#mod note: she is so beautiful i hope she gets adopted soon
catfindr · 1 year
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sweeterthanmydreams · 1 month
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Second Year: Summer (the Hemming-Byrd Legacy)
[Legacy Challenge Rules] [My Legacy Sheet] [Blank Legacy Sheet] [Intro] [Previous]
Ophelia started out wanting to help her community; rolling into her second summer, she’s finally gotten a taste of success! With her finances in order, she’s been able to make her first charitable donations to causes that she thinks can really make a difference. In addition, her island home has never looked better: though there’s still a ways to go, the trash clean up her and wife Lanuola have been doing is finally starting to show in the clean, more beautiful island paradise around them. It’s all sunshine and roses in the Hemming-Byrd house. Sunshine, roses, and surprises.
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It turns out that I did have my mods tuned correct: Lanuola’s abduction has resulted in the first pregnancy of the Legacy! It might be thirty days ahead of schedule, but she seems absolutely stoked about becoming a new parent. At least that’s one of us. Now that they’ve got more finances, I took the chance to do some large scale landscaping to blend their home in with the surrounding area. There’s just something about this lot (Admiral’s Wreckage) that looks jarring when you put a house down. Hopefully the edges of the property are a little more subtle now. Ophelia & Lanuola have managed to clean up enough around the islands that Mau Pel’am has hit the next level of conservation so the landscape improvements are well-timed.
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I also have to make a correction: the only-lonely Paparazzi in my save were actually two paparazzi, they just have the exact same haircut so I conflated them. We’ve also got the debut of a third paparazzi (who I thought was the second when writing my notes): welcome to the Save File Izumi Hasegawa. At this point, new paparazzi and fans are just popping out of the woodwork! Ophelia also did some autograph signing, most notable for little Alma Ward. According to MCCC, that is in fact Judith Ward’s daughter; and so the Ward Legacy begins quietly in the background. u-u The start of summer also marks the end of the slog that was the Bestselling Author Aspiration: Ophelia is finally free! I was so sure she was glitched, but she just suddenly started writing Bestsellers one day; thank god.
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Lanuola takes over getting art from the Hummingbird Collective placed with buyers in her new selling square; she’s working through the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration. If you want to get a better look at the table setup (and the landscaping) you can find the house on my gallery (DreamingTaffy) under the name Hummingbird Beach Year 2. Marcus Flex becomes the first member of the Hummingbird Collection to become an Elder. Since I’m planning to use Ophelia's one Potion of Youth when she reaches the end of Adulthood, he’ll pass away long before she herself becomes an elder which is a little sad. I’ve started a wall in the club hangout where I’ll memorialize club members who pass with their last painting; this will work for everyone except Duane who will break into my house constantly for a glass of milk but won’t participate in club activities. I’ll get you yet, Duane… (And I will get evidence of his annoying milk habit; stop blocking access to my fridge from across the map, Duane!)
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At 1 AM on the third day of summer it’s finally time. Lanuola has gone into labor, so wife Ophelia has taken her to the hospital; everyone here is so much more excited for this than Lanuola is. Daichi Fukuda was late to his own surgery but it’s alright: the machine got started without him; guess Lanuola is popping this thing out herself. Give a warm welcome to the first baby of the Legacy Challenge: baby Beatrix Hemming-Byrd. As an adopted daughter of Ophelia’s lineage, she will be eligible to inherit. The last hurdle she has to leap is randomizing the Child of the Island trait; secretly, I’m hoping she’ll be a spare so I don’t have to baton pass to Ophelia’s heir too soon.
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With both of their aspirations out of the way, Lanuola and Ophelia were able to start the Bodybuilder Aspiration together. They spent some time out at the gym to get a break from baby and were absolutely swamped by Ophelia’s fans. Unfortunately, they had to change venues when a werewolf decided this was a good place to rampage. Cut to six hours later in a second location, and two werewolves decided the gym was a hot spot for rampaging… If I had a nickel. Fitness adventures continued to be a hoot: Lanuola, and later Ophelia, decided that jogging in the ocean is clearly the way to go. Gotta love that Sulani patching.
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Though Ophelia thought her little alien daughter was kind of weird at first, the two have grown attached and the family only gets closer. Beatrix got to try her first baby food with each mother (papaya from Lanuola & yogurt from Ophelia) and loved them both; she has yet to try a baby food that she doesn’t like and she’s quickly running out of foods to try. At this point, I’m really hoping the trait generator will give her Foodie. In the last hours of the last day of summer, Ophelia and then Lanuola have defeated muscle cramps, werewolf attacks, and annoying glitches to conquer the Bodybuilder Aspiration together. They now will both live a very long life, even after becoming Elders and passing the Legacy down to the next generation. I look forward to having them in the household for a long time to come.
As stated before, you can find the current version of their home on the Gallery under my ID: Dreaming Taffy. The current household is called Hemming-Byrd Legacy 1.3. The current lot is called Hummingbird Beach Year 2; since it includes family photos, you'll need to check "Include Custom Content" to see it.
