abbytabbys · 24 days
You were my biggest inspiration (and still are) for pony art for the looongest time. You were the artist that finally got me to try out drawing ponies for myself!! You also got me into muffins x luna as a ship and I absolutely adore them. I'd love to see some art of them if possible,,, tysm
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Moonmuffins for u
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everwisp · 1 year
Do my eyes deceive me?! Is that the loveliest most amazing and talented Ever I see in my notifcations?! 🥰🥰🥰
Hi Ever!!! I'm sorry to kinda burst in here without warning haha but seeing you in my notifications lately has made my week!!! I've been missing you and your art so much while I've been life-ing and forgetting tumblr exists and I've been hoping you're doing well. 🥺 I see you have been on a hiatus and I really hope things look up for you!!! For what it can be worth, I'm sending my best to you as always. 💖
Daily reminder that you're incredible, wonderful, fantastical,amazing, talented, sweet, kind, loving and just all the positive words in the universe!!! 💖💖💖 It's so so good to see you again Ever, and again, sending all my best lots of platonic love your way!!! 💕💕💕Take care as best as you can, ok? Thinking of you!!! 💖
...OH! Someone wants to say hi before we say goodbye!
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"Ever, I hope you are doing well. I saw Moon was messaging you and could not stop myself from saying hello. I was a bit embarrassed to take this photo, as I am still not used to being photographed yet...But Moon has told me how seeing my face makes you happy, and I wish for nothing but your happiness...So it is worth the slight embarrassment of being photographed if I can bring a smile to your lovely face." *smiles softly*
"...Oh. I seemed to have said that outloud..." *blushes* "...But it is true that you are lovely; I daresay you are lovelier than even Tsukioka's flowers he plants. For like them, you are a radiant bloom that shines ever so beautifully in the sunlight..."
"...Oh. I did it again... I do apologize if I am embarrassing you; when I am in your presence, I admittedly find it hard to not compliment you. After all, you are always complimenting me, so I can't resist complimenting you back..."
"...Oh, I got lost in your eyes there for a second. Moon is nudging me to end this message so as to avoid having it be too long. Though I admittedly desire to spend more time with you, I also know you are busy. I will do my best to continue supporting you in anyway I can. If you need anything, I am here for you. Always."
...Hehe, Moon back again! I had to stop him eventually or else this would be a 50 page message. 🤣 (He's not usually so chatty but when it comes to you he is as chatty as Homare! Not that I blame him though, for you are amazing in all the ways. 😊)
Again, we both send lots of good vibes and sunshine to you. 💖 Take care!!! 💕
(P.S I apologize if Guy is OOC...I haven't written him in so long admittedly but I couldn't resist hopefully giving you an extra smile. 💖)
OMG MOON!! HI!!!!! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you on my dash, i hope you’re doing well too, imy!!🥺✨
also guy 😭🥹👏🏼🙈🥰😭🫶🏼 (pLS I WASNT READY FOR THAT SKFNSKFJ)
It’s really so good to see you again and to see you drop in my ask, I’m so touched that you did and thought of me 🤧 Gosh i hope life is treating you well though!! Sending you nothing but good, gentle, soft, sweet, and happy vibes Moon ✨💕🩵🌻
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icharchivist · 1 year
I apologize for busting in your askbox Icha, but I saw you and an anon discussing the FF7 remake and I am so so curious as to know what did they change/leave out? I have heard it wasn't as good a remake as most were hoping for, and am just curious what changed. 👀 (If you don't have the time or energy though then no worries! 💖)
All the best for you, always, Icha! 💕
you're all good no worries <3333
And ahh yeah the big question huh!
The thing is that the remake isn't actually a remake and they lied about it being one, so that's kind of the big of the issue in a sense?
The major difference is completely related to Sephiroth (king of causing problems on purpose).
The remake is actually a sequel set in a timeloop only Sephiroth, and it's implied, Aerith too, are aware is happening, seemingly provoked by Sephiroth himself, as the Sephiroth we see during the game is from the Future.
More details under the cut and it will mention a few major plot beats spoilers from the 1997 game the remake hasn't really touched on yet (but since you mentioned reading Sephiroth's wiki page it should be okay?)
(also more salt 😭)
(and i got long ✌️)
The remake was set to be cut in multiple parts, the first part covering the Midgar portion of the game which takes about like, 6 hours to complete max? before you leave to the open world that is the rest of the game. The first part wanted to extend on Midgar, so those first 6 hours of content were extended and padded in, for better or for worse.
Problem is? Sephiroth doesn't appear at all in this portion of the game. In the Original game, Sephiroth is built in very slowly, first by hearing him being name dropped a lot, then learning he caused a massacre in the Shinra HQ, and then, once you leave Midgar, Cloud will actually tell you about who Sephiroth used to be and why now they have to find him. Still after that, in the OG, you spend a very long time following a trail of murders committed by Sephiroth before ultimately meeting him in Junon, which is about 10 hours into the game. And, notable, Sephiroth doesn't care about nor notice Cloud until their run in in Junon, where Sephiroth even first is startled in meeting him bc he doesn't put together right away who Cloud is.
