#moon trine Pluto
bestlilithian · 3 months
Home is the first grave.
[ Moon-Pluto, Pluto in 4th house culture ]
tw for various mentions of abuse and death as well as mental problems, sh and su!cide, also needles (dont ask)
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- may have experienced a lot of death in thr family or in the close neighborhood
- feel more connected to your dead relatives than your alive ones
- there mightve been a death in your family before you were born
- feeling peacful in graveyards
- may have fantasized about death/su!cide, might percieve death as something that brings peace (hence the fantasies, because really all you ever wanted was peace)
- wanting peace but knowing you cannot have it because of your nature; feeling like theres just something in your blood in your soul that is uncontrollable and overwhelming
- your household was always a house , never a home
- being raised by very old people, enjoying the presence of much older wiser people (like, literal elders not hot teachers 💀)
- enduring literal psychological warfare in your home (usual your mother waged war on you as soon as you were old enough to form a coherent critical thought)
- "I hate you, dont leave me" (might be the attitude of your mother towards you, or yours towards others you love)
- Your mother always knew when you were lying or hiding something. Especially if she had a scorpio moon or moon/pluto aspects herself. You grew up extremely fearful of her.
- moon pluto culture is hearing your mother talk lovingly about her own fucked up mother, she never accepted the severity of her own abuse, until of course she needs to use it in an argument against you "Im a great mother, my mother was so much worse"(basically Im good because I abuse you differently than I was abused 😍 same shit different package)
- not liking motherly women or women who try to be mother figures to you, feeling uncomofortable around them; youre uncomfortable with how much you crave motherly love and people who can provide you that become threats because of the power they could have over you if you opened up
- being betrayed by the women in your life, especially those who were much older and supposed to take care of you (teachers, tutors, family members, therapists, babysitters..)
- toxic female friends 😁🔫 bonus : really close but toxic female friendships in youth that feel like death when you end them even though you know it was necessary
- feeling pain so deeply you think you will drop dead or have a heart attack. (When I was little and depressed I wrote in a diary of mine "My body will kill me before I get to")
more on this : when you start crying because of immense emotional pain and suddenly your heart is burning and beating too fast and youre getting light headed and throwing up , and suddenly youre not crying because of the pain, youre crying because youre afraid youre about to have a heart attack and die
- fearing that your mother will k word herself or you if you try to leave her (harsh aspects mostly)
- learning what emotional violence is very early, how to wield it and defend against it
- turning your emotions off completely for a while and then having a nervous breakdown when it all rushes back
- reading up on psychology, psychiatry and works of psychotherapists so you can heal and never become your mother
- wanting to put a bullet in your head when you notice yourself thinking or behaving like your mother
- going home after you spent time somewhere where you felt good and safe is extremely dreadful
- your mother doesnt see you as a human being (harsh aspects especially), and may take you a while to figure this out
- extremely controlling behavior from your mother or other caretakers (for example my mother threatened to send people to stalk me when I moved to a diff city, to 'make sure Im not doing something bad')
- deeply grieving the loss of your childhood and your inner child
- almost choking while crying or passing out
- feeling like youre a horrible person and dont deserve your family [because youre in deep denial and are seeing the flaws of your family as your own and denying your own trauma]
- learning about sex early on, perhaps early sexual obsession but not like promiscuity more like craving for deep intimacy (also you were probably deeply ashamed of it)
- not telling your family (esp mother) anything because they will ruin it for you
- being accused of being a psychopath, uncaring, selfish for "not loving your family enough"
- not knowing how to feel about the members of your family that played a more passive role in your life because they didnt do anything wrong but they didnt do anything right either; surely they knew , why didnt they stop it? why didnt they save you? (Im talking about adults obviously)
- your parents mightve been much older when you were born, you might have siblings much older than you
- doing anything to avoid your intense emotions and then when you break down and feel everything you realize how freeing it is and how comfortable you actually are with the intensity
- gutteral reactions to songs you deeply relate to (I hear 10 seconds of 'Slipping through my fingers' and I am dead on the floor)
- being afraid of your mother or just of your family in general
- you could probably kill someone with your bare hands if you were angry and hurt enough
- scary as fuck when you actually show your anger
- if you cry in the midst of a fight (verbal or physical) ... someone tell that person to make peace w God . cause thats you crying because of what youre about to do, because thats you loosing the last crumb of humanity you had for them and that can only end one way.
