#mom asparagus
xoxo-gossipgourd · 8 months
What do we think about everyone shacking up, bestie?
Oh, so many friends to talk about! Let’s see…
Bob and Megan? Well they’ve been on and off longer than some of these fans have been alive. But throwing a child in the equation might be the glue that adheres them permanently- unless Megan wants Francois to be a child of divorce.
Larry and Petunia really seemed like the “it” couple back when they finally got together. But now with this A drama and a certain papprazzo pepper…things could start shaking up. We’ve already seen Petunia get jealous of Acmetha, and that was in the past. Is Larry a jealous type too? Personally, I can’t wait to find out.
Charlie Pincher and Bartlebey…one of those things that I’m not even sure I want to know. They seemed happy, secure, until, of course, the butler found out the invisible hand Charlie played in the disappearance of Mom Asparagus. But now that moms been found alive and blogging - will all be forgiven? I’m not sure if their relationship is on a strong enough foundation to withstand that.
And speaking of Mom Asparagus - Dad must be thrilled, but a certain famous bowler might be driven to the edge. Who’s to say Mom won’t be murdered for real this time?
Oh, and murdering spouses - did you see Archibald and Lovey talking civilly? Pretty weird given that she’s still sure she burried him.
And we can’t forget everyone’s favorite green girls - why IS Esther acting so shy around Achmetha? They’ve already confessed to having kissed, and I have a feeling their little two girl slumber parties don’t stop with just kissing.
We’ve also had a few newer faces to keep an eye on. The banker seems to have been getting pretty friendly with a certain red headed rhubarb, and I don’t mean the rug. I don’t know them as well as I know the others, but know that I’m watching with baited breath just like you.
Gossip Gourd 😘
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rumor-weed · 4 months
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Fun Fact! I have heard this song exactly ONCE if that and otherwise have no memory of this silly song but Mom Asparagus's design feels so off???
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veggie-dailies · 8 months
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The first 48 dailies on this blog are going to focus on each episode of the original direct-to-DVD VeggieTales series in distribution order. But before we get there-- a prequel, if you will-- let's start by making a shoutout to the first VeggieTales animation tests, made way back in the early 90s: "Mr. Cuke" and "Take #38"!
The video below shows Phil Vischer and Mike Nawrocki, the co-creators of VeggieTales, as they show and explain the failed pilots as well as the creation of Bob and Larry as characters. It was first distributed on the remastered DVD edition of Where's God When I'm S-Scared? in the bonus features.
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Good afternoon, I am thinking of Tumbletoria in the context of Bambi meeting Faline for the first time.
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oodlenoodleroodle · 6 months
My side vegetable plans went awry today when the shop didn't have asparagus (I mean, it's the middle of winter, of course they won't have asparagus)-
so I decided to just have some sauerkraut with the meal (which was mashed potatoes and "meat"loaf, because we are poor white trash)-
and it was amazing.
Sauerkraut my beloved <3
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kasumichow · 1 year
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Asparagus and Mushroom Casserole - Main Dishes Fresh asparagus and mushrooms flavor this easy bake that's topped with cheese, cracker crumbs, and chopped pecans.
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hiddenworldofmary · 2 months
temperature outside got over 25 degrees and i immediately got a headache
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griffinhallie · 3 months
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Asparagus - Creamed Asparagus on Toast Creamed asparagus on toast is a quick and easy comfort food that kids and adults will both like.
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xoxo-gossipgourd · 9 months
Thoughts on the Mom Asparagus drama?
So she’s a mom again, is she? I thought the adopted girl and the twins mysteriously disappeared…just like her husband did…until he reappeared, of course. She’s putting a lot of stock in being the victim, but she seems to be the only one still standing…
…oh, was that NOT the Mom Asparagus you were asking about? My bad.
Gossip Gourd 😘
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rumor-weed · 4 months
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reedblaine · 4 months
Casserole - Asparagus and Mushroom Casserole
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This simple bake is flavored with fresh asparagus and mushrooms and topped with cheese, cracker crumbs, and chopped pecans.
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garciaalena · 4 months
Casserole - Asparagus and Mushroom Casserole
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This simple bake is flavored with fresh asparagus and mushrooms and topped with cheese, cracker crumbs, and chopped pecans.
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A mother figure for Rumpleteazer??
Since I am in the "Teazer has two dads (and a little brother)" camp, I feel like she was always a bit of the odd one out in that regard, but it genuinely never bothered her. Skimbleshanks was never shy about telling her where she came from (or at least what he knows of it - he has very little idea of Teazer's life before he found her. At one point, Jemima asked about her mum, and confused Teazer's casual and considering: "Well, I must have had a mum at some point, right? I'm here aren't I?" with her being sad that her mama was gone and that she *had no one at all how terrible*, and a very flabbergasted Teazer didn't realize until later she'd left out a few crucial details), and she is perfectly content and loved in her little family and never really had any qualms or questions or needs beyond that (though she could do without the baby brother, thanks).
However, part of the lack of qualm with anything came from the fact that - if Teazer ever had a problem that her dads weren't able to help her with - they would send her over to aunties Jelly and Jenny. Asparagus especially sung his sister's praises in regards to kitten problem solving, because if Jellylorum couldn't solve a problem, it was probably unsolvable (which is an exaggeration, but nobody solves a problem like Jellylorum). As honorary maternal figures to all, but special aunts to her, Teazer spent a lot of time with them in addition to her dads, so she still got plenty of maternal-adjacent influence in her early years, so she never really felt like she was missing anything. Jenny taught her to fish and Jelly taught her cats cradle and how to properly store her little trinkets so they wouldn't get damaged.
I answered this in a previous ask, but Teazer also semi-adopted Demeter as an additional maternal-like figure during their collective time under Macavity. Though not a whole lot older than she was, Demeter happened to be present at a critical time in her young life (being the first time ever she was truly seperated from her family for an extended period of time), and therefore she sort of....latched on. Demeter took it relatively in stride, and often was the catalyst of a few rather big conversations that put some things in perspective for her.
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howardalondra · 4 months
Casserole - Asparagus and Mushroom Casserole
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This simple bake is flavored with fresh asparagus and mushrooms and topped with cheese, cracker crumbs, and chopped pecans.
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factsaboutqueers · 9 months
Casserole - Asparagus and Mushroom Casserole
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This simple bake is flavored with fresh asparagus and mushrooms and topped with cheese, cracker crumbs, and chopped pecans.
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philipharrison · 9 months
Casserole - Asparagus and Mushroom Casserole
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This simple bake is flavored with fresh asparagus and mushrooms and topped with cheese, cracker crumbs, and chopped pecans.
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