#mook edit
dramalocks · 2 years
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☇✈ mook ; simples ♡❞
☇ like or reblog ⋮ © namaria
☇ don’t repost our edits
☇ part one/ ?!
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alienwlw · 3 months
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I'm at my limit. This is only the first day without P'Rak. First day. What a mess.
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aethersea · 11 months
it is funny though how kids' shows are so so so careful about death, no one's ever killed except MAYYYYBE the big bad, all those random side characters are fine, here have a quick shot of them before we leave just so you know they really did survive that 50-foot drop into a stormy sea,
and meanwhile kids' books nearly all agree that it's not an adventure until it has a body count.
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c4nt-sl33p · 5 months
>> i hate the riddler tbh.
riddlers handwriting credits go to @tjbutlag on tt and insta and @tjnolag on twt
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Oh shiet, I forgot these cinnamon rolls are exist in my fandom list-
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My babies, my preciouses
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mahasamuts · 3 months
i didnt catch her name but i love rak's secretary so much 😭😭
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mookdasnarinrak · 1 year
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it. And also. Spoilers and opinions below, read at your own risk.
QL - Currently Watching
🇯🇵I Hear the Sunspot [1/12] - I'm so grateful that I get a new jbl just as I'm mourning the end of the last one. I didn't read this manga but I've watched the film, and I really liked it even if it felt unfinished. Hopefully with 12 episodes it means we get the full story. This was a very good first episode, I feel like we established the main relationships dynamics and got a good insight into the main characters core. Taichi is my new child.
🇹🇭 Knock Knock, Boys! [6/12] - I continue to enjoy this group. Jane turned out to be a great addition instead of what I feared, but Peak really needs to step up so I can keep rooting for him and Thanwa, cause I'm also not a huge fan of the ex coming back as an obstacle for the couple. Latte and Almond are really great together and I'm curious how Almond will deal with his feelings for Latte, when he actually realizes he's having them.
🇹🇭Love Sea [4/12] - Before anything else, I love the ocean and I love when shows get out of the city. Also I like Mut. Now. I'm not a Mame hater. I'm a 'trauma is the only way to write deep characters' hater. I'm also a 'trauma gives you an excuse to be an asshole' hater. But most of all, I'm very much a 'love will fix you' hater. So just don't give me 3 out of 3 and it's fine. Also this last episode, all the talk about money and contracts made me feel some kind of way, although it doesn't seem to bother Mut so... And as much I like having Aya on my screen, Mook is really testing that line between cute and incredibly annoying. I'm not sure how long I'm staying with this one.
🇹🇭My Love Mix-Up! [4/12] - So... this is not good. The technical aspects of this are actually bad. Considering the number of sponsors is actually kinda incredible that it's so badly put together. The sound, the lighting, the editing, overall just... not good. Now, the rest. Look I don't want to ruin anybody's fun, so I'll keep watching this one quietly, unless something outrageous happens. But for the record, and this is all I'm gonna say, they are ruining the best parts of these characters and this story, and even if I ignore that (which I can't because it's an adaptation), it's pandering and it's a lazy attempt at recapturing the magic of msp, with a worse script and recycled material. Also I cannot believe they didn't put Atom in a trashing bag.
🇹🇭 My Stand-In [1/12] - For a number of reasons I'm waiting to binge this one. I do love watching the gifs on my dash though, pretty is pretty.
🇯🇵Ossan no Pants ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka! [9/11] - It's so good. I love them all. This last episode I was close to tears in several parts but the street proposal ended me. It's definitely one of those shows that I'm grateful that I get to watch even if I can't always find the words to talk about it. These characters have my whole heart. [everyone should be watching this and the wonderful @isaksbestpillow has made that possible with her subs. Here is the post with the latest episode. ]
🇹🇭SunsetxVibes [3/12] - It's ridiculous, it's fun, it's cute. Sun is such a simp. Man basically proposed before they were even dating. And yeah the way it started was not amazing, with the lying, but these two actually communicate about their expectations and what they're feeling which is better than a lot of shows right now. And I adore the sides.
🇹🇭The Rebound [2/12] - Everyone is gay and naked. And they play a sport of some kind.
🇹🇭The Trainee [1/12] - OffGun are back! I really liked the set up for this. It's only the first episode but I really like how they are walking the line between the comedy and the seriousness of the workplace. I love a good friend group so I'm looking forward to seeing how the relationships between all the interns grow. Poon is once again playing the silly brainless child of the pack but I don't care, I adore that kid for some reason. And next week we already got Gun crying so what's not to like?
🇹🇭 Wandee Goodday [10/12] - I already talked about my feelings regarding the last episode. I'm here for Oyei/Cher and Plakao. I love Inn and Great, they deliver with the chemistry but the DeeYak storyline is just a mess for me right now. I am also not looking forward to the inevitable redemption of the terrible parental figure.