- you would probably kill for your loved ones
- your friends feel like you would help them hide a body (and you probably would)
- recognizing people by footsteps and breathing patterns (especially family members)
- deep deep eyes, people can see war and death them, and they feel like you see their pain too (because you do)
- reading people easily
- enjoying? cruelty (to yourself or others), like getting impulses to do something that would cause you or someone else that ugly feeling of facing cruelty
- finding comfort in the cold and the dark
- insane nightmares since youth, growing to be used to them
- its very hard to shock you
- you know when someones lying
- you might dread certain types of pain yet feel pleasure from them (personally I hate having my blood taken for a test but then I end up immensely enjoying the feeling of a needle pricking my skin and going deep into my vein)
- feeling the need to "kill" some your habits; most likely to drop things cold turkey and be extremely strict in breaking bad habits
- might enjoy really dark, emotionally and morally complex media
- immediately recognizing other moon pluto people and trauma bonding
- extremely good pain endurance. not necessarily tolerance , but endurance. you feel the pain and do it anyway.
- might not react to physical pain at all from a young age
- fantasies about drowning or slipping away peacfully
- either loving deep waters or hating them
- randomly breaking down in the middle of the day because of some pain you buried 5 years ago
- might self harm a lot because of your complex relationship w pain, it genuinely helps sometimes
- home feels like literal prison
- seeing the value in suffering, you might reject the idea that suffering is bad and should be avoided and prevented at all costs
- you might become religious as you mature (but usually in your own way, not necessarily according to tradition)
- forced to eat or denied food in your home, this mightve fucked up your relationship with food
And lastly, I need you to engrave this in yourself :
Wrong love is not love.
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learnastrowallura · 22 days
Astrology observations, part 9
♡ The cadent houses are areas of life that require a lot of work/effort put in:
3rd house= one-on-one communication, analytical learning
6th house=physical health, routines
9th house= higher learning/spiritual knowledge/beliefs
12th house= mental health
♡ Planets in detriment describe feeling like an outsider/foreigner or being viewed as an outcast pertaining to the planet's theme
E.g Mercury in detriment= outcast in social situations
♡ Two houses ruled by the same planet are correlated/may work together essentially
E.g Capricorn 8th house+ Aquarius 9th house => transformation within an individual's life is related to their knowledge and how much of it they have obtained in the spiritual sense especially
Taurus 7th house+ Libra 12th house => mental health/spiritual wellbeing is related to the quality/stability of long term relationships
♡ A trine between Pluto and the Moon could indicate finding some kind of comfort in chaos and handling it generally well in comparison to other individuals (oh shit that happened... anyway I should get a pizza for lunch 😋 type of vibes lol)
Thank you for reading <3
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vivmaek · 2 years
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Sun in the 1st House - This is a great year to center yourself and to focus on your needs. This is the start of a new chapter, and the influence of this placement gives the native enough energy and hope to bring about positive change. You might feel more excited about daily life and waking up every morning will feel a little bit easier. Enthusiasm comes naturally, and this placement will ease any other negative influences seen within the solar return chart. You might have several lightbulb moments in regards to your identity, and at the end of the year you’ll be feeling more confident than ever.
Jupiter in the 10th House - Opportunity is on its way. Jupiter is expanding all themes regarding the tenth house. The native is going to develop a strong sense of reputation and will notice a change in status by the end of the year. Their ego may inflate a bit, but this can be good if used wisely. Getting recognized, promoted, or an increase in salary are to be expected with this solar return placement. If the native travels under this influence, they will receive a lot of attention for their journey. Gaining favors from people in authority should also be relatively easy. 
Venus Conjunct Ascendant - The native is going to feel a lot of affectionate feelings and a need to express them. A sense of love is going to be elevated within all connections and the native will benefit from this influence. This is a great time to take on relationship problems. The native will seem especially attractive during this time and will probably go through a glow-up of sorts. Their personal style is being defined, and they’ll have the energy to put extra effort into their appearance. Negotiations will go well and will work in their favor. 
Sun Trine Midheaven - During the course of this year, the native is gaining an understanding on who they are and how that aligns with their wants and desires. Garnering achievements or some sort of reward is to be expected with this influence. The native is going after their goals and has all the support and tools on hand in order to do so. They are being encouraged to use their skills and resources in a focused manner. 
Moon Square Saturn - This aspect points to a lot of frustration. The sign of both the Moon and Saturn can give indication of what exactly the source of contempt is. The native might be lacking emotional control and is learning how to manage this. 
