#moominvalley theme song
ashley-face · 1 year
Me: *enjoying the absolute pure serotonin that is the 90s Moomin cartoon* Man, I should watch the 2019 Moomin cartoon. Ooh, is there a fun theme song-- *2 minutes and 29 seconds later after finding it on Spotify, sobbing deeply* THEY DIDN’T HAVE TO GO SO HARD? I---
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guys im being so nostalgic for moomins rn
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C’moooonnnnn this is a crime episode
They’re committing crimeeeesss
Where is my boy Snufkin “let’s go fill Moominvalley with crime! C’mon!” where is he???
Do you not remember the episode in the OG 90s Moomin where Snufkin became a crime lord?? Where is he??? I haven’t seen him in two episodes??
They’ve got the whole valley involved by not my be gay do crime boy Snufkin :(((
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Snufkin(min) Infodump!!
Long post under the cut :D
Small spoilers for Moominvalley (2019)
okok so Snufkin is a character from the book series The Moomins.
The Moomins are from Finland, written and illustrated by Tove Jansson. The Moomins have been adapted into many forms, but the main three are the comics written by Tove, the 1990 show, and the 2019 show.
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There are many philosophical and queer elements to the stories. An example, is the story The Magicians Hat, two characters called Thingumy and Bob (in English) carry a suitcase containing the Kings Ruby. They talk in a different language to the moomins and are very cautious, scared that someone will try to take the ruby. They are running away from the Groke, which is trying to take the ruby. It is speculated that the King's Ruby represents lesbian love, as Thingamy and Bob are outsiders and come off as very strange to the Moomins, only being able to communicate with each other and keeping a strong hold on the ruby for fear someone will take it away. They are drawn androgynous and are a representation of a secret romantic relationship between Tove and another women Vivica.
There is also trans themes in the character of Toffle.
A large part of the Moomin franchise is Moomintroll's longing for Snufkin while he's gone, as Snufkin was based on Toves then boyfriend who had to leave for long periods of time on business trips.
A quote from the Moomin official website says:
In many ways the relationship of Moomintroll (Tove’s alter-ego) and Snufkin describes the relationship between Tove and Atos. Moomintroll admires Snufkin who still is quite distant and very often Moomintroll is also experiencing a deep sense of longing and yearning when Snufkin is leaving to his adventures or choosing to be at peace with his own thoughts. Moomintroll tries to understand Snufkin’s desire for freedom, even though the waiting is not easy.
Just like Tove admired Atos and just like Tove waited for Atos, his love confessions and commitment.
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With LGBT+ people being more accepted, the new 2019 series has been dipping its toes into exploring the romantic relationship between Snufkin and Moomin.
In the first episode, Moomin and Snufkin take a walk together in the forest while a song plays in the background.
Listen to this song and tell me it describes you and the homies. (No homo)
Moomin is also shown ignoring his girlfriend for Snufkin,
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giving Snufkin a bark boat (which he sees as romantic), and generally being very bi for the man.
(Theres a scene where Moomin literally lays in bed daydreaming about what's going to happen when he sees Snufkin next in this soft voice but I can't find it.)
There are also many scenes where the two slowly grow more physically intimate.
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(there's also one where they're standing on a hill looking out over the sunset and then Snufkin offers his arm as they get up to return to the group but I can't find it 😭)
And thats not even including the Gayest Scene on Earth, as the fandom has dubbed it. (Skip to 2:18 for quick gay)
So. Thats Snufkin, and by proxy, Snufmin. There's a whole lot more detail I could go into about Snufkin's need for freedom contrasting with Moomin's need for affection, Snufkin as a character, other queer themes in the books, but I'm going to leave it there.
I love Snufkin <3
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characteroulette · 2 years
God theMoomin's 90s anime's first episode really is just like
"Winter in Moominvalley! PSYCHE it's Spring now!! Here's an inane argument between Moomintroll and Little My (Moomintroll is our hero) (?????)
Here are our main characters!! (Are Snufkin and Moomintroll, y'know. Like that??) Fun times with a magic hat and flying on pink clouds!! Isn't this such a fun and family friendly little story? :'D
Literally the most traumatising thing to happen to a child.
Anyway, that's over now. Fun theme song!!"
