#monty truly is so good and sweet and unfortunately a little stupid too but he means well. more or less anyway. he would if esther wasnt his
avatar-aaang · 4 months
Monty was so so strong for not just immediately walking into traffic after that
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ejzah · 4 years
Can you do a fanfic where the team has to go undercover at a nightclub and Deeks has to take the role of a singer. The rest of the team thinks it’s going to be hilarious and poked fun, but are shocked when they discover that Deeks is actually an incredible singer.
A/N: Takes place sometime after Kensi finds out about Deeks’”Touching Wood” days.
Thanks to @glenncoco4 for the song suggestions!
“Miss Blye, you will be a waitress, Mr. Callen, the club has a sudden opening for a bartender, and Sam you will be a patron,” Hetty announced, as she glanced at each team member. They were going undercover at the “Twisted Heart” nightclub, hoping to find information on a potential human trafficking ring.
Hetty smirked, turning to face Deeks, who had his hip cocked out as he leaned against the center table in OPS. He frowned at her, obviously not liking where this was headed. Kensi grinned, knocked his shoulder, and muttered,
“I bet there’s a janitors uniform somewhere with your name on it.” Deeks glared at her, but didn’t say anything.
“Actually, Mr. Deeks, you will be filling in for the “Twisted Heart’s” normal singer. He came down with an unfortunate case of laryngitis,” Hetty informed him, still smirking as Deeks eyes widened.
“Whoa, hold on, Hetty,” he said nervously. “You’re joking, right?”
“No, I’m not. I have it on good authority that you were in a band as a teenager.” Deeks shot another glare in Kensi’s direction, but she raised her hands innocently. She certainly hadn’t told anyone about their discussion, despite her threats. “I believe it was called “Tou-“ Deeks made a distressed sound and tried to cover it with a strained laugh.
“Heh, we uh, we don’t really need to talk about that. I’m sure no one’s interested in hearing about what I got up to as a teenager.”
“Actually, I’m intrigued,” Callen said, crossing his arms as he clearly saw a chance to mess with Deeks. “What exactly did teenage Deeks sound like?”
“I bet you sang Pearl Jam covers,” Sam teased.
“Hilarious,” Deeks said. “I’ll have you know we were the best group of fifteen year old singers around.”
“I’m sure,” Hetty said diplomatically. “Now, I have your clothes down in wardrobe and then you come see me about a guitar.” With that, she started to leave the room.
“Hetty, can we just talk about this for a-ope, nope, she’s gone,” he said, running a hand through his hair as he pulled in a deep breath. “No, that’s fine. Totally fine.”
“I cannot wait for this,” Sam said gleefully. He mockingly patted Deeks on the back.
“Good luck, man. You’re going to need it,” Callen offered as they grabbed their case files and left. Tossing his head back, Deeks settled his hands on his hips and drew in another long breath.
“This is a terrible idea,” he told Kensi.
“I still say you should have let me help you warm up,” Kensi said a few hours later. She had just finished changing into her waitress uniform, which consisted of black pants and a black shirt made of out some kind of silky material and low heeled shoes.
Deeks was in the adjoining changing room, putting on whatever outfit Hetty had laid out for him. He kept muttering to himself, the sound of Hetty’s name the most prominent.
“You’re just saying that because you want to hear me sing,” Deeks responded shrewdly.
“Hey, in a couple hours, we’re all going to hear you.” Deeks didn’t answer and she sighed. “You’ve been in there forever. Come on out.”
After another minute, he pulled aside the curtain and walked out, looking annoyed.
He wore a dark blue button down and dress pants. It was simple, but he looked fantastic and Kensi realized belatedly that she was staring at him. Why the hell had Hetty given him a shirt that matched his eyes?
“What’s wrong? Is my collar messed up or something?” Deeks asked, turning to the mirror. He glared at his reflection.
“You look fine,” Kensi told him dismissively. When he continued to fiddle with his shirt, she sighed and grabbed him by the shoulders. She grasped the edges of his collar, straightening them, so it hugged his neck. Her fingers brushed his skin and she abruptly let go. “Well, you should go see Hetty.”
Deeks raised an eyebrow at her but didn’t otherwise comment on her strange behavior as he walked off to find Hetty.
“Look at him up there,” Sam commented from his table, which he had strategically chosen to get the best possible view of the room. “I think he’s going to faint.”
Kensi was in the middle of serving a table of two young women, so she didn’t comment, but glared at Sam. Now that Deeks was up on stage and the moment of truth was nearly here, she felt bad for him.
“Or throw up,” Callen offered. Glancing up at the stage, Kensi watched Deeks finish setting up. Despite his reluctance , which lasted right up until the moment he entered the club, Deeks had gotten right down to business.
