#more goofs bc this is pretty much all I do when I feel like playing but don't feel like doing any specific quests
loumauve · 1 year
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..we'll see about that, Aloy.
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leejungchans · 11 months
svt as the types of people you meet in college? it can be totally up to your interpretation of them hehe and they don't have to fit into certain college stereotypes!!!
OH i love this!!!!!! (based on my own experiences mixed with some cliches/aus/imaginings 🫶🏻) sorry this took a while to get to btw 🥲
seungcheol: the senior who manned one of the booths at your freshman orientation. did you join his club bc he was ridiculously attractive and made small talk with you? no comment. you follow each other on instagram but that’s probably about it <//3 definitely a campus crush that feels very unattainable but it doesn’t stop you from imagining what he’d be like as your a boyfriend
jeonghan: you walked past him once, and pretended you heard someone behind you calling your name just so you had an excuse to do a double-take. people this pretty existed?? and at your college/uni?? you told all your friends about him and after some snooping you managed to find his instagram. please just send that follower request, you have nothing to lose <3
joshua: i can totally see him being a student advisor omg!! so so so sweet, actually checks in on you often and is genuinely interested in knowing how things are going for you :’) does his best to give good advice, but as you became closer friends you became more familiar with his sense of humour and his advice got increasingly……interesting 😭 “your prof said what? next time trip him in the hallway!” “joshua nO” don’t do that
jun: sat in front of you in one of your courses last year, fell asleep during the lecture almost every single week. his friends gave up on keeping him awake halfway through the semester. you became friends after being randomly assigned to the same group for project and now you’re the friend who has to keep him awake during classes. he’s so cool though, and very witty and funny <3
soonyoung: even if you don’t know him personally, you always run into him on campus. grabbing a coffee at the cafe, goofing off with his friends in the quad, dozing off in the library…he’s friendly with everyone, even the grumpiest professors. you want to be his friend so bad, he just seems so fun to be around. also the only person you know who wears tiger print but he pulls it off!!
wonwoo: you have a class with him and he always sits in the back. so quiet and shy, barely talks to anyone but he’s really cute so you noticed him regardless. you got paired up for a discussion and found out how smart and well-spoken he was, and you guess he vibed with you too bc since then he started saving you a seat :’)) occasionally plays games on his laptop when the lecture gets boring, and angles the screen more towards you so you can watch <3
jihoon: a friend of a friend. you’ve never met but jun tells you so much about him, so it almost feels like you know him too. you follow him on instagram and occasionally he’ll post covers of him singing while playing the guitar. you offhandedly mentioned to jun that his voice is so pretty and soothing and much to your embarrassment he tells jihoon 😭 but it’s okay bc he’s setting up a hangout to officially introduce you both to each other!!
seokmin: the friend we wish we all had. you met on your very first day of college/uni when you had the same class. he initiated convo with you and was so sweet and friendly even though you could tell he was extremely nervous himself, protect him omg 💔 one of your closest friends to this day even if you don’t have the same majors. you enrol in random electives together and those lectures are always your favourite bc you sit in the back and goof off, just try not to get shushed too much <33
mingyu: spilled coffee on your shoes at the starbucks on campus 🙁 it’s not his fault it was really crowded and someone bumped into him causing him to bump into you!! also, he looked very guilty about it so you couldn’t find it in you to be mad. he pays for your coffee as an apology. he recognises you when you stand behind him in line two weeks later and jokes that he won’t spill anything on you this time. you became friends and now you understand why his close friends (affectionately) bully him so much bc he’s just a puppy trapped in a 6ft man’s body 🤧
minghao: literally the main character. he doesn’t walk, he struts and it works for him. so effortlessly cool and attractive. a huge motivating factor for showing up to that class is getting to see what his outfit for that day is. one time you mustered up the courage to compliment his shirt, and your heart swelled at how his face lit up immediately :’)
seungkwan: if you hear the sound of ice being shaken around in a plastic cup mid-lecture, 9 times out of 10 that’s him. he’s an iced coffee girlie he’s just like me. you became friends after he sincerely complimented you on how well you did in your midterm presentation 🤧 the sweetest most caring person ever, but he shows his affection by (playfully) judging you while sipping his iced americanos <3
vernon: took the seat across from you in the library one day while you were cramming for a test. has the coolest stickers on his headphones. you aren’t sure if he actually got any work done bc he seemed really into the music he was listening to. you accidentally made eye contact and he gave you a dorky little smile <3 you exchanged contacts the second time you happened upon each other at that very same table and he showed you a pic of his cat hehe
chan: this is sooooo self-indulgent bc i’ve had these thoughts for the longest time……he’s such a loser (affectionate) omg………..he sat next to you for a quiz and realised he didn’t have a pen 😭 blushed so hard when you offered to lend him a spare one before profusely thanking you. forgets to return it………..you thought you lost that pen for good but when he walked into class the next week, his eyes desperately searched the room looking for you, and with an sheepish smile he returned your pen along with a candy bar as an apology for forgetting…….he’s so cute i hate him so much🧎🏻‍♀️
a/n: many feelings about college bf!wonwoo and chan…….
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Hii!! I've noticed you haven't posted in a while and I wondered if you we're feeling okay.
If you can, could you write a pidge x fem reader on a birthday? Like what reader would for pidge's birthday or what pidge would so for reader's birthday. Either or both would be great since there aren't a lot of pidge fics around 😭😭😭
Thanks so much if you end up writing this!!
YESSSSSSS PIDGE IS SO BABY I LOVE HERRRR 🥹 obvi im gonna do both scenarios! Also, thanks for your concern, anon. 2023 started great and then the second half of the year just felt way too chaotic and overwhelming. I lost my motivation to write for a minute there. Still trying to get back into the swing of it. Anywaysssss ENJOY~
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Pidge’s Birthday
Honestly, this babe would be so grateful to just have everyone on the team, you included, wish her a happy birthday at some point throughout the day.
Pretty much any gesture made after that would really make her special day even more special
And then you get/make her gifts and maybe even get everyone to very annoyingly sing her happy birthday and you and Hunk work really hard to make her a cake and-
And maybe you even give her a birthday kiss on the cheek or on her nose and she thinks she might just pass away rn
She feels very appreciated and seen.
This might just be me projecting and self-inserting here but I think Pidge would have a love hate feeling towards her birthday bc it lowkey hurts her feelings when ppl she’s close to don’t remember her bday bc I just know she always remembers everyone else’s and always wishes them a happy bday.
Like c’mon! Just shoot her a text at least!
Matt definitely gives her birthday punches every. single. year. Sorry just had to add that in here.
You can join in if you want but Pidge may feel a bit betrayed
If you decide to fight Matt and protect your girl instead, she’ll be cracking up laughing as she watched you two idiots goof off.
Probably tears up a tiny bit when everyone gathers in the same room to sing her happy birthday bc she feels so important but if you ask her if she’s crying she’ll for sure deny it.
Definitely wants to spend some alone time with you at the end of the day. Cuddles, playing video games in the darkness of her messy room, soft giggles and light blushes as you two share gentle lingering touches.
Thanks you profusely for caring enough to treat her so well on her bday
Reader’s Birthday
So if she knows when your birthday is ahead of time, she’ll totally take her time putting together some awesome birthday plans for your special day.
If she ends up finding out that your birthday is only a few days away, best believe she is running around like a wild beast, basically begging every other team member to help her put something decent together in just a couple days.
She looks so calm and chill on the outside, but inside she’s screaming and panicking and freaking out.
Tries her best, regardless of time restraints, to make your day completely stress free, fun and exciting.
Probably ends up doing some pretty simple things for you like helping Hunk make a cake, putting up some cheesy decorations, waking you up with breakfast and coffee in bed, getting everyone together to sing to you
BUT she makes sure that even these typical birthday gestures are just perfect for you.
Takes her time with the cake, even nitpicking Hunk as he tries to decorate the cake with icing.
Basically threatens anyone Keith who doesn’t want to join the happy birthday singing bc she’ll be damned if anyone is missing as they all swoon over you and watch you blush at their song.
Definitely makes you some cool tech gift like a little bot that follows you around and protects you or a cool little gadget you can listen to music on
Asks you at least 4,592 times throughout the day if you’re having fun, enjoying your day, feeling okay. She’s so sweet and considerate
She for sure wants to give you a bday kiss but baby girl is so so nervous, she can’t bring it up to you.
Doesn’t even have to be a kiss on the lips although she wouldn’t mind she just wants to give you at least one small show of affection before the end of the day.
Yeah, she holds your hand and gently rubs your back a few times throughout the day but that’s stuff she normally does so today, on your birthday, she wants to take it just a tad bit further
And you bet your ass she’s gonna ask you first bc consent is sexy okay?
“(Y/N)?” Her voice is shaky as she sits on her bed beside you.
“Yes?” And now the intense eye contact and heavy silence makes you both start panting.
“Can I kiss you?” Her pretty eyes are moving rapidly as she searches your face for any hint of protest and her own face is twisted up with anticipation.
You don’t even have to reply, just lean in and kiss the girl already!
It’s probably the simplest but ABSOLUTE BEST birthday you’ve ever had 💚
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quillyfied · 10 months
Things I’m noticing on this rewatch, which I’m hoping to take slow and ponder on but we will see how it goes, PART FIVE (obviously major Good Omens season 2 spoilers throughout, specifically for S2E5)
- Okay. Shax’s belt buckle certainly looks very snakelike, but her mannerisms are almost more lizard like to me? Very abrupt jerky movements. Straight lines.
- Okay but this whole discussion with Furfur is both hilarious and makes me wonder about the actual climate of heaven and hell post-Apocanope. Bc the idea that the actual legions of hell and hosts of heaven aren’t actually interested in fighting…yeah, seems supported by the text, actually.
- “Can I watch?” Always
- Alright the immediate way that Aziraphale is prepared to give away rare parts of his collection in order to get everyone there…unsettling? Surprising? Another drop in the bucket of suspense??
- Alright but the fact that he’s actually bothered by it is making me feel Some Kind of Way actually. Something something appears that he’s lost interest or is prepared to sacrifice his material comforts for The Greater Good, in actuality is doing his duty as a protector and guardian even if it hurts him. Don’t mind me, just need to lie down on the floor for a moment.
