#shownu fic recs
justsomekpopstuff · 6 months
monsta x as d&d characters
NOTE: Remember, these are just my opinion and how I would classify them in D&D. You can have your own perspective, just don't be a hater about it. I also know that my D&D knowledge isn't perfect. Don't judge me.
Shoutout to @vesvosmozhno who encouraged and awaited this post! You are awesome, and thank you for all your support!
current masterlist | fic recs
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Shownu: Half-Orc Barbarian
Shownu was born and raised into a communal clan of half-orcs, living in isolation from the rest of the world. While he did have parents, he really was raised by the entire group, with each member teaching him every skill they could. As he grew, he eventually became a proficient blacksmith, becoming the official apprentice for the clan. Everything was peaceful - until it wasn't. One day, the village was attacked by a group of raiders who had a particular hatred for half-orcs, wanting them to suffer. The raiders were destroying everything in their path, taking anyone and anything they could get their hands on. Shownu, who happened to be finishing his shift at the blacksmith's, ran out to the commotion, newly forged and sharpened axes in his hands. After witnessing the terror for himself, Shownu's rage became too much to handle. Despite his typically peaceful nature, he blazed through the raiders, as if the axes were made to be in his hands. When the raiders realized there was no stopping him, they ran, never to be seen again. While the village stood silent, marveling in Shownu's show of strength and fury, all he could care about was going back and fixing the damage to the shop, as well as what he was going to eat for lunch. That day, without him knowing, his people deemed him the town protector, knowing that his love for his village and his might would protect them from any danger - even with his peaceful demeanor.
Wonho: Human Druid
Wonho doesn’t have any memory of where he really came from. All he knew was that as a small child, he wandered into the feywild and was adopted by the people there. They showed him all sorts of magic, but quickly learned that he loved animal magic the most. As he grew, they focused more on teaching him the lessons of animal magic, and Wonho quickly became a druid prodigy. Befitting for his gentle temperament, the feywild people bestowed upon him the power to transform into a small lop-eared rabbit, with a nature as gentle as himself. After bestowing this gift upon him, the feywild people gave Wonho a mission: go into the human world, and show the power of love and kindness to those who are most in need of it. Each village he approached, he approached with kindness and curiosity, which was off putting to most of the locals. However, those who saw his genuineness and appreciation for learning welcomed him. Wonho quickly learned he had a soft spot for the orphanages of the villages, seeing how much in-need the young children were of love and kindness. Wonho became a regular presence, often showing up in his rabbit form to greet the children as they played. He rarely showed his human form to them until one night, when he was caught sneaking in extra food rations by the head of the orphanage. The head of the orphanage watched as Wonho got so spooked by his presence that he accidentally shifted into his rabbit form, exposing himself as a druid - and the one that was giving comfort to the children. The orphanage owner, instead of kicking Wonho out, allowed Wonho to stay and work at the orphanage as a caretaker for the children. Needless to say, the children were incredibly overjoyed at his presence, both animal and human. Wonho knew from then on, his mission would always be complete.
Minhyuk: Tiefling Rogue
From the time he was born, Minhyuk knew that he was meant to be a showman. As a small child he would regularly pretend to be different characters, creating new stories of people and things from far-off lands. However, because of his appearance and infernal nature, his theatricality was often seen as a threat by the other children. Being a tiefling was seen as a curse. Despite those who tried to make him feel ashamed for who he was, Minhyuk never gave up on his dream. However, as much as he put on a brave face, he could never deny that the words of the ignorant cut him to his core. One day, it became all too much. He saw the horrible paintings on his home, depicting him as nothing more than an awful monster, a creature never to be respected. That night, he packed his things and ran, never to return to his hometown again. Every village he wandered into, he found the outcasts, the odd-ones-out, and the rejected. To each of them, he gave kindness and respect, and shared his dream of creating a show where no one would have to be ashamed of who they were. Eventually, he had a whole group of followers, and their dream began to take shape. Every talent, magic, look, and style were welcome in Minhyuk’s show. He would make sure they were all introduced with respect and lauded with praise. Anyone who dared try to ridicule his fellow performers would quickly be met with Minhyuk’s legendary infernal wrath. While his show was still met with the usual group of detractors and protestors, Minhyuk knew that he was doing what he was meant to. His dream of showmanship, and showing the world what those who are rejected are capable of, all came together. No matter what, he never let the hatred get to him anymore.
