#I am clowning let me clown in peace
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their apartment number is haunting me
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dathen · 1 year
The part that got me about Victor’s conversation with the magistrate was the whole “and then I went into a frenzy! it wasn’t a regular frenzy—that would be cringe—but like, a cool saint-like frenzy. It was really cool and I didn’t faint even once.”
Moments when he is showing the very real disease of being twenty-two years old (affectionate)
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cooloddball · 1 year
me clowning as usual:
dean is a sucker for love. maybe him fixing his parent’s story would give him the courage to face cas and deal with his feelings for cas.
anyway, i’m patiently awaiting for s2 (it’s getting renewed, trust) to be renewed so i can prove my theory. also the fact that people thought he [dean] drove for decades waiting for his brother to die so they could be reunited on that bridge while he was in fact trying to play cupid as a form of therapy for himself to be able to truly to appreciate true love and come into terms with cas’ words and also so his mom and dad could get back everything chuck took from them. isn’t nature healing? have i mentioned that i love jensen ackles?
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fun-friend-yea · 11 months
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Hey @majoone I don't know which of these you will see first, the Artfight attack or the Tumblr post so if you see this first hello!
Little extras under the cut
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Two out of four of the papers are the questions from his character profile and the other two are just vaguely ominous things I thought were funny. Those ones are the more runny ones because I didn't know if those were on the vibe-
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silly-circus · 1 month
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★SillyString’s story/background★
(Way long overdue lmao and long I’m so sorry guys, also made some edits because I wanted to word some things better)
I want to start off by saying she is me, me is she(Im not sure if I made it clear or not so apologies I’m kinda dumb🫰). I say “her” in my posts instead of “me” because idk it feels right since I make her look differently than I actually do. Even so, we share the same name and I do the clown look all the time when I go out to places that I get an excuse to🧍‍♂️so really it is just me but anyway,,, time to begin! This is my first time actually writing this out so I’m sorry if it’s formatted and explained terribly
First off, Silly String is my persona’s clown name. She came up with it herself, everything else was Pennywise’s idea. She was originally a human, and still looks like one and has the appetite of one(when she changed Pennywise assumed she would want to eat people. He was wrong.) She lived in texas(yee-honk) before moving to Maine literally because she thought “why not?” and ended up in good old Derry. Her life growing up wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t the best. She was always into odd and strange things, or things that most would find creepy(clowns. Love clowns. They’re so cool) so she was kinda outcasted from others at a young age but soon people learned to just let her live in peace which of course she was happy about. She did manage to make some friends, solidarity. After moving, she continued pursuing freelance photography and painting, but her full time job is as a barista in a local coffee shop(wow, how interesting💀).
The way that she met Pennywise was kinda stupid. All she was doing was taking photos of the local wildlife and next thing you know a kid is running by before she notices a fucking weird ass clown creature from hell charging straight towards her(she still snapped a photo before running). He does catch up to her and jumps her. How she managed to not get away, but the kid did, don’t ask me. She survived, her camera unfortunately did not(he gets her a new one eventually guys trust).
since then, they kept bumping into each other. He does try to kill her again but she kept managing to escape him(pissed him off more and more each time) but soon enough he starts to chill out and basically decides to learn more about her. The more she realized he was going to not continuously try eat her every time he visited she would start asking him questions about who he was as an entity and where he came from. It does start out as a weird friendship where he would mess with her at work or appear out of literally no where to hang around. He does start to enjoy her company and watching her do normal, human things since her doing it made it seem entertaining. After a while of slowly getting closer and closer they become loving parters yay(she was still human at this time).
Fast forward and they get “married” which they really call their “eternal binding.” Basically what it means is that she became a part of him. As in if he dies, she dies. She unfortunately didn’t gain any cool shape shifting and such, she just gets to live and thrive as long as he does. When it first happened she was having a hard time with it simply because she’s going to outlive everyone she knows and will continue to, but over time she made her peace with it and saw it as a privilege to watch the world change around her and of course stay with her beloved.
Also the year they met was set in the 1980s, or honestly it could be any time after that or something I don’t know yall get creative I’m just going with the flow.
That is it :) sorry again this is long, and I hope every one has a good day/night(it’s 3 am why do I do this to myself). I also hope you guys continue to follow along with me on their lover clown journey :D
AND- little sneak peek of an upcoming piece I’m working on for Mermay 😙
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ryuichirou · 1 month
I’ll start with some news.
I am currently locked out of my twitter account. We did everything we could to try to get it back, but no matter what happens, it will most likely take some time.
I don’t like bringing attention to this kind of stuff because we have tons of other things to talk about which are more important than some toddlers trying to obliterate us for 1000th time (frankly I would rather talk about the colour of Leona’s butthole), but this time it’s kind of serious and important. We don’t know what’s going to happen next, but for now I wanted to say that if we won’t get the account back in time or will lose it indefinitely, we will have to ask for your help. I am sorry for that in advance.
Also, if you were discussing/working on commissions with me via DMs there, please email me or contact me via any other platform as soon as possible. Just in case.
Mass-reporting is wild, eh?
I am rambling a bit, and I didn’t really want to complain, because I know for a fact it would give satisfaction to some people, but you know? I am going to complain: it sucks ass. It happened at the worst time possible and it happened over nothing (literally, the art that got it was a Todd/Wallace non-sexual piece that got too many likes for children’s liking). I don’t care if people don’t like us, I don’t care if they gossip with their girlies about us, all I want is for them to leave us the fuck alone and let us do our thing in peace. Imagine being so unbelievably boring and so incredibly unlikeable and unable to make meaningful connections not only with other people but also with any kind of media that you just have to go out of your way to ruin things for others because this is the only thing that makes your immature brain produce something that even remotely resembles joy. Because your own pathetic self is so deeply insecure and constantly frustrated at yourself that you just have to create an illusion of control over someone else to feel important. I can’t even call it a troll behavior – at least trolls are funny sometimes. This is just someone who hit a midlife crisis at the age of 16 and made it my problem for some reason.  
And yet, it’s okay. Even if we end up losing our account, it’ll be a huge disappointment and it will hurt us tremendously, it already did. And it’s scary to think about this scenario, and it’s difficult to talk about how, if it happens, that it’s going to be okay. But eventually we’ll get over it and build ourselves up again, just like we did before several times. And these clowns will still be boring, unlikeable, lonely and very likely shit at drawing.
So yeah. Take care of yourself and block everyone who seems suspicious on sight. It’s not a panacea, but certainly is helpful.
Alright, time to talk about Leona’s butthole (not really, but we will talk about SebeMal, and it’s even better) 💪
Anonymous asked:
Seeing Vanitas made me curious about something: did you ever read Pandora Hearts? I think for a lot of people that series went hand in hand with Black Butler as the main "victorian aesthetic mangas" from the late '00/early '10. Gothic lolitas really had it all back then..
Ohh you’re so right Anon, it was the ultimate late ‘00/early ’10 aesthetic! Boys in vests with bows/ties, crosses and rosaries and traumatic and problematic backstories lol I really miss it sometimes. What an era.
I personally haven’t read/watched Pandora Hearts, but Katsu did! But it was even before we met… So my only association with this title is that Katsu’s old username was “ozbezariusnya” 🥰 Oh, and that Gilbert (?) looks very cute, but let’s be honest, of course I would think he is cute.
nebula-ryuu asked:
Regarding my question, I mean if the Malleus and Sebek ship has a dynamic or a context 😅😅 a background or a story. I have a certain feeling about what it is like but I don't want to affirm anything hehe
I don't know if I made what I said better understood, in any case I can explain it again, no problem 🙏
Oh! Thank you for clarifying!
As for our background for shipping them, we just really really love loyal characters that are a bit unhinged about their loyalty and love/obsession. So we didn’t even have a choice, they stole our hearts… and Malleus is very interesting in his interactions with Sebek too; he is annoyed by him sometimes, but he tolerates a lot and teases him.
As for the ship itself, we tend to think that in addition to Sebek being loyal and obsessive with Malleus, he is also deeply in love with him ever since he was a child. He is conflicted because he really wants to be his lover, but also thinks that he isn’t worthy. Malleus is amused by Sebek and allows him to do much more than he probably should. Actually, I think I talked about their dynamic in this post!
I hope I understood you correctly. Thank you for your question! And if you have any more questions, please let me know.
Anonymous asked:
would Lilia and Azul ever fight over who gets to have Idia?
Replied here! Thank you for your question, Anon.
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autisticlancemcclain · 6 months
wip tease number god knows, truly
The phone doesn’t ring for more than two seconds. Which is crazy, because New Altea is an unfathomably huge number of lightyears away and also Lance’s phone signal is perpetually garbage.
“Ahoy,” greets Allura when the line connects, because she is strange.
“Ahoy,” Lance greets back, because he loves her.
They sit in silence. He can hear, vaguely, the clicking sounds of compacts being opened and closed, and the particular humming noise she always makes when she’s putting on eyeliner.
It occurs to Lance, for the first time, that they have known each other so long and so closely that to the outsider, their relationship might be quite strange. The thought makes him smile widely.
“So,” he says.
Allura hums again. Deliberately, this time.
Lance takes another long time to answer, digging the toe of his boots into the ground. He spies a worm wiggling in the newly churned dirt and bends down to pluck it, writhing, out of its hovel. He quickly snaps a picture and sends it to Pidge with the caption, ‘didn’t know you were on Earth today.’ She responds with a grotesquely realistic custom clown emoji.
“There is a possibility. Perhaps. That I do not actually want to be a farmer.”
“No shit,” replies the Queen of New Altea And Also Lots Of Other Things Lance Can’t Remember, blithely.
Lance sniffs haughtily. “This is quite the revelation, you know. I’ve had four panic attacks about it.”
“You have an anxiety disorder. You had a panic attack about malevolent gut bacteria last week.”
“…This is true.”
“Also, whenever I feel you need to be humbled, I ask your mother to send me stuff from your childhood. There’s a video in particular I enjoy of you sobbing about the prospect of being anything but an astronaut. You looked at a cornfield and threw up. You were four, I believe.”
Lance does, actually, vaguely remember that. Well, he remembers Luis writhing on the floor, weeping with laughter, and kicking him in the shins. He also remembers the cornfield, if only because he distinctly remembers lobbing a piece of corn at Luis’ head, also.
He was a very expressive child. Also, Luis is a turd.
“I am entitled to a period of self-reflection,” Lance says primly.
“It has been an Entire Year, knobhead.”
“I needed time to collect my thoughts in peace and on Earth. I died, you know.”
“Oh, did you,” says Allura drily. “I wonder how that went.”
Lance’s smile widens. He lets her have this one. “Fuck farming, okay. I’m bored. I love my family to pieces but I need to be closer to drama. Give me a job.”
“That is a garbage application, Leandro.” He hears the distinct sound of a nail polish bottle being shaken. “I should hire someone more qualified.”
“How about you hire deez nuts.”
“Hm,” she says, and he can hear her grinning. “On the other hand, I need a second in command who is unafraid to challenge me. You know, in case I grow corrupt with power.”
She pretends to deliberate for a moment.
“You’re hired. I’ll send someone to come pick you up tomorrow.”
“Is that someone going to be a hot, tall Altean in a slutty outfit?” Lance asks hopefully.
She can’t help a laugh. Lance grins triumphantly. “You’re fired.”