- Shax’s continued troubles with securing her demon army also continues to make me wonder what Beelzebub themself is playing at. If even Satan himself can’t command 10,000 killer demons into being, and would have to settle for about 70 creepy and unease-radiating layabouts…wtf??
- Unless Furfur is messing with her. For not backing him up in 1941. Entirely possible.
- Also Crowley’s goofing around with the crystal ball. Just want to bask in pure delightful silliness for a moment.
- Alright, back to Shax, who has a whole leather battle outfit? Certainly scary but all I can think is “did it take her an hour to squeeze into it?”
- Eric! Beloved Eric! And the manifold unfortunate ways his superiors dispose of him. Feels familiar and comfy, actually.
- Shax not knowing what she’s doing and being bad at winging it, Example 664
- Aziraphale persisting in French despite Justine really getting fed up with it: second clue that Aziraphale is putting this “night to remember” under more pressure than initially anticipated.
- Eric clarifying that they don’t really want to be fighting angels: lending more credence to my theory that The Big One/the Second Coming is going to fall apart due to out of touch management tbh
- I have deep curiosity about what the Christmas lights debacle is all about
- Nina! DRAG HIM.
- Other people’s love lives always seem so much more straightforward than our own. Coupled with melancholy romantic music. And a frankly heartbreaking expression on Nina’s face. I’m so sad for her. I’m equally sad for Crowley tbh.
- Lots of use of lightning this season. Noticing that Shax’s is dual blue and red…have to go back and see what color Crowley’s is.
- Shax’s shoulder pads remind me of a dragon or a lizard too tbh
- Something too about the opening that I can’t seem to articulate clearly but strikes me: when the bridge between the two planets breaks apart after Crowley and Aziraphale’s little dance back and forth (still on the wrong sides btw), the bridge reforms after a few seconds, but sideways. And one of the bridge halves is an entirely different bridge. Foreshadowing?
- This episode’s theater feature: The Ball, by Jane Austen. With the onscreen picture being, I believe, a couple of the demons?
- Can I just say—adore the pretty rose in Crowley’s shot. Also paused at the exact right moment to catch Aziraphale’s amused and fond expression while Crowley tries to express a real concern. Love that he cares, wish he would listen.
- The complexities of being in a toxic relationship. Even knowing you’re well shot of them, the ways they break you down don’t really leave. Nina is a mirror for Aziraphale.
- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I do truly think that Crowley spilling the beans here will have consequences in the future.
- Crowley’s rage and hurt tho. Thank you for that, David Tennant, we have been blessed beyond measure.
- Shoutout to the person in the notes of my post about the second episode who said the little hissing chime happens whenever Crowley takes off his shades in an important moment, bc I caught it this time!
- The way Jim is so childlike in his un-Gabriel state makes me wonder if angels in their natural state are just Like That—joyful, trusting, full of genuine love and care. We see it in angel Crowley, we see it in early days Aziraphale, we see it in Jim, we see it in Muriel. Which makes the Fall feel all the more harrowing in concept. If any of the angels who Fell truly understood WHY they fell, just that they were loathsome in some way and deserved what they got.
- Crowley pulling back from causing actual harm because despite his very good and logical reasonings for not wanting Gabriel there…he’s still himself. Gabriel in his right mind would be one thing. This is Jim. He’s something else entirely right now.
- The understanding of the empty house metaphor though. Breaking my heart here.
- “Where is your memory, then?” Brings to mind immediately another John Finnemore quote: “you see, that’s a very stupid question that you just happen to have gotten lucky with.” And THE MATCHBOX! Aha! The plot continues to thicken!
- OH. I missed that the “institutional problem” line was something Crowley got to hear first before going to heaven was even on the table.
- I’m sorry Jim’s adorable little nod, GET THE MAN SOME HOT CHOCCY THEN
- Okay okay—the way Michael instantly dismisses Muriel’s assessment that Crowley fed them about love and humans being weird—brings to mind the meta I cannot find now of angels post-fall just. Not asking questions. Not questioning anything at all. Even taking credit for knowing things that are blatantly incorrect. They are just as broken as the demons tbh.
- I wonder at Michael’s slow glance to the side at Uriel’s insistence on labeling Aziraphale a traitor every time. Michael not liking Uriel stepping on their toes as acting supreme archangel?
- Muriel’s subtle little eyeliner. Love it.
- Also how they know a super powerful miracle occurred at the bookshop, how everyone seems to know or suspect that’s where Gabriel is, and YET. Jimbriel hides in plain sight anyway. Because a miracle that powerful is affecting even the archangels. Also interesting to note that they know a miracle occurred but they don’t know why. I know this is known but somehow I’m just now connecting the dots fully. They can track miraculous power. They can’t know the reason until the angel who did the miracle reports. What an elegant loophole to exploit for thousands of years.
- Nobody would believe you anyway XD
- WAIT AND SEE. I cannot believe Neil wrote that in after tormenting tumblr with it for months. I have such irreversible fondness for that phrase now.
- The soundtrack being so pretty ;A;
- Also, I know it’s actually not great the way Aziraphale’s ball moves forward in stealing away free will to a degree, but moment of quiet glee for how he gussies up everyone entering the shop, too
- MRS SANDWICH. I will be committing it to memory.
- “Everything else was taken” Nina what does that MEAN
- Okay the creepy fog and Crowley’s insistence that something is wrong—we are starting on the topsy turvy carousel of the night! Stuff is getting Weird!!
- Shoutout to the magic shop owner’s spouse! A lovely color on them indeed!
- How is it that Justine is reduced to stereotypical Frenchwoman? Aziraphale. Good grief.
- Also, Aziraphale: why is Gabriel dressed like Elton John?
- Aziraphale. Aziraphale you are sounding like the guy in Sense and Sensibility who keeps trying to push the Dashwoods into dancing and enjoying themselves when they’re emotionally distraught.
- Interesting how Maggie doesn’t notice the demons at all. Or Crowley shouting at them from across the street.
- Wondering how in touch Crowley is with hell to know that these are low ranking demons and if Shax is fully aware that Furfur likely screwed her over big time.
- The warm reddish interior at odds with the eerie greenish exterior. Love that framing.
- Mrs. Sandwich finding the best and most erotic way of getting around the language block Aziraphale has put in place now (SERIOUSLY, ANGEL), deffo a highlight of the second season for me. What a delightful little scene. With horrific implications re:Aziraphale’s unwillingness to break his own fantasy of helping to realize the actual danger he’s put them all in until it’s too late.
- Tiny miracle chime when Nina grabs Maggie’s hand
- Nina and Maggie not being entirely taken in by the atmosphere Aziraphale set. Intentional? Incidental?
- I can’t hear that wet slapping noise without thinking about Monty Python.
- Aziraphale and Crowley? Failing to communicate whilst danger draws near? NAAAHHH
- (I remember reading someone’s very innocent “I hope they dance this season!” pre-s2 prediction and having the reaction of “nice thought but there’s no way. Save it for fandom.” AND HERE I AM. WITH THE EGG ON MY FACE. FRIED BY THE WATTAGE OF MICHAEL SHEEN’S SMILE.)
- Okay but the way Crowley lets himself be led out though too
- “I’m not afraid of hard work.” MAGGIE. DELIGHTFUL PRETTY EARNEST MAGGIE.
- “I think you’re overestimating how much trouble we’re actually in.” NOPE.
- Aziraphale, in trying to help solve the tangle he’s in, has just created the perfect storm of harm for all involved. France in a frilly frock coat all over again. Only worse.
- Jim being willing to go tho TT_TT
- “You came to me. I said I would protect you. And I will.” HES. A. GUARDIAN. I. AM. CRYING.
- The fact that Shax sends Jimbriel back inside instead of trying to rip him apart is so funny. As is her attempt to spell toast XD apologies. Toste. (Throwback to Hastur and Ligur joking about toasting Crowley. Such fond memories.)
- Crowley throwing around rules he’s made up: the exact thing he would do and I’ve been deeply hoping he would do one day
- “I won’t leave you on your own.” “I know” WEEPING
- I was going to make a comment about the freaked out faces of Crowley and Aziraphale as Mr. Brown is quite possibly eaten or maimed, but I just found out one of the demons is named Skittles and I have to be joyful about that first.
- The miracles not working on Nina and Maggie!! WHY??
- “We aren’t leaving you on your own.” Maggie is brave and cares about her friends. Maggie is a mirror for Crowley.
- “But rescuing me makes him so happy” CANON. DECLARED. TEXT AND NOT JUST SUBTEXT.
- Crowley going James Bond with Muriel. ADORING IT
- The convo about tricking?? And then CROWLEY being the one to order the doors closed?? PARALLELS.
Okay. One episode left. Not many brain cells remaining. Time to grab a snack and buckle in, bc it’s about time to watch my heart get ripped out a second time.
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inklver · 10 months
just because i feel like it:
some random thoughts about the art i made for ironstrange week + the very rough thumbnails for each piece (putting this under the read more so this doesn't take up too much space bc this is a Very long post)
day 1 - red/wrath
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first fanart for this fandom! there are a few things i don't like about this piece (questionable anatomy, use of values could be improved, + stephen's hair makes him look like a wet cat /hj) but i do like the lighting and the theme of red spider lilies. i've always wanted to draw them and i love their symbolism of death and final goodbyes—feels very fitting for these goofs :b
i started working on this a good amount of time in advance, and i'm glad i did—this was one of the only pieces i used a painterly style for despite it being my preferred style; it takes me a lot longer than lineart + color, so i didn't get the chance to use it again throughout the event (with the exception of day 6)
day 2 - nervous/orange
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i struggled with the anatomy on this one—i don't draw back views often (or, at all really) so the first panel was pure pain. the second panel wasn't much better; it took several attempts to pose the hand in a way that looked somewhat natural. pretty pleased with how this turned out all things considered, though! my only qualm with this is the rushed shading, but that's what happens when you're a slow artist on a time constraint :,)
day 3 - yellow/cheerful
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i think this may be one of my favorites from this event. i'm very very happy with the lighting and overall atmosphere of the piece :)
i realize now that i used flowers as a theme for every color prompt—anyways, like i said in the tags of the original post for this, i very loosely referenced yellow primrose (symbol of happiness, warmth, & love, conventionally given to those in long-term relationships or someone who has always been there for you through thick and thin)
day 4 - intrigued/green
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i ended up liking this better than i expected to! i had to play around a lot with the lighting/color scheme before i was satisfied with it, though that's on me for not having much of a plan for it beforehand (with most pieces, i already have an idea of the color scheme when i start working on them). not much else to say about this one except surgeon stephen my beloved <3
day 5 - blue/serene
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this was the first time i've properly drawn a kiss and holy hell how do ship artists do it. that shit is so difficult. i struggled a lot with the anatomy and ended up changing the poses a bit; i also flipped the composition because 1. it looked slightly better that way and 2. i could include tony's ring <3
and yes stephen's mug says 'cunt' (with the handle being painted in black to form the 'c'—very much inspired by jacksepticeye's mug); for tony's i had to search for funny mug designs lmfao
i was going for a very domestic/warm atmosphere, which i think was more or less accomplished, so i'm pretty happy with this overall :)
also, not really pertinent but i was listening to sweater weather on loop while drawing this so. make of that what you will.
