#moray x mooch
feisty-five-shipping · 9 months
Moray: Mooch? Mooch: *Has headphones on, makes eye contact w/ Moray* Moray: Mooch what the fuck is that? Mooch: *takes headphones off* Mooch: What? Moray: I said, what the FUCK is that? Mooch: *eating raw meat off of Moray's rapier* Kebab
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Never thought I’d get back into drawing anything Undertale.. This proved me wrong! Best UT Fangame I’ve ever seen!!
I also took some creative liberties with Ceroba’s outfit! The boots threw me off, so I added some more tradition flare ✨
…I also just like drawing fancy obi..
I got a set of Ohuhu brand markers, also. Very quality indeed! …But it’s gonna take awhile to memorize all the colors all over again..
Almost forgot!! Happy New Year!!! 🎉🎉
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thatsafuckeduptale · 9 months
Hi, I saw you liked my short Drabble. Im glad you liked it! Since requests were open I was wondering if you could draw a cute scene between Wyne and Starlo. Maybe just chilling together when their not role playing, I’d think it would be cute.
Have a good day!
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REQUEST!! it made me so happy :)
+ a bonus doodle
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Who is Wyne?
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celestelunisea16 · 2 months
We have already seen Luci and Star as good parents, Charlie the sister but....and the uncles? that also includes the feisty four
The Fiesty Four, I see as good uncles and auncle. However, Mooch is NOT a completely good aunt, just my thought-
Mooch is that one aunt who teaches Star and Lucifer's kid how to steal things and make themselves look innocent. Though, in some moments, there's good times where the skills Mooch teaches them that actually come in handy. (For example, that one jealous monster, Grapefruit, stole Lucifer's ring, trying to break Starlo and Lucifer up. They noticed and stole it back so their dads wouldn't notice.)
(Ok, well, maybe a little-)
Moray is the one auncle that'll spar with the kid when they're old enough and teach them how to defend themselves, but is also the caring one who tries to inspire them to go to new heights and to be strong in their own way.
Ace is the uncle that just teaches the kid the basics of some card games or the basics of fashion and looking good in public. When he sees the kid looking like they just came from a circus, he points it out, but tries to in a way that doesn't fully hurt the kid's feelings. (Unfortunately, the kid takes it to soul a lot of the times.)
Ed is the tough but gentle uncle. As Starlo's Right Hand Man, he'll defend the kid from any danger as long as he's around them. Train on the tracks? The kid is led away from the tracks. Bandit on the loose? Uncle Ed is on the way to keep the kid out of the bandits' sights! Starlo needs someone to watch over them cause he's gotta catch a bandit? He's got it with giving them a piggyback ride!
Honestly, the four as uncles, aunties, and auncles seem like every moment is a fun one! :D
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snakes-writing-corner · 9 months
Recently been obsessed with Undertale Yellow, and I am very much in love with a certain star cowboy. Long story short I need to get this idea out of my head before I forget.
Hear me out.
North Star x Bandit Reader
You heard about this little town growing in popularity in the Wild East. A little place in the Dunes where monsters can get a taste of the surface, with some interesting characters to make the area more appealing.
The main attraction, of course, being “The Feisty Five” as they call themselves. Just a group of human-interested friends wanting to have a little fun, and bring hope to the other monsters trapped in this hellhole.
The Feisty Five are indeed… an interesting group. Not particularly threatening, but a good group to hang around with if you’re looking to have some fun. Most you’d have to look out for is Mooch, who ironically, has a nasty stealing habit.
Oh but what caught your eye the most? The self-proclaimed sheriff of the Wild East.
“North Star” is the name he goes by, and boy is he quite the charmer!
Initially you came by the Wild East looking for a bit of excitement. A place where you could have a bit of fun and mess with the residents before moving along to the next unfortunate destination.
Oh but this? This was a lot more fun than you ever thought it would be!
The Feisty Five despite being the “protectors” of this town were, quite frankly, terrible at the protecting part. Just a gaggle of monsters living out some sort of human-based fantasy.
Unfortunately for them, you had a streak of causing trouble wherever you went, and to this day you’d never been caught for it.
Living in the underground got… boring after a while. Everyone living in a zombie-like state of hopelessness and despair was a bit too… depressing for your taste.
Call it morally wrong, but you wanted monsters to feel, well, anything! So you resorted to becoming a… well North Star would call it a “bandit” if he knew.
During what monsters considered night-time, you’d don on your trusty cloak and mask and cause a bit of mischief. Breaking and entering, stealing, blowing things up, occasionally scaring any poor monster who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? All were fair game to you!
