#morgan salamence
wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Salam Morgan Dustin, 2023
0 notes
libraryleopard · 3 months
February reads
asterisk = reread
Wren Martin Ruins It All by Amanda DeWitt
After the Forest by Kell Woods
Here in the Night by Rebecca Turkewitz
Queerly Beloved by Susie Dumond
Naked: On Sex, Work, and Other Burlesques by Fancy Feast
The River Has Teeth by Erica Waters
Wherever is Your Heart by Anita Kelly
Too Bright To See by Kyle Lukoff
Look No Further by Rioghnach Robinson and Siofra Robinson
Artificial Condition by Martha Wells*
Palestinian Walks: Forays Into a Vanishing Landscape by Raja Shehadeh
The Mythmakers by Keziah Weir
The Apple-Tree Throne by Premee Mohamed
The Hills of Estrella Roja by Ashley Franklin Robinson
This Arab Is Queer: An Anthology by LGBTQ+ Arab Writers edited by Elias Jahshan
The Wild Fox of Yemen by Threa Almontaser
[Wednesday Books title, not mentioning what specifically because of the ongoing SMP boycott]
Other People’s Comfort Keeps Me Up at Night by Morgan Parker
If Tomorrow Doesn’t Come by Jen St. Jude
Inverse Cowgirl: A Memoir by Alicia Roth Wiegel
I Hope This Doesn’t Find You by Ann Liang
Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells*
The Sleeping Car Porter by Suzette Mayr
Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells*
Belladonna by Anbara Salam
Baba Yaga’s Assistant by Marika McCoola and Emily Carroll
Blackouts by Justin Torres
Bloom by Delilah S. Dawson
I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver
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brandonwayneb · 9 months
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ss RoseMary
ss Elvis
ss Wendy's
ss Russia
ss Soviet Union
ss Valor
ss Vladimir
ss Shiva
ss Hindu
ss Levitate
ss Birds
ss Bats
ss Cats
ss Snakes
ss Kylé
ss Stylé
ss Kim
ss Kay
ss Cvs
ss Rite Aid
ss Adam
ss Amish
ss Lizard Tail
ss Eye of Newt
ss Cameron
ss Karma
ss Caméléon
ss Camel
ss Raspberry
ss Ketchup
ss Amy Wine House
ss Velveeta
ss Chubby Chasers
ss BBW
ss Alaska Husky
ss Ali Ali Ali
ss Allah Allah Allah
ss Always Always Always
ss Aladdin
ss Hercules
ss Pegasus
ss Lord Ganesh
ss Lord Vishnu
ss Tom
ss Jerry
ss Onyx
ss Mew
ss MewTwo
ss I dream of Jeanie
ss Bewitched
ss Daren
ss Samantha
ss Switzerland
ss Arabia
ss Adam’s Family
ss Tim Burden
ss Nightmare Before Christmas
ss Fay
ss May
ss Oxford
ss Corpse Bride
ss Jack Skellington
ss Sally
ss Xfiles
ss Dana Scully
ss Fox Mulder
ss RugRats
ss Dexter Laboratory
ss Dexter
ss DeeDee
ss Chris Angel
ss MeerKat Manner
ss Power Puff Girls
ss Teen Titans
ss Batman Robin
ss Cat Woman
ss Ivy
ss Drew Barrymore
ss Twilight Zone
ss E.T.
ss Barbie
ss Ken
ss Seer
ss Rainbow
ss Arron
ss Gary
ss Garret
ss Valentines
ss Romeo
ss Juliet
ss Selina
ss Gomez
ss 101 dalmatians
ss Roger Rabbit
ss Bugs Bunny
ss Loony Tunes
ss Hermaphroditus
ss Hermaphrodite
ss Ritual
ss Spiritual
ss Twister
ss Scrabble
ss Hey Arnold…!
