#more mercury 1st notes hehe
imagineastrology · 1 year
Mercury in 1st House:
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Do you often feel like you have to prove your intelligence to the world? Do you feel threatened when you feel stupid? Do you like to research the world around you to ensure your confidence when in public? If someone makes you feel stupid is your first instinct to attack them with words and make them feel like the idiot? Congratulations! Many Mercury in 1st House people like to feel smart and if something (or someone) makes them feel the opposite - I would back away...
But don't worry - this placement suggests the world views you as someone quick-witted and smart, especially booksmart. This is your defence mechanism and your armour when dealing with the often unpredictable nature and unknown (scary) alleyways of life. Nothing really gets past you without you noticing and this is what gives you the confidence to go out into the world. You view society as something that is confusing so you take time to research the world around you and learn about current affairs. 
Knowledge, open communication and expertise is something you trust and admire in people and the world around you. So naturally, this is also what people see when they initially meet you for the first time. You aim to be continually learning throughout your life and this is something that people truly admire about you - your ability and humility to know that no one will ever know everything yet you push yourself to always learn more.
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cazshmere · 5 months
synastry observations pt. 1 🩵
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🦋 venus in the 3rd house synastry is honestly so so underrated. The venus person could want to constantly talk to the house person because they just GET them yk?😭 it’s so cute to see them interact. They’re in their little bubble, cracking jokes, laughing at things and the banter they have is chef’s kiss😋😌.
🦋 Another underrated placement is most definitely sun in the 4th house synastry. The immediate connection between these people ? like wow. Another placement where y’all just GET each other 💕.
🦋something weird I’ve noticed is when I have 12th house synastry with someone, I ALWAYS listen to music and make fake scenarios about them in my head😭 (I mean I do this with every guy I like but when 12th house synastry is involved it becomes excessive…). Especially with their venus/mars in my 12th house💀. Do y’all do this too? lmk
🦋moon-mars harsh aspects is honestly something else…❤️‍🔥. you don’t know if you wanna rip their head off or rip their shirt off (lmao with consent ofc)😭💀. They just KNOW what to say to PISS YOU OFF, especially the square. Despite them being the most aggravating person you know there’s something appealing about them that just draws you in😳😋.
🦋I feel like when you have mercury in the 1st house with someone, there’s always some sort of subtle or not so subtle physical touch taking place. Either they bump into you or touch you by mistake or they just tend to be extremely close to you…🤔 lmk if any of y’all have experienced this.
🦋 The way I have a love/hate relationship with mars in the 1st house synastry😭. Especially when a guy’s mars falls in my 1st house, I literally cannot help but physically react to whatever he says or does. Oh and you best believe the mars person wants to be physically near you or touch you in some shape or form. They literally can’t keep their hands to themselves ❤️‍🔥😋.
🦋if sun-venus/mars and moon-mars hard aspects (esp the squares) were a trope, it’d for sure be ‘enemies to lovers’😌❤️‍🔥. The countless “you’re so annoying”’s and the “I hate you”’s 😳❤️‍🔥. The tension is palpable hehe.
🦋something I’ve noticed with sun in the 8th house synastry is that there is a lot of insecurity from the house person’s side😬. The house person feels overshadowed by the sun person and in return tries to copy or mimic the sun person’s mannerisms in order to become more like the sun person 💀. On a more positive note, the house person genuinely admires the sun person’s personality and looks at them as sort of an inspiration 💕(ofc it depends on how self- confident the house person is and how good their self esteem is).
Please do not copy or steal any of my work <3. These are just personal observations so don’t take any of them too seriously 🧿😙♥️.
© cazshmere 2024 [All Rights Reserved]
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janesgms · 1 year
Astro Notes - 06
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✨️ Composite Chart Edition ✨️
Having asteroids bride (12029) and groom (5129) in opposite signs in the composite chart can indicate a couple who's very different but still complete each other in a balanced way. Like the definition of opposites attract, people usually think "I didn't imagine them together but they actually match and are so cute together", or just a couple that no one expected
Having these same asteroids in the same sign of the composite chart is that couple that everyone sees similarities, they're very similar from each other and they may seem the cliché couple from an american movie (not in a bad way haha) 💕
Virgo mercury in a composite chart is a huge indicator of a long-lasting relationship, because both people communicate well with each other but in a more mature way than gemini, for example, the other sign ruled by mercury. They understand each other's communicative way very well, specially if it's also in a well placed house like the 3rd, 1st, etc
Since I've talked about virgo mercury, let me say my opinion in gemini mercury in the composite of a couple. I think it creates a good communication between each other, indeed, but contrary to virgo, it doesn't look like a couple who talks about long-lasting plans, it seems like they enjoy talking about the present only, which is not the ideal for everyone, but overall, they have a lot of fun with each other
— People say that you usually have the same placements of your parents but in my case I have nothing in virgo, cancer or capricorn, my mom's big 3, and from my dad, I have the same mars and his sun as my venus. However, something interesting I've found out is that their composite sun sign and MC/IC is the same as mine
A couple with 10H mars can be known in the community or just among the family for a couple that fights a lot, specially if mercury is also there.
Leo moon in a composite chart can indicate that this couple have very intense or just dramatic fights, because their emotions get the best of them at times. This can be an indicator of any fire moon to be honest, but with the leo moon is particularly very "flashy" (not necessarily physical though)
Asteroid hehe (20002) conjunct venus in a composite chart of maried couple can indicate that a couple who's generally very harmonic and happy, look at any saturn aspects to see if this is long-lasting or not
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Having neptune and venus in the same sign of the composite chart can indicate a hidden relationship or even a lot of lies among the relationship...
Moon in the 5H in the composite is a couple who dreams in having children together, or just really prone to having children if not careful. For ex: my parents have this and my mom got pregnant 3 times
The sign of the asteroid DNA (55555) in the composite of a couple can indicate a prominent placement in the chart of their children
DNA (55555) in the 10H in the composite of the couple indicates their children will look more like the father. In the 4H it's the mom. In the 3H can indicate that the children will look like other familliars of the parents 👀
Moon conjunct lilith indicates a lot of taboo topics are prominent in the couple's dynamic. They probably talk about these topics a lot, if not careful, one of them is even abusive to the other or just influentiates the other a lot to do dark things. If the couple in unevolved, it indicates cheating, excessive jealousy...
