#morgana is harry's biological mother
Morgana knows that it's dangerous, but she thinks that it's worth it, since it's more dangerous to keep this with her. She knows she has enough power, since she's the last High Priestess of the Old Religion, and the only person more powerful than her is Emrys. Or so her sister, Morgause, says.
Morgana starts the ritual, she isn't sure if it's going to work, but it's the best solution. She needs to protect this at all costs, even if it means she has to send it to the future. A baby starts to cry, she kisses his forehead and says "My sweet Hadrian, I hope I'll be able to join you in the future soon, but if not, I hope that someone will take good care of you, son. Mommy loves you, baby. Good luck". Now, she isn't happy about that, but she'll be damned if she lets Morgause or Cenred be around her baby. Her baby that Cenred and Morgause insisted that she should be the one to carry for Cenred. Morgause hated the idea of being pregnant and Cenred needed a heir and he wanted a magical one, so with Morgana there it was a win-win situation for Cenred and Morgause. Morgana accepted this with the condition that she would help raise the baby, no matter what.
Harry is not having a good summer, at all. 1- He can't send his boyfriend any letters 'cause it would be suspicious for both of them to be recieving letters and notes every hour 'cause they're that kind of couple that can talk about everything and anything to each other, thus they would be sending owls like crazy, so they decided it was for the best if they didn't write to each other. 2- His friends are not even bothering on replying his letters and when they do, the letters are more like notes than letters. 3- It's his 15th birthday and he just recieved a letter from his dead mother as a gift, the joy! 4- The letter explains how she isn't his mother, at least not biologically and says he should go to Gringotts to make an inheritance test to see who his biological parents are.
Harry manages to sneak out to go to Gringotts, there he talks to a Goblin and asks for an inheritance test. The Goblin takes him to a private office and asks for 3 drops of blood. Harry does that and when the results are shown, he drops the parchment in shock. The parchment reads:
Name: Hadrian Cenred Morgan Essetir Pendragon Alias: Harry James Potter, Harry Potter, Boy-Who-Lived Blood status: Half-blood Mother: Morgana Pendragon Father: King Cenred of Essetir Adoptive mother: Lily Jasmine Potter née Evans Adoptive father: James Fleamont Potter Birthday: 31 July 1405 (Quick note: Merlin is set sometime in the middle age-medieval times, so loosely 500-1500, I just chose a random year between these and put here, if you'd like to write a fic based on that, then you can change it, no problem.) Harry just stopped reading, he didn't want to know the other surprises this test might reveal. If he was originally born in 1405, how the fuck he got to 1980? He knows time travel is a thing, but that far? Harry doesn't think it's possible. He decides he wants to take a look around the Pendragon vault, maybe his biological mother left something to help him out there? So the Goblin takes him there and he finds a diary there, Harry picks it up and takes it to the Dursleys with him. He starts reading it. Harry at least now knows that he was sent to the future using a ritual, and that his mother had all the intention to join him. Harry is still trying to process that he isn't really James and Lily's son and that his biological mother is some historical figure that they learn about in the History of Magic class. After reading Morga- his mother's, diary, he finds out that she used the ritual to send Harry forward in time, 'cause she thought it would be the best place to hide him from his own father and from his aunt, since, by what Harry read, they would only use him for his powers or something like that.
So the Order chooses to come and pick Harry up when he's having an existential crisis. Typical. As soon Harry sees Sirius and Remus he asks them "Did you guys know?", not minding that they have a few members of the Order there with them, he just wants answers and the fact that Sirius and Remus just can't look at Harry...Well, it says a lot. So Harry asks "Why you didn't tell me? Why did you have to let me find out about it through a letter that she left me?". The rest of the Order is really confused on what Harry is talking about, but the entertainment is so good that they don't want to risk interrupting it to ask what the fuck is going on. When Sirius and Remus don't answer, Harry just sighs and says "Fine, when you're ready to be adults and talk to me about it, I suppose you know where to find me." and leaves to his room, that he's apparently sharing with Ron. Harry ignores Hermione, Ron and Ginny following him and asking what he was talking about; Harry doesn't think he's ready to talk to them about it. But he wants to talk to his boyfriend, though, so he sends a note to said boyfriend.