ss Clueless
ss Reese Witherspoon
ss Legally Blonde
ss Coffee
ss Java
ss Joe Joe
ss Jehovah
ss Judah
ss Buddha
ss Japan
ss Jasper
ss Jason
ss Poltergeists
ss Wrath
ss Ghost
ss Hub
ss Alaska Husky
ss Nazi Swat Team
ss Russian Swat Team
ss North Storm Swat Team
ss Rainbow Scissors
ss War Elephants
Not Deli
Not delMA
Not belMA
Not velMA
“toe shoulders”
“chest thighs”
War Sights
“tacoma wa” taco cat
“lakewood wa” blaire witch “claire donut”
“seattle wa” “caddie saddle” “sad duel”
“space needle” “ironic man”
“dallas tx” “shower dial ass” “day licenses”
“mckinney tx” “Macdonald kidney stones”
“princeton tx” “depraved dolls” “cell pre”
“Gideon” “Neo” “Geo” “Galaxy” “Guy Op”
“Soul Matron” “Arron”
100% Brandon
100% Bradley
99% Rainbow
1% Anti illuminati
Anti indoctrination
Anti inflammatory
Anti castrations
Anti assassinations
Anti Youth Thin Eye Z Nations
Anti Lab Bot Tony
Brandon Wayne
Bradley nickname
Sarah Johnny Kaye Burdett Leeper Rivera
Brandon Wayne Burdett
Bird’s Moon’s Bee’s
bwb bbw wb Warner Brothers
Jessica Ray Rivera
Jacob Gabriel Rivera
Justin Rivera
Kevin Rivera
Cara Autumn Burns
Cody Burns
Chad Burns
Clete Burns
Martha Burns
Morgan Burns
Pamela Burns
“4415 Daisy Meadow Dr”
“Katy Texas”
Rainbow Peace and Power Taco Cat
Rainbow Peace and Power Ali Ali
Rainbow Peace and Power Allah Allah
Rainbow Peace and Power Always Always
Rainbow Peace and Power RoseMary
Rainbow Peace and Power Valor
Rainbow Peace and Power Vladimir
Brandon Wayne Burdett
Saint Binard
Catholic Vatican
Hindu India
San Francisco
Frankincense oil
Salam Islam
Barbie and Ken go to Jerusalem
Barbie and Ken go to San Francisco
Barbie and Ken go to Kentucky
Barbie and Ken go to Jupiter
Barbie and Ken go to Venus
Barbie and Ken go to King Author
Barbie and Ken go to Barnes & Noble
Barbie and Ken go to Ben & Jerry’s
Barbie and Ken go to Bed Bath and Beyond
Barbie and Ken go to Tel Aviv
Barbie and Ken go to El Salvador
Barbie and Ken go to Quebec
Joke: What Happens if Flamingos get Flees
Joke: Pinky and The Brain
“Lizzy Hebrew”
“Young Guys Satan Submissive”
“Old Guys Devil Dominance”
Varsity Volleyball
Valor RoseMary Vladimir
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sunghoosn · 4 months
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His Freedom.
Sebuah hari yang indah untuk Damelio merebahkan diri di ranjangnya untuk bermalas-malasan seharian. Disela istirahatnya, ia mendengar suara seperti gercitan gerbang berkarat dari setiap sudut di Dreamville. Damelio mengernyitkan dahinya sambil bertanya-tanya darimana suara itu berasal, ia berfikir "Ah, mungkin ini teror lainnya di hari ini. Aku sudah cukup lelah dengan pertengkaran tadi pagi, bahkan kepalaku rasanya masih sakit, Hayden sialan!" gumamnya.
Tapi hal yang tak lazim mulai terdengar dimana seluruh tetangganya tiba-tiba berisik dan terdengar suara barang-barang yang terjatuh seperti isyarat pemiliknya sedang terburu-buru. Damelio yang penasaran akhirnya memutuskan untuk keluar dari rumahnya dan betapa terkejutnya ia saat melihat orang di kanan dan kiri rumahnya bersiap untuk pergi dengan kendaraan masing-masing.
Segala pikiran aneh mulai terbesit di otaknya, akhirnya ia memutuskan untuk bertanya kepada seseorang yang ia rasa mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi. Damelio membuka ponselnya lalu mengetuk satu nama dan menyambungkan panggilannya. Setelah terdengar suara bahwa panggilan telah tersambung, dengan cepat ia berkata "Dion, kira-kira ada acara apa lagi ini. Bukannya game akan dilaksanakan minggu depan lagi ya? Kenapa semua orang seperti bersiap untuk kabur," ucapnya kepada Dion sang penjaga toko tempat ia bergurau setiap harinya. Dari ujung sambungan telepon Damelio dapat mendengar Dion hanya menghela nafas sambil berkata, "Hyung, gerbang sudah dibuka."