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pikablob · 2 years
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I posted 9,129 times in 2022
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#hilda the series - 12 posts
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Longest Tag: 131 characters
#me when a song about a girl pushing a man down a ladder is the theme song of a character whos most famous appearance is as a corpse
My Top Posts in 2022:
tag mutuals you wanna get to know better!
I was tagged by @wallywestfest - honestly the fact you’d even consider me for this makes me really happy thank you so much!! <3
favourite time of year: hmmmm... prolly either early summer or around the winter holidays :))
comfort food: spaghetti bolognese, but specifically the M&S ready meal version I’m sorry I have 0 shame and it’s good XD
favourite dessert: toffee!! Is guud
things you collect: kids’ books! Picture books, graphic novels, and illustrated middle-grade stuff mostly. I also have a pretty sizeable collection of figures (Funko Pop & Nendoroids included) and I collect model trains (mostly OO9 for those who know what that is!!)
favourite drink: milk; just, a lot of milk XD
favourite musical artist: The Oh Hellos 90% of the time, but also Stan & Nathan Rogers, and Grace Petrie :))
last song listened to: Fogarty’s Cove, Stan Rogers
last movie watched: oh this is hard just because I don’t watch movies much XD I think the last one I actually went to see was Spirit: Untamed (what can I say, I liked Riding Free XD)
last series watched: either Hilda or Harriet the Spy depending on what counts (because I’m just using bits of Hilda for fic reference rn)
current obsession: Hilda, as always; also Infinity Train, Harriet, and The Owl House a bit.
dream place to visit: hhhhh there’s so many but probably Newfoundland :))
place you wanna go back to: Tromso, Norway; it’s genuinely magical in winter
something you want: well there’s a certain art commission I’m really excited to see finished motivation to write more and more money for commissions :))
currently working on: another Wildflowers Fic (Hilda S2 fix-it hurt/comfort) - Hilda writes a letter in this one!
I tag @pikawarrior @nach0 @starlit-lion @discoursed-dracula @dallasurr @strawcherrydeercake @furashuban @sarasplenda @stargazer-sappho (no pressure) and anyone else who wants to! :))
31 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
I’m having so many feelings about Little My right now.
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From the outside, she’s just another one of the Mymble’s many kids; the smallest member of a huge family, who’s never had her own space, shuffled from place to place and raised by an absent guardian who really doesn’t seem to care much about her at all. Of course she’s turned out loud and abrasive; she had to be, to make herself big and take up space and force people to pay attention, because otherwise she’d get lost in the shuffle.
And then she comes to Moominvalley, and meets Moomin and his parents, and she forms a real friendship and chooses to stay and ends up adopted. And sure, she’s still loud and abrasive and a troublemaker, but she’s a neglected child (her mum didn’t even realise she’d stayed behind) and for the first time she has a real family and friends in the bargain and it’s just really getting to me right now.
I haven’t seen the whole show yet (I don’t mind spoilers) or read the books (I know she’s not the same in those I don’t think she has this side of her), but do you think she ever worries about her place in the home? Do you think she’s afraid on some level, deep down, that they’ll want to get rid of her, just like how they wanted to get rid of the rest of her old family? Do you think she pushes the boundaries sometimes, just to make sure she’s really loved?
IDK, I just have a lot of feelings.
33 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
I love the new starters!
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35 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
Asking about fixing S2 of Hilda! :D
(I watched it, but my brain is very much like a sponge, so there may or may not be some holes in my memories of it. But I'd love to hear your opinions on that!)
Okie, so, I've talked about my problems with Season 2 before, but I'm going to go over them in the most detail I can here, before I explain how I'd fix them. Sorry in advance, but this is going to be long.
My Problems:
Fundamentally, Hilda is still my favourite show, and more of my favourite episodes are in S2 than in S1, but there's one big thing that ruined the season for me, and that's what it did to the relationship between Hilda and Johanna. Season 2 wanted to have an arc where Hilda makes mistakes and needs to learn not to lie to her mum, but instead, in the narrative presented, Johanna is the one in the wrong to me.
It's absolutely a cycle. Hilda lying about her adventures makes Johanna worry, which makes her more protective, so Hilda needs to lie even more. But The Troll Circle establishes pretty plainly that this cycle started with Johanna; when Hilda runs outside the wall by accident, her immediate reaction is "Mum would kill me if she knew."
