#molly with an ie
wavetomuse · 1 year
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there are rumors that chase has a soft spot for the rancher that waits outside his door at the crack of dawn and doesn’t work—
I started another play through of Animal Parade bc I’m determined to marry Chase but I also love Toby LOL and also im playing with cheats so like…I’ll meet a bachelor, then the next day I get their heart events 😭
I named my character/Molly, “Mollie”. : D
She doesn’t rlly want to be a rancher, she just wants to have fun. I imagine she’s very spacey and the type that other ppl take care of by instinct
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smittyw · 5 months
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typical spiderman gets outspidered by spider who isnt even a spider..? more at 11
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septembersghost · 1 year
Okay, I'm sorry, but...have you heard about this new documentary coming out on Amazon Prime? Check this out; they're actually speaking to Nash's "sources" (including Reeca Smith). I'm not really sure what to think about this or how believable it'll be.
even worse than this leaning on nash and her questionable "sources," they gave a platform to currie grant, apparently completely unchallenged, which is utterly VILE and speaks to the level of their integrity imho. it's absurd that they'd even include him at all, he is never supposed to speak about priscilla and there's a reason that defamation suit went the way that it did. she's been through more than enough already and this is just...salacious at best and intentionally harmful and aiming to be agitating at worst. if an unauthorized doc can only sink to the lowest sources and includes someone who should never be on record, that tells you everything you need to know about its legitimacy.
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e-b-reads · 5 months
Books of the Month(s): Nov + Dec 2023
Books from the end of last year! Only one of these is from November, which is part of why I just waited to do one post for both months. Here are my books of the month(s):
Tam Lin (Pamela Dean): I liked this one a lot. It reminded me some of Diana Wynne Jones's Fire and Hemlock, which, duh, they're both based on the ballad Tam Lin - but also because with both books, I only realized afterwards how well some of the images and themes from the works inspiring the books were incorporated. Also I kind of wish I read this book while I was in college, because despite being set in the 1970s and in the Midwest, it somehow still is a spot-on depiction of my experience of what it is to go to a little liberal arts school with kooky traditions that everyone knows by osmosis.
The Dark is Rising (Susan Cooper): A classic and a reread. I have reread this one more often than the others in the series (it's technically #2, but it was the first one I ever read and I think it can stand alone). I guess the eternal struggle of Light vs. Dark isn't a particularly novel plot, but the specifics of this story, and especially the images and feelings of it, I think are strong. As I wrote elsewhere, I liked it when I was a kid in a simpler "fun adventure!" kind of way, but I still like it now.
A Killer in King's Cove (Iona Whishaw): This is first in a mystery series (I read 6 of them in December). Set in Canada post-WWII, main character is an ex-British spy woman who moved there to escape her post-war life. They aren't as ~fun~ as some cozy and/or historical mysteries, because they're a little darker and more thoughtful, but I have decided that I like that. I also decided that the reader is supposed to figure out the murderer before the characters do (via short chapters from varying POVs), so once I got used to that I didn't mind. And finally, the main character makes a habit of very competently saving herself from perilous situations shortly before her love interest detective shows up with the cavalry, so I like that part too.
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notfye · 5 months
the unbelievable amount of histo in my brain rn and the unbelievable amount of horny in my brain rn are doing evil things
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
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i would wager there’s a 90% chance this is about vanessa and like good for her if true but #that side of her fan base will find a way to bring austin into it come hell or high water LMAO
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babolat85 · 11 months
Molly Sterling - Playing With Numbers (Ireland) - LIVE at Eurovision 201...
I've been salty about this not making the final since 2015
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muppetsnoopy · 9 months
glowing <3
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captainkingsley · 1 year
so my molly bot is sourced from a few different things, but the main things are molly’s actual dialogue and an ai that will help generate actual, conversational dialogue
i also threw in some things that are contextual to him, ie phrases about yasha being his best friend, places he’s been, general exandria stuff, right
testing the bot out i get a few phrases of like ‘my name is mollymauk, i work for the carnival’, [completely inaccurate statement that is more linked to general dnd lore than exandria lore], and ‘caleb seems cute’
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monsterblogging · 2 months
"I know JK Rowing is a terrible person but her books are so good-"
You sure about that?
I mean, just for a start, have you taken a good look at her fantasy creatures lately? A whole bunch of them are straight-up based on malicious and dehumanizing stereotypes about actual people.
Remember the werewolves? And being a werewolf was made into a kind of metaphor for having AIDS?
And you know how AIDS was first associated with gay men? And how conservatives back in the day were claiming gay men were preying on children in order to convert them to gayness?
Remember how Fenrir Greyback preyed on children in particular? Yeah, she put that subtext in there. She was an adult in the 90's. She knew damn well what she was doing.
Remember the house elves? Remember how most of them loved to serve and needed to have a home and a master or else they just wouldn't know what to do with themselves?
Did you know that's literally what slavers in the American South said about the Black people they kept enslaved? Go look up the happy slave myth.
Do I even need to get into the goblins and the antisemitic tropes they're based on? No, folkloric goblins were not gold-hoarding bankers waiting for their chance to stab humanity in the back.