day 6 - grief/indigo
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ah, this piece. definitely my favorite of the 7, love how this turned out despite ripping my own heart out a bit while making it :,) listening to hyacinthus on repeat didn't help
my initial idea for this—the thumbnail in the top left—was going to be one of them bleeding out in the other's arms, but i had another idea that i felt more drawn to so i chose that instead (this was a very last minute change so the thumbnail is pretty much just a couple of stick figures pfft).
i decided to go back to the painterly style since it felt more fitting for this & i'm glad i did, although it was a little rushed towards the end when i was adding in the final details (the butterflies are pretty much just lasso tool + glow layer). this was also my first time drawing stephen's robes and. man that was a pain to figure out. get a simpler outfit stephen.
day 7 - purple/disdain
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had to end the event on a happy note! this was very rushed but i still like how it looks, though the bg petals are a bit janky.
the prompt 'purple' immediately made me think of violets, which were used as gifts for newlyweds so. here we are (they also happen to be symbolic of faith, mystical awareness, and spiritual passion—pretty fitting for our favorite wizard)
i didn't dedicate as much time i should've to actually making the violets look like violets instead of some generic flower but again, slow artist under time constraint. i did spend a lot of time with the expressions in this one though! i really wanted to convey a sense of pure joy and love, and i'm very happy with the result in that regard :)
something that i noticed was that it had become a lot easier for me to draw these two by this point. suppose it makes sense considering i'd literally been drawing them nonstop for 2 weeks lmao, but it was still pretty cool to see how quickly i managed to finish a sketch i was happy with, compared to when i was working on the first few days (good lord was it difficult drawing stephen in the first piece, especially at that angle)
anyway, prepare to see more of them in the near future because the brainrot is far from over. if i am this attached to them without having seen the majority of marvel movies featuring them (i'd literally only watched ds1 until yesterday when i watched im1—yes i started shipping them without knowing who tony was, i don't know how either), i think i'd be a puddle by the time i catch up on everything :D
whoo that was a lot—if you've read this far, thank you and have a cookie 🍪
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nachorong · 10 months
howdy! erin here🤠 with na chorong. i know i know, i have a plethora of ims to respond to, sorry about that! i’m putting jinri on a brief hold as i’m tweaking some stuff, but have my muse in the meantime. more about chorong below the cut. yk the usual: feel free to dm me @ myjinri for plots/like this post for me to come to you. discord is available upon request! (patience will be needed with me </3 i should still be out at the time of acceptance, but will get back to everything when i get home )
i’m going to keep the background brief until i fully type out her backstory bc i really don’t wanna have to read whatever i write again to make edits
it always seemed as if na chorong had it easy in life. an extremely supportive family backing her dreams, along with getting scouted to a big agency and meeting quick success with her tv and film debut. it all seemed like the easiest path was handed to her
the fact that she came from a struggling family and faced the numerous rejections before she struck gold with adagio often forgotten. or the unexplained break she took in acting
 growing up, she always loved performing skits in front of her family. she was often the center of attention with whatever production she had ready. this led to her joining drama clubs and participating in local plays put on around her.
scouted by adagio at a school play. auditioned and got in, trained for a while before she made a public appearance in a music video. her official television debut was a year after that, and her film debut was the following year after the tv debut.
she was rising in popularity but a sudden personal issue arose! and she couldn’t accept any scripts as she couldn’t fully commit to the long scheduling that came with filming anything.
still did work during that time, usually in things that required less time, such as appearing in magazines, walking the runway, or even just making an appearance at a fashion show.
finally made her return to acting and it was almost like she never left. quickly got back into the swing of things and started steadily building up her popularity again. now including more modeling gigs in her schedule, but acting was something she prioritized over anything else.
2021-2022 was the busiest timeframe in her life, filming projects back to back. thinks she’s done enough to not have to film for another two years at least. hasn’t filmed anything or picked up a new script since the glory because she needed a break badly.
so here she is now, in 2023 enjoying as much of her break as she can because who knows when the company will come knocking at her door with another project for her to look at.
loves her career but the recent string of projects she starred in back to back left her begging adagio for a hiatus. was not granted, but was met in the middle with another “unofficial hiatus” from acting. ( l o l let’s see if this lasts long )
focused on her brand deals and promoting them in the meantime. really? doesn’t consider herself to be an actual? model? feels more like a fraud if you ask her, but yes she has walked in shows and appeared in magazines. most of those opportunities came because of her status as an actress, anyway.
searching for a new avenue to explore. she needs something different to spice her life up! something to give her a real challenge since she’s been doing this stuff for years.
deep down she wishes one of her projects would flop so the projects can shift to someone else, but her pride doesn’t let her half-ass anything. she’s always all-in.
dont let the public image fool u, chorong is not as uptight and “serious” as she makes herself appear. typically the mood maker on set / seen goofing around with costars. the act is just to suit the adagio rep.
she still has a level of professionalism to her though. formalities until she considers you close enough to be a friend.
think she’s pretty approachable?? but may be a little bit intimidating  bc of her seniority? dont worry she doesn’t bite.
always up for new experiences and open to trying out new things. can be spontaneous and act on impulses.
ambitious, that’s how she got to this point in her career. wants to do everything to the best of her ability.
a little irritable, but has mastered controlling that feeling. for the most part. can be a bit snarky and argumentative once irritated though.
quick plot ideas since my plots page likely isn’t finished lmfao
are you looking to take acting more seriously / just wants some advice? well it’s your lucky day, chorong, a well known name in the industry, is coincidentally right there.
industry friends <3 long spanning career, i envision she may have more friends around her age/older but she’d also extend herself out to younger people as well, it just might be a little harder for her to do so? 
random friends bc she loves meeting new people. good luck on trying to get close to her though.
close knit circle of friends that’s not really publicized.
someone who dislikes chorong for whatever reason. maybe they think her quick rise to success or the way she manages to skirt her way out of any rumors / potential scandals suspicious.
or vice versa chorong dislike your muse for whatever reason. maybe it’s a bad first impression or the reputation that follows them? 
++ potentially having chorong star in ur music video ( girlie hasn’t done that in over 10 years, but she found her 1 experience fun and wouldn’t be opposed to doing it again )
past relationships / flings. she’s a very passionate and intense partner, and busy schedules often do not bode well for her. we can come up for numerous reasons for a separation.
her current flavor of the week. or maybe the month? really, any potential current / more recent love interests. longevity varies depending on how she feels about the other.
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microsuedemouse · 4 months
~ 15 questions & 15 friends ~
tagged by my much beloved @czarcaustic <3
1. Are you named after anyone?
My grandfather!! Courtney was his middle name. (That spelling was originally the masculine form of the name, though it's pretty rare to see it used as such these days.) My middle name is also a family name :)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhh... oh it was a couple nights ago, when talking with my parents about my Nana. I still miss her a lot
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. At this stage of my life I can't say it feels super likely ever to happen, though I'd be lying if I said I don't feel a twinge of Something when I meet babies at work lol.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
lmao I have never played any. I am extremely unathletic by nature, and also always struggled to get my brain around the rules of pretty much any of them when I was like, a kid in gym class
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Sure, but not a lot? Probably an average amount I figure
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Man, I dunno - probably their faces or their clothes, depending on context?
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Big big fan of both! I'm not a big sad endings guy, though. Even when it feels right for the story, it's usually not my jam. (I guess sometimes sad endings can be good for scary movies, but that's like... sort of its own thing? because it's about The Horror.)
9. Any talents?
This is always a hard question for me to answer, bc I feel like most of the things I'm good at are more skills than talents - they're things I've practiced and developed over time, like with my writing and art. Although I guess it'd be fair, if unusual maybe, to say I've got a couple naturally strong interpersonal skills. I'm very good at communication, including figuring out what other people are trying to say, and I'm also pretty good at making people feel comfortable and understood.
10. Where were you born?
In southern Ontario, in the city where both of my parents did most of their growing up :)
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing (fiction prose, mostly) and the many kinds of thinking that go with it (worldbuilding, character development, etc). Arts and crafts (of many kinds; I'm often bouncing from one thing to another. Currently I'm having lots of fun learning to crochet). Taking in stories (reading books and comics, watching movies and TV, playing games, listening to podcasts - I love stories in all their forms). Goofing off with my family, especially my younger siblings.
12. Do you have any pets?
We have three cats - Neverland, Louie, and Smudge :)
13. How tall are you?
Uhh my ID says 165 cm, so that's... 5'5"-ish? I'm genuinely so incapable of remembering that on my own, for some reason.
14. Favorite subject in school?
It was usually English and art, growing up. In university it was always my courses that delved into genre fiction - science fiction, children's lit, the fairy tale... also that graphic novel seminar I took
15. Dream job?
Iiii. [sweats] I wanna be a novelist, but also, that's hard in its own way, and I think it's gonna take me a while yet to really Get There in terms of my own skills, disregarding the challenges of publishing. Beyond that... is something I've been struggling a lot with lately, because it's hard for me to imagine myself in a job where I'm both content and competent, let alone able to support myself. I've been wondering a lot again about library sciences, lately, but I just don't know. It's tough out here!
I definitely don't have 15 people to tag, but. @izupie @werewolfin @serenabeanie @womanaction @mana-sputachu perhaps, if you're feelin' it?
