#mods pictured: vampirism; human companions
p0tat0-4rt · 6 months
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modded minecraft fun
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quinn10121012 · 7 months
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After the invention of the Zero Point drive, the human race rapidly spread out across the stars, from the solar hub to the fringworlds. However, space is a hostile place, and habitable worlds are quite rare. As a result, many new variants of humanity have emerged, modifying themselves in order to survive the strange, alien environments they find themselves in… or sometimes just for fun. Pictured here are but a small sample of variant human subspecies…
Titanian: Corpulent, furry human variant adapted to extremely cold environments; initially developed to better withstand the harsh conditions of Titan, Saturn’s icy moon, but have since spread to other frozen worlds; typically inhabit pressurized underground tunnel cities carved into the ice.
Spaceborne: Tall, lanky variant with prehensile feet and tails, optimized for life in microgravity; one of the oldest variant groups, created during the earliest days of the first interstellar age; designed to live aboard long-distance exploration/colonization vessels.
(Artist’s note: these folks are heavily influenced by @jayrockin ‘s tailed spacers - go check out their stuff, it’s awesome!)
Rock Rats: Another early variant designed to live and work in the asteroid belt; short, stocky bodies built for navigating the narrow ducts, crawlspaces, and passageways common aboard mining vessels, as well as the labyrinthine tunnels of their hollowed-out asteroid homes; “rock rat” is a colloquial term, originally derogatory but has since been reclaimed.
Voidwalkers: Highly-modified variant designed to survive in the vacuum of space; originally created by a dubiously-ethical megacorp to serve as an orbital labor force; have since gone on to form their own society of nomadic spacefaring clans, offering their unique services to ships and stations in need.
Vamps: A collective of eccentric horror fiction enthusiasts who deliberately bio-modded themselves to resemble their favorite imaginary bloodsuckers; long-lived, sensitive to sunlight, crave the taste of blood; actually pretty harmless, as they tend to subsist on synthetic blood substitutes.
(Artist’s note: apparently its a weirdly common thing for vampires to inexplicably show up in otherwise grounded hard-sf settings, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon!)
SmartPets: Bipedal uplifted animals with trace amounts of human DNA, available in a wide variety of species; created and sold by a division of the same megacorp as the voidwalkers; designed to be the ultimate domestic companion; infamously advertised with the tagline “man’s best friend just got better.”
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kitthenameless · 1 month
Ok I have started what has to be the weirdest (and most heavily modded and headcanon-ed) BG3 run I will ever do. No companions, just Tavs and NPCs. It won't fully come together until Act 3, but let me paint you the picture.
Tav #1: Tiefling "circle of the stars" druid. A bit quirky, but a fairly sweet and normal guy. Romancing…
Zevlor: Tiefling paladin. You know him. You love him. He's doing his best. Will bring him around in Act 1 until the party, then pick him up again for Act 3.
Tav #2: Half-drow warlock with a vampire patron. Not technically a vampire spawn, but still bitey. Also summons ghosts when he plays music and sometimes accidentally explodes in a fountain of blood. Romancing…
Abdirak: Pain-loving human priest of Loviatar. Also main source of food for vampiric boyfriend. Presumably no combat skills. But he will whack you with a mace if you ask nicely. Will bring him around throughout the game. And…
Kar'niss: Drider who has lost his mind. Probably hisses at the sun. Probably also hisses at anyone who tries to hose him down. Potentially good in combat though. Will pick him up in Act 2. Not sure what to do with him in Act 3 since his big spider butt might alarm the city dwellers.
So I'm just imagining normal Tav and Zevlor sitting at camp, watching the three white-haired weirdos biting and whacking and hissing and bleeding and making out with each other, prepared with Revivify scrolls for the next time one of them accidentally kills another, wondering how they ended up stuck with this group to save the world with.
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(My little Act 1 adventuring party. I love how Zevlor just looks tired, while Abdirak is like, "I'm here, I'm queer, and I may only have 21 hp, but I can cut you with my chiseled abs 😏")
Mods: Weeviljester's Ethereal Heads. Pretty Boys Head Presets by cedastarions. Ghouls Customization Compendium - Custom Heads Horns and Beards. Viking Hairstyle + Lilith's Armors by badwitch69.
