#modestcube x reader
Reader takes Trevor out drinking for his 21st birthday and takes care of him while he's drunk/with his hangover. Thanks :)
Of course!  I am so excited to get back into writing tbh I can’t wait for you all to be drowning in my writings! I have an inbox full of requests and a boring summer ahead of my senior year!
Reader’s POV
“Trevy-boy! It’s your birthday. The big two-one!” you yell, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Ugh, Y/N! Shut up! You’re literally days older than me. Do you have to be this annoying?” Trevor replies, throwing his headphones onto the desk. You laugh and kiss his cheek. He smiles.
“Come on, hun. It’s almost 5:30 and I want to get there before the crowds.” You lean against his desk. Trevor looks at you quizzically.
“Where are we going, babe?” he asks, grabbing your hand.
“Well, I was thinking we could go to Headquarters after work.” you reply, his eyes looking sad when you mention a bar.
“Babe, you know I don’t really have a knack for partying.”
“I know, but, all I’m asking for is one night. I’ll be there, some of the guys will be there. We won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to.” you promise, rubbing your thumb along his knuckle. You smile in reassurance.
You watch him save the video he was working on and power off his computer, hanging his headphones on the rack. He stands and grabs his hoodie in one hand and your hand in the other. Pulling your car keys out of your pocket, you lock up the warehouse before getting in the car and driving to the bar.
Recognizing James’ car, you park next to it. You both walk hand in hand inside and sit at the bar. Flagging down the bartender, you just order an ale and direct Trevor to a menu. He looks helpless at all of the selections. You giggle before starting to describe all of the types of drinks.
He finally settles on a beer. That’s before Aleks gets there. Aleks orders rounds of shots. Plural. That’s a lot of fucking shots. You all start playing various bar games using alcohol as a betting tool. You beat Aleks in Darts but he beats Trevor. Soon, almost everyone is shitfaced.
Thankfully, you weren’t much for alcohol, so you kept to the one pale beer and water the whole night. You called Ubers for James and Aleks, offering to drive their cars back to the office the next day. Jakob and Asher caught a ride home with you and Trevor. You drag Asher and Jakob to the couch and lazily throw blankets on them.
You almost have to carry a slurring Trevor to bed. You strip his clothes off and change into pajamas with him. Throwing the sheets over him, you leave for the kitchen, getting waters and aspirin for the boys in the morning. You knew you weren’t making it into the office before 9a.m. You turn around and see Trevor already snoring, fast asleep. Kissing him on the forehead, you climb into bed.
Trevor’s arm flops over your shoulders, pulling you close to him. He mumbles something along the lines of “I love you” into your hair as his snoring picks up again. You smile before dozing off.
The Next Morning
You stir out of bed at about 7:15–your normal time. Trevor is still asleep, but you hear groaning from the living room. Asher is standing up, covering his face with a pillow. “Will you keep it down?!” you yell.
“My head hurts!” he yells.
“I left you both some aspirin and water, now, please: shut up.” you reply. Wandering back into your joint room, you hear a quiet groan form the sheets. You lay into the bed. Smiling, you rustle his hair. “Good morning, baby.” you whisper.
“Hi. My head hurts.” he mutters. Your hand finds his cheek.
“Yeah, that’ll happen,” you say, reaching for the aspirin and water. “Take these. You’ll feel better.”
He happily takes the medication. You continue to play with his hair, gently tugging as he quietly moans. “I think, you had a little too much fun last night.” you whisper, pinching his cheek. “Do you even remember all of it?”
He sighs. “Yeah, I think so. I think someone wished me a ‘happy birthday’?”
You laugh. “Yeah, the bartender made the entire bar sing 'Happy Birthday’ to you. Also, maybe Aleks bribed a few people with alcohol. But, you had a good time, right?”
“Heck yes I did. Thank you babe. That was the best party ever.” he giggles.
“I love you.” you declare.
“I love you more.” he replies, tackling you.
“I thought you had a headache.” you question.
“I did, before I laid eyes on you.” he explained, tackling you with kisses and grabby hands. Between the laughing and kisses, you both barely took a breath. You grabbed his face and locked lips, the best kiss in awhile.
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cowchopimagine · 7 years
“16 with Trev trev?” Requested by @modestcowchop Word count: 1,468 —– You stood outside of Trevor’s apartment for five whole minutes before you finally worked up the courage to knock. You had been over to his place before — the two of you were dating, after all, even if it didn’t exactly feel like it. He always made you so nervous. When you saw him you suddenly felt shy, your heart beat picked up speed. You were head-over-heels for this guy, and it was more than obvious. His friends and co-workers all knew, and even some of them who were closest to him gave you tips on how to tell him how you felt. Trevor’s friend Asher was the biggest help. He won’t stop talking about you when you wear this.
Trevor thinks it’s really cute when you do that thing while you talk. His text messages helped a lot, and were frequent enough to make you believe that Trevor must have really liked you too. When he finally asked you on a date six months ago, you couldn’t have been happier. After that first time out together, the dates started to happen more. You stayed over at Trevor’s at least three days out of the week and he did the same at your place. His roommate, Joe, knew you so well he could retell your entire life story. Things were going so well for you, but that’s where it all stopped progressing. Sure, Trevor would hold your hand and give you hugs, and maybe, if you initiated it, they’d be longer than just a few seconds, but other than that, he didn’t get affectionate with you. The cuddle sessions on the couch and pet names that you had always dreamed about having with him never happened, and you couldn’t help but feel like it was because he was losing interest in you. At first, he seemed completely comfortable with you, but after only a few months he’d been growing more distant, so much so that you seemed to be the only one actively trying to take things further. You’ve been dating him for this long and he still hadn’t even kissed you! Maybe you were just over-eager, going too fast because you couldn’t handle finally having exactly what you’d always wanted, but this felt abnormal, and nothing scared you more.