“Is that a yes?”
“I’ll think about it.”
She hangs up.
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starlightrosa · 2 months
Fizzarolli's Nerves
Summary: Fizzarolli is preparing for Mammon's yearly clown contest, and he's getting nervous, as he just has to be perfect. But all this practicing is disrupting Asmodeus's plan of relaxing with his beloved. That won't do at all.
Pairing: Fizz/Asmodeus
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Tickling, Swearing, Mind-Rotting Fluff. (Author regrets nothing.)
(My very first fic! Please be nice <3)
“You’ll do it, Fizz. You’ll be fine. You need to be perfect for Mammon. Always perfect.” the imp mumbled, practicing everything he felt he needed to practice in order to win Mammon’s clown contest for the tenth time in a row. Fizz knew the elements of the contest off by heart, having won it so many times. So everything running through that little imp’s head was covered.
Balloon animals. Pie gags. Comedy section. Singing, dancing, acrobatics. You name it, Fizz practiced it. There was certainly no shortage on what Fizzarolli could do, and he had to win. He had to be perfect.
That was how Asmodeus, King of Lust and Fizz’s loving partner- er, BUSINESS partner, found him.
“What’s the difference between a snowman and a snow-woman? The snowballs! Wait, no. More energy, I need to have lots more energy. Like, twenty seven coffees kinda energy. Okay. You got this, Fizz. You got this. Try again. What’s the difference between a snow man and a snow woman? The snowballs! Hmm, still missing something. What could I do? Maybe I could juggle? Do a pose? Maybe I could hit myself in the face with a snowball? Um… ah, think, Fizz!” the jester rambled.
Ozzie yawned as he came into the living room where Fizz was, the rooster rubbing at his eyes.
“Froggie, it’s eight in the morning. Are you seriously practicing this early in the morning? Come back to bed, babe. You’re gonna be exhausted…” Asmodeus murmured, the grand lord rubbing at his eyes.
Alas, the imp did not heed Ozzie’s warning.
“Ozzie, I have to be perfect for Mammon. If I’m not perfect, then I’ll lose! And I don’t wanna lose, that just-! Ugh. It just can’t happen, okay? I need to be perfect. I need to be better than perfect! I-!”
And that was when Ozzie got on his knees and scooped Fizz off the ground, pulling his beloved into a hug. Despite initially struggling to get out, Fizz soon relaxed and sunk his head into his lover’s chest.
“Fizzie~” Ozzie coaxed, using that voice that Fizz liked to hear. Honey rich and sweet, it always comforted Fizzarolli enough to talk about what was bothering him, and it brought Ozzie some peace of mind to be able to know what was distressing his beloved imp partner.
“Ugh. Ozz, what if I’m not good enough this year? What if I don’t win?” Fizz asked. Ozzie just chuckled.
“Fizz, you’ve won for nine times straight. Ten times this year, guaranteed. And you wanna know why you win so much? Cause you got some talent about you. Plus, Mammon says he wants the best, and we all know you’re the best he’s got. And besides, if that fat Christmas tree wants something better, he just isn’t gonna find it. Plus he won’t give the others a chance, he’ll pull the strings so you win anyway, and I’ll put money on that bullshit.”
“I need to win, Oz! And I need to practice if I want to win. Can you let me go?” Fizz asked, trying to gently pry himself out of Asmodeus’s arms. The King of Lust, however, did not budge a single bit.
“Well, I would on any other day, but I am not having my Fizzie Frog being anxious as fuck. So here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna go back to bed, watch a stupid rom-com, and laugh at it, spending time with each other along the way.”
“Nice thought. But maybe later, Ozzie.” Fizz murmured. And that was when Asmodeus’s grip tightened slightly.
“I don’t think I phrased it as a question, Froggie~” Asmodeus responded, the Lord of Lust’s fingers moving slightly towards Fizz’s stomach. Fizz squirmed a little in Ozzie’s arms, already knowing where this was going.
“Ozzie, don’t you fucking dare!” Fizz yelped, biting back a smile.
“Oh, but I do fucking dare, baby~ give Ozzie that tum-tum, and I’ll tickle those worries right outta ya!” he declared, his fingers finally landing as he snuck them up Fizzarolli’s jester shirt, softly poking and scratching along Fizz’s belly.
Poor Fizzarolli had no chance to resist.
“Pffffhahahaha! O-Ozziehehehe!” Fizz giggled, gently squirming side to side in his lover’s arms, trying to gently slap Asmodeus’s tickly fingers off.
“Hands to yourself, Froggie. Don’t make me get them out of the way~” Asmodeus teased.
Fizz pouted playfully even as he struggled a bit. Rough tickles made him laugh a lot, but these soft and gentle tickles were much worse sometimes if Ozzie was the one tickling Fizz.
ESPECIALLY if Ozzie was the one tickling Fizz.
Ozzie saw the playful pout and he tutted. His Fizzy, pouting at tickles? Oh, that just would not do, no sir.
Asmodeus migrated his gentle scratches down to Fizzarolli’s hips, enjoying the squeaky laughter that slipped out of his beloved’s mouth. “Aww, someone’s squeaky. Squeaky Fizzie.”
“Hahahaha!!! A-Asmodeus, it tickles! Q-Quihihit it!” Fizzarolli managed to press out, a dark black blush adorning his cheeks. Asmodeus had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop audibly cooing at how goddamn cute his boyfriend was being.
“Not until you agree to come relax with me, Froggie. Just say that you’re done practicing for the day and these tickles will stop. How ‘bout that, huh? Seems a fair deal to me.”
“B-But I can’t stop!”
“If you can’t stop, then neither do these tickles, Froggie.” Asmodeus cooed, a wicked grin on his face as his fingers slipped up to Fizz’s torso to prove a point, beginning to gently count his beloved’s ribs. “Two. Four. Six. Eight…”
Fizzarolli was lost in snorting laughter as he felt Asmodeus’s fingers lightly working his ribs.
“Ahahahaha, hehehehe! N-Not fahahahair, Ozzie! Hahahahaha!” Fizzarolli cackled, the odd snort leaving him. For Lucifer’s sake, how could one imp be this cute? Asmodeus felt his heart squeeze in adoration with every snort that came from Fizzarolli’s mouth.
“All is fair in love and laughter, Froggie.” Asmodeus shot back.
Fizzarolli threw his head back, his jester’s hat jangling as he did so. Satan’s beard, it tickled so much!
“Aah! Ah, ah! Nohohohohahaha! Ozzie, not there! Not there, plehehehease!!” Fizzarolli begged, feeling his lover’s fingers tracing at that one spot at the crook of his neck.
Ozzie only chuckled, not stopping the traces. “I’ve not even done anything yet, Fizzie Frog. You can’t be that ticklish here, surely?” he asked, though Ozzie knew much, much differently. It was one of his little rituals he did. Before they both went to bed, Ozzie would give a gentle kiss on Fizz’s neck each night. The imp was rather ticklish on his neck though, and the feeling of Fizz slamming his face into Ozzie’s chest, trying to muffle his ticklish giggles never failed to bring a smile to the Sin’s face.
“N-No, I’m nohohohot!” Fizz lied, immediately going for the defensive move. But Asmodeus was no fool when it came to his beloved partner. Ozzie knew Fizz’s tells, just as Fizzarolli knew his.
“Is that so, Froggie? Funny, I seem to remember that you can barely handle my goodnight kisses on that neck of yours. Like, all I do is this…” he explains, landing a kiss on Fizzarolli’s neck, right into the crook of his neck with an overexaggerated “MWAH!” noise, grinning wickedly. “…And you just fall about laughing!”
Fizz, as expected, burst into hysterical giggles as he kicked his robotic legs every which way, trying desperately to not kick his beloved in the face.
“O-Ozzie! Stop it, hahaha! Stop it, that tickles, Ozzie!” Fizz cried out, a wide smile betraying his true feelings.
Then Asmodeus decided to get a little bit mean. He gently held Fizz against his chest and nuzzled the crook of his imp partner’s neck… before blowing a soft raspberry into the crook. Fizz absolutely squealed.
“EEEEEEEEK! HAHAHA, AAAH HAHAHA! SHIT, HAHA! OKAY, OZZIE, OKAY!” the ticklish little imp shrieked, going limp in Asmodeus’s arms. And that was when Ozzie knew he’d had enough.
“Thought as much, babe.” Asmodeus smirked, finally switching the mood from playful to cuddly as he stopped the tickles, his fingers softly scratching the top of Fizzarolli’s head. The imp melted under his touch as Ozzie walked back to their shared bedroom, the doors closing behind them.
Asmodeus settled Fizz under the covers with him. And soon the pair drifted off, smiles on both of their faces as the sounds of that dumb rom-com in question, Pretty Woman, played in the background forgotten by them both.
Finito! Hope you enjoyed this one :)
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34saveme34 · 5 months
SMG34: The Rot (a fic by yours truly)
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image semi related
summary: 3 gets told to come and investigate this thing called "The Rot" in a forest, so him, 4, Meggy, Mario and Boopkins (surprisingly) set out to check it out, although things get a little odd as the Rot's influence gets to our favourite man. Sure wonder what'll happen to him!
word count: 5722
3 wasn’t happy he got roped into this. However he owed this one… he owed this one to Meggy. He hated how the closer he became to 4’s crew they only seemed to able to collect more firt on him. Although he didn't know how she could get her hands on his online activity on such forums, he thought he was better this time at covering his tracks…At least he wasn’t alone, a few others came along, like 4, Boopkins and Mario.
It was… a hike. Through the forest. Meggy had seen strange sightings and wanted to bring along others as well. This worried 3 because he really really didn’t want to break his streaming streak. He had been doing so well, having a schedule and everything and of course as soons as he got on track, someone had to come in and ruin it. This always happened so it didn’t surprise him too much but he was mad about it either way.”
However, Meggy agreed with him that he could stream this, it would be especially cool if they were to find something interesting, as if they were ghost hunters. At least something 3 can look forward to. Things that could make his streaming careers more successful always had an easier time persuading him. And he knew that, he wasn’t happy about it, but it was just a fact of life. Just like how he knew how close he grew to 4. It was hard to deny, he really cared about him. Though sometimes, scratch that, just about all the time, he made it really hard to do so. He didn’t remember a prolonged peaceful time with him. Something always has to happen, with the tension they developed over the years. But honestly, who could blame them for that?
Something that Meggy forgot to do among all things she should’ve done, was ask the others if they’re okay with the livestream. It’s really not the greatest thing to argue about on live.
“I don’t wanna have the pressure of invisible eyes on me while I don’t even know what I’m facing!” 4 whined, he looked a bit scared.
“Finally, I can add more to my smg4 fail compilation, you better not disappoint” 3 giggled, making 4 groan.
“It’s not funny, you know! Also I'm just as capable to embarrass you as well! I know what you are”
“Oh, you bastard? Are you threatening me? Right in front of my viewers?? I’ll get you cancelled on Twitter for this one!”
“Not Twitter, god no, though I bet they would like some things I have a hold of myself, like that search query you did concerning-” 4 smirked at 3, seemingly the 2 were just about to fight before Meggy pulled them apart.
“Okay, guys, that’s enough! Let’s get going”
“Oooooh” Mario pouted, putting down the popcorn he pulled out of nowhere. He loved to watch his guardians fight for such low stakes. There was something special about the ones making him dance like a clown dance for him on their own volition. 