Union (1585) in the 1H in the composite can indicate a couple who from the very first moment wanted to be together and bond. This can be a love at first sight placement. Overall, is a couple who takes proud in being together
Moon square chiron is such a painful one to have. This can indicate a karmic relationship, since at least one of them feels a lot of pain when trying to express their feelings. Dealing with each other's emotions brings a lot of pain generally. But if they overcome this dificulty, it can bring healing to each other
Pisces/12H placements in the composite can indicate a couple who's generally confusing/lost, or that couple that had everything to work out but didn't. A relationship that seems like a fairytale at the beginning but in the end brings a lot of karmic bagage to one of them, an unforgettable union (for the good or for the bad)
Moon square sun is also a harsh one, there are a lot of differences that makes being together tough sometimes, a lot of frictions between what they wanne be as couple and how they deal with their emotions
In my opinion, the best houses to have marriage/love asteroids and placements in the composite of a long-lasting couple, or the ones that actually work out more for me, to be more specific, are the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th houses :) but everyone feels differently about every house so feel free to comment your opinion. About the composite signs that are best to have in my opinion are cancer, virgo, aries and libra
Another nice aspect in a long-lasting relationship to me is MC conjunct NN (this applies both to composite and synastry), because the couples soul journey is well aligned with their life path (if that makes sense i hope it makes lol)
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♡ That's it for today, I hope you like it! have a nice day everyone 💌
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visiblenostalgia · 5 months
The Future of The Internet: An Intuitive Deep Dive Into The Madness Of Millions
First off: This is gonna be a prediction on such a mass scale. I don't expect anyone to really FULLY pick this up (it is a prediction after all, so it's like throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks). But from what my spirit guides are telling me to do right now, they want me to push this out as far as I can because of the Pluto In Aquarius permanent ingress happens next year. We're all changing for the better and somehow the internet is going to FULLY reflect that. Why am I capitalizing 'fully'? Three of the most mundane planets are influencing this. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The icey planets are changing the paradigm soon and it's gonna flip a whole switch on our digital reality. Kind of like a 'whopping us into some sense' type of way. A rough face slap essentially. Or would it be like a baby giraffe who just arrived and has gotta walk on stubbly legs? Who knows. And because of the current state of hateful and aware affairs.... it looks pretty tribal and yet all too liberating at the same time. Without further ado, more below the cut!! ~ <3
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Now most aren't really too speculative on where the internet started, but with a little research on hand, there have been speculations that the original basis for the internet and how it was programmed in it's "alpha" form, would be around October 29th, 1969. It was mainly a military owned and insider personnel type thing. Used for the benefit of the government to send messages to its military at a faster rate than normally possible at that time. Doesn't help that if we keep it to the basics of the sun being in scorpio (the personification of what 'underbelly' means), and knowing the ruler of that sign being Pluto (which so happens to be in a mercurial/communicative sign, Virgo), insider communication seems to check out perfectly. Setting the precedent of what's to come.
On closer inspection Pluto sat at the last decan of Virgo. Taurus being its sub-ruler. Which brings its slow-notoriety and slow-growth to the public eye.
Because after over a decade, the internet has its "beta" release because of Xerox's more interactive systems. Networks being more common, has brought more information sharing and an ultimate release for IBM systems. The computer went from a government owned invention, to a technological advancement for business and relaying data on stock prices on January 1st 1983. Very much a business incorporated sign for it to be born in, being Capricorn, we look to its ruler Saturn for extra conformation. Again, more notions of privacy and economy come to the internet. It sits once more in Scorpio. Dealing with the 'underbelly' once again. Taking another chance to look at the ruler of the sign Saturn was sitting in, it brings us to Pluto being in Libra. Which libra does deal with connections and solid foundations among people. Agreements and liability. Saturn's exalted sign as well, don't forget.
So the two (Saturn and Pluto) are in mutual reception. Businesses and powers-that-be are in symbiosis despite neighboring one another. Neutralization of any discomfort (which makes me think of a sextile -- a sextile that isn't a sextile at all (man, ping that to your notes about mutual reception hehe)).
Then, when 1984 came around, the Macintosh released the FatMac. Bringing the computer to the Homefront with a 'computer for the rest of us'. A bit of virtue signaling to the future of where computers were ULTIMATELY headed. We love Apple. God bless the genius of Steve Jobs y'all <3 (besides we'll do a whole bit on this at some point the more I think on that). But to bring the internet to the Homefront, coding had to have improved. Which, once more and finally, do we get to the internet "driving down your neighborhood street". It finally comes home on April 30th 1993. A nearly exact opposite to the "alpha" release we discussed all the way at the beginning of this section. This is where the 1.0 phase of the internet comes in. The World Wide Web ("www"). From personal studies on dates I thought were significant, colored blue like this, this day would particularly stick out to be a very Saturn and Moon dominant day. Jupiter being in third. It brings a structural (Saturnian) and personal (Lunar) backdrop to what's coming down later. HTML was released this year as well. Bringing more of an emphasis on that structure. Setting off more of the creativity in some people. In terms of modality, it was Cardinal heavy. Pioneering and brand new. Plus, because of the newness to this invention and the fact that this IS the 1.0 release, it started a... settling the Oregon trail kind of energy.
I know, the connotations of saying that are very dark, but an analogy is an analogy. We colonized the digital space as a human race. And we still do with the sphere of the STILL current invention of Virtual Reality.... lil food for thought..
Let's backtrack to the nineties once more shall we? I'm not done (cause we're only getting started!)
Established and released in November of 1994, this started the wide WIDE reach to have people start their own website. A lot of the energies involved were once again tied to Scorpio. Now beginning to show the Piscean side on top of that. Tying in more creativity and personal-ness to the sites people had made. Capricorn being involved too, enhancing the structure of the internet once again with the infamous release of this digital product.
To make another very similar analogy to American history, the internet has brought a sense of decentralized-ness. Or, if we were going to use a more 'american-historical' term, it was a 'confederation of sites'. No big central power to the way in which it worked. Even if you had search engines. It was all of the people who made them.
To make an astrological connection to this, Saturn (structure and now coding), was in Aquarius. A sign dedicated to the underdog and smaller man. The 'we-the-people' kind of energy that we see now with Pluto in Aquarius in 2024.
God had blessed the United States back then am I right?
Time flies and now we land on the date December 17th 1996. CSS and coding for the 'look' of a website makes itself a lot more accessible and easier for people to grasp. Better yet, it was a tool released for the folks willing to enhance usability and design for their digital experience at the time.
The energies on that date were relatively splashed. Nothing too significant. And with my synesthesia, the one thing that comes to mind when someone says 'splash' is paint and iridescence. Bringing more of that emphasis on the freedom to design and enhance a users experience in the personality of sites that were created. By 1996 though, Pluto has finally reached Sagittarius! GEN Z REIGN SUPREME (despite our never-ending depression we'll get through it though I promise you that)!! Again, igniting that need to bring a sense of adventure. More people start to join the online space. With Saturn at zero Aries by this day (structures in detriment and a new Saturn cycle sadly), there's a theme of freshness and the slates wiped. So, again, more pioneering and newness. Hell. This is where Saturn and Pluto are in trine with one another. And if the powers-that-be externally meet up in harmony like this, oh you know it's gooooooddd.
The golden age of the internet begins.
Although started with water, invert the alchemical triangle to the upright position..... and alchemy begins to take shape. so to say~
Alrighty! We made it to the y2k movement pre-2000s. color was all the rage thanks to CSS and HTML makes it much more possible to code ones own sites. The tools continue to evolve and become more advanced. Not to mention the commodified Windows 95 and 98 experience was well underway this year, and Macintosh brought in Mac OS by this point. I mean... do you see this absolutely gorgeous graphics on both of them????
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(even though they were rivals, they both had a lovely look to them)
what comes next after these years? 1999 of course! A BIG PROPRIETOR FOR 2.0
Geocities get's acquired by Yahoo! (January 28th 1999): This day was huge with a lot of energies being torn between Taurus and Aquarius (yet, I see the contrasting energies actually quite beneficial to one another). Most of the Taurus comes from the degrees in which some of the planets were situated (using degree theory as a base for this). But the contrast on both has fixed earth and fixed air. Some would say it's because the detached and logical energy of Aquarius doesn't get the slow to grow and traditional ways of life side of Taurus, but I see them coexisting. Like how fog creates the dew in grass on those very revitalizing yet calm 'last days of school' that you may have experienced. Take what resonates as usual. If it doesn't es fine. But it's foggy air, calm winds and the dew sitting on cool crisp grass. It's a good mix. Hell one could say it's Venus and Uranus working together. A wonderful (Venusian) surprise (Uranian) to the collective. Hell it made Geocities far more accessible because of Yahoo being a rising name in the internet search engine space.
