#monster hunter calamity
soggyskinflaps · 1 year
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2:Sayria-"Scavenging Wyvern"
Classification:Fanged Wyvern
Ailments:Paralysis; Soiled
Weakest to:Dragon
Habitat: Savannah; Volcano Graveyard
"A small fanged wyvern, who lives in large groups in harsh environments. Desperate and starved, they attack anything."
Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Four Legged
Superfamily: Skull Wyvern
Family: Sayria
-Though they are efficient pack hunters stronger competition usually steal their kills
-Females are considerably larger and fluffier than males
-Theoretically they would be easily tameable, nobody’s ever tried though, because they’re too stinky 
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lizard-legendarium · 2 years
Monster Hunter Calamity
So, this is one of the main parts of the Legendarium. As in, Monster Hunter Calamity and it's Expansion Old Gods. I'll have this act like a master post of sorts, being how you're able to access the rest of the project and the content linked to it, such as monsters and mechanics. Maps too. MMM. Not exactly sure what else I can put here.
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fantaflavouredsprite · 6 months
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six fanarts thingy
got bored and asked friends for some ideas on who to draw and this is the result of that mess. here i give you utter chaos and 5 hours of my life evaporated
characters in order:
Safi'jiiva (Monster Hunter World: Iceborne)
Moonwatcher (Wings of Fire)
808 (Hi-Fi Rush)
NSH - No Significant Harrassment (Rain World)
Firey (BFDI/BFB)
Storm Weaver (Calamity Mod)
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shantiyen · 2 years
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>>dabbles in imitating the MHRise icon style >>actually enjoys it >>begins Rise-ifying everything she loves >>help
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aquamarinewaifu · 6 months
all I'm saying is, if it doesn't already, Calamity SHOULD have a monster hunter reference.
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narbevoguel · 2 years
Don't ask, I was in the mood for some weird experimenting today.
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Colors, lines, style, everything.
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Ayo they rock these colors or is it jsut me? Anyway, have a Violet Mizutsune x Purah and a Chameleos x Robbie because I can.
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rouge-vermine · 1 year
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On this early spring evening...I rediscovered you.
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rp-partnerfinder · 7 months
I am 24 years old (he/him) currently looking for a 1x1 partner who would be open to doing an OC x CC Monster Hunter Stories 2 roleplay! With My OC x Ena! Expect some slow burn and maybe some adventure in there too!
Alternatively, a BOTW/AOC RP which is also for OC x CC with My OC x Mipha (Impa and Purah are also on the table if you don’t wanna do Mipha)!
I write fast and am available a lot of the time! Expect response times between the 24-48 hour mark! But honestly less than 24 hours most of the time.
In terms of roleplay partner aspects, I’m mainly looking at this
- ALL writers & characters aged 18+. Looking for writers around my age mostly. Feels less awkward to me that way!
- Canon characters or OCs. I primarily play my original characters!
- Advanced lit to novella ONLY. I write a lot! But I’m looking for someone who can give me enough to work with so our responses are always full and fresh!
- Third-person perspective
- OOC Chats (I’d love to get to know my RP partner! I also just love to talk to people too lol)
- Partner who enjoys fantasy settings and is open to some action, romance, and maybe some smut too! Would like to develop my writing in that area.
- DISCORD ONLY! That’s where I’m most easily available.
Non-Negotiable things:
- As I write in the third person, I’d prefer a partner who writes like that, too! Please, nothing script-related or first-person.
- Long wait times between responses. Having to wait forever for a response sucks the fun out of writing!
- If you’re interested in writing with me, please, message me on Discord @slimeknight899
- Alternatively, you can give this post a like, and I can message you too!
Thank you!
#roleplay #oc roleplay #Monster Hunter RP #Zelda RP #Monster Hunter Stories 2 RP #BOTW RP #AOC RP #OC x CC RP
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yandereunsolved · 3 months
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୨ৎ Platonic Yandere Wolf-Shifter Wild ୨ৎ
The Calamity had been defeated by what had seemingly felt like many moons ago. Still, the remnants of the strange beast's malice remained on the surface of Hyrule. Zelda had insisted on visiting the Gerudo before exploring the strange ruins beneath the newly liberated castle. As the dutiful, silent hero, Wild obliged.
