#mod: 25 to 50k
grumpywaterfalls · 2 years
and his wanting grows tree
and his wanting grows tree by yukla
Mó Dào Zǔ Shī
Length: 25,398 (complete)
Rating: Teen & Up Audiences
Pairing: Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Wúxiàn
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence/abuse
Author Summary:
“I travel so I may do my duty as a cultivator. Not in order to make acquaintances.”
Wei Wuxian huffs in amusement. “Ehhh, Lan-daozhang, no way. I would’ve thought that a friendly guy like you would have friends in every region!”
Lan Wangji’s jaw clenches.
Or; in the dead of winter, traveling cultivator Lan Wangji gets snowed in at a remote mountain village, falls in love with the chief’s adopted son, and stumbles upon a dark secret that is decades in the making.
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ygobigbang · 3 months
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Everyone, thank you very much for the responses! We’ll go over our plans for what to do next, and what you should keep an eye out for!
Firstly, thank you for all your patience for the new mod team! You can find us and our experience listed HERE as well as our names on our Tumblr page (desktop mode). We hope you continue to give us your support as we settle into our new roles.
Second, for all the Misawas and number lovers out there, we'll go over the IC numbers after the end of this announcement.
And third and most important of all, we’re announcing our first project as a SPRING SEASON MINI-BANG. We’ll be releasing more details over the coming week, and hopefully have sign-ups ready by the end of the month. This will be a much smaller event, with 1k minimums, so that everyone can get used to working together and getting warmed up before the main event!
Once again, thank you for your interest, and we’ll see you soon!
And now, from Mod Pan, this:
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First off, "Do you want to participate in a General/All Series Bang?"
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That's 62,7% yes, 37,3% maybe, and no "No"s! Love to see how people interested in talking about it want to participate, should circumstances allow.
Next is "If yes, what role?"
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At 40,3% writers take the lead, but 32,8% artists and 26,9% as a combo of both means people of all artistic tendencies are well-distributed!
So we've got the peeps, so when do we start? That's the next question!
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The two leaders were a (North) Summer Start at 67,2%, followed by a (North) Spring Start at 25%. The other results were one vote each, for 'either', 'both', 'anytime', 'not sure', and a shout-out to whoever asked if these seasons were North or Southern Hemisphere- They're all North, for the record, due to that being where the majority of the mods are located. It was a good heads-up, though, and I'll try to mention specific months next time alongside seasonal names.
Last two multiple-choice questions!
For writers, what minimum word count are you comfortable with?
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The clear winner here was 10k words, at 48,3%, with 15k next at 13,3%. A full 26% were just artists clicking the "I'm an Artist" button, and the other options (5k, 25k, and 'anything from 10-20k depending on concept") got a single vote each, except 20k words, which came in around 8% instead. I like this excitement!
And for the artists: What fic length are you most comfortable working with?
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Everyone continues having 10k as their sweet spot number, as the 36,7% votes show, and this has definitely been taken into account. Next is 15k at 25%, and every subsequent 5k increment loses another 5% votes. And to the two who don't really know and are just gonna go with the flow, and are willing to read all the way up to 50k as long as the concept interests you, we'll do our best at matchmaking so it won't feel like a sacrifice, no matter how excited the writers get!
And that's it for math time! The non-multiple choice answers won't be discussed here, since even without names attached those were private responses, but do be sure the mod team has read all of them and will be keeping all of them in mind going forward.
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See y'all next time!
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romaine2424 · 2 months
For the Love of WIPs (Drarry style)
There's a lot of things I miss about LJ, but right up there was the weekly posting of the H/D Prophet run by @sassy-cissa and groovelover at the conclusion. It began posting in 2005 and It stopped posting in 2021. I know it was a ton of work for the mods to run it, but it truly kept Drarry fandom informed of all the one-shot fics, art released that week, and chapter updates for current Drarry WIPs, recs, etc... Also listed were the fests and what state they were in. Take a look at the links I posted above and see all the goodness. It was very centralized. *sigh happy times*
What made me think of this was I love reading Drarry WIPs but keep finding recent chapter fics that I missed while being posted and only found them completed and others that I'm currently reading but found by chance.
So, I thought I'd share the WIPs I'm keeping track of and those that have been completed recently that I've read.
Notes: Most WIPs (chapter fics) are long fics (over 50K and up to 1M). There are readers that see some lengths of completed fics and wince. That is one reason why chapters are often released weekly or whenever, so you have digestible amounts (5-15K). Sometimes as an author I feel in a Catch 22, readers don't have time to read long fics, but then won't read a WIP until completed. LOL
Below the cut are WIPs that I've read and that have been recently completed. I'll post ongoing WIPs that I'm reading tomorrow! I'm not listing the Warning and Tags for these fics as I'll leave that up for you to decide on what to read or not. But, there are a few here that do have strong warnings in the tags and/or Author Notes. One final note: I'm listing WIPs (chapter fics) that were posted over a time period, not completed chapter fics that were listed on one date as a whole. OMG this is a long post!
Recently completed Drarry WIPs
Passing Stranger (53K) by @lettersbyelise This just completed yesterday! I have 2 chapters left to read. :) Summary: Five years after the war, Harry, listless and depressed, stumbles upon Draco Malfoy playing the violin in an underground bar in Muggle London. The catch? Draco lost his memories five years ago. Ignoring his friends’ advice, Harry befriends an unwitting Draco, overlooking the fact that their mutual attraction might not survive if Draco’s memories return. Comment: Haven't quite finished but I love, love, the Draco in this fic. You could feel that this is Draco stripped of all the heavy responsibilities he grew up with including having a bigoted father. The tension is palpable with Harry being attracted to this Draco but feeling that Draco needs to be Draco Malfoy to move forward. *ugh*. 2. The Boy from the Piano Shop (90.5K) by @soliblomst completed 2/25/24. Summary: After going blind in a reckless attempt to avenge Ginny's death, Harry battles with severe depression. One day, he stumbles upon a quaint piano restoration shop in the heart of London and meets the owner, a kindly old man, and his introverted young apprentice, whose voice sounds strangely familiar. As Harry and Draco slowly reconnect through private piano lessons, the small workshop becomes Harry's refuge, offering him a glimmer of hope in a world without eyes. Set five years after the Battle of Hogwarts. Comment: I binged this fic bad!!! There is so much to love in this fic but one of the standouts is the OC Richard. You will love him, too. The gradual build up of Drarry is so well done. The dealing with Harry's depression is so raw and real. No cutting of corners. The ending was one of the best I've read in celebrating what is to come for Harry and Draco. And Draco, in the final scene will make you cry *happy tears*. 3. The Star Splitter (219K) by @oflights completed 3/22/24. Summary: On a routine time travel assignment to the past, Draco stumbles upon 7-year-old Harry Potter and witnesses his neglect and mistreatment by the Dursleys. In the moment, there is only one solution, even if it goes against all his training as a Time Agent: he has to bring Harry back to the future with him. In which Draco burns his life down for the sake of his former school rival. Comment: I think I followed this one from the start as I do everything @oflights! OMG the action, the tenseness, the magical lore, the worldbuilding, and the sweetness of Draco raising young Harry will have you banging that "next chapter" button. The Drarry in this happens slowly and has its ups and downs but so so worth the wait. The bond is strong and at the end and you will recognize and cheer for this Harry who says Fuck it all, I ain't letting this go.
4. Spotlight (All Eyes on Us) (58K) by @pixiedunhoff completed 3/15/24. This is the 5th and final installment of the Dark Arts to Dance Floor Series (317K) which began posting in July '23. Spotlight Summary: The spotlight can scorch.
“Has the wizarding world ever seen a couple quite like Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter? Though the pair remain frustratingly private and out of the spotlight, hardly ever seen in public together, our readers understandably demand to know more.
‘They’re happy together,’ Minister of Magic Hermione Granger exclusively tells the Prophet, before quickly ducking into a meeting for Squib Rights. ‘They’re so very happy.’”
- Daily Prophet, 2 February 2018 Comment: Pixie says in the notes, you may only need to read the 4th installment to completely get this fic, but hell, I say read them all. Pixie is newer to Drarry writing (longtime reader). I love the casualness and realness of the characters and how they interact. In Spotlight they so capture the feel of being backstage to a 'music rock star' (in the Muggle world) and on the rise in the magical one. As you're reading this fic, it might come across as being a lighter AU type fic, but don't be fooled there is much depth and layers upon layers to both Harry and Draco. Pixie just eases you into it. There were points that I just had to stop reading for a moment and digest exactly what was going on. Pixie will be on my Current WIP list, too! 5. Skybound (61K) by @xanthippe74 Summary: No matter how much Harry Potter wanted to believe he’d left danger behind when the war ended, it found him again anyway. All he had to do was step out his own front door on a Tuesday morning. A Drarry re-imagining of Howl’s Moving Castle.
