#moon is a rapscallion
rexlottie · 2 years
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rkgk (havent drawn all my extended mk system refs but alter!marlene is on the left .shes cooler than comic marlene i promise)
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dragons-and-magic · 4 months
What made you ship all of them, lol?
Especially Sonny x Rebecca?💙💛
HOOOOOO BOY. This is gonna be a long one! Lol! Honestly, most of the reasons is just liked them. I saw some fan work of them and they just clicked with me. I don't know. I'm not very complicated when it comes to shipping.😅 But I'm super excited to talk about my ships, so I'll try to give some more thoughts on them than that. Let's get into it!
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Sonny x Rebecca: I will admit, I didn't ship these two at first. But, after I saw some fan content of them, I was hooked. I think they would have really good dynamic. We all know it's implied that Sonny has had a very rough and frankly traumatizing life. I feel like Rebecca could be good for him. Her joyful and sweet personality might just be what he needs to heal. Plus, they give me sun and moon vibes.🌚🌞 (P.S. I almost forgot. Watching Gordon take in the fact that his daughter figure/apprentice is now dating this "thieving rapscallion" would be absolutely hilarious.)
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Thomas x Ashima: I've been shipping these two for years! I mean, look at the the way they look at each other and talked about each other in a few scenes! And how Thomas really wanted her to stay with him longer? Saving each other in the competition?? Or that one BWBA episode where he fantasized saving her like action hero??? That's so frickin cute!
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Another thing! Thomas is used to having to prove he's worthy for all sorts of things. Ashima thinks he's already worthy. She literally looked at him and said, you don't need to change. You're perfect being yourself and I like it.😭💖 I personally feel like they're soulmates! And make a really good team! I really wish they had done more with them in show. I was hopeful when they announced they would be putting her in more episodes. But alas, nothing really happened.
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Frankie x Hurricane: I love me a good villain couple, m'kay? Also, the tragedy??? Think about it, since they're working on the mainland, they don't know about steamies and diesels finally getting along. (We do know that things are the mainland didn't change as quickly.) So picture this. Back then, when the mainland engines found out that steamie and diesel had fallen in love, all hell broke loose! So, the poor ostracized couple left to escape the hostility, and went where they could never find them. A big steelworks, in the middle of nowhere... Anyways, they would totally be an awesome Disney level villain couple. I know it.
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Emily x Connor: This one has what I call "I take a tiny moment and blow it up into a huge thing!" Lol. Basically, in one episode, Connor very subtly flirted with Emily and I found it interesting. It may or may not have been intentional, but either way I thought that it could be really cute. They give me knight and princess vibes. Also, I love Caitlin and Emily's relationship. (Healthy female friendships! My beloved!) Having her as a wingman (wingwoman???) for Emily and Connor sounds all too adorable. Although admittedly, this ship is definitely not my favorite on the list. I used to like it more when I was younger. Recently I got into Douglas x Emily, which has way more hints than this ship. And that one is slowly creeping up higher on the list. So we'll just have to see with one comes out on top.
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Edward x Boco: SUCH A CUTE COUPLE! I didn't ship these two at all, until start reading fic's for them and saw the fanart. Then I realized these two might as well be married! Just two nice old guys, raising three rambunctious children together.🥰 Also, it seems nice that Edward finally has someone tough enough to help him wrangle in the twins when he's feeling worn out. And their personalities fit really nicely together too. Somebody put it better then me, right here. But yeah, these two are adorable! Easily one of my top favorite ttte ships!
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Belle x Flynn: Honestly, I have no reason to ship these two, other than I just think it would be cute. No canon event inspired it. No fanart. Nothing. It just popped into my head one day and I decided to roll with it. Lol. I think it would be fun to see.
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Daisy x Ryan: I'm not to sure what to say about these two either. Other than they give me vintage movie vibes. (Maybe it's Daisy. She reminds me of a few female movie stars from the old days of Hollywood.) And as a vintage movie fan, I really like that! Also, it's worth mentioning she literally flirted with him in one episode. That was a surprise! It was convince him to do some jobs for her, but whatever. Lol. Also Ryan was almost completely oblivious to it. My poor Gold Retriever Boy. It didn't fully compute. 🤣🤣🤣 Still, I think it could possibly work. Especially in the later seasons.
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James x Nia: YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE RARE PAIR!🤩 I've talked about it so much now! But, here's a few more thoughts on them! They actually have a few traits in common. They're both playful, fiery, and outgoing characters. And they both seem to be very loyal as well. Oh, did I mention that their matching color scheme is perfect. And I feel like Nia would help James loosen up a bit and get even more adventurous. So while definitely a rare pair, I think they're neat and should be explored more!❤️🧡
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Toby x Henrietta: If Thomas and Ashima are soulmates, Toby and Henrietta are champion soulmates! They're such a husband and wife duo. I loved every episode they had together. The way they talked to other and how much they disliked being separated? Adorable!!!😍🧡🧡 Sometimes they remind me of my own parents.😂 Whoever came up with the idea to finally give Henrietta a voice and an actual face? I salute you. You were a true genius. Now I can hear their realistic husband/wife banter in it's full glory. Lol.
Well, that's my thoughts. I'm not very good at romance anything, so I hope this will suffice.😅 Thanks for the ask!
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brooklynisher · 2 months
what are your opinions on Rav 👀 (i’m so normal about him)
Trust me when I say this, I love Rav.
It was a bit of a phase with him but for a while I was going crazy about him. He was my favorite SPG lore character. He’s just so cool!
I love his song how it reveals that even though he’s a hero he’s not exactly careful about it so to speak. Seeking up amnesty. You must be real popular Rav aren’t you? /s /silly
Bunny’s description of him only further pushes his “rapscallion-esque” attitude. Not the best way for me to describe him but you see what I mean right?
He’s been working alongside Commander Cosmo for years, helping him discover his powers as an immortal space god. Commander Cosmo’s actually the REASON why his ship is so high-tech, so you know they’re close. Especially bc you know, Rav was the only one up to the task of blowing up the star he was trapped in.
Bunny phrased something in a way that made it seem like they could’ve been a thing, but Commander Cosmo is too cold and unreceptive and also too infatuated with Cosmica for Rav.
Regardless Rav does get around with other guys. Particularly moon princes. Could be poly too. Bunny mentioned that it would make sense, but it was one of her more “If you want to headcanon it, I won’t confirm nor deny” answers. She did that a lot. Major example saying “it’s possible” for Peter Walter VI to be autistic and also headcanoning her own characters.
She also said we can be expecting more of Rav and his crew in the future which is real nice!
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the-crimson · 1 year
Let the Light Shine Through My Glass Heart
A little drabble inspired by Tallulah and BBH’s convo the other night.
“You know we all love you, Tallulah.”
“I’m sure Wilbur will get back soon!”
“Yea, he’s out there making lots of money for when he comes home.”
Tallulah clenches her fists, heart leaping in her throat. A left over gust of wind from the Pumpkin Lord’s aura sprays sand in the air and Tallulah takes the opportunity to turn away, fists rubbing the tears of frustration from her burning eyes.
She wishes she could melt all this desert sand into glass so she could shape it into a heart and to shatter it only to roll in the pieces. Maybe that could distract her from the mind numbing pain pulsing in her chest - if only for a moment - but a moment would be long enough.
“Tallulah?” The gentle - always gentle - hand on her shoulder draws her gaze and Tallulah looks up at Bad through vision marred by unshed tears.
“Let’s summon another one!” One of her siblings shouts, Pomme and Richas running past in a whirlwind of kicked up sand whileTallulah and Bad shield their faces.
“Tio Bad, can we talk in private?” Tallulah asks hardly above a whisper. She considers any noise above a squeak an accomplishment with her racing heart surging in her throat.
“Of course. Stay with Foolish, kids!” Bad replies, shouting at the chaotic mess that is Tallulah’s siblings. The two clamber through deep sand atop one of the sand dunes so Bad can keep a watchful eye on the others but he gazes at Tallulah expectantly with the soft but somewhat distant eyes that always seem to pass through her.
“What is it, Tallulah?”
Tallulah breathes deeply and her hands curl into trembling fists on the rim of her sweater, if she holds on tight enough maybe she’ll find the courage to keep standing when the next gust of wind threatens to tear her down like so many houses of cards.
“You always say soon. Everyone always says I am loved and surrounded by family but I feel like I am screaming into the void because none of you are listening.” She pauses to breathe as tears well inside her. She can feel herself shaping the glass with one hand and grasping the hammer with the other. “I know you love me. I know Philza loves me. I know all my siblings love me. I know any of the other parents would come running if I called. I know! That doesn’t change the fact that my father is gone!”
Ice cold tears stream down her cheeks and she throws her hands in the air. Glass explodes in her mind as she takes the hammer to her own glass heart, mentally screaming with every swing as everything she’s been suppressing for so long tears free.
“Everyone always tells me that it’ll be alright! That I’m loved! That Wilbur will come back soon! Soon, soon, soon! It’s the same empty words every time but none of you are listening! None of you can tell me what to do when I try to picture my father’s face and all I see is you and abuelito! What am I supposed to do then?”
Bad closes his eyes with a grimace and glances to the side where invisible footprints appear in the sand. He takes a step towards the eavesdroppers and shouts, “Get out of here you little rapscallions!” He flinches at the venom in his voice but the kids skitter away giggling in a spray of sand. Bad sighs and turns back to Tallulah, kneels before her.
Tallulah watches her siblings retreat but returns focus to her tio when Bad takes one of her white knuckled fists in both of his tender hands, now at eye level as he kneels in the sand but he can’t look her in the eyes, instead gazing at her hand as he unfurls her stiff fingers, revealing the half moons of red carved into her palm. A tear glitters in the moonlight as it rolls down his cheek and Tallulah takes a shaky gasp.
She looks at the shattered fragments of the once beautiful glass surrounding her and the hammer suddenly drags her forward, its full weight threatening to drag her to the grown but she drops it. She looks at the lines of crimson forming on her hands and arms and collapses to her knees. Bad catches her and brings her into his chest as she shudders and holds her self.
Through trembling and uneven breaths, Tallulah whispers, “I consider you and abelito Philza my parents more than my own father. What kind of daughter does that make me?”
Tallulah waits for Bad to say something, anything, but all she hears is the wind whistling through the sand dunes, her siblings playing with Foolish in the distance, and her own racing heart beat. She leans her head into Bad’s chest and he holds her tighter with slightly trembling arms.
Tallulah shifts slightly as annoyance bubbles within her. Why are you crying? Bad must sense her discomfort as he releases her and pinches his eyes. Tallulah hufs slightly and pulls her knees to her chest, turns her head away from him, shaking it slightly. They always make this about them. Her cheeks burn and she remembers the heat of the Diablo she’d fought in the casino not an hour earlier. The rush of slaughtering those monsters surges through her as she remembers hacking and slashing at the Nightmare Stalkers until long after they’d stopped moving. She takes the hammer, handle slick with her own blood, and turns to the remaining half of her glass heart.
“I had someone once,” Bad whispers.
Tallulah stops mid step, his voice merely a whisper in the chaos that is her thoughts.
“We fought - often -” she can hear the smile in his voice and lifts her head to glance at his feet, not quite able to look him in the eyes - “but he was... my everything.” Tallulah sniffs and wipes her nose, lowers the hammer slightly.
“Then I got on a train and he was late. Then he missed the boat and the plane...” Bad trails off and Tallulah glances at him as Bad looks over his shoulder at the kids who are long out of earshot. “But I was graced with the greatest thing I never knew I needed and it seemed like everything was fine. I fell in love with a little egg and I would never trade my son for anything but...” He looks down at his hand as he scoops up sand and watches it trickle through his fingers. “I think about him less and less everyday and then I find diamonds and it all comes rushing back. Sometimes I can’t breathe as I remember and I just feel like I’m falling, flailing to hold onto memories that are like grains of sand.”
He meets her uneasy gaze with a melancholy smile.
“I can’t tell you what to do, Tallulah. I’m just as lost.”
A clang echoes in Tallulah’s mind as she drops the hammer and sinks to her knees. Bad kneels with her in the shards of glass that dig into both of their legs. He offers her the unbroken half of her glass heart.
“We’ll figure it out together, yea?”
Tallulah nods with a broken laugh and wipes her eyes. She leans into his side and they both look out at the horizon as pink tendrils creep into the sky. Bad and Tallulah begin the arduous task of collecting the fragments of glass and she sighs as she leans into him. Hearts are made to be broken but she can’t help to breathe a smile thinking about how beautiful her glass heart will look once she’s pieced it back together and can hold it up let the light shine through.