Pluto in the 6th House - A change in routine is very much needed with this influence. The native might take on a new position at work, giving them a new list of responsibilities. Or, they might start developing a workout routine or exercise plan. The native may start to notice changes to their body, ranging from weight gain/loss to aging. If you have any health issues, make sure to get checked up sometime this year. Physical trauma to the body might occur this year. The native could find themselves being more accident prone than usual. 
Saturn in the 9th House - There isn’t going to be much adventure this year. In fact, vacations or travel plans may end up delayed or canceled. If you are in college or university, this might be an especially hard year for you. Expect restrictions in school and from mentors. Assignments that used to take no time at all might start to take days instead. It would be a good idea to take a gap year during this time, or just a break in general. Saturn does reward hard work and effort though, so this decision is up to you. If you know you have it in you to keep pushing, then don’t give up.  
Mercury in the 4th House - Now is the time to make plans for future stability. Natives under this influence need to start thinking about domestic issues. Home renovations and fix-ups are a good idea when Mercury is in the fourth. Redecorating your home is also something that should be done during the year. The past is going to weigh heavy on the mind, and it would be good to focus on comforting your inner child. 
Moon in the 12th House - Mediation is a skillset that absolutely must be used and developed during this time. A lot of emotional fulfillment can be found through charitable work and spiritual practice. Emotional cycles and chapters in your life are going to be coming to a close. This is a time to retreat, reflect, and recharge. Embrace solitude. 
Mars Conjunct Uranus - Be cautious of accidents. Please drive safe and follow directions when using machinery. 
Mercury Trine Mars - Expect a lot of speed and energy entering your life. If this is a tight aspect, then this year is going to fly by. The days will go by quickly, and there is going to be a lot to do. 
Moon Trine Pluto - Go to therapy! This is an excellent time to connect with the subconscious. Deep rooted feelings and emotions are going to reemerge, but this will be beneficial and help aid the healing process. 
Uranus in the 11th House - If you’ve been feeling drawn to social justice and activism, this would be a good year to start getting involved. You might make some unexpected friends or unexpected changes may occur within your friendships. A wish fulfillment might randomly manifest during this year. The native will be able to come up with solutions for whatever setback might occur. You might realize that the straightforward path you were once trekking isn’t as straightforward as it once seemed. Issues within society might be affecting you on a more personal level. 
Chiron in the 11th House - Your connections with friends, and your hopes and dreams might undergo some damage. This might be a lonely year and the native is going to face rejection at one point. They are going to be told “no” over and over again, it is going to be a painful process. You might not fit in where you currently reside. 
Mars Square Ascendant - Unfortunately, the native is going to have to put up with a lot of bullshit under this influence. They might get bullied, harassed, or violated. It is important for them to avoid arguments and for them to try and walk away first during disagreement. People might assume they’re in a bad mood when they’re actually not. 
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catmarlowastrology · 1 year
🌑🌙 Moon trine Pluto: This aspect shows a harmonious flow of energy between one's emotional realm (Moon) and the transformative, deep-seated forces within (Pluto). It endows the individual with emotional depth and intense intuition, allowing them to easily understand the hidden facets of human nature and the underlying motivations of those around them. People with this aspect have a knack for delving into matters that others might find uncomfortable, whether that's personal transformation, psychological insights, or complex emotional issues. Their emotional intelligence is high, and they serve as catalysts for change and healing in the lives of others. The trine means that this innate ability to deal with deep emotional and transformational issues is well-integrated into the person's character, enabling them to navigate challenges with a level of grace and wisdom.
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esoteriamaya · 2 years
Scorpio Moon/8th House Observations: The Good, Bad, & The Ugly.
Scorpio Moons/8th House Moons are and interesting brand of individuals. As they are the most secretive in the group, they are also the ones who hide their hand a lot of the time.
Scorpio/8th House Moons have a tendency to leave their vulnerable state in the closet when around a certain crowd. This isn't always a bad thing, however the closer you get the more they'll put you through a test. This is unbeknownst to people most of the time. They dont like to tell you when their putting you through a test because wheres the fun in that? To prove your loyalty, you must already be ahead of the game. They hold a lot of secrets, and because they have to know who can go through this made up maze to get to the other side, you will be on the closed end of the hearts until you are close enough to be given the key.