“So what are we looking at anyways?” Boopkins asked, looking scared.
“I… can’t say. I think you have to see it yourself to believe it. Although I just like to call it the rot.”
“Th… The rot?” my guy was shaking. Boopkins, what the hell, you just got here.
“Why are you here anyways? No naptime for you?” Mario teased him. 
“Umm no… I just wanna try and get braver! So I can be there for my friends even more!”
“Aww, yea yea now let’s get going!” Meggy truly had enough with the banter. But would it be a real live stream if it started smoothly?
They started walking, with Mario and Meggy in the lead, with Boopkins not too far behind them. However 3 and 4 were at the back, not much further but they definitely weren’t as close to Boopkins as he was to Mario and Meggy.
3 turned his camera at 4 which made him frown.
“What, am I that interesting? Am I getting views for you?” 4 whined sarcastically, he didn’t feel like being on a stream right now. Especially since this expedition pulled him away from meme creation. As in his one and true love!
“Well, you might! Just do something embarrassing, that’d definitely work!”
“Like what, tell them about when we were younger I busted you in the toilets with-” 4 got slapped before he could answer. 
3 wasn’t having any of it.
“Very mature of you to bring up the past, really, classic SMG4”
“At least I didn’t like, I don’t know, try to kill people”
“Don’t you have a body count higher than zero?”
“You… can’t prove that. Besides I bet you killed more!”
“And that’s in the past, you know? Besides, being an ex villain makes me hotter, just ask my fans”
4 looked so done with 3, especially after he showed his chat filled with overflowing thirsty support for his post villain self. 3 loved the reaction, it was like warming him up from the inside. Although he would like it better if his charisma was more appreciated by his guardian partner. 
“Aaah yes, so hot twitch streamer, Super Meme Guardian 3, I could never compare” 
3 laughed and looked at his chat then frowned. This surprised 4 a bit, especially since 3 decided to face his camera ahead again, to record where they’re actually walking. 3 sighed, which held 4’s attention longer than it should have.
“What’s up?” 4 asked quietly.
“Not much… just a cringe comment I didn’t like” 3 basically brushed him off. It seemed he didn’t want to go into it so 4 left him to it. It had been hard, but 4 had been trying to pay attention to when he needed to stop. He had been getting to a point where he could tell that he shouldn’t bother 3 further. It became mildly easy as he noticed how much of an open book 3 is. Just push the correct buttons and you get him all wrapped within your grasp. Like to do your bidding and stuff. 4 considered 3 a great ally and he used him a lot as well. Although he still cared about him a lot. Sometimes he wondered if 3 realised that. He just didn’t really know how to be affectionate towards 3. Whenever he tried to be serious about it, it kind of fell apart. Wanting to be kind towards him in hard situations, like when they were stuck in the elevator, yet he was met with hostility. The whole situation reminded him of a cold, snowy day as well. He shook his head hard, he didn’t need that thought right now. 3 looked at him confused, then saw how 4 was looking in the distance, and sadness he forgot to hide still showing. 3 passed his camera to Boopkins for a bit.
“Can you hold this for me for a bit?” 3 reached to Boopkins who took the camera gently with a smile. Since he helped him out with the date with M… Mi… Micheal? What was it again? He felt a bit more tolerable. Not by much though.
“Sure thing!”
Although the camera looked a little funny in his hands, considering how the camera was like third his size.
4 paid attention to this, a bit confused at what 3 was doing. He did find Boopkins struggling to carry the camera a bit funny though.
“So” 3 pulled 4 close by his back, wrapping his arm around him, continuing in a hushed tone “What’s the gloom for? It’s super obvious and it bothers me so that’s why I’m bothering you about it”
4 chuckled.
“I’m glad you care. That’s all I needed actually” 4 showed a genuine smile to 3 which left him speechless. 4 could see he made 3 a bit flustered, maybe a bit more than just a bit…
It’s like he was buffering or something.
“Ugh” 3 pulled away “Your sweetness makes me sick, god damn it… baka”
Slowly Mario turned around, pulling out a tiny rainbow flag.
“This you?” he pointed at the 2.
3 was too shocked to react, 4 threw a loose branch at him which got into his eye. Mario started screaming in his iconic way. Meggy slapped him into a new shape.
“Shhh!!! Don't disturb the wildlife, idiot!”
Mario whined quietly, removing the tiny branch from his eye. Just as he removed it, he basically forgot it was there, as he continued frolicking.
3 finally took his camera back from Boopkins.
“Finally, my arms were starting to get tired!” Boopkins sighed with relief. 
Meggy turned to him although still walking.
“I could coach you to get stronger”
The relief quickly flew out of Boopkins, rather replaced with a pale expression.
“I hope I don’t hurt you with this, but I’d rather not if it’s okay”
“Your loss” Meggy shrugged.
As they continued, they started to find traces of the so-called Rot.
“This energy feels familiar” 3 exclaimed.
“Same here…” 4 added, as he exchanged a glance with 3. 
“That’s a good thing! Any idea what we could be dealing with then?”
“So…” 4 started “It could be a new meme. Although I… don’t remember ever seeing it before”
“The name rot does fit it though” 3 continued “You think it could do with all the memes people used to make about bogs?”
“That’s a nice thought! Or maybe one of those nature allegory memes that sometimes pop up… most of the time from Tumblr”
“Ah right, Tumblr, this could be one of their creations”
“I thought Tumblr was dead” Meggy looked behind at the 2 as they continued on, seeing more rot on the trees and in the ground. It seemed they were getting closer and closer to the core of it.
“That’s what they all think” 3 and 4 said at the same time, then laughed at how in sync they were.
“What is tumblr?” Mario asked. The others looked at him with a knowing look. He deflated, seeing no one wanted to elaborate.
While the lighthearted banter they got into was nice, 3 couldn't shake off the tension he was feeling. Probably thanks to 4. He didn't like how his mind went for the worst when it came to him. He tried to concentrate on the task on hand, the sooner it was over, the sooner he could escape.
As they continued on, 3 was starting to feel a headache get to him. It was starting to be a bit difficult holding the camera. He tried so hard to be there but it felt like slowly everything was slowing down around him. He looked ahead… then he found himself staring at 4, getting even slower, blurrier, slowly things becoming less and less comprehensive, yet he could still feel in his heart just how worried 4 was. It felt… nice. He was glad 4 cared about him. Then everything went black. At least mostly. He was stuck in a weird state, still lightly aware of his surroundings, as he could feel himself falling over, then being grabbed and held close… Held close…? What for?
He lightly managed to open his eyes and tried to perceive the world around him, although it hurt him. It was difficult, but he figured out he was stuck in 4’s arms. Not exactly somewhere he wished to be while in a state like this. He kind of imagined feeling this sick while being cared for in his bed. Thinking about it… he wouldn’t mind 4 being there then. But this is just… embarrassing… He really hoped the stream wasn’t getting any of this… He already saw that one comment referring to 4 and him in weird ways and he didn’t like that. He felt uncomfortable on 4’s behalf as well. Who knows how hard his fans would tear him apart if they knew that he and 4 need to hold hands to use their meme guardian powers. It made him think about how he would even handle having a relationship like this. Either he would have to hide this person even if he was proud of pulling a bad bitch or have them be on display but risk the parasocial freaks coming in and ruining his dating life. He wasn’t new to the parasocial rodeo at this point, he knew about the sexyman allegations. Though it’s not like he wanted a relationship right now anyways. He liked to joke about getting bitches but he really just did that because he felt humiliated at the thought that he couldn’t pull anyone. He closed his eyes, trying to close out the sight that was 4 carrying him. That’s not to say he was fully against it but he won’t admit that so soon. But as he closed the sight out, he could hear words better.
“Homo…” he could hear Mario start then if he was guessing right, he got slapped since he stopped speaking.
“Well I’m not just gonna drag him by the foot, that would be cruel” he could hear 4 retort at the homosexual allegations.
“Is he gonna be okay?” Meggy asked, concern in her voice. 3 was kind of glad he had friends that cared for him. He wished he could say that without getting embarrassed. He hoped that they knew about it at least a little bit, as much as he could hint. But not too much, their annoying asses didn't deserve to see THAT much of him.
“I think so” 4 said “But he’s definitely not streaming like this, can we turn it off?”
“Well if you insis-” Meggy started.
“Nnnn…nnooooo… ss… stream…” 3 tried to get it out, the words small and weird. But they were heard. He didn’t like ending streams so suddenly. He’d rather die on camera than suddenly end a stream.
He heard 4 chuckle.
“Look at him, even in this state, he cares about his fans”
“How nice of him” Boopkins spoke up.
“I can see said fans are feeling the same way!” Meggy chuckled “It seems a lot of people are interested in what’s up here anyways so… for 3!”
“For 3!” both 4 and Boopkins cheered. 
If 3 was fully there, he would be so embarrassed. He’d hate it. He’s starting to like this… as if he’s looking in from the outside, not subject to the actual affection of his friends yet still being the subject of it. Unbeknownst to him, he was smiling about this in 4’s arms, who noticed so. But didn’t dare comment on it. Who knows how his insane fans would treat it. Although he couldn’t just go without letting 3 know, if he could hear him.
“If you only looked this cute while conscious” 4 chuckled into 3’s ear. It sent a jolt through 3’s body, but still not enough to get him out of his state. So it was all still energy, so much, as if continuously zapping his mind. What the FUCK did 4 just say?? HIM??? CUTE??? Well, he was handsome but CUTE??? HIM??? No way, 4 didn’t know what he’s talking about. Yet the words rang in his mind, foreverly so, not leaving him. Like a forever moment. Feeling obsessed with it, even if he didn’t want to be. It made him feel so warm. Like he could feel it physically now. He heard 4 chuckle, unsure where to put it, it only made him feel weirder. It was like 4 had his fingers wrapped around him in a mental sense as well, whatever he would say, he wouldn’t be able to escape. It was… weird feeling this vulnerable.
Slowly he stirred more in 4’s arms. Still remaining as calm as he could manage, to not disturb 4 too much. He was actually kind of comfortable. Not like he’ll say that out loud. Maybe he’ll write it down in his notebook later. It had been a great source of coping for him. Writing about the things that made him feel feelings usually made them easier to digest. He looked up at 4 with half lidded eyes, he seemed so… focused. He noticed then 4 looking down, which surprised him a bit. 4 smiled, then looked to the side.
“It seems he looks a bit better now”
“That’s good! Makes me feel less bad about how we keep on going”
“We should stop for a bit though… my arms are standing to get tired… he isn’t exactly light”
“...Bitch” 3 muttered, first coherent thing he said since falling over like a log.
Everyone kind of laughed about it.
“Mario agrees!” Mario stopped and immediately whipped out his pocket spaghetti. Who knows how long that’s been there. He seemed to be happy to eat it either ways.
They all laid down for a bit, 4 laying 3 down as well then sat beside him. He really just decided to sit beside him. Maybe he really did care.
3 reached up, as best as he could as he regained his strength, reaching to 4. 4 looked at his hand a bit confused, then decided to hold it, not really understanding what 3 wanted.
“Pfft… sure whatever”
“What?” 4 asked but 3 only rolled his eyes in response.
