#already dating
grumpywaterfalls · 4 years
We're Not Dating!
We're Not Dating! by prettypurplegirl08
Bungou Stray Dogs
Length: 2,891 (complete)
Rating: Teen & Up Audiences 
Pairing: Chuuya/Dazai, side pairing: Akutagawa/Atsushi
Author Summary: 
Dazai and Chuuya are not dating. Hell, they don't even like each other! Even though they've been caught fucking each other in the janitor's closet, holding hands, kissing, hanging out and all that lovey-dovey shit, they're not dating! What are you talking about?
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tigstripe · 5 years
I have a prompt! Olivarry with the “didn’t know they were dating” prompt
(Wow, that was fast! Thanks for the prompt! I’m really hoping you meant ‘trope’ and not a specific prompt, so here we go~)
Barry settled onto the Bunker’s couch, his cowl down behind his shoulders, Oliver’s arm outstretched behind him. He leaned his head onto Oliver’s shoulder and the two let out a collective sigh after such an exhausting field mission. It was a familiar, relaxing position - they often found themselves cozied up on the couch like this after particularly tough team-ups. Usually beer was involved.
“When’s the wedding?” Diggle asked as he walked behind them, beer in hand.
“Ha ha,” Barry mocked. “You’re just jealous you don’t have a cuddle buddy for after missions.”
“Am I supposed to need one? I have a wife at home,” Diggle replied. He sat down at the briefing table, near Felicity and Dinah, who had opted for opening a bottle of wine to celebrate. Rene had already headed home, to be with Zoe for the night.
“It’s not like I asked for a ‘cuddle buddy,’ you know,” Oliver muttered.
Barry snuggled in close and grinned. “You know you like it, though.”
The chuckle that escaped Oliver’s chest was light and honest. “I guess so.”
“So, when did this,” Diggle motioned with a finger at the two of them, “all start?”
Oliver raised an eyebrow, barely noticeable from the mask grease still on his face. “When did what start?”
This time, Diggle was the one confused. “You two are dating, right?”
Barry waved a dismissive hand. “What? No. We’re not dating.”
“The first ‘cuddle buddy’ night was over three months ago, John, if that answers your question,” Felicity offered from across the room.
Diggle took a swig of his beer. “Three months is a long time to just be cuddle buddies. Do you two hang out outside of missions?”
Oliver gave a little shrug. “Well, yeah. We’ll get lunch every now and then. Usually Barry runs over to Star City, since it would take me hours to get to Central.”
“We also went and saw Endgame together, remember?” Barry offered.
Felicity let out a hurt huff from her seat.
Diggle’s expression made Oliver nervous. “What? We’re not dating.”
“Uh huh. And the sleepovers are just for fun, then?”
Felicity’s head perked up. “Sleepovers? You’re having sleepovers?”
Oliver’s shrug wasn’t so little this time. “I spent the night at his place while on a mission in Central. So?”
“Oliver, you came home in a t-shirt you almost couldn’t get out of, because you’d borrowed it from Barry.”
“I got sweaty,” Oliver replied, his voice suddenly very quiet.
“I bet you did,” Felicity laughed.
Oliver gave a somewhat worried look down at Barry, who was still snuggled up close to his torso, a slight smirk on his face. “Are we dating, Barr?”
Barry thought about this, pursing his lips a bit, otherwise remaining still. “I dunno.” He looked up at Oliver. “You wanna be?”
There was a stunned silence as Oliver considered this offer. “I guess...we already were?”
Barry was the one to shrug this time. “Cool.” He nestled his head back onto Oliver’s chest. Oliver wrapped his arm around Barry’s shoulders and leaned his head against the top of Barry’s.
Weird. It was so...natural. It felt right.
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pedro-pascal · 3 years
netflix releasing an entire season of a series in one sitting is just.... exhausting? there’s this sort of rush where everyone needs to watch the show asap otherwise 1) you’ll get spoiled 2) everyone will make gifs faster than their own shadow 3) you really don’t get inspiration to make something nice because you consumed the media so quickly that you almost immediately forget what you watched
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lady-raziel · 2 years
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A Date with Markiplier + Onion Articles
Happy Anniversary ADWM!
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damongant · 2 years
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lostonyon · 2 years
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How is he so pretty…
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
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turns out you’ve got a lot in common!
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batarangsoundsdumb · 2 years
the problem is that every single popular fanfiction trope could realistically happen to booster gold and ted kord and they'd just be 'well just another tuesday i guess'
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theredheaded-stuff · 2 years
All Villains HATE Batman
because he is a bad lover
the villains start to hate Batman because he doesn't seem to care about his boyfriend Bruce wayne
After all, if he really cared, he'd come to the rescue when Brucie was kidnapped, he never comes, and well Poor Bruce has been kidnapped a million times
At some point, when Harley and Ivy didn't know Batman's identity, they kidnapped Bruce to give him advice on moving away from toxic love affairs,Hera went crazy with rage talking about Batman, after all Harley needed that advice too
Mr.frezze kidnapped Bruce and took him to play in the snow, saying that he could finally have fun without waiting for the bat.
Harley said it would be better for him to date Superman, after all he was a good guy and he was always saving Bruce and carrying him princess style
Clark hearing this from Metropolis didn't know how to react, the whole league burst into laughter
Sometimes Bruce has to act like brucie, and convince the villains that he likes that relationship, which causes horror in every villainous folk in that and other's cities.
