#mofftiss can eat shit
fortytwo-lightyears · 2 years
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their apartment number is haunting me
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renmorris · 5 years
it’s...genuinely so fucking sad that Mofftiss can make this shit in 2020 and desperate gays starving for representation will eat up disgusting, hateful caricatures of mlm, make posts praising Dracula as bi representation when he’s depicted as a disease spreading, murdering, rapist
and then they'll be so pleased with this nonesense that they'll overlook the misogyny and blatant racism and I just...it’s not new I guess but what a way to kick off the new decade
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caroldixon · 8 years
now that's over
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emilyannriley · 8 years
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Reposting my gifset because it feels relevant again right now… Back then after the empty hearse, I just thought it sucked that two big ships got their (albeit fake) moment to shine except the Titanic of ships in the Sherlock ocean. It annoyed me.
It still does. But on a whole new level. What they did is not just plain queerbaiting (and neglecting because they could show the Sherlolly kiss itself is not made out to be a joke, while we get a big fat moment of “WHAT? HOW COULD YOU DARE SAY SUCH A THING? NOT IN MY HOUSE!” cutting into the scene of the almost Sheriarty kiss - which they didn’t even show - the gay kiss (which again they only hinted at but didn’t show as opposed to the theoretical and REALLY exaggerated hetero-kiss) was literally set up like a sitcom scene.. a joke... haha very funny fuck yourself!)
(I didn’t even mean to get that worked up about that part here, that sort of just happened, so back to what I actually planned to say)
It isn’t only queerbaiting. I’m gonna eat Carl Powers shoe if leaving a theoretical johnlock sequence out wasn’t their way of mocking the johnlock fandom, subtly telling us to fuck off? I mean it wouldn’t have been that far off for someone to consider that John is in on it, if they can even imagine Moriarty is. Moriarty who was the reason he assumedly killed himself. Yes of course that would be much more likely than his b(-oy)est friend and flat mate, the person that literally closest to him would be part of the plan.
And naturally the girl that came up with Sherlock being possibly gay must obviously be portrayed as a goth, someone who would be seen as a weirdo by a good deal (sadly I believe the majority) of casual viewers, who’s not to be taken seriously, because gay doesn’t exist in our universe (unless you’re not, of course, or your a sister of a main character who’s character description is “plot device - never actually shows up” and then, oh right, how could I forget, you are also allowed to be gay in this universe and actually show up if you’re a lesbian that we can turn straight for our main character, another exception might be the jokey pub owner gay couple who’s purpose is to be the funny gay ones with a little dog in the basement and we can use you to make another reference to our main characters being a couple when hello, don’t be ridiculous, they’re obviously not, but we get more viewers if we drag the joke until the very end.. what do you mean that’s shit? We say they aren’t gay and if they still believe they are - because we keep making references and make literally every character think they are including their landlady who basically lives with them and should know what’s actually going on except she does not - then hey it’s not our fault because we told you all along, we might have said we lie all the time, but not about this, silly! It’s not our job to please the audience that pays our bills and literally is the reason we’re even able to do this, we write for ourselves, why should an author give a fuck about their fans and if they like their work or not? It’s way funnier to fuck with them and toy with their hopes and feels and then BAM we do one fuckery of a series final!
We’re geniuses! *Mofftiss high five*
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le-koko-butter-blog · 8 years
BBC Sherlock Tinhatting Masterpost
I can’t believe I’m John Watson-ing this shit--that or Andersoning it. The reason I will stick to the former is because of all the emotional damage The Final Problem has done to me but mostly to the LGBT+ audience of the show. Regardless of whether there is a 4th episode or not, they hurt many people deeply. Some of you other fans who are curiously strolling through the sherlock tag or even the johnlock tag are baffled by the depth in which this episode upset people. Many of you are suggesting that people are overreacting. Although I plan to address this later, at the moment, I would like to say, please try to have a little empathy before resorting to condescension. Try to see WHY in the first place it mattered to them instead of assuming that in no way whatsoever can a tv show possibly mean that much. With that being said, I’m going to make a list of all the evidence suggesting some sort of trick—or rather plan. I can’t believe I’m about to kick my own goddamn balls and go through with this. Believe me, I’m generally rather rational.
