#montana moonshine series
lethalchiralium · 9 months
“Out out out out out- Come here, you-“
His dog took off from the front porch, Soap snapping angrily at him for snatching a some chicken bones from the basket Simon just brought in. He watched his Collie prance along the yard, jaw settled on the biggest bone he found.
“The wife’s not gonna like that.” Simon muttered as he joined his husband on the porch, holding their daughter with one hand - letting her face the farm with a cute face of delight. She cooed, little hands opening and closing as she watched her dog go nuts in the grass.
Soap frowned, knowing if he tried to retrieve the bone he’d lose a hand, but if he didn’t retrieve the bone he’d lose his head. He wasn’t keen on their wife being angry at him, she had a nice day training her horses and counting the sheep; no need to piss her off. “She’s got bone broth to make.”
“She does.” Simon confirmed, hiking the little baby up on his chest to keep her close to his face. “Babe’s getting hungry.”
“Looks it too.” Soap glanced to his side, spying his daughter beginning to chew on his husband’s finger. “Gotta get that damn bone.”
He chuckled a little. “Shadow!” The black Collie instantly turned his head towards Simon, who pulled his hand from his daughter’s mouth to point to his foot. “Here.”
Soap rolled his eyes, turning and grabbing his baby as the mutt ran and laid down at Simon’s feet. He kissed his daughter’s blonde hair, keeping her dress nice and flat as he moved back into the cabin. The fire was low in the fireplace, Simon’s knives left abandoned on the table beside the now out of reach basket of chicken bones. He’s got an awake baby in his hands, he knows she’s getting hungry by her little grunts and coos that she is going to be pissed soon. Simon walked in and to the basket, tossing the wiped clean bone into it before placing it higher on a bookshelf.
“Miss Claire,” Soap cooed to his baby, her little face looked up to him with a toothless grin. “Mum’ll be home soon. Ye'r nae gonnae starve.”
“You still goin’ with Laswell to town tomorrow?” Simon commented, hand gently patting Shadow before he opened a drawer, grabbing the silverware he had made years ago. “We need more grain for the-“
“Horses, I know.” He sighed, looking over to the blond as he set the table for three. Soap settled in his chair, letting his baby gnaw on his finger. “Ya sure ya dinnae wanna come?”
Simon chuckled a little. “Got Claire to watch. Mum’s gonna want to bathe the babe and the dog tomorrow, she needs hands.”
“More hands make less work.”
“Especially with the damn dog.” A pause, Soap didn’t even have to look to know Simon was staring down their shepherd dog. “Yes you, ya mutt. Go outside and wait for Mum.”
There was the scratching of the dog’s claws as he bounded back outside, barking happily as you walked in, hands dragging down your dirtied dress with a smile. Claire cooed in Soap’s grasp, Simon’s hand gently brushed through his husband’s hair. The dog followed you as you closed the front door, then to your dirt dusted husbands. A kiss to both their lips, then one to the blonde hair of your baby.
“Did ya want me to cook?” Simon murmured as Soap pressed kisses to your cheek, you pulled away from him and your daughter to stretch your arms above your head.
“You’d set the cabin on fire.”
“She’s right, Si-“
“Shut up.”
“Simon, baby, get my dress.” You turned your back, he instantly began to loosen your corset upon your request. “Just wanna feed the baby and go to bed.”
“Gotta eat, love.” Soap’s hand settled on your leg, big smile on his face. “At least you do.”
You nodded, gazing at your happy baby in his lap. “I’ll feed ‘er after Simon burns the house down.” Simon tugged on the strings of your corset, making you wobble on your feet. You whipped your head around to see him smirk. “Don’t be trouble, Simon, it doesn’t end well.”
“‘Course it doesn’t.” He glanced up to you before he pulled your dress down your front - you gasped, Soap suddenly stood to take your baby away. “Trouble is what made that little one, Little Bird.” You were spun around, callused hands picked you up and brought you the few feet to the massive bed in the adjacent room - Simon placed you in the middle of the bed, yanking off your dress and leaving you in your chemise and stockings. Yet, he didn’t pursue what he usually would - instead, he kissed your lips and smiled. “I’ll make dinner. Rest.”
Soap instantly appeared, bouncing around little Claire in her dress that once matched yours. He smirked, gazing at your shocked expression. “Dinna worry, we’ll ravage ya when the babe’s asleep.”
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kaitycole · 4 years
Mono a Mono
Summary: Liam arrives in Montana and takes a visit to the Walker Ranch
Word Count: 3484
Pairings: Drake x Riley, Jackson x Eleanor
Warnings: Mentions of violence, Mentions of character death, Mentions loss of a mother, Mentions of alcohol consumption
A/N: Just a reminder, here’s a link to my character profiles if you’re interested. You learn somethings about a few that won’t be written directly in the series: here.
Song Choice: n/a
Part 17 of WP. To catch up, read here.
Tag List: @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​  @kingliam2019​  @texaskitten30​ @glaimtruelovealways​  @bobasheebaby​  @bascmve01​  @burnsoslow​  @the-everlasting-dream​  @ao719​  @sirbeepsalot​  @janezillow​  @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​  @kimmiedoo5​  @choices97​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​  @lodberg​ @edgiestwinter​  @marshmallowsandfire​  @hopefulmoonobject​ @iaminlovewithtrr​  @cordonianroyalty​  @rafasgirl23415​  
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“It would’ve been less suspicious if we had just picked Liam up!” Riley whines, anxiously bouncing up and down.