But the first part of the remake only covers the Midgar part of the game, the first 6 hours. And they didn't want to do this part without Sephiroth.
So they came up with another plot instead:
the remake is set in a timeloop of the story happening over and over again, except that Sephiroth From The Future cheated his way into coming here at the beginning of the game and starting to haunt Cloud on purpose.
Basically, anything you see about Sephiroth in the remake pt1 isn't in the OG. His dynamic with Cloud also is straight up pulled from post-game canon's dynamic, so no longer the slow build up to how Sephiroth actually took some time to start obsessing over Cloud and ruining his life.
Sephiroth spends all of his moments in the remake making sure to taunt Cloud about the history about to repeat itself. He taunts him about how he's going to kill Aerith before Cloud even knows who Aerith is. He taunts Cloud also by throwing back words Zack once told him, he appears at random specifically to spite Cloud, it's an overall mess.
His involvement in the plot also creates a whole new type of enemies which are called the Specters. They're sort of ghostly figures who, we learn, are actually "keeper of the canon", trying desperately to make sure the timeline happens exactly as it happened in the original game. (for example, there's a scene where Hojo takes a look at Cloud and, suddenly puts together that he has met him before and almost says it aloud. The specters appear and take Hojo away so he doesn't finish his sentence because in the Original game, Hojo doesn't realize who Cloud is until way into the 3rd act, and Cloud can't know why Hojo knows him. It's actually important for Cloud's storyarc that Hojo doesn't spill the deeds until that point.)
Aerith is originally the only one being haunted by the Specters and it's implied she is seeing visions of her death. Cloud is also seeing vision of her death once he gets in contact with the specters.
The game ends after a battle with Sephiroth (again, he's not supposed to be here) which also ends up destroying the Specters, with the implication that from now on, the characters have the free will to not follow the path of canon. Aerith herself, again, who's hinted to know she's going to die, makes a speech about how the future isn't set in stone and they have to move forward.
The remake also ends on an alternative timeline playing at the exact same time, as the Specters have been destroyed into every timeline ever, where the Specters aren't there to make sure Zack dies shortly before the plot of the remake starts. So we get to see an alternative timeline where Zack has lived, but, since his death is the cataclysm in Cloud getting out of coma, Cloud is still in coma.
We're still unsure where it's going to go.
The major problems I have with the remake is basically this whole thing. There's stuff the remake do differently as it adds on to the game (like adding a full sidequest to flesh out Jessie, which isn't in the OG). Some of those however, imo, are not really good, but at least it's just mostly an interpretation choice.
One thing that bugged me with the remake for instance is that, as you're probably aware, ff7 follows a group of eco-terrorist, Avalanche, who try to take down an immoral company, Shinra, that is abusing and killing the earth. In the OG, the act of terrorism actually do cause a lot of damage and death, and it's actually left ambiguous in the game if those are actually on Avalanche's hands, or if Shinra is actually framing them by overblowing the damage they caused.
In the remake, it's pretty much confirmed it's all propaganda and Avalanche has been doing things cleanly and it's only another violent branch of Avalanche we aren't related to that causes crimes.
It removes a nuance and it will also therefore makes Barret and Reeves's confrontation later in the game a bit more hollow, because the whole thematic of "are you willing to accept the collateral damage of the extreme action you're forced to take" is lessened by the approach of Avalanche not having done anything actually harmful. the OG has more nuances over it, ultimately siding with Avalanche and Barret, but genuinely addressing that there's still a responsibility they have for all of this.
At the same time they also paint Rufus Shinra in a better light than the OG did, trying to make it look like he's actually trying to do some good, which i'm dubious about.
But, at least, on that point, it's expanding on the original game and adding context, whenever this context is good or not.
In the same level but that i don't mind, it also explores Tifa being conflicted about being a terrorist more.
Some additions that makes sense but end up being a little bugging on the long term are related to Cloud's mental health in general (or, more likely, complete lack of.)
I need to mention more about Cloud first but basically:
Cloud has something Seriously Wrong going on with him and you don't know what it is most of the OG because he always tells you with perfect confidence that things are fine. He has hallucinations, he has mental breakdowns, something is haunting him. He's supposed to be an Ex-Soldier, but no one who should know Soldiers seem to recognize him or know who he is. He recalls the Nibelheim incident in details to Tifa at some point and Tifa is unnerved without telling us exactly what's up. Aerith mentions she sees her ex in Cloud a lot.
(anything else i'm going to mention forward aren't covered in the remake yet, so the exact handling of it all is left for debate, but i think it's relevant to how some things are handled in the remake pt1)
If you bring Tifa and Aerith to Zack's house in the OG Zack's parents will ask Cloud if he knows about Zack, and Cloud will say he knows nothing about him, which will really unnerve both of the girls who are going to start saying cryptic things to Cloud that he doesn't manage to interpret, mainly Aerith trying to press Cloud into if he's SURE he doesn't know Zack (which is when she mentions it's her ex.)
in the OG, it all built up as Sephiroth starts to mind control Cloud as a puppet, nearly have him kill Aerith during one of those puppet moment (before killing her the moment Cloud manages to break away from the mind control), and then make him see a vision of the Nibelheim incident that doesn't show Cloud at all, instead all the moments Cloud remembers doing seems to be done by Zack. Cloud finds it stupid, thinks Sephiroth is lying, and asks Tifa to back him up, which is met with Tifa's silence as she herself has a breakdown, because the vision Sephiroth is showing them is what Tifa actually remembers. Cloud was never there during Nibelheim and she's been doubting her own sanity the whole time because Cloud's recollection of the event is too precise, so it must mean SHE remembers it wrong right?