🇹🇭 We Are [13/16] - The friendships are still great and mainly why I'm watching. I have a really good time watching those scenes. Only 3 episodes left and ChainPun continue to be the tinniest of crumbs. I don't expect much from this couple at this point and I'm a bit disappointed. FangTan are so cute and such good communicators. They are my favourites. QToey are cute. Now, Phum and Peem. Look PondPhuwin are really good at looking at each other like they're the only person in the universe. However. There's only so many times I can enjoy them staring at each other in slow mo. Once per episode oughta be enough I think. Hopefully now that they're actual boyfriends it gets a little less annoying.
QL - Finished
🇯🇵25 Ji, Akasaka de - What an incredible journey. I have to say it has been a while since a show surprised me this much, for the positive. For most of it I wasn't sure where it was gonna go or how it would end or who would be doing the running. The way they played with the show within a show was so well done. I loved the change in pov, which I always love in jbls, but it not only gave us the opportunity to see how Hayama's crush started but also we were allowed to see behind the mask that Hayama had been keeping up. Speaking of. I love him, one of my favourite characters of the year. And Komagine Kiita did an incredible job. I can't wait to watch him again when Tengu returns. If I had to say, the one thing I wish I had was more of Shirasaki's backstory. I wanted to understand better why his self-esteem got that bad. But that ending was great and honestly, I earned it.
🇵🇭Marahuyo Project - Well that was excellent. This show is beautiful. I want to hug them all and walk next to them. I really don't have the words for it right now so just go watch it. Because these characters are incredible and the visuals are stunning. All episodes here.
🇹🇭 Only Boo! - This is getting tiresome. Here it goes. Why? It was so great. They were the cutest shit and I had a smile on my face the entire episode. Even with the singing. It was wholesome and the mains delightful. And then... Heartbreak, time skip, no consequences, unearned happy ending. I mean Moo is a great character still, and Kang is the best boy, but I'm tired.
Rose Watches OJBL
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Mood Indigo (2019) - I liked this one slightly better than the first. I think the visuals are stronger and there are some incredible shots throughout. The sex scenes are some of the best shot that I've ever seen. I love Kijima so even though I'm not always on board with prequels, it was great that we got more insight into him. Obviously we know this relationship was doomed from the start, and Kido has a lot to do with how we find Kijima in the beginning of The Novelist, but I can't help but feel for Kido. He is a mess that is struggling between the expectations that are on him (put there by others but also himself) and the affection and desire he feels for Kijima. And even without watching The Novelist there is always an air that this will not end well. For lack of a better phrase, it just wasn't meant to be. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of this series.
Dangerous Drugs of Sex (2020) - One of my first thoughts when I was watching this was 'we are using the word unhinged too freely'. Cause Ryoji has little competition on that score. This is not an easy watch. I really liked the way it was shot even if at times that meant my view was too narrow so I couldn't look anywhere else but the 'uglier' parts. In completely different ways they were both stuck in an uncomfortable (yeah that's not really the best word but I can't think of another) place and I could feel that throughout. I'm not sure about the ending but they look happy, so what do I know?
Other - Watched
There's a lot airing so I didn't watch much outside ql. I finished Under the Skin and rewatched a couple of things. My watchlist got longer and I have a bunch of shows that I'll hopefully tackle during my summer holiday in July. Speaking of...
There is a lot coming next month, so here is a post with all the shows that have been announced for July that I updated to include Meet You at the Blossom that was recently announced. New jbl starts tomorrow!!!!
As usual my ask box is open for questions or requests. Have a wonderful week💜
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gunsatthaphan · 5 months
the asks are piling up already lol so here are some initial thoughts on the trailers from today (in order of release, BL/GLs are marked with a 🏳️‍🌈, favorites with a 🌟):
Ossan's Love Thailand 🏳️‍🌈🌟: HELP this looks so chaotic lmao. I forgot about the show for a second and thought we were in for another EarthMix office romance kjdhgd. But yeah I have a very soft spot for Earth in chaotic slapstick roles and Mix fits in there just perfect as well. I have not seen the original and was concerned as a lot of people said it's not very good but I had a very good time with this trailer and I'm excited!!! .
Leap Day 🌟: I've been curious about this project ever since that casting call for younger versions of Dew and Pond lol and the trailer did not disappoint! The story seems interesting and I know Gun will eat in this role lol. It's going on my watchlist. .
The Heart Killers 🏳️‍🌈: **edit: not gonna lie, initially I was very disappointed by this. I was excited for the Jojo show but this seemed very random to me. I couldn't follow the story and the trailer just seemed like FK and JD were given a few guns and thrown into a dark setting which just seems like a clash of NLMG and OF. If JD weren't there, I would think this is a SandRay spinoff lol. I now know about the Shakespeare adaption which does change the way I view it a little bit but I still have concerns because I still have no idea what's going on lmao. I was hoping for something simpler and calmer for FK's new project so I really hope the show will be better than the trailer. .