 Something comforting about the number 3. First off, when this line was said, it was hilarious. I honestly believed for a second that Sherlock shoved a recording device up his bootyhole. John’s disappointment only added to this. It made more logical sense than the off chance that John would leave his cane. At any rate, many were theorizing what this line means. Naturally, it caused people to think that there was possibly a 4th Holmes. Even then, many thought this suggested a 4th episode. The reason why this line is important is not only the amount of screen time it was given, but the cadence in which it was delivered. No one who was actively sitting there missed this. In place of this line, Sherlock could easily have said something more pertinent to the point of the episode, Sherlock’s aim to get John back in action (not my words. Lame explanation really for it was actually about). In prior episodes such as TAB, John is always neglected as a player by the villains. His importance is never considered. Sherlock could have said instead: “Oh but Mr. Smith, you’re forgetting the one thing that really matters, the true feature of interest, the irreplaceable Dr. Watson.” Maybe that’s a bit too cheesy and something better would do but something along those lines would make more sense in regards to the cane and would add scaffolding to the theme of John’s importance.·         
Plot holes. Alright. Much has been written about the hilarity of the plot holes. There are so many, so big and so frequent the entire Spanish Armada could have sailed through them unscathed which is certainly more than what can be said of Moffat’s and Gattiss’ reputation after TFP. The plot holes are so glaring that it defies logic that not one single person  on set could not have mentioned this. It’s almost as if they were deliberate. 1 or 2 is an accident. 5 is just a regular ol’ network tv show on FOX. But 80? I’m not even being hyperbolic. There might actually be at least 80 plot holes. I’m going to point out the chain one because it would need a special set up. Now as I write this I’ve only ever seen TFP once, mostly because I can’t bring my brain to consume it so soon afterwards in fear of cerebral hemorrhaging. From what I recall, we are given a close up of John’s chained foot. First off, this would suggest that at one point, the well was drained and a chain somehow installed…but never mind that. To film it, the camera would have to be dangerously close to the water if not somewhat submerged. This probably happened in another room, set up to look like the well and if that’s the case, more work would be involved. The amount of work only to have the rope thrown down there makes no sense. Even a goddamn idiot would have remembered that. It would have taken effort. It would have been hard. At least harder than not doing it. I mean as the audience, we’re not expecting a 45 year old Dr. Watson to scale the curved walls of a slick well. Maybe the Chinese ninja guy from the blind banker but still.·         
Parody of itself. After the episode I was hurt. I was angry. And I was lashing out. I stepped back and listened to myself. Everything I was saying was exactly the things the prior episodes of Sherlock could be accused of by those, to say it not so politely, more boring viewers. Remember the Bond critic, the one Gattiss wrote a poem to rebuff? To give an example, there was too much improbable action: the stealing of the fishing boat, the taking over of the asylum, the transplanting from one location to another in an unreasonable time frame, the surviving the blast. Sherlock is too athletic, too badass. Certainly, Sherlock in the previous episodes can be accused of this. Sherlock can win in a sword fight like in the one in TBB as well as do calculus in his head? Please. But as fans, we understood that this was part of the fun. Sherlock Holmes has always been a super hero, he might even have been the first ever. His level of intellect is his super power. It’s mere existence is unlikely. But that is storytelling. If we wanted reality, we would watch Forensic Files (I love that show btw but all the more reason to contrast it). In addition, the disguises were downright stupid. Funny. But stupid. Mycroft looked like an evil child eating fisherman and Sherlock, dainty, dandy little Sherlock with the Renaissance curls hulked down a corridor doing an impressive impression of Frankenstein’s monster all the while mimicking an awful Scottish (?) accent. The only time we are given an actual disguise (my memory may be off) on the part of Sherlock was the French waiter. But when they did that in TEH, it was cute and playful. This was random, weird, and confusing. But then again, I can only imagine how someone who is inclined to be defensive of their own intellect and willing to dislike Sherlock because of it, would lap up that scene and mock the show for it despite it’s charm and humor.·         
The Reichenbach Fall. I’ve alluded to this in another post and in some of the evidence for the above points and in no way am I the originator of this idea. But The Reichenbach Fall is perfect allusion to what Gattiss and Moffat are doing to their show. The sincere fans are terribly hurt. But the critics. Don’t think for a moment the critics are enjoying themselves. For years some viewers of the show must have resented BBC Sherlock because of it’s almost condescending cleverness. It presents it’s hero and it’s plot as being so much smarter than everyone else. In TRF Sherlock warns John about this. I may be wrong but he says this outside of the reporter’s house when met with Moriarty’s actor disguise. People want Sherlock to be a fake. They don’t want to think that someone can be so much smarter than them. They are more than willing to believe in his downfall. Now, if I am right about this and the aluminum isn’t fucking with my brain as this horned hat sits on my head, this stunt would take massive guts. Hell, it might even make television history. (how can they possibly pull this off?) I have seen in many posts people commenting on the interviews Mofftiss and the other showrunners have done. One of them says that it’s almost as if they never knew them. Hell, maybe they are dicks. But it’s like character assassination nevertheless, especially after that disgusting one about Molly. No one can be that thick. Well, unless you’re Donald Trump. How is this consistent with the same people who wrote that beautiful speech Sherlock gave at John’s wedding? How? Now, I’m not sure where we, the tinhatters stand as either John Watson or Anderson (What the fuck is his first name?) We’re standing at the proverbial grave site of this amazing show, asking it the most ludicrous question. Please don’t be dead. Just don’t. Don’t be like this. Come back, give us more. Fix this. We’re sitting there chugging coffee and devouring a 2 pound bag sour patch kids on 4 hours of sleep writing mad theories on the internet, tweeked out and heartbroken. Maybe the healthy thing would to go out and marry an assassin who we thought all along was a cat loving nurse. Maybe there are some Lestrades out there. The blessed normal ones who are just hurt. But to my defense, the theories presented in The Empty Hearse, especially in it’s first sequence is tame by comparison to anything that happened in The Final Problem. I’m not being dramatic when I say that. Those who liked the episode, please just for a moment think about what you are told to believe to have happened in TFP and ask even in the Sherlock universe, is this possible?·         