Now you were trying everything you could to make Trevor interested in you again. You were wearing all his favourite outfits and doing the things that Asher told you drove Trevor mad for you. None of which appeared to be working, but you didn’t give up hope yet. You figured you didn’t have much time before Trevor finally figured out how to break things off. There was no way that you wouldn’t dedicate yourself to changing his mind until then. Anxiously, you fidgeted with your hair. You were already feeling more and more uneasy with yourself because of all the stress, but the fact that you just didn’t look absolutely perfect today had you on the verge of a breakdown. Surely he wouldn’t break up with you all because this one piece of hair isn’t laying down the way you want it to, but looking like trash all the time wouldn’t exactly help your cause, either. There always seemed to be something wrong with the way you looked. Trevor pulled back the front door and smiled when he saw you standing there. “Hey, (Y/N)!” He leaned forward and gathered you in a hug, causing you to tense up a little. You probably looked so much worse up close. “Come on in.”
You followed him through the entrance, thankful for the blast of cold air that hit you. Los Angeles was extra hot today, almost as if it knew that you would be sweating. “Joe isn’t here right now. We’ve got the whole place to ourselves for a few hours.” You didn’t try to hide your small smile at his words. Trevor led you over to the soft, dark grey sofa nearby and he sits down against the cushions. Hesitantly, you followed suit, opting to take the safe route and sit a little further away than you would have liked to. You wished you could be closer to him, snuggled into his side like normal couples do, his arm wrapped around your shoulders. Trevor probably wanted some space, though. After you took a seat, you could see a small, but definitely present, flash of what looked like disappointment — something he had shown a lot recently. You could already tell that you must be overstepping your boundaries. “What movie were you thinking?” You asked, trying to take your mind off of how dumb you must have looked.
“Jakob was telling me about this one at work today — I think you’d really like it.” Trevor began to describe the movie as he clicked through Netflix’s horror category in search of it. Asher must have put Jakob up to this, you thought, since they were always trying to hype the two of you up. You didn’t mind. Seeing Trevor’s scared reactions every time something overly gore-y happened was cute to you. You listened to him, watching happily as he talked about the plot with excitement. “You won’t be too scared, will you?” He teased after finding the film and letting you check out the poster and description. You shook your head, but he must not have believed it. “Are you sure? You already look a bit spooked.” So he could sense your anxiety, great. “S-spooked?” “Yeah, you look like you’re already nervous. You’re okay, right?”
If only he knew that you didn’t look this way because of the movie. “(Y/N)?” Trevor set the remote down on the coffee table in front of him and he raised his eyebrow. Damn, he was even cute when he was confused. You’d miss this when the two of you weren’t together anymore. The pressure of it all was starting to make you feel too small, like the walls were caving in on you. Even though you tried so hard to keep them in, hot tears were beginning to form in your eyes. Trevor pulled you close to him, finally giving you that closeness that you needed. Now you couldn’t even help letting the tears fall. “We can watch a different movie if you want!” Trevor suggests, panic in his voice. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” “I-it’s fine, Trevor. It’s not your fault.” “What’s wrong?” You caved in, leaning against his chest and burying your face into his hoodie. You needed this so badly. Maybe he was only doing this to be the good guy, but you didn’t care. This is what you wanted — for him to hold you like this. It didn’t matter that he might not love you, or that you were a crying mess.
“Trevor, why haven’t you kissed me yet?” “What?” It broke your heart how gentle he was being with you. You wanted him to tell you, outright, that he didn’t love you. The faster, the better. “I feel like I’m doing something wrong. You’re always so tense when I try to be affectionate with you, like you don’t want to touch me. That’s fine, though! I don’t mind not doing those things if you don’t want to, but the looks you give me sometimes make me think that you just don’t want me at all. You look disappointed. I love you so much, I can’t stand feeling like I’m not what you want.” You felt him squeeze you a little tighter. “I love you, too. You’re everything I want, that’s why I’m too scared to kiss you. You seem nervous and I’m worried that you aren’t ready for that stuff yet. I don’t want you to feel pressured.” He told you. “Do you have any idea how much I talk about how I love you?” “Asher tells me. I just thought maybe he was lying to keep me from getting hurt.” “He’s telling you the honest truth.” “I’m sorry about all this.”
Trevor pulled away from the hug, but he caught your face in his hands before you could look away out of embarrassment. He didn’t even give you time to question him before he pressed your lips together. It was only a short kiss, but it was a kiss nonetheless. You thought it was cute how you could have sworn you could hear Trevor’s heart beat pick up. When he pulled away his face was red and he had a shy look in his eyes, but he was grinning from ear to ear. “It’s okay, it’s my fault too, anyway. We just need to talk to each other more. And I’m sorry that I didn’t kiss you sooner. You’re cute when you blush like that.” “So are you.” —– So, I really tried with this one but a few things happened and that’s why it’s probably not that good. I’ll save the excuses because honestly it really should not have taken this long to be posted, but just know that I don’t plan on taking this long to update ever again. I’m still getting used to writing for Trevor (this is the second time I’ve wrote for him) and I think I’m getting better, but tell me what y'all think. Also, in case you didn’t see the edited first chapter, I’m writing for Jakob now, so y'all can request him, too.