“But everyone knows he’s here.”
“Yeah, but…” she flops down on the nursey floor. Drake is trying to once again pick a paint color. They have it narrowed down to Heavy Goose, Moonshine and Gray Owl; all shades of gray that look exactly the same to Drake.
“Seriously? He’ll be here soon, you’re acting like a child.”
“I haven’t seen him in forever!” She huffs, crossing her arms across her chest.
“And if you don’t help pick a color, I’ll lock you in here until you do and it’ll be even longer until you can see him.”
Her jaw drops, “Drake Thomas Walker, you wouldn’t!”
“Two words: Try. Me.”
“Technically that’s four.” She sticks her tongue out at him.
He rolls his eyes, seriously contemplating locking her in the nursery. He just wants to get the room together and really doesn’t’ want to wait until the last minute, unlike Riley.
Riley’s head snaps up when she hears a car heading up their gravel, it’s not until there’s shuffling on the front deck that Drake starts towards the door. She tries to slip out of the door, but Drake takes a larger stride; locking her in the nursery.
Drake opens the door right as Liam has raised his fist to knock. Liam and Bastien are standing on the porch while a few other guards are scattered through the property. The friends stand there before pulling each other into a hug.
“It’s been a while.” Drake moves so Bastien and Liam can come inside.
“Thanks.” Liam looks around, it’s the first time he’s been in their home, “I like the farmhouse décor.” He takes in the nice blend of neutral colors mixed with wooden textures. The only reason he even knows as much as he does is because Riley sent him hundreds of photos and samples while choosing how to decorate.
“She spends more money trying to make half of the décor when she could buy it for less. She says it’s more authentic.”
Liam chuckles, “Speaking of, where is she?
They pick up on faint banging when Liam looks at him through furrowed brows.
“Second door on the right.”
Liam walks down the hall, skeptical. Riley isn’t one to do jump scares, but he’s still hesitant. When he opens the door, he finds a pouting Riley. When she looks up at him, she jumps into his arms; Liam stumbles back into the hallway.
“Drake locked me in here! He’s trying to keep us apart, Li!”
Liam gasps playfully, “Drake! How could you! Trying to keep my Riles from me!”
“He so effortlessly locks his pregnant wife in a room!”
Drake glares at them, “Honestly, you both are two halves of a whole idiot, you know that.”
Riley untangles herself from around Liam as he gently places her feet on the ground. Before they both ask, “But I’m your favorite idiot right!” at the same time.
Drake shares a look with Bastien who holds his hands up, staying out of it before they all walk into the living room.
*                      * Liam looks up at the ceiling as he lays on the guest room’s bed. He wouldn’t say that he’s nervous but there’s definitely a weight in his chest. He felt confident when he made the plans to come to the states, still felt confident when he got here, but now he feels the weight of the world.
He squints as the room slowly feels with the hallway light as the door opens.
She sits on the edge of the bed, tapping his arm so he scoots over before she crawls in bed next to him. “You nervous?”
He gulps, he should be used to it now, but Riley has an uncanny ability to just know how he feels, know what’s going on with him. “I’m scared, stupid right?”
She leans her head on his shoulder, “I’d be scared too. This is uncharted territory for almost everyone.”
“I just don’t want to lose those good memories of my mom.” The words get stuck in his throat as he blinks away tears.
“You don’t have to.” She toys with her wedding band, “I mean, yeah you’re going to hear somethings you probably don’t want to, but it doesn’t change the memories you have. Those can’t be changed because whatever Jackson says can’t change that she actually loved you.”
“It’s just hard to feel that way knowing that she left.”
Without thinking, Riley does what she does best; saying exactly what pops in her head, “What if she didn’t want to leave?”
“I’m just saying, all we know is that she left. We don’t know the why yet.”
“I…I guess…well I never thought about it that way.” He runs his hands through his hair, “I just immediately assumed it was because I wasn’t good enough for her to stay.” Riley sits up immediately and faces her best friend, “Liam Rys, King of Cordonia or not, if you ever think you aren’t good enough again I will punch you. How could you think that?”
“Because she left, Riles. One day she was there and then one day she wasn’t. Then I found out she got pregnant she picked that baby over me.”
“Maybe it’s wishful thinking,” she rubs her hand over her stomach, “but I find it hard to believe she didn’t do this to protect you. I know I’d do anything to protect my child.”
“You’re gonna be a great mom, ya know?”
“I can’t even pick out a paint color, what am I going to do when trying to figure out if they’re hungry or tired?” “I can’t help with that, but I can help you with paint colors.” He jumps out of the bed, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the nursery, “Okay. Pick a number one through three.”
“This is silly.” She looks at his pajamas, “Actually those pants are silly.”
He looks down, they were navy blue pants with apples on them, “They were a gift!”
She just gives him a side look, “Not a gag gift?” “Pick a number before I lock you in here.”
She lets out a breath, “Two.”
“Good choice. Baby Walker will be surrounded by,” he scans over the paint squares on the wall, “Gray Owl.”
“But,” she makes a face; unsure of the decision.
“Nope. It’s Gray Owl.”
Drake walks into the room, mid-yawn, “It’s after three in the morning. Do I even want to ask?”
“Riley picked a paint color.”
“She’ll just change it.” Drake shrugs.
“Not this time.” Liam smiles, sleep washing over him.
