#moot fren people
ammonitetheseaserpent · 2 months
I'm proud of you :3
:DD !! haiii!
tysm ^w^
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gigglesoup · 3 months
i just realized after MONTHS that the TWF fandom exists on tumblr too so...yeah. forget about s0apie, I'm just soup now 🤝🏻
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All /p and /aff
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indigo: been getting it since 1st grade [on and off though], it's not getting anybetter 😍🔥 /silly /hj eitherway i am going again soon! my mum is booking it on our next appointment thingy ALSO IF I'M A MOOD AND I NEED HELP THAT MEANS YOU NEED HELP TOO /lh /hj /npa purple: Same :333 ty! lavender: :'3 /pos pink: NUHUH >:] yellow:
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the americans got to me /silly red: <333333333 [i am very happy we are platonically married :3 /gen /npa]
fuschia: and that's amazing+enough+you matter+ ily /p rose gold: check the mirror :3 [aka the same goes for you your so cool wtf] black: OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY
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igotsnothing · 1 year
It’s the month of love! Tell us three of your favourite couples from other simmers & why you love them. Then share this ask to the inbox of at least three other blogs you enjoy. Let’s spread a little love around! 🌈
Ok! Sorry for the delay in answering this ask, friend of mystery! I have many stories/couples I follow here. Since I have to narrow them down to three, here we go:
@aheathen-conceivably's Darlington Legacy is just lovely. I mean, historical simblrs floor me because if telling a story is already tricky, telling a historical one takes it to a whole new level of commitment and dedication. And Zelda and Antoine are just lovely and touching. I love them and their deep and layered love story.
@alinelie's Graham Ventura and Ledger Gowers. Also Victor Adler and Kian Micelli. Aline has a way of portraying such longing and affection in her images. It's not just that the characters are good-looking and the surroundings are tastefully composed- it's that there is a lovely tension and depth to each scene.
@duusheen's Leif and Daphne. Their love story is so charming and watching them build a sim life together is so sweet. It makes me want to stop screwing around with vampires for five seconds and play my poor little abandoned legacy so I, too, can have the pleasure of watching my sims grow and build a life with someone they love. It honestly got me in the feels to see one of the first panels where Leif and Daphne looked older and were surrounded by their kids (one more on the way!)- all their kids having their father's devastatingly beautiful eyes.
These are some of my faves, but not the only ones. Everyone I am following should know I am enjoying their sims and stories for realz. ❤️
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22 and 11 for the pride asks? ^^; if you don't mind?
Hi celtic<333
11. Favorite (or just one you love) piece of LGBT media?
There is the webcomic Autophobia! Its really good you should check it out! Though it also has a main character with anxiety so well pictured that an anxiety attack he had made me have one myself
22. How do you usually celebrate Pride month?
I dont really apart from looking at the internet and feeling happy about all the people celebrating and being proud
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swirly-lemonade · 1 year
I just want y’all to know if I share or ask if y’all like a song I like, it’s my way of sharing something else I like and showing I trust y’all with what I like :3
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Someone who's got a warm heart and longs for a place to call home with friends, perhaps.
Or a crackhead who enjoys messing with people, not totally sure XP
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okay, so my original story is still kind of in the planning stages, but i would love to tell you about my three unlikely besties who are the main characters !!
first we have lysie, my non-binary pirate child whose perspective the story is from. they’re the child of a very famous pirate captain who is feared across all three seas in the land, and so they’ve spent pretty much their whole life on the water training to take over their mother’s ship. they’re a total badass when it comes to all kinds of weapons and fighting, but they’re very socially awkward. when their mom and her entire crew are kidnapped by an evil mage who was thought to have been killed a hundred years ago and has suddenly returned, they make it their mission to defeat the bastard and save their mother and crew… even if it means teaming up with a siren, a member of a species their mother always told them were evil and the natural enemy of pirates.
next we have said siren whom lysie is reluctant to team up with, xella. she saves lysie from drowning when they’re swimming to try and save their mother when she’s first taken, and even though lysie takes it as an attack and almost immediately tries to kill her, she still tells lysie what’s needed to defeat the evil mage and save their mother and crew and offers her help. her siren pod has a special grudge against the mage from when he was wrecking havoc a hundred years ago, and xella, who’s always been something of a disappointment to her family, thinks that if she can help defeat him then she’ll be able to gain her pod’s respect. since sirens can use their magic to change into ( mostly ) human forms, xella and lysie’s first stop is to go back to the town lysie’s crew was docked in when they were taken to steal a ship and supplies, which is where they find the third member of their little ragtag crew !!