And the way Johanna acts when Hilda comes home proves that she's right; Johanna has become more restrictive and isn't letting Hilda do the things she used to. She wants Hilda to be safe, I accept, but this is after a whole season where Johanna repeatedly says that she loves Hilda for who she is, and explicitly includes her adventures in that (see The Bird Parade and The Troll Rock especially).
Because it is a part of who Hilda is; "such is the life of an adventurer" is her mantra, and even Season 2 itself establishes that she's been allowed to roam freely on her own in the wilderness since she was about 6 years old, the same wilderness that Johanna wants to keep her from in The Troll Circle.
Hilda's choices aren't "lie to her mum" or "be good", they're "lie to her mum" or "give up being who she is". Johanna's the one who changed, and it's not even properly acknowledged; they try and retcon the troll from S1, and just claim that things have always been this way between Hilda and Johanna when that's just not true (I'd argue The Troll Rock implied Johanna knew about it anyway).
The show does try and show Johanna's side, especially in The Fifty-Year Night, but that's one of the reasons it's my least favourite episode. I know she finds it hard, being so harsh on Hilda, but she doesn't have to; she should have been more understanding at the end of The Beast of Cauldron Island, it's her fault things got to that point, and nobody's forcing her to be more protective. She needs to realise she's being unfair and that she hasn't handled this well, and as a result it feels like the narrative is guilt-tripping Hilda for her mum's mistakes.
The Stone Forest hits into the same issues; I'm not going to deny that what Hilda says to her mum in that argument is genuinely hurtful, and that she shouldn't have said it, but she's an upset child. The resolution of that episode is that Hilda needs to stop hiding things, but the conflict was caused by Johanna being restrictive and honestly, more than a little selfish; I'm not trying to bash her, I know why she wants Hilda to stay home and spend time with her, but she should have let her go.
I'm glad that things seem to be back on track in The Mountain King, but when Hilda has to promise not to hide things at the end of The Stone Forest, it doesn't quite work as a resolution for me, because while I do genuinely appreciate Johanna telling Hilda she loves her for who she is, she doesn't promise to let Hilda be herself or make any apologies of her own. It's "you have to talk to me" not "you can talk to me", and for me that's the distinction that really ruined the season.
And all of this comes from one, single place:
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Everything I've just mentioned, including all three of Johanna's worst scenes (the dinner in The Troll Rock, Hilda's first grounding, and the argument over Dungeon Crops in The Stone Forest) and the resolution that I didn't think went far enough, are lifted directly (including a lot of dialogue - although some of it, especially in that final resolution, is said less kindly in the graphic novel) from the graphic novel Hilda and the Stone Forest. And this is the fundamental problem; Season 2 of the show has to adapt this story, which is a problem, because Season 1 of the show made substantial changes from the graphic novels, that honestly made me think that maybe there wasn't a way to do the Stone Forest arc well in the show.
In the graphic novels, Johanna is not a good parent. She's not as bad as the tie-in novels, where she genuinely reads as abusive in all but one, but she starts out as a generic "overprotective parent" stock archetype, and only really breaks out of that a couple of times (she's actually very good in Hilda and the Bird Parade, but in a completely different way from the show version of that plotline). Hilda in turn is a little more selfish and rebellious, so their whole dynamic is different.
And The Stone Forest, in both versions, has Johanna at her absolute worst. It's actually my least favourite graphic novel, specifically because of how awful Johanna gets in the beginning, which is basically just an extended falling-out combining all of her worst moments from Season 2 and making them even worse. And that's where the problem crept in, because in order for the Stone Forest arc to happen, Hilda has to try and sneak out via Nowhere Space, and Johanna has to try and stop her, and the whole thing needs to be precipitated by a mother-daughter falling out.
So the solution the show's crew took was to try making Johanna more like her comic counterpart, and to space the arguments that start The Stone Forest out across the whole season so it doesn't feel abrupt. But the two versions of Johanna are fundamentally different characters, and Comic Johanna is already a bad parent who's flaws aren't acknowledged in this arc, while in the show she's a realistically flawed but genuinely amazing parent and those flaws are addressed in Season 1.
And the result was just making Johanna almost as unsympathetic as her comic counterpart in Season 2. I don't even think that it really cured the abruptness, because it's still an awkward retcon in the first episode, and there are still episodes in S2 where Johanna is firing on all cylinders (The Deerfox and The Yule Lads - which actually handles a mother/daughter dispute caused by Hilda really well), so to me it feels less like a relationship that's having ups and downs, and more like a relationship that's fundamentally changed but only sometimes.