Riley smirks, if Liam could face his fears and the uncertainty that comes with tomorrow then surely, she could keep a paint color.
*                      * Liam and Drake pull up to Jackson’s ranch. Liam is already out the door before Drake has put the truck into park. He storms up the driveway and his blood began to boil when he sees Jackson walking down the stairs to meet them.
His pace increases and he can feel the anger as he stomps on the ground. Jackson has a hesitant smile on his face. He reaches his hand out to shake Liam’s just as Liam’s fists slams into Jackson’s jaw.
Jackson stumbles backwards as his body reacts to the impact. Liam gives him zero change to recover before slugging him again and he’d have gone for a third if Drake hadn’t have pulled him back.
“Get off of me!” Liam shouts, his body radiates anger.
“Only if you’ll calm down.” Drake tugs him backwards once more, separating him and Jackson more.
“Fine!” Liam shrugs him off before running his hands through his blonde hair. He hadn’t planned on being physically aggressive towards Jackson. He wanted to be civil, he knew that’s what his mom would’ve wanted, but there was something about seeing his face that brought all his emotions to a head.
To him, Jackson was the man who ruined his family and Drake’s as well. While he was pissed that he lost his mom, Drake lost both of his parents and he would defend Drake his whole life.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine, Drake.” Jackson rubs his jaw, “Though I always thought Leo would be the fighter, not you.”
“Because you know me so well, huh?”
“I get it, I understand.”
“Do you? You had to believe your mother died only to find out she ran off with the help!?”
“Liam, that’s my dad.”
“Drake. Let him get it out.”
“Get it out? What? You think I’m going to yell and then we’ll shake hands and swap stories of my mother?” Liam shouts, “Oh, wait! You have more than me.”
“I know that won’t happen. I didn’t expect it too. I can’t imagine how hard this is on you. I just want you to try to understand.” Jackson takes a step towards Liam.
“Understand what!? You’re talking as if you’re telling me that Santa isn’t real. How do you possibly expect me to understand?”
“Li, I know it seems hard to but I understand things, just hear him out.” Drake tries to mediate but to be honest, he’s not sure Liam is even listening. If he knew that Liam was going to be closed minded and violent, he wouldn’t have brought him here.
“It’s not the same for me as you Drake!”
“How? We both believed our parents were dead. Both found out they aren’t.”
“No, Drake, it’s not. Your dad isn’t really dead, but my mom is. I’m sorry if this seems harder for me to understand.” Liam shakes his head as he walks away from the Walkers. He needs space, air to breathe and he feels like he’s suffocating standing here.
Drake begins to walk after him, but Jackson puts his arm out, stopping him in his tracks.
“Let him go. He needs time.”
“No, Drake. He’s right. This isn’t something you two can work through together right away.”
*                    * Liam finds himself sitting outside the barn. His idea to wear khakis wasn’t faring well; could a king even wear jeans? He should’ve stayed in Cordonia; coming here didn’t change anything or make anything better. Part of him thought Olivia would have stopped him, but he knew that he couldn’t depend on her to save him.
“Hey. You must be Liam.”
He looks up and freezes. Drake told him that Luke heavily resembled him, but seeing him in person made it uncanny.
“And you, Luke?”
Liam looks at Luke, they have a lot of shared features of his mother, their mother. But his eyes weren’t hers, they were signature Walker brown eyes. How could this person in front of Liam look so much like him, but make him feel so much anger?
Luke sat next to him, “I know this must be hard.”
“Oh, you do?” Liam spits at him. He didn’t mean to say it so rudely, but no one could understand how he felt.
“I lost her too.”
Liam whips his head to the side, looking at Luke. In all his anger, he never thought of that. Regardless of when, they both shared the loss of Eleanor. The loss of their mother.
Luke wipes a few tears away, “I couldn’t imagine losing her twice like you though.”
It has been years since Luke had spoken about his mother, Jackson always said she wouldn’t want them to dwell on the sadness of her passing, but the joyfulness of her life. Though he wouldn’t really talk about their memories with her either. He only lost her three year ago, but Liam lost her twenty years ago yet here he was crying while Liam remained stoic.
“What was,” Liam’s voice cracks, “was she like?”
“Like sunshine. If that makes sense.”
Liam smirks, he knew exactly what he means. The few memories he could remember clearly, that’s how she was, “It definitely makes sense.”
The two sat in silence, an awkward silence. The person next to them is a complete stranger yet someone they share a bond with. Liam isn’t ready to let his guard down, while they share a mother, he still wears the last name of the man Liam hates the most. But he trusted Drake and he was a Walker.
“Is it rude to say this is awkward?” Luke asks, unsure of what to really do.
Neither of them is sure of what to say. Luke went from being an only child to be the youngest of four while Liam went from being the youngest to the middle child. Or technically an only to the oldest. There was a lot they could talk about; their mother, their childhoods, who they are, but there was still uncharted territory between they that prevented it.
Although they weren’t speaking, there is something comforting about the exchange. Just sitting there next to someone who shares the one person you felt lost without. Luke goes to speak up when he sees someone rushes over to them and begins to panic.
“Your Majesty!” The figure says, standing just a few feet from Liam who seems unfazed.
Majesty? Where exactly is he from? Luke looks at his eldest brother confusingly.
“Yes, Bastien?”
“I turn around for one minute and you run off.” He is breathless, as if he had to run a far distance, “You act more and more like Leo some days.”