8th house moons are capable of being vulnerable to the right individuals, however this may take a few years. You could know this person all your life and you still wouldn't know too much of them. I would say its because they don't trust you but its deeper than that. They dont trust themselves.
As scorpios can be a walking mirror, others are mirrors to them as well. They cannot hide their skeletons as much as they think they can, because its always staring back at them through others. Again, people do not realize they are doing this to them. Only scorpios moons can tell when something is showing it self through others on a psychological basis.
Scorpio Moons/8th house moons are 'mysterious' due to not expressing their emotions to people on a day to day basis. While everyone else is used to expressing their emotions (depending on the house) in a more open manner, these individuals are always controlling them. This gets to the point where this becomes unhealthy. Because later down the line, the energy thats hurling up inside of them eventually needs a release. & when its not.... it'll get poisonous. The venom starts shooting out in more ways then one, causing them to hurt people in the process.
They can have psychological warfares going on if they are not healing what is locked in those closets of theres, which is why its safe to say they must be more vulnerable as this is apart of the healing process.
Most won't ever go this far, though. Most times they feel the need to show this to romantic lovers and lovers alone. & This is when we see the heart attack. Because the lover is suppose to be the one that doesnt judge you so what happens when they do? They shut them and the rest of the world out. Scorpio moons/8th house moons already dont show to much to their family, because they grew up being on a different dimension then the rest of them and are often misunderstood. So if your lover or not even your friends can love you even in the state you hide the most.. who can?
So all those precious secrets, dreams, talents, skills and powerful emotions get locked away and to never be seen again. Sometimes they might show us a glimpse of what it is that they have going on in that beautiful world of theres but eventually hide back into their shell because how do they know if youre just saying that to be real? Or just trying to find a way to get into what's in their minds?
One thing I will say is that is a toxic trait is their ability of being a master manipulator and hiding their hand. When it suits them, they do this to get the other hand. Especially when they're trying to prove their 'point'. Because I have known many 8th house moons and scorpio moons personally (and have so for many, many years) there has never been a dull moment where this did not happen. To prove their point and to seem less guilty, they will only show you one side of the story. You need to know how to discern and listen out for the things they say or you'll be sitting in that loop of destruction and lies.
You have to be up on your game on how manipulation works to see how they could be doing it since they are already so good at it. If they only show you 'one side' and I mean if every time you guys talk or link up they are only showing you one version of their complex personality and thats it. You are not getting the full dose of who they are and thats okay. They might not be sure if they can show that side to you yet, or at all. And from what I've noticed, most dont see the reason too if they like you enough.
If you are very close to them though, at some point they arent able to hide these traits like they think they do. Because there were times where I pointed out the things that they do at times were wrong, selfish and manipulative and they would 'stop' doing it but later down the line you would realize they just found a better way to hide it and never really changed it. Not only that, they'll probably stop telling you certain things so you will look at them a certain way. And if that doesnt work? They will run & hide for the hills.
Its all about the control, and if their not able to control their inner reality from showing itself to you, then they will get you out of their outer reality. Works to keep that 'magician' persona alive.
Another thing I will express about them is that most times they are not fully aware of their darkness but are still coming into terms with it. So many childhood, woes, fears, and psychological traumas can come out through these placement holders because they are most likely the healers of their generation. Their family bloodlines are needed to be healed through them so these beings can go through a lot when its time to get through the trauma. Healing is not linear for them so at times this can look very crazy so they need someone who understand them in some way because they do not understand themselves most of the time.
They do have wonderful insight on the world around them and can see through anybody if given the green light (green light as in morphing into their surrounds and allowing information to come through them without trying to control it). I would be mindful with telling them certain stuff, people feel the need to tell them things because it feels easy to (like any water sign) but I'd hold back a bit if you know someone with those placements. Because although most can keep a secret some will lash out and may use them against you. This is the unevolved ones of course and sometimes most won't use it against you per say, will just use it or talk about it as if you didnt just share a vulnerable moment with them & act like its nothing.
I'll speak more on these individuals later, as this is a pretty heavy topic. And I wrote too much lol. If you enjoyed my insight on the placements let me know :) I like feedback.
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suniverseastro · 2 years
Personal Aspect: Moon-Pluto, Sun-Pluto
🐇🐘🐋🐋🐝🌻 Moon Square Pluto: often have problems with the mother. They may have been through a dark period as a child with their mother, or they may have been treated unfairly, enviously, jealously, mocked or bossed by other female. 😕🙄 This position often encounters women who carry toxic feminine energies in their lives
Maybe their mother's childhood went through a dark time, many events and secrets 😢😖🤕
🤔😢 You may have lost faith in women after seeing scary qualities from important women such as: grandmother, mother, older sister, younger sister, aunt, … when you were a child.
