#more like PAK biology but that’s close enough
hermajestytak · 3 months
Late night irken biology headcanon short: why are irken antennae shaped like that?
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You got the masc scythe style and fem curled style, but no matter what they have some kind of sharp kink on the end of them. But WHY?
I strongly believe Irkens evolved this antennae shape so that they could hook their antennae onto each other for communication!
Because...what else would the shape be for?? They can't use them to hook onto objects, their antennae don't look strong enough to support their weight!
So my headcanon is that irkens can communicate with each other closely by touching their antennae together and sensing each other. This is much easier to do when their antennae are hooked onto each other, especially if they're moving during it.
However, you don't usually see irkens doing this anymore because it was primarily used in courtship and mating.
That and they can just send signals through their paks nowadays. It's not nearly as intimate, but it's a lot more versatile and can be done from a distance instead of requiring them to get close.
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years
If an Irkan dies but the PAK is still around, the PAK tries to connect to whatever the closest living thing is, right? Can other aliens wear a PAK? I'm assuming the empire would kill them pretty quick. but. I mean it sounds interesting
(avoid comic spoilers if you can I haven't read them yet lol. Put it under a readmore maybe if it becomes relevant)
If the PAK is disconnected from the irken and the irken dies, the PAK will attempt to connect to any (sentient) living being or supercomputer. After connecting, the PAK will overwrite the creature’s brain with the brain of it’s irken user after a few minutes.
But this is only a temporary fix for several reasons.
The first reason is the differences between irken biology and the biology of other aliens.
PAKs draw power from many parts of the user’s biology, including the circulatory system, digestive system and electrical signals from the brain. But PAKs are made to draw power from irken biology, which has exactly two main organs, the brain and the squeedilyspooch (I probably butchered the spelling there), which is one superorgan that contains all of the things an irken needs to live, including the lungs, heart (two of them actually), digestive tract and much more.
Most aliens don’t have irken biology, and instead have their own unique biology, so the PAK can’t properly draw power from them and will eventually shut down completely, permanently killing both the irken consciousness and the body the PAK is connected to.
The second reason is the differences between irken brains and everything else.
I’m not saying irkens are smarter than the rest of the galaxy or anything here. Even here on earth, different creatures have different sized and shaped brains. Just look at the differences between a dolphin brain and a human brain.
Point is, irken PAKs are made for irken brains, and you would have to be insane to try and attach a PAK to yourself if you’re not an irken. Hell, you would have to be insane to attach a PAK that isn’t yours to yourself if you ARE an irken, because PAKs are made for that specific irken’s brain. (Although it might be possible to switch the PAK’s of newborn smeets without issue because the PAKs haven’t properly adapted to fit that specific irken’s brain yet. Once the smeet is a few months old this won’t be possible).
So if a PAK attaches itself to an alien with similar enough biology for it to power itself, it would still be unable to properly access the brain and would destroy both the organic brain and itself trying to overwrite the organic brain because they’re just not compatible. The same thing happens when a PAK connects to and overwrites a supercomputer. After a few hours, it’ll destroy itself because it’s just not compatible.
So in order for a PAK to connect to an alien body without destroying it, it needs similar enough biology to power itself and an almost identical brain structure to the original irken body.
But even if a PAK DOES somehow connect to an alien body and is able to function properly, it’s still only a temporary thing, and will only last for about a week or so until the alien body drops dead for one specific reason:
Irkens undergo surgery so PAKs can be attached.
Seconds after being born, Irken smeets have mechanical implants placed in their spine, taking up the majority of their backs so the PAK can connect to the brain and the rest of the body without getting in the way of stuff like nerves and blood vessels that are too sensitive for the PAK to mess with. These spinal implants are very important because without them, the PAK will directly connect to the brain in ways that may harm the irken’s body, causing things like paralysis, mass amounts of internal bleeding and serious brain damage.
If you somehow connect to an irken PAK with no issues, you will eventually die from the PAK’s invasive connection procedures and general unawareness of what it’s doing because it’s made to deal with irken biology, not other creatures, and doesn’t know the difference between important parts and useless parts when connected to something non-irken.
There’s not much you can do about this because irkens and irkens alone have these specific spinal implants. You can attempt to add your own spinal implants but good luck getting the PAK to use them properly because you’re not an irken, so what an irken views as “important parts of biology that the implants must protect” will be very different from what you consider “important parts that should be protected”.
Not that you’d even know at that point because your brain will have been overwritten by the PAK by that point and your consciousness would have been replaced by the irken consciousness inside the PAK.