He seemed at ease checking the. acoustics and making sure his mic was on. True, he did look a little nervous, but nothing Kensi wouldn’t expect from someone who hadn’t ever sung professionally.
A few minutes later, he sat down on the stool a few feet away from the edge of the stage and tapped the top of the mic to make sure it was working.
“Good evening, everybody. My name’s Justin and I’m standing in for Henry tonight,” Deeks said, pausing to flip his hair out of his eyes. Kensi noticed that he spoke with slightly more drawl that usual. Someone from the back of the room shouted,
“Marry me!” and Deeks grinned and said,
“You might want to hold onto that proposal until after you hear me sing. Anyway, this is one of my favorite songs.” With that, he picked up his guitar and started picking out a simple, but recognizable melody. Kensi saw his lips part for a second as he pulled in a shallow breath.
“I took my love, I took it down
Climbed a mountain and I turned around.”
Kensi’s mouth opened slightly as he sand the first few lines of “Landslide”, and a few people clapped enthusiastically.
“Damn, Deeks can actually sing,” Sam muttered, sounding as stunned as Kensi. His voice was surprisingly strong and smooth, nothing like the horrible sounds he’d made when he first told her about “Touching Wood.”
“Well, I've been 'fraid of changin'
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm gettin' older, too”
Kensi listened to him sing the chorus before she remembered that she was supposed to be waiting tables.
Maybe it wasn’t the genre typically heard at the “Twisted Heart”, but Deeks’ audience didn’t seem to mind. He received a loud round of applause when he finished. Seeming more at ease, Deeks grinned and nodded his head in thanks.
He spent a couple minutes chatting with the patrons and then played the intro to “I don’t Want to Miss a Thing”. Any sign of his early nervousness was gone and seemed to be truly enjoying himself.
“Did you know he could sing this well?” Callen asked, when Kensi stopped at the bar to reload her tray.
“I had no idea,” she answered honestly. Kensi might have been annoyed or hurt that Deeks had kept this from her, if she wasn’t so impressed.
Deeks kept the crowd happy with a wide range of songs, from his own version of heavy metal, to achingly sweet love songs.
Several hours later, the club was starting to empty out. Deeks’ hair was clinging to the sides of his head, dampened by sweat and there were circles of moisture darkening the fabric beneath his armpits, but he seemed in high spirits. He leaned down over the mic, locking eyes briefly with Kensi before he moved on. “For my last song, I’d like to dedicate this song to my girl, Fern. I know she’s out there somewhere listening,” he said, with a hint of smirk playing at his lip.
Kensi rolled her eyes; of course he’d find a way to work that stupid name in again. Still, she was curious to hear what song he’d apparently chosen for her.
“What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind?
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright.”
A rush of heat warmed Kensi’s cheeks and she made sure not to make eye contact with Sam or Callen. She knew Deeks was jut messing with her but the lyrics combined with his voice were slightly overwhelming.
“Well, that was certainly eye-opening,” Callen said later that night as they walked back out of the mission. If was after 1 in the morning, but Hetty had insisted that they complete their reports for the day. “And admittedly, impressive.”
“Yeah, I didn’t think you had it in you, but you did good,” Sam agreed.
“I guess I’ll take that as a compliment,” Deeks said dryly.
“What I’m more interested in, is why you didn’t tell us you could actually sing,” Kensi said, crossing her arms and he shrugged.
“It’s been a while since I performed to that big of an audience.”
“Which implies that you perform for smaller audiences,” Callen pointed out.
“Monty likes it when I sing,” Deeks replied with a small grin and Sam snorted, shaking his head.
“Ew, you sing love songs to Monty?” Kensi said, wrinkling her nose.
“No! I sing the them for him, not to him. There’s a big difference.”
“Well, I’m beat. You two can keep arguing if you want.” Sam said and then gestured to Callen. “You want a ride home?”
Kensi waited until they were both out the door before she rounded on Deeks and asked,
“Ok, what was that whole “dedicating this song to my girl, Fern” thing about?”
“Why, did you like it?” he asked, leaning in towards her. Her eyes flicked up to where his shirt opened, the top two buttons now undone, and momentarily lingered on the patch of tanned skin.
“Maybe,” she said, trying to sound nonchalant. “But I think I’d need an encore performance just to be sure.”
“Anytime you want.” As they walked out together, Kensi had a feeling she’d be taking him up on that offer.
A/N: Somehow this ended up with much more Densi that I intended. Although, at this point they weren’t together.
Landslide by Stevie Nicks and All of Me by John Legend.
Thanks for the prompt! I hope this is ok, it turned out to be more difficult than I anticipated.
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