#ace x mooch
feisty-five-shipping · 9 months
Mooch x Ace x Ed Given that Mooch and Ace are the shortest of the gang, Ed will sometimes hold the two up on both his arms to make them feel taller. Also helps when they go to concerts/shows, ect.
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Never thought I’d get back into drawing anything Undertale.. This proved me wrong! Best UT Fangame I’ve ever seen!!
I also took some creative liberties with Ceroba’s outfit! The boots threw me off, so I added some more tradition flare ✨
…I also just like drawing fancy obi..
I got a set of Ohuhu brand markers, also. Very quality indeed! …But it’s gonna take awhile to memorize all the colors all over again..
Almost forgot!! Happy New Year!!! 🎉🎉
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thatsafuckeduptale · 9 months
Hi, I saw you liked my short Drabble. Im glad you liked it! Since requests were open I was wondering if you could draw a cute scene between Wyne and Starlo. Maybe just chilling together when their not role playing, I’d think it would be cute.
Have a good day!
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REQUEST!! it made me so happy :)
+ a bonus doodle
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Who is Wyne?
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celestelunisea16 · 2 months
We have already seen Luci and Star as good parents, Charlie the sister but....and the uncles? that also includes the feisty four
The Fiesty Four, I see as good uncles and auncle. However, Mooch is NOT a completely good aunt, just my thought-
Mooch is that one aunt who teaches Star and Lucifer's kid how to steal things and make themselves look innocent. Though, in some moments, there's good times where the skills Mooch teaches them that actually come in handy. (For example, that one jealous monster, Grapefruit, stole Lucifer's ring, trying to break Starlo and Lucifer up. They noticed and stole it back so their dads wouldn't notice.)
(Ok, well, maybe a little-)
Moray is the one auncle that'll spar with the kid when they're old enough and teach them how to defend themselves, but is also the caring one who tries to inspire them to go to new heights and to be strong in their own way.
Ace is the uncle that just teaches the kid the basics of some card games or the basics of fashion and looking good in public. When he sees the kid looking like they just came from a circus, he points it out, but tries to in a way that doesn't fully hurt the kid's feelings. (Unfortunately, the kid takes it to soul a lot of the times.)
Ed is the tough but gentle uncle. As Starlo's Right Hand Man, he'll defend the kid from any danger as long as he's around them. Train on the tracks? The kid is led away from the tracks. Bandit on the loose? Uncle Ed is on the way to keep the kid out of the bandits' sights! Starlo needs someone to watch over them cause he's gotta catch a bandit? He's got it with giving them a piggyback ride!
Honestly, the four as uncles, aunties, and auncles seem like every moment is a fun one! :D
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snakes-writing-corner · 9 months
Recently been obsessed with Undertale Yellow, and I am very much in love with a certain star cowboy. Long story short I need to get this idea out of my head before I forget.
Hear me out.
North Star x Bandit Reader
You heard about this little town growing in popularity in the Wild East. A little place in the Dunes where monsters can get a taste of the surface, with some interesting characters to make the area more appealing.
The main attraction, of course, being “The Feisty Five” as they call themselves. Just a group of human-interested friends wanting to have a little fun, and bring hope to the other monsters trapped in this hellhole.
The Feisty Five are indeed… an interesting group. Not particularly threatening, but a good group to hang around with if you’re looking to have some fun. Most you’d have to look out for is Mooch, who ironically, has a nasty stealing habit.
Oh but what caught your eye the most? The self-proclaimed sheriff of the Wild East.
“North Star” is the name he goes by, and boy is he quite the charmer!
Initially you came by the Wild East looking for a bit of excitement. A place where you could have a bit of fun and mess with the residents before moving along to the next unfortunate destination.
Oh but this? This was a lot more fun than you ever thought it would be!
The Feisty Five despite being the “protectors” of this town were, quite frankly, terrible at the protecting part. Just a gaggle of monsters living out some sort of human-based fantasy.
Unfortunately for them, you had a streak of causing trouble wherever you went, and to this day you’d never been caught for it.
Living in the underground got… boring after a while. Everyone living in a zombie-like state of hopelessness and despair was a bit too… depressing for your taste.
Call it morally wrong, but you wanted monsters to feel, well, anything! So you resorted to becoming a… well North Star would call it a “bandit” if he knew.
During what monsters considered night-time, you’d don on your trusty cloak and mask and cause a bit of mischief. Breaking and entering, stealing, blowing things up, occasionally scaring any poor monster who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? All were fair game to you!
You weren’t a completely terrible monster however! Any damages caused would end with the owner of the property mysteriously ending up with the gold to fix it, and stolen items would always be returned by the next night. It was simply just to stir up a bit of chaos and have some fun! That and it got monsters feeling something other than hopelessness!
Which leads us to the situation at hand.
You started living in the Wild East for a little while. A few months at least, getting time to know the locals so when the chaos ensued… well you wouldn’t necessarily get blamed if the town trusted you right?
In that time you grew a bond with the Feisty Five. Honestly who wouldn’t! They all had their quirks that made them fun to be around!
Ed despite being the muscle of the group had a heart of gold, and was very fun to mess around with. You still remember his face when you snuck that little fizzy tablet into his drink, and it exploded all over his face. His reaction was priceless!
Moray was always a chill monster to be around. You enjoyed how you two seemed to be able to talk about anything, and admired their skills with a sword. Truthfully, you had a bit too much respect for them to pull a prank… yet.
Ace was a mysterious fellow, the most quiet out of the four for sure. You two never talked much, but you quite enjoyed the card game he used to offer you. Keyword on “used to”, he stopped doing that after you won one too many times. You got revenge about a month after that with an unfortunate loose floorboard in the saloon.
Mooch was a lot like you actually, mischievous and a pretty good thief at that! You quite like her and can’t wait for the day you can steal all the gold she’s taken from you back. Friendly competition and all that, but stealing it now would blow your cover so you wait. In the meantime some harmless pranks from time to time that can’t be traced back to you will do.
Oh and now for your favorite member of this rag-tag gang, the sheriff himself! North Star was definitely a fun guy to be around! Matched your dramatic flair almost too well honestly! His hero act was always one you enjoyed feeding into, especially considering what you had planned.
Oh right! That little plan of yours is exactly why you’ve stuck around the Wild East for so long!
You see, North Star wanted to play the dashing hero, but you can’t be a hero without a worthy adversary to face can you?
Sure the town had Vengeful Virgil, but honestly? He’s not a threat at all! There’s no stakes or genuine mystery with him! And quite frankly you’ve started to hate the staged performances.
No twists or turns? No drama or unplanned hang-ups? No no no! That won’t do for your new favorite group of monsters! I mean you’re hiding right under their gazes in plain sight! A well trained “bandit” who’s actually willing to cause actual chaos around here!
Which led to where you’re currently stationed. Mask and cloak obscuring your true identity within the night, you press a simple little button.
You smirked from your position on top of the saloon. You see earlier you had planted some little explosives around town. Not in any spots that would hurt someone, but enough to give everyone in town a scare.
You chuckled as you heard screaming and panic envelop the town. Monsters like many times before running around terrified like mice. It was always fun to watch!
A shout rang out above the others however.
“Alright settle down everyone!”
Ah there he was… North Star.
You climbed down the roof of the saloon as you quietly hid behind it and watched.
The Feisty Four we’re running around under North Star’s orders, checking to see if any damage or harm had been done, while North Star tried to calm down the increasing crowd of monsters in a panic.
You watched a little longer.
Then North Star looked up at you.
Oh this was going to be fun.
“Stop where you are!” North Star shouted.
You smiled under the mask and made a run for it, the sheriff hot on your heels trying to get you to stop.
Oh but sheriff, the chase is half the fun no?
You continued to run, but quickly dug your heels to the ground and stopped to face your pursuer.
North Star managed to stop fairly quickly in return, and you two were suddenly at the end of a cliff in a stare down.
The sheriff lifted his gun and took aim.
You tilted your head in return, purposefully deepening your voice like you’ve done so many times before.
“Aw did the sheriff not like my welcoming gift?”
North Star glared. “I don’t know who you think you are, but you made a mistake coming into this town,”
“Bandit.” He spat with venom in his voice.
You chuckled, as you took a step closer.
“Oh but North Star,”
The sheriff’s gaze grew more sharp the more steps you took forward, you stopped mere inches away from him and the barrel of his gun.
“I don’t think I did.”
North Star fired.
No bullet came out of the barrel, a result of the tampering you did earlier to prepare for this moment.
You took the opportunity to rush forward and grab the taller monster by his bandana, and seize the wrist holding the gun in his mere moments of shock.
You stood there locked in place for a few seconds. Tilting your head to the side, you watched as the sheriff seemed to be caught between emotions of his facade and what lay underneath. After all, you can always break an actor if you try hard enough.
You chuckled and broke the silence between the two of you.
“What-” North Star started, but you cut him off.
“Tell me sheriff,” You tighten your grip on his wrist. “What do you think I want hm?”
You leaned closer towards his face.
“Money? Recognition? To simply hurt others?”
North Star stiffened.
“No.” You loosened the grip on his wrist.
“You and I both are not so different ya know?” You continued. “We’re both acting to bring some life into this hell of a place.”