Comment: I haven't finished this one, yet, but wanted to list it here. It's 6 chapters and I'm only 2 chapters in, but holy hell what world building and magical lore (and one very nasty curse). I'm not familiar with the original source, but that's okay. I'm very happy being carried along in one floating house! I'm a big fan of @xanthippe74 and am fully confident I'll love this as much as the author's other stories. Okay, I'll be back tomorrow with a list of currently posting Drarry WIPs, including two stinging hot A/B/Os, but in very different ways.
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eburneansimmer · 1 year
Rapunzel Challenge:
GOAL: Earn 50k to pay your debt + move far far away from your evil step-bitch
*this challenge is HEAVILY inspired by 'whisperxx', I just added my own twist*
How you start:
step mom lives upstairs in nice starter home or whatever you'd like, feel free to play with that sim or let them autonomously take care of themselves
TRAITS: materialists, hates children, jealous
ASPIRATION: mansion barer
teen lives in grungy basement with nothing but a couch, a toilet and a sink, and cheapest computer if you opt to enroll in online school (mod by kawaiistacie)
TRAITS: creative and bookworm 
ASPIRATION: fabulously wealthy
until you can afford a kitchen, mom makes all the meals and you get ONE PLATE AT A TIME *max 1 a day*
teen starts with 50 simoleons
your teen gets 50 simoleons a week (every monday), spend/save this wisely (use the national bank mod for ease)
your teen needs to give 200$ from their earnings to the stepmom on Sunday of each week
once you're a YA, step mom gets 500$ on Sunday of each week & allowance stops.
challenge is over/you win when teen/ya sim reaches 50K to pay off debt and move out (happily ever after)
you lose if sims reaches adulthood and still has a debt to pay (PULL THE LEVER KRONK)
Money Goals:
build skills in: painting, writing, planting to earn simoleons
make use of public easels and plants from festivals as cheats to get what you need!
Requirements as Teen:
online school (mod by kawaiistacie)
keep grades at or above B
Have one best friend by YA
No Romance until YA
no friends over, but you can meet at hangout spots during weekend
Requirements as YA:
Get tf out
no friends or s/o over
Community Lots: Saturday-Sunday as a Teen Friday night past 5pm-Sunday as a YA
Outfit Change = 150 simoleons (I give my teen sim grungy outfits like clothes from werewolf pack!)
Stain or cob web or scratch fix = 25 simoleons (add these to the room your teen lives in, they’re free, then deduct $25 from your earnings every time you delete them!)
Give sim a pet they also must take care of
Play on Short Lifespan
Give 500$ to step mom as teen & $1000 as YA
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gemwire · 2 years
Free Fire Hack Diamonds (10K, 50K, 99999 Diamonds) Free Fire Diamond Hack
Garena Free Fire is a popular gaming app. Many gamers want to hack free fire to generate diamonds for the game. This article can help you get unlimited free fire diamond hacks. Read this article carefully and learn about every generator!
In 2022, Garena Free Fire is going to launch lots of in-game events. Diamond Royal and Incubator events will be available and players will want to participate but for this, they need tons of free fire diamonds. If you don’t have any in-game knowledge, free fire diamond hack generators will be difficult to use.
Free Fire Diamonds Generator and Diamonds Online Free Fire are both great, as they have the capacity to generate unlimited free fire diamonds. They both have their pros and cons, so it is important for you to explore both. This article will help you to understand the differences between those two generators, and let you decide which one suits your needs more.
The Free Fire game is out of this world. Here, we will also give you a direct link to the best Garena free fire diamonds generator. The Garena Free Fire diamond generator is so accurate, that you won’t find better than this one. So let’s get started then.
Generate Unlimited Diamonds On Free Fire Now!
Post related to Garena Free Fire Free Diamonds (10K, 50K, 99999 Diamonds) Garena Free Fire Diamonds Hack Month- Year June – 2022 Last update Updated every day ( in every 7-8 hours) Uses of diamonds Diamonds can be used to obtain many free fire in-game items like Detective panda pet, Weapon skins, Level-up pass, weapon loot crate, Premium bundles, etc Diamond amount Using the free fire diamond generator, you can collect 100 diamonds, 200 Diamonds, 400 Diamonds, and 800 Diamonds Number of diamonds generator added here More than 11 Our official site Gemwire Related Post Free Fire Mod APK Unlimited Diamonds
Garena Free Fire Diamonds Generator Codes
We have collected various codes that give unlimited free diamonds. These codes can be found on various servers, so check your browser extensions to see if it works.
DF097GHYF6HG (Latest)
DS32HG89D7S6 (Latest)
DKFP9F767S56 (Latest)
DFHP098Y87SH (Latest)
Diamond generator Redeem Codes AMOUNT Of Diamonds Additional reward JS7D-SD8F-JD7S Code for 2000 Diamond Generator LOL Emote LSK8-LS8D-S9D7 Code for 1000 Diamond Generator Pirate Flag Emote LK90-KS7D-S7SH Code for 10000 Diamond Generator Sakura Bundle SKD8-LK90-S8D7 506 Diamonds Clap Emote KS87-LK90-8A7S 667 Diamonds Magic Cube LK90-MN98-NSD7 130 Diamonds 300 Gold Coins MN89-NB67-LK90 250 Diamonds 700 Gold Coins BS67-LK90-H6S5 100 Diamonds 860 Gold Coins 86DF-NB78-LK90 5 Diamonds 990 Gold Coins MN89-MN89-S7D6 7 Diamonds 1950 Gold Coins MN89-S7D7-S8D7 13 Diamonds 7 Magic Cube BR67-HG76-S8D7 25 Diamonds 9 Magic Cube M7SD-8S7D-SBD6 1 Diamond Custom Room Card S8D7-MNBH-SJD7 22 Diamonds Custom Room Card S9D7-S87S-S9D8 35 Diamonds Custom Room Card MN78-H678-S8D7 40 Diamonds 3D Summan Airdrop H768-DHU4-8S7D 50 Diamonds 4X Gold royal Voucher 8S7D-NB78-S8D7 70 Diamonds 8X Gold royal Voucher MN78-AS54-ASR5 120 Diamonds 13X Gold royal Voucher QYW5-DB6F-LK87 400 Diamonds 16X Gold royal Voucher SJD7-MN78-MN78 430 Diamonds 3X Diamond royal Voucher S8D6-LK89-NS7D 130 Diamonds 6X Diamond royal Voucher S7D6-NB87-LSID 560 Diamonds 12X Diamond royal Voucher N7DS-S7S6-SHD6 320 Diamonds 30X Diamond royal Voucher FR56-S8D7-76J8 670 Diamonds 36X Diamond royal Voucher JI8N-HT67-GT67 790 Diamonds Alok Character MNH6-S8D7-HI78 760 Diamonds Wukong Character JA7D-LK90-MNH6 460 Diamonds A124 Character MN67-LK90-MNH6 180 Diamonds MOCO Character MN76-MK98-LK90 950 Diamonds Joker Bundle LK90-NMU8-HF67 480 Diamonds Night Clown Bundle JH78-FYYF-DYF6 320 Diamonds King’s Sword Bundle DJFY7-VG67-S4A5 240 Diamonds Bandit Bundle NB78-S7D7-LK90 180 Diamonds MP40 Loot Crate Obtain 30+ redeem codes every day on our telegram  Live 🔴 Get more new redeem codes Come back tomorrow at 9:00 Am For New Redeem Codes.
Steps to use these free fire diamond redeem codes.
At first, these redeem codes are safe to use, and you can use them to generate free diamonds.
Open the FF redemption site.
Log in using your Free fire account.
Enter the redeem code of 12 characters.
Then click on redeem to use the code.
Open free fire game, click on the email icon, and collect all received emails to acquire generated free diamonds.
Events for Free Fire Diamond
There are many in-game events that can provide free fire diamonds. Garena launches different events every week. You can obtain free diamonds with these events by spending little money. Check out the different events on Garena.
Lobby Gifts: In Lobby Gifts, you can find free diamonds in gift boxes around the spawn island – just open them and get your free fire matches.
Custom Room Events: Garena free fire hosts free fire custom room events every Sunday. These events are open to pro players who can earn free diamonds as a prize. To find out more about these events, find Garena free fire on social media.
Win Diamonds Event: There are many events related to winning diamonds in this update, and one of them is the New Age Diamonds event. If you participate in the event, you can get twice the diamonds for each one you top up.
Weekly Membership Event: The “Weekly Membership Event” gives you diamonds. If you are a free-fire player and enter the “Membership” tab of the game, you can activate this event by subscribing to it. You will receive 100 daily diamonds after the event has been activated.
Level Up Pass: With a level up pass, you can get up to 800 diamonds from attending certain events. After obtaining this pass, you can complete missions to get diamonds for free.
Garena Free Fire 10000 Diamonds Hack Generator
With the free fire 10000 diamonds hack generator, you can get free diamonds easily. The generator is safe to use and all you need to do is enter in your email address and the amount of diamonds you want.The limited features of Google Opinion Reward do not make it easy to hack Free Fire. With Media Reward, there are enough features that make the free fire 10000 diamonds hack super simple to execute.
