#monkey island 2: lechuck's revenge
oldgamedebris · 11 months
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Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate.
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gamemoons · 2 years
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Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (1991)
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nocontexteastereggs · 2 years
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Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (1991)
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artsyebonyrose · 1 year
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inktober day 5: map
(guybrush and elaine from monkey island 2)
one of my favourite games :))
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retrocgads · 10 months
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USA 1997
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80s Cartoon Vtuber Link is streaming the second Monkey Island game!
Live at 8pm EST at Twitch.tv/WellXcuseMe
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starryoak · 2 years
Hey, you! Do you like nerdy programming shit? Do you like LucasArts’ adventure games? (circa 1990′s?) Did you grow up playing Humongous Entertainment games? Do you love the SCUMM system used for developing games and want to know more about their development? Do you like weird anecdotes about stupid programming jokes?
Then you might be interested in watching my dad’s interviews about his time as a programmer as one of the creators of the SCUMM system and lead programmer at Humongous Entertainment!
My dad is literally so cool you guys, I love him so much and he deserves so much more credit than he receives as one of the people who helped create the SCUMM system, to the point that he was up until recently listed as “And various others” on Wikipedia despite being the only major contributor not named, so I feel I have a duty as the reason he left the industry to be showing off how cool he is to the world.
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Finished playing Judgement! Some random thoughts:
like I was trying really hard not to compare the game to Ace Attorney but I can't help compare it to Ace Attorney. YAGAMI WHY DIDNT YOU BELIEVE IN YOUR CLIENT!!??? This never would have happened if Okubo had gone to Phoenix Wright. XD
 all the other rgg games I watched on youtube but this was the first one I played on my own (for a certain defination of alone... my brother was the one actually playing lol). I was worried the pace would be too slow and I'd be dying to know what happens next but it was fine
And i guess that doesn't say much for the game because I didn't really care about what happened next but it's mainly because I was thinking about other things. I did think it was a bit slow at first but it did pick up. 
over all the story line was quite coherent for a yakuza game. Defintely one of the better ones!
there were a few things I thought were a bit of a stretch the main one being the leap between "oh AD-9 needs test subjects" to "a bunch of people died last week they must be the test subjects" ???  I mean people die everywhere every day and usually it’s just because they died. but that’s why i’m not a detective i guess
 some story points also did feel a bit disjointed - like that weird little falling out Yagami and Kaito had? It came out of nowhere, was quickly resolved, and seemed to have no purpose besides manufactured drama.
some of the mandatory story-line stuff did have me questioning why it was mandatory lol
HAATED the Keihin gang. Every five seconds our phone rings "Oooh noooo the Keihin gang is loose again please help us" why don't you LEAVE ME ALONE.
 favourite character is probably Higashi I love a man with divided loyalties (this was also part of the appeal for Nishiki in Y0 honestly
Obsessed with the scenes where you suddenly go into the past and the time you suddenly play as Saori.
They are both similar I guess in the sense that it is a complete and sudden perspective change
It just came out of nowhere! So unique and different! So on the one hand it's like WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON but it's also brilliant! LOVED THOSE PARTS
 I also thought it was cool that while the yakuza is still a major part of the plot it's also sort of tangential - Yagami is just outside of that world. Makes for an interesting perspective.
 quickly stopped paying attention to the tailing missions. i was reading captain america fanfiction while my brother suffered through it. what a pain
 every time they show Shono the guy looks like he's about to burst into tears. i have no sympathy for the man but he looks like a cat caught in the rain. miserable little creature. he looks like my high school friend's ex-boyfriend. creeped me out.
after finishing the game I can appreciate Yagami's personality more - he is not particularly expressive and is in some ways a bit bland but he also has this really sardonic streak, idk, he's not really like... a kind or sincere person, he's cocky and grumpy a lot of the time but it's sort of refreshing compared to the other protaganists.
 my brother and I were SHOCKED the first time Yagami won a drone race because he looked SO HAPPY. Like uncharacteristically so. (flashback to when the Smile Burger girl told us we won the smile contest and Yagami's like, wow that's great I'm so happy or whatever with the deadest expression on his face). Drone racing is his passion I guess...
 cannot stop staring at Kaito's shirt everytime I see it I'm blown away at how loud and obnoxious it is. Why hasn't he won the drip tournament? Come on guys.
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umbrasdoodles · 2 years
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While watching playthroughs of the old Monkey Island games in prep for Return, this came to mind during a scene from LeChuck's Revenge. Ft. my fellow villain OC Vaespar (I think he and LeChuck would be evil buddies)
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never-obsolete · 11 months
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Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (1991)
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captmickey · 4 months
I asked, ya'll voted: And it looks to be another year of Game Stream for Monkey Island Appreciation week!
Once again, no, I will not play Escape. Maybe next year when I'm feeling a bit more brave (and have more patience with its RNG nonsense). And Curse isn't on the list because I streamed that last year for appreciation week and I don't think ya'll want to see Curse. Again.