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The Ancient and The Land - Mod Escher’s Roll20 Curse of Strahd Campaign [Session 0]
Gather round, for a tale you won’t surely forget! Join my dear, dear players as they all embark on quite the adventure in Barovia!
Before we begin, some disclaimers are needed:
Outright, there are trigger warnings for implied abuse and graphic violence.
Now, to introduce my party (one player will be introduced next session, she’s still getting used to her new work schedule)!
Diane GoldenDew - Mastermind Rogue Diane is 13 year old high elf itching for adventure! She learned a lot about different heroes, and she wishes to go on one of her own, like her favorite hero White Glint! She’s traveling by herself, since both of her parents had tragically died of old age.
Ireena Kolyana - Duelist Fighter (Played by Mod Strahd!) Ireena is the adopted daughter of the late Burgomaster of the Village of Barovia. She was found by the Burgomaster and her brother Ismark as a young child, and they took her in as part of the family. However, due to red hair being a bad omen and unforeseen circumstances, Ireena was holed away in the mansion at the age of 15, never allowed to leave again. She tried running away with her family’s ancestral blade in hand on the night before her 20th birthday, but she was ambushed by wolves not too long after. She was saved by Vasili von Holtz, a young lord of Vallaki that frequently visited the mansion and had an interest in her. Her father took exception to her departure, but after dealing with his wrath, she confided in Vasili. Just days later, Kolyan passed away.
Mirthe - Witch, Covenant of the Wise (Mod Strahd’s homebrew class!) Accompanied by her familiar, Nadcasovy (a giant weasel), Mirthe is a Carnival Performer (and might I add the cutest pastel tiefling). Her act was as a hair hanger, instead with horns! She grew up with the matriarchs of her family in a forest. Her family never shunned her father, just said he had another calling. When she grew older, about 16, she decided to go seek him out with her familiar, feeling she was missing something in connection to her magical abilities. She found her father in a carnival show and took on that life ever since. Now, she’s traveling on her own to perform.
Savita Orelene - Light Cleric Savita is a fire genasi, cursed at birth by her mother’s family after her father left shortly after her conception. Savita and her mother were taken care of clerics of the sun god, Amaunator. Grateful for their help, Savita and her mother stayed with them, and Savita was eventually blessed by the god himself. Tragically, however, her mother was slain, drained completely of her blood.
Valarys - Blood Hunter, Order of the Lycan Valarys was found by an older couple as an infant, abandoned and left on the side of a beaten road. They’ve been taken care of by the couple and was raised as their own. However, Valarys was also half-lycanthrope. As they were coming of age, they turned on accident in public, which caused a panic in the village that soon turned into a full on mob. Their father was killed in the process of protecting Valarys, but before he told them to escape, he gave them a letter and told them of a name of someone that might be able to help them.
With that, let’s begin the story of their journey under the cut!
Diane, Mirthe, Savita, and Valarys all were in their own respective campsites the night before they all met, traveling who knows where to go ahead and do who knows what. It was starting to get a little misty while they were all resting. But when they woke up the next morning, they were all trapped in a fog. when they tried to get out, they couldn’t breathe, and they all ended up meeting each other within the mists. They all decided to move out of the fog and end up in strange, dark woods that they don’t recognize. They get to know each other in the woods.
Valarys is a bit standoffish when meeting the other members of the party. Diane, being a curious and rambunctious child, was more than eager to start on her adventure. She’d read stories about Barovia, a lost city of beauty, of flowers, and of the sun. Its radiance could be something like she’d never seen before. Savita was so confused at being in such a strange land. Mirthe was more than happy to introduce herself to the players (note: Nadcasovy is bigger than Diane).
In the woods, a letter gets delivered to them in the form of a breeze, as if they were expected. The letter was as follows:
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Weary Travelers and Adventurers, Welcome to Barovia.
Do forgive me for such an intrusive fog. The Mists have their own way of welcoming new visitors. Allow me to offer a far better form of hospitality.
My home is your home, as the saying goes. Feel free to roam about and indulge in the bounties of my reign. Do be careful traveling at night. We would not want any... unwanted accidents, now, would we? Mind where you tread. If I were to enter your home, I would have limitations of where I may wander, would I not?
I do hope you enjoy your stay. So long as you all follow these specific guidelines and mind your manners, we will all get along just fine. After all, this wonderful land of mine is where you will stay for the rest of your life. Do not try to go back in the fog from whence you came. You may have survived the Mists for now, but you will never be so lucky again.
And do watch your backs.
Your new Lord and Master, The Ancient and The Land of Barovia
Valarys is distraught at the concept that they may never be able to go back again. Everyone doesn’t like that idea, but they know now that they have no choice but to continue forward. After several hours, they arrive at the Gates of Barovia, where they easily open for the party.
They walk through the forest, until they hear a strange noise coming from the woods. A wolf (which Diane insists is a horse) bounds out from the forest but doesn’t attack the party. Instead, they’re running away from whatever noise was just made in the woods. Out from there comes Vasili von Holtz, who was riding a mount while holding what he describes is a gun. Mirthe in particular wonders why he couldn’t just use arrows, after he describes what a gun does, and Vasili insists that he just likes using a gun better. Valarys doesn’t trust Vasili outright, given their lycanthropy and feeling a kinship with the wolves.