Literary allusions. I cannot be credited with any of these. But they certainly are not random. Musgrave , Oscar Wilde and the Importance of Being Ernest, and Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Final Problem . These aren’t random. They are deliberate.·      
The Projector, the Clue at the Beginning of Season 4 and the Nature of the Detective Story. Link. Alright. Now, I’m not particularly a fan of detective fiction. I do like some. When I was younger, I was much like Hermione Granger and I liked to solve the puzzles myself, thinking how I am oh so clever. I was insufferable but to on to the point; the set up of a detective story is generally that a mystery must be solved (murder usually), am I wrong? A good detective writer does not only create tension and drama and stakes (if you want, you can credit TFP with having these things. I think that’s awfully generous of you if you do though). A good detective writer leaves enough clues for the reader/viewer to be able to solve the puzzle on their own if they are really clever. If they are not but still get a tickle out of it, they would have much the same reaction as the guy with the Japanese tattoo in T6T. Oh its so simple when you put it that way! Oh of course! Now BBC Sherlock isn’t perfect. They aren’t Agatha Christie or anything but it’s never too far off. I’m sure some of you were able to solve the cases on your own or at least see how it’s possible when you rewatch. Some things that they fail to give us closeups of aren’t fair. But I’ll get off it. What I am trying to say is. TFP was NOT A DETECTIVE STORY. It was a thriller/horror? There was no possible way we could have solved any of it. Not at all. Now some of you may point to the song. In my defense, which is an easy one I might add, is that for one, we are not allowed to actually hear the song in its entirety and even if we were, the gravestones ARE NOT A VIABLE OPTION. I repeat. THEY ARE NOT A VIABLE OPTION. Why Ms. Koko Butter? Because the gravestones are noted to be strange. There was something wrong about them to begin with. It was this weirdness which supposedly alerts Sherlock. But why should they be weird? TFP says that the dates aren’t historically possible (which can be said about the events of the episode). The gravestones exist before the murder of Redbeard. Now why on earth would a historically inaccurate graveyard exist anyway? Are we to assume that the Holmes are just freaks and be done with it? Sorry, not buying that. Especially since so many of Sherlock’s deductions in prior episodes are supported by the probability of human behavior consistent along the lines of what is considered a normal sequence of action. Now, the other option is that the little girl put them there herself. I’m sorry. Even if she were one of those creepy baby geniuses in Twilight, she could not physically have done it without alerting her parents. Certainly Mycroft who is older and smarter than Sherlock would have known about this. Are you to tell me that he wouldn’t act on it? Loyalty to Eurus does not matter since he betrays her. Are you telling me that through some line of reasoning, he wouldn’t do the thing that is the most obvious thing in the world to anyone which is check the well. And if he did, he wouldn’t be decent enough to remove the poor child’s remains and give them to his family? Alright, I’m digressing. What I am saying is, this song, like all the other puzzles presented to Sherlock in TFP are more along the lines of SAW than a detective story. But we know that Sherlock the show, is in some ways, still a detective show that has actual cases the viewers can solve. In this line of reasoning with my tin hat on, I present TFP as evidence. Many great detective stories start immediately with a HUGE clue. In the episode dealing with Magnussen he LITERALLY says what his vaults really are. Within a few minutes in, surrounded by the heads of the British government, he says to them that he has a good memory. BAM. There it is. The clue. The vaults are his mind palace. Kinda lame but I’m cool. Still love it. We’re still golden. Season 4 starts off with the doctoring of footage. It’s weird too because Sherlock is prancing around, high on life. Why? WHY?! This is unlike him even if we think we consider that he is happy to be back in England (if I didn’t know any better I would think John had just kissed him and all that oxytocin was pumping him with a natural high and making him sing out like character in musical I’m glad to be alive~). The link above shows the projector clue. But if this really is a detective story, then this is the first and most important moment in solving the case. Doctored footage. Now, this isn’t new. Many of you have suggested this. But along the lines of genre, this is crucial. TFP plays with genre as well. It’s starts with a movie. It’s horror at first littered with a bunch of typical horror movie tropes, bleeding eyes and killer clowns. Then it’s some shitey action flick, a comedy, and then a buddy cop? A fucking buddy cop. The even have a name for it. The Baker Street Boys. Good god. The buddy cop is a genre popular in the 80s just like that awful freeze frame at the end. But then again, isn’t that what everyone already thinks about BBC Sherlock? All of those horrible things. A buddy cup with too much action and pseudo intellectual characters?·        
I know who you really are. Ok, now crucify me with sentiment. I’ve never been above it. But the whole reason I got on this tinhatting business wasn’t even that it logically made sense. The world is a disappointing cesspool at times (i.e.Trump, i.e. callousness to refugees). I’ve lost a lot of hope as I’ve gotten older. It’s easier to just be like FUCK YOU MOFFTISS. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve done that and I’ll continue to do that. But what sparked this whole thing was a gifset of the hug in TLD. Now, what the fuck? How can the same people who made that, make TFP? It doesn’t make sense. It reminds me of this story I heard once about this young man who faked finding old Shakespeare letters and eventually a play just to impress his dad. I’m not saying BBC Sherlock is Shakespeare but what I’m getting at was the kid was discovered because this supposed play of his was nothing like actual Shakespeare. It was too shitty. People believed it at first because the paper quality was true to the time but the actual work itself was so far off from what we knew to be his style, that it was literally impossible. Of course, Mofftiss wrote that monstrosity but it is no way approached in the same way as the previous episodes were. It was meant to be different. It is glaringly different. There is no way TFP exists alongside in reality with Watson’s and Sherlock’s beautifully crafted and heartbreaking performance. Think about it. Every line means something. It does. If you provoke me on this, I will write a 20 page fucking play by play of each goddamn line and each blocking choice. I WILL. Don’t threaten me.·         