"But the characters are so good!"
Are you kidding me?
Most of her characters are pretty one-dimensional, including Harry. Her idea of making a morally complicated character is giving a tragic past to a bully. Numerous characters are little more than stereotypes. (Looking at Fleur right now.) Literally anybody, including you, can easily make dozens of characters just as good, if not better. (It doesn't exactly take a lot of character designing skill to go, "hey, actually, having a sad backstory doesn't make it okay to bully children" or "hey, maybe I should not base a character on the first stereotype that pops into my head.")
"But the rest of the worldbuilding!"
Sorry, but her worldbuilding is just as basic as her characters. Magical castles and secret passages are stock tropes. Magical people who keep their true nature secret from humanity is the premise of pretty much every White Wolf TTRPG. Most of her fantasy creatures are just common European fairy tale and folklore creatures with shitty stereotypes projected onto them.
I'm not saying "basic worldbuilding bad." I'm saying, you could do just as good, if not better, with minimal effort.
Also there's her magical bioessentialism, where only Harry's abusive blood relatives could provide him with supernatural protection from Voldemort. Rowling thus effectively declared that non-biological family isn't quite real family, and that abusive biofamily can give you some essential thing that a loving, supportive family that isn't related to you just can't.
The Hogwarts houses are one of the most insidious elements of her worldbuilding. The idea of being sorted gives you a little dopamine hit because wow now you have a li'l niche where you belong!
But the actual function of the houses and sorting system and the House Cup is teaching children to see each other as rivals, and ensure that the most toxic views of the upper class get passed on to every new batch of kids sorted into Slytherin.
Hogwarts effectively prepares children for a dystopia where magic serves to distract its citizens from how nightmarishly awful it is. Economic inequality is so bad that people like Arthur and Molly Weasley can barely afford to put their kids through school, casual sadism is just an accepted norm in everyday society, and non-humans are second class citizens. Rowling sorta acts like she thinks this is a bad thing with certain lines she gave to Dumbledore, but in the end, her special boy protagonist becomes an auror; IE, a defender of the status quo. So.
If you've never seen it, Lily Simpson's video goes into even more detail on how the worldbuilding of Harry Potter is actually incredibly fucked up, and how it betrays small-minded attitudes on Rowling's part. There's no separating the art from this artist, because Rowling's rotten values pour out of nearly every page.
Yes, there are many things in Harry Potter that evoke feelings and inspire people, but there's absolutely nothing in it that this series has a monopoly on. You can find those same experiences in much, much better media.
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yeoldenews · 3 months
While we’re on the subject of names, is there an explanation for how traditional nicknames came about that are seemingly unrelated to, or have little in common with, the original name?
ie- John/Jack, Richard/Dick, Henry/Harry/Hank, Charles/Chuck, Margaret/Peggy/Daisy, Sarah/Sally, Mary/Molly, Anne/Nan, etc
I am actually over a week into researching a huge follow-up post (probably more than one if I’m being honest) about the history of nickname usage, so I will be going into this in much, much more detail at a hopefully not-so-later date - if I have not lost my mind. (Two days ago I spent three hours chasing down a source lead that turned out to be a typographical error from 1727 that was then quoted in source after source for the next 150 years.)
As a preview though, here’s some info about the names you mentioned:
The origins of a good portion of common English nicknames come down to the simple fact that people really, really like rhyming things. Will 🠞Bill, Rob🠞Bob, Rick🠞Dick, Meg🠞Peg.
It may seem like a weird reason, but how many of you have known an Anna/Hannah-Banana? I exclusively refer to my Mom’s cat as Toes even though her name is Moe (Moesie-Toesies 🠞 Toesies 🠞 Toes).
Jack likely evolved from the use of the Middle English diminutive suffix “-chen” - pronounced (and often spelled) “-kyn” or “kin”. The use of -chen as a diminutive suffix still endures in modern German - as in “liebchen” = sweetheart (lieb “love” + -chen).
John (Jan) 🠞 Jankin 🠞 Jackin 🠞 Jack.
Hank was also originally a nickname for John from the same source. I and J were not distinct letters in English until the 17th Century. “Iankin” would have been nearly indistinguishable in pronunciation from “Hankin” due to H-dropping. It’s believed to have switched over to being a nickname for Henry in early Colonial America due to the English being exposed to the Dutch nickname for Henrik - “Henk”.
Harry is thought to be a remnant of how Henry was pronounced up until the early modern era. The name was introduced to England during the Norman conquest as the French Henri (On-REE). The already muted nasal n was dropped in the English pronunciation. With a lack of standardized spelling, the two names were used interchangeably in records throughout the middle ages. So all the early English King Henrys would have written their name Henry and pronounced it Harry.
Sally and Molly likely developed simply because little kids can’t say R’s or L’s. Mary 🠞 Mawy 🠞 Molly. Sary 🠞 Sawy 🠞 Sally.
Daisy became a nickname for Margaret because in French garden daisies are called marguerites.