HTML 4.01 (December 1999) Maybe it was an attempt to absolve the 'y2k' bug, maybe it wasn't. But what it DID bring, was more unanimity to the eventual structure of the internet. The Taurus-Aquarius energies are still prominent, yet it was slightly different with Jupiter at 25º of Aries. Doubling up on Aries energy since 25º Aries is on an Ariean degree. So, more luck in pioneering more sites for more online adventures. Saturn in particular was in 11º Taurus (in the Aquarian degree) when the released occured this month. Bringing more of that 'stability' aspect to the freedom to code. And then the outer planets were set in Aquarius to Taurus degrees. Except for Pluto..... Sagittarius 10º.... Capricorn degree. This was gonna lead to success either way.
So, what else? We made it to 2000. And 2.0 was at its time. It brought such big risers like YouTube, Facebook and MySpace this decade. Geocities continues to be used and with that, there was more of an emphasis on respect for what people brought to the online space.
It of course raised the question about living double lives and with the invention of proto-social media, personas slowly begin to fall. Eventually there's more real-life integration and an 'everyone in' type energy because of Pluto in Sagittarius destroyed the boundaries of intercontinental travel with the advent of speaking to someone on the other side of the planet with your PC. Fucking wild shit man.
Soon, the 2010's approach. Windows 8 is soon to release in the next few years
.... it brings us to another component.
2013 - Neocities
The indie web. An alternative to Geocities because it used HTML4.whatever at this point. Evolution is pretty hard to pay attention to when you're tryin' to write a whole thing on the history of how we function on the web; just to prove a point.
Before we go on about the astrology of such, this year also marks a turning point in the internet. I personally see this as the seed for delusion and craze. Social media starts to make our real life selves more noticeable. Sure, it enhanced communication to an even MORE personal level. But, the internet was highly synthetic and had fictional tones. So, the homogenization begins with bringing those same sites who were rising stars in the 2.0 era, into the current state of affairs. They became big conglomerates. Years continue with them starting to implement ad-revenue systems, stock exchange and other such money-power-lucrative systems that the newly ingressed Pluto in Capricorn is willing to expose. By 2019, geocities is completely shut down. Personality has been swiped away in trade of Wix's dull and corporate look.
Back to my point, a secret stem to this internet begins to slowly form. Neocities.
June 28th 2013
Because this site is a major nostalgia revamp, its ultimate goal of replicating and replacing the former private-on-public-server brethren has since reached its goal today. Look to Tumblr and you notice the culture if you throw in the hashtag for it. Most people don't notice since they're too busy protesting thanks to Neptune in Pisces being our current cycle. Yet, when you want to leave the homogenized internet for something a little more personal and free to your own designs, then this would be your ticket. But it's gonna take effort to code a site.
Much like it takes effort to build a home, this release has a slight pull toward more of a water dominant presence. Bringing the full story of privacy and personality full front and center. But, because of the addition of fire in its chart, there's a lot of support for the freedom to adventure out and stand out. So, Fire and Water heavy.
It's best to work in short bursts. But put your ALL into it when you can/do.
With the advent of Neptune in Aries, Uranus in Gemini, and Pluto in Aquarius being on the precipice of what's to come, I think there'd be point where the homogenization of the internet is going to be too much to bear. I'm not trying to make this an eventual doomscroll, but don't you feel like the internet is kinda..... dying? Do we really need AI? Do we really need Bitcoin? Do we reallyyyy need this or that or anything to digitally exist other than just a little taste of our souls? I see a split (fracture) and a break.
if push comes to shove and we DON'T regulate AI or make it so where it's NOT subscribe able and it's a free service (i.e. we teach people the ways of building these mechanisms and make it easier to do so), then the internet is gonna split.
You'll have social media (the first one in the group), suddenly fall. The toxic nature could start to die down and become less and less significant as we get around to moderating our use. Respect could come back this way, but with the advent of that, it's the responsibility that comes with using the internet. Being careful with what you put out and more needs to teach digital literacy at a younger audience.
Fandom could take a slight hit because of this. Having a full-circle experience of everything I had to know about what it means to be in one, from being banned, blocked to accepted and loved, as well as the arguments over logistical means in a fictional world (which by the way Neptune in Pisces loves to blend reality with the incomprehensible imagination and raw emotions we get). Antiship and Proship wars too. (That's also gonna be something I wish to talk about with my Neptune in Aries predictions) But because of the 'digital literacy' clause and intent of stuff stated above, it'll take a slight hit where fandom may have a more respectful way of saying or doing such and so. Silent blocks, DNI alerts, the usual that we're so encompassed to.
Other than that: Forums or modified forums become the norm as we revert to a more personal and open lifestyle with the digital space. Doxxing and callouts will still happen, yet I feel as a greater disdain and utter repulsion for it could occur. All of this could be known as ADAPTATION for some. Better yet, true RESPECT.
If push comes to shove and the internet space begins to get a little too dicey and personal, basically making it more of that TRIBAL sense of finding your people (not to mention it starts to also devolve to where there's cases of subconscious levels of aggression and too many 'what-if's' being thrown around -- i.e. assumptions, accusations and subliminal hate), then something out there or somewhere is gonna completely tear apart the fabric of the internet. For a bleak example: a foreign country hacks into our digital region. Our VPN.
Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars rules knives and seperations. Wars. If Neptune rules over the subconscious over everyone, this could bring about primal actions on a structure like this.
! not to mention that Saturn (code, structure), conjuncts with Neptune (dissolution and dissolving/illusions and spiritual destiny)... and Aries is known for the anger and drive that it has......
we could revert back to a 1.0 like state of mind. Addictions to social media will have huge withdrawals. Attention and clout chasing will get worse outside of that, and it just straight up becomes a crime.
One thing's for certain. We learn a lesson of being careful to not put our personal information out there. .... but that break gives a chance for the proto-web to come back. Hyper-personalization and drive to keep it within chat services like Discord could become even more so the norm or remain as they are. HTML 6 could come out and bringing the retro look with offline capabilities to the public. So as long as we're careful not to once again put our information out there, then that might bring us to once again let the people shine. The key theme with the break is RESTART.
I apologize if it did seem bleak or aggressive. It’s what I channeled and like I said, if you don’t resonate with it, don’t have to worry about it. 🧘✨ my last couple of statements before we close this off with resources, and one is gonna sound a lot like Smokey The Bear.
Care will prevent the destruction of our exchange in ideas and communication. Only YOU can prevent the 'break'. so let's strive for a 'split' alright? ~visiblenostalgia
and then there's something one of my professors had admitted.
"We have more information than ever, but we're more uninformed than ever."
and a small song before I really tie this up.
love you guys <3
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starsworldd · 2 years
Astrology transit observations :p
hello all! i hope you’re doing absolutely lovely today <3. after i finish this post im gonna do dishes and homework and be souper productive!! >:)) hehe anyways i hope you enjoy and as always only take what resonates :> important note before you read: the transits that include contacts with natal placements are most prominent when the transit planet is retrograding over your natal placement:
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(it would also count for the jupiter square mercury. id say maybe the only exception to this guideline are saturn-saturn and jupiter-jupiter transits but take that with a grain of salt)
Transit venus observations:
- venus sextile moon is such a pleasant transit <3 i’ve found it can bring inner peace, relaxation, and harmony with ppl at home.