Kihyun: Half-Siren Bard
Kihyun was born on a boat to a sea-faring family, but ships are not friendly places to small children. There was a massive storm that tossed him overboard, and because of his age, he began to drown. That was, until he felt two arms scoop him up and the air returned to his lungs. He would learn that he was saved by a siren queen who had taken pity on him and bestowed him with some of the powers of the sirens. Kihyun was raised with the pod, never really questioning why he was the only one without a tail, scales, or gills. To him, they were the only family he actually knew. He grew up singing, his voice becoming a unique and alluring power that benefited him greatly; and, because of his mostly human origins, he would learn that he is the only “siren” that could walk between sea and land. When Kihyun reached adulthood, he decided to leave the pod and venture onto land full time, promising his mother the siren queen to never forget his true self. He wandered onto the shores and began his new life, humming his way through local villages. Because of the alluring tone of his singing, he quickly drew crowds. Local taverns tripped over each other to try and get him to perform, and Kihyun found himself obliging all of them, bouncing to a different one each night. However, this quickly became too much for Kihyun. He decided to become an apprentice at a local bakery, where his skill with baked goods nearly outshone his talents for music. Every now and again, the owner of the bakery would open the door to the shop to let the locals hear Kihyun’s humming as he worked. One day, an elderly member of the village came into the bakery, and Kihyun recognized them as the owner of one of the oldest, smallest taverns in the village. Kihyun felt it was fate as the tavern owner lamented over how few patrons came through their doors. Kihyun volunteered to help, scheduling a performance for that night at the old tavern that brought in nearly the entire village. Seeing the smile on the tavern owner’s face as he sang brought so much joy to Kihyun’s heart that he announced to the village that this would be the only tavern he would perform in. From then on, Kihyun was a baker’s assistant by day, and a tavern singer by night. He finally felt whole both of his worlds finally at peace with each other.
Hyungwon: Human Ranger
From his earliest memories, the only human person that Hyungwon ever knew was his grandfather. Living in the middle of nowhere, on the outskirts of society, Hyungwon was raised to trust and respect the land around him, and was taught how to survive in the harshest of conditions. Despite his disdain for exerting extreme amounts of energy, Hyungwon became a skilled survivalist. Eventually, his grandfather passed away, and Hyungwon was driven to live out in the wild on his own. Because he didn’t really have anyone else, Hyungwon found himself connecting more with the wild, especially with the animals. This led to him discovering his ability to summon an animal companion to keep him company. This animal companion, or companions, became a hoard of rats he accumulated while on the road, with their leader, whom Hyungwon named Ratrick. Every now and again, whenever he realized that he was running low on supplies that he couldn’t make or find himself, Hyungwon (having a small existential crisis) forced himself to wander into local villages to restock. He would use Ratrick and his hoard rats to gather what they could before he had to step in and do it himself. Anything he could do to avoid people, he’d do it. The only person who ever made the effort to become friends with Hyungwon and give him one small connection to society was Shownu. The only reason that this happened was because Shownu almost killed Hyungwon by accident after he found Hyungwon sneaking large amounts of snacks out of the community pantry. Shownu saw that despite Hyungwon's incredible reflexes and skill, that all Hyungwon really wanted was to be. Just be. So, Shownu gave Hyungwon the supplies he needed and told Hyungwon that if he ever wanted a place to return to, that he would always have one in Shownu's village. That one connection was all Hyungwon needed in the world - that and Ratrick.
Jooheon: Human Sorcerer
Even though he would deny it, the village where he was born called Jooheon a miracle. For many generations, the village had been plagued by a militant occupation of power and money-hungry warlords. These warlords would regularly steal children as young as infants to raise them to be pieces of their military machine. Jooheon’s family did everything they could to keep his birth a secret, but his presence was felt all the way to the Feywild. The Fae decided to bless Jooheon with magic abilities - a jack-of-all-trades magic that would help him on his quest to freedom. Despite his blessing, Jooheon grew up hidden and isolated. His parents told him stories passed down from those before them of how the village used to be free until the warmongers had taken over. Every story fueled Jooheon to want to take action, and so he grew his magic to one day bring that liberation to his village. As an adult, with his Fae blessing fully charged, he made his presence known with explosions, taking out many of the warmonger’s bases. Cultivating all of his power, he blew through the warmonger’s encampments. By the time dawn began to break, not a single leader was left. The village was finally free - but, what now? Jooheon spent days in the village, ensuring everyone that he was force of good, and working with the other villagers to liberate all of the lost children that had been stolen from them. As more weeks passed, Jooheon began to feel more like there was something more left for him to do. As the village got back on its feet, free of their militant oppressors, Jooheon felt more and more useless, and his family could sense it. And so, they knew to let him go. They knew, with his Fae blessing, he would become a powerful freedom fighter that would bring liberation to countless people - just as he was born to do.