They have a strong, intense, if unexpressed, and repressed emotional level when things go on for them (with people like above) and next people like that in the future, they can repress their emotions causing their emotional tank to swell, 👊💣💥 which in the long run can cause them to become mentally health, congested, become irritable and resentful 🍫🔪
Advice: They should share with women with light feminine connection to them, they can be aware that not all women are like that (first step over fear). 😌😊🤗🧚🏼‍♀️😁🐥🕊🌷
Practicing mindfulness meditation with a group and connecting with nature can help their mind 🌱🍀🍃🐽🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️🤲🙏🧠❤
😁🤗 Moon trine/sextile Pluto: for me, this is a lucky position for both men and women because they have the opportunity to associate with other women on a deeper and loyal level of loyalty, which they bring to the people they love. The women around them are comfortable and trustworthy because they know things that women can't put into words. 👍👍
However, they may have had a hard time with their mother, they have seen the sad, heartbreaking emotions behind their mother's eyes. 😧😢
Note: The things I wrote above are based on real-life observations, with the position of conjunct I have also met but have not learned deeply so I have not updated this article,also with opposite aspect
Sun Conjunt Pluto
🤔 It is possible that their father is engaged in dark activities: manipulative, lying, secretive, selfish, narcissistic, self-righteous (even though he is not). Often has problems with the father. They may have difficulty expressing healthy masculinity and misunderstand the caring, protective, gentle, sharing masculinity as weakness; 😶 but in their eyes masculinity must always be strong, assertive, powerful, so they also attract such people the natural way who want to dominate them too. They should open up and see more broadly about masculinity.
😍😍 They are attractive to both men and women (for women, for men, idk because I don't have data on this)(regardless of gender). 😮🤭🤓Men will feel they are people who can share and understand be the inner thoughts behind them or men in general; to women, 😗😌🤭🤫🙃these people radiate strong energy and self-determination like men, which makes a lot of women around feel more curious and confident in your presence,😝 they can wants your attention and strength. They also exude magnetism and the power of sex,😣 and they are also influential (although they may not notice to it, they just feel a strange energy change when they go through )
🤫3✔❌🆘️🚩🏳️‍🌈 They know a lot of the dark side of masculinity, so they can smell the dark behavior of men with toxic masculine energy or women with toxic masculine energy from afar.🤓🧐👀👄🧠👣💗 They are people who have a very special analysis and observation of human psychology, they can read thoughts, feelings and what others are feeling and the words in their hearts.💓💌❣💢
The Sun conjunct Pluto people that I like to call fun are people with 2 zodiac signs 😆 they like their main sign + like Scopior energy, if they are Scorpio, they will be x2 Scorpio, they like privacy and have high protection and security 🤔😎😗, vigilance, they also don't like someone who knows too much and interferes with their actions if they don't want to be public or shared, they don't like people who are inquisitive, gossip, or are malicious😑😬😤
Advice: this is my own advice from myself: let's put who have toxic energy, toxic person want to convey and underate you OUT of life, set a boundary of yourself to develope, it stems from their own limits that they cannot overcome, or from their own pain, but remember, YOU DON'T DESERVE IT, you have a great power and power to help you get what you want, limited 🤗🤗😚 and belive the good things exist in the world 😘👼💛💚❤💖👑
They change themself day by day 😆 they can learn to help and contribute to make the society and the life around for the better, know about security will be good to you and others ( but avoid wasting ALL your energy, take care of yourself)
Sun Trine/Sextile Pluto : Hi ! this is my favorite position and you guys who I believe ( my friends have the aspect I she quite mysterious, humor, smart and make safe, comfort asmostphere around.) 😚☺😋😊 they have good ability to become a leader. 🐥 They also demand honesty and loyalty, share a deeper connection with them in the relationship they have with the person they choose to associate with connection
They can also read what are things in the other's thoughts 🧠👁 , they also know the dark sides of others and the outside world, they can also see the dark/good sides of men and men's forces, good / bad in people in room asual they breath, they look so calm and cool🐥
All the Sun conjunct/trine/sextie Pluto people ( expect undevelope position) I've met all have one thing in common love in deep level, understanding, sympathy for people, tolerant and sharing with others. They quite open in LGBT and take care about sociaty
😢🙁 Sun Square /Opposite Pluto: ( want to give them a huge so muchhh). They have problem with father. You can hear them tell about their father with an identity story, or they maybe not wanna share or tell about their father. Their father maybe treat unreasonable way of thinking, he maybe don't listen them and not support their children's thoughts.