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pyolyuja · 1 year
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hi again everybody !!  it’s admin ocha here with my 2nd child who is the epitome of tranquil surfer boy aesthetic~  i am wayyyy less prepared with him, so pretty much all his info barring his profile/stats page is under the cut , but i wanted to go ahead and post something for him 🧡 beyond the read more, you’ll find his bullet point origin story & some wanted connections so please do hit the heart if you would like to plot with yunseong !
grew up in the yangyang city area of gangwon district. his parents owned a bed & breakfast at jukdo beach, so the family spent quite a lot of time there.
the family dynamic was really tight-knit and was very reliant on humor to make it through difficult times, something that would have a lifelong effect on yunseong.
while their parents worked, yunseong and his older sister (wc!!) would kill time for hours on the beach. he loved being there, smelling the sea salt in the air, hearing the battling chirps of seagulls and the crashing of waves.
this was where he took his first surfing lesson. he saw them being given on the beach and begged his mother for the 26,000 won it cost to enter the class. he fell in love on the first wave, even though he fell into it within milliseconds. by the end of that day, he had enough muscle memory in his calves to withstand a good five or so seconds on the board.
the lessons became semi-regular and a few months later, he could surf bigger waves and his balance had been trained along quite nicely. he could officially consider it a hobby, and didn’t really need the input of an instructor anymore.
he used his newfound balance to also learn skateboarding, something that translated into a very specific friend group in school.
yunseong was fairly athletic, playing a few different sports in school, but never having any real aspirations to go pro at anything. still, the world of sports fascinated him, and he could definitely see himself doing something behind the scenes.
after graduating from high school, he admittedly slacked off quite a bit. all he really wanted to do that summer was hang out on the beach he grew up on and surf as much as he could. he didn’t really wanna accept that his childhood was over, and it was time to start taking responsibility for himself.
after a year of goofing off, his father scolded him about not taking his future seriously and pushed him to start thinking about what he wanted to do with his life.
he wound up getting accepted to meikyung university in daegu, and is currently pursuing his degree in sports marketing.
after moving to daegu, he got a job at xpixel in the mall to pay his bills and rent (he was insistent on moving out of the dorm and living off campus bc he just couldn’t take it anymore) and is about a year out from graduating.
he’s once again become unsure about his future, because he enjoys working at sunset galleria so much. he kinda just wants to stay at the hotel pool or hang out at the arcade with his friends for the rest of time.
some beachy surfer vibes; mostly he’s just an extremely calm, laidback individual. he’ll really only fight or argue if it means keeping the peace in the end, if that makes sense.
complete mama’s boy. his mom is his favorite person on the whole earth, whereas he wasn’t as close to his more stern father.
still uses humor to lighten the mood or deflect his true feelings. can be a little self-effacing sometimes in a humoristic way. doesn’t like to make other people the butt of his jokes unless he knows them and they have that type of comfort level.
he is the type to cover your shift to help out, but also, don’t expect him to do a good job rip
is slightly competitive due to his background in sports, but again, it’s more in a joke-y way
has a hard time taking anything seriously, and it can be to an annoying degree. it may sometimes feel irreverent, but just when you think he’s incapable of being genuine, he tells you something very real and you’re taken aback by it.
this communicates into how he loves quite a bit. you may sometimes feel like he doesn’t say the right words enough, but he always comes through in the end. he is also pretty big on romantic gestures, rather than using words to convey his feelings. catch him making u a mixtape of songs that remind him of you and planning you a poolside picnic 🧡
wanted connections
gamer friends
friends he hits up the pool with a lot
mutual crush / flirtationship
friends from college / study buddies
people who will actually eat his strange cooking
literally anything give me all the things
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sarrie · 7 months
Hmmm... blorbos blorbos blorbos... how about- some Gaster, Sans, Handsome Jack, Nisha, and Rhys? ;3
hEEEHEHE ok let's go!
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Okay so I am definitely saying this in a time where Gaster, The Mystery Man, is so unknown lol. That said, I was normal about him until I saw the not-released tarot card for him. Then I started reading fic as a joke and it all went downhill from there. And. Ok. I know we don't know ANYTHING about him, so me saying fandom takes are incorrect isn't quite fair, but I have a hard time thinking he's just 100% evil. Especially if he's a monster - made out of hope and love and all that jazz. Not saying that monsters can't do bad things (LOOKS AT ASGORE) but there's a lot that goes into that. Asgore did bad things because he was put in a bad situation, lost his family, and wanted to help his people. Alphys wanted to help people, but wound up doing bad things, too. I feel like a lot of fic and content I see for Gaster is just about him being super mega evil and Fucked Up which is fine but, like, for why? What made him act that way? I also love the idea of him just being an absolute goof. A real "Sans had to learn puns from someone" type character. And idk it's hard to have canon content about a character that uh erased themselves from existence lmao. That being said I'm not normal about him. I have 3 full fledged fanfictions about him - two I've started writing and one that I visit when I try to fall asleep and haven't written yet. If he is 100% evil that's fine load me up in the extractor baby I'm subject 01.
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In the same way that I relate too well to Dante as being the haha funny pizza man as a coping mechanism to not acknowledge his own fear and depression, I relate WAY TOO WELL to Sans Undertale for the same reason. If my depression gets too bad and all encompassing I'm going to take a nap. While I used to have a healthy love of naps, they're now also coping mechanisms to avoid reality for me. Back when my anxiety and depression pretty much took over my life I would sleep forEVER. 18 hours a day if I could. I now also struggle with insomnia and sleep avoidance so it's like. I sleep in small amounts now and it's gotten to the point that I will 100% use my 15 minute breaks and my lunch to take a nap. The laid back jokey personality is very much who I am truly, but then there's also the Projection where I use that as a facade to avoid my problems/emotional trauma. And I'd say Unwillingly I have come around to him because, as I'm sure you know, in the beginning I was like I don't get this Undyne is the only hot character here what's going on why do people want to fuck this dude. And then I finally watched a play through and learned Everything and I'm like oh no he's so saaadd poor meow meow :((( sad boyyy sad!!! tragic!!! (and then The Fight happens and it's like oh uh hmm not examining my reaction to this bc i don't want to know what this says about me) Then I started reading fanfiction as a joke which ok can I say a lot of blorbos for me have come from me reading fanfic as a joke and then getting super into it??? LMAO. And now I've given myself the challenge to read as many sans/reader fics on AO3 that catch my interest and I still have 274 pages left lmAO.
Handsome Jack
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Put him in more situations. Destroy him. I love him. I hate him. The reality is he could make me SO MUCH WORSE. He's handsome. He's a loser. I want more of his face to melt off. I want to chew on him like a chew toy. Jack is such a fun character to hate. He has so much charisma it's sexy but he's also so unhinged and, like, there's never been an option to fix him. I think he was born and from that moment on it's just been a collision course with absolute fuckery. He's such a caricature of a human, and if you're not the receiving end of his insanity it's so fun to watch.
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I love her. I want her to destroy me. BL2 said we need a character who can go toe-to-toe with Handsome Jack in terms of being an absolute disaster of a human being and then they delivered the most badass cowboy hat wearing woman they could. She is 1000% too good for Jack, and arguably Jack happening to her ruined her life. Rhys
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My sweet precious Rhysie boy. ;-; He's so pretty and so stupid I love him so much. I really feel like BL3 fucked him up in terms of characterization. The absolute trials we go through in Tales with him and just. Stop!! putting him in situations!! I lie lmao I need a follow up of Tales where he is put in another situation with Fiona so we can see what the fuck all happened there.
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arcadian-vampire · 2 years
Oracle and Ravio's Terraria Playthrough!
aka another long-ass post full of screenshots, wahoo
@ravio-the-cabinet-man and I beat the Moon Lord yesterday, the first time ever for both of us! So while we decide what we wanna do next (aside from playing with Rice), I'm finally gonna share screenshots of the things we've built. This is a medium world if I remember right, on Journey mode (bc we just like to goof around), and it's named 'Quack', thanks to Ravio's habit of naming things different animal noises
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Up first, our house! Its name is Jeremiah, bc I asked Ravio what we should call it, and he immediately suggested that. The basement originally was the same length as the house above it, but as we got more and more items and more and more crafting stations, we had to expand, lol.
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We made sure a lot of these rooms were vaild housing, so that whenever new npcs arrived, they'd come to our main house until we found a new home for them. The Tax Collector and Golfer still live with us, bc I never got around to building places for them (and it's nice to have the Tax Collector nearby, even if I feel bad abt having npcs pay rent).
To the left of that is Ravio's lil greenhouse, bc he's in charge of potion-making, and a heart-shaped pond. The greenhouse has a name as well, but I can only remember the last part of it, which is '-Jeremiah's Lover'. The buildings are gay
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Further to the left is a lil arena where we go for events like Solar Eclipses. Pretty much all of our banners are hung here lksdjf;al
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Continuing on further left, we've got a fishing dock! One of many around our world. It's pretty close to the Event Arena, so monsters get stuck under the dock. a Lot
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Left some more, we've got the snow biome, where the Goblin Tinkerer, Mechanic, Steampunker, and Cyborg all live, ft. banners from the Celestial Pillar monsters bc one of the pillars always spawns nearby
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We shimmered most of our npcs btw- the minute we found the Aether biome, we went ham dunking everything in the water (including Ravio)
Past that, is our desert ghost town (desert-ed town?). It HAD been the home of our Nurse, Arms Dealer, and Dye Trader, but when we defeated the Wall of Flesh the corruption spawned here :/ We tried purifying it, but the npcs still refused to move back in, so we ended up building them a new place on the other side of the world
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Instead of just leaving it or tearing it down, we turned the old desert settlement into a ghost town, full of holes, cobwebs, and gravestones that say things like 'RIP Twitter'. Just for funsies
A ways past that, we have the Dungeon, an arena built in front of it, and our underground 'temple'/palace deal so we could put a pylon here. One of the Celestial Pillars spawns above the arena, so that's neat
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Unfortunately I tried to make this arena look interesting, but the way I did it, it kind of gives me a headache if I run through it too fast, rip. It has been So easy to trigger migraines lately, I have to be careful even reforging items too fast, bc the flashing colors get to me. But anyway
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This was built quite a while after the arena, and I had a LOT of fun with it. The Tavernkeep, Demolitionist, and Clothier live here. The pylon is just off-screen to the left, at the bottom of the stairs. The elevator on the right just leads to the entrance of the arena above
Left again, we've got some Corruption we purified, along with a tunnel we dug around the Glowing Mushroom biome juuust in case we missed any Corruption
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The Glowing Mushroom biome, built over the remains of an old patch of Corruption. I'd done a big mushroom in my own single-player world, but it ended up really stiff, so I tried to improve on that here.