But when Sephiroth forces them to see the reality, it breaks the two of them, and then he breaks Cloud further by telling him that all of this is only because Cloud himself doesn't exist, but instead is a failed Clone of Sephiroth, who was always meant to be him, and that it's why Cloud has memories only Sephiroth would know about, and that he belongs to and with Sephiroth. This is why no member of Shinra they ran into seems to remember Cloud at all. He never existed. This is the last straw in breaking Cloud's spirit completely, and he becomes Sephiroth's little plaything, that ends up helping Sephiroth triggering the apocalypse.
But Tifa is Cloud's childhood friend. she doesn't remember him being there during the Nibelheim incident, but they were still friend before that. At this point of the game we switch MC and play as Tifa as she tries to understand what's wrong with Cloud because clearly Sephiroth is lying, yet he DOES have a control over Cloud and he's right about Nibelheim so, what is going on?
and bc of some magic i won't enter into details to, we get to learn the truth: Cloud is actually Cloud, not a clone. He was there during Nibelheim, but not as a soldier, but one of the infantry working under Zack, who also was a friend and a mentor to him. He was so ashamed of coming back home without making it to Soldier he hid his face the whole time. So the whole thing is his recollection of Nibelheim. after Sephiroth tried to kill them and Cloud managed to get rid of him for a time, Tifa, Zack and Cloud were all mortally wounded, and while Tifa was taken away safely by a friend, Zack and Cloud were recovered by Shinra's scientist (Hojo), who did experiments on them by infusing them with Sephiroth's DNA. It didn't take in on Zack, but it ruined Cloud's mentally and brought him into a catatonic state. Zack manages to get them to escape a few years later and spend the rest of his life trying desperately to protect Cloud, so much so that he will die trying to protect him. This is when Cloud manages to wake up, and the last trauma of having Zack dying for him and giving him his sword, mixed to the experiments and everything, messed with Cloud's mind. He got amnesia out of it and started to take elements of Zack's life as his own, imitating him, confusing memories of Zack as himself doing those things, stuff like that.
(side note, considering the fandom we know each other for: geez amnesia guy who is in this situation because he handled very badly the death of a loved one up on a hill in the last attempt of said loved one to save him? never heard that one before.)
It's only at this point of the game everything starts to make sense - the rest of the time, we're really served to "Cloud doesn't seem to exist", so when Sephiroth says Cloud is just his clone, we believe it the same way Cloud believes in it. It's a masterful manipulation moment in video game history imo because it really puts us in Cloud's shoes and have us believe Sephiroth as well because we've only ever had Cloud's POV on things, so we react the same way when Sephiroth starts to play with Cloud's mind.
*takes deep breath*
all of that to say that therefore the fact the remake actually hammers in a lot that a lot of people at Shinra recognizes Cloud actually totally undermine this reveal completely. When it's Hojo, it still can work because whenever Cloud is a clone or not, Hojo would have been involved. But some infantry men mentions recognizing Cloud because they used to work together. so like. already ruining one of THe major twist of the game don't we? (they literally mention that Kunsel (players of the prequel would know this guy as Zack's best friend back in the days) has been looking for Cloud. while the impact of that only really land if you know who Kunsel is, it still means Cloud's existence is known and has values inside of Shinra.)
but we ruin it even more by showing the alternative timeline where Zack survives.
Cloud still has mental breakdowns in the remake and i think its swell, but a few of them are far less subtle than the OG were, not to mention it's now also linked to flashforward to what is *supposed* to happen, to the fact Cloud feels like he's going to kill Aerith one day.
I genuinely don't think the "maybe he was a clone all along" fake reveal would work on the player at all with the way the remake is handling it. The moment they showed the Zack survives timeline, it was done and buried.
With the content of the remake itself, while Sephiroth acts in character, i do genuinely hate that we go straight to post-canon Sephiroth while he has one of the most interesting build up as a villain, especially with how slowly he started to pay attention to Cloud and his group before deciding he's going to make his life his unending nightmare.
The "Keeper of the canon" antagonists that have to be defeated so the characters can write their own fate has been bugging me for a while now, not being sure where the game is going. Like i mentioned lately, i don't think ff7 is a story that works when you make it about fate. Aerith especially is put in a really delicate situation because, as i was saying in a recent ask, her death is the catalyst of the core thesis of the game. And with the Zack's alt timeline showing that Cloud doesn't wake up if Zack lives, it means the remake can go one of two ways here: either it won't kill Aerith, for free will, and it will undo everything the plot is building itself around, or it will make her death unavoidable, punishing us by making sure we know Aerith is meant to be doomed and nothing else.
