#monsta x son hyunwoo drabbles
Summary: anon request- ‘73 & 75 with Dom Shownu!! thanks in advance 💕’
73 - "I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it." || 75 - "You know, you look real pretty when you cry."
Pairing: Shownu x afab!reader Genres/tropes: non-idol!AU, coworker!AU, office!AU, boss and secretary!AU, smut, drabble Word Count: 633 Warnings: exhibitionism, office sex, clothed sex, unprotected sex, rebound, cursing once or twice, degradation (of a third party), cuckolding (kinda?), HR clearly doesn’t exist with the way Shownu speaks
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Despite the shitshow that happened last night, you make it to work on time and properly dressed. You make your way straight to your boss's office to ask for your tasks for the day. Unable to keep your normally cheery persona, he notices and asks whether you're alright.
Releasing a deep sigh, you confess, "Last night wasn't fun. I'm sorry for letting it affect my attitude at work, sir."
"Do not apologize. Life happens. If you don't mind me asking, what happened last night?"
Shocked that he's taking an interest in your personal life, you quickly explain that your now ex-boyfriend blew up at you and left you crying on the side of the road. You can see his agitation through his white knuckles and clearly visible neck veins, so you try not to mention that the man you're talking about is a coworker, but it seems he already knows.
"And he has the gall to prance in here happily like nothing happened? How dare he treat you this way."
Something about the care in his words makes you release the tears you've been fighting all morning. He nonchalantly passes you the tissue box and waits silently for you to finish crying before speaking again.
"You know, you look real pretty when you cry. Although I never want your tears to fall from heartbreak like this, I find it fascinating that you remain gorgeous despite being in such a vulnerable state."
Dissecting his words, you begin to wonder whether Shownu has thought of you outside of the innocent idea of coworkers. Your mind connects so many dots that may or may not actually mean anything - the proximity of your ex's desk to Shownu's office, your promotion from intern directly to his personal secretary, the number of tasks he gives that keeps you in his sight.
Without thinking, you blurt out, "Sir, do you like me?"
Caught off guard, he stands up and begins pacing the room. Looking out the window and seeing your ex-boyfriend sitting there, however, gives him the resolve to answer.
"Yes. I have for a while. Sometimes, I want you so bad it hurts. There are times where I've had to leave because my thoughts for you grew inappropriate for work." Without removing his glare from the man on the opposite side of the glass, he admits to everything.
Your curiosity getting the better of you, you question, "Like what?"
He turns around to look you directly in the eye as he answers, "I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it. I want to show that idiot out there what he lost."
Looking out at the crew, you find most of the cubicles empty, with everyone out for morning meetings except for your ex. Eager to repay the pain he gave you, you smirk and ask whether your boss is telling the truth. After confirming with him, you take a step forward, take his hand in yours, and tell him to prove it quickly, before the meetings end. Without hesitation, he pulls your face to his and relishes in the taste of your lips. Turning you both around so your back hits the glass, he devours you, victoriously giving you an exhilarating session of rough, almost fully-clothed sex, right behind your oblivious ex-boyfriend, making it all the better for the both of you.
As his thick dick makes you cum, you fail to hold back your moans. With a smirk, Shownu looks at your ex and finds him wide-eyed at the situation, so he keeps eye contact as he pounds into you until he finishes.
Filling you with his warm cum, he mocks your ex, "I bet I'm much better than that asshole anyway. I doubt you screamed like that for him."
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chvrrycola · 2 years
pokémon trainer! au x son hyunwoo
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‘what have you been getting up to, angel?’ hyunwoo asked your magnemite the second you entered the centre. you had been trying to get your last gym badge for weeks now, and the uphill battle meant that your exhausted party was trudging into hyunwoo's nursery almost every day. 
he was the best nurse in the region, without question, and it was a relief that he happened to work so near the site of your greatest challenge yet. you watched him tend to your pokemon with a sigh of relief, knowing how tough the day had been for them, eyes refusing to be drawn away from his gentle hands, and ears unable to tune out the soft words of comfort he offered to each and every one of them. 
once they had all settled, he looked up and smiled at you. or perhaps not at you, as the mr mime he worked with had just come through the doorway. you should’ve known a look that fond could never be for a human. he spoke to mr mime for a moment before approaching you, 
‘you should go easier on yourself too, y’know? it’s easy to give these guys a revive and get them back to 100%, it’s not so easy for us. though something to eat might be a good place to start,’ he looked at his feet shyly, ‘there’s a cafe across the street if you fancy it?’
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iibonniee · 1 year
Little Flirt | Son Hyunwoo drabble
Hii im so glad you're back! For the drabble can i request shownu in his flirty mode pls i think its gonna be so hot and funny at the same time lol
Pairing: Son Hyunwoo x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Word Count: 0.6k
Hyunwoo was always on the calmer side. Easy to chat with, funny at random times, and levelheaded. It’s why Y/N fell in love with the man. Not only did he know how to make her laugh extremely hard when not even trying, but the man was sometimes in his own universe.
She had figured accepting his offer to join him and his groupmates for a night out would be enjoyable. After all, they were all collectively hilarious when given a proper chance, and having all seven of them in a room paired with alcohol was always a treat.
With a drink in her hand and the bar counter holding her up, she enjoyed the slight buzz as she watched Minhyuk and Jooheon take up the dance floor as if they were the only two. It was rather funny because, of course, they weren’t. They were somewhat oblivious that they were getting dirty looks from the crowd around them as their arms were thrown in the air, entirely off-beat for the song that was playing.
Y/N had known it would only be a matter of time before Hyunwoo would step in to calm them down and hopefully stop the encouraging shouts from Kihyun and Hyungwon.
Her eyes scanned the area, trying to look for her lover but to no avail. Glancing around, she noticed he had seemingly disappeared into the crowd. She wasn’t sure how long he had been gone or where he went. Pushing herself away from the bar, she did her best to try to find the male.
“Hello, beautiful,” The sudden voice whispered into her ear surprised her. Whipping her face around, she was greeted by a very drunken Hyunwoo. His brown eyes were laced with excitement, and what she could guess was some drive to get her. “You here alone?”
The question had her snort. This side of Monsta X’s leader was rare to see. Flirty and without a care in the world. Her smile was hard to hide as he waited patiently for her answer, just as he does when sober.
“We literally came here together, Hyunwoo.” Y/N snorted, watching as her lover’s face morphed into surprise.
“How do you know my name?” His shocked tone had the girl laughing even harder. He stared into space, trying to remember in his drunken daze if he had said anything to her about who he was. “I was staring at you all night. You’re so beautiful.”
The scene in front of her was hilarious. She enjoyed watching her lover jump from one thing to another in a few seconds.
“Are you perhaps single?” He questioned, scooting closer to her. With how close he was to her, she could smell the alcohol that laced his breath.
“I’m not.” She watched as his shoulders fell in defeat, “God, you are on another level when you’re drunk, Nunu. I love it. You’re my boyfriend.”
Watching his posture change the second he heard her say that he was her boyfriend, the look on his face became more smug, not unafraid to touch her.
“I knew that.” He waved his free hand aimlessly as his other one wrapped around her shoulder, “Just wanted to test you.”
She knew that he did, in fact, not know that. She snorted, glancing away from her partner.
“The room is spinning, but your face is pretty clear. You’re absolutely gorgeous.” Hyunwoo spoke up, gripping the bar to keep himself upright. “Can I get your number?”
She stayed silent, glancing at her lover and then back at the other intoxicated members. The smile that slowly inched her face caused Hyunwoo to grin triumphantly. She wasn’t sure how she would manage to watch seven grown drunken men, but she knew she could manage. After all, Hyunwoo could manage watching six of them.
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Deep Violet
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Pairing: PRINCE Shownu X Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 4.8K
A/N: I got an ask for a shy but dom Shownu, and it somehow turned into a Prince au 😂
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For as long as you could remember your family worked for the Son royal family, your father worked as a chef and your mother worked as a maid so, it was inevitable that you would take a job at the castle when you became of age. Even as a child, you came to the castle with them while they worked and you met the royal family’s son, Prince Shownu. He reminded you a yam, cute chubby cheeks that took up his whole face, his little pouty lips that made him look like he was questioning everything when it came to meeting you, and that’s how you came up with his nickname, “Sweet Potato.”
He hated you and that nickname for the longest of time, but the more time that the two of you spent together, the more you grew inseparable as you aged, your playdates in the garden slowly turned into studying in the library, the tea parties you shared turned into quiet meals in the main hall. You witnessed Shownu grow with grace and refinement within the castle walls and when it came time for him to find suitors, it occurred to you that you were nothing more than just a maid to him. You tried to turn your notice into the King, but he wouldn’t allow it, because his son wouldn’t allow it.
“What do you mean Shownu won’t allow it?” You tried to be mindful of your attitude and tone, but it started to seep out of you.
“We told him over dinner last night that you wanted put in your notice and he denied it. Thoroughly turned it down.”
“Without any reason?” The King scoffed at your words.
“He’s a prince, he doesn’t have to have a reason for wanting to keep a maid. You’re attuned to him and he probably would hate to teach someone how he is. Now, this conversation is over, if you have anymore questions, go ask him yourself.” You nodded, knowing that if you protested more you may get yourself in trouble. You left his chamber, your heels hitting the floor with a fury as you stormed to Shownu’s office. The dark mahogany door came into your vision and before you knew it, your knuckles were rapping against the door.
“Come in.” His muffled voice gave you the invitation and you pushed open the door and stepped into his office, closing the door behind you. Your boiled sweet potato didn’t look like the boy you met long ago, his thick brown hair rested against his forehead, his chubby cheeks had thinned out to show off his sharp features—his looks were just one part of what made you fall for him, but you knew him before he grew into his features. Shownu looked up at you, a smile tugging at this lips, “Y/N, what do I owe the pleasure—”
“You denied my notice?”
“Is that a problem?”
“Yes. I want out, I’m not going to stand around and watch you go on dates with multiple noblewomen to find you a wife to take the throne with you.” His eyes grew wide hearing your voice crack through your words.
“How did you…?”
“I saw the invitations to tonight’s party. The princes from other countries are coming to celebrate your coming of age. The RSVP roster is almost full of princesses and noblewomen so, you’ll have a lot to choose from.” Shownu’s teeth took the plumpness of his bottom lip between them, gnawing on it. He didn’t think that it would be this hard to separate his feelings for you, a maid, to find his future wife, but it was. You were not only his maid, but his best friend, and he didn’t ever think it would’ve come down to letting you leave to avoid hurting you or keeping you for his selfish reason.
“Y/N…” He stood from his desk, a knock coming from the other side of the door, a deep sigh left him, “Come in.” The door opened and a butler came into the office.
“Prince Shownu, it’s about time for you to get ready for tonight’s party.”
“Let me finish up with her—”
“It’s okay. We’re done talking.”
“Wait, Y/N.” You had already turned on your heels and walked past the butler out into the hall, your feet rushing down the marble tile to create distance from Shownu. Frustrated tears rolled off your lashes and down your cheeks, your rubbed them as you turned the corner, you body coming in contact with another. You stopped rubbing your eyes and looked up to see dripping good looks melting off of the man in front of you.