Serious Comic spoilers under the cut. Like major spoilers. Do not press read more if you haven’t read the comics.
This doesn’t mean that it’s completely impossible though.
Meet Zib.
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He’s a alternate version of Dib that managed to kill his Zim and found a way to put on Zim’s PAK while retaining his human consciousness. And possibly the original Dib from the original pilot episode of Invader Zim.
Humans have a similar enough biology for PAKs to power themselves (although Zim’s PAK did slightly change Zib’s biology for the sake of efficiency), but their brains are structured differently, so Zib had to heavily edit Zim’s PAK to overcome this. Erasing Zim’s consciousness from the PAK and adding in his own while adapting the PAK and adding his own technology so it could work with a human brain instead of an irken brain. (Zim’s still in there somewhere though, he just can’t show himself or really do anything other than become a constant source of intrusive thoughts for Zib).
Zib also got around the whole “PAK damaging his insides” thing by both heavily limiting how much access the PAK has to his body and attaching the PAK to the back of his head instead of his spine, so the PAK doesn’t need to go up, across and through his spinal cord to reach the brain and instead has direct access to his brain by going straight through his head. And all it took was a few straight years of work and drilling two massive holes in the back of his head.
There’s also Fitzoo-Menga, also known as Virooz:
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He managed to build his own primitive PAK using a ton of organic brain surgery and a LOT of cybernetics and even managed to take over and began to overwrite Zim’s body. His species has a similar enough brain structure to irken brains, but has very different biology, so he can overwrite the brain, but can’t power the PAK. To get around this, his primitive PAK relies on power from external sources instead of internal biology and must be charged daily to stop it from shutting down, which would permanently kill him.
His primitive PAK is also missing everything but the essentials, meaning basic life support to keep the brain and (when connected to one) body alive and that’s it. No connections to the empire database or technology and no extra equipment like weapons, tools and communication devices.
Which gives us some fridge horror when you realize that Zim ended up trapped him in the body of a creature that cannot move, meaning that he has no way of connecting himself to a power source and will die once he runs out of power, fully aware that he is dying but unable to do anything about it.
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krizaland · 5 years
do u have headcanons for zim or tallest 4 affection
You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for an ask like this! Strap in kids because this is gonna be a long one!
Now before we begin, I’d just like to take a moment to talk about one of my headcannons for any Irken feeling affection.
I headcannon that Irken biology has changed a lot over the years. Therefore, once they started cloning to reproduce, I suspect that the Control Brains would probably consider affection to be inefficient. Therefore, the Control Brains would try to eliminate any capacity for affection of any kind. However, no Irken is perfect. PAKs can glitch and pieces of free thinking do tend to slip through the cracks. 
I headcannon that when an Irken feels a strong emotion that is not approved by the Control Brains, then their PAK will begin to overload and sparks will fly out of it as a result.
If the emotions are strong enough, their PAK may spark a bit but they would brush off their feelings and move on.
Of course if said Irken is a defective, then I headcannon that they would have a much higher capacity for free thinking and unapproved emotions. Therefore, defective PAKs will spark a lot due to the larger range of emotions.
Sparking PAKs are only painful if the Irken in question has never had it happen to them before.
However, if the Irken in question is prone to strong emotions then their PAK sparking will not affect them in any way.
 I headcannon that strong, unapproved feelings such as, affection are quite common in defective Irkens, as their PAKs are already malfunctioning for one reason or another.
With that being said, Let’s start with my favorite defective, Zim!
While Zim had always sworn up and down that he didn’t need friends through out the show, I could tell deep down he could not only feel some form of affection but he also craved it.
I believe his obsession with pleasing the Tallest is more than just part of Zim’s Irken nature.  I think that Zim craves affection and praise and who better to give to him than his leaders?
Granted, I don’t think Zim has any romantic feelings for either Tallest but he absolutely wants to be in their good graces so he can be showered with positive attention.
I hope headcannon that out of all of the Irkens, Zim is the most likely to get romantic feelings for someone. (Skoodge is a close second)
Of course, if you are anything other than an Irken, Zim would view you as inferior. So if he were to have any feelings for you at all, he would go so deep in denial that he should move to Egypt.  
Especially if you’re human.  Zim wouldn’t want to have a filthy human ruin his mission!
 He also would be constantly at war with himself due to the fact that affection is a very foreign concept for him.
Most of the things he’s learned about affection were from dealing with Tak and Keef. Both of which were not only negative experiences but also gave him many many wrong ideas about how affection works.
Keef was very clingy and didn’t respect Zim’s boundaries in the slightest.