Matanya terbelalak sebelum akhirnya ia memutus sambungan ponselnya sepihak. Dengan cepat, ia mengumpulkan barang-barang kesayangannya, memastikan tidak ada yang terlupakan. Tidak lupa ia membawa Gaeul kesayangannya untuk menemaninya pergi, kemanapun Damelio pergi, disanalah Gaeul berada. Setelah selesai menyiapkan bawaannya, ia segera berlari ke luar rumahnya menuju ke gerbang kebebasan.
Tanpa disangka ia bertemu dengan seseorang yang kerap ia sapa Bang Marco sedang menaiki motornya, dengan sigap Damelio mengajukan tangannya tanda beliau untuk berhenti. Marco berhenti tepat di hadapannya sekarang, "Bang, boleh bantu antar saya ke gerbang? Tadi saya tidak menemukan kunci mobil saya, jadi ya saya harus jalan kaki," ujarnya. Yang diajak berbicara hanya mengangguk tanda setuju untuk mengantar Damelio pergi. Di perjalanan ia bertemu dengan Morgan dan juga Mia, ia melambaikan tangannya kepada orang-orang yang selalu baik padanya selama berada di Dreamville. Seketika hatinya bergejolak, "Bang Morgan dan nona Mia harus secepatnya pergi juga dari tempat ini, mereka butuh kebebasan juga sepertiku dan tetangga lainnya," gumamnya dalam hati.
Sesampainya di penghujung gerbang, Damelio mengucapkan salam perpisahan kepada Marco, namun anehnya semua orang bersikap cuek kala itu. Tapi untuk apa ia pikirkan, mungkin semua orang sedang lelah dengan adanya hantaman teror yang seakan tidak ada hentinya. Entah sudah berapa lama ia terperangkap di tempat itu, di mana mimpi buruk selalu menghantuinya tanpa henti disana. Namun kini, saat ia berjalan menjauhi gerbang besar Dreamville, ia merasakan sebuah beban terangkat dari pundaknya, sebuah beban yang tak pernah ia sadari telah ia pikul begitu lama. Walau masih saja beberapa pertanyaan terngiang di pikirannya, "Kenapa tiba-tiba gerbangnya terbuka, begini sih? Aneh sekali, tapi ada baiknya juga karena akhirnya aku bebas," pikirnya.
Damelio melihat sebuah bus kota yang entah kemana tujuannya, ia hanya menaikinya lalu duduk termenung menunggu mereka sampai. Setelah cukup lama berada di perjalanan, akhirnya mereka sampai ke sebuah kota besar yang terlihat asing di matanya. Namun ia yakin bahwa kota ini sudah cukup jauh dari Dreamville sehingga Game Master tidak akan bisa menemukannya. Mereka menelusuri jalan-jalan yang asing dan melihat keramaian yang telah lama tidak ia saksikan. Selama ini Damelio merasa hidup di sebuah penjara dengan fasilitas yang memadai, tapi apa gunanya fasilitas jika tiap malam ia tidak bisa tidur dengan nyenyak? Di matanya, kota itu penuh dengan kehidupan, ritme dan energinya terasa memenuhi udara sehingga ia bisa merasakan dahsyatnya gejolak aneh dalam dadanya. Rasanya semua yang terjadi terasa begitu cepat hingga ia tidak bisa mencerna keadaan apa yang sebenarnya menerpa dirinya.
Dengan sebuah koper besar di satu tangan dan Gaeul dengan harness-nya di tangan yang lain, Damelio menyelusuri tiap sudut kota dengan perasaan bahagia dan senyuman yang terukir apik di bibirnya. Walau nyatanya di mata orang lain ia terlihat seperti seorang turis bodoh yang rempong. Namun siapa peduli, ini adalah yang ia impikan selama ini, kebebasan yang selalu ia harapkan hadir walau dalam mimpi. Tanpa pikir panjang ia menghabiskan segala waktunya untuk bermain bersama Gaeul sepanjang hari tanpa tekanan apapun. Semua terlihat indah sehingga Damelio enggan untuk melihat ke depan, melihat kenyataan apa yang akan dihadapinya dan Gaeul kedepannya.
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himawariqurrotaaini · 10 months
Andai Forrest Gump Ta(h)u Nasi Kotak
Pontianak. 15:42. 25072023.
Teman-teman ada yang pernah menonton Forrest Gump?
Saya sudah. Hnggg, mungkin tahun 2009. Kebiasaan jaman dulu kalau sedang intens dengan satu artis, yaaa hampir semua filmnya ditonton berurutan. Baru tau Tom Hanks, semuaaa ditonton. Demikian juga Morgan Freeman, Robin Williams, dan Will Smith 😅.