“I’m so sorry, Prince Kihyun.” You bowed deeply, a shy chortle coming from him.
“It’s lovely to see you, Y/N. Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Kihyun’s sweet champagne eyes stared into yours and you slowly blinked, breaking the eye contact you shared.
“How long you got, because it’s a long story.” Kihyun escorted you out to the garden while you explained what had you so upset. He didn’t speak while you spoke from point A all the way to Z, going through your feelings for him, how you tried to quit, and what had just happened. Kihyun understood your position, anyone growing up together would get some sort of feelings for someone, but your predicament was a special one.
“Has it occurred to you that Shownu might feel the same way?” You scoffed a bit as you sat down on the stone bench in front of the flower garden, “I’m being serious here.”
“I know you are, but why me? I’m just a maid—”
“You were his best friend before his maid, Y/N.” Kihyun crossed his arms and started to pace in front of you, “Maybe he’s telling you to stay without saying it, you know him, he doesn’t always come out with what he wants to say, he’s too shy for that.” Kihyun was right, Shownu did have a way of beating around the bush to get what he wanted, but this wasn’t something that he could beat around the bush with. The sudden gasp of Kihyun’s voice startled you and you growled.
“What the hell, Ki?!”
“You’re not working the party tonight, right?”
“No… they hired help other than our staff.” A mischievous smirk appeared on his lips as he turned his gaze onto you.
“I have an idea.”
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“Is this really gonna work?” You asked feeling long nimble fingers pull up the zipper on the back of the dress. Your eyes were covered with a blindfold to keep your appearance a surprise to yourself, you didn’t know what your hair looked like or even the dress they were sticking you in, but you trusted them. You had to, they were your last hope.
“If Shownu doesn’t take you, I will.” The sound of Minhyuk’s voice flowed from behind the room divider.
“Minhyuk is right, you look absolutely stunning.” Prince Jooheon’s hands smoothed over your curves, making sure you looked flawless, “Here, let me guide you to the mirror.” Jooheon took your hand into his and led you out from behind the divider, the sound of five gasps filling the air around you.
“I’m hoping those are good noises…” You breathed, your nerves starting to claw at your confidence.
“Hold on! Have her put these on.” Wonho’s voice got closer to you and you felt the hem of your dress being pulled up, “Lift one foot for me, Y/N.” You did as Wonho asked and lifted a foot, his hands sliding a shoe onto it. You let him put the other one on and heard him hum in approval, “Now, you’re ready.”
“Can I take this blindfold off?” As you asked, Jooheon removed the blindfold and it took your eyes a minute to adjust to the lighting in the room, but when it did, your eyes found you in the mirror, your heart skipping a beat at your appearance. Your makeup was lightly done with peach and gold tones for your eyeshadow with a light colored lip, and your hair was styled into a waterfall braid, the ends of your hair curled and tousled to perfection. Your eyes finally fell to the ballgown hugging your body—the sweetheart neckline and bodice were fashioned with gorgeous light blue lace, melting down into floor length peach colored tulle, “Wow…” You walked closer to the mirror, taking in your dolled up figure.
“You’re going to make him swoon.” Hyungwon appeared beside you, pulling your hair over your shoulder, “If not, one of us six calls dibs on you.” His thick lips formed a toothy smile, making you laugh.
“Thank you guys.”
“Don’t thank us just yet…” Changkyun stood from the couch he was sitting on and walked towards you, “When you meet Shownu, you can thank us.” He offered his arm out to you and you slipped your hand around it, “Shall we get this party started?” He asked and you nodded, the rest of the boys chuckling and laughing around you.
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“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce the Princes that have graced our country with their arrival for Prince Shownu’s coming of age ceremony. First is the Prince of Ticia, Shin Hoseok.” At the sound of his name, Wonho walked out with his escort.
“Hold on… you mean to tell me Shownu is going to see me walking in with you?” You looked up at Changkyun, his nod making your heart race.
“The Prince of Haoatrem, Lee Minhyuk.” Minhyuk walked out into the ballroom, the anxiety in your stomach created a ruckus in your chest, “The Prince of Legilind, Yoo Kihyun.”
“I don’t know if I can do this…” You whispered.
“The Prince of Etalish, Chae Hyungwon.”
“You’re going to have to, Y/N.” Changkyun glanced down at you.
“The Prince of Aseadia, Lee Jooheon.” Jooheon walked into the ballroom and your heart fell into your stomach, “The Prince of Trarelath, Im Changkyun.”
“Show time.” He tugged you along, the bright light of the ballroom illuminating the room around you. Your eyes searched the busy ballroom for them to easily find Shownu standing at the stop of the stairs, overlooking the party. He looked so handsome standing there in his formal wear, it was a rare for him to wear it unless he was attending council meetings or parties like these, but your heart fluttered at the sight. Changkyun walked you over to the staircase where the boy’s escorts stood and slipped his arm from your grasp to hold your hand, “Thank you m’lady.”
“The pleasure was all mine.” Changkyun lifted your hand up to his lips, placing a tender kiss to your skin before walking up the stairs to take his place by the other princes. The voice that introduced the boys started talking once more, but all the focus in the room was primarily on you—most of the people in the room as attended these parties for years and had never seen you before. The longer stares and gazes rested upon you, the more your anxiety racked your nerves. The announcer finished his speech and the princes came down the stairs, almost all the young noble ladies in the room rushed to meet them, pushing you out of the way. You turned away from them and walked over to the drink table, pulling a glass of champagne from it and downing it.
Why did you let them do this to you? Doll you up and parade you in here like you’re some sort of princess? You’re not, your just a common maid… might as well enjoy the food and alcohol here seeing as Shownu will be kept—
The feeling of a hand resting on your shoulder ceased your incessant thoughts and you turned around to be met with warm topaz irises, “Y/N?”
“I thought it was you. I just had to make sure… What’re you doing here…?” He eyed your dolled up appearance, a fire attacking his cheeks. Seeing you all dressed up flustered him, you looked like you belonged here in his world, like you weren’t a maid, but an actual noblewoman or princess.
“It was Prince Kihyun’s idea.” Shownu glanced back at the row of princes to see them watching us, Minhyuk noticed his stare and waved which made you giggle a bit.
“Well…” He turned his gaze back onto you, trying to overcome his nervousness, “Could I bother you for a dance… Princess Y/N?” He offered his hand out to you and you slipped your hand into his.
“Anything for you, Prince Shownu.” Your words brought a bright smile to his lips and he led you to the center of the ballroom floor where other couples had already started dancing. Shownu wrapped an arm around you, his hand coming to rest on your waist, you rested your hand on his shoulder and took his other hand into yours, his body already pulling you along into the dance. You couldn’t help but smile when a memory appeared in your psyche of you and Shownu as children and he was teaching you how to dance “the fancy” way. His face was all scrunched up as he tried to keep in time with the music and remember all the steps, but this time, his face was relaxed and the steps were like second nature to him, “Your form is impeccable.” You teased and he looked down at you, a slight blush still staining his cheeks.
“It’s isn’t your form that’s important when you’re dancing, it’s your feelings.” His touch was gentle against your body, he was mindful of your steps, making sure to help you keep time with him. There was a time before this where Shownu thought that dancing was a science, you have to take steps at the right time and execute them perfectly, he thought of it as a game when he was younger, but now he’s dancing with more feeling and fluidity— you didn’t know if this was the same boy you fell in love with. Shownu noticed the corners of your mouth turn upwards as your eyes admired him, “What’re you smiling for?”
“Well…” You giggled a bit, tightening your grip on his hand, “You’ve grown so much, but somehow you’re still my Sweet Potato.”
“You know I hate that name, right?” He may have hated it, but he loved that you finally called him that after so long. After hearing you call him “Prince Shownu” for years, hearing his nickname eased his nerves, bringing a smile to his lips.
“I know, but that’s who you are to me. My handsome Sweet Potato.” Your full attention was on his lips, he tried to hide his excitement behind a crooked, but charming smile, “You’re so handsome, any woman you choose to marry will be a lucky one.” The music faded to a stop and so did your bodies, Shownu slowly pulled away, his eyes searching yours to find tears starting to fill them.
“Stay in the castle tonight. I want to talk to you, just you, in private.”
“Excuse me…” A woman’s voice interrupted you and you turned around to see a woman with fine blond hair and piercing blue eyes. She was gorgeous, definitely someone that you could see him with, “Care to dance with me next, Prince Shownu?” She asked and a forced smile came to his lips.
“Of course, it would be my pleasure, m’lady.” You moved out of the way for him to take her hand, he stared at you once more, his eyes begging you to stay and you knew you couldn’t deny him.
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You sat in the chair that sat on the balcony outside your room, Shownu had the bedroom made up for you after you took on the role of his personal maid, just in case he accidentally kept you later than usual and didn’t want you going home by yourself. He’s always been kind and gentle, he gave you a spot in his life that you ever thought that he would give you, but he did, and now it’s coming to an end. After tonight, you knew you couldn’t stay with him any longer, your feelings for him wouldn’t have it.
“Y/N.” A deep voice, thicker than honey, called out to you and you looked towards the balcony door to see Shownu standing in his sleepwear.
“Has everyone gone home for the night?” You asked, standing from the chair.
“Kihyun and Wonho have decided to stay here at the castle since they live in the furthest kingdoms.” He took short strides to you as if not to spook you, like if he came at you too quickly, you would run.
“That was nice of you to let them stay. Do they need anything?” You started to walk towards the door, “I should go check—” Shownu gently grabbed your hand, stopping you.
“They’re okay, they’ve got their butlers looking after them.”
“Oh… that’s right. I forgot about them.” You tried to laugh off your reason to escape, worried that your tears may make an appearance again. You turned to face him, his heart pounding in his chest as your eyes connected.
“Y/N…” His voice was soft like the midnight breeze, his dark irises almost matched the obsidian sky, but held a light lighter than air.
“I wanted to say something to you at the party, but didn’t have the time to and I didn’t know how to tell you.” His fingers slipped in between yours, lacing your hands together, “I love you and not in the way I usually say it. Not because you help me with work or anything like that, but I’m madly in love with you. From day one when your parents brought you here, I thought you were just the cutest thing. I even remember what you were wearing and how your hair was put up, you were just adorable.” His thumb rubbed over the back of your hand as he looked away from your gaze, he had never expressed his feelings so openly before and the fact that you’re staring at him so intensely had him feeling embarrassed, “What I’m trying to say is that I don’t want to marry anyone, but you and even if you turn me down, I’ll take the throne without a princess or queen by my side, because no one can fill your place.”
“Shownu… are you asking me to marry you?” You peered up into his face, his cheeks the color of ripe cherries.
“I eventually will… but I want to be with you. I know it’s not your scene—”
“You’re right about that. There’s eyes everywhere and they’ll be glued to us and we’ll be under a microscope all the time—” A warmth spread through your forehead as he gently pressed his forehead against yours.
