though shot, my blood poundin’ in my ears as footsteps came thunderin’ in from the front door. “What in GOD’s holy name—???” 
“I dinna need to WASH to see Mam,” a grumpy voice protested from the foyer. 
“Oh Mary, Michael, and Bride—IAN!!” I’d forgotten—completely FORGOTTEN to be sick with worry for my wee scoundrel who’d run away. Lord forgive me, what sort of mother FORGETS —
I flew across the house, my guilt over Claire momentarily replaced by outrage at myself and fury at my son and RELIEF. “Ian!!” I sobbed as I threw my arms around his thin frame. “Ian you –YOU–oh—!” I swore violently, a great string of things, but all grateful, all emphatic with love as I squeezed him tight, wetting his shirtfront “—I’m so glad you’re safe, a chuisle.”
“I’m fine, mam,” he said with a sigh, though he returned the hug. 
I pulled back and slapped his shoulder, hard. “Well ye WILLNA be by the time I’m done wi’ ye! What were ye THINKING, Ian Murray, runnin’ away like that wi’ no word???”
“I DID leave word, Mam!” 
“Oh, ye think a wee note is enough? Not in this house, Ian. God, I’m so fashed and so happy in one single moment—” True enough; I was panting with the rush of the relief and the fright of the last two weeks. I hugged him again, then pushed him toward the stairs. “Off wi’ ye—we’ll deal wi’ your punishment later.” 
I turned from one Ian (well, the back of one, as he sulked off) to sigh in relief at sight of the other. “There’s my sweet lass,” he said, grinnin’ that bright, warm smile that I loved so well and holding out his arms to me.
All but fell into them, I did. “Mo ghraidh, ye found him.” I pressed my head against his chest, so happy to have him close; so happy for the relief of havin’ him hold me. There, against his heart, all could be well; all the voices and the shame and the rage could be silent. 
He kissed me, touched my cheek, then turned for the study. “I didna do much." He thudded into an armchair and pulled me into his lap. “In fact, I didna even get to Edinburgh.” 
“No?” I grinned, kissin’ his dear face. “Was he making such puir time? Chasin’ after lost pups and rabbits, again, aye?” 
“Nay, he’d already been to Edinburgh. When I came upon him, it was head on, already on their way back to us.”
I jolted back. “Their?” 
“Aye, Ian and Jamie.” 
Go after her 
“Aye, who else?” Ian kissed me, blithe as ye please. “Said he didna trust Wee Ian to come back unescorted, and rightly so.”
Go after her
“Well, and — it’s good ye were able to meet Jamie on the way.” I brushed my hands nervously down my skirt, tryin’ not to give in to the feelings risin’ up in my gullet. “He’ll have needed to be back in his shop as soon as possible.”
“Oh, nay, he left Fergus in charge. Said he was past due for a visit. No sense in him making the journey twice, now, is there?” 
“Jamie’s — He’s — ?” I felt as though I were going to faint. 
What if he finds out? 
You MUST tell him. 
I canna — I CANNA —
I screamed it at my conscience, but it wasna like the rage of before: a scream of panic. The weight of what I’d done—it was fallin’ down all around me and over me, smashin’ apart my anger and my stubbornness and my pride only to reveal beneath all my darkest shame and regret and  —
“Jamie’s gone to Balriggan, then?” 
“NO, a nighean,” came a grinnin’ voice that paralyzed me as surely as the bolt of a crossbow in my spine, “he’s behind ye.”
Lord, help me, 
I canna
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