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The inside of the cap is sorta unfinished but shh don't worry abt it, there were other projects that needed to be done
The left ocean got turned into a quick arena that we used for the Pumpkin Moon and Martian Madness events, and Duke Fishron (a boss we died to so, so, SO many times before I realized I'd had the difficulty turned up to 'expert' like a goof)
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Zooming back to the center of the world, we've got a fishing pond to the right of our beloved house Jeremiah, and a small graveyard at the initial spawn point. The graves are dedicated to our first guide who died to summon the Wall of Flesh, our second guide who was accidentally murdered when Ravio's minions killed a demon over lava in the Underworld (followed by shrieks of panic when Ravio had to face WoF alone, pff), and the six (6) npcs that were slaughtered when we fought the Empress of Light during the day- we didn't realize just how far her attacks could reach, and they're all one-hit-KOs during the day... Pretty sure everyone living in the Hallow Tower died (skill issue. get good)
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Next to the graves is an unfinished house I built for the Guide, the Merchant, and a slime pet or two. At the time I took this screenshot, the Nerd Slime was dead :( Daytime EoL again, smh
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To the right, over a hill and a hellevator, is the Hallow! It initially spawned in the Jungle (SIGH) so I bought some seeds to spread it into the forest a bit, though I never ended up planting trees and making it pretty. We've got two dorky lil 'arenas' where we fight EoL bc we're stupid <3 She's the only boss fight we do repeatedly for fun, but we never bothered to build a proper arena for it. Spending any time in the Hallow? Fuck building, we're fighting EoL
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One of my very favorite builds, the unfinished Hallow Tower... full of random doors in the walls, because the Pylon is inside the tower, and a Celestial Pillar always spawns Right Outside (or, on the very fucking top of the tower, unfortunately), so we kept getting trapped in the tower with a ton of monsters harassing us </3 The Party Girl, Princess, and Wizard all live here, with a pet rabbit and the Cool Slime. They die all the time.
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I ended up having to fill the uppermost roof with grass + spray it with Hallow solution so the top half of the tower would still count as being in the Hallow, because it's just so tall, lol
Past the Hallowed part of the jungle is. probably the funniest bit of our world. I um. made a BIG fancy arena specifically for the Old One's Army event. Went all Extra with it, made it real grand. And we've left the jungle npcs in one of those wooden apartment buildings ;jflaskdjf;a;
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Even on Journey mode with two players, the Old One's Army was DIFFICULT omg. I'm not sure I want to try it on my own
Through another small forest, we've got the non-Corrupted desert! Full of Celestial Pillar banners, because this is another spot a Pillar always spawns. Our Dye Trader likes to sit on the balcony and watch fire rain from the sky. Remarkably, he hasn't died yet
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And finally, we've got the right ocean, where the Angler, Stylist, and Pirate all live! This was another pretty early build
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And that's it for now! We're for sure gonna continue goofing off here, and start a new world with new characters at some point- potentially in Classic mode, depending on if I can work out how to make a proper server to reduce lag, lol
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teruthecreator · 3 years
we all know kris can play the piano. but consider the following: 
noelle plays the guitar. she’s been playing since she was little because her mother wanted her to learn an instrument and noelle wanted to learn the same instrument her sister was playing (dess learned guitar from rudy). she inherited her father’s old acoustic guitar after everything with dess goes down, but she doesn’t really feel comfortable playing it because of all of the Emotional Baggage. so, as a christmas present, her parents get her an electric guitar and an amp. she usually only plays when her mom isn’t home because she knows how noise travels through the house, and she teaches herself a lot of metal songs (to impress susie, mostly, but also bc she’s genuinely a metalhead and has been for years) 
susie starts to learn the bass when she becomes friends w kris. not like they know how to play, but the dark world provides a plethora of musically-inclined people that susie never would’ve known before. specifically, i think it’d be funny if ralsei knew how to play string instruments? he probably plays some form of a lyre, but once you know one vaguely-guitar-shaped instrument you know them all. the reason susie picks a bass, rather than a guitar, is because she likes how it sounds. low and funky; the bass lurks in the background of every song, providing ample support to the much louder guitar riffs and vocal performances. and, in finding herself in this friend group she is starting to slowly accept as family, she realizes she rather likes not having to always be the loudest person in the group and that supporting can actually be...pretty badass. (plus she finds a bass for cheap on Monster Ebay, so she’s working with what she got) 
berdly is a percussionist. this is HIGHLY indulgent because i used to play the drums, but i also feel like drums work surprisingly well for berdly? they’re more tactile and reliant on rhythm, which berdly would have more of an affinity for (being an avid gamer; a hobby that requires tactile use of your fingers). if hometown highschool had a marching band, berdly would be the drumline captain. he just has that vibe. he just screams percussionist in the high school band to me, i really can’t explain it. i also think it gives berdly the opportunity to really let loose in a way that he doesn’t allow himself to do. being the “smart kid” doesn’t allot for a lot of opportunities to go crazy or goof off, but sitting in front of his drumset for an hour or two a night gives him the privacy to really spread his wings (both literally and figuratively). he picks up a pair of drumsticks from the school when they Attempted to have a band class, and just...kept them when the course ended up falling through. his one and only School Crime. eventually, his father notices berdly drumming beats on everything and decides to buy him a snare, which then spirals into berdly being gifted a full drumset for his 15th birthday. it sits in the half-finished basement, along with a lot of the family’s storage, and berdly takes care in making sure his drums are the nicest thing in that room. 
ALL OF THIS TO SAY: lightner gang garage band au when
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sevmch · 3 years
hq boys as dads calling you while you're away bc your child wouldn't stop crying
characters: kuroo tetsuro, bokuto koutarou
warning(s): none, just fluff. kuroo is v father material aahh!!
a/n: this was sitting on my drafts for a while now. other characters coming soon 👀
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kuroo tetsuro
you were overseas for two days to attend a convention that your job required which meant leaving kuroo and your child
kuroo was admittedly and without a doubt, a really good father so when he told you not to worry about them, you left without any worries at all
kuroo knew everything - how to prepare milk and baby food, changing diapers, how to get them to sleep, how to stop their tantrums, basically everything
still you bugged him all the way to the airport to call if something were to happen or if he needed help with anything such as locating the diaper and milk powder
afterall, he was rarely on baby duty since his job required more of his time compared to yours but he has never failed to provide you and his son the time and affection
the first day went by smoothly and without a problem, that is until the next day. your son just wouldn't stop crying so he had to call you to calm him down
no matter what kuroo did, your son just wouldn't stop crying even when he was cradling him gently in his arms and rubbing his back. their child has been crying for almost an hour now, only getting louder and stronger despite his best efforts to calmly shush him or lull him to sleep.
the morning went by pretty fine; kuroo fed, bathed, and played with their son - even changed the diapers twice. their son seemed to be in a pretty good mood throughout the morning but apparently, babies get mood swings too, and that's when the crying started.
kuroo tried basically everything from trying to get their son to drink milk, to giving the pacifier, and humming baby songs he could think of but all his attempts failed. their son wasn't bored nor hungry and was definitely not sleepy so it was starting to worry kuroo.
"hey bud, you're scaring me now," kuroo cooed, softly pressing the back of his hand against their son's forehead but the temperature was fine. kuroo knew all the baby stuff without sweat, even the signals of what they needed but this was entirely different. it was only when then their son pointed to the picture of the three of you framed on the wall that kuroo got his answer. pressing a soft kiss against his son's temple, he whispered softly, "i know bud, i miss mommy too."
kuroo grabbed his phone from the couch and called you, chuckling when you instantly answered on the first ring with a hint of worry in your voice. "tetsu, what's wrong? are you both okay? should i get on the next flight?"
"relax kitten, we're fine. we just miss you."
"awe, i miss both my boys too."
"mama's on the phone bud." kuroo switched to loud speaker, smiling widely at their son who looked at him with wide, doe eyes upon hearing your voice. the crying eventually died down as you kept speaking through the phone with your cute, tiny baby voice until your son fell asleep in his arms.
"is he asleep?" you asked.
"yep. hey, you should use that baby voice often. it's cute," he teased, grinning ear to ear.
"shut up."
the rest of the afternoon was spent at a mall near the airport, buying toys and new clothes and stopping by for ice cream before waiting for you at the terminal.
"look bud, there's mommy!" kuroo crouched to level with their son, pointing at your figure from a distance. their son's eyes lit up when spotting you, giggling and reaching out his other hand that kuroo wasn't holding.
"awe, it's my two favorite boys! i missed you both so much!" you said sweetly, dropping your bags to hug your son.
"i missed you so much, love." you hugged kuroo tightly when he stood up only for him to hug you tighter, peppering kisses on your cheeks.
"missed you more, kitten," he said softly, pressing a light kiss to your lips before carrying your son. you really had nothing to worry about.
bokuto kotarou
you were a little bit worried about leaving bokuto and your child even if it was just for a couple of hours. you had to visit your parents in kyoto and dropby for groceries on the way home
it's not that you didn't trust him, you were just not quite sure if the house would be exactly the same as when you left knowing how bokuto and your child loved to play A LOT
you considered calling akaashi to babysit the two lmao
bokuto matched your child's energy so while you're incharge of all the serious baby duties, bokuto was incharge of playing and goofing around with your child while you rested
really, your child got their hyperactiveness from bo
you were also the one who dealt with the tantrums while bo assisted, so when bo was left to deal with your son's tantrum alone, he panicked and was about to cry himself because your son was crying and it made him sad :(
you left the house around 6 am after preparing breakfast for your husband and son as well as the other things that bokuto will need for the day. althought bokuto spent a lot of time with your child, it didn't always include the serious baby duties so you knew for sure if you hadn't displayed the diapers and vitamins on the counter in advance, he'd be flipping the house upside down searching for them.
you also left a note on the fridge that consisted of all the instructions and reminders to serve as a guide. you trusted bokuto, of course, but you really just didn't want to come home to a mess.
bokuto's arms snaked around your waist and squeezed you lightly in his hug, nuzzling his face at the crook of your neck. "can't you just take us with you?"