I've been on the fence about the ending of the remake for the past few years, not liking the way it was a "stealth sequel", not liking the way they decided to make Sephiroth the evil villain without showing us his nuances the way the OG did by bringing his most evil version directly from the start into the game. I had some grievance here and there but yeah.
But i've been trying to stay cautiously opened to it all.
The discussions those past few days have been because of the trailer of pt2 of the remake, Rebirth, teased to come out soon.
i'm linking the post here, but the long story short is that the trailer is doubling down on the whole "is fate going to be rewritten", but also on the absolute lack of subtility or care for the actual mystery that was raised by the OG.
Mainly, the Rebirth trailer has Tifa discuss with Aerith that she doesn't remember Cloud was here during the Nibelheim incident. The one thing that is supposed to be a major twist, completely done with. The shock the player has when Tifa doesn't back up Cloud when confronted to Sephiroth's recollection of Nibelheim? Misplaced, removed from its punch, hammering again in that there's something So Wrong with Cloud.
Worse: in the trailer Sephiroth taunts Cloud by telling him that Jenova (his alien mother) has the ability to change appearance and imitate people. And that Cloud saw Sephiroth "kill" Tifa. So "how can he be sure Tifa is the real her?"
So Tifa showing her doubt about the Nibelheim event is set up to have you doubt her.
And as i mentioned in the post, it makes sense for Post-canon Sephiroth to change his strategy in how to attack Cloud's psyche and manipulate him because at this point he knows Cloud relies on his friends to hold on to his sanity, so now he wants to remove the way he relies on them.
But i find it vulgar and uninteresting compared to the actual gaslighting going on in the OG. Also with how i feel like if Sephiroth starts to pull the OG's gaslighting at Cloud, it would be so weird after he already tried to pin him against Tifa, because he would sound like a tryhard who's changing his strategy lmao. idk his gaslighting worked on Cloud because Cloud trusted Tifa so fully. By having him doubt Tifa it changes the dynamic. And why would Sephiroth insists "no no actually remember i killed Tifa so you can't trust this Tifa" if his endgoal is "actually you're not real and you only have my memories xoxo" yaknow?
So that's my major issue with the remake, and ik it involves a lot of "oh this new thing they set up is going to ruin future things" so it can still be left for debate just how much this is actually a bad thing and how much i'm just building problems in my head, but yeah the issue really comes from the pitch itself that it's *not* a remake like they said it would be, but a sequel in a timeloop, and it has to be considered as such. And personally i'm genuinely not a fan of the concept.
on another just general notes elements that were changed/added in the remake that don't really matter on a major "plot is changed" level:
-There's whole new dungeons for sections that takes 5 minutes in game, which can go from "this is the most hollow and boring thing i've ever seen" (anything happening on the way to Reactor 5 once they leave the train), to "hey that's pretty good for character exploration actually" (the train graveyard being just a place you walk through, to exploring Aerith's fears and having her bond with Tifa)
-Fleshing out the slums era of the game. you don't spend a lot of time in Sector 7 or 6 in the OG but the game makes sure you see just how full of life those places are. It gets really long with some quests that aren't totally worth it, but sector 7 especially helps fleshing it out and it's really nice.
-Wall Market also gets a way longer quest which personally does bore me to death, but at least it did completely overhaul a huge part of the OG that didn't age well at all with the Honey Bee Inn, so that's nice.
-I mentioned a whole sidequest related to Jessie especially that's really nice, that have you spend more time with Biggs and Wedge in particular. I got a crush on Biggs and Jessie out of that while i never cared about them like this in the 15 years i've been invested in this game so i think it means something.
-The DLC is a full Yuffie centric campaign that is a completely new addition to even bring up in the game, but isn't specifically out of place. Nothing implies Yuffie would have gone through that in the OG, and i think it kinda pushes her on a more "mature" storyline than when we meet her, but considering Yuffie was an optional character who had her plotline cutdown in the OG to start with, i think it's fair enough.
This DLC also has Yuffie forced to face people from Deep Ground, which is a secret program we only learn about in the sequel video game called Dirge of Cerberus, which focus on Vincent and has Yuffie as a supporting character this whole time. With Yuffie being involved in this storyline later, i do think it's interesting to give her reasons to be involved with it in the remake to start with.
also DoC is a bad game (and honestly i wonder if they'll even remake it too bc of that lmao) but Deep Ground is a FASCINATING concept and i've been eating up every single way the rest of the saga has included Deep Ground into its plot, so i really do like that there's not only mentions of it in the remake but also a tangible proof of its existence. Maybe now we'll know what happened to Genesis! @ Remake tell us what happened to Genesis or so help me, we're like 5 people to be obsessed with him come ON.
and one thing i might be a bit iffy about:
-In the Original Game, you get to pick a lot of Cloud's dialogues, at least up until the point Cloud learns about his past, in which case you suddenly don't have control over him anymore. Fans have theorized for decades that as a result, you are the person influencing which is Cloud's persona we're putting forward. Are we playing up the way he's inspired by Zack by picking the flirty options? are we playing up this cold idea of a Soldier he has probably inspired by Sephiroth by the colder options? so on and so forth.