Gerudo Desert felt different while traveling in his wolf form. His tongue lulled out, his paws digging into the hot sands. The dry breaths of the air flowing through his dark, thickened fur. Even though his smell differed, any foe was easily identifiable by their scent alone. Even when hidden underneath the piles of golden grains, he was able to detect them.
The transformation wasn't as painful as the first time he had been put through it. A strange, pulsating pastel purple light surrounded him after defeating Calamity Ganon and freeing Zelda. He seemed to unlock this ability—a blessing or curse he could not yet define. It has been a weekly occurrence ever since. When in a high emotional state, he turned into his canine form. This was only exasperated due to the large quantity of stimulation he has been subjected to during the rebuilding campaign for Hyrule.
Thankfully, the lengthy trips between each place gave him a much-needed reprieve. 
A reprieve that was constantly interrupted.
He sensed it a moment before it hit. A tsunami made up of bullets of sand hit him square in the chest. He flew backward and nearly sprained one of his back legs. It took a moment for him to regain his bearings. What felt like fistfuls of sand invaded his snout and caused him momentary discomfort.
As the golden grains settled once again, he saw the outline of a Molduga burrowing back into the vast desert. Princess Zelda was nowhere in sight, most likely continuing to retreat to Gerudo Town and leaving Link to fend for himself.
"Aruf—" typical. He growled out through his elongated teeth—fangs. 
His fangs.
His dark brown ears perked as the Molduga's muffled roar was heard. It's heafty stature was barreling towards a traveler on a Sand Seal. They're most likely a hunter, Link deduces as he sprints through the uneven sands. 
They aren't built for the desert.
They seem to have no heat protection; their skin is abused by the unforgiving heat. Their clothes resemble those one would see worn in mild climates. A Great Eagle Bow is slung around their back, their arrows doing little to deter the Molduga, insistent on harming them. The Sand Seal they have mounted has left them stranded. A kick into their body from the tail of the seal sent them flying back, their Forest Dwellers shield colliding into their figure.
As the Molduga remerges, Link tackles the traveler out of the way. He nearly missed. 'I should have been faster' was his first thought as he shielded them from the onslaught of golden grains. The waves of sand roll over the both of them once again, but neither have been crushed beneath the weight of the monster.
"Aruh." Hello.
He sheepishly rolls over and wags his tail at you. You're both coated in the desert. The Molduga became disinterested and left you both alone.
"Hi." You answer in a questioning manner. Your head tilts towards him as your eyes analyze his lupin form.
That was the first time he met you, and the last time he let you out of his sight.
You both returned to Gerudo Town, and he eventually parted ways with Zelda and joined you in your adventures. He learned everything from your name to what you think about in the late hours of the night. You hunted in the morning, and he'd follow in his wolf form; he'd return with you in the evening as Link. He never felt a need to kiss you or to do more. He simply wanted to protect you and keep you away from everyone else in the world. 
He loves you, but not like that.
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au-sonic-smackdown · 8 months
AU Sonic Smackdown - Round 1, Left Side
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Bound by Fate AU belongs to @midnightshard06
Old Man Sonic AU belongs to @wereh0gz
Read more about them under the cut!
Bound by Fate-
Sonic in this au is born as a werehog, but really has no idea why. He just rolls with it, but this does limit his friendship potential. As such he's kind of a loner, not that he acts like it. He's rather outgoing, and can talk to anyone really. Definitely leans on the sassy side, particularly with people he's comfortable with. Though he finds it hard to trust people due to bad experiences when in his werehog form. A lot of people don't take kindly to him at night so he tries to stay away from people as best he can while transformed, and he doesn't like to stick in one place for too long. At some point he meets Tails and the two mutually help each other out (Tails saving him from a group of hunters that were trying to kill him and Sonic helping Tails gain a better reputation in the town he lives in). The two are close even if Sonic isn't always around. Eventually Sonic and Knuckles run into each other, Knuckles trying to take out Sonic due to a misunderstanding. Though the two end up bound together through prophecy shenanigans and have to save the world as a team.
