#billy macurse
squidwen · 2 years
Hitherto a post I made a while ago about making fanfictions from my OCs, I want to try my best to make a poll.
Note: By fanfic I do mean OC x reader
Vane, Billy, Ceridwen, Basil, Seth, Jonah, Tallis.
Tumblr doesn’t do polls (as far as I know) but comment below the name of the OC you’d like me to write about first.
Poll will end June 5th 2022.
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(I haven’t done fan fics of my own OCs before so I want to start things off with one people want to see the most 😅😅)
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zackcrazyvalentine · 2 years
Heya!! I loved your ask of Thais and Vane! I’m just reading my way through your oc list at the moment and I’m curious about what our ocs would think about each other. 💝
Hello, luv~!!
And apologies because my OC list is.... very much not updated orz Hopefully, that will be mended soon
Now, about what my OCs think about yours~
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Vane Millingwood
Thais Admante: Respected upperclassman she appreciates very much!! She admires him and vibes with the tending to plants and self-image issues asdff If they become friends, it's definitely through nature. Also, I noticed they're dorm mates AND club mates!
Blake O'Hare-Hill: He probably gets word of Vane through Thais. Blake thinks he's a bit too shy, but who is he to speak when bunny is super quiet. He treats Vane politely when they have to do chores around the dorm together. My bunny also likes a good rest under the shade of a tree~ A friendship could be possible, yes. Or even something simple like being "resting buddies", Vane is free to join him under a tree if he spots Blake
Onaga Sei: my eel boy probably sees the least of Vane, only when they're in club do they see each other. Sei likes to explore the world, and Vane appears to be someone that keeps to himself very tightly (aka not leaving his room/dorm much). One thing's for sure, Sei will be very interested in Vane's anatomy! He'd be like "caterpillar, merfolk...caterpillar-folk?" he doesn't know how to explain it fdks but he's curious to learn about all that. Polite, but please excuse any invasive or weird questions he might ask.
Xeron Bhatt: another one that knows of Vane through Thais because Xe's with her at all times. A serious stern fae, politely greets Vane if they cross paths. If Vane gets used to his presence around Thais, they could become a small group of friends/acquaintances. Xe likes nature and can happily bring Millingwood some tropical plants from his hometown if he's interested. They could sit in silence, but the silence probably feels awkward due to both of them being a bit awkward. Still, I can see them becoming friends!
Koron Admante: this one knows him as "the caterpillar guy". They've probably shared classes through the years, maybe even been teammates a couple times? Koron has good opinions of the boy, but would like him to be more outspoken. Their relationship is probably just that of classmates. Koron is on the loud side, so that's probably why Vane keeps some distance from him.
Jet Fletcher: He's never seen someone like Vane, to be frank. Like Sei, is curious about the type of bestfolk(? he is, but Jet will research on his own. Fletcher treats him politely, but that's it. This boy is serious, two-faced, quick to anger, I'm sure Vane can feel something is off with this 1st year. Thankfully, they're dorms away from each other. Jet has yet to find a "use" for Vane. Until then, he will let Millingwood be.
Zion Oum: This one, this one!! I can very much see Zion becoming friends with Vane! Zion is quiet, but knows how to speak his mind and quell the nerves he may get when speaking in public. He's overall very chill and welcoming. He's curious and, if Thais recommends Vane as someone to ask about plants, he will heed the advice. Always polite, always calm and patient, always respectful of Vane's boundaries. If Vane struggles doing a daily task, Zion is already working on an invention to help him.
Tzuriel: Took one look at Vane and immediately figured out a lot of things about the boy. For Tzuriel, it's get answers first, then see if he asks questions. This boy hacked into school records and got all information he needed about Vane. But no one needs to know that~ He will greet Vane all smiles and friendliness... But you can feel that, right? That cold and calculating aura coming from Tzu? Yeah, keep your distance, Vane, it's better that way. Like Jet, Tzuriel has yet to find something about Vane that would pique his interest to go pester the shy boy.
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Ceridwen Christides
Thais Adamante: Sympathizes with her due to also being thrown into NRC out of nowhere. Thais likes helping others, so she's happy to lend a hand to Ceridwen with anything she may struggle with. Sees the girl often when in the science club and helping Crewel (Thais sometimes helps the professor when she can), so she's always sure to greet her and ask how she's doing. She will teach Ceridwen how to brew defensive potions if asked. She's amazed by how Ceridwen found a way to protect herself with something made by her own hands, very clever and creative!
Blake O'Hare-Hill: Oh, a potential reading partner and someone with whom to analyze story details? If Ceridwen needs someone to tutor her with magical history, Blake is her guy! Will approach her only if he sees she's reading one of his favorite books, be it fantasy or real history books. Treats her with respect and in a friendly manner. He would like to be friends!! ...but how can he do that...
Xeron Bhatt: This awkward boy will take THE LONGEST time to come near her. In fact, it would be her the one who needs to approach him. Worry not, like Sei, he will answer anything she's curious about or needs help with. He's aware he looks intimidating to some, tries to keep himself down to not be perceived. Xe wishes not to bother the girl, so he's happy not being too acquainted.
Onaga Sei: He sees her around Octavinelle and the Lounge often, but prefers to keep his distance. He is aware he isn't... the most normal looking person. The last thing he'll want to do is scare the girl and make her even more afraid of this new world. If approached, he gives her a curt nod and answers whatever she may ask him, but nothing more, nothing less. and if he sees her in trouble... he will do as much as he can to help her out of it! Just let him see her embroidery, that will be a surefire way to befriend him!
Koron Adamante: One of the 3rd years she can approach for help without being afraid of having to give something in exchange. Koron is friendly, open, on the extroverted side, smart. Really, if she needs help with anything, he's happy to help as much he can! He understands the stress she may be going through, won't approach right away, will let her come over when she feels like it or needs aid. Treats her the same way he treats Thais and his underclassmen.