Vasili was there in Svalich Woods hunting before he would then go to the Village of Barovia. He offers to let them tag along with him. On the way, he tells them about the history of the Dark Lord of the land.
“This place was not always this closed off from the rest of the world. Centuries ago, there was an ancient Prince. He came to this land and fought many battles, turning this valley into what is known today as Barovia. Not everyone treated him with kindness, however. But, when he was wounded during a harsh battle, he was nursed back to health and protected by the people who wander the land after wrongfully being forced from their homes. They’re known as the Vistani, and after taking such good care of the wounded Prince, they now forever are free to enter and leave the valley. Only they can come and go as they please.
“The Prince became the Lord of the land, maintaining order from the Eastern territories of the Village to the Western outskirts of Krezk. But he was growing older. He called for his family to come to him, and through this came the answer from his youngest brother. This young man was described to have a smile that radiated like the sun.
“Just when the Lord thought all was lost, he met a beautiful woman with fiery auburn hair; a true treasure. He loved her with all his heart. But she was taken from him. His brother, in his youthful cunning, took the woman as his own before the Lord had a chance. Enraged, the Lord attempted to take back what rightfully was his, but not without consequences.
“A coup had been staged during the brother and bride’s wedding day. The brother was slain, and the Lord was inflicted with a dark curse. And this curse spread throughout the land. The Lord became a dictator, and almost no one was safe from his wrath.”
He insists that they should go to Tser Pool to see if they could end the curse, where Madam Eva, a Seer, would be able to tell them more.
Mirthe is very pleased to hear that there is a Seer. However, Valarys is aghast at the idea of Madam Eva knowing about their past, present, and future. Vasili insists that either way, she knows all, and she could help them.
Set on going to Tser Pool, Vasili first offers to take them to the Village of Barovia to see the late Burgomaster’s children, to which Diane eagerly asks why the “Burger Master” is late. That was when Vasili reveals that the Burgomaster died of a heart attack. 
Taking exception to the fact that the party let Diane, a child, walk on foot for over 5 hours, Vasili offers to let her sit on his mount. With that, they all travel as it starts to rain (Savita, being a fire genasi, is pretty disheartened at that).
At the Village of Barovia, they’re all greeted to the sound of sobbing as they reach the center of town. After the party fails to properly perceive where exactly the crying is coming from, they proceed to knock on every door on that street until they find the source.
The first house was answered by a disgruntled man, who tells them that Mad Mary was the source of the crying. During this, Diane shows off her master skills by speaking in a perfect Barovian accent (which Vasili kindly thinks “WTF” upon hearing her). The disgruntled man tells them that crying is coming from across the street. So, they go directly across the street, where a different woman answers and insists that the crying is coming from next door.
Mad Mary answers, completely distraught at the loss of her daughter, and she is dismissive of the players being able to help her at first. She is also initially scared shitless by Diane’s talking doll, after she shows it when seeing a doll in Mad Mary’s hand. She then cries that the “Devil” could possibly have her. Diane insists that this devil must’ve been a Bone Devil, after Mad Mary describes that the Burgomaster was publicly executed by being drained completely of his blood. Initially hopeless, the party manages to convince her that they would try to find her daughter, Gertruda.
With that, Mad Mary leaves them to their own devices, just as they hear a cart roll by and a withered voice shout “Fresh Pies, Fresh Pies, Freshly Made from Granny’s Supplies!”
Crowds gather to have a taste of her delicious food.
Diane manages to successfully steal a savory meat pie from her cart, just as Vasili also decides to come up to the cart. He and Granny know each other, and Vasili eagerly does business with her, buying three pies for the party. Savita eats a meat pie, Mirthe eats half of a fruit pie, and there was also a berry pie that was purchased. Granny notes that one of her meat pies is missing, but she doesn’t think too long about that. Granny also mentions that if they ever needed any more pies, they could always visit her at the Old Durst Mill, where she lives and works.
Vasili then takes them down to the end of the street, where the Burgomaster’s mansion was. They all go inside, and they’re greeted by Ismark in a drunken stupor. At the mention of his father, Ismark simply states, “Peace be upon him” and proceeds to belch.
Right away, Vasili is looking for Ireena, who has been sitting in the library. She eagerly greets him, as well as the party. Vasili leaves to find Ismark to see if they found Kolyan’s will. During this, Diane explores the library to try and find a book about heroes, but she doesn’t find exactly what she was looking for. See, she was looking for a book about White Glint, but instead she found one about the story of a hero named Ivan Denesch and his quest to defeat Koschei the Immortal. Ireena more than happily talks about the story with Diane, who enjoys it.
Valarys meanwhile finds a book about werewolves, in which Ireena tells them that it was written by none other than Rudolph van Richten, a legendary hunter of sorts.