You let go of him completely and take a few steps back.
“We just do it for our own personal reasons right?”
North Star glared you down.
“I’m nothing like you.” He spat.
You shrugged in response.
“Maybe not, sheriff.”
You back closer to the edge of the cliff.
You stop right at the edge as North Star aims his gun at you yet again.
“You’ve always wanted to play hero right?” You ask.
North Star continues to glare you down. “I don’t want to hear it, bandit.”
“This is your last warning.” He whips out his lasso in his free hand. “Surrender now.”
You smirk, purposefully ignoring him.
“Well sheriff. You have your villain.”
You step off of the cliff as you see the lasso at the edge of your vision.
Starlo ran over to the cliff-edge, kneeling down to look over the edge.
Where did they?
He frantically looked for the bandit, but they were gone without a trance.
Starlo huffed in annoyance, too many thoughts running through his head.
Would they actually kill someone?
Why was this monster so intent on this?
He never wanted this! This was just supposed to be for fun! He didn’t want to endanger anyone!
Starlo started internally panicking. The thought of- of this monster hurting anyone here. Would they do it? They wouldn’t right? They talked about acting so surely they wouldn’t-
The sound of paper caught his attention.
He looked down on saw a piece of paper tucked neatly into his bandana.
When did they have time to put that there?
With trembling hands he opened it.
“Howdy North Star,
Glad we finally got to meet face to face. I’ve been dying to see your reaction to when I finally make a move.
But don’t worry, I won’t hurt anyone. At least not yet.
You see I’m a bit of an actor myself, and any good actor should know you can’t have a hero without a proper villain.
So I’ll give you a warning. A heads up if you will.
I won’t hurt anyone in any truly damaging way. Unless things get boring that is, but I highly doubt that’ll happen with how entertaining you and your crew are.
I think this town needs a bit of chaos. And lucky me that you just so happened to imply you wanted a challenge when I showed up!
So tell you what. Let’s have some fun with a little game of cat and mouse. I’ll cause some trouble and you can play the charming hero as always. Besides I’m sure even you’ve grown tired of the same boring routine every day.
See if you can be the first to actually catch me sheriff. I’ll be waiting to see if you can pull it off. :)
-With hope for future fun encounters, Anarchy”
Starlo stared at the letter for much longer than he should have.
If this bandit wanted to mess around with his town?
They’ll have sure as hell a tough time doing so from now on.
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cosmicskittlez · 9 months
I bring to you 2 dating headcanons for each pairing in starlos poly posse
Starlo x Ed: -Sometimes Starlo asks Ed to carry him around during whatever missions they do, ranging from slinging him over Ed's shoulder to grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt -When Ed first moved in Starlo practically refused to just let him sleep in a hole in the ground but has since settled to allow it, so long as he's allowed to give the occasional sleep cuddles
Starlo x Moray:
-Moray was the first person in the posse to see Starlo without his hat, as they were the first he was able to get fully comfortable around
-At one point they both tried to do the kiss behind the hat thing and ended up bonking each other with their own hats, they still laugh about it and reenact it sometimes Starlo x Ace -Ace will never admit to this but the reason he sleeps in the hammock is so he can have a clear view of Starlo when he watches his westerns, seeing him sitting at the tv helps lull him to sleep -Starlo has always considered Ace his second in command even if he never outright says it, and on anyday he can't be acting sheriff he knows he can put his automatic trust in him Starlo x Mooch -Starlo is the only person to know Mooch hasn't come from the best backgrounds, growing up in a pretty poor part of New Home and often having to fend for herself. Starlo was one of few people who was willing to trust her despite her background -Mooch's new favorite thing to steal is kisses, and every time she distracts Starlo he falls for it every time. Moray x Ed -Anytime they work together be it on a mission or just cooking dinner they're perfectly in sync, able to work off of each other extraordinarily well and helping at just the right times. -Moray can get overheated pretty easily given they're a literal fish out of water so Ed acts as their shade, something he's more than ok with doing seeing as they can kiss much easier this way. Moray x Ace -They like to dance in the barn in their spare time, going from waltzes to tangoes with giggles in their steps -Moray doesn't get down in the dumps often, but anytime they do and Ace can tell. And by the end of the day Moray ends up with more love letters slipped into their pockets than they can carry
Moray x Mooch -They love to annoy each other on purpose, often making a game out of Mooch stealing Moray's rapier and Moray stealing it right back, seeing how many times in a day they can keep it going between them -Every now and then Mooch will forgo her stealing nature and instead buy something for Moray, something meaningful to them, knowing it'll be more worth it Ed x Mooch -Mooch likes to hide around in Ed's jacket and see how long she can go without being noticed. Ed can tell everytime from the first minute, but he pretends not to notice so he can hear her giggles -Mooch isn't the best cook but she likes to cook for Ed, making multiple smaller portions so can feed him and practice variety at the same time Ed x Ace -They don't open up to each other verbally often, but they more then make up for it with their actions. Ace acts as Ed's reminder to take breaks and to keep his temper and Ed helps Ace around when his stamina runs low -Ace likes to talk to Ed during the late hours of the night when they're both restless, talking about the past and future and the everything in between. Its much more casual than normal dates but they prefer it this way Mooch x Ace -Ace has a not so secret soft spot for Mooch and often admires her grit and positivity, and he more often than not helps her with her smaller thieverys -The first time Mooch kissed Ace he was flustered for the whole day, barely able to get out a word. The whole posses teases him for it but they always wish they were there to do it too
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uwukillmenowowo · 2 months
Hi!! May I please request something for a Starlo (Undertale Yellow) x Reader, maybe with Starlo taking care of reader after they got into a battle and now gets to tend to any cuts they may have and overall just being a worried protective mess? Thank you so much in advance, I hope you have a great day!
≧ ♥ ᴗ ♥ ≦
[Dalv will always be my number one- ]
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Stay By My Side
(Starlo X M!Reader)
(+ Platonic Feisty Four)
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Reader will take the place of Clover
Reader will be male just because-
You've been living with Starlo and the others for a while.
They're practically your family
You do know that North Star is Starlo's actual name but you call him Starlo more just cuz it's shorter to pronounce
When you dreamed too much of your home on the surface
You left...
You found yourself traveling with Ceroba within the Lab
But that ended when you two came into contact with Chujin's robotic creation
Thankfully you survived.
But after the tiering battle, you went back home
To Starlo
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Hurt... Beaten... Battered. No weapons... low HP.
Slowly, you made your way out of the lab, blood leaking out of your wounds.
{Second POV}
You took in deep breaths as you slowly made your way back to the Wild East. You had no more items so you were clinging to life on one HP.
You couldn't find a save point nearby either. For some reason, all the previous save points you found before were suddenly gone. You didn't know why but you knew that you didn't want to fight Axis all over again.
With a heavy breath you finally made it back. Ed was the first one you saw. You called out to him, but barely. Your voice was horse with the screaming you did.
As soon as he saw you he ran over and picked you up carefully, yelling for the other four for a first aid kit.
You were carried to Starlo's house and you laid on his bed while the others either prepared bandages, or were panicking. While they did that, Starlo went into his room and sat on the side of the bed, watching you carefully as you took in small breaths.
'How... how did this happen?' He thought to himself as he brought his hand to your forehead, brushing away some of your hair out of your face. 'My poor deputy...'
He and the others already cleaned up and patched your wounds but most still had no bandages....
You were kinda just bleeding all over his bed...
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After a few hours, the Feisty five patched up all your wounds. Starlo stayed by your side to keep an eye on your well-being. It's been days and you haven't shown any signs of waking up.
Before, Starlo was only worried and VERY SLIGHTLY panicking. After all, you were his one and only deputy, he knew you were strong.
But after days of seeing you still asleep, Starlo was now VERY VERY WORRIED and panicked 27/7 whenever he walked into his room and saw you still sleeping.
The others visited you every now and then. Each time, Starlo would complain to them. They would have to listen to Starlo's absolute panicked rants about "What if you never woke up?" "Were you in a coma?" "How long would you be asleep?" "Will all your wounds heal properly?" "You aren't eating and drinking as much- Will you be okay?"
Ed is refusing to panic, he's the one to keep telling Starlo that you'd be fine... There is a thought in the back of his head telling him that you won't.
Moray would sympathize with Starlo but say that worrying won't help much and that they should do what they can to make sure that you're still okay... She is worried that you might never wake up.
Ace is the most annoyed with this. I mean- You survived all four of them, and Starlo, you're pretty talented. There's no way you'd just stay down like that.......... right?
Mooch is just neutral with this. She does worry for you but she's not OVERLY worried. But while no one is looking she would whisper, "Please don't die. I don't want my partner in crime to get caught....... But if you do, at least wake up and sign all your inheritance to me."
After a few more days, you finally woke up. You wondered why your body felt so heavy and warm. You were shocked and embarrassed when you saw Starlo cuddling himself into your side.
You tried to recall what happened but you only remembered getting your ass kicked and running into Ed. You chuckled and raised your hand to Starlo's head before patting it.
Knowing him, he probably stayed by your side the whole time you were asleep. But for how long, you didn't know.
After a while, Starlo finally woke up. When he saw you looking down at him, patting his head, he immediately went wide eyed and hugged you tight. You laughed before hugging him back.