Jet Fletcher: He likes the way she thinks and searches for logic within magic. Maybe she can be useful in the future? Better keep a closer eye on her. She's with Ashengrotto... definitely useful. Jet will use his friendly and charming facade with her, see if he gains her favor.
Zion Oum: one of the 1st years she can rely on. Chill, intelligent, helpful... but Zion gets a little shy around girls because he has not much practice talking to them. Still, he will lend a hand if ask, help explain the laws of this world to her
Tzuriel: Well, hello~ A totally new person he cannot investigate about... what a wonderful challenge! Tzuriel will catch her off guard and ask all sort of questions to find out who she is, what the world she comes from is like, what information she knows from Azul... Charming, friendly, playful, he will even spoil her with some beauty products and accessories, anything that can get him interesting information and gain her favor! Just don't be surprised if he ends up betraying your trust, Ceridwen~
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William (Billy) MacUrse
Thais Adamante: She's intimidated, quite very much sjlkd He reminds him of the meanest Scholar back home. I JUST NOTICED HE'S A 2ND YEAR TOO JKDJA Anyways, she tries to keep her serious demeanor when speaking to him, that's her default when talking to new people and people that intimidate her. "You don't know the guy, don't make assumptions about who he is and how he behaves." She tells herself. She wouldn't want people to assume about her, why would she do it, yanno?
I can see her stumbling upon him mimicking the cries of birds when out in the forest. What an amazing talent!! can i say she find him attractive?
Blake O'Hare-Hill: Intimidated 2.0 You can't blame him, can you? He's a small bunny boy afraid of fighting and getting picked on. Regardless, he thinks of himself as open and polite, so he will treat the boy with due respect and politeness... does try to keep their interactions short, however.
Onaga Sei: Sei sees nothing wrong with the guy, why are Thais and Blake scared of him? Something tells me my eel won't try to befriend him, but he will make a lot of questions about being bear beastkin (like how he interrogates Vane). Who knows, though! Maybe they can become friends? Sei is more than fine with that outcome! But if Billy sees Sei as an annoyance.... that might fuel Sei to be EVEN MORE annoying! Curious little deep sea eel he is~ Unafraid of it all
Xeron Bhatt: Club buddies, they've probably talked a couple times. Xeron would be very curious to see how he fares in combat against Billy, Xe with his bare hands as he's used to and Billy with his weapon of choice (or hand-to-hand combat, if Billy would like). He would also be interested in learning from the guy, to wield weapons or hunt or archery, really anything. These two could be friends, yes yes! Honestly, Xe probably acts friendly towards William because he's very interested in learning about him and from him.
Koron Adamante: Admires his talents and skills with weapons. Koron used to practice archery, but let it go bc it was pushed onto him. Something tells me he would make a random comment about Billy's aim or posture (whether good or bad) and be like "Wait... what? Ah, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt or criticize you... Uh... I'll go now." Koron can adapt himself to being what Billy would like to befriend: loud and friendly, loud and cocky, or more toned down and serious. I'm unsure how Koron could be a responsible upperclassman in MacUrse's eyes, but he will try to be one!
Jet Fletcher: Strength, power... He needs that for his goal. Jet will make himself someone Billy would like to challenge in some way, thinking that that challenge will lead him into becoming acquainted with the bear. Once Jet gets to know Billy more closely? Full respect for the guy.... but he will still use him for his goal, and keep him as a friend, if the older boy permits him.
Zion Oum: This guy's too shy to approach him. Simple polite greetings if he sees the 2nd year with Jet, but that's all. Not afraid of him, but can't say he's interested in acquainting himself with Billy.
Tzuriel: What's this? Family drama?! Give me that! Tzuriel gets his nose aaaaaall up in Billy's business as he researches the boy. He's no fool, however, Tzu knows not a peep will leave MacUrse if he's asked about his family. Seems like C4ST0R will have to do a deeper search and discover things by himself. ...He also doesn't want to risk getting punched on his beautiful face dfklg
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Basil Balanaga
Thais Adamante: Oh dear... Thais? Or rather, an easy target for Basil? With her having friends in Scarabia (meaning, she visits the dorm frequently), loving to lose herself in nature, and being fellow 2nd years, both of them interacting through the day is very likely. When I say she's easy to fluster, it's because it's EASY. She may not be super easy to hypnotize, but to toy with? Yeah, very much. She tries to keep her distance, but she's too curious and has never seen a naga before! Excuse her wandering eyes and occasional staring "His hair is also super pretty and long... I wanna play with it!"
Nervous when around him, but keeps her "professional" front... as much as she can before she blushes
Blake O'Hare-Hill: HE WILL NOT APPROACH, NO, NOT AT ALL. He's seen the flustered mess Thais turns into, he DOES NOT WANT. Will try his hardest to not be picked on, HE WILL SACRIFICE ANY OF HIS FRIENDS FOR BASIL TO PLAY WITH TO SAVE HIMSELF (and of course that ends up being Thais 90% of the time bc it's the only one he can push forward). Has an agreement with Sei to keep him safe in one of the eel's spheres when they're together and can't get away from the naga. jifjvifo He's so silly isn't he?
Onaga Sei: At first, he thought Basil was an eel fjkjvks "Long tail? That's an eel!" Because his merfolk form has a LOOOONG tail. Sei is also fun to play with, won't get flustered but he's kinda gullible. Once he understands Basil is a python, naga better get ready for the strange questions Sei makes. They could potentially become friends? I'll have to know more about Basil's personality to tell for sure. For the meantime, Basil has fun playing with Sei and Sei has fun raining weird questions at Basil.
Oh! This guy will want to see Basil shed his skin! Finds it cool, wants to know how it happens
Xeron Bhatt: Basil may not be in the best of terms with Xe because of how he pokes Thais. Still, the redhead fae will keep things polite between them, they're dorm mates, after all. If they get to know each other, maybe their relationship can get better? ...or maybe it can get worse lol... We'll see!
