oicuperp · 8 months
werewolf house picmix
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i know it's not wednesday but it's sillay
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25-ward · 7 months
James Wilsons Mommymilkers - documented internet background
Considering Jack is clearly inspiring some less than tasteful posts, I though I'd join in 4 once. This is coming from the perspective of someone who knew him over a year ago, and personally ended up having an attempt on my life after a year of knowing him. He is by gone one of the most draining people I've ever met with next to no change in over 2 years. Screenshots are in order. So, let's start in the beginning. Asking a 13 year old whether or nor not he thought sexual intercourse was okay with a werewolf. Before even being kicked for this he bothered everyone 2 no end with some random ass inappropriate shit to the point Matthew (server owner) asked him to be quiet. Consistently tried to negotiate people to do irresponsible shit toward situations they were in, violently. Constantly telling people to kill themselves. It's gone on for years, he told me to in several instances as well where he played victim, threw a fit, and claimed I was lying. Constantly dmed me 2 vent. Every night even when I was out with friends. Next screenshots are pretty self explainable. ------------------------------------------------------------- he was obsessed with me being 5'0 and so "SMOL". obsessed with me having a "pedo stache". constantly made ur mom jokes. my mom killed herself lmao, and he knew that. that's why he got weird about it. blames me for him getting "traumatized" or whatever the fuck that means. i didnt even split until after, so he's pissed at me for something none of us did and it's because we're "still the same body" theres a bunch of other shit but. yk
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(lol this was in a public chat im pretty sure)
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he had this odd thing going on w some endogenic "system" ???
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this is "pedo stauche" me btw lol.
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thekidsarentalright · 11 months
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blaacknoir · 1 year
House and Wilson :3
I mean this in the most affectionate way possible but how dare you make me read your username with my own two eyes 😭
Apparently I have a lot of thoughts about these two, lol.
House, of course, doesn't hand out candy. He answers the door with a tube of mini M&Ms in hand, and tells the kids he's out of candy while he pops Vicodin out of the tube. (Alternatively, he just does a Eustace Bagg-style jumpscare and yells ""OOGA BOOGA BOOGA.")
At work, he continues the Vi-candy bit. There's a bowl of typical Halloween candy on his desk, but any time his team reaches for some, he gets onto them with either a buzzer-type sound or a whack to the fingers with his cane. To cause problems, in the clinic and/or the waiting room, he'll just toss out candy to the kids.
Wilson, on the other hand, loves trick-or-treaters, and gets the Good Shit every year. If he can't find small bags of the Good Candy, he settles for full bars of the regular stuff. He decorates his apartment door and puts out a jack-o'-lantern. (One year, a kid smashes the hell out of it. And steals his next one. And replaces his third with a different, more obscene one.)(It's House. The kid is House.)
He doesn't decorate his office much at work (he has vague concerns about ghosts being "morbid" in an oncologist's office) but he puts out an equally nice bowl of candy on his desk.
He and House are, of course, well-behaved grown adults who don't ever get into candy-related shenanigans and how dare you sully House's good name by insinuating that he stole all of Wilson's fancy candy and blaming it on Chase. Honestly he's hurt that you'd even think that.
If they're together, Wilson sends House out to pick up candy ("Yeah sure, send the cripple to go brave the busy streets in the cold at night--" "House, shut up and go get it."), and is both irritated and unsurprised when House shows up with the most old-lady candy imaginable. ("Where did you even get those? I thought they just... magically appeared in your house once you passed 65 or got grandchildren.")
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They are, inexplicably and to House's dismay, a huge hit with the trick-or-treaters.