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reposting this meme bc it's true and bc I really like it, lol
I have quite literally been scribbling notes on a scrap of paper like a madman while rewatching TGOA part 3 as many times as possible, just jotting down all the mindboggling information we've been given, and some less direct stuff that I could be reading too much into but is fun and neat even if it doesn't amount to anything crazy and galaxy-brained, lol.
So click/tap below the cut for rambles about the final part of Pulp Musicals episode 3
The Ghosts of Antikythera ⚓️
Names, Names, Names!!!
Hey, might as well start with all the new names we've gotten!
The captain of the Antikythera — the ghost ship from 'someplace else' — is Addison Arvad.
Kal (my beloved/beloathed ❤ ) is Kalfu
The Traveler we met in TBS is Sia 💖💖
Ahlaam is another Traveler. I adore her already, and not just because she saved Rose.
Dakkar is... somebody. As expected, I've been going crazy in my dms with @man-down-in-hatchet-town, and she believes Dakkar is probably inspired by/based on Captain Nemo? 👀
King(?!) Itzal is... probably bad news! Kal's the one who calls him a King and he is obviously pretty loyal and devoted to him, and wants to impress him (aww), so methinks Itzal is maybe not so good???? (I am also a proud supporter of Brooke's Dylan Saunders as Itzal campaign, lol)
The Blazing World is home. It's where the Travelers and the Antikythera's Searchers (rip) are from, it was destroyed once—but is being rebuilt?—and Kalfu and Itzal seem to want it gone for good.
Lincoln Island is the mysterious island our heroes on the Ellen Austin are approaching at the end of the episode, the place Ahlaam sent Rose and the Antikythera to via orrery.
Quick *Approximate* Timeline
Eh, what can I say? We got numbers and I decided to do a tiny bit of math about it.
1874 — the Antikythera & the Ellen Austin
🎶 When are we? 🎶 Well, Morgan Reese informs our time-traveling heroes that, uh yeah lol, last he checked the year was 1874. What a funny question from a bunch of rapscallions!
Captain Arvad's logs from the Antikythera start in January 1874, so we know the Searchers were out and about in this same year. Their disappearances were recent and the ship hasn't been empty for all that long, I don't think.
1865 — may this monument stand forever
On this site in 1835, Sir John Herschel and Anna Hanover launched the first brick satellite, the Sagitta, in what was known as Township Number Nine. Erected to commemorate their bravery, to thank them for their gift to all mankind, may this monument stand forever.
Dedicated August, 1865.
1864 — the dark angel appears
A desperate AJ makes his ill-fated deal with Kal in exchange for his crew's safety during the Battle of Mobile Bay.
Damn the torpedoes.
1835 — the beginning of our adventure
🎶 IT IS EIGHTEEN THIRTY-FIVE 🎶 and the Great Moon Hoax and The Brick Satellite both happen in this year. Things were so simple back then!
1829 — the Blazing World is destroyed
In 1874, we are told (first by Arvad's journal, and then by Sia) that their home, that the Blazing World was destroyed 45 years ago. If my math is right and they're not hippity-hopping too much in time (they have time travel capabilities so idk for sure) that would put the destruction of the Blazing World in 1829.
If the world being destroyed is also the Event that Kal alludes to in Gunpowder and Rum, pt. 3 ("Your powers are returning and you still don't remember what happened? 😒") AND it's the one that left Margaret without her memories and powers, then... could Margaret have been feeling lost, alone, and disconnected with her phantom pain in New York for 6 whole years before the Stratfords wrote the hoax that would bring the quartet together??? 🥺
And while we're on the subject of time passing!
If Sia and Kalfu and everyone besides the quartet has gotten to 1874 the long way 'round... (which I think is the case if Kal snarked at Sia for hiding Margaret in the future—if he has a sense of the future in relation to the world and time, I'd say this also implies he & the others have a pretty consistent present?) ...have they aged? Or does their magic also lengthen their lives? I imagine it would be mentioned if Sia was visibly older, and since Samuel described Kal as looking ~40 years old, then how could he be younger than the war he's been in? lol. But idk, this is just food for thought!
Kal Loves His Lore Dumps, Doesn't he? This one's mostly about Margaret <3
"You've proven quite elusive over the years... We've searched across the seven seas... I suppose it's only fitting that I find you here by chance, looking for an orrery! I'd have settled for the ship, what's its name? An-ti-ky-ther-a. But you will be quite the prize. It's you that will seal our victory! A ship from the Blazing World would have been quite the quarry. But you? That could end things once and for all!"
"The ship, the orrery, they don't matter now. Not when I can dispatch the two biggest traitors in history with just one blow!"
Seems like our girl is pretty special~ 🥰
I mean, of course she is, she's our Margaret, but if Kal is willing to let the Antikythera go to get her instead, and he's so convinced that taking her out will win the war... our girl is Pretty Special™ right? Maybe she's a princess or something, or maybe her Radiance is just that heckin' strong. idk, but I'm excited to find out either way.
I'm also wondering if there's a connection between Margaret and the orrery/orreries... If Kal thought it was fitting to find her when he was after the orrery, does that mean something more? Could Margaret have created the orreries and/or the magic behind them? 👀
...actually maybe this isn't such a good and fun thing. 😅😟 Things don't usually go very well for special and important characters—what is the saying, tragedies love heroes? I mean, Margaret has lost her powers and memories once already, as well as her home and whatever family she may have had before. I know all our pulp blorbos have been in dire straights a few times now, but I don't want them to get MORE DIRE than this!
Kalfu, Sia, & Margaret's history
Kal: High marks for cloaking the fleet, but seriously—
Kal: Come on, it's a Traveler reunion.
Kal: Just a drink between three friends.
Sia: Oh, you were once a man that I trusted. Tell me, where has he been?
Sia: Itzal poisoned your mind!
Kal: Itzal opened my mind!
Sia and Margaret: *powering up*
Sia: Hey, Kalfu!
Kal: Huh? Ugh, not again.
Kal: *team rocket fog's blasting off again*
I think it's pretty safe to say that, once upon a time, these three were once close. Maybe they were friends and peers, or maybe Kalfu was once Sia and/or Margaret's mentor with that "high marks" comment. Whatever the case, they used to be allies who trusted each other.
I think it's also safe to say all three of them are/were Travelers. Obviously Sia is, and Margaret probably is/was one as well, since she and Sia have a badass combined attack (that I'm betting they used against Kalfu ~45 years prior). As for Kal... I don't know how the radiance and the fog fit together exactly, whether they've always been separate or the fog is a dark bastardization of the radiance, but it seems like he is on equal footing with Sia as far as magic powers go, and he can teleport like they do—AJ witnessed this at the Battle of Mobile Bay, and Samuel did (kinda) on the deck of the Ellen Austin. I don't know if that's the only qualification for being a Traveler, but it's worth mentioning.
It seems like Itzal was a pretty big factor in this trio splitting up—for whatever reason, Kal turned his back on Sia and Margaret to follow him, or perhaps Sia and Margaret left Kal behind when he wouldn't leave with them. I don't know, but I want to—I have questions!!!
Sia and Itzal — Future sight?
Kal (to Sia): You know, for someone with precognitive abilities, you sure like to cut things close. 😒
Kal: How I wish King Itzal was here to witness this. Or did he already know? Eh.
There's not much to say about this, really, I just think it's interesting.
But it does make me wonder if Sia *knew* that sending Margaret and the others to Hanover in 1874 would lead Margaret to the Antikythera and help her regain her memories, even if Sia couldn't see much more than that. Like, if she knew that Kal would be there, I don't think she would have put Margaret at risk like that when she was still vulnerable. Unless she was betting on Margaret figuring things out before Kal could make his move... gah, who knows! (Matt. Matt knows.) We do know that Sia can't see everything, though—she knows that the crew of the Antikythera are gone but has to ask Kal what he did with them.
Also, obligatory "yikes 😬" at the idea of having an enemy (King Itzal) who could possibly see your attacks/plans before you make them. That can't make this war any easier!
Fogging the vortices, you say?
Kal: We've been fogging the vortices for decades. There was bound to be an Antikythera sooner or later.
Vortices.... plural for vortex, yeah?
"A mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind."
Is one of these vortices located here in the Sargasso Sea? Is that why Rose already knows plenty of ghost stories about these waters, why this is a strange place that'll one day be dubbed the Bermuda Triangle? Where are the other vortices??? How many are there??? What are they, exactly???
Okay, but what about the gates?
Kal: A war for a world of power and might
Sia: A war for a world of courage and light
Kal: Fought over decades
Sia: Over ascension
Kal/Sia: No chance of surrender, no chance of redemption
I'm just throwing darts here, but I feel like 'ascension' has to do with the gates that have been alluded to a few times now?
First, in TBS, Sia told Margaret that she couldn't take her to the gate until her memories were back. Then in part 2 of TGOA, Kal said something about the Antikythera's orrery leading him to the first gate.
I don't think these gates are the same thing as the vortices—if the bad guys have already been 'fogging' them, then Kal wouldn't need an orrery to find them.
The gates probably lead to the Blazing World, right? Kal and Itzal want to destroy the Blazing World for good, which is why Kal was trying to get the orrery, to get to the gate, to ascend to the Blazing World and turn it to dust once and for all.
Travelers and Symbols/Elements/Associations
To finish up, here's one of the things I've noticed more recently. We have four magical characters now who seem to be at similar levels of power and might all be/have been Travelers, and maybe it's just a fun bit of flavor rather than anything Extremely Vital to the plot, but they each seem to have their own kind of... niche?
Lemme run through 'em real quick.
● Want a drink?
● Gunpowder and rum, too strong for some! 🎶
● And poison... is kinda my thing.
● Non-lethal fog, my latest brew
Kal's easy to figure out—he's been pretty clear with his gunpowder and rum (delicious!) and once he revealed it he's been very cheeky and upfront about his use of/preference for poison too. He also stands out as the only person wielding fog, but I'm sure that'll change as we delve further into the dark and into this war we're learning about.
● "Was that sunlight shining in the sphere?"
● We're here to light the fuse
● Lay another hand on her and you'll go down in flames
● I will always be that feeling burning under your skin
hehe okay, Sia is the reason this whole section of my post exists lol. I noticed the references to fire in enough of her lines/lyrics in part 3 that I thought it couldn't be a coincidence, and then I looked at the others. I just think it's neat!
Maybe these lines are just nods to the fact that light can burn as well as illuminate—Kalfu would probably know, hah—but it is fun to think that maybe we could see our first and dearest Traveler friend whip out some cool fire magic later on—when she's not duking it out with somebody on a wooden boat, lol.
I'd love that for her, tbh.
...especially because alcohol is flammable. :)
Narrator: In a blinding flash, a woman materialized, and with a single motion, she pushed the water of the room with her mind
Okay, I fully admit this is mostly just a reason for me to make another waterbending joke. Ahlaam's appearance in this episode wasn't really long enough to give us much information about her, but I mean we also haven't seen anyone else do anything with water until she came along, so... if we see her do more stuff like this and she has more associations with water in episode 4 onwards, I will feel pretty smart. 😌
● the moon
● the sea
● astronomy
we might not know much about Margaret's magic beyond how brightly it glows—which isn't unique to her—and what she's been able to do with it, be we do know that she has a connection with the moon, of course.
I think we could also argue that she has a pull to the sea—mostly because of the view from her window and the rooftop, overlooking the water. Learning about the Searchers and the fact that Kal was looking for Margaret on the sea supports this connection, but again, that doesn't really single her out from the others.
Margaret does have an appreciation for astronomy, but even that might not be super unique, if her people have orreries on every ship and they all look up to the sky. However... my brain is still chewing on a possible connection between Margaret and the orrery, because of what Kal said. It would be pretty rad if she was the one who designed and crafted them, figured out that magic. So idk, that could be something.
If her memories are returning, maybe we'll see her really start to shine amongst her fellow Travelers as she recalls more about herself and brings together the person that resides in her memories and the person that losing her memories made her into.
phew, okay! this is a long post and I am now very sleepy, lol. I'm sure I missed a few things—I didn't take any *literal* notes during parts 1 & 2 and it'll be a few days before I get the album and lose my mind again—but maybe there's a few things I managed to catch that y'all will enjoy.
As always, feel free to reply/reblog with your own thoughts!!!