(There are other problems with adapting Hilda and the Stone Forest, namely David and Frida, but I think the show actually handled them well).
So, How Would I Have Done It?
I'm going to rule for this that we have to keep the fundamental plot of The Stone Forest; Hilda gets in trouble with her mum, gets caught when she tries to escape, and has to learn a lesson about being open after she and her mum get out of the Stone Forest. For a while, I genuinely wasn't sure how to make that work within the show in a way I'd be happy with, but in the end, thanks partially to the tie-in novels of all things, I do have a solution: we're actually going to build up the relationship shift, and it's going to have an acknowledged shared responsibility.
The Troll Rock happens almost as it does in canon, but there is no moment where Hilda thinks her mum will 'kill' her for going outside the wall. She still gets home late, and there's still a little awkwardness in the conversation, but Hilda gingerly admits the truth:
"Well, I was going to go to David's... but then I saw this elf getting kidnapped by a dirt clod with legs, and me and Twig kind-of had to go outside the wall to save him."
And Johanna just gives a patient sigh; there is a bit of tension in her voice, she's clearly not 100% happy with this, but she also accepts that this is her daughter:
"That was a good thing to do, sweetheart, but please be careful outside the wall. You know I worry about you."
From there the episode goes on as normal; barring one thing. I'm torn between cutting the "you never told me about that" exchange entirely, and changing the tone of it. In the latter version, instead of suspicion, Johanna is genuinely just surprised, and Hilda's response is something like "Wait, I didn't?", but either way, things go on normally from there; we've established that there's going to be friction between Hilda and her mum, without making things bad immediately.
The next big change is that The Eternal Warriors doesn't happen. It will, eventually, but I'm taking a leaf from the tie-in book Hilda and the White Woff, and saving it for later use. Every other episode gets shunted up by one space, but is otherwise unchanged until we hit The Beast of Cauldron Island, where I'm going to make a major change.
Instead of Hilda just lying, we're going to build on The Old Bells of Trolberg; when Hilda reaches the flat, she's reluctant to cancel their picnic, but she is prepared to explain things and possibly even ask for Johanna's help. But when she gets inside, Johanna is apologetic, and before Hilda can explain, she does:
"I'm really sorry, Hilda, but we can't have our picnic today after all."
"Why not?"
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39 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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16,713 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
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lilypucks · 2 years
oooh 18 for the ask game? also 4 :O
18 - favorite lyric
oooh um let's see hang on
i'm sure this changes fairly regularly as i discover new music but i really like the lines "i found some roses to show you // were growing wild through the floor" from theme song (i'm far away) by MØ (the moominvalley soundtrack SLAPS)
i can't coherently explain why i think a lot of it is because like. that's such a me thing and especially taken into the context of being far from home (like in the rest of the song) and like. finding things on your travels to show your friend (or lover - however you interpret that) upon your return,,,,, livin the dream babey!!
4 - what magical creature would you be?
OHHH you have no idea how much time i spend thinking about this
for a while i was conflicted between dryad and selkie because both are in character for me but they're also vastly different but i can't choose just one
in the end i think i'd like to be a dragon!!! it's basic but u can fly and hoard shinies and breathe fire what's not to love
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haystack103 · 1 year
Theme Song (I'm Far Away) | (US Version) | (From Moominvalley) | Cover By Haystack (Me)
Hey guys, Haystack here!
Here's a cover song from Moominvalley! I did this for fun! I hope you guys like my cover! Feel free to comment (if you guys want to), and have a good day! Byeee!
P.S., The reason why I put an image of Snufkin on the video is because that he's sooooo cute! 💚
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by popular demand (literally 2 people lmao) i have decided to actually write the snufkin moominvalley theme song essay that i was screaming about here  
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anyways so originally i was confused about this because why would snufkin be refering to his mother??? we dont even know if he knows who she is??? BUT THEN I REALISED IT SAYS WHEN ‘YOU FLY AWAY’ NOT ‘I’ WHICH MUST MEAN THIS IS IN THE POV OF SOMEONE WHO ISNT SNUFKIN. yes i think we all know its moomintroll and moominmama is literally refered to as just ‘mama’ in the show thats pretty self explanitory. 
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im gonna be honest idk what ‘paper rolls from that other place’ means. the only thing i can think of is that maybe the ‘paper’ its refering to is snufkins letters? idk?