- venus transit the 1st house can mean making plans with friends more often and spending more money on clothes, food, jewelry, etc..
- venus trine neptune is a dream-like transit. when i had this, i was doing fun things with my friends all the time that i never thought would be coming my way, sleeping in until 12 everyday and staying up until 3am with my friends eating ice cream out of the tub, it was an amazing time truly. 
Transit mars observations:
- mars square venus can bring conflicts in friendships. because it’s a square aspect, there’s a tendency to try and make the relationship (of any kind) work but at the end, there can be aggravation on both sides.
- mars trine neptune can be another dream-like influence. but it’s different to the venus one. it might make one spend more time with their thoughts, imagination, listening to music, etc… but it especially makes one significantly less ambitious, but it’s not a bad thing. this transit is the definition of simply vibing i’d say :D
- mars transit the 11th house is a really cool transit. it’s going after goals, meeting with friends, maybe making new online friends too, it’s a really ambitious and successful transit (depending on aspects and what sign mars is in ofc).
Transit jupiter observations:
- transit jupiter in the 9th house. dang. it really messes with your mind, but not in a bad way. i’ve found that this transit really helps to define your values + morals and the life path you want to journey and learn more about in terms of vocation/calling in life (**wink wink** 10th house stuff). it can be a really life changing transit honestly.
- jupiter conjunct venus is one of the best transits. it’s a lot like the venus trine neptune transit, but i think there’s a sense of protection with this transit; for example, before i had this transit, i didn’t really have a stable friend group and i felt insecure about my social situation, but then when this transit happened, i found a really amazing friend group who are still with me till this day!
- jupiter sextile mercury can be a really productive time in your life. you may be starting new projects, learning about new subjects, or doing more writing of any kind :)).
Transit saturn observations:
- saturn transit the 8th house is life-changing. it can be a really challenging time in your life where you have to push yourself through the challenge, but you’ll be thankful for the change once the transit is over.
- saturn sextile mercury 🤝 making goals that will stick in the future.
- saturn opposite saturn (saturn opposition) is a time of major readjustment in terms of goals/career. however its effects can manifest differently depending on the axis. for me, it was happening on my 2nd-8th house axis. this was around the time when i made changes to myself and my habits in order to actually pursue music. my dad also had this on his 2nd-8th house axis and this was around the time when his company was making big $.
Transit uranus observations:
- transit uranus sextile mc may bring new long-term changes to your goals and aspirations!
- uranus opposite moon is a really difficult transit. truly, one of the most mentally exhausting ones imo. you may feel like you want to break free from all that’s holding you back in your life at that moment but you simply can’t and you must comply with the restricting circumstances, therefore damaging your mental health :(
- uranus in the 11th house may be a really interesting time in your life. you may meet new groups of people, but they may walk out of your life as quickly as they came in. however, there can be connections made that do have a lasting impact too :>
Neptune transit observations:
- neptune trine moon is the epitome of cozy time. it’s similar to the venus sextile moon transit but more homebody vibes and less focus on connecting with others.
- neptune sextile venus may prove to be a really fruitful time for artists. more than usual you may be able to come up with creative ideas frequently. maybe you just feel more in tune with music, daydreaming, drawing, etc… another really pleasant transit :)
- neptune transit the 10th house can make one feel lost with how their future may look like. it can be a time of uncertainty regarding your career goals + aspirations.
Transit pluto observations:
- just to preface, i’ve found that no matter if it’s a positive or negative aspect, pluto transits most of the time always come with some sort of challenge.
- pluto sextile moon may bring permanent changes not only in your physical home but in how you handle your emotions too. i’ve found that it brings stability after major trauma was done unto you.
- pluto conjunct venus is a really jealous time in your life. you may see other people have the friends you want, the status you want, even the personality you want. it can be really damaging for your self-esteem and you may forget the wonderful qualities you possess as a person too :<
and that is the end of the post! thank you so much for reading and i hope you’ve enjoyed✨
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1111jenx · 4 years
check out my 2nd masterlist for more posts like this<3 🤎🪐MASTER-LIST II🤎🪐
(links are to b updates, pls b patient :D)
check the hashtag #astrojenx for future posts💋
AskAstrologyJenx is open ✅ send me a question you have about a placements/aspects or anything astrology related!
my placements: Cancer ☀️ Pisces 🌙 Leo rising✨ 10H, 11H stellium/ chart ruler is Cancer ☀️ 11H
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the birth of saintzjenx and an analysis
culty thingy
on plagiarism and why i'm not a big fan
how to develop underdeveloped placements
✨introduction to draconic chart✨
chart ruler and how to find it 101
grand trines explained and simplified
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22° degrees, to kill or to be killed?
connections between how you look & the sun house
your style & the astro placements to look
all about lilith and the themes behind each
saint jenx and tarot
retrograde rx planets from my pov
the personal indicators
placements with caring/ family-oriented personality
placements with childhood issues
children&family dynamics in astro
placements indicating not wanting children
trust issues indicators
detachment indicators
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placements indicating competitiveness & aggression
sexual astro: turn on&kinks (part 1)
sexual astro: turn on&kinks (part 2)
party animals placements
underrated synastry
rising signs that are the scariest when triggered
astrology placements and toxicity
personal favourite placements for natal chart
personal favourite synastry&composite placements
⚠️TW: paedophilia and astrology
Astrology, Transgenderism and Homosexuality
romance astrology: oblivious people
romance astrology: unconventional beauty
romance astrology: doll-like beauty
romance astrology: attraction towards dangerous ppl
love language astro: physical touches
love language astro: gift gifting/receiving
intellect astro: fast learner indicators
intellect astro: musical talents
insightful astro: depression&anxiety placements
the placements explained
💖rising signs/planets in the 1st house series💖
🖤lilith in the houses explained🖤
🤍white moon selene explained🤍
🤎Elizabeth Taylor's series - Venus in the signs🤎
lets talk leo mars, virgo mars and mars 1H
Libra Mars • Scorpio Mars
Scorpio Mercury • Pisces Rising + Scorp Mercury
Scorpio Mercury • Libra Mars
saturn in the 10th house — uranus in the 7th house
Aquarius Moon=Anxiety?
Astro Romance Rants
Libra Venus
Aquarius & Leo explained
Leo x Scorpio Venus
Aries Venus & Taurus Venus
venus conjunct MC
North Node in 8H and North Node in 12H synastry
mars trine ASC
White Moon Selene aspects Sun
Venus opposite Saturn/ Venus opposite Moon
the third house, scorpio neptune and more
moon&venus conjunct pluto
scorpio venus with virgo/libra influence
10H ruler in the 12th
celeb's charts insights
Lana del Rey chart, Cancer or Gemini?
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neptune-midheaven · 4 years
💓 Astro Notes PT 3 ! 💓
+I’m definitelyy gonna do sign posts soon, like houses, planets, asteroids, and all, it’s all gonna have a theme to each topic yada yada yadaa, so look outtt+
>A bit of a long post here so have fun scrolling through it hehe :))
*All aries risings have sign/house synchronization because the house order doesn’t move or if it does move at all it hardly does, only shifting by a sign or two depending on how late the ascendant degree is, this is notorious of aries’ independence streak by wanting each sign to be in their native houses, to feel its house’s full power, aries rules 1st the house of identity so there’s the more symbolic way for this occurring. It’s pure energy here.