Sonic's abilities are pretty standard fair. Sonic during the day has the super speed and all the stuff to come with it. Though he is a bit physically stronger since some of his werehog strength tends to leak over. At night it's mostly standard werehog stuff with the exception of the stretchy arms. He can however sense nearby dark gaia monsters and gaia temples, and him and Knuckle's bond let them know were each other are at all times.
Old Man Sonic-
It's the Sonic we all know and love! ... Except he's long overdue for retirement.
He's gained the "gift" of immortality thanks to the large amounts of Chaos Energy, Dark Gaia Energy, and other godly energies he's absorbed over the years. You could say he's something of a demigod now, capable of running at extreme speeds (of course), commanding the winds, and even turning himself into a beast!
Now at the ripe old age of 215 and heavily scarred in more ways than one, he wanders the world fighting off evildoers and stopping world-ending calamities just as he did in his youth. He's not alone, though, as he has help from Tails, Shadow, and even Silver on occasion. He may not be as spry as he used to be, but he'd never allow his world to fall into the wrong hands, even if it means pushing himself far beyond mortal limits and dying time and time again. It's not like death is permanent for him, anyway.
While Sonic still retains the title of "hero of Mobius", he doesn't interact much with the public anymore. In fact, he's seen as more of a myth now, and almost the entire world (except for Tails, Shadow, and Eggman Nega) thinks he died from natural causes long ago. He tries his best to keep his identity and immortality secret, going by different names on the off chance he runs into someone.
Unfortunately, the worst possible person who could know about his secret is already well aware of it, and is always hunting him down to capture him and see what makes him tick...
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soggyskinflaps · 1 year
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1:POLEMINOS-"Horned Beast" 
Classification:Fanged Beast 
 Weakest to:Fire 
Habitat: Mountain forest; Savannah 
 "A strange horned fanged beast, who usually lives in small groups in rocky locales. Its hooved forelimbs make it a great rock climber."
Order: Pelagusia 
 Suborder: Hard Teeth
 Superfamily: Unknown
 Family: Poleminos
-Usually not aggressive but they will join large monster fights 
-Though they appear closely related to Rajang studies show it is closer to Blango 
-A frutivore with a distinct love for Scatternuts
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Whumptober Day 11: Animal trap, Captivity
*thousand yard stare* I have not slept much these past two nights and we’re getting to the abundance of days where I don’t have anything planned. At all.
...it’ll be fine!!!
Read on ao3
Warnings: blood & injury, note the prompts accordingly.
Wild was feeling pretty stupid right about now.
Or at least, he would have been, but he was a bit more preoccupied with the fact that his leg was trapped in the jaws of a metal trap, hurting more by the second, and also the fact that he’d been captured by monsters.
He let out a hiss through his teeth as his leg was jostled, hoping really, really hard that the metal wasn’t penetrating as deeply through his skin as it felt.
Of all the moronic ways to get captured...
He’d literally just been out in the woods trying to hunt some meat down for their food supplies, right out of shouting range from camp. A meaty looking boar had crossed his pat, and Wild had given chase when it bolted, getting further and further away from camp. He was right on the heels of the boar, and was just about to take out his bow when it happened.
One moment he’d been running through a pile of leaves, the next he’d fallen to the ground with a cry, pain searing into his leg, and he realized he’d walked right into an old hunter’s trap. Which was still very much operational.
Wild had only just begun to try and get it off, blood making his fingers slip, when there was a snapping of branches, and all of a sudden he was surrounded by a bunch of monsters he didn’t even recognize. He managed to fight off a few, but they soon took advantage of the fact that he couldn’t move, and captured him.
And now I’m going to miss lunch, Wild sighed to himself.
The arms pulling him along were suddenly removed, and Wild yelped as he put weight on his foot and fell to the ground, the pain he’d been trying to ignore now back in full force. He raised his head and looked around, and felt a flicker of worry at the cave he’d been brought to, flickering torchlight making it difficult to see.
But he could make out the dozens of glittering eyes all staring at him in the murk.
A monster dragged him to his feet again, and Wild couldn’t help but yell as the trap around his ankle was shaken. A few hissing laughs went up, and something suddenly pulled on the trap, sending the jaws deeper.