‘where the bluebirds sing’ i just looked it up (NOT ME DOING ACTUAL RESEARCH FOR THIS FUGYUTYDF) and most bluebirds migrate south in the winter so the ‘where’ its talking about is the south.
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it says ‘my fantasy’ and this is in the pov of moomintroll so clearly its about something he wants. ‘on the coast’ means hes very close to it/getting it and ‘theres a hope for a change’ means that the thing he wants is something he specifically has to change something to get. this could be him wanting to still be with snufkin during the winter but it could also yknow. just be him being the queerest troll to ever exist TFGYYFGYUH
tbh this just reminds me of that one part of starlight (the song that plays at the very beginning of the series when moomintroll flies on a cloud with snorkmaiden)
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yea im basically just stealing half this point from this video so just go to 2:39 lmao
i think we can assume the fantasy in starlight and fantasy in the opening are the same thing (its both in moomintrolls pov) and both the theme and this specifc verse are refering to how snufkin leaves every winter. so theres a lot of evidence for the fantasy simply being that snufkin stays with moomintroll during the winter or it could be the point the video was making about how the change/fantasy could be being in a romantic relationship with snufkin instead of snork maiden because yea they are pretty gay i dont think anyone is disagreeing there KJKASGGFIGAFG 
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ok i take it back this is right after the whole ‘on the coast of my fantasy theres a hope for a change’ and this sounds way more like some gay internal conflict instead of just something ambigiously platonic like wanting to be with snufkin during winter so either theory works i guess TFYGYFGYDYTFGY
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STOP snufkin considers moominvalley his home im CRYING
‘im far away’ i think we can assume is about snufkin being pretty far south and because of the change in pronouns (‘my’) so the song has now switched to snufkins pov
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i had no idea what ‘stars in the storm meant’ originally but the offical music video literally just shows a shot of moomintroll so damn i guess snufkin just called moomintroll a fucking ‘STAR in the storm’ these bitches gay good for them good for them
obviously the next part is just snufkin and moomin being gay this whole thing is just them yearning for eachother what did you expect and not even this song thats literally every song and also the entire show what did you expect
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‘on my way back’ is just snufkin travelling back to moomin valley and ‘your door’ surely is refering to moomintrolls ‘door’ (moominhouse) because yknow. snufkin doesnt have a house. he doesnt have a door. and also this is still snufkins pov and it specifically says ‘your door’ so it cant be something that belongs to him.
 wait im SCREAMING ok so ive just realised this line is clearly a parallel to ‘im, im far away from my home’ which means the ‘home’ snufkin was talking about earlier isnt just moominvalley BUT ITS ALSO SPECIFICALLY MOOMINHOUSE AND PROBALY SPECIFICALLY MOOMINTROLL im SCREAMING
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to be honest im a bit lost with this second verse DFYUUYDRFUGY 
‘mama’ as we already established is refering to moominmama which means its probably moomintrolls pov again.
in the music video ‘from the house on the hills’ shows the moominhouse. this could just be because the music video shows loads of visuals from the normal opening sequence but it does literally talk about a ‘house’ which is ‘on the hills’ so i think its pretty self explanitory. 
‘let it shine’ could be? kind of like?? when you ‘shine a light’ on something?? like revealing or realising something?? idk??? WAIT this might not make ANY SENSE but in the first line it says ‘take the light from the house (moominhouse)’. so if we assume this is the same ‘light’ thats being talked about and its some sort of revelation or realisation to do with moominhouse/the people (OR SOMEONE) living in it then TLDR: gay. the revelation is that he is gay for moomintroll. I rest my case. (this would then mean this verse is in snufkins pov tho and not moomintrolls???? idk this is all just theories yall im going insane ydtfuYTF)
‘foreign night’ is probably refering to the places snufkin has stayed during nights in his winter travels. mans realises hes gay during his south trip sucks to be him.