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trashboiiz · 7 years
Vacation Days (Trevor x Reader) - Part 2/2
(A/N: If you couldn’t have guessed, this fic is based off the pics Trevor has posted from his vacation. Looks like that boi is havin fun. Let’s hope he doesn’t drown)
“Does this look good, Y/N?”
You look up from your camera at Trevor, sprawled uncomfortably in the hammock.
“Do you need help Trev?” You laugh, watching him try to readjust his position unsuccessfully.
“I, uh, I think I-” before finishing his thought, Trevor tumbles out of the hammock onto the ground.
Laughing even harder now, you walk over to help Trevor up. As you get closer to him you can hear him groaning in pain.
“So, do you want my help now?” You offer a hand to Trevor.
“Leave me here Y/N” He rolls over onto his back, “I want to die in peace”
“We have things to do Trevy boy, you can’t die yet” You say, kicking him in the side, making him scream and laugh at the same time.
He slowly gets up, rubbing his newly bruised spot.
“You got a pic for the Patreon though, right?”
“Yeah, yeah. Do you want to post the one of you falling or still in the hammock?”
“Y/N, delete that” Trevor tries to grab the camera from your hands but you’re too fast for him.
“Do you know how much this blackmail is worth? I ain’t throwing these beauties away” You wave the camera in his face.
Trevor snatches the device from your hands and quickly deletes the photos. When he looks back to you he sees a mischievous grin on your face.
“What?” He asks
“Oh nothing” You slowly walk around Trevor, “It’s just this camera uploads to the cloud, which you don’t have access too”
Trevor groans and plops down onto the hammock, which then flips and dumbs him on the ground again.
“Let’s just go to the creek” Trevor sighs, face first in the dirt.
“It’ll only be a little bit longer, Y/N.”
You groan, “My legs stopped working Trev, you have to carry me.”
Trevor rolls his eyes and motions for you to hop on his back. You shuffle over to him and climb onto him.
“Onward young stead!” You shout, pointing forward robustly.
Trevor chuckles and continues walking towards the creek. As he stumbled through the forest you made sure to protect him from any long hanging branches, but sometimes you weren’t very attentive so you were smacked in the face. After a few minutes and tumbles, you both made it to a small clearing next to a stream.
“Here we are!” Trevor announces.
You hop off his back and look around; only you and Trevor are there, surrounded by trees and flowers. The creek in front of you is crystal clear with some little fish swimming around. It’s perfect. Maybe if you were older and knew Trevor for a bit longer this would be the perfect place for him to propose. Actually, you’ll bookmark this place in your mind for the future, just in case.
“Trevor” you whisper, awestruck.
“It’s good isn’t it?” Trevor grins, proud of himself.
You kiss him on the cheek, “Yep, it’s good Trev”.
Trevor takes off his shoes and rolls up his pants then slowly wades into the water, making sure he doesn’t slip on a rock or step on something sharp. He scoops up some of the clear water and watches as it slips between his fingers. You start taking off you shoes when Trevor interrupts you.
“Y/N wait. Take a pic of me”
Trevor sticks out his butt and puts up a peace sign.
“Okay, I’m ready”
You sigh, “Here we go Princess, smile for the camera”
You feel satisfied with the photos you’ve taken after making Trevor poses in various ways. He thinks you’re trying to get his best angle but you’re just doing this for the blackmail. Sweet sweet blackmail.
“Put the camera down and come join me Y/N” Trevor outstretches his arm.
After putting the camera safely on the ground you grab Trevor’s hand and carefully walk into the water. It’s a cool, but nice on a humid day like today, even though your body’s response was to shiver. When you’re close enough, you grab Trevor’s other hand. He looks down at you, beaming.
“Hey, Y/N” He whispers
“Hi Trev” You murmur back
“So how’s the vacation so far?”
“Really nice, really relaxing”
You stare into his eyes and he stares back, bodies standing close and breathing slowly. All the planning you two have done, all those little dates, the day you met, you taking that job in LA, leaving home, going to school, taking your first goddamn steps - everything has led up to this day, this moment right here. And you wouldn’t go back and change anything at all.
“I love Trevor”
“I love you too Y/N”
Trevor wraps his arms around you and kisses you, soft but deeply. You could feel him sigh out of happiness and pull you in tighter as the line between his and your lips became indistinguishable. You were a young couple in love. And you were happy.
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saturdaychop · 7 years
Happy Anniversary.
Trevor x Reader smut
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You woke up to the feeling of soft kisses on your cheeks, arms wrapped around your middle, and soft whispers. Sighing, you turn over to the person next to you, eyes slowly blinking open as you stretch.
"Happy anniversary," Trevor whispers, placing a chaste kiss on your lips as you smile.
"Happy anniversary," You mumble back. You feel his hands run under your pajama shirt, his shirt, and rub your side softly, affectionately.
How did you ever get so lucky?
You kiss him gently, hands holding onto his shirt as you entangle your legs with his. He sighs and his hand makes its way up to your chest, thumb tracing over your nipple gently as you gasp. Your back arches slightly as he teases you.
"Can I..?" He asks into the kiss.
He smiles and everything else in the world seems to disappear. It's just him, laying in your bed and smiling at you, looking at you like you are his world, his life. You feel your heart flutter as he climbs over you, hands making their way to your hips.
You let out a soft sigh when his hand presses gently over your panties.