“Guess you don’t need it then”
4 took his hand away. 3’s smile lightly faded away but not too much. He didn’t want it to be too obvious that he was disappointed about that. He wasn’t even sure how to explain that he was disappointed. He just knew that it meant a lot to him that 4 did that. He never imagined he would get so weak about him. Weak about whatever 4 directed his way.
Let it be his insults or the looks he could give him when he showed he cared. He wanted to have him whole, with all those silly little intricacies that made him who he was, even his cringe memes. Never did he care so much for someone in his life… What… What did he mean by this? Oh… OH… no… not here… not now… why couldn’t this happen at like- a more appropriate place- somewhere without 4 preferably- Well, the world is cruel to him so now he had to keep himself together in this damned situation.
He slowly sat up, not really looking at anything. He slowly breathed in, then out, slowly calming the nerves that scream about what’s boiling underneath his skin, his mind. His feelings were. Restless.
“Are you okay, 3?” Meggy turned to him, with a soft, understanding smile.
“So-so… could be better” 3 smiled back, which surprised Meggy a little.
“Do you remember what happened?”
“Not much… But…” 3 took all the strength in himself, all his emotional strength “I think the rot feeds on… frustration? I think, or anger.. I remember feeling sort of angry before… since a certain someone here can be such a piece of ass here” 3 said as he directly looked at 4.
“Did you hear what I say to you? If so, right now I’m really meaning it”
“What did you say to him?” Meggy asked, a bit suspiciously.
“That’s between us” 4 said, as he got up “We gotta keep moving anyways, I can feel how close we are”
“Yeah… let’s” 3 slowly got up, stretching his back, being held for a bit there made his back feel like a quirky little snake. The slightly loud pop from his back made Boopkins jump.
Mario looked at the 2, a big big grin that kept getting bigger.
“Hmmmmmmmmmmmm” he teased the 2, just even with his menacing Mario gaze.
3 and 4 exchanged glances.
“Home of sexual” Mario claimed, with the same big grin. 4 was ready to throw hands but 3 just got up and started walking. This shocked both but especially Meggy.
“I have no power or need to feel angry right now let’s just go, I’ll feed him bombs when we get back” 
“Feeding time?” Mario looked on with great interest, his selective hearing deciding to focus right on the word ‘feed’ “Does Mario get his spaghetti?”
“Later, red, we have a mission on our hands right now”
As Meggy spoke, 3 realised his camera was in Meggy’s hand. He quickly took it back, Meggy barely realising it was taken from her.
“What’s up, chat! I live! I could never leave a stream interrupted, all of you know I’m stronger than that so I’m here again!” he marched on, with a big smile on his face. This surprised the others, especially 4 and Meggy as they looked at each other then followed after him, with Boopkins hurrying after them with his short legs. Mario shrugged, quickly forgetting about food as he followed behind them a bit delayed.
“Oh thanks for the bits! As for your question, we’re looking into something geniusly named the rot!.... ‘Is it really named the rot?’ It wasn’t named by me, I would’ve given it a better name, like forest meme fungus parasite or something like that”
“That’s actually kind of lame” 4 said.
“I agree actually” Meggy added.
Boopkins looked too concerned to end up on either sides.
“Whatever… ‘How far is it? We’ve been here for a while’ I think we’re getting closer! As you can see the trees look much different here” he put his hand against a tree, which leaked weird residue “AAAAH EWW EWW WHAT THE HELL”
4, Meggy and Mario laugh at him.
“Stuuu-piiiid” Mario keeps laughing.
3’s eyes twitched, but he was keeping his cool.
“And I think this isn’t even the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen him do!” 4 said.
Oh 4. His sweet prince. He’s done it. Truly. 3 slowly looked at him, 4 started to look scared. 3 ran at him, camera still in his hand, getting the weird liquid on him as well.
4 looked offended to hell, heaven and purgatory, he was NOT letting this go so easily. He grabbed a bit of rot as well and threw it at 3.
Mario clapped, the clowns are dancing again. Boopkins hid behind Meggy, who didn’t look very satisfied with Mario.
But, oh, if she didn’t pay attention to him, she would have realised that the ground was moving, but she only noticed when it was already pulling 3 and 4 down, and fast at that.
“4!!! 3!!!” Meggy cried out, trying to reach into the rot to no avail. It seemed she couldn’t get into it like those 2 managed to. 
“Oh nooo” Mario genuinely got sad as he got down beside Meggy.
“What do we do now?” Boopkins went there last, although just as concerned as the other 2.
“I don’t know… the best we can do is… I think we should go back and get some tools! Maybe we can dig them out. Hopefully before the sun sets” Meggy proposed her idea, the other 2 nodded as they got up and started to run back, although not too fast to preserve stamina. They’re gonna NEED it.
3 and 4 laid there, underneath for a bit. It took a while until one woke up, which was 4. They were on top of each other, which he wasn’t too thrilled about. Though, to his horror, he couldn’t get up. He was stuck to him like this. At least it was just by their waists mainly… Who was he kidding, that’s probably the worst place to get stuck at, hands were way better, he’d rather have a week of that than this! He looked around, seeing that the place wasn’t big anyways. It was kind of dark, only illuminated by the rot’s faint blueish-green glow. What a weird way for a meme to manifest. At this point he was pretty sure it was a meme, although a powerful one. It seemed it had a strong staying power, one he hadn’t seen in a while. Another sign that it could be from Tumblr. He never liked Tumblr memes, they were always weird and hard to deal with. Since 3 was still not awake, 4 couldn’t channel the meme away either, 3 had to be at least awake for that. At least it was calm. He decided to pay attention to 3’s face. Just like before, he looked so peaceful. Although he could appreciate the energy he brought, he sometimes wished 3 could direct energy like this at him. He smiled, glad that he could get something like this to happen, although he’s still not very happy about the situation. As 4 looked around again, he noticed the lightly damaged camera, directed at them, still on. 
“Ah” was all that was left in his mouth, as he went a bit pale, knowing what they were doing was broadcasted to many people. He got on 4s, in an uncomfortable way, considering he was still stuck to 3 and reached for the camera. 
“Ummm… Hello, SMG3 viewers” 4 started awkwardly “I’d like to say thank you for all of you being here. Especially thank you for motivating us to go forward. I think I know what we will have to do with this so-called rot… But I will end stream here, it’s been a good run, thank you all for coming” 4 smiled at the camera and waved before turning the broadcast off.
That was when 3 stirred.
“Nggghh…” 3 looked up, having to blink a few times to see what the fuck is going on, kind of not believing his eyes, as he could feel his ears and face heat up.
“OI WHAT THE FUCK DUDE” 3 flipped, literally flipped, thinking they could separate but instead they fell over together, now with 3 on top, and their faces getting a bit too close from the velocity. 3 got distracted for a second. 4 took a bit before he returned the favour, as 3’s careless outburst only served to make him angrier. And so they got into a cycle of throwing each other but the bond on them still not budging. 
“Why must you be such a bitch,,” 4 whined as 3 tried his best pulling 4 off of his waist, but he only bounced back, their foreheads meeting. which made both yelp in pain.
“FUCKING CHRIST” 3 cried out.
“DUMBASS” 4 cried back at him.
3 tried to calm himself down as he looked around, seeing his camera which was turned off.
“Did… the camera break?”
“No… I” 4 realised he might not live “turned off the stream” his words were small.
3 slowly turned to him, his face the reckoning, judgement upon him, all in a pair of eyes that belong to his meme guardian partner.
“You… did… what?” 3 leaned closer to him, it would’ve been an understatement to call his vibes menacing.
“I-I” 4 trembled under 3’s gaze.
“You don’t SIMPLY end my stream”
“I said goodbye!!”
“I thanked them for being here!!”
4 looked scared as hell, his puppy eyes coming out, begging for forgiveness. Those eyes hit 3 square in the heart.
“Shit.. whatever I guess, I’ll let you be about it”
“Oh, thank you thank you” 4 hugged him, 3 could only roll his eyes.
3 tried to get up again, and maybe stand up right if everything goes well.  And as he did, it seemed to be really hard for their faces to not be close. It was starting to frustrate both of them. Slowly, they both stood on their feet, although still stuck to each other. That’s when 4 remembered.
“Hey, wait, we can channel the rot away! You can feel its meme energy too, right?”
3 looked up, then nodded. 4 grabbed both of 3’s hands. 3 was sort of distracted by the whole thing. He didn’t like being so close so soon. He wanted to have at least a little bit of time to process his feelings. 4 noticed that, as they weren’t as efficient as they were supposed to be.
“3!! What’s with you??”
That seemed to snap 3 out of it, who looked to the side, a powerless sigh escaping his lips.
“I can’t explain”
“WHAT do you mean you can’t explain?? Let’s just get out here!! Don’t you want to get out??”
“I-... of course I do, you think I’m stupid?”
“Well, you’re looking very stupid right now, not channeling yourself!”
“Don’t you… don’t you see…? We’re just… a bit too close for my taste” 3 looked down, feeling ashamed. He didn’t want it to be true but it was, tears welling up in his eyes.
“What do you-”
“IT- IT WOULD BE SO MUCH EASIER IF YOU WEREN’T RIGHT IN MY FACE” 3 cried, tears rolling down his face “YOU think I WANT TO BE HERE?? I’D RATHER BE ETERNITIES AWAY FROM YOU RIGHT NOW” those tears just wouldn’t stop.
4 let go of 3’s hands, now pissed himself, both of them pissed in fact.
“BITCH” 3 added.
And they started throwing hands, fighting again. Which fell to an abrupt end, as 4 held 3 against a wall of rot.
“YOU’RE CALLING ME STUPID?” 4 leaned closer to 3, who seemed to feel more ashamed than ever, as if he said something sacred, as if he sinned.
“Ju… just sh-.. shut up already, fuck..” 3 could feel his heart twist. 3 looked at 4 slowly, cautiously sadness pouring out from his eyes. He couldn’t hide it. He felt ashamed but he knew no other way out.
“3… 3 I’m…” 4 returned to a softer gaze.
“Are you stupid? I said…” once again, 3’s heart, it couldn’t take it “I feel stupid WITH you”
“Wh… What?”
“You really are stupid…”
4 didn’t look amused.
“So you called me stupid anyways”
“YOU-” 3 clenched his fists, trying his best to hold back from screaming at 4 again “You just… don’t seem to understand. And… I don’t know if I’m… shameless enough to just tell you everything…”
4 could feel something in his heart now as well. He didn’t understand what was going on. 
“I’m… sorry”
“Oh? What did you say?”
“I said that I’m sorry…”
“Can you say it again?” 3 looked at him with a little evil grin, although still strained from the emotions he was feeling. It was obvious to 4. He gave him the stink  eye then moved one of his hands to pet 3’s head.
“Can a man not be sorry?” 4 joked, which kind of worked, although the head pat flustered 3 a bit.
“Shut the fuck up”
3 giggled, seemingly calming down a bit.
“Let’s just get this over with, 3? You did say you wanted to be gone from me” although 4 would usually hide his feelings better, he sounded more sad than he should have.
3 couldn’t help but smile.
“So you DO care, huh?”
“I- of course I do, you’re one of my bestest friends!! I wouldn’t wanna stay away from you”
“Right right…friends… “ 3 looked down, he couldn’t bring himself to be angry anymore. He was tired.