Johnlock. Ahhhh the elephant in the fucking room. If you’re still reading this. I’m sorry. I’m a caffeinated ranter. Forgive me. Now, this isn’t about shipping. I hate that word and I hate the culture associated with it. I have never and will never ship something that is not textually supported. A romantic implication was obvious in the very first episode. Here is my example:  Hudson, Donovan, the waiter and probably some other people ALL ASSUME THAT JOHN IS HIS BOYFRIEND. Why? Just because the fucker is with him? What? Would you think that? This only makes sense if everyone already assumes Sherlock is gay. Even at the dinner scene, which is so intimate and romantically awkward I can hardly watch it, Sherlock denies an interest in women but does not deny an interest in men. The way that was written, performed, and filmed are all indicators of a relationship. I remember watching it the first time years ago and turning to my dad and us smiling at one another like OMFG HOW ADORBZ. (It goes without saying my dad wasn’t a homophobe). It was made that way to plant the idea in our head. Because why? That’s what tv/movie romances do. If this isn’t plain to you, please rewatch. Now why is Johnlock so important? First off, the story is about their relationship. Don’t agree? Then what is the major arc? The humanizing of Sherlock Holmes. Who humanizes Sherlock? John Watson. Can you be sure of that? Yes, because the show begins with their meeting. So obviously, their meeting is the initiator. Why does it have to be romantic? Because it’s written that way. I don’t have enough energy to go through this but if you are still incredulous, I can send you links from people who have already written it down. Now, stories have to complete their arc. This is why they often become predictable after awhile. We call them tropes or archetypes. But stories do not mimic reality, they bring out the perceived truth of the human condition. It’s the license in poetry, the climax in a narrative, the soliloquy in the play. If they do not, we feel it on a deep instinctual level, the way we can sense that the math is off in the musical progression of notes. It is the difference between hearing a symphony and hearing noise. It’s inherent. TFP is jarring. Jarring because it does not complete the arc of its textual themes, for example, the romantic entanglement line, highlighted by the plot hole of the missing letter and the overdue confession on the tarmac. We’re waiting for it the way we all know in that crappy romcom that they’ll miss their plane, run back in the rain, and say in so many contrived words, YOU COMPLETE ME. And we love it. Don’t lie. You love it. We should have gotten it but we didn’t. That is the heart of the queerbait. Because we were baited by these notes, the themes in the story and instead of a a crescendo, we are left with a cacophony of car horns. The advertisements leave no room for doubt. Sherlock is in love? With Who? Who else would it be? Honestly? Motherfucker was dead on the slab and LITERALLY RESTARTED HIS HEART FOR JOHN WATSON. That’s not even reading into it. It literally happened. Just like that. Irene was mentioned. Mycroft was mentioned. Molly was the eventual TFP the trick. Only John’s name invokes such a reaction. Friendship does not do this. Please leave me alone with that argument but I seriously doubt that is even scientifically possible. Oxytocin which is produced during sex and childbirth creates insane fucking bonds. Mothers are known to defy logic in their will to protect their baby. Sex produces a similar effect. Correct me if I’m wrong but Sherlock’s actions suggest that he is IN LOVE (romantically and sexually) with John. Any other interpretations borders on madness or serious nonchalance.·         
TFP cheap production. Where did all the money go? My fingers hurt. I can’t type anymore. But really. Where did all the money go? It was so cheap. It was like the same room painted in different colors. 
Now this is longer than I intended. I’m adding more links to other posts. Please add if you have more evidence. Before I sat down, I had a lot. I feel like I have forgotten to include some. I may add more later. Now, I am prepared to accept the result that Mofftiss just sucks major balls and if they do, they deserve all the accusations of queer baiting and ought to be ridiculed for their smugness. But my brain keeps telling me otherwise.       
Let me know if the links are weird or confusing or if there are any errors. I usually just reblog things on this blue hell of a site.
Onward once more into the breach my friends....something fucky this way comes.
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dexer-von-dexer · 8 years
The last sherlock was really good, if a bit rushed. But it was very edge of your seat, very sstressful. The main issues I've heard is just Johnlock isn't canon even though it's been said for the last 7 years it isnt??? I'd definitely watch it though.
That’s just the thing though. I don’t really care too much about Johnlock, but from what I’ve seen this series continues the trend of increasing the priority of drama over mystery. And in my own opinion, Mofftiss can’t write drama for shit, especially with these characters. Sure it may be fast-paced and adrenaline-pumping and unpredictable, but underneath the good acting and the slick editing and the overall production value, Sherlock as a show is hollow. Look too closely at anything and there’s so many inconsistencies, character or otherwise; so many unexplained or unexplainable things that are either hand-waved or ignored completely. They don’t care. As long as you’re constantly feeling something, you won’t have time to notice that nothing in the show makes any goddamn sense, and that there is no plan and never has been any. Can you tell me what this show is even supposed to be about anymore? Because it’s certainly not about solving crimes, that’s for sure. It seems to me like a competition to see who can eat a bullet the fastest, and who ends up the saddest and most fucked up.
Phew. Anyway, after that rant I think I’ve come to my conclusion. I’m not going to finish Series 4, or any future Sherlock for that matter. It’s not good for my health.
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lantia · 8 years
Why did Moriarty ignore Mycroft?
So while season four theories are flying sky high all around, I wanted to get back to something that keeps bothering me since The Reichenbach Fall/The Empty Hearse and that won’t go away until explained. Prepare for the Great Wall of Text that is as much of a serious theory/essay as Mrs. Hudson is just an old, boring housekeeper. It’s just my struggling brain throwing these letters out there in hope y’all join me in some equally serious discussion.
Why DID Moriarty completely ignore Mycroft in his final game with Sherlock?
According to Sherlock’s explanation of things - which I know many fans are suspicious about anyway - it would seem to me that Mycroft was the proverbial actual Queen on the chess-board, devising steps and steps worth of ahead strategies and pawn movements with the King *cough*Sherlock*cough* in order to protect said King from the enemy while aiming to defeat the evil King...you know, the one that you should really want to see in a crown because it’s the new sexy.
It tells us one thing - that Sherlock wasn’t confident enough to go against Moriarty alone. Some time ago he probably would have been - reckless, not confident - but realizing the stakes currently, he opted to seek help from the one person nobody would really expect - his dear brother.
Seriously though. No matter how well-known the Holmes’ brothers dynamics is, would Moriarty be really so sure that Sherlock would never consult Mycroft in order to defeat him? So damn sure that he omitted Mycroft from the game entirely?
“Three bullets, three gunmen, there’s no stopping them now...”
John, Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade. The Knight, the Rook and the Bishop that Moriarty targetted on the enemy board because he considered them sort of Sherlock’s pressure points, if we’re talking in Magnussen terms here. The three people Sherlock would jsut as well do anything to protect - die, if need be. So where is Mycroft in all this? What was Moriarty’s thought process while deciding that he is not worth the trouble?