You weren’t a completely terrible monster however! Any damages caused would end with the owner of the property mysteriously ending up with the gold to fix it, and stolen items would always be returned by the next night. It was simply just to stir up a bit of chaos and have some fun! That and it got monsters feeling something other than hopelessness!
Which leads us to the situation at hand.
You started living in the Wild East for a little while. A few months at least, getting time to know the locals so when the chaos ensued… well you wouldn’t necessarily get blamed if the town trusted you right?
In that time you grew a bond with the Feisty Five. Honestly who wouldn’t! They all had their quirks that made them fun to be around!
Ed despite being the muscle of the group had a heart of gold, and was very fun to mess around with. You still remember his face when you snuck that little fizzy tablet into his drink, and it exploded all over his face. His reaction was priceless!
Moray was always a chill monster to be around. You enjoyed how you two seemed to be able to talk about anything, and admired their skills with a sword. Truthfully, you had a bit too much respect for them to pull a prank… yet.
Ace was a mysterious fellow, the most quiet out of the four for sure. You two never talked much, but you quite enjoyed the card game he used to offer you. Keyword on “used to”, he stopped doing that after you won one too many times. You got revenge about a month after that with an unfortunate loose floorboard in the saloon.
Mooch was a lot like you actually, mischievous and a pretty good thief at that! You quite like her and can’t wait for the day you can steal all the gold she’s taken from you back. Friendly competition and all that, but stealing it now would blow your cover so you wait. In the meantime some harmless pranks from time to time that can’t be traced back to you will do.
Oh and now for your favorite member of this rag-tag gang, the sheriff himself! North Star was definitely a fun guy to be around! Matched your dramatic flair almost too well honestly! His hero act was always one you enjoyed feeding into, especially considering what you had planned.
Oh right! That little plan of yours is exactly why you’ve stuck around the Wild East for so long!
You see, North Star wanted to play the dashing hero, but you can’t be a hero without a worthy adversary to face can you?
Sure the town had Vengeful Virgil, but honestly? He’s not a threat at all! There’s no stakes or genuine mystery with him! And quite frankly you’ve started to hate the staged performances.
No twists or turns? No drama or unplanned hang-ups? No no no! That won’t do for your new favorite group of monsters! I mean you’re hiding right under their gazes in plain sight! A well trained “bandit” who’s actually willing to cause actual chaos around here!
Which led to where you’re currently stationed. Mask and cloak obscuring your true identity within the night, you press a simple little button.
You smirked from your position on top of the saloon. You see earlier you had planted some little explosives around town. Not in any spots that would hurt someone, but enough to give everyone in town a scare.
You chuckled as you heard screaming and panic envelop the town. Monsters like many times before running around terrified like mice. It was always fun to watch!
A shout rang out above the others however.
“Alright settle down everyone!”
Ah there he was… North Star.
You climbed down the roof of the saloon as you quietly hid behind it and watched.
The Feisty Four we’re running around under North Star’s orders, checking to see if any damage or harm had been done, while North Star tried to calm down the increasing crowd of monsters in a panic.
You watched a little longer.
Then North Star looked up at you.
Oh this was going to be fun.
“Stop where you are!” North Star shouted.
You smiled under the mask and made a run for it, the sheriff hot on your heels trying to get you to stop.
Oh but sheriff, the chase is half the fun no?
You continued to run, but quickly dug your heels to the ground and stopped to face your pursuer.
North Star managed to stop fairly quickly in return, and you two were suddenly at the end of a cliff in a stare down.
The sheriff lifted his gun and took aim.
You tilted your head in return, purposefully deepening your voice like you’ve done so many times before.
“Aw did the sheriff not like my welcoming gift?”
North Star glared. “I don’t know who you think you are, but you made a mistake coming into this town,”
“Bandit.” He spat with venom in his voice.
You chuckled, as you took a step closer.
“Oh but North Star,”
The sheriff’s gaze grew more sharp the more steps you took forward, you stopped mere inches away from him and the barrel of his gun.
“I don’t think I did.”
North Star fired.
No bullet came out of the barrel, a result of the tampering you did earlier to prepare for this moment.
You took the opportunity to rush forward and grab the taller monster by his bandana, and seize the wrist holding the gun in his mere moments of shock.
You stood there locked in place for a few seconds. Tilting your head to the side, you watched as the sheriff seemed to be caught between emotions of his facade and what lay underneath. After all, you can always break an actor if you try hard enough.
You chuckled and broke the silence between the two of you.
“What-” North Star started, but you cut him off.