Download the Media Rewards app from the given link.
Open the app, click on Sign up with Google.
Then, you will see various tasks on the app’s main screen. Simply complete them, and earn the in-app points.
After that, exchange the earned points with 2500 rupees by going in the Collect rewards option. After that, transfer them to your Paytm account.
You can also exchange the in-app coins in the form of Amazon gift cards.
Once your withdrawal request is accepted, and you receive the 2500 rupees in your Paytm account, you can easilyuse that amount to get 10000 free fire diamonds.
Open the free fire Top-up website of Codashop.
Select the 10000 diamonds top-up plan for your FF account.
Enter your free fire player ID or in-game name.
Select the payment method as Paytm, and pay the required top-up amount from that 2500 rupees, which we earned using the Media reward app.
This Media Rewards app provides free fire players with a free fire 10000 diamonds hack that is available for download on Android and iOS. The codashop has the best deals for buying free fire coins, and if you want to get double the amount of free fire diamonds from your top up, then use the GamesKaridho website.
GarenacFree fire diamond generator without human verification 2022?
I see lots of people using fake free fire diamond generator and running it, but they can’t generate diamonds because they need to take this really boring human verification step. I didn’t see any fake free fire diamond generator websites on the internet, but there are lots of websites that claim to have a free fire diamond generator tool, so I guess those are out there.
Avoid the websites that offer fire diamonds but have a verification process. Insted, you can use the diamond generator apps. Download links are below.
Safe methods for Garena Free Fire diamonds hack
If you are looking for diamonds or a free fire diamond hack, there are none, because the servers are now more secure thanks to the updates.
The newest version of the free fire game has added a significant level of security. You are not able to hack the new free fire by using scripts with diamonds. Getting unlimited diamonds in the new free fire is next to impossible.
Important Note –
The two currencies in the Garena free fire are gold, which is easily obtained by playing the free fire game; and diamond, which is very rare. Some things require diamond and some require gold. Although diamonds can be bought with real money, they’re extremely limited. Gold can be earned through play or purchased through money that’s been or soon will be spent.
To get free diamonds, use the below free fire diamonds hack and free fire diamonds hack apps which are safe to use.
Must Read –
If you want free Diamonds, there are many safe practices that are 100% working. For example, Free Fire VPN Trick, Paid Script, Earnings Methods, Giveaways to help you get free Diamonds. Learn these methods to get free fire Diamonds quickly and easily.
We will not talk about any apps that provide free fire diamonds, as we have a responsibility to protect our users. We respect the team behind free fire and will only help players find legal hacks of free fire diamond.
We don’t recommend using any app that would violate the terms of service of the game, Free Fire. However, there are many apps available for free fire diamonds as shown below.
Garena Free Fire Vpn trick for diamond hack
Free fire has been enjoying more than 30 servers. Each server is different, but the best seem to be Vietnam. The events in the Free Fire Vietnamese server are far more developed and offers many more possibilities.
Open free fire
Click on setting and scroll down below
Click on log out
Now download any VPN and connect it with the Vietnam server
Check that you are successfully connected with the Vietnam server
Open free fire and create a new account, or you can create a guest account
Now you are login successfully to the Vietnam server
Now You will get so many new offers related to free fire diamond generators, pets, skins, outfits, and many more from this server account. You can also send them to your main free fire account.
Garena Free fire advance server for Unlimited free fire diamonds No Human Verification
With the free fire advance server, you can obtain unlimited diamonds simply by playing the game. You’ll be rewarded with 2000 diamonds if you find any mistakes or bugs while playing in this server. Legendary items are very cheap on the advance server, and most of them are entirely free.”
Open Any browser
Search https://ff-advance.ff.garena.com/
Now login with Facebook account
after login download the advance server apk
now login with the same account you logged on the advance server page.
Now complete the simple tasks available on the event page and get free diamonds.
Note: Free fire advance server is Only for Old free fire players. For joining the free fire advance server, your Garena free fire account must be one month old.
Garena Free fire partner program for Free diamond generation
If you have an active Youtube channel with around 50% content related to Garena Free Fire, you can send in a video and get free diamonds, prizes.
Open Chrome browser
search https://partnerprogram.ff.garena.com/
Now click on apply.
Fill in all the details like your name, Your youtube channel name, and subscriber count.
After filling the form, click on the submit button.
When your application is approved, you will get 1000 diamonds as a joining gift, and after that, you will get soo many prizes.
Double diamond Top up website for Garena Free Free diamond No Human verification
There are many diamond top-up websites for free fire, but in most top-up websites, the rates are high. Gameskarido and codashop both provide the best diamond rates at a low cost. You can use them to both buy outfits and double diamonds inside of the game. Read Free Fire Double Diamonds Top Up Bonus .
Search https://gameskharido.in on google
Now choose the login method
select player id
Enter your free fire character id
Click on Login
Select a payment method
Now choose the plan you want to top up
Now click on proceed to payment
Complete the payment
now after complete the payment, you will get double diamonds as a Bonus in your free fire account.
Garena Free fire redeem codes for free Unlimited diamonds No Human Verification
Free Fire offers many redeem codes, which can be used to get free videos and streams. You can join giveaways and win free redeem codes of your choice. Head over to Gmail and comment below with your email id to receive free redeem codes.
Open https://reward.ff.garena.com/
Now login with the account you want to get diamonds.
Now enter the 12 characters redeem code.
Click on redeem.
Now will get free diamonds and some skins, outfits, or bundles.
Garena Free fire diamonds generator codes (For new accounts)
The Above Online Free Fire Diamond Generator Codes Are Updated On Daily Basis.
Amazon pay offer for free diamonds Without Human Verification
There are so many offers in the amazon pay app that may help you hack free fire diamonds. You can get free 10000 diamonds and in-game rewards as gifts when you buy a redeem code from amazon pay.
Open amazon app
Click on three dots on the top left corner
now click on amazon pay
Click and open google play store
now enter the amount and click on the buy now.
Now open free fire
click on top-up
select redeem codes as the payment method
enter redeem code you received from amazon pay
Now click on redeem, and you will get the diamonds
you can collect the gifts from the in-game mailbox of free fire.
Special airdrop offer to get free 299 diamonds On garena Free Fire
To obtain free diamonds in the free fire, use a special airdrop. Buying the special airdrop gives you free 299 diamonds, as well as some items such as bag skins and emotes. You can buy the special airdrop with your Google Play account and UPI account.
Open google play store
Search for Google opinion reward
sign up with a Gmail account
enter your basic details
now wait for surveys
Once you get a survey, you can answer them and earn up to 10rs per answer. Now use the Earned Google play credit to Buy a special airdrop.
Garena Free fire Mod App for free fire diamond hack No Human Verification
Regardless of how “free” these free fire mod apk are, they can be very hazardous to your account and video game. Be cautious of free fire hack, free fire diamond generator, and free fire diamond script tools. They are not secure for you phone’s safety and can get you banned from the gameplay.
Garena Free fire hack version
Primarily, people are looking for a way to hack/crack Free Fire for free and most players have been asking about the download link. We have to say that this is not available because of Free Fire’s best anti-hacking software. If you search for the hack, you will not find it anymore.
Minimum requirements for using Garena free fire diamond hack
Your phone must have 2GB Ram.
Must need the free fire latest version.
You must need the latest android version Android 10.
There are just these three criteria to hack free fire diamonds.
Special Feature of Our Garena Free Fire Diamond Generator 2022
There are lots of tricks to hack free fire diamonds But Our free fire diamond generator has some special features which are as follow –
#1. Safe and Antiban Garena free fire hack
Our Garena Free Fire diamond hacks are easy and safe to use. They are also antiban means if you Use these free fire hacks, Garena will Not ban you Because In this article, we only mentioned hacks approved By Free fire. We collect these hacks from all social media sites of Garena free fire. So yes, You can use them without thinking. Generating free fire diamonds are really very easy task with our online free fire generator.
#2. Anyone can use Our Garena Free fire diamond generator 2022
Most Garena free fire diamonds generator hacks need some high spec devices to run correctly, But Our hacks are Lightweight, So anyone can Use our free fire diamond hack. Still, if You have a 2GB Ram smartphone, You can use them without any issue. Remember that You must install an anti-Virus before using any free fire diamond generator. That will protect Your phone.
#3. Our Garena free fire diamond hack 2022 is Viruses free
Most of the free fire hacks available on the internet that is full of Viruses, as we said before. But Our free fire diamonds hack are free from all types of malware and Viruses, Garena free fire also confirmed That all these free fire hacks are safe, So use them and Enjoy free 99999 diamonds in Your free fire account. Free Fire Generator Is Really easy to use.
