#mona... MONAAAAA
astralsi · 2 years
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when ur a mentally ill college student so you drop out, cut your bangs and stop talking to your shitty father
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beetlelunch · 11 months
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the coolest guy! now south east of hell 🫡
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 2 years
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I hope she knows she is the prettiest in this world
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agendabymooner · 1 year
𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 || 𝐙𝐄𝐑𝐊𝐀𝐀 (sidemen) x OFC/reader
“I’ll show you every version of yourself tonight.”
summary: mona pays for a cheap rent and in return she gets a pair of menaces for roommates + mona hooks up with someone and finds a designer tshirt that she doesn’t own.
notes: no personal/romantic relationships are involved in this SMAU. the most personal that it could get would be the stuff that goes on from the videos that content creators made for the past few years. also, this is not proofread. english ≠ first language so it’ll be a ride.
characters involved: platonic!sidemen, zerkaa, mentions of stephentries, willne, calfreezy. roommates!w2s and calfreezy.
content warning: allusions to smut, explicit language, a whole of confusion basically because I’m posting what I kept in wattpad. it may be confusing but uh… yeah! this is literally a shitpost as of this point
monalisabal posted a photo !
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♡ liked by calfreezy, wroetoshaw and 123 others
monalisabal “you’re lucky for scoring a cheap rent in london” this is the state of my fridge and toilet atm.
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wroetoshaw i’m sorry mon
monalisabal you’re really not.
calfreezy this is the best that i can offer
monalisabal i’ve always lived for disappointment anyways.
monaaaaa / monabal4 tweeted:
godbless callum and harold but at the same time are they really sent by god or the demon himself? they just barked at me after returning from my meeting.
monaaaaa / monabal4 tweeted:
hooked up with someone the night before. he was amazing. not gonna lie, there’s no need for him to leave something so expensive though— a balenciaga shirt, mayhaps?
monaaaaa / monabal4 tweeted:
if he tends to forget things like this, i could just apologize for the amount of things that he’d forget when sleeping with other ppl :/
monaaaaa / monabal4 tweeted:
my roomies just asked if i want to get involved in a video with them. they’d pay me for it. are they talking about 🌽? i honestly just want to meet their friends tbfh— what if it’s actually a casting couch?
monaaaaa / monabal4 tweeted:
i only agreed because they’re paying. harry did tell me that he asked because i’m “hot and funny.” he also told me that he only sees me like a sister before all of that. so that’s kinda… wrong don’t you think?
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desire-mona · 8 days
monaaaaa I’m on vacation right now it’s fun but it also kinda sucks. Wish I could be on my phone more <-guy that’s in an incredibly beautiful and scenic beach town
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^how it feels to not be able to see what my friends are blogging about
hi joel its ok lemme give u the rundown of the past couple days in the mona sphere: desire mona discord server is in the brain which will likely be in the works eventually, ive gotten closer with my coworker ben (+ came out to him which he was incredible about - yay!!!!), my laptop is my girlfriend, aaaaaaaand thats it. i miss you!!!!!!!!!!!
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minhosimthings · 10 months
Mona mona monaaaaa how are we doing this week love? 🫶🩷
This week...... I don't remember anything I did this week 😃 BRUH THE SNOW HERE WHY IS IT GOING SO HARD. I've been pent up in this apartment for too long I NEED AIR and these bitches are putting online classes like WHY.
And how are you doing babygirl 😚? (Also off topic but YOUR TOP SONG BEING THINKING WITH MY DICK IS THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE HEARD ALL DAY)
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pumpkinpie59 · 2 years
who said ily first for each of my fav tmnt couples
just to be clear this is mostly canon or semi-canon pairings
leo said the words “i love you” first. tho if you wanna be technical about it, lotus’ feelings were thrown out in the open by shredder before that hehe. pretty sure lotus had a mini meltdown when he outed her like that lol
kala. and right before michelangelo was gonna say it too. beat him to it by just blurting it out lol
mona lisa. *yeets some angst at you* it was right before the turtles went on a dangerous mission, and mona was trying to assure him that everything would be okay. they weren’t together yet, but rather in a “super affectionate best friends with mutual feelings that they’re hesitant to even mention” phase but mona saying it kind of opened the door to them finally facing their romantic chemistry.
leolotus (my version)
leonardo. it was the first time lotus had heard the words so sincerely since her childhood, so it hit hard. she eventually said it back.
monaaaaa. (canon) *points sword at raph* SAY IT BACK.