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ladybanshee19 · 7 years
South Park AUs
So I feel like making several South Park AUs, each one based in a different tabletop RPGs. The first one is based in Dungeons and Dragons, 5th Edition in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. The second one is based in Pathfinder, in the official campaign setting. The third one is based in the Chronicles of Darkness aka the New World of Darkness 2nd Edition. And the fourth and final one is based on Princess the Hopeful, a fanmade mod for Chronicles of Darkness. All four of them will include a story, designs and character sheets (and I’m putting them at the maximum level 20 simply because I can). This post will just give you an idea of what to expect from each AU. I’ll make individual posts going into more detail on each one. Also worth noting is that all four of these AUs will feature both Creek (Craig and Tweek) and Style (Stan and Kyle) my two South Park OTPs.
An Ancient Rivalry DnD 5e Forgotten Realms AU The human city-state of Kupa Keep is in a crisis. Its ruler, Grand Wizard Eric Cartman, is more interested in setting a petty grudge with the wood elf tribe of Larnion than he is in actually doing his job. The people are suffering, leaving a party consisting of: the barbarian warrior Tweek Tweak, his rogue boyfriend Craig Tucker and their friends, Token Black, a cleric of Lathander and Clyde Donovan, who recently obtained power as a warlock from a demon out of desperation, to save the city from its tyrannical, sociopathic ruler, with the help of Butters the Merciful, a paladin of Ilmater and the mysterious Princess Kenny. Meanwhile, the leader of the Larnion tribe, Sylvan Lord Kyle Broflovski and his human vassal, the ranger Stan Marshwalker, must contend with protecting their home and people from the Grand Wizard, as several secrets from the past begin to surface once again.
Note: This particular AU is inspired by the boys’ Fighters of Zaron LARP game from SOT but takes its own direction to better fit into the setting of the Forgotten realms
Come Hell or High Water Pathfinder AU Trouble always seems to find you, wherever you are in the world of Golarion. In the elvan kingdom of Kyonin, elf druid Kyle’s hope for a normal life is shattered when a human oracle named Tweek from Andoran tells him he’s destined to stop a great evil. In the nation of Cheliax, a country infamous for its mandatory devil worship among other things, a wizard noble Eric Cartman has dreams of glory, a desire to rule over all of Golarion with Cheliax as its capital. To do this, he seeks out the darkest and most dangerous of Golarion’s secrets. Tweek tells Kyle that this is the evil he must stop. Fortunately, he’s not alone. In addition to Tweek, Kyle also finds help in other residents of Andoran: the ranger, Stan, the magus Kenny, the sorcerer Craig, the barbarian Clyde, the bard Jimmy, the paladin Butters and Token, a cleric of the goddess Sarenrae. With these companions at his side, Kyle must venture forth to stop the Chelish wizard from unleashing Golarion’s greatest evils again, while not letting his growing sense of self-righteousness consume his heart at the expense of everything else.
Note: This AU is also slightly inspired by the LARP game from SOT as well, but with a few more changes as well as some influence from Phone Destroyer, specifically Craig and Clyde’s classes. Tweek’s class was also inspired by a post I saw floating around about how Tweek could be a seer with how often his paranoia turns out to be justified (can’t remember where I found it, sorry).
The South Park Chronicle The World of Darkness is full of many things, and nothing is as it seems. I, your humble Storyteller, will guide you though the many chapters of this chronicle. Here, you will meet Stan Marsh, recently Embraced as one of the Kindred, a vampire who must not only work to maintain the delicate balance between his fading humanity and the Beast within him that drives him to kill and feed, but also to maintain the Masquerade, to keep the secrets of vampires hidden from mortals. You will meet Tweek Tweak, who recently discovered that he is one of the Forsaken, a werewolf who must work to protect the mortal realm from both vengeful spirits and the Pure, werewolves who wish to return humanity to the Stone Age in order to reunite the spirit world and the mortal world. You will meet Craig Tucker, who awakened as a Mage which grants him the power to protect the Sleepers from the Seers of the Throne and other magical threats, so long as he can keep his pride in check. You will meet Butters Stotch, a Promethean created from a corpse and Azoth the Divine Fire who must now embark on a journey to become human, which sadly is easier said than done when existence itself hates you. You will meet Kyle Broflovski, who was whisked away by the True Fae to their home realm of Arcadia and remade to serve one of them but managed to return to the real world to discover that the world didn’t miss him in his absence and that some of the True Fae’s changes were permanent. You will meet Kenny McCormick who died protecting his beloved sister Karen only for a Geist who calls itself Mysterion to offer him a chance to cheat death and return as a Sin-Eater, where he discovers he must use his newfound abilities to protect mortals and help ghosts who are unable to pass on, even though he’d rather look for his sister who went missing after he died and came back. Finally, you will meet Eric Cartman, who discovered in a dream that he was a monster at heart in more ways than one, a Beast who must sow nightmares among mortals to sate his soul’s unique hunger, a duty he’s all to willing to embrace. You will also see their paths cross, bonds form and watch as they struggle to make it in the World of Darkness.