Kembali ke Forrest Gump. Konon ini salah satu film yang diklaim sebagai salah satu film terbaik sepanjang masa karena terinspirasi dari kisah hidup seseorang. Namun di saya mungkin belum terlalu membekas, hehehe nda apa, hanya masalah selera. Tapi ada satu kutipannya yang melekat,
"My mama always said, 'Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.'" -Forrest Gump.
Hari ini saya teringat deh sama kutipan ini. Karenaaaaa... konsumsi nasi kotak rapat tadi pagi.
Mungkin di jamannya Forrest Gump itu, belum ada istilah nasi kotakan ya. Wah itu kejutannya lebih banyak Pak. Seperti tadi pagi, di luar kebiasaan, sekitar jam 09.00 rapat sudah selesai dan nasi kotak sudah dibagikan. Alhamdulillaaah.
Iseng saya buka-buka isolasinya. Waaaaahh alhamdulillaah ada kesukaaan sayaaa....
Telur rebus balado.
Telur yang direbus, kemudian digoreng, dan dimasak dengan sambal balado. Dulu Nenek Rahimahullah kalau bikin ini rasanya enaaaak. Alhamdulillaah.
Coba ah sesendok. Eeeeh enakk.
Pakai nasi nih cocoknya.
Lohhh tambah enak 😅. Nasinya hangaaaatttt puleeen, seperti nasi buka puasa ramadhan di rumah. MashaAllah ya Allah kasi manusia jaman dulu inspirasi untuk bertanam padi dan masak nasi. Itu nasi kan prosesnya panjaaang. Di balik tampang serius saya, kadang isinya memang pertanyaan-pertanyaan trivia beginian. Bagaimana sih manusia bisa bikin kamus? Begitu begituan lah. Supaya nanti kalau punya anak, bisa ingat, landasan dari semua jawaban haruslah ketauhidan Allah SWT. Bukankah banyak orang yang cerdas namun lupa bahwa semua yang terjadi adalah seizin Allah SWT al Muqtadir.
Satsetsatsatset. Tau-tau abis makannya.
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*barang bukti untuk grup diskusi receh.
Setelah nasi kotak habis, saya main hp. Eh ternyata muncul Bapak Kepala Kantor (kantornya orang) berusaha mengagetkan dari samping.
"Loh, kamu ndak kaget?"
"Wah iya ya Pak, kok ndak kaget ya," jawab saya yang kaget karena tidak kaget.
Padahal ya sebabnya jelas, otak saya ngelag karena kaget makan kepagian, alhamdulillaah.
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Momen-momen beginian kok ya saya ceritakan juga ya. Karena... fragmen-fragmen kecil ini yang juga menyusun hari kita. Ketika diuji, kadang kita terkenang, sehari sebelumnya begitu tenang, tak menyangka pada jam yang sama di hari selanjutnya, keadaan sudah berubah, menuntun untuk kembali pasrah kepada Allah SWT.
Rasulullah SAW mengajarkan kepada kita, untuk memaafkan orang lain sebelum tidur. Dan saya rasa, hal ini bersamaan juga dengan muhasabah diri atas apa yang terjadi. Bisa jadi memang asalnya malah dari kesalahan diri sendiri. Hehehehehe.