“Then keep your eyes on me. Only look at me until you can’t think of anything else.” Your heart beat loudly at his proximity; his lips were hovering over yours and every cell in your body wanted him, ached to feel his lips on yours, yearned to know what it would feel like when his skin meshed with yours. You’ve wanted him for so long and now you had your chance, he left himself wide open for you to take the leap. You pressed your lips to his, needing to feel him, the feeling of his lips on yours ignited a heat inside you that only grew hotter the longer your lips were connected. Shownu pulled away for a just second to catch his breath, you took the air from his lungs and he loved it, “Stay with me… please…”
“Can I really stay with you…?” You asked, your heart awaiting to hear a negative answer, but when you felt the slight nod of his head, you backed away and looked up at him, “Really?!”
“I’ve already spoke to His Majesty and he noted that it’ll be hard, but you’re already part of our family.” A toothy smile came to your lips while you jumped into his arms, squealing in pure happiness. Shownu could’ve sworn he’s never seen your lips turn into a smile so quickly before, but the fact that he made you smile so widely warmed his heart. His hands cradled your body and your hands gently caressed his cheeks, your thumbs lightly running over his skin, you leaned in letting your lips meet once more, this time with no intention of separating from him. Shy zealous kisses were passed between your lips, them growing more shameless and passionate as an unbearable heat rose up in both of you. Shownu’s hands gripped the flesh of your thighs while he slightly ground his hips into yours, your mind taking notice of how stiff he had gotten in just the few moments your lips had been melded to each other.
“Shownu…” You hummed and he pulled away slightly, his lips aching to be back on yours.
“I’ll stop if you want me to stop, but I’m not sure I can…” He confessed, holding onto you body tighter, eager to feel you on him.
“Then don’t.” His eyes grew wide at your words, something changed in them from the moment you tempted him, they grew darker and heavier. He made his way back into your room, kicking the door closed behind him, and then laying you down into the bed. His hands lifted the hem of your shirt, exposing your skin, while his lips began his attack on you. They sprinkled light burning kisses to your torso, his hands lifting your shirt as he went to expose more of your beautiful skin to him. The more he inched up your body, the more it ached for him to tease you and as if he read your mind, his long fingers gently ran over your hardening buds, arousing a quiet gasp from your lips.
This was the first time he heard your voice this sultry and light, your body being openly ready for him made his hunger flourish—he wanted to hear more of you and he was determined to make it happen. You blinked and Shownu had pulled your shorts and panties from your body, he slipped his arms under your legs, creating a strong hold on your lower half; his warm breath against your most sensitive parts sent tingles through your limbs, your body more than ready to feel him against you. Shownu pressed soft kisses to the flesh of your heat before letting his warm wet muscle invade your essence to explore your sticky folds, making sure to not miss any crevice of your core; your quiet moans gradually getting louder let him know he was driving crazy with his tongue. The coil in your stomach threatened to let loose every time he ran his roughness over your aching nub, your breathless gasps giving away how close you were to your high. Shownu wrapped his lips around your nub, lightly sucking on it, your back coming to arch off the bed as he edged you closer to bliss; the swirling of his tongue finally pushed you over the edge, the tightly wound coil in your stomach sprung free, sending electricity through your being. He guided you through your high, bringing you back down to him, he pulled away from your heat and trailed kisses up to your lips.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N…” You kissed him once more before pulling his shirt off, revealing his toned body. Your eyes wandered down his torso, following his happy trail that led down to the waistband of his pants. You lightly palmed his through his pants, his head coming to rest on your shoulder, “Y/N…”
“I want you, Shownu.” There was no wavering in your voice as you tugged at the fabric of his pants.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I want to be one with you.” With that, he pulled off his pants and anchored himself between your legs, his nerves started to get the best of him as he ran his member down your wet folds. He slowly pushed his length past your entrance, every inch of him filling you so well. Shownu let out a shaky breath as he melted into you, lost himself in the warmth of your core; you pulled him down to press your lips to his, wanting to feel more of him. He rolled his hips into you, the sound of your skin meshing and mingling breaths filled the air around you. He snapped his hips into you, your hands grabbing at his back, your nails digging into his skin marking up his back. Your wanton cries of bliss from him only aroused him more, they brought him closer to his release; he left love bites down your neck, the fire in your stomach began to seep out into your limbs, flames licking at your fingers and toes.
“Y/N… I can’t…” He rasped, his pace getting rough and erratic.
“Cum with me…” You mewled, his hands coming to grip your waist as he rammed length into you, reaching his release while you clamped down around him, you reaching your own high. You admired him while his eyes were closed, thick dark lashes dusting the tops of his cheeks while he let out breathless groans of pleasure, he was so handsome and now he was yours. Shownu laid down beside you, pulling you close and pressing sweet tender kisses to your crown.
“Princess Y/N… that has a nice ring to it.” He gently ran his hand over your back, chuckling a bit.
“You think?” You looked up at him and he nodded.
“I’ve been wanting to call you Princess for forever and now, I finally get to.” His words brought a blazing blush to your cheeks, he knew just what to say to make you melt. You loved him and you were ready for the adventure ahead and anything that came your way—becoming his Princess was a dream come true.
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blu-joons · 2 years
You Get Distant After An Argument ~ Son Hyunwoo
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The distance between you both on the sofa broke Hyunwoo’s heart as he looked across to you. It was his fault, but it didn’t make the emotions of it all any easier for him to deal with as you felt so far away from him.
There was no response from you as you sat down, blocking him out of your vision as you scrolled through your phone. “Stop staring at me,” you did warn though, knowing what he was doing.
“I can’t help it,” Hyunwoo sighed, knowing just how predictable his behaviour would be for you. He was the same after every argument, he worried about you, especially when he knew that he was the reason for upsetting you.
“Look somewhere else,” you added, “watch a programme or read a book, anywhere but at me.”
You made it sound so easy, but as Hyunwoo continued to try and fix things, those were things that he just couldn’t do. “What do I have to do to prove to you just how sorry I am Y/N?”
You placed your phone down, but kept your eyes looking forward, not giving into Hyunwoo. “What is there that you can do to prove to your partner that you’ve made a mistake when you call them clingy? Probably not a lot.”
“I know that I messed up, but I didn’t mean to say that you were clingy, I just got my words confused,” Hyunwoo tried to tell you, but all he got was a scoff from you in reply. “I’m trying here Y/N, why can’t you do the same?”
“What have I got to try for?” You responded, your voice getting louder each time you spoke. “If I try, then you’ll think that I’m clingy again, won’t you? I’m doing what it seems that you want and giving you some distance.”
He couldn’t kick himself hard enough for his poor choice of words that had driven you away, more than anything he wished that he could take it back. But he couldn’t. Hyunwoo had dug himself into a hole that now he needed to get out of.
As the room fell silent, you picked your phone back up, not bothering to hear if Hyunwoo had anything else to say. Your words had stunned him, sent a shiver down his spine as you reminded him of how thoughtless he had been.
Truthfully, you weren’t quite sure how you found a way back to be your usual selves again. The thought of being a clingy person was one that terrified you, and to hear Hyunwoo accuse you of being a one was your worst nightmare. Even if he didn’t mean it, he’d said it, which was more than enough for you.
“Please,” a voice suddenly whispered from across the room as Hyunwoo watched you slip away.
You wanted to look at him, but you just couldn’t, the sound of deep and nervy breaths soon followed, a sound which you tried your best to push to the back of your mind.
“It doesn’t have to be this way,” Hyunwoo tried to tell you, “can’t we at least just talk about this rather than carrying on as we are?”
“I’m listening,” you frowned, “although this better be good.”
To find it within yourself to forgive Hyunwoo was going to take something special, he had no idea how much he had hurt you, how badly the thought of being clingy had played on your mind and left you doubting so much of your relationship too.
“Sorry is never going to be enough, is it?” Was the first thing that Hyunwoo asked.
Hyunwoo waited for a moment, hoping that you would look across at him, but it never came, your eyes were still busy elsewhere, simply shaking your head back at him.
You knew that he regretted it, you knew that he never meant to say what he said, but you couldn’t carry on just hearing with words that you weren’t clingy. You needed to see it, have it proven to you to feel comfortable around him again.
“Can you come a little closer?” Hyunwoo nervously asked you, tapping the large space that was between the two of you on the sofa, inviting you in.
“What for?” You asked, momentarily looking down to where his hand was placed, unsure whether you wanted to move across and be near to him or not.
A soft sigh came from Hyunwoo, “please Y/N, this is me trying.”
You knew that you couldn’t argue with him as he spoke, placing your phone down yet again and moving in towards Hyunwoo. You were tentative and you were slow, with Hyunwoo moving closer too to stop you from getting away.
As soon as you were close enough to him, Hyunwoo wrapped his arms around you. There was nothing from you, you didn’t move at all, but it was nothing less than what he expected as he began to break down your walls.
You found yourself more guarded around Hyunwoo then you ever had been before, suddenly finding yourself scared of what you could and couldn’t do around him.
“I really am sorry,” he whispered to your ear, “you know that don’t you?”
“Of course, I do.”
It was a start for Hyunwoo, relieved to at least hear a calmness in your voice this time that had been missing for a while.
“You know that I would never consider you as clingy, I love your affection, being held by you and being made to feel loved by you,” Hyunwoo tried his best to explain to you.
“Why say it then?” You challenged, staring down to the ground, “I don’t understand where that thought would come from so randomly.”
Hyunwoo could only shrug back at you, he had no idea himself. “I wish I could tell you, but I really don’t know. The only thing that I can say is how wrong I was to ever say that to you.”
“Does a small part of you think I’m clingy?”
“Absolutely not,” Hyunwoo immediately responded, squashing any thoughts that you had immediately. “I can’t begin to tell you how annoyed I am at myself for even planting the seed in your mind that you might be clingy, I should have thought about what I was saying to you.”
Your head couldn’t help but nod in agreement, if only Hyunwoo had been a little more thoughtful then perhaps the two of you wouldn’t find yourselves on edge around one another.
“There’s a small part of me that worries that maybe there was some truth to it.”
“I appreciate that,” he assured you, “and I’ll keep working until I can prove to that part of you that there was no truth to it too.”
Your smile turned up weakly as Hyunwoo’s grip around you tightened. “I don’t ever want to be clingy around you, if you feel like I am being clingy, then I’d rather you just say to me, even if you’ve never felt it before, but in the future.”
“I know that that will never happen.”
“But it could, this has scared me into thinking that it’s a possibility,” you admitted to him, “with time maybe I’ll stop feeling that way, but even though you’ve apologised Hyunwoo, this isn’t going to be an overnight fix.”
His head nodded back at you, “I’ll do whatever it takes to get you to believe me, just as long as we don’t carry on as we are right now.”
“I don’t think we need to go back to that place either.”
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key201303 · 3 years
Now it works!! It wasn’t giving me an option earlier. Anyways, i think i have cobwebs down there, so let’s go with smutttt. 😅😅😅
Thank you!!!