*=Because it’s Episodic, means I’ll play one or two of the chapters. Not the whole thing. If this gets voted, I’ll make a poll for which episode.
So pick your pirate!
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arcanetrivia · 4 days
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Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge cover by Francesco Crisci on Behance
Video link from the project on Artstation
See also just the static artwork on DeviantArt
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katewalker · 2 years
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Rapp Scallion in Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (1991) ↳ requested by @saecookie🧡
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kyndaris · 2 days
Filling Plot Holes
Back in the olden days, games were simpler affairs. Instead of realistic high definition graphics, developers relied on pixel art styles to portray the setting and characters. It wasn't the most amazing thing to look at but it was astonishing for their time. Nor were games incredibly complex in terms of gameplay. In those days, it was hard for developers in 3D and have competing objectives for the player to keep in mind.
Instead, many early games were in the vein of point-and-click adventure games. And none were as renowned as The Secret of Monkey Island by Lucasfilm Games.
This was the game which introduced us to beloved character Guybrush Threepwood as he journeyed across the islands of the Caribbean in order to make a name for himself as a pirate. Along the way, he made both friends and enemies, as well as fell in love with Governor Elaine Marley.
Over the years, several sequels came out. Often, Guybrush would do battle with his arch nemesis, LeChuck, before saving the day. And in 2009, it all came to an end with Tales of Monkey Island.
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That is, of course, until 2022 where Return to Monkey Island, came roaring onto all available consoles as well as the PC. What made it special, though, was that it was the first Monkey Island game by series creator, Ron Gilbert, since Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge. So, of course I booted it up after two years of having it sit in my Steam library.
I'm anything if not consistent when it comes to the backlog of games I have waiting to be played!
Return to Monkey Island starts off with Boybrush Threepwood and his friend, Chuckie, playing at an amusement park and re-enacting Guybrush's previous adventures. For a while, they amuse themselves with scurvy dogs and by pretending an elderly couple also at the park are their parents. It isn't long before Boybrush finds his father and prompts Guybrush to recount the tale of when he found the secret of Monkey Island - a sticking point of the first game.
The game then pivots to Guybrush in the past. Wishing to be the first person to discover the secret, Guybrush has travelled back to Melee Island in order to gather a crew and ship. With his usual suave, he approaches the Pirate Leaders - only to discover they are no longer the three men he knew in the first two games. Instead, they've been replaced with a new trio of dark magic users: Madison, Lila and Trent.
These new Pirate Leaders refuse to help. Undeterred, Guybrush finds another way to find a crew and ship to get to Monkey Island before LeChuck. To do so, he disguises himself as a zombie and is hired onto LeChuck's ship as a swabbie.
Yet though Guybrush manages to steal the map to the secret, he is soon discovered to be an impostor when he accidentally removes the magical eyepatch he was wearing to serve as his disguise. Infuriated by the deception, LeChuck duels Guybrush on the bow of the ship. A duel which Guybrush loses and he plummets down into the sea.
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Of course, given how close the ship was to Monkey Island and Guybrush's ability to hold his breath for ten eight minutes, he is able to walk the rest of the way to shore. Following the map he stole from LeChuck, Guybrush falls into a trap set by the Pirate Leaders who reveal they had the real map. Unfortunately, the map is magically encrypted and they need LeChuck's catchphrase, his theme song and his favourite food to unlock it. All, of which, fall onto Guybrush's shoulder to obtain.
But obtain them he does - unlocking the map and revealing to all present that the secret of Monkey Island is at the International House of Mojo back on Melee Island.
It isn't long before Guybrush is betrayed and is left at the bottom of a cliff. Elaine, however, comes to his rescue and they escape the island by rebuilding Guybrush's old ship: the Sea Monkey.
Despite all these setbacks, Guybrush is the first to arrive back at Melee Island where he finds the secret locked inside a safe requiring five golden keys to open. He sets out across the Caribbean, visiting Brrr Muda and Terror Island along the way, before returning to the International House of Mojo to unlock the chest.
After opening the safe, Guybrush finds another locked chest inside. Before he can open it though, LeChuck steals the chest and takes it back to Monkey Island, where, in order to open it, a ritual is needed. Guybrush and Elaine follow. After descending down into the depths, following the footsteps of LeChuck, Guybrush emerges into a theme park recreation of Melee Island. After opening the chest, he is gifted with a novelty T-shirt.
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Like many of point-and-click adventure games from yesteryear, there is a strong focus on humour. The story is silly and ridiculous, though the writing remains sharp as ever in its witty social commentary. One that stood out to me was Elaine's campaign to end scurvy and how sailors on a plague ship refused to believe in science - preferring instead Saleman Stan's flyer with its half-truths and blatant lies before they would consider getting the necessary Vitamin C from limes to combat the disease.