april. haha hear me out. donatello, while flirtatious for a while, never actually said those words to her until she said it. april started saying it platonically to all the boys and he would reply ily2 in response, but when april was finally ready to admit her romantic feelings for him, she said the words in a more romantic sense. donatello was rlly flustered about ever saying it first tho until well after they started dating. awkward lil dork.
michelangelo. tho he didn’t exactly say it to her. he said something like “i love that woman” to his brothers but she overheard and responded “i love you too” and mikey short circuited cause he didn’t think she heard him lol.
jhanna. she said it in her first language, so donatello didn’t know that was what she said. she said it several times in passing, until eventually he asked what it meant and she confessed it meant she loved him.
raphael. i don’t have a specific scene in mind i just know he did it.
leolotus (my version)
lotus blossom. unlike the others lol. my 2003 lotus is technically a villain for longer than the others, but she had clear feelings for leo almost from the start. however, when she finally did switch sides, she sacrificed her life to save him and said ily right before. buuuuut he saved her so,, yeah.
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How are you doing after your booster? ~Mona
Hiiiiii Monaaaaa
I think I'm dying/j
Like. How do you feel drunk and hungover at the same time? I'm so tired. I can't even think abt getting my laptop to write 😭
This is gonna be a day of just laying around hoping to take a nap
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lemongogo · 3 years
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monaownsmyass · 4 years
Ignoring Isn’t Bliss
Requested fic by anon. (If you have any fic ideas or requests you'd like me to write, you can leave me an ask!)
Book: Ride-or-Die
Pairing: Mona x MC (Ellie Wheeler)
Genre: Fluff, Humour
Rating: PG13, strong words
Word Count: 1,548
A/N: Mona is ignoring MC and MC isn’t having it. Are you guys tired of seeing me post fics yet? Lmao Anyway, I miss Mona so much, dammit PB gimme my sarcastic asshole of a gf back 😔 it’s been soooo long!
Tag list: @ineedskyecrandall @kamilahsayeet2063 @avalawrencefl @lovekamilahsayeed @thequeenkamilahsayeed @heygmicheelle @djtjsmith14 @jjlover01 @soft-for-drake @dopeyouth @alexroyard @satrinadia @toalltheboysididntlove @mypegasifly (lmk if anyone would like to be included or removed in my next fics and if you only want to be tagged for certain pairings.)
I sighed longingly as I looked at Mona cross her arms in frustration from across the garage. I was staring at her and she was staring at her car, both of us upset.
"What's up with you two?" Toby sidled up beside me. I let out a deep exhale and jumped down from the work bench I was sitting on.
"Mona's ignoring me."
I rubbed the back of my neck. "Um, I may have accidentally... scratched and maybe dented her car..."
Toby's eyes shot wide open. "Oh no, Ellie."
My hands slid down my face. "I know! But it's not like I did it on purpose! I didn't know her car was that close when I was reversing."
"That bad?"
"Why don't you go ask her," I jerked my chin in her direction.
"No, no, no," he put his hands up in front of him. "Angry Mona is someone I avoid at all cost. I do not want a death wish."
Just then, Ximena walked past carrying a bunch of boxes.
"Hey, X!" Toby stopped her.
"Yeah? What's up?"
"Could you do me a favour and ask Mona what's wrong?" Ximena looked at him skeptically. "Please?"
She looked at him one last time before putting down the boxes and walking over to Mona. Mona turned when she saw Ximena approaching and after a while, we saw Mona angrily throw her hands around in exaggerated motions and pointed to her car where the scratch and dent was. She huffed and kicked a nearby crate, crossing her arms once again.
"That does not look good," Toby commented.
"No crap."
Ximena walked back to us and sighed. "She's not happy."
"No crap!"
I sighed and squared my shoulders, ready to head over to Mona when Ximena asked, "What are you gonna do?"
"I don't know, but she can't stay mad at me forever."
Toby and Ximena glanced at each other before heading out, obviously not wanting to see the chaos that was about to unfold.
I confidently walked up to her even though I was shitting myself on the inside. I stopped a few steps beside her and called her name.
No answer.
"Mona," I said a little louder.
Still no reaction.
"Mona!" I screamed into her ear.
She didn't even flinch. Instead, she just grabbed her power tools and bent down to fix up the damage.
"Baby, I'm sorry, you know I didn't mean it."
Still ignoring me, she just carried on working on her car. The loud noise from the power tools made it harder to get her attention which was probably what she wanted anyway.