Tak while she wasn’t even human, Zim was still abused and tormented relentlessly by her when he thought she was in love with him.
So naturally, Zim is going to be absolutely terrified.  
Will you abuse or torment him like Tak? Will you disrespect his boundaries and nearly expose his base like Keef?
He would be so freaked out he probably didn’t want to know the answer.
Zim would be convinced he has to destroy you not just for the sake of his mission but for his own safety as well.
However, Zim wouldn’t be able to resist his cravings for your attention. 
After all, Zim may loathe Dib, but he still tells him his plans and has admitted he enjoys that Dib appreciates his genius.
Much like with Dib, Zim would still try to impress you, despite wanting to destroy you. 
However, unlike Dib, Zim deep down wouldn’t actually want to destroy you.
He wouldn’t know what he would want.
All he would know is that he’s angered by the hurricane of emotions that he goes through whenever he thinks about you.
If his feelings persist, then Zim would probably be convinced you made him sick or had some kind of magical power over him.
 So he would probably come up with one of his batshit crazy schemes and capture you in some over the top manner. 
Then he would beg you to tell him what you’ve done to him.
Of course you know you’ve done nothing to him and would tell him so. However, Zim is stubborn and probably wouldn’t believe you until either his computer and/or Minimoose backs you up.
Even then, Zim would still hold you captive and probably have a meltdown. 
During this meltdown Zim would tell you about everything he was feeling and how upset it was making him.
When you tell him he must be in love, Zim will try to laugh it off and go on a rant about how ‘an Invader needs no one’. 
With the help of the computer and/or Minimoose, Zim will eventually be forced to come to terms with the fact that he had fallen in love.
In that moment, Zim would probably kick you out and resume his meltdown.
Once he calms down, Minimoose would probably try to explain to him how Earth affection really works. Of course, Zim would still be in denial, However, deep down, he would be relieved to know that you weren’t going to harm him.
Zim would still try to fight his feelings for you but over time he would start to lose the fight.
Zim would try to avoid you but the moment he sees you paying attention anyone other than him, he would start to lose it.
As much as Zim would hate it, he would want you for himself. No one else could have you. No one! 
If the other person was just a random human then Zim would simply push them aside but if the other person were Dib, well…
Zim would go absolutely apeshit.
Zim would no doubt concoct some convoluted scheme to destroy Dib. Of course he would fail as always. However, in the process, Dib would probably find out about Zim’s feelings for you and confront you about them after escaping the aftermath of Zim’s botched plan.
Eventually, if you felt the same, you would probably have to be the one to make the first move. 
You would sit next to Zim at lunch and urge him not to leave. 
You would then confront Zim on his feelings for you.
Zim would try to deny his feelings and to brush you off but if you persist he would finally swallow his pride.
The words would get caught in his throat a few times but his confession would still be loud and clear:
“Fine! I like you ok?!”
You would probably tell him you liked him too.
Zim would be shocked to hear you admit that. Of course he would try to act like he had expected you to like him back. After all, he’s ZIM! Who wouldn’t feel the same right?
After a few moments of fanboying and denying said fanboying, Zim would give you a nervous laugh before saying something like:
“I guess this means I’m your love pig now right?” 
You would blink in confusion but laugh and say yes.
After you two have officially became love pigs a couple, things would be a bit different.
Zim would no longer want to destroy you but he would still have some trust issues. As long as your patient with him, he would probably open up to you over time.
You would have to teach Zim a lot about how Earth affection actually works and reassure him that you will not be attacking him with meat.
Zim’s cravings for attention will become way more noticeable, as he will try to do everything in his power to impress you.
He would personally build you alien gadgets as gifts. However, if you wanted something specific, Zim will do whatever it takes to get it for you.
Zim would also loudly declare that you were his and would scream at anyone who would get too close.
If Dib tried to talk to you again then Zim would try to attack him on the spot.
You would probably have to calm Zim down and reassure him that Dib won’t take you away from him.
Over time, Zim will slowly show his softer side.
He will start to hold your hand more often and will even start to compliment you! (in his own weird way of course)
Zim would probably start talking about you nonstop to just about everyone!
Of course, Zim won’t forget about his mission
Zim would lie to the Tallest (who really wouldn’t give a shit) and say that he was just using you to keep up appearances. 
 Zim would no doubt be torn on whether or not he should show you his true alien self.
Eventually, he will take the time to show you who he truly is.
Anyways, this is getting pretty long so I might make a second post about how Zim revealing himself as an alien to you would go down another time.
Seriously, I have sooo many headcannons for Zim, we’d be here forever if I listed them all in one post! 