"i'd love to kou, but our son just recovered from a fever so it's best if he stays home for now."
he nodded, visibly frowning. you cupped his cheek to get him to look at you. "kou, baby, i'll be back before you know it."
bokuto pouted, looking at you with puppy dog eyes and it took everything in you not to cancel your plans. "call me if there's a problem, okay?" you kissed him goodbye and left.
with the note you left him, bokuto had no troubles throughout the morning routine even during bathtime. he would send you pictures and videos from time to time so you wouldn't have to worry, also because he loved sharing things with you.
bokuto loved playing with your son, loved seeing the adorable smile and hearing the soft giggles during their playtime even if it meant having to crawl on the carpet with his son on his back like a horse.
bokuto was filming him walking around with a huge smile on his face, "come to dada, little guy." your son just recently learned how to walk on their own so their steps were still unstable and wobbly and this resulted to your son tripping on his own feet.
bokuto could shit his pants right now, quickly fumbling to his now crying son to comfort him.
"hey little guy, it's okay you're good, dada's here now." he's whispering comforting words while gently rubbing on their back but the cries only got worse, the tears streaming down the little guy's face nonstop and this made bokuto's heart sink, feeling his own tears pool in his eyes. "shh i'm sorry, i'm sorry... you're okay, i gotchu."
his hands hesitantly reached out hug your son, so fragile it scared bokuto. he was calling you now and thank god you answered right away.
"he won't stop crying and i don't know what to do, can you come home now please? i think i just made our son hate me."
you sighed, "he doesn't hate you, kou. can you tell me what happened?"
"i was taking a video of him while he walked around but then he tripped and i swear i was watching over him! he won't stop crying, oh god i'm gonna cry too."
"did he hit his head? is he seriously hurt anywhere?"
"no," bokuto mumbled and you sighed in relief.
"okay that's good. it'll be fine babe, kids fall sometimes, okay? especially at this stage where they're learning how to walk. just carry him around for a while and he'll eventually ca-"
"what if i drop him?! should i ask akaashi to come over??" he pressed the phone between his ear and shoulder, gently and carefully lifting his son from the ground, pressing him close to his chest despite being nervous.
"you won't drop him kou, i'll punch you if you do, and no, do not call keiji. you got this, babe, you're his dad and he needs you not his uncle."
it took a while to convince bokuto that he was going to be find and to get off the phone so he can start comforting your son. bokuto did as you said, cradling him in his arms while he walked around the house and pointing to the pictures on the wall until your son finally calmed down. the only problem was that his son would start crying again whenever he attempted to bring him down, tiny hands clinging around his neck and onto his shirt.
you arrived home around 8 pm, announcing your arrival only to be met with silence at the door.
your eyes softened as soon as you found him asleep on the couch with your son on top of his chest, his strong arms wrapped securely around the tiny human being. you quietly kneel beside the couch, stroking bokuto's hair which slowly woke him up.
"i'm home." you smiled.
bokuto brought a finger to his lips and you pressed your lips together, taking your son away from his arms so you can tuck him in for the night.
"i'm sooo tired," bokuto whined, resting his head on top of your chest and cuddling close to you as soon as you joined him in bed. "it's my turn to be baby."
you snorted, bokuto's soft snores filling the quiet room in just a few seconds. "goodnight baby."
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reblogs & feedbacks r appreciated<3
2021 (c) sevmch | do not copy or repost.
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batfamtv · 3 years
me after writing smut: is this who i am? is this who i represent? lmao i've never written smut until trese, i guess the thirst was too much, let me know how y'all like it! thank you so much for all your support, ily <3
(ノ´ з `)ノ
kambal x reader; established relationship
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gif by @rasputinaillyanna (see their original gifsets here!)
the three idiots
seriously, alexandra feels like she keeps aging 20+ years whenever you three are together and goofing around
this is one of the reasons why you’re not allowed on the field with them, they’d get absolutely nothing done
that, and the twins simply wont put you in danger under any circumstances
alexandra also treats you like a sister (in law) and wants you safe, but can only do so much to keep you out of their lives since you still find ways to help them out
absolutely rowdy when you’re with basilio, you and him practically have a lot of inside jokes and a secret language
people would give you both weird looks when you’re out in public, just because you’re both so damn loud
with crispin you’re more mature (but not a lot), he does these grand gestures like taking you out on expensive dates, takes instagram/pinterest style pics of you
basilio also takes pics of you, but those are some of the most unflattering ones that he sends to your groupchat as memes
the ppl who arent familiar with your relationship with the twins are almost often confused when they see you with just the one twin: they’d think “huh i saw this couple a week ago, but i could have sworn the boyfriend had much shorter hair, it couldn’t have grown that long in a week, right?”
when you do go out with the twins, they flank you and you almost get squished in between them, so sometimes you have to push them both to the sides so that you would have space to move around
the three of you like to just chill at the mall sometimes, go window shopping and then eat samgyup/mang inasal later on
other times when you manage to drag alexandra with you, people would assume that you guys are on a double date, and alexandra has the ugliest/most disgusted look on her face as she corrects them “these are my brothers” “im gay”
in your groupchat (just you and the twins) crispin is the sweet, doting one who would text you “have you eaten?” “want us to pick something up for you on the way home?” while basilio sends you memes and selfies of the twins
they send you videos and pics of pets they meet “today we met brownie and blackie”
with regards to living arrangements, the twins have separate rooms (basilio’s is the messy one, smells weird)
when you moved in, alexandra offered you your own room, and most of the time that’s where the boys stay anyway
the bed is much larger than theirs because it needs to accommodate all three of you
you three try to cook meals for ate alexandra, but it almost always turns out disastrous - mostly when basilio insists on helping
so you always make him run errands (“can you go pick up some more garlic and magic sarap”) while you and crispin man the stoves
you braid basilio’s hair while crispin tunes his guitar!!
and you spend a couple of hours listening to crispin play the guitar, basilio’s head now resting on your lap
crispin’s movie taste are like *film* and *poetic cinema* while basilio might enjoy movies that are so bad they’re good, but you three are all suckers for superhero ensemble movies and horror movies
the boys become really annoying when watching filipino horror movies because they like to point out mistakes in the film “aswangs dont do that” “why would you go there all alone are you stupid???”
“please boys i just wanna watch the movie”
a huge cuddle pile
both boys run hot, so during cold nights (that never happen, bc you live in the philippines) you’re all warm and toasty between them
both light sleepers! they were pretty heavy sleepers when they were kids/teenagers, but the occupational hazard of their jobs require them to be ready at a moment’s notice
they still, however, snore quite loudly
crispin doesn’t ever tend to move positions when sleeping, he wakes up in the same position he fell asleep in
basilio rotates around the bed like hands of a clock
most often falls off the bed, but clumsily climbs back up and cuddles you
really really simpy when it comes to you, though most of the time it’s just you three sharing one brain cell (it’s with you, mostly), they can be quite romantic and cheesy if they want to
crispin probably has his brother as just “Basilio” on his phone, and “Y/N ❤️" for you
basilio has “my love ❤️😍😘💘 ” for you and crispin’s number isn’t even registered lol
nsfw under the cut
threesome? threesome
boys barely do anything separately and usually just have a Single Thought in both their heads, so if one is horny, the other one is 69% (lol) horny as well
you realize that crispin doesn’t like to be teased at work, but basilio enjoys it so much
you find this out when you’re alone and horny, so you send a pic of you touching yourself to the boys in your groupchat
crispin sees it first, but doesn’t say anything?? he honest to god just left you on read
meanwhile basilio also sees your pic not too long after and you quickly get a “what the fuck” as a reply from him
like 10 mins later he sends you a pic of him in what looks like a washroom and his cock is straining in his pants
he texts you “had to find a washroom so fucking fast so that ate alex and the police captain doesn’t see me so fucking hard in my pants” and “wanna eat you pussy babe”
crispin does text you when the three are on their way home, not mentioning the picture you sent “we’re on our way home”
and at first you thought he is mad at you bc he didn’t bring the nude up?? does he not want you anymore :(
but the moment they arrive crispin all but sprints to your shared bedroom and sees you there, in your underwear
holds your cheeks in one hand, “what the fuck was that baby, hmm? what did you send us?”
you try to ask if he’s mad bc you sent him a nude, ask him if there’s anything wrong, but he just lets your face go as he takes his suit off, basilio finds his way to your room, locks it, and gives you a kiss
basilio whispers “missed you baby” against your mouth before moving away to undress
crispin, now fully naked in front of you, makes you suck his cock, which is hard and twitching, its tip leaking with precum, he makes you place both his hands on your head, “do you know how surprised i was when i saw a text from you and it’s a picture of you touching your cunt? hmm?” he sighs as he sees you looking up at him, eyes watering as you struggle to take all of his cock down your throat “i had to stop myself from getting hard in front of everyone, baby, basilio couldn’t even do that”
basilio huffs but the boys reposition you so you’re in bed and on your back, crispin kneeling to your side, his cock still throbbing in your mouth, basilio positions himself between your thighs, moaning when he sees how wet you are
basilio removes your panties before rushing to sniff your cunt, groaning in delight--you’re sure his eyes roll to the back of his head before he dives into your cunt
you moan into crispin’s cock and he grunts, shoving more of his cock into your mouth, now moving faster, “i really wanna cum down your throat baby, would you let me?”
you nod and he pushes his cock all the way into your mouth, your nose practically touching his groin and pubes
you gag, for a moment panicked as you try to breathe in, while crispin just eyes you, his cock growing ever harder when he looks at your face wet with tears and drool, he grabs your hair, softly at first, to make sure you’re okay, and when you nod crispin groans as he sets up his pace, groaning as he feels his orgasm building
basilio, meanwhile, is licking and sucking your clit with three fingers knuckles deep in your cunt, and when he starts to feel you spasming, a telltale sign that your orgasm is approaching, he pulls his mouth and fingers out and quickly replacing them with his fat cock
immediately, you and basilio both groan, your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel yourself so full of cock
basilio curses under his breath before taking your legs and resting them against his shoulders “fuck, y/n, im sorry i’m not gonna last long” “your pussy got me so fucking hard you tasted so good baby, you know how much i love your little pussy, right?”