Koron Adamante: Also keeps his distance and keeps an eye on the boy bc protective older brother towards Thais. due to this, acts a little cold towards the naga... but sometime, sooooometimes.... he tells Basil how exactly to rile Thais up.... but you didn't hear it from Koron!! He's unsure how to connect with Basil, so their relationship develops slowly, but I'm sure Koron will eventually warm up to him
Jet Fletcher: Hypnosis and stealing of magical power? He needs that for the future. Will approach Basil as an "innocent underclassman who needs guidance of a reliable senpai"... but I'm sure Basil senses something hiding under that, right? If he's forced to speak in his trance, Jet will reveal the truth of his plan. It will then be Basil's decision to put up with the boy's plan or leave... But Fletcher doesn't give up easily
Zion Oum: Good luck trying to fluster or play with him! Zion is one of my most aware OCs, hypnosis won't work so easy on him. Frankly, he would rather keep his distance from Basil, but Jet... he may bring the naga around. Zion will be a challenge to break, but his discomfort is evident when Basil tries to get near him. Regardless, Oum remains polite to his upperclassman.
Tzuriel: Honestly... he's disappointed by what he first found out about Basil and family... bu then he saw the medical records~ Overblot, huh? Don't mind his incessant proding for information about what happened back then~ Tzuriel is also very aware of his surroundings and consciousness, good luck trying to hypnotize him. He will probably erase Basil's memory of his anger and irritation towards Tzu, if he can get close enough when the naga is off guard (that's Tzu's UM, ability to erase select memories)
I'd like to see these two try to "out charm" the other, or act like the two popular girls at school that act like bffs but as soon as their backs are turned pure distaste comes out their mouth lol
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Hope it helps you get a better idea of how my OCs behave~
I AM... LOOKING.... AT WILLIAM (and Basil a bit) 😳💓
Thank you for your ask~ 💖
Hope to see more of your babies soon!!
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mpfuro-station · 2 years
I've got to type this because I feel rotten about how dirty Billy did Furo ^^"
Basil Balanaga had snuck out of Scarabia to have a nap in Savanaclaw. Despite being cold-blooded, there was still such a thing as being too hot. The temperate grassland were more comfortable than the arid desert climate that swaddled his own dormitory.
Not wanting to get caught for trespassing, the naga slithered across the ceiling beams. However, a sudden flash of purple made him do a double-take. Furo? What was a Pomefiore doing in Savanaclaw? The snake could hear the booming footsteps of Billy MacUrse receding down the corridor. Were they okay?
"Heard you got into a fight with that big lug yessssterday," he said. When Furo jumped, Basil's tail swung down and righted them. The wrapped bundle in their hands intrigued him. "Whatcha got there?"
Once Furo had finished telling Basil all about how their peace-offering had been rejected by Billy, Basil pouted sympathetically. "I wouldn't pay any further thought to it," he said. "Guy's cold as his homeland. However~ I'm sure I'd appreciate your hard work." His tail looped around the bundle. "Wouldn't want this to go to waste, would we, my little ferret."
Furo smiled at the naga. "That's very kind of you, Basil. I'm sure it will find a lovely home with you." Furo handed over the woven piece before they sighed.
"It isn't the first time someone's rejected one of my gifts of friendship, but it doesn't get easier," They sheepishly fixed their bow. "The crafts usually do better than the random things I find in the woods." They reached into their pocket and pulled out sprig of snowdrops. They offered it to the snake, "Would you like some? They are quite lovely, if a tad bit poisonous. Just don't eat them and you'll be fine."
Don't feel bad! It fits his character well. Furo probably won't try to gift Billy anything, but they will still try to befriend him.
Basil called them a ferret XD I'm not ashamed to admit that made me squeal.
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squidwen · 2 years
Would anyone be interested in a fic with MC/reader x my OCs (Vane, Billy, Ceridwen, Basil, Seth, Jonah, and Tallis)? Drop me an ask if you do and/or have a particular scenario request. xx
OC master list can be found here.
Vane: *hides*
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Billy: *sharpens axe*
Ceridwen: *says a prayer*
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Basil: *winks*
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Seth: *rolls eyes*
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Jonah: *continues tinkering*
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Art is by the brilliant @i-alone-on-pluto (aka CloudMallow).
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squidwen · 2 years
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Billy MacUrse’s officia art!!!
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squidwen · 2 years
My OC ask box is open.
If you have any questions for Basil, Seth, William, Vane, Marlowe, Jonah, or Tallis please drop me an ask :)
🐛Vane Millingwood
🐻William MacUrse
💡Marlowe Sangloine
🐍Basil Balanaga
🐙Seth Trent
🦎 Jonah Craggins
🕊 Tallis Underplume
All art is by @i-alone-on-pluto
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squidwen · 2 years
Kiran had heard him. Savanaclaw had a few new strong students joining their fold this year.
Is he a beastly? Or is he stronger than that? Kiran couldn't help but wonder. It was hard for Kiran to find a student as big as him and a grin more wild than the tiger's usual stretched across his face.
Kiran forcefully shook his head and and calmed himself. He knew better than to be a brute and go looking for a fight... As fun as challenging himself against the bear would be...
No... Kiran had manners.
"Hello there~" Kiran greeted the boy. Warm, friendly... And purposely not calling him anything as Kiran hadn't decided what was a proper title for the boy yet. "Sorry if this is sudden, but I was wondering if you were willing to spar with me? Or train with me. You seem strong and I like having something to challenge myself."
Perhaps Kiran could have worded it better. Been more polite. The eagerness made it hard to be as proper as he knew his princess back home lectures him to be ("at least in new company! They don't know your craziness yet!").
Billy MacUrse turned slowly to face Kiran. The goat pelt across his broad and muscular collarbone pulled taught as he flexed his muscles. It was instinct to do this when someone challenged him. Any advantage he could get on his opponent, be it through intimidation or otherwise, was his first goal.
Then, Billy scanned for weaknesses in Kiran's posture; balance; less-developed muscle groups. Despite his stoic poker-face, Billy was impressed by the tiger's physique.
However, he wasn't sure how to proceed.