Nan for Anne is an example of a very cool linguistic process called rebracketing, where two words that are often said/written together transfer letters/morphemes over time. The English use of “an” instead of “a” before words beginning with vowels is a common cause of rebracketing. For example: the Middle English “an eute” became “a newt”, and “a napron” became “an apron”. In the case of nicknames the use of the archaic possessive “mine” is often the culprit. “Mine Anne” over time became “My Nan” as “mine” fell out of use. Ned and Nell have the same origin.
Oddly enough the word “nickname” is itself a result of rebracketing, from the Middle English “an eke (meaning additional) name”.
I realized earlier this week that my cat (Toe’s sister) also has a rebracketing nickname. Her name is Mina, but I call her Nom Nom - formed by me being very annoying and saying her name a bunch of time in a row - miNAMiNAMiNAM.
Chuck is a very modern (20th century) nickname which I’ll have to get back to you on as I started my research in the 16th century and am only up to the 1810s so far lol.
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I just remembered that the Addy books have multiple illustrators and went to check which illustrations I have. I’m still missing book 4, but my 1-3 are the Melodye Rosales illustrations and my 5&6 are Bradford brown. And then I checked and my 2 Samantha 1 books (both white covers) have different illustrations, so looks like I will actually keep both copies 😂
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forestdeath1 · 2 months
People say that Sirius never realised how offensive his words were until James or Remus said it to him.
I personally disagree with this take. I think, Sirius was very aware of how offensive his words and actions were. James didn't realise, but Sirius did.
Sirius finds people's sore spots and deliberately hits them. This is not James's "morally orientated" and rather impersonal bullying, this is a deliberate way of humiliating people Sirius doesn't particularly respect. People want to believe Sirius "didn't realise" what he was doing because it's easier to love Sirius and justify their Wolfstar that way, but Sirius always understood what he was doing, unlike James. Sirius probably rarely crossed the line beyond psychological bullying, but didn't stop James from physical bullying – he found it fun. But he himself hardly participated in physical aggression, although he obviously could have, being magically and physically gifted. It seems Sirius had drawn the line for himself.
Sirius wasn’t a little stupid boy, he matured very early, he had a very good understanding of boundaries and was always very aware of where he and James were crossing those boundaries.
“Bad luck, Prongs,” said Sirius briskly.
Sirius knew about James's crush on Lily and found it even funny that she rejected him. Because Sirius understood that James often crossed the line, and Lily’s reaction was quite fair.
‘What is it with her?’ said James, trying and failing to look as though this was a throwaway question of no real importance to him. 
‘Reading between the lines, I’d say she thinks you’re a bit conceited, mate,’ said Sirius.
While James played the splendid knight in shining armor, Sirius found it all amusing. Because it was fun for him. And no one told him he was doing anything wrong, he already knew it. Remus mostly stayed quiet, sometimes making them “feel ashamed", haha. He's just much more socially anxious than Sirius, he doesn't like being "unliked." Sirius has zero social anxiety, he didn't care whether people loved him or not (besides, James loved him, what else did he need? Right, nothing).
And I think Sirius truly only respected James. Someone who Sirius truly respects, he never hurt. The moment when Sirius "hurts" Harry in book five is a pretty harsh moment, because Sirius loses respect for Harry for a brief moment because Harry turns out to be different from James. But then Sirius shows a new and even stronger respect for Harry. It's a good moment. This moment allowed Sirius to grow in his relationship with Harry.
And it's obvious Sirius respected Lily by fifth year. And after Azkaban, he "learned" to respect others (he reacted pretty gently in his argument with Molly), but his arrogance still showed sometimes (ie, he rudely cut off Hermione, not letting her finish her thought).
Anyway, what had changed with age wasn't that Sirius had realised that his words and actions were offensive. He always knew that. And he had shown even after Azkaban how cruel he could be to those he didn't respect. The only thing that changed was that Sirius started respecting random people more, instead of sitting around like a shiny royal arse.
But there is a NUANCE here. Sirius most likely always treated girls with respect by default. Idk why I just feel it :D With Hermione, they just didn't see eye to eye.
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daisykihannie · 2 months
A little crazy for you (L.MH)
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pairing: sex worker!reader (afab) x Obsessed Yandere!Minho (+ Sex worker!Chan, FWB & Assistant!Seungmin, Camera Man!Changbin, Editor!Jisung)
warnings: angst, smut, voyeurism, exhibitionism, sadism, masochism, bdsm, cuckolding gone horribly wrong, straight up porn, minimal to no plot, Violence, gore, blood, squirting, psychological horror, stalking, Assault, Stockholm syndrome, etc.
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it's Friday and you know what that means? it's live stream night. Friday's were your busiest nights. The stream would start in approximately 30 minutes, at exactly 9:00 pm just like every other Friday for the last 2 years.
You never thought you'd ever be doing porn in any way, shape, or form but college is expensive. You basically grew up being sexualized and sex was always a fun pastime but, porn was in a totally different league. Now you've been doing it consistently for the last two years and were among some of the top creators.
The routine was the same every Friday. Waking up around 8am, going for your morning run, coming home to feed your cat, taking a nice long boiling hot shower, tidy up your apartment, get your work room set up with your nice plush blankets and pillows, start chugging water, doing your hair and makeup, picking your lingerie and outfit themes, adding decor to match the theme, then setting up your filming equipment.