Let’s move onto Tallest Red and Purple!
While the chances are insanely slim, I do believe that it could be theoretically possible for any Irken to feel affection, not just defectives.  The Tallest are no exception! 
For both:
Believe it or not, I headcannon that if you’re not Irken then your height will have little effect on how either Tallest feel about you!  Granted, if you’re super tall then of course that will be fascinating to them but they won’t mock you for being short.  
After all, I headcannon Red and Purple as around 12 feet tall. So humans will always be shorter than them!
Red and Purple don’t seem to care about anything other than the Irken Empire, snacks, going straight, and themselves. Trust me, if you were captivating enough to catch their attention then you must be truly something special. No matter how tall or short you may be. 
Now let me set the stage:
(Note: The following scene has no connection to the Zim headcannons above)
Zim had captured you and was about to test his latest experiment on you. Of course, Zim was super excited! He just had to call the Tallest and tell them what he was up to!
Both Tallest groaned as they begrudgingly answered Zim’s call. They prepared themselves for a headache but the moment the screen’s static cleared, both of their PAKs sparked.
The moment their colorful eyes laid upon you they were captivated! 
Most of the humans Zim had shown him weren’t very interesting but you!  What a lovely creature you were! 
“Zim, Who’s that behind you?” Purple could barely say much else as he gestured to you
“Eh? Oh! This is my human test subject! They will be the very first of their kind to-” 
“Their name, Zim. What’s their name?” Red corrected as his words were laced with a slight plea.
“Huh? Oh, eh what did you say your name was?” Zim asked as he gave you a confused look.
“It’s Y/N.  Now let me go, you creep!” You demanded as you wriggled in your restraints.
Wow! attractive and feisty?! What a combo! Both Red and Purple had to get to know you better! 
However, they didn’t want to entertain Zim any longer. Their hatred for him aside, they didn’t want Zim to ruin such a beautiful creature with whatever batshit crazy nonsense he had cooked up.
“Um, We need to use, Y/N for a…Top secret experiment!” Red stuttered as he pointed to the sky.
“Man, they’re pretty!” Purple sighed as Red spoke.
“Pretty….useful! They seem like a useful asset to the Empire! So just let us beam them aboard the ship and we will promote you!” Red lied as he shot Purple a glare.
“A Promotion for Zim?!” Zim’s eyes sparkled the moment the words left Red’s lips
“Yes! A promotion! Just put them in your teleporter already!” Purple whined as he pushed past Red.
“Consider it done, My Tallest!” Zim squealed with a salute.
Zim promptly cut the call and begun to ramble about how excited he was for his promotion before loading you into his base’s teleporter.
With a bright flash you were beamed aboard The Massive.
You rubbed your eyes and blinked as your body adjusted to The Massive’s climate.
When your vision cleared you let out a yelp! You were not only face to face with Zim’s leaders but they were way bigger than you expected them to be! The practically towered over you as they leaned down to get a better look at you.
“They’re so pretty! Can we keep them?!” Purple squealed as his PAK sparked some more.
“We’re not going to keep them, I am going to keep them.” Red insisted as he gestured to himself.
“What?! Why do you get to keep the pretty human?!” Purple whined as he put his hands on his hips.
“Because I’m responsible enough to take care of them. You couldn’t even take care of a pet rock.” Red mused smugly.
“It’s not my fault Nebby ran away!” Purple pouted as he folded his arms.
“What the-?! What’s going on?!” Your voice caught both Tallest’s attention.
“Don’t be alarmed, human! You have simply been selected to participate in a very special program!” Red lied as he tried to think of a way to calm you down.
“Man, you’re pretty.” Purple sighed as he tried to push past Red.
Red pushed Purple aside and promptly blocked your view of him.
“Anyway, you have been chosen because you are the perfect candidate for becoming the royal…um pet!”” Red chuckled nervously as he clasped his hands together. 
“What?! A pet?!” You were flabbergasted at such an absurd title.
“Yes! It is the um…Highest honor in The Irken Empire ever.” Purple lied as he shoved past Red.
“Um, ok then, I guess…” You muttered. You did not want to upset these huge aliens. Who knows what they would do to you?!
Before Purple could say another word, Red shoved past him again, this time it was hard enough to knock Purple flat on his rear.
Purple growled as he stood back up and tried to push Red. The two Tallest were about to throw hands when..
“My Taaallest! Perhaps you could let the human decide who they would rather serve?” One of the pilots piped up as the rest watched the show.
“Seize that guy and throw him out the airlock!” Purple commanded as he pointed to the pilot who spoke up.