Friendshit Forever: Legit thought this was a GL for the first 30 seconds of the trailer lmao but turns out it's another Beauty Newbie type of toxic friendship lol. I love the vibe though!!! the cast is amazing, Pat never fails to deliver and my girl Mook is back as well!! 🥺 I'm very much into the energy and the chemistries are on point as well. Sign me up!! .
Perfect10 Liners 🏳️‍🌈: If I took my glasses off I would think this is We Are season 2 lmao like do we really need another gay ensemble. And there's SO many others as well??? There were like 30 people on that stage lmao. New really said who doesn't have a job this year? done. I don't know what else to say, it looks very generic. I didn't expect PerthChimon to be part of an ensemble for their second bl and I sure did not expect ForceBook to get their 5th gig lmao. Good for them though. I'm still gonna take a look. .
Us 🏳️‍🌈🌟: YES I LOVE THIS 😩😭 I was hoping we would get another GL and I loooove the energy of this. It's giving all the COA vibes and I'm SO glad it's not another highschool romcom. 23.5 is nice but I'm so happy this is taking it one step further. I'm here for it. Emi was born for sapphic roles you can't change my mind lmao and her chemistry with Bonnie is on point. Simple story, big emotions and a strong cast - This is right up my alley. It's going on my list for sure. .
Hide & Sis: The title still cracks me up lmao but YES this is everything lol. The PLL/PSIHY vibes are STRONG and I love it. Snap25 never fails to deliver us badass girl gangs and I'm here for it. The toxic family trope is generic for these types of shows but if it's done right it works. And I think this will. Sign me up! .
Heart That Skips a Beat 🏳️‍🌈🌟: god don't even touch me this looks so lovely 🥹 I'm always down for a good idol x mundane romance lol and EstWilliam are a good pair for sure. It was kind of obvious that they would get something together but I'm still very excited. I didn't expect the whole LYKN group to be in it but I feel like this plot fits them very well. Plus the trailer is absolutely beautiful. Thumbs up!! .
Break Up Service: This looks meh to me, I'm surprised to see Jorin lol I didn't know she was acting. The story seems fun but the trailer did not catch my attention. It's a maybe for now. .
Revamp 🏳️‍🌈: Honestly I did not expect them to give us another trailer for this lol I was set on a different project for BounPrem. But yes this looks very expensive lmao and I'm hyped we're getting another vampire show this year. I also approve of the other cast members, especially Kay since I haven't seen him in forever lol and also Santa!! I will be tuning in! .
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist 🏳️‍🌈🌟: *starts vibrating violently* YES I FEEL NORMAL ABOUT THIS kjshdf call me crazy but this is my highlight of this lineup lmao. I got deeply attached to MarkOhm over the last few months and this is all I could ever ask for lmao. Ohm is my little squish and my boy Mark finally got his main role 😩 I'm so proud. The plot is not the most sophisticated lol but I am SEATED. GIMME. .
Dark Dice: This did not intrigue me whatsoever. Pass. .
The Ex-Morning 🏳️‍🌈: Anyone who spent any time on the internet in the last few months knew this was bound to happen lmao. I feel torn about it, K. is not off the hook but KS were my very first bl on-screen couple and I'm feeling very nostalgic about this comeback lol. I'm fond of the trend to bring back OG couples and I'm not gonna lie, yes, it looks good. The story is interesting and the fact that they play exes,,,, art imitates life lol. I think this genre suits them and hey, maybe this will become the second Cherry Magic. Let's see how it goes. .
Scarlet Heart Thailand: The trailer gave us next to no information, I'm guessing that if you saw the original you might have a better idea of what's going on but other than pretty costumes, this didn't give me much ground to make a judgement on lol. Let's see.
conclusion: All in all this lineup seems a lot more colorful than part 1 which is very exciting!! It had the typical light-to-dark structure that the first part (and all the previous ones) had as well but it's still more diverse than I was expecting. There are some disappointments and concerns but compared to part 1, this has a lot more promising projects that I will be tuning in for - Even the lakorns. I spent a lot of time on Twitter leading up to the event, so almost everything I put on my bingo card became reality lol. I noticed some changes in the production of the trailers where it seems that they are more carefully made and edited and I found myself connecting emotionally with them a lot more than in part 1. Overall I'm very happy with this lineup and I will be putting all of these shows on my watchlist with the exception of 1 or 2, which is something I couldn't say about part 1. Thumbs up!! 🧡
Let me know your thoughts!
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dramalocks · 2 years
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☇✈ mook ; simples ♡❞
☇ like or reblog ⋮ © namaria
☇ don’t repost our edits
☇ part two/ ?!
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alienwlw · 3 months
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Call me if you dare, P'Vi. I've been practicing my speech for two days.
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ranchthoughts · 1 year
The GMMTV Kissing Multiverse, an Update
EDITED: Hey everyone - update posted here! Follow along with all updates at the tag here
Hello everyone! Thank you all for your help with the GMMTV Kissing Multiverse project so far. I thought I would give an update.