While it was refreshing to be greeted with the invitation to fight - as so many of the students at this school were so scrawny - Billy was slightly offended. Back home, it was customary for requests for sparing and training to be done by close friends, partners, or enemies to settle a score.
Since Kiran was none of these to Billy personally, he was suspicious of his motives. "'s much as I like not bein' handed teacups an' cakes as greetin'," he began, "I don't much appreciate bein' called to arms on me first few days 'ere neither. Aren't you older blokes meant to look out fer the younger ones?"
Kiran said something to the effect of 'I didn't mean to...' but a nagging thought took all of Billy's attention. Was this a bad idea? He had admitted that barely anyone at NRC was as big and strong as him. What if he lost all his muscle definition and strength from not training to the standard he used to? This tiger beastman was a unit. Perhaps it'd do him some good to be put through his paces by him.
"Don't think I's is complainin'." Billy slapped Kiran on the back, chuckling heartily. The impact knocked Kiran forward. He was relieved Billy wasn't bitter, but his joy didn't last. Kiran's muscles tensed when he felt a harsh and calloused hand grip his shoulder. Billy lowered his face to be level with the tiger, grinning like a man possessed. "Ever wondered where the phrase 'curiosity killed the cat' came from, mate? If ye don’t, I canne wait to show yeh.”
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squidwen · 2 years
William MacUrse
(Art done on Picrew, and by CloudMallow/i-alone-on-Pluto
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General Information
Name: William (Billy) MacUrse
Nicknames: Pike (Floyd)
Age: 16
Birthday: November 11th
Height: 6ft 4inch
Species: Black bear beastman
Eye Colour: Smog Grey
Hair Colour: Onyx Black
Homeland: Harveston
Dorm: Savanaclaw
Family: 3 younger half-brothers, step-mother, father.
School Information
School Year: 1st
Class: 1-C (Student no° 16)
Best Subject: Magical History
Club: Equestrian
Dominant hand: Right
Likes: Freshly dry-cleaned pelts; ornate stonemasonry and tapestries.
Dislikes: Blunt axes; changing plans last minute.
Favourite Food: Venison and apple sauce.
Least Favourite Food: Smoked salmon.
Hobby: Axe throwing and highland sports.
Talent: Can mimic bird whistles perfectly .
Unique Magic: Billy’s UM is called ‘Tear the Bond’, enabling him to prevent ‘Duo Magic’ attacks by disrupting the other team’s coordination.
Billy MacUrse is based off of Mor’du from Brave. The MacUrse family founded Harveston decades ago, and Billy was next in line for the title of Lord MacUrse.
Throughout Harveston, Billy was respected as heir to the land, and took great pride in being a role model to his half-brothers. Billy taught them everything he knew, from performing archery while bareback horse riding, axe-throwing, and tossing cabers.
Billy also showed an interest in learning Harveston’s functions. From the fields to the woods, markets, and river, there was little Billy wasn’t aware of. It was only right he learned, considering it would all be his one day. 
However, Billy’s stepmother was a tactical woman. She didn’t raise 3 other children to not have them prosper.
Through many letters to the Northern senet, and a handful of well-worded appeals, Billy’s stepmother managed to get the law amended so that all assets of Northern dwellers be shared equally amongst their offspring. 
And just like that, Billy went from one day inheriting a beautiful region, to just becoming the heir to the river on the borders of Harveston. His brothers got the fields, the towns, and the woods.
Billy doesn’t go home during the school holidays. Whenever he sees his brothers, he only has resentment for them, calling them: ‘Ma-Curses’ for how their existence has ruined his own.
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squidwen · 2 years
Hello hello~ Don't mind me asking some silly little questions about your characters!
Let's see~
1) How do your OCs fare in flying class? Is someone afraid of flying/heights? Is someone enthusiastic about it? Do any of them have a particular style or pose (like how Cater and Leona stand on the broom, Idia and Floyd hang off it, Jade hugs it, etc.)? Does anyone use something other than a broom to fly?
2) If you had to pick only one, which canon character do you see being your OC's closest friend?
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! I like this! A lot of my characters would have difficulty straddling a broom due to their lower bodies not being humanoid....
Vane and Basil would struggle the most with it. Vane would prefer to wait until he turns into a butterfly for flying (which he never intends to happen, but it's as good an excuse as any) to avoid getting on a broomstick. Cater and Trey usually have to find him and drag him to flying class. But, since they're busy third-years, they often don't have time. Vane chills out in the woods and watches from afar. "I wouldn't get on one of those things if you p-paid me."
Basil can't ride a broom. Even if the stick was thicker to accommodate his weight, the length of his tail is too awkward for him to ride it properly. If it slipped off, he would plummet straight down. However, Kalim lets him borrow his magic carpet. Basil's 'pose' when flying is to drape his tail near all the edges of the carpet so the weight is balanced.
Billy and Seth are the most adept when it comes to flying a broomstick. Around Billy's manor house, brooms used to be enchanted by the maids. Billy would hop on one and delight in his brothers' shocked faces as the broom tried to buck him off like a rowdy horse. Riding a broom reminds Billy of those times and it makes him a fast and ruthless flyer. He grips the broom tightly, makes sharp turns, and dips like he's reliving those same days.
Seth is more relaxed with his flying technique. He hooks his feet around the back and grips the stick with his elbows. This enables him to use his hands for reading, writing homework, or stitching. Azul is rather jealous about how an octomer like him can be so good in the air. (No doubt he's thought up numerous ways to rope Seth into a contract). Seth has actually tied red ribbons to the back of his broom so he can fly in style~
Jonah doesn't take flying seriously. He's modified his broom with an autopilot feature so he hasn't got to think about it. This doesn't make him very nimble in the air, but he's not interested in a career in flying so he just curls his tail around the broom and falls asleep with the stick between his shoulder blades. If he gets knocked off/falls off, the broom has a homing device and will chase him and catch him before he hits the ground.