Even if Moriarty would discard Mycroft as someone Sherlock would do anything to protect (my secret canon of course is that this is simply not true, but anyway), it would be an insult to Moriarty’s intellect to consider that enough of a reason.
Mycroft is smarter than Sherlock - something even Sherlock at times admits. He might not be a better detective, he’s too lazy for that, but generally speaking, he is the smarter one. He is also the Government, when he’s not too busy being the secret service and the CIA on freelance basis. And finally, the fact he cares a great deal about Sherlock and is going to great lenghts to keep him safe from any harm should be an easy find/deduction to make for Moriarty, considering Mycroft casually kidnapps people close to Sherlock off the street and brings them to abandoned warehouses to bribe/threaten them (it only happened with John on screen, but we all know that’s what he did with everyone).
“I worry about him...constantly...”
And since Moriarty wants the end game to not be just surrender, but a true and final defeat - a sacrifice, really - the first thing I would have expected him to do was to get Mycroft out of the way. I actually spent the entire TRF episode waiting for the penny to drop and see Mycroft going down first before Sherlock ever falls, because it didn’t compute in my head in any way that Mycroft would let a known threat such as Moriarty freely playing some weird game that could ultimately cost Sherlock his life and just sit in his dungeon office, sipping tea, eating cake and doing nothing.
This is where Sherlock’s explanation made sense to me. The two of them taking on Moriarty together was the smart move. I never bought a second of the whole “Mycroft didn’t know and he actually helped Moriarty get to Sherlock” thing, not a second. On the other hand, Moriarty leaving Mycroft out of the picture was the wrong move to make, obviously, and to me also a bit - okay a WAY - out of character for a villain that is supposed to be Sherlock’s equal. I just don’t get it. Someone explain it to me like I’m five. Why didn’t he get rid of Mycroft?!
It would be difficult, no questions about it. Mycroft does give the impression that he is a tricky man to get close to, let alone kill/kidnapp/bribe/threaten. Magnussen sort of confirmed that theory for us. After all, he had to go all the way through Mary -> John -> and Sherlock to get a chance of ever destroying Mycroft - or trying, anyway. (also love how everybody seems to ignore the fact that Mary and by proxy John were not the only ones Sherlock “saved“ by killing Magnussen) Still, not even trying to get rid of Mycroft speak of unaccaptable ignorance on Moriarty’s part. So either there is more to this, or there is a gaping plot hole along with the actual hole in Moriarty’s head that I cannot unsee anymore.
Mycroft and Moriarty are in cahoots OR Mycroft is/created Moriarty...? Or is the East wind blowing...
Mofftiss throw so many red herrings at us with every second of the show that they had made us perfectly unsure of what we can or cannot trust. Take the very first episode for the best example ever, The Study in Pink. When we first encountered Mycroft - back when we didn’t know it was Mycroft - we thought it was somebody else, didn’t we? After all, he introduced himself in quite the fashion. The whole little powerplay he had with Watson, playing with the cameras, establishing his superiority, deducing facts off of him in the same mysteriously clever way that Sherlock did just hours ago, his apparant interest in Sherlock...it all pointed to one man. Moriarty. Sherlock’s arch enemy. Hell, Mycroft even described himself as such. And Sherlock didn’t help moment later when John told him about the meeting.
“Who is he?”
“The most dangerous man you’ve ever met.”
Mofftiss derailed us into thinking Mycroft was Moriarty and only brough us back on the right path by the end of the episode. I am slowly beginning to question if we really ever got on the right path at all. God damn red herrings and the paranoia that comes with them :D But...it would somewhat explain why Moriarty didn’t target Mycroft.
Because he knew he didn’t have to.
Because he might as well have been Mycroft himself, so why target yourself. Poor Richard Brook a mere pawn - a brilliant pawn - but exactly what he said he was - an actor.
“That’s what you do, when you’ve said a big lie. You wrap it up in a truth to make it more palletable.”
A little less wild of a theory, but less rational, would be that Moriarty was indeed Andrew Scott’s awesomeness, but was in fact working with Mycroft. And what would ever lead Mycroft to collaborate with a criminal mastermind other than ensuring his little brother’s safety? After all, the East wind is coming to get him...and knowing what that means now is all the more sinister. Obviously Mycroft knew or suspected Eurus would make a reappearance at one point and if she is who she says she is and there is some dark past that binds them that Mycroft is trying to avoid unburying, I imagine he would go to even greater lenghts to protect Sherlock from that - keep him away from her.
Then again, what was Moriarty’s part in all this other than some clever plot to protect Sherlock. In the end, he dies and I wonder why would a criminal mastermind agree to such a thing.
“Sherlock, your big brother and all the king’s horses couldn’t make me do a thing I didn’t want to.”
The more sense one thing makes, the less sense other one makes. Unless “Richard Brook“ is in fact alive and everything was just a game set by Mycroft for Sherlock to play. Just an illusion, cruel, but necessary. If Sherlock’s death could have been faked, then...anyway who else other than real Moriarty or Mycroft could ever compete with Sherlock’s brilliance. Maybe it wasn’t Sherlock who created Moriarty (which was Richard Brook’s little ploy for the papers, wasn’t it?), but Mycroft.
Even wilder theory, that I do believe had been out there for a while, is that Moriarty (Andy) is Sherrinford. Everybody stops at three, well, I say Sherrinford is still the third brother, out of four siblings. And in some way, Mycroft’s insinuation at the end of HLV and during TLD tells us that he couldn’t have saved “the other one“, no matter his position of power, it made no difference to the fate he or she met. According to Mycroft, Sherrinford is secure and being regulary checked on. If Eurus was for some reason Sherrinford, then Mycroft needs to fire whoever is keeping that b**** sacured, ‘cause she’s out there, alright? :D Moriarty on the other hand, a criminal mastermind with a pretty huge list of all the people he killed/help kill and what not, that fits the bill of someone beyond Mycroft’s ability to save even if he wanted to, so really, keeping him secured somewhere would be the only option other than...permanently getting rid of him.