Liam smirks, “Oh, Bas. Don’t tempt me.” He looks over at Luke who looks more confused than he’s ever seen anyone look, “I’d like some time with Luke, can we have some privacy?”
Bastien just nods before walking off, but keeping a reasonable distance from the king.
“Why’d he call you ‘your majesty’? That’s a weird greeting.”
“I guess Jackson never told you.” Luke shakes his head and Liam rubs the back of his neck, “Well, uhm…I’m the king of the country that Jackson and Elea…mom, left from.”
Luke feels like he’s going to pass out, he feels dizzy and his face has paled. He had to be joking, right? A king? Seriously? They have those in more than just England? I really should’ve paid attention in history class.
“It’s a lot to take in.” Liam chuckles before Luke jumps up and drops down into a deep bow.
Liam feels a smile twitching on his lips before he starts laughing. Luke looks up confused at his brother’s reaction. Wasn’t this how you addressed kings and queens? Several moments pass before Liam has stopped laughing and if it wasn’t for the fact it was a genuine laugh, he might have felt bad.
“I’m so sorry. That was just so…” he taps his finger to his lip looking for the right word, “Adorable? Innocent?”
Luke stared at his brother, slightly confused that he had just been called adorable. “Did I do it wrong?”
He shakes his head, “Not at all, but you just don’t need to do it. Yes, I’m still a king, but I’m not here on royal or diplomatic business. This trip is a personal one, so please, just treat me like Liam.”
“And who exactly is Liam?”
“Well, I guess he’s your older brother.” Liam lets out a nervous chuckle, “I don’t really know what to say, this is new for me.”
Luke wrings his hands together, there is something that he wants to bring up, but he’s scared. He isn’t sure if it would be pushing too far, if he’d be overstepping a line and even though he’s just met his, he doesn’t want to lose him just yet.
“Something on your mind?” Liam cocks his head to the side, “I might not know you, but I do know people. That look is exactly the kind I see when diplomats wear when they want to address a topic. A topic I might not want to hear.”
“I don’t want to hate my mom, our mom, but it’s hard to still see her like I used to now. Since I know the truth,” he shrugs with a sigh.
Liam understands completely. Though looking back the way he handled the news wasn’t very mature, but he’s done a lot of thinking. He doesn’t have all the pieces to the puzzle, he hasn’t fully come to his own conclusion, but things are becoming more clearly to him.
Luke panics at his silence, “I’m so sorry. I know you must blame me…”
“Blame you?”
“If mom didn’t have me, she would’ve stayed with you.” He clears his throat, trying to mask that his voice is breaking.
“But I don’t.” Liam shrugs when Luke’s head snaps in his direction, “You, personally, didn’t make the decision. Mom and Jackson did.”
“I…wow…that means a lot.” Luke stands up, “I think I need to go process today.”
Liam stands up and nods as Luke walks off, leaving him staring at the ground. This is proving to be a lot harder than he thought, but at least now he knew he wasn’t so alone. Yeah, he had Drake and Riley, but Luke was different. He wasn’t sure why exactly, but with Luke he feels a sense of comfort he hasn’t felt since he mom left.
*                      * Riley peaks around the corner when she hears the door shut. She’s not surprised when she sees just Liam standing there; she had a strong feeling he’d come back alone. He takes off his shoes by the door before walking to the couch; flopping down with a sigh.
“I have a new bottle of scotch with your name on it.” She walks into the living room with the bottle along with a glass for him.
“Thanks, Riles.” He takes the bottle, opens it and takes a quick swig right from the bottle. Riley stares at him, mouth slightly opened.
“What? Not like you can drink any.” He smirks at her as she just rolls her eyes, sitting down next to him.
“Want to talk about it?” She sighs, she hates seeing the two most important people to her so hurt. This is a huge mess that she isn’t sure anyone can come out unharmed from. To make matters worse, Liam seems to be the one who continuously comes out empty-handed at the end of the day: lost his mom, died dad, found out mom wasn’t dead only to learn she is actually dead now.
“After say,” he pretends to look at his watch, “a few more big swigs.” He tries to laugh, but can’t.
She’s looking at her best friend when she notices his right hand is red, “What’s up with that?”
“Can I get in a few more sips?” He tries to dodge the topic as Riley goes into the kitchen, coming back with a cloth filled with ice.
“I punched him.” He winces a tad as she presses the ice to his knuckles, “Jackson, that is.”
Riley could say that she is surprised, but she’s not. Honestly, that had been her first reaction too. The way Jackson effortless recounted the story of how he met Bianca, how things were with him and Eleanor, he said it all as if somehow, he was the white knight. As if Constantine and Bianca had gotten in their way to prevent them from being together. It didn’t sit right with Riley.
“I’ll apologize tomorrow.” “I wouldn’t.”
“Riley! That is your father in law.”
She snorts, “Don’t remind me.” Liam raises his eyebrows, “Spill it.”
She lets out a deep breath and tell him how she wasn’t immediately supportive of the idea Drake had seen Jackson. And how now she isn’t sure it’s a great idea to just jump into things. How she understands he wants to get to know dad, but wishes he was more skeptical because who knows what all Jackson is going to say and how that will shift what Drake thinks of him.
“I think I’m ready to talk about it now.” Liam holds up the bottle, now only two-thirds full.
“Then let’s talk about it.”