*Venus-saturn, especially conjunction, definitely carry a big daddy vibe. It’s more prominent if the two are placed in the angular houses.
*Taurus and libra are both rules by venus, but these energies are distributed between the two signs in different ways. A basic way to differ the two energy wise is taurus is the “masculine” side of venus, libra is far more “feminine”. Both are delicate but in different ways taurus is “heavier”, for it being an earth sign, contrasted with the airy and flighty libra.
*Libra sun is in fall in astrology, the fall meaning the behavior of the sign contradicts the traditional role of the planet, the role of the sun is to stand out from everyone else, its your radiance, what makes you special, it’s your ego and what you take pride in. But libra wants to be relatable to everyone, to NOT stand out, merge and meet and balance !! This is the opposite of aries, aries is independent, “what makes ME independent, me me me !!”, explaining its exaltation when the sun enters this sign, it’s not absolutely the same as leo sun or the suns energy overall but it’s a close fit, almost... perfect, that’s what the exaltation means represents here. Libra is focused on everyone else around them, everyone other than themselves, the people around them and how they can compromise to fit everyone’s needs. I mentioned before they don’t like to stand out, this is excluding fire placements in a libras chart which will create a person who relates well to others but still demands to stand out in whatever planet is in a fire sign.
*Whatever house leo is ruling is wherever your rising sign’s ego is being expressed in, ex: leo in 11th expresses their ego, creativity with friends, causes. This area of life is where you’ll likely take most pride in, excluding the suns placement in the chart.
*Neptune in 7th can attract a lot of partners in need of healing or help. This person is very healing and guiding in relationships, maybe they could even make a good guidance counselor, but I’m not so sure astrologically because I haven’t looked into it entirely, let me know if this is true.
*Neptune in 2nd is the type of person to browse a shop, find whatever they like but never end up buying it, they change their minds about it by putting it back right before they leave. They could’ve been talking about hooow much they want to get whatever they’re holding onto over and over again but never buy the thinggg.
*Aries mercury were always told to lower their voice or be quiet as kids I swear.
*Uranus in 12th feels they should hide their brilliance, these are veryy creative people they just keep it a secret.
*12th house feels like a never ending game of hide and seek, you find the planet sometimes but you’re always in a never ending loop, always searching for it.
*The moon in astrology, when looking into the mother, who’s ruled by the moon in astrology, describes your relationship with her, what she’s like, how she raised you etc...
*Ex: taurus moons, your mother gave you many gifts, she adored youu as taurus is ruled venus which rules gifts and appreciation, she was also very relaxed in your childhood, she still is now. This relationship is a very calm, steady one, moon is exalted in taurus meaning the role of the moon is comfortable in relaxed and comfy taurus.
*Ex: a moon in 8th, the house of intense and psychic scorpio, could have a psychic or even telepathic bond to the mother, this is a very strong connection overall and depending on its sign and aspects is where you’ll find the specifics of the relationship from, the details, how the relationship is flavored.
*Sun in 12th indicates an absent father figure. This placement is difficult, i’m so sorry if you have it because you can never feel like you can be yourself, it’s hidden from you. With any other placement in astrology, there’s a gorgeous, forgiving upside to it, you’re very healing and understanding of others, an empath or at least someone who sucks in the negative vibes out the environment, it can get quite exhausting !! so always need to seclude yourself now and then, you’re very loyal and caring of your loved ones, people love you for your sensitivity and empathy as this placement also makes you an old soul, someone overflowing with wisdom others rely on.
*5th house shows you what your child will be like, what traits they embody, what they will do and even how they act.
*Capricorn risings look elvish, they have high cheekbones a lot like a LOTR character and elvish, chiseled ears. It’s not OUT there but it’s subtle.
*Chiron in 9th has experienced religious trauma.
*A lot of 12th or 8th house placements carry a lot of karma.
*Mercury-pluto (especially negative) can become inconsiderate in arguments, they bring up a ton of shit to use against you, only as long as they can win.
*Scorpio suns are far more optimistic and light hearted than the moon sign.
*Mercury-ascendant aspects can make even an introverted rising sign more out-going, open, talkative (not that introverted risings can’t be talkative this is just what comes with this placement).
*You may be good at something without realizing it, take a peak at your 12th house or quintiles !! For quintiles, look up the trine form of whatever two planets are aspected for the general description since there’s not too much to find online sadly. 12th house is something you don’t really know or realize you’re good at, especially early in life, the secret talent pertaining to whichever sign or planet are ruling/in this house.
*Leo venus take pride in their loverss like damnnnn they literally treat their partners as royalty, king and queen, kissing the ground they walk on and everything, they’re so devoted in love, it’s adorable !! <33
*Pisces and leo moons, THE dreamiest, most romantic moon sign pairr, it’s well known pisces is the hopeless romantic of the zodiac, however to bring up the flamboyant, dramatic leo moon when describing a dreamy romantic you wonder, really ?? Yes this is extremely true ! Both signs, pisces and leo, are fairly alike, almost alike in fact, considering they both create a inconjunction in the natal chart, two signs who share some similarities while still contradicting one another in ways they express these similarities, both pisces and leo are creative, talented, have a love for the arts, film, music, loyal as friends and love to care for others, both are insanely idealistic. Leo rules the child remember !! so they’re a childlike sign with young idealism, an idealistic moon sign here. Both leo and pisces moons are children at heart, they’re so gooey and sweet.
*Sun in 10th can get any job they apply for, they could even be terrible at that job they want, the one they want to try out for, they would even have a breakdown over how terrible they were in an interview but still get the job like HOWW- WITCHCRAFTT.
*Aquarius mercuries were known as the smartest kid in class, the einstein’s of the class, everyone asked for their answers for the homework, they just carry this flair of intellectual superiority just like the sun sign haha.
*Your 12th house is what you unconsciously give off the vibe of, your ascendant and midheaven are noticeable layers, different types of layers of you !!but the subtle layers of the 12th house, sign or planet, can always be sensed unconsciously, 12th house energies are at a higher octave, a higher vibration than the other houses, even 11th, you can notice a person’s subtle 12th house energy but they’re still completely unaware of it as it’s ! hidden ! from them.
*Aquarius venus, and really all air venuses in general, are soo stereotyped UGHH, what I mean by stereotyped is the descriptions of each of these venus signs is literally like the same shit over and overrr again, they all get terrible reps in the astro community it seems almost close minded because it’s also such a hugee generalization. It’s only about how the air venus energy is used, manifested in the person, if its underdeveloped or not. If it’s underdeveloped it’s going to be chaotically afloat from material love affairs, which earth venuses don’ttt like, water too, fire can handle the floaty-ness but if the passion’s not there- BYE !! If you develop an air venus well enough, you can balance the material and intellectual realms in your relationships, this is kinda natural for earth heavy charts with one the air signs here, however fire or even more air could become a little tricky to ground yourself in relationships. Just let your partners know you deserve your space because you guys can really run out of mental power after a while, so it’s necessary for you to recharge !! just don’t ghost people completely when you do, it’s where this immortal stereotype comes from.
*Saturn dominant people are flawless beings.