On a slightly different note, how poetic would that be, if the Great game was all about protecting Sherlock and instead of dragging Sherriarty (haha, not the pairing...hmmm) to some abandoned house to execute him MI5 style, Mycroft had him meet his inevitable end for a good cause that even the criminal mastermind wouldn’t be against - protecting their brother from their psychopatic sister - still not quite sure how - but anyway, it would be the only scenario making some sense in which Moriarty dies on purpose, for Sherlock. I’m just spinning ludicrous tales now, aren’t I? :D
Sherriarty or not, it would somewhat describe Sherrinford’s situation, whoever he is/had done. Aaaaand anyone could be Moriarty after all this was said, right? Eurus could be Moriarty. Mary could be Moriarty. Mrs. Hudson could be Moriarty, Rosemond could be Mori...okay, enough of this :D *rebooting brain*
I’m so done, Mofftiss, I’m so done with you, you clever little shits :D I don’t know anymore. But the original question just bothers me to no end. I hold both Moriarty’s and Mycroft’s intelligence in high regards and no matter what, TRF is an insult to both of them unless there’s more to it. Universe is rarely so lazy to give us so many coincidences. The entire show is based on a the biggest of coincidences after all! (anyone still remembers that faithful meeting in the park with an old colleague who just happens to be Sherlock’s associate who just happens to be on a look out for a flat mate and...oh GAWD! Unvierse pls...)
Someone help :D
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satan-in-a-tea-cup · 8 years
dont question yourselves or tjlc
moffat was rude (eat the rude) and my tumblr flooded with despair rightly so but
this is me molly-slapping my beloved tjlc family to wake up from this moffat induced nightmare
sorry that’s too harsh cos you’re not on drugs, you’re very much NOT on drugs as you are sane, sober and valid. yet sadly I see so many question themselves. even if you only do it rhetorically stop it. DO NOT QUESTION TJLC. are we clear. are you listening. are you. breath. in …..and out…. try to pause between in out pause in out pause. on in expand your tummy to let your lungs get some space. take a walk. clear your head. find your zen. because there lies the truth. the basic fundament. johnlock wonderful heart breaking sweet amazing johnlock. the fundament is not to be questioned. the fundament just is. it is what it is.
johnlock was never lies. never our imagination. yes well okay to be fair some stuff is interpretation, some stuff can be imagination but who honestly who can blame us for finding a shit ton of clues when we were told and served shit ton of clues. but there are so much undeniable clear as day clueing thingys. SO MANY.
why bother put them there then to deny them is another story. that doesn’t mean they’re not there. they’re still there. the evidence. all. the. evidence. johnlock is canon. johnlock has been canon since the beginning from asip. we may never get public affection with public I mean to the viewers. wait we have got public affection ok nevermind but I mean like a kiss. that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. johnlock is canon. johnlock is real. why the creators act the way they do is another matter.
if an artist paints what clearly is an orange but tell the audience it’s an apple the audience can choose to ignore the artist and go with what they see, an orange. this was an extremely superficial example. the point was the viewers pov (point of view) matter to any artistic work.
any piece of work is always co-created with its viewers. this is academic 101 stuff. this shit artists must learn to accept. our work is never our own. like now moftiss did this absolutely glorious renaissance painting full of symbols ((almost everything was back then, like a rose was never a rose)). but now moftiss says no no look the symbols don’t mean anything. the decaying fruit isn’t representing death, ha no we just like to paint decaying fruit and you’re a silly ass to think otherwise. then academics and all friends of order say sorry but it simply doesn’t work that way in what we like to call “reality”. a symbol is always still a symbol. no matter what the artist say or think about it. the artist can’t talk it away, can’t reason away reality, the connection in viewers minds x=y has already happened. it is what it is.
johnlock will always be canon whatever moftiss claim
johnlock has been canon from day 1. even before day 1 lol the gay pilot remember and bbc telling them to drop the gay or no show. oh! could be what’s happened again. maybe they are trying to save their faces to bbc so they can get renewed for a season 5.
mofftiss to bbc: gay wut wat haha no no there must be some misunderstanding it’s just some teenage fans you know Internet heh he you told us to drop the gay and we totally dropped the gay yup yes went totally straight as we promised you, we have /no/ idea what those wild fans are rambling about heh
arweN you have been doing whuT?????!!!! arwen is in solitary confinement as we speak 🐘🐘 also when have we /ever/ believed a word they say?????????????? they have always denied it. I find comfort in the fact they’re so itchy & mean & very not cool about it. I see other creators joking about ships with their fans they can be chill when it’s all a funny fantasy, a way to entertain fans. moftiss are. not. cool. about. it. cos a gay ship is not a funny fantasy not something they can take lightly. guess why. johnlock is endgame. if not now then season 5.
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coolsecrettwin · 8 years
Sherlock and Mary’s journey in The Six Thatchers (SPOILERS)
Well, what a horrible, hopeless, despairing way to enter into 2017.  Thanks Mofftiss.  Thanks so fucking much for that.
But anyway, let’s talk about the episode.
So the first time I watched it, at the end, my friends and I were discussing it and we agreed that it wasn’t the best, especially after HLV and TAB.
Now keep in mind, I am NOT a  casual viewer.  I have read meta about Evil!Mary and have eased myself into the waters of Mary not particularly liking Sherlock all that much, trying to steal him from John.  
So my initial thoughts on the episode were that I thought Mary’s death was a bit rushed and a tad distasteful.  