‘when all hearts are still’ is when the visuals of the music video fade to the first shot in the series (the one of the camera circling around moominhouse before moomintroll flies on a cloud with snorkmaiden). yea idk what this means but its probably something gay and maybe a bit angsty idk fgyUYDFGYGYF
NEVERMIND I FIGURED SOMETHING OUT ok so normally people interpret beating hearts as the person feeling romantic attraction so surely ‘when all hearts are still’ would mean a complete lack of that. interesting how it plays this line when showing the only shot in this whole video that is (the beginning of) a snorkmaiden and moomintroll scene. interesting.
but like i guess beating hearts could also mean feeling anxiety so it could just be refering to being calm idk tfgyuTFGYUFTYDF
i would also like to mention that the scene being shown is the same scene where the song starlight would play. BACK TO THE STARLIGHT LYRICS
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so weve already esablished 2 different interpretations of this verse but lets just assume its refering to moomintroll yearning to be more than besties with snufkin instead of dating snorkmaiden and just essentially being queer as fuck. 
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wow no way whats this??? the line ‘on the clouds of my fantasy’ plays conviently while the music video shows the scene where starlight plays?? the scene which literally shows moomintroll on a ‘CLOUD’??? which also conviently happens to have a song that talks about a fantasy??? wouldnt it be crazy if all these coincidences were hinting to it all being the same fantasy??? wouldnt that be crazy???? 
‘we’ll be pushing the storm’ wow no way that also seems familiar??
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remember this lyric?? when snufkin refers to moomintroll as a ‘star in the storm’?? what a crazy coincidence???
‘we’ll be pushing the storm’ could more specifically mean ‘pushing for the storm’ so possibly pushing for some kind of conflict? maybe the ending of snorkmaiden and moomintrolls relationship if were going to assume the lyric directly before (‘on the cloud of my fantasy’) is refering to the undeniable not heterosexuality going on between moomintroll and snufkin fytfyfyuUYG
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i think we all know this part is refering to snufkin coming back to the valley
and then the final part of the song is just the chorus again bUT THIS HORRIFICALLY LONG TUMBLR ESSAY IS NOT OVER YET
so alternativley this verse could be a metephor for the moominhouse acting as some sort of lighthouse for snufkin when he returns
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there is a lot of talk of ‘light’ coming from moominhouse in the first 3 lines. ‘let it shine in a foreign night’ weve already established that ‘foreign night’ is refering to the places snufkin stays during nights in winter and if we assume the ‘shine’ is coming from moominhouse or moominhouse itself then this turns it into a kind of metaphor for moominhouse being a lighthouse to snufkin (something that leads him back to the valley) IF THAT MAKES LITERALLY ANY SENSE
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anyways yea then snufkin is led back to the valley nice good for him
ALSO this is EXCATLY WHAT HAPPENS IN SNUFKINS DREAM SEQUENCE (which has an absolutely stunning title btw)
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at 1:13 he sees a light coming from moominhouse (’the light from the house on the hills’ ‘let it shine in a foreign night’) 
then relaxes which means his heart rate would slow down (’hearts are still’)
‘on the clouds of my fantasy’ this is a dream about him returning to moomintroll this is quite literally the definition of a fantasy 
‘well be pushing the storm’ (1:32) this is when hes reminded of his fears of being forgotten
‘so ill be where i need to be’ (1:45) this is when he returns to moominhouse
then the chorus begins again
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its talking about how hes ‘far away from (his) home’ again so the begining of this chorus could signal when when he wakes up from the dream and is still in the south
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then the final line is him deciding to go back to moominvalley (tO sEe mOoMinTroLl aS a mAtTeR oF fAcT i rEaLlY wAnT tO sEe hIm)
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i-has-caprisuns · 4 years
i decided to watch the carebears because why the fuck not (i also finished all the 90s moomin episodes out)
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smooti · 4 years
So I saw the moominvalley soundtrack and was like, oh I bet this’ll be a relaxing instrumental score to put on
I was... not expecting what’s actually on it. It’s amazing music and still did the trick, but still
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skruttet · 5 years
got tagged by both @mumrik-maiden and @g0ryllama aljsqja thank you (the former technically tagged my main blog but I barely use that sooo)
my current lockscreen & homescreen & last song I listened to:
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The first one is art by @lavenderstew
uhhh I feel like everyone’s been tagged already....I guess I just tag anyone who sees this & wants to do it lol
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anouchka-ruth · 5 years
MØ - Theme Song (I'm Far Away) (From the "MOOMINVALLEY" Official Soundtr...