That's what brings you to the current moment. Sitting pretty on your bed, legs crossed, just waiting for 9pm to hit. Tonight you were dressed like a Playboy Bunny for Easter. There were rabbit stuffed animals and other rabbit and Easter decorations around you. It was far from childish though, more like Easter on molly if that makes any sense.
Not too long after getting situated perfectly for the camera you heard the familiar beep of the camera starting to record and the stream was live. You never have to wait long for the viewer count to go from zero and shoot up to well over 1,000. Seeing the number of viewers shoot up and keep climbing, accompanied by the flood of comments and tips caused your signature smirk to pull at the corners of your lips. The excitement and confidence surging through your veins like the most expensive drug in existence, your personal addiction.
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Minho's phone pinged with a new notification. He knew exactly what it was but checked it anyways. The notification was one he'd turned on many months ago, probably a little over a year ago actually. It was 8:50 on a Friday, of course he knew what it'd say without having to check it, the text of the familiar notification engraved into his brain.
The notification read; "Hello, @linosleeknowing! Y/N-ie will be beginning their live stream in ten minutes, don't miss out!" a sigh escaped his lips, raising his eyes from his phone to stare at the profile displayed on his computer monitor again.
Minho always made sure his Friday schedule was completely clear every Friday. He'd go to his classes in the morning, usually getting back home around 3:30pm, feed his three cats, then sit in the chair stationed at his desk and wait for the following 5 and a half hours. He only left his seat to go to the bathroom, grab food and drinks, and feed his cats their dinner. While he waited for the stream to start he'd scroll on his phone, watching cat videos and other mindless entertainment on Tiktok.
Ten minutes later, another ping sounded from his phone and a different notification sound coming from his Computer. The live stream had begun. He clicked on the new thumbnail that popped up and began his fun. Hand subconsciously palming his soft cock over his sweats in anticipation while listening to the woman on the screen talking to her viewers. The Playboy Bunny set up not failing to send all the blood in his body coursing straight to his cock.
He never spoke much in the chat but he made himself known every stream by tipping the streamer often with large amounts of money each time. He was the #1 tipper for her and had been for months.
"Welcome back Linos, I always miss you so much all week. It makes me so happy to see you here, with me, every single Friday for the entire live. You never miss a steam my love~ thank you." The voice alone could make him cum in his pants and he was only about 5 minutes into the stream.
"God... what I wouldn't do just to have on Chance with you." he spoke to his screen but his words only reached his own ears. "My pretty bunny. All mine and only mine. One day, I will have you and never ever let you go. I promise baby." with his words spoken only to himself, he pulled his cock out and did his best to focus on the conversation she was having with the chat but the bunny suit took all of his and his cocks attention.
••••••••• 4 very satisfying hours later ••••••••••
"F-fuck! I can't! shit! I'm gonna cum again. please can I come again? wanna be your good girl and cum again. please?" you begged, loud and panting. Your chest was heaving as you saw the comments flood yet again with permission to reach your 6th orgasm.
When you let go, your screams of overstimulation filled the room again. Your throat was raw and your voice was hoarse. You squirted all over the blankets and the toy that was just pounding relentlessly into you thanks to the very expensive machine you'd bought. You'd be surprised if the camera didn't have your juices covering it, good thing you'd bought a water resistant upgrade after you broke the last one.
After you'd come down from your high completely spent and exhausted, body shaking from the intensity of your orgasms, you said your goodbyes. Your soaked, cum covered cunt gaping and squeezing around air on full display for the camera. Once you heard the same beep from earlier indicating that the stream had ended you let your sore body collapse backwards onto the bed to fully recover before even thinking about trying to use your legs again.
With that, another lucrative Friday night comes to an end at the early hours of 1 in the morning. You cleaned up your mess, took a shower, changed your bedding, and lastly cleaned and put away all your toys and equipment. Once all that was done, you let your body flop onto the fresh sheets. Once you were cozy under the covers you decided it was time to check your earnings from the stream.
"Ah, $6,279 tonight. Not bad Y/N, not bad at all." you let out an exhausted sigh and shut your laptop. You rolled onto your side, hugging your favorite stuffed bear to your chest and fell asleep almost instantly the second your eyelids fluttered closed. Sex, sex work, and porn was fun and extremely rewarding but so so exhausting at the same time.
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"Already? I JUST filmed a collab last week didn't I?" your tone exasperated, as you stirred the melting ice in your coffee with the straw. You were currently in a cafe with your assistant discussing your upcoming work schedule.
"Y/N, you know that you film collabs every week. We have this same exact conversation every single week." your assistant spoke with annoyance as he rolled his eyes, the conversation beginning to resemble that of a broken record on loop. Every single week, the same conversation regarding a new collab.
"But Seungmin! Collabs are so exhausting sometimes! It's annoying to have to fake my orgasms half the time. Why is it so hard for some of these guys and girls to make me finish?" you had a pout on your face, giving your assistant puppy dog eyes as if you could get out of it.