“Tell me sheriff,” You tighten your grip on his wrist. “What do you think I want hm?”
You leaned closer towards his face.
“Money? Recognition? To simply hurt others?”
North Star stiffened.
“No.” You loosened the grip on his wrist.
“You and I both are not so different ya know?” You continued. “We’re both acting to bring some life into this hell of a place.”
You let go of him completely and take a few steps back.
“We just do it for our own personal reasons right?”
North Star glared you down.
“I’m nothing like you.” He spat.
You shrugged in response.
“Maybe not, sheriff.”
You back closer to the edge of the cliff.
You stop right at the edge as North Star aims his gun at you yet again.
“You’ve always wanted to play hero right?” You ask.
North Star continues to glare you down. “I don’t want to hear it, bandit.”
“This is your last warning.” He whips out his lasso in his free hand. “Surrender now.”
You smirk, purposefully ignoring him.
“Well sheriff. You have your villain.”
You step off of the cliff as you see the lasso at the edge of your vision.
Starlo ran over to the cliff-edge, kneeling down to look over the edge.
Where did they?
He frantically looked for the bandit, but they were gone without a trance.
Starlo huffed in annoyance, too many thoughts running through his head.
Would they actually kill someone?
Why was this monster so intent on this?
He never wanted this! This was just supposed to be for fun! He didn’t want to endanger anyone!
Starlo started internally panicking. The thought of- of this monster hurting anyone here. Would they do it? They wouldn’t right? They talked about acting so surely they wouldn’t-
The sound of paper caught his attention.
He looked down on saw a piece of paper tucked neatly into his bandana.
When did they have time to put that there?
With trembling hands he opened it.
“Howdy North Star,
Glad we finally got to meet face to face. I’ve been dying to see your reaction to when I finally make a move.
But don’t worry, I won’t hurt anyone. At least not yet.
You see I’m a bit of an actor myself, and any good actor should know you can’t have a hero without a proper villain.
So I’ll give you a warning. A heads up if you will.
I won’t hurt anyone in any truly damaging way. Unless things get boring that is, but I highly doubt that’ll happen with how entertaining you and your crew are.
I think this town needs a bit of chaos. And lucky me that you just so happened to imply you wanted a challenge when I showed up!
So tell you what. Let’s have some fun with a little game of cat and mouse. I’ll cause some trouble and you can play the charming hero as always. Besides I’m sure even you’ve grown tired of the same boring routine every day.
See if you can be the first to actually catch me sheriff. I’ll be waiting to see if you can pull it off. :)
-With hope for future fun encounters, Anarchy”
Starlo stared at the letter for much longer than he should have.
If this bandit wanted to mess around with his town?
They’ll have sure as hell a tough time doing so from now on.
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cosmicskittlez · 9 months
I bring to you 2 dating headcanons for each pairing in starlos poly posse
Starlo x Ed: -Sometimes Starlo asks Ed to carry him around during whatever missions they do, ranging from slinging him over Ed's shoulder to grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt -When Ed first moved in Starlo practically refused to just let him sleep in a hole in the ground but has since settled to allow it, so long as he's allowed to give the occasional sleep cuddles
Starlo x Moray:
-Moray was the first person in the posse to see Starlo without his hat, as they were the first he was able to get fully comfortable around
-At one point they both tried to do the kiss behind the hat thing and ended up bonking each other with their own hats, they still laugh about it and reenact it sometimes Starlo x Ace -Ace will never admit to this but the reason he sleeps in the hammock is so he can have a clear view of Starlo when he watches his westerns, seeing him sitting at the tv helps lull him to sleep -Starlo has always considered Ace his second in command even if he never outright says it, and on anyday he can't be acting sheriff he knows he can put his automatic trust in him Starlo x Mooch -Starlo is the only person to know Mooch hasn't come from the best backgrounds, growing up in a pretty poor part of New Home and often having to fend for herself. Starlo was one of few people who was willing to trust her despite her background -Mooch's new favorite thing to steal is kisses, and every time she distracts Starlo he falls for it every time. Moray x Ed -Anytime they work together be it on a mission or just cooking dinner they're perfectly in sync, able to work off of each other extraordinarily well and helping at just the right times. -Moray can get overheated pretty easily given they're a literal fish out of water so Ed acts as their shade, something he's more than ok with doing seeing as they can kiss much easier this way. Moray x Ace -They like to dance in the barn in their spare time, going from waltzes to tangoes with giggles in their steps -Moray doesn't get down in the dumps often, but anytime they do and Ace can tell. And by the end of the day Moray ends up with more love letters slipped into their pockets than they can carry