The pilot screamed as two guards rushed in and threw him out the airlock.
“Wait! What if we let the human deicide who they’d rather spend time with-I mean serve?!” Red suggested as he pointed to the sky.
“Ok fine! We’ll let the human decide!” Purple pouted as he folded his arms.
And thus began, Red and Purple’s contest to see who could woo you!
For Red:
I headcannon Red as a bit more confident than Purple due to his better people skills.
Therefore, he would have no problem sitting with you and telling you exaggerated tales about himself. 
Red would also lavish you with genuine compliments and actually listen to your stories as well. 
Red would have a hard time dealing with his newfound feelings but he would be more than happy to learn more about them from you.
In truth, he probably would be actually interested in hearing about your life on Earth and even how you got mixed up in Zim’s tomfuckery. 
One thing’s for sure, Red would  promise that he would make sure your life as his pet would be far superior to your old life on Earth.
I heacannon that Red is slightly more mature than Purple so he would treat you with a bit more respect. He wouldn’t exactly treat you as his equal (After all you’re not Irken and you’re shorter than him) but he would still treat you somewhat like a partner rather than a pet. 
Red would actually try to keep you away from the public to keep up appearances. He couldn’t have The Empire or worse, The Control Brains find out he had feelings for anyone, let alone a member of an inferior species!
Therefore, if you choose him, you’d spend a lot of time in his chambers when he was busy. 
Red would make sure to make time to spend with you. After all, he wouldn’t want you to think about escaping!
You would have your own little pet bed and whatever you need to feel comfortable. There will be servants who would make sure you were comfortable but other than them, Red would forbid anyone else from spending time with you
Especially Purple. 
Red will do everything he possibly can to prevent Purple from taking you away from him. He would probably lock down his personal chambers when he was away and might even set up a trap or two to keep him away.
Whenever Red gets a moment alone with Purple, he would often rub it in his face about how he won you over and how much fun the two of you were having together. 
Purple would pout and whine for a while but he would eventually back off.
For Purple:I heacannon Purple as less mature than Red. He has more childish tendencies therefore, he probably wouldn’t be able to accept he had feelings for you.
However, Purple would still treat you well. Just not as a partner. He would treat you like an actual pet and spoil you rotten.  
He’d lavish you with all kinds of fancy snacks and even accessories! Hope you like bling because you would be covered in more gems then a jewelry store. 
Purple would try to steal your attention away from Red by inviting you to spend more time with him.
If you choose him then you would get you a collar that says your name on one side and “If lost return to Tallest Purple” on the other.
Purple would probably carry you around like a fancy accessory and loudly force people to look at how cute you are.
Of course if anyone asks, Purple would lie and say you were just a toy to keep up appearances but in private he would reassure you that he loved you and you were more than just a toy.
Purple would quite literally rub you in Red’s face. 
“Lookie at what I got! they’re all mine and you can’t have them!” He would tease as he would rub you up against Red’s face for a moment.
While Purple would force Red to watch you have fun with him, he would still try to keep you away from Red.
In truth, I headcannon that Purple is slightly afraid of Red so he probably wouldn’t go too far.
He also would’t want Red to take you from him! You were the closest thing to a best friend he had!
Still, Red would be constantly irritated that he lost you to Purple and would secretly try to come up with a plan to take you away from Purple anyway.
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shadowofthelamp · 5 years
@poppun-chan submitted:
Today has been tough, so that means we’re distributing another happy ending tonight (fun fact if you look closely at the opening ceremony scene you can spot Gaz standing on the podium):
Twix gasped happily as she saw her human dad, her real one appear in front of her. “Dad, you’re here!” she called as she threw her arms around him “We’ve been trying to find you for days, I’m so glad you’re safe” he said as he returned the hug “Come on Twix, let’s go home” as much as she’d love to leave this horrible world behind there was something she still needed to take care of.
Soon the two of them were standing in the dimly lit laboratory, Twix was right, Dib had been able to fool the I.D. scanners his alternate self had installed, however he wasn’t ready for what he saw.
Zim was there, emaciated and tired looking from years of expeimentation with half of one arm missing; why did his 11 year old self ever want this? The Zim’s remaining arm was wrapped protectively around this world’s Twix, slightly more healthy looking than her parent but a few inches shorter than his own daughter, likely from malnutrition.
He didn’t know how she was made, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know, but it broke his heart seeing the way the pair looked at him, how afraid they were.