Ceridwen? On a broom? She'd rather use a broomstick to sweep every room of NRC than get on one. Where are the seatbelts? How do you steer them? How do you control their altitude? Where are the BRAKES? In fact, one of Ceridwen's first days at NRC went something like this:
Ceridwen: *sweeping the halls for Crowley with a broom she found in a cupboard.*
Lilia: *drops down from the ceiling* "You're using it wrong, dear~"
Ceridwen: "Ah! Well how else are you supposed to use a broom?”
Lilia: *takes it off her, sits on it, and flies upwards.*
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And finally, Tallis IS THE WORLD’S BIGGEST SHOW OFF! After Vargas taught him that you fly on a broom by sitting on it, and not by using your wings while just holding a broom, Tallis couldn’t stop thinking about the performances he could put on with a broomstick. For weeks he was glued to Magicam watching videos on how to do barrel rolls, loops, corkscrews. Have his new skills made him a lot of jealous enemies? Of course. Has it made him a lot of adoring fans? Tallis’d like to think so. He’s left it to Cater to post clips of him doing tricks. As any self-respecting artist knows, you shouldn’t let the reviews bog you down.
In answer to your second question, when it comes to canon closest friends with my OCs, I reckon it would look something like this: 
Vane --> Trey  
Billy --> Sebek
Ceridwen --> Azul
Basil --> Kalim
Seth --> Floyd 
Jonah --> Deuce
Tallis --> Rook
I hadn’t thought about this before. Some of my answers actually surprised me.
Thanks for the questions @zackcrazyvalentine 
They were really thought provoking!
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squidwen · 2 years
Another one- I think these two could work together well. Friendship? Er. BUT THEY COULD WORK TOGETHER WELL MAYBE.
Monaco stared at the crowd of students and watched them avert their eyes and walk off faster to get paired up for the class. She tsked at seeing the students part when she stepped forward.
Her eyes made contact with Jack. Seems like he got a partner. That's good... She was worried he would have trouble too but seems like he knows students in other classes from his club.
He nodded his head questioningly at her and her lack of companion and she waved an arm dismissively at him with a half smile. She could wait to see who she gets paired with once there is no one left but...
That's not her style.
"Hurry up, pups! We can't start duo battles till everyone gets a partner. Partner with someone from the other classes, am I clear?"
"Sadist," Monaco rolled her eyes at the last requirement before marching over to the student that she set her sights on. She wants to win these battles and she thinks this one could help her with that.
With students making way for her, she got to the bear beast folk all too easily and eyed him for a second before stating.
"Group up with me."
...He seems offended by her tone. She huffed out a frustrated sigh.
"Listen, I'm not trying to be rude. We both just seem blessed with faces that scare people off and everyone is too cowardly to approach us," Monaco didn't bother to control her volume and she felt the intense stares her way. She would love to piss off someone enough to have them prove her wrong. She straight up challenges someone to disprove her words.
She looked around her and watched faces turn away. Truly... Cowards.
"I want to win, and you don't look like the type to go down without a fight. Do you want to wipe the floors with everyone with ME?"
(I think you meant Billy instead of Jack? Let's see if Monaco can indeed worm her way into the bear's heart)...
After learning he’d be doing a paired duel in class, Billy had been eager to attend. He was hoping not to partner with anyone. His Unique Magic - Tear the Bond - frazzled duo attacks and made him look formidable against two opponents. 
Before Monaco had arrived, a few students had plucked up the courage and asked to be his partner. They knew his ability would likely secure a win and a good grade, but he just shrugged them off.
Monaco’s demand had caught him off guard. Unlike the other students, this girl was forward and challenging. A woman who knew what she wanted. Billy couldn’t deny he admired her pluck. 
It was also strange to be challenged to be someone’s ally. Usually, people demanded a brawl with Billy to test their strength. He held Monaco’s acidic gaze, grinning with intrigue. “Do I wanne wipe the floor wit everyone...wit YE?” Billy laughed. “With hair like that ye probably would make a decent mop.”
Monaco rolled her eyes.
Professor Crewel clapped his hands and called everyone to line up in their teams. Billy slapped the desk and rose to his feet, pelt shifting. “Very well, little lady.” He bowed respectfully. “Prove yer mettle.”
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squidwen · 2 years
13. You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
How about this for all of your ocs? :3
OOOOH! Interesting one! A more platonic ask than others I've received XD
Link to ask list here
13. You're given an unlimited budget to build anything you want. What do you build and where do you build it?
Vane wasn't sure. He'd spent almost two decades growing plants big enough to live in, but actual buildings and facilities weren't something that had ever crossed his mind. "Well, with an unlimited budget to bui-build whatever wherever, I guess it would be greenhouse skyscrapers in industrial cities. The vegetation would ta-take all the CO2 out of the air, and make the skyline clearer and cleaner so p-people with lung conditions suffer less. H-hope that’s alright.”
Billy's face split into a wide grin. "I am but a humble bear, but if I had to choose it would be a manor house in a roche-moutonnee next to a tarn and a mountain forest filled with fir trees. I would rebuild the home I was promised miles away from any lynching little half-brothers and stepmothers. And with the change...I'd fill every room with the finest tapestries."
"Simple," said Ceridwen, not looking up from her notebooks. "I want to build a functioning portal to take me back home safe and sound. Whether or not I would like it to be a two-way portal is another matter. If so, I would want it built in Ramshackle so I could come and go as I please. If not, then I don't care where it's built. It...depends on whether or not I’ll miss the people here more than I’m terrified of magic.”
"CHAIR LIFTS!" Basil bolted upright off his tail. "I would have a chair lift built on every staircase in the world, my dear. Do you have any clue how agonising it is being a naga? Living in a world built around bipedal folksss? Oh? You thought I would have the chair lifts built for the elderly? Well, they would certainly benefit. I wouldn't discriminate and not let them use them. But stairs and tails don't go hand in hand."