Chankgyun: Half-Elf Bard
Changkyun was born into a family of bardic singers, beloved by the humans and elvish. Everyone born into the family was blessed with a beautiful voice, and joined in the family choir once they came of age. That was, until Changkyun came along. When he became old enough to start his training to join the family, they learned something quite jarring - Changkyun couldn’t sing at all. No matter what they tried, he just could not sing to their standards; and so, they gave up on him. Every time they would travel to a new town to perform, Chankgyun’s family would sit him in the very back of the tavern while they performed. One night when he was a tween, and they saw him scribbling away on some paper. When they snatched the paper away from him, they saw that this whole time he had been writing lyrics -lyrics for him to perform. At first they laughed, reminding Changkyun that he was tone-deaf, but then he opened his mouth and began to rap the lyrics to perfection. His musicality, despite not singing, rendered his family speechless, as they never realized that talent could look different than what they expected. And so, Changkyun’s family gave him permission to join the family choir - an offer that he quickly refused. Chankgyun knew he was meant for more, and the fact that it took them until now to realize it never sat well for him. He walked off into the night, lyrics and a small drum in tow. On Chankgyun’s travels, he grew his skills of rhythm and rap. His unique musical stylings (and sporadic d*ck jokes) enthralled every village and town he came across. Despite being more shy and quiet when not performing, his stage persona was goofy, flirtatious, and a little bit of a menace. Every now and again, when he would have to interact with fans on the road, he’d break out the persona - an act that would regularly get him into trouble. There was an incident where he accidentally got engaged to a half-orc that he sweet-talked…he doesn’t like to talk about it. But, with every adventure and every song, he felt more and more free. He was no longer the “tone-deaf outcast”, but a creative spirit in his own right - one that he was meant to be all along. His talents helped him connect to so many on the outskirts, including Minhyuk, Jooheon and the others. Changkyun knew from then on that he would never be tossed aside again.
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pajarinwrites · 5 months
directory | general masterlist
✨ favourites
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pretty screaming my name @iibonniee 1.4k unprotected, size, nakadashi...... i can neither deny nor confirm the rumours that these are some of my biggest kinks. pls stop asking.
torture @wasteitonserendipity 0.7k sub!hyunwoo; personally, i think we should start a petition to get a fleshed out version of this; who are you torturing?? me?? (pls give me more)
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nothing yet
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Human anatomy and physiology ✨ @iibonniee professor!minhyuk, i'm always a slut for professors; and blowjobs; and teasing men; this might be my favourite out of all the mx fan fiction i've read so far
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the best part @frenchkisstheabyss 0.9k i am once again asking you to make their stupid good fics longer oh my lord pls
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morning daze ✨ @irregular-idol-imagines 0.7k another one on the ever growing list of MONBEBE-FOR-THE-LOVE-OF-EVERYTHING-GOOD-AND-HOLY-WRITE-A-WHOLE-FIC-PLEASE; its way too short, i wish hyungwon was ogling me much longer than for 700 words, love the way he's charaterised in this
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nothing yet
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(in)convenient ✨ @sluttywonwoo 4.4k fakeeee datiiiing with iiim changkyuun, AHHHHH, i swear carats are just better writers than anyone else, the shit i find for svt (and for other groups by ppl with carat handles) never disappoints?? what is up carats??, this was posted in 2022 though so i don't know if i can hope for the continuation :(((, one of my fave lines: "What was wrong with you? Literally what the fuck was wrong with you?"
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jeon-ify · 9 months
welcome to my masterlist !
hello everyone!! welcome to my masterlist! i appreciate all of the love you guys have been showing my work, it means so much! i grew super fast, and i’m really happy that you guys are enjoying MY work!! i love you all! anyway, before i start, please be safe during any sexual acts. all my work is completely fictional, this is just for fun. i do not know any of these people, all of my work is solely based on either delusion or any ideas i come up with in my spare time. please do not take my work seriously, nor try any of it at home unless you are being safe.