"Don't laugh at me, Partner! You've been out for days!" Starlo grabbed you by your shoulders and brought your head to his chest. Starlo kept telling you how much you worried him, how much he missed you, and how you should NEVER GO ANYWHERE NEW WITHOUT EITHER HIM OR ONE OF THE OTHER FOUR.
The next few hours were spent with Starlo constantly worrying over you, telling you that you should always be with him so that you wouldn't get hurt. You appreciated it.
Starlo was your best friend ever since you came to the underground. Dare you say that you kind of have a crush on him. He's caring and sweet, able to protect you but trusts you can protect yourself, overprotective but respectful of your boundaries. He's..... everything you've been searching for.
By that I mean, you've read a lot of stories when you were younger. You've always loved the heroes because of their strong sense of justice. 'Starlo was just like them...' You thought and brought your hand to his face, caressing his cheek.
Starlo looked at you and blushed. "P-artner? Deputy!? [R-R-Reader]?" He stammered, embarrassed since you were caressing his appendages very gently. When you smiled up at him as well- Dear Asgore, Starlo thought he was going to pass out.
You were so small compared to him, and the way you were looking at him just made him want to kiss you right there... But... Are you okay with it..?
"Again, Sorry for making you worried." You apologized. You were going to stretch your arms but Starlo held your wrists in place, your hands remained on his cheeks and Starlo nuzzled into your hands. "You... Shouldn't have... Next time, I want you to stay by my side... okay, Partner?" Starlo looked away while nesting his head in your hands.
You chuckled and caressed his face more, making him smile at your delicate touch.
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ace-n-mooch-daily · 3 months
I'm only gonna say this once (hopefully) but holy shit stop requesting Ace x Mooch I literally don't like that ship. They act exactly like my siblings so it's so uncomfortable. I put it in the fucking pinned post can yall not read
I don't give a fuck what you ship but to the anon that keeps requesting that after I said I don't want to ship them, you're just proving my point that AceMooch shippers are gonna be the BakuDeku/KuraNeon shippers of the UTY fandom. Fuck you, honestly
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orbs-manydarlings · 5 months
Self Insert Tags (6/8)
Hehe. Guys in my head go brrrrrr
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S/I Used: Christopher
Main tag:
• #tense and tired (inserting: christopher)
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• #save your ki (christopher x zetto tomerpg)
• #warm glow (christopher x starlo uty)
• #shot of energy (christopher x martlet uty)
• #staying in (christopher x zebruh codakk)
• #chilling out (christopher x garcello fnf)
• #feeling electric (christopher x annie fnf)
• #caring for (christopher x sunny day jack)
• #no rest (christopher x cinnamon toast bapc)
• #burnt eyes (christopher x taichiro arima gnw)
• #my silence (christopher x ln'eta sfl)
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• #night light (christopher x macaque lmk)
• #world turning (christopher & xefros tritoh)
• #understanding (christopher & hex fnf)
• #quiet together (christopher & whitty fnf)
• #homelike (christopher & tavros nitram)
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• #hora de dormir (christopher + el bailador uty)
• #room to rest (christopher + ceroba uty)
• #peace of night (christopher + dalv uty)
• #stay to unwind (christopher + angel dust hh)
• #bow and lie (christopher + moray uty)
• #on a shoulder (christopher + edward uty)
• #cat napping (christopher + mooch uty)
• #melody to harmony (christopher + ace uty)
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As one can tell by his tags, he is tired, overworked, underpaid, and plays the cello. Something's wrong with him. Obviously.
Safe travels!
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twst-trash · 2 years
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Maid for You [Part 2] - The Hand That Feeds
Prompt: A continuation of the Maid for You series. You tuck the extra thaumarks Leona gives you away for a rainy day. After all, what harm is there in keeping the extra money from all your hard work? Unfortunately for you, Azul does not take kindly to those who steal what is owed to him. Fortunately for him, your money and body are both forfeit.
Content: 18+ smut - AFAB!Reader. Azul/Jade/Floyd x Reader. Leona x Reader, implied 1st Year Gang x Reader. It’s a little funnier/ooc in the beginning to make up for the, uh, other activities in this one.
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: most of the same as the last installment + degradation, mindbreak, gangbang, orgasm denial, dubcon. It’s depraved in this bitch.
Everyone is 18+ per my bio.
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There’s an unmistakable frown plastered onto Azul’s face as he counts the money you had submitted to the tip pool. 800 thaumarks exactly? He thought he had made the goal as unattainable as possible, and yet, somehow, you had bested him once again. That’s what he was beginning to love and hate about you. Beneath your friendly and altruistic exterior, you had the capability to be just as cunning as he.
There’s no feasible way you could’ve made that much in a week, that’s for certain. Azul sets his glasses down onto the table and breathes a deep, calming breath. He’d figure out what happened, he assured himself, be it the death of him - or you, for that matter.
“So, the days of splitting tuna cans with Grim are over, huh?” Ace says teasingly, leaning over in an attempt to get a bite of your food. When you snatch it away from him, he pouts at you and huffs defiantly.
You roll your eyes, unenthusiastically holding out the bun for Ace to take a nibble. “Your days of mooching off of me certainly aren’t.”
You roll your eyes, unenthusiastically holding out the bun for Ace to take a nibble. “Your days of mooching off of me certainly aren’t.”
Before he even says anything, you extend the same offer to Deuce, who happily takes a bite. You know that the poor boy would stay silent about it if you hadn’t let him eat some, too. He’s usually better about straight up stealing from you than Ace is, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to.
“How’s that going, anyway?” Deuce asks through his mouthful of curry bun. “It can’t be much worse than when Ace and I were roped into it.”
You bite your tongue, unwilling to tell them the truth about your unconventional money making tactics. Ace, Deuce, Jack, and the rest of your little first year gang had yet to see you at work, mostly due to your very vocal objections otherwise. You would die of embarrassment if they had the chance to see you in that outfit, and you know that you’d never hear the end of it from Ace.
“It’s… okay.” You say timidly, thinking back to your time with Leona and shifting your thighs together. More than okay, you think, but they don’t need to know about that.
Almost as if on cue, Jack jogs by, stopping in his tracks when he sees you all.
“Hey wolfie,” Ace grins. “We were just talking about how we’re going to ambush ____ at work.”
“Stop calling me that,” Jack sighs dejectedly, wiping sweat off his brow. He opens his mouth to say something else, but stops and skews his face. He sniffs the air, suddenly getting much more close to your face than you were used to. Your face flushes with an intense blush as he smells you once more, Ace and Deuce sitting by in horror.
“Sorry,” Jack coughs, pulled out of his trance. He straightens up and you can barely make out a dusty blush on his own face as he turns away from you. “You just smell- never mind. I’ve got to go.”
He jogs away again, at an even faster pace than before, leaving Ace and Deuce perplexed.
“I’m- uh- what?” Deuce sputters, unable to process what just happened.
Could he smell Leona on me? You think, mortified by those ramifications. Could he tell that we… You shoot up from your spot sitting next to the two of them.
“I forgot to feed Grim.” You quickly say, nearly breaking out into a full sprint on your way after Jack.
“They what?” Grim asks groggily, stirring from his sleep next to the two Heartslabyul first-years. Ace and Deuce could only give each other the same dumbfounded look as they watch you run away.
“You’ve been a great help,” Azul smiles, waving Floyd off of the Octavinelle student who had been working with you that night. “You’ll be greatly rewarded for this later, you know.”
The Octavinelle boy simply nods, scurrying off as Jade holds open the door for him to leave. Azul leans back in the chair behind his desk, a wave of relief and disgust washing over him as he digests the news of your little trick.
“So very clever…” He whispers, more to himself than to the two twins standing before him. He knew, of course, that dressing you in that slutty little uniform would increase business at the Monstro Lounge. It might’ve been a little self-indulgent, too, for Azul to be able to rake his eyes over your body without you thinking of it too much. He hadn’t thought that a certain second-prince would take such a liking to you, however, enough to take you in this very office. The fact that Leona got to you first stirs rage deep within him.
“I don’t like Sea Lion playing with our Shrimpy.” Floyd murmurs, his mood clearly shifting from the earlier satisfaction of squeezing information out of the unsuspecting Octavinelle student.
“I’m not so enthused, either.” Jade adds, examining Azul as he opens his safe of contracts. “What shall we do about the little thief?”
The contract in Azul’s hands glows, illuminating his face ominously.
“I’m always prepared.”
You don’t even know why you’re trying to catch up with Jack. He could run circles around you without even breaking a sweat. You’re not even quite sure what you’d say to him- “Yes, I did fuck your dorm leader. Yes, it will definitely happen again. Yes, I’ll do the same for you if you don’t tell Ace and Deuce.” is not quite the conversation you’d like to have at the current moment. Or ever.
As much as you’re sure that Jack won’t snitch on you- he’s much too shy about those sorts of things to even bring it up- there’s still a compulsion in you to explain the situation to him. Maybe it’s because of your still festering guilt for what you had done, but something inside you knows that you wouldn’t be opposed to it happening again.