now, sagran is my little aro-ace twink of a fire mage, and the third member of lysie’s world-saving crew. he’s actually the great-grandson of the mage who defeated the story’s big bad a hundred years ago, but his family has long since gone broke and fallen from grace, which is why he’s living in the tiny harbor town where he runs into lysie and xella and has only enough magic training to not start a fire every time he gets overwhelmed, since there’s no magic training school in the town like there is in bigger cities. as you can imagine, he as a fire mage is not very happy to have to do this whole adventure on a ship and venture into the sirens’ underwater capital kingdom, but he’s desperate to restore his family’s reputation and hopefully even earn a job as a mage in the human kingdom’s capital, so he puts up with the dampening of his powers that comes from being surrounded by water - plus, he’s pretty sure he’s starting to become friends with this scowly pirate and siren who has very little idea about human customs.
and that’s my three main babies !! they definitely become their own little found family, and lysie and xella also eventually become a really cute nblw couple 🥰 again, the story isn’t all the way planned out yet, but i’m still totally up for questions about these three babies !! <3
Oh my gosh I love them!!! Xella wanting respect and not having it reminds me a little bit of Amali, who is incredibly skilled yet treated badly and like and outsider by the people in the rebellion.
Sagran is the greatest name ever I love it, and he's very brave for going under water being a fire mage.
Aaaaahhhh I love Lysie!! They just wanna save their mom and crew...I totally vibe with that!
Thank you for sharing!!! I'll be shooting some asks about them soon!!
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pineappleparfaitie · 2 months
Blog updates+ just gen updates ?Kinda talking about stuff?
Aight so summer vacation has roughly 1 month left and that means im starting my 2nd year of high school in a month.Im not in my homeland in terms of school- im in a diffrent country, different language and i am still not good at it and i have to practice before then.
In all reallity i made this blog back in February as a way for me to post nom art so i can at least share that interest with some people.
For a small bit i had few followers but i was happy, it was just me and like 10-15 people.
And then i suddenly got more followers and this blog became a place of comfort and joy for me. Little me probably would not believe we ever got further than 20 watchers on DeviantArt or like 50 followers on Amino in 2019.
Its been a joy and i love the stuff ive expirienced here.Ive made a good few moots and frens , even someone id consider to be one of my closest friends now.
However , since the shitstorm back on May 29th of this year i have been paranoid of every follower ive gotten, and i have not been able to connect to people since then. Very rarely do i even find the motivation to even text a person more than like a few times a WEEK.
Also with getting more followers multiple MDNI blogs and NSFW blogs have found my stuff and its almost like every day i have to worry about some rando rebloging my shit to a blog that encourages gross shit.
Heck even if its a sfw vore blog run by an adult theres a chance they reblog nsfw shit, and then people who like that will come to me thinking i make simmilar content.
to say I don't have more than a dozen people blocked from this stuff is an understatement.
And i am not against nsfw blogs, i am bi i get it. Im not against thesr people posting their honky shit more power to em, im just not 18 and its putting them and ME in danger yk?
I seriously dont want to undermind all the wonderful stuff ive expirienced here, but again after ghe 29th i have not had the same..joy to post i had once before.nor to make friends.
So please, if you want to be close to me, id advise against it for both our sakes,.
Another thing is after the past month, ive been considering making this blog 16+ only. Im still not sure on the decision but yeah.
I may also eventually rework my main and possibly share it?But im not sure on that either in all fairness.
So yeah
I wont be as active, i may not post much, and yeah i kinda just rambled for like 10 minutes.