The party takes time with Ireena to get to know each other, in which they point out that Ireena has several healing bruises down the left side of her face and on her neck. When asked, she insists that she’s fine and that things will be better now, but she secretly insists after Diane asks that her insistence is because of Kolyan being dead. They all continue to have heartfelt moments when interacting, one such moment including Ireena giving Nadcasovy the good scritches.
After a while, Vasili and Ismark return to the library after being in a room across the hall. In hand, Ismark has Kolyan’s will, and he gives it to Vasili to read. Ismark can barely sit down, let alone look straight to read a letter. Vasili begrudgingly reads ahead first, before reading aloud:
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I, Kolyan Indirovich, Burgomaster of the Village of Barovia, hereby write my final will and testimony.
For my son, Ismark, as painful as it is for me to bequeath to you this, I leave you my title and the mansion. Never forget the responsibilities of maintaining such a village and the privilege that implies. Do not let the people down more than you already have. Straighten yourself out, and maybe I will look at you fondly from the afterlife. Do be the one to place me in my final resting place. You know why, my son.
Vasili von Holtz, my dearest friend, I know we have only known each other for a short time, but it is my dying wish that you look after my daughter. She is a bright young woman with ambitions that far surpass my expectations. Wherever she may roam off to next, please assure me that she will always be under your protection. Interpret that as you see fit. I know you won’t disappoint me.
For my dearest daughter, Ireena, I leave behind for you the knowledge that everything I have done, no matter how drastic my methods may have seemed, was for your protection and your own good. My reasons for worrying for you have been confirmed. You are a wise, determined young lady, but with hair as blood red as yours, my concern for you has been like a Plague. Heed the world with caution. Stay safe, and stay home.
Distraught, Ireena immediately leaves the library after punching a decently sized hole in the wall, and Vasili goes after her to console her. They both know that they need to act sympathetic to keep up appearances, but they know that this was something Kolyan did not deserve. Ireena hates the message for her that was left behind, insisting how horribly she had been treated. Vasili offers that she can stay with him, so long as Ismark lets her go (since he’s now in charge of the mansion and everything in it) and she wants to join him. Needless to say, they’re both glad that Kolyan is dead.
Ireena then reveals what the Dark Lord had said to her at the execution: “I will always protect you, my lovely summer rose.” 
She doesn’t understand how he was able to find out what was happening anyways, in which Vasili recollects that superstition says that he’s always watching, but his timing was impeccable. The two embrace each other. In the middle of the hallway.
Meanwhile, Ismark explains to the rest of the party how the Burgomaster really died. Mad Mary wasn’t exactly “mad” when it came to her claim. Kolyan was dragged out to the center of town for his crimes against humanity (which somehow was found out) and was executed by the Dark Lord of the land himself. He was drained completely of his blood in front of the entire village, and since then, no one wanted to go near the Burgomaster’s children or even try to help bury him.
Ismark also tells them that he’s not going to keep Ireena cooped up like it said in Kolyan’s will. He explains that the reason why Ireena was initially cooped up was that being a red-haired woman was a bad omen (or so they say, since he’s impartial to superstitions). He also puts to rest that the “devil” is not a Bone Devil, but a vampire. He also warns them of strange creatures that all want to kill you: “Wolves, werewolves, dire wolves... a lot of wolves. There’s men that look like trees. Scarecrows...” He’s too drunk to be coherent about what’s actually out there, but he does warn them seriously that they should watch out for fleders, an aggressive type of vampire that hunts ruthlessly at night.
Ismark then politely asks if they could help them bury the Burgomaster tomorrow, as much as he doesn’t want to do a proper funeral. They all agree.
