#mods are asleep time to overshare
troonwolf · 2 years
the funniest thing for me about being a system in relation to socialising + social media is how some of us prefer being lowkey and acting like it isn’t a thing and others have no shame or cringe meter and just want to exist. so whenever the first group is around they staunchly act as though the second group hasn’t been oversharing and ranting about DID for days
legit everytime they front it’s like “starting from now we’re going to act symptomless and you’re all going to like it” “yes king whatever you say” [sometime later] “MODS ASLEEP START DIDPOSTING”
and then the cycle repeats. I honestly think they’ve convinced themselves that somehow no one knows they have DID even though we actively tell people. or that somehow because they don’t remember those conversations happening that the other person must not remember it either
throwback to that time one of us told someone we have DID and when they brought the topic up to one of these alters on another occasion he just acted like he didn’t know what they were talking about. (“oh so I saw this thing about DID blablablabla” “[not looking up from what he’s doing] huh that’s interesting.”)
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calamitydaze · 2 years
i miss having a best friend
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drv123imagines · 5 years
Can we get headcanons for the SDR2 boys reacting to the reader having the despair disease? (Can be platonic or romantic)
again sorry this took so long!! im gonna make these platonic but they can be interpreted as romantic (& in nagito’s case this’ll take place after chapter 3)
each one will have a different despair disease !!
SDR2 boys reacting to the reader with despair disease
he’s been there, so he knows how awful it is
but seeing you with it makes him livid
in your case, you have the silence disease
and he can see you attempting to talk but unable to get the words out
he really wishes he knew how it was cured so you could get better faster, but for now he would stay with you until it was over
you had the despise disease
meaning you hated everyone, including him
so he wasn’t sure how to handle it very well, and he didn’t know how to help you
so while you were asleep he would leave you gifts and notes anonymously for you to wake up to
you may have hated the people, but you didn’t hate the presents
he was confused as to what was wrong
you had been so happy and cheerful the other day!! what happened??
turns out you had the sadness disease
you were constantly upset while you were in the hospital
he came to visit you often, which made you feel better, but it didn’t make you happy
he was with you every day until it passed
once he finds out you have the despair disease it takes him every ounce of strength to not kill monokuma right then and there
like akane, you had inherited the coward disease
and knowing that fuyu was the ultimate yakuza,,
you couldn’t help but be terrified, even if you normally didn’t mind
the first time he came to see you, you had tried to hide in fear of what he might do to you
so like hajime, he leaves gifts and notes, so that you won’t be scared of him face-to-face
he’s used to people being scared of him, so he isn’t affected that badly
you had picked up the weakness disease
even if you weren’t super strong physically like nekomaru was, it was still taking a toll on you
it was really hard to do simple tasks, like sitting up
so nekomaru stayed with you and helped you with that
he would help you sit up so you could drink and eat
and he would also try to entertain you so you wouldn’t get bored laying in bed all day
you had the denial disease
you denied everything that people talked about, especially his claims about him being from the underworld and his hamsters being devas of destruction
but he stayed with you nonetheless
he didn’t care whether or not you believed him, because he knew this wasn’t the real you
he made sure to watch over you from time to time in case you started to deny food and water from people
which you didn’t, thankfully
but still he wanted to make sure you weren’t harming yourself in the process
like ibuki, you had the gullible disease
since you were a very skeptical person, he didn’t like seeing you believe everything you hear
and he was afraid someone would try and take advantage of you
he stayed with you most of the time, in case anyone tried to convince you to do or believe anything that you shouldn’t
and if he did overhear someone say something like that, he would immediately tell you otherwise in order to keep you from possible danger
you had the oversharing disease
you were a reserved person, so hearing you talk so much about yourself was a little unnerving
he assumed there was a reason you didn’t share this stuff, so he asked you to talk about mundane things, such as your favorite show, in order to keep you from sharing things that you weren’t ready to share
if you did start to talk about stuff, and going off topic didn’t work, he would leave the room until he was sure you were done talking about it
he left you alone while you slept, since you tended to mumble things to yourself in your sleep
i really liked writing this one!! thank you for being patient ~mod maki
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ravioliweek · 7 years
ravioliweek day 3 -- roleswap ficlet (mod m)
Despite being called “Lorule”, the place is in a lot better shape than this “Hyrule” he’s been messing around in lately. “Hyrule”, “high standards”... it’s a terrible, Ravio-brand joke-- not that he has a brand to begin with.
That’s Link’s gig.
Speaking of Link, there’s not much our resident hero in purple knows about the guy. From what Ravio can gather, the boy in the wolf outfit isn’t very... befitting of that garb. You’d expect someone to be mean and nasty, maybe super aloof and not very personable. Instead, he’s rather soft-spoken (when he chooses to speak, that is), shy, and really quick on his feet.
