#moo-moo my boo-boo
monochromepalette · 11 months
Hello, Mono ✨
How have you been? Anything interesting happen at the donut shop? Play any cool games? Developed your ocs?
Hi Moo-Moo~!!! It's been a while, hasn't it? ❤️
Nothing cool at my work place, sadly. Just same old, same old. No developed OCs either. I've just been babysitting so I haven't had time to think to myself for a while v_v
Though, I have played some new games :D (Some of them not really *new* new games but have been in my roster for a while but haven't touched till as of recently):
- Honkai Star Rail (I'm sure you've heard of that one!)
- Phasmophobia (Hunting ghosties~~)
- Outlast Trials (Horror/Sci-fi(?) I've been waiting for one of my friends on the other side of the world to get back home so I can play it again x_x)
- Left 4 Dead 2 (FPS shooter game. I usually don't play them but it's been for so far!)
-Cult of the Lamb (Uhh... Animal Crossing meets Binding of Issac?)
- Project Zomboid (Survival game w/ zombies)
Most of these games I've been playing with my family. I'd love to play a game with you in the future if possible. It would be a lot of fun ❤️
How about you? Anything fun planned during the summer, or excited for the following school year? How about your OCs? ^^
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moonkhao · 14 days
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Are you okay? Yes, I am. I’m very okay. Are you okay?
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gunsatthaphan · 21 days
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"why am I crying?"
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respectthepetty · 13 days
I love this little yellow menace, and he deserves the world!
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So that "blank letter" business better not come back and haunt me later.
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I know all these adults mean well and are being realistic that Moo having a relationship, especially a queer one, will hurt his chances in the industry, but if another queer musically-inclined youth taught us anything, it's that when the world is cruel to kids, you don't join in the cruelty; you become the peace, you become the safety, and you become the home.
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And don't hurt the best Blue Boy on these BL streets like that!
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Because I want Moo to get what he wants and next week he is wearing his boy's color, so *fingers crossed*
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He is also wearing his own color in the music video, so he is very much embracing exactly who he is.
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I don't care what anybody is telling him! If he wants to tell the world he is in a committed relationship with an amazing boy who loves and supports him with their colored lights behind him (and that tiny dash of red and pink), more power to my boo!
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While his boy admires him in the green, might I add!
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Because even if Tae isn't ready to explore his feelings,
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He is the ally Moo needs in his corner who is willing to fight for his friend at the slightest hint of disrespect instead of all these adults who are actually continuing oppressive behavior by proxy.
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Which is the second time Aun has played the unlikely ally ready to throw hands in the name of justice.
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Kang and Boo are in the most adorable domestic bliss.
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They are figuring out what is comfortable FOR THEM!
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And it's all in their colors!
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The color-coded boys ARE in love.
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And even the subway system is rooting for them in Moo's color.
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So can't these adults just have a little faith and lend their support to these color-coded boys in love?
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And if not, be there to protect them and hug them when the world has wronged them!
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These PFLAG Awards ain't gonna win themselves, so GET IT TOGETHER MY FELLOW ADULTS!
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earthfluuke · 2 months
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"I found my happiness." ONLY BOO! (2024)
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doublel27 · 12 days
I’ve been thinking about Moo’s very publicly r video essay ever since @petrichoraline and I were talking about Moo’s very public declaration of his relationship here and the irony is if no one had said anything to Moo there’s a chance he wouldn’t have done anything.
In episode 8, Neth and Kang had already convinced him he might need to be quiet about their relationship. Kang and Moo agreed that “as long as we know” it doesn’t matter what other people do or don’t know.
And I think it was even worse for Moo because the dance video wasn’t a declaration of anything. That’s what he states before making the Kang fan edit. The video he was asked to delete was simply just boys dancing. And as an idol, he’s gonna be dancing on stage with a lot of boys. He’s probably already posted clips with Tae and Yos as well.
And sure it’s different because Kang isn’t also out here trying to be a dancer and he is Moo’s boyfriend. But a lot of what he was being asked to tone down were things that were what Moo considers normal. And I think that’s what made him so angry when everyone asked him to take the video down. Shone and Moo’s mom didn’t know they were boyfriends from that clip. To Moo’s point that wasn’t an announcement.
And as @luthienmpl points out here it’s not like Moo didn’t very publicly court Kang at school where everyone knows he’s written Kang a song and sang it over the intercom and gave away food for people who congratulated them on being boyfriends. There’s information out there.
Moo got mad at the idea he would have to lie. And everyone was insisting they weren’t asking him to lie, but to not share. To Moo, who if the thought is in his head it’s out of his mouth, omitting facts, deleting posts because of how someone might interpret it even if it’s not explicit what the video is of, to cut parts of himself off, well that’s a lie. After being pushed too far by the repeated requests by others to be less, he snapped with the very loud video of l not only do I have a boyfriend but let me tell you all about him and why he’s perfect.
With the preview showing that the contract is going to say expressly no relationships and Moo’s determination to not lie and Kang being the bluest boy (who tend to be martyrs….I am very curious where Only Boo is going with this story. As I am curious where Thame Po will take this story as they’re doing a similar line.