...They are also often quite secretive in life, or express their feelings, are often introverted, have many things to share, many thoughts in their heart. They are also very careful, sometimes a bit suspicious of others and want to control because they are afraid hurt, so they are often very careful and have strong energy inside but be careful to avoid to destroy your emotion systerm. 🦕🐚🦋🏵🌸💐
Besides, they will speak up as soon as they feel someone is forcing them or forcing them to do things they don't want to do 😲😲😲, they understand the invisible things that other people are forced to do.
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typologyastro · 2 years
MBTI & Astrology Observations
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🥀 1. Moon/Pluto aspects give off Ni, introverted intuition vibe. Dominant/auxiliary/tertiary Ni users may have Moon/Pluto aspects. They may indicate problems or a strong bond with their mother. Their emotions are intense. I've seen easy Moon/Pluto aspects (Trine, Sextile, Conjunction) are often INFJ, INTJ, ENFJ and ISFP.
Hard Moon/Pluto aspects have to learn to make peace with their intense feelings. One ENTJ I know personally has Moon Opposition Pluto. She has a complicated relationship with her mother and jealous tendency. ENTJs have inferior Fi so it's likely difficult for them to manage their intense feelings. They likely ignore their feelings or explode.
Another INFJ I know in real life has Moon Trine Pluto. His mother is feisty and strong. He loves and admires his mother. Women have big influence on him. He has a healing gift he may not realize in himself.
For example: Fujii Kaze (INFJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Twice's Mina (INFJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Madison Beer (ENFJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Jodie Foster (INTJ, Moon Conjunction Pluto), BTS's Yoongi (INTJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Avril Lavigne (ISFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto) The Weeknd (ISFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto), Blackpink's Jennie (ISFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto), Billie Eilish (ISFP, Moon Sextile Pluto) , Brad Pitt (ISFP, Moon Trine Pluto), Leonardo DiCaprio (ESFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto), Vanessa Hudgens (ESFP, Moon Trine Pluto)
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🥀 2. The next similar indicator is Scorpio Moon for Ni/Se users. I've often seen Ni + Te/Fi users (INTJ, ENTJ, ISFP and ESFP) have this placement. Another ENTJ I know personally has Scorpio Moon. He gives off a dangerous, mysterious and suspicious aura.
My explanation for Moon/Pluto aspects and Scorpio Moon give off strong Ni - introverted intuition is because I associate Ni with Pluto, Fe & Fi with Moon & Neptune.
For example: Epik High's Tablo (INTJ, Scorpio Moon), Lady Gaga (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Hayden Christensen (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Avril Lavigne (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Taylor Monsen (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Dove Cameron (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), The Weeknd (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Katy Perry (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Blackpink's Jennie (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Blackpink's Lisa (ESFP, Scorpio Moon), Lily-Rose Depp (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Miley Cyrus (ESFP, Scorpio Moon), Kylie Jenner (ESFP, Scorpio Moon)
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🥀 3. Blackpink's Lisa has Venus Trine Pluto. Kendall Jenner has Venus Conjunction Pluto. Blackpink's Jennie has Venus Square Pluto. They are known for their captivating and sexy beauty caused by Venus/Pluto aspects but how the audience feels about each of them can be totally different.
Lisa's passionate dance performances and doll-like appearance stand out in the crowd.
Kendal is the eptimote of how I envision a Venus/Pluto beauty looks like: sharp, tall, dark and mysterious.
Jennie has the most RBF, intimidating and edgy look out of the three. Her reputation is also the most polarizing.
Jennie seems to get hated the most. People mesmerize by Lisa and Kendal's beauty more while Jennie's face both attracts admirers and invokes hatred and jealousy the most. Venus/Pluto beauty generally creates strong impact on people. It's hard to forget their beauty.
It's fascinating to observe how easy and difficult aspects play out in real life. Easy Venus/Pluto aspects are more Venusian and hard Venus/Pluto aspects are more Plutonian.
Kendal is an ISTJ, Jennie is an ISFP and Lisa is an ESFP. They all have a Te/Fi axis.