* request rules! please read!! *
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- nsfw content unless stated otherwise -
achilles once said | f. - seonghwa
precious star | f. - yunho
pretty girl - yunho
you belong to me - yeosang
stay here forever - san
on your lashes - san
dimple - san
grades - san
beg (ft. wooyoung) - san
my performance for you - san
your sannie - san
thoughts (ft. mingi) + pt. 2 - san
a little jealousy - san
take a picture - san
dollface - mingi
insecure - mingi
nasty - mingi
thoughts (ft. san) + pt. 2 - mingi
daddy - mingi
toxic ex - drabble - mingi
quit staring - mingi
the two sides of mingi!
beg (ft. san) - wooyoung
strawberry fanta - wooyoung
please - jongho
through the seven seas (UPCOMING) - seokjin
eclipse (UPCOMING) - jungkook
push it back - shownu
stop doing that or i’ll make you - im changkyun
on live - yuta
extra slippers- park hyungsik
deep in the back seat- keeho p1h
carved into you- levi ackerman (aot)
pussy slapping w mingyu (svt)
wet dreamz - bangchan
male optional lead 18+
apologetic sex with nanami
so deep - suguru geto (my most liked!)
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you’ve reached the end!
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pesiko · 4 years
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child-in-the-dark · 4 years
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM/Son Hyunwoo | Shownu
Additional tags: Alternate Universe - Non-Famous, One Shot, Kim Namjoon | RM-centric, Recreational Drinking, Clubbing, Flirting, Kim Namjoon | RM & Ahn Hyojin | LE Are Best Friends, Kim Namjoon | RM Is a Little Shit, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Never Mind A Bit Of Plot Forced Itself Into The Narrative, Semi-Public Sex, This Was Supposed To Be 1k Yet Here We Are
Summary: He spots him from across the packed room and finds himself unable to look away, completely transfixed by the dancing figure
Or, alternatively: a night out, and Namjoon is lots of things but not sorry
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naemajimakchumeul · 5 years
Chapters: 1/5 Fandom: Monsta X (Band) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chae Hyungwon/Shin Hoseok | Wonho Characters: Son Hyunwoo | Shownu, Lee Minhyuk (Monsta X), Yoo Kihyun, Chae Hyungwon, Lee Jooheon, Im Changkyun | I.M, Shin Hoseok | Wonho Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Hogwarts, Halloween, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Quidditch, would be slow burn if it wasnt for the short length, Minor Lee Jooheon/Lee Minhyuk, References to other idols, characters will appear gradually, Fantasy, help me idk how to tag, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
Jooheon didn’t care about stars. He didn’t care about o.w.l.s, about naps in the Astronomy tower, or Hyungwon’s fried neurons. And really, how could they even be chewing at their dinner so unconcernedly when there was the possibility of a big scary thing hiding somewhere in the castle? Maybe a slim possibility, but still... Still…
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paintmewithmemories · 6 years
follow me down (swallow it down)
Jimin is tired.
He's dragging his feet whenever they go anywhere, is always late to dinners and falls asleep during every movie they watch. He wears sunglasses indoors to try and hide the bruises under his eyes, but everyone knows.
Jungkook is worried.
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kpopficrecs25 · 7 years
Showki Fics (Shownu/Kihyun)
1.Candy to My Eye by ajaeparkian
Hyunwoo, a 28 years old CEO and a single father with a busy life and a demanding son is in need of a baby sitter and Kihyun is a broke music student who needs to pay for his tuition badly and is willing to take basically any job. They both meet at the kids daycare when Kihyun was helping his friend Jooheon and accidentally heard Hyunwoo was talking to the phone about needing a baby sitter badly, and... what could possibly go wrong?
Language: English Words: 4,557 Chapters: 4/? 
2. Dominoes by DoctorFatCat
“You know, if we’re gonna keep bringing up that subject maybe we should have a code for it.” The older suggests with a mocking smile. “Like what?” Asks Kihyun with a laugh. “Like Dominoes.”
Language: English Words: 7,265 Chapters: 1/1
3. Tied Around My Finger by gheaindiani
Whatever Hoseok did last night to Hyunwoo when he was sleeping is absolutely petty even for the blonde’s standard, Hyunwoo thinks as soon as he wakes up from his slumber. What kind of prank is Hoseok even trying to pull this time round? Last month, he put whipped cream on his hand that resulted in Hyunwoo’s face to be smeared with it. And just last week, he covered Hyunwoo’s pillow with baby talc. Today…red string on his pinky finger? Really, Hoseok?