The first draft is here.
Must be lip to lip contact
Must be shown on screen in a GMMTV tv series (no kisses from ads, promotional content, etc.)
Poll Update
I enlisted all of your help deciding if the WaiKorn sorta kiss from the Bad Buddy x ATOTS Our Skyy 2 episodes actually involved lip touching and if the HeartLiMing kiss from Moonlight Chicken should be included.
The results are in: you voted that Jimmy and Drake's lips do NOT touch, therefore their kiss will be NOT be counted in this project. The HeartLiMing poll resulted in an exact tie (!!!) so I am here to be the tie breaker - upon careful review, if we don't see the lips touch, the kiss doesn't count (I think that will be easier for decision-making in the long run). Therefore, the HeartLiMing kiss will NOT be counted in this project. Thanks everyone for participating!
Breakdown by Show
So far, I have looked at 47 individual shows (in brackets is the short-form I've been using):
A Boss and a Babe (ABAAB): Book/Force, Fluke Pusit/Ohm Thipakorn
An Eye for an Eye (AEDAE): Dao Phimthong/Ohm
A Tale of a Thousand Stars (ATOTS): Earth/Mix
Bad Buddy (BB): Nanon/Ohm
Be My Favourite (BMF): Gawin/Krist
'Cause You're My Boy (CYMB): Drake/Frank
Cupid's Last Wish (CLW): Earth/Mix
Dark Blue Kiss (DBK): New/Tay, Gawin/Pod
Dirty Laundry (DL): Film/Nanon
Double Savage (DS): Film/Ohm, Film/Perth
Enchante: Book/Force
Enigma: Prim/Namtan, Prim/Win
F4: Bright/Tu
Friendzone: AJ/Plustor, Nat/Singto, Plustor/Singto, Aye/Apple
Fish Upon the Sky (FUTS): Phuwin/Pond, Louis/Neo
He's Coming to Me (HCTM): Ohm/Singto, Ohm/Gigie
Hidden Agenda (HA): Dunk/Joong
Mama Gogo (MMGG): Drake/Ciize, Joss/Gigie, Lee/Cris
Midnight Museum (MM): Bright/Pat Chayani, Nanon/View
Moonlight Chicken (MLC): Earth/Mix, Earth/Papang, First/Mix
My Dear Loser (MDL): Namtan/Sing
My School President (MSP): Fourth/Gemini, Satang/Winny
Never Let Me Go (NLMG): Chimon/Phuwin, Phuwin/Pond
Not Me (NM): Film/Gun, Film/Mond, First/Gawin, Gun/Off
Only Friends (OF): so far... Drake/Neo, Neo/Mark Pakin, Book/Force [only counting the ones we have seen so far - so this is going to change!!]
P.S. I Hate You (PS IHY): Guy Sivakorn/Papang, Jan/Lee, Jan/Pearwah
Star in my Mind (SIMM): Dunk/Joong, Dunk/Pepper
Sky in your Heart (SIYH): Mek/Mark Jiruntanin
Slam Dunk: Drake/Sing
SOTUS: Krist/Singto
The Eclipse (Eclipse): First/Khaotung, Louis/Neo
The Gifted (Gifted): Namtan/Lee
The Jungle (Jungle): Krist/Lee, Krist/Lookjun, Lee/Mook, Lookjun/Off, Mild/Nanon, Nanon/Punpun
The Player (Player): Chimon/Namtan
The Shipper (Shipper): First/Ohm, First/Prigkhing
Theory of Love (TOL): Gun/Off, Gun/Boom, Nok/Off
Turn Left Turn Right (TLTR): Nanon/Puimek
Tonhon Chonlatee (Tonhon): Khaotung/Pod
UMG: Nanon/Namtam
Vice Versa (VV): Jimmy/Sea
Warp Effect (Warp): Ciize/Sing, Fluke Pusit/Gigie, Fluke Pusit/Thor, Gigie/Guy Sivakorn, Jan/Silvy, Mark Pakin/Best, New/Fah, New/Fluke Pusit, New/Gigie, New/Silvy
Waterboyy: Earth/New
2gether: Bright/Win
Still 2gether: Bright/Win, Mike/Toptap
3 Will Be Free (3WBF): Joss/Tay, Joss/Mild, Mild/Tay
55:15 Never Too Late (55:15): Arm/View, Khaotung/Pawin
10 Year Ticket (10 YT): Ohm/Tu
Breakdown by actor
I currently have 66 actors whose kisses I have recorded (a moment of thought for Aou, Gunsmile, and White who are listed on my spreadsheet but don't actually have any kisses listed yet).