Wild cried out and tried to kick away whatever had grabbed him with his good leg, but nothing connected, and stars burst into his vision as the metal was tugged at again.
“Stop, I want him able to speak,” a voice hissed, and Wild was dropped to the ground again, panting against the pain in his leg. His head was abruptly yanked up by his hair, and he found himself looking into the face of an ugly lizard-like thing, beady eyes narrowed.
A face only a mother could love, he thought, curling up his nose at its rancid breath. Wait, do monsters even have mothers? Or... wait, is Ganon their mother? Er, Father? How does that work?
“You have the smell of the Vessel on you,” the lizard-thing hissed, its tongue flicking out, and Wild quickly checked back into the conversation. “Where is the one who’s blood can revive our Master?”
Wild blinked, and gave the lizard the most unimpressed look he could manage with the steel trap still around his leg.
“You’re gonna have to be more specific than that,” he scoffed. He honestly had no clue what they were talking about, but even if he had... feigning ignorance had gotten him out of more than one tight spot.
“The Vessel,” a different monster spoke up, more croaky then the first. “He travels with you, I have seen him.”
Wild frowned. So one of us, then. “That’s not really helpful.”
The lizard-thing let out a frustrated snarl, and grabbed his face, claws digging in to his skin.
“You lie,” it hissed, tail lashing. “You cannot be this stupid.” Can too. “Where is the Hero who’s blood can bring back Ganon?”
Wild froze at the name, mind stalling. One of us’s blood can bring back the calamity?!
He blinked at the monster, and frantically went through all of the heroes in his head, wondering which of them it could be.
Not Twi, he would have said something, and these aren’t his monsters. The old man maybe, but same with him on the monster thing, and Warriors too, I know these aren’t his. Wind would’ve brought it up, Four barely knows who Ganon is, same with Sky, so that leaves...
Hyrule or Legend?
“Look, I’ve never heard of blood bringing back anyone,” Wild said, trying to keep his thoughts off his face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, so why don’t you just... let me go?”
That made all the monsters laugh, and Wild felt the claws in his chin and hair sink in further.
“Foolish hero. You should have told us what we wanted to know immediately,” a different monster snarled, but the first waved it back when it approached.
“You are not the Vessel, but perhaps you have... other uses,” the first monster said thoughtfully, and Wild felt something cold drop into his stomach. “Take him away until he is willing to talk.”
“But I don’t know anything!” Wild shouted, then cried out as his leg was sharply jostled.
Pain exploded up his leg again, and all he could focus on for a moment was the monsters laughing at him, then the cold scrape of the floor as he was dragged away.
Wild woke up to a pounding in his head, and agony in his leg.
Sweat trickled down his brow as he dragged his eyes open, and he looked around blearily at the dark cell they’d dropped him into earlier. He didn’t remember falling asleep, but he must have since he was waking up...
There was something crusty on his hands, and he flicked his eyes down at them, catching sight of dried blood on his fingertips.
Oh. Right.
Wild exhaled, his head pounding. He’d been dumped in the part of the cave the monsters had turned into some kind of cell, and immediately started trying to get the trap off his foot again, but his hand had slipped...
His leg throbbed, and Wild groaned. He must have knocked himself out.
...How long had he been in here?
His stomach let out a growl, and Wild closed his eyes again, pain throbbing through his entire body. Why did these things always happen to him? He should have been watching where he was going, should’ve realized there were monsters nearby, shouldn’t have gone off alone.
But no. He’d gone and gotten himself injured and dragged away by monsters who wanted blood or something, and his leg hurt so much he wasn’t even sure he’d be able to escape if he got a chance.
He hoped Hyrule and Legend were staying away at least.
At least if I’m here, it means they haven’t gotten whoever’s blood it is that brings back Ganon.
Wild tried to shift himself a little, and gasped, trying not to be sick at the feel of the metal still crushing his leg. He fell still, and couldn’t hold back a whimper, dried blood making the floor feel even colder under his body.
He just hoped somebody was coming for him.
When Wild woke up again, it was to monsters prodding him to his feet, a choked gasp escaping his lips as his leg was moved.