Some nights, when the squatter and his fairy companion (Taffle, he says) are fast asleep, Ravio can’t help but wonder what kind of face is under that mask. Is it young, or old? Grotesque, or plain? Voice can only lend so much to the imagination. He knows taking a quick peek wouldn’t immediately be met with a consequence, but the knowledge would eat at him for weeks. Despite his need for the instant gratification of his curiosities... he stays his hand and doesn’t intrude on something Link clearly wants to keep secret.
After all, he’s not exactly open about himself either. He might overshare (read: talk nonstop) about what he’s encountered on his travels, but talking about himself is a hard thing to tackle. And he prefers keeping a good chunk of his past behind closed doors.
Doesn’t stop a certain fairy from doing the prodding when his buddy otherwise wouldn’t, though.
“So!” he starts in that squeaky voice of his, “You and Link have been getting along pretty well.”
“...I guess? About as well as we can be, given the situation. The guy’s got me kinda relyin’ on ‘im for his goods. Gotta be friendly in that case, or else I’m kinda sunk.”
Taffle’s cheerful disposition fades a bit. “That’s a little...”
“Little what? ...Look, pal-- I don’t mind ya. I don’t mind Link either. It’s just that... our relationship is strictly business. He lends me items, I use ‘em to traverse both lands an’ save each sage that Ganondorf guy stole away. He’s not really one for talkin’, so I won’t press ‘im for anything beyond that.”
The fairy lets out a sigh before flitting over to sit squarely on Ravio’s shoulder. He’s not immediately brushed off like last time, so that’s an improvement. 
“Let... let me let you in on a secret, oh hero: he might not talk a lot to you, but he talks a lot to me. Especially when you’re not around or when you’re holed up in your little corner of the house. Would you like to know what he talks about the most? ...Don’t answer, it’s rhetorical-- he talks a lot about you.”
“Well, duh?” He shrugs and furrows his brow. “I’m, like, his one customer. An’ the guy who’s runnin’ all across kingdom come even though I... eh. S’whatever-- point is, he’s gotta talk about me.”
Taffle starts to stretch out on his little perch. “That’s not what I meant. Now before you get your cynical little tights in a twist, hear me out. I mean he talks about, well, you in a friendly way. He’s... well, he thinks you’re pretty-- pretty interesting. Interesting, funny...”
“You goofed there.”
“No I didn’t. I paused for effect. Anyway... he thinks you’ve got a neat sense of humor, even if it gets... a little worrisome. You’ve got a wicked sense of gallows humor, is what I’m saying.”
“...He worries about the jokes I make? They’re just jokes. They don’t mean nothin’. An’ don’t you correct my grammar again, firefly.”
“Goodness, you’re a little defensive today! But, see, that’s my whole point. You wouldn’t be defensive over them and snappy at me if they didn’t mean anything. It’s clearly a... what’s the word...”
Ravio reaches a hand to his shoulder, cringing internally when Taffle flinches at the movement. He’s been... not a nice guy to the little thing, has he. ...He flattens his palm and motions for the other to hop on, before holding his hand outward so he doesn’t have to crane his neck to make eye contact anymore.
“Copin’ mechanism.” It’s a blank, matter-of-fact answer, one he’s heard before. Taffle doesn’t like how it sounds.
“...Yes, actually. It’s a coping mechanism. For stress. ...Listen. He really worries about you, okay? Not because you’re the hero and everything, we’re past that point. He worries because... I don’t know. He cares about you.”
Ravio’s expression softens. He’s quiet now, turning his head away so Taffle doesn’t get to see how wet his eyes are getting.
“...I don’t think he should.”
Taffle, used to this sudden change in body language from Link, tones down the lecturer voice pretty quickly.
“You’re a really nice guy, Rav. He and I think so. You might put on that cold and aloof mask all the time, but we can see right through it. ...Didn’t you tell me, once, it was funny how Link should be the aloof one because of his outfit? If anything, you’re the lone wolf here.
But you don’t have to be.
...You could let us in.”
He wants to put Taffle down, clench his fists and say something dismissive like usual. But a part of him just... isn’t letting that happen. Goddammit, he hates getting close to people. That’s how he gets hurt.
Ravio takes in a deep, deep breath, letting it out as a loud enough sigh to stir Link in his sleep.
“...I feel like I’ve been given this talk before, but okay. I’ll be more personable around the guy. No promises on some magical friendship filled with deep discussions an’ late nights, though.”
At that, Taffle lights up.
“Now that’s the spirit, Mr. Hero.”
...Who knew he’d be eating his words days later?
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roseprlnce · 8 years
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