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Yo, I’m just devastatingly inspired by ACOFAF and so I’m putting together a lil mini campaign for my friends of A Previous Bloom and since only like two of them have actually watched all of ACOFAF I went ahead an made a little guide sheet of the courts to help them decide what PC’s they want to create in what courts for inspiration. Most of the courts are the ones we hear about in canon BUT I did make a few courts myself and one unaffiliated ‘house’ akin to the House of the Wing.
Anyway here’s my lil sum ups with some spoilers if you haven’t finished yet. The canon ones are based off extrapolated info with a little of my own flavor thrown in for some of them. Timeline wise, this Bloom takes place BEFORE the one in ACOFAF so I’m taken some liberties because I wanna play with the Court of Craft in it’s prime or at least before it’s decline
Goblin Court- A court of ruin, rapscallions, and rumpus! Known for its adherence to a chaotic doctrine and a strict loyal hierarchy. Ruled by their Goblin King and watched over by lords and ladies, the greatest of all being their nastiest and most lovely Countess Grabalba. Rumor has is it, she is looking for a love match at this bloom.
Court of Hoof and Claw- Something of a lesser known court, not for their lack of power and prestige but for their reluctance to leave the wild to dwell in the world of politic. All members of the court may take several forms. The first a predominantly humanoid form where they might interact with their fellow fey, the second a wholly animal form so they might satiate their wanderlust for the wild, their last and most dangerous form is one that straddles a line between the two, a feral form with the power of a beast but the mind of a man. Rumor has it, in this form no member of this court can be reasoned with if angered.
Deepwater Court - a sister court to the court of seafoam. They rule over all that lies beneath the ocean surface and dwell within the deep water Where no light touches Rumor has it this court is losing power to the seafoam court as algae grows further into the deep choking out what little oxygen swells within.
Seafoam Court - a sister court to the deepwater court. This court rules over the sandy shores and waning and waxing tide pools. The host of the previous bloom this court rides high on the reputation of its previous success. Rumor has it that they gain strength with a moon’s cycle, and to threaten a member of this court on the full moon is a decision made under great folly.
Trickster Court - A treasured ally of the goblin court, this court is known for pranks both fair and foul. They delight in bringing the prideful low and seeing the underdog triumph. Rumor has it, if you can convince a member of the trickster court of your cause mysterious accidents may befall your enemies.
Court of Wonder- Sister court to the court of craft, this court uses magic to perform feats mortals might call ‘miracles’ in order to instill wonder in those around them. Rumor has it, those who dwell in this court are ashamed of their association with the court of craft, considering their works lesser in comparison to their own.
Court of Craft- A sister court to the court of Wonder. A very small court that is much more relaxed and less hierarchical than the Court of Wonder, known for their ability to create items from recycled and lost things. Rumor has it, their magic is waning.
My Courts and houses (I made these to just go buckwild in lore building with my players lol)
The Court of Coin- Known for its rich extravagance. Those who reside in this court must pay tithes and tribute but also live in a fashion that reflects the ‘virtues’ and values of the court, often to the point of excess. Rumor has it, the court is actually a scheme being run by its leading archfey.
The House of Teeth - A house split off from the Unseelie Court after the one who would become their founder was banished for rebelling against the Unseelie Queen. Known as a court of monsters who must consume flesh or blood of mortals--And rumor has it, other fey.
Court of Moon and Stars -  While the Unseelie Court rules over the realm of total shadow, The Court of Moon and Stars rules over darkness that can only be properly beheld under the faintest of light. Rumor has it, this court supplied the poison weapon used in a failed attempt on the Unseelie Queen's life by an unknown rogue faction.
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spnfemslashbang · 1 year
2023 Masterpost
And that’s a wrap! All the thanks to the wonderful writers, artists, betas and readers who participated in the Bang this year!
We had eleven teams make it to the finish line this year, so if you haven’t gotten a chance yet, check them out under the cut below. You can also find the fics in the AO3 Collection.
1. The Reaper’s Apprentice by @butterflyslinky with art by @ephemerastardust (Jessica Moore/Bille, E) Jess is dead, but instead of Heaven, she's offered the opportunity to become one of Death's Brides--a Reaper. With Billie as her guide, she sees the afterlife, and the peace death can bring.
2. The Sunken Garden by MBQ with art by @sunshine-zenith (Anna Milton/Mary Winchester, E) It’s 2023, Mary Winchester tries to solve a case despite her sons’ meddling and ends up partnering with someone she could never tell Dean about, with a monster no one wants to meet.
3. Midnight Blossoms by @bleuzombie and tea_or_die, with art by @burdenedwithpointlesspurpose (Billie/Tessa, E) Finally feeling comfortable in her own body, and confident enough to pursue a relationship, coroner Tessa finds the push she needs to finally meet with her online girlfriend when youth lands on her table. Growing up hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst, she gets to find out what it's like when the best finally happens.
4. But You Dream of Some Epiphany by @pinoruno with art by @solstheim (Anna Milton/Mary Winchester, T) During the culminating fight of 5x13 “The Song Remains The Same,” Anna and Mary are suddenly thrust into the future; alone and afraid, watching scenes play out before them that neither is truly a part of, they begin to lean on each other as they attempt to return to their own time.
5. no such thing as a unique experience by @astralpenguin with art by @golby-moon (Claire Novak & Zooey Fremont, T) It doesn't take long for fifteen year old Claire Novak to figure out that the girl sat across from her is a runaway too. Turns out that's not all they have in common.
6. The Voice In My Earpiece Thinks You’re an Idiot by @kerryweaverlesbian with art by bakh-meliorism (Jo Harvelle/Bela Talbot, E) Bela's after the score of a lifetime, but she's got one problem; it's a  two person job. Good thing she met Jo, who wants it too. Too bad Jo  brings some problems of her own: first, she's got a secret, and a big  one. Second, she's a total amateur. And third, Bela might just be  falling a little bit in love with her. A Jo/Bela heist fic!
7. Adapt to Change by @sitruunavohveli with art by @deancodedcastielenby (Charlie Bradbury/Mary Winchester, E) When Charlie and Mary meet, one is scared to go back to hunting after a close call and the other is confused by the modern world she finds herself in. Despite their different skill sets and personalities, they enjoy each other’s company, and if Charlie also happens to find Mary incredibly attractive, she’s never going to mention it to Mary. And then Mary asks Charlie to join her on a hunting trip.
8. I’ll Still Feel the Pull of You by allthismusic with art by RapsCallion (Claire Novak/Kaia Nieves, E) After a fight about Claire’s dangerous lifestyle, Claire doesn’t think she’ll ever see Kaia again. But when the Winchesters tell her their plan to rescue Castiel from the Empty, and they tell her she’ll need someone to call her back from the void, she knows who she must ask. A road trip brings her to Kaia’s door, and the drive back brings them closer together. And when Claire goes into the Empty on a mission to find an angel, she knows that waiting for her back in the bunker is the one person she’ll do anything to find her way home to.
9. The Red Means I Love You by @father-salmon with art by @squirrelofcelestialintent (Claire Novak/Kaia Nieves, E) Claire is The Grigori, Idaho’s most unpredictable serial killer. Kaia is Dreamwalker, a whisper in the winds of those who know their game. One fueled by a need to cope with her father’s death, the other, revenge for those in the Teen Wilderness Industry, both end up drawn to each other at the oak tree Claire laid claim to. The killers, though wary of each other, begin to form a friendship with the promise of something more, but are careful to keep their identities secret. Still, it doesn’t stop them from forming an attachment. Navigating a new relationship along with the challenges put in their path, the two begin to help each other, especially after Claire receives a visit from her unknown uncle, Castiel, who is more like her than she thinks. Kaia has their sights set on Washington after they’re finished in Idaho, hell-bent that their revenge is paid in nightmares. As the new Thelma and Louise, they become a terrifying force to reckon with, only this time with a happy ending. **Please make sure you read the beginning notes and the disclaimers**
10. Misfortunes of Fealty by @kayliemalinza with art by @solstheim (Claire Novak/Meg Masters, Claire Novak/Emma Winchester, E) After the death of her father and her siring angel Castiel has declined to take her as a vessel, Claire flees her homeland. Overwhelmed with grief, she encounters multiple women who promise to help her avenge her father, to find new purpose, to come into her own power--but there's always a catch. Title is a reference to the 18th century erotic novel Justine wherein bad things Just Keep Happening to the virtuous heroine. Claire gets a much more hopeful ending. Also featuring Dean Winchester, in the background, who just wants his clothes back.
11. What Happens In Wichita... by @motherofdragonflies with art by @burdenedwithpointlesspurpose (Annie Hawkins/Mary Winchester, E) It’s 1982. Ronald Reagan is President, the Dodgers won the World Series and Mary Winchester is done with hunting. She’s a wife now, and a mom, living the apple pie life, just like she always wanted.When an old friend calls in a favor, Mary reluctantly takes the case. It’s a simple haunting that shouldn’t take more than a day. But to Mary’s surprise, she’s not the only hunter trying to gank the spirit. Eighteen year old Annie Hawkins is young and hungry to prove herself, and there’s something about her that draws Mary in. Over the course of the weekend Mary discovers that there is more to life than being a hunter or being a loving wife and mother. But you know what they say: what happens in Witchita…
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bsideminibang · 1 year
And that's a wrap! Many, many thanks to all the amazing authors, artists and betas who worked on this year's bang!
Below the cut are all the pieces that were submitted this year, so now's the time to check them out!
You're Fucking Perfect (To Me) by TwinOne with art from nickelkeep (8600 words, T)
Every Thursday Castiel visits Sam’s house, they share a glass or two of good whiskey and a bit of conversation like they’ve done for years. Everything changes the day he smells a new and intriguing scent as soon as he steps inside his friend’s house.
It’s the scent of an omega. Not just any omega, but his true mate.
A story told using the lyrics of the song Fucking Perfect by P!nk as prompts for each chapter.
You Can Keep Your Hat On by Redamber79 with art from PetraAmia (5444 words, E)
When a staff party with Cas' coworkers and boss gets too uncomfortable with unwanted advances on both of them, Dean and Cas ditch the party to go back to their place and celebrate on their own, starting with Dean performing a strip tease for Cas, and ending up in their bedroom.
Steve? Really...Steve? by Hectatess with art from Acaademicqueer (7625 words, M)
When Castiel wanders the empty streets out for revenge, he gets kidnapped. By the Law, no less. Had he been breaking the law so badly? And will he get that revenge?
When FBI-agents Sam and Dean are on an undercover job, they see the spitting image of one of the murdered victims in the case, walking, talking and… committing misdemeanours? Who is this guy, claiming to be Steve Milton? And can he really help them crack this case wide open?
Nice Like by MBQ with art from sidewinder (13700 words, E)
Dean and Benny search for Castiel in Purgatory, but the trio is rife with tensions when they finally "catch up" with the wayward angel.
Inspired by Lord Huron's, Meet Me in the Woods.
Play It Pretty For the World by cactusdragon517 with art from PetraAmaia (10805 words, E)
It's an old story, in the end: Boy meets boy. Boy falls in love. Happily ever after. But how they get there is a different story altogether (after all, what can you expect from rockstars?)
Family Business is in need of a new guitarist and lucky for them, session musician Castiel Novak is available. Guitar in hand and a bag over his shoulder, Castiel arrives in LA with Family Business on the brink of making it big.
Internally, however, is a bit more complex. Dean Winchester, lead singer and older brother, has found himself navigating his brother's growing addiction and their band's impending success.
After tours and traveling the world, they go their separate ways.
Can Dean and Castiel find their way back to each other?
Love From the Other Side by LadyKnightSkye with art from Dmitrievans (9245 words, T)
When Zachariah sends Dean forward into the world after the Apocalypse, instead of running into the National Guard, he runs into a person he thinks is his brother. In relief, he hugs “Sam.” This one choice of affection instead of aggression sets off a chain of events that ripples out from both sides of the Apocalypse.
Only Physical by nickelkeep with art from PetraAmia (4470 words, E)
Cas and Dean have been best friends for as long as Cas can remember. He's always wanted more, and when he and Dean slip into the friends-with-benefits category, he knew he could be satisfied with that. Until he wasn't.
Art for the bang by Rapscallion
I Had Some Time (With You) by songliili with art from Keikakudom (23970 words, E)
It’s 2005 when things go to hell.
Well. They go to hell for everyone except Dean, ‘cause he was ready for it.
Well. He was ready for the apocalypse, not for the gorgeous man who fell into his life, quite literally.