AJ: Plustor (Friendzone)
Arm: View (55:15)
Book: Force (ABAAB, Enchante, OF)
Bright: Tu (F4), Pat Chayani (MM), Win (2gether)
Chimon: Phuwin (NLMG), Namtan (Player)
Drake: Frank (CYMB), Ciize (MMGG), Neo (OF)
Dunk: Joong (HA, SIMM), Pepper (SIMM)
Earth: Mix (ATOTS, CLW, MLC), Papang (MLC), New (Waterboyy)
First: Mix (MLC), Gawin (NM), Khaotung (Eclipse), Ohm (Shipper), Prigkhing (Shipper)
Fluke Gawin: Krist (BMF), Pod (DBK), First (NM)
Fluke Pusit: Ohm Thipakorn (ABAAB), Thor (Warp), Gigie (Warp), New (Warp)
Force: Book (ABAAB, Enchante, OF)
Fourth: Gemini (MSP)
Gemini: Fourth (MSP)
Gun: Film (NM), Off (NM, TOL), Boom (TOL)
Guy Sivakorn: Papang (P.S. IHY), Gigie (Warp)
Jimmy: Sea (VV)
Joong: Dunk (HA, SIMM)
Joss: Gigie (MMGG), Mild (3WBF), Tay (3WBF)
Khaotung: First (Eclipse), Pod (Tonhon), Pawin (55:15)
Krist: Gawin (BMF), Singto (SOTUS), Lee (Jungle), Lookjun (Jungle)
Lee: Cris (MMGG), Jan (P.S. IHY), Namtan (Gifted), Krist (Jungle), Mook (Jungle)
Louis: Neo (FUTS, Eclipse)
Mark Pakin: Neo (OF), Best (Warp)
Mark Jiruntanin: Mek (SIYH)
Mek: Mark Jiruntanin (SIYH)
Mike: Toptap (2gether)
Mix: Earth (ATOTS, CLW, MLC), First (MLC)
Nanon: Ohm (BB), Film (DL), View (MM), Mild (Jungle), Punpun (Jungle), Puimek (TLTR), Namtan (UMG)
Neo: Louis (FUTS, Eclipse), Drake (OF), Mark Pakin (OF)
New: Tay (DBK), Fah (Warp), Fluke Pusit (Warp), Gigie (Warp), Silvy (Warp)
Off: Gun (NM, TOL), Lookjun (Jungle), Nok (TOL)
Ohm Thipakorn: Fluke Pusit (ABAAB)
Ohm: Dao Phimthong (AEFAE), Nanon (BB), Film (DS), Singto (HCTM), Gigie (HCTM), First (Shipper), Tu (10 YT)
Papang: Earth (MLC), Guy Sivakorn (P.S. IHY)
Pawin: Khaotung (55:15)
Pepper: Dunk (SIMM)
Phuwin: Pond (FUTS, NLMG), Chimon (NLMG)
Pod: Gawin (DBK), Khaotung (Tonhon)
Pond: Phuwin (FUTS, NLMG)
Satang: Winny (MSP)
Sea: Jimmy (VV)
Sing: Namtan (MDL), Drake (Slam Dunk), Ciize (Warp)
Singto: Nat (Friendzone), Plustor (Friendzone), Ohm (HCTM), Krist (SOTUS)
Tay: New (DBK), Joss (3WBF), Mild (3WBF)
Thor: Fluke Pusit (Warp)
Toptap: Mike (2gether)
Win: Prim (Enigma), Bright (2gether)
Winny: Satang (MSP)
Aye: Apple (Friendzone)
Best: Mark Pakin (Warp)
Ciize: Drake (MMGG), Sing (Warp)
Cris: Lee (MMGG)
Fah: New (Warp)
Film: Nanon (DL), Ohm (DS), Perth (DS), Gun (NM), Mond (NM)
Gigie: Ohm (HCTM), Joss (MMGG), Fluke Pusit (Warp), Guy Sivakorn (Warp), New (Warp)
Jan: Lee (P.S. IHY), Pearwah (P.S. IHY), Silvy (Warp)
Lookjun: Off (Jungle), Krist (Jungle)
Mild: Nanon (Jungle), Joss (3WBF), Tay (3WBF)
Mook: Lee (Jungle)
Namtan: Prim (Enigma), Sing (MDL), Lee (Gifted), Chimon (Player), Nanon (UMG)
Prigkhing: First (Shipper)
Prim: Namtan (Enigma), Win (Enigma)
Silvy: Jan (Warp), New (Warp)
Tu: Bright (F4), Ohm (10 YT)
View: Nanon (MM), Arm (55:15)
Figures and Discussion Section
Our leaders as of now for "most different pairs kissing in one show" are:
Warp Effect (10 pairs)
The Jungle (5 pairs)
Friendzone and Not Me (4 pairs)
Only Friends (3 pairs [so far 👀])
Mama Gogo, Moonlight Chicken, P.S. I Hate You, and 3 Will Be Free (3 pairs)
2. Jojo has an... outsized impact on the number of kissing pairs. He directed 5 of the top 9 shows with the most different kissing pairs - and roughly 17% of all the shows analyzed - but his shows contain about 30% of kisses present in the data set (note: I am just looking at kissing pair iterations here not at unique kissing pairs, e.g., Phuwin/Pond are a pair in two shows (once in a Jojo show and once in a non-Jojo show), so they are counted twice. Otherwise I would have to think about in what show/under which director a kissing pair first originated, how many different shows/directors they've kissed under... this section is mostly a quick exercise in showing how Jojo has a lot of different kissers in his shows so I'm not trying to be that statistically accurate.)
