#modern au John Marston
spicyspino · 3 months
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spongeyspot · 7 months
Can we get some modern John hcs?
General Modern John Marston HCs
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- adopted by Dutch - Full sleeve tattoos - D+/C- average student - Dropped out of HS/ got his GED to work full time and pay child support - Firm believer that “condoms don’t feel as good” - his pull out game is sub par at best - On and off with Abigail  - Definitely one of those muscle car douchebags - Owns a maroon colored 1967 ford mustang - Cares more about that damn car then anything else in the world - washes it at least 3 or 4 times a week - always speeds. Says the speed limit is “just a suggestion” - Double parks often - Secretly writes poetry - Also, not so secretly plays in an emo garage band on the side - Apartment is a certified bachelor pad - The whopping 24 inch tv sits on a cardboard box, and a single plastic lawn chair sits right smack in the middle of the room - Mattress is on the floor - And it’s covered in his clean clothes. He refuses to buy a dresser and has never owned a single coat hanger in his life - Refuses to wash the dishes. The sink is full and he has resorted to buying paper plates instead of actually dealing with it - We’re not even gonna talk about the contents of his fridge. Or lack thereof. Usually just orders out. - His silverware drawer has 1 spoon, 1 fork, and 1 butter knife, and they’re the only things he washes. - and by "washes" i mean he puts it in his mouth to wet it and then wipes it off with his t-shirt - The shower is completely empty aside from a bottle of dawn dish soap that sits on one of the shelves - Also probably washes himself with a literal kitchen sponge -Owns 1 bath towel and it hasn’t been washed since he moved in 5 years ago. He dries himself off with it after he showers so he thinks it’s still clean - Leaves it in a pile on the bathroom floor so when he uses it the next time he showers, it kinda stinks and it’s still a lil damp.  - His skincare routine is splashing water on his face and somehow he has the clearest skin in the fucking world - Brings store bought food from the gas station to family gatherings - sleeps through his 11,000 alarms he has set on his phone all 5 minutes apart
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michsmeesh · 9 months
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some silly modern au stuff because i'm fighting major art block and I'm slightly going insane after working on realism stuff for a week straight 😭
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strawberrymilkcart · 3 months
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dutch and hosea's kids if it was modern day and not 1899
arthur and john still bicker as always :3
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abovesn4kes · 1 year
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More 1999 AU Content
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omgwhatchloe · 18 days
sometimes you need a break from sad and need to imagine modern au gang having a nice picnic in which they did not invite dutch or micah (who is convincing dutch hes being betrayed right now)im thinking
dutch: they’re probably all out there now…talking to those agents…taking the bribes…
then the camera cuts to arthur sketching bill and cain, who are playing at the other side of the field
hosea is aggressively applying sunscreen to sean because he wont put it on himself
lenny is reading and accidentally eating all the baby tomatoes that are meant for sandwiches
tilly and marybeth are making daisy chains while karen is asleep
john and jack are also asleep and john has wrapped his arms around jack, whos on his chest (abigail has taken 105 pictures and counting). they’ll be knocked out the whole time, they ate so much cookies and cheese and chips/crisps and cakes and sandwiches it was inevitable.
charles is laying on arthur and watching him sketch. hes not asleep though, hes just resting his eyes, trust me.
molly applied her sunscreen and is now getting the tan she deserves. she wonders why she feels so much calmer without dutch there.
there were horses in the nearby field so. you know what kierans up too.
after being attacked with sunscreen (hes irish and ginger, its for his own good) seans making his eighth sandwich with all the toppings. hes also telling everyone about when him and his da would go for picnics, and they find it quite wholesome so they dont stop him until he gets tearful.
sadie is eating strawberries and praying a horse kicks kieran or the farmer shoots him.
javier brought his guitar but hes eating, so he’ll play later. he cant even tell a story because his mouth is full of so much cookie.
miss grimshaw is protecting the food with her life from the pesky ants, seans legs when he constantly gets up and down, and lenny.
strauss is making the most ungodly food combos, he also had a picnic 20-30 years ago that ended in absolute trauma, so he’ll be sure to fill the gang in on that. lovely change from seans story.
uncle wasn’t invited. hes asleep somewhere in the field because he came anyway. he also took a box of cookies. (arthur thinks hes going crazy because he swore he bought another box but its nowhere to be found)
reverend is admiring the scenery, he finds it a good distraction for the early days of staying sober.
abigail is playing photographer for her kind of big instagram following shes not meant to have.