Heyyy! I'm so sorry for taking so long to write this 😭 I hope you still enjoy it ❤❤
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Pairing: Shownu x fem!reader
Word count: 560 words
Warnings: fingering, teasing, use of the petname 'bunny', unprotected sex, slight overstimulation
Plot: you and shownu has been debating about who got louder during intimate moments and now, both of you were ready to prove your points by making each other moan as loud as you both could.
Genre: smut
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“You are so fucking good in that lingerie.” Shownu said, biting his lower lips as he tried his best to not moan and give you the pleasure of being right. You both have been debating for quite long who moaned louder and you have decided to prove your point by making each other moan at the top of your lungs. You knew it was a hard task but you knew you were more than able to get what you wanted. “Don’t you want to moan?” You said, sitting on his lap and moving your hips against his already hard bulge to create the friction both of you were longing to get. “You’ll have to work harder if you want me to lose, baby girl.” He said grabbing your hips and pulling you away from him so you stopped rolling your hips on his bulge. “Get in all four and let’s see who loses first.” He said with a deep and dominant voice, turning you on already.
You did as he said and let your butt get exposed to his hips so he could thrust into you from behind. “I’d hold onto something if I were you.” He said with a devilish smirk, eyes filled up with lust as he admired your figure. You did as he said and grabbed the headboard, ready to get ruined by the boy who was standing behind you. “Don’t get too loud, bunny.” He said, winking at you as he aligned himself with your entrance, teasing you. You had to admit the fact he used the nickname he usually used to ask you what you wanted for breakfast, made everything harder. You couldn’t help getting turned on by such an innocent nickname in the situation you both were involved in right now. “Ready?” He asked, still teasing your entrance. “For God’s sake, just fuck me already!” You whimpered, moving your hips against him, trying to get his dick inside you already. “My baby is so desperate, huh?” He said, grabbing your hips in a tight and strong embrace to keep your body in place, not letting you do whatever you wanted. He always loved having control of the situation and this time, when you were both trying to win each other, wasn’t an exception.
He finally entered your core with a strong and deep thrust that had you moaning loud in no time, clearly failing the bet you both made a few hours ago. “Who is the one being loud now, huh?” He teased as he thrusted into you even deeper, hitting the right spots on your insides. At this point, you were blurting out nonsense words of love, his name falling from your lips like a mantra.
Soon, his thrusts got sloppier and more irregular and after a few more thrusts his juices were filling you up as he slid out of you, gaining a loud whine due to the loss of contact. “You look so fucking beautiful when you are like this.” He said, taking back his breath and admiring your fucked out figure. “Don’t let a single drop go to waste, I haven’t worked that hard for you to waste it baby.” He added, getting the cum that was licking from your core and pulling his fingers back inside of you with his cum, making you moan loud again at the overstimulation.
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nuhogom · 4 years
That Dang Blue Shirt
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Warning: Cursing, Orgasm Denial
Member: Shownu
Prompt: Seeing Shownu in that shirt for their cover of My House by 2PM got me 🥴
Author’s Note: I originally wrote this for only my eyes to see, but after some contemplation I decided to use it! I hope you guys enjoy this fic ❤️
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You sat to the side of the filming, enjoying watching you boyfriend in his element. Today was a calm schedule and so he decided to invite you. What you weren’t expecting was his outfit. He looked absolutely sinful as you pressed your thighs together. The loose, blue button up complimented his skin an unreasonable amount. The black slacks he had on were loose also, but you could see his well defined thighs through them. You watched the muscles in his arms flex as he rolled his sleeves up, exposing his tanned and muscular forearms. You eye him as he grabbed a worker’s wrist, pulling her along with the cameras to get that “boyfriend vibe”. You were maybe just a little jealous at his skin touching hers...just a little bit. You smiled at him as he looked over at you, his eyes crinkling with a smile in reply.
That man absolutely took your breath away in so many ways. The heat from today wasn’t helping your current situation either. You let Kihyun know you were headed to the bathroom, in need of some cooling off in two different ways. You reached the bathroom in desperate need, turning the water onto the coldest setting and splashing your face. You groaned as you looked at yourself in the mirror, not wanting to return to the sidelines. You sucked in a big breath, letting it go seconds later. You dried your hands, unlocking the door and opening it. You were greeted with your boyfriend casually leaning against the wall, his legs crossed as he played with his shirt. The sound of the bathroom door opening made him look up.
“Are you okay?” He asked, taking one stride towards you and being centimetres apart. You nodded, smiling up at him.
“Of course! I just needed a break from being outside. Too hot,” you replied. He nodded, looking down at you intimately. His hands wrapped around your hips, pulling your body flush against him.
“Babe! You’re at work!” You squeaked.
“Mhm. I know. I just wanted to give you a kiss. That okay?” He asked, hands squeezing your sides. You nodded and that was all he needed. His lips were quick on yours, massaging them and pushing his tongue into your mouth. You gasped at his forceful action, his tongue taking that moment to push deeper.
“Shownu?!” You heard Jooheon yell, looking for Hyunwoo. Your boyfriend pulled away, leaving you gasping for air.
“What the hell?” You whispered, trying to catch your breath.
“That sundress looks so pretty on you. I couldn’t wait another minute not touching you,” he mumbled, pressing tiny kisses to your jaw. You laughed breathlessly, hands sliding from his neck to his chest.
“Shownu? They need you!” Jooheon called again, his voice was closer. Hyunwoo completely ignored him.
“Okay, well. While we’re confessing here. That shirt looks very good on you,” you spoke. You slid your hands up to his shoulders and down to his biceps, squeezing them. He smiled against your jaw, pressing a wet kiss to it at your words.
“After this schedule I’m free today,” he said, his hands leaving your waist and rubbing at your arms soothingly.
“Mm. Then wanna go to mine tonight?” You asked.
“Bro! There you are! Stop making out! They need you for our kitchen scene!” Jooheon said, looking between you two. Hyunwoo let go of you, putting some distance between you two.
Hyunwoo bent down to give you a chaste kiss and mumbled an “I’ll see you at yours!”
You smiled back and nodded. “I’ll head home to clean my apartment a bit and freshen up, okay?”
“Broo!!” Jooheon whined.
“Just stay in that dress!” Hyunwoo commanded.
Jooheon scrunched his eyebrows together and held up a hand in disgust. “I don’t want to know!”
Hyunwoo and you both laughed, allowing Jooheon to pull you two apart. You quickly gathered your things, telling the other boys you had to run. Hyunwoo’s manager walked you to your car, per your boyfriend’s request. You thanked him before shutting your door and driving off towards your apartment. You needed to tidy up your bedroom and living room and then shower.
Three hours, a shower and cleaning later, you heard your code being punched in. You anxiously sat on your couch, mindlessly watching some random show.
“I’m home, baby girl!” You heard him call out. You smiled to yourself as you sprawled out on the couch. He rounded the corner and caught your eyes. You smiled at him seductively as he quickly walked over to you. He sat down, your legs already on their way to straddling him.
“Where’s your pants?” You asked. The slacks he had before were gone and replaced with some of his own black jeans.
“They wouldn’t let me take them! I begged to keep the shirt and they finally caved!” He giggled. You nodded and leaned back just a little to admire him in the shirt. You grabbed his hand, kissing his knuckles. He sighed at the contact, throwing his head to the back of the couch. Your lips kissed up his hand, his wrist and to his forearm. You squeezed at the thick muscle, his veins becoming even more prominent.
“Baby girl,” he said firmly. You smiled at him, quickly kissing your way back to his fingers. You took two of his fingers into your mouth, slowly wrapping your tongue around them and coating them with your saliva. His free hand pushed your dress up and away, giving your ass a harsh slap. You jerked, grunting at the sensation.
“You like that, huh?” He taunted. You nodded as you made eye contact, popping his fingers out of your mouth. He pulled your arms through the sundress’s straps, lips pressing feathery kisses to your skin. You moaned at the gentleness and began rocking your hips back and forth. He grunted at the friction, lips stopping and eyes meeting yours. “What do you want?”
You closed your eyes in contemplation. “Slow, but also rough?”
“You got it, baby girl!” He lifted his hips, unbuckling his pants and allowing you to slide them down past his knees. You grabbed his dick, pumping it quickly and collecting precome from the tip.
“You’re so wet,” he commented as his hand fell under your dress and began massaging your sensitive heat. After your shower you didn’t put any undergarments on, wanting him to have quick access. You were now grateful for that thinking ahead. You moaned and clenched your thighs, his thumb halting movements. You stood up on your knees, aligning yourself. He fisted at your dress, bunching it up to the side so he could watch himself disappear inside of you. You both moaned at the feeling, his dick easily sliding deep into you. You huffed and tugged your dress off your chest, allowing your breasts to be free. Hyunwoo licked his lips, attaching them to your nipples. You arched into him at the sensation, grunting at the burn his dick gave you because of the movement. He looked up at you as he licked a bold strip between the valley of your breasts, causing you to jerk. The cold air hit the wetness, causing goosebumps.
You swallowed thickly as Hyunwoo grabbed a hold of your hips, pulling his hips back as he slid out, pushing back in all the way. You melted at the action, his arms holding you up as he pushed into the hilt. You opened your mouth in silent pleasure, his dick hitting just the right place.
“Are you okay?” He grunted out. You were dizzy with pleasure as he did that action again, only pushing back in at a harsher speed. You choked on air, grabbing at your breasts. He hummed in satisfaction, pushing your dress up higher. He watched as he continued to disappear inside of you, your quiet apartment only filled with sounds of his skin slapping yours. He trailed his hand up your back, threading his fingers through your hair.
“Look at me!” He forced your head down, making you look at your slickness and him pushing in and out of you. You whined at the sight, clenching around him as he gave a particularly rough thrust. You looked away and leaned back on his thighs, afraid you’d come right then. Your hands gripped at his muscle for leverage as you pushed yourself down onto him. His free hand slid down your sides, his thumb pressing against your core. He rubbed slowly, your hips jerking at the new sensation.
“I’m so close,” you warned. He only kissed your chest in reply, pushing you closer against him. Your nipples barely touched his chest, causing a new feeling to pulse through you at the barely there contact. Your breasts bounced at your movements, causing a whine to escape your throat.
“Don’t come yet, baby girl. I’m almost there,” he moaned. You nodded, gripping onto his thighs for dear life. His thrusts slowed and deepened, causing you to squirm for more friction. “Shit, where do you want me to come?” You let go of his thighs, fully connecting your chests and taking control. You bounced quickly, your knees aching. You ignored it, wanting to get your boyfriend off as quickly as possible.
You didn’t answer, locking eyes with him. You couldn’t even think right now. You felt him twitch inside of you, throwing your hips down and feeling his dick go painfully deeper. You cried out at the feeling, nails scratching at his back. He looked at you with concern as he saw tears form in the corner of your eyes, hands going to wipe them away. You shook your head, letting him know you were okay. He didn’t have time to think about the possible repercussions of coming inside of you until it was too late. You moaned loudly at the feeling, his come seeping out around himself. He grunted at the sight, his thumb making contact with you once again.
“Please, let me come,” you whimpered.