"You and I both know that your collabs are in the top most lucrative types of content you make. That's why YOU declared that you'd film them weekly. I didn't choose this for you, Y/N. You did." Seungmin was right but that didn't mean you weren't gonna be a brat and complain about it.
Before he became your assistant, he was your best friend for the last 8 years. He's been supportive of your work since before it started, that's why you offered him the job as your assistant. Not only did he support you but he also made sure you kept your own word. He wouldn't let you stop collaborating with other sex workers because you had specifically told him not to.
"I know I know... Who's it going to be with though? please tell me that I won't have to fake an orgasm for the third week in a row..." you let out a sigh as you ran your hand through your hair, pushing it all back and off your face dramatically like having sex wasn't one of your favorite things in the world.
"It's Chan. You've done a few collabs with him and you've been happy with the results along with your viewers. So, I don't wanna hear anymore complaining." he squinted his eyes at you with an annoyed smile on his lips. You felt your face heat up with the mention of the man, having to squeeze your thighs together from excitement. He was probably the best person to collaborate with.
"Why didn't you say that in the first place!? I wouldn't have complained puppy!" you said a little too loud, gaining judgemental looks from the other patrons in the cafe, especially to the embarrassing nickname you called the male at the table with you. The nickname earning a loud, annoyed, groan to erupt from his chest as he threw his head back and used both his hands to cover his face.
"I told you to stop fucking calling me that Y/N!" he spoke through his hands but the blush that blossomed on his neck and ears reminded you of just how much you still affected him, best friends with benefits and all. He's always been putty in your hands no matter how snarky he'd get with you. It's part of the reason why you loved him so much. Platonically, of course.
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"Fuck! oh my g-nnnggh!" you screamed, eyes rolling back as the vibrator was pushed against your clit and the intensity was turned up. Chan's fingers curled skillfully into your dripping cunt as your legs shook violently with your third orgasm. You squirted all over his fingers, his lower abdomen, and the beautiful rock hard cock that was also pushed against the vibrator between your bodies.
"God- you're so fucking pretty like this, I just can't get enough of this sopping cunt, so needy for my cock." Chan spat out as he continued to push you further and further into overstimulation. After you rode out your high, trying to squirm away from the never ending stimulation of the vibrator, Chan finally turned it off. You were panting, chest heaving as drool trickled down your chin.
You were already starting to feel a bit brain dead but there was so much more to be done. You and Chan didn't get to collab often so when you were able to fit time together into your busy schedules, you made the most of it. The two of you were the most popular sex workers on the platform. Him being the #1 male content creator and you being the #1 female content creator. Both of you always had thousands of companies and other content creators from various sites reaching out to work with you.
"Cut!" Changbin yelled, cutting off the camera and grabbing the both of you water bottles. It's already been about two hours since the filming started so it was time for a break to replenish. "Good so far?" you asked your camera man while you and Chan started chugging the ice cold water he'd handed the two of you.
"I don't know why you even feel the need to ask me that." Changbin said with a gruff chuckle slipping from his throat, pants obviously a bit uncomfortable with the tent that'd started forming against the loose grey fabric of his sweats. Changbin always got aroused during filming when you were having a good time. He's worked with you long enough now to know when you faked your orgasms and loved when you didn't have to. You'd be a bit offended if he didn't get hard watching you work.
"I gotta say Bin, your self control is something to be studied. I can't control myself around Y/N, and this is literally my job." Chan's words weren't teasing but of genuine amazement. A small smirk painted his lips as they wrapped around the bottle again. Changbin's ears turned a bright shade of red at the shell in response to Chan's words but he tried to play it off by rolling his eyes. Before Changbin had a chance to retort, the conversation was cut short by a knock at the door.
"Come in!" you yelled in response not bothering to cover up or do anything about the position you and Chan were in. The pretty Australian man still resting on his knees nestled between your shaking thighs. It didn't take long for your other Assistant and editor to join the three of you in the filming room. "What did you guys want to eat? I'm gonna order some take out before you guys get back to it." his words were calm and he was also amazing at acting unaffected, even though Jisung was probably the horniest person you'd ever met.
A smirk reappeared on your lips as you eyed Jisung, Changbin, and Chan up and down before speaking. "Well, I'm currently looking at 3 out of the four things that I'm always craving~" you purred at the three men surrounding you, Seungmin not being there at the moment as the fourth on the list. Maybe the fact that you have a long history with the people who work for you wasn't the most professional but you wouldn't have it any other way.
"I see things never change. One day we should all film a little collab. I'd personally love to get a taste of everyone, Y/N is being a bit too stingy." Chan licked his lips eying all of the boys up and down and you could feel your clit throbbing in response to the idea. Everyone seeming to also, get excited at the idea.
"This is gonna be a very long week isn't it?" you asked no one in particular with a small giggle spilling from your plush lips, knowing that you probably won't be able to walk for the next few days after all the fun the 5 of you, Seungmin included, will end up having.
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This wasn't new for Minho at all. Sitting outside of your home, out of view as he watched you through your windows. He couldn't recall when exactly he'd first started stalking you, finding out all your favorite places to go, memorizing all your orders, knowing your schedules down to the last millisecond, he was perfect for you after all.