I did not expect them to kill Mary so quickly.  I mean, we all knew Mary was going to die.  She dies in the canon so there’s no spoilers there.  But the fact that she died in THIS episode was a bit daunting.
I predicted her death would be at least the second episode.  And at the hands of someone memorable, maybe proving the theory that she still worked with Moriarty and he would be the one to kill her.  
NEVER, in all my fanfic reading, or meta reading, or even my dreams would I imagine that she would be killed by a ludicrously forgettable villain in the first episode of the new series.
There was something suspiciously dramatic about her death speech.  Her last words, “look after Rosie”  “being Mary Watson was my world”  “You are my world.”
And then John looking up at Sherlock accusing.  “You made a vow!  You promised!”
But as ever, I see, but do not observe. Thank you for reminding me Sherlock.
I watched it a second time (thank you PBS for having an encore presentation), and this time, I observed.  I paused it at certain points, gaining new insight and talked more with my friends as we spewed our ideas.
And it hit me as we were complaining about the plot and structure of the episode.
This is Sherlock’s growth.  
Throughout the episode, Sherlock ignores John.  He is on his phone while Mary is going through labor, while at the baby shower, during Rosie’s christening, replaces John with a balloon and didn’t even notice, ditched him and got a cab on his own and left John at the crime scene with Lestrade.  He even said Mary was better than John, and they joked about the dog being better than John.
Now, to those who see, but do not observe, we laugh about this.  How ignorant Sherlock is about the things going on around him.  The bit at the beginning with Sherlock still high out of his mind in the hearing and eating ginger nuts reaffirms this.
But going back and actually observing, we see that these actions have consequences.  Ignoring John, not appreciating him, pushing him to the sidelines will have heartbreaking consequences that Sherlock fails to see.
(I will do a meta about John in this episode, but for now this is Sherlock’s deal.)
What I liked about this episode after rewatching it, was that the creators were confirming that, while Mary still uses her skills to disappear and keep her family safe, she WANTS to get out of that life.  She DOES care about her family and her friend.  She WANTS to live this life with her new daughter and her husband whom she loves dearly.
(Though I did find the whole montage with her traveling all over the world like a majestic hero a little cheesy.  And then Sherlock is there waiting for her like she’s just been gone a few minutes.)
She loves John and wants to make this life work with him.  She wants to be normal.  And THAT is what makes her death sad.
During her death speech, she’s telling, what has remained unsaid.  That she does like Sherlock, that she is sorry she shot him, what John actually meant to her.  That he and Rosie were her whole world.  I think she named her daughter Rosamund Mary, because SHE could not be Rosamund Mary, so she wanted to give her daughter a chance to have the life she could not have.
And John blames him and it breaks Sherlock, because he made a promise, as he reminds Mycroft and the Watsons.  He made his first and last vow to protect the Watsons, because they mean so much to him.  
But Mary is dead because of him.  Because he provoked Vivian Norbury.  Had to prove he was clever, that he was Sherlock Holmes, that he could deduce her sad existence through her old wedding ring and cat hair.
Mary told him not to, but he ignored her.
He poked and prodded the shark and it struck, and Mary paid the price.
John blames him, and Sherlock thinks he is right.
The first time we see Ella again, I thought: alright that makes sense I guess, John’s in therapy, he doesn’t want to talk what’s she saying about relationshi----HOLY SHIT!!!!  Yeah, I missed the entire first part of what she said because I thought it was John going to be in the chair and it didn’t mean that much to me because I didn’t really care about Mary dying.
It just goes to show what you can interpret while OBSERVING.
SHERLOCK goes to therapy (GOD this is wet dream of fanfic writers everywhere!), where opening up is not his specialty.  Watching this scene a second time, especially after putting the subtext together was especially heartbreaking.  Ella knows about his recurring dream.  That much he has told her.  She knows how he feels.  Broken, hopeless, caught in a black hole.  Because John will not forgive him.  Because John has left his world.
The brilliance of this is that we have NO IDEA how long it has been.  It could have been weeks or months since Mary died.  We saw John at a cemetery so she could have been buried already.
Anyway, back to therapy.
Sherlock told Ella why he thinks he is to blame for Mary’s death, because he was arrogant and endangered his friend.  And Ella gave him an assignment to help him work on his arrogance and his guilt.  I think she told him to ask people to tell him when he is being arrogant and cocky.  But I don’t think she told him what the code word should be.  I think HE picked Norbury to remind him of the hurt and pain he caused.  Kind of like a conditioning.  Pain to condition out a certain behavior.
So as I said in the beginning, watching it a second time, REALLY made a difference.  And I now think we have the greatest episode in terms of character development for all three of our characters.  Especially Sherlock. (someone help this poor muffin)
And I have come to realize why the creators chose to murder her so early.
Think about it.  Any other TV show would have had Mary last till the very last episode to give the audience a shock thrill, to hear the amazingness of their writing and get praise for killing off a major character.
But come on.  This is Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat we are talking about.  And they know their audience.  They know we know the canon.  We know Mary is dead.  There’s nothing new there.
So by killing her in the first episode, we can now concentrate on more important things: bringing Sherlock and John back together.
Mary’s death in this episode makes room for John and Sherlock to grow back together.  John has spent two years with a woman, working on a relationship doomed to fail from the beginning and drifted away from Sherlock.  They are broken now because of her death.
Any other series would have had her die at the end for shock factor and given Sherlock and John a rushed, half assed coming together at the end with no heart and no consideration for the audience.  Kind of like STID if I may be so bold.  A lame ending, where our two leads get back together as friends because the plot says so.
Not with these writers.  