Based on the empty feeling in his stomach, he guessed it had been somewhere around a day since they’d first thrown him in, and he shivered, his body trembling with pain and blood loss. The monsters dragged him out of his cell and down through several tunnels, bringing him to the same cave room as earlier.
They propped him up, and Wild watched dizzily as the same lizard-monster from yesterday approached, snout twitching at the smell of his blood.
“Now that you’ve had some time to think, tell us: where is the Vessel?” it hissed.
Wild took a steadying breath, his mind flashing towards Hyrule and Legend, and looked the monster in the eye.
“I have no idea.”
Clawed fingers smacked him across the face, and Wild reeled back, as much as he was able to.
“You do know, you merely refuse to speak,” the monster snarled, and the beasts holding Wild threw him onto his back, Wild just barely holding back a scream as his leg smacked the ground.
The monsters pinned him as he reeled, stretching his limbs out. Once Wild could focus again, he tried to free his arms, able to move those without too much pain, but the monsters grip was tight. A clawed foot suddenly rested on top of his trapped leg, and Wild froze, heart thudding as he watched the monster slowly raise its foot.
Then it slammed it back down on top of it, and Wild’s vision went white.
There was a distant scream in his ears, and Wild eventually focused through the pain enough to realize that it had been his own, his cry petering off into a stuttering sob. His leg felt like it had been nearly sliced in two, and Wild closed his eyes, trembling as another wave of agony crashed over him. Something was trickling down his cheek as he tried not to wail, though he wasn’t sure if it was sweat or tears.
Maybe blood. His face did sting quite a bit.
Something sharp was pressed to his throat, and Wild just barely managed to raise his head, looking at the monster holding the spear to his neck.
“Perhaps our Master would be appeased by the blood of any Hero,” the monster mused, giving him a poke. “And if not... well, at least we’ll have one less obstacle in our way.”
Wild could only watch, shaking and dizzy, as it raised the spear up to run him through.
The spear went flying as a howl rang through the cave, and Wild closed his eyes as there was a bright flash of light. The monsters holding him down suddenly released him, but before Wild could do anything, something kicked his leg.
He screamed again in spite of himself, the agony increasing, lava pouring into his ankle and searing up his entire leg. His mind flashed back to being shot by the guardians, burns ripping across him, tearing him apart.
Something cool gently grabbed his face, but Wild barely realized it, drowning in pain. He wanted it to end, he wanted it to end he wanted it to end—
The cool thing at his face patted his cheek again, trying to get him to open his eyes, and Wild forced them open, colors smearing around above him. They eventually organized themselves into something resembling shapes, green and red and brown.
“Hh...” he stuttered, and the cool hand brushed over his forehead.
“Hold on Champion, we have to get it out. You’ll be okay.”
Wild heard what sounded like a countdown, and then pain, another scream ripped from his throat, things shifting in his leg and hands grabbing and holding him down. Wild thrashed madly to be free of them, giving up on trying to stop the pain and holding still and just wanting to get away.
Something sparkled in his blurred vision, and all of a sudden a soothing feeling began to work through his ankle. It was cool and warm, soft and prickly as it swept through his leg, and Wild abruptly fell limp, still trembling as the pain slowly eased.
“There you go, you’re okay,” the same voice said, and Wild could finally pinpoint it as Twilight’s, a hand brushing through his hair. “Take it easy, Link. We got you.”
Wild forced his eyes open again, looking up at the heads surrounding him.
“W... wanted... b-blood,” he breathed, and the red blur and the green and brown blur exchanged looks.
“We know Wild, it’s okay. We beat all of them, they didn’t get anyone’s blood,” a different voice, Hyrule maybe? said, and Wild closed his eyes again, too drained to reply.
Somebody gingerly pulled him towards themselves, and Wild stiffened as he was lifted up, then settled onto somebody’s back, multiple hands making sure his leg wasn’t jostled as he was moved.
His head fell onto something soft, and Wild relaxed into it, a faint musk of animals drifting into his nose.
“I’m so sorry this happened Wild,” a voice at his side murmured, wracked with guilt. Wild cracked his eyes open to see Hyrule standing beside him, watching him with a grieved look, and he blinked.