“Wait you- you don’t mean…” 4 stared at 3, who wouldn’t dare look back. Although, it was hard avoiding him when they’re stuck by the waist. 
Suddenly a lot of things started to make sense to 4. Memories flashing by him, as he looked at 3, looking back at everything. The things he would feel with him. More than just the meme energy they could channel together, there was way more there, more than he ever realised. They way he just… my god… The realisation hit him like a car crash. 
“I’m in love with you??” 4 spoke confused, 3 looked at him confused.
3 couldn’t bring himself to words, he could only look back at 4. 3 knew his heart was flying sky high though, with his face feeling god awfully warm too. After the confusion wore off, 4 smiled, kind of coming to peace with it. Skipping a few stages of grief there, huh?
“Let’s get out of here, 3” he grabbed his hands, once again, although softly. 
The 2 look at each other for quite a long moment, as they slowly channel the meme energy, yet they can’t help thinking: this is not enough. It’s kind of weird how they both leaned in at the same time, sharing a power shattering kiss that vaporized all the rot out of existence, even the thin layer that made them stuck. Although they were still stuck in the hole that the rot dug out. They looked up, finally seeing the outside world. It was a sight they didn’t think they’d miss so much. Ironically to what 3 was saying before, he didn’t seem to want to let go of 4. 4 didn’t mind that. 
“Hey” 3 spoke awkwardly “Just saying if you’d like to kiss me again, you’re totally allowed to” 
4 smiled brightly as he took on the request, melting into 3’s touch in the process. Nothing was perfect and wonderful sunshine forever rainbow though so…
“Guys, we’re- oooooooh” Meggy stopped as she noticed the 2.
“We’re here we’re- OOOOOOOOOH” Mario piped up even louder.
“What’s with the- WOAAAH” Boopkins seemed to be the most surprised. He didn’t even see it coming.
The 2 idiots finally noticed the outrage their homosexual activity made happen.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP” 3 yelled at them.
“Yeah you tell them!!” 4 cheered him on. 
The 3 other idiots, who patiently pulled them out of the hole could barely wait to ask about everything. What happened in there? Are they Homo Sex now? (A Mario original question) Most importantly: are they okay?
“None of you speak of what you saw” 3 pointed at Meggy, Mario and Boopkins. Boopkins and Meggy nodded, while Mario had different intentions. He was going into his usual devious Mario smile. 
“Mario” 3 looked at him with violent intent.
“Hee hee hee”
“Mario, he’s serious” 4 added, also ready to throw hands.
Mario took a few seconds then suddenly took off.
And so they couldn’t catch him, now everyone knew that his guardian partners were also romantic partners now. A beautiful ending <3.
Hope this was enjoyable! It is my first fic with this series so obviously it's not perfect. Fun fact! I wrote this in one night.
I may possibly have more ideas but nothing too concrete yet oopsie
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thiccpersonality · 5 months
Damian (Gremlin) Wayne...and his even more gremlin-esque family
A newly introduced Damian sits in Bruce's Bat-chair, observing his new "siblings" with judgmental eyes. His emerald green ones rolling into the back of his head at the ex-carny babying him: "Look you fool, I shall let you know right now that your efforts to entertain me like I'm some child will prove fruitless. Whatever I have done to make you think I'm approachable, forgive me, because I already hate you."
Richard's smile slowly fades and he clears his throat. His medium blue eyes narrowing into a suspicious glare, his lips forming a tight lipped smile: "Right down to business I see? I'll have you know that you may be the baby, but I was Bruce's first one. Whatever title you held before doesn't matter now...in fact, I would suggest you get rid of it before someone helps you get rid of it."
Damian scoffs and picks at his nails, swiveling side to side in HIS father's chair: "Worried about the competition already? As expected from a weak-willed and spineless peasant such as yourself. I suggest whatever title you held before-" his green eyes rake up and down Richard's lithe form like a predator with it's prey-"Which from your disposition I would say you are the favorite-ah! Or I should say EX favorite."
Jason grunts from where he's punching at a dummy: "Look you little shit. All we did was exist-"
Damian: "Then stop."
Jason: *stops punching to glare at the small fry* "Ex-fucking-cuse me? I already un-existed before, I am NOT doing that again. And drop the attitude before I drop kick you back to your mother."
Damian: "How cute. It's like a puppy learning to bark for the first time. I can already tell you are desperate for my father's attention like a dehydrated ma-"
Jason: *cocks his gun and points it at Damian* "Did no one tell you along the way here that I don't mind killing for Bruce? Would've tried to get rid of Bozo the Clown over there if I knew I could get away with it. And then I'd shoot Bruce myself."
Tim looks up from his tablet with a sigh: "Trying to kill another bird I see? I guess I wasn't enough for you?"
Jason: "That was due to my pit induced rage. I had no control over that-" gestures towards Damian-"But this overly confident little bitch is a choice."
Tim raises his hands in defeat: "Just saying that you shouldn't threaten the new one so soon. Plus...I'm the smart one, Bruce needs me more than all of you combined. And I know everyone's weaknesses well, do you really want to test me?"
Damian sighs and finally hops down from the chair: "Childs play. My mother has made sure I knew everything from acrobatics to knowledge of cultures, religions, languages, books and other things you plebeians would surely combust from the brains it takes to memorize such things. She made sure I had it all so I can replace all of you. And father will be mine and mine alone."
Richard plasters a friendly smile back on his face: "Seems like the one spot she missed was etiquette. Don't worry kid, I'll be happy to show you the way things work around here."
Before the argument can get further out of hand, a clearing of the throat stops the four boys. They quickly turn to see Alfred standing at the bottom of the cave steps with a tray full of cookies.
Polished shoes click across the cave floors unhurriedly, the older gentleman quietly serving the boys their cookies and turning to leave. Not before clearing his throat once again and turning to give the four boys stern looks.
Alfred: "All this bickering is pointless. You all are now family and I hope you lot will act like it. Master Bruce is already making arrangements for your schooling young master Damian, and he expects a somewhat peaceful dinner tonight."
The older man can't help the small smirk he gives, one that is confident and self-assured. "Plus, as long as I am here, there is NOT much competition. You may be his first child master Richard, but I am his first partner in anything he's done. I do hope from here on out you ALL will remember your places. Good day."
The four boys frown at the authority radiating from the usually calm butler.
Damian clicks his tongue and slinks into the shadows while silently plotting his new victims demise.
(Hello everyone! I write fics on AO3 by the same name, Thicc_Personality. I'm sorry this is my first post and it's nothing but chaos, threats and crack...they truly (do) care for each other, they just don't know it atm XD. But I am a sucker for gremlin bat family and an oblivious Bruce to the very obvious competition. That or he lets it slide so easily (especially for Damian) cause he thinks his baby son is the cutest thing ever. If anyone manages to see this...well, I hope there was some enjoyment found here xD. Stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always. 💜)
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shotorozu · 1 year
pretend boyfriend
(i use guardian because idk there was this one time i used “mom” in a though unrelated n old draft and i showed it to someone and they replied with “i don’t have a mom” 😧)
note(s): also this totally wasn’t inspired by something that happened to me some time ago 😭 and this upload is late so IGNORE that it’s no longer february (actually, for 10 days now) and focus on how i’m early for white day— basically a day in japan in which guys give chocolate to their crush or partner instead of girls giving chocolates to guys (which happens on valentines day) white day is on march 14 btw
»»————- ♡ ————-««
you realize your sad plan for your single, partner-less white day— an extension of valentines day, backfired on you when your guardian asks you about a boyfriend upon your usual visit from school.
“what?” you question, sounding unbelieving of the question, like it was a collection of meaningless words. “i don’t have a boyfriend—”
“the chocolates say otherwise,” they point out, interested in the heart shaped box of sweets. “can i see a picture? i need to know if they’re good for you!”
what an… interesting way to determine who’s good for you. “there’s no boy— no one, trust me.” you insist, sounding a little more panicked than you would’ve liked— and this only fueled her suspicion.
“there has to be someone, you’re beautiful!” they insist. you would’ve felt complimented if it weren’t for the context of it all, and also the fact that they’re just talking about physicality “really, who gave it to you?”
you’re hesitant to say that you actually bought them yourself, not just to replicate the experience of having a significant other, (now that you’ve realized how hard you’ve been pining over someone incredibly unattainable)
but also because you couldn’t resist the contents of the box.
sure, you were given other pieces of chocolate and sweets from your classmates even some of the girls! (which wasn’t common to see on white day of all days) and a suspiciously expensive looking cupcake box landed on your table too.
(you didn’t eat it, you just couldn’t accept the fact that it wasn’t actually decor, until you went to eat lunch and smelled the thing.)
but those chocolates were obviously obligatory, considering the context of white day. besides, the box you bought was different— it had all your favorite flavors and it was from your favorite sweets brand. you just couldn’t help but tear a small portion of your allowance out of your wallet for this treat alone.
you don’t know what your guardian would say— they’d either insist that you’re lying, or they’d make fun of you, and none of these options sound appealing.
you deflate, not having a good defense. “… a friend.”
they don’t seem convinced. nobody used a friend to refer to their actual friend. you mentally beat yourself over this simple mistake.
this only proves their point, “hmm, okay..”
there’s a beat of silence.
“i’m still expecting a picture.”
your heart rate picks up, and you can feel your veins be filled with anxiety.
and now you’re returning to the dorms, absolutely mortified— and it clearly shows on your face based on how your best friend, todoroki shouto, approaches you at the front door with a concerned look.
“you look.. distressed.” he notes out loud, as he opens the door.
shouto’s quick to help you get your shoes off, letting you lean on him as you undo your shoelaces. he pulls off each shoe afterwards— the action so casual.
“it’s because i am, shouto!” you exclaimed, following him in. “i did something stupid and now i’m paying the consequences of my actions!”
shouto’s two toned brows furrow, there’s a deep look settled on his pretty face— and he draws all his focus on you. “whatever it is, we can fix it.”
“i’m sure but, my ego! my dignity!” you groan, and your hands cover your face as if it’ll burrow you away from the embarrassment and transport you to a place of peace.
“i won’t laugh,” he says, an indirect way of saying that he won’t absolutely clown you for any of your decision making skills.
shouto then holds his pinkie up, waiting for you to take it. it’s a clear show that he’s intent. “promise.”
“sure,” you say as you link pinkies, the warmth of his pinkie making embarrassment creep up your neck instantly. “i trust you.”
you breathe in as preparation. “i bought chocolates for myself and my guardian thinks i have a boyfriend and is asking for a picture, so now i’m screwed because i don’t have a boyfriend in the first place, and i’ve told them that i don’t but they just don’t believe me, so i might have to get a fake boyfriend for a picture!”
all of it just spilled out at once. you aren’t even sure if shouto understood, let alone was able to comprehend all of it due to the lack of reaction.
but when you carefully examine— you realize that a reaction slowly shows on his face, like it just dawned on him the information you’ve dumped.
“fake boyfriend.” he echoes, “for a picture.”
“yes!” you groan, mortified of the other possible solution of the matter being slapped in your face again, “and they need to be tall, handsome, and apparently someone that looks rich— don’t know how a picture can prove that, we don’t even have jobs.”
“anyway, they’ll just criticize me for my choice in people.” you sigh, “i’m lost.”
he folds his arms together, and he unintentionally flexes. your eyes follow the movement for a short second before you realize that you cannot be caught gawking at someone you’ve met when you were both five. “it appears you are quite in a situation.”