“I thought I could handle seeing him. That I’d be able to come here and get the answers I’ve been wanting. Then I saw his face and this rage built up, all I could think about was how I grew up without my mom and he got her. He got all those memories that I missed out and I snapped.” He takes another sip of the scotch before shaking his head.
Riley gives him a sympathetic smile, gently placing a comforting hand on his arm.
“But then,” he chuckles, “I met Luke and it might’ve been weird at first, but he’s actually not that bad.”
“Well duh, he’s related to you.” She playfully nudges his shoulder, “Maybe since you aren’t ready to talk to Jackson, you can talk more to Luke tomorrow.”
Liam nods, “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.”
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darley1101 · 6 years
It took me a while to compile this because I have a lot of stuff sitting in my WIP folder. It's kind of embrassing really. I have been tagged by several people and so I don't miss anyone I am just going to say thanks to everyone who tagged me. Off the top of my head I recall @blackcatkita @bobasheebaby @choicesbyjade If I missed anyone it wasn’t on purpose! I am just really, really bad with remembering these tags. 
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I'll post a snippet of it or tell you something about it.
Broken Fairytales Part 7 Facing Reality: As the title implies this is part 7 of my dark TRR fic in which the attack at the homecoming ball isn't neatly tied up, it's downright bloody. In this chapter we discover that someone thought to be dead isn't. Though wounded and tossed aside with the bodies of dead nobles, he is determined to get help and maybe, in the process, discover if his brother and the mother of his child are still alive. Catch up HERE
Uncommon Part 3 Who Knew: Things get even more serious between Drake and Olivia. An unexpected source discovers and makes public Olivia's pregnancy. Catch up HERE
What Happens In Vegas: Things get a little crazy during the King's and Queen's last hoorah, especially for Maxwell. After a night of non-stop partying (was there an Elvis impersonator involved or had he imaged that) he expected to wake up with the mother of all hang overs...what he didn't expect to wake up to was a wife! (This is one of those never seen ideas I am toying with. If you steal this I will come for you because it is something I do plan on writing)
Chasing Fairytales Part 2: Liam introduces Karin to his friends after saving her from the unwanted advances of her boss. (Part 1 was my first TRR fic post and I am not sure why I didn't continue. It is something I will consider though if people are interested in Liam x Karin's romance) Catch up HERE
The Bitter Truth Dear Brother: One shot where Liam and Leo have an honest conversation about everything.
Obsession: The idea for this came from a one shot I wrote about how Nadia and Ava (MC) met Damien. It would be what I like to call a self indulgent AU where Damien and Ava (MC) fall in love while trying to solve the mystery of whose stalking Nadia. (Again please do not steal this idea. It is something I would like to write)
Your Betrayal Re-write: The story in its current state is alright. It just isn't what I had planned. I caved to pressure from certain readers and the result is me not wanting to continue with what's currently there. I have the original outline where Emily doesn't know who the father of her baby is: Zig or Nathan. And I sort of, kind of want to re-write it with that premise in mind. Only if you guys are interested though.
Friends With Benefits Part 3: More Zig and Becca smut that may or may not lead to a real relationship. At the very least it makes the characters grow and its' hot. Well, it is hot to me and one of my self indulgent crack ships. Catch up HERE
Wicked Games Part 3 Good Advice: Basically this is me re-writing Junior year because I hated how the book went. I wanted more drama with our LI and more villain behavior from the Alphas. So..this is me attempting that. There is some strong themes that include date rape (not of the MC!) and exposing college campus corruption. I will be revisiting this story soon as I really want to finish it for my sake. If you guys enjoy it that's just a bonus! Catch up HERE
Untitled TF One Shot A: A lot of people have been asking for Chris and Aria's first time. This one shot would address it, but I am not sure if I want to write it as a one shot or include it as part of a series re-write I am toying with.
Untitled Re-write of the Freshmen series: I am dying to fully tell Chris x Aria's love story but I have been nervous about re-writing the series since @maxattack-powell is doing it and doing it so well. We shall see if I can talk myself into this self indulgent tale.
Jenny's Blog: I loved the first two blogs I wrote as the MC from LH where she interviews a pairing. It is a fun way to answer OTP questions. I have files Chris x Aria, Matt x Ashton, all my TRR couples, and any pairings you want to submit. I already did this for Damien x Ava and Flynn x Lucy.
City Girl, Country Boy: A Big Sky Country AU story where Sawyer meets Morgan at the Vegas Pro Rodeo Championships and the pair falls in love at first sight. After three days of knowing each other they elope. Will city girl Morgan be able to hack life in Montana with a husband she barely knows and skeptical family members plotting to get rid of her? (Another story I am toying with so please don't steal.)
Moonlight and Moonshine: Smutty one shot of Sawyer and Morgan that I have been fiddling with and keep talking myself out of posting.
Connected: Parker and Katarina smut from It Lives Beneath. My bestie keeps requesting this and I swear I am working on it.
Death and Decorum Part 2 Contagious: The MC Rebecca makes a startling discovery that pushes her over the edge...and into Edmund's bed where the pair of them come up with the perfect plan to make everyone whose wronged her pay. Catch up HERE
Complicated Part 3 It Couple: Things take an interesting turn when a jealous sophomore lashes out at Tatiana. It is a rather intense chapter that includes a physical and verbal fight. Beckett and Tatiana grow closer. Shreya admits maybe she has a crush on Griffin. Catch up HERE
Plus a whole bunch of December and March challenge prompt requests that I am still trying to figure out what I want to do. Oops.