Moray x Mooch -They love to annoy each other on purpose, often making a game out of Mooch stealing Moray's rapier and Moray stealing it right back, seeing how many times in a day they can keep it going between them -Every now and then Mooch will forgo her stealing nature and instead buy something for Moray, something meaningful to them, knowing it'll be more worth it Ed x Mooch -Mooch likes to hide around in Ed's jacket and see how long she can go without being noticed. Ed can tell everytime from the first minute, but he pretends not to notice so he can hear her giggles -Mooch isn't the best cook but she likes to cook for Ed, making multiple smaller portions so can feed him and practice variety at the same time Ed x Ace -They don't open up to each other verbally often, but they more then make up for it with their actions. Ace acts as Ed's reminder to take breaks and to keep his temper and Ed helps Ace around when his stamina runs low -Ace likes to talk to Ed during the late hours of the night when they're both restless, talking about the past and future and the everything in between. Its much more casual than normal dates but they prefer it this way Mooch x Ace -Ace has a not so secret soft spot for Mooch and often admires her grit and positivity, and he more often than not helps her with her smaller thieverys -The first time Mooch kissed Ace he was flustered for the whole day, barely able to get out a word. The whole posses teases him for it but they always wish they were there to do it too
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bitch-spectrum · 4 months
PART 3/3
Part 1 ,, Part 2
Personality Headcanons: She is NOT "Teehee :3" she's the kind of girl to show up to your house and commit arson. She's feral, she's dangerous, she's killed 4 people. She was probably arrested for murder and was doing community service to get out early when she got recruited for TF4. You could say she's a little..... nuts :D Physical Headcanons: I don't really have any. ~5" Gender: Puts female on legal documents but always says something different when asked for her gender. Things like "Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?" or "Ur mom." or "Whatever keeps you busy while I rob you." Pronouns: Any she doesn't care. Orientation: I don't have one. Post Game: She probably wasn't impacted much if at all. Opinions: She's a really funny side character. I adore cute characters who are batshit insane. 3.5/5.
Moray Personality Headcanons: They're a Mettaton stan. They act like a kowkey k-pop stan. They make aesthetic Mettaton gifs, reads/writes x reader fanfic, etc. Because they don't like conflict they don't get into internet beef though. At first they really only joined Starlo's posse for the aesthetic but it turns out they actually really enjoy sword fighting so they stuck around. Because they don't really like fighting or conflict so they usually do all the office work and they don't mind. Physical Headcanons: None really. ~ 5'07" Gender: Nonbinary (Is this canon?) Pronouns: They/Them Orientation: I don't have one. Post Game: They where pretty sad finding out about Clover's passing. It impacted them just not as hard as some of the others. They where able to get back up pretty quickly. Opinions: Gender. But sort of bland in personality. 2.5/5.
Starlo (Okay he's my fave in this specific iteration so just bear with me)
Personality Headcanons: He tends to have a bad habit of avoiding his problems. He tries to keep himself busy so he's not alone with his thoughts for too long. If he has absolutely nothing to do, he sits outside with an acoustic to keep his hands busy. Spanish was his first language and he often mispronounces English words. His mother handmade most of his gabàns. When he was really young and still lived on the surface he loved looking up at the stars. When he was in middle school he had a phase where he hated humans but grew out of it. He was comphet with Ceroba in high school but she clocked him and broke up with him. They stayed friends for a really long time anyway. He's ambidextrous. He's Ceroba's age so ~40-43. A lot of people interpret his sprite as having shade over his eyes but I like to think of it like a bandit mask.... that's prescription. His safety goggles are also prescription. He's really near sighted. He's also a pretty solid horse rider. You can't tell me this man DOESN'T smoke weed idc. He listens to southern rock, country, latino rock, and classic rock.
Physical Headcanons: The parts of his face that stick out emote with him. They turn up when he's happy/excited. They go down when he's sad. They kinda >:|< when he's mad. From growing up doing farm work and then deciding to become a sheriff too he's in really good physical condition and could probably lift most people over his head. His eyes are completely white. He's covered in a thin lair of fur that he grows out in certain places (chest, arms, beard, etc.). Ed is really jealous of his beard. The longer his fur is the darker it gets. Yellow to green-blue to dark blue (looks black). Fangs because I said so. Gender: Cis man Pronouns: He/Him Orientation: Gay and somewhere on the asexual spectrum.