A Destiel rewrite of Bill and Frank’s love story as shown on HBO’s The Last of Us episode 3: Long Long Time that uses elements of both universes.
Unraveling Unrolled by bleuzombie with art from golby-moon (3134 words, M)
A parent’s love should be unconditional. Coming out as trans has really put John’s love to the test.
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—(••÷ 𝔹 𝕀 𝕆 𝔾 ℝ 𝔸 ℙ ℍ 𝕐 ÷••)—
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Name: Grimulf, aka Grimulf The Wise. Gender: Male Age: 500+ Height: 7'0"  {IF he's standing straight up. He tends to hunch over and this puts him almost at eye level with most humans. Tall bloke.} Race: Hilichurl {Cursed Human} Status: Enigmatic Rogue | Merchant Language: khaenri’ahn, Hilichurlian and Teyvat common tongue, keen to learn more!
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Positive: Amicable Hilichurl | Rapscallion | Clever Negative: Stubborn | Obsessive | Hilichurl PTSD
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➽ THE ART OF KHEMIA - Life | Sun ☼
The Art Of Khemia is the alchemic catalyst when one expertly combines it with the classic elements. This transmutation creates Divine Life, a mode which morphs said element into an elevated power that is otherworldly.
Element: Pyro | Fire
Wielding both sickles he will perform six consecutive slashes.
Dashes towards a nearby opponent and cleaves with both sickles once, only to somersault over the assailant and resume the slashed attack from behind.
Plunges from mid-air to cleave the ground below, a mighty swing that harvests damage within the opponent's path/AOE upon impact. Opponents' damage regenerates his stamina.
This altered state of Khemia is when his Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks are converted to deal Pyro Damage that receives the blessing of a SOLAR buff. Attacks are charged with pyro damage that is elevated to a blindingly-white flame, reminiscent of the Sun's solar flare ups. The temperature is far more intense than an average pyro element.
Releases intense flames to knock back nearby opponents, dealing Pyro damage. The flames then converge into the sickles, summoning a sun to rise behind him while intense solar flares fly forward and deal massive damage to all opponents in its path. The flares explode upon reaching their destination, causing a large amount of AoE Pyro DMG. Opponents' damage increases his health and his party members.
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➽ THE ART OF KHEMIO - Death | Moon ◯
The Art Of Khemio is the alchemic catalyst when one expertly combines the classic elements. This transmutation creates Vantas Destructive Death, a mode which morphs said element into an elevated eerie power that is haunting.
Element: Pyro | Fire
Wielding both sickles he will perform nine consecutive slashes.
Sickles are dropped low and dragged upon the ground to activate eerie flames of the underworld that flare up in a massive wall of death in the shape of an eye, This move successfully captures his opponent in a trap.
Plunges from mid-air and expertly throws the two sickles of which become spinning black disks or dark moons that are aimed at opponents. Dark side of the moon will then produces a gravitational pull to return the sickles to his grip. This deals intense pyro damage to a wide area of effect, perfect for targeting multiple opponents. This depletes his stamina quickly and can only be done for three consecutives rallies or once his stamina regenerates fully.
This altered state of Khemia is when his Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks are converted to deal Pyro Damage that receives the blessing of a LUNAR buff. Attacks are charged with a form of pyro damage that is elevated to a vanta-black flame, reminiscent of the darkest shadows of the moon. The temperature is far more intense than an average pyro wielder is used to.
Sickles are spun, slicing at foes with roaring black flames of destruction that deal area of effect pyro damage. The flames are weaved with a forbidden sorcery. The caster conjures forth cursed wraiths created from nothing but ash. Charcoal monsters with embers for eyes that burn with a fury of revenge! How many hilichurl did you kill today? They look happy to see you~ Opponents' damage increases his health and his party members. Sit back and enjoy a snack break while you run for your life. I jest. Did you actually read this far? Here's a bonus 🍪 for you.
Simultaneously raising both sickles to capture the opponent's weapon, blocking their attack with a skilled locking of his sickles. This defense move can be used during either Khem state and will shield him from any elemental interference.
SIDE NOTE HERE: For the sake of role playing vanta-black will appear like a matte, watery flames moving like liquid fire. I know realistically that's not exactly on the 'spectrum' the human eye can witness but for writing's sake, I want the flame to be seen.
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Grimulf is a cautious creature, humbly preferring to not draw attention to himself unless he's forced to do so. Therefore his Khem powers stay a secret until it's necessary to use them. He does this to avoid the gaze of certain unholy beings. Secrets are best kept secret. Khemio is the absolute last skill set he will utilize.
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Two Sickles Made of Silver blessed by the moon's glow. Inlaid with Gold symbols of the Sun and Moon. He is ambidextrous and wields both sickles with a skillset he learned from his Father, a royal guard of Khaenri'ah, The Black Serpents and hailed from a long line of BeastMaster Knights. -SIde Note: Through daily training his muscle memory has kicked in and overridden the curse in this area and helped rekindled his memory.
Grimulf is agile and moves like a primordial beast when need be. He's used to scaling cliffs, jumping chasms, dashing across roofs and battlements. Parkour hilichurl. He's muscular like a MitaChurl and carries that strength but he's flexible and lean enough to somersault, flip and twist in mid-air to either attack or evade.
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Grimulf is a survivor. His journey has ensured that he lives by his wits, pure determination and unending curiosity. On the surface he is charming and friendly. Especially when it comes to his fellow hilichurlian comrades with whom he has earned unending respect from all tribes. He extends the pleasantries to humanity and many other beings especially during trading transactions. He tends to be cautious, attempting to avoid the gaze of many. Trust is earned in due time but not done so, instantaneously. He carries the utmost respect for LIFE in all of its prismatic facets and he believes in balance, the natural law verse's what some outside force deems 'holy'. He carries the weight of his curse with dignity and believes what has happened to his people and many before him as unjust and cruel. He questions the morals and motivations of many who call this realm home. He is wild, has a rebellious streak. The first to question why? The first to test the unknown, to push his limits. A true rogue at heart. He is highly motivated, always on the go. Attempting to quench his unending wanderlust and prefers to hold onto being an enigma to many.
He can be reclusive, voyaging out into the unknown. He forgets it's wise to socialize more than a trade here and there, to keep those social needs filled. He is a bottomless pit, as in feed him or he will be hangry. He is strong willed BUT erosion has eaten away at his memories, fragments exist in flickers or flashbacks until his mind latches onto them vehemently. Oftentimes, moments from his past come flooding in unannounced, triggered by events happening within the present and he may have a difficult time processing them. He suffers from PTSD. He is generally calm and collected but when his temper ignites, it's emotionally charged and he can go quite feral due to the trauma of his humanity , family and all that he knew being ripped from his psyche. He can be decidedly moody and prone to bouts of silence. He is internally analyzing a situation and with time, he'll talk. He is very secretive, some feel his SuS and have a problem with it but he is protecting himself and his knowledge. Great power comes with great responsibility. He believes the realm to be cursed with selfish beings who have immoral personal motives versus thinking for the greater good for all. He is high-strung and will work himself to the point of exhaustion. Bear witness to snoring hilichurl, once he passes out.
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Pansexuality with -=chemistry=- being a major key point. Honestly, I never know who my muses will be attracted to, it just happens. Male, female or other could easily attract his affections.
This means he is loyal to your muse in your storyline but may also be loyal to others in their storyline. As I mentioned in The Rules, I tend to have muses that are all over the place when it comes to ships. If this is not your cuppa tea, that’s ok. Protect your peace and do not write with me.
ℍ𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕦𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕒𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕 ℂ𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟 𝔾𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕗
The following are more in depth glimpses into specific events that formed this muse. MEMORIES - The Cataclysm from his P.O.V.
-->To be updated along the way, may change some things as more lore comes out -or might not.
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abbeykitchenmouse · 1 year
I am breathin', chitterin', skitterin', and scurrying. I am gnawin', clawin', chewin' at the World Tree's rotten, rancid roots in the midnight daydream's dark. In the dark, in the dark, oh see how my eyes shine in the torch light!
I'm such a fright! We're such a fright!
We bandit mouses, we bonnie does and frisky bucks! Ye rapscallion rats and scurrilous squirrels! Why's a bandit wit' buck teeth beheld so low by their vulpine kin? To wit, I'm in a fit, a tizzy that has me rattlin' my tin!
Haven't we ashen blackened our blades and our buckles? Haven't we earned our pay in the fray! Haven't we prayed midst our glades 'neath the light of our Night Father's moon? Prattlin', saddlin' some great distant nothin' with our grievin'?
You know what I believe in?
The sound of our scurryin' din! The bloodwrath and fire coursin' within! It ain't a sin! We are not demure abbey murine that at the slightest sight of a ferret douse our trousers in urine! Fearin' nah; I've got nothin' but fury'n and my folk here in this clearin'.
I swear here on the fire'n me that I'll not be cowed! Not by a fox that's proud or a council knight bellowing loud! I'm a bandit! I'm the salt of the Earth! The fire in the Hearth and the Oppressor's curse! If I must chew the World Tree to death then I'll aim to be so much worse!
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
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Gordon (Part 1)
“Virgil! Come home, please!”
The voice that pleaded over his comms obviously didn’t know what it was asking. “No! I will not give up. He’s here, somewhere.”
“You’ve been out there for hours. You’re tired, I can’t...please come home before I have to declare you missing as well.”
“John, if I don’t find him now, I never will. He couldn’t help it. He didn’t mean it.”
“I know, but it is irrelevant now. How are you going to find him? He could be anywhere and anything.”
“I’ll find him. I’ll know him.”
“I just will.”
The wind up high was blustery and John was right, he was tired. His pinions ached and his bare chest and legs were cold in the late afternoon wind. Perhaps he should have launched his ‘bird, but he knew he had to do this manually, knew he had to reach out without the interference of the roar of engines and artificial flight. He had to listen. He had to feel.
And goddamnit, he had to find his brother.
Endless miles of ocean stretched out before him. He had been flying methodically, his jet black wings beating efficiently to conserve energy, spiralling out from Tracy Island. So much ocean and so little sign of Gordon.
It had been a stupid argument over nothing, but things had been said that should never have been said on both sides. Gordon had stormed off, throwing himself off the cliff in front of the villa. This was nothing out of the ordinary, the man was literally a fish, but he hadn’t come back.
He had been gone for hours, and Virgil had been searching for hours more.
John voice was pure pleading worry.
“I’m sorry, John.” He followed the words with an impression of love and apology.
The sense that was his brother wilted, resignation floating on the air currents. “Please be safe.”
“Will do my best.”
Scott and Alan were on the other side of the moon attempting to save a freighter from colliding with that same orbiting body. Virgil had no doubt that John, currently grounded on Tracy Island with a broken ankle, had been keeping his brothers updated on Virgil and Gordon’s antics. He also had absolutely no doubt that if he didn’t return soon, John would call in Kayo to rip him out of the sky with Shadow.
He stretched the aching muscles across his chest and shoulders, his whole eight metre span flexing as he let himself drop a few metres in exchange for a little relief. A warm updraft curled around his bare chest, tantalising his senses, and he couldn’t help but reach for it, pinions arching up and forcing him into the welcoming air current. It caught his wings and he lifted
A sigh passed his lips as he banked, his flight path calculated to efficiency, taking full advantage of the sudden warm boon.
Golden tipped waves stretched to the horizon with no sign of his beloved younger brother to be seen.
Gordon, where the hell are you?
For a moment Virgil closed his eyes. Perhaps if he searched with something other than his sight? Evening light played across his eyelids.
Please, Gordon?
Since the day Gordon was born, Virgil had been aware of his brother. The rapscallion little boy, mischievous little brat and water baby had been on the second eldest’s mind from day one. Virgil had never told anyone that he had ‘heard’ his little brother’s surprise and alarm at being born. Virgil had been asleep and really too young to understand what had woken him up. It wasn’t until many years later that he realised exactly what he had felt.
When he finally met his little brother, there was that same sense he had with John, but different. Little Gordon had been screaming his lungs out in his father’s arms. Virgil had clambered up on to the bed beside his parents and reached for his brother’s hand. The moment they touched, Gordon stilled, his fingers wrapping around Virgil’s and there was that sense, that familiar warmth.
It was that sense Virgil was looking for now.
Out here, somewhere in the blue was his odd little brother, the one who had fins instead of wings.