His thoughts were interrupted by his Twix “I know you’re scared, but I promise he won’t hurt you” she explained to the others as she reached her hand out “In my world he’s really nice and we’re all happy, so please….come with us”
Both hesitated for a moment, while the Dib had some unfortunate resemblances, they trusted the Twix, and this Dib did have a look of kindness their’s didn’t. Besides, nothing could be worse than here. They both nodded to each other before Twix reached out and took her sister’s outstretched hand.
A second later the Dib had wrapped his trenchcoat around them and scooped all three of them into his arms before running for the exit; amazingly they made it to the machine without security so much as blinking at them, likely assuming it was their boss. The smaller Twix looked around wide eyed, she’d never been outside the lab she was born in, and now the first time she sees the sky she can almost touch it as she and her father leave their old lives behind.
A few minutes later Zim’s nervous pacing around the living room stopped when he saw the machine appear and his family climb out. “My Smeet!” he called happily as he pulled his daughter close “I’m so glad you’re back! My-”
Whatever he had planned to say was cut short as he spotted the other two passengers “….What….What is happening?”
The other Zim looked around the alternate version of his old base which somehow felt foreign to him now; as did the healthier, more vibrant version of himself, one that still had the fire he’d lost years ago. His anxiety was calmed as he was greeted by somebody he never expected to see again; he was almost knocked over as a tiny robot ran up and hugged him. His Twix qietly petted the robot with her little antennae perked up in curiosity and he wrapped his newly free arm around him. He’d missed his Gir.
After receiving a nice meal, warm bath and change of clothes, the two escapees were seated in the living room of another house when a tall man walked in. “You wanted to see me, Granddaughter?” he said warmly, the taller Twix nodded before explaining the situation, or rather the cover story they’d been given.
They were her “foreign” Father’s relatives, who had been held in a lab for years during a war and subjected to experiments, one of which lead to the creation of her “Cousin”. The other genetic donor was a worker at the lab that happened to have a very similar face to her other Father, that was why he wasn’t here and why they were meeting him here instead of his workplace. ‘Dad and labs make then nervous’ she had said 'Now they just need somewhere safe and quiet to live, somewhere far away’
The Professor listened to her story in unreadable silence before suddenly rising to his feet “That fiend!” Twix was startled; she’d never seen her grandfather be genuinely angry before. “Science is about making new discoveries to create a better world, not….this” he said, gesturing to the huddled family before angrily muttering about non-volluntary human test subjects and experimenting for the sake of experimenting while kneeling down to eye level.
“I’m so sorry about what happened to you" he offered sympathetically “I promise were aren’t all like this” This world’s Dib had said the same thing.
Zim nodded slowly “I know” his eyes were wide from realisation: he knew this man. In his old world he worked as a low ranking assistant or custodian, he had been the only one to offer any help delivering Twix, and would sneak them extra food and blankets, even the odd book now and then.
“May I?” Zim was pulled from his reverie and noticed the man holding his hand towards what remained of his left arm, he nodded and the man gently examined it. “Yes. Yes, I think I could work with this” he smiled at Zim “If you want, I could build you a functioning  prosthetic arm” he offered before pulling up his sleeve to reveal his own replacement limb “I have experience with this sort of thing”
A few months later escapee Zim was sitting at his desk in his new home, finishing work on a project. He had been surprised at how quick the process had been, in just a day or so they were in their new home, with a full set of furniture no less. The Professor had even stayed a few days to make sure they were settled in and make some final adjustments to Zim’s arm.
He’d hired him as well, while Zim was understandably put off biology he was still fond of robotics, he’d been working to revive Gir in his spare time, too; he had kept Gir’s A.I. chip in his Pak all these years and the head was almost ready to receive it now, he and Twix will have so much fun together. The Professor had also been impressed with his work in astronomy, and he’d started taking a few botany projects as well; Twix loved them and was always asking questions and putting together her own observation journal. He even felt a little of his old spark return.
“Dad, I’m home!”
His Twix is almost unrecognisable from the scared little girl she was when they first arrived; while she still didn’t like sleeping alone at night, she was now blossoming into a bright eyed & curious child and was starting to become more comfortable around people. She looked healthier too, he proudly noted that she was starting to outgrow the hand-me-downs the other Twix had given her as the two of them sat on the sofa.
Twix sat in her father’s lap with her head resting against his chest, they often sat like this when they still lived in the lab to help her feel safe, but now it was more to have some quiet time to recharge after school. “Guess what?” she asked as she settled into a comfortable spot “Marie’s parents offered to take me to the fair this weekend, they said you could come too, do you want to?”