Post Game: He was absolutely devastated the days following Clover's death. He barely got out of bed. Ed had to be the one to get him to even eat anything. He was really out of it, sort of dazed, for several weeks while he just tried to get back to work. He was a little torn between continuing trying to be the town's sheriff or going back to being a farmer. So, until then he just helped his parents out with whatever they needed. As he did, he reconnected with his childhood. He looked back at the boy he used to be, but unable to forget about Clover, he never forgot about the man he wanted to become. Clover had been so excited to meet a real-life cowboy that it almost felt disrespectful to throw out that pipedream now. So, he tried to find a middle ground between the two. Some days he'd be up at the first crack of dawn working in the field and other times he'd be the figurehead of his town, keeping the peace and keeping spirits high. Eventually he managed to pull himself out of a continuous low mood. Because of that, he managed to clear his mind enough to move on through the stages of grief. He and Ceroba got into a fight over what had happened. He felt like he owed it to Clover to at least try. Finally ending on the note that his freedom wasn't worth the life of someone he viewed as his own flesh and blood child - unlike what Ceroba did to her child which really WAS her blood. Their long-time friendship came to a bitter end, and he found himself turning to alcohol as a coping mechanism for a few months before a heartfelt talk with Ace pulled him back to his senses.
At one point when he was working in the field his mother called him inside and said she had finally finished the gabàn she had been making for Clover - he had requested it several months or so at this point but forgot to tell her what had happened. Re-opening old wounds he told her what had happened. He kept the gabàn and keeps it on his guitar case. Like Martlet, it was probably another decade or so before he really felt like his life was starting to move on. He had only known Clover for maybe a couple weeks at most but losing them felt like losing his own kid. He didn't know how long Clover was planning to stick around but had full intentions to legally adopt them. He successfully managed to move on, but he never forgot them.
Opinions: Like I said before he's my favorite character in this specific game. He's that right mix of serious and silly that really scratches an itch in my soul. His design is peak, it just speaks to me. I literally remember yelling at my TV when his design got revealed because I loved it instantly. HOWEVER, I do think that maybe his character could have been written a little better. It's pretty clear he's a complex character but the way he was written I feel like didn't fully convey that. 4/5.
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uwukillmenowowo · 2 months
Hi!! May I please request something for a Starlo (Undertale Yellow) x Reader, maybe with Starlo taking care of reader after they got into a battle and now gets to tend to any cuts they may have and overall just being a worried protective mess? Thank you so much in advance, I hope you have a great day!
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[Dalv will always be my number one- ]
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Stay By My Side
(Starlo X M!Reader)
(+ Platonic Feisty Four)
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Reader will take the place of Clover
Reader will be male just because-
You've been living with Starlo and the others for a while.
They're practically your family
You do know that North Star is Starlo's actual name but you call him Starlo more just cuz it's shorter to pronounce
When you dreamed too much of your home on the surface
You left...
You found yourself traveling with Ceroba within the Lab
But that ended when you two came into contact with Chujin's robotic creation
Thankfully you survived.
But after the tiering battle, you went back home
To Starlo
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Hurt... Beaten... Battered. No weapons... low HP.
Slowly, you made your way out of the lab, blood leaking out of your wounds.
{Second POV}
You took in deep breaths as you slowly made your way back to the Wild East. You had no more items so you were clinging to life on one HP.
You couldn't find a save point nearby either. For some reason, all the previous save points you found before were suddenly gone. You didn't know why but you knew that you didn't want to fight Axis all over again.
With a heavy breath you finally made it back. Ed was the first one you saw. You called out to him, but barely. Your voice was horse with the screaming you did.
As soon as he saw you he ran over and picked you up carefully, yelling for the other four for a first aid kit.
You were carried to Starlo's house and you laid on his bed while the others either prepared bandages, or were panicking. While they did that, Starlo went into his room and sat on the side of the bed, watching you carefully as you took in small breaths.
'How... how did this happen?' He thought to himself as he brought his hand to your forehead, brushing away some of your hair out of your face. 'My poor deputy...'
He and the others already cleaned up and patched your wounds but most still had no bandages....
You were kinda just bleeding all over his bed...
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After a few hours, the Feisty five patched up all your wounds. Starlo stayed by your side to keep an eye on your well-being. It's been days and you haven't shown any signs of waking up.
Before, Starlo was only worried and VERY SLIGHTLY panicking. After all, you were his one and only deputy, he knew you were strong.
But after days of seeing you still asleep, Starlo was now VERY VERY WORRIED and panicked 27/7 whenever he walked into his room and saw you still sleeping.