I didn't want that though.
I went closer to her and bent down beside her. I poked her in the arm. Then, I poked harder. After a couple of times, I went to her cheek instead. I poked her soft skin and she lightly swatted my hand away.
Yes! I'm getting somewhere.
She stood up to inspect her handiwork so far from a distance and I moved behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and laid my head on her back. 
“Monaaaaa,” I whined into her shoulder. “Talk to me.”
She didn’t reply but she didn’t shrug me off either which I took as a good sign.
I let go of her and started walking backwards until my back hit the garage door to get the momentum I was going to need.
"Hey, Mona! Catch!"
That made her look back at me only to find me running at her at full speed. Her eyes widen as she shouted, "No!"
But it was too late. I jumped onto her back, making her stumble a little before steadying herself.
"What the fuck?"
"I had to get your attention somehow."
"Try harder."
She walked to the other side of the garage to retrieve something with me still attached to her like a backpack as if I weighed nothing.
I knew she was strong but this was ridiculous!
I huffed but another idea came to mind. I smirked and twisted my body, trying to move myself so I was clinging onto her front instead of her back. I knew she was still mad at me but that didn't stop her from placing a hand on me while I was shifting so I wouldn't fall.
I hugged her tight and ducked my head down, peppering kisses along her jaw and then up to her ear.
She didn't push me away but she said, "Not now, Ellie. I'm not in the mood."
Ellie? Not even princess or gorgeous? Ouch!
"Mona, I'm sorry, please?"
My lips went to her neck, her weak spot. As I kissed her, I could see goosebumps appear on her arms and heard her breathing start to deepen a little.
However, she was resilient. Mona just walked back to her car as if I wasn't hanging onto her like a monkey and leaving a massive mark on her neck.
I decided to let go off her and try a new tactic instead, puns.
"Hey, Mona, what did the sister chromatid say to the other when it accidentally stepped on it's toe?"
Mona side-eyed me.
That made her snort. "Of course your nerdass would come up with a lame science joke," she muttered more to herself.
I kept telling her more maths and science-based puns and each time, she glared at me harder, looking even more disappointed.
"Okay, okay, one more," I told her. "You know, parallel lines have so much in common."
Mona stopped what she was doing and waited for me to continue.
"It's a shame they'll never meet."
"Jesus Christ," she whispered and massaged her temples, eyes closed. "That's the worst one yet." But I could see her fighting back a smile on her lips.
Wohoo! I'm almost there.
And I knew just what to do to get to home base.
When she was finally done fixing up the car, she stood up again to look at the finished product. I stood between her and her newly fixed car and she raised a brow at me.
"Can you please move?"
I shook my head and lunged at her, hands reaching for her side to tickle her.
"Ellie! No!" she warned sternly but my hands were already on her waist.
No one else knew this but she was extremely ticklish at her sides. I only found out 'cuz we were cuddling one time and I trailed my hand softly down her side which made her jump and push my hand away. Curious, I did it again and she started laughing and that's when I found out her weakness.
I tickled her and she frantically tried to push me off but it was to use, I just kept attacking her.
"Oh my god, Ellie! Stop!" she said, laughing uncontrollably.
God, her laugh was contagious.
I giggled along with her and struggled to keep my hands on her.
She finally caught my wrist and pushed me back onto the hood of her car, pinning me down.
"Don't blame me if your car gets dented again.
She rolled her eyes but grinned. "Fuck, you're annoying."
She started tickling me in retaliation and I tried pushing her away but being much stronger and having me in a vulnerable position, it was a losing battle.
I finally wheezed out, "Okay! Okay! I give up! I surrender!"
She let go and I sat up, still on the hood of her car. Mona placed her hands on either side of my thighs and leaned into me.
"So, not mad at me anymore?" I grinned and looped my arms around her neck.
"Gorgeous," she let out a low chuckle. "I've stopped being mad at you for a while now."
"Wait, what? So why were you ignoring me for so long?" I pouted at her and she gave me a peck on the lips.
"It was cute seeing you try to get my attention." She moved her hands to my waist. "Also it was pretty funny."
"You're so mean!" I swatted her shoulder but she just laughed in reply.
"And you're really irritating."
She pulled me into a kiss and I melted as her soft lips pressed against mine. She gripped onto my hips tighter as I moved a hand to grab onto the back of her neck while the other massaged her scalp.
"Wait," I pulled back. "Why aren't you more mad that I scratched your car."