Bagi saya, muhasabah juga termasuk mengingat hal-hal kecil dan baik, sehingga inilah yang terus kita ingat, bukan hal yang dirasa kurang nyaman. Bukankah hal kecil yang baik inilah yang seharusnya paling mudah ditiru? Semudah meniru abang-abang ob mencari kompas di hp. 😊
Alhamdulillaahilladzi bini'matihi tattimush shalihaat.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 9.16
681 – Pope Honorius I is posthumously excommunicated by the Sixth Ecumenical Council. 1400 – Owain Glyndŵr is declared Prince of Wales by his followers. 1620 – A determined band of 35 religious dissenters – Pilgrims set sail for Virginia from Plymouth, England in the Mayflower, jubilant at the prospect of practicing their unorthodox brand of worship in the New World. 1701 – James Francis Edward Stuart, sometimes called the "Old Pretender", becomes the Jacobite claimant to the thrones of England and Scotland. 1732 – In Campo Maior, Portugal, a storm hits the Armory and a violent explosion ensues, killing two-thirds of its inhabitants. 1776 – American Revolutionary War: The Battle of Harlem Heights is fought. 1779 – American Revolutionary War: The Franco-American Siege of Savannah begins. 1810 – With the Grito de Dolores, Father Miguel Hidalgo begins Mexico's fight for independence from Spain. 1822 – French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel, in a "note" read to the Academy of Sciences, reports a direct refraction experiment verifying David Brewster's hypothesis that photoelasticity (as it is now known) is stress-induced birefringence. 1863 – Robert College, in Istanbul, the first American educational institution outside the United States, is founded by Christopher Robert, an American philanthropist. 1880 – The Cornell Daily Sun prints its first issue in Ithaca, New York. 1893 – Settlers make a land run for prime land in the Cherokee Strip in Oklahoma. 1908 – The General Motors Corporation is founded. 1914 – World War I: The Siege of Przemyśl (present-day Poland) begins. 1920 – The Wall Street bombing: A bomb in a horse wagon explodes in front of the J. P. Morgan building in New York City killing 38 and injuring 400. 1940 – World War II: Italian troops conquer Sidi Barrani. 1943 – World War II: The German Tenth Army reports that it can no longer contain the Allied bridgehead around Salerno. 1945 – World War II: The Japanese occupation of Hong Kong comes to an end. 1953 – American Airlines Flight 723 crashes in Colonie, New York, killing 28 people. 1955 – The military coup to unseat President Juan Perón of Argentina is launched at midnight. 1955 – A Soviet Zulu-class submarine becomes the first to launch a ballistic missile. 1956 – TCN-9 Sydney is the first Australian television station to commence regular broadcasts. 1959 – The first successful photocopier, the Xerox 914, is introduced in a demonstration on live television from New York City. 1961 – The United States National Hurricane Research Project drops eight cylinders of silver iodide into the eyewall of Hurricane Esther. Wind speed reduces by 10%, giving rise to Project Stormfury. 1961 – Typhoon Nancy, with possibly the strongest winds ever measured in a tropical cyclone, makes landfall in Osaka, Japan, killing 173 people. 1961 – Pakistan establishes its Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission with Abdus Salam as its head. 1963 – Malaysia is formed from the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak. However, Singapore is soon expelled from this new country. 1966 – The Metropolitan Opera House opens at Lincoln Center in New York City with the world premiere of Samuel Barber's opera Antony and Cleopatra. 1970 – King Hussein of Jordan declares war against the Palestine Liberation Organization, the conflict came to be known as Black September. 1975 – Papua New Guinea gains independence from Australia. 1975 – Cape Verde, Mozambique, and São Tomé and Príncipe join the United Nations. 1975 – The first prototype of the Mikoyan MiG-31 interceptor makes its maiden flight. 1976 – Armenian champion swimmer Shavarsh Karapetyan saves 20 people from a trolleybus that had fallen into a Yerevan reservoir. 1978 – The 7.4 Mw  Tabas earthquake affects the city of Tabas, Iran with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). At least 15,000 people are killed. 1979 – Eight people escape from East Germany to the west in a homemade hot air balloon. 1982 – Lebanon War: The Sabra and Shatila massacre in Lebanon takes place. 1987 – The Montreal Protocol is signed to protect the ozone layer from depletion. 1990 – The railroad between the People's Republic of China and Kazakhstan is completed at Dostyk, adding a sizable link to the concept of the Eurasian Land Bridge. 1992 – The trial of the deposed Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega ends in the United States with a 40-year sentence for drug trafficking and money laundering. 1992 – Black Wednesday: The British pound is forced out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism by currency speculators and is forced to devalue against the German mark. 1994 – The British government lifts the broadcasting ban imposed against members of Sinn Féin and Irish paramilitary groups in 1988. 2004 – Hurricane Ivan makes landfall in Gulf Shores, Alabama as a Category 3 hurricane. 2005 – The Camorra organized crime boss Paolo Di Lauro is arrested in Naples, Italy. 2007 – One-Two-GO Airlines Flight 269 carrying 130 crew and passengers crashes in Thailand, killing 90 people. 2007 – Security guards working for Blackwater Worldwide shoot and kill 17 Iraqis in Nisour Square, Baghdad. 2013 – A gunman kills twelve people at the Washington Navy Yard. 2014 – The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant launches its Kobani offensive against Syrian–Kurdish forces. 2015 – A 8.3 Mw  earthquake strikes the Chilean city of Illapel, killing 15 people, injuring at least 34, leaving at least six missing, and causing extensive damage. One person also dies in Argentina. 2019 – Five months before the COVID-19 stock market crash, an overnight spike in lending rates in the United States prompts the Federal Reserve to conduct operations in the repo market. 2021 – A 6.0 Mw  earthquake strikes Lu County, Sichuan, China, killing three and injuring more than 88.