The villains have teamed up and now Lex luthor is lecturing Bruce on what a relationship should be like.
Harley told him to shut up and said he just wanted a Superman baby, complaining that he wasn't the best role model for brucie.
Some villain considered introducing several nice guys to Bruce, and secretly created a profile on some dating site, everyone on that site throws rocks every time Batman is mentioned.
There are internet wars between several cities, but everyone agrees that Batman is not the ideal partner for Brucie
Bruce had to convince everyone he was still in the relationship because Batman's kids loved him
Now the villains are trying to talk to the batkids about divorce and how it won't affect the amount of love they get
Villains HATE BATMAN, but they LOVE Brucie.
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oniliae · 2 years
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grumpywaterfalls · 4 years
what it means to live
what it means to live by bakunonist
Bungou Stray Dogs
Length: 12,445 (complete)
Rating: Teen & Up Audiences 
Pairings: Chuuya/Dazai, Akutagawa/Atsushi
Author Summary: 
It’s not like Atsushi doesn’t know about Akutagawa’s massive crush on Dazai. Everyone in Yokohama knows about Akutagawa’s crush on Dazai. Atsushi might be stupid, but he’s not an idiot. (It takes a breakup for Atsushi to realize that he and Akutagawa were dating all along.)
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teanshan · 2 years
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💖 happy belated valentine’s day 💖
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chatonnoir · 2 years
I know they just take screenshots from the show for these photos but I like how a lot of the photos of Ladybug on Adrien’s phone give the impression that he just regularly pulls his baton out mid-patrol to snap candids of her or literally stops and goes “WAIT wait the lighting is perfect here don’t move”
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devildom-drabbles · 2 years
A group of hungry and jeering demons suddenly approach Luke in the hallways of RAD. MC notices Luke and quickly steps in to guard him.
MC: *to the demons* Hey! What do you think you're trying to do to my son?
Luke: Huh?! S-Son?!
Simeon: *places his hand on MC's shoulder to signal his arrival* Actually, MC...
The demons cower at the sight of the group that has suddenly formed behind MC and Luke, which in addition to Simeon includes all seven demon brothers, the crown prince and his butler, and the immortal human sorcerer.
Simeon: I think you mean our son.
MC: Oh, yeah, my bad.
Luke: *confused chihuahua noises*
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
What is it with the characters in dating Sims and visual novels that are always on a computer and dressing cool? Bitch-
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The colors, the designs, the accessories. Where are they getting all these cool ass jackets!? In short, I respect the nerd boy drip,and want to steal their clothes.
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eddiemunsongf · 2 years
Eddie and Chrissy were cute in concept but then it was brought to my attention that Chrissy is underage, she’s gotta be 16-17 while Eddie is 19-21 😬
first of all, i have a hard time believing this is from an actual reformed shipper and not just someone trying to covertly push their ideals but i'm gonna pretend this is in good faith.
these are the facts. they were in middle school together. american middle school lasts three years. eddie has been held back at least twice. combining these two facts, we know definitively that their age gap is 2-3 years.
we can also reasonably assume that chrissy is a senior, based on her necklace. the necklace says '86', the current year of the show. the most logical assumption is that 86 is her graduation year. there arent a lot of other reasons for a girl that age to own and wear a gold necklace with the current year on it. the time of year is spring, by which time all american high school seniors are minimum 17.
(unless they skipped a grade, which we have no evidence chrissy did, and frankly if you're headcanoning that just to make the ship creepy.... you're the creepy one)
that combined information makes their ages:
chrissy: 17-18 eddie: 19-21
two notable caveats:
these ages are relative to each other, and cannot be further than 3 years apart. it is not possible for chrissy to be 17 and eddie to be 21 at the same time. eddie is ONLY 21 if chrissy is 18.
it is EXTREMELY unlikely eddie is 21 at all. that would mean that hawkins high is sanctioning a 21 year old to stay in their school. that would be an extraordinary circumstance, and one i cant reasonably see being extended to trailer trash eddie, who looks and behaves the way he does.
if you're basing your assertion on chrissy's file, don't. it was most likely just an error, and a screenshot of a prop you have to csi enhance to see doesn't override the things that have been written into the show with the explicit intent to indicate these character's ages. that's insane.
all together, their most likely ages are:
chrissy is 17, and eddie is 19-20. OR chrissy is 18, and eddie is 20.
in my country, and most countries, that is perfectly legal. notably, the age of consent in indiana is 16.
what's more, it's normal. i don't wanna be the prick that says touch grass but seriously you guys. get out in the world. a 2-3 year age gap is fine, and extremely common. teenagers date older teenagers all the time.
the problem comes when there is a significant maturity or development gap between partners. if your headcanon or read on these characters is that chrissy is a naive, childlike thing and that eddie is a fully grown and developed man who is preying on her, thats a you problem. you're mad at your own brain. that's not the canon, and it's certainly not my headcanon.
finally, it's not your job or your right to go around pushing your personal morality on other people. even if your assertions were true, which they are not, there's no possible interpretation of the canon in which this relationship would be illegal. so leave people the fuck alone. you don't have to like it! if it squicks you, that's completely valid. my recommendations would be to stay out of the tag, and unfollow me.
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