Seth sneered. “What a ridiculous question! You really ought to announce yourself when someone is working. I almost poked myself with my needle.” Sighing, he set down his darning and thought seriously on the matter. “If I could build anything anywhere it would be a submarine that turned into a water-tight caravan. The world may be 70% ocean, but the remaining 30% is so diverse and full of inspiration for clothing lines I hope to create one day.”
“Ain’t much I want that I ain’t already crafted,” said Jonah, wiping the oil from his overalls. “But, it I had an unlimited budget and space, I guess it would be a town in one big building. Back home, you gotta drive everywhere. If you want bread, a new shirt, a doctor, you’d better get behind a wheel. I want something, ‘bout the size of a mall, where you can just go downstairs or up a corridor and it’s there. Every need satisfied. There’d be a cinema, a baker, a mechanic, a vet, a butcher, a drycleaner, swimming pool, a gym, a sweet shop, a farm...” and on and on until you eventually backed out the door. 
Tallis opened his mouth with each new idea that came to mind, but no sound came out. He kept having one better than the last. “Well, I’ve always wanted a theatre...no, wait- I think instead I would build a factory that makes parachutes for eggs. Yes! That’s the one! Did I mention I’m adopted? Fell out of the nest as an egg and if it hadn’t been for that river I would have been breakfast for the meercats. That thought...never leaves me.” His eyes went wide. “I want every parent to rest assured if their egg is unlucky enough to roll away, it won’t smash because a parachute will float them safely to the ground. Then I can expand into more niche markets! Like, training wings for fledglings, or taloned boots in case their actual talons break during a hunt or something.” (Azul is lowkey listening somewhere XD)
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squidwen · 2 years
6. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? 7. Who do you look up to?
These with Basil and Billy! :D
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is really wracking my brain now!!! Thank you for asking this xx
6. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do?
“It’s...not sssomething I’m proud of,” said Basil. “Mostly because it was my fault.” Had the snake known he’d be asked to recall the darkest time of his life he never would have agreed to this interview.
“I...well...when I was very young my unique magic - Peekaboo - manifested. With it I can drain the energy from someone and make any sssubsequent magic spells a bit stronger. This was before I’d been issued my magic pen, and I didn’t know how to control how much I drained from someone. One day, a client came to the spa, and I drained all their stress and I...” 
Basil took a shuddering breath. The memory surged back into him like a juggernaut. “...Almost overblotted. But that wasn’t the hardest thing I had to do. My little brother, Torbin, got night terrors after he saw what happened to me. He slept in my bed until I left for NRC, and when he woke up screaming, I woke up, too. I felt so guilty about what I’d done to him. He became tired during the day, irritable, and very paranoid about my welfare. Even now he sends me lettersss twice a week asking how I am.”
That question hit close to home, and the answer was clear. But even if Billy did relive the tragedy - every day - of losing his inheritance, he knew that wasn’t the hardest thing he’d done. 
“In truth,” he began, picking at his lips, “it would have to be learning to see myself as what I am rather than what I was going to be. All my life I fantasised about what I’d do when Harveston became mine. I dreamed of the sport, the festivals I’d throw, and the legacy I’d have. But with that all gone...what was I? I  looked into the river on the border of town and saw that I was just a fourteen year-old child and nothing more.”
7. Who do you look up to?
Basil perked up a bit. “That’s more like it! Well, I would have to say it’s Lilia Vanrouge.” He laughed at your shocked face. “I know, I know, hard to believe, right? I’ve only known him for a couple of years...or, known of him, but you’ve got to hand it to the guy. He’s raised two children, fought wars, and still finds a way to enjoy life and all it has.”
He leaned in closer, whispering in your ear: “I don’t want to say too much in case that bat’s listening, but he’s just got this way about him that I want. Dessspite all the tragedy and hardship, he keeps going, giggling all the way.”
“Keeping with the serpent’s theme of picking students, I have to say I admire Bucchi.” Billy shrugged his shoulders when Basil’s jaw dropped open. “What? He’s impressive. Leona is stronger and older than him, and yet he isn’t afraid to stand up to him. He gets his way with wit and cunning rather than the brute force a lot of other Savanaclaws use. And...”
As Billy wracked his brains for how else to sing Ruggie’s praises, he remembered he came from the slums. “He’s come from nothing and has made something of himself here. He’s hard-working, wary, efficient. A man of true potential.”
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squidwen · 2 years
Basil, Tallis... And... And maybe Billy boy.
Describe your biggest pet peeve.
What’s the easiest way to flirt with you?
Describe your ideal partner.
Haha... I'm not a simp. Nope
An ask for Billy? I don’t get many of these so bring it on!!! And Tallis is still relatively new, too 😅😅
Basil, Billy, and Tallis - three students as alike as water was to fire- rendezvoused in the Ramshackle garden where Minxie had invited them for an interview and afternoon tea. 
Basil and Tallis took little convincing. Who could pass up an afternoon of treats and good conversation? But Billy had come along solely at the insistence of Ruggie who wanted a break from the bellicose first-year’s antics. 
20. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Basil offered to go first since his name was first alphabetically. He had been too heavy for the chairs and instead lounged on his tail like a beanbag. A glass of lemonade in one hand, and a slice of cake in the other, the serpent was in complete and utter paradise. 
“Well, for the record, you aren’t, my dear.” He gave Minxie a cheeky wink. “But I think my biggessst pet peeve would have to be running and errand on the day I shed my skin. My scales turn sssticky. I reckon it would be like...walking around with sand stuck to your feet, and instead of washing it off, you put your shoes on.”
Billy had to consider what irritated him the most. Was Minxie asking what his biggest pet peeve was in general, or just things that annoyed him on a daily basis? He gnawed at a ham sandwich, as if the soft bread and meat could tease an answer out of him faster. 
“You’s is a brav’en, I’ll give ye that, Cobain. But it’s participation awards. Hate ‘em. What’s the point, eh? Failure is good for people, and most who are faster, stronger, or smarter than others have put hours into gettin’ there. Ay, some are built different, but ye shouldn’t coddle the losers like yer their mammy.”