FAQs – Garena Free Fire Diamonds Hack
#faqsu-faq-list { background: #F0F4F8; border-radius: 5px; padding: 15px; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single { background: #fff; padding: 15px 15px 20px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #d1d8dd, 0px 0px 40px #ffffff; border-radius: 5px; margin-bottom: 1rem; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question { border-bottom: 1px solid #F0F4F8; padding-bottom: 0.825rem; margin-bottom: 0.825rem; position: relative; padding-right: 40px; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question:after { content: "?"; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; width: 30px; line-height: 30px; text-align: center; color: #c6d0db; background: #F0F4F8; border-radius: 40px; font-size: 20px; }
Garena Free fire diamond generators still work?
Most of the diamonds generator is fake. They are also unsecured for your free fire account. If you use them, your free fire account will be ban in some hours. So please don’t use them. They are not trusted and also unsecured. Garena free fire never supports this type of website. If you use this type of script or hack, your account might get banned by the free fire team.
How to hack Garena Free fire diamonds 99999?
After the latest updates of free fire, it is not possible to get 99999 diamonds for free. You need to Buy 99999 diamonds with real money if you want. You can Buy 99999 diamonds from Gameskarido. in. We never suggest using third-party apps, Scripts for Free fire diamond hack. They are illegal and very unsafe.
Garena Free fire diamond hack com? Is it real?
This website is fake, and You can not get free diamonds using this fake diamond generator. Also, they will leak Your Free fire id Publicly, which is not safe. So don’t try It. Free fire hates this type of fake website, But they can’t do anything. Please Do not use this type of free fire diamond hack website.
Garena Free fire diamond hack generator is available in 2022?
Well! the simple answer to this question is no. Free fire hack generators are not available on the internet, especially the real ones. But you can follow all the tricks mentioned in this article to hack free fire diamonds safely.
Garena Free fire diamond hack no human verification?
If you see any error like Human verification failed, you need to verify you are an actual human, Must Understand You are on a fake diamond generator website. As we already said in our article, human verification is just an earning method of fake diamond generators, so please ignored these types of generators.
How to hack Garena free fire unlimited diamonds?
You can not hack Unlimited diamonds in the free fire. If you are rich then, maybe You can Purchase Unlimited diamonds with your hard-earned money. If you need unlimited diamonds just for showoff, you can edit Your free fire profile screenshot, Use photo editing apps, and increase the diamonds count.
Is www free fire hack club still working?
You can not access this website because this website provided hacks related to free fire, which was not safe. So Garena gives them a copyright strike, and now this website is no more on Google. Thank You, free fire, for removing these illegal websites.
How to hack free fire diamonds and coins?
We already told you Methods On how to hack free fire diamond grab legit 999 999. And if we talk about Coins, So you don’t need to hack coins, You can get substantial free fire coins without a hack, play ranked matches, Use double 2X Gold cards, and play a minimum of 2 hours a day, And you will get unlimited Coins in the free fire.
Garena Free fire diamond hack without survey?
A survey is compulsory if You want to Hack diamonds with the help of Google’s opinion reward app, If you want to get free diamonds without surveys, Then You can try some other Online earning apps.
The post Free Fire Hack Diamonds (10K, 50K, 99999 Diamonds) Free Fire Diamond Hack appeared first on Gemwire. source https://gemwire.gg/en/free-fire-diamond-hack-ff-99999-hack-code-7/
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drarryspecificrecs · 2 years
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25 Days of Draco and Harry (2021) : Masterlist of complete fics/arts
@slythindor100 || official masterpost || AO3 || ∑ = 83 works The Mods : @sassy-cissa & @timothysboxers
25 Additional Scenes for This Ain't the Garden of Eden by @romaine2424 [G, 12k]
(Your Eyes Look Like) Coming Home by @purplehotmess [E, 20k]
be your night by @panicissharp [T, 29k]
the call of sweet things by @softlystarstruck [E, 88k]
Came for Work, Stayed for You by @orpheous87 [T, 33k]
Christmas Memories by @janieohio [E, 33k]
A Down and Out Christmas by @maraudersaffair [E, 20k]
Draco Malfoy and Another Sodding Christmas by @kbrick [E, 31k]
fragment 31 by @blue--dreaming [G, 3k]
Harry's Christmas Carol by @gnarf [M, 18k]
Haven by @thesleepiesthufflepuff [E, 50k]
Let the storm rage on. by @digtheshipper [E, 18k]
The Magic Behind the Camera by @dianacopland [E, 55k]
A Melody of You & Me by @academicdisaster24 [E, 64k]
Of Quests, Queues and Quiet Nights by @rockingrobin69 [M, 23k]
Rumours In The Ministry by @purplehotmess [M, 7k]
Silver Linings by @sorrybutblog [M, 21k]
Taken by Storm by Mimbelwimbel [T, 51k]
twenty five days by @babooshkart [E, art]
We'll Always Have AOL by @sofyachy [T, 26k]
What I Want (This Year) by @cassiaratheslytherpuff [E, 36k]
Will You Show Me Hope? by @samunderthelights [T, 38k]
by @devilrising : 25 Days of Drarry 2021 [T, 36k, 20 works]
by theUniverseGotme : 2021 25 Days of D/H series [T, 13k, 9 works]
✔ other fests in 2021 ✔ fests in other years ✔ 25 Days of Draco and Harry : 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | …
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mistahgrundy · 2 years
Please help Rowan
I know their go fund me looks fully funded but it’s not, that’s the goal that was set back in december and they haven’t updated it. They still need help.
Rowan was kicked from their house in their teens (I’m sorry I’m using they/them because I’m not entirely sure on their pronouns I think it might be he/him but I don’t want to assume) for being queer. They spent some time being homeless and then finally got out of that and went back to school to become a mortician when they got diagnosed with cancer
Since 2020 I’ve been posting in a PMF thread called Passing Time In Chemotherapy: A Diary, which has been equal parts me talking about fighting Stage Four Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and being given two months to live, and equal parts screaming about how horrible the American Healthcare System is and trying to make a case for universal healthcare. Briefly I went into remission and then my cancer returned. I also have Stage 1 breast cancer. These last two weeks I have been in the hospital with a kidney disease likely brought on by my chemotherapy treatments, and a lung disease which I need tests to rule out that it’s lung cancer. The problem is I need $4500 to continue receiving care because I am am several hundred thousands dollars in debt due to my chemotherapy. Each chemo treatment cost me $50k after insurance, which no sane person has, so the debt has built up to the point where I am being held hostage for micropayments in the thousands of dollars range in order to receive life saving treatments. I received mod approval to post a GoFundMe I set up in order to pay just for December healthcare bills. I will either lose treatment or lose my home, and I was recently homeless over a year a few years ago and would not like to repeat the experience. My wife is permanently disabled after her battle with Ovarian Cancer (and needs another $800 down payment foe a surgery but that’s ANOTHER can of worms). Basically, without goon help, I am fucked. I have zero plans for Christmas or any holidays this season because I’m too busy fighting to keep my home and my health. My GFM is nearly halfway funded as it is, and on the off chance that it gets overfunded the excess will go towards my wife’s surgery. Both my GFM page and my PMF thread show I am very transparent with where the money goes and what it’s spent on, so no worries there. You can find my GoFundMe here! I intent to post an update to it this evening to keep everyone up to date with health stuff. If you would rather donate something other than money, which I totally get, I have an Amazon wishlist here which is mostly household things we need and food for the cats. I will happily post pictures of them in the thread. They are very sweet baby who cry if a stranger comes to the apartment and doesn’t pick them up. I’ll try to stay on top of removing items from the wishlist as they get bought. I’m not very good with signing off posts, but if anyone has any questions about Lymphona or chemo or the american healthcare system (or just want to see cat photos!) please feel free to ask and I’ll answer as best I can! Thank you in advance for your generosity and kindness. Bless. Edit 12/10: It was suggested that I throw my Venmo in the OP for those who would rather donate that way! Venmo: @moringottos Paypal (please ignore my deadname it’s a nightmare to change): paypal.me/necromancermoons
This is their update today, May 25 2022:
The minimum payments for my medical bills in arrears (mostly chemo) comes out of my bank account automatically to prevent them from suing me over it. I’ve already used my one (1) free grace period of “please give me a few more days before you take my money” according to the lady on the phone, so I’m left with $0.11 in my bank account with several bills, including rent, looming on the horizon. The electric company has already made it very clear they will not hesitate to cut off my power if I even act like I’m going to be late. What do you even do when faced with this level of “fuck you entirely”? I keep telling myself that people are inherently good, but between this and the news and the man at the insurance company writing me a polite email that says “if you have another cancer, try dying this time”, I’m starting to have a hard time with it.