Ah. So that’s who’s blood they’d wanted.
Hyrule opened his mouth again, but then Wild leaned over, just enough to touch their foreheads together. Hyrule stared, and Wild twitched his lips up into a smile.
“Kept you safe,” he breathed.
He felt a hand squeeze his, and then Wild relaxed, letting himself rest as Twilight carried him out of the cave and into the sunshine.
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shams-of-the-wild · 3 months
Cooking Prep with Wild.
| [Ao3 Link] |
The preparation of food, especially of breaking animal carcasses into edible meat for cooking, is something that is consistent across all the eras of Hyrule.
Time, as a farmer, is more than familiar with this process.
Wind is not.
Wild, is arguably, even more familiar with this process. What he considers edible meat, however, is not just limited to animals.
Time and Wind, have questions.
{Written during the hour long, first sprint prompt of the Linked Universe discord — Prompt: Cooking}
Word Count: 646.
Warnings: Non graphic descriptions of processing a (monster) carcass into meat for cooking/mentions of monsters being eaten as food, mentions of blood.
A/N: Honestly this was not going to be the first fic I was going to post for LU/LoZ but as soon as I saw the prompt for the sprint, I immediately knew I had to put my niche knowledge of unusual medieval—victorian era cooking knowledge to use. And since technically consuming monster parts is both canon and a viable option in BotW/TotK, I couldn't resist the urge to take some creative liberties and add a little dungeon meshi vibe to Wild.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this very short oneshot.
“Wild?” Time asked in a tone, that Wild had roughly worked out was meant to express resignation.
 Wild hummed in response, too busy focussing on carving into the bokoblin. Well carving off parts would be the more accurate description but waste not want not! It had been ages since he'd had the chance to do this since there hadn't been a chance to test the edibility of the monsters from the other eras yet. The fights had been far too efficient and destructive, sure part of that was his fault with his improvised time bomb arrows and whatnot but he was hardly the only one with bombs or bomb arrows!
 Wind scrambled over the broken monster fortifications to reach him and Time, immediately attempting to poke the bokoblin with a stick as soon as he was in range. “Whatcha doing?”
 Huffing, Wild finely sliced off the ears of the bokoblin, inspecting them in the dying light of the sun. “Harvesting.”
 “For your potions?” He eyed the monster parts curiously. “So you were telling the truth, potions are really made of monster parts?”
 “Elixirs. And no, this is for dinner.” Wild grunted, snapping his carving knife into its skull and cracking it like a palm fruit, before scooping out the brain.
 Time stared unimpressed at Wild.
 “The guts and horns are for elixirs because they contain higher quantities of malice which means they have to be boiled thoroughly before they're consumed, otherwise you risk getting minor gloom poisoning.” Wild explained, grinning slightly, as he chopped off the nose. “Nothing some sunshine or sunny foods can't fix, of course but it's inconvenient if you're regularly travelling, like us, and can't set up something like a Hunter's pot to stew them until they're safe to eat. Besides, usually these parts are kept for emergencies because elixirs can't use any old monster part so it's better to save them in case you need to whip up more elixirs, or if there's a particularly bad farming season and you have to make the most of what you've got. Which is usually when the community comes together with all their saved offal and bones, and whatever fruit or veg can be spared to build a perpetual stew.”
 Time pinched the bridge of his nose. “Usually people don't use monster offal or bones. They're not considered safe, or clean, to eat. It's only game or livestock that we use all the parts of.”
 “Well that's a waste!” Wild grunted, scooping out the bokoblin's eyes before eyeing the rest of the battered head as he crossed his arms and grumbled slightly. “Monsters are an excellent delicacy in my Hyrule, in fact since the end of both the Calamity and the Upheaval we've had flocks of visitors from our neighbouring countries eager to taste our unique cuisine.”
 Wind poked at the skull with the stick again. “Yeah but they're probably there for your recipes like pizza! Or the Goron curries! Or the weird purple monster foods you can make!”
 He paused, eyes lighting up. “So what do you do with the head? Do you use the skull as a goblet filled with blood?”