The others visited you every now and then. Each time, Starlo would complain to them. They would have to listen to Starlo's absolute panicked rants about "What if you never woke up?" "Were you in a coma?" "How long would you be asleep?" "Will all your wounds heal properly?" "You aren't eating and drinking as much- Will you be okay?"
Ed is refusing to panic, he's the one to keep telling Starlo that you'd be fine... There is a thought in the back of his head telling him that you won't.
Moray would sympathize with Starlo but say that worrying won't help much and that they should do what they can to make sure that you're still okay... She is worried that you might never wake up.
Ace is the most annoyed with this. I mean- You survived all four of them, and Starlo, you're pretty talented. There's no way you'd just stay down like that.......... right?
Mooch is just neutral with this. She does worry for you but she's not OVERLY worried. But while no one is looking she would whisper, "Please don't die. I don't want my partner in crime to get caught....... But if you do, at least wake up and sign all your inheritance to me."
After a few more days, you finally woke up. You wondered why your body felt so heavy and warm. You were shocked and embarrassed when you saw Starlo cuddling himself into your side.
You tried to recall what happened but you only remembered getting your ass kicked and running into Ed. You chuckled and raised your hand to Starlo's head before patting it.
Knowing him, he probably stayed by your side the whole time you were asleep. But for how long, you didn't know.
After a while, Starlo finally woke up. When he saw you looking down at him, patting his head, he immediately went wide eyed and hugged you tight. You laughed before hugging him back.
"Don't laugh at me, Partner! You've been out for days!" Starlo grabbed you by your shoulders and brought your head to his chest. Starlo kept telling you how much you worried him, how much he missed you, and how you should NEVER GO ANYWHERE NEW WITHOUT EITHER HIM OR ONE OF THE OTHER FOUR.
The next few hours were spent with Starlo constantly worrying over you, telling you that you should always be with him so that you wouldn't get hurt. You appreciated it.
Starlo was your best friend ever since you came to the underground. Dare you say that you kind of have a crush on him. He's caring and sweet, able to protect you but trusts you can protect yourself, overprotective but respectful of your boundaries. He's..... everything you've been searching for.
By that I mean, you've read a lot of stories when you were younger. You've always loved the heroes because of their strong sense of justice. 'Starlo was just like them...' You thought and brought your hand to his face, caressing his cheek.
Starlo looked at you and blushed. "P-artner? Deputy!? [R-R-Reader]?" He stammered, embarrassed since you were caressing his appendages very gently. When you smiled up at him as well- Dear Asgore, Starlo thought he was going to pass out.
You were so small compared to him, and the way you were looking at him just made him want to kiss you right there... But... Are you okay with it..?
"Again, Sorry for making you worried." You apologized. You were going to stretch your arms but Starlo held your wrists in place, your hands remained on his cheeks and Starlo nuzzled into your hands. "You... Shouldn't have... Next time, I want you to stay by my side... okay, Partner?" Starlo looked away while nesting his head in your hands.
You chuckled and caressed his face more, making him smile at your delicate touch.
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orbs-manydarlings · 5 months
Self Insert Tags (6/8)
Hehe. Guys in my head go brrrrrr
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S/I Used: Christopher
Main tag:
• #tense and tired (inserting: christopher)
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• #save your ki (christopher x zetto tomerpg)
• #warm glow (christopher x starlo uty)
• #shot of energy (christopher x martlet uty)
• #staying in (christopher x zebruh codakk)
• #chilling out (christopher x garcello fnf)
• #feeling electric (christopher x annie fnf)
• #caring for (christopher x sunny day jack)
• #no rest (christopher x cinnamon toast bapc)
• #burnt eyes (christopher x taichiro arima gnw)
• #my silence (christopher x ln'eta sfl)
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• #night light (christopher x macaque lmk)
• #world turning (christopher & xefros tritoh)
• #understanding (christopher & hex fnf)
• #quiet together (christopher & whitty fnf)
• #homelike (christopher & tavros nitram)
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• #hora de dormir (christopher + el bailador uty)
• #room to rest (christopher + ceroba uty)
• #peace of night (christopher + dalv uty)
• #stay to unwind (christopher + angel dust hh)
• #bow and lie (christopher + moray uty)
• #on a shoulder (christopher + edward uty)
• #cat napping (christopher + mooch uty)
• #melody to harmony (christopher + ace uty)
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As one can tell by his tags, he is tired, overworked, underpaid, and plays the cello. Something's wrong with him. Obviously.
Safe travels!