Note: This one won’t be out for a long time. I’m still trying to get my hands on a few other source books, some of which aren’t even out yet at the time of this post (sidelong glance at Changeling the Lost and Geist the Sin-Eaters).
Nobles Unite Princess the Hopeful AU Darkness is everywhere and only the Nobility can stop it. The Nobility in this case, meaning Princes and Princesses, men and women armed with the power of the Light and the magic in their very beings. Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, Craig Tucker, Clyde Donovan, Tweek Tweak, Token Black, Jimmy Valmer, Butters Stotch, Wendy Testaburger, Bebe Stevens, Heidi Turner, Nicole Daniels and Annie Knitts all discover that they possess this power and pledge their allegiance to the Radiant Queens, the Queens of Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades and Swords so that they may help them in their mission to fight the Darkness and its minions. However, another Blossoms and discovers this power as well, Eric Cartman who instead pledges his allegiance to the Queen of Mirrors, one of the three Twilight Queens, who tells him that he’s the True Heir, destined to restore the Kingdom to its former glory, a “mission” that brings him into conflict with other Nobles and other devotees of Mirrors who were told the exact same thing.
Note: Given that Princess has a rather idealistic setting, especially by World of Darkness standards and compared to the canon South Park universe, I figured this would be an interesting challenge.
That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more coming soon. Character sheets and pictures will be posted here. The stories will be posted on Archive of our Own.
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justwitchycrystals · 7 years
Get to know the mods
Mod S
How do you vet your spirits?                                                                   
I like to spend time with the spirit for a few days, and if my gut feeling is that they are who they say they are, and they have good intentions, I send them to a friend, who spends some time with them to analyze them and (hopefully) come to the same conclusion I did. And once they get to this point I send them to one more spirit worker who will make the final call. After that I spend time with the spirit until I feel I know enough about them to help them find a home.
How much time was/will be taken to get to know the spirit before placing the listing or completing the custom conjure?
That all depends. Some spirits are much easier to get a feel for than others. Normally, after they pass through the 3 stages of vetting, I will spend time with them for another week, or until I feel I know enough to help successfully find them a home.
How do you verify their identity/they are what they say they are?         Not only do I watch them carefully, but I will also frequently send them to other spirit workers for certain periods of time. If ANYTHING feels off, at least one of the three people the spirit meets will notice.
How long have you been working with X type of entity/spirit? 
I mainly work with vampires, k-9 spirits (werewolves, wolves, etc), and dragons. It’s what I generally attract. Werewolves are a newer spirit that I’ve worked with. I’ve been working with them for about two weeks now. 
What is done to ensure the safety of the adopter?    
Well... as you know nothing is a guarantee. No one can guarantee you, 100%, that the spirit is completely safe. But we all have gut instincts, and I do have the spirit go through 3 different spirit workers, which helps to prevent ANY spirit with malicious intentions to make it through.
What is done to ensure the safety of the spirit/entity?                  
After the spirit chooses the applicant they want as their companion, I will go through and ask him/her/them any questions I think are important, or the spirit finds important. If there are any bad vibes about them I’ll tell the spirit so that they can reconsider.
Under what circumstances is the binding allowed to be broken?     
 If the spirit is harmed in any way the binding is broken. But generally I make it easy for the spirit to break the binding themselves if they feel the need.
Are you able to see & communicate with those that you work with? 
Oh yea. Definitely. I get clear pictures of the spirit that’s talking to me in my head, and can see them in the astral.
When a problem arises with either the adopter or the conjure, how do you handle it? 
Handle it as best I can. If it’s an issue I can’t handle I’ll phone a friend and then try to work it out with assistance.
Do you allow the spirits/entities you adopt out to be resold or transferred?
No. My spirits being listed here are free to adopt, and should absolutely not be resold. However, if the human companion decides that they and the spirit are not a good fit, what they choose to do about it is up to them. If the spirit wants to go find a new companion, or come back to me, that is entirely up to them.
How do you ensure the spirit and the adopter are a good match? 
The spirits pick their companion, as they are all adults and capable of making that decision, so I can only make suggestions. I do try to make sure the spirit’s profile is descriptive and clearly explains what the spirit is looking for. After that it’s all on the spirit. I only let them know what I think.
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