She nuzzled my neck as she spoke. "Oh, no, I was livid. But my car has been through much worse and there's nothing your amazing girlfriend can't fix."
Mona looked me in the eyes as she gave me that stupid signature cocky smirk of hers that I've come to love. She pulled me back into her and rested her chin on my head while my cheek was pressed against her sternum.
"You're just lucky I love you more than my car," she joked and placed a kiss on top of my head.
"It's 'cuz of those sweet puns isn't it?"
"Hell, if you ever tell me another one, you’re no longer my girlfriend and you'll be living on the streets."
I giggled as she peppered kisses all over my face, delighted to be drowning in her attention and affection again.
(More fics!)
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
ship your moots with nct 💖💖
Okay i kinda already did this 10020202 times amd one's for each unit too but I'll do it again oakkelwks
@donkey-hyuck (Vy) Okay okay, i ship Vy with Jisung! aGAIN. Got an explanation because she's just so precious! Ksksks and because i think the way i scream startles her time to time which reminds me of Jisung so yeah. Precious-Jisung-Vy. (ily take huggg-)💗
@jimjamjaemin (Mona) MONAAAAA(LLERGY) yooo i ship her with Lucas! They're both so effortlessly funny and it's hilarious how, you know, they can make others laugh by doing the bare minimum. She's also loved by a lot (including me ofc) and that sits well with Lucas so yeah! Mona and Lucas! (ilyyyyy 💗)
@neocitythots (Yuki) YUKIIII MY LOVEEEE. okay so i ship them with Mark. You see, they might be younger than me but they still don't fail to make me feel like I've got a lot to learn from them and that's how i always feel when i speak to Yuki. They're also extremely adorable and precious so if anyone troubles them you'll have to catch these hands :D (ily2 oomf ❤)
@softforqiankun Okay I'm kinda ashamed to say this but even though it's been a while since we've started speaking, i don't think we've ever exchanged names but I'll still do it because why nawt. I ship them with Doyoung! From the vibes i get while texting them, they (please tell me your preferred pronouns because i do not want to offend anyone!) seem so independent yet, so fragile, idk how to explain that but yeah! Doyoung it is! (I'd really love to get you know more hehe!)❤
@heartyyjeno (I'm ashamed pt. 2 but hey cut me some slacks we JUST started talking-) okay so for her, i ship her with Shotaro because PRECIOUS!!!. I don't think that needs much explaining to be done because they're both so precious and idk, each time we text i feel this sudden urge to just adopt her- (hewo ily)💗
@valtxy (val) Fun Fact, though Val's really young, she's so smart and that just gets to me time to time because i clearly wasn't like that when i was her age so I'll go with Jeno for Val! They're both precious, ofc, yet they're so smart and that's immaculate-
@jenojam (V!!!) OKAY V IS FOR SURE JUNGWOO. literally why do i even need to explain this because she just oozes love and the affection and she's never shy to drown others in it too and i love her, i want to protecc her, hurt her and I'll fite you- (V, ily take my kith and huggg❤❤)
@ncteaxhoe (Indrani) INDDDDDD! this might come off random but i ship Ind with Sungchan because both of y'all appear once in a blue moon and disappear but das okay i still love youuu. Visual on point, character chef's kiss. Weird? Of course, why wouldn't she be-
@floweringtheflowers (Shirley) SHIRLEYYY, okay Shirley gives me Yangyang vibes, Literally, so funny, and so aesthetically pleasing to look at like come on, unfair. She also has no trouble getting along with anyone and i find that so endearing about her, But yeah! Shirley and Yangyang!
@ethaeriyeol (Bea) beeeaaaaaaaaaaaa! Okay for some reason we stopped talking for a while but that's okay i still love you, so i ship you with Winwin! It's because the both of them, though precious and absolutely adorkable, have this mysterious aura to them and i find that super intriguing-
@aesqas (Fatima) Fateeee! One of my first few moots on here. I've told this once and I'm going to say it again; I ship Fate with Yuta. Both of them can come off as intimidating to those who don't know them but once you get to know them, you'll know that they're just absolute sweethearts who have a little of the hard time to convey their feelings but that's cool! 💗
@xiaocvlts (Vera) I may or may not have scared her the first time i texted her but that was hilarious. We haven't spoken a lot! Butttt each time we do, it's just bursts of energy here and there so Vera goes with Jaemin!