Language: English Words: 19,489 Chapters: 9/9 
4. "he's our leader!! it makes sense!!" by BeeJooheony
Kihyun: We all share one twitter!! We can't date!!! Let alone anyone ... That we work with ... I'm sorry hyung I shouldn't have come to you for this
Wonho: ... Do you like me
Language: English Words: 12,549 Chapters: 4/4 
5.  Can you fake it? (I lost my way in your city lights) by DoctorFatCat
Kihyun and his roommate Hyunwoo are not, in any way, close. Which turns out to be a great thing when he needs a fake boyfriend to introduce to his family over Christmas. Also, Minhyuk thinks it’s a stupid idea.
Language: English Words: 48,805 Chapters: 7/12 
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justsomekpopstuff · 1 year
monsta x as a hockey team
current masterlist | fic recs
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Shownu: defenseman, captain of the team, the other team always tries to piss him off bc of his stoic nature but they quickly regret it, no one ever really knows what he's thinking
Minhyuk: forward, master chirper and shit-talker, and if you try and chirp back he will make you cry, smiles at you as you try and instigate a fight because he's the Slightly Unhinged™️ member of the team
Kihyun: forward, alternate captain of the team, will argue with the refs if he doesn't like the call, takes his job VERY seriously, if you piss him off he will immediately dunk on you and score a hat trick
Hyungwon: backup goaltender, meets the Weird Goaltender™️ criteria, lowkey zones out on the bench when he's not playing but always comes in clutch, once fell over skating to the net and never lived it down
Jooheon: starting goaltender, also meets the Weird Goaltender™️ criteria, in charge of locker room playlists, has individual handshakes with everyone on the team
Chankgyun: defenseman, the rookie who's just kinda there running on vibes and Red Bull, not afraid to throw his weight around just for funsies and throw you off your rhythm, always singing to himself on the ice
Wonho (for funsies): the franchise favorite that got traded away to another team, but is still beloved by the fans
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bobubro-remade · 6 years
Changkyun Love Fic Rec
aka “did op just copy and paste all the fics from im changkyun/everyone tag on ao3 onto a post on tumblr?” and the the answer is no but honestly she could have 
★ my absolute favorite
the writer seems absolutely fantastic at writing this trope so they basically have my heart bye
lacuna  (in progress)
(n.) a blank space, a missing part. (this is a long fic with boys being misunderstood and slightly possesive of thier maknae) 
mine (in progress)
polyamory, more misunderstandings and got7
5 times his hyungs had to carry Changkyun because he couldn't walk himself and the 1 time they carried him just for fun by lunaloop (complete)
sometimes Changkyun can't walk himself, so his hyungs help him out. 
★ IM Strong by Starlight1395 (complete)
Changkyun understood why he was ignored. He was a cheater - he cheated by entering the competition when he did, and not only that but he took the place of someone who deserved it more than him. So he understood why he was hated, but that didn't stop him from trying to get better because maybe then he would be accepted.
“They tried their best to bring him out of his shell, and as much success as they'd had in the past few years, he still wasn't quite the energetic and bratty maknae that most other groups had. Except more and more, Shownu was realizing just how lucky they were to have someone like Changkyun.“
Changkyun figured there was nothing wrong with letting his hyungs take care of him every once in a while. He'd just have to learn how to handle them and their somewhat excessive love for him, little by little.
We All Need A Chill Pill (complete)
In which Changkyun gets sick, ignores it, gets sicker after overworking himself, and the hyungs are protective and concerned.
Winning Him Back 
When Changkyun starts spending more and more time out of the dorm, the other members find themselves reacting territorially… and trying to bring him back to their arms.
A Page from the Past  (in progress)
When certain men from Changkyn's past pop up where they're least expected, the other members can't help but be jealous over what they see...
Make Changkyun Stay by VerifiedFangurlXX (complete)
In which Changkyun's former group, Nubility, wants him back, and he thinks that his members hate him. And it's up to his members to make him stay
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onlykpopfics · 7 years
Your Attention, Please
fandom: monsta x
author: jjokkiri
pairing: ot7
words: 4,657
summary: The concept for the ‘HERO’ choreography is such a good concept. Also, Hoseok is such a good boyfriend.