*Saturn in 3rd, YOU GUYS ARE SOOOSOO SOOO SMART AHH. Their minds are always running at a fast pace like literal lightning, or they become too overwhelming (not in a bad sense ofcc, it’s just how it is) that the person’s speech rhythm is kinda forgotten about in a way, it feels like that their mouths aren’t always running in sync. The thought they’re going to express into words should come out but it’s so quick or even “heavy” it jumbles up a sentence or it causes the person to mix up a word or two. Their minds are fast fast fastt but they feel like their mouths are running in literal slow motion. There’s nothing wrong with this, this placement makes amazingly smart peoplee. Just relax, try letting yourself go in conversation, let all that big, brain energy freee !!
*Alsoo, as singers they would and definitely ALWAYSS get their notes right, they have actual PERFECT voices, they really should become writers or, like I said, singing would be perfect for them because they would never mess up lmaoo.
*Libra, computerized concern and sympathy...
*Pluto in 8th feel unbeatable, indestructible almost, they have above average regenerative abilities, they have the best survival tactics but they keep it a secret, it’s 8th house we’re talking about.
*Whatever saturn is in is the area where you’ll become flawless in, you’ll master that area throughout your life with time.
*There is a guiding planet in astrology, the planet that is closest behind the sun, it’s considered your “second” chart ruler, or basically has the energy of it because you can probably relate to it being one of the most prominent energies in your chart.
*Sagittarius//9th house mercury is soooo blunt, so blunt. Wait did I mention they’re SOOO SO BLUNT.
*Moon in 5th need to perform, they love to get out on stage and perform with their entire hearts, they’ll do amazing in the performing arts, theatre, and honestly they probably already aree. These people are so playful and generally so fun to be around, they’re natural hypemen as well !!
*Taurus venus love to be appreciated by their partners, the gifts, the kisses, the food and allll.
*Neptune in 3rd feel everything in their environment, they can sift through the energies and vibes, it’s second nature, no not second nature, FIRST nature, they’re one with everything around them. Their minds are like a hazy, cloudy ocean containing every drop, every thought of a place, a person.
*Moon in 11th, and 10th too, have a special ability to understand and sympathize with the public, they always know what the public wants and even how to give it to them. This can easily get them famous since they’re extremely understanding people, especially if moon is healthy in the chart.
*Someone with a lot of capricorn/10th house or aquarius/11th house energy is very extroverted, they enjoy socializing with others but suffer from social burn outs often, they often need to recharge.
*Scorpio risings have intense voices, like their tone radiates throughout your head and it can feel intense overall, even when they’re speaking casually. The specific flavor or tone doesn’t matter but how it sounds overall is piercing.
*In astrology, libra rising starts the house cusps with each houses sister signs ruling each cusps ex: pisces rules 6th house, the house of virgo in astrology. Symbolically, libra wants to balance out the houses by blending the energies with the sister signs together, by with what is (house number) and how it’s done (sign on each house cusp), for balanceee !!
*Moon conjunction uranus TRANSITSS can cause literal earthquakes on earth, shocking news or something shocking or groundbreaking will happen that day either around the world and in personal, daily life. Ex: this transit happened on halloween during the blue moon, so basically no one ever trick or treats in my neighborhood, like barely anyone comes out i mean, it’s always 5 houses apart where people typically hand out candy, some people are just hanging out, we always run out of houses to go to since it’s not very active, but this year EVERYONE was out trick or treating it was so crazy to see so many people out, it was quite literally shocking because that actually never happens also there’s a whole pandemic going on too lmaooo.
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midnightdonghyun · 2 years
Donghyun Natal Chart Rambling..
Hii ! I was gonna do this on twt only but it got way too wordy so its here ! for dong's bday I dug into his chart a bit hehe
First things first I’m not like a professional lol I’m still kinda a beginner at this stuff so ! Don’t take me super seriously jhsdbf I might get stuff wrong also ! Dong has no birth time so no houses or rising for him unfortunately… if u do happen to know his birth time tho and I just missed it pls pls pls pls let me know I’m literally dying 
Anyway me rambling under the cut hehe
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🐿 Dong is pretty earth heavy! He’s also pretty virgo heavy with 4 major placements in virgo. You know that grounded, homey feeling he radiates? The emotionally sound boyfriend vibes? The cinnamon cookies, wrapped in a warm blanket, the fire place with the old wood mantle? Earth sign vibes.
💙 Those virgo placements are in sun, Venus, mercury, and north node. Let’s talk about the sun and north node for a sec. From my limited understanding, the north node represents the qualities we should focus on to be successful. It’s a sign we might not have had experience with in a past life, something we might be nervous about. The fact his north node and sun are in virgo kinda leads me to believe he’s really capable of focusing well on those north node qualities. In other words, I think this gears him up for success!
🐿 Ah virgo venus… a lot of people rip on it but I ADORE this placement ppl with this placement are so cute, very very attuned to their partner’s needs and expectations. They’d don’t express love loudly but rather through small details, like little things that maintain the relationship. If we’re talking love language think acts of service! Peeling that apple for you, a little post it note on the fridge with a heart drawn on it, folding your laundry, good morning and good night texts.
💙 However virgo is not super comfortable in Venus so it can cause friction. Virgo kinda wanna make everything a project. Dong has mentioned he nags the others and yeah….  Virgo in Venus nag nag nag the ones they love, not to be annoying or harmful but cause they’re trying to better you yk? But it can come off as annoying as shit!
🐿 I will say all those virgo placements are probably why he’s the mom of the group, His mercury is also in virgo, this sign is at home in this planet! My mans is a clear and talented communicator and that’s hot.
💙 The other thing I adore about donghyun aside from his virgo streak is his very loud Leo streak. Moon and mars are in Leo.
🐿 Leo moon is a celebrity placement no doubt about it. They want to be the center of the stage, the entertainer. 
💙 Praise praise praise. Donghyun is so funny to me he’ll come on pms and straight up either be possessive as hell over abnew or will outright start demanding praise. “Praise me quickly” the man says while talking about the Venus stage. Yeah that’s Leo. That’s a LOUD ass Leo.
🐿 And Leo mars… oh my…. To keep it pg these placements are dedicated to their partners and loved to feel worshipped. Leo is the lion and it's comfortable in mars. Animalistic, rough, bark bark.
💙 His Lilith is in scorpio, I actually share this placement with him so I know a bit from personal experience with it (tho I will say mine is in the 1st house, conj. with my rising so mine is probably way way more feral than his is sdjhbfs)
🐿 Lilith can be hard to describe… Lilith according to Christian mythology was Adam’s first wife before Eve. However, Lilith didn’t see why she should be looking up to Adam he’s just a dude yk, and Adam didn’t like that she wouldn’t roll over and submit to him. Lilith is kinda like… the taboo girl boss. She’s empowered, she’s sexual, she’s obsessive. We can either be obsessed with the qualities of this placement or reject them entirely or maybe even a bit of both.
💙 Lilith doesn’t have a ruling sign like the other planets per se (like how I mentioned virgo and mercury earlier) since its not a planet, but if it were to have a sign it would be scorpio. The two are pretty related thematically. Scorpio is the sign of the dark and the taboo, the sign of power and sex. Lilith in scorpio… hmm sexual strength.. prowess… sado/machoism :> but also a dangerous self harm streak. If this is badly aspected it could even bring about some s word issues.
🐿 Or on the contrary, rejection of sexuality altogether! Ace king maybe, I doubt it tho that Leo mars is a bit too overpowering.
💙 Now his Chiron is also in scorpio tho! Chiron is known as the wounded healer, the sign we have here is something we will always struggle deeply with and never get over, however we can learn from our own trauma to grow to help others with this issue. I can’t pinpoint dong’s source of hurt since I don’t have his houses, but scorpio here is making me thing he could have an issue with sex, marriages, manipulation, or secrets. 