It was an apt metaphor for COVID.
Perhaps if there is another deadly illness travelling across the globe, we'll need to peddle masks and vaccine as if we're snake oil merchants. It might actually let the dunderheads in the world finally try it. Especially when all the difficult science jargon has been removed!
That aside, I feel like the story could have gone to greater lengths if it so chose. Yet, on the other hand, I can see why Ron Gilbert went the route he did. After hyping up the secret of Money Island, it was easier to pull the rug out from underneath Boybrush, as well as the players, as whatever it truly was would have never lived up to the standards we'd all made up in our heads.
So, in keeping with tradition, and with its unique style of comedy, Return to Monkey Island had to make the 'secret' less than ideal.
Methinks, though, that Guybrush hasn't truly mastered the art of good storytelling and still needs to work on how to end his fanciful tales of adventure. Yes, he joined the Chums and was able to impress the old Pirate Leaders, but he still has far to go if he wants to be a storyteller worth any salt.
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From a gameplay perspective, Return to Monkey Island returns to its roots as a point-and-click adventure where solutions aren't always as simple as they seem and logic is oft thrown out the window. Other times, the item Guybrush needs to advance is tucked away in a different part of the world and the player is forced to backtrack because it wasn't evident from the first one would need it.
Return to Monkey Island does furnish players with a hint book, however. One that provides valuable hints should they get stuck.
Of course, if you aren't playing on 'Hard Mode' and you do use the hint book in any capacity, people on the internet will decry you for cheating and not playing the game as intended.
But what a stranger on the internet doesn't know won't hurt them. Nor should one feel obligated to only ever play a game the 'correct' way.
If you want to play the game on casual mode and rely on the hint book if you're unsure how to proceed, my advice is: GO FOR IT! After all, the time you have on the world is limited. Getting stuck on a puzzle in a video game needn't be the be-all and end-all when it comes to one's satisfaction in life.
Overall, I enjoyed my adventure with Return to Monkey Island. After I surprised myself with how long I spent with Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, it was nice to play a relatively short game without high stakes. Especially when so many video games are keen to take up all of one's time in a never-ending cycle of live service. Similarly, the vibrant art style and fun story provided some much needed levity from the direction of many dour and serious video games.
So, dear readers, if you're looking for something a little old-school and provides a rollicking adventure through the Caribbean island, look no further than Return to Monkey Island!
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askfanandtesttube · 2 months
Hello there! Have you two heard of the hit 2005 game “Psychonauts” by Tim Schafer; known also for making games such as Brütal Legend (2009), Costume Quest (2010), Grim Fandango (1998), Broken Age (2014), Full Throttle (1995), Stacking (2011), The Secret of Monkey Island (1990), Day of the Tentacle (1993), Psychonauts 2 (2021), Psychonauts: In the Rhombus of Ruin (2018), Costume Quest 2 (2023), and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge (1991)?
Uh, I haven't... Fan might've!
-Test Tube
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dynamoe · 2 years
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The Cartographer of Mêlée Island
(the reason I drew that Monkey Island map, posted previously.)
x-posted to Instagram
The original LucasArts Monkey Island game came out when I was a kid and so fundamentally influenced my sense of humor and drawing style (those tiny one-pixel black eyes burrowing into your soul) that I felt I should draw something to show my appreciation.
I finished Return to Monkey Island, the long-awaited newest sequel, a month ago (but mixed feelings about it) so I did a portrait of my favorite character from the original game series.
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Tried to design a compromise between all the different incarnations of cartographer Wally B. Feed — Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, The Curse of Monkey Island, the redesigned Monkey Island 2 Special Edition (yuck), and this year's Return to Monkey Island.
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... in a composition inspired by the heroic portraiture of the late 18th century (e.g. George Romney, Charles Wilson Peale and son), where the learned gentleman of leisure (British) or earnest craftsperson (American) is always depicted momentarily distracted in their work, surrounded by the symbolic trappings of their life, looking into the middle distance contemplating... something... Primarily using these two painting as models for reference—
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The Young Cricketer (1768) by Francis Cotes
John Adams (1783) by John Singleton Copley
Those epic skies. The jaunty contraposto hip-tilt. A random drape in the background.
...but nothing tops the perfection of the original character design:
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Other than the buckles on his shoes, there is nothing pirate-y about Wally's outfit. Monocles weren't even widely used until the Victorian/Edwardian era... 100+ years later than the "Golden Age of Piracy." As much as the series maintains a *scrupulous* dedication to being historically inaccurate, I hewed closer to ambiguously 1760-1790 colonial/pirate-y costume aesthetic, but without doing any actual research. Aiming for the sweet spot: Less Disneyland More Colonial-Williamsburg-on-a-bad-day. ( We stan a craftsman's apron connecting to a waistcoat button.)
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Monkey Island map, before being warped in the portrait
How did I do?
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