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feisty-five-shipping · 9 months
Mooch x Moray x Starlo The three have a shared love for retro technology, and frequently play the original Super Smashing Fighters while cuddling on the couch. Plus, they shiny-hunt together on their GSC cartridges. (Or whatever the in-universe equivalent of Pokemon GSC is)
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feisty-five-shipping · 8 months
Moray x Mooch Mooch has a hard time getting to sleep, as it has a lot of intrusive thoughts and a fast-moving brain. Moray likes to play their guitar to soothe her to sleep.
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feisty-five-shipping · 9 months
Ace x Moray x Mooch The three frequently bond over shared experiences of gender dysphoria. One time Ace cried because he transitioned quite recently and up until then he just wanted to hide himself forever out of discomfort. Moray and Mooch have since set aside a private fund for his bottom and top surgeries, and surprised Ace with a little hospital visit one day.
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cosmicskittlez · 9 months
Omg ^-^)// i love these poly interactions. Could i request with 3 members on how the silly gang would exchange interactions with each other?
Absolutely! Another two for each starlo pairing let's go, hopefully doing the other pairings in another round
Starlo x Ed x Moray:
- Every now and then they'll have a big bubble bath together and take turns washing each other up and sharing tales of what happened that day. And more often then not having a bubble build competition
- Ed sometimes feels a little insecure about being so big and wishes he could be small enough to carry, so Starlo and Moray like to use their combined strength to hold him up, it always makes his day
Starlo x Moray x Mooch
- Mooch and Moray love to take turns flustering Starlo and seeing who can make him blush more throughout the day, which once resulted in them both flirting with him at the same time and making him pass out
- Mooch never celebrated her birthday much but one year they gave her a hand sewn pouch with a heart sewn inside, and she cried for almost 30 minutes
Starlo x Ace x Moray
- Whenever they cuddle Moray is always the little spoon, they find it comforting to be hugged on both sides and it feels as secure as their sleeping bag
- Starlo once got heavily wounded in an accident with the boulder machines, and Moray and Ace were the only ones there to take him back to town and see how scarily close to dusting he was. They still refuse to let him check on the boulder machines alone again
Starlo x Mooch x Ace
- Ace has more than once secretly surveyed them for birthday presents they'd want that year and every year they still don't catch on and get suprised when they get exactly what they want - Once Ace and Starlo were snuggling in the hammock but Mooch climbed in without them knowing and they accidentally kicked her out. They apologized intensely and she made them sleep in her own bed for a night
Starlo x Ed x Mooch - Ed and Starlo try to be a moral compass for Mooch when shes getting particularly thievy, and more often than not succeed! But certain nights Mooch butters them up and they can't hold a thing against her - They love to compare hands with Ed and Starlo and Mooch melt when he holds both their hands with just one of his Starlo x Ed x Ace - Ace likes to sing for the both of them on restless nights and him and Starlo tend to lay on Ed while he does - Ed and Starlo would often compete to make Ace blush for the first time. Starlo won by just taking his hat off and smiling, which made both Ace and Ed blush brighter than a swelterstone
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cosmicskittlez · 9 months
Moray x Ace x Ed: - Ace likes to spoil them both in secret and constantly gifts them candies from out of town, which always go appreciated.
- Moray can get pretty bad chronic pain and on the especially bad days, Ed lets them sleep on him while Ace makes them breakfast in the mornings.
-Ed seems stoic on the outside but is incredibly easy to fluster, and Moray and Ace absolutely know this and flirt with him in public constantly.
Mooch x Ace x Moray
-Mooch is the best blanket either of them could ask for and they usually end up cuddled together either in Ace’s hammock or in Moray’s sleeping bag.
-Ace can be a bit overprotective of them but they sincerely appreciate it. Though he does have a tendency to ask his friend who runs the card game to watch the two of them when he’s not there.
-Moray is the biggest romantic of the three and is usually the one setting up dates, their favorite being to take Ace and Mooch to the mines and having a picnic under the faux stars as they lay down to look at them.
Ed x Ace x Mooch
-Ace likes to comb through Mooch’s hair with his fingers while she gives Ed muscle massages, they find it a good way to talk and relax after a long day.
-Sometimes Mooch gets flashbacks to unpleasant times and she wanders around the dunes trying to clear her thoughts. Without fail Ace and Ed are waiting for her when she comes back with a cup of tea and a blanket.
-Ed likes to hold up Ed and Mooch on his shoulders, partially because they’re particularly cuddly when he does and partially because it stops them from getting into trouble or fights.
Moray x Mooch x Ed
-Mooch purrs. Ed and Moray found this out randomly and they couldn’t stop petting her for the whole day.