The boys’ marks had become apparent early in their lives. The trait came direct from their mother. Memories of being wrapped in the white down of her wings were cherished by all of them. They were also the reason why the family lived on a hidden island far away from prying eyes.
Jeff Tracy was many things, but he did not have a mark. Despite this, the trait bred true in all five sons. With the exception of Gordon.
Gordon’s mark was different from his brothers and from early on it had been thought that perhaps he wouldn’t be able to lift. There was concern Gordon would be left behind, that he wouldn’t feel the wonders of wind beneath flight feathers, that he wouldn’t be able to fly beside his brothers.
It wasn’t long before the true nature of his little brother’s mark surfaced.
Perhaps it was ironic that it had been a stranger, another little boy who forced the issue. A rip on an open beach while the Tracys were visiting on business. The chance that both Gordon and Virgil were on the beach at that very moment.
People screaming for help, Virgil’s little brother the expert swimmer already earning medals in the pool hadn’t hesitated, diving into the surf to save the little boy.
Halfway out, Gordon disappeared. Virgil, a much slower swimmer despite his strength didn’t notice at first, except perhaps a flicker of surprise amongst the adrenalin pumping through his veins, but the little boy soon had his hands wrapped around the dorsal fin of a dolphin, surfing towards shore.
Gordon was nowhere to be seen.
Virgil had panicked, but then the boy was being lifted from the shallows by the sun tanned limbs of his brother. Virgil was dumped by a stray wave as Gordon turned around, his eyes searching for him.
The elder brother made for shore and Gordon met him in thigh deep water, eyes dark with something. Virgil sensed shock, but there was wonder and amazement and that night the two of them had a very long talk.
Now Virgil was often the one waiting on the shore for Gordon to return. Their brothers grew to accept Gordon’s ability quite readily, though Scott, being Scott, worried more than all of them combined. And Virgil understood why.
Because Gordon was alone. None of them could follow him and one day he just simply might not come back.
God, please, let it not be today.
He banked towards the north, following his ever-widening search pattern. He fought the urge to yell his brother’s name, knowing it would be useless from this height or any height really. But he did try to call to him. They had never been able to speak to each other telepathically, but there was that sense. They could feel each other and it had helped in the past, and please let it help now.
The wind shifted slightly and Virgil fell into a spot of turbulence. Normally it would have been nothing. He would have bounced off it and skimmed across the top, but he was very tired and it snagged him, wrenching him around, breaking his beat and tangling his flight. He lost some of his momentum and fell.
He didn’t fall far. He was an experienced flyer, but he had to work his flight muscles hard to stabilise and, god, it hurt.
John was right, he had been out here too long.
Gordon, where are you?
Come back.
He closed his eyes again, desperate to find that connection.
And was blindsided by sudden terror.
Virgil stumbled mid-flight and lost even more height. As his wings struggled to regain pace, his mind darted about, desperate to find the source of the fear.
Gordon. It was definitely Gordon.
Direction? Direction?
He abandoned thought and simply flew. He swooped low to the water, skimming just above the waves, a manoeuvre that would have had Scott tearing him a new one if he caught him. The smallest error would see him catching a pinion on an errant wave. The result would be nasty. But Gordon, Gordon was here somewhere.
And there. Gordon was there. He couldn’t see him, but he was there.
Virgil back-winged, his massive span stirring up enough wind to disturb the water beneath him. A single stroke to push himself higher into the air, and he dove, folding his aching pinions and letting them go, feathers dissolving into his mark just as he hit the water.
Muffled silence enveloped him.
The sun was still at an angle to light the depths, though it was slowly fading. The yellow of the late afternoon shifted the water towards emerald. Virgil dove through the liquid beryl, bubbles of air refracting the light into shades of turquoise and aquamarine. Far below, in the shadows, was a shape.
Virgil’s shoulder muscles worked hard, pushing him deeper and deeper.
As he drew closer, the shape became that of a large squid. Far bigger than Virgil, tentacles stretching off into the distance, as alien as any cephalopod could be.
Yet undeniably Gordon.
Virgil’s lungs were already burning. He could swim, but he was no natural in the water. Not like his little brother. But he had to reach. He had to touch...
His fingers brushed across soft skin.
He had to return to the surface.
With as strong a kick as he could give, he pushed himself back up towards the light, climbing as his lungs burned until he burst through waves to gasp in the air he desperately needed.
“John, I’ve found him.”
“You have? Where?”
“Can you locate me? About fifteen to twenty metres below.”
“You’re over hundred kilometres out!”
Virgil spat water. “Am I?” A blink. “Something happened. Did you feel it?”
A sigh. John was never comfortable with sensing his brothers. Virgil could feel his consternation from here. It wasn’t fear or dislike, more a wariness as if he hadn’t quite accepted that others could sense how he felt. Virgil thought it quite baffling considering his brother was a communication specialist.
“I need to get down to him again. Report momentarily.”
Several deep breaths and Virgil dove beneath the waves.
A more considered descent this time saw him reach his brother with more time to spare. He hovered beside the huge squid. In the distance a cloud of ink was dissipating.
What the hell happened?
He brushed his fingers across soft inhuman skin. Chromatophores lit and followed his touch, before he, again, had to climb for air.
He burst through the surface, gulped, over-oxygenated his system and dove yet again.
Gordon had slipped closer to the surface, but he was still quite a distance down. Considering his form, it was highly likely he wasn’t supposed to be this shallow in any case.
A giant eye was staring at him.
While Gordon was in form, Virgil could not sense him as clearly. It had something to do with the process, perhaps a change in thought as well as shape? Virgil didn’t know. So, the feel of his brother was unclear, the expression in that patented dark eye somewhat hidden.
Virgil reached for him anyway, placing his bare hand on his brother’s mantle. The colours immediately danced, dots and streaks homing in on his touch, outlining his hand to the point that when he once again had to let go, a hand print was left behind.
It persisted until Virgil could see it no longer, his climb towards the sky imperative.
When he dove again, the squid was gone.
Instant panic was not calmed by the eventual sight of his limp, now humanoid brother drifting in the water column.
If he could breathe water, Virgil would have screamed his brother’s name. As it was, he felt both his brothers flinch at his reaction anyway.
Virgil was often teased for his massive arms, but he was ever so thankful he had them as stroke after stroke drew him nearer until he was able to wrap those arms around his little brother and drag him towards the surface. He hoped to god he wasn’t deep enough to trigger decompression sickness. He hoped to god he could reach the surface in time.
He burst into the cooling air, gasping in breath and turning to his limp brother, desperate for signs of life.
Heartbeat. Slow but regular.
A moment of worried breathlessness before Gordon gasped as much as Virgil had and rolled in his grasp, spitting out seawater.
“Vir-gil?” Half-lidded brown eyes looked up at him as the swell rolled them in its embrace.
“Gordon, what happened?”
His brother blinked slowly, his eyelids clinging shut for a moment. “Argu-ment wi’ a whale.” Those eyes slipped closed again and Virgil had to clutch him tighter to stop his brother from slipping back under the surface.
A quick investigation of Gordon’s body found bleeding teethmarks in his side.
“John! I need Kayo. Now.”
“Already on her way.”
Predictable, thankfully.
Leaning back, there was little he could do for his brother other than support him. He managed some pressure to help with the bleeding, but the cool water was helping a little.
Gordon’s skin was cold.
The swell rose and dipped, lulling. With only the sound of wet lapping and no sight other than sea and sky, the ocean had never felt so vast. Virgil had never felt so small.
But he had his brother in his arms. His fish brother, who loved the water with his very soul. Virgil clung to him.
He kept them afloat with the occasional kick, but stayed as still as possible, because despite not having the marine knowledge that Gordon possessed, he knew what blood in the water meant. It could have been minutes, probably was, but time was warped by circumstance. In any case, it wasn’t long before the first shadow beneath the surface was outlined by the sinking sun.
“Kay? You out there?”
“Ten minutes, Virgil.” She had been on assignment, after all.
“Any chance of making it less?”
There must have been something in his voice. “I’ll do my best.”
Another dark shape joined the first.
Virgil had a healthy respect for the sea and its inhabitants. He knew enough to know not to mess with most of them. Particularly the ones with teeth.
His options were few. Getting lift this low in the water was pretty much impossible much less while dragging his brother. He could put up a good fight, he had feet and muscle, and living with Gordon had let a few important shark facts lodge in his brain. But ultimately, they were both very vulnerable and their only real hope was Kay.
C’mon, love.
A third dark shape had joined the circling by the time Thunderbird Shadow appeared on the horizon. One shark of unknown variety dared to swoop in and Virgil had to nudge it off with a good foot in the face.
His heartrate was unlikely to recover any time soon.
Gordon continued to lie slack in his embrace.
TBS came to a hover above them, and her engines frightened off their spectators. Virgil drew an uneven breath as his girlfriend inflated the floats on her ‘bird’s grappling claws enabling her to lower to a soft landing on the surface of the ocean.
Silence for a split second and Kay was climbing out of her cockpit and down onto the floats. Virgil made an awkward attempt to propel himself and Gordon towards her Thunderbird.
A line landed with a splat in the water beside him.
He grabbed it and clung.
Kay drew them both to her side.
“Thanks.” His voice was breathless.
Kay was all business. “Status?”
“He’s injured. Puncture wounds on his left side. Consciousness intermittent.” Virgil slipped under a moment as Gordon’s weight was taken from his arms, Kay hauling him up onto the float. He fumbled for a moment, limbs stiff, before his arm was grabbed, pulling him to the surface. Another fumble and he grabbed the float himself.
“Your status?”
Okay, her tone said everything. She was pissed. Probably scared-pissed, but pissed nonetheless.
“Tired, but functional.”
She didn’t acknowledge his statement, continuing to attend to Gordon, medpack in hand.
So pissed.
The floats were wide enough to support all of them and the moment she had Gordon secure, she reached down and helped Virgil out of the water. He flopped into a sitting position against a landing strut while Kay lowered the cockpit between the floats.
Shadow could only carry two, including her pilot.
They didn’t need to speak, which was probably just as well. Kay’s expression was enough to rip the skin off his face. Together they manhandled Gordon into the backseat and secured him.
“You fly him home. I’ll wait here.” Her voice was firm.
“No.” Visions of those shapes in the water came to the fore. “I’m fine. I’ll fly myself.”
“Kay, he needs to get home fast. I’m not leaving you out here alone in the dark.” Because yes, the sun was dipping and the waves were becoming little more than silhouettes. “I can lift and will meet you there.”
“It is over a hundred kilometres, Virgil! Equally in the dark!”
“Not the first time, unlikely the last.” And equally unpleasant. “You can always meet me halfway. In any case, no time for argument.”  A brush of his lips against hers and he was clambering up Shadow’s landing strut, leaping onto her wing.
As he turned to look at her, he lifted, his feathers sprouting like shadows. He swallowed a groan as his painful pinions spread. This was going to hurt.
He forced a smile. “Race you home.”
Jump, step, leap and he was in the air, wings clawing upwards in great aching strokes. He was going to pay for this tomorrow, but there was no way he was leaving Kay out here by herself.
He made note of the sounds behind him as Shadow retracted her cockpit and fired her engines.
Okay, so perhaps he was going to pay for this in more ways than one, but as Shadow shot past him, he returned his focus to flying, making a beeline for that sense of John, Gordon and the island he called home.
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coolcattime · 1 year
On one hand, I don’t need to write any more AUs, but on the other hand… Mianite Cursed Pirate Crew AU. The basic concept of this AU is based on a TTRPG called Rapscallions which I haven’t played but I love the concept of.
Basic setup is just that the cast are all members of a pirate crew and each one is cursed in some way.
The Crew: Capsize, Tom, Jordan, Redbeard, and Sonja
Capsize is the captain of the crew, though she’s rarely seen off her ship making her co-captain more known to the general public. Once during a particularly bad attack, she called out to the sea goddess to save everyone’s lives. Her calls worked, Capsize became one with the sea, being able to turn the ocean itself against their enemies. However this connection came with a price, her being forbidden from stepping foot on land. Notably she will always insist that she is forbidden, not unable, to step foot on land. She has never said exactly what’ll happen if she goes against this rule, just that the goddess wants to keep her close and she isn’t going to go against a goddess.
Tom is Capsize’s co-captain, a position which everyone else on the ship is definitely very happy about. He got himself cursed when dealing the final blow to a leviathan, an encounter that technically killed him. In his dying moments he swallowed leviathan blood, which revived him with a couple of consequences. Notably, he looks slightly off with no light in his eyes and an odd green tint to his skin. However, he also gained powers, though he’s still figuring out exactly how to use them, with one of the few he’s sure of is his new found ability to communicate with the giant sea beasts that once caused his death. 