You’re still running after Jack in vain when you feel a tugging sensation on the back of your head, causing you to stumble backwards. The force drags you, pulling you toward an unspecified location away from Jack. Your hands rush to your head, feeling a new slimy appendage at the top.
You’re greeted by Azul’s dour expression once you unwillingly enter his office. Jade and Floyd stand next to Azul as he sits in his office chair, faces unchanging as they watch you get dragged to the very front of the desk. Azul doesn’t let you speak before waving the anemone off your head, causing you to sigh from the relief of pressure. Jade and Floyd are on you in an instant, however, each grabbing one of your arms before you could get a chance to flee.
“I’m quite sure you already know why you’re here.” Azul starts, watching as you squirm underneath the twin eels’ touch.
“I-I’m sorry!” You say, embarrassment evident in your voice. “But at least I got you the money, right?”
“Not quite.” Azul tuts, snapping open the contract before gently tracing along its contents. “Section 3, Article 2: Servers must only serve customers in their own sections to ensure a fair workload. Section 3, Article 4: Servers must report all tips to the tip pool to ensure an even distribution of wages.”
Azul rolls the contract back up with another flourish of his hand, leaning over the desk so he could get close to your face. “There’s no clause about taking another man into my office and sluttily spreading your legs for him, but perhaps we should amend that, hm?”
Your face burns with embarrassment as you hear Floyd chuckle.
“I didn’t know Shrimpy was so dirty.” He coos, his grip tightening on your arm.
“So cruel,” Azul continues, feigning disappointment. “Your benevolent persona is such a farce. Stealing- not only from me- but from your other servers. You should be ashamed.”
“How did you even know-“
“You underestimate my sources, dear Prefect.” Azul says through an unnerving smile. “Perhaps you’ll recall that you weren’t the only person working that night. He was more than happy to tell us what he saw.”
You can’t look up at Azul as your body is frozen in place by shame. You can barely feel your tears as they roll onto the ground, hot and heavy as they caress your cheeks.
“Don’t cry,” Jade says soothingly, “there’s nothing to cry about yet.”
Azul finally approaches from behind the desk and cups your face in his hands. “Stop this. I’d hate to see such a pretty face wasted on tears.”
You can’t help but lean into his touch- the first tenderness that any of them had shown you since you walked in the office. Azul kisses your cheeks free of tears and you begin to melt.
“There’s nothing a little negotiation can’t fix,” Azul reassures, his knee nudging between your thighs. You can feel him pressing against your cunt, the friction enough to make you bite back a moan. “You’re property of the Monstro Lounge, after all.”
Jade and Floyd are quick to start undressing you, very uncaring of your new uniform, basically tearing off the fabric. Floyd licks a stripe up your neck, frowning when he realizes the marks leftover by Leona.
“Sea Lion shouldn’t be the only one able to have fun with you.” He mutters from behind you, hands moving up to squeeze your newly exposed breasts. His fingers pinch your nipples impatiently, grabbing them as if they’d disappear if he hadn’t.
Jade hums in agreement, beginning to nibble the other unoccupied side of your neck. You can feel his cock grow hard against your leg as he continues to bite and suck your neck- especially over spots where Leona had previously marked.
They prop you onto the desk, Jade and Floyd once again sequestering your arms, pinning them up against your head as Azul spreads your legs wide.
He tentatively, almost nervously, presses his fingers against your pussy, watching your wetness shine against the texture of his gloves. His glasses fog as he flattens his tongue against your pussy, peppering the inside of your thighs with kisses and nibbles between long strokes up and down your folds. You inhale a short breath of air in surprise as Azul sucks on your clit.
The pleasure makes you squirm, causing Floyd to pin your arm against the desk even harder.
“No moving, Shrimpy.” He grins down at you, “Not if you know what’s good for you.”
But you can’t help it as Azul continues to lap at your throbbing pussy, wishing to do nothing but grab his silver hair in bunches and ride his face until you cum. Azul is deliberate, though, pulling back whenever he feels your body teeter too close to the edge. He maintains eye contact, his cock straining against his pants as he watches you in your throes of bliss.
Floyd grumbles to himself, clearly getting impatient watching Azul being the only one to toy with your body. He opens the fly of his pants, uncaring to remove them at all, and bares his hard cock. He strokes his impressive length right in front of your face, willing you to wrap your lips around the pink tip.
“So cute, Shrimpy~” Floyd teases, watching you as you bob your head up and down on his cock.
Jade must’ve been getting restless too, as you feel the final set of hands around your wrists release you from their vice grip. Instead, you’re greeted by Jade’s hefty member resting in the palm of your hand.
Your wetness drips down your legs as you’re overstimulated to your breaking point, sucking Floyd’s cock while stroking Jade’s. Azul pulls away once more right as you feel yourself unraveling, eliciting a drawn out moan of protest around Floyd’s cock. Your legs tremble, unable to do much as the three men spoil your body.
“You’re funny if you think you’re cumming tonight, Prefect.” Jade rasps, cock pulsing at the sight of your mouth being ravished by his brother. “Floyd. Switch.”
Floyd groans aloud, but pulls his member from your mouth with a satisfying ‘pop’. Your hand wraps around him where your mouth once was, turning to give Jade’s cock a kiss before fully engulfing him once more.
Azul finally takes the opportunity to sheath himself inside of you, another whimper of pleasure escaping your lips. He thrusts up into you, sloppily, watching your eyes glaze over as you submit yourself completely to them. He relishes the feeling of your walls convulsing around him, already so sensitive and ready to do whatever they wanted you to do if it meant that they’d allow you to finally come undone.
“Stupid, silly Prefect.” Azul mumbles, thrusting to accentuate each word. “Thinking you could pull one over on us.”
“I hope you’ll learn your lesson,” Jade says with a wicked smile, a hand combing through your hair in a way that mimicked love. If you closed your eyes, you could almost pretend it was an affectionate gesture instead of the punishment it really was.
In the end, you’re completely spent, covered in all three men’s cum twice or thrice over- you’ve lost count- with your pussy still throbbing, painstakingly untaken care of. You’re left with a trail of drool leaking from your mouth onto your breasts and thighs covered in a sinful mixture of all four of your juices. It’s torturous, unable to get yourself off even as your three partners clean themselves up in fear that they’ll catch you and punish you once more.
“We’ve come to the unanimous decision to extend your contract indefinitely.” Azul says, coming to give you a cruel kiss. “I trust that you’ll make sure to report all of your acquired funds to us next time.”
You nod, trying to catch your breath as Azul tosses you your work uniform.
“The lounge opens in 30 minutes. Do try not to be late.”
Alt title: Azul’s Desk Has Seen Some Shit
I’m really liking this verse so far! Let me know if you’d be interested in more. It’s my first time writing so many people fucking at the same time, so please excuse me if it seems a little sloppy 🫣
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feisty-five-shipping · 9 months
Ace x Moray x Mooch The three frequently bond over shared experiences of gender dysphoria. One time Ace cried because he transitioned quite recently and up until then he just wanted to hide himself forever out of discomfort. Moray and Mooch have since set aside a private fund for his bottom and top surgeries, and surprised Ace with a little hospital visit one day.
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backtobackbakubabe · 4 years
I am the Alpha Now Part 12
Bakugo X Reader (There’s a bit of smut in the beginning) 
Words : 3133
Reader is from America and somewhat of a delinquent with an alpha quirk that allows her to turn into a wolf as well as bond with dogs. She is sent to UA to straighten out her attitude. She ends up in a power struggle with none other than our favorite hot head. Words in Italics are words said telepathically.
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You didn’t leave the dorms once that weekend. True to his word Bakugo was there for you the entire time and helped in whatever way he could. He even went out of his way to cook foods that you were craving. And those weren’t the only cravings he satisfied. Your room has become a den of absolute sin. It didn’t matter what you were doing or where you were. As soon as the feeling started to coil in your stomach, the feeling of need, the feeling of desire, he was there. There wasn’t a surface that wasn’t christened at this point. The bed, the floor, the desk, the shower.
Right now was no exception. You had been casually studying for your upcoming finals. There was just something about the way his voice sounded when he corrected you on something. The way his hands looked when they took notes. Your thighs started to press together, and your breathing hitched. You couldn’t hump like rabbits all weekend. You needed to actually study.
Bakugo could tell you were growing uncomfortable, and started to scoot closer to you. You could feel how exhausted he was, no doubt from all of your uh… extracurricular activities. You started to protest when he reached for you but one look from his smoldering red eyes had you squirming. He reached around your waist and pulled you into his lap your back against his chest. His chin rested on your shoulder as his thighs spread your legs open. His voice, softer than usual, vibrating down your neck as he continued to ask you questions. His lips leaving soft kisses in the spot where your neck met you shoulder. 
You let out a shaky breath and tried to clear your head, he was asking you a question. What did he say? Can you even remember? Are any of your senses even working right now? When you didn’t answer he bit down on your shoulder, “Come on pup, stay with me. What quirk style is best when going against a villain with an electricity based quirk?”
You yelped but that little bit of pain was enough to boot your brain back up, “Uh… ?  An earth style quirk?”
His hand slid across your thigh and entered into your pajama shorts. While his other arm wrapped around your hips. “Good girl, now tell me… What do you do if a villain has a fellow hero hostage but you are outnumbered?” His fingers were tracing your most sensitive area through your underwear making it hard to even think straight. If he wasn’t holding you to him, you would have fallen over.
