#modded fallout 4
carhenia · 2 months
aight so im doing the sim settlements 2 gunner plaza quest and i asked the brotherhood for help
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someone please explain why they sent me a giant squire???? he's almost the same size as the knight in power armor LOL
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jackiegaytona · 2 years
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Fallout 4 - Goodneighbor
(Modded, obviously)
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horny-for-evil · 4 months
One of the funniest things about playing modded fallout 4 is when I go to talk to Codsworth, and he's lamenting the destroyed world and neighborhood but my old house is like completely decked out and the neighborhood is fucking gone. Like yes Codsworth I'm so sorry about everything you've been through, but I like what you've done with the place. Demolished the other houses? Nice. Added a fortified wall? Sweet. Decorated my house and made a grave for my spouse before you even knew they were dead? Fucking Outstanding.
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 month
Sooo the new Fallout 4 update wiped my mods out and now I can't even find half of them now
Which means.............. I lost my other saves so I gotta restart now. Entirely. I can't even load my save I put almost 400 hours into just building settlements, man. *sobs*
Somebody kill meeeeee
Well. At least I have pictures of Ghost and SS's camp saved so I can rebuild all of that at least?
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callsignbaphomet · 1 year
So after extensive testing and the occasional CTD I found an amazing combo of mods to turn Fallout 4 into a grueling experience. Basically FromBethesda.
Dynamic NPC Damage Scaling and Perks
NPC Level Scaling and Tougher Enemies Overhaul
Combat Style NPC
Immersive Gunfight and Movement
Advanced Needs 76
It took me damn near an hour to clear Concord on a level 100 (went to 100 just to make sure all super powerful enemies were in the game) on very hard (with Advanced Needs you don't need to put it on survival mode, it does that for you) difficulty only to get one shotted by the deathclaw at the end.
Shots to the head are an obligatory one hit kill. Two well placed bullets on any of your limbs will break 'em and two to the torso are a guaranteed death. Armor absolutely matters with these mods. It's frustrating in a fun way, I haven't punched the couch cushion since Demon's Souls lol
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boomhealers · 2 years
Fo4:ahw is so difficult and surreal at times its so good like theres truly no words to describe the experience of desperately running past concord because theres 15 glowing ones and raiders that launch grenades at you like its confetti as youre being hunted down by the embodiment of famine, supermutants, aliens, and the lickers from resident evil on your way to diamond city because you are suffering from broken bones and four different diseases and stimpaks aren’t helping
its the worst way to play fallout 4 i adore it
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Context: Shy is playing Fallout 4 with a mod that replaces monsters with creatures from Silent Hill. He is exploring a ruin and gets ambushed by a ghoul that looks like an Eyeless Gnasher.
Shy (panicked): Wait, why does that one have a name?! FRED DAVIDSON NO!!
I begin wheezing as he kills Fred.
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galoogamelady · 10 days
So. Multiple companions bugs out Automatron. Heres uh. Buttons somehow having the M-Sat? No idea what happened.
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leafycandy · 2 years
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jackiegaytona · 2 years
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Nick Valentine questioning his life choices
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endivinity · 10 months
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Arboreal at twenty four! Closer to their chameleon origin, these very small, hyper-aggressive deathclaws can change their skin color. Settlers near forested areas have to take extra care minding pets and small children.
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kittinkanin · 2 years
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farharbour · 6 months
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christmas in diamond city ❄️🎄
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Have been modding the FUCK out of fo4 again and just ran into the problem where it crashes my game when I try to exit again. Gotta figure out what mod that is. I'm thinking it's either Snappy House Kits or True Grass bc those are the two most recent mods I installed.
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aesfocus · 3 months
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...but it's home.
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boomhealers · 2 years
Fallout alien hell winter au my beloved
Ive spoken suuuper briefly abt what this au is but its in my mind again its infodumping time babbayyyyy
Inspired by the nuclear winter mod(s) for fallout 4, i saw a bestie talking about it and I got so into it and was like “i could make this worse actually” so that’s how it started! Modlist here if you wanna play it in fo4
anyways, heres the actual lore for it:
Everything starts off the same way as canon up until the great war. At the same time the bombs fell, a series of mysterious nukes from space hit the earth. Like nuclear winter, the earth became a. Nuclear winter. Only this time, due to the mysterious alien weapon that hit the earth, not only is the earth stuck in eternal winter, the entire world became an alien hellscape.
Strange diseases, entities beyond comprehension, and more began to take over the new world. Seeing the sky turn an unusual color, hearing the distant cry of an alien merged with god knows what are all daily occurrences.
Traveling alone is a death sentence in the new world. Who you align yourself with fails to matter when you traverse the cold hellscape. Many places became more…lenient on their rules as long as you proved yourself useful. If you were strong enough to make it to one’s base, that alone might prove yourself worthy of joining in some cases.
If you’re a doctor, though, any faction may let you in without much question. Doctors are both rare and needed a significant amount. With how easy it is to succumb to, well, literally everything, doctors are seen as a vital resource that nearly any faction would quite literally kill to have. If they have to send one out of the base, then they’re typically accompanied by armed guards.
Wandering merchants are also a rare and vital resource. If you have been able to survive trudging through literal frozen over hell by yourself while carrying things to trade then good lord you are both suspiciously lucky and desperately needed. Not many people want to to travel long distances, let alone by themselves to trade. If you can do all that then I don’t think even god could strike you dead. Wandering merchants are amazing for delivering secret information across the wastes. If they live long enough.
Theres more to it but!!! yeah! I love this so much literally anyone is allowed to give their own take on it i am passionate about this horrid au i have created<3 i will post so much about it,,,
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