 Wild made a noise between a cough and snort. “Nah, blood's better used for making blood sausages but this guy's lost too much for me to get any worthwhile amounts from 'im. Better to let his blood fertilise the soil instead. Besides I'd need someone else to hold the cooking pot beneath the monster whilst I slit its throat.”
 “Ooh! Next time you find one with enough blood, can I help!” Wind pleaded, eyes widening as he pouted at Wild with his classic puppy dog eyes.
  Wild thrust his fist towards Wind for a fist bump. “Of course! It's been ages since I had a chance to make them!”
 Behind them, Time groaned, he hoped next time wouldn't be any time soon.
Thank you for reading! Hopefully you enjoyed this short oneshot!
Likes, reblogs, replies/reblog comments, and asks are all much appreciated!
I shouldn't have to say this but due to previous comments I've received in other fandoms: — Criticism and/or rude comments are not welcome regardless if you try to soften them with compliments/compliment sandwiches. I write and share my fics for fun. Not to be degraded or criticised as if this was homework or literature coursework.
Otherwise, I'll be over the moon to receive any comments, whether it's as short as <3, emojis/kaomojis/emoticons, extra kudos, or as long as a whole fic reaction comment! No matter the comment, you'll have my undying love and gratitude.
Also, if you'd like me to write some more cooking monsters with Wild fics, then just yell down in the comments!
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shantiyen · 2 years
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Two more Calamity bosses for the pile! posing worms is hard
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ezlo-x · 1 year
I want to talk abt my au’s hyrule professions n jobs and what not (undercut cause its LONGG)
Travelers - typically tourists who explore populated areas of Hyrule like stables/cities/villages/towns. They are prone to have basic skills of wielding a weapon or no skills at all. Typically known as a tourist, tend to either travel alone or with a pair
Traveling Merchants - Folks who explore across Hyrule to sell their merchandise. Modern merchants usually sell rather than trade, Old-School merchants that trade are hard to come by. Usually travel by horse or foot, have basic weapon skills. Mostly stop by Stables, usually travel alone.
Treasure Hunters - Travelers who explore Hyrule for its long forgotten history and treasure. They avoid populated areas except for stables. Much more skilled on wielding a weapon than your average traveler, usually travel in pairs.
Monster Hunters - Travelers who explore Hyrule to control the monster population in populated areas. MonHunters usually kill small to medium sized monsters. Are only there to kill the monster and get payed if they get hired by a head stableworker. Usually travel in groups of 4/5
Apex Monster Hunters - Hunters who specify on killing large scale monsters. Methods on fighting a monster varies depending monster, culture, and race. They are usually hired or work for a stable/town. Have unique methods on killing a monster so their internal organs do not get harmed as they are pretty valuable. Apex Hunters usually have a monstrologist on their team to study the large monster upclose - Dodongo Hunter - Sub-category of Monster Hunters from Goron City who specify on hunting Talus Dodongos. There are ranks but I’ll go into detail abt that in a separate post. Dodongo Hunters hunt in large groups from 10-20 gorons. Gorons Lords usually are up to the challenge to hunt a Talus on their own, to prove their worth and leadership to the city - Molduga Hunter - Another sub-category of Monster Hunters from Gerudo Town who specify on hunting Moldugas. They hunt in medium sized groups from 5-7 hunters. It is recommended to never hunt Moldugas alone or as a pair as unexpected events may happen dwelling beneath the sands. Gerudo Captains are usually the head operator of these hunts. In this sub-category of Molduga Hunters, there is the Molduking Slayer. Molduking Slayers are practically non-existent as the ones who attempt to hunt one, never return.
Monstrologist - one who specifies on studying monsters. Typically they also have a specialty in either zoology, entomologist, or marine biologist. They can also be a Monster Hunter themselves, to learn and study the anatomy and behavior of a monster upclose. - Malotologist - A sub-category of Monstrologist who study Malice and behaviors it does when it infects either a person, animal, or monster. They typically travel alone and warn anyone about Malice
Blacksmith - One who builds makes iron weapons. Blacksmiths vary from region to region and can have different methods of creating an iron weapon. - Gunsmith - Only in Goron City, young blacksmiths take the specialty of creating Mech Bows that are specifically for Dodongo Hunting. - Ancientsmith - Sheikah who's specialty is to restore Ancient Sheikah weapons of the far past. There are not many of them especially after the Attack of the Calamity, only one person in Hyrule remains to create Ancient Sheikah weapons - Bowyer and Fletcher - Bowyers create bows while Fletchers make arrows. They can be found in almost every region but it is most common to find them in Rito populated areas
Sheikah Archeologist - Sheikah who study their ancient culture and technology. This field was steadily growing until the Attack of the Calamity made majority of the Ancient Tech go haywire. It had made people who interested to study this field be weary, especially when there are only two people in Hyrule who are specialized in this.
