#more piltover zaun? yes pls
rosetyphooon · 3 months
hey guys ramble time bc i needto ramble and i am very very afraid of bothering others also maybe spoilers idk so here we go yippee but ohhh my god arcane i am freaking out i am quaking in my boots i am shaking with joy i am in a fucking state of pure bliss i am so excited for season 2 omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg obviously theres going to war n shit like no duh but i cant eait for the super epic cool battle between jinx and vi like thats gonna be epic and all the etasers arggg i love picking them apart idc if im reading into them toomuch i love them anyways for starters i love the way its all connecting like i am a sucker for the way everything is coming to tgoether n shit like in the teaser where we see vi and cait together preparing for war you can notice all these small little details that are actually from their leagues skin (caitlyn wearing a skirt n the collar thing or wtvr and vi having the big ass jacket collar and random ass pink ruffle on her waist) so thats super duper amazing cool epic yes also in the teaser trailer theres a small snippet where i think theres viktor and hes using hextech (i might be wrong it might not be viktor but who cares) to start his lil revolution thingy majigy so YIPPEE also in the teaser trailer vi is wearing claggors goggles such a cte detail to me starst sobbing teehee anywas i love ambessas part in this and even tho i dont have much to say abt her rn i hope she has a big part in the whole war thing!! also theres gonna be so much war ik s1 was gonna getting us prepared for all the war like theres a bunch of things in s1 that all signal war is abt to happen and yippe fictionalwar my favoruite slash joke ALSO SEVIKA oh my god sevika in the trailer she fired jinxs gun???? whaaaat?????? plus theres a shot where you can kinda see her arm (robotic one) and its brand new and looks to be designed and graffitied on by jinx which is super interesting like perhaps some jinx and sevika stuff??? do they get along??? so excited so so so very excited for that i love sevika guys also the painted mural of jinx is super interetsing to me especially since its shown right after we see ekko andohhh mygod vander is warwicklike ik we knew that months ago but oohhh my goodddddd big werewolf gonna fuck his daughter upfor kinda switching to piltover over zaun (pls warwick and vi fightscene i'll do anything) okay enough rambling for me i'll probably reblog and add more whenever i feel more need to ramble abt how much i love arcane YIPPEEE forgot to mention it but the fucking poster image wtvr of the rverse jinx holding vi is super cool to me bc unlike the first one where vi was looking away while powder was looking directly at the camera now they both face the camera and vi has this terrified look on her face and ughewsdjfejsdf GUYS!!!!!! i have so much to say!!!!!!!!! most of this was just me rambling abt all the teasrer but get ready for theories and analyings soon /hj
also heres a link to the arcane twitter account fi you would like to see all these teasers urself -> arcanes twt
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jayceofpiltover · 5 years
Piltover hype intensifies 
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blehblarghblah · 2 years
ANOTHER Mama Jinx Fic? YES. tell me about these sweet baby children pls
Sure? Well, I can show you what they look like in game?
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And here's their full backgrounds plus their little info lines (I don't know what it's call, but every card has some sorta caption thing going on).
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And this is what they looked like in their trailer vid:
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I guess to share a bit more: going off the summary, Zel's specialty is working with bombs while Evi shines with pickpocketing and knives. Evi is thirteen and Zel is twelve (Evi is just short, lol) and they've been living on the streets of Zaun for six years. Though they're not related by blood, the two are brother and sister without a doubt. Their usual M.O. is hitting Piltover with classic techniques of diversion, acting, and occasional begging here and there.
The two don't got much, but they got each other.. and that counts for something. ( ^‿^)
Until next ask,
- Bleh
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exemplarum · 5 years
//For the League meme thing: Give me all the answers/Everything that hasn't been answered yet :^)
[LOL ask meme | @thenoxiangrandgeneral​ | PLS NO THIS IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING]
1. First Champion played?
2. First Champion you mained?
3. Champion you main/play currently?
//Talon, Lux, Kayn, Jarvan
4. Best or Favorite role to play?
5. Favorite Top champion to play/have on your team?
6. Favorite Jungle champion to play/have on your team?
7. Favorite Mid champion to play/have on your team?
//Talon UWU
8. Favorite ADC champion to play/have on your team?
//Ezreal or Lucian
9. Favorite Support champion to play/have on your team?
10. Best champion design(no skin)?
//Uhhhh Kayn I guess…? 
11. Best champion ability/kit? 
12. Worse champion design(no skin)?
//Petition to update base Talon’s model
13. Worse champion ability/kit?
//I hate LB revert
14. Favorite Female champion?
15. Favorite Male champion?
16. Favorite Yordle?
17. Most annoying champion to play against?
18. Favorite champion laugh track?
//Talon or Lux’s annoying af laugh….
19. Favorite champion Taunt track?
//Kayn…? I honestly don’t remember any taunts… 
20. Favorite champion Joke track?
//Talon and then Jarvan. They’re why I picked those two nerds up to begin with. 
21. Favorite champion dance track?
22. Thoughts on Surrendering?
//I’m in potato tier where people throw regularly so nah unless my premade is suffering
23. Favorite game mode? (including temporary game modes)
24. Best event for the game?
25. Demacia or Noxus?
26. Piltover or Zaun?
27. Winter Claw, Avarosan, or FrostGaurd?
//Winter Claw
28. Shadow Isles or The Void?
//The Void
29. Favorite champion associated with Shurima?
//Malz or Kai’sa
30. Favorite champion associated with Ionia?
31. Favorite champion associated with Bilgewater?
32. Praise the Solari or Lunari?
33. Static Shiv or Phantom Dancer?
34. Favorite item in game?
35. Flash on D or F?
//F is for flash
36. Current game icon? Do you ever change it?
//Enduring Sword Talon. Sometimes I swap it out for SSG Ez/J4 or Pulsefire Shen
37. Have/do you watch(ed) LaLaLa Demacia?
38. Best skin in game?
//Enduring Sword Talon
39. Best splash art(skins included)?
//See above
40. What ping do you play on?
//20 on OCE; 200 on NA and JPN
41. Do you keep up with pro play? If so, favorite pro player(s)?
//No but I used to be a big fan of Reignover and PowerOfEvil
42. Favorite ship?
//J4/Kayn; Talon/Kayn; Zed/Shen
43. Do you listen to music while playing? What kind?
//Yes. Musicals or pop. 
44. What season did you get into league?
//Preseason 5
45. Favorite type of Poro from Blitzcrank’s Poro Round Up?
//All of them
46. Pref playing AD or AP champions?
47. Favorite Rioter?
//Does Sjokz count?
48. What do you play more Ranked or Normals?
//Overall - norms, of course. Lately - ranked
49. Do you prefer Red side or Blue side?
//Blue side
50. If you could remove one champion from the game who would it be? 
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