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🥀 4. Dove Cameron was born one day before Blackpink's Jennie and they are both ISFPs and Scorpio Moon. Their chart are almost identical (without knowing their birth time).
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starshine555 · 1 month
Disclaimer: I'm not a professional astrologer or psychologist. This is just some practical insight from someone who has this placement.
Moon trine Pluto is emotional obsession. A trine brings a relatively easy transition of emotional nature. However, with the planet of death, rebirth, and transformation, this placement can still have its darker attributes stand out. Moon trine Pluto creates an urge to obsess, adore, and deeply long for the people you love.
People with this placement may have moments in their life where they discover that certain people they are in are in a relationship with (lover or friend) don't share or reciprocate the same degree of devotion and passion that they have, and it can be a very heartbreaking realization for the them. Or maybe people can be weirded out by your obsessive nature, when the reality is that you really just want to share your love.
Having experiences like this can make you want to become emotionally detached from relationships. You may have a small circle of people that they really consider their family because of this. When this placement is in its lower vibrational state you can result to having a bitter and cynical state of mind. You can become bitter from having your heart broken from failed relationships or even betrayal. And you could result to thinking that by expecting the worst or even nothing from your relationships you are protecting yourself from further emotional suffering.
Which brings me into another topic: in its low vibrational state, moon trine Pluto people can have a tendency to romanticize their own emotional suffering, which can lead to things like prolonged sadness, addiction, and rumination.
So, with that said, there are actually many pros to having this placement as well. With Pluto in positive aspect to their moon, you have the ability to transform this emotional suffering. And eventually you'll have to come to the conclusion that, while the suffering you experience is very much real, it doesn't have to be permanent. And being cynical is not a very solution-oriented mindset. It's not easy overcoming the feeling of distrust after having a bad experience, but once your change your emotional response to abandonment and rejection, the effect that these experiences have on you will begin to cease.
You can't change people into your ideal. It's hard because you want people to share your depth of emotion, but the truth is you can't change what other people do or do not embody. As long as you ruminate on how disappointing that idea is, you will not solve your problem. Your only way out is by restoring your own faith in yourself and your ability to have not emotional detachment, but emotional resilience! You create emotional resilience by disciplining your mind, and not entertaining ideas that hurt and disappoint you. When you create an environment in your mind that doesn't perpetuate this suffering, you can then focus all your energy on obtaining the things that actually benefit you.
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astrolocherry · 1 year
Moon-Pluto aspects : Childhood lost?
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piscesscake · 10 months
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moon trine pluto
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Jessica Alba Sza Rosé
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sunshinesmebdy · 1 year
October 3 Astro Vibe Check
Super communicative and interactive vibes abound today. Showcase your skills and demonstrate your authority in your field. ✨✨✨ ‌ Moon in Gemini ♊️ trine Mercury in Virgo ♍️ Two mercurial signs harmonizing today will be great for communication and will provide ease of understanding and processing information. This can also cause an excess of anxiety today, so take it easy. This is a great day to learn and apply new found information.
Moon in Gemini ♊️ square Saturn in Pisces ♓️ Anxiety and a bit of confusion are abound today. Patience is required to maintain the emotional boundaries Saturn has been trying to teach us. While this communicative energy for our emotions make sure you aren’t trying to stomach the burden of someone else’s pitfalls.
Moon in Gemini ♊️ trine Pluto in Capricorn ♑️ The energy is optimal for communication and transformation of how we view authority figures. Our focus is increased and we’ll be able to not communicate our authority but walk in our power.
Mercury in Virgo ♍️ trine Pluto in Capricorn ♑️ Anything involving the earth signs represents stability and execution. We’ll be able to effectively communicate our goals and Capricorn will aid us in executing them with precision. This energy is optimal for uncovering hidden truths and effectively providing solutions to them.
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esotericfaery · 6 months
Libra Lunar Eclipse trine Pluto in Aquarius, and inconjunct Mars in Pisces
Subtle adjustments are called for. People lack self control, and misjudge others. The confusion from Pisces is causing illusions to rule over accurate intuition, through the headstrong energy of Mars.
A lot of people are saying relationships will end with this lunation, but I say if people put in the work, in many situations relationships can be strengthened.
The trine with Pluto can help people to reconnect in more of a deep way, rather than superficial, giving the opportunity to save the relationship. Careful of the dark side of this transit, as it can cause obsessive behaviours, and for some, this level of intensity can be exhausting.