This ends up also playing on the fact there are different possible romance path option (including one with Barret) in the OG, which are reliant on those options.
Most of those dialogues have been revamped completely in the remake so that Cloud's characterization is completely reliant on the game's narrative, not on the player. You don't get to pick most of Cloud's dialogues. The romance paths also are revamped so you have completely different triggers to them instead. the options that would have Cloud unlock a date with Barret also have been completely removed from the remake, and instead we have a whole new romance path with Cloud being able to get a kiss from Jessie depending on how he does on one of the quest. how come a game from 1997 was more bi-friendly than a game from 2020 i swear.
For this later it's not something i have *particularly* strong feelings about in comparison to the main issue i have with the game, i don't care about the romance in ff7 to start with, but i'm a bit sad we lose the whole "the player is choosing Cloud's persona until the point Cloud remembers who he actually is" aspect the OG had.
So, the game has a lot of difference with the OG, and on the details it's not bad at all.
Unfortunately the major driving plotpoint of the remake is something that makes it a sequel rather than a remake and i find it Bad.
... sorry for the very very long answer but i'm really passionate about the OG, so i can't help but pick those stuff up 😭
Hope it gives you some insight into it!!
Take care!
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kitzu99 · 2 years
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As a multi shipper, this one of my favs in mlp :)))
Art by me | Characters do not belong to me
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shinikamo · 2 years
I would love to say that I haven't been posting much because I'm working hard and studying for like finals or something but no. Obsession with the hit mmorpg final fantasy 14.
Have my oc Mars (trans coloured hair elf wearin fake bnnuy ears) and my fren Moon @moonmuffins oc Jasper (the real bnnuy boy) bein gay in the bar
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Maybe someday I'll do a proper dump on my FFXIV ocs but for today just know Mars is a fucking disaster of a bisexual
Yellow lighting my bloeved they look so warm and cosy literally my fave to do, also thank you ffxiv 4 giving me the background it was so convenience to just screenshot it and slap it straight in there, such background for 0 effort wao
Also uhh I've been fucking around with my style recently so it looks like this now lol. Circle nose, thick lip and eyelashes r now here to stay babey
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wanderingrustus · 2 years
My new Yugioh sleeves came today, care of YourPlaymat. 40$ plus shipping and tax for a set of 60 sleeves with whatever you want on them. Definitely want to oversleeve these though.
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Tagging @gyppygirl2021 @fayesdiary and @moonmuffins because Echoes.
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jardinsdeminuit · 3 years
I just wanna pop in here and not only to say hi (hihi!!! 💕), but also to say that I was coming onto your blog to catch up a little and then I see 'Blood Dupre Apologist' in your bio and I died laughing. 😆 Not because I disagree or anything, but it just took me so off guard and I just love it LMAO! Ahhh Blood, what a guy, LOL! 🥰 Thanks for making my night with that. 😆 (...And now I'm tempted to put 'Julius Monrey Apologist' in my bio asdfghjkl 🤣)
Anyway, thinking of you!!! 💕 And I'm sending good vibes and sunshine your way, especially for your week ahead. 😁 🌟☀️ Please take care as best as you can. 💖
Yours truly,
Moon 🌙
Heyyy! Sorry for the late reply. I completely forgot I had this message sitting in my inbox, but I was so touched when you sent this ^^
It's all from playing Spade xD Blood has barely appeared yet outside of one scene but he did make me feel some things. And you should! Even though Julius is precious and doesn't need apologists because he has never done anything wrong in his entire life and we know this and love him for it.
Thinking of you, too! This week has actually been a good one apart from study stress, so the vibes worked :D Definitely sending them back to you, too! 💕 We've only spoken a couple of times, but you have the most amazing, sunny vibes and I hope your week goes well.
-Elena <3
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sexysilverstrider · 3 years
Hey there! I just wanted to drop in and say that I'm so so glad your Grandma is doing alright! I saw your first few posts about it late last night before bed and I was so worried for you and your family, but I'm so so glad she's ok! 😄 Thank you so much for keeping us posted, and I pray that nothing else happens to her or nothing happens to anyone else in your family. ❤ Hopefully you're able to get some good rest soon as well! Please take care as best as you can, and I send you and your family all my best. 😊❤
hello!!!!! aaaaaaa thank you so much for your kind words and prayers!!! 😭😭😭
shes doing fine and moving around. we're all making sure she takes her meds and doesnt get out coz she has a knack for wanting to do gardening lol. while i understand shes bored bt we all decided if she wanted to chill outside one of us has to be with her.
im doing better too! i can focus on other stuff today and hopefully the other days will progress smoothly ehehe
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southhillprison · 3 years
Hello hello to you! I hope this message finds you doing well today. 💖
So, I asked around on Reddit about our mysterious Azami artist, and to my surprise we have some leads!!! :O Thankfully our mystery artist hasn't went completely offline!