The session ends when Ismark offers that he can ask Ireena to make them dinner and that they could stay the night at the mansion. Valarys offers their help, in which Ismark insists Ireena would appreciate that. Meanwhile, Diane interrupts Ireena and Vasili kissing in the hallway by swiftly moving passed them, with Nadcasovy following suit.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Anaconda, Apple, and Click: "I've been in more laps than a napkin! - Mae West Impossibly sweet, social, friendly dumpling with her signature ear set & love to spare! Cuddles &hugs FREE for the asking! Roxanne ld 39775, 5 Yrs. Old, 56 lbs. of "Social Butterfly& Ready to Steal your Heart Forever, In Manhattan ACC TO BE KILLED 9/7/2018 “I’ve been in more laps than a napkin.” -- Mae West Roxanne can relate because just like her idol, Mae West, she’s a STAR! She’s super cute, a little dumpling with a stout body and an ear set that has seen better days. But she considers her ears her signature beauty feature and we do too! In fact, she is the resident “greeting committee” at the Manhattan ACC, eager to meet every new person who passes her way and make them a forever friend. And who could pass by this amazing beauty with her joyful countenance, happy spirit and sparkling personality? Roxanne is a gem, our latest crush, and she’s soon to be yours. Don’t let her wait too long, get sick and end up on the dreaded list. Scoop up this stellar sweetheart today and foster or adopt her! PRIVATE MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance. A volunteer writes: Roxaaaaaaane. Guaranteed you're going to want to put on the green lights for this wonderfully magnificent girl. Now, Roxanne is what we call a "mixed breed," and from what my expert eye can tell, she is a 100% genuine cross of miniature harbor seal and apple dumpling. But you can leave the cinnamon and spice at home because Roxanne has plenty to spare. With her #tot ready smile, her wistfully wiggly waddle, and her passion for greeting everyone and everybody, Roxanne is as sweet as they come. Roxanne is the perfect age at 5 years old, appears to be housebroken, and takes her treats gently (and often). She is an energetic, little dumpling who does pull slightly on leash, so might do best with an experienced and active family who'll give her plenty of chances to strut her stuff. Roxaaaaaaaane! Say your prayers for all green lights en route to this special girl. And as criminally cute as she is, no need to call the Police. Just call her lovingly home. Roxanne is waiting in adoptions at Manhattan ACC. VIDEO: Roxanne... is the green light to happiness <3 https://youtu.be/3lZ62XE4mBc ROXANNE, ID # 39775, @ 5 Yrs. Old, 56 lbs. Manhattan ACC, Large Breed, Brown / White, Female I came into the shelter as a agency on 28-Aug-2018. Behavior Assessment Date of intake:: 8/28/2018 Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray Date of assessment:: 8/30/2018 Look:: 1. Dog's eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. Allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity:: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag:: 1. Dog follows at the end of the leash, body soft. Paw squeeze 1:: 2. Dog quickly pulls back. Paw squeeze 2:: 2. Dog quickly pull back. Flank squeeze 1:: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2:: Item not conducted Toy:: 1. Minimal interest in toy, dog may smell or lick, then turns away. Summary:: Roxanne approached the assessor with a soft body. She was social during the assessment, allowed all handling, and displayed no concerning behaviors. Summary:: Due to discomfort observed when greeting the helper dog and in the shelter environment, Roxanne may benefit from having a period of decompression before immediate introduction to other dogs. Future introduction should be conducted at a slow pace to respectful dogs. Summary (1):: 8/29: When introduced off leash to the male greeter dog, Roxanne is tense and keeps to herself. Summary (2):: 8/30: Roxanne freezes and lip licks at the gate. She is not brought in off leash. ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Roxanne so we cannot be certain of her behavior in a home environment. In the care center, she displays a medium level of activity. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: When Roxanne initially arrived at the shelter, she displayed some antisocial behavior, (whale eye and walking away). However, once outside of her kennel, and given time to acclimate, she displays more social behavior, seeking attention briefly and accepting treats gently. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: EXPERIENCE (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors outlined below) Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Potential challenges: : Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Potential challenges comments:: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: During her first day at the care center, Roxanne showed teeth when approached in the kennel and while being pet. Since that time, she has been social with handlers and has not displayed this behavior. We do not know what other contexts this behavior may occur, so we recommend approaching Roxanne slowly and always allowing her to approach. If she does show teeth while being handled, all handling should stop immediately. My medical notes are... Weight: 56 lbs Vet Notes 31/08/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: Approximately 4-5 years Microchip noted on Intake? No History : Stray Subjective: BARH, active, reactive to examination of ears, soft muzzle placed as precaution for part of exam Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective P = wnl R = wnl BCS = 7/9 EENT: Eyes clear. Ears - AS cartilaginous changes to pinna, erythema and brown discharge. AD excoriations, erythema, brown discharge. No nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: mild-mod tartar PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Female, enlarged vulva and nipples, 5cm flat SQ mass effect at right mammary chain - slightly warm to touch MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Externally normal Assessment: Otitis Mass at mammary chain - suspect mastitis Prognosis: Plan: Cleaned ears Claro AU Clavamox BID x 7 days Monitor mastitis SURGERY: Temporary waiver due to suspected mastitis 6/09/2018 S/O pt BAR EENT no ocular or nasal dis-charge, intermittent sneezing Assessment - Suspected CIRDC MILD "classic" kennel cough Plan - + Move to isolation + 10 mg/kg Enrofloxacin PO SID for 14 days + 2 mg/kg cerenia PO SID for 4 days + Recheck in 7 days for resolvement and return to general population PROGNOSIS EXCELLENT *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** If you would like to adopt a dog on our “To Be Killed” list, and you CAN get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process *within 48 hours of reserve*, you can reserve the dog online until noon on the day they are scheduled to die. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) nycacc.org HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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trisabelle · 7 years
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 an arbitrary number of people to be tagged. I was tagged by the amazing @canitellusmthin !! I love ya, you diamond in the rough (tumblr. tumblr is the rough)
Last Drink: Water!
Last Phone Call: My Dad calling to ask if we needed any groceries.
Last Text Message: To my sister asking if she remembered the wifi password. Unless you count IM's in general, in which case, saying goodnight to my bf and gf!!
Last Song You Listened To: Memory by Koethe Koethe, while I was dressing this morning. Well, afternoon..
Last Time I Cried: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I am a babby but I rarely cry and tend to try to forget about t if I do.
Dated Someone Twice: Nope
Been Cheated On: No
Kissed Someone and Regretted It: Only ever kissed one person, didn't regret it even if we didn't work out together.