crispin groans at this before he pulls his cock out of your mouth, leaning down to kiss you, he then moves down your neck and your tits, making sure he marks your chest
basilio whimpers and thrusts three more times before releasing a long groan, his cum exploding deep in your pussy “fuck baby you feel so good” he manages to pull out and you see his cock wet with his cum and your juices before settling beside you, panting harshly
you barely had the type to recuperate before crispin flips you on your stomach, making sure your face is resting on the pillows before he thrusts into you with a grunt
“fuck, still a tight little pussy after basilio rammed your cunt, huh?”
your eyes rolling, you couldnt do much other than hold onto the sheets and basilio’s hand, moaning loudly when you feel crispin’s fingers on your clit
“can you take one more, y/n? can your pussy take one more load?”
speechless, you nod, trying to grind your ass against crispin’s hips, but his hands on your hips hold you firm
he grunts approvingly, “good baby, take it deep in your pussy okay? and cum on my cock, baby, i wanna feel it”
you cum on his cock, almost violently, and twins groan at the sound of your moaning, and the sight of you spasming and shaking on crispin’s cock
a couple of deep thrusts later, crispin also cums deep into your pussy, his cum now mixed with basilio’s
crispin moves to get a washcloth to clean the three of you up, before all three of you collapse in bed, huddled together, basilio with his arms wrapped from behind--already falling asleep, you rest your head against crispin’s arm
“so, no more nudes when you’re at work?”
crispin laughs softly before pressing a kiss on your forehead, “unless your cunt is ready to take two cocks at once, no nudes when we’re at work”
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heezoneie · 3 years
Hi, can I request a SKZ and Enhypen legal line reaction to you doing WAP or twerking out of nowhere?
i though this one was fun to write 😆, thank you for the request! <3
group: enhypen & stray kids
member: enhypen legal line & all of stray kids
genre: crack(?), fluff, possibly suggestive at times
Enhypen Legal Line
• you guys had been just chilling on the couch at the dorms, the other boys no where to be found.
• your head rested on heeseung’s lap as he scrolled through his phone. “hee, i’m bored” he looked down at your face upon hearing your statement.
• “well there’s not much we can do right now, maybe when the boys get back.” he stated playing with your hair.
• growing impatient, a mischievous idea popped in your head. sitting up from his lap, you go to set your phone on the tv stand directly in font of the couch.
• you were about to do a challenge that has been going around tiktok for quite a while. you were not one to do tiktok challenges very often, so this would come as a surprise for heeseung.
• seeing you stand up got heeseung curious. he watched your every move as you setup your video.
• when the familiar “WAP” began to play through your phone speakers, heeseung’s eyes widened.
• as soon as you started actually doing the dance, he would be so flustered. face beet red, but bby would not be able to take his eyes off you.
• he thought you did such a good job, even if the dance was a bit “pRoVOcAtIve” so after you finished the dance and walked over you him, he immediately buried his head in your neck.
• “that was so good baby, but try a less inappropriate dance next time? okay?”
• you and jay were in the practice room at the company because he decided to stay back to get some extra work in.
• he asked you to come keep him company, since he didn’t want to be alone. ofc you showed up, bc who wouldn’t want to watch their boyfriend dance.
• after a while of practicing, you and jay decided to just listen to music over the speakers, until a rather seductive song came on.
• feeling bold, you decided to dance a little to it. swaying your hips side to side, twerking, anything to match the mood of the song.
• jay’s eyes darkened at the sight of you dancing like that. he didn’t know you could possibly be any sexier.
• jay watched the way your hips moved, your face, your legs. he made sure to take in every little move you were doing.
• after the song ended, he came up behind you and grabbed your hips. he pushed you against the wall and turned you to face him.
• “my pretty baby. that was rather bold to dance like that when anybody could walk in and see you.” he leaned in to your ear, “i think you should dance for me like that back home....but with less clothing.”
• jake had just got finished with a long day of practice, and wanted nothing more than to come home to his amazing s/o.
• you however, had been lounging around the house all day. you were scrolling through your phone, when you decided you would past the time by making some tiktoks.
• you had been midway through doing the “WAP” challenge, when your boyfriend (with amazing timing) walked in.
• jake kinda just stood there flustered, not knowing what to do. he really said some “🧍‍♂️”
•getting up from the ground, you grabbed your phone and rewatched the tiktok. seeing jake’s reacting made you laugh.
• you turned around to him, where he still stood just staring at you. (bby malfunctioned)
• “jake? you good?” blinking a couple times, he finally snapped out of his daze, “OH, uh yeah i just- uhm. you were good, i just didn’t know you could dance like that.”
• smiling you went to give him a hug, “i could dance like that more if you want 😉”
•this boy d r a g g e d you back to your room with the biggest smirk on his face.
• okay, so this boy is a little 🤏 a w k w a r d
• when you stated twerking in the middle of the kitchen he didn’t know what to do
• it’s not that he didn’t like it, cause he most definitely did (possibly got a little turned on)
• it’s just he didn’t know what to do or what to say, so he kinda just...walked out?
• you followed him into the living room where he just sat on the couch thinking about what to say.
• “ you okay hoon?” he looked up from the couch, “ i need a second to process what happened.”
• after a couple of minutes of silence he grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap, with each of your legs on either side of him.
• “how about you do it again, but this time i want to feel you.”
Stray Kids
• you guys were in his studio, while he was working you decided to tease him a little bit ;)
• you got off the couch and slowly walked up behind his chair. you proceeded you slowly turn his chair around to face you.
• you stared to dance/twerk very sensually in front of him. his eyes said “👀”
• he thought you looked so good, like his baby dancing for him? pure bliss.
• he watched you so closely, just admiring the way you moved your body. you put him a whole trance.
• bby chan did not know how to control himself after seeing you dance like that.
• he took of his headphones, and took you to the couch, let’s just say your teasing worked very well ;)
• this was actually a dare you had gotten from felix. being the tiktok king he is, he dared you to do the WAP in front of minho.
• you obviously couldn’t turn down a dare, so you agreed. felix helped you plan how to make it seem less forward.
• you were gonna go into the practice room while minho was in there, and ask him if he wanted to do some tiktoks with you (you knew he was gonna say no, cause he was most likely going to be tired)
• minho enjoyed watching you do tiktoks, bc he thought you were the cutest little thing, even if he would never say it.
• he thought you were gonna do some innocent dance like the renegade or another challenge.
• when he saw you start getting on the floor and twerking his mind went completely blank.
• that was until he remembered you were filming. he immediately ran to turn off the camera.
• “that’s only for me to see baby, but could you send that video to me? for research purposes😇”
• changbin had called you to come hang out with him at the dorms, cause why not?
• when you got to dorms you noticed none of the other boys besides changbin himself were there.
• “where are the other boys binnie?” you asked while going to give him a hug. “i think they are all at the company, they still had some work to do.”
• after releasing from the hug, the both of you went to cuddle in bed. curling up into changbins side, you got an idea.
• “hey binnie?” he looked at you, “do you want to see a dance i learned?” surprised, he quickly nodded his head and sat up against the headboard.
• you got off the bed and began to slowly walk up to changbins side of the bed. he looked you up and down while licking his lips.
• you began to dance a special dance you made just for him. he closely watched the way you moved against the floor, and eventually the way you moved against him.
• once you finished he grabbed your hips and pulled you closer, “your lucky we are the only ones home.”
• we all know this man would be so vv shocked when you started slowly twerking on him the middle of the dance room.
• ofc he loved it, but he was so surprised he pushed you off 😔
• you kinda just stood there embarrassed, like you took a bold move and failed (r.i.p y/n)
• but he eventually he pulled back by the hips, and started to move against you as well.
• he guided your hips against his, and you both were lowkey just grinding against each other in the private dance room.
• mans got super turned on, and immediately took you home where you both could have some more fun ;)
• bby would hype you up, he’s your personal hype man for sure.
• as soon as you started dancing for him he would be cheering you on, dancing with you, you name it.
• he would be so excited bc he just lives to match your vibe :(((
• would 100% video tape you so he can watch it later when he’s feeling sad.
• would definitely admire the way you move, and be so shocked, like he never knew his bub could dance like this???
• he would ask you to teach him the dance, and probably end up having a dance party with you.
• this babe would join you, as soon he saw you setting up the phone. he jumped from his place on the couch.
• “Oooooo, what tiktok are we doing???” he would be so eager to make every tiktok with you, cause he love bonding with you :((
• when y’all started doing the “WAP” he got excited cause he knew the dance already. he was also excited to see you dance to it.
• probably had small naughty thoughts going through his mind while watching you, but for the most part he was happy seeing you enjoy yourself.
• when it came down to actually filming the tiktok, yall would be goofing off so much to the point you had to film it multiple times.
• just saying, the final product? y’all slayed.
• okay, so i feel seungmin would act like he didn’t care, but hear me out.
• he would definitely be eyeing you the whole time your dancing, and be lowkey jamming in the background.
• but the second you look at him he’s this “😐”
• he doesn’t want you to know how much he’s actually enjoying watching you move your hips in that way.
• he would probably act annoyed, and tell you to hurry up, but would 100% love watching to dance.
• definitely sent himself the video of you dancing when you weren’t looking :)
• he would, with no doubt, act disgusted. is he actually? no way.
• would absolutely NEVER let you know he really enjoyed watching you dance in a sexy form.
• would probably get embarrassed, and tell you to stop (he doesn’t actually want you to tho, he just doesn’t want anyone else to see you dancing so seductively)
• lowkey possessive, but in a cute pouty way, which is why he used the being disgusted as and excuse to get you to stop.
• would probably end up still getting turned on, and his face would turn so so red when you figured out the effect you were having on him.