“T-Technically I’m supposed to wait for back up a-and follow but not engage… but- but.”
Bakugo’s fingers started to slip past the waistband of your underwear, “But what?” Damn that husky voice.
You leaned into him, inhaling his sweet burnt sugar smell, “If it were you… I’d burn the place down to get you back safely.”
His fingers thrust inside of you as he cooed in your ear. “I believe that’s my line pup.” His fingers pump in an out of you while he assaults your neck with kisses. “I’d do anything to get you back. I’d break any rule, I’d burn down the world if it meant keeping you safe.”
Your back arched as you finished on his fingers. Breathing heavy as you slowly came back down to reality. When your head finally cleared you could feel Bakugo kissing the top of your head. “You know I don’t know what I’d do if I had to get through this alone. It would have been torture. I know it’s been more than you bargained for.”
Bakugo’s arm tightened around your waist. “This has been the most exhausting weekend of my entire life… but it’s also been the best. How much longer do you think this is going to last?”
You snuggled deeper into him, “I don’t know, but it dose seem to be slowing down. In the past it’s lasted anywhere from three days to a week. I should be back to a normal level of horny by the time finals start.” Bakugo chuckles and slaps your ass. “I mean not that I’m complaining but it will be nice to get back to reality. I think I’ve started to forget how to behave outside of this room.”
You scoff, “You never knew how to behave to begin with baka.” He started tickling you, ‘What was that? Baka? Who you calling baka? When did you even learn that?”
Between your laughter you pushed away from him, “You literally call me baka like 800 times a day. I asked Kiri. So technically I learned it from you… BAKA” He swatted your ass again before announcing he was going to take a shower and tossing you off his lap and on to the bed like a sack of potatoes.
You had class in the morning and finals started tomorrow. This was the last week of class and then you would graduate and have to make a decision. You pulled up a new tab on your laptop and started looking at available apartments in the area. Your jaw dropped when you saw how expensive they were. Like how in the hell where you ever going to be able to afford that? You then googled to see how much the average low rank hero makes in Japan. Oof. You knew there was no way your parents would help you. You kind of burned that bridge a long time ago.
You wondered if any of the girls would be interested in rooming with you, but then you remembered you hadn’t really made an effort to get to know anyone outside of Bakugo’s small squad of friends.
You groaned as you continued scrolling through the offensive apartment listings. Bakugo came out in a pair of sweatpants toweling off his blonde hair. 
“Oi… what’s with the angst. What’s got your panties in a twist?”
“Oh you know… the fact that’ll I’ll be homeless this time next week… just casual things.”
The bed squeaked as he landed on the bed beside you, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
You pointed to the webpage, “These are all ridiculously overpriced. I have absolutely no money to my name. How the hell am I supposed to magically have enough to pay rent… or even a deposit?”
Bakugo shrugged, “Is that it? I had just assumed you’d come live with me?”
Your eyes narrowed, “Come live with you? Like with you and your parents? Who I haven’t even met yet because you insist they’re crazy?”
He flicked you between the eyes, “No dumbass. I’ve told you like ten times that I’m moving into a townhouse with Kiri, Deku, and Todorki.” You rubbed the spot he had just flicked, “Actually no… you haven’t. This is the first time I’m hearing about it. I think I would remember if you told me you were going to live with Todoroki and DEKU? DEKU? You hate him!”
“I… I don’t hate him. I just… it’s complicated. Icy hots dad is paying for it on the condition that we all come work for him for the first year or so after graduation.”
You crossed your arms over your chest in a pout. “Well that’s just great. You already have a job, a place to live, and I would just be a mooch. Does that place even allow dogs. What about Mercy? What if I can’t find a job. I wouldn’t want to take advantage of you guys. I wouldn’t want to be a stay at home roommate either… I don’t know even know how to cook. What would…”
Bakugo slapped his hand over your mouth, “Oi what the fuck. Where did all of this insecurity come from?” He cupped his hands around your cheeks and make you look at him. “I have no doubt you will be able to find a job. You have a badass quirk. I know because I struggle to keep up with you on a daily basis. Second you would never be a mooch. I would have no problem with you being a stay at home roommate, wife, mom, whatever. But I know you and I know you wouldn’t be happy with that. Third…. If they’ll accept four idiot guys with destructive quirks then I don’t think they’d care about a dog.. besides I’m sure there’s like laws that would make it impossible from them not too considering he’s part of your quirk.”
You could feel yourself start to relax into his touch. He was right. You were overreacting. “It’s just a little overwhelming you know? Sure I’ve lived here for almost a year, but I’ve been on campus the entire time. Once I leave it feels… I don’t know more real.”
He ran a hand through your hair, “You’re not having any second thoughts are you? Because I’ll tie you to the bed if I have to. I’m not letting you go back to America.”
You giggled, “Oh you wont let me huh? And who said you could stop me?”
He leaned forward until his forehead touched yours, “Like I said before. I’d break every rule to keep you safe. I’m not above kidnaping.”
You gave him a soft peck on the lips, “You really are getting soft babe.”
He rolled his eyes before laying down and pulling you with him to spoon you, “I am not soft! I just so happen to like you more than most people.”
You poked his chest, “Most people? So there’s someone out there you like more than me? Let me guess? All Might? Kiri? Oh I know it’s Deku isn’t it?” It was his turn to groan, “Shut up about Deku already. It’s bad enough were about to be roommates. Just because I may or may not respect him a little more now, does not mean we are friends.”
Bakugo went to fetch Mercy who had been roaming the grounds of UA. Anything to not be near the two of you while you were in heat. You both ended up drifting off as soon as he returned. Finals exams started tomorrow, and you needed all the rest you could get.
The following morning went as usual. Bakugo would sneak out back to his room while you got ready and then return to walk you to class. You felt so amped up today you were practically glowing with energy. It could have been a result of a good night sleep or the fact that you were getting treated right by your boyfriend allll weekend.
Today’s portion of the exam was written. You knew you aced it. And you only cheated twice. You telepathically asked Bakugo two questions, mostly because you couldn’t remember what the words meant in English. He scolded you but helped you anyways. There was no way you could get caught anyways.
The second and third day were practical exams. A lot of basic fitness and quirk demonstration.
Today was the fourth day and today was it was sparing. It was like a mini sports festival except the only people allowed to come were hero agencies looking for new recruits.
You gave it everything you had, you needed to compensate for the fact that your Japanese sucked and honestly your strategy was a little lacking as well. Bakugo was way calmer than expected, but that was probably because he already had a job after graduation. You both make quick work of your sparring opponents until it was just the two of you left.
You stepped up to your side of the mat, Mercy at your heels, “Go ahead and take a break Mercy… I don’t think I’ll need you for this.”
Bakugo’s smirk took over his entire face, “Oh getting cocky already are we?”
You returned his smirk, “You’ve spent close to a year fighting me, and by now I know all of your tricks.” You took a fighting stance, “Besides now..” “I can get in your head.”
Bakugo if only for a moment paled as you lunged. He avoided you at the least second blasting into the air and sending an explosion in your direction. You wanted to do this as long as possible as a human before shifting. You wanted to prove you were more than your quirk. But unfortunately he was just too damn fast.
You closed your eyes to shift. Bakugo knew what was happening, he had seen it hundreds of times. So he used this to his advantage. He went to tackle you right as you shifted. He ended up getting you in a headlock. You bucked trying to get him off. You were reminded of the first time you spared with him. He had done the same thing. He held you in a headlock until you nearly passed out, ordering you to submit.
Well you had come a long way since then. You went on your hind legs like you were about flip onto your back, but instead you shifted back to normal grabbing Bakugo by the hand and flipping him over you. The second he hit the ground you were back in your wolf form. Pressing your massive paws into his chest. “Damn pup. So you want to play it rough huh? I know you heal fast so don’t expect me to go easy on you…” His palm came up and sent an explosion right into your face.
You yelped and jumped off. You could smell your singed fur and it fueled your anger. You both continued to go back and forth until you were on the brink of exhaustion. You only had one trick left up your sleeve. Something you had been working on in private with some of the others. Something Bakugo didn’t even know about.
“Oi come on pup! You that tired already? Where did all that energy go?”
You had learned that if you focus really hard you can force your alpha authority on other people. It’s very brief, a minute at most. But that’s all you needed. You built up what energy you had left and growled at him, giving it all the alpha power you had. You could see his eyes glaze over for a moment, just a moment, but it was enough. You pounced. “SUBMIT”
Bakugo struggled to clear his head… “I… I..sub..” He slapped himself in the face. “NEVER!”
Before either of you could continue Aizawa stepped out and stopped you, “I think that’s enough you two. I think you’ve proven well enough what you are capable of.”
As soon as you both were out of site and in the gym he pulled you aside to an empty hallway and pushed you against the wall. “What the hell was that pup? I’ve never seen you do that before? That was so fucking cool!” He was kissing you now hands reaching down to pick you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and deepened the kiss. You would have kept kissing him too if someone hadn’t cleared their throat.