The median number of "different kissing pairs per show" of a Jojo show is 3.38, compared to a median of only 1.69 "different kissing pairs per show" in non-Jojo shows.
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3. There were more same gender kissing pairs than mixed gender kissing pairs, though not by much. This may also reflect the data set used (I know I am more familiar with QLs than het GMMTV shows)
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4. Our leaders for actors with the "most kissing partners" so far are:
Nanon (7 people)
Ohm (6 people)
First, Lee, New, Film, Gigie, and Namtan (5 people each)
Krist, and Fluke Pusit (4 people)
Bright, Drake, Earth, Fluke Gawin, Gun, Joss, Khaotung, Neo, Off, Sing, Tay, Jan, and Mild (3 people each)
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Bonus! Which of the GMMTV boys has kissed the most men?
First and Singto are tied for the win (4 each)
Then Earth, Fluke Gawin, Khaotung, Krist, Neo, and Ohm (3 each)
Then Drake, Dunk, Fluke Pusit, Gun, Mix, New, Papang, Phuwin, and Tay (2 each)
Thanks to all those who contributed!!: @airenyah, @alsoran, @bengiyo, @burnmyself, @catboykacchan, @catsundmaus, @chickenstrangers, @crowie, @dribs-and-drabbles, @jeonghanurl, @kpinhiding, @lurkingshan, @maibpenrai, @nieves-de-sugui, @non-binarypal7, @sollucets, @userneos, @tiistirtipii, @waitmyturtles, @williamrikers, @zeesqueere
and @blmpff asked to be tagged in updates!
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tnbscans · 14 days
Tnbscan Want list
I am looking for pretty much anything that you can't find on here already. I have hundreds of items in the queue and many I haven't even scanned yet but there's always things I'm not aware of existing, especially non Japanese items. If you have scans to donate (full credit given of course) please contact me. Thank you!
Missing Link Mind Game, OST Seigi no Koe ga Kikoerukai Best of Hero Hero Radio The Beginning OST On-Air Jack 7 Piece Set The Live (ones not already on here) Animate Girls Festival 2011 (All but Kotetsu, Barnaby) 2016 bluray box hero academy Enter Bell (all) T&B2 OST (both) KujiPia (all)
Animate New Chitose Airport (Kotetsu & Barnaby) Namjatown & Beginning in Namjatown (many, please ask) Wondergoo (all except T&B2 vol 1 &2, T&B1 (Sakakibara) vol 1) Sunrise (2013 & 2014) MBS Anime Fes 2014 Graffart (all) CharaShop (all) Karatez (2021) Pash May 2022 4DX (Kotetsu, Barnaby) Hero Festa in Sunshine 60 Observatory (all) Parco (all four) Compact Blu-Ray Box Onkyo 2023 Nengajo (all) T&B2 in Namjatown (all) 2022 Pia Mook Cybird Season 2 Bluray (set of 7) Molly Online (all 3)
Clear Files
Sunrise Festival 2011 Namco Namjatown Origami Cyclone Washi Minimini (The Beginning & Origami Cyclone) Circuit of Hero The Beginning 3 Pocket Chipicco (A & B) Sound of T&B 2016 Characro (Ryan, Keith, Pao-Lin) Pachislot Stationary Series (all 6) Pop'n Hero (all 8) Yuru Palette (Hero on Air) NordiQ (Kotetsu & Barnaby, Origami Rock High, Yuri, Group) Nitengo (A & B) Cafe Playback (Both) Mitsukoshi Passlogy Parco (Kotetsu, Barnaby) Rose (Barnaby) Birthday Set (Ryan & Karina, Antonio & Ivan) le coq sportif Summer Resort Heroes (Ivan & Antonio curling) Bkub Okawa (Wild Tiger, Barnaby)
Newtype Ace Vol 3 (2011) Animedia October 2011 Pash November 2011 Newtype December 2011 Miracle Jump Vol 4 (2011) Cool Voice Issue 5 (2011) Miracle Jump Vol 11 (2012) Ichiban Kuji (Kotestu, Barnaby, Ivan, Keith, Blue Rose, Group) The Beginning World Premiere Poster Collection (1 & 2) Pash July 2012 Animage November 2012 On-Air Jack DAM Hero Karaoke 2012 Circuit of Hero Pash October 2013 Pash May 2014 Oedo Onsen (all) Hero TV Fan The Rising The World of Tiger & Bunny No Anime No Life Ichiban Kuji Rascal Karatez Hero Supporter Art Archives Movie Compact Blu-Ray Box (all) Animedia February 2023
Gyu-Kaku x Rock Bison (10 types) Hero TV Jack ~Achieve Emergency Missions~ (Ivan, Keith, Antonio, Nathan, Pao-lin, Karina) Anime Film Festival Tokyo 2017 Wall Stickers (all) Stationary Series Cafe Playback (set A & B) Parco (all) T&B2 schedule stickers Sanrio Petant (set A & B) Buon Appettito Pac-Man A-on Store Origami Cyclone Bakery Usagiza Lepus (all)