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Some of my modern Abigail headcanons in theme with Mother's Day (because she deserves it ♥️)
John was still an absent father for her first Mother's Day and it almost broke her spirit.
Jack was still so young and she'd never felt more exhausted or lonely in her entire life.
That is, until Arthur showed up to her apartment unannounced to gift her a flower bouquet and sketch he made of her with baby Jack.
Both of them were surprised when she threw herself at him and broke down in tears (and Arthur's never been angrier at John than in that moment)
Abigail's told Arthur many times since then, but that small gesture saved her faith in others and, more importantly, in herself.
The first Mother's Day that John is present, he almost forgets about it completely until Arthur takes pity on him and mentions it (and even then, he only does it for Abigail's sake)
At Hosea's suggestion, John haphazardly makes a card with toddler Jack's handprint on it (a very red, very bloody looking handprint) and the best chocolate he can afford on his incredibly limited budget.
John thinks he's messed up when Abigail starts quietly crying, but thankfully the tears she sheds this year are ones of happiness.
Every year following that, John struggles through different crafts and more elaborate gifts with Jack in order make up for his absence and to show Abigail the appreciation that he finds a hard time voicing.
As he gets older, Jack gets more inspired with their craft time, which also means more of a mess for John (but that's okay)
So! Many! Flower crowns!!!
Abigail keeps every single craft tucked in the back of her dresser for safekeeping.
Arthur sometimes likes to jokingly remind John that it's his Mother's Day sketch to Abigail that's framed on their wall
(John will never admit how much it actually bothers him)
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smushystrawbabies · 1 year
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an old photo from 1993
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zekeodile · 3 months
rdr modern au but john didnt leave on purpose he just got arrested for shoplifting and was a dick in jail
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jona-draws · 2 years
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there's nothing I love more than dumbass John Marston asjhgs
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cryptidcr3ature · 5 months
Modern Au RDR2 Headcannons (Arthur, John, Charles, Mary-Beth, and Micah.)
TikTok icon. He has a nature survival account, but most of his followers just think he’s funny. He’s got like 500k followers and they quote his quips DAILY.
Zach Bryan and Noah Kahan fanboy.
Starts twitter beefs. He’s on his third account because how often he’s been banned.
Drives a classic car and talks to it like a person. You treat her (the car) with respect.
He’s a safe person to hold your drink at a party.
Cracked phone screen that he refuses to fix.
Goes to the AITA subreddit every time he gets into an argument.
Listens to underground folk punk and massively judged you if you don’t listen. Like “You don’t listen to Sister Wife Sex Strike! Have you ever heard music?”
Posts one good picture on instagram and the rest are stupid stolen memes.
Takes .5 pictures of all his friends.
World’s slowest typer. Takes him 30 minutes to type a sentence.
Almost no social media presence. He got facebook to keep contact with Arthur and has never even posted on his page.
Wears headphones EVERYWHERE and gets mad when people try to talk over the headphones.
Big fan of slow, sad music but also has a guilty pleasure of Pierce The Veil.
Hoodie central. He’s the guy with a million hoodies and will share if necessary.
Prolific fan fiction writer. Girl would literally write on a Samsung smart fridge if she had to.
Cries at movies no matter how sad they are.
Collects scented candles. Her room is a fire hazard.
Lana Del Ray and Taylor Swift enjoyer.
Tutors kids at the library.
Also frequently on the AITA subreddit and calls people soft when they comment YTA.
Has a dude bro podcast where he calls himself an alpha male.
Body shames women on TikTok and claims he’s “looking out for their health.”
Listens to bro country.
Religiously watches Logan and Jake Paul.
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spicyspino · 3 months
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John having the house alone when Dutch, Arthur, Susan and Hosea go out on a robbery in a different city and getting drunk in the living room with javier, them running around in a teenage frenzy stealing sweets and cigarettes from the shops and cycling to a lake and swimming under the late afternoon glow just laughing and talking crap about people at school, content in eachothers company, lying next to eachother on the grass and 'practicing kissing'. Javier is so in love, John is so scared. They're eachothers best friends they don't want to lose eachother but they will in the end.
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saiyan-druid-art · 7 months
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A belated Halloween gift for @blanche-elizabeth-devereaux 🧡🎃
Version without writing under the cut:
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chlomills · 28 days
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Some modern AU shenanigans 😎😎😎
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plutoceanic · 1 year
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Another John. Bit obsessed with drawing him atm
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