“Not quite, baby!” He smirked. He flipped so he was on top, his hand gripping a thigh tightly as he held your legs apart. He pulled out, rubbing his come coated dick against you. You moaned at the action, wishing for him to keep pushing into you. He took the hint, pushing only the tip in. You moaned in frustration, trying to push your hips up in retaliation. His firm grip on your thigh prevented that as he barely pushed in.
“Babe, just make me come!” You begged. He smirked down at you, suddenly pushing all the way in, grabbing your hips and holding you against his. You screamed out, feeling his dick hit the best place as you came around him. You jerked and whined, feeling yourself throb around him in satisfaction. A wave of nausea hit you and so you covered your mouth with a hand in precaution. He continued to hold your hips against his as you came down from your high. After you settled down, he pulled out, causing you to whimper at the loss. He rubbed himself against your core, causing you to jerk from sensitivity. He hummed to himself, pulling away from you entirely.
“You do know you could get pregnant, right?” You smiled up at him, nodding.
“What the hell?”
“Hey! Don’t blame me! You didn’t pull out! I didn’t even answer you because I was too blissed out!”
He huffed and ran a hand over his face in contemplation. “Well, I guess we might as well prepare?”
You laughed and rolled your eyes at his dramaticness, pulling him down for a kiss. “Wanna go for round two?” You whispered.
“Only if it’s in bed because this is so uncomfortable,” he whined. You laughed and agreed, sitting up and fixing your dress for the walk to your bedroom.
Tags: This is @ahuu request ❤️ I hope you enjoy!!
@yoohaemki @niall-imagines2
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pesiko · 4 years
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appleteez · 4 years
#11 & #18 with Monsta X Shownu pls! I was thinking like it’s a movie night with the other members and things escalate, but you can get creative !
11. “Did I make you this wet? So cute~”
18. “You’re gonna have to be extra quiet for me now~”
Genre: smut
At first I thought I was imagining. However, now I am sure, this man is really touching me while we’re watching a movie with all of his members.
“Hyunwoo~” I try to say as silently as possible. “What are you doing?”
“Shh.. Trust me~” He coos in my ear then kisses a sensitive spot right behind it.
He was really going for it. His arms were completely around me, and one of his hand was already between my legs. I was on the complete right side of the couch, laying in the longer side with Hyunwoo and we had a cover over us. So thankfully, it was hard to see anything he was doing but still. He knew I was not specifically the quiet type when getting intimate. He dips his fingers into my pants and touches me through my panties.
“Mhh.. Did I make you this wet? So cute~” He giggles and I bite my lips trying to control any moan that could come out. I feel his fingers rubbing around, and then pushing the drenched fabric to the side. His fingers tease my entrance but before doing anything he kisses my neck. “You’re gonna have to be extra quiet for me now~”
“Mhm..” I barely whimper back and he directly inserts a finger in my heat making me almost yelp out loud.
“Quiet~” He says again as he starts to pump his fingers in and out. As quiet as I tried to be, my heat was still making lewd squelching sounds that I could not control. I could feel my face heat up and when I gave a glance at Hyunwoo he seems extremely pleased with my reaction. “Fuck, I wish I could eat you out right now..”
“Ah~” I directly come undone around his fingers at the thought. Clenching my teeth as hard as I could to not moan out his name.
“Y/N?” I turn my head to see a concerned looking Kihyun. “Are you ok?” “Yeah~ Hyunwoo just accidentally kicked me the the stomach.” I try to laugh it off as if Hyunwoo still didn’t have his fingers inside of me.
“Ah.. Hyunwoo be careful..” He says at him a little annoyed.
“My bad.” He smiles like a baby seal and I couldn’t believe how this man could look like that while his fingers were overstimulating me under the cover.
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euphoricsunflowers · 4 years
coup d’état — son hyunwoo/shownu
a/n: i might make this a series! depending on if you guys are vibing with it so p l e a s e give me feedback if you’d like more royalty!reader fics.
word count: 1.9k
content: power bottom!fem!reader, service top!shownu, slight degradation, i guess slight edging as well, ✨Neck Kisses✨, we really go from soft to mean like so quickly it’s wack.
summary: him lying atop your silk blankets and propped up on a few pillows with cum covering his tanned stomach is an absolutely euphoric sight. you can leave taking control of the kingdom for the morning if it means gazing at him like this a bit longer.
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(GIF by @focusongyeom)
“princess?” he murmurs softly, pulling your attention away from your book. not that you were too focused on it, because that book was boring as hell, but your father demanded you take up reading as a hobby. and nobody could disobey the king, not even his precious daughter.
“yes, hyunwoo? what is it?” you ask. he eyes your slightly messy bedroom, making a mental note to clean it up at some point before he’s reprimanded for not doing his job right. as your personal servant, he really had to do everything for you. not that he minded, because the king paid him quite better than before when he was just another kitchen servant.
“princess, i do apologize for interrupting your personal time, please forgive me,” he bows. you don’t seem to even want his apology, but he gives it anyway, “i am here because your brother’s coronation is tomorrow evening, and your father conveyed me… you plan to not attend?”
“ah, so that is what this is about,” you mumble disappointedly. hyunwoo didn’t want to make you upset, “please, hyunwoo, if you are going to attempt to persuade me, do not waste your time. i will not be attending, and that is final.”
“i… that is what i thought you’d say. i am not going to attempt to convince you to do anything,” he says, fidgeting from the nerves. you being at all upset at him is the last thing he wants, “i am only… curious. what is the reason for your decision?”
“my brother gets everything, hyunwoo,” you mutter sharply, “he becomes king tomorrow night. why? how is he more fit to rule than i am? because he is a boy? i do not wish to sit through a ceremony congratulating my brother on being born with a penis.”
your crude language makes him chuckle. you must be spending more time with the commoners to be left to humor like that, but he doesn’t mind. not that it’d matter if he did, but he didn’t, “do you wish to rule instead? to be queen?”
“i… i do not know. i do know that my brother is not qualified for the job and, though i suppose he’d be an improvement over my father, he’s only going to drag this kingdom down further,” you say before making a face that hyunwoo can’t use to discern what you’re thinking, “my father is not exactly… popular… among commoners such as yourself, correct? do you wish to see my brother take his place?”
“unpopular is an understatement, my princess,” hyunwoo knows that you’re incredibly under informed about what your father has done to the people of the kingdom on purpose, because you were always outspoken and sharp with your words. you would have caused an uprising with the people if you spoke up, being as popular (compared to the rest of your family) as you are. you were so unaware of how easily you could sway public opinion and possible start a coup and take over yourself, “i believe you’d make a fine queen.”
“i will, but just… not one that can do anything,” you mumble, “do you know of prince minhyuk lee?” hyunwoo shakes his head, “he is the second oldest prince of the kingdom north of us. i am supposed to be married to him as soon as possible, and should his older brother die, we would be the next king and queen of his kingdom.”
“is… that the life you want?” hyunwoo asks, motioning for you to come closer, and you do. you stand right in front of him, and breathe out a heavy, heavy sigh.
“no,” leaves your lips, and once it does, the rest just comes rushing out, “prince lee is… fine. i have nothing against him, but i just… this is my kingdom. i will not just be used as an appeasement for the prince and his kingdom.”
“forgive me if this is too informal, but you seem awfully determined,” he laughs awkwardly, trying to calm the tension in the silence, but it doesn’t work, “princess? are you alright?”
you finally meet his eyes, before asking, “will you… it came down to it, would you be on my side or my father’s?”
“your’s. that does not really say much, considering my… extreme negative feelings towards the king...,” he whispers, worried someone else might overhear, but it’s just you two. it’s as if you’re the only two in the whole world right now, “but i live to serve you, my princess. that means trusting you and standing by you through any choices you make. and if… overthrowing the king is really what you want… then make it happen. i will always follow you.”
“could i— could we really do that? just the two of us?” you seem so hopeful, your eyes twinkling with that kind of determination that he can’t help but try to harness.
“my princess, there is a lot you don’t know, especially about your kingdom… and about your father,” hyunwoo mumbles, “and i do believe that the people would support you.”
“would this mean… killing my family?”
“i suppose it is not completely necessary, but that is a feasible outcome,” hyunwoo doesn’t attempt to hide the fact he could not care less for your family, especially your father. sure, your brother was going to officially be king tomorrow, but hyunwoo had no reason to believe that he’d do anything to fix this kingdom, “i will be beside you the whole time, princess. my loyalty is unwavering, and i will do anything you ask of me. if you are serious about seizing the throne, then all i ask is to not abandon the people who help you once you finally get the power.”
“i promise, hyunwoo, i will not be like my father. i want my people to be treated well. they don’t deserve the hell he’s put them through,” you reach out to hold his hand, and he hesitates. he’s always been able to hide his feelings, disguising them as devotion and loyalty to the royal family’s princess, but that’s all a lie. he’s love you for years. you were the only one who was kind to him when he first met you.
he was maybe 16 when he started working in the royal palace, doing some janitorial work probably. he distinctly remembers when you had met him. he was a bit less restrained and polished back then, but you didn’t seem annoyed. you just smiled to at him, offering him your hand to help him up when he fell. he’s known you for so many years, there’s not a single person on earth who wouldn’t fall for you given the circumstances, it just happened to be him.
“then you have me. as long as you live, you will have me,” he whispers, his hand taking hold of yours. you squeeze his hand a bit, closing your eyes.
“could… could you do something for me?” you ask, and he nods instantly, without a second thought.
“of course, my princess, what is it?”
“i know we kind of just… discussed overthrowning the monarchy and all. i know that is so much more important than what i am about to ask of you, but for one night, would you pretend i wasn’t a princess?” you ask, and he recoils slightly.
“what… do you mean?”
“instead of being the princess, i would like, instead, to be something else tonight,” you whisper to him, but he still doesn’t get it, so you resort to your last ditch effort. you lean in to kiss him on the lips. it’s soft, but faint, and god his lips feel perfect, “treat me like your lover tonight. leave the coup d’etat for the morning.”
“call me y/n. i do not want to hear you call me princess until dawn, my pretty boy, understand?” you ask, and he nods. he doesn’t really understand. he doesn’t understand a lot about what’s going on right now, or why you’re all up on him, or why he assumed you wouldn’t be this… dominant. your lips on his neck was the last thing he expected to come of this moment, and he moans embarrassingly high when you bite down just a bit, “oh fuck, that was hot. i didn’t take you for a sub, hyunwoo.”
“i-i’ll be whatever you want, prin— y/n,” he stutters cutely and blushing endearingly.
“but, you know, the fact that you are not inside me right now is honestly a national tragedy,” and that’s all the motivation he needs. he’s on top of you in seconds, this time the one kissing your neck, but he doesn’t seem to have the same effect on you that you have on him. he felt weak in your hold, melting from just the pure intensity in your kisses, but you only smirk— he can barely see it but he knows you are— and it irks him, “c’mon, hyunwoo, i’m getting bored, hurry up.”
your nightgown is easily ripped off, mostly because he’s incredibly muscular under that suit he has to wear. he undresses rather quickly as well, before getting back on top of you.