I am tagging the following people. If you have already done this or don’t wish to please ignore: @littlegreenmoo @blackcoffee85 @debramcg1106 @choiceslife @alj4890 @christopher-powell @queen-among-writers @kinda-iconic @lolablackwrites @elles-choices
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joyffree · 3 years
#NewRelease avail. on #KindleUnlimited
Montana Moonshine
Montana Cowboys series
by Vi Summers
Montana Moonshine is a second-chance, forbidden, cowboy romance.
Six convicted felons have been through my ranch rehabilitation program—all of them men.
Until now.
The seventh obliterated every damn rule I had.
Blonde hair and an attitude to boot, Louisiana Carlyle was like no other, and totally off-limits.
Ironically, while doing time for grand larceny, she unlawfully stole my heart.
Eight months behind bars. Eight months separated from the one I’d give my life for.
Riding out the remaining three months of my sentence on a cattle ranch should be easy, right?
Turns out, it wasn’t for this city gal. Not with a cowboy like Brandon Nash in charge.
He made me trust again. He made me whole again.
And damn him, he made me fall in love again.
#ViSummers #MontanaMoonshine #MontanaCowboys #CowboyRomance #Author #SeptemberRelease #ReleaseBlitz #hotnewrelease #bookaddict #NowLive #PhoenixBookPromo #indieauthor #authorsofIG #2021read #givemethebooks #coverlove #romance #romancereads #tbr #teasergram #booklovers #romancereaders #bookrelease #bookboyfriend #bookworm #bookstagram
Hosted by Phoenix Book Promo ➜ @authorvisummers @phoenixbookpromo
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bewitchingbooktours · 7 years
A Bewitching Monday
Guest Blog + Giveaway: Defining Human by Candace Blevins http://urbanfantasyinvestigations.blogspot.com/2018/02/guest-blog-giveaway-defining-human-by.html
The Glimmer in the Dark- Guest Blog by Ashley Terrell https://fang-tasticbooks.blogspot.com/2018/02/guest-blog-black-sheep-shadow-by-ashley.html
Moonshine Madness Guest Blog for Freaky Franky by William Blackwell https://fang-tasticbooks.blogspot.com/2018/02/moonshine-madness-freaky-franky-by.html
Guest Blog "Farraway Mist" by Tani Hanes #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/jett30icDfg
An interview and press release with Author William Blackwell, Author of Freak Fanky: Santa Muerte followers discover the horrifying consequences of worshipping with evil intentions. #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/fFTF30icDhx
Interview Storm Crossed by Dani Harper and Giveaway https://viviana-mackade.blog/2018/02/05/on-tour-with-storm-crossed-by-dani-harper-and-giveaway/  
Ages of Invention Books One and Two by S.B.K. Burns #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/A6uB30icCVg
Spotlight & #Giveaway ~ Blood Awakening (Immortal Sleepers Series, Book One) by Miranda Nichols #FantasyRomance Miranda Nichols #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/pobA30icD6c
Enchanter Redeemed by Sharon Ashwood #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/3JZ330icDcU
Series Spotlight & Giveaway: Ages of Invention by S.B.K. Burns #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/GikC30icCL0
A Year in the Life of Dr. Fox by Frederick L. Malphurs #thriller #action #adventure http://teatimeandbooks76.blogspot.com/2018/02/a-year-in-life-of-dr-fox-by-frederick-l.html
A War has been Brewing in the Shadows. Blood Awakening by Miranda Nichols. #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/bI1130icD4x
Book Spotlight & #Giveaway ~ Into Nostra (The Pact, Book 2) by Brantwijn Serrah ~ Supernatural Adventure ~ @Brantwijn #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/GmjE30icDjn
Custodian by Montana Ash #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/8MV730icCIk
Drinking the Knock Water: A New Age Pilgrimage by Emily Kemme #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/9AOn30icDbv
Book Reviewers Wanted Request your review copies here: https://goo.gl/forms/vJflYYyPlykiLEiB2
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lethalchiralium · 9 months
“Look what Daddy got ye, Claire.” Johnny smirked at his little blonde babe, the girl clapping her little hands at him with a toothless smile. In his hand was a little stuffed rabbit, fabric hand-sewn from the market in town. “Here ye go, lass.”
The baby squealed in her high chair, she clutched her new toy in her hand while she eyed it curiously. Johnny leaned down and kissed her curls, the little thing squealed again. He felt a gentle hand on his lower back, he didn’t even have to look to know it was Simon.
“Didn’t hear ya come in.”
Johnny chuckled a little before standing up straight, hand seeking purchase on some inch of Simon’s side. He peered into view, Johnny’s hand settled on Simon’s hip before he kissed him. “Thought th’ babe was nappin’, so ah was quiet.”
Simon nodded towards Claire, his own hand gripped Johnny’s side. “She’s been lookin’ around for you all day. Little Bird found it funny, she laughed and made Claire cry.”
Johnny looked back at his daughter - who was chewing on an arm of her toy - then back to his husband. “Where is the wife anyway?”
“Laid up in bed. Woke up ill.”
Johnny gave a curious look, Simon smacked his side.
“Haven’t been doin’ anything, Johnny. You know that.” His hand reached for Claire, gently petting her shoulder. “She’s not sure she even wants another now. Mad that she’s sick ‘cause Claire was.”
“Mm.” Johnny nodded before he turned to look into the bedroom, seeing the shape of you underneath the quilts. “Join us when she’s down?”