He also knew that you always kept this particular window cracked during filming so the room wouldn't get too stuffy while you worked. His cock exposed to the cool breeze outside as his small hand pushed himself into his own overstimulation, matching your orgasms almost perfectly. Again, he was absolutely meant for you, you just didn't know that yet.
What was new for Minho was the tight, painful knot that formed in his chest when he saw his best friend Jisung entering your room. It was new for Minho to feel bile rising and burning in the back of his throat seeing you look at Jisung so hungrily. It was new for Minho to feel his own blood boil as it coursed through his veins at the mention of you getting ruined by the other man that his best friend happened to be a part of.
Not only was it angering enough to think of anyone other than him getting to experience your body in ways that was meant for him, and him alone but he was able to handle that considering it was strictly for your job and he didn't know any of the people you worked with. He just needed to wait a bit longer before he could have you all to himself.
But that all changed the second his best friend walked into that room, the second you spoke so casually about letting his best friend have your body in ways he could only dream about, the moment he witnessed your perfectly manicured hands slide under Jisung's shirt exploring the toned muscle underneath, and then when your pulled him down by the collar of his shirt and he could see your tongues dancing together and Jisung's hands meeting your still soaking wet cunt. When he heard the beautiful song of your moans being swallowed by his best friend's mouth, knowing that it should be him making you feel good and not the mother fucker he'd previously called his platonic soulmate, he saw red.
Minho lost it. Fully and completely lost any shred of sanity he had inside his brain. Before he could even think about what he wanted to do, he was climbing through the open window. At some point he'd put his cock away before doing anything, thank god.
As his body made it through the open window and into the room, his hand was in his pocket. His nimble fingers wrapping around the cold metal of the box knife he carried with him at all times. He was so out of it with pure rage that he hadn't realized that he'd just grabbed Jisung by his long brown locks, pulling him off of you as you and the other three men in the room started screaming.
No one could keep up with everything going on as an absolutely stranger broke into your home and grabbed Jisung like he was a rag doll. Screams ripped from Jisung's throat as Minho's grip tightened on his hair, sure to rip it out or even scalp him with the sheer amount of force behind the attack.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" he screamed as his body collided with the floor, his left arm failing to break his fall when a snap echoed through the room and pain shot up his arm from his wrist. Jisung's arm was now broken from trying to catch himself against the hard floor. A blood curdling scream ripped through his body and the stranger was on top of him in a flash. His Knees straddling the small waist of your editor as he locked the younger to the floor with his body weight pressing down on Jisung's abdomen.
"CALL THE COPS! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" Changbin's voice ripped through the room and seemed to slightly bring Chan back to reality as he reached for his phone. But before Chan could even unlock his phone, Minho's knife was out of his pocket and the tip of the blade was pushed into the inside of Chan's bare thigh only millimeters away from Chan's Balls. "Put down the phone or I will castrate you." Unfortunately for Chan, grabbing his phone put him far too close to the deranged male for comfort. Not to mention, he was still completely exposed, making him one of Minho's targets aside from Jisung.
Chan's fear caused the phone to slip out of his hands, his natural reflex to catch it before it collided with the floor caused the tip of the sharp blade to push into it's spot on his thigh slightly, breaking the skin and causing blood to start running down the inside of his thigh. A hiss escapes his lips from the stinging pain inflicted by the wound and he froze. "Okay- I-im not calling anyone. J-just remove the knife. please." Chan begged, voice shaking in fear.
"No. Everyone else, throw your phones where his is now or I will make sure that not a single one of you will be able to pleasure yourself or another person ever again, if you can survive the tournament that is." he didn't need to ask twice, everyone on the brink of pissing themselves from fear as they fumbled to throw their phones into some sort of pile on the floor. Hands in the air in submission and fear, showing that they weren't doing anything to anger the ravenette that still sat on top of a very scared Jisung, holding his arm like that'd actually do anything to help the pain from the broken bone.
"M-Minho...? Why- What's going on man?" Jisung's words were shaky and unsure, his sobs of pain cutting between the words that were so much softer than before. That got Minho's attention just for a second, his eyes snapping to meet the tearful ones of the male underneath him before going back to watching the other three individuals in front of him, making sure no one had a chance to try anything while he was distracted.
A sinister laugh escaping the depths of Minho's chest, enticing a new fear from his new found hostages. Jisung didn't even recognize his best friend. There was something so very unsettling about him at this moment. He seemed completely feral right now like a wild animal, deranged even.
"Ah, Jisung..." his words came out sickly sweet, nauseatingly soft and calm as if he didn't have a knife to Chan's Manhood, didn't break Jisung's arm and almost scalp him, etc. His tone was so... innocent and he was so believable too if you didn't witness everything that had happened in the span of 10-15 minutes. "If only I'd known you were the one who'd betray me like this. Trying to steal my Y/N from me..." his pupils were blown wide as he stared down at the male underneath him. " You've been going behind my back and touching what belongs to me!" tone no longer sweet, Minho's words were terrifying.