May 18, 2022 7:32 PM
Due to some concerning test results my oncologist is now pushing for testing for multiple myeloma. MM killed my birth dad. I think I may have sorta blacked out during half of what she said. I asked her if it was usual to have this sort of insane cancerous comorbidity, she said it’s not impossible. The imagining center got back to me FINALLY. They said even though my insurance is up in the air and they usually require payment at time of service, my doctors have been hounding them enough that they will let me have a payment plan for x-rays and scans costs. I’ve had enough biopsies that the MM tests don’t scare me like they would have two years ago. Immediately after my lung biopsy I threw up a ton of blackish blood so I feel inoculated to the trauma. Anyways at this point it feels silly, like my body is throwing this massive temper tantrum that it doesn’t want to be here anymore and it’s like “understandable, but consider: we can’t let capitalism win”. Also god won’t let me die because then I’ll be his problem.
the threads: https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3987338&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=1 I believe this one isn’t paywalled
https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3916924 but this one might be, this is their diary of day to days of discovering the cancer (they went to the hospital for covid originally). warning: this thread might be very upsetting and hard to read if you have hospital or cancer trauma. or even without
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Haven - A 25 Days of Draco and Harry Christmas Fic
Chapter 1
Rating: Explicit
Summary: “Malfoy needs to stay here, Harry. He needs to be kept safe.”
“Safe? Why safe? Last I heard, he was running a broom shop in Diagon.”
“Yeah, well.” Ron let out a shaky breath. “Things have changed, apparently.”
Notes: I really wasn’t expecting to write anything major for the holiday season this year, but once I saw the prompt @gnarf had left on the drarry discord, I knew I needed to write it. If you’re into safehouses, a background murder plot, Draco desperately trying to understand Muggle Christmas movies, and Harry pining impossibly hard, then this fic is for you 😉 From now until December 25th, one chapter per day will be posted, and it should be around 50k when completed. Thank you to the mods for running such a happy and relaxed fest, and thank you to my betas/britpickers @crazybutgood and @devilrising for your spectacular jobs at whipping my story into shape. Happy December, everyone 💜
Read Haven on Ao3
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yakumtsaki · 4 years
TS2 challenge: Riches to Rags
So yesterday I couldn’t sleep and while I was walking up and down the house contemplating 5 a.m aerobics, I was like “You know what will tire me out even quicker? Coming up with another punishing af ts2 challenge!” So here we are. Since I did finally manage to sleep, I forgot about this until now and just googled it and saw a version already exists for ts4, but mine is more ridiculous and thus better. So as you can tell from the title the gist of it is you start super rich and your goal is to lose all your money. 
Congratulations! Your Uncle Pennybags has died in a tragic pool ladder accident, for which you, his sole inheritor, have an almost too convenient alibi. You have inherited his mansion and half a million simoleons in life savings! However, the horrifying specter of inheritance tax is threatening your newfound riches. There’s only one solution: spend it! spend it all! You must complete the challenge within 5 generations. 
Now for the even funner part. The overall point of this challenge is to force the player out of their comfort zone, so we have an additional caveat: since your sims are leading a carefree/pampered/hedonistic lifestyle, they’re free to follow their non-work related dreams. Meaning you must always complete your sim’s (and the subsequent sim heirs) LTWs and they can’t be work related, because your sims don’t work, because that would defeat the entire purpose of losing all their money. So get ready to raise 20 kittens or puppies, have 20 lovers, have 20 best friends, 50 first dates etc, all while spending outrageous amounts of money! Living the dream.
Required mod: The government is after you! You’ll need Cyjon’s bigger bills to reflect that.
The rules for your lot
-None, just build or download an appropriately grand mansion for your founder sim to move in. Your mansion comes fully furnished. You can’t spend money on buy or build items after you move in unless they’re for parties.
The rules for your sims
-This challenge follows legacy rules, so you start with a single sim. They can be a cas sim or a premade and you can create/modify them however you want.
-No maxmotives + no elixir of life (unless the sim has already completed their LTW) + no mods to choose how many kids you have each birth. Other than that, cheats and mods are allowed as long as they don’t make the challenge easier. 
-You must set your sim’s LTW to something non-work related and achieve it. If you don’t complete it, you fail the challenge.
-Your sim starts with 500k in the mansion.
-Your sim and their heirs don’t work because they have no reason to.
-Subsequent heirs can be selected in one of two ways: a) Good old fashioned ‘pick the kid you like best’. You’ll just have to change their LTW. Or b) The kid that rolls a non-work related LTW automatically wins. 
-If you send your kids to college the money they spend there comes out of your budget.
-Your non-heir kids don’t have to move out, but each adult kid that moves out takes 50k with them. 
-You must complete every heir’s LTW. 
-Spouses moving in don’t add to your inheritance since they keep their finances separate from yours for tax purposes. Familyfund their money out of your budget. 
How you win
-You win when you’re flat broke aka when your budget is 0. Look for new and innovative ways to waste your money.
Just like the Pet Asylum challenge, here are some optional achievements for added flavor! The achievements don’t have to be completed by the same sim unless specified.
Idle hands: As the family plunges into non-workingness, each subsequent heir is more and more of a spoiled brat. Progressively waste more money each generation.  
Like rabbits: Complete the challenge by having 10 adult kids move out in a single generation. Success condition: the parent sim can’t be family aspiration since they have the want to have 10 kids.
Touch of the Antimidas: Own 5 businesses that lose money.
Fashion icon: Buy every single piece of clothing available. Success condition: your sim must change clothes every day. 
Around the world: Go on 25 7-day vacations. Collect all 3 of the Bon Voyage special items.
Party monster: In your mansion, the party never stops! Throw 100 parties.
Libertinage: Complete the woohoo 20 sims LTW and the 50 first dates LTW with the same sim. 
Vegetarian: Complete the 200 grilled cheese sandwiches and the 20 animal best friends LTWs with the same sim. 
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codywanbigbang · 3 years
Re: the posting everything on your assigned day - I am not someone fond of posting an entire long fic in one shot because I personally find they tend to get buried easily (or maybe that's just mine) so what I was wondering is, if we show the mods/our partner that the fic is completed so the assurance that it will all be uploaded is there, do we still have to post the 25 or 50k in one shot? Can we do chapters over either the day or the week, with the first chapter on the assigned date?
I personally find they tend to get buried easily
That’s why we want to give each team their own posting day. So on that day, the CWBB community can check out your fic and your artist teammate’s art; you can post links on Discord in the rec channels; you can advertise on your own social media, etc. And you get the benefit of CWBB being (hopefully) a pretty wildly-known event, with art to draw people in, and no competition for that day. (Or at max you might have to share that date with two other teams, but the mods really doubt we’ll have that many participants.)
if we show the mods/our partner that the fic is completed
We understand the desire for this. But the issue is that for any rule, we’d need to apply to everyone. So for the mods to decide that a fic or an art piece is “complete” before posting opens is (1) incredibly time consuming and labour intensive; we’d have to read and review everything; and (2) uncomfortably subjective. What makes an ending a “true” ending? What stops us from going, “No, you know what, this art piece really needs more polishing and cleaner lines” or, “Some of these scenes in the middle feel a bit abrupt and should really be fleshed out more”. Like you get into f-ing around with people’s craft and creative decisions, and that feels icky and un-fun for everyone. 
We realise that posting everything on one day runs counter to your personal preferences. And that’s valid! But revealing a completed work all-at-once has been a staple of most Big Bang events, and in return you’re gaining a partner who will create art inspired by your fic and you’re getting a community who will cheer you on and invest in your creation. 
We hope that you do sign up in August but we also understand if it’s too much of a sacrifice to go against your personal comfort. If our rules are just going to create stress for you, maybe we’re not the right event for you and that’s okay. There’s still always signing up as a beta or joining the Discord to act as a cheerleader. 
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rnmbingo · 3 years
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Welcome to RNM Comment Bingo How To! For 5 days, your faithful mods are highlighting a different row on the bingo card, with suggestions for where to get started in filling it in. This series will break that 25 square buffet of amazing fics into some smaller bites, for folks who aren’t sure where to get started.
Remember: to count towards the prizes, comments have to be posted between January 3, 2021 and January 17, 2021 (see the long form rules here). If you just can’t help yourself and comment early, that’s great! More comments! That’s what it’s all about.
Alright, today we’re handling the third 5 squares:
Comment on a <1000 word fic: We’ve got 276 of these as of writing -- enjoy!
Comment on a >50k word fic: 48 of these long-fics grace our fandom -- have fun!
Comment on a fic with zero comments: We’ve got about 200 fics with no comments -- let’s lower that number!
Comment on a fic with a ship you rarely read: Max/Liz? Maria/Isobel? Maria/Michael? Maria/Michael/Alex? Alex/Forrest? Alex/Kyle? Isobel/Kyle? Michael/Kyle? Note: we’re all in this fandom together and if, to pick on one of the mods, if @jocarthage submitted a bingo card (which she can’t, she’s a mod, obvs) and checked off this square for reading a malex fic, we’d be dubious and probably not count it. No way she doesn’t read Malex; she’s written like 500k of it. So go out and try something new <3.
Variation of “OHH NOO” / “AAAAAAHH”: These comments are amazing and very much appreciated!