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joonieebear · 6 years
Anyway most of my buzz has worn off since my choking on air, but I’m gonna update the fic rec page tomorrow cause dear god I’ve found some good shit lately
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koko-kpopfics · 7 years
Mint And Poppy
Author- Alette
Status- Complete
Rating- Teen and up
Ships- HyungWonho (main), ShowKi
Word Count- 114k
Genre- College au, Fantasy, Slow burn, Sharing a body
Warnings- Coma, Alcohol
After an angel's mistake, Chae Hyungwon is stuck sharing the body of a Yoo Kihyun, a small, grumpy guy he's never met before. What happens when he and Kihyun start falling for two different men, while they're in the same body?
Personal Thoughts-
This fic actually killed me, the suspense in every interaction between Shownu, Kihyun, Wonho and Hyungwon was a lot to handle.I couldn’t stop reading it and it always had me screaming over the choices the characters made. It’s a great investment of your time, I love this fic so much that i’ve read it twice.
Link- http://archiveofourown.org/works/6986071/chapters/15919111
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pesiko · 3 years
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Fluff - he gives you a massage and braids your hair [.9k]
Drunken Confessions - “god, I love you” [.9k]
Jealousy - our Thai place, sandbox days, sorry MH [.9k]
Again - will you marry me again? [.8k]
Play Date - babysitting, ft Jooheon & Minhyuk [.8k]
Latte Love - barista Shownu, “c-call me?” [.8k]
In Case You Didn’t Know - “I’m crazy about you” [.8k]
If You Can’t Sleep We Could Have Sex? [.8k]
Need Any Help With That? - babysitting, grocery store [.7k]
Little Did You Know - nightmares, “I’m on my way” [.7k]
I’m Pregnant - “so our baby knows what to expect” [.7k]
Love and War - eating the chocolate pudding [.6k]
Did I Just Hear You Say That Out Loud? - friends [.6k]
The Little Things - he takes your drunk self home [.5k]
Oceans - distance video chat, “It can’t be healthy” [.5k]
Why Are You so Tiny - “I like you like this” [.3k]
[main masterlist] [monsta x masterlist] updated (3-9-21)
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lemonchannie · 3 years
mosnta x fic recs
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updated: october 4 2023
you're scared of storms
- You were worried about tests, but kihyun was worried about you
3:21 am
right here
forehead kisses
there for you
- mentions of a parent who has passed and grief
- drabble/ oneshot, angst/fluff, comfort
two's a party... prequel (wonho x changkyun x chubby!reader)
- If you were wondering what exactly happened to make Y/N pull away from Changkyun, wonder no more because this is why. Hint: It wasn’t just because he got a boyfriend
AKA: You’ve never had an orgasm and he decides to change that. He has a dirty mouth, but are we even surprised (no)
- soft, stormy fluff
morning, noon, and night
22:56, ICK
redamancy | ick
talking to the moon
- late night thoughts, fluff, hugs and small kisses
healing touch
- sick!au, friends to lovers, fluff
- 41. here. take my blanket, 74. oh, are you ticklish?
all/ multiple members
mx extra member au masterlist
two's a party... prequel (wonho x changkyun x chubby!reader)
- If you were wondering what exactly happened to make Y/N pull away from Changkyun, wonder no more because this is why. Hint: It wasn’t just because he got a boyfriend
AKA: You’ve never had an orgasm and he decides to change that. He has a dirty mouth, but are we even surprised (no)
you saying you aren't good enough for them
seeing their s/o self harm scars
their curvy GF being worried to sit on their face
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ficluvr-blog · 5 years
anteroom by minhyukie (finished!)
about: jjp, child!yugyeom, angst, slowburn, single parents
word count: 76 771 word (13 chapters).
summary:  how do you act around your ex with your child in the other room? it’s been almost a year and a half, and jinyoung has yet to figure it out. 
review: i love this one so much, although there’s angst you can feel the characters trying to work it out and the way the angst is built you can really see how the relationship between jjp changes. PLOTWISTS are great, there’s so many things you discover throught the story that i didnt expect and kid!gyeom is adorable. also!!! there’s a song to listen to for each chapter and i recommend doing so bc it sets a mood and the songs are so gooood. 
copying the link i discovered the author made a mf sequel THIS IS EVERYTHING. reading it rn hehehe
read it here  
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