"You're still wet from last night?" He asks softly, mostly to himself. You see him bite his lip through half-lidded eyes, hands sliding your panties down slowly and finally, you kick them off.
"Should I eat you out-"
"Just fuck me, Trevor," You whisper, hands going to his hair. "I just want to feel you." No, you need to feel him. You need him close.  You need him more than anything.
He smiles and strips himself from his underwear, climbing on top of you.
He moves a piece of hair away from your face and kisses you gently.
"I love you," He says.
"I love you more," You reply.
He lines himself up against you, and finally, slowly, pushes in. He takes his time, a huge contrast from last night when he fucked you so hard you couldn't see straight. This time, he pushes in gently, stopping when he bottoms out.
He kisses you again and wraps his arms around you, holding you to his chest tightly. You wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in his shoulder.
When he finally starts fucking you, its paced and slow, his hips just barely pressing into you as you let out a breathy moan.
"I love you so much," He repeats, barely a whisper against your ear. "I love you." He continues to mumble sweet nonsense, kissing your neck, your shoulder, your face, anywhere he can reach as he fucks you.
Trevor feels warm against you. You feel safe, secure, loved. You feel happiness and closeness. You feel good.
Your climax comes up on you slowly, and you don't even realize you've cum until you feel Trevor start to do so. You just know that you feel relaxed and calm like nothing could ever go wrong in your life as long as he is there with you.
When he pulls out, he holds you against him tightly, kissing your head as you press your face into his chest. Even though it's morning, your eyelids feel heavy and your breathing slows.
The last thing you hear before you fall asleep again is Trevor's voice in your ear, telling you how beautiful you are.
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saturdaychop · 7 years
Game Time
Trevor X Reader 
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"Hey! Hurry up and get over here we're about to start recording!" 
James had asked you to join in with them for another Jackbox Party series earlier and you had regretfully accepted. You didn't know exactly which game that you would be playing, but you weren't big on being a part of videos. Especially ones where things or people get broken.
When you finally got to the couch, you noticed that there was no more room. Trevor, Aleks, James, and Joe were taking up the entire couch, leaving you with nowhere to sit.
"Hey, assholes," You say, "move over so I can sit down." Aleks sighs and moves himself over slightly, the rest following suit, leaving you with barely enough room. You roll your eyes and take your seat next to Trevor, draping your legs across his slightly. He looks over to you, but doesn't comment.
"Ready to start the video?" Joe asks. He doesn't wait for a response as he into's the video.
You pick up your phone from the table, seeing that it had already been connected to the game.
Oh God no.
You were going to play Tee K.O. with them.
The game where things got slightly racist and pretty fucked up, pretty fast.
"So what character are you picking? " Aleks asks you. You shrug and look through your options.
"Probably the one who looks the least like a furry," You reply, deciding on a character and clicking on it. When everyone is ready, the screen pops up to start drawing.
You look back down to your phone and start drawing in the shirts carefully. You notice Trevor finishing first, moving his phone to his dominant hand and resting the other across the back of the couch, in your direction. You're almost tempted to lean into him out of habit. But you just go back to doodling on your small phone screen.
The screen changes and you type in your captions, laughing quietly at the dumbest ones you could think of. When you finish, you feel Trevor's arm move slightly down from the couch so it rests on your shoulder.
You look over to him, a questioning look on your face. He doesn't seem to notice.
"Alright guys, let's see what fucked up shit you came up with!" James says, quickly matching up random shirts with captions. You do the same, as does the rest of Cow Chop.
The game continues on as you vote on the shirts. The round ends with James's shirt winning and you repeat the process again. Slowly, you can feel yourself leaning into Trevor's side, and by the end of the game, your head is fully rested on his shoulder with his arm around you as you vote on the final tee shirt.
The video ends soon enough, and when the cameras stop recording, Aleks looks over to you and rolls his eyes.
"You makin' moves on our editor, Trev?" He asks, laughing faintly. You look up at Trevor and see his face redden.
You can't help but giggle slightly.  
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Okay I have this great idea like Tevors trying to do a "bit" by picking you up and running but inside he falls right on top of you basically "crushing" you and he's spends the rest of the day apologizing for it .
The boys were filming a behind the scenes video. They weren’t doing anything obnoxious yet, but you knew that was bound to happen. You were thirsty, so you removed your headphones and stood from your desk, stretching. You walk into the kitchen and the cool winter breeze from the open door hits you. It wasn’t that cold.
You grab a cup from the cabinet and fill it with water. Soon, the cup is plucked from your hand and placed back on the counter. Someone wraps their arm around your small waist and lifts you from the ground. Judging from the height, it had to be Trevor. You caught a glimpse of the Cheeto hair and knew. 
As you were thrown over his shoulder, you hit his back with your fists. “Put me down you idiots!” you yell. A camera is waved in your face as a smiling Jakob runs behind you. 
“Are you getting this Jakob? Is this a good bit?” Trevor yells.
“You’re golden!” he responds, egging Trevor on. 
As soon as you saw you were heading towards the warehouse again, Trevor trips, sending you both flying. You slide on the concrete and he lands on top of you. You yelp in pain as he crushes you, rolling off as soon as he can comprehend what happened. 
He stands over you. “Y/N! Are you okay? I’m so so sorry.” He repeats. As you nod, he helps you up, wrapping you in a tight hug. 
He follows you around the rest of the day like a lost puppy, apologizing like crazy.
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Trevor x Reader // Two Months
"Trevor, can you grab this for me?" You ask, stretching over the counter, trying to reach a vase on the top shelf.