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satsangat · 1 year
A new Moon that will drag her feet, and take a long time to develop. In this video, I discuss how the kite configuration blocks the energy of the Earth Grand Trine, creates frustration at the same time that allows for reflection on how to solve problems overtime with long lasting results. Don't try to tackle the task at hand without patience and a good plan. Most of all, wait to start things at least 2 or 3 days AFTER the New Moon. Whatever you initiate will require a long time and much hard work.
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mutablebeauty · 1 year
Moon-Pluto 11th house thought:
It’s really fucking annoying when bc ur in a bad mood, it dampens the mood of everybody in the group ur in. Like now I’m in a bad mood + I feel bad bc I killed everyone’s vibe. Like damn can I be miserable by MYSELF??? Can I have the space to get myself back to normal without influencing somebody else’s mood indirectly? Is it really my fault for fucking the vibe up? Maybe don’t fuck MY VIBE UP. Stop blaming me for the mood you decided to enter bc ur mad I’m upset. Shit is weird.
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For Wednesday, the 8th 
Moon opposite Neptune [[Exact at 12:40 PM PST]] 
Neptune and the Moon both deal with the unseen, to some degree. Neptune is our dreams and our most sensational desires, while the moon is our innermost self, often hidden from the world. When they oppose each other there can be conflicts when it comes to figuring out what certain situations call for. Neptune casts a haze over things that can be considered obvious, and tends to make everything it touches very un-obvious. With the moon in Virgo these things include things that are usually very real, and casts over them a fog of strange ambiguity. There are some things on Wednesday that may simply seem untouchable, impossible to understand and truly unpredictable. We may need to take time to more clearly understand things versus taking them for granted.
Moon trine Mercury [[Exact at 6:28 PM PST]]
A positive aspect for feeling capable and clear in mind and intelligence. The Virgo moon still keeps us honed in on every day physicality, while Mercury in Capricorn helps us stake out our truest potential when it comes to big-picture ambitions. When the moon and Mercury are in harmony speech seems more relaxed, vision is aligned with action and productivity is supported by the Universe. This is a good aspect for planning and finding solutions to mundane issues, even though there’s also an opposition to Neptune happening at the same time; the caution with that is to think in the scope of immediate reality for the day, rather than too far in the abstract. The excitement that comes from the Moon/Mercury trine (plus the Neptune opposition) can cause us to get wrapped up into details that don’t yet exist, so a more grounded and earthy approach will likely yield better results.
Moon trine Pluto [[Exact at 10:40 PM PST]]
Pluto and the moon in harmony is powerful for the coming forward of emotions in ways that bring insight and understanding. The moon is finishing its transit in Virgo, which has been a short cycle for getting in touch with the physical through basic matters and health, as well as tending to the mundane. With the moon in Virgo trining Pluto in Capricorn there can be an acceptance of how things are working out in reality - for good or for bad. It’s is a good transit for being able to detach from the more derailing aspect of feeling and reaction, and buckling down on things that need doing. Pluto has a way of helping us face the things that need to see the light of day, and so this could be a day well suited for realizing certain truths. 
Venus maintains sextile with Uranus 
During Venus’ sextile with Uranus we are open to change when it comes to relationships, finances and aesthetic. Our tastes can be surprised and indulged happily, especially with Uranus being in Taurus, which is the sign of good food and pleasure through the physical senses. We may discover new foods, new modes of spiritual philosophy that help us feel fulfilled and aligned with beauty, and new understandings in relationships that revolve around empathy and depth. Pisces Venus is greatly focused on unifying in the sense that the heart and soul bleed into “separate” beings - I put separate in quotes because according to Pisces, separation is an illusion. It is the sign that rules over oneness, the collective subconscious and the spiritual reality of everything.
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vipsonly · 9 months
Movement of the Moon! December 24, 2023 (EST)
Here's what's going on with the moon tomorrow! I live in EST time zone so I'll be using that. (Major Aspects)
12am: Moon trine Pluto (moon taurus 4 / pluto capricorn 4)
8am: Moon square Saturn (moon taurus 8 / saturn aquarius 8)
Tomorrow will feel emotionally liberating. Your subconscious is being uplifted and hurt parts are being healed. There will also be some emotional blockages and feelings that get in the way of responsibilities. Don't be so hard on yourself, give yourself grace. Allow yourself to just feel and release so you can move forward. The longer you avoid the longer the kettle will boil...
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