Both of you broke apart and snapped your heads in the direction of the interruption. Of fucking course, it was Aizawa. “Well I came to congratulate you two and remind you that you have interviews tomorrow. Bakugo yours is more of a formality, but y/n… you have multiple offers as well. One of them being with Endeavor. Apparently, word has reached him that you’ll be living with apprentices and there’s no way he’s not going to try and take advantage of that.” He looked really uncomfortable. “I’m only your teacher for two more days so please… for my health and sanity. Keep it in your pants until then.”
You both waited until he was gone before busting out into laughter. Bakugo kissed the tip of your nose. “Looks like we might be working together.”
You took his hand and headed towards the dorms, “We just might..”
The next day was the interviews. There were several rooms set up with different agencies. In the morning you checked in and received your schedule. Bakugo’s interview with Endeavor was right before yours. You both headed that way. Your phone buzzed when you arrived at the door. The previous person was still in there, so you sat there next to Bakugo as he waited and pulled out your phone.
You had an email from an unknown username. Weird.
When you opened it you felt tears well up behind your eyes. You saw pictures and videos from your time as a vigilante in the states. There was even mug shots. Yes plural, you were arrested multiple times. There was a time you weren’t proud of and you did a lot of stuff that sometimes kept you up at night.
The email read,
Dear y/n, We were very impressed with your performance during your final exam yesterday. The way that you not only kept up with but almost tamed Bakugo Katsuki. Now that is something. We did a little digging and we found some very interesting videos of you. We wonder how your boyfriend would feel if he knew about your body count. How future employers would feel if they knew you had a bit of a villainous streak. We’ll make you a deal… In exchange for these videos never being released…. We need you to do us… a favor. Don’t worry about finding us. We’ll find you. Look forward to talking with you. - LOV
Your palms started to sweat. Bakugo nudged you with his elbow, “Hey you okay pup?”
You shoved your phone in your pocket, “Yeah just a little nervous is all.”
He kissed your forehead, “Don’t worry about it, you’ll do great.”
You nodded as the door opened to signal that it was Bakugo’s turn. “Hey babe, did you mean it when you said you’d burn down the world for me?”
He quirked an eyebrow at you, “Uh yeah… why? You planning on doing something stupid?”
You did everything you could to keep yourself from crying, “No of course not. I’ll leave the stupid behavior to you… Good luck in there. I love you.”
He could feel how heavy your mood got but he didn’t have time to think about it as he was being ushered into his interview. It didn’t sit right with him though. In fact, it bothered him the whole time Endeavor spoke to him. He reached out to you telepathically, “Hey are you sure you’re okay?” No response. His heart started to hammer in his chest. “Y/N!” Again, he was met with silence. He reached out to find your location like you had taught him… and you weren’t there. Bakugo jumped up from his seat and threw the door open.
The hallway was empty, but Mercy was still there… “She left me too…..”
TAGLIST: @tspice283 , @realityisoftendisapointing , @imbi-101 , @thoughtfulpandazine2 , @hotarumorikawa , @huh-iwasntpayingattention , @starfishlovingbnha , @weebnumber3622 , @mixedfeeelings , @munchmunch01 , @inumorph @xxoperatexx 
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jiminrings · 4 years
hi!! can i request a drabble of new personaltrainer!jungkook training a pretty awkward (and kinda chubby/thicc..?) y/n and its super fluffy and aaaa,, i love your writing aaaa 🥺
cloud nine
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pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: y/n finally gives into jimin the gymbro’s thoughtful push, and jungkook is sO close to barking back to his chihuahua the moment he gets home :D // gif isn’t mine but look at it it’s so cRISPY!!!
notes: thank you sO much babie!! here you go :D
okay that’s iT!!
you totally need something new in your life
you need a change of pace or whatever that’s called
all the days you’ve been having are all blurring into the same one and it just makes you feel so stagnant
the only difference you could point out are the sleep shirts you wear and that’s ONLY if you don’t try to repeat wearing them
you now have a list of people you’re in awe of
people who genuinely and unironically consider friends the tv show as a cinematic masterpiece because nOAH FENCE how do they manage to get entertained by laugh tracks and the same skit over and over again
ok maybe your slander towards it increased because hoseok (the guy you have a sorta crush on) likes it and he leaves you on read and sometimes doesn’t even open your message and thEN you’d see his instagram stories and they’re all just???? friends???? what was the reason
and second, jimin!
jimin’s your best friend and that just makes you awed even more because you don’t even know how the two of you got close
jk it was when your friends forced you to come with them at this inflatable water park and you were sCARED and so he held your lifevest and was like
“hEY do you wanna take this in the same pace that i’m doing it?? tbh i just wanna get back to my mimosas but my friends paid too expensively for this”
<3 he has been the guardian of your heart since <3
jimin’s just so well-paced and organized and knows how to have his fun that his daily life doesn’t seem like a mindless routine
you are actively YEARNING for that kind of lifestyle
and right now it just seems like the stars are aligning for you and are practically made for your existence alone!!
jimin’s a gymbro
he is the living breathing talking definition of gymbro and gymrat and gymgod or whatever it is
.... gymin if u will ....
okAy then
but he wasn’t the aggressive type of gymbro, not at all!
he’s a total natural!!
like he’s ripped but not excessively and exaggeratedly ripped
he doesn’t flex but the muscle definition and the physique are just wHew exquisite!!
he doesn’t talk in protein powder lingo but you aren’t surprised to see a giant jug of it inside his cupboard!!! after all he’s proud to say that it’s practically all-skill!!!
and to top it off.,.,
okay so jimin takes off his shirt right
the two of you are neighbors and you often come into each other’s places and it feels like home too
and you aren’t complaining!! you know that he runs a little hot that normal and you wouldn’t want him overheating
but he has this large tattoo on his rib that reads nevermind and it’s so cOOL and it just makes the gears in your head go creak creak because aha your best friend is the blueprint huh
you’re not surprised!! you really aren’t!!
after all, why would you be surprised out of all the things above when you already know that he owns a goddamn GYM??
the only regret that you have is not meeting him sooner :((
yeah sure pjm athletics does have a nice ring to it bUT WHAT ABOUT PARK’S GYMIN
you’ve always been.,., a lil curious ok
i mean your goddamn friend is the ownEr of a really well-known and well-praised gym!! how could you not??
you don’t wanna mooch off from him though no matter how much he offers you free classes and stuff
he always brings you home extra merch and energy drinks that you’re sure you can now have a tap for gatorade
he’s not dENSE!! he sees how you look at him whenever he does push-ups on your floor or when he does planks like no big deal
there’s this thought at the back of your head that y’know..,., what if THIS was the thing that’s gonna be your change of pace
lmao you’re looking for hardship basically
jimin’s finally had it when you sigh for the eleventh time while he’s doing pull-ups
you want to spend your own money and he knows you won’t accept any of his offers!!
that’s it he needs to be smart about this!!!
��woah jimin holy sHIT you’re having a 50% off your membership??? and it comes with a trainer too??? are you serious right now???”
he can now sleep in peace knowing his editing job for this flyer has paid off and he’s passed the “y/n’s not believing me” stage :))
if it wasn’t established enough there really isn’t a sale lol
here you are then,.,.
wearing workout leggings that jimin deemed to be reAlly great and it made quite a hefty dent in your wallet but you trust his judgement so ok
you’re not in the mood to wear anything besides jimin’s black dri-fit shirt because you really don’t wanna attract attention as the newbie
this is good!! you now have a gym membership AND a personal trainer!!
you dON’T exactly need them but you feel you just do y’know!! there’s no harm in trying :D
you didn’t want jimin to be your personal trainer and he basically sULKED for a whole week
it’s not a him problem!! it’s a you problem!!!
you know that it’s a given that the trainers shOuld be excellently to a degree to actually train someone else
but it’s now dawning in you that HE’S the owner and he’s so intimidatingly good!!! you would look like a raw egg that’s just dumped haphazardly into a pot and he’s the perfectly-boiled egg :((
oh my god
jungkook feels like he’s gonna throw up with how nervous he is
it’s his first day as a personal trainer!! :D
he’s half-excited and half-terrified because holy shit fIRST of all this gym was hard to apply to in the first place
everyone’s flocking it because:
a) it’s really great
b) even greater benefits for the employees
c) the pay is hUGE
d) the equipment?? the morals?? the testimonials?? the owner?? the whole thing??? FANTASTIC
and second omg jungkook won’t admit it to anyone but uHm he’s kinda scared ok
he’s not the type of person that’s comfortable with ordering people around??? even if that’s technically his job???
like what if his first-ever client is a guy like jason momoa and that guy’s a fucking UNIT for sure
imagine hIM telling jASON MOMOA to give him three sets x twenty reps of push-ups
“or i can do it for you, i-if you want?”
he’s bouncing nervously on the balls of his feet and swinging his arms around forward and backward to make them clap quietly
“there, you’re all set!! i already filled up all the forms for you the moment i gave you the flyer!!”
“your trainer’s... not me. but he’s uh, what’s his name again, jungkook!! what does he look like again — oh right!! i remember!!”
“he should be the guy with the big doe eyes!! has a lot of dangly earrings!! if he’s not wearing a sweater then he should be the one who has some tattoos!!”