Manga Covers (JP)
Comic Anthology 1: It takes two to make a quarrel Comic Anthology 2: First catch your hare Comic Anthology 3: Hitch your wagon to a star Comic Anthology 4: The age of miracles is past…!? Anthology Comic: Go! Go!! Tiger & Bunny 1, 2, 3SP Tiger & Bunny Comics Anthology Vol. 1, 2, 3 Tiger & Bunny 4 Koma Kings Vol. 1, 2, 3 Tiger & Bunny The Comic (Ueda) all except Vol 4 Tiger & Bunny Comic Anthology Extra Tiger & Bunny Comic Anthology: We Love Sky High Tiger & Bunny The Beginning Comic Anthology Tiger & Bunny (Sakakibara New Edition) Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4
Books (full scans or at least art and interviews)
Tiger & Bunny Hero TV Fan vol. 1 Tiger & Bunny Hero TV Fan vol. 2 Katsura Masakazu x Tiger & Bunny – Original Drawings & Rough Sketches Collection (donation pending) Tiger & Bunny Official Hero Book Tiger & Bunny Official Hero Book 2 Tiger & Bunny Official Guide Book Hero Gossips Tiger & Bunny Roman Album (partially scanned) Tiger & Bunny King of Works (partially scanned) TV Anime Tiger & Bunny Scenario Document Vol. 1 TV Anime Tiger & Bunny Scenario Document Vol. 2 Tiger & Bunny The Live Official Visual Book Band Score Tiger & Bunny Sheet Music Tiger & Bunny -The Beginning- Official Hero Book Tiger & Bunny -The Beginning- King of Works (interviews done, art pending) The Beginning Souvenir Program Special Edition Smart Special Edition Tiger & Bunny Special Book Smart Special Edition Tiger & Bunny -The Rising- Special Book Katsura Masakazu x Tiger & Bunny – Original Drawings & Rough Sketches Collection 2 Mizuki Sakakibara Tiger & Bunny Illustrations (copy obtained) Sum Up!! Tiger & Bunny The Rising Souvenir Program Special Edition Tiger & Bunny -The Rising- Clear File & Postcard Book Tiger & Bunny English of Heroes Tiger & Bunny Pia Tiger & Bunny Hero TV Fan-The Rising- (partially scanned) Tiger & Bunny -The Rising- King of Works (super fanbook done, art pending) Tiger & Bunny - The Slot Works- (copy obtained) Tiger & Bunny 2 Multi Pouch Book Tiger & Bunny Kotetsu T. Kaburagi & Barnaby Brooks Jr. Pia Mook (copy obtained) Katsura Masakazu x Tiger & Bunny 2 Original Drawings Tiger & Bunny 2 Anime Visual Book Tiger & Bunny 2 King of Works (illustrated sheets scanned)
Other Merch:
Monthly Hero Magazine in any language besides Japanese and English. I am aware of French and Korean editions Birthday card included in the Barnaby's Birthday Plate set Calendars (2012, 2013, 2014) Sunrise/Bandai Namco shareholder promotional cards and calendars (all except 2022) Monthly Sheets (Yuri, Ben & Saito) All quo and tosho cards not already here Yurindo bookmarks DAM 3D Mini Book Comics Takaoka bonus paper (Vol 9) Oedo Onsen omiikuji card (Karina) Chimi Mega Buddy Illustrated Sheet Ivan & Antonio's birthday sets Molly Online Kuji clear posters Hero cards and NFT cards given out at the Museum of T&B 2 Netlfix anime card given out at Anime Japan 2023 Hub collab cards and cheki photos
Any non Japanese merchandise I am not aware of, especially outside of North America
Any interviews/articles in any language not already on here
Lost Media
2011 film comic Any undocumented images or files related to the lost media video games Road of Hero, My Private Hero, and V Residence God Eater II T&B DLC Tiger & Bunny The Xmas livestream Hero Radio episodes 26, 40, 74 T&B Station episodes 12, 24, 25, 26
High quality scans of the below art:
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Round One - Bracket Thirteen [Dimension 20 NPC of All Time Sidequest Edition]
Doug Meat vs Master Buttons
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Propaganda under the cut (May contain major spoilers for Never Stop Blowing Up)
Doug Meat - He/Him
Campaign: Never Stop Blowing Up
Who is he?
Doug Meatskin(previously Doug Meat) is one of Kingskin's goons.
Why is he the NPC of All Time?