Can you help? Reply to this post with a link to a fic you think qualifies as one of the above -- write a review, share the love!
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smalltall · 4 years
Hi! Tried to comment on your message to ao3commentoftheday but I guess Tumblr ate it. Ao3commentoftheday is not affiliated with AO3, it's a fan account. AO3 posts financial information if you're interested in how they spend money. If AO3's methods aren't up to your standards IRT transparency and content censorship, check out the other fanfic websites, or perhaps start your own!
I can’t reblog or comment on a post if op’s blocked me. Also you are the fifth person in a row to send me these exact same talking points, in almost the exact same words. Here are my usual replies (readers who are tired of this should skip):
1) ao3commentoftheday was speaking to that original anon as though she were a representative of the site, so I spoke to her as one. 
2) Ao3′s finances are decidedly not transparent, no matter how many pie charts they whip up in OfficeLibre. Each year ao3 sets a fundraising goal of $130,000 and makes double that amount. If the mods correctly calculated the upcoming year’s expenses, then they have 2 year’s worth of funds at their disposal. In fact I figure by now they’ve collected almost a million dollars in surplus donations. If they have close to a milli in extra cash then they ought to set a much smaller fundraising goal next time–say, 25 or 50k. Yet every year like clockwork they ask for 130k, get twice that, and squirrel away the surplus. You’d think a nonprofit this obscenely profitable would at least return the extra money sometimes (or maybe, finally, take the site out of beta? Perchance??)
3) If your answer to legitimate complaints about racism, shifty financial practices, and untagged sexual abuse is “make your own lol”, then you’ve admitted that this site, which you and your friends herald as an egalitarian paradise for all fans, is in fact only for a select few, who never make waves, or disagree with your worldview, or point out your unconscious biases. That’s an echo chamber.
And again, the question that started it all–if other sites are functionally identical to ao3 then why does ao3 deserve 200k a year? No one’s been able to tell me.
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gemwire · 2 years
Free Fire Hack Diamonds (10K, 50K, 99999 Diamonds) Free Fire Diamond Hack
Garena Free Fire is a popular gaming app. Many gamers want to hack free fire to generate diamonds for the game. This article can help you get unlimited free fire diamond hacks. Read this article carefully and learn about every generator!
In 2022, Garena Free Fire is going to launch lots of in-game events. Diamond Royal and Incubator events will be available and players will want to participate but for this, they need tons of free fire diamonds. If you don’t have any in-game knowledge, free fire diamond hack generators will be difficult to use.
Free Fire Diamonds Generator and Diamonds Online Free Fire are both great, as they have the capacity to generate unlimited free fire diamonds. They both have their pros and cons, so it is important for you to explore both. This article will help you to understand the differences between those two generators, and let you decide which one suits your needs more.
The Free Fire game is out of this world. Here, we will also give you a direct link to the best Garena free fire diamonds generator. The Garena Free Fire diamond generator is so accurate, that you won’t find better than this one. So let’s get started then.
Generate Unlimited Diamonds On Free Fire Now!
Post related to Garena Free Fire Free Diamonds (10K, 50K, 99999 Diamonds) Garena Free Fire Diamonds Hack Month- Year June – 2022 Last update Updated every day ( in every 7-8 hours) Uses of diamonds Diamonds can be used to obtain many free fire in-game items like Detective panda pet, Weapon skins, Level-up pass, weapon loot crate, Premium bundles, etc Diamond amount Using the free fire diamond generator, you can collect 100 diamonds, 200 Diamonds, 400 Diamonds, and 800 Diamonds Number of diamonds generator added here More than 11 Our official site Gemwire Related Post Free Fire Mod APK Unlimited Diamonds
Garena Free Fire Diamonds Generator Codes
We have collected various codes that give unlimited free diamonds. These codes can be found on various servers, so check your browser extensions to see if it works.
DF097GHYF6HG (Latest)
DS32HG89D7S6 (Latest)
DKFP9F767S56 (Latest)
DFHP098Y87SH (Latest)
Diamond generator Redeem Codes AMOUNT Of Diamonds Additional reward JS7D-SD8F-JD7S Code for 2000 Diamond Generator LOL Emote LSK8-LS8D-S9D7 Code for 1000 Diamond Generator Pirate Flag Emote LK90-KS7D-S7SH Code for 10000 Diamond Generator Sakura Bundle SKD8-LK90-S8D7 506 Diamonds Clap Emote KS87-LK90-8A7S 667 Diamonds Magic Cube LK90-MN98-NSD7 130 Diamonds 300 Gold Coins MN89-NB67-LK90 250 Diamonds 700 Gold Coins BS67-LK90-H6S5 100 Diamonds 860 Gold Coins 86DF-NB78-LK90 5 Diamonds 990 Gold Coins MN89-MN89-S7D6 7 Diamonds 1950 Gold Coins MN89-S7D7-S8D7 13 Diamonds 7 Magic Cube BR67-HG76-S8D7 25 Diamonds 9 Magic Cube M7SD-8S7D-SBD6 1 Diamond Custom Room Card S8D7-MNBH-SJD7 22 Diamonds Custom Room Card S9D7-S87S-S9D8 35 Diamonds Custom Room Card MN78-H678-S8D7 40 Diamonds 3D Summan Airdrop H768-DHU4-8S7D 50 Diamonds 4X Gold royal Voucher 8S7D-NB78-S8D7 70 Diamonds 8X Gold royal Voucher MN78-AS54-ASR5 120 Diamonds 13X Gold royal Voucher QYW5-DB6F-LK87 400 Diamonds 16X Gold royal Voucher SJD7-MN78-MN78 430 Diamonds 3X Diamond royal Voucher S8D6-LK89-NS7D 130 Diamonds 6X Diamond royal Voucher S7D6-NB87-LSID 560 Diamonds 12X Diamond royal Voucher N7DS-S7S6-SHD6 320 Diamonds 30X Diamond royal Voucher FR56-S8D7-76J8 670 Diamonds 36X Diamond royal Voucher JI8N-HT67-GT67 790 Diamonds Alok Character MNH6-S8D7-HI78 760 Diamonds Wukong Character JA7D-LK90-MNH6 460 Diamonds A124 Character MN67-LK90-MNH6 180 Diamonds MOCO Character MN76-MK98-LK90 950 Diamonds Joker Bundle LK90-NMU8-HF67 480 Diamonds Night Clown Bundle JH78-FYYF-DYF6 320 Diamonds King’s Sword Bundle DJFY7-VG67-S4A5 240 Diamonds Bandit Bundle NB78-S7D7-LK90 180 Diamonds MP40 Loot Crate Obtain 30+ redeem codes every day on our telegram  Live 🔴 Get more new redeem codes Come back tomorrow at 9:00 Am For New Redeem Codes.
Steps to use these free fire diamond redeem codes.
At first, these redeem codes are safe to use, and you can use them to generate free diamonds.
Open the FF redemption site.
Log in using your Free fire account.
Enter the redeem code of 12 characters.
Then click on redeem to use the code.
Open free fire game, click on the email icon, and collect all received emails to acquire generated free diamonds.
Events for Free Fire Diamond
There are many in-game events that can provide free fire diamonds. Garena launches different events every week. You can obtain free diamonds with these events by spending little money. Check out the different events on Garena.
Lobby Gifts: In Lobby Gifts, you can find free diamonds in gift boxes around the spawn island – just open them and get your free fire matches.
Custom Room Events: Garena free fire hosts free fire custom room events every Sunday. These events are open to pro players who can earn free diamonds as a prize. To find out more about these events, find Garena free fire on social media.
Win Diamonds Event: There are many events related to winning diamonds in this update, and one of them is the New Age Diamonds event. If you participate in the event, you can get twice the diamonds for each one you top up.
Weekly Membership Event: The “Weekly Membership Event” gives you diamonds. If you are a free-fire player and enter the “Membership” tab of the game, you can activate this event by subscribing to it. You will receive 100 daily diamonds after the event has been activated.
Level Up Pass: With a level up pass, you can get up to 800 diamonds from attending certain events. After obtaining this pass, you can complete missions to get diamonds for free.
Garena Free Fire 10000 Diamonds Hack Generator
With the free fire 10000 diamonds hack generator, you can get free diamonds easily. The generator is safe to use and all you need to do is enter in your email address and the amount of diamonds you want.The limited features of Google Opinion Reward do not make it easy to hack Free Fire. With Media Reward, there are enough features that make the free fire 10000 diamonds hack super simple to execute.
Download the Media Rewards app from the given link.
Open the app, click on Sign up with Google.
Then, you will see various tasks on the app’s main screen. Simply complete them, and earn the in-app points.
After that, exchange the earned points with 2500 rupees by going in the Collect rewards option. After that, transfer them to your Paytm account.
You can also exchange the in-app coins in the form of Amazon gift cards.