“if only there was someone available to help.”
“someone close to you.”
“i figured— it’d be awkward to ask someone who i’m not really close with to be my fake…” you trail off, brows furrowing when you realize there might be some insinuation in his words. you can’t tell what he is necessarily eluding to— but,
you take a good look at shouto— an very good look. you size him up, and he allows this as he is basically standing politely. there’s a fixed look of stillness in every aspect of his expression, and he’s calm when he speaks,
“i could play the role.” he suggests like he doesn’t understand the weight of his words, or he doesn’t care that much about it.
you can feel your heart in your throat all of a sudden, and the beat of it is becoming painfully loud.
“shouto,” you somehow manage to get out, “they know who you are.”
your deep rooted history together as close friends would be seen as a plus point, if it weren’t for the fact that you’ve refrained from showing (let alone hinting) any sign of your feelings for him. shouto did the same, except you are absolutely sure he doesn’t want anything more than platonic with you— as he has displayed no such signs.
the sudden shift of events would raise more questions instead of just solving one.
besides, who doesn’t know him nowadays? he’s tall, good looking, strapped with money and a multipurpose and hella useful quirk. heck— his appearance during the sports festival was a huge thing and has definitely made a positive mark on his reputation.
additionally, it was hard for your guardian to miss someone with an alluring presence like shouto’s, and a head full of naturally snow-like, and flaming red hair.
you think carefully before coming up with something easy. “what if i just asked one of the girls to wear an oversized hoodie; and stand on a stool? i’d crop out their face, of course. kyouka or yaomomo could—”
before you were allowed to finish your thought, shouto continued to press on his idea. “i’d be the most preferable, since the backstory makes the most sense.”
you pause. you’ve never thought of an actual backstory for you too, and you couldn’t quite indulge in the self blame— you didn’t think he’d agree at all.
“childhood friends turned best friends, and with a bond that drew us together.” his gaze fleets somewhere below your eyes, and then he draws them back up— a small boyish grin now blessing his face. “besides, you’d be in quite some trouble if they asked for a picture of their face.”
oh, that description sounded way too close to home, so much that you forgot. now that shouto mentioned one, that solution does seem to have its loop holes.
“touché.” the lengths he’d do for you is admirable, and your heart would’ve stuttered if it weren’t for the dull reminder from the back of your mind, of what it’s really like between the two of you.
“so uhm, what now? do you want to take the picture right later or—”
“now would be good.”
“oh uh, okay then…” shouto never wastes time, even when it came to unimportant stuff it seems, and he watches as you shift around to find your phone.
getting your phone is something that never takes any time, but with everything being taken account for, your hands are starting to feel like jelly.
after opening your camera app and switching to selfie mode, you position your phone carefully. not just like a photographer that was about to capture a rare wild animal laying still, but also similarly to how people take pictures with celebrities.
you are cautious of the angle. although you’ve almost seen every single expression that he could make— you’re worried how you could make everything look good, make him look phenomenal. (although it seems impossible to make him look anything but)
you end up snapping a photo that’s majorly of him, and the only show of you being in the same frame was the very top of your head shoved to the corner of the screen.
the two of you stare at the photo, exchanging glances. you might think that this is enough, considering that this photo of shouto is nowhere on the internet. so— plus one for authenticity, sorta.
he’s not your real boyfriend, but your guardian won’t know that from looking at the picture.
“let’s do a retake.”
you nearly stumble, like his words were a gust of strong wind. “huh?”
“this photo.. doesn’t seem authentic. i wouldn’t know what it’d be like to be in a relationship but the couples on television look— different. don’t you think?”
you take another look at the photo. although the couples shouto is referring to are actresses and actors playing roles— he’s right for the most part. the distance between the two of you is hard to miss, nobody would be able to guess that you two were together.
not to mention, it’s more of a picture of him instead of the both of you.
“alright then,” you say in agreement. “any suggestions?”
“if i may.”
“of course you may,” you encourage.
“then…” he shifts, feet moving closer to you. “if you’ll allow me.”
shouto’s hands reach out, and you’re immediately drawn to them. although unsure about his next course of action, you don’t stop him as he pulls you close— hands with contrasting temperatures maneuvering the positions to his liking.
eventually, the two of you were positioned in a way that made you encase shouto in your arms and have you turnt slightly towards the camera.
the side of your faces are pressed against each other’s, and despite trying your best to stop it, the proximity had your heart thumping against your ribcage once again.
making sure you don’t prolong the ordeal more than you need to— you snap the picture and attempt to pick yourself up afterwards.
but shouto makes no effort in detaching himself from you, relaxing in your arms as he leans against you to view the picture. you feel yourself flustering again, and you just know that he could end you one day and be blissfully unaware of how and why.
although you just took a big risk that could possibly have your feelings found out— you were just as curious as he was to see the outcome.
and you two seemed like a couple indeed.
“thoughts?” you ask in place of allowing yourself to slowly pass away on the inside. your skin feeling increasingly hot all of a sudden, and you’re confident the boy beside you has nothing to do with it this time.
“just as i suspected.” a small smile pulls at his lips, “we look good together.”
your brain buffers, “huh?—”
and then, he’s pressing his soft lips onto your cheek— pulling back as quickly as he pressed his lips onto you.
you choke on practically nothing, and you stare at him with eyes so wide they rival saucers.
and then it started to make sense, “what— are you playing me?— you’re doing all of this for a picture i didn’t even take!”
he tilts his head, confused for a moment before letting out a disapproving noise. “i… was teasing at some point, but i would never play you. i even pinkie swore.” he said, holding the same pinkie he linked with yours earlier to prove his memory.
“so why… after all this time?”
his gaze sharpens, “why not?” he states simply, “i figured just recently that.. the feelings are mutual, and that you’re interested in the way i’m interested in you.”
he clutches you, shoving himself deeper in your embrace, “besides, there was no way i’d let you ask anyone else to be your pretend boyfriend when i’m right here.”
“it would be just for a picture though.” you note, slightly amused that todoroki shouto was jealous at the idea of having a pretend boyfriend for a picture— even if said pretend boyfriend were to be one of the girls from your class.
a specific blank expression is pinned onto his face. “still.” he replies, quite dryly.
though the expression immediately melts away as he says these next words, “now then,” gorgeous, gorgeous heterochromatic eyes meeting yours in a gaze. shouto holds it, and it seems that he’s taking advantage of his effect on you. he’s quick, not to mention— observant too.
“we should take another picture, one that’s much real.”
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nightprompts · 10 months
&. 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 (𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧) 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
( dialogue prompts taken from episodes 3 & 4 ( "tell no tales" & "the pirates are coming" ) of the netflix live action one piece series. feel free to edit and change as you seem fit. )
❛ when are you gonna stop wasting your life? it's pathetic. ❜
❛ it's our jolly roger. every pirate crew has to have one. and now we do! ❜
❛ why did i have to get dragged along for this? ❜
❛ you think you can do anything i can't do? ❜
❛ i was just... i was trying to help. ❜
❛ you got to be kidding me. that clown was worth 15 million berry. we should've stuffed his head in a bag and brought it with us. ❜
❛ who would pay you that bounty anyway? you're kind of a wanted man yourself now. ❜
❛ well, it's about time one of my sorry excuses for a supporting cast showed up. ❜
❛ arlong wants a word. ❜
❛ well, you can tell arlong... that i don't take requests. ❜
❛ how much do these cost? ❜
❛ if you have to ask, you can't afford it. ❜
❛ listen. we are going to need something a little less flashy if we want to sneak out of here. ❜
❛ you want to steal a ship? ❜
❛ a ship is not just a ship. it's a part of our crew. ❜
❛ real beauty, huh? ❜
❛ wait! wait! wait! i can help you. ❜
❛ our experiences don't define us. it's what we gain from them that matters. you learned, and you survived. ❜
❛ we've had this discussion. you mustn't show up unannounced. ❜
❛ have you come to tell me another story? i do love hearing about your adventures. ❜
❛ when are you ever going to get the opportunity to wear things this nice? ❜
❛ all this stuff. all this space. it's gotta make a person feel... lonely. ❜
❛ i know i can be a tad overprotective at times, but it's just because i couldn't bear to think what i would do were something to happen to you. ❜
❛ have we met before? you look familiar. ❜
❛ being a pirate has been my dream for as long as i can remember. and i'm finally making it a reality. ❜
❛ i'm sorry. am i interrupting something? ❜
❛ is this the best way to ask for an autograph? ❜
❛ i'm here to remind you of your place in the food chain. ❜
❛ you bore me, clown. ❜
❛ so we're friends now? you don't even know me. ❜
❛ wo what do we do now? have a sleepover? do each other's makeup? ❜
❛ i don't want your pity. ❜
❛ have you ever lost anyone close to you? ❜
❛ you're not very good at this friends thing, are you? ❜
❛ you don't think she, like, like likes me, do you? ❜
❛ if you're gonna talk about feelings, i'm really gonna need a drink. ❜
❛ i knew i'd seen your face somewhere. on a wanted poster. ❜
❛ i guess some fruit gets so bruised, it can't help but to be rotten at the core. ❜
❛ let's fight with real blades to see who's best. ❜
❛ but if you want to beat me, you'd better be ready to kill me. ❜
❛ i don't think you know what the truth is anymore. ❜
❛ i'm done running. i'm not leaving your side. not until i know you're safe. ❜
❛ if we stay here, we die. we have to leave now. ❜
❛ two swords not enough? maybe you should've brought more. ❜
❛ if you just give up, what has all our training been for? ❜
❛ let's fight every day. we'll keep getting better and stronger until one of us becomes the greatest. ❜
❛ you'd do that for me? ❜
❛ now, i need you to be strong so we can get out of here. ❜
❛ a dead pirate weighs the same as a live one. ❜
❛ let's not make this more difficult than it need be, hmm? ❜
❛ you'll never get a peaceful night's rest because someone's always waiting to slit your throat. ❜
❛ i've killed more crewmates than i care to remember. they're expendable. every single one of them. ❜
❛ being a pirate is not about raiding villages or perfect plans. it's about adventure. and freedom. ❜
❛ you gave up on your dream. no one who does that can ever call themselves a pirate. ❜
❛ i'll see you again someday. ❜
❛ from now on, it's all gonna be smooth sailing. ❜
❛ you had to open your mouth. ❜
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I have an alternate universe Buggy that's been ratallng around in my head. A female Buggy that's like Taylor Swift, so she got into music and wants to be a singer. She spent most of her time on the Oro building up her guitar and piano skills. She stole the guitar from the musician(was aware but let it happen) and begged Roger to get a piano. She didn't inherently have the greatest vocals and got teased, specifically by Shanks. Dreams of being in front of a crowd cheering her on and singing her songs. Those dreams are what drive her. It goes hand in hand with canon Buggy’s inferiority complex and constantly seeking attention to be a star.
The reason I can imagine it is because Buggy would be the kind to right the most unhinged lyrics that TS is known for. Also a lot of her lyrics reflect Buggy.