“I never would have taken you for someone who likes things fair and square, Mac. Maybe you should have been a Heartslabyul?” Tallis already had a ring of crumbs around his face and didn’t show any signs of slowing as he reached for another cupcake. 
“But I digress. For me, it would have to be people that talk during a performance. It’s just so...disrespectful, and even the best actors can feel like they’re not good enough. When I eventually own my own theatre I’ll rig all the seats. If someone’s not paying attention, they’ll get what’s coming to them!”
21. Describe your ideal partner.
Basil almost choked on his cake. This afternoon was more amusing then he had bargained for. “You were right, Bill, she is a brazen one~. Actually, I had someone asssk me a similar question just the other day. Am I truly so irresistible?”
The tip of Basil’s tail brushed up against Minxie’s ankle. “Off the top of my head, I fancy someone strong who doesn’t shy away from fun and thrills, my dear. However, all the lovers I’ve had in the passst were so different, so I can’t be sure until I’ve given someone a chance.”
“An ideal partner, eh?”  Billy rolled his eyes and started bouncing his knee. “I dunne heave the pressure to marry’n bear heirs anymore. Not when me brothers get equal share of me homeland. So I ain’t given it any thought in years...”
Suddenly, Billy’s eyes seemed to shinier and his cheeks grew red. “Sorry, hay fever.” He sniffed. “But I’d want someone that’ll just...be there. A friend I can confide in, and experience everythin’ with. They don’t have teh like the same things I do. I just want one true person. That won’t take what I have left and leave me with nothing like my witch of a stepmothe-. Yeah.”
“I’m much like Mac,” said Tallis. “Just having someone to connect with on a personal level and be united by common experiences. That’s my ideal partner. Which, in a sense, could be anybody.” He blew a kiss to his company, getting a mixture of responses.
“But if we’re being specific, I think I would like to go for someone wise but not uptight. Coming from a small village like I did, wealth and lavish things weren’t on the table. I want to be with someone that doesn’t want a lot of money, but is wise with what they have. I want someone who lives life in the moment, carefree, while knowing when their next meal is and where they’ll sleep so they haven’t got to worry.” 
22. What's the easiest way to flirt with you?
A pause.
Tallis pretended to faint, Basil burst out laughing, and Billy stormed off. Minxie called out that it was the last question and the bear beastman steeled himself, sitting back down with a grunt. 
“The easiest way to flirt with little ol’ me,” began Basil, wiping the tear out of his eye, “is...I’m not sure. Usually I’m the one doing it. But I must confess that I do like slow dancing.” He brought his hands to his hips and swished them from side to side, closing his eyes to transport himself to the perfect moment. “Having someone pressed against you, sharing warmth, rocking gently at the music’s command. You’d have to be made of stone to not feel anything in that moment. And when your partner speaks, the words are so gentle. Ssso private.”
Billy’s fingers stroked his serving knife. “Psh, I canne tell ye. Have you seen me?” He flexed his chest and his shirt buttons strained. “You really think people flirt with me? But I’ll confess that bold people impress me. People who know what they are and play to their strengths. When folks like that challenge me - not teh duels or with threats - and push my boundaries, they force me to improve...or lose. I wouldn’t call it flirting, but it gets my attention.” 
With that, Billy scooped his pelt off the back off the chair and left for good. 
“And then there were three.” Tallis reached over to Billy’s plate and stole his uneaten scone. “Well, much like you, Basil, I tend to be the one making all the moves. Some people don’t like my theatrics, but that’s why I’m looking for a partner that can beat me at my own game! I’m talking fancy flowers, poems, drawings.” He swooned at the thought. “The best way to flirt with me is to let the creativity within you flow, and take all the love and passion I have and give it straight back in your own way. Fight fire with fire sort of thing.”
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squidwen · 2 years
Yo yo yo!
(pls gimme a lil flick on the forehead if I'm being square-brained and sending an ask I've already sent you before - my memory go brrr lmao)
I was wondering if I could ask how each of your OCs feel about hugs! I have an OC, Masayuki, who has strong arms (and a lot of muscle in general tbh) and a bit of a higher body temperature than most - and he's a big hugger, so I like to ask people this question.
It's a bit fluffy, and I get to share thoughts about hugs! (And hopefully I can share some serotonin too, hehe (◕ᴗ◕✿)
(No flicking of heads down my neck of the woods, sweetie! Don't worry. You haven't sent me an ask before. Hello btw :D Welcome to my blog! You literally couldn't have asked a better question. I've been thinking about how my ocs would react to hugs).
Vane Millingwood
It was moments like these when Vane could pass for a woodlouse. His first instinct was to curl up. He felt nauseous; his stubby legs trembled; his antenna curled and uncurled frantically as he wracked his brain for escape tactics. "Get off!" he exclaimed, wriggling like a worm on a hook in Masayuki's arms. "Get off me! Let go!" The sensation of someone's touch made his blood recoil from his skin. No doubt Masayuki could feel how scrawny and bumpy Vane was in certain places. The places he hated. Jackets and baggy shirts couldn't hide him from hands, and the Caterpillar almost collapsed form nerves.
Billy MacUrse
The bear beastman had been caught off-guard by the sudden embrace. Was this a surprise attack? Had Masayuki gone in for a headlock? Even though he wasn’t applying any pressure, Billy wasn't about to take any chances. He straightened to full height and puffed out his chest; pectorals expanding and prying Masayuki's arms off. Masayuki barely had time to blink before he was slammed against the wall. "Touch me again, ye wee varmint," Billy grumbled, his forearm veins throbbing as he strained to keep the muscular man in place, "and I'll rip yer arms clean outta their sockets."
Ceridwen Christides
As with everyone Ceridwen first met in Twisted Wonderland, she was extremely cautious. Her adrenaline spiked as Masayuki closed his arms around her. However, she didn’t want to be rude. She hugged him back with her left hand, while keeping the right balled into a fist behind her back. After a while, with nothing bad happening, Ceridwen allowed herself to relax into the hug. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been held. So few people were so brazen. Masayuki’s warmth only helped to put her at ease, and the whole experience reminded her of her father’s hugs. She bit her lip as she welled up. “That’s enough, mate” she said, pulling away. “Mind yourself now. Cheerio.”