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theinstagrahame · 7 months
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This is the post where I show off the stuff I've gotten in the last month-ish. And it's been another good one!
(I mean it's always a good one, I have excellent taste)
Coffee and Chaos: I'm tickled by the concept of a coffeeshop AU, and I know that this game isn't explicitly for that. But it's also not *not* for that. Comes in a like conference-style folder, with all the bits you need to play tucked into the sides, which is also a great presentation that I felt deserved a shout-out!
Far Horizons Guide to Cults: I'm friendly with some Far Horizons folks, but wanted this book because it's awesome. A book containing notes and pre-made cults that have goals and drives beyond just "Be A Cult". I am intrigued by the occult, and I hope this gives me more nuance.
Neurocity: Picked this up on vibes alone, but I'm hearing more and more rad things about the creator. It's dystopic, a little cyberpunk, and the book is dripping with style. Can't wait to dig deeper.
You're In Space and Everything's Fucked: Station and Struggler's Guides: The title alone sold me, but I like what Dinoberry Press puts out in general. This is a solo survival space horror game with a cool respawn mechanic. I also splurged on the fancy version because the covers are very cool.
Dead Belt: The pleather folio for this honestly is what sold me, but the game itself is really cool. Salvage ships by laying out cards, exploring, and managing your air and tool resources. Try not to die. I haven't really succeeded at that last part yet...
Exquisite Corpse in the Maggot's Keep: Technically, this isn't a TTRPG, but it's go so many TTRPG folks in it that it might as well be. It's a choosable path adventure written by a variety of people in (if I remember the pitch) exquisite corpse style.
Best Left Buried: Throne of Avarice and In Calamity's Wake: As we already know, I'm a SoulMuppet fan (as in, I've written for their other big series, Orbital Blues). The main book, Throne of Avarice, was written by a creator whose work I've been trying to get more of. I haven't read Best Left Buried as fully as a game, but I am really excited by the excuse to dig in.
Between Clouds: I like air islands and big monsters and found family. Partially, I grabbed this because a friend got really excited about it, and it seemed like it could be fun to run a campaign with them, but I'm also curious about the Year Zero Engine, and glad to see people using it.
Kitchen Knightmares: Grabbed this as an add-on for the You're In Space crowdfund, but I'm glad I got it because it's loosely inspired by This Discord Has Ghosts In It, and that game rules. I might be able to pitch this to my friend group, who enjoyed Discord Has Ghosts.
In a Mirror Brightly/Handbaskets: First off, plug for the RTFM podcast, because it's very good. This two-games-in-one book is created by the two hosts of that show, who are great designers and seem really lovely. But, two wildly different vibes in a single volume is a great idea.
You Meet in a Tavern, You Die in a Dungeon: I've been following the creator for this since some of my earliest days in the RPG scene, so I was happy to help make this a reality. Feels very tropey, and I mean that in the best way possible.
In Other Waters: Tidebreak: Honestly, I have barely scratched the surface of In Other Waters, the PC game this is based on. But this is a Mothership solo hack that returns to that world, and it had me curious based on that pitch alone.
Aaand because I'm a doofus who forgot to include it, here's one more book! PLUS A guest appearance from my new desk mat.
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Teeth: Been into Forged in the Dark lately, and as much as I enjoy Monster of the Week, the pitch for this seemed like it was more my speed. You're monster hunters, trying to keep the occult under wraps, while keeping secrets of your own. Plus, horror comedy!
The mat is the cover art from Friends at the Table's current season, Palisade. It's an Armor Astir campaign following up on some of the characters from their Partizan series.
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