🐿 None of his placements or aspects are at significant degrees, so let’s look at his aspects !
💙 Sun conj. Mercury, we get someone who’s good with their ideas and can express them really well. This is also a great aspect for a performer! Really smart and really creative.
🐿 He has a few aspects (moon conj. Mars and sun opp. Jupiter) that really enjoy travel. He seems adventurous, def someone who wants to or would enjoy visiting a wide variety of different places.
💙 Moon trine Pluto, this one is interesting to me. People with this aspect are very deep emotionally and experience their emotions super strong. However it also brings this need to fix their loved ones. This paired with that virgo Venus, oh boy he’s one hell of a nagger methinks. If he thinks something a loved on is doing is weird or wrong he’s gonna flat out say it even at the cost of a fight, and his Leo moon/mars ass is D R A M A T I C in a fight so
🐿 Multiple aspects (mercury conj venus and sun trine Neptune) that indicate he has extremely good manners. Probably very polite and gentle. 
💙 His Neptune is very positively aspected. To me Neptune is kinda like a spiritual, deep, creative planet. A well placed and aspected Neptune is what makes people who are deeply spiritual or at least have that ability. It makes me wonder if dong would be into things like tarot! I think a lot of his emotional security and creativity is coming from this planet. Even his music is kinda that strange liminal dreamy (thinking of Venus specifically tbh but a long winter is also kinda liminal in a nostalgic way).
🐿 Jumping back to that mercury conj. Venus… this aspect is such a poetic one tbh like strong appreciation for the arts and is able to express himself powerfully and beautifully. Ugh a lyricist tbh. A polite person, able to see all sides to a debate and that can put them at an indecisive disadvantage sometimes. 
💙 I don’t know all asteroids well tbh but I do know Juno and eros. 
🐿 Juno is kinda a soulmate asteroid. Someone with qualities of this sign can make a fine partner. That doesn’t mean their partner has to be this sign but someone with its qualities. Dong’s is in libra! Leads me to believe he craves balance, equality, and that cute flighty air energy.
💙 Eros is the erotic asteroid. It’s what we find .. well erotic ! Stimulating ! Venus’s love with Mars’s passion. Dong’s is in Sagittarius… so… outdoor stuff, active stuff, might get bored easily shit can’t be serous with a sag placement keep it lighthearted. Also worth noting sag is the sign of travel and foreign things soooo 👀 finally good news for us non kabnews HSBSHB
🐿 Overall donghyuns chart just ❤️ it’s those virgo and Leo qualities combined that I adore about him, the confidence of the sun with the down to earth comfort of a field of daisies. To me he seems rather emotionally in tune, empathetic, optimistic, creative, and hardworking. However he does seem to have issues with perfectionism, nitpicking, shoving his own concerns aside to please others (a very virgo trait tbh), that case of being too nice to people yk? There’s also something happening with that Lilith Chiron scorpio that I can’t exactly place .. but tbh if his only issues are being too hard on himself and too open for others its honestly a great chart :0
if u happen to have come across this and read it all thank u very muh for indulging me hsdbchs and if u have any .. questions or ab6ix related requests id be down to do more astrology posts or tarot for them :0 i will be doing big general rambling chart posts for the other 3 on their bdays :>
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Here fr d game!
Umm im guessing ur an pisces mercury*hehe jst types wht comes to mind at 1st
Also i wont mind if u post it publicly or send me privately
Here is my birthchart(tropical)
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Anw Have a great day/night ahead🤍🥂
Guessing was fun tho..evn if i guessed wrng one💀🤣
Hey!! You did guess wrong, sorry about that xd but it's oki, don't worry about it! Have a good day too ^^
Welcome to your reading. Please remember to send feedback.
First impressions when looking at your chart: you don't have a lot of aspects, but a lot of them are exact: that wedge patter between Saturn, Venus and Mercury is very exact; you have an even distribution of planets among the signs and the houses; also, the angles (except IC) all conjunct planets or points
As an Aquarius, you are quirky, aloof, dreamy and humanist. People may think you're awkward and detached, which is probably true for you since your Sun is at 0º of Aquarius. Your originality and uniqueness are probably the things you love about yourself the most. Your mind is also quite agile, which allows you to fulfil your dreams. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the fact that the Sun is in Detriment in the sign of Aquarius. This means that the Sun can struggle here, making you feel confused as to who you are and how you can express yourself. You very much value your independence and your rebelliousness. However, you can be stubborn to a fault when it comes to your thoughts and opinions.
The Sun in the house of Libra shows that you really enjoy socializing and that's also where you shine the most brightly. The Venusian influence gives you charm and elegance, which cause people to flock to you. Also, you may show your true colours in relationships, particularly romantic ones. Having someone close to you will allow you to achieve a better understanding of yourself. You do well when it comes to working with others; this placement helps the detached, independent Aquarius Sun to be more sociable and better appreciate others. Also, the Venus influence can make people look up to you and see themselves in you, something that doesn't really happen with Aquarius Suns in generally. You may do well in associations or organizations because you have a need to be in society.
Once again, you have a planet in Detriment. Capricorn, the sign of Saturn, struggles to feel and voice the emotions they experience. Therefore, it is natural that the Moon finds this sign difficult. You think too much. Perhaps you had a complicated relationship with your mother, which may have caused you to repress your emotions. Capricorn placements, in general, tend to grow up and mature quite early, which leads to unhealthy coping mechanisms; you had to raise your walls up high, so you struggle to let anyone in. You may also be socially awkward. At the same time, you may seek validation from society, which is one of the things that may give you that emotional security that you deeply seek. You should work on letting your guard down; emotions are not the enemy, it's okay to feel what you feel. Let out your inner child once in a while.
Here, the Moon is in the house of Virgo (but lying almost on top of the Descendant). There is a strong connection between body and mind. You seek emotional safety through your work and other acts of service; you want to be useful to people and to spend your time wisely. You may be a workaholic. Your routines are very important to you; you can get distraught if someone messes with your daily habits. Your health may be a concern to you, but since your Moon is harmoniously aspected, I'd say you're generally healthy. Nevertheless, watch for any hereditary diseases or problems with food or alcohol. The square with Mars suggests to me that you can quickly let out your anxieties. You like discipline, organization and cleanness; you are determined in the pursuit of your goals. You may have a vocation to work directly with people. Your moods may change quickly.
With Mercury in Capricorn, you speak in a very structured, pondered way. You are very analytical and it shows in the way you communicate. You're a realist, but people may think you're more pessimistic. You definitely tend to be pessimistic at times, as well as distrustful and sceptical. You like to research, to gather information before speaking. You're concrete in your thinking, logical and organized. You take your time to make decisions; you weigh all the pros and cons carefully. Probably not the one to daydream or have many fantasies; you prefer the realistic and achievable. Although you're mostly serious, you can be playful sometimes.
Capricorn Mercury is similar to Mercury in the house of Virgo. You are probably a perfectionist person, determined and organized. You analyse everything, yourself and your emotions included. You're very critical, especially of yourself. You hold everyone to high standards; once again, yourself the most. Like Capricorn Mercury, you can have pessimistic tendencies. You probably repress your feelings and rationalize them instead. Additionally, your knowledge can progress through daily life experiences and through your body. You should practice meditation and mindfulness because your anxiety and stress may have a direct effect on your bodily health.