Basil Balanaga
The mere offer of a warm hug was enough to make Basil spring onto Masayuki. Students were always wary of Basil, for his hypnotic ways and strong tail, so this was an offer he couldn’t refuse. Instinctively, he coiled himself around Masayuki. Being cold-blooded made Basil greedy for warmth and this guy was practically a walking hot water bottle. “Don’t be afraid to ssssqueeze me a little tighter,” said Basil, tightening his grip around Masayuki’s legs and stomach. When Masayuki’s breath hitched, Basil smirked coyly. “You should have known what you were getting into asking for a cuddle from someone of my kind. Come now, don’t be shy, my little boa constrictor.” The snake lay his head on Masayuki’s shoulder and signed heavily. “Let’ssss make the most of thissss.”
Seth Trent
"This jacket is made from crushed velvet! Do you have any idea how long it took me to steam it this morning?" With his dainty arms locked inside Masayuki's, Seth turned his left leg back into four tentacles and started jabbing him in the stomach. Did this man not know what personal space was? Or that velvet is an extremely delicate fabric? Seth's gaze was piercing. Regardless of how much he teetered on one leg, or his chest heaved with indignation, his eyes delivered a constant stream of disgust. "You should be put in prison for such a crime against fashion! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell dorm leader Schoenheit about this."
Tallis Underplume
“Be careful, big guy. I’m delicate~” Tallis practically cannonballed into Masayuki’s arms. How could he pass up a good old-fashioned hug? Despite not being bulky himself, Tallis’s arms were toned from carrying set pieces around stages for years and he gave as good as he got. After a firm squeeze, Tallis leaned back and ruffled Masayuki’s hair. “Tell me, love, what exercises do you do for shoulders? They’re mighty impressive. Oh, I know! Let’s talk about it over lunch. The bell’s about to ring and I am NOT going to wait in a queue until the cows come home.” With a cheeful smile, Tallis burst out of Masayuki’s grip and took to the air on his little wings. “Race ya!” 
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squidwen · 2 years
🎶 I associate you with a specific song - Thais to Billy if you don't mind and heads up bc the song is a little loud -- --
A paper fluttered into the boy's sight, appearing as if from thin air. Neat handwriting covered the surface which said:
A thought has been in my mind as of late, that being how you come to mind whenever I hear one specific song.
Your last chance Last summer Your last dance Beat to your own drummer Go out fighting, Go out young A flash of lightning Eclipse the sun Brace yourself, brace yourself Brace yourself for the grand finale
The lyrics alone suffice, but the accompanying melody solidifies the thought further even if I'm sure you don't particularly like this genre
Powerful, strong, the buzz it leaves in your body is delightful, like fire in your veins. The ambiance is that of facing off against your worst enemy and knowing you will come out victorious... Because you're better prepared than them all, you skill is like no other and you won't relent, because "this isn't over until it's finished" and only you get to say the last word
Or at least that's what I think. It fits you.
Perhaps you've heard it, perhaps you have not If you ever wish to...
just listen between the trees
- ♑︎ -- -- [now i kinda wanna do one for Vane, too. Thais is just like that, associates people with songs and plants]
Billy stood stock-still as he read the letter. Come the end, he was positive it was from Thais. Who else would tell him to listen between the trees? Perhaps he ought to stagnate his visits to hear her sing. He didn't want her getting the wrong impression.
After reading the lyrics again, Billy couldn't deny that the heat trickling into his gut felt glorious. Thais was right, they were truly electrifying. Every vengeful thought he'd had since losing his inheritance came flooding back; images of his stepmother and half-brothers being cast out of Harveston as paupers while he sat at the helm, admiring his homeland from his house on the hill.
But such fantasies were wistful. There was no way it would ever come to pass. Law was law, and he was not above it. However, it was little things like this that freed him from the truth and soothed him with thoughts of restoring his glory.
Billy took a pencil from behind his ear and wrote on the back of the letter: Scarborough Fair. Listen, and wedged it into a tree trunk. He then took a quick scan of the forest and trudged off, quietly mumbling the lyrics to himself.
(Ooooh! What would Vane be?!)
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squidwen · 2 years
I didn't realise Billy was an actual bear XD This is the second beastman Furo has befriended via fighting...I love it.
Furo wasn't proud they went back to their old ways, but it was a much needed respite from the classy culture of Pomefiore. It had been a total coincidence that they ran into the giant first year, and a grater surprise that he accepted the challenge of sparring them. It had been awhile since Furo got beaten in a fight. Plus, the kid had been very kind afterwards in helping them up. Good kid deserves a thank you gift.
That was why Furo was now looking for the bear in Savanaclaw with a rolled bundle tied with twine in their arms. It wasn't hard to find him, and soon they were tapping him on the arm. "Hello again! Thanks again for sparring with me. It was fun! I know you don't know me all too well, but I made you something for no hard feelings!" Furo held out the bundle. "Feel free to say hi if you see me! Or, if you see a critter with a big blue bow, keke."
Billy thought he was hallucinating. What was the runt he'd fought yesterday doing right in front of him, offering him a gift no less? Perhaps he'd hit them harder than he thought? He chanced a quick look at their pupils. They were both the same size. No concussion.
"Scram," he grumbled, turning his nose up at the bundle. "Hav'en ye got no shame? I ain't in the business of makin' no friends. Take yerself and yer wee peace offering back to yer posh dorm."
Had Furo misunderstood Billy yesterday? Was helping them up after their fight not a sign of friendship? Chances were that Billy respected Furo just as a worthy opponent and nothing more.
Billy shifted his goat pelt to back onto his shoulder and turned on his heels. "It won't ner do ye any good to go ‘round bein’ a brown-nose.” And with that, he abandoned Furo, leaving them and their kindness in his shadow.
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