Once your withdrawal request is accepted, and you receive the 2500 rupees in your Paytm account, you can easilyuse that amount to get 10000 free fire diamonds.
Open the free fire Top-up website of Codashop.
Select the 10000 diamonds top-up plan for your FF account.
Enter your free fire player ID or in-game name.
Select the payment method as Paytm, and pay the required top-up amount from that 2500 rupees, which we earned using the Media reward app.
This Media Rewards app provides free fire players with a free fire 10000 diamonds hack that is available for download on Android and iOS. The codashop has the best deals for buying free fire coins, and if you want to get double the amount of free fire diamonds from your top up, then use the GamesKaridho website.
GarenacFree fire diamond generator without human verification 2022?
I see lots of people using fake free fire diamond generator and running it, but they can’t generate diamonds because they need to take this really boring human verification step. I didn’t see any fake free fire diamond generator websites on the internet, but there are lots of websites that claim to have a free fire diamond generator tool, so I guess those are out there.
Avoid the websites that offer fire diamonds but have a verification process. Insted, you can use the diamond generator apps. Download links are below.
Safe methods for Garena Free Fire diamonds hack
If you are looking for diamonds or a free fire diamond hack, there are none, because the servers are now more secure thanks to the updates.
The newest version of the free fire game has added a significant level of security. You are not able to hack the new free fire by using scripts with diamonds. Getting unlimited diamonds in the new free fire is next to impossible.
Important Note –
The two currencies in the Garena free fire are gold, which is easily obtained by playing the free fire game; and diamond, which is very rare. Some things require diamond and some require gold. Although diamonds can be bought with real money, they’re extremely limited. Gold can be earned through play or purchased through money that’s been or soon will be spent.
To get free diamonds, use the below free fire diamonds hack and free fire diamonds hack apps which are safe to use.
Must Read –
If you want free Diamonds, there are many safe practices that are 100% working. For example, Free Fire VPN Trick, Paid Script, Earnings Methods, Giveaways to help you get free Diamonds. Learn these methods to get free fire Diamonds quickly and easily.
We will not talk about any apps that provide free fire diamonds, as we have a responsibility to protect our users. We respect the team behind free fire and will only help players find legal hacks of free fire diamond.
We don’t recommend using any app that would violate the terms of service of the game, Free Fire. However, there are many apps available for free fire diamonds as shown below.
Garena Free Fire Vpn trick for diamond hack
Free fire has been enjoying more than 30 servers. Each server is different, but the best seem to be Vietnam. The events in the Free Fire Vietnamese server are far more developed and offers many more possibilities.
Open free fire
Click on setting and scroll down below
Click on log out
Now download any VPN and connect it with the Vietnam server
Check that you are successfully connected with the Vietnam server
Open free fire and create a new account, or you can create a guest account
Now you are login successfully to the Vietnam server
Now You will get so many new offers related to free fire diamond generators, pets, skins, outfits, and many more from this server account. You can also send them to your main free fire account.
Garena Free fire advance server for Unlimited free fire diamonds No Human Verification
With the free fire advance server, you can obtain unlimited diamonds simply by playing the game. You’ll be rewarded with 2000 diamonds if you find any mistakes or bugs while playing in this server. Legendary items are very cheap on the advance server, and most of them are entirely free.”
Open Any browser
Search https://ff-advance.ff.garena.com/
Now login with Facebook account
after login download the advance server apk
now login with the same account you logged on the advance server page.
Now complete the simple tasks available on the event page and get free diamonds.
Note: Free fire advance server is Only for Old free fire players. For joining the free fire advance server, your Garena free fire account must be one month old.
Garena Free fire partner program for Free diamond generation
If you have an active Youtube channel with around 50% content related to Garena Free Fire, you can send in a video and get free diamonds, prizes.
Open Chrome browser
search https://partnerprogram.ff.garena.com/
Now click on apply.
Fill in all the details like your name, Your youtube channel name, and subscriber count.
After filling the form, click on the submit button.
When your application is approved, you will get 1000 diamonds as a joining gift, and after that, you will get soo many prizes.
Double diamond Top up website for Garena Free Free diamond No Human verification
There are many diamond top-up websites for free fire, but in most top-up websites, the rates are high. Gameskarido and codashop both provide the best diamond rates at a low cost. You can use them to both buy outfits and double diamonds inside of the game. Read Free Fire Double Diamonds Top Up Bonus .
Search https://gameskharido.in on google
Now choose the login method
select player id
Enter your free fire character id
Click on Login
Select a payment method
Now choose the plan you want to top up
Now click on proceed to payment
Complete the payment
now after complete the payment, you will get double diamonds as a Bonus in your free fire account.
Garena Free fire redeem codes for free Unlimited diamonds No Human Verification
Free Fire offers many redeem codes, which can be used to get free videos and streams. You can join giveaways and win free redeem codes of your choice. Head over to Gmail and comment below with your email id to receive free redeem codes.
Open https://reward.ff.garena.com/
Now login with the account you want to get diamonds.
Now enter the 12 characters redeem code.
Click on redeem.
Now will get free diamonds and some skins, outfits, or bundles.
Garena Free fire diamonds generator codes (For new accounts)
The Above Online Free Fire Diamond Generator Codes Are Updated On Daily Basis.
Amazon pay offer for free diamonds Without Human Verification
There are so many offers in the amazon pay app that may help you hack free fire diamonds. You can get free 10000 diamonds and in-game rewards as gifts when you buy a redeem code from amazon pay.
Open amazon app
Click on three dots on the top left corner
now click on amazon pay
Click and open google play store
now enter the amount and click on the buy now.
Now open free fire
click on top-up
select redeem codes as the payment method
enter redeem code you received from amazon pay
Now click on redeem, and you will get the diamonds
you can collect the gifts from the in-game mailbox of free fire.
Special airdrop offer to get free 299 diamonds On garena Free Fire
To obtain free diamonds in the free fire, use a special airdrop. Buying the special airdrop gives you free 299 diamonds, as well as some items such as bag skins and emotes. You can buy the special airdrop with your Google Play account and UPI account.
Open google play store
Search for Google opinion reward
sign up with a Gmail account
enter your basic details
now wait for surveys
Once you get a survey, you can answer them and earn up to 10rs per answer. Now use the Earned Google play credit to Buy a special airdrop.
Garena Free fire Mod App for free fire diamond hack No Human Verification
Regardless of how “free” these free fire mod apk are, they can be very hazardous to your account and video game. Be cautious of free fire hack, free fire diamond generator, and free fire diamond script tools. They are not secure for you phone’s safety and can get you banned from the gameplay.
Garena Free fire hack version
Primarily, people are looking for a way to hack/crack Free Fire for free and most players have been asking about the download link. We have to say that this is not available because of Free Fire’s best anti-hacking software. If you search for the hack, you will not find it anymore.
Minimum requirements for using Garena free fire diamond hack
Your phone must have 2GB Ram.
Must need the free fire latest version.
You must need the latest android version Android 10.
There are just these three criteria to hack free fire diamonds.
Special Feature of Our Garena Free Fire Diamond Generator 2022
There are lots of tricks to hack free fire diamonds But Our free fire diamond generator has some special features which are as follow –
#1. Safe and Antiban Garena free fire hack
Our Garena Free Fire diamond hacks are easy and safe to use. They are also antiban means if you Use these free fire hacks, Garena will Not ban you Because In this article, we only mentioned hacks approved By Free fire. We collect these hacks from all social media sites of Garena free fire. So yes, You can use them without thinking. Generating free fire diamonds are really very easy task with our online free fire generator.
#2. Anyone can use Our Garena Free fire diamond generator 2022
Most Garena free fire diamonds generator hacks need some high spec devices to run correctly, But Our hacks are Lightweight, So anyone can Use our free fire diamond hack. Still, if You have a 2GB Ram smartphone, You can use them without any issue. Remember that You must install an anti-Virus before using any free fire diamond generator. That will protect Your phone.
#3. Our Garena free fire diamond hack 2022 is Viruses free
Most of the free fire hacks available on the internet that is full of Viruses, as we said before. But Our free fire diamonds hack are free from all types of malware and Viruses, Garena free fire also confirmed That all these free fire hacks are safe, So use them and Enjoy free 99999 diamonds in Your free fire account. Free Fire Generator Is Really easy to use.
FAQs – Garena Free Fire Diamonds Hack
#faqsu-faq-list { background: #F0F4F8; border-radius: 5px; padding: 15px; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single { background: #fff; padding: 15px 15px 20px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #d1d8dd, 0px 0px 40px #ffffff; border-radius: 5px; margin-bottom: 1rem; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question { border-bottom: 1px solid #F0F4F8; padding-bottom: 0.825rem; margin-bottom: 0.825rem; position: relative; padding-right: 40px; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question:after { content: "?"; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; width: 30px; line-height: 30px; text-align: center; color: #c6d0db; background: #F0F4F8; border-radius: 40px; font-size: 20px; }
Garena Free fire diamond generators still work?