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iheartmoosiq · 5 years
Based off of personal experience, it’s not always an ace in the hole when an artist we love, or a band we cherish, contributes music to a soundtrack for film or television, particularly one geared towards people of all ages including youngsters and kids. I mean, some of these soundtracks are incredibly fun, and they’re obviously targeting the right audiences with the music, but it’s rare that such music becomes instant-darlings in our books. Yet, when I came across MØ’s theme song contribution to television series Moominvalley, I fell head over heels all over again for the Danish sensation’s distinctive vocals and dreamy billowing pop. I’m Far Away is like some of her earliest releases, or some of her ridiculously captivating performances on YouTube series like La Blogotheque’s A Take Away Show. Gone are the vivacious stimulating dance beats and fiery flare, which we love, but this is MØ at her finest... When she’s emotive and heart ruffling, enchanting and more stripped back, with glimmering brass and fluttering chords. Mooninvalley is based off a Finnish fairy tale, which MØ is a fan of. I can only imagine how much of an ardent personal project it must be for her to enrich its soundtrack with a theme of her own. Download I’m Far Away, here.
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mageofcolors · 2 years
What song for Pippin?
oh i havent thought of it in a while HMMM
Home by Josef Salvat gives me them vibessss
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iemondropsss · 3 years
Analyzing Every Song in the Moominvalley Soundtrack
Greetings and welcome to my personal interpretation of every song in the Moominvalley Soundtrack plus a tier list I made like six months ago and never shared haha (I'll put it at the end when I'm all done I'm just doing 4 songs this post). So I’m trying to make this as un-ship bias as I POSSIBLY can to give a sort of definitive “this is most likely what the song means in the context of the show and on its own” but REALLy some songs as we know,,, can’t be helped. This will just be structured by the song title, artist, analysis, tldr, and personal thoughts. Not saying I am going to be 100% “correct” about every song but we do our best here. Feel free to share your own thoughts with me, I’d love to hear, seriously!
I’m Far Away (Theme Song) - MO:
So MO’s music video is very good and amazing and perfect and I am totally obsessed with this comment analysis here:
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it’s pretty much all I could ever say so kudos to them I haven’t stopped thinking about it <3
Starlight - Alma:
A happy little jam and a great opener to the first episode! So this song takes place during Moomintroll’s dream about him and Snorkmaiden floating on pink clouds, a callback to the first 90s episode before they do adapt that part of the book in season 2. The scene takes the two through Moominvalley itself while we pass by the Moominparents dancing with flower crowns (*manifesting more flower crowns for season 3*). The main highlight of this song is “life is not a movie but it’s fantasy with you.” This is sort of trying to say that this is real life, not anything as played up and perfect as a movie, but it feels perfect with you. The other way to take this is a focus on the *fantasy.* It feels perfect but maybe it isn’t real, in reference to Moomintroll and Snorkmaiden’s relationship as through the rest of the season we see the strain and awkwardness their coupling entails. Also the fact they're on clouds that literally fall apart while Moominmamma and Moominpappa are dancing on the ground with earthy flower grounds to show their relationship is much more secure and grounded,,, weow. “Oh dear, how I fell in love so easily” could also refer to how easy it might have been for Moomintroll to assume the role of strong boyfriend in this relationship, viewing it as only a natural progression from a friendship with a girl though we do not see the beginning of the relationship on screen. So this is the Snorkmaiden interpretation of this song mirroring the context of the scene but of course there is the very low hanging fruit of “please say you’ll never leave, ‘cause it’s in your hands.” I would argue this not referring to Snufkin because it is very late winter at the time of this episode so chronologically it doesn’t really fit. However, with Snorkmaiden it could refer to the sort of pressure they have on to stay in the relationship. Why wouldn’t they stay together? There is a sort of codependency in there as well they touch on in season 2, so this line could indeed be how there is this stigma around them to not break up, even if they notice the cracks. It’s their responsibility and season 1 is not the time for them to break away.