@riskyrenjun (Nana) a while since we last spoke but Nana is an absolute sweetheart who knows what she wants and she's also super independent and i find that super cool! I ship Nana with Taeyong because they're cute :3
@suhweetdreams (Tricia) Literally precious. I like how conversations are so easy going with her and never forced and i also like that we have this mutual understanding like "Yes, we'll take a while to reply but that's all cool" and soooo! I ship Tric with Johnny! Both super outgoing and fun so it should come off as no shock.
@zcl01 (Bree) Pls. Haechan ALL THE WAYYY. Literally so much fun to talk to and oml i think it's their gemini trait but both are such flirts and i think they'd well.. survive? if they're put together in a dungeon or something XD
@imoonstarstuff (Krys) so Krys and I haven't spoke a lot but of course we DID and we're aware of each other's existence and i find that hilarious so i ship Krys witthhhh Jaehyun! I feel like seeing the two of them together would literally be a sight I'd pay to see XD (we need to start texting again man)
@longassride (Jia) So Jia's is the first of people i texted on here and i reached out to her for advices on what i could do to help grow my blog and she was super helpful! It was fun talking to her and that's why i decided to include her here! I ship Jia with Taeil! Really helpful! Really talented! So yeah!
@cloudyangers (Dilay) Chenle. The second i texted her/them, she just radiated such high tension and well happiness and I'd love it if she started to talk again and she's also the first few one's i reached out to when i had like less than 50 followers! She's cool! :D
@laziilia (Lia) A BABIE AND A CRACKHEAD SO Hendery. Literally, we take loke months to text back but das okay, man XD. She's a really funny soul and she radiates big baby energy but she's a smol baby and i love that so Hendery!
@fullsuhnny (Angelina), Angelina is such a sweet person and she get's along well with literally anyone and i find that super cool about her! We need to talk more! But for now, i ship her with Kun! Lovable, fun, adorable, what more can you ask for?
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astralsi · 2 years
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The Butcher
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kplays · 2 years
Something sus about Mona-na-na-na
Something sus about Monaaaaa
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What, overdone?
Anyway to the depths
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persona-play-q · 6 years
Derailing the Plot
Morgana: “A stunning victory, Joker!”
The group talk about Mementos, explaining how they feel about it to Akechi. Futaba eventually tells them to stop the chitchat before more Shadows come. She commands Morgana to transform into the catbus. 
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Futaba: "Okay, enough with the chitchat, the enemy's gonna find you. Mona, do a car-morph." 
Morgana: "..." 
Futaba: "Monaaaaa." 
Haru: "Mona-chan, why are you making that face? Is something wrong?"
Morgana: "Ah, no, it's nothing. I was just feeling as if something about Mementos was... different from usual."
Makoto: "Different how?"
Ryuji: "...It's the same as always, ain't it? What's your take, Joker?"
Ren: >It's the same as always. >Something feels off. > No idea
Yusuke: "I see... If so, my perception must be quite insufficient."
Ann: "It feels the same as always to me, though."
Morgana: "Huh... Maybe I'm just imagining it."
Morgana: "Anyway, I'm gonna transform! Everyone, step back."
Akechi: "Cats that turn into cars... What a curious world this is."
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“I’ll say.”
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“Yeah, even Ted can’t do that.”
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“I could learn!”
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“Please don’t. I dunno how I’d explain THAT to my Dad.”
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“Mweheheh... Besides, a skill such as mine cannot simply be acquired!”
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Cut Bus Ride.
Ryuji: "Only one person more, and now this place is cramped as hell..."
Akechi: "My apologies. I would just walk, but that is sadly not practical..."
Ann: "Seriously, this bus is NOT meant for that many people..."
Haru: "Hey, Mona-chan, will you be alright?"
Let’s strap Akechi to the roof.
Morgana: "Who do you think I am? I can serve as well as any fright---"
Morgana: "MYAAAAHHH!?"
Cat Bus starts shaking. Clip here:
Makoto: "Huh!? What is that noise...?"
Morgana: "Mewmewmew!?"
Ryuji: "Whoa, Queen, what are you doing! This ain't your usual drivin' style..."
Makoto: "That's not me doing that! The handle is moving all on its own!"
Haru: "Maybe us overloading the bus broke something?"
Futaba: "It's definitely not supposed to move like that..."
Yusuke: "Maybe he ate something that caused this?"
Morgana: "I-I did not!"
Morgana: "God no... I can't take control back!!"
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”Huh!? I-I don’t remember that happening!”
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“What is going on...?”
Cue Cutscene.
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