0 notes
emzeciorrr · 2 years
Amazon Books ‘That Reading Feeling Awaits’ from James L Brown ACS on Vimeo.
Amazon 'That Reading Feeling Awaits’
Production company: Prettybird @prettybirdpic Producer: Cindy Burnay @cindyt103 EP: Juliette Larthe @juliette_larthe & Ted Thornton Head of Production: Fiona Bamford-Phillips @fsbamford New Business: Shiara Miranda @shiaramiranda Stop Mo / Puppetry Production: Benji Landman @benji.landman Stop Mo / Puppetry Production Assistant: Lottie Beaven @lottielindsaybeavan Live action Production Assistant: Becca Stovold: @beccastovold Treatment creative direction: Tom Manaton
Creative agency: Droga5 London @d5london Creative Director: Matt Hubbard @matthubbard Creatives: Chris Russell + Ahmed Ellabib @afrolabib Agency producers: Caroline Angell + Sophie Paton + Rob Steiner + Olly West Account Director: @laurackidd + Laura Kidd @laurackidd Senior Account Director: Tom Elias @instomgrom Head of Design: Chris Chapman
Spanish facilitation: @virtualfilms.tv MD / EP : Scott Horan Senior Producer: Joan Garcia @joanbcngarcia. Producer: Dani Ojeda @dani0jeda Production Manager: Dani Gonzalez @tarifafilm Production Co-ord: Olga Airas Production Assist: Paula Comella @paulacomella
1st AD: Rob Blishen @rob.blishen Director of Photography: James Brown @jimmylbrown Production Designer: Maria Puig @mariapuiggonzalez Stylist: Ana Nurillas @anamurillas Makeup & Hair Artist: Eva Quilez @evaquilezmakeup
2nd AD: Marc Graells Key Grip: Ricard Arrés Gaffer: Kevin González
Editorial: @zed.video + @marsheen Editor: Ben Crook @bencrookeditor Producer: Harriet Cawley @littleneng Edit Assist: Matt Blacklock @matthewblacklock
COMP & SCI-FI VFX: @blackkitestudios Colorist: Thomas Mangham @thomasmangham VFX Producer: Hannah Ruddleston @hruddleston VFX Supervisor 2D: Guillaume Weiss VFX Supervisor 3D: Fin Crowther @fincrow 2D VFX team: Jonny Freeman, James Adamson, George Brunt, Andrew Curtis, Jack Stone, Venu Prasath 3D VFX team: Andrew Bartholomew, Pawel Luszczak, Marcel Ruegenberg, James Hansell, Tsvetelin Krastev VFX On-Set Supervisor: Tito Fernandes + Jonny Freeman
ANIME: @futurepowerstation Animation Producer: Janet Smith @dammitcole Animation Director: Yibi Hu Lead Animator: Daryl Graham Character Design: @adam_relf 2D Animation/Clean Up/FX: Krystian Piotr Garstkowiak @garstkowiak Alejandra Anguita @alexanguita_art Daisy Evans @daisyanievans Husain Untoro @husain_untoro Hannah Privett @secretlyhansolo Designer: Qian Tian @shrewdingq PreVis: Kevin O’Shea @kevoshea22
HORROR PUPPETRY: Puppeteer: Jimmy Grimes @jimmy_grimes_puppetry Puppeteer: Andy Bruskill @andy.brunskill Puppeteer: Hugh Purves @hpmakes 1st Assistant Director: Laura Carrion Del Pozo Director of Photography: Chris Clarke @chrisclarkedop Art Department Assistant: Harrison Clark @harrisonclark
FABRIC STOP MOTION: Animation Director: Isabel Garrett @isabelamelia.garrett DOP: Daniel Morgan @danielrm_dop Gaffer: Evance Breteuil @evance_breteuil Spark: Brendan Freedman @brendenfreedman Character Design: Nelly Michenaud @nellymichenaud Puppets: Sculpt Double @sculptdouble Set Build: Oliver Arnell Argles @oliverguymm Art Dept: Anita Bruvere @anitavere + Rachael Olga Lloyd @rachaelolgalloyd + Daisy Collingridge @daisy_collingridge + Lisa Ott @ottventure Animator: David McShane @mcshanedavid_ + Anita Bruvere @anitavere Rigger: Robin Jackson @robin_the_rigger
SUBWAY CEL PSYCH: Animation studio STUDIO AKA @studioaka Director: Marcus Armitage @marcusanimation Producer: Nikki Kefford-White Production Assistant: Lara Salam + Meera Nasheed @larasalam Editor: Nic Gill Animation: Marcus Armitage + Darcy Woodbridge @darcy_doodbridge Artworking: Marcus Armitage
Studio: String & Tins @stringandtins Sound Design + Mix: Joe Wilkinson @jrjwilkinson + Culum Simpson @culumsimpson + Lawrence Kendrick @iawrence Music Composition: Ioana Selaru @ String & Tins Audio Producer: Olivia Endersby @livvye13
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askadragonite · 4 years
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And with a mighty blow, the handsome knight Joule had slain the fearsome dragon. She saved the fair prince Elliot and they all went home for snacks.