In one swift motion Minho's hand that was wrapped around the knife that remained nestled against the flesh on Chan's thigh swung downward and impaled Jisung's shoulder and was pulled out just as fast. A blood curdling scream ripped through Jisung as he thrashed under Minho's powerful thighs trying so hard to get away. There was only so much he could do with a broken left arm and his right shoulder pouring blood from the stab wound.
Minho had his knife back on Chan again but instead of being at his inner thigh, the now bloody blade made its home at the base of Chan's cock, the edge of the blade pushing into the skin but not enough to break it. But, just one tiny move from Chan would have his cock cut clean off, that realization causing every muscle in his body to tense as he screwed his eyes shut trying to calm his hyperventilating into normal breaths again.
You were frozen in fear, watching the scene play out before you. "W-who are you... why are you doing this?" your voice was small and weak, your muscles tense as your form shook on the bed, absolutely petrified. Even with your voice small, The stranger heard it. His dark, cold eyes locking on your tear filled ones. It may be the fear making your delirious but you could've sworn that his eyes softened, small twinkling stars dancing through the black orbs. Your heart skipped a beat. He was so... pretty?
"Oh, Y/N-ie my love. I'm so sorry we had to meet officially like this. Trust me, you know me so so much more than you think." he cooed and for some reason you felt your cheeks heat up at the soft, sweet words that carried no malice. The 180⁰ shift taking you by surprise as the world began to get drowned out. You were captivated and Hypnotized by his gaze, his soft bunny smile, his strong nose. He really was like a beautiful statue crafted out of marble. Breathtakingly Gorgeous.
It was silent for a while, the two of you in your own world, no one moving, no one speaking, nothing as important as the two of you, together in this moment. "Linos." was the only thing to fall from those gorgeous pink lips, that word bouncing off every surface of your skull as you remember him from your lives and your past interactions.
"My Linos..." the words slipped out before you could catch them. The fan you'd been secretly harboring a crush for was in your room, his appearance more gorgeous than you'd ever imagined. He was everything you'd dreamt of and so so much more. The entire fiasco leading up to this moment completely leaving your mind because HE was here. HE was with you now.
"Yes, Y/N-ie. I'm yours, always have been and you're mine. I couldn't stomach seeing them touching you in the ways that are meant for me and only me. I'm so sorry it went this far, I just-" Minho was cut off by your hand softly resting against his slightly bloody cheek. Your thumb brushed over the soft skin under his eye as he nuzzled into your hand. You didn't understand what was happening to you. You should be angry, terrified, calling the cops but you just couldn't do that to him.
Suddenly your lips were on his, your body completely under his spell, your heart racing as your lips danced together so perfectly in sync, fireworks erupting on your skin everywhere his touches landed, where his breath grazed across your skin and your body was calm, euphoric, in absolute bliss. A bliss you've never felt before. A feeling of safety wrapped around your heart as the kiss continued. Safe. Home. Minho was your home and you'd finally found him.
When the two of you pulled away, you could barely tear your gazes off one another as your eyes searched your room, remembering the other men that were there. Passed out, they'd fainted. All of them unconscious on the floor, adrenaline finally worn off. Your eyes went back to Minho before you spoke again. "What do we do about them?" you asked Minho trusting him completely for some reason.
"I don't wanna kill them if I don't have to, I will if it means keeping you safe..." there was a pause, Minho was genuinely thinking about what to do.
"No. No killing love, I just found you. I don't want you going to prison." you hummed after your words filled the room and both your ears. You looked down again at the three men unconscious on your floor. An idea coming to mind as to what to do.
"Concussions." was all you said and it was as if Minho knew exactly what you were thinking. If they all had concussions their memories would be fogged for sure. Then you could take Jisung to the hospital, saying that he'd been attacked and then you'd be able to lie to them all about what'd happened tonight, who Minho was, how the two of you met, etc. and everything would be fine. You'd be able to live in your happy little world with Minho, Jisung, Changbin, Seungmin, and Chan.
was going to be
just fine.
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This honestly went so far off track of what I was planning but um, here it is?? I'm so sorry it's not one of my faves at all but I wanted to get this out for you guys:(
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saintsenara · 11 days
Do you think the wizarding world even has a concept of rape? I don't think this was JKR's intent but love potions are considered perfectly legal, Romilda Vane doesn't get in trouble, Dumbledore doesn't seem to think Merope did anything wrong to Tom Riddle Sr., and despite a member of Magical Law Enforcement witnessing lots of sketchy stuff at the Gaunts' no one steps in to help Merope. Plus we know their society is archaic and lacks modern values - ie. quills, slavery, lack of democracy
it's a great question pal.
the answer for which is under the cut, for the obvious reason that it comes with a trigger warning for rape.
when the statute of secrecy was signed in 1689, rape - defined as "the carnal knowledge of a woman forcibly and against her will" - had been illegal under english law since the middle ages.
however, the "against her will" bit is important here. in the seventeenth century, it was a legal requirement for a victim of rape to prove that she had maintained a continuous state of physical resistance during her assault. in cases where a victim could not prove this, her consent was presumed - even if she had been incapacitated in some way. unsurprisingly, consent was always assumed between husbands and wives.
men could not be raped under the letter of seventeenth-century english law - but the rape and sexual assault of men was illegal under buggery [sodomy] laws, and was often taken much more seriously by the state...
