#monaco physito
squidwen · 2 years
Another one- I think these two could work together well. Friendship? Er. BUT THEY COULD WORK TOGETHER WELL MAYBE.
Monaco stared at the crowd of students and watched them avert their eyes and walk off faster to get paired up for the class. She tsked at seeing the students part when she stepped forward.
Her eyes made contact with Jack. Seems like he got a partner. That's good... She was worried he would have trouble too but seems like he knows students in other classes from his club.
He nodded his head questioningly at her and her lack of companion and she waved an arm dismissively at him with a half smile. She could wait to see who she gets paired with once there is no one left but...
That's not her style.
"Hurry up, pups! We can't start duo battles till everyone gets a partner. Partner with someone from the other classes, am I clear?"
"Sadist," Monaco rolled her eyes at the last requirement before marching over to the student that she set her sights on. She wants to win these battles and she thinks this one could help her with that.
With students making way for her, she got to the bear beast folk all too easily and eyed him for a second before stating.
"Group up with me."
...He seems offended by her tone. She huffed out a frustrated sigh.
"Listen, I'm not trying to be rude. We both just seem blessed with faces that scare people off and everyone is too cowardly to approach us," Monaco didn't bother to control her volume and she felt the intense stares her way. She would love to piss off someone enough to have them prove her wrong. She straight up challenges someone to disprove her words.
She looked around her and watched faces turn away. Truly... Cowards.
"I want to win, and you don't look like the type to go down without a fight. Do you want to wipe the floors with everyone with ME?"
(I think you meant Billy instead of Jack? Let's see if Monaco can indeed worm her way into the bear's heart)...
After learning he’d be doing a paired duel in class, Billy had been eager to attend. He was hoping not to partner with anyone. His Unique Magic - Tear the Bond - frazzled duo attacks and made him look formidable against two opponents. 
Before Monaco had arrived, a few students had plucked up the courage and asked to be his partner. They knew his ability would likely secure a win and a good grade, but he just shrugged them off.
Monaco’s demand had caught him off guard. Unlike the other students, this girl was forward and challenging. A woman who knew what she wanted. Billy couldn’t deny he admired her pluck. 
It was also strange to be challenged to be someone’s ally. Usually, people demanded a brawl with Billy to test their strength. He held Monaco’s acidic gaze, grinning with intrigue. “Do I wanne wipe the floor wit everyone...wit YE?” Billy laughed. “With hair like that ye probably would make a decent mop.”
Monaco rolled her eyes.
Professor Crewel clapped his hands and called everyone to line up in their teams. Billy slapped the desk and rose to his feet, pelt shifting. “Very well, little lady.” He bowed respectfully. “Prove yer mettle.”
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
What does your muse like about [character name]?
Answer to this. @sugarandmelody Asjksjkjs Sorry this took so long, I kinda forgot about it- Also, answering this put so many thoughts into my head. It's a mess, make sure to read the tags. 👍️
Iris Delmor:
"Probably the same reason she likes me," Iris giggled. "She knows how to have fun, what can I say?"
"She's got style too! We could shop all day if we wanted to, getting our nails done, gushing over high heels..." Iris flicked her hair back, eyes crinkling affectionately. "I didn't know I needed a friend like her in my life until she came crashing right in."
"And have you heard the way she talks about her siblings? She's such a caring sister, in her own way," Iris continued to smile at a certain corner of the room, but then her expression soured.
"Something wrong?" The interviewer asked.
"Hm? Oh no, I just remembered something nasty," Iris waved the interviewer off. "Any other questions?"
Slyvan Marwood:
"I think...Underneath all that anxiety, there is a kind person," Slyvan pouted a bit as he chose his words carefully. Pollux might be listening in, who knows?
"I don't know what happened to make him so... I'm sure it must have been incredibly painful," Slyvan wrung his hands together. "It's not my place to force anything on him, not even good intentions. But I hope with time...He can be happy someday?"
Slyvan laughed softly, reaching up to run his hands through his braid. "I don't really know how to answer this question. I don't actually know him that well? Um...Yeah."
Violet Delmor:
Violet scrunched up her nose, crossing her arms with a huff. "What kind of question is this? Don't you have any better questions to ask?"
"Nope," the interviewer laughed.
"You're sadistic," Violet sighed, but answered anyway. Because she's a goody two shoes.
"Pip is...Not the brightest, or the best at being organized, or- You get the point," she paused to cleared her throat.
"Despite that, she doesn't give up. She's terrible at studying, but she does it anyway. She's clumsy, but she works hard to fix her messes. She can hardly take care of herself, but she still tries to take care of other people. That kind of optimism..." Violet fiddled with her skirt, "is admirable, I suppose. I appreciate her tenacity. Compared to some of the wimps I've seen soiling the Heartslabyul name, she's already leagues above them just because of her spirit."
After finishing her little rant, Violet looked to the side, embarrassed perhaps. "Don't tell her I said that..."
Xenon Ambrose:
Xenon stared at the interviewer for a few long, awkward seconds.
"His thirst for knowledge is something I can connect over with him. And I like that he has the same social skills as me, I've always found it hard to understand most social conducts. Yes, that is all."
The interviewer raised an eyebrow. "That's all? Really?"
Upon being pressured to say more, Xenon sat back, deep in thought. "...We are quite similar to each other. In mannerisms, having travelled to many places, and...the way we cope with the things that happened in our childhood."
"I see myself in him. What I was, what I am, and what I could be, if that makes sense." It doesn't, but okay.
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