Jordan would very much insist that he isn’t cursed, seeing that his actual abilities aren’t the things giving him trouble. However the others note that being touched by the gods in a way that gives him no special powers, but has inspired multiple groups to try and track him to to fulfil his apparent “terrible destiny” counts as a curse as they’re fighting to stop him from getting kidnapped or captured seemingly every other week. Despite his insistence that he isn’t cursed, he always gets quiet when asked when his apparent destiny is, not wanting to reveal what he is apparently destined for, especially not when he’s finally figured out who “the rival” and “the love interest” described in the terrible tale are supposed to be.
Redbeard, much like Tom, got cursed during a fight, but not one that killed him. During a raid on a cargo ship, a strange creature was unleashed on them, managing to claw and bite him before they took it down. This very quickly proved to have consequences as the body of the creature is identified as a lycanthrope and they realise what Redbeard being bitten by it means. They manage full moons as best as they can, making use of the brig and any magical locks they can get ahold of. They haven’t had any incidents thus far, but Redbeard still fears what will happen if he ever gets loose.
Sonja was the only to get cursed before joining the crew and she is the newest member of said crew. She was a researcher of many different kinds of magic and legends, though she tried to keep her activities on the down low due to attitudes of the town guard towards magically powerful people. However, one night while lost in her studies, she discovered  a creature claiming to be a djinni locked within one of the books she was studying. Not quite understanding what she was dealing with, she made a wish releasing the creature and binding herself to her journal. Now she has powers, the ability to gain knowledge just from writing questions in her journal as well as the odd power to bend luck, but she also cannot roam far from her journal and if anyone but her gets ahold of it, she has no choice but to do as they say.
She found the crew after writing in her question asking for somewhere safe to flee, knowing that if anyone in the town caught wind of what had happened she’d never have freedom again. They took her in without question (they can’t exactly turn down more hands on deck), though her sudden departure was noticed by a friend, who isn’t sure what to make of the news that she apparently was taken by a pirate crew.
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Sapphire Heartverse! The Fanfic!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Part 7: Lovelorn Hearts
Part 8
CW: implied intercourse
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With a short grunt, Ice hoists a few packages into his freshly washed black SUV. 
“Hm?” He turns around and sees Tippy trying zeir best to keep carrying one of the large boxes, clearly struggling. Vanilla inhales and sighs, makes his way over to the bluenette, and rests his hands on his hips,
“Now, what are you doing?”
“Lifting… Mr Dio’s… mysterious packages?” Tippy struggles to answer.
“Really?” Ice looks him all over, up and down, “It looks like you’re trying to…” Ice thinks for a bit, “Lift… the pyramids of Giza rather than a simple little package.” He chuckles then takes the large package from Tippy, “Go get the others. They’re more your size anyway, Termite.”
“Wha–? Hey, wait a second! Is that why you call me a termite?! Because I’m short?!” Tippy puffs out zeir cheeks, a little annoyed. Vanilla sets the package in the back of the SUV before turning around with a bit of a bored expression, as if the answer to this question is obvious,
“No, actually.”
Ice walks past Tippy while saying,
“It’s because you bug me to no end.” Tippy isn’t able to witness Ice’s smug smile at his little joke because he’s picking up another large cardboard box.
“Y…you… I-I…” Tippy is flummoxed by yet again another clever joke from this normally poised gentleman. 
“What are you waiting for, bug? Go grab that package.” Ice tells zem. Seemingly out of nowhere, Ice leans in close to Tippy and halfheartedly scolds zem, “Oh, get your mind out of the gutter, you rapscallion.”
“H-hey!” Tippy blushes, yet again missing the smirk Ice so cleverly hides from zem. With a huff and a pout, Tippy carries over the last of the small packages, “Hngh! So, what are in these things anyway?”
“Classified.” Vanilla closes the back of his SUV and heads towards the driver’s side.
“So you don’t know what’s in the boxes? What if it’s rabid alligators? What if it’s more severed heads? What if it’s explosives? What if we hit a bump and go KABOOM?!” Tippy waves his hands and makes explosion noises. 
“I never said I didn’t know what was in those packages. I just said that the contents inside of them are classified information… No, they’re not explosives. Well,” Ice turns around then looks back at Tippy with a shrug, “At least I hope not.” 
“.... But having said that, you didn’t deny it was at least one or more of the previous things I said.” Tippy narrows his eyes and lightly taps his chin. Ice pulls out of the hidden warehouse driveway and onto the road,
“Mmm… that’s classified.”
“Oh, come on! Won’t ya tell me? I promise I won’t tell Mr Dio!” Tippy pleads.
“I don’t think so, Termite.” Vanilla shakes his head lightly. He presses play on his radio, playing a CD that he had in his car. Tippy recognizes the artist instantly,
“Whoa, hold on a second. That’s Eminem! You like Eminem?”
“Yeah.” Ice braces himself for what’s about to come next,
“I always assumed– nah, it's too easy.” Tippy slumps down in the passenger’s seat. Vanilla sighs in relief and rolls his eyes,
“If you must know, I am fully aware. But that’s all we’re going to say.” He makes a turn and looks around at the city street, “I have a ton of CDs in here before the ‘big bloop’ happened. I couldn’t help myself though. I went ahead and bought a ton more after I had discovered more music. They’re all in the glove compartment.” 
Tippy curiously opens the compartment, sure enough there are tons and tons of CDs in cases all in neat rows,
“Help yourself. Go on, pick something out, see if I have anything you might like.” Ice’s voice is a bit more gentle. Tippy looks around then notices a familiar CD. He opens it up and places it in the CD player.
“Oh, that’s… that’s a good one.” Vanilla nods at him. Tippy and Vanilla end up happily singing along at the same time,
“I just saw Halley’s Comet, she waved. Said, ‘why you always running in place? Even the man in the moon disappeared… somewhere in the stratosphere!” x
This cheesy little moment has made Vanilla more relaxed and solidified his decision in trusting Tippy just a bit more. The feeling of having somebody sitting in that normally empty passenger’s seat, is enough to make him feel less alone in general. He will never forget this moment.
In the mansion
Vanilla and Tippy bring the packages inside and painstakingly bring them into one of Dio’s sitting rooms for him to inspect.
“So is it like… dr–” Vanilla softly hushes Tippy and kneels to Dio. Vanilla lightly tugs on Tippy’s shirt for him to copy his manners. Tippy kneels down next to Ice and tries to do what he does. Dio turns around and gives the two gentlemen a passing glance as he makes his way to the packages,
“No, sweet little boy, it isn’t illicit substances. Mmm, yes, these are just some things I am simply…. Owed.” 
The two remain silent. Ice doesn’t look upon his master, while Tippy watches curiously as Dio takes out a jewel encrusted dagger. Dio slices the packages open delicately, yet something about the way he cuts them is so sinister. 
“Hm. Ice.” Dio doesn’t look away from the freshly sliced package.
“Yes, my lord?” Vanilla is ready to jump up and do whatever is commanded of him at a moment’s notice.
“Did you, perchance, tell our little friend here what is in these parcels?” Dio asks with feigned politeness. 
“I did not, sire.” Ice answers.
“Hmhm… That’s a good boy.” Dio chuckles. “You two are relieved.” As soon as Dio says this, Vanilla quickly stands at attention and pulls Tippy up by the bicep,
“Yes, sire. Very good, sire.” Ice pushes Tippy out of the room quickly yet gingerly. 
In the kitchen
Vanilla is fixing up lunch for the day.
“What the heck was that all about?” Tippy asks, sprawling zeir arms over the small dining table.
“I told you already, Termite,” Vanilla points a butter knife covered in mayonnaise at zem, “I have sworn to Lord Dio never to tell a soul any secrets he confides in me.”
“But what about Jonny? He doesn’t even have a soul! He’s just a head, so you could tell him then he could tell me!” Jonathan stops bouncing on the counter while holding a plate in his mouth and gives Tippy an offended look. “See? That way technically you didn’t tell me anything.”
Vanilla takes the plate from Jonathan,
“Just because somebody is only a head, doesn’t mean they do not count as a soul.” Vanilla sets a sandwich on Jonathan’s plate. “Don’t you know anything about secrets, Termite?”
“Well, yeah, I know!” Tippy pouts and rests his cheek on the palm of his hand, “I was just wondering is all.”
“Huh! Curiosity killed the cat, bug.” Vanilla notices Jonathan is trying to take the plate in his mouth and bounce off. Ice takes the plate away. He grasps Jonathan gently and swiftly turns him around and sets the plate back down. Pointing at it, he silently tells him to stay on the counter, “Some things are better left a mystery so let’s leave it at that.”
“Oh, alright…” Tippy lays zeir face on the table. Vanilla walks over and lays a plate down next to Tippy,
“Quit that.” Ice nudges Tippy with his elbow, “Eat.” He walks back over to the counter to finish making himself a sandwich, and to make sure Jonathan doesn’t make a mess. 
“Hmph.” Tippy takes a bite.
Ice gently wipes Jonathan’s mouth with a napkin after he’s finished and leaves the plate on the counter. The brunette looks over at Tippy and makes sure he’s eating before he can feel content enough to enjoy food for himself. Ice watches Tippy for a bit and takes his plate when he is finished eating. 
“Hey, you need any help, Vans?” Tippy asks, following Vanilla to the sink.
“Hm? No, no. It’s not that much work.” Ice tells him politely as he scrubs a plate with a sponge.
“Well, whenever you need any help, you know where to find me.” Tippy says to Vanilla with a playful smile. Their eyes meet one last time before Tippy leaves. Vanilla’s hand slips and he accidentally drops one of the plates in the sink with a loud KEE-THEENK! Jonathan hops over next to the sink and looks up at Vanilla’s face.
His eyes are a bit wide, his mouth twisted into a frown, Ice is very flustered and troubled at the moment.
“Mr. Ice?” Jonathan speaks up.
“What do you need, Mr. Jojo?” Vanilla remains polite as best as he can.
“I hope you don’t mind me saying this, my dear friend but… I have noticed that your shoulders tend to relax whenever Tippy is around. Otherwise, you’re quite–” Ice accidentally drops a fork on the ground, “er… tense.”
“Tense? I don’t get tense easily,” Vanilla washes off the utensil, “Sure, it’s a bit grueling to have to keep everyone in this place in check, I have to cook and clean and do laundry, I have to go grocery shopping, I have to break up fights…” Ice sighs and rests his hands on the counter after turning off the sink. He dries his hands off and rubs his forehead, “All in all, it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make for Lord Dio. I owe him my life, you know that.”
“Be that as it may… Your mental stability has deteriorated, all of this stress has taken a toll on you.” Jonathan hops along the counter to follow Vanilla, “I worry about you, dear friend. Although, it seems as though all of your troubles simply vanish when that gentleman is around! Ohohoho.”
Ice freezes in his tracks. He’s… he’s right. Somebody who was once a person I dreaded even being around, is now somebody I look forward to seeing each day. 
“Oooh, if I didn’t know any better, I would say you’ve developed a little bit of an infatuation for the guy.” Jonathan pokes fun at Ice a little bit.
He turns around to face Jonathan a little too fast that his long brown hair flies over his face. Vanilla spits his hair out, some sticking to his lip gloss, and fixes it by brushing his fingers through. 
“What– pleh! What makes you think that?” Ice asks, feeling his heart skip a beat, “You know I love no man aside from Lord Dio! Who even told you such a false claim?! Just because I have to haul that squirmy little aphid around with me on occasion, doesn’t mean I have fallen in love with him! And no, I do not have daydreams about him every now and then like I do with Lord Dio! I am loyal to one man and one man only, and that man is Lord Dio… as I have stated previously many times over.” Ice puffs out his chest and feels his heart flutter in his chest, sending adrenaline shocks through his veins.
“My my! My goodness, Mr Ice. Seems I’ve struck a nerve there.” Jonathan mutters, just loud enough for Vanilla to hear. The brunette is fuming internally, trying not to let his emotions spill out at once. If he keeps speaking this foolish nonsense, I’m going to stick him in a pickle jar. 
A few weeks later, one night
“Hahaha, okay then, Termite. I have a question for you now.” Ice chuckles. Both gentlemen are sitting outside under the desert sky. It’s quiet except for the bit of ambience coming from the city in the background. The temperature is cool, a nice contrast from the blistering heat of the day. The stars glimmer across the dim navy blue veil of darkness, which was once a dainty pastel blue. Tippy looks out onto the horizon then back up into Vanilla’s milk chocolate eyes,
“Oh yeah? Go ahead.”