Another show with a similar storyline from GMM, Be My Favorite just dropped in 2023 and I adored it, but they took a particular stance on this conundrum. You should watch it, but spoilers…in one of the futures Kawi makes for himself, he ends up an idol and is at first delighted to find himself living what he thought was an impossible dream. But it’s quickly clear that he is miserable, drinking. He had gotten his dream girl Pear, but she left him because he wouldn’t marry her and start a family. As an idol, he couldn’t, or wouldn’t, give her the time, attention, and public commitment she was looking for. We also find out that Piesang disappeared around the same time. It’s heavily implied after Kawi chases Piesang and kisses him drunkenly, that Kawi probably did something similar after Pear left as Piesang says “You cannot keep doing this.” (They’d had a similar moment in episode six but this made it feel like we had a bigger pattern and explained his absence)
In the final future, Kawi is happily a songwriter, making songs for other people to sing. It’s the future Kawi chose knowing where the idol path sent him. Piesang even questions him on it. He asks Kawi if he gave up on those dreams because of Piesang and Piesang offers to hide if that’s what it takes. Kawi, thanks to the power of time travel, tells Piesang he’s absolutely certain he couldn’t be happier if he traveled that path. Only misery lies that way. Kawi’s whole lesson though is about making choices in the moment that spark joy rather than letting fear or jealousy lead your choices and living a life that makes you truly happy.
Only Boo, of course, is a very different show with a very different lead. Moo is 1000 times more confident and certain than Kawi ever could hope to be. He knows what he wants and while everyone sees them as two disparate pictures, Moo sees them fully integrated. He’s also a much younger character, just out of high school and has yet to face the reality of what it means to be an idol beyond getting to do the things he loves most and feels confident about.
Thame-Po will take us somewhere entirely different with an idol at the peak of their game who signed their right to a personal life away at a much younger age.
So when confronted with a contract that explicitly says you cannot date and Moo, who has no interest in lies of omission or hiding his boyfriend, and is in fact highly reactionary to people insisting he delete rather innocuous posts incase someone wants to speculate…I am very interested in the choices that will get written in here.
It is especially interesting considering the the litany of drama that has come out of highly entitled fan reactions to social media posts and in some cases leaked videos of Thai artists in their own home. Sure, everyone is trying to “protect” Moo in theory, but entitled fans will be entitled whether you hide your personal life entirely or not. These types of fans seem to exist across fandoms of many types and with a level of wild inappropriateness regardless of how open or closed a celebrity is to others. If they post too much with someone that’s a sign. If they avoid posting with someone that’s a sign. Like…there’s no winning.
And to that point, what is the takeaway going to be for Moo as he is faced with a moral dilemma and the two things he wants most in conflict? And what is the messaging going to be from Only Boo/GMM about young idols and talent (as the two leads of this show are) and their rights to their own lives? And are we gonna talk about the extra layer of homophobia of it all or because the fact that even straight relationships seem to be a PR nightmare for some talent, that GMM/Only Boo is content to leave it ambiguous for now?
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pigglepiephi · 14 days
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I love him ♥️
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I love how unapologetic he is about who he is, and about who he loves.
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It’s going to be so interesting to see how this plays out, and the building tension between his two big dreams.
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Because everyone is constantly telling him he can’t have both.
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miss0atae · 14 days
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I really admire him because he just decided that despite everything he will not hide and stay true to his love. I wish I had been as brave as he was when I was his age.
Moo is really something 🥹
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Only Boo! Ep 7 4/4 "Let me predict our future, will Moo and I become boyfriends?"
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 month
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I mean the theory about the origin of the universe.
Only Boo! (2024) Episode 5
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forcebookcorner · 2 months
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Book Kasidet, Milk Pansa and Keen Suvijak as Shone, Neth and Moo in Only Boo! Episode 4 (2024) [X]
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monochromepalette · 1 year
When you come back from your break, I'd like to hear more about Sepia! I've heard from others about their OCS, and so I was wondering about yours, too. You've talked about him before, but if there's anything more you'd like to share, I'd love to hear! Or if you have things like trivia or interests or insignificant memories and things.
Love ya! Have a nice day 💖
Awwww, Moo-Moo!!! I love ya too~~~!!!
You asking me about Sepia made me so happy!!!! Thank you so much. I hope you have a nice day too 🥺💖
Sepia walked out the room. Usually, he's not the type to be uwu shy, but he was too embarrased to talk about himself. Instead, he handed you a piece of paper before he left:
● I was an Ignihyde dorm student; however, I have transferred over to Octavinelle. That mirror is quite a strange thing...
● Next year, once Azul has left and the Leech brothers have become the next wardens, I do hope to become the vice-housewarden.
● My favourite class is history.
● I am a perfectionist but not nearly like Riddle. He is on another level, but I respect him. I wonder how much trouble I would get in if he saw me pulling pranks in his dorm?
● Oh, and on the topic of school, I will admit Professor Crewel calling us "pups" is the likes of a Discord Mod calling us "kittens." It makes me very, very uneasy.
● I have a fond memory of making a friend at... An "Institution." I wonder if I will ever see her again.
● My Signature Spell is called, "Sacrificial Pawn"
● My two main elements are Fire and Cosmic
● ...You cannot hear it, you do not know it, but I do have a British accent. I like to call it: "Epel Syndrome."
● I feed a stray cat everyday. It is a white cat with red eyes. There is a yellow halo at the tip of the tail. It is like a complete contrast to Grim, so I have named it Mirg. Do you think I should adopt it? I am afraid it will not get along with Kuro-Kun (my pet owl).
● I hate to admit that I do not like being alone in the dark. I always keep a lit candle next to my bedside.
● I dyed my hair bits of red to match my eye. I wish I could become a pirate and wear an eyepatch to cover the green one.
● Sometimes, I dream about travelling to different worlds... They feel so surreal. It feels like lifetimes have passed. Who is to say that this one is not a dream, too?
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moonkhao · 1 month
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I don’t want to brag, but I paid the most attention in class. Let me ask you then.
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itsallaboutbl · 6 days
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noooooooo :((((((((( IT HURTS 💔💔
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chinzhillas · 2 months
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cute moo <3
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earthfluuke · 3 days
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Moo, the cuddliest tiny bean ONLY BOO (2024)
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