"Sure thing, sweetie." He says, grabbing the vase in one quick motion, standing flat footed. You roll your eyes. You weren't necessarily short, but that was a tall cabinet.
Trevor also didn't have to buy you flowers. You loved flowers; there's no lie there. However, surprise ones definitely threw you off. The vase was stuck on the very top shelf.
You rinsed the the dust away from the interior of the clear vase. It was tall and round. You filled the vase about half way with water and placed it on the counter. You cut the stems of the red roses and place them in the water, arranging the dozen so they almost filled the vase. The vase was a little too big, but that was the only one you owned.
"Did you even read the card, Y/N?" Trevor asks, sitting at the bar. You shake your head.
"I don't think so," you reply, leaving the vase and walking to the envelope sitting on the edge. You slide your finger under the seal and open it, pulling the card out. The front just reads 'For You'. You read the content aloud:
"I fell in love with you the day I laid eyes on you. I knew that you would be mine one day. I love you to the moon and back, Y/N. Happy anniversary, babe. Love, Trevor." You smile, even though you feel tears begin to well up in your eyes. Just this small act of kindness made your year, and it wasn't even May.
You look up to Trevor's brown eyes and see his smile spread wide across his face. "I know you're not used to surprises from me, but I felt like this was necessary. No words, actions, or objects can express my love for you." He says, grasping your hands. He begins to twirl around the engagement band on your left finger.
"Two months." You say.
"Two months," He replies. "Two months until you're my spouse." He smiles.
"God, I can't wait. I can't wait for you to see my outfit and the centerpieces on the tables. I can't wait for you to see the colors. I can't wait for you to cry because you're terrified to spend the rest of your life with me and my shit." You both giggle.
After a brief moment of comfortable silence, he asks "how was work?"
"Pretty good." You reply.
"Mine was.....eventful."
"Is that why you smell like lube?" You ask.
He sighs. "Yeah. I should probably shower."
"Ya think? It smells worse than a day on a porn set. Plus, you're greasy from it. Nasty. Can't wait to marry this." You laugh with him. Your eyes follow him as he walks to the bathroom.
"I really can't wait to marry him." You sigh, resting your head on your hand and allowing a smile to spread across your face.
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Trevor x fem!Reader // Pizza
Anon on Tumblr ~~
Could you write about being a new intern for CC and noticing Trevor slowly crushing on you, then getting really close, start having movie nights with him & his buddies like jakob n stuff and finally becoming a couple? (That would most likely come with james & aleks poking fun @ trevor for finally getting a gf and just reactions from ppl around the office) And since he's a shy boi most likely there will be fluff, but maybe some smut too? Bless
This sounds really amazing so I can't wait to write it.
Enjoy :) ----------------->
"Alright gents and ladies! Our first intern of summer is here. Introducing Y/N!" Brett yells, pulling you from the hall and into the main warehouse. Everyone gave either quick acknowledgements or even nothing, but you noticed Trevor's eye linger just a little longer. A small blush crept across your face as you turned away.
"Okay, you'll sit here." Brett says, pulling you to a desk that is close to Trevor's. You put your bag down and plopped into the chair, logging into the computer with the credentials James emailed you earlier in the week. You had nothing to do but learn how to edit for this first week, so you just scrolled through some random drawings, desperate for a cool and unique wallpaper.
You settled on fan art of Ein from Cowboy Bebop. You saw Trevor look over his shoulder at you. He rolled his chair over. "Cowboy Bebop?" He asks, intrigued.
You smile at him. "Yeah, it's my favorite." You reply. A smile spreads across his face.
"James made me watch a few episodes before I got settled in. It's really good." He adds. You nod, reverting your eyes to the desktop. The day passed slowly, getting faster when James and Aleks recorded a 'Wrong Side of Youtube' video.
They asked you to overlook Asher and take note on how to record. About halfway through, Asher trusted you enough to take full control. You took the camera from him and filmed, doing better than him.
Soon, they finished up and handed everything off to be rendered and edited. Asher showed you how to save them to external hard drives. You went over to Trevor and he showed you the editing style.
You understood exactly what to do and began to edit a fairly short video.  Before the end of the day, you had the video checked and ready. Trevor applauded you for the speed.
At the end of the day, you walk out to your car, but Trevor stopped you at the door, pulling you aside. "Do-do you have a ride?" He stuttered.
"Yeah, I do. Thank you, though." You reply, smiling at him.
"Oh," he muttered, defeated. "Would you want to-to get pizza some time?"
"Sure, Trevor. Can I have your number, ya know, so we can coordinate?" You reply, handing him your phone. He punches his number in and returns your phone.
"I'll see you around, Y/N." he smiles.
"See you, Trevor." You reply, getting into your car and driving back to your apartment. You thought about the way he said your name. It was...different. It was full of so,etching you couldn't quite put your finger on. It stuck in your mind.
You drove to your apartment. It wasn't in the best side of town, but it was all you could afford here. It was enough for you and your dog, Aria. She was a German Shepard and protected you in the dead of night.
Pulling into your designated parking spot, you pulled out your phone and left a small text to Trevor.
Just got home. It's Y/N btw :)
You put the phone away and exited the car, locking it behind you. You walked upstairs to your second floor apartment and unlocked the door, Aria greeting you at the door. "Hi pup!" You exclaim, scratching behind her ears.
You put your bag on the counter and sat on the couch, turning the TV on. Checking your phone, you notice a text back from Trevor.
Hey, home too. Does tomorrow night after work sound good?
You type out your reply.