“you are breathtaking, my lover,” he smiles cheekily, pressing a kiss to your stomach before bringing two fingers to his lips, coating them in saliva, and getting to work. he presses them into you gently, and the sounds you make have him hypnotized.
“did i not just tell you to hurry up? or are you that dumb?” you groan, but the insult only makes him whine softly, and his whole body reacts, “huh, do you like being degraded? my stupid little servant.”
and, to be honest, hyunwoo was not little or small in the slightest. he was above average height and he was somewhat muscular, if a bit thin, but something about the way you say it makes him crumble to pieces, “your stupid little servant,” he echos.
“i doubt there is a thought in that head of yours,” you smile patronizingly, “you just do as you’re told, hm?”
“y-yes! i’ll do whatever you want me to!”
“then fuck me, hyunwoo, i do not have all night,” you mutter, wrapping a hand around his neck. he pulls his fingers out, spits as much as he can into the palm of his hand, and coats himself in it so there’s at least some lubricant, and then he just goes for it, mindlessly thrusting in and out slowly, before going faster, “c’mon, be useful and make me cum.” you whisper, a bit harshly, but it only makes him go harder, bringing his hand down to massage your clit as well.
once you do cum, he’s already so close. he wants to ask, because he feels like he should, but god he really can’t right now. as you come down, he can feel it almost breaking, but you stop him, and he cries out pathetically. he sounds like an animal that’s been wounded.
“does my dumb little baby want to cum?” you ask, but you know the answer. of course he nods desperately, and you smirk, “then pull out and jerk yourself off. i want to see the cum on your stomach, maybe i’ll even take a picture.”
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiest @rosethefae @staranonthoughts @maknaeronix @multidreams-and-desires @mellowriting
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mxnrly · 4 years
hello, may I request #3 and #6 from fluff with Shownu? Thank you 💖
3. [f.] "(She/he/they) don't compare to you. No one does."
6. [f.] "I promised to love you forever."
a/n ;; MY APOLOGIES BCS I WAS SO PACKED OF WORK THESE PAST DAYS (and still am:(((( ) AH, but omg this was such a cute combo, I loved it! thank you so much for requesting anon!!! ♡
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Being at home with your newborn baby was something you never expected to happen anytime soon. You always thought of yourself as a hardworking woman, being able to realize your dreams before marrying, but guess life had something else made for you.
When you met Hyunwoo you knew he was going to be the best boyfriend on earth, but you enjoyed so much your time with him, everything went so fast and now you were here! laying on your bed with your new babygirl on your arms, and beside you on a sofa, there was your husband watching intently at you.
"She's beautiful." he whispered, eyes not leaving her figure on your embrace.
"You want to hold her?" you asked, looking at him. His eyes widened at her words.
"I'm scared I'm gonna let her fall. She's so tiny!" he let out a little whine, stretching out in the sofa he stood getting closer to the bed, sitting beside your figure.
Smiling at him, he turned at you and his smile grew even bigger. "I'm gonna take care of you both, even it costs my life. I promise."
This is how your life started beside him, day after day he promised to give the best life to you and his daughter. Almost everything was pretty good to say the least. Almost.
You know Hyunwoo was the type to love kids, but you never knew how his love for your baby would affect you. You felt so stupid and couldn't help but blame the hormones. It get to the point where you felt left behind, where you thought your daughter had more place on husband than his own wife!
"Babe?" you called, you voice quivering against your will. Your eyes were getting glossy and the lump on your throat was starting to get unbearable.
"Yes, honey, what's wrong?" he asked laying your baby on the baby crib approaching to where you were, noticing quickly your tears. His eyes became very expressive, concern washing over them, taking your hand in the process of sitting by your side.
He waited for you to say what was bothering you, still holding your hand rubbing it with his fingers. "Do you not love me anymore?"
The room was left in pure silence. Surely it was something weird to ask, much more when he hasn't been doing anything since you first announced you were pregnant. Not like he had done something like that in the past, but he never left your side since you announced that to him, so, how could you have though that?
"How did you get to that conclusion?" he asked calmly, knowing his wife was more sensitive than usual because of the post-pregnancy symptoms.
"I- I just don't know... I think you don't love anymore... Your love for her is bigger than your love for me." sadness washed over your face, and he immediately kneeled infront of you, taking both of your hands on his own. His eyes gazing intently at yours while in his head he started to think about what to say to make you feel better.
"I promised to love you forever, in that altar when we both got married, and I always remind you when we're alone... It's like a prayer, and you know I'm not lying."
"Not a thing!" he interrupted, taking his hand up to hold your face and make you stare directly at him. "Nor our daughter, or any other person on earth compares to you. No one does." he proceeded. "You're the person I'm in love with, the person I married and the one I'm a hundred percent sure that was destined for me."
Your eyes softened above him, still some tears were running through your cheeks, but out of happiness of having such a loving and amazing boyfriend. "I love you." stroking his hair out of his vision, you admired the man in front of you. He smiled and pushed his cheek on your hand, love radiating in the room.
"I love you more."
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Spitfire (Son Hyunwoo)
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(a/n: another challenge from @challengingwords to get me back into writing! I love writing angst and drama way more than I should!) 
Paring: Shownu (Hyunwoo) x reader
Genre: angst? I think that’s what this would be 
Word Count: 920
Warnings: mentions revenge porn and some serious misogyny from a character 
Prompt: “not everyone is a saint, ya know?”
You sat at the large table across from three very well dressed lawyers, your boyfriend, Hyunwoo to your right and his manager next to him. You felt a little bit of comfort as he grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers together. You glanced around the room for what felt like the millionth time, observing every corner of the room. You didn’t want to be here, hell no one in the room probably did but at this point there really wasn’t a choice. 
A little less than forty eight hours prior a tabloid “news source” revealed that an ex of yours had leaked private pictures that you’d taken just for him at the time you were dating. Now that you were publicly dating a well known idol you had a lot more to lose than when you were simply an intern at your local news station. So, as an act of petty revenge, he put those pictures out for the world to see.  While you had a massive amount of support from fans all over the world who condemned your ex as well as the news outlet who’d run the pictures, there was a small yet loud faction who wanted your head on a silver platter. They wanted you to apologize for “ruining” Hyunwoo’s image and wanted you to “do the right thing” and break up. 
Hyunwoo made it abundantly clear that he was not upset with you.
“You’re an adult,” he said calmly, “what you did before we met doesn’t matter to me. You took those pictures in confidence and your ex betrayed that confidence. He’s less than a man and I hope he knows it.”
You were amazed at how well he had taken the news, not that you really expected a blow up because that simply wasn’t his style. But he and the group were so unbelievably supportive you could have cried. They defended you every chance they were allowed to and stuck by your side. 
“Okay,” the lawyer in the middle started, jolting you out of your trance, “tell us how this happened.” 
You looked at Hyunwoo and then at his manager. Both nodded to you as if to say “it’s okay, go ahead.” 
“Well,” you gulped as you began, “the man who posted those photos is my ex. We were together for about two years and in that time I’d taken those pictures.”
“Why?” the lawyer to to left asked abruptly. 
“Excuse me?” you asked incredulously, your brows furrowing.
“Why would you take those kinds of pictures?” he clarified, the tone of judgement evident in his voice.
“Because I was in a long term relationship with someone I trusted. We were apart for a few months and we missed each other, so I took those pictures.” 
The second lawyer sighed in frustration and a little bit of disgust.
“I just don’t understand what self respecting woman would-”
“I’m gonna stop you right there,” you stood up, holding your finger up to stop him, dropping any sign of honorifics,  “first of all, you will not disrespect me like that. I am a grown woman who made a decision based on the fact that I loved this person and didn’t believe that they would ever hurt me like this. Not everyone is a saint, you know?” 
“But you’re dating an idol,” he tried to push on, “how could you not know-”
“Do you think I knew I would be dating Hyunwoo five years ago?” you laughed darkly, “if you would’ve told me back then that the man I was with would be a distant memory and that I would uproot my entire life, move to a completely new country, learn a completely new language and culture for the amazing man sitting next to me that just happens to be famous, I would have laughed in your face.”
The room was silent except for the clicking sounds of the third lawyer who was taking notes.
“I haven’t been allowed to put out a statement for myself,” you said solemnly, “I am the only one in this situation who isn’t allowed to defend me yet. That’s why we are here. I’ve been sitting on the sidelines while the company, the guys, even fans who don’t know me defend my honor. I take full responsibility for taking those pictures, I can’t and won’t deny that. What I will not do is apologize for being the victim of revenge porn. What I will not do is sit here and let you disrespect me for choices that I made as an adult in a private relationship. Now, please tell me, what action does the company plan to take?” 
The three lawyers looked between themselves and nodded.
“We will be taking legal action,” the first lawyer said calmly, “he’s a foreigner but we still have ways we are able to deal with it.”
“Okay,” you breathed, for what felt like the first time. 
“You are also free to release a personal statement on your personal social media accounts, we just ask that you run it by the PR team first.” she continued.
“I can do that, thank you.” you nodded. 
“You’re all free to go,” the second lawyer said, a little bitterly. 
Hyunwoo, manager Joon Hyung and yourself stood up and bowed before exiting the room. 
Once you were outside and far enough away from the door you allowed your knees to buckle a little bit, wobbling into Hyunwoo’s open arms. You felt safe there, your breath evening out.
“You did great in there,” Hyunwoo said, squeezing you a little tighter, “my girls a badass who doesn’t let anyone disrespect her.”
“You sure all of the trouble is worth keeping me around?” you chuckled. 
“You better keep her around,” Manager Joon Hyung interrupted, “she’s a spitfire, you need that in your life.”
“I don’t plan on letting her go anywhere,” Hyunwoo grinned down at you, “Trust me.”
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Ocean Eyes
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Pairing: Shownu X Reader
Genre: Pirate!AU, Smut, Angst
Word Count: 3,021
Summary: While taking you back home, Shownu couldn’t help falling for you. You insisted on him keeping you aboard knowing that women being pirates was against code, but what happens when he learns why you became a pirate?
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The ocean breathed, her surface rising and falling with rhythmic ease. The waves mimicked the pulse that pumped the blood through your very own veins as if you were part of the ocean. Her beautiful turquoise waters crashed against the hull of the ship—in the countless days you’ve been on the board, you never took the time to admire the beauty it held. It never occurred to you to take the time to wonder about the ancient oak that had no longer smelt of wildflowers, but seeped the calming scent of sea salt. The masts that stood tall like they used to in the forest, once decorated with green foliage, was now fashioned with sails of dingy white and creams, but now that you think about it, the rich dark timbers reminded you of him.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
You looked away from the glittering ocean to his face, catching his soft gaze. His eyes reminded you of the rocks that jutted out of the sea, flecks of deep brown married with lighter hues, weathered by the chaotic waves, “We’ll be at Singapore in the next two days…” Shownu usual thunderous voice was matching the calmness of the wind, it almost getting caught in the wind. The counted days that you spent on the boat were ones that Shownu began to treasure, and the closer you got to Singapore, the more he wanted to keep you near.