Someone was able to find kou__a3's pixiv that unfortunately isn't overly active, but atleast is still there! Here's the link: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/25985985
Also they have this profile on a question board kinda thing? (I have no idea what it is since I can't read Japanese but that's what our helper said it was. :D) https://marshmallow-qa.com/kou__a3
And here is seemingly their new Twitter account! Seems like they don't post A3! on here though, from scrolling a bit but I could of just missed it of course. But hey, if you like Demon Slayer then they have plenty of content on that at least. :D https://mobile.twitter.com/mog_ky
Looks like to me they got out of A3!, but it's a bummer they seemingly deleted a lot of their A3! work though because??? Gorgeous much?! Hopefully the works are on pixiv but from what I saw they don't have much of their A3! art on there either (but maybe I gotta log in to see all their works? No clue admittedly!)
Anyway, just wanted to update you as I said I would! 😁 I was NOT expecting this person to find so much about our artist but they delivered! In case you wanna see the original thread I started here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpMeFind/comments/p4k52d/any_help_in_finding_this_artist_kou_a3/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
I'm really happy they haven't disappeared like we worried they did! I just hope they reupload their A3! art if they haven't already. :) But anyway, all my best to you, as always! Hope your day is bright and happy. 😁🌟 Take care as best as you can! 💖
Yours truly,
Moon 🌙
woahhhh first of all thanks for telling me!!! and thanks to that person for finding so much info!!
there was three a3! Twitter logs on pixiv, their art is so pretty aaaa
noooo all the Azami content :')) (on the anon question acc their profile pic was Azami hh)
thanks again and take care as well!!
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abbytabbys · 7 months
Amazing art keep up the amazing work. Also if it's ok for me to request some nightmare/derpy being in love I would appreciate it.
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Been thinking about them for a while
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natsu-tte-noodle · 3 years
What's this? Noodle's inbox?! Hmmm...What can I drop in here...? 😊
Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome!
(Surprise! 💖 I couldn't r e s i s t sending this to you because um??? Hello?! If Nice Noodle isn't your name!!!! 💖 Seriously, even though we haven't interacted much, anytime that we have has been such a heart melting experience with how kind and thoughtful you are!!! 💖 You're also so so fun; I get such enjoyment out of reading your posts and comments both here and on oh-boy-me, plus indulging in your works! So, thank you for being such a delightful noodle and for making me smile and feel joy so much. 💖 Homare said it best when he said:
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Hehehe, couldn't resist. 😂 But yeah, you're just all kinds of super wonderful, and I hope you have a fantastic day/night/etc wherever you are Noodle! All my best, as always. 😁🌟)
Moon you’re far too sweet 😭😭 I’m so glad you enjoy yourself when you’re on the blogs or we interact because I love hearing from you too!!  Seriously, never hesitate to drop by because it really does make my day 💛
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*busts into your askbox like the Kool-Aid Man*
ASTRA HIIIII!!! 💖💖💖 I'm so so sorry this is late, but...HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! 🥳🥳🥳 Time went by so fast omg?! I looked at the calendar and realized with sudden horror that your birthday had past and I had to rush in here ASAP!!!
I hope your birthday was everything you wanted! Or that it was atleast nice and chill like you had planned it to be. 💖 And hopefully your days since then have been even better and continue to be good! 😁 We haven't know each other for very long, but I just want to let you know that I've really enjoyed being mutuals with you; you're so??? Cool??? And I love your humor so much! I still laugh about your "callouts" to me about my pronunciations of things LMAO. 💖 So thank you so much for all the smiles and laughs you've given me in our time being mutuals! I appreciate you so much. 😁💕
I'll stop this before it gets too long LOL but I hope you're doing awesome, and I'm sending you all my best as always! 💖🌟 Cheers for and to you, Awesome Astra! 🥳🥂
Yours truly,
Moon 🌙
Aaaa Moonie! Thank you so much! I've really loved being mutuals with you too, you have so much positive energy?? Reading your blog is like a double-threat self-care package and nostalgia trip all in one >w<.
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starswake--archived · 3 years
*pulls up into the drivethrough*
*leans out the window*
Can I get uhhh...34, 35, 84, and 26 for the OC asks? With a side of I Hope You're Doing Spectacular, Snow?
Thank youuuu!
(All my attempts at being funny aside, thinking of you Snow and I hope you're doing lovely! 💕 All my best to you, always. 😄🌟)
LASKJDFHALKDSJH I APPRECIATE IT I have returned with a successful plate of yakisoba so I am doing absolutely swell :) I hope you're doing well too Moon!!! It's always nice to see you around uwu
But thank you for sending some in !! I'm still feeling Mujou atm so I'll do her !
OC Asks
26. Are they aware of their flaws?
Mujou is somewhat aware of her flaws. She's cold. She's blunt. She's a ball of rage. She's well aware of these because of the number of times Machina's repeated it to her, but she isn't looking to change that, not when the clock's ticking on reality. If she were to change it would be when she was certain that Machina and the other Dreamscapers actually fix the underlying problems of the Dreamscape aka "trying to stop reality from submerging into the equivalent of the afterlife".
34. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives?
Mujou's got some trust issues that derive from the person who created her to absorb all the bad effects of the Dreamscape's changes, so she's not the greatest in telling others her secret nor trusting them with her life.