Including the dragon.
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Things are not going well
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Morgna@mommafox: Oh wow, so you can turn into other people, that's coolooo, oooh, can you turn into me? Like can your tricks make you as BIG as me as well, or would you just be a tiny me or something, that'd be sooooo cute! EEee
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Meredith: Of course! Even as a noivern I can be the size I want to be and fly!! I can easily form myself as you and change my size.
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Meredith: TINY YOU!
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Meredith: Now big draggo! Illusion can be great, my eyes stay green though, gives it away sometimes. 
((H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y J E F F)) @askadragonite
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askabanette · 7 years
Morgan@Chrys: rawr, I be the Mighty Morgan dragon, rawr! Hand over all ya gold and valuables or I shalt stomp you into the dirt. Do you think a teeny little mon like yourself can stand up to ME RAWR!
*sorry I accidentally deleted the original ask*
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Jeez. They just keep coming, don’t they? 
Giant friggin dragons just. Keep coming. 
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You come into (not legally) MY ALLEY? To steal MY (probably stolen) SHTUFFS? 
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fridayflareon · 7 years
Morgan@Val: are you a princess?
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shayanbes · 7 years
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Shay: I keep waking up with this kinda stuff every so often, if this helps?
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rai-daily · 7 years
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shawn: its all good after all i have problems using my fire and you have problems using your firebreath so we can help each other and train together @askadragonite
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himawariqurrotaaini · 11 months
It always seems impossible until it's done.
Ini nih motto saya jaman romusha dulu. Saya tulis di lembar persembahan tesis, supaya keliatan keren karena pakai bahasa inggris, padahal yo cuma modal mengutip omongan orang yang ndak kenal dengan saya. Kalau ada dedek-dedek yang merasa drama revisi skripsi tesis tak berujung juga saya suapkan kalimat ini.
Pencetusnya ya seorang Bapak yang dilahirkan pada tanggal 18 Juli pada 105 tahun yang lalu:
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Eh salah.
Orang-orang memang sering tertukar.
Ini Morgan Freeman. Salah satu aktor yang dulu film-filmnya saya tonton.
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Ini loh orangnya.
Suka pakai batik.