“Hmhm… Why do you always wear those gaudy dog collars around your little neck?” Ice delicately fidgets with Tippy’s spiked choker with a little heart locket on the front.
“It’s not a dog collar!” Tippy smiles and playfully bats Vanilla’s hand away, “I just like chokers is all. It’s like you with those dorky little leotards.”
“Well, at least my leotards have a purpose, Termite.” Vanilla makes a faint smirk, “Do these,” he nonchalantly slips his finger under Tippy’s choker and pulls zem a little with it, “serve any purpose aside from making you look like a feral animal?”
The two gentlemen stare into each others’ eyes for a few seconds, both of them with cheeky smiles on their faces. Ice glances down at Tippy’s glossed lips then back up into zeir dark cocoa eyes. Tippy makes a short inhale,
“Why would a feral animal wear a collar?”
“I don’t know.” Ice releases Tippy, “Maybe somebody was trying to tame it? They underestimated that animal’s ferocity perhaps and it escaped while wearing the collar?” 
“Maybe!” Tippy giggles and rubs zeir arms with zeir hands, shivering a bit. 
“Oh, don’t tell me you’re cold. It’s not that bad out here.” Ice leans back and relaxes a bit more.
“Just a little bit. I get cold easily. Look at all these goosebumps I have.” Tippy shows his arm to Vanilla.
“You are just so darn fragile, hm?” Ice teases him. Tippy looks up at the night sky at all of the stars, still shivering, all curled up in on himself with his knees up to his chest. Vanilla takes his ripped dark jean jacket off and rests it upon Tippy’s back. The jacket is very warm and smells just like Vanilla’s cologne and deodorant.
“Hm?!” Tippy looks over at Vanilla with surprise. Ice’s smile fades and he looks up at the sky,
“You need it more than I do. I’m sweating over here.” He hides the goosebumps on his arms with the sleeves of his leotard. It doesn’t help much, considering his legs are also quite cold. The silence is a bit awkward, but Tippy is warm and content. Vanilla clears his throat,
“So… do you know what constellations are?”
“Yeah, of course!” Tippy laughs. Vanilla points up to the sky,
“There are those that everyone knows about, but… there’s one thing I used to do with Lord Dio before he ultimately grew bored of it. We would make up our own.”
“Oh, yeah! Hey, check it out, that one looks like a diamond!” Tippy points.
“You’re right. Oh, look, over there. That one looks like two hearts.” Ice leans over, getting a little closer to Tippy. 
“It does, heh!” Tippy looks up at Vanilla, “Like your earrings kind of.” 
Vanilla looks down at him and touches one of his own earrings. Tippy notices Ice’s arms,
“Hey, you are getting cold. Maybe we should head back inside.”
“No, no. I’m fine… However… I think there’s a nice little shop across the street from here where we can, perhaps, grab a couple of drinks and warm up a bit.” Vanilla rubs his neck.
“That sounds like a plan. I was getting a little thirsty anyway.” Tippy stands up and tosses Vanilla’s jacket in his face playfully, “Let’s get going!” Tippy giggles and runs to the gate.
Ice puts his jacket back on and a warm smile spreads across his face.
At the little cafe
The two gentlemen are laughing and drinking their tea. Ice stirs his drink a bit with a straw,
“Yeah… I suppose I have a lot to thank Lord Dio for, hm?”
“Well, now you know not to put Dio’s handmade throw pillows in the washing machine!” Tippy giggles and covers his mouth. 
“I was picking out feathers from my clothes for weeks.” Ice smiles and looks at his drink. “Um… hm… You know, Termite. I have a curious little question for you.”
“Go ahead!” Tippy takes a sip from his drink.
“You mentioned… that you have had previous lovers a while ago. Have you ever loved one of them so much that you were willing to do anything for them?” Vanilla casually takes a sip of his drink and looks at Tippy.
“I wouldn’t say that… There have been times where I was afraid of them cheating on me so I just tried to be everything they wanted. It didn’t work and they still ended up cheating.” Tippy tells him.
“I see.” Ice looks to the side, “What did you do after that?”
“I told myself that I’m not going to let myself be treated poorly by anyone ever again. I may be small and weak against physical fights, but I refuse to be treated like dirt. I wasn’t going to stand there and be compared to other people anymore. I wasn’t going to let them tell me who to be or what to do anymore.” Tippy’s face goes from jovial to forlorn once this conversation has begun. Vanilla doesn’t speak nor look at Tippy. This makes the bluenette feel a little embarrassed,
“I-I’m sorry, I think I said a little too much.”
“No, you’re alright…” Ice takes another sip from his drink, “You've been treated poorly by those around you, not just your exes, but from your peers, your loved ones…” The brunette stirs his drink with the straw a little, “Me…”
Tippy’s brows frown. His eyes go from staring into Vanilla’s, to looking down at the floor. The energy between the two gentlemen is tense, but not in the way of anger or resentment. They both regret the things they have done and said to each other in the past. Ice watches Tippy’s body language and knows that he feels a whirlwind of emotions. There is so much to be said in this very moment and yet… silence from both ends. 
They both finish their drinks and are too uncomfortable to speak to one another for a while. Vanilla inhales and closes his eyes as he clutches his cup speaking gently,
“I’m sorry.” Tippy looks up at him. “I’m sorry for the way I treated you. That was unfair.”
“No, dude… I’m sorry.” Tippy stands up from the chair, “After all, I started it.” A teasing smirk from Tippy sends a wave of ease to Vanilla. The brunette sighs in relief,
“You sure did, you little Termite.” Ice tousles Tippy’s hair. 
After a while, the conversation turns back to lighthearted and fun. 
Back outside
“Here,” Vanilla takes his jacket back off once again and rests it on Tippy’s shoulders, “This time, don’t give it back to me until we’re at the manor.”
“Alright, alright, Lucky Charms.” Tippy gives an exaggerated eye roll. During the walk back home, Tippy playfully bumps into Vanilla a few times,
“What are you doing, you little bug?” Ice bumps him back with a chuckle.
“You’re like a brick wall!” Tippy stumbles a bit then bumps into Ice with a laugh. Vanilla laughs back,
“Hey!” The brunette pushes a little too hard and Tippy loses his balance. The short gentleman slips and starts falling to the concrete. Ice gasps and swiftly grabs onto Tippy. Instead of gracefully helping him back up, they both end up tripping and wobbling down to the sidewalk. Both of them end up with scrapes and light bruises. Vanilla and Tippy softly groan in pain and the feeling of being dazed, until they realize…
“Hngh?!” Vanilla had broken Tippy’s fall for the most part and now their legs are intertwined, and Vanilla is still holding onto Tippy’s forearm. 
“I-I-I’m sorry!” Is all Tippy can say. They both scan each others’ faces, which are very close to each other. Vanilla’s cheeks are on fire and he feels his heart is about to explode out of his chest. Tippy’s cheeks are scarlet and he feels the same way, and can’t help but laugh uncontrollably. The way Tippy laughs makes things a bit less embarrassing for the two. Vanilla grins, still feeling a little awkward about the situation.
“Here,” Ice crouches and holds out his hand for Tippy to take it. He grasps onto Vanilla’s large hand and is pulled up a bit too quickly. 
“Whoa!” Tippy crashes into Vanilla’s chest face first.
“Oh! Are you alright?” Ice asks and gently takes Tippy by the shoulders.
“Y-yeah, I’m good. Uh…” The two look each other in the eyes for what seems like ages. Tippy sighs and looks away.
“Wait. Is something wrong?” Ice asks with concern.
“It’s nothing… Well– no, nevermind.” Tippy may have a slight smile on his face, but there’s sadness behind it.
“You can tell me. If something is bothering you, I would be more than happy to help.” Vanilla nods and they continue the walk back home.
“It’s just that… I don’t want to ruin everything. But– you know what? Now’s a good a time as any.” Tippy steps in front of him. “Vanilla…”
“Y-yes?” Ice tries to remain calm and poised as usual, but he can’t shake the nervous sparks running up and down his body like an electrical current. His stomach churns and his heart skips a beat when Tippy speaks,
“I have feelings for you. I like you. I do. I really really like you! Ugh! And I hated the fact that I liked you for so long, but I just–!” He stumbles over his words and covers his face. Vanilla is taken aback, his eyes are wide and his cheeks are flushed. “I’m sorry. I know your heart belongs to Dio… I know I just ruined everything by saying something, but I just had to say something, but– ugh, this is so confusing!” 
Tippy sits down on the curb and sighs, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. Vanilla is at a loss for any kind of response. After a while, Vanilla decides to sit down next to Tippy and speak in a gentle tone,
“Yes, I told you that my heart belongs to Dio… however… I don't think he knows. He doesn't...have to know.” Tippy looks over at Vanilla, which causes Vanilla to turn away. “What I’m trying to say is… you–,” Ice inhales and holds his breath, “I share your infatuation… unfortunately. Now, don’t make me say anything else.” Vanilla exhales. 
“R-really?” Tippy raises an eyebrow in surprise, “I mean… I kind of figured you were flirting with me every now and then, so I kind of did the same! Heheh!” 
Vanilla covers his face with both of his hands and sighs in embarrassment. 
“So uh… what do we do now?” Tippy says softly, with a giddy little smile.
“I guess this means we’re a couple now.” Ice takes Tippy’s hand and looks at him with that stoic face he always has. They both look at each other with pure romance in their eyes. Tippy covers his mouth and can’t help himself, he giggles. Ice attempts to suppress a smile. Ugh… damn it, he’s so cute… I should go for it… right? Vanilla leans in, making Tippy lean in too. Both gentlemen close their eyes and go in for a kiss.
They end up bumping their noses against each others’, chuckling, then finally planting their lips together. 
The kiss between Vanilla and Tippy is so warm and filled with desire. Ice can’t control himself, he leans in further, melting into the kiss as if they were both the only two men in the entire world. Tippy wraps his arms around Vanilla’s shoulders, running his fingers through his long brown hair. Vanilla’s touch starvation surfaces when he lets out a small pleased grunt while kissing his new boyfriend. Everything Vanilla has ever wanted in a partner was right in front of him the entire time. This moment is so magical, he wants to cry. Tippy doesn’t pull away too soon like Dio does. Vanilla finally gets the satisfaction of romance he so desperately craved. Tippy smiles on Vanilla’s lips and they both pull away for breath. Ice gently rests his forehead against Tippy’s and gulps, catching his breath still. I don’t want to let him go. I don’t want this feeling to end. Please… please stay… forever and ever. Tippy chuckles and holds Vanilla close,
“This feels right…”
“...yeah.” Ice is internally beating himself up for not saying everything on his mind. Not only does he not know how to articulate his intricate thoughts, but speaking about his own feelings has always been an obstacle for him. 
In Vanilla Ice’s bedroom
The two gentlemen decided to paint each others’ nails, brush each others’ hair, and share music like any other night together. Ice listens to Tippy talk about things and make jokes for a while, until he speaks up,
“We kissed…”
“Yeah, we did!” Tippy says.
“But… Everyone knows we don’t like each other very much.” Vanilla messes with some nail polish.
“Well… I mean… nobody has to know anything just yet.” Tippy crawls over to Vanilla and looks into his eyes. Ice’s eyebrows are frowned and his eyelids are hooded. Tippy leans in and lays on Vanilla’s chest, to which the brunette wastes no time wrapping his muscular arms around the thin gentleman. Ice breathes a content sigh and snuggles up against Tippy. 
After a while, it’s obvious Vanilla tends to follow his instincts and only has so much self control. Every now and then he does things in the heat of the moment. He and Tippy are quite similar in that regard, the two gentlemen end up sharing a beautiful night full of intimacy and passion. They can’t keep their hands off of each other. Each moment spent together this night is pure ecstasy, the feeling of bliss and fulfillment is immeasurable. Ice has never felt this amount of pleasure in his entire life, he is ever so grateful to share this intimate moment with his new beloved. The couple share a shower, filled with romantic embraces, warm kisses, laughs, and the close feeling of togetherness that is washing each others’ hair. 
Vanilla and Tippy end up falling asleep in each others’ arms for the rest of the night. Vanilla doesn’t want to let Tippy go… They keep each other warm in that big cozy bed of his. Those two are inseparable and complete each other to the highest degree. Ice wakes up in the middle of the night, expecting to wake up to a big empty bed once again… but it’s true what happened. He curls up next to Tippy and kisses his cheek sleepily before resting his arm over his boyfriend.