Simon kissed him again, quick and chaste but with a smile. “Always.”
Johnny moved into the bedroom with a couple steps, his smile large as he slipped under the quilt with you. “Hello, Little Bird.”
“Gon’ get you sick.”
His head settled on yours, arm on your side and wrapped around your front. “Don’t matter.”
“You’ve got horse duty tomorrow.”
“Ah know it.”
He kissed your cheek before closing his eyes. “Sleep, Little Bird. Jus’ wanna hold ye.”
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lethalchiralium · 9 months
Johnny was back in the morning, carrying a pack of furs and a bundle of meat, a smile on his face as soon as he saw his smiling little baby. You kissed her hair as he set down his bounty, he instantly scooped up his daughter who cooed at the sight of her dad.
“How was Missoula?” You asked as you pulled your shawl tighter around your torso.
“Damn borin’, missed ye ‘n the big one, an’ of course, my babe.” He kissed Claire’s forehead, she squealed in response. “Price sold a lot.”
You gently pat his back, ushering him inside. “S’good. Simon’ll be home before sundown.” You grabbed his furs and meat, carrying it inside and kicking the door closed with your boot. Johnny instantly found himself on the couch, gently rubbing the baby’s back.
“Johnny.” You moved back into the kitchen, taking a drink out of your cup.
“Yes, luv?”
“Are you sure you don’t hear the noises at night?”
He paused, giving you a unfazed look. “Here? No, I told ye ya just need more sleep.”
You set down your cup full of water, staring at your husband. “You try being the only food your baby wants. Shit’s hard.” You scratched your jaw a little, watching Claire smack her dad’s face. “I’m just worried. What if something’s really out there? What if we’re not actually safe here?”
“I’ll check th’ traps wance ah get some Claire time, a’richt?” He kissed Claire’s face again, the girl screeched with excitement. Worry was still nestled deep in your belly, your hand absentmindedly rubbed your collarbone to give yourself some ease. Maybe you were overthinking it. Maybe it is just the wind, or a squirrel or something.
But you knew it in your gut. Your gut was almost never wrong. You prayed it was wrong.
“Johnny, I think-“
The front door slammed into the wall, scaring all three of you but you were the first to snap into action, seeing a bloody faced Simon clutching his head. Claire began to screech from being startled, you darted towards your husband as he stumbled into the house with Price holding him up by the back of his shirt.
“Simon! Simon, baby, what happened?” Your hand peeled Simon’s hand from his head, walking backwards as Price pushed him into the house. Blood poured from his head and you felt your heart rate speed up in record time.
“Fuckin’ horse.” He mumbled, you looked at the gash on his hairline and the blurry look in his eyes. You haven’t seen him this dazed since he got hit over the head with a rifle years and years ago. You examined the cut as you led him to the couch, taking his bloody hand and helping him sit down. He decompressed into it immediately, chest and legs finally settling like he had worked for a thousand years straight.
You looked at Price, who had a few bloody scuffs on his arm. “What happened?”
“Horse bucked him off without warnin’ into a fence post.” He said, you nodded before ducking the few feet into your kitchen - your bandages and wet cloths were in hand in moments. You looked at your friend, watching his worried look turn to steeled as he met your gaze. “Grab my whiskey, would you?”
“Not m’bourbon.” Simon murmured from his place, you glanced into your bedroom to see the concerned face of Johnny, holding a crying Claire. You gave him a little nod before returning to Simon’s side, instantly gently wiping away the crusted and dripping blood. “S’cold, baby.”
“I know.” You whispered. “Just wanna clean you up before I bandage you.”
“M’fine. Don’t know why he even brought me here, just needed a minute to get up.”
Price handed you the whiskey bottle and a clean rag. “You were down for a good while.”
Your head whipped up to look at him. “And why didn’t you come get me?”
“He’s fine now.” He shrugged, gesturing towards your husband. “He’s talking and awake.”
“Fuckin’ men.” You grumbled, dropping the cold rag onto Simon’s lap before opening the bottle of whiskey. You took a swig, of course, and then poured some onto a new rag. You began to disinfect the wound, to which Simon squirmed, panting as he whined in pain. “Stay still-“
“Baby, it hurts-“
“I know it does, gotta get it cleaned and bandaged. M’almost done.” Your fingers were nimble as you began to bandage his wound, wrapping the long cloth around his thick head tightly. You never missed the way Simon looked at you, so comfortable in your presence. You tied it off after ripping it off near the end, tossing the excess onto the couch before handing him the whiskey.
He graciously took it, took a generous swig before handing it back to you. “How’d I look, doc?” He smirked, pink lips chapped but his smile still full of adoration.
“You’re fine.” Your hand settled on his thigh, gently rubbing it. “You’re not gonna be happy with what I have to say, though.”
“I’m still gonna work the horses, maybe just in a few days.”
“No more sex until that hit is healed.”
He groaned, disappointment tangled in his throat. “But-“
“I’m leavin’.” Price declared, sensing you were about to air some intimate details, you didn’t even acknowledge his departure.
“There’s three of us. You two bump heads, me and you bump heads. I like my daughter having both of her fathers.”
“Head hits are nothing.”
Your eyes flickered down to his eyes, watching them dart away from your stare. “‘Til they’re something.”
His glare had moved towards the bedroom door, Claire still crying in the room. He grunted a little, annoyed as he looked back to you. “Bring her here.”
“You’re funny.”