“no jimin-“
“off you go!! i’ll be bouncing around but i’ll keep an eye on you, don’t worry!! okay now go and i’ll let you have a sip of my gatorade even if we have the same drink :D”
there goes nothing then
you’re about to keep your duffel bag close as a reason to stall to getting to the locker room but jimin’s already one step ahead and snatched it from you
you didn’t even get your towel :((
it had a little blue cloud embroidered at the middle of it and it’s your Emotional Support Towel by default
you’re kinda nervous since there’s some pairs of eyes on you because after all they just saw you have the most carefree conversation with the owner they’re a lil scared to talk to
you’re wringing your hands together as you try to spot this jungkook with jimin’s descriptions and-
jungkook looks so ????
he’s gorgeous like that is nOt up for debate
he looks so fresh?? effortless?? handsome???
jungkook looks like he smells like baby powder and freshly-washed sheets
the baby powder that you’re tempted to snORt because it smells so good which was the one you’d put on your chest bc boob sweat and to prevent ur thighs chafing
he had to do a double-take on you because the first time he glanced at this walking person he immediately shut down
like when something looks sO pretty that you have to look away for a second because you literally can’t take it
oR like when you have this favorite scene of a movie and you have to physically pause it before rewinding and doing that for another six times
“are you perhaps jungkook?? because i’m not surE and-...”
“jungkook i am. i-i aM jeon jungkook!! yes, right, jungkook!!!!!”
holy fuck he’s stopped working
your mouth’s a little parted because you didn’t expect him to go on that lil spiel cLEARLY but omg he’s adorable!!!
if he could punch himself he really would
it’s taking him a second to regroup but you take the initiative to introduce yourself :D
“i’m y/n! you’re my trainer from what they told me :))”
you’re a lil more awkward when it comes to social interactions like these but it looks like you’re acing it when put in front of jungkook
the both of you shake hands and then immediately put it behind your back because wow u just shook the pretty boy’s hand AND it’s not even 8 in the morning yet!!
you haven’t even started the workout portion yet but ur already on fire
( jimin’s looking at the security footage and even HE’S blushing from the secondhand embarrassment jungkook’s brough oh my god )
(( jimin suddenly wishes he could unlearn reading people’s lips ))
“so, what brought you here?”
it’s jungkook who asks but he alsO wants to answer himself to say it’s fate aha :D
he’s getting you to stretches and he’s doing them with you!!
“to be honest?? well there was like a fIFTY percent discount but you already know all of that”
what now
“a sale? what-...”
there’s an abrupt noise that goes through the whole gym and it makes the both of you flinch and you even yelP
if you see jimin lifting a 100lbs barbell only to throw it down and cut off jungkook from speaking THEN MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS
“you okay?”
jungkook asks you quietly and taps your shoulder and you’re about to faint right then and there of how you met like then minutes ago and he’s cONCERNED
the focus on today was flexibility plus easing you into working out!!!
stretches are the next best thing to working out and it’s a win-win combo bc you’re flexible aND you’re basically exerting effort = kind of a workout apparently
the bit of reaching your toes then doing a downward dog and the upward-facing dog right after to hear that satisfying grunt of your joints is a LITTLE awkward because jungkook’s looking at you
jungkook wants to look away but in the same time he can’t will himself to
one because he’s a young wide-eyed attracted man and twO he’s the trainer omg he needs to look at you!!!
“o-okay! just a set of jack jum — jUMPING JACKS!!! jumping jacks and we could start :)))”
no one told you.,.,.
no one told you where you should look when you’re doing jumping jacks
you can’t look downwards because that’ll throw you off and you can’t look up either because why?? what??? WHO are you seeking up there????
looking straight ahead is kinda awkward
the safe answer was everywhere at once according to you
you sneak a look at jungkook and you almost choke in your own spit with how handsome he still looks
you’re not gonna cope up with that fact probably ever
jungkook’s feeling a lil sweaty now because uHm he shouldn’t really be doing this with you technically
it’s usually a trainer doing it with you for like the first five reps and then letting you do it alone for the rest
but nO he’s doing this with you he doesn’t mind :D
he could feel a bead of sweat by his sideburns and he’s screaming internally to gO the fuck back where it came from
he wants to tear off his hoodie but he doesn’t know if he should since he doesn’t have a shirt underneath!!!
being shirtless to the gym isn’t new but you’re with him and nOW he feels nervous
honestly jungkook would rather overheat than to make you feel uncomfortable
news flash: you want to curl up into a ball and cry about thinking how you’d be sore the next day
you r about to give out and tear up a little bit because fuck this is nOT an introductory workout
you also don’t want to look like a wimp in front of jungkook because that is not a good look for your pride and you’d feel embarrassed for eternity
just two more to go!!
honestly fUCK fire hydrants!!! 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦?? 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦?? 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕚𝕊?? 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕓𝕖???? 𝕚 𝕕𝕠𝕟’𝕥 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕪𝕠 𝕒𝕊𝕊!!!
you raise your head because you’re getting dizzy looking down
jungkook’s looking at you and he sees you looking at him and it dOESN’T help the way you look right now
with you sweaty and grumbling under your breath and ur baby hair all over the place and ur eyes unfocused and fix at the same time a-and ur lips parted and-
jungkook’s so nervous and flustered that his limp actually trembles with how hot his cheeks are and he’s rambling out of nowhere
“fire hydrants amirite??? most certainly inspired by dogs and stuff because cooky, my chihuahua, does exactly that when he pees and-...”
oh my god he should not have said that
jungkook’s beyond mortified wHY DID HE SAY THAT
you look speechless and you aRE
you’re just nodding at him with a tight-lipped smile and if he knows better that’s because you’re so spent and a little light-headed and less off from his nervous rambling
planks,,, just planks,,, the final bit of it all
you don’t wanna get dizzy at the last stretch so you’re trying your best to not pay attention to the blood rushing to ur head
jungkook’s so distracted with his thoughts that he wordlessly adjusts you
lifts up your core while adjusting your feet closer before pressing his hand to your back and-
you now feel like you can run a marathon right after that
jungkook now feels like he can compete in a twenty-hour triathlon
he’s praising you to no end that you did sOOOO good!!! you really did!!!!
meanwhile your face is hot not only from that but also because you’ve endured hardship that felt like hours <3
you’re breathlessly laughing because wHEW you really did do that and wow you’re proud of yourself!!!! it’s not even 10 in the morning!!!
there’s a towel that’s gently patting your face section by section
“you uhm, you didn’t have a towel with you so-“
jungkook pats at your neck to your nape and that’s when it hits that o-OH right i’ll leave you to that
you take the towel with a grin you’re fighting so hard and that’s when you realize that it’s not just a random gym one
but rather it was jungkook’s himself because it’s the same clean one he had in his hands awhile ago!!
you can smell him on it and you make sure to pat your face extra dry because you wouldn’t want to get your face sweaty now would you :D his perfume’s just a bonus, right :D
shouldn’t trainers be the cold and straight to the point ones and immediately leave right after you’re all done????
..... inch resting
“oh my gOD — mr. jimin sir-nim min jimin-nIM!!”
jungkook has the fright of his life when his boss appears from nowhere by his side
jimin laughs at how frazzled this guy is lmao but anyways he came here for you (as if he hasn’t been supervising from afar the whole time)
“want me to give you a ride home or?”
kook’s a little lost and he might just cry as he starts to think that oh wait a second are you guys-
“he’s my best friend.”
you whisper under your breath towards him and he unknowingly sighs in relief
“well did you get here using your jeep or your vespa???”
jimin has this jeep he passionately calls chimmy the jeep and he has a knack for naming things with a ring on it ok
and the other was a cream-colored vespa he bought like six months ago
he learned how to ride the bike a year ago and he was immediately let’s get this to the next level idc i’m getting a vESPA!!!
you have an iRRATIONAL fear of vespas
you’re okay with big bikes and regular motorcycles!!! in fact you find them less threatening than jimin’s motorcycle
the little wheels scare you and it’s just so??? it looks so bite-sized wHY does it look like that???? it looks like you could breathe an extra breath to your right and the vespa would steer to the right
ugh you hate his motorcycle sO bad
“well don’t you hAte public transport when you’re tired and all that???”
yikes you did
it’s true!! you’d call him to pick you up because the bus ride hits harder when you’ve had a long day and u feel every bump in the road possible
“i have a big bike!”
jungkook chimes in and he even raises his hand and that’s when he shuts up when he realizes his mistake
“no one asked mhmm i’m sorry jimin-nim sir hYung-nim”
your eyes widen as it sinks in you that oh my god he mIGHT be as into you as you are with him and that’s so ???? that’s such a heartwarming concept you can’t believe
jungkook has the same big brain moment and he takes your widened eyes as a signal to keep talking
“i have TWO helmets! but uhm one of them is for kooky and he’s a chihuahua, wait i already said that, so that means it’s just a tINY helmet i ordered from amazon but it’s okAy i can wear it!!! b-but i’m not forcing you or anything that i should take you home o-or no offense to mr. jimin-nim sir i am NOT underestimating you or-“
surprisingly, jimin doesn’t hate the idea of you and jungkook
ah he should probably adopt a dog and name them jupiter or sth,,, you and koo look like you’re gonna end up anyways
“okay. just bring her home in one piece.”
he’s oddly calm and that also makes YOU confused
jungkook isn’t confused however because the moment you turn, jimin mouths to him in korean and the rough translation was hurt her and i’ll kill you :D
you nodded your head and that meant he’s iNDEED taking you bome
he starts throwing things in his duffel bag (and he should still be in the gym but jimin jus gave him a free pass) and he’s wordlessly carrying yours too!!
he could feel your fist holding the back of his hoodie and jungkook just feels at peace :’’’)
wearing a ridiculous miniature helmet for dogs on top of his head that won’t do shit is tOTALLY worth it
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celestelunisea16 · 4 months
You are the cowboykingshipper blog now I'm sorry
Also crackship: starlo poly but it's incomprehensible because every starlo ship is happening at once (and also a bunch of others too) and now it's just. A web
cuz the hell are you gonna explain it? How do you even start??
also I love your headcanons for these two oh my GOD-
... I'm fuggin' screamin', this is absolutely madness, Anon, it's because of the curse I released into mankind. I'm glad these headcanons entertain your brain, though, so after this, I'll give you another headcanon.