Mirrorball - And they called off the circus Burned the disco down When they sent home the horses And the rodeo clowns I'm still on that tightrope I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me I'm still a believer but I don't know why I've never been a natural All I do is try, try, try I'm still on that trapeze I'm still trying everything To keep you looking at me
Me! - I know that I'm a handful, baby, uh I know I never think before I jump And you're the kind of guy the ladies want (And there's a lot of cool chicks out there) I know that I went psycho on the phone I never leave well enough alone And trouble's gonna follow where I go (And there's a lot of cool chicks out there)
Karma - ‘Cause karma is my boyfriend Karma is a god Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend Karma's a relaxing thought Aren't you envious that for you it's not? Sweet like honey, karma is a cat Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me Flexing like a goddamn acrobat Me and karma vibe like that Ask me what I learned from all those years Ask me what I earned from all those tears Ask me why so many fade, but I'm still here (I'm still, I'm still here)
peace - Our coming-of-age has come and gone Suddenly the summer, it's clear I never had the courage of my convictions As long as danger is near And it's just around the corner, darling ‘Cause it lives in me No, I could never give you peace
long story short - Fatefully I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me Misery Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep And you passed right by I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides The knife cuts both ways If the shoe fits, walk in it 'til your high heels break
Never Grow Up - And no one's ever burned you Nothing's ever left you scarred And even though you want to Just try to never grow up
So here I am in my new apartment In a big city, they just dropped me off It's so much colder than I thought it would be So I tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on Wish I'd never grown up I wish I'd never grown up
Endgame - I hit you like, "Bang" We tried to forget it, but we just couldn't And I bury hatchets but I keep maps of where I put 'em Reputation precedes me, they told you I'm crazy I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me
The whole of Dear Reader and most of Anti Hero. New Romantics just sounds like a pirate anthem. So definitely something Buggy would write.
Here are the albums that would be about different exes. The exes that had a lasting impact on her.
Red Hair Shanks - Debut, Fearless, and Red
Donquixate Doflamongo - Speak Now, a little of Fearless and Red.
Charlotte Katakuri - Speak Now
Sir Crocodile - 1989
Sakazuki/Akainu -folklore, evermore
Dracula Mihawk - reputation, Lover, folklore, evermore
Midnights is a mix of them. Also she falls back in love with Mihawk and Crocodile after they form the Cross Guild.
Her exes have a hard time forgetting her and its made even worse by their enemies using the songs about them to torment them. It also doesn't help that their subordinates and families listen to her songs too. I'm still figuring out the timeline. Akainu happens before Mihawk but she is so hurt by him that she wasn't able to write any songs about him until much later.
None of this is a commentary on Taylor Swift or her personal life. Just my interpretations and how they'd fit.
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emmyrosee · 1 year
I legit just came across this reel on insta and thought of your dad!atsumu AU. Like imagine Atsumu posting this and being like “yes I am a man of the women” … just to have his old teamates clown him in the chat with the “you basically copy pasted what Kita san scolded you with”. The chaotic lighthearted arguments that ensue are poetic cinema. 😩🤌🏽 and imagine uncle! Osamu adding to the mix by showing up the next day ready to “party with his niece” first thing in the morning and catch dad!Atsumu slacking in 4k:absolutely knocked out on reader’s chest, drool and all. Morning routine who?
(That being said I do think this reel needs to become the norm and I’m HC all the HQ people can and will be good partners + parents)
Like he makes this super sweet, heartfelt video about how much he appreciates you carrying his baby and holding the fort while he’s gone, and the least he can do all the other mornings, is let you sleep while he gets Hisako ready for the day.
It's filled with laughter and toys and coffee and princess crowns falling into little fruit cubes, and just absolutely everything going smoothly for the camera.
And his fans go buckwild. They love dad!Tsumu posts as much as we do, and they’re in the comments worshipping him and his teachings and just being the absolute best dad ever.
…but that doesn’t last. Because not two hours later does the clownery start. Because he doesn’t deserve peace.
onigirimiya11 bruh ur such a liar. if you’re going to copy like you did in school, at least change the words smh
aranojiro_ you forgot the part where Kita swats you with newspaper. at least be consistent if youre going to steal his gospel
miyasan7137 @/onigirimiya11 @/suna.ejp.rintaro @/aranojiro_ YALL FAKE AS HELL, LEAVE ME ALONE ITS GOOD ADVICE
kshinsuke1 atsumu, im thrilled you are listening to me. tell hisako i said good morning- use those exact words, of course, as youve done here
miyasan7137 @/kshinsuke1 kitasan please im sorry
ksakusaiyoomi no one likes you, Miya
It seems like nothing could be better, let alone feed the hungry dad!atsumu fans, until a few hours later, when Osamu posts a quick "@/miyasan7137 lol this you?" to his story:
atsumu, absolutely knocked out against the couch with his head in hisako's lap while barely in frame in the kitchen, you're cooking, giving the camera a wide smile to match the one hisako shares from behind her pacifier.
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alexandthensome · 1 year
Who You Gonna Call?
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Chapter 1: Something Strange DC x DP Fic based off this post
Warnings: Major Character Death, Strong Language, Depictions of Violence
Rating: Mature
Author’s Note: For those who have been waiting for forever I apologize for how long it took me to crank out this one chapter this is my first time writing a Fic so any constructive criticism helps, also thank you soo much for the support ❤️. Update On Chapter 2 of “Who You Gonna Call?” It’s knots done jut need to finish a few final touches should be posted by Friday of Next Week
When you think about it, peace will never be the outcome. Not for him, not anymore.
Not while his Parents lay dead at his feet, not while his sister sobbed helplessly; never again will Danny Fenton ever know a peaceful life.
But he’s okay with that; he’s come to terms with how things stood and knew there wasn’t much left to figure out besides where he will go now.
He never thought he’d have to plan a life without his parents, never suspected that this family vacation would be the last.
Nor did he expect his sister to go from “Annoying Older Sibling.” To “My Only Living Family Member.” in less than a day.
This was inevitable with his line of work, but he never expected his life to be this crazy, at least not so soon.
For him, being half ghost used to feel like a gift, something he could use to help the people he cared about the most. Now it was a curse, a cancerous infection slowly seeping into everything he held close.
Because of his “gift.” everyone and everything he knew was gone, replaced by this empty confusing nothingness, all their hopes and dreams for him nothing more than lost memories.
His parents were gone, taken from him in some brutal twist of fate by some psychopathic clown they call “The Joker.” to be completely honest, Danny was feeling anger beyond rational thought every time he thought about him.
And the worst part about this was that everything everything that happened was all a ploy, some sort of elaborate trick to lure Batman to his hideout, and The Fenton’s were nothing more than pawns in The Joker’s scheme to kill him.
Not only did he kill his parents, but he did it with a smile as he made Danny watch, laughing at his suffering until he got what he wanted.
Danny was taken to the police station and asked to state what he experienced while begging held hostage by the Joker, but all he could do was stare blankly at the wall.
As he got interviewed by the police, news anchors, and other journalists, all he could think about was how he everyone down. His frustration was building up under the surface, and he felt sick.
“How could I let this happen.” he thought. 
His mind raced, his fingers felt numb, his chest heaved as if something was blocking his airway, and he felt like everything around him was closing in. The walls began to spin, and he could feel his throat closing up, tears welling in his eyes.
Jazz noticed his strange behaviour and tried her best to get him to calm him down, but the panic had already set in.
They were alone, he let this happen, and there was nothing he could do to fix this. Nothing at all
Dozens of forced statements later, Danny was drained.
Despite being the “Hero.” he was, he couldn’t help but feel so incredibly useless. They kept asking him the same questions repeatedly until the words melted into nothingness, his brain felt like swiss cheese, and he thought he would pass out at any second.
Jazz had to handle all of the legal proceedings, taking her parent’s estate, medical bills, funeral expenses, and everything else; She was overwhelmed, to say the least.
She had no idea what to do once they were done with the police, they had nowhere to go, and beyond that, they had nobody to help them.
Her head was swimming, and for a split second, she broke; Danny noticed his sister sobbing and went in to hug her.
“I’m sorry this happened, Jazz, really I am. I wish I could trade my life for theirs; I would,” he said, tears streaming down his face.
“Hey, I know this everything is so crazy, but don’t blame yourself for what happened. There’s nothing more you could’ve done, okay?” she replied, rubbing his head to soothe him.
“but I let everyone down. I’m the reason they’re dead; if I don’t do something to avenge them, then-” he said rapidly, beginning to panic again.
“Enough, no more vengeance, no more self-blame. You’re just a kid. Nobody should’ve put that responsibility on you-.” she tried to explain, reaching out to touch his shoulder.
“That doesn’t matter anymore, Jazz. I’m not a kid anymore; I think I need to go for a walk and clear my head,” he said, pushing her off his and heading towards the door.
Jazz called out for him, but he was gone before she could get a word out.
As he walked the streets of Gotham City, he felt angry; at the world and at himself; he even felt anger towards his parents for suggesting this stupid trip. He wanted nothing more than to change the way things are right now, be somewhere different, and do something right for once.
He didn’t know what to do with himself; he walked around aimlessly for what felt like hours, looking for something, anything to do. He needed someone save; he wanted something to fight, anything in the world that would take his mind off things for a second.
all of a sudden, a blue mist leaves his mouth
“Finally.” he thought to himself
He changed into his ghost form quickly, and he waited. The tension in the air is thick, and he slowly looks around, hoping to see whatever is watching him.
“Don’t you know this place isn’t safe after dark?”
Danny looked around, trying to see where the voice came from,
“If I were you, I’d just turn around and head back home.”
“And why should I listen to you, wise and powerful shadow man?” Danny replied sarcastically
suddenly, he saw something jump from the fire escape down to the ground in front of him. He didn’t expect him to make that fall, let alone get up that easily.
He stood there frozen as the figure approached him, wearing a red helmet, a leather jacket, black pants, and a shirt with a red bat.
“I’ve heard of you before; you’re Red Hood, right?” Danny asked nonchalantly, trying to cut the tension of the situation
“In the flesh, and you’re that ghost kid “Phantom.” right?” he replied as he stepped closer to Danny, cornering him into a wall.
“Uh, Yep, in the flesh.” He said with a nervous chuckle
Danny was terrified; after the last couple of days he’s had, he didn’t want to take any chances with any more of the heroes or villains in Gotham.
Red Hood had him backed to a wall, his hand on the right side of Danny’s face.
“What’s your deal anyways, ghost boy? You want to run around being a vigilante, too?” he said, leaning in. 
“I-I’ve been a vigilante since the 9th grade,” he stuttered. “And for the record, I don’t need your permission to do anything, so why would you expect me to ask for it?.”
“Because if you don’t, I get to kick your ass and have you arrested for breaking curfew.” He replied
Danny chucked, “finally.”, he thought, “a reason to punch someone in the face.”
“respectfully, I’d like to see you try,” he said, cockiness radiating from his voice.
“fine, it is your funeral.”
@blackrabbitt3t @nedwec @blackstar-gazer @baykitthings @real-danny-phantom @hungrymentor @the-lokes @dizzydreamerzzz @phantom-phrases @sheep567 @lenoryt13 @theauthorandtheartist
@phantomskeep @arc-777 @dreamingasters @betinaplayingwriter @zeldomnyo @jaguarthecat @the-gay-florist @reinluna @gabrielandjackthenephilim @icepopstar5105us @skulld3mort-1fan
@batbootie @that-random-fangirl@cyber-geist@dat1angel@undead-essence@distractedducky@oddessy@dreamingasters@jarlyd@
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acescorazon · 7 months
*casually drops two updates in one day*
Title: Changes
Chapter: 6/?