Thanks for reading
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sleepyheadgallavich · 3 months
extremely late weekly tag lol
henlo frens i am very late to the party but alas, here it is
tagged by these cuties @heymacy @thepupperino @transmickey @iansw0rld @lee-ow and
name: Sarah
age: 29
where in the world are you? California
how tall are you? 5’ 6”
what color are your eyes? a mix of brown and green with a dark ring around the outside
what’s something that frightens you? spiders lol
do you have children? if not, do you want any? yes, 2! might want another, might not. my kidneys don't handle pregnancy well rip
are you the eldest, middle, youngest, or only child? youngest of 2
what time do you usually wake up? if my puppy is being a twat, anywhere from 3:30-5 am, if he is nice to me like 7 if I'm lucky lol
relationship status? married as fuck
do you identify as a member of the queer community? yes thank fuck
any tattoos/piercings? 7 tattoos and just got my septum on the 14th! a few retired that I may bring back at some point
something you love: all my moots 🫶🏼
something you hate: judgemental ass people
do you have any pets? 1 floppy idiot named Tyr lol
do you have a license/can you drive? yes and yes. I do all the driving since my husband commutes, he hates driving lol
if you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? not to worry so damn much
and finally, something people would be surprised to know about you: I can lick my elbow? lol super random and weird but yeah, pretty sure im double jointed which makes it possible for me lmao
not tagging anyone this time since I am so very late but if you see this heres a 🫂🤗😚
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ammonitetheseaserpent · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals! <3
I can do this again aqkwbwbsvscwg
2. Makin dragon puppets :D
4. Prehistoric aminals
5. Collecting things
@yikeskauri @orangesideirrational @maladaptive-maniac @slime-the-awesomeguy @yourpersonaltimebomb @stormvanari @rosa-de-bayahibe @thesmallfriendlytadpole @electrozeistyking @bugs-r-neat
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hyperfixated-homo · 1 month
being unable to use tumblr because i follow too many people and seeing so many posts daily is actually exhausting vs my incapability to unfollow moots because fren :( FIGHT
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takiberry · 11 months
(this is ehhh nothing relating to smuts or &T but just gotta let out my personal worries of being a writer on this site TT)
Ngl- wodnoaks I'm hella worried about u 😭 genuinely bc I feel like on Tumblr once blogs get famous the writer started getting dragged for no reason
Like my one popular moot got accused as a pick me by shitty anons and got dragged and now tn another moot got dragged by being accused of being rude (even tho I can assure none of this shit is true about any of them cuz they're amazing fricking people) 😭😭
And I'm so fricking scared for u cuz ur so talented and ik u'll go big in no time and I just wanna say
LMFAOOO ty fren ☹️🫧🤍 on my old blog i got ENDLESSSS hate anons , at one point i went on hiatus without a word purely because i wasn’t able to handle it 🫡.
i think my blog getting deleted was a fresh start for me as well, though it was unfortunate that i lost my amazing followers and moots , im glad to be able make new friends along with writing more !
im also kinda scared i might get flooded with those same hateful anons🫡🫡
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stargazer0001 · 1 year
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(art from above is by @/sleepinginmute.)
Hello everyone! I’m Stargazer0001! But you can just call me Star :3
my pronouns are she/they/he/it/astro in no particular order. I like em all so use them interchangeably
I'm your local lil space critter, who has declared themself the CEO of the rainworld ship Stargazer (spearmaster x rivulet x nightcat)
I'm a silly littol spacegender fellar :3 How can I be lesbian and spacegender at the same time you ask? Fuck you thats how!/j Im also asexual so no NSFW please! This blog is meant to be at least a bit more kid friendly, even if there are more mature topics
I am also a furry so if you do not like them then please leave here
I am also questioning if I am a therian and fictionkin. I have done research on both and I am now taking them into consideration. Im not gonna label myself yet because I still might not be, but if anyone has helpful info on them then please do share :)
I have a secret draw box! if you wanna draw for me anonymously, you can go here to do it! I check every couple days.
Ask box: Open
Ship requests: closed. Uhhh i frogor to update this for a while so uh yeagh.
Ask me stuff: Always open unless the ask box is closed
Tell me silly things: Yes I want to talk to people!! Please give me silly asks i need them....
art requests: not open sorry :( artblock is blocking my art so
I wanna make my blog more organized now so I am going to start tagging stuff
#my art Art that is made by me
#Art request anytime my art requests are open I will tag it with this
#ask An ask that I have answered, this also applies to anon asks
#Star.TXT document this is for anytime I am just talking
#vent this if for anytime I just need to talk and vent about stuff
#lil starz art this is for my really old art, such as the ones near the beginning of my Tumblr journey
#Silly chat this is me and my mutuals little chats! Like if they send a lighthearted friend ask I will tag it with silly chat
I rarely block people but I still will on occasion. Please don't take any hard feelings if I do block you.
Basic DNI such as NSFW blogs, homophobes, transphobes, fatphobes, racists, antifurries and antitherians, and zionists
Cool moots who you should go check out if you like my blog:
@critter2: My IRL bestie that ive been with for a long time. We've been together through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. The bestie ever :3
@cookieeevee: An amazing friend! The first person to ever really DM me on here and I'd like to say that we've grown to be good friends. We have amazing little chats and she's an amazing person! Their art is also so soft and squishable! Go check em out
@sleepinginmute: one of my first moots! Such an amazing and silly creature. Its art is amazing, and even though im unsure if it considers me a friend, I know that I do. I really do wish the best for it and I hope that it can be truly happy someday
@cumulusbrume: we dont interact very often anymore, but I still find him a great moot to this day
@athofear: I fun lil fello!! Always a fun time interacting with em. Their art is also superrr shaped and silly!! Always a treat to see them on my dash
@meowyncherry: we dont interact much but he gave me the kinitopet brainrot and their art is also super blorbo so :3
@suburbandrifts: once again, we dont interact very often but they seem very cool and silly/pos and their art is incredibly good! mm the colors are coloring/pos @weeeeblr:!!! The art ever actually!!! Idk how we're mutuals cause hes super cool actually. Great art, and his designs for basically everything is peak/srs
@bananacat76: the bestie does indeed make art!!! And said art is amazing!! Such a cool person and fren :3 their style is also incredibly interesting I need to study it under a microscope/aff
@keeper-of-magic:!!! Cool person alert!!! Their art is amazing and their worldbuiding skills are super awesome!!! I also gotta try and play DND with them sometime.... I have no idea how to but it seems fun, just like them!