and i think we can plausibly say - should we want to - that, on the basis of what we find in canon, the wizarding world might retain this legal requirement for rape to be indisputably resisted, and that this explains why love potions seem to have no repercussions attached to them.
because, of course, love potions essentially function like date rape drugs, even if they leave their victims appearing to be of sound mind [the officiant who married tom and merope wasn't suspicious of anything, for example - and the only reason ron is so badly affected by the love potion he takes is because it was out of date] . they incapacitate a person to the extent that they cannot offer legitimate consent to sexual acts, and they also incapacitate them to the extent that they cannot physically resist their attacker - in their case, by compelling the person dosed with the potion to regard their attacker as someone they want to have near them.
therefore, if wizarding law only considers rape to be something which is accompanied by evidence of resistance... then using a love potion on somebody would not be rape.
the cultural implications of this are fascinating - especially since [no matter what jkr thinks] the wizarding world appears to be restrictive [by the standards of muggle britain in the 1990s and 2000s - although, unfortunately for those of us on our high horses about coming from a superior nation, not by the standards of muggle ireland...] in terms of conventions surrounding sexual behaviour and gendered expectations placed upon women.
the marriage age for women is extremely low [any woman whose wedding date we can pin-point in canon - molly weasley, andromeda tonks, lily potter, fleur delacour - gets married as a teenager]; the age for having children is also much lower than it was in the muggle world - and even than it was in the muggle world of the 1940s-1980s [all four of the women above fall pregnant before they're twenty-one, for example]; unmarried couples don't seem to live together, and there's clearly a social taboo against premarital sex [molly weasley gets a lot of flack from the fandom for making bill and fleur sleep in separate bedrooms, but nobody in the story regards this as prudish or old-fashioned]; divorce doesn't seem to be common [and blaise zabini's mother killing her husbands certainly takes on a new flavour if we assume that divorce is extremely difficult... or even illegal]; and married women - at least in the middle- and upper-classes - don't seem to work.
i also think that it's canonically plausible that arranged marriage, including between cousins, is a common cultural practice [sirius' comment in order of the phoenix about parents "letting" their children marry basically confirms this, i think] - which means we can also imagine, if we'd like, that there's perhaps little legal distinction between arranged and forced marriage.
obviously - obviously - i don't think that any of these are things the doylist text intended. the reason the story says very little about sex - both consensual and otherwise - or law or gender norms is because the harry potter series is a story about a boy-wizard who goes to a cool magic school and fights a good-versus-evil battle to the death which was written for children. i don't begrudge the publishers for not fancying a hundred pages on harry learning how to put on a condom...
[and the low marriage/childbearing ages genuinely seem to be because jkr is functionally innumerate and didn't realise how young she was suggesting everyone was...]
but from a watsonian perspective, they're really interesting - especially for the extremely disturbing paths they can lead us down as authors when we're trying to flesh out the worldbuilding of magical britain.
what - for example - is the wizarding age of consent? and how would this impact how wizards understand sexual maturity, adult-child power relations, and child abuse?
[after all, if the age of consent is unchanged from 1689... it could be as low as ten. which goes some way towards explaining why nobody thinks of tom riddle as grooming ginny...]
and does the law consider it possible for a wizard to rape his wife? and if it doesn't, what does it think about him beating her?
what legal rights do sex workers have in the wizarding world?
is abortion legal? is contraception? is homosexuality? does gay sex have a higher age of consent?
is divorce legal? can women initiate a divorce? how are single mothers treated [and, therefore, what was lupin willing to do to tonks by walking out on her]? how are the children of unmarried parents treated? what property and inheritance rights do women have? are marriages performed by muggles - or dissolved by them - recognised by the wizarding state? what position does this put a witch [like eileen snape] who marries a muggle man in? would a wizard who marries a muggle woman and then abandons her be committing bigamy if he married a witch?
would wizards ever be punished for sexual offences against muggle women? does merope get away with attacking tom sr. in the eyes of the wizarding state because of her gender or because he's a muggle or both? could a muggle raped by a wizard even report the crime?
what modesty standards are there in terms of dress and behaviour? what would wizarding feminism look like? what is it like to be muggleborn [especially from the 1960s onwards] and enter this world?
i think i'm inclined to take the grimmest possible view of all of these questions, to be quite honest...
the wizarding world is fucked up.
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bcofl0ve · 8 months
Kaia should not speak on that topic. Sorry. I think it would be insensitive to someone she supposedly cares about.
…this is an odd take. the point of book club isn’t for her to get on a soapbox and jabber about xyz topic, it’s for her to give authors a platform (of millions!) and ask them questions to allow them to talk about their work. should ocean only accept promotion and speaking opportunities from people who have also lost a parent? mind you we don’t even know if he’s actually doing an episode yet.
but bringing austin into this at all is a very fine line to walk which is why i was so vague in saying i wondered if she got the book from him bc speculating about this topic in any sense makes me uncomfy fast. this is hurdling over that line by a country mile. you don’t know him. you don’t get to dictate his trauma related boundaries with his partner. dial down the parasocial.
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