Lost Someone Special: For a while a friend dropped off the internet for about a month after being really suicidal.. thought she died but she came back. That was years ago though
Been Depressed: I'm depress in this binch 25/7 my dudes
Been Drunk and Thrown Up: Never been drunk, never drank alcohol ever and don't want to
Made a New Friend: Ye!
Fallen Out of Love: No
Laughed Until You Cried: YUP. Memes do that to me. Also, that video of two hamsters with a hamster wheel on its side, and they keep spinning it until it whips them around and they just keep going until they're at lightspeed
Met Someone Who Changed You: The people that come to mind; Jay, Liz, and the two who I plan to spend my life with, Matt and Lizzy!!!!! 💖💖💖
Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: This.. is very vague.. yes..????
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: A few I've met in real life when I went to visit a girlfriend at the time down in California.
Do you have any pets?: A Doge (Steve), a Doogler (Molly), and a recently adopted fishy!! His name is Gillbert.
Do you want to change your name?: Nop!! I'm super happy with my name. Mostly because Tris isn't really gender specific and I like that
What time did you wake up this morning?: "Morning" hahahhahhahahahahahhahahah
What were you doing last night?: Just reading once I was in bed. Before that I was getting FO4 modded and talking to the bae's
Name something you cannot wait for: LIFE IS STRANGE: BEFORE THE STORM - EPISODE 3 HELL IS EMPTY
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: My great-granddad. He died a while back but I remember him. He built a bunch of stuff for my Thomas the tank engine sets. Also my middle name was after him
What’s getting on your nerves rn?: i,m tired
Blood type: ye
Nickname: Tris
Relationship status: In a closed triangle!! I know my trigonometry from an intimate perspective c;
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Did I spell it right
Pronouns: He/him, but idfc honestly. I have a feeling they're he/him just because I'm so used to it, even tho I totally identify as a boy
Favorite tv show: Sense8. The beautiful masterpiece collision between scifi, drama, and an expression of just what humanity is
College: Not yet!! Should he doing some college courses starting January
Hair colour: Black!! Or rly rly rly dark brown. Used to be chestnut brown but maybe I'm just crazy
Long or short: Hair? Or height? I have longish hair for a boy, it's not far past my shoulders and hella curly. Once I get the courage it'll be in a lil ponytail. And height, I'm 5"6' or however you write it. Five foot six. I wanna be smol™
Do you have a crush on someone: Ye. On my Big Frog and Giant Frog
What do you like about yourself: (awkward laugh) haha yeah totally
First surgery: Colonoscopy. Sorry if tmi, but it's true. I've had a few
First piercing: NOPE
First best friend: Jonas. We stopped talking soon after starting high school but he was in a car crash recently and almost died, and we've started talking a bit again
First sport you joined: Soccer. Never sported again
First vacation: Not sure.. earliest I remember is a trip not too far away to a vacation house with the extended family.
First pair of sneakers: Idfk.. I never cared about shoes. Just let them be plain and comfy
Eating: Right now? Nothing
Drinking: I was drinking water a minute ago
I’m about to: sleeeeeeeeeeep
Listening to: The menu theme from Before the Storm
Want kids: Ye!!! I've never seen myself doing anything other than adopting tho, even though I'm not dedicated to that idea.
Get married: YE. The idea of being proposed to???????? (Hand slamming button meme)
Career: Um
Lips or eyes: Eyes. I love them lips but EYESSSS
Shorter or taller: I wanna be the short one!!!!!! PLEASEEEEE
Older or younger: I don't care! (Lowkey lying)
Romantic or spontaneous: Why.. why not both.. These don't conflict..
Sensitive or loud: Sensitive I guess?
Hook up or relationship: BINCH I WANT DEM FEELS NOT JUST FUCKS
Troublemaker or hesitant: What.
Kissed a stranger: Nope. Only kissed 1 person ever
Drank hard liquor: Never even drank once
Lost glasses/contacts: don't have either
Sex on first date: Only really had like two dates, and she was no sex before marriage (which I totally respect and honestly I wasn't ready anyways)
Broken someone’s heart: Quite possibly.. I seem to cause a lot of negative emotions for the people around me..
Been arrested: Lol. I'm a goodie two shoes, a law abiding citizen,
Turned someone down: Ye. We're still in contact, I'm hoping they're doing well and I didn't let them down.. they deserve happiness!
Fallen for a friend: Nope
In yourself: No I'm a myth
Love at first sight: While I believe in attraction at first sight, and that may lead to true love, there's no way to instantly know for sure they're your soulmate. But don't ignore that instinct, our hearts are smarter than us in these things.
Heaven: No. I've never believed in anything required blind faith, but honestly, I have so much respect for those that do. That's a lot of strength to believe despite the struggle
Santa Claus: I certainly believe some nut changed their legal name to Santa for shits and giggles.