Rating: M
Word count: 2063
Warnings: Explicit language, Depressed clown :( ((Buggy's still in that mindset where he thinks he's going to die at any moment and bounces back and forth between not caring and being overly anxious.))
Chapter excerpt:
Mihawk pauses for a moment, and perhaps he’s gathering the right words to say before he speaks again, “And I am man enough to admit my wrongdoings.” Buggy doesn’t get where anything is going, he’s so confused by the sudden change in Hawkeye’s attitude. Is this a weird dream? Is he actually still stuck in that same repetitive loop, just dreaming that Mihawk had a change of heart? Why is Mihawk being so..weird…? Who is this guy? This isn’t the Hawkeye Buggy knows. “Buggy.” He calls out, and Buggy jumps slightly in his seat. He has a strong urge to run out of the room right now. He doesn’t like this. This is so weird… “I apologize. I’ve treated you very horribly in the past, but I hope that you can forgive me for everything and we can have a more positive relationship in the future.”
Forgive him? 
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Why, just why? Buggy thinks. He doesn’t want to see them. He doesn’t want to do this. They’re just going to get mad at him and beat him, and… and Buggy just wants to stay in his room. They don’t need him, he messes everything up, and they hate him for it.
They’re going to hurt him again. 
No, no, no. He doesn’t want to go to that stupid meeting. Yet… Buggy detests the idea of either man coming into his room and invading the one place that’s been almost like a safe haven away from them. They’ll come in, criticize everything inside his room, and fill the place with horrible memories. He doesn’t want to walk into his bedroom and instantly think, ‘Wow, that’s the spot where they beat me senseless.’ every time he enters it. He wants to keep them far away from his personal space; it’s bad enough that they already occupy his mind every waking moment. 
Buggy isn’t properly dressed, he’s still in his pajamas, actually, but he quickly gets out of bed, afraid that if he doesn’t go to the meeting room, and now, that Mihawk and Crocodile will come bursting into his room. 
Look, it’s fine. It’s fine. He’ll just go to the stupid meeting and get things over with as quick as possible, maybe he’ll pretend that he’s still really, really ‘sick’, and then he’ll go back to his room and enjoy a few more days of peace. No more, no less, no angering Crocodile and Mihawk over something stupid and then getting his ass kicked. 
He’s okay. 
A few of his men notice his strange attire choice as Buggy rushes to the meeting room for his emergency meeting; and maybe it is a little strange seeing your boss in pink pajamas with little hearts on them, but, who cares about all that right now?! He wants to just get this over with. Hopefully, Mihawk won’t still be mad about the other night when Buggy…
When Buggy got really drunk and then ripped him a new one. He’s been dreading seeing Mihawk for that very reason… Buggy wasn’t in the right state of mind that night, he was sad and anxious, and he just let loose, and…Surely if Mihawk was going to kill him for drunkenly insulting him, he would have by now…but what if he’s just been waiting to slaughter him?
Oh, man, it’s going to be okay.
He’s going to be okay. 
Buggy’s heart is pounding faster and faster in his chest with every little step he takes, and he almost feels like…
It’s weird, really. He’s in his body, but he almost feels like someone else is controlling him, and like he’s just watching everything happening around him, but it’s okay, it’s beyond okay. He’s going to have that meeting, and he’s going to make it out alive. 
As he approaches the meeting room, he can hear loud, somewhat muffled, yelling already, and he freezes. Oh, man. They’re already mad at him. As soon as he steps foot into that room, they’re going to clobber him. He didn’t do anything wrong this time. He didn’t, he didn’t, he didn-  
“I told you i ain’t fucking doing that!”
“Then I’m done.”
“Leave then! I don’t care anymore!” 
Buggy hears their words, but he can’t understand or process them. He doesn’t want to go in. He doesn’t want to end up hurt again. He wants to turn around and go back to his room, and– 
Buggy decides to rip the bandage off, and quickly. He holds his breath and enters the meeting room, and as soon as he does, Mihawk and Crocodile turn to him and pause their argument, staring at Buggy, speechlessly. He’s fine. He’s fine, he knows that he came to a meeting in his pajamas, but it’s not like he’d get beaten up for something like that…would he? He’s fine, he’s fine. 
Neither of them mentions his attire right away, so that’s a good start…right? 
Mihawk is the first to speak after Buggy enters the meeting room, “Oh, so you decided to come after all…How are you?” How is he? How is he?! He’s scared to death! How else would he be at this very moment?! Mihawk basically forced him to come to this meeting, and knowing him, he’s probably going to yell at him. They’re both going to yell at him probably, and then, and then….
“I’m…doing better…still feeling a little unwell…” Buggy says, voice small and shaky. He keeps his eyes glued down to the ground, terrified of making eye contact with the other man at the moment. He quietly takes his seat at his normal spot at the meeting table, hoping that there aren’t objections to at least that, and waits for Mihawk and Crocodile to begin things. 
There’s something foreign and strangely soft about Mihawk’s voice as he has a seat right across from Buggy at the table,  “That’s rather unfortunate, isn’t it? We hope you feel better soon.” We? As in both of them? …What the hell…? There’s no reason to be nice… There’s no reason to lie...There's no reason to do all this... “I’ll get straight to the point: We’re never going to be successful if we continue to act this way towards each other.” 
“If Cross Guild is going to be successful, we need to treat each other with respect, and I mean that. I believe that we need to start fresh, and move on from everything that’s happened in the past.”
Buggy briefly glances up, accidentally making eye contact with Mihawk, before quickly averting his gaze back down to the table. Why is he saying this all of a sudden? Surely he doesn’t care that much about them having a good relationship, if he did he would have been nice from the start or would have actually accepted one of Buggy’s many previous offers to have a cordial relationship with each other, but he didn’t.  Mihawk’s never once seemed interested in treating Buggy with ‘respect’, so what’s different all of a sudden?  
Mihawk pauses for a moment, and perhaps he’s gathering the right words to say before he speaks again, “And I am man enough to admit my wrongdoings.” Buggy doesn’t get where any of this is going, he’s so confused by the sudden change in Hawkeye’s attitude. Is this a weird dream? Is he actually still stuck in that same repetitive loop, just dreaming that Mihawk had a change of heart? Why is Mihawk being so..weird…? Who is this guy? This isn’t the Hawkeye Buggy knows. “Buggy.” He calls out, and Buggy jumps slightly in his seat. He has a strong urge to run out of the room right now. He doesn’t like this. This is so weird… “I apologize. I’ve treated you very horribly in the past, but I hope that you can forgive me for everything and we can have a more positive relationship in the future.”
Forgive him?!
What a load of Bullshit! Just when he thought that Mihawk couldn’t get worse… Does he actually think that Buggy can forgive him and just forget everything he’s done just because he gave him a simple little apology? He’s beaten him, he’s degraded him, he’s humiliated him, he’s… he’s threatened Buggy’s life! And he thinks an apology is going to make up for it?! He expects Buggy to happily accept his apology and pretend nothing happened when…when he’s hurt Buggy so badly! No, screw that! Why should he ever forgive Mihawk even if he apologizes to him hundreds or thousands of times?
Buggy doesn’t want this. He doesn’t need this. What he wants is for Mihawk (and Crocodile) to just leave the island before they can cause any (more) harm to Buggy and his crew! Screw his apology! He doesn’t realize it at first, but he ends up glaring at Mihawk, angry and in disbelief that Mihawk thinks this will all go away with an apology, but he does eventually realize what he’s doing and it’s all thanks to Crocodile:
“What’s with that look, clown?” Crocodile scoffs, and as soon as those very words leave his mouth, Buggy quickly looks back down at the table, hoping that he’s not about to start a fight for something he didn’t even realize he was doing. “Are you too good to accept his apology?” …it’s not even that! How can Crocodile be so much of a jerk that he… that he can’t even see why Buggy’s hesitant to accept Mihawk’s apology?! Oh, that’s right, he’s probably never gone through what Buggy’s gone through before, and plus, Crocodile’s cruel and evil, and he doesn’t have any sense of empathy or humanity! How could Buggy forget? 
“Crocodile, if he doesn’t want to accept my apology, then I understand.” Mihawk sighs, “I understand that I’ve hurt you severely and how you might be hesitant to accept my apology or even believe it’s genuine. It’s my own fault, really… But I truly want all of us to get along better from now on, even if it’ll take some time.” 
Buggy still can’t believe any of this is happening… He doesn’t want to get along with Crocodile and Mihawk now after everything that’s happened between them, it’s far too late. He tried to offer his friendship ages ago, but they never wanted it…why should he try to be their friend now? They’re horrible people! “I want to suggest that the three of us have a nice dinner to discuss the future of Cross Guild as well as try to get to know each other better,” Mihawk states, and there’s a moment of silence after Mihawk makes his suggestion, but Crocodile and Buggy’s reaction soon afterward is…predictable.
“Nah, I'll pass.” Crocodile sneers, while Buggy just looks up in shock and confusion. What the fuck, man? No. Why would Buggy ever want to… He didn’t even want to come to this meeting, why would he want to have dinner with Mihawk and Crocodile?! Buggy hasn’t even accepted Mihawk’s apology, does he think he did? Does it even matter if Buggy accepts his apology or not? Does he think they’re all just buddies now? Does he really think that they can just forget about all the times he and Crocodile beat the shit out of Buggy?! Because they can’t! “I feel… really sick… I don’t think I can come.” Buggy lies, but then again, it really isn’t much of a lie because he’s fucking sick to his stomach right now. 
What is Mihawk even on right now?! 
“That’s also fine.” Mihawk nods, “But the offer remains on the table if both or either of you change your minds. Now, Crocodile, do you have something you’d like to say to Buggy?” 
No way. Buggy gets the feeling he knows where Mihawk is trying to guide the conversation, and there’s no way Crocodile would actually apologize to Buggy. Crocodile probably hates Buggy a hundred times more than Mihawk does and he’s made that fact abundantly clear several times already. “I ain’t got nothing to say to him.” Crocodile replies a moment later, and that’s the exact reaction Buggy thought he’d have, but… But at least he’s not being weird and suddenly trying to be all nice and crap, at least he’s still being consistent. 
Mihawk exhales a sigh, getting up from his seat, “Then, I have no more to say to either of you, have a good day.” What? What was the point in all that? Buggy stays seated in his chair as Mihawk makes his exit, secretly peeking over at Crocodile and trying to gauge his reaction. They both think this is weird, right? Buggy’s not the only one confused by this all, right? 
Crocodile’s expression is almost unreadable, but Buggy doesn’t think he’s too happy at the moment. He sits in his seat as well, uncharacteristically quiet and almost…calm? No, that’s not the word for it. He’s not calm, he definitely doesn’t seem calm, he actually seems like he’s quietly seething as he stares in Buggy’s direction. His aura is much more intimidating than usual, and Buggy can just barely make out the sight of Crocodile clutching his fist tightly. “I don’t think we’ll be having any more meetings for a while, clown,” He announces, and there’s a terrifying combination of coldness and hatred in his voice. “In fact, it might just be you and me in Cross Guild from now on.”
((A/N: All i needed to see was the flyer in the anime. That's all i needed and now i'm acting GOOFY.))
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