Slowly, gently. (or more like with a fucking bull dozer at this point)
It will take two more episodes for John and Sherlock to come back together, to heal from this loss.  And it gives me hope.  We are heading into dark territory at this point, my fellow Sherlockians, deep dark waters await our two heroes.
But after a storm, there is a rainbow.  And love conquers all.
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so now I’m watching tld and writing down everything that bothers me.
spoilers obviously. 
00:00 to 30:00
part 2
-so we know her name is eurus (i thought it was spelt euros, but apparently i was wrong.) maybe sherrinford is her middle name? like william sherlock? 
-I’m not 100% sure sherrinford and eurus are even the same person, bc that would be JUST like mofftiss to use something from the canon and have it mean something completely different. i’m gonna keep an open mind towards both possibilities
-mycroft says that sherrinford is secure. and considering the level of supervision he keeps sherlock under, i find it VERY strange that eurus could just pose as john’s therapist for several weeks.
-what kind of accent is that? nobody else in the holmes family has it.
-”why does everything have to be understandable? why can’t something be unacceptable?” foreshadowing to john beating the shit out of sherlock?
-john just casually talking to his hallucination of mary. he’s completely aware of her death but forcibly denying it.
-”I am reminding you of your friend, i think”, lol eurus.
-she’s an absolute psychopath, how she’s willfully putting her fingers in the wound but acting like she’s innocent
-why is mrs hudson listening to ‘freude schöner götterfunken’ tho :D
-those constant snippets from tv shows and adverts showing culverton smith fucking annoy me, but they might be alluding to people missing time? hallucinations? visions?
-i’m kinda frustrated with this villain. i mean he was obviously supposed to be a red herring to hide eurus, but i was still expecting someone really evil :/ he’s just a regular sort of narcissistic psycho
-i mean faith obviously doesn’t like her dad all that much, which makes her acting all buddy buddy huggy later on a bit weird
-that speech about ‘telling someone you darkest secret’, ‘not being able to take it back’ is 100% sherlock’s fears about confessing to john.
-”once you’ve opened your heart, you can’t close it again.”
-”of course you can” mofftiss telling us once again not to trust what we see?
-i mean eurus’ and faith’s accents are very different. i have no idea where to place eurus, but faith is northern? (my first thought when i heard eurus speaking without seeing her was “....is she french?”)
-don’t trust your memory “I’m afraid that some of the memories you’ve had up to this point might also be corrupted” so we can’t trust past episodes either?
-maybe bc we’ve always seen them out of either john’s or sherlock’s pov and they’re both kind of unreliable? (love me an unreliable narrator) maybe that’s also why john looks so good now. bc we see him through sherlock’s eyes?
-cant help it, he just reminds me so much of trump
-i wondered why faith still had the note to show it to sherlock even after culverton saw it
-you can hear that she’s trying to recreate faith’s accent, but not completely and her voice is different
-is sherlock faceblind? or just actually so high?
-so we still can’t be sure if eurus is actually in sherlock’s flat bc billy can’t see her?
-why are the deductions written in chalk and not typed as usual?
-is eurus acting like she’s a suicidal lady on purpose to mess with sherlock or is she actually suicidal and self-harming herself?
-”is ‘cup of tea’ code?” lol, see what you did there
-”It’s congenital” what? the bad luck?
-”your life is not your own, keep your hands off it” why do i get the feeling that this exact thing has been said to sherlock before?
-”you’re suicidal, you’re allowed chips. trust me, it’s about the only perk” same here. is sherlock eating fries when he’s feeling suicidal?
-so we know eurus got the note from culverton. so eurus took the note, kept it hidden in a book, had a relationship that ended, are a good cook, doesn’t get any visitors and we know where she lives? or did she fake all that too?
-they are watching sherlock, but not sure if someone is with him and mycroft doesn’t recognize eurus?
-”pain stimulates your memory, so you tried it again later, your lover failed to notice an increasing level of scars” is he talking about himself again?
-”how do you know he didn’t notice” “oh well because he would have done something about it [...] isn’t that what you people do?” 
-”the way you think” “superbly.” “sweetly.” “Im not sweet im just high.” yeah right.
-”the fact that i’m his brother doesn’t change anything. it didn’t the last time.” so i’m guessing mycroft put eurus away. so why didn’t he notice what she was doing???
-”do you still speak to sherrinford?” “i get regular updates.” so sherrinford is a person, but is it eurus? or a bodyguard? handler?
-”sherrinford is secure” yeah well apparently not unless there is another holmes sibling. OH SHIT TWINS!!!! THATS THE TWINS???
-or maybe eurus is sherlock’s twin...
-”we must be careful not to burn our bridges” shot to sherlock and his estranged sister
-”your life turned on one word”
-”taking your own life. taking it from who? once it’s over, it’s not you who’ll miss it” i feel like this is also something someone said to sherlock
-is the word flickering over the screen ‘someone’?
-”you know what i’d expected you’d’b?” “what am i” “nicer” “than who?” “anyone”
-anyone is an important word. molly said it, eurus says it twice, culverton says it, mary says it.
-he once again has the flashback of the kid playing with the dog and the girl singing, is he subconsciously recognizing eurus?
-also i think that eurus is responsible for redbeard having to be put down. i already had that theory, but then i read [this] and my suspicions were hardened. eurus wanted to kill sherlock and practiced on redbeard, mycroft had her taken away (?), sherlock was possibly too young to properly remember her
-aaand she’s gone. we still don’t know which parts were real and which were hallucinated.
-once again proof that sherlock is hallucinating vividly and losing time
-”they’re always poor and lonely and strange” talking about serial killers. or eurus. or both.
-do all police officers know who mycroft is?
-so that crazy monologue is definitely staged to make mrs hudson take him to john. but why henry the fifth?
-what the fuck is that accent?????
-”are you having an earthquake?!” rwjdkaslöx
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