-Moray likes to help Ed and Mooch with their accessorizing, and they’re the first one called in when either of them need fashion advice.
-Ed doesn’t tend to take breaks often so Moray and Mooch usually have to force him into the house to get him to rest. It doesn’t always work, but when they promise cuddles then Ed crumbles and gladly rests.
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celestelunisea16 · 4 months
You are the cowboykingshipper blog now I'm sorry
Also crackship: starlo poly but it's incomprehensible because every starlo ship is happening at once (and also a bunch of others too) and now it's just. A web
cuz the hell are you gonna explain it? How do you even start??
also I love your headcanons for these two oh my GOD-
... I'm fuggin' screamin', this is absolutely madness, Anon, it's because of the curse I released into mankind. I'm glad these headcanons entertain your brain, though, so after this, I'll give you another headcanon.
Oh, the amount of headcanons/chaos that could happen with these... GOODNESS GRACIOUS- Like DEAR ARCEUS, you got like... let me count up the amount of ships (not poly) there are with this Star Sheriff.
Starlo x Ceroba
Starlo x Martlet
Starlo x Dalv
Starlo x El Baliador
Starlo x Lucifer
Starlo x Ed
Starlo x Ace
Starlo x Mooch
Starlo x Moray
Starlo x Wonder
Oh yeah, no, DEFINITELY A LOT... If you have ALL of his ships (including the crackships, of course), that'd be A WHOLE LOT to think about... Though, you could see him either being smothered by cuddles and kisses by all of them, and if you count the oc ships as well? Yeah, count this man as dust from too much affection.
That would be a HUGE CRACKSHIP-
Some of the ships are really cute, but then you got the two who aren't even part of the same universe being in the relationship making the relationship a crackship. (Lucifer and Wonder)
So yeah, that's... that's a huge as heck web I'm pretty sure that if I tried touching, well... I'd be hung in the wires like a shirt drying in the winter.
(Cowboy King Ship headcanon time~!)
Lucifer will take Starlo to the Wrath Ring just to see the little festival for the moon if it's happening. Yes, some people do question how a "Sinner" is in the Wrath Ring, but Lucifer will just say he used a little bit of "magic" to allow Starlo to come out into other rings. Which, of course, is a lie, but hey, the demons believe it. Some will ask Lucifer about how he learned to do it, and Lucifer just tells them off. Lucifer is in disguise at the festival because AGAIN, King of Hell, everyone would be absolutely thrilled to the point Starlo would get lost in the crowd, and Lucifer wouldn't know where he is Starlo actually joins in the festivities while Lucifer just watches with worry while he's just joining in. Starlo almost won once with his voice, but he lost by one point to a different demon. Lucifer, despite being scared to death though, said he did well even though he got second. Starlo's self-esteem got a little higher from that, and he promises Lucifer that he'll get first next time. :')
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orbs-manydarlings · 5 months
Self Insert Tags (5/8)
No introduction needed, but I will say this guy is kinda similar to Lowsho. In that, it's kinda his less edgy raver brother or something. Look, I don't have much of an idea of what their dynamic would actually be like, but I think it'd be fun.
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S/I Used: Maddox
Main tag:
• #raver boy (inserting: maddox)
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• #thinkin bout him (maddox x zetto tomerpg)
• #country bass (maddox x starlo uty)
• #chirping synth (maddox x martlet uty)
• #mixing samples (maddox x zebruh codakk)
• #chillhop (maddox x garcello fnf)
• #blue phonk (maddox x annie fnf)
• #radiating funk (maddox x sunny day jack)
• #drum n bass (maddox x cinnamon toast bapc)
• #technicore (maddox x taichiro arima gnw)
• #heaven says yes (maddox x ln'eta sfl)
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• #minor key kick (maddox x macaque lmk)
• #beatbox remix (maddox & xefros tritoh)
• #real kinda techno (maddox & hex fnf)
• #drop the bass (maddox & whitty fnf)
• #keep the castanets (maddox & tavros nitram)
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• #tocadiscos (maddox + el bailador uty)
• #shamisynth (maddox + ceroba uty)
• #volume to the min (maddox + dalv uty)
• #watch my drink (maddox + angel dust hh)
• #versatile keys (maddox + moray uty)
• #devastating drumline (maddox + edward uty)
• #sax o phonk (maddox + mooch uty)
• #synthchestra (maddox + ace uty)
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Tried to incorporate more DJ theming to his tags since that's kinda his whole deal, but I'm not sure I did it quite right. It's fine, I'm pretty sure.
Safe travels!
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