Zim smiled warmly at his Smeet as he stroked her hair lovingly “I’d like that”
In another world, a human with the body of a man and the mind of an angry 11 year old is sitting atop a moose whose unenthusiastic expression contrasts with the mood of it’s passenger and the cheering crowd. He may have been annoyed that the alien & hybrid disappeared, but he knows about the coming invasion now, it doesn’t matter. Elsewhere his father smiles bittersweetly as he cleans the lab, he may not know where she is, but his granddaughter made it, and that’s enough for him.
In another country the local Zim is informing his leaders that there is now another Zim living on Earth and asking if they would like his contact information. He happily misinterprets their stunned expressions and insistence that his calls are “more than enough” as a compliment.
And in a few days this Zim & his daughter will go to a fair for the first time where they’ll watch shows by the most adequate performers a shoestring budget can hire, win cheap wall-eyed stuffed animals, and discover the joys of cotton candy.
But for now he’s just glad to hold his daughter close and know that she is happy and safe, they both are.
Shadow: YOU MADE IT BETTER... gah, this is all really, really great! Thank you so much! The idea of Zim getting a job and something to do and WLOD Twix getting to go to school, WLOD Membrane actually kind of helping them... this is so nice.
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krizaland · 5 years
Zim x Reader/ Dib x Reader Chapter 5
First Chapter Previous
Thank you all so much for waiting! 
“See? There is love in your heart for Zim!” Zim insisted as he gestured to the monitor.
“I don’t think that was love, Zim. I think that was just being polite.” You muttered as you raised an eyebrow.
“LIES! Your heart clearly beats with overflowing love for ZIM! CAN’T YOU FEEL IT?!” Zim wailed as he curled his hands in front of his face.
Despite how hysterical Zim was behaving, he wasn’t exactly wrong.  You did feel something for the insane alien. If only your mind would cooperate!
“Well...um now that you mention it... I do feel something for you.” You admitted as you looked down at your feet.
“Woah there! My memories are still foggy. I-”
“Welcome home, son” The Robo parents greeted as Zim charged past them.
Zim tore off his disguise before his base could assist him and dove into the toilet.
He nearly ripped the flushing cord off the ceiling before swirling down to his underground lab.
“Stupid Y/N beast! They’ve done something to me! I just know it! I don’t know what they’ve done but once I find out I will DESTROY THEM!” Zim ranted to himself as he plopped down into his lab.
“Computer! Run a diagnostic for any signs of illness!” Zim commanded as he put his hands on his hips.
“Diagnosing DIAGNOSING!” The computer bellowed as mechanical tentacles dropped from the ceiling.
The tentacles engulfed Zim as the computer ran its course.
“DIAGNOSIS COMPLETE! NO ILLNESSES DETECTED!” The computer bellowed as the tentacles retracted back into the ceiling.
“WHAT?! How can this be?! My PAK has been glutting all day! Surely there must be something wrong with me!” Zim roared as he stomped his foot.
“Your body is in perfect health. However there appears to be an extreme increase in sertemine.” The Computer explained as the monitor showed a diagram of Zim’s body.
“Sertemine increase?! But sertemine isn’t supposed to increase unless... An attraction is present!” Zim’s ruby eyes widened in shock.
“No! NO! It can’t be! It’s literally impossible! I CANT BE EXPERIENCING AN ATTRACTION!” Zim gasped as he grasped the sides of his head.
“Master, sertemine increases are actually quite common amongst defecti- I mean superior Irkens. Um only the most superior and AMAZING Irkens can experience an increase in sertemine!” The computer stuttered in an attempt to console Zim.
“This can’t be happening! This can NOT be happening! I shouldn’t even feel an attraction at all, let alone to a FILTHY HUMAN! This attraction is going to put my mission in jeopardy!” Zim panicked as he frantically started to pace around his lab.
“Really, Master. It’s no big deal. You’re simply just-”
“BE QUIET! Computer! Decrease my sertemine at once!” Zim demanded as he pointed to the monitor.
“I’m afraid that’s not possible.” The computer stuttered.
“Master, it’s impossible to change Irken biology-”
After a few moments of static, Prisoner seven seven seven answered.
“What is it this time, Zim?” Prisoner seven seven seven groaned.
“I need a sample of Early Irken courtship pheromones. And make it quick! It’s an emergency!” Zim demanded.
“Early Irken courtship pheromones? What could you possibly need those for?!” Prisoner seven seven seven yelped.
“DO NOT QUESTION ME!” Zim roared.
“Alright. Alright. I’ll send you a sample.” Prisoner seven seven seven sighed.