Yeah, as long as you drop me back off so I can drive home.
You put the phone back down and flip through random channels, cuddling with Aria on the couch. Your phone vibrates again.
It wouldn't be a proper date if I didn't pick you up and drop you off.
You feel a blush sneak across your face. You weren't aware it was an actual date. Plus, you were a little ashamed of where you lived. You texted him back.
I can meet you at the pizza place. I'll see you tomorrow at work :)
Setting the phone back down, you walk into the kitchen, getting ready to make dinner. You threw something together fast and sat down at the small dining table, scrolling through Instagram in your phone. Your phone vibrates again.
That works too. I'll see you :)
You finish your dinner and lean up the small pile of dishes. You feed Aria and shower. You realize how much time has gone by and get ready to head for bed. Aria follows you to bed as you double check your locks on the door and windows. That's has become a ritual for you as crime is just too high in these parts of L.A.
You pass out, ready for tomorrow.
A mix of your alarm and Aria wake you up in the morning. You put some clothes on and walk her downstairs and to the green area near your apartment. She does her business before you both return to the apartment and finish getting ready, eating breakfast and applying light makeup. You dressed special for the day, looking forward to the date tonight.
As you finish breakfast, you clean the dishes and kiss Aria goodbye. You lock the door behind you on the way out of your apartment. You walk downstairs and get into your car, turning the key in the ignition and driving away.
You pulled into the lot at work. Exiting the vehicle, you grab your backpack and enter the building. You sit down at the desk and notice Trevor eyeing you. "Good morning, Trev." You say, giving him a new nickname.
He smiles at the nickname. "Good morning, Y/N." he replies, smiling. He always smiles bright around you and you definitely noticed this.
Work passed agonizingly slow today, probably because you had a date tonight. Trevor told you time and place so you could be there on time. You left work right on time. You drove to the pizza place and parked, exiting the vehicle.
Entering the building, you sat at a booth tucked away in the corner. You texted Trevor to tell him where you were and he walked in moments later. He sat at the booth with you. "Have you ordered yet?" He asks.
You shake your head. "No, I was waiting on you. I'll have what you're having." You reply, smiling. He leaves for a moment to order you both a pizza. He sat back down as you both waited for the pizza to arrive.
You both go into life stories, favorite colors, foods, and so much more while waiting for the pizza to arrive.
By the time the pizza was gone and you were full of pizza, you had both learned everything about each other. And you, for sure, knew you liked this kid.
You're both 20 and get along swimmingly. You were certain you liked him and almost certain he liked you.
After four hours (and the owner kicking you out) you said your good byes. You brought him in for a tight hug and he reciprocated. He walked you to your car and closed the door for you. He smiled and waved good bye as you drove back home, ready to gloat to Aria about how amazing your first date went.
-------2 months later-------
Trevor invited you over for movie night. This was the first time you'd be at his house. You knew he had roommates, although you knew one was just Joe. You hadn't met the new one quite yet.
He drove you both to his house after work. He let you, as the guest, pick the movie. You chose your go-to movie.
You and him sat on the couch under a blanket. Once Joe got home and Jakob left his room, you started the movie.
As the movie was finishing, you started to drift off and fall asleep on Trevor's shoulder. During your slumber, you felt his arms snake around your waist, pulling you closer.
"Gross! Get a room!" Jakob yelled, waking you up. Trevor quickly shushed him as they all broke out in laughter. You woke up to shush them and shoo them away.
"You guys are so cute!" Joe exclaims, shoving his phone in your face. You knew that was going to end up on Twitter. A blush creeps across your face and you tuck it into Trevor's chest.
"You suck." Trevor argues, glaring at all of them.
Soon, they did leave you alone, but you fell asleep at their house. Trevor picked you up and tucked you into his bed before he left and passed out on the couch.
Movie night with Trevor and the gang became a weekly feat. Joe and Jakob eventually made Trevor ask you to be his girlfriend. That most definitely got a lot more teasing.
"Wow! You finally scored a girlfriend, huh?" James exclaims.
"Stop, James. You're just jealous I got one before you did." Trevor snapped back. You couldn't help but laugh. James looks offended.
"You got a good one, Trevor." Aleks said suggestively, lightly hitting his arm. Trevor just rolled his eyes.
At work one day, Aleks approached you. "So, Y/N. You wanna be in a video?" He asks. You look at him weirdly.
"Um. Sure. Why not?" You reply.
"Cool. It'll be you and Trevor. It'll be a video for the love birds." He yells.
"Oh shut it!" You yell back.
You and Trevor end up on the couch. "Sit closer together." James says, looking through the camera. You look at him quizzically, but oblige. You scoot closer to your boyfriend. "Closer." He demands. You look to Trevor. "Closer!"
"Fuck off, James!" You yell, flipping him off.
You and Trevor finish filming the video, which was you both reading comment and scrolling through your tag on Tumblr. It was a weird video. The video also featured the taunting from James and Aleks.
You return to your desk and place your headphones back on, getting ready to edit. Asher tapped your shoulder. "You guys have good chemistry. I like you two." He says, smiling.
"Thank you." You reply, smiling.
"Really. I think you two will last."
You put your headphones back on and start working. You realized you got really lucky.
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Trevor x Reader // Pizza [pt.2] (SMUT)
Part two of the previous chapter.....(whoops have fun with some smut)
Enjoy :) ---------------> Reader's P.O.V.
You and Trevor had been getting along swimmingly ever since the day you met him. It had been three months and, you actually liked this kid. You also needed to get over calling him 'kid' because he was a month older than you.