“Y’know, you could always keep me on, Captain.” You swung your legs over the railing, your shoes making a thump as your weight hit the wood. Even if you make it home, you’re still going to be a pirate, that’s all you’ve ever known, and with red coats coming after you, sailing the seas would be the only way to keep them at bay.
“You know you can’t, a woman being a pirate is—”
“Against the code… bu-but times are changing just as fast as the wind changes its course—”
“You’re not staying on this ship, and if you value your life, you’ll stay off of one unless your traveling.” His words were adding fuel to your fire, you wanted to stay, not just for you, but for Shownu, and him telling you that he wouldn’t even have you, made your blood boil.
“I don’t care about my life…” You pointed out, Shownu’s eyes widening at your emotionless words, “Without the sea, I’m nothing. This, this is my home. On a ship, this ship in particular—” He took long strides to you as you tried to elucidate your feelings, his feet hit the wood so hard it could break under his heavy steps. His rough calloused hands cupped your face while bringing his face closer to yours.
“You’re willing to lose your life over being a pirate—”
“If it means that I get to spend it with you, yes!” You bellowed, standing your ground. He was speechless at your sudden confession, he couldn’t fathom that the feelings he had for you were mutual. Your habitually dark eyes now look that of the clear waters at the shoreline, showing everything to the naked eye, he could tell you weren’t lying to stay, you were confessing in hopes he would understand.
“Y/N… I—”
“Captain.” You turned your head at the voice that just barely reached your ears, Jongho stood with his head down, his eyes avoiding any contact, “We’re almost to port…” Shownu closed his eyes, a sigh escaping him; his hands dropped from their hold on you to his sides.
“Get everything ready…” You rolled your eyes at him, annoyed that Jongho had to come and ruin the conversation you were sharing with Shownu, but it’s the perfect time to work.
“I’ll start—”
“You are to go back to your room, Y/N.” Annoyance was so clear that his words came off harsh.
“Oh, you mean my cage?” You hissed, crossing your arms, “Can’t let anyone see that you're harboring a lady on board, can you?”
“I didn’t mean it like that—” You turned away from you, stomping your way toward the floor door, yanking it open and dripping down below deck. Shownu groaned running his hands through his greasy hair, can you blame him? If red coats saw you, they would be after you in a second, let alone another pirate. Word would reach the seven kings faster than the Kraken could devour a while ship.
“Y’know, Captain…” Jungho spike softly, knowing it wasn’t his place, “You like Lady Y/N, right?” Shownu’s cheeks pinked up as well as the tips of his ears.
“I’m going to take the fact that you’re blushing like a drunken man as a yes. Why don’t you offer her a night in a nice bed? She’s been sleeping on that thing we call a bed in the brig for over two months now, I bet the poor girl would love to sleep in an actual bed…” Jungho was right, Shownu had you sleeping the brig even though he considered you as someone that was too precious to be sleeping in some prison.
“We’re close to Lalorna’s place, aren’t we?” Shownu’s eyes stayed glued to the open door, Jungho soon nodding his head.
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“We’re staying here tonight.” Shownu stopped in front of a layered building, candlelit windows with silhouettes of a woman bouncing against the walls past the windows.
“You brought me to a brothel?” You huffed, turning on your heels, “I’ll just sleep on—” Shownu gripped your arm, tugging you into his side.
“It’s a respectable one, one that is going to offer you a clean bed to sleep in.” The door to the house popped open, giggles and moans left the door as a woman ushered a man from the inside, her gaze soon landing on Shownu.
“If it isn’t Captain Shownu, how are ya love?” Her accent was as thick as honey as she walked towards him.
“Lalorna, business is as busy as ever.” She offered her hand to Shownu, his large hand quick to take hold of her skin, bringing it up to his lips.
“Always.” Her eyes fell to you, your heart fluttering at the way she batted her full lashes, “I see you brought a woman this time.”
“I’m taking Y/N back to Singapore, where she belongs. I was hoping you would let her stay one night here at your establishment.” She flicked her gaze back to him, her tongue coming out to run over her pink lips.
“What’s in it for me?” Shownu dug in his pocket to pull out a pouch about the size of his palm, the coins inside clinking together.
“50 pounds?” He hummed, Lalorna’s dainty fingers were quick to grab it.
“Oh darling, would you like a bath too? Spending time on a ship with grimy men must be wearing off on you.” She took your arm, beginning to lead you to the house, Shownu followed close behind until the door closes behind you, “Shownu, please…” She looked towards another door, pointing the way with her chin, “My husband was just talking about you the other day, why don’t you pop in while I’m getting her bath ready.”
“Is that so?” Shownu parted ways with you as Lalorna took you up two flights of stairs, screams of pleasure mixed with moans fading at you reached the top floor.
“He’s quite a man, isn’t he?” She hummed, leading you to a bedroom.
“Yes, he’s so unique, and handsome.” Lalorna wasn’t wrong at all, he definitely is handsome and oddly unique, but really harsh with you most of the time, and he can’t seem to understand why you want to stay.
Lalorna opened a door, ushering you inside, your eyes landing on the bathtub sitting in the corner of the room, steam rising up from the inside, “D-did you know we were coming?” You asked as you stepped closer to the bath.
“I usually take a bath up here since it’s quieter and ya just happened to show up. You’re more than welcome to it.” A smile appeared on her face while she walked over to the bed, turning it down.
“Thank you, Lalorna.” You slightly dipped your head, watching her float over to the door.
“Anything for Shownu, you just go on ahead and relax in the water and I’ll bring ya up some fresh clothes.” You nodded, watching the door close behind her, your body sighing in the stillness of the room. You stripped off the sea salt stiff clothes and stepped into the hot water, your body dipping down under its warmth, “This is so nice…” It has been a while since you’ve taken a warm bath and it was nice to relax, it was so nice you felt that you could fall asleep at any moment when the door popped open.
“Lalorna told me to—” Shownu’s eyes fell to your naked body in the bath, “Oh—I’m so sorry…”
“Don’t be. It’s just my body, no need to get all shy…” You sat up, the water barely covering your breasts, “Why don’t you come and join me?” You teased noticing the way his face was a beet red.
“You’re not funny, Y/N.” He closed the door to keep other possible eyes from seeing you
“Well, why not? We’re just bathing together. Or would you like to bathe by yourself?” You stood from the tub, his heavy gaze following your curves, the ones that were hidden under the loose-fitting clothes that you wore. Your skin glowed under the candlelight, droplets of water dripped from the ends of your hair, tracing your shape—Shownu has been with plenty of women before, but you were more beautiful than anyone he’s seen before. He was enamored with you standing there, cloaked in the light, he didn’t even care if you were naked or not, all he cared about is that you were there in front of him, “Are you going to join me or not?” Your voice, smoother than honey, sent chills up his spine as he tugged off his clothes, his heart pounding inside his chest. Shownu stepped into the bath and sat down his legs going on either side of you as you sat back down, hugging your legs to your chest. He watched as you closed your eyes, relaxing in the subtle silence that fell around you; he swallowed hard, the silence becoming too much for him, he worried you could hear the rattling of his ribcage as his heart thrashed.
“So…” Your lashes open to reveal your tired eyes, “H-How have the guys been treating you?” You furrowed your brows while you cocked your head to the side, your chin resting against your knees.
“They’re all nice, they all have their quirks, but that’s normal.”
“Oh?” Shownu kinked an eyebrow, his voice tone raising a bit.
“Yeah…” You unwrapped your arms from your legs and leaned back against the tub, resting your legs on either side of them, your warm flesh resting on his, “Like Seonghwa is a major clean freak and Yeosang gets a little upset if you stare at his birthmark too much, and heaven forbid you tell Jungho to stop singing, he’ll tear your head off.” Shownu let a smile play upon his lips hearing you point out thinks about his crew that he’s never noticed.
“They just listen to me, never really put up fights—”
“That’s because you’re their captain.” The smile that came to your lips as you met his gaze melted him. You always put on this strong front, but you had your moments of softness that he couldn’t get enough of.
“Why did you become a pirate?” He hummed, your eyes widening at his words.
“It can’t be for the rum, the way these men drink, there’s no way you could be one for that.”
“Well… I initially became one to save my father. He was a part of a crew before I was even a year old and he swore he would come back to my mother, but once a deal is struck with Davy Jones, your soul is sold to him…” Your eyes drifted down to the water, your fingers starting to fiddle with each other, “Ever hear about the story of pirate selling his soul to Davy Jones just so his barren wife could give birth to a child?” Shownu knew the story well, but the way he heard it from his father told him the story many times when he was a kid.
“A child born from ocean waves, sea salt kisses, and hurricane winds is one that Davy Jones will take souls for.” You nodded your head, a forced smile appearing on your lips.
“To free him, I’ll need to hand myself over to him, but my love of the sea keeps me running from him.” You sighed, your eyes come back to meet his. He took your hands into his and brought them up to his lips, pressing kisses into your skin.
“As long as I live, I’ll make sure you’re safe and you get to enjoy your life on a ship.” His whispered words made your heart jump.
“Hold on… you’re letting me stay? On your ship?”
“As long as you’ll stay by my side through it all, of course.” You squealed clapping your hands, excited that he’s letting you stay, but Shownu poured at the fact you didn’t seem to catch what he said. He tugged your body to him until his face was close to yours, “Did you catch what I said, Y/N?” Your face flushed with coming so close to him.
“N-No… what did you say…”
“I said I want you by my side.” He released your hands to caress your face, “If you’ll have me.”
“Shownu… I…” You breathed, his lips grazing yours as he rested his forehead against yours. You could feel the want against his blazing skin and who are you to deny what you’ve wanted for so long. You pressed your lips against his, all the tension that was held inside you faded as his fingers rubbed your cheeks, them falling to your neck, keeping you against him. The blissful moment you were swimming in became ruined when the muffled sounds of moaning and pleasure laced screaming made through their way through the floorboards; you pulled away from him, trying to stifle a laugh, “Seems like someone is enjoying themselves.”
“Y-yeah…” Shownu dropped his head to rest on your shoulder, his eyes falling to his cock standing under the water. The moaning from down below didn't help his problem, ”It seems that my body is reacting on its own…”
“What’re you talking about?” You looked down to see what he was hinting at, a smile spreading over your lips as you wrapped your hand around his girthy length in your hand, “Did they turn you on?” You hummed slowly, stroking his cock, his voice getting caught in his throat.
“Hell, girl…” He huffed before sucking in a breath through his teeth as your one hand stroke him and the other massaged his balls, his weak point. Shownu closed his eyes, letting his fingers trace over your fleshy shape, them dipping into your folds to slip into your core, eliciting a gasp from your lips.
“It’s only fair.” He thrusted his fingers into you, them curling right into your g-spot; your walls clamped around him as he beckoned your orgasm, your hands starting to slack with pleasuring him, “Y’know, there’s a really great way to please us both…”
“Oh yeah… what would that be…?” You breathed knowing exactly what he meant. Your hands fell from his cock as he turned his lips onto your neck, his tongue licking up to your ear lobe, gentle teeth nipping at its tenderness.