But she sorta has to in this case when she doesn't really have any power to protect herself and she wants this to change. So she has to trust that Machina and the others will do the right thing and do what must be done to save Mujou from her never-ending fate.
35. What is the easiest way to annoy them?
Be Machina
Easiest way to annoy Mujou is any physical contact. It could just be an accidental graze of her skin and she starts throwing a fit.
84. Which deadly sin do they represent best?
I would argue "pride" is probably Mujou's greatest weakness, but I also feel like it's something she deserves after all she went through. Any shifts and changes that occur in the Dreamscape inevitably has an effect on someone, good and bad, and Mujou unfortunately would be the one to harbor every bad effect of the Dreamscape's change. So a lot of what she feels is more or less on the "Why did it have to be me? I didn't do anything wrong! I don't deserve this!" So I wouldn't say pride, but it is the big motivation behind why she is so harsh on Machina to hurry up and fix things.
Either that or "envy". Considering all the bad effects are due to Machina's unknowing actions earlier in the story's timeline, she feels jealous of Machina's power and their ignorance. If she had those, she would be so much happier and she wouldn't have to suffer.
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iturbide · 6 years
Happy happy birthday! I hope your birthday is the best one yet! 🎁🎂🎈 Thanks for all you do, and I hope you know that you're an awesome, important, valid person. Take care, and I send nothing but the best! 🌟 :)
Aaaaaaaaa thank you so much!!! ;v; I’m really glad you enjoy all the content on here (including the long-winded and occasionally crazy things), and I really appreciate the well-wishes!
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sae-you-sae-me · 7 years
Hello! First, I just want to say that I LOVE your guys' headcanons...They are amazing, and I look forward to each request you do! Keep being awesome! :) Second, may I please request Saeran and his reaction to having twin children? And maybe how Seven would feel having twins for nieces/nephews/etc? Thank you so much! :)
Thank you so much! We really just wanted to do both of the twins, so here’s both Saeran and Saeyoung reacting to having twins!  Sorry, we got carried away with the fluff xD
Also, big shoutout to everyone who kept us company or gave us ideas to bounce off for this hc of during our livestream tonight! 
He was super excited when you told him you were pregnant
But you had insisted you didn’t want to know the sex of the baby or see the ultrasound in general
The doctor would just check you and let you know if everything is good
Saeyoung went along with it…but he actually really wanted to see the baby
After a few months he couldn’t handle waiting, so he hacked into doctor’s files to find the ultrasound
Boy, oh boy, did he get the surprise of his life when he saw six babies inside one womb
He’s too shocked to panic so he just closes the file…and goes to sleep
Meanwhile, you knew you were having twins and you wanted to surprise him and had this whole announcement ready
So you thought of this cute idea by placing four plates on the dinner table
When he came to the dining room, he saw the two extra plates and the first thing out of his mouth is, “Honey, you’re gonna need a lot more plates…”
He tells you about the file and the pictures and you just have to…sit down
You’re about to have a breakdown until you see the name on the top of the ultrasound
The last name is still “Choi” but the first name is not your first name
Once that mistake was mended, Saeyoung found your real ultrasound and you two had a peek at your babies–two girls
The day finally comes when you go into labor
And Saeyoung really wants to be there through the whole thing but he’s such a mess that the nurses have to kick him out of the room at one point
He’s pacing in the waiting room and driving everyone else crazy too
But finally, he gets to see his girls and he starts tearing up
He starts talking to them when he holds them and already planning their life together
He’s not as crazy with the kids as you had thought he would be–not at first anyway
He’s super protective and doesn’t want them to do anything where they could get hurt
But that changes once they start growing a little more and he realizes they aren’t made of glass
The girls are always attached to him somehow, and he loves every second
On the couch, at his work desk, just chilling on his phone–they are on top of him
Even when he’s walking around the house, one is clinging to his leg and the other is hanging from his neck in a half-consented piggyback ride
Saeran somehow is not surprised it was twins
But he gets a little annoyed when the twins are young because they keep mistaking him for their father
Stops himself and looks into the camera like the office
He constantly acts like his nieces are brats, but he has a soft spot for them and everyone knows
He even shares his ice cream with them
Occasionally, he’ll buy them plushies or toys for random reasons and give it to them
Somehow gets dragged into tea parties or cast as the evil dragon in some imaginary play
If he ends up falling asleep in their presence, he’ll end up with a full face of make up
As it turns out, one of the girls is cheery like Saeyoung and the other is more mellow like Saeran
Saeran and the mellow one always team up against the other two and it’s actually really cute
But at the end of the day, Saeyoung’s favorite thing about life is cuddling up with his two daughters and his wife
Finding out you were pregnant was a surprise to you both
He didn’t think he was ready for fatherhood, but he had no choice
So he was determined to make the best of it
He was just getting used to the idea when you and he went to the doctor for one of your regular check-ups
The doctor comes in and says, “Everything looks good! Your children look just fine.”
Saeran’s first reaction is, “Oh good.”
His second reaction is, “Wait what?!”