@badgerfrost: the silly ever!!! Its art is very well colored and its basically eye candy at this point, and ever time we interact I KNOW its gonna be a goood time
@draagu: ohhhh the silly!!! We dont interact much but shes a super cool moot and idk how we're mutuals like. ??? awesome person with awesome art FOLLOWED ME????? Awesome
@dazzoot: we have interacted a total of like 1 time but cool mutual deserves an honorary tag
GO CHECK ALL OF THESE SILLY PPL OUT!!! THEY'RE AWESOME :333 (if I forgor anyone i am so sorry. Also if you want me to untag you just ask. I dont wanna make anyone uncomfy)
Talking to people spooks me
I have anxiety so please be patient with me, I usually overthink what I am going to say and then end up saying something either really stupid, kinda weird, or I just don't respond.
I am mentally a 5 year old so please inform me if I did something wrong, I usually wont notice or I will think its not an issue. Please be patient with me.
if you sat through all of that, congrats! You get rw gifs now :)
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unablethethird · 2 months
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60. how are you?
3- yeah but I think it's more of the thought of them than their actual self 4-Going to university and studying psychology 5-my frens/moots 6-My bad memory is both a blessing and a curse, but with the power of forgetting comes the guilt of not remembering
7-genuinely think it was the worst year of my life lol, i can't imagine going through that again 8-Yeah, i cry easily in general lol 9-Does my sister count 10-Very, mostly because my base facial expression is :| so unless im trying hard to mask, or you know me well, you will not know lol 11- Nope, i forgot to put it on but im wearing my headphones 12-To wake up as a random cis boy 13- a little scared/paranoid, but distracting myself with tumblr
15- No self awareness, bad memory, smart dumbass, irresponsible, cringe, sincere, accomadating, i will yap for 100 years or not at all, no inbetween 16-I mean, hasn't everyone 17-They suck to have but they exist and i think its normal to have one thing ur insecure about [as long as you don't obsess over it] 18-Kind of? Like if i could choose different options. But if i couldnt choose then HELL NO 19-nope 20-
21- 14, 27/11/2009 [dd/mm/yyyy] 23- my friends hating me, forgetting, never being okay 24-166cm
25-My friends, not even joking 26-again, my friends 27- feeling negative feelings, people being assholes for no reason, my memory 28-If you're my friend and your vibe isnt bad 29- The lorax 30-Hazbin/murder drones 31- A) The epidermis can't bleed, it has no blood vessels B) Hitler was high for most of WWII C) Theres proof that hitler might have been a closseted gay [and killed people to hide it] Bonus fact: snakes smell with their tongues 32) Used to be mainly guys but im at a single sex school so its girls now 33) To play anything cool, to say no 34) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 35) Sport 36) A) be a psychologist B) Be a good,happy human C) make my frens happy
37)idk much about acting but that beetlejuice guy is cool as heck 38) Im a basic bitch but john mullaney 39) I love playing all sports, but my favorite is either dodgeball or basketball [this does not mean im good at them though /silly] 40) me and my old family friends would phsycially fight for fun a lot, and so one day as our parents took us to the park, we went on a big hill and we started fighting eachother, and it was a 3 on 1 [well, yeah my sister was there but she didn't fight and all she did was run, so nobody went after her], and i still fucking won, the self esteem boost was crazy
41) *insert joke about me and fictional character* 42) Girl in pieces, i have never not cried when reading it 43) I cant choose 44) i dont talk to people so idk 45)
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49) The arcade, playing pump it up 50) that'd dox em and i dont have pics of my moots 51) Sag 52) im kinda good at reading intentions 53) 1-frens 2-music 3-Fanfiction 4-psychology 5-research 54) if i say it i'll get more anxious lol 55) moots=frens 56) Cheese 57)Foxes!!! Especially red or black ones 58) Their username starts with Z, their pfp shows their oc underwater, and they have a don :3 59) I needed to read a fancomic on undertale but i had to make an account
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♡ CUTEST PERSON AWARD ♡ Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. if you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out ♡
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