Yay!!! All done and it only took me ~40 mins when I should be ASLEEP. I'm egg. But it's my birthday, I can do what I want!! Happy 20th to me c:
I tag a reasonable amount of people, not 25: @wastedhearts @raggedymancomegetme @richard-vs-marty @the-pretty-kitten @sheikahstone @dipper-the-destructor @feathersandstripes @gayerthanthefourthofjuly @crabbieapple @brokenheartsbleedtheblues @notyouraveragebl0g @moonlit-battlefield @starrchild @runekitten @mbesham @cocoa-n-donuts
Don't do this if you don't want to!! And if you do but weren't tagged feel free!!! c:
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Yay! The ask box is open!! You all are such fantastic writers! Thank you for all your amazing work and making Droughtlander 3 more bearable! Can you imagine a complete and utter fluff moment when Jamie or Claire might have given the other a kiss on a cheek while they were still at Leoch as "friends" before the rent collection?
Mod Note: I took the ‘utter fluff’ and ‘Jamie and Claire might kiss’ parts and added them to a new AU idea I hope you enjoy, Anon.
In this AU, Claire is about a year younger than Jamie.
Chain of Command: Part One.
Mrs Crook had never played Claire false, she’d always known that she’d been found late one evening, abandoned deep in the underbrush. It hadn’t stopped her from becoming a fully integrated member of the Fraser household. From a young age Claire had begun to learn the intimate workings of the house - putting her skill as a healer to work as she learned to clean and bake.
The youngest of the children in the house, she’d grown alongside the Fraser’s three children; Willie, Jenny and Jamie. Her position as Mrs Crook’s adopted daughter had no effect on her relationships with any of them, and as they’d been put to task on their education - learning how to read and write - so had Claire, in between her chores.
It was only during Willie’s sickness and subsequent death that she started to notice the minute difference between them. Ellen, Brian, Jenny and Jamie mourned between them leaving Claire to co-exist solely with the maids. Her schooling ceased for a long while and she found herself working hard in the kitchens.
From that loss came the evolution of her relationship with Jamie Fraser. Having been close friends for a good long while, all of a sudden he would come crawling into her bed late at night, tears streaking down his pale face.
Remembering those dire times, she then recalled the moment Ellen had lost her fourth child. She’d bled a lot during that birth and had almost lost her own life. Had it not been for Claire’s quick thinking, Ellen Fraser may have not pulled through at all.
Sneaking up behind her, tall even for his twenty-one years, Jamie wrapped his arms around Claire’s waist, startling her as she kneaded the dough for the next batch loaf.
“I can almost see yer thoughts, mistress,” he cooed, running his lips along the exposed expanse of her neck, causing Claire to forget those memories forged years ago and concentrate on the very prominent figure of Jamie behind her.
“J-Jamie,” she shrugged, shifting her shoulders as she tried to shake him. “Anyone could walk in, we’ll get into bother…”
But she didn’t really want him to stop, Jamie could sense it in the way she rolled her hips backwards whilst fighting, externally, against her need for him.
Jamie had been sent to Paris to finish his schooling at nineteen. There he had come across Annalise de Marillac, an incredible French aristocrat’s daughter. She had been besotted with him and another young man. But every slight touch she’d gifted him had only reminded him that she wasn’t Claire.
Upon his return, unbeknownst to Claire, he had begun his mission to court her properly. He was in far too deep now to ever let her go.
“There’s nobody else here, Claire,” he whispered, his cool breath wafting over the damp patch he’d left on her neck, “but ye ken��”
“No,” she moaned, feeling his hand roaming under her billowing skirts. “We can’t…Jamie…you know we can’t…”
He didn’t truly understand at all, but if the price of his submission to her will on keeping their intimacy from the rest of Lallybroch was Claire’s embrace, then he would give it freely.
Claire saw, with great clarity, the social divide that lay between herself and Jamie. She’d foolishly believed in her younger days that she could overcome it. But recently there had been hushed talk of Jamie’s betrothal - to a lass, it was claimed, he held great affection for. These rumours shattered her illusions and brought her crashing back to earth with a bang.
But that didn’t stop her from wanting him. And it hadn’t stopped her from letting him touch her. Slowly but surely Jamie had been getting closer to her. Touching and teasing in those private moments when the house lay empty. Sometimes, even though she instantly regretted it, she would ensure that her work in the fields coincided with him coming home.
Until now they’d managed to stop themselves, but neither were pulling away from the other and Claire could feel her will slipping by the second.
“They’ll be back soon, Mama Crook will…Jamie, we have to be careful.”
Stilling his hands against her warm thighs, Jamie forced himself to cease, though he desperately wanted to continue - to have her at his mercy against the long wooden preparation table.
He could picture her, wanting, moaning and writhing beneath him as he laid himself over her…
…shaking his head, he leaned his head against her back and rested for just a moment.
“I’d ne’er disrespect ye, Claire, by doing something ye didna want. But I want you so badly that I ache for ye,” he sighed, feeling the subtle ripple that rolled down her spine at his words.
She was holding back from him, hiding her desire for some ridiculous reason. But if time was what she needed, then time he would give her. That and his undying affection and attention.
“Oh, Jamie,” she keened, her legs shaking with the pressure of feeling him *there*.