Venus is exalted in Pisces. This sign is intuitive, empathetic and emotional, which are traits that Venus likes. You feel everything and negative energies really get to you, so it's important that you find a partner that gives you emotional stability. You make a good lover, for you are caring and sensitive to people's needs, especially your partner's. Venus here gives you ethereal, alluring vibes. You can seem almost magical to people. You can be very protective of those you love, selfless; you can even sacrifice yourself for them. You're a daydreamer, you live in your own fantasy world. You have great aesthetic taste and you're quite romantic. However, be careful not to be taken advantage of; your too-good nature can land you someone whose intentions are far from the best.
Venus here acquires some Scorpio traits, namely the need to get a deep connection with someone. You are a person of extremes, not of middle-terms. In this sense, you can get effortlessly get people to open up to you, to tell you their deepest, darkest secrets. Since the (H also rules other people's money, you may get rich through an inheritance or a good marriage. Also, people may trust you with their money. In love, too, they aspire to learn everything about their partner. You seek transformative relationships, ones that will allow you to experience a different range of emotions, another dimension, even. Casual relationships are probably not your thing. You can get too controlling and dominating, so beware of that. Also, financial security is important to you; you may even have a job that has directly to do with money.
Here, Mars is in its rulership. You are quite reckless and impulsive in your actions. You like to be the first, to be the pioneer (much like Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac). You have a knack for leadership and people tend to be happy to follow your lead. You are quite competitive in just about everything; you can have a sour loser. You are quick to get mad, but after you explode, your anger will be gone in an instant. You are great at achieving goals because Mars helps you to stay motivated and determined; you are quite persistent and usually get what you want. You can also work well under pressure. Laziness is not in your blood. Your independence is quite important to you, as are your opinions. You can be quite stubborn and difficult to argue with, simply due to your relentlessness.
Your Mars is in the house of Sagittarius. This placement allows you to acquire the necessary willpower for the journey to the expansion of knowledge and discovery. Your actions should help you with the acquisition of further knowledge, as well as ideas and strengthening your freedom. This placement goes against the need of routine imposed by your 6th house placements; Mars here wants you to get out there, be free, have fun, think about life, yourself and the universe. You have strong morals and philosophical ways. This placement may make you strongly seek, hunt, even, the truth of the fundamental questions. On another note, you can develop an attraction to foreign people and may wish to move away from home swiftly and without hesitation. This can be abroad too.
Jupiter is in Detriment in Virgo. Whilst Jupiter is all about philosophy, the higher mysteries and expansion, Virgo seeks for the concrete, for what it knows, for the logical and rational. Therefore, this placement requires work. You are sceptical, you need to think and analyse everything before you come to a conclusion. Growth is achieved through responsibilities and being useful to others. A bit of idealism would be good, Jupiter struggles in Earth signs. You may think that you know more than you actually do, that you see the bigger picture when that is not true. Be careful not to grow an ego. Your beliefs will be challenged in this lifetime. You have a desire to help people, and in relationships too you want to do everything in your power to aid your partner.
This placement generally brings good luck when it comes to money and other worldly possessions. You may also like to spend money, more on your loved ones than on yourself. You may be big into giving gifts. In order to reach that emotional security, you may wish to surround yourself with material items that, to you, hold great value and importance. Once you understand how better to acquire that stability, you may become rather generous with your money. You want a comfortable lifestyle. Like Venus in the 8th house, you may be good at managing your possessions, thus causing others to go to you for financial advice. You may not show it, but you have strong philosophical convictions, which may prove to be impossible to change.
Saturn is in Detriment here, which makes it four planets in Detriment in your chart. You may feel a strong need for emotional safety, which could manifest as a fear of abandonment. There may also be some emotional blockages present that you struggle to overcome. Saturn retrograde, being the planet of Karma, may difficult your mission in life. You could be stuck on an unresolved trauma from a past life. This may be represented by a figure of authority in this life, perhaps your father. Instead of attempting to reconcile your past, try to accept the world changing around you. You may be too afraid to venture into the world and to open your heart; accept that it is part of life. Find people that give you that security, but don’t pour out your entire soul to them; find a balance. Not everything can be kept in our hearts, but not everything should be shared, either.
This is quite a strong and powerful placement: you have the planet of karma in the most karmic house. Also, according to Hellenistic Astrology, Saturn has its joy in the 12th house. You may be afraid to mess with the subconscious because your emotions may overtake you. Saturn is related to blockages and yours may be due to paranoia, which is characteristic of Neptune and Pisces. You may repress parts of yourself that you are not happy about, which makes you feel better, but, at the same time, paranoia can set in and make you wonder if that is the right thing to do. That aside, you may also struggle with poor self-esteem and doubts about yourself and life. There can be problems of guilt of some sort, perhaps even related to your life itself. It is very vague, but my thoughts about this placement are, in short, that, from birth, there have been deep traumas within you that have blocked your inner peace. What does are, I do not know. ⬛️
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fondofcowboys · 5 years
30 Days of Ma'at within ourselves.
Greetings, everyone!
I feel like many of us have been hit by mercury in retrograde pretty hard, and now that August is here, I want to do something to shake off all the leftover energy and focus on better things!
- notes:
Non-Kemetics are still very welcome to change and adapt this challenge/trend to your own practices and religions, be it hellenic, norse, wiccan, christian, whatever works best!
This post is out on Thursday, August 1st, 2019, that's why I'm talking about mercury in retrograde, but you don't have to do it on August, or in the beginning of a month.
Ma'at is ALWAYS welcome, and in my opinion, needed, at anytime.
- instructions:
It's quite simple, actually!
Thirty (30) days of what Ma'at is to you. During those days, I want to do more for myself and for others, too. Be it working out (You can dedicate that to Sobek!), cooking, or donating stuff, helping a friend out with their feelings. And most importantly? Learning. Do more, within your boundaries and limits.
As someone who is disabled and a spoonie, it's hard to do a lot of physical work. But hey, who said I need to walk a lot and go to places to spread Ma'at? Ma'at is harmony, balance, it's happiness and fulfillment.
- here's some ideas for those thirty days:
Devotional art of any kind. Writing, singing, painting, dancing, makeup looks, whatever feels better for you!
When you go out, separate 5 dollars (more or less, depending on what you can spend) to give to those who ask for money in the streets. Street artists, homeless folk, all of those in need.
House cleaning! Doing your laundry, vacuuming your bedroom, taking the trash out, taking your plates and cups in your room to the kitchen. All of that, and much more, can count as house cleaning.
Spending time with your pets! You have a cat? Lady Bastet and Sekhmet purr in joy when you show love to your feline friends!
↳ Got a dog? Offer Yinepu some of that love!
↳ A frog, even? Heqet will be more than pleased with your kindness!
Taking care of yourself (mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc) is also great. Check in with yourself! Prepare a meal, shower, wash your face, brush your teeth, nap, work out, write, meditate!
・.¸❀ ¸.・ • ・.¸❀¸.・
If you have your own ideas, awesome! And if you want to share them, please feel free to reblog or reply with them. You can also dedicate any or all of these activities to a specific Netjer of your choice!
Remember: Whatever you can do, no matter how small it is, the Netjeru appreciate it and love you so very much.
・.¸❀ ¸.・ • ・.¸❀¸.・
Please tag me if you try this challenge out! I wanna see your ideas and your progress hehe. The tumblr tag for this challenge is #30DaysOfMaat.
Best of luck,
~ Monní.
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