Oh, the amount of headcanons/chaos that could happen with these... GOODNESS GRACIOUS- Like DEAR ARCEUS, you got like... let me count up the amount of ships (not poly) there are with this Star Sheriff.
Starlo x Ceroba
Starlo x Martlet
Starlo x Dalv
Starlo x El Baliador
Starlo x Lucifer
Starlo x Ed
Starlo x Ace
Starlo x Mooch
Starlo x Moray
Starlo x Wonder
Oh yeah, no, DEFINITELY A LOT... If you have ALL of his ships (including the crackships, of course), that'd be A WHOLE LOT to think about... Though, you could see him either being smothered by cuddles and kisses by all of them, and if you count the oc ships as well? Yeah, count this man as dust from too much affection.
That would be a HUGE CRACKSHIP-
Some of the ships are really cute, but then you got the two who aren't even part of the same universe being in the relationship making the relationship a crackship. (Lucifer and Wonder)
So yeah, that's... that's a huge as heck web I'm pretty sure that if I tried touching, well... I'd be hung in the wires like a shirt drying in the winter.
(Cowboy King Ship headcanon time~!)
Lucifer will take Starlo to the Wrath Ring just to see the little festival for the moon if it's happening. Yes, some people do question how a "Sinner" is in the Wrath Ring, but Lucifer will just say he used a little bit of "magic" to allow Starlo to come out into other rings. Which, of course, is a lie, but hey, the demons believe it. Some will ask Lucifer about how he learned to do it, and Lucifer just tells them off. Lucifer is in disguise at the festival because AGAIN, King of Hell, everyone would be absolutely thrilled to the point Starlo would get lost in the crowd, and Lucifer wouldn't know where he is Starlo actually joins in the festivities while Lucifer just watches with worry while he's just joining in. Starlo almost won once with his voice, but he lost by one point to a different demon. Lucifer, despite being scared to death though, said he did well even though he got second. Starlo's self-esteem got a little higher from that, and he promises Lucifer that he'll get first next time. :')
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southernvangard · 5 years
(Southern Vangard) Episode 233 - Southern Vangard Radio
BANG! @southernvangard #radio Ep233! Pull up to the table and let your belt out folks, The Gard has a lot in store for you this holiday week. If you’re bored to tears or just can’t deal with the family shenanigans, we’re here to help. First off - we’ve got a GRIP of WORLD EXCLUSIVES - the homie SPITTZWELL tossed two joints over the fence to us, FASTLIFE hit us with a joint in preparation for his new EP dropping next week (not to mention he also called in for a quick interview!!) AND we have a cut from Superior, our interviewee for this weeks interview session. Superior and Estee Nack have a project dropping in Feb 2020 - and we have the PREMIER of “SAMMYSOSACLEANCOCA” off their upcoming album “BALADAS” right here on Episode 233! You can atch a preview of Superior’s interview session at the end of the mix, the full drops on Thurs! Gobble Gobble y’all it’s that #SmithsonianGrade #TwiceAWeek #WeAreTheGard // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on #applepodcasts #stitcherradio #soundcloud #mixcloud #youtube // #hiphop #rap #undergroundhiphop #boombap #DJ #mixshow #interview #podcast #ATL #WORLDWIDE #RIPCOMBATJACK
Recorded live November 24, 2019 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA
@southernvangard on #applepodcasts  #soundcloud #youtube #spotifypodcast #googlepodcasts #stitcherradio  #mixcloud #SmithsonianGrade #TwiceAWeek #WeAreTheGard
twitter/IG: @southernvangard @jondoeatl @cappuccinomeeks
Talk Break Inst. - "Barcelona" - Evidence
"One Shot" - Spittzwell X Generell ** WORLD EXCLUSIVE **
"300k" - Mooch ft. Mav
"The Garden" - Pounds ft. Roc Marci (prod. Buckwild)
"Dmtri" - Action Bronson & The Alchemist
"Pin Drop" - Josiah The Gift (prod. Onaje Jordan)
"Fendi Train" - Fastlife ft. Jah Monte (prod. HDFLWRS) ** WORLD EXCLUSIVE **
Talk Break Inst. - "Speaker Cabinet" - Evidence
** INTERVIEW - Fastlife **
"Jugganots" - O.C. & Lil' Fame
"Family" - Finale (prod. Tensei)
"Trick The Trap" - Slaine ft. Statik Selektah & Rasheed Chappell
"Sunken Place (Remix)" - Masta Ace & Marco Polo ft. Pav Bundy
"Eyes Of The City" - Johaz ft. Blame One , Cashus King , Donel Smokes, & G Rocka (prod. Stro Elliot)
"Dont Mean Nothin" - A.G.
Talk Break Inst. - "Water Torture" - Evidence
"Money Over Bitches" - Johnny Dangerus (prod. Spittzwell) ** WORLD EXCLUSIVE **
"Eat" - Elcamino ft. Rick Hyde
"Hired Gun" - B.A Badd x Maf
"Superman Pajamas" - Precyce Politix
"Golden Ratio Proportions" - Flashius Clayton x DirtyDiggs
"Razorblades" - King Syze & DJ TMB
"Just The Way It Is" - Action Bronson & The Alchemist
Talk Break Inst. - "Chicago" - Evidence
Interview Snippets - Superior
#SouthernVangard #DJJonDoe #EddieMeeks #Evidence #EsteeNack #Superior #Spittzwell #Generell #Mooch #Mav #Pounds #RocMarci #Buckwild #ActionBronson #TheAlchemist #JosiahTheGift #OnajeJordan #Fastlife #JahMonte #HDFLWRS #OC #LilFame #Finale #Tensei #Slaine #StatikSelektah #RasheedChappell #MastaAce #MarcoPolo #PavBundy #Johaz #BlameOne #CashusKing #DonelSmokes #GRocka #StroElliot #AG #JohnnyDangerus #Elcamino #RickHyde #BABadd #Maf #PrecycePolitix #FlashiusClayton #DirtyDiggs #KingSyze #DJTMB #ActionBronson #TheAlchemist
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cosmicskittlez · 9 months
Omg ^-^)// i love these poly interactions. Could i request with 3 members on how the silly gang would exchange interactions with each other?
Absolutely! Another two for each starlo pairing let's go, hopefully doing the other pairings in another round
Starlo x Ed x Moray:
- Every now and then they'll have a big bubble bath together and take turns washing each other up and sharing tales of what happened that day. And more often then not having a bubble build competition
- Ed sometimes feels a little insecure about being so big and wishes he could be small enough to carry, so Starlo and Moray like to use their combined strength to hold him up, it always makes his day
Starlo x Moray x Mooch
- Mooch and Moray love to take turns flustering Starlo and seeing who can make him blush more throughout the day, which once resulted in them both flirting with him at the same time and making him pass out
- Mooch never celebrated her birthday much but one year they gave her a hand sewn pouch with a heart sewn inside, and she cried for almost 30 minutes
Starlo x Ace x Moray
- Whenever they cuddle Moray is always the little spoon, they find it comforting to be hugged on both sides and it feels as secure as their sleeping bag
- Starlo once got heavily wounded in an accident with the boulder machines, and Moray and Ace were the only ones there to take him back to town and see how scarily close to dusting he was. They still refuse to let him check on the boulder machines alone again
Starlo x Mooch x Ace
- Ace has more than once secretly surveyed them for birthday presents they'd want that year and every year they still don't catch on and get suprised when they get exactly what they want - Once Ace and Starlo were snuggling in the hammock but Mooch climbed in without them knowing and they accidentally kicked her out. They apologized intensely and she made them sleep in her own bed for a night
Starlo x Ed x Mooch - Ed and Starlo try to be a moral compass for Mooch when shes getting particularly thievy, and more often than not succeed! But certain nights Mooch butters them up and they can't hold a thing against her - They love to compare hands with Ed and Starlo and Mooch melt when he holds both their hands with just one of his Starlo x Ed x Ace - Ace likes to sing for the both of them on restless nights and him and Starlo tend to lay on Ed while he does - Ed and Starlo would often compete to make Ace blush for the first time. Starlo won by just taking his hat off and smiling, which made both Ace and Ed blush brighter than a swelterstone
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