I’m sure he’s been submitted already but seriously he is the best character. he is the mvp he is the goat he is the second president of the usa in the eighties like how there was two popes one time.
The "party adopts a random background mook so they're a character now" of all time
He loves his mob boss boss. He's co president of these unites states of America. La familia.
That's my fucking president right there <3
It's GOTTA be Doug. The loyalty, the emotion, the love for the people he trusts. And his name is DOUG MEAT
He’s buff, he’s emotional, he has unknown depth and vague feelings for his drug lord boss.
DOUG MEAT!! he is a lover he is a fighter he has ideas for how to improve a criminal gang!! most loveable NPC of NSBU he is gorgeous and wonderful!! he just wants to hold someone's hand :((
It's Doug Meat, man
He stapled a mask to his face just to remove it within five minutes of talking
I just love him so much <3 (you do not have to use this I just don’t really know what to say sorry)
Master Buttons - She/Her
Campaign: Tiny Heist
Who is she?
Master Buttons is the leader of the Heapers and the Abbess of the Watermelon Temple.
Why is she the NPC of All Time?
A BAMF old lady. She has a great voice and gives good advice. She is the Abbess of the Watermelon Temple, show her some respect. *bows head* Hell yeah.
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justlike-awoman · 7 months
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📸: Queen I Archive Series Vol. 6, Shinko Music Mook, 2003; Music Life July issue, Extra edition Queen Deluxe, 1976; Music Life August special issue, Splendid Queen, 1977. (Scanned & edited by me)
QUEEN's FOH Sound Engineer & Head of Road Crew, John Harris photographed while being interviewed for Music Life magazine in Japan, 1976.
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russenoire · 1 year
the teruki hanazawa arc seized me by the brain almost two years ago and still refuses to let go. teru is just warped in a slow-burn-horror kind of way, despite his apparent good cheer, and i find him tragically fascinating.
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i looked up a word he attempts to bludgeon intimidate shigeo with in episode 5: 上下関係。
it's read じょうげかんけい (jougekankei). for context, here's teru's dialogue where it appears:
「聞きたいことは いくつかあるけどその前にハッキリさせとかないとね。上下関係ってやつを差!」 ききたい こと は いくつ か ある けど その まえ に はっきり させ と かない と ね。じょうげかんけい って やつ を さ! k'kitai koto wa ik'tsu ka aru kedo sono mae ni hakkiri sase to kanai to ne. jougekankei tte yatsu wo sa! 'i have some questions i want to ask you, but first i have to clarify something. between the two of us, who answers to whom?'
the english subs translate 上下関係 as 'hierarchy', though it's a little closer maybe to 'pecking order' or 'senpai/kouhai dynamics'. i couldn't even find it on a 15000-word japanese frequency list. fortunately, this 四字熟語 (よじじゅくご・yojijukugo・four-character idiom)'s individual components are common and easily assimilated; i was able to understand what it meant on sight:
上下 = among other meanings, high and low, top and bottom... the ruling and the ruled. kanji: 'up, above' + 'below, down, inferior'.
関係 = relationship, connection, concern. kanji: 'gateway, connection' + 'thread'
the katakanized english loanword for hierarchy, ハイアラーキー, is far more common in japanese. so why would teru use this word? why might he just drop it on shigeo without explanation as he does?
much of the vernacular co-opted by criminal organizations -- at least in anime -- tends towards the archaic and/or formal, in keeping with samurai ideals they profess to uphold. was this language he picked up from fending off claw mooks, alone, throughout his childhood?
knowing the exact word teru uses for 'hierarchy' lends even more hilarity in japanese to shigeo's bafflement when he hears it. it's unlikely that he would know teru's peculiar choice of expression, given his lack of interest in academics. the joke in the english translation falls a little flat IMHO, as the boy doesn't seem so poor a student as to be unfamiliar with the word 'hierarchy' or the concept.
i... i want to examine more of teru's language now in this arc, to see how much of it is as elevated as this word and his sense of self-importance here.
an edit (2023.03.31) for some minor errors in this post:
上下関係 actually isn't a yojijukugo... not all four-character expressions are four-character idioms, of course. i should have consulted the monolingual japanese dictionaries i use on this. ごめんなさい!
my transliteration of the line 「聞きたいことは いくつかあるけどその前にハッキリさせとかないとね。」 should have been: k'kitai koto wa ik'tsu ka aru kedo sono mae ni hakkiri sasetokanai to ne. i still get stumped semi-regularly by 〜て+おくcontractions in the wild. thank you @listlessnss for this and the previous erratum! させとかない is just させる (to cause or make someone do. usually taught to JSL learners as an inflection of する) in its conjunctive affirmative form させて + 置く (as an auxiliary verb, here meaning to do a thing in preparation for something else).
'formal' would have been a better word choice than 'archaic' for describing 上下関係。上下関係 is not an archaic word, but it is uncommon-ish and more likely to be found in formal writings.
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