“Slid into my lap and I’ll take you to paradise…” He whispered, pulling his fingers from your heat to wrap around his member and you quickly straddled him, lining him up with your entrance. You sunk down onto him, his cock filling you so well; you moaned loudly as he reached deep inside you, your extremities gripped his muscular shoulders as you adjusted to him. Shownu took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, calming his excitement to finally be inside you, to be one with you.
“I can feel you pulsing inside me… don’t cum just yet, Captain…” You raised your hips, his cock sliding out of your needy folds until his tip rested inside you. Sinking back down on him, his hands came around and gripped your ass, thrusting his cock into you. The sounds of water splashing onto the wooden floor mixed with your whines of pleasure filled the space around you, the burn in your lower belly began to singe your nerves as the fire crept up your limbs.
“Funny talking about me cumming first when you're clamping down on me…” He chucked letting your flesh go, your hips unable to stop their movements, your body eager to reach its high. Shownu massaged your bouncing breasts, pinching your nipples between nimble fingers, sending electricity through your body, tingles, and flames taking over your thoughts as you climaxed. Your body shook over him while your walls constricted his throbbing cock, your pussy making him cum inside your warmth. You sank down into his lap with your eyes closed and pressed your forehead to his while you floated down from your high, coming back down to the man you love. You opened your eyes to meet his gaze, it making your heart race.
“W-What? Why are staring at me?” Fire crawled up into your cheeks as you tried to break the connection with him, but he held your chin steady and pecked at your lips.
“Just staring at the Queen of the Sea as she appears before me.” The sweet side of Shownu is own that he never showed often, but it was easy with you. Without even noticing, he was opening up to you in ways that he’s never done for anyone else—the tides were changing, and you were the cause of it.
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blu-joons · 2 years
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He was very protective of you and so Hyunwoo would mainly have his attention watching over you because he wanted to make sure that you were safe, and so that he could step in if you were feeling uncomfortable at all.
The two of you didn’t tend to bicker too much with each other as you got older. Hyunwoo hated bickering with you because he was used to being the leader mainly and trying to be mature about situations, whereas bickering reminded him of how he used to be as a kid before he took on all of his responsibility.
One of the best things about having Hyunwoo as a best friend was that he was always right by your side whenever you needed comforting. He always knew exactly what to do, whether that was give you some space or a hug or sit and silence or talk things through with you, he did whatever you wanted to do.
There was a very little chance that Hyunwoo would let the two of you disagree about something for too long, he was used to having to squash arguments between the other members in the group and did the exact same with you too. Most of the time he’d end up deciding that the two of you should do what you want to do as he didn’t want an unnecessary argument to start between the two of you when he felt otherwise.
You found yourself trusting in Hyunwoo pretty much from the start of your relationship which meant that you relied on him a lot. He cared about you a lot because he found himself getting along with you so well and enjoying your company, and so he would often stay by your side when the two of you went out, even if you were with other people, because he loved to protect you and see you smiling.
Hyunwoo’s family got along with you incredibly well, it was pretty impossible for them not to like you with how much Hyunwoo talked about you to them. They were beyond happy that Hyunwoo had a best friend who made him smile as much as you did, and ever since the first time that they had all met you they could all see exactly why Hyunwoo had decided that you would be his best friend, adoring his personality.
Most of the time when the two of you met up with one another you would try and do it pretty privately, as Hyunwoo especially didn’t want any hassle following you. He tried his best to always keep you away from any danger and so usually tried to keep your time together at the dorm where you could be comfortable.
The two of you had a habit of having the same routine pretty much anytime the two of you went out together. Coffee was always a must for the two of you, and it would never be too long before Hyunwoo would complain that he was hungry too so you’d stop for food before heading back down to the dorm.
To make sure that the two of you didn’t forget your inside jokes, you kept a jar underneath your bed, filled with pieces of paper where you had written your inside jokes so that the two of you could always remind yourselves of the funny moments in your friendship by looking back through the jar together.
There weren’t many times when Hyunwoo would get jealous as your best friend, he liked to know more than anything that you had other people looking out for you too. Even around those friends of yours that he had known for several years though, Hyunwoo still couldn’t help himself but to be protective of you, keeping those friends at arm’s length most of the time so that he could be the one closest to you.
Hyunwoo got a kick out of seeing you do well, he was your biggest supporter in everything that you did, and he loved to see you succeed. Whether it was something big, like a promotion, or something small like managing to drive to work without getting nervous, he was always rooting for you and feeling proud too.
He loved that he had you as an escape from being an idol more than anything else, and how you always managed to stop Hyunwoo from thinking about work for a little while. When you could tell that the music was particularly playing on Hyunwoo’s mind then you would invite him to your place for the evening and do everything that you could to remind him to just be human for a bit and stop feeling the pressure.
The two of you met in a dance class when you were younger, with Hyunwoo asking you if you wanted a bit of help when you failed to pick up a move. He made it look easy, managing to help you get it down, and sticking by your side for the rest of the class, more than happy to help again if you needed him.
Whilst Hyunwoo had to be the leader and behave for most of the time, when he was around you, all of that was forgotten. He loved being able to relax and let go of anything whenever he spent time with you.
Hyunwoo was obsessed with your personality and how well it complimented his personality. Everyone always passed comment on how well the two of you seemed to get along like two peas in a pod together.
The moments that meant the most to Hyunwoo were the ones when you were there to see him doing well. His heart raced whenever he knew that you were at a show or on your way to support him during filming for something, often being that spark that he needed to smile, even when he was feeling exhausted.
If he needed help, especially with work, then Hyunwoo would turn to you. He hated turning to the people at work because he didn’t want them to think that he couldn’t do it, whereas you would never judge him.
Before he enlisted into the military, Hyunwoo surprised you with a scrapbook that he had made to represent your years of friendship. Many of your favourite memories were included in it, with things like tickets and receipts stuck onto the pages too, many of which you were surprised to see that he had remembered.
Having your support meant the world to Hyunwoo, and he never let you forget that either. Every single time you showed up to support him he always made sure to tell you how thankful he was, and most of the time often repaid you for it too by taking you out to dinner or making time to do something with you.
Every single year for your birthday Hyunwoo would take you away somewhere. If you had mentioned a spot that you liked then he would arrange for the two of you to go there when he had the time to take you.
He had the perfect best friend in his opinion, there was absolutely nothing about your friendship that Hyunwoo wanted to change.
If he knew that you weren’t doing anything and on your own, he would always tell you to drop by at the studio and spend some time with him so that you weren’t alone, and so that Hyunwoo could check on you too.
He was the best when it came to advice, over the years Hyunwoo had picked up on plenty of wisdom to pass onto you when you needed it.
Whilst the two of you weren’t massively affectionate when you were with each other, if he felt that you needed a hug then Hyunwoo would always be there to give you one or give your frame a squeeze of encouragement.
You were his inspiration, he watched you in awe quite a lot of the time as your best friend.
When you stayed at the dorm quite late, Hyunwoo refused to let you go home. He would give his bed up in a heartbeat for you and sleep on the sofa so that he knew that you were safe and not out in the cold.
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key201303 · 4 years
Prompt 61🥰 with Shownu, Monsta X, thank you❤️
Heyyy!! Sorry for taking so long to write this🤧🤧 but here it is finally!! ❤️❤️ I hope you enjoy it❤️❤️
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"Babe have you seen my shirt?" Shownu asked from across the room. You've been laying on your shared bed playing Animal Crossing on your Nintendo Switch for the past few hours while Shownu has been looking around for some shirt he wanted to wear. You didn't really know why he wanted to wear that specific shirt when all you were going to do for this year's Christmas was cuddling each other throughout the night. 
You didn't even bother to answer him, too focused on the fish you were about to get. "Can you stop playing and help me find my shirt?" Shownu asked you, clearly annoyed. You couldn't help laughing at his annoyed figure. "You know as much as I want to… I don't want to." You said smiling at him annoyingly making him roll his eyes. "Haha, so funny. You know? Sometimes I don't even know why I love you this much." He said going out of your shared room to keep searching for his lost shirt. 
"Babe come on, just forget about that shirt and come cuddle." You whined after waiting for a few more minutes without the presence of your boyfriend beside you on bed. The moment he appeared back in your room wearing the shirt you gifted him the first year you spent Christmas together your smile grew bigger and your eyes held an entire galaxy remembering those amazing days. "You really didn't have to wear that shirt." You said, still admiring the perfect figure of your boyfriend. "I know I didn't have to but I wanted to." He answered, already wrapping his strong arms around you. You just couldn't express with words how much you loved him and neither could he. 
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nuhogom · 4 years
Valentine’s Series
Genre: Fluff
Warning: Making out, suggestiveness
Member: Shownu
Prompt: cuddling gets handsy
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Today was a stay at home and drink hot chocolate day. For some weird reason, instead of staying home out of the rain, the others decided to go on adventures. You and your boyfriend were cuddled up on the couch, barely watching a show on Netflix. Your heads kept nodding off only to jerk back up again. Smiling to yourself, you snuggled impossibly close to your boyfriend. Hyunwoo’s hand slipped down your back a bit at your movement, his fingertips barely touching your bum. You sighed in content, his eyes moving to look down at you.
“I’m fine! Just relaxing!”
He smiled at you as you turned in his arms, lifting your leg up a bit. You were now almost straddling a leg and you giggled as he flexed his thigh underneath you. Sitting up straight, you gave him a warning.
“Don’t do that when I’m sitting on you like this!”
His reply to you was flexing his thigh once again and you moaned out. He smirked at you as you fell forward and clasped your hand to his shoulder to support yourself. He cranes his neck, lips pushing against yours in earnest. His strong, thick hands were immediately on you, wrapping around your waist and pulling you impossibly close. You moaned against him, fingers playing with his hair and gently tugging. His lips left yours with a smack, kissing at your jaw and sucking a hickey onto your skin. You gasped as his hands slid up your chest, grabbing at your breasts gently. Both of you breathed heavily, chests rising and falling together.
“Mmm?” He moaned against your shoulder.
You struggled to breath as he squeezed at your breast, your thighs tightening around his own. “I think we should stop, before we get too carried away,” you trailed. He kissed his way back up to your swollen mouth, placing a quick peck. “Someone could be back soon. It’s nearing lunch time!”
Your breathing slowed, licking your lips as you watched your boyfriend pull away from you. “You’re right. I wish we could do more,” he whispered. You smiled at him and agreed, kissing his cute, button nose.
“This weekend at mine?”
“I have a solo project to do,” he pouted. You chuckled and kissed his pouty lips.
“Sunday? Or Monday?”
He shook his head. “We don’t have another rest day this month.”
This time it was you who pouted. “I could spend the night sometime?”
“Mm. I’ll ask the boys if they’re okay with that!”
“Perfect!” You smiled, giving him a sudden smooch. He laughed into the kiss, rubbing at your back gently.
He pulled away gently, pressing his forehead to yours. “I’m afraid if we keep kissing, I won’t be able to stop!”
You smiled and nodded, retreating back to his side and cuddling up. “Later, babe!” You giggled. He replied with patting at your arm as he wrapped his own around you securely.
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