“Not joking.”
“Simon, you’re still bloody.” You pointed towards his hand, his shirt, the side of his cheek.
He gave you a piercing stare, voice low. “She knows I’m here. If she hasn’t stopped her cryin’ yet, she’s not going to. Give her to me.”
You stared back at your husband, hand rubbing on his thigh before you plucked the bottle of whiskey from his grasp. You turned towards the bedroom, calling for Johnny. He instantly appeared, holding a clearly upset and wiggling baby. Her little head shaking back and forth, tears and snot running down her chunky face as she looked at you.
Johnny’s eyebrows furrowed, moving Claire up his chest a little. “Everything a’right?”
“He wants her.” You nodded towards Simon.
Johnny chuckled dryly. “Like that? Nae.” Both of you looked down to Claire, whose hands were out in the direction of Simon, grabbing the air towards him as she cried. “…Fine. If ye pass out and drop ‘er-“
Simon groaned, one hand held out to grab Claire. “I’m not going to drop her.” Johnny gave him a stern look, his other hand held out. “I’m on the fuckin’ couch. She’s not gonna get away from me that easy.” Johnny handed her to him, Simon instantly smiled as her little hands gripped onto his sleeves. “Are you, darling?” She sniffled, still whining and crying, yet Simon holding her seemed to calm her to an extent. He brought her head to his lips, kissing her soft skin. “You love your Papa, don’t you?”
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lethalchiralium · 9 months
what time period is montana moonshine? 👀
it was perfect by the way lols 🩷
early 1900s wild west, they’re outlaws turned ranchers 😌
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lethalchiralium · 8 months
montana moonshine is so fucking cool, I love it….can’t wait for more
aww thank you!! it’s just a little brain rot thing i wanna write on, feel free to send questions 😌
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lethalchiralium · 5 years
Every character mentioned on this masterlist are characters I will write requests for!
buy me a coffee! ko-fi!
join my taglist!
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HIGGS MONAGHAN [Death Stranding]
My Everything
You Ruin Me
Forever Boy
better now | tattooed heart | an angel cried | this means war | Sing To Me
i will destroy you | do us part
you and me
blue hydrangea
for no one else
halo eyes
my love
Solar Eclipse
Something New
Play Pretend
Higgs lines that make me want to throw him in a trash can!
Higgs noises and lines that make me want to rip out my heart and give it to him!
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SIMON “GHOST” RILEY [COD: Modern Warfare II]
Blackout | Innocent | Bottom of the River
Almost Out Of Time | Obvious | I Heard A Rumour | …
Sunday Morning
Don’t Be So Serious
In The Morning
You Leave Me Wounded And Bleeding | Jubilee Line | A Ship Without A Sail | …
Open His Eyes | Two | Three
Overexposed (18+)
Don’t Leave Me Like This
Delicate (18+)
Cruel Intentions (18+)
Corners of My Mind
Cold As You
Right Where You Left Me
Why Do I Even Care?
Speak Now
Montana Moonshine
Room 611 (18+)
The Summoning
Is He Talkative/Loud or Is He Quiet? (18+)
Happiness Masterlist
A collection of Simon “Ghost” Riley and his daughter, Winnie, and his wife, you. (F!Reader)
No More Masterlist
How long does it take for you to finally snap? Must you teach Ghost how to trust you, even with you being together for a year and a half? Or, you don’t believe that your boyfriend, Simon “Ghost” Riley, trusts you. You’re going to prove him wrong. (F!Reader)
Diamondback Masterlist
The heat was something else. With a heavy heart and nothing to lose, you’ve ditched your ex-fiancé to chase your childhood best friend across the country to a small town in a wildfire prone area of the United States - Pine, Arizona. It’s nestled in a valley and is where your best friend, Alex Keller, calls home. He’s following his passion, his dreams, and it soon enough, you’re following it too; but the flames are getting too close and soon you’ll be in the line of fire of your best friend’s superintendent, John Price, and his assistant, Simon Riley.
Kodak Canisters
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
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I’m Yours
Back To You
It’s You Or No One
Sunlit Room
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KYLE “GAZ” GARRICK [COD: Modern Warfare II]
Paper Rings
To Be In Love
Show Me The Way
10 Kisses Gaz Gave You
The Summoning
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JOHN PRICE [COD: Modern Warfare II]
Take My Breath Away
Dear John
Maybe I Was Boring | Make The Phone Ring
Come Undone
The Summoning
Diamondback Masterlist
The heat was something else. With a heavy heart and nothing to lose, you’ve ditched your ex-fiancé to chase your childhood best friend across the country to a small town in a wildfire prone area of the United States - Pine, Arizona. It’s nestled in a valley and is where your best friend, Alex Keller, calls home. He’s following his passion, his dreams, and it soon enough, you’re following it too; but the flames are getting too close and soon you’ll be in the line of fire of your best friend’s superintendent, John Price, and his assistant, Simon Riley.
Seasons Change Masterlist (Coming soon)
A outlaw turned cowboy put an ad in the newspaper across the country for a wife to settle down with. You, a quiet 20 year old, are desperate to leave your overbearing mother behind. You want to marry someone who will leave you alone, and John was fully intent on respecting your wishes - until you arrived on Kate Laswell’s Montana farm in the Spring of 1908. He’ll never let you go.
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You’ll Understand One Day
Montana Moonshine
The Summoning
Secondary Masterlist here!
The Title Prompt List
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