(Ask meme)
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youranimeangel · 7 months
What happens if you pull the strings really hard? 😏
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flyingunrestrained · 1 year
spent enough time reblogging hilson posts that I finally got a follow from someone named “james-wilsons-mommymilkers” this website is truly becoming mine
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plusnable · 4 months
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Dexter's mom ready to get wet! You can buy stickers and prints here: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/161671656?ref=studio-promote
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pleasedrivesafely · 9 months
Guess who actually watched Ace Attorney today 😔 it's the scariest show ever, the opening is literally just Phoenix being y/n and then Miles comes in and they have the weirdest stand off ever with a gold chain connecting their wrists LIKE WHAT 💀⁉️⁉️ is this the new form of the soulmate red string 😔💔
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This is what people like 😔⁉️ he actually looks like a turtle dude
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dogwhizzer · 1 year
I am this 👌 close to watching falsettos should I do it? convince me (<- i am easy to convince)
yes because a. it's a beautiful piece of art about love and the many forms it can take in the face of tragedy and b. i can tell you like morally dubious gay men
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25-ward · 2 months
James Wilson's Mommy Milkers: trilogy 2
i wouldn't have to make more than one post if it wasn't for Jack constantly bringing shit up we didn't do. Number 1. You were not 14 when a majority of things you did happened. You were 15 or older and continued to exhibit the same behavior for the course of the next 3 years. Number 2. The things you did were not just "stupid," they were revolting actions that caused genuine harm you have no interest in feeling sorry for. Petty bullshit does not include threats, rape, beastality, and abuse. 2a. You threatened several people then states you were just "just angry", or "too upset in the moment". Those are excuses. 2b. You have a history of making remarks about rape, including "not caring about if someone has been raped" in the past. The OG context was a conversation about people including their trauma in their arguments. It does not change with the context, like how you claim happened in several of the screenshots. If you're going to keep stating half of those are out of context I will make individual posts pointing out and posting the full conversation since I was limited due to the max images per post. And I will detail and dig into every individual post. You have admitted being in dubious consent/cnc, that is rape. You constantly push yourself into adult spaces and if denied you usually turn to people younger than you and are extremely nsfw. 2c. We did not abuse you and you are claiming an abuse victim abused you for setting boundaries. We were abused for 12 years and only got out of it when it went to court in 2020 and you still feel the necessity to make accusations of abuse so lightly. You were in Buck's dms every single day begging to call, begging for support, detailing your attempts or your self harm for a consecutive year and would guilt him if hehe wasn't there for you constantly. THAT is abuse. You pushed an alter so far he tried to commit, we are the victims NOT you. But sure thats "overblown petty drama". Number 3. We did not lie about anything. Logan is not our account and we did not make that account lol. It's almost like people can send us screenshots. The screenshots were sent to Joey, then posted. The only alternative accounts I own is under the name Milch and is inactive. Number 4. None of us ever said that one alter doing something does not mean we are not accountable. We believe in system accountability, we just didn't anything warranting accountability. You wanted to talk to us and talked to a newly split alter, then acted shocked when they didn't really know what to do with you. You took that as "YOU WANT TAKE SYSTEM ACCOUNTABILITY WAH WAHHH WAH WAHHH" and ran with it for some reason, despite the fact we're the victims. Not you. The other "systems" you talk to are 14 year old endo "systems". 4a. Mark did not lie about "not remembering", you talked to a new split. The fake claiming and ableism is wild. Woojeon out. I'm sick of keeping the peace, you're a vile manipulative, attention seeking abuser lol.
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this streamer is literally so real i hope every person that streams for the rest of the tour lets themself have this much fun
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sweetf4ngz · 2 years
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fuck, I'd do anything to be Ethan. idc. I'M NOT THE ARTIST. ❤️ ALSO, if no one picks me up like this, I don't want them. 💔
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rainingmbappe · 7 months
I know we're literally complete strangers but thank you so much for your url @james-wilsons-mommymilkers
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brothersonahotelbed · 10 months
sorry if this is weird but I just wanted to say I love that I can search canis canis on your blog and find a nice assortment of puppers and good boys :]
not weird at all!!! i love canidae so much i had to create a whole tag just for them. i'm happy you're enjoying my little collection of puppers and good boys :] <333
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pleasedrivesafely · 1 year
This will be my 21st post, almost to 100 guys 🔥🔥😻 gotta get that badge one day
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mrscarlsking · 1 year
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hi, I'm new here ❤️🔥
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