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
it’s genuinely so funny to me that dan showing a video of a drunk blair singing bad karaoke at her birthday party is treated as a major moral transgression, when i’m pretty sure my friends would show off a video of me like that just for a laugh 😭 like idk, it doesn’t feel like… embarrassing embarrassing, at least not to me? i can’t even imagine what kind of weird uptight party guests she must have had to actually hold it against her!
ok I'm glad I'm not the only one lmao bc I am a confirmed blorbopologist that being said my friends and I do have a "no social media" policy so we don't post videos of us singing stupid things, but that's also because we talk a lot of shit about people we know at our parties...
yeah I've always saw as another case of Blair holding herself to a higher level of Decorum, so she doesn't give herself much space to be a goof -- especially when she's trying to project this "Powerful Woman" image of herself. so maybe most of the party found it kind of endearing, like, I bet Madeline Albright would have had a good laugh, and a fun memory of this girl who is very put together but also has the capacity to be Hilarious. Blair's mortification would be much greater than any partygoers distaste, I think, just because of the standard she holds herself to.
maybe it's because of this standard that Dan knows this particular prank will land. and I've said it before (but I'll say it again), this episode he was clearly acting out bc of his unprocessed anger, not only at Blair and Chuck for Jenny (which would have been enough #Jennydeservedbetter), but he's also projecting his anger @ Georgina on them, two more rich privileged upper east siders who don't care who they hurt or who they use. and the fact that they trivialize their breakup by flaunting this treaty in his face makes it hurt more. so yeah, maybe I just talked myself into understanding it. Blair is mortified because she's Blair, and Dan is mortified at himself after because he recognizes the anger for what it is and is therefore embarrassed. you know how when you're mad, and you have to yell about it, and then what's the anger's spent and you're quiet again and sitting in the after you're like "yikes. that sure was a feeling." -- it's that.
but let's be real, Blair is a silly, silly person. and we get these little doses of her whimsy sprinkled throughout the show, which to me are what make her a good character. if it was all "powerful woman" and the scheming and the backstabbing and even the constant loop of a power struggle between she and Serena, then I would probably hate her. And, I'll admit, when I first watched the show when I was 18, I did kind of hate Blair in season 1 bc, well, I had a lot of internal misogyny yet to be unpacked, and because Blair was still going on her journey.
But! she has whimsy! she loves to feed the ducks! she loves a bubble bath! she still has her cabbage patch doll from when she was little! she reenacted Girls Just Wanna Have Fun with her mom! she goes to karaoke and sings Tammy Wynette! she played The Evil Queen at a drama major cabaret and was a HAM at it! and - of course - thanksgiving flashback water fight my beloved! she's endearing!
so yeah, idk friend, the karaoke video leak is not that bad in my book. I just think it's funny.
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unknownwriting · 3 years
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Summary- going on a date
Character(s)- Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijiro, Mina Ashido, Aizawa Shōta
Warnings- just so one comes for me, everyones aged up!!, besides that none :)
Notes- ahh look at me trying to expanding my fandoms
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Kaminari Denki
Definitely an arcade date. A simple yet fun idea.
Of course when he invites you, it mostly as a joke. He’s not expecting you to actually answer. But when you did this man is like so excited. If he could he would’ve planned the date that day but of course he waits till the weekend.
It’s a casual date, nothing to fancy just the 2 of you enjoy the little things. It’s one of those dates that feel like a date yet at the same time doesn’t.
It’s like those dates y’all see in like those cheesy romance movies. It’s a very cute date 🥺💕
Of course y’all don’t spend the whole date at the arcade, it was just the first out of many spots. Y’all basically play till y’all can’t anymore then go out to eat.
Y’all end up chatting about anything and everything, whatever topic pops up yall talk about it. At one point you make him charge you phone, limited his ability to talk. But you end up talking the most anyways.
After y’all had eat and enjoyed a dessert or 2, the 2 of y’all go a goof off at some random park. Talking on the swings, climbing up the monkey bars, petting to local cats.
Over all the date was just a simple one but it was probably the best one Denki has ever had and will have.
Before the date, he knew you only as a classmate, not knowing the small things about you. After the date he learns and remembers all the little things about you.
Your favorite color, your dream pet, what you what to do as a side job, how you wanna help people. All the little things.
Denki felt so unbelievably happy when the date was over. He hasn’t be on many dates before more like none so going on a date with you, and it being an actual date made him so happy. Y’all are definitely gonna be going in more dates from now on
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Kirishima Eijiro
Unlike Denki, dates with Kirishima take a bit more time to plan. Kirishima loves to go hiking, so why not go on a hiking date with him.
You honestly had never been on one so you have no idea what y’all would even do but you decided to go along with it. It something new for you to try and plus Kirishima seemed really happy when he was talking about it.
You clearly underestimate him and the date. By a lot. To start of with, y’all met up together just as the sun had reached over the horizon. It was to early.
2nd, he just had to pick the most ‘manliest’ trail. It was an gorgeous trail, don’t think it wasn’t. There were so many animals, birds, and beautiful flowers. But also bugs, and awkward wooden stairs and rocks, and a lot of walking. At that point you weren’t sure if this was a date or extra training.
However, you went along with it. Although it wasn’t your thing, it was nice change of pace and something else fun to try. The date wasn’t bad either, the two of y’all cracked jokes, chatted about the latest gossip at the school and about y’all’s works study, and just talking about random topics.
At one point y’all ended up holding hands and walking shoulder to shoulder, until however the 2 of y’all didn’t even know how or when y’all did it. The only time y’all noticed it was when Kirishima tried to head off into a bush to pee but next he knew you just continued to follow him. His flustered face was so unmanly.
After hours and hours of talking, sunset came and you noticed that y’all weren’t near the entrance of the trail. You brought your concern with him, but he simply smiled, grabbed you hand once again and asked, “Trust me. You’ll love it.”
There was no way you couldn’t trust that smile. So you continued to follow him until the sun began to dip under the horizon. And an hour before the light had disappeared completely, Kirishima brought you to a lovely field and a small picnic area
You were speechless, you were definitely not expecting that. It was so strange yet cute. So while you stood there, speechless, Kirishima began to unpack a bunch of snacks, of course ones that didn’t need to be referated. Once he set them all out, he looked back at you and smiled sheepishly, “Hehe, I hope you don’t mind a pinic date.” 
and of course you loved it. The date lasted on for about 2 more hours before yall decided to head back. Although the walk back was scary and surprising a lot shorter bc he apparently knew a short cut, it was still fun. The date was very new and nice, it was very different from any date you went on before. So this just might become a regular thing for you.
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Mina Ashido 
a night out on the town all the way. Kinda like Kaminari but not at the same time...
Even though the date is technically at night. The 2 of y’all spend the day together anyways. Not going out and partying, but lazing around the house doing nothing. Mina liked to call it your girl time where y’all gossip, watch rom-coms, fantasize about the future, sending each other memes, simply stuff like that.
It wasn’t until around 5 when the date was finally starting. Y’all would get all dressed up, do each other’s make up, complement the hell out of each other, flirt, and try on like 5 different outfits before finally heading out.
The night started off relatively calm. The 2 of y’all would start the date off by going out to dinner at a somewhat fancy restaurant. Where y’all would continued to gossip and talk about random things.
After the dinner date the 2 of y’all would sneak off to an ice cream parlor and enjoy an ice or 2 together. Completely ruining y’all’s outfits. Besides the dinner date and the ice cream, everything after that wasn’t planned at all. It was all up to Mina where y’all would go.
To the club! Is the first place Mina’s gonna drag you too. It was popular club too where citizens, heroes and even villains would attend. The only rule that’s enforced at the clubs is: no sharing your real identity with a stranger. Besides that it’s a free for all.
Dancing, drinking, partying. They do it all, and y’all definitely do it all. Of course still having a sense of responsibility, y’all don’t drink too much but y’all definitely make that up on the dance floor.
While dancing you even ran into a few friends and decided to join their little party. Y’all did everything: drinking games, dance, encourage fights, ate till y’all couldn’t stand, threw it all up in the bathroom then did it again. You were pretty sure you saw some people from the league of villains but who cares. You were on a date not a night patrol.
Of course y’all aren’t super human well technically you are butttt so eventually even y’all had to call it quiets. It was around 3 am tho. It was a good thing that y’all didn’t have work in the morning. So the 2 of y’all said you goodbyes and slowly stumbled y’all’s way back to your apartment. Both of y’all took turned carrying each
As soon as y’all go home y’all had enough energy go pull off your outfits before crashing on the bed make up and all. The next morning, or next afternoon Mina was the first to wake up so she was quick to get dress and clean up before she began to make breakfast for you and a hot drink. When you woke up Mina was quick to check up on you and make sure you were feeling ok.
Once again y’all spent the day doing nothing and relaxing with each. And after a night like that, y’all couldn’t ask for more.
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Aizawa Shōta
This man is like so romantic...when he wants to be lol. It really all just depends on his mood. Normally a date with him would be a very simple and easy going one.
Because he is a teacher, there’s a lot of time where’s he stuck grading papers and when that happens, He loves to cuddle up with you under a blanket and while you watch a movie or read or play on your phone he’ll grade the papers. Taking many breaks of course.
Most of the time his breaks will consist of him complaining about how one of his students didn’t get a question right or didn’t even answer it or just put something crazy. Most of the time he’s not to talkative but when it comes to school, especially his students, he won’t shut up. So you let him rant, you enjoy hearing this stories too anyways. His students are amazing.
Occasionally if it’s a simple worksheet with an answer sheet he made before hand, He’ll make you grade the papers while he sleeps or does something else. You love when this happens cause then your can give them a few extra points just bc.
Of course the date is not grading papers with him. The date comes after. Once all the papers are graded, the 2 of y’all would put in some relatively decent clothes and head out to the nearest coffee shop. A chance to get y’all out of the house and a nice breath of fresh air. Normally it’s your idea to go on the date but Aizawa always loves it.
Once y’all reach the cafe that’s when Aizawa would normally take over the date. He’ll either find something else he wants to do like see a movie or take a walk in the part the. Something he’ll just want to go back to the appointment and just sleep and relax.
It really doesn’t matter what y’all do. Aizawa’s the type of person to just savor the time spent with you. As long as he’s with you he doesn’t mind what y’all do. With thag in mind, he would prefer to just lay around the house and cuddle but he’s also open to your date ideas.
Like I said before Aizawa can be one hell of a charmer when it comes down to it. So when y’all go on actually dates. He knows exactly how to dress, act, and what do it. It’s almost like a completely different person but his lazy reaction remind you he’s still the same man you fell in love with.
Even the romantic dates are simple, going out to eat at a fancy restaurant and going out for a walk hand in hand. If y’all do something too exciting, he thinks it will take away from your beauty and distract him so that he’a not focused on you. So he keeps the dates simple so that he won’t have any distractions from you.
To others y’all’s dates might be too simple and boring, but y’all love them. The dates aren’t about seeing how much y’all could do together, it about spending time with each. So if all y’all do it go off to some cafe that’s around the block and talk, y’all are completely happy and satisfied.
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