Most of the diamonds generator is fake. They are also unsecured for your free fire account. If you use them, your free fire account will be ban in some hours. So please don’t use them. They are not trusted and also unsecured. Garena free fire never supports this type of website. If you use this type of script or hack, your account might get banned by the free fire team.
How to hack Garena Free fire diamonds 99999?
After the latest updates of free fire, it is not possible to get 99999 diamonds for free. You need to Buy 99999 diamonds with real money if you want. You can Buy 99999 diamonds from Gameskarido. in. We never suggest using third-party apps, Scripts for Free fire diamond hack. They are illegal and very unsafe.
Garena Free fire diamond hack com? Is it real?
This website is fake, and You can not get free diamonds using this fake diamond generator. Also, they will leak Your Free fire id Publicly, which is not safe. So don’t try It. Free fire hates this type of fake website, But they can’t do anything. Please Do not use this type of free fire diamond hack website.
Garena Free fire diamond hack generator is available in 2022?
Well! the simple answer to this question is no. Free fire hack generators are not available on the internet, especially the real ones. But you can follow all the tricks mentioned in this article to hack free fire diamonds safely.
Garena Free fire diamond hack no human verification?
If you see any error like Human verification failed, you need to verify you are an actual human, Must Understand You are on a fake diamond generator website. As we already said in our article, human verification is just an earning method of fake diamond generators, so please ignored these types of generators.
How to hack Garena free fire unlimited diamonds?
You can not hack Unlimited diamonds in the free fire. If you are rich then, maybe You can Purchase Unlimited diamonds with your hard-earned money. If you need unlimited diamonds just for showoff, you can edit Your free fire profile screenshot, Use photo editing apps, and increase the diamonds count.
Is www free fire hack club still working?
You can not access this website because this website provided hacks related to free fire, which was not safe. So Garena gives them a copyright strike, and now this website is no more on Google. Thank You, free fire, for removing these illegal websites.
How to hack free fire diamonds and coins?
We already told you Methods On how to hack free fire diamond grab legit 999 999. And if we talk about Coins, So you don’t need to hack coins, You can get substantial free fire coins without a hack, play ranked matches, Use double 2X Gold cards, and play a minimum of 2 hours a day, And you will get unlimited Coins in the free fire.
Garena Free fire diamond hack without survey?
A survey is compulsory if You want to Hack diamonds with the help of Google’s opinion reward app, If you want to get free diamonds without surveys, Then You can try some other Online earning apps.
The post Free Fire Hack Diamonds (10K, 50K, 99999 Diamonds) Free Fire Diamond Hack appeared first on Gemwire. source https://gemwire.gg/en/free-fire-diamond-hack-ff-99999-hack-code-6/
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drarryspecificrecs · 3 years
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25 Days of Draco and Harry (2020) : Masterlist of complete fics
@slythindor100 || official masterpost || AO3 || ∑ = 80 works The Mod(s) : @sassy-cissa
Advent calendar by Shadowmun [E, 13k]
Aeternus Solem by @onbeinganangel [E, 36k]
Cardinal Direction by @iero0 [E, 56k]
Changing with the season by @harryromper [T, 36k]
Christmas lights by @harrypotterfanfictionwriter [T, 700]
destination, destiny and definition by @panicissharp [G, 17k]
Dragons Don't Know Paradise by @teacup-tai [E, 50k]
The Friendly Beasts by @dianacopland [E, 59k]
Golden Balls by @groolover [E, 19k]
The Hogwarts Book of Carols by @p1013 [E, 45k]
Is that a golden snitch (or my heart) you're after? by @digtheshipper [T, 17k]
Love All Lovely by @shealwaysreads [T, 19k]
Or. by @lol-zeitgeistic [E, 21k]
A Room Up There (And You In It) by @the-starryknight [T, 59k]
That Christmas by @janieohio [T, 18k]
This Christmas (will be one to remember) by @orpheous87 [T, 22k]
This year by azyxy [E, 36k]
Vanished by @devilrising [E, 134k]
A Wish and a Wardstone by @penguinanimagus [E, 25k]
by @actorpotter : Drarry Advent Drabbles (25 Days of Draco and Harry 2020--Traditional) [E, 46k]
by @daughter-of-nemesis : 25 Days Of Drarry [T, 6k, 7 works]
by @drarry-quite-contrary : 25 Days of Draco and Harry 2020 [E, 2k, 4 works]
by @erebeus-roxy : 25 Days of Drarry [G, 2k, 2 works]
by @mystickitten42 : Winter [E, 8k, 5 works]
by @phenomenalasterisk : Phe's 25 Days of Drarry 2020 [E, 18k, 4 works]
by @samunderthelights : 25 Days of Drarry [T, 27k, 14 works]
by shadowofrazia : Near to Us Once More [T, 2k]
by @sunflower-swan : 25 Days of Drarry (2020) [M, 1k, 12 works]
✔ other fests in 2020 ✔ fests in other years ✔ 25 Days of Draco and Harry : 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | …
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mellindi · 5 years
must have mod | no. 3
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ATM Cards with Real Credit Function by littlemssam
If you like to avoid having to use money cheats in your gameplay this mod is perfect for you. It allows your sims to be able to afford the things they want and need while adding a bit of realism to the game.
How it works:
So with this mod, your sims can apply for a credit card at the ATM or apply for a credit card or loan via their PC which will have to be repaid in full + interest at a later date.
*I always use the loan option but I think both the credit card and loan options function pretty much the same.
Below are the possible loan amounts along with the loan term and daily payment rate:
$ 2,500 / 10 Days / $ 275
$ 5,000 / 20 Days / $ 275
$ 10,000 / 25 Days / $ 440
$ 25,000 / 50 Days / $ 550
$ 50,000 / 50 Days / $ 1,100
Once your sim applies for the loan, they are instantly approved and the funds are immediately transferred to their household account. Loan documents will appear in the loan holder’s (the sim that applied for the loan) inventory and cannot be deleted.
Once daily, your sim will automatically make the required payment (even if you forget) on the loan until it is completely paid off. If they happen to earn a lump sum of money or get all caught up on their bills (ie: win the lottery) they can repay the loan early. 
Your sim can apply for another loan at any time, as long as it is not the same amount as the current loan (if they have a $50k loan, they cannot apply for another $50k loan). Once the loan is paid off, they can apply for that same loan or any other loan again.
I recommend making sure the household has some form of daily income before applying for any loans because the first payment will be due the next day.
If you’re interested in this mod, you can download it on littlemssam’s blog here.
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fullmetalscullyy · 4 years
i was tagged by @gayronan for a creative review of 2019 and after writing it all down in a dot journal holy hell i wrote a lot last year. i'm so proud of myself for that. they may not be amazing by any means but i created something and that's pretty damn cool when i look back at it all
highlights for me personally include:
Hit and Run - a victorian royai au where they both start off as enemies/rivals and slow burn into lovers the good kush of tropes
this one is probably my baby of the year. it was such a joy to write and got such a good response that i couldn't believe it tbh
i cooked up the idea after a ghost tour in edinburgh's old town (where i was also drunk it was a blast) and created the idea from the story the guide told us. the description i use in the fic of The Vaults and what happened in there is exactly how it happened back in the 1700/1800s
Closer - roy has a jealous girlfriend who hates riza and while he's oblivious to it, riza can't understand why eve hates her so much
yo this took off. people seemed to really like this fic and i was blown away. genuinely. it was just a oneshot i cooked up one night from nothing and people really liked it. it was so much fun to write and i thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it!
Royai Week - 7 days and 7 royai fics!
i was actually a mod for this event and while incredibly nervous and excited it was a very cool experience (although i feel like i didn't do v much sndkf)
i also managed to get my own fics written with the prompts and the one i'm most proud of it day 6 - revival and there's a funny story about this one tbh i went to see the godzilla film and the idea was inspired by that film lmao it was a cracking film tho godzilla is my boy
Unreleased Nano Fic - basically, what if riza never went off to war?
this fic is in progress and follows canon events. i'm 25 chapters in and hit my nano goal of 50k at chapter 20 so.... it's going lads i'm getting there
this is one i'm v excited to share in 2020 and can't wait to get it all written so i can start editing and get the damn thing out there!! it's been in my mind since spring last year or something and i'm itching to get it out there
so those are my highlights for this year!! it's been a crazy one and (i like to think) i've grown as a writer and become better - mostly thanks to @snowdog49 and her awesome beta-ing 💕
as always ideas will pop into my head and i'll hyper focus on them until it's complete so here's hoping there's more fics to come in 2020. my inferno will finally be finished lmao and i might catch up with posting all my oneshots that you guys have requested from me in asks onto ffnet and ao3 (i almost always cry everytime one comes in y'all make my day no joke!!!)
peace out my homies and i wish you all the best in 2020 💕
imma tag @snowdog49 @ruikosakuragi @waddiwasiwitch @scentedbygunpowder
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