I can get used to this… I don't want sire to know just yet. I can't shake this feeling of guilt, even though I know Lord Dio wouldn't mind. What sire doesn't know won't hurt, right? I can only hope this feeling never goes away… I hope Tippy never ever goes away… I love him so much.
To be continued…
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Wayne brushes the crumbs off of his lap, calloused hands scratching the worn denim of his jeans. There's a twinkle in his eye as he adds, "I wonder what Ms. Sweetheart's favorite balloon is." Wayne you rapscallion you. 😏
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“Ask her on one date, and see where it goes.” He really wants his boy to be happy 😭
"You okay?" he asks with a nervous chuckle. Cause it kinda sounds like you're crying."
"M fine. Just, um, chopping onions," you lie, hoping you've done a convincing job.
"For the applesauce you're making?" Ugh Edward, why do you have to be so cute and not let Ms. Sweetheart wallow in self pity. 😭
When my grandma lived with us, she watched Law & Order (along with other detective shows) every day! I definitely felt my emotions when I read that part.
"I know it's not the same as making applesauce with your grandma, but I've never been sad eating an Oreo. An oatmeal raisin cookie, maybe. But not an Oreo."
Grandma's taken a seat next to the boy, handing him a cookie before taking her own. She just nibbles on it in silence, but it's the most present she's been in days.💚
Fly Me To The Moon 💕🙌🏼
You're not sure how long the two of you remain linked like this, joined hands swaying ever-so-slightly as Fly Me to the Moon fades out to I Wish You Love. It's somewhere between ten seconds and ten years, because time seemingly slows to a halt.
It's you, him, and Harris. Sitting on the sofa and watching a holiday movie. An unconventional little family, but a family all the same.😍🥰💚🥹😭
AHHHHHHH I AM OBSESSED AND A TINY BIT SCARED FOR MORE ANGST TO POP UP!😂 I loved this chapter, Wayne being the mac daddy that he is and trying to convince Eddie to just be happy, Harris calling Ms. Sweetheart, Eddie & Harris coming to save the day, Eddie playing the music for Grandma, HIM NOT BEING ABLE TO HOLD BACK AND TELL HER HOW HE FEELS. 😭😚🤌🏼 Absolute perfection as always!!! Love you and this amazing story!!🥰💚😍
What is it with grandmas and detective shows? Mine loved them (and also Animal Planet, which made an appearance in an earlier chapter, I believe). I'm glad other people can relate to that, too!
I would pay an exorbitant amount of money to have Eddie sing Frank Sinatra to me.
Also, I will only be referring Wayne as "Mac Daddy Wayne" from now on, and I expect everyone else to do the same.
Love you, B!
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Dark Forest Resident: Quickstar
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Aliases / Nicknames: Quickbelly, Little Rain, Rapscallion
Gender: tom
Sexuality: bisexual
Immediate Family: Rainhail (mother), Mossheart/star (mother), Lowhawk (brother), Daisydust, Icepaw, Fernpaw (sisters) Fernfur (mate), Mumblespeckle, Slightpaw, Lavendernut (daughters), Ashivy, Rowanacorn (sons), Blossombreeze, Shadetail (step-daughters)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, Berrywhisper, Elmtail (apprentices),
Clan: Clubmossclan
Rank: leader
Characteristics: troublesome, good fighter, skilled (max exp)
Number of Victims: 7
Number of Murders: 1
Method of Harm: blunt force, teasing/bullying
Known Victims: Fennelfin, various clanmates (bullying)
Victim Profile: spotted young medicine cat, previously anyone he could tease
Cause of Death: lung infection
Cautionary Tale: N/A
Quickpaw was a young apprentice when his mother, Rainhail, was accused of murder.
Bluestar had gone out alone, supposedly to check something near the border, and was attacked by a dog. She had dragged herself back to camp, accusing Rainhail of leading her into a trap after she had told the leader to go out.
Bluestar promoted a very startled Ratstripe to leader, and his mother was outraged.
Mossheart had later decided to take her scared kits, apprentices at the time, out on a small herb patrol.
It was going fine until a large, starving rogue showed up. The rogue attacked him, and Quickpaw only had a moment to think before Icepaw had jumped in front of him.
Her throat was torn out. Mossheart chased the rogue away, but it was too late. His sister was dead.
Quickpaw blamed himself, and that only doubled when his baby sister, Fernpaw, barely an apprentice, went out on patrol alone to look for moss. She was killed by the same bloodthirsty rogue.
Quickbelly found the body. His baby sister’s front leg was severed from her body, her throat slit.
Lowhawk changed after that. He stopped bullying Quickbelly, and they became very close brothers.
They worked together so that one of them always went on patrol with Daisypaw, keeping her safe.
It was a very chaotic few moons, with Rainhail being demoted only for Mossheart to replace her, and Ratstar getting sick.
Quickbelly bullied his Clanmates a lot now that he was older, mostly harmless teasing. He always apologized when he went too far.
Daisydust, sweet Daisydust, went on patrol with Rainhail. Quickbelly and LowHawk let her go out with her mom. It was only a border patrol. She’d be fine, right?
Daisydust got stuck in a fox wire trap and bled out while Rainhail struggled to keep the wire off of her neck.
Quickbelly threw himself into any task he could find so he could be useful to the Clan.
Things looked up, many seasons later in leaf-fall when he met Fernfur. Fernfur was strong, and beautiful, and compassionate.
The two fell in love quickly, becoming mates.
Quickbelly recklessly led a patrol into a border skirmish with the hostile Beeclan. It was a freak accident, with Berrywhisper and two Beeclan apprentices breaking the ice on the river.
The three of them drowned, with Quickbelly desperately trying to pull them out of the water.
Rainhail was poisoned, and it was revealed that she had planned to murder Ratstar and Bluestar.
So, once again, he threw himself into patrols to distract himself, and helped his Clan a lot in Leaf-bare, becoming one of the top warriors.
Lowhawk was killed on patrol with a young warrior. Apparently, he had tried to protect Applefern from a fox.
Quickbelly was devastated. All of his siblings dead, he couldn’t keep any of them safe.
Over time, his Clanmates began to look to him rather than the deputy, and Quickbelly enjoyed it! He wanted to be deputy more and more as the moons went on.
A year later, Mossstar was killed by Sparrowbounce and Sparkbush. He wouldn’t learn this for a few years more.
Quickbelly and Owen spoke, deciding that Quickbelly should be leader and Owen should remain deputy.
The next year was when it happened.
He had gone out on patrol with the medicine cat, Fennelfin, late at night to look for catmint.
They had gotten into an argument, and the stars had lit up in colourful shapes and patterns, casting a shadow over Fennelfin’s face. It had to be a message, his first message!
His heart was beating out of his chest, his ears ringing from the loud crack that came with the dancing stars. He sank his claws into Fennelfin’s shoulders, smashing his head against a rock.
Why would Starclan want him to do this? He had never wanted to hurt anyone, and the fact that he had killed someone affected him greatly. He vowed to protect Fennelfin’s son, Webpaw.
He washed the body of his scent and made his way back to camp. He curled up with his sleeping mate and wished he could forget what happened.
The war with Beeclan lasted many years, and took many lives.
Things felt bleak until his first daughter was born. Mumblekit was perfect in every way, and moons later they had Ashkit!
Two more moons later they had Lavenderkit, Slightkit, and Rowankit.
It was perfect, their little family was perfect.
The war raged on, and tensions ran high as all the cats in the Clan received messages and omens from Starclan.
Everyone except Quickstar. Did they blame him? Why would they blame him? They told him to kill Fennelfin!
Slightpaw was murdered. He never learned who killed her. His daughter was dead! Why was Starclan doing this to him?
Mossstar had taught him to be faithful to Starclan, but how could he be if they did this to him?
The next season was when war reached its peak. Clans teamed up and fought, even the rogues forming a group to join the war.
Twenty-four of the cats he knew and loved were gone, and for what, a rivalry?
His lungs hurt more and more in the moons that followed, a tightness that even blazing star couldn’t heal him.
Something in the back of his mind told him that this was Starclan’s punishment, that all of this heartache was his fault. Why?
Morningshade, the kind medicine cat he had grown up with, who was basically his aunt, offered to end his pain by putting deathberries in his prey. But he refused, not wanting to go out like that. Like his mother.
Quickstar passed the next night, with his mate and daughters curled up by his side.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @wills-woodland-warriors​
--He is, of course, from clangen! He’s a sweetheart who was a snuggly quiet kitten. His siblings and most of the kits in the nursery with him had the bullying trait, and when Quick became an apprentice his quiet trait was replaced the bullying trait as well. Then as an adult it was replaced with troublesome and good fighter.
--He died at 137 moons, or 11 years old. Despite this he still appears very young and fit.
--In the Dark Forest he appears with cracked paw pads and raspy lungs with a wheezing cough.
--He loves to volunteer to help the apprentices with training.
--He knew Brownmouse when Brownmouse was just an itsy bitsy little kit!
--Short story for him here: https://at.tumblr.com/wills-woodland-warriors/fireworks-short-story/o02pufxbqymr
--Because of how clangen works, all the murders and stuff were all randomly generated. Wills used a coin to decide if the cats killed by “rogues” on patrols are actually rogues or the enemy Clan from another clangen save, BeeClan. The war however they threw in to shake things up and because there was so much drama, they needed an ending to it.
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
crimson rivers thoughts (15)
chapter 35
things get interesting? oh? are they not already interesting 😭
moody mention
is james jealous of frank bc he’s friends with sirius 😭
regulus just being amused
regulus being jealous of frank now 😭
"You're all a rather complicated bunch, aren't you?" oh frank. you have no idea.
sirius in the next line: “you have no idea” did i manifest that
oh no rebellion
🎶cause i haven’t moved in years🎶
peter ☹️
BERNICE HAD A BABY FOR REAL?! oh no this is sad
oh no not the rest of the fam
“Mostly Andy, because Bella was and always has been truly unhinged.” bellatrix is too real
sirius had his first cig when he was 10 💀 
ace narcissa okay i dig
i hate lucius
“bellatrix is a menace” bellatrix you menace 
no way umbridge is the mayor
regulus being protective of james
“he can safely say he's never been so desperate to get on his knees for someone the way he is right now” 
“After a beat, he looks down and gives a very stern (and internal) lecture to his cock about appropriate responses to certain situations, including how there's a time and place, and surrounded by friends is not it.” JAMES he’s so real honestly
chapter 36
“this chapter is honestly probably the sweetest/lightest one i have written for this fic” this makes me a little bit scared honestly
wolfstar ❤️‍🩹 my babies
eeee they’re kissing
all this talk of kissing meanwhile i have mono this seems unfair (i have never kissed anyone)
pandora is a mastermind
"The moon is beautiful, don't get me wrong, but it has nothing on you." if someone talked to me the way sirius talks to remus i would die happy
RAPSCALLION my favorite word
giggling me feet rn
the letter ❤️‍🩹
oh no they’re fighting now
"I just liked getting to be someone who was actually worthy of you." remu ☹️
GREYBACK?! deserved.
blowie 💀
demisexual sirius okay love
sirius talking about lyall 😭😭
"You're in love with me, and you told my dad you're in love with me, and you're in love with me. You love me. You're in love with me."
this chapter had me giggling me feet so much
so much wolfstar ahhhhhsgshsjhdgwhe my heart can’t take this
chapter 37
sirius telling james EVERYTHING i can just imagine them hugging and squealing and jumping up and down like teenage girls i want friendship like theirs
james really said “what that mouth do”
interview went well!! huzzah
why is it getting sad now
i love that remus is just always The Casanova Of Gryffindor Tower
pandora ☹️
🎶i’m a crumpled up piece of paper lying here🎶
james you menace
“I get jealous of your clothes because they get to be wrapped around you all the time”
"Like a bit of bite, do you?" remus you menace
party day
james getting tea for reg bc he knows he doesn’t like coffee
does james have a degradation kink 😭
thestral lore
lucius boooo 🍅🍅🍅
🎶ooooo shut up and dance with me🎶
“you look like home” ❤️‍🩹
not regulus thinking if they left people would assume they ran away 😭😭
noooo james let regulus kiss youuuu
that was a sweet talk but it was sad
noooo regulus let james kiss youuuu
wolfstar eeeee
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