Tl;dr: Snorkmaiden and Moomintroll’s relationship is more fantasy than real at the moment, and they are both holding on, waiting for the other to let go
Summer Day - Tom Odell:
Summer Day effectively sets up the theme of the seasons that will go throughout the show. We all know the seasons are freaking important in Moomins and at times can be used as metaphors and that’s what this song is starting to do here. In Moominvalley the Summer is associated with long days spent with all the friends and essentially the unlimited potential such a long time can bring. It’s the hope of the future, the hope of a glorious Summer this year. “You can show me how / it can be a summer day / honey all year round.” Let’s have this feeling of happiness and endless Summer all year, at least until Winter comes again. That’s one of the most interesting things about this series I think, is that there is always a clock. When November comes, it is time for all the little critters to sleep and Snufkin to leave, which is sad, even though we know Spring will come again. We must enjoy the Summer while it lasts because we have learned to be grateful for it. “I don't know much about society / Or if we’re growing up quicker than we're meant to be / But when you put your hands in my hands / You speak a language only us can understand” This verse is very interesting because it mentions the theme of coming of age most prevalent in this adaptation. Moominvalley is a very closed off little town. They live by their own rules and life their life as they wish but when it comes to leave the nest what will happen? This is daunting for Moomintroll, as he is the one really growing up in this story. However, as this verse points out, if we can do it together hand in hand (we being him and his friends, presumably) then everything will turn out okay. “I have only got to see your face / … and you can show me how it can be a Summer Day all year round.” Again, there is the companionship with friends and how it is these bonds that make Summer just as wonderful as it is here in Moominvalley. “You know, soon it will be spring / You know, you really are the prettiest thing” Whoops there it is lol. It’s about to be Spring which will lead to the beautiful moments of companionship in the seasons to come, and that is something that fills the singer (Moomintroll POV probably) with the purest form of happiness.
Tl;dr: Summer is about friendship and happiness, and it’s almost time for Spring
Personal Notes: Obsessed with the iiiiiIIIIIIIIIII
Back to the Cave (Cornel Suns):
Snufkin’s nightmare. An analysis on its OWN but it shows us Snufkin’s fears of being forgotten and the guilt he can hold from being away for so long, even if he has nothing to worry about and it really is okay for him to have alone time. This song is RICH with good lyrics to analyze so I’m going to go bit by bit.
“You've got your suckers like an octopus / And they can't see behind the camouflage / Should I compare you to an octopus?” Now I’ve seen cat-like Snufkin I’ve seen bird-like Snufkin but octopus? *takes notes* This actually can have some comparisons to the themes in All Small Beasts but here the song highlights Snufkin’s tendency to fade away when he doesn’t want to be present, and a hesitation to even try to define him at all. The suckers could mean sticking stubbornly to an idea, philosophy, or even a place which Snufkin is also known to do. So defining the flaws Snufkin sees in himself might be what this verse is describing.
“We're moving forward slowly / But falling backwards faster” Trying to get closer to someone or something but pulling back before anything can amount to it. Keeping distance but at what cost to what you really want.
“So watch us spiral as we tumble from grace / We're running out of punchlines / Addicted to disaster /So watch us crawl / We're crawling back to the cave” OKAY SO GENIUS LYRICS IS TELLING ME THEY HIDE FROM THE COMET IN A CAVE IN COMET IN MOOMINLAND AND OH MY GOD *FLIPS SEVERAL TABLES* This means that the entire song by being called Back to the Cave is referring to this and I’m sorry-- Alright so mind blown. So now we see this song is comparing Snufkin’s nightmare and being so socially averse to the comet. He is hiding away in the “cave” (his aloof nature and distance from anyone he is close to) from the “comet” (people abandoning him, not finding value in his presence anymore, or otherwise changing a relationship negatively.)
Help we’re only three songs in and I’ve lost my mind it makes so much sense now.
“There’s a fire there’s a fire it’s coming / and it’s pushing past the women / and children” imagery of the fiery comet, the doom and hopelessness that Snufkin’s fears give him.
“Such a thrum, such a thrum / Of flies humming / On the beach by a sea / Of sevens” comet again, seven also symbolizes perfection, completion, and how Earth was created on the 7th day in the Bible? Don’t know if that’s the right interpretation of this but the seven probably means something XD There has been known to be bible imagery in moomins though so for all we know
“There's a storm, there's a storm/ It's rising / There's no time, there's no place / for idles” How everyone rushes back home after trying to tell the scientists in the observatory about the comet.
“All that's born is a meaningless spiral” The comet doesn't actually strike earth and everyone is fine, but that fear was still very real. Similar to a nightmare in: “All that's born is a meaningless spiral”
Tl;dr this song is about Comet in Moominland
Personal Notes: google lyrics is a fucking lie it’s not a ddddd disaster is addicted to disaster smh. Also! This was the first song I ever heard from the soundtrack, in the “what actually happened” video I believe lol and then I googled the lyrics in hopes of finding it and found there was a WHOLE ALBUM?? And it was gold.
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