You had been editing the newest Dark Souls video. Suddenly, you can no longer see. Someone had put their hands over your eyes. It scared you, so you jump a little and throw your headphones off. "What the fuck?" You ask, pulling away from the hands.
You turn the chair and see Trevor, flustered. "Did-did I scare you? I'm sorry, babe..." he trails off, looking at his feet. Pity pulls at your heart. An empathetic look crawls across your face.
You stand, wrapping your arms around his torso. "A little," you reply, your voice muffled by his shirt. "but, once I knew it was you, it was all okay." You smiled against his stomach.
"What were you going to ask, babe?"
"I was going to ask if you wanted to go on another date." he replies, wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
"Of course I'd go on a date with you. I would never turn that down." You say, pulling away slightly to meet his eyes with yours. A bright smile spread across his face.
"Great!" he replied, looking like he was about to jump up and down from excitement. "How does that pizza place sound?"
You jokingly roll your eyes. "Again, Trev? We always go there." You tease, secretly enjoying the routine you two had set.
"I'm a picky eater and we eat pretty cheap there, so yeah, again. I'll pick you up tonight?" He argues. You think for a moment. You had only been to his house, so it was only fair he came to yours for once.
"Yeah. Does seven work? I want to shower beforehand." He agrees and you plant a small kiss on his lips, neither of you being too fond of workplace PDA. You text him your address, already counting down the next eight hours.
"Ooh, does Trevy boy have a date?!" James teased from across the room. A blush crept across your face.
"What's it to ya, James?" he snaps back, annoyed.
James couldn't stop laughing with Aleks long enough to respond, so Trevor replaced his headphones on his ears and resumed editing. You were thankful they hadn't picked on you for the day.
Work had been eventful, as always. You bolted out the door as soon as you were let go, if even just a few minutes after you were supposed to leave.
You drove home and unlocked the front door, an eager Aria greeting you. You quickly pet her and fed her before stripping down and jumping into the warm shower.
Washing your hair and body, you turned the shower knob off and toweled yourself off. Wrapping up your long hair in a separate towel, you put on some panties and (somehow) slipped on a matching bra.
Leaning over the tub, you began shaving your legs. You checked the time as the clock crept closer to 6:15. Panicking, you quickly sped up, but maintaining enough accuracy so you didn't cut yourself.
Rinsing the razor off for the final time, you placed it back on its shelf before drying your legs off. You let out your hair and walked into your bedroom, digging through your closet for a nice dress. You settled for a light gray, knee-length dress. It wasn't skin tight, but tight enough to accentuate your curves. You matched the dress with black flats.
Walking back into the bathroom with Aria on your tail, you applied light makeup; just some eyeliner and mascara. You braided your hair into a side braid on the right side. You brushed your teeth before returning to your bedroom, slipping into the dress and slipping the shoes on. You gave yourself one last look in the mirror before realizing the clock was at 6:59.
You exhaled for the first time in what seemed like forever from rushing. You pet Aria and brought her to your room, locking her away so she wouldn't jump onto Trevor. She was a big dog, and boy, she got really hyper around new people. As soon as the clock hands shifted to 7:00, you heard light knocks on the door. You smiled as your nerves rose, excited for the night you two had planned.
You unlocked the door and opened it, greeting Trevor with a smile and a kiss. He looked you up and down and you watched his jaw drop. "Hey, Trevor." you say quietly, slightly embarrassed from the attention.
"He-hey, Y/N. You look-you look-wow." He said in awe. You smiled and looked down at your feet. You had to admit, Trevor didn't look too bad either.
"Well, welcome to my house. It's not much, but it keeps a roof over mine and Aria's heads." you beam at the mention of Aria.
He looked around and took in all of the surroundings. His gaze met yours as you mentioned Aria. "She's my dog." you add. "She's in my room right now because she is HUGE and gets too excited around new people."
He smiles. "I think I can take her." he jokes.
"Is that a challenge?" you question, raising your eyebrows.
"Um, do you want it to be?" you walked over to your bedroom door, turning the handle and flinging it open, releasing the dog. She immediately runs to him and jumps on him, showering him with kisses.
"At least she likes you!" You say, barely controlling your laughter. You watch them play together and bond. Trevor tells her how excited he is to be going on a date with her mom. You blush at this before looking at the clock. "Okay! I think that's enough play time. It's already 7:30, but you can play with her when we get back." you say. Trevor looks at you.
"Are you implying I will be returning for an after-date afterparty?" he says, suggestively.
"Do you want to return for an after-date afterparty?" You imply. He nods. "The we better get this party train going." You grab his hand, guiding him out of the apartment. You lock the door and he leads you to his car, opening the door for you and closing it after you get in.
He joins you in the car and begins the drive to your favorite pizza place. His right hand leaves the steering wheel and rests itself on your left thigh in a comfortable position for both of you. You take this as an opportunity to snake your fingers between his and hold his hand for the rest of the ride.
Once at the pizza place, you take your usual spot in your usual booth while Trevor orders the usual pizza. You both slowly munch on the pizza and make small talk for the next 3 hours. It was a Friday night, so the owner didn't kick you out until a little before 11. You both took the last few sips of your soda before fleeing the restaurant back to Trevor's car. He got your door for you again.
As you exited the vehicle at your apartment, he escorted you upstairs, leaving small kisses on your cheek and neck. His hands could barely stay off of you as you unlocked the door and threw it open. You both knew what was happening and you both were excited.