Apparently, you two were having twins congrats
He kind of blanks out and you’re really worried because his eyes are wide and he’s really pale
And he won’t stop muttering under his breath, “Twins…twins…twins…”
Meanwhile, in his head he’s full on panicking, because he really wasn’t planning on one let alone two
When he gets home, he distances himself from you for awhile
It’s nothing personal, and you know that but after nearly five hours of locking himself in his room, you had to do something
You give him a little pep talk about this new stage in life
You’re gentle, but you also are very straightforward about what this is going to mean for the both of you
It takes a few days for him to cope with the news, but soon enough he comes to terms with it
Over the months of your pregnancy, he finds himself getting more excited, preparing the baby room, buying toys
Finally, the day comes and you go into labor
Saeran seems calm on the outside, but his jittery fingers give away his nerves
But he’s with you the whole time as you give birth to a baby boy and a baby girl
He’s completely at peace with everything once he holds their little fingers in his own
His fear incompetent father never came true
He loves his children and they adore him
He’s so soft for his little girl, and he’s proud of anything his boy does
He’s not the only one who loves his kids
The twins have a very doting uncle
Saeyoung is that uncle who makes stupid jokes and does stupid stunts all the time
He’s also the uncle who has all the cool toys, and he gives it to them to play with
He spends time with them by building lego sets with them or teaching them cool origami tips
Saeran hates when Saeyoung babysits because LEGOS ARE EVERYWHERE  
RIP Saeran’s feet
Between Saeran and Saeyoung, those twins are spoiled, but they’re actually pretty good about it because you have that good balance of love and discipline
Despite the shocking start, Saeran found he had one big happy family, and he wouldn’t give them up for the world
Check out our other headcanons~ Masterlist
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wanderingrustus · 2 years
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I posted 153 times in 2022
17 posts created (11%)
136 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 107 of my posts in 2022
Only 30% of my posts had no tags
#yugioh - 7 posts
#rusty speaks - 6 posts
#tcg - 5 posts
#fire emblem - 5 posts
#yugioh cards - 5 posts
#the chain - 2 posts
#octavarium by dream theater - 2 posts
#blasterforce by stone mcknuckle - 2 posts
#final fantasy vi - 2 posts
#gorgeous fanart - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#and in truth it was very much a second chance... had i stuck around my relationship with my family would have continued to deteriorate
My Top Posts in 2022:
They announced a new Fire Emblem game but, tbh, I'm not impressed. Just feels like Heroes with extra steps.
Showing Sigurd in it was just a slap in the face to everyone who wanted an FE4 remake (which I stand by my previous statement of "I hope not.")
I don't mean to be a downer, but man... IS is slipping.
Or I could be wrong and it ends up being a banger. We'll see in January I guess.
2 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
...yeah, no thanks. I'm out.
Been a good 21 year run, but since Magic has officially jumped the Sharktocrab, I'm no longer interested in the story. I had a distinct feeling Kamigawa was going to poison pill the story for me, and goddamn I hate being right sometimes.
I might keep a few decks, but it's going back burner until further notice.
In the meantime, I'm going back to Yugioh full time. Hell a banlist just dropped today. It can't be all that...
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See the full post
2 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
So today I had one of my worse pain days. Old injuries suck and the constant changing weather is not helping. Thankfully my stepdad is super understanding and let me have the living room to distract myself with games.
I've been sort of obsessed with the Zorah Magdaros fight in Monster Hunter World lately and have been trying to... I don't want to say speedrun it, but that's effectively what I was trying to do.
After a couple hours of trying, I tried a more focused armor and weapon setup, and I finally got a sub 13 minute run. (Prior to this, I was averaging around 14 mins)
After supper, I got my first sub 12:45. But I felt like I could keep improving.
About 10 minutes before I started posting this post I made an unthinkable jump.
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Sub 12 minutes. Holy mother of Duma that was intense.
Found a pathing that helps speed things along. The biggest help is not to forget to drop the stalactites in the first phase, in addition to destroying the magma cores.
Then at the start of the second phase, fire all your cannons at the top of the barrier, from landing side to its opposite and back, whether they're full or not (make sure you adjust your trajectory if needed). After you reach the opposite side, return to your landing point, firing every cannon with at least one cannonball along the way, then descend onto the lower ship and fire the Dragonator, then fire the lower cannons. If this doesn't end the fight right away, assist the two npcs loading cannons and fire upon reaching 3-4. You should clear the fight after a few more shots.
Having the Heavy Artillery charm will speed this along. I'm also using the Jyura switch axe and decorations that boost Water damage for attacks against the magma cores. (Because despite all of this, and 200 hours logged, I still haven't beat Nergigante)
Pain isn't going to stop me from kicking virtual ass lmao.
3 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
We humans tend to allow the past to destroy our lives. I implore you not to let this happen. It is time to look forward, to rediscover love, and embrace the beauty of life. You have so much life left to live.
-Cyan Garamonde, "Final Fantasy VI"
5 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My new Yugioh sleeves came today, care of YourPlaymat. 40$ plus shipping and tax for a set of 60 sleeves with whatever you want on them. Definitely want to oversleeve these though.
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Tagging @gyppygirl2021 @fayesdiary and @moonmuffins because Echoes.
7 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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