Pontianak. 20:02. 18072023.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 9.16
681 – Pope Honorius I is posthumously excommunicated by the Sixth Ecumenical Council. 1400 – Owain Glyndŵr is declared Prince of Wales by his followers. 1620 – A determined band of 35 religious dissenters – Pilgrims set sail for Virginia from Plymouth, England in the Mayflower, jubilant at the prospect of practicing their unorthodox brand of worship in the New World. 1701 – James Francis Edward Stuart, sometimes called the "Old Pretender", becomes the Jacobite claimant to the thrones of England and Scotland. 1732 – In Campo Maior, Portugal, a storm hits the Armory and a violent explosion ensues, killing two-thirds of its inhabitants. 1776 – American Revolutionary War: The Battle of Harlem Heights is fought. 1779 – American Revolutionary War: The Franco-American Siege of Savannah begins. 1810 – With the Grito de Dolores, Father Miguel Hidalgo begins Mexico's fight for independence from Spain. 1822 – French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel, in a "note" read to the Academy of Sciences, reports a direct refraction experiment verifying David Brewster's hypothesis that photoelasticity (as we now call it) is stress-induced birefringence. 1863 – Robert College, in Istanbul, the first American educational institution outside the United States, is founded by Christopher Robert, an American philanthropist. 1880 – The Cornell Daily Sun prints its first issue in Ithaca, New York. The Sun is the United States' oldest, continuously-independent college daily. 1893 – Settlers make a land run for prime land in the Cherokee Strip in Oklahoma. 1908 – The General Motors Corporation is founded. 1914 – World War I: The Siege of Przemyśl (present-day Poland) begins. 1920 – The Wall Street bombing: A bomb in a horse wagon explodes in front of the J. P. Morgan building in New York City killing 38 and injuring 400. 1940 – World War II: Italian troops conquer Sidi Barrani. 1943 – World War II: The German Tenth Army reports that it can no longer contain the Allied bridgehead around Salerno. 1945 – World War II: The Japanese occupation of Hong Kong comes to an end. 1953 – American Airlines Flight 723 crashes in Colonie, New York, killing 28 people. 1955 – The military coup to unseat President Juan Perón of Argentina is launched at midnight. 1955 – A Soviet Zulu-class submarine becomes the first to launch a ballistic missile. 1956 – TCN-9 Sydney is the first Australian television station to commence regular broadcasts. 1959 – The first successful photocopier, the Xerox 914, is introduced in a demonstration on live television from New York City. 1961 – The United States National Hurricane Research Project drops eight cylinders of silver iodide into the eyewall of Hurricane Esther. Wind speed reduces by 10%, giving rise to Project Stormfury. 1961 – Typhoon Nancy, with possibly the strongest winds ever measured in a tropical cyclone, makes landfall in Osaka, Japan, killing 173 people. 1961 – Pakistan establishes its Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission with Abdus Salam as its head. 1963 – Malaysia is formed from the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak. However, Singapore is soon expelled from this new country. 1966 – The Metropolitan Opera House opens at Lincoln Center in New York City with the world premiere of Samuel Barber's opera Antony and Cleopatra. 1970 – King Hussein of Jordan declares war against the Palestine Liberation Organization, the conflict came to be known as Black September. 1975 – Papua New Guinea gains independence from Australia. 1975 – Cape Verde, Mozambique, and São Tomé and Príncipe join the United Nations. 1975 – The first prototype of the Mikoyan MiG-31 interceptor makes its maiden flight. 1976 – Armenian champion swimmer Shavarsh Karapetyan saves 20 people from a trolleybus that had fallen into a Yerevan reservoir. 1978 – The 7.4 Mw  Tabas earthquake affects the city of Tabas, Iran with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). At least 15,000 people are killed. 1979 – Eight people escape from East Germany to the west in a homemade hot air balloon. 1982 – Lebanon War: The Sabra and Shatila massacre in Lebanon takes place. 1987 – The Montreal Protocol is signed to protect the ozone layer from depletion. 1990 – The railroad between the People's Republic of China and Kazakhstan is completed at Dostyk, adding a sizable link to the concept of the Eurasian Land Bridge. 1992 – The trial of the deposed Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega ends in the United States with a 40-year sentence for drug trafficking and money laundering. 1992 – Black Wednesday: The British pound is forced out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism by currency speculators and is forced to devalue against the German mark. 1994 – The British government lifts the broadcasting ban imposed against members of Sinn Féin and Irish paramilitary groups in 1988. 2004 – Hurricane Ivan makes landfall in Gulf Shores, Alabama as a Category 3 hurricane. 2005 – The Camorra organized crime boss Paolo Di Lauro is arrested in Naples, Italy. 2007 – One-Two-GO Airlines Flight 269 carrying 130 crew and passengers crashes in Thailand killing 90 people. 2007 – Security guards working for Blackwater Worldwide shoot and kill 17 Iraqis in Nisour Square, Baghdad. 2013 – A gunman kills twelve people at the Washington Navy Yard. 2014 – The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant launches its Kobani offensive against Syrian–Kurdish forces. 2015 – A 8.3 Mw  earthquake struck the Chilean city of Illapel, killing 15 people, injuring at least 34, leaving at least six missing, and causing extensive damage. One person also died in Argentina. 2019 – Five months before the COVID-19 stock market crash, an overnight spike in lending rates in the United States prompts the Federal Reserve to conduct operations in the repo market. 2021 – A 6.0 Mw  earthquake struck Lu County, China's southwestern province of Sichuan, killing three and injuring more than 88.
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