“Come to me, Claire,” he begged, he wasn’t above going down on his knees to plead with her, “tonight when everyone is abed. I’ll leave my candle alight and ye’ll ken I’m awake and waiting.”
In a moment of weakness she nodded, her heart hammering in her chest as she felt him leave her, a distinct breeze swirling his scent around her as he left as quickly as he’d arrived. Castigating herself, Claire cursed her weakness, but she knew, no matter what, she would go to him. He’d asked and she’d agreed…and she wanted him, too. Badly.
The boards creaked beneath her feet as Claire tried to make her way up through the house.
Usually she slept in her own wee study, a room Brian and Ellen had gifted to Mama Crook for her very own private education. In time she had added her own bed, saving her earnings to fit out a private place of her own. But tonight she was intent on sleeping somewhere new…
Jamie’s room lay aside from the others, along the hall, towards the end of the narrow corridor. It was the larger of the three that remained besides the master suite and Brian had seen it fit for a laird-in-training.
She didn’t knock, her hands shaking far too much for her to trust herself. Knock too violently, even by mistake, and she could wake the whole house. Instead she slid her fingers around the brittle wood and shimmied herself through the gap.
Her heart thundered as she turned to find Jamie almost nose to nose with her, a fire blazing behind his irises.
“You came…” he sighed, his lips pressing quickly against hers, not waiting for her to reply.
“We shouldn’t,” she whispered, writhing against him as she ran her fingers through his loose red locks, “I should go. I shouldn’t be here.”
“Aye, ye should,” Jamie pressed, between kisses, his nimble fingers tugging at her tight laces as he made to remove her of her clothes.
Pressed as she was, back against the door, Jamie’s weight solidly between her thighs, Claire couldn’t find it in her to argue. Her head was fast losing the debate with her body and her heart had been lost for years.
The soft fabric of the sheets surrounded her before she’d even realised Jamie had moved her, the skin of her back rubbing pleasantly against the smooth cotton of the linens. “Have you…?” She asked, her legs parting as she leaned up on her elbows to watch him undress himself now, awareness slowly making her conscious and competent once more.
“Nay, have ye?” He looked at her and knew she hadn’t, the shy tilt of her chin and the sudden fear and wonder alight behind her eyes.
“No,” she replied, not wanting there to be any ambiguity to their amorous intentions. Their relationship - if you could call it that - was complex enough. This, she realised, could be simple.
Jamie’s kilt hit the floor with a small thud, a double beat that echoed in time with Claire’s pounding heart as she shimmied her bottom back a little on the comfy bed.
Licking his lips languorously, Jamie bent forward, his eyes focused on the soft rise and fall of her breasts as he took one under his palm. His thumb circled her nipple slowly, its small peak rising under his ministrations.
“So beautiful, Claire,” he whispered, his breath washing over her chest as she bit her lip to stop herself from moaning too loudly.
She’d no notion of physical acts, so when he leaned forwards, his mouth opening slightly to allow his lips to suckle gently at her breast, she had to squeeze her eyes shut. The sensation rocketed through her, sending shockwaves through every nerve as he slowly ran his teeth over her sensitive flesh.
“Did I hurt ye?” He sighed, his tongue licking the tip of her nipple as he posed the question, his worship of her and act of attrition.
“No, no you didn’t…” she responded, breathy and light as she tried to stay focused. Her legs were spread wide now, her knees touching the mattress as her hips thrusted lightly upwards - seeking out the friction she so desperately needed.
Steadying himself, Jamie continued, lowering his arse now so that he came into direct contact with Claire.
She was warm, almost unnaturally so. And wet, so damp that he could feel her stick to every inch of his taut flesh in preparation.
“Do you want me, Claire?” He groaned, knowing it was possibly far too late for that now - but he was still a gentleman, he still needed to hear her say what she needed, what she wanted.
“Y-yes, Jamie. Always yes,” she sighed, a moment of weak abandon causing her to answer him with complete honesty.
Spurred on by her candid words, Jamie thrust forwards, his body encased comfortably within Claire now, just as the lads that worked the Lallybroch lands by his side had told him.
Feeling an intense pressure at this foreign intrusion, Claire solidly gripped Jamie’s bottom as he forced his way, albeit gently, inside her. It hurt for only a tiny moment before that sensation gave way to something else, something infinitely more pleasurable. But it seemed beyond her reach for the moment, a twinkling light in the sky just a little too far away for her to completely understand. Arching her back, she pressed her sweat-coated chest to Jamie’s as he moved above her, her eyes parting just enough to watch as he scrunched his face, the feel of her driving him to his own blissful ending.
Panting in a few rather large breaths, Jamie sealed his lips to Claire’s as he felt the telltale pull of oblivion beckon. His thighs shook and he cried out as Claire swept her tongue across his bottom lip.
In seconds it was over and he lay spent above her, the subtle tang of sex and love hovering in the air.
Cradling him to her breast, Claire allowed herself another luxury, rocking Jamie calmly as they both fell asleep in one anothers arms.
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