You chased Aria out of your room before closing the door behind you. Trevor pinned you against the door with his body. His lips crashed onto yours in a heated and passionate kiss. You felt his hands wander up and down your sides while you wrapped your arms around his neck for some extra support.
His hands felt their way to the back of your dress, finding the zipper, and pulling it down. As he was unzipping your dress, your hands drifted to the buttons of his nice shirt and began undoing them eagerly. As he started to pull your dress off, you finished with the buttons on his shirt, yanking the shirt off. You stepped out of the dress and pulled him over to the bed.
You fell back and he hovered over you, unbuckling his belt and shedding his pants quickly. Quite frankly, you enjoyed the view. He placed his arms on either side of your head and lowered himself down to your level, kissing along your jaw and neck, across your collarbone, and down your stomach. He stopped at your panties and looked back up at you.
He moved up locking your lips once again. His hands curled around your back and undid your bra, sliding it off of you and throwing it. His lips left your mouth to leave small love bites on your breasts and down your stomach. He kissed and bit down to the hem of your panties before sliding them off in one swift motion. He removed his boxers and you threw him a condom you kept in your nightstand just for precaution.
You watched him slide it on his lengthy member before he returned to his original position. "You ready?" he whispers, lining himself up.
"Yes." You reply, feeling him enter you slowly. A small gasp escapes your lips as you adjust to his size. He began to pump faster as you both got used to each other. Moans began to pour from your mouth as he picks up the pace. Grunts leave his mouth. Those turn you on more than anything. You feel your first climax approach and realize this will probably be the only one, seeing as how this is both of yours first time.
He feels your walls tighten around him as you practically scream him name. This alone causes him to finish. He pulls out, grunting and groaning your name. He collapses to the side of you, sweating and out of breath. Frankly, you looked just the same. He pulled you into his arms, kissing your forehead.
"I-um-I think-" he begins. You cut him off.
"I love you too, Trevor."
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Trevor x Reader // Fight
Anon on Tumblr--
first fight and makeup w/ reader and trevor?
This one will be so sad omg Enjoy :) -------------> I ran to my bedroom-our bedroom-with tears streaming down my cheeks.
The door slamming shook the entire house.
Neighbors heard. I don't think they like us anymore.
I hate you. Leave and never come back.
I didn't mean what I said. I mishandled myself and my emotions.
But, he did as he was told. He left.
I slid down the wall, holding my knees tightly to my chest while sobs racked my body violently. I was practically screaming.
I was mad at myself.
I was mad at Trevor.
I am scared of losing the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I am scared my life will never be the same.
How could you? You kept this from me for so long!
He was offered a job somewhere else.
Trevor loved his job with the boys. This one paid a hell of a lot more, though.
He hadn't thought about leaving quite yet. He'd have to move across the country...again. He wasn't even sure if he wanted that.
He never told me he had a job offer that could potentially force me to drop my schooling and move with him.
I can't do that.
Please, Y/N, I was going to tell you. Please. I love you, Y/N!
This was our first fight.
I blew this whole thing out of proportion.
I didn't need to do that.
I saw a tear escape his eye when I raised my voice.
He didn't want us to fight.
He hated when I raised my voice. Frankly, I hated doing it.
But, I was just so mad.
Now, I'm going to lose the love of my life to something like this.
I stood, gripping the door, and trudged into the bathroom, cleaning the dried tears from my face.
I walked downstairs and picked up the flowers that I threw out of anger.
Trevor gave me those roses for our one year anniversary, and now they're in a pool of water and shattered glass.
I couldn't control my anger. I needed to work on that. I didn't mean to hurt him, but this is also why we can't have kids. We both fear I'll hurt it.
I reached for my phone, seeing eleven missed calls from James. I call him first.
I can't even say 'hello' before he yells "What the fuck is going on, Y/N?"
I begin to sob before I mumble "I lost him, James. He's gone."
"So I've heard. Do you want me to come down there?" he asks softly.
"No, I need to work this out with him. Can you send him my way?"
"Sure thing." he ends the call. I start to pace around the house, anxiety overwhelming me. My ears perk up at knocking on the door. I rush over, hoping it's Trevor.
I open the door to see my neighbor. "I-uh I heard something going on and watched him leave like a sad puppy dog. Get him back; I've seen you two together." she says, handing me a small plate of cookies. She is an older woman, and she has been like a mother to me since we moved here.
"Thank you, Gretchen. I'm trying." I reply, feeling tears well up in my eyes again. She departs my house and I close the door. I place the plate on the counter and pick up my phone, this time, dialing Trevor.
It goes to voicemail. "Trev, please come home. I need to tell you something. I love you." I say. I walk into the living room, sitting on the couch. I place my head in my hands as regret overwhelms me.
I end up falling asleep on the couch. I wish I hadn't. I only wake up when I feel someone's arms around me and wetness falling onto my shirt. My eyes flutter open as sobs escape their mouth. I pull my head away long enough to recognize Trevor's face, streaked with tears.
"Hey, hey. Shh." I say, trying to calm him down.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N." he presses.
"Stop, I need to apologize. You did nothing. I love you so much, Trevor. I am so so sorry for overreacting." I reply, stroking his hair. I curl into his side.
"Please forgive me. I promise to tell you everything." he continues.
"You need to forgive me. I promise to love you, for ever and ever." I reply. I feel tears sting at my eyes.
After a moment of silence, he speaks. "Are we fixed?" he asks. I let out a small giggle, wiping my. tears.
"Yes, we're fixed." I reply, locking our lips.
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