Within a few moments, Prisoner seven seven seven cut the call and the sample arrived in a small pink vial.
“Excellent!” Zim giggled as he held up the vial.
Before Zim could even sit down, GIR came flying into the lab.
GIR fell flat on his face.
“YAY! I FELL!” GIR squealed as he jumped off the ground and started to run around the lab.
“GIR! STOP YOUR FOOLISH RUNNING IMMEDIATELY! I need quiet so I can work!” Zim snapped as he shot GIR a glare.
“Oooh! What’s that?!” GIR chirped as he pointed to the vial.
“Early Irken courtship pheromones, GIR. With this, I can reverse engineer a cure for my sudden attraction to that Y/N beast. Once I do that, then I’ll finally be able to DESTROY THAT FILTHY HUMAN!” Zim cackled as he gestured to the vial.
“Can I have some?!” GIR squealed as he snatched the vial out of Zim’s hand,
“No GIR! No!” Zim shrieked as he tried to grab the vial back.
Zim’s pleas fell flat as GIR cheerfully popped open the vial
The moment the vial was opened, a powerful aroma erupted and surged through the lab.
Zim’s sertemine levels skyrocketed as the aroma engulfed his senses. Zim’s antennas twitched and his eyelids lowered. Sparks fired from his PAK as his face turned a dark shade of green.  He let out a soft moan as his worm like tongue hung out of his mouth.
“Woo! This stuff smells like a cheesy piggie!” GIR giggled as he closed the vial.
Once the vial was closed, the smell faded away. Zim blinked and shook off the effects of the pheromones.  
“Ugh...GIR! Return the vial immediately!” Zim demanded as he held his head.
However Zim’s demand went unnoticed, as GIR had disappeared with the vial.
“GIR? GIR where did you go?!” Zim let out a frustrated growl as he searched the lab for any signs of GIR.
Sure enough, GIR had ran off to Macmeaties with the vial in hand.
You were sitting at a table waiting for the food your ordered for your parents. You decided to pick at your own food while you waited.
“CAN I HAVE SOME OF THAT?!” GIR squealed as he reached for your food.
“What?! No! Get away from my food, weird talking dog thing!” You snapped as you pulled your food away from him.
GIR immediately started to scream hysterically and threw himself onto the floor.
You rolled your eyes as you watched GIR throw his tantrum. You were about to ignore him and continue to wait when suddenly
During his tantrum, GIR had accidentally opened the vial and drenched you in its contents.
“You got your weird drink all over my favorite outfit!” You screamed as you lifted up your dripping arms.
Before you could say another word, Zim burst through the doors.  He was about to reprimand GIR when he smelled it.
The sickeningly sweet smell of the pheromones mixed with your scent drowned Zim’s senses.  His insides felt like they were melting as more sparks fired from his PAK.  Zim begun to pant as he started to sweat.  
“Oh great. You’re here too. As if tonight couldn’t get any worse”
The sound of your voice caught Zim’s attention.  
His eyes locked onto you before jumping up onto your table.
“Hey! Get off the table! You’ll get your weird alien germs all over my food!” You snarled as you shielded the food.
“Oh, sweet beautiful Y/N. You enjoy playing this game with me don’t you?” Zim let out a low growl as he stared into your eyes.
“What are you talking about?! I’m not playing a game with you! Just leave me alone!” You countered.
“Oh don’t play dumb. You know exactly what you’re doing to me. Watching my desire for you grow with each passing second. Laughing as my body burns up from the inside. Making me weak.” Zim’s voice lowered as he inched closer to you.
“W-What are you doing? G-Get away from me!” You spluttered nervously as you begun to brace yourself.
“Winning your little game.” Zim’s voice was a sinister whisper as he grabbed your face.
Before you could react, Zim crashed his lips onto yours
You let out a muffled yelp as Zim’s tongue forced its way into your mouth. He let out a growly moan as his tongue collided with yours. His mind became shrouded in ecstasy as he tasted every inch of your mouth.  
You squirmed as you frantically tried to break free.
With one swift movement, you pushed Zim off of your face and ran out the door.  
Zim fell flat on his back as his mind finally returned to reality.
“Ugh…What just happened?” Zim groaned as he slowly sat up.
“You kissed, Y/N!” GIR teased as he ate your parent’s food.
“Huh? I did wha- WAIT A MINUTE IT’S ALL COMING BACK TO ME!” Zim gasped as he sprung to his feet.
“You guys looked so cute together! Are you gonna get married?!” GIR giggled as he continued to eat,
Zim let out a loud shriek as he ran out of the restaurant.
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