Harry doesn't use Hedwig to send the note, obviously, he sneaks out and uses an Owl Post. He doesn't have to wait much for an answer, though. And after a bit of conversation, they agreed to meet the next day, so Harry went to sleep with a smile on his face, knowing he would see his boyfriend the next day.
Harry finally manages to escape the Weasleys and Hermione and goes to meet his boyfriend. Harry smiled when he saw his boyfriend, and even though said boyfriend had a glamour on, Harry could recognize Draco anywhere. They go to Muggle London and find a adorable Cafe, they find a table and after they order something to drink, they start talking and Harry shows Draco the letter + the test, Draco is worried with something that he read in the test and asks Harry "Did you read the entire test?" to which Harry replies "No, I didn't want to have any more surprises, you know?" and Draco nods but says "You should take a look on where says potions, blocks and glamours...It seems like you have a few on you and also you seem to have something called Horcrux in your scar, you should definitely go back to Gringotts and ask for a cleaning ritual or something. You should go right after we finish here, love. I'm honestly worried with how many things you have on you." Harry gently takes his test back from Draco and sees that Draco is right. So they finish their drinks and Harry pays, 'cause he's more used to Muggle money than Draco, and Harry goes to Gringotts.
After Harry removes everything, including the Horcrux, he writes a quick note to let Draco know that he removed everything and is fine. Harry found out what was a Horcrux and that the one he had was just a small part, so Voldemort made more than one. He asks the Goblins if they can track the other ones, which they can, so Harry pays them to do it and destroy them in Harry's name and keep Harry updated, of course. So Harry goes back to Grimmald Place. No one noticed he left the house, 'cause he pretended to lock himself in the room they have Buckbeak in, so everyone just thought Harry was just being moody.
The Goblins did an amazing job and destroyed all of the Horcruxes, so Harry knows that the next time he faces Voldy, he can kill the old snake face for good. So Harry starts training. He reads every book that he can put his hands on of the Grimmald library and sneaks out to buy some more and even asks Draco for a few books that he can send from the Malfoy library that anyone would miss for a few days, which Draco gladly sends his boyfriend. Harry also goes to his vaults to see if there's any books that can be useful there. Sirius and Remus are confused at first when Harry asks them to teach him how to duel, but when Harry explains his logic, Sirius and Remus agree and start teaching Harry how to duel and even show him some spells they create that are supposed to be for pranks, but work really well in a duel as well. Harry works really hard 'cause he knows he has only a few weeks and he pretends to start his 5th year being at least decent on dueling and knowing a bunch of new spells.
5h year begins and Harry finds the Room of Requirement in the first week back and keeps on practicing, with Draco's help, since Draco had dueling classes since he was a kid. Harry finally feels like he's good enough to defeat Voldemort when he has an encounter with the snake face this year.
Harry & Co go to the Ministry 'cause Harry finally figured out that the weapon Voldy is looking for is really a prophecy, so he's curious to know what it says. They go right after they finish their OWLs. Of course it wasn't that simple, of course Moldyvoldy would have his Death Eaters there. Everyone has their shot with a Death Eater. After that Voldemort finally showed up and when Dumbledore + the Ministry employees + the Minister showed up, Harry stopped playing around with Vody and finally managed to defeat him. Now Voldemort is forever defeated. Of course, there's still Death Eaters around and of course Harry & Co still have to deal with the Ministry, but let's do one thing at the time.
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
Akira's true parentage
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3x3AJJZ
by dp9
Harry was abandoned to the Dursleys by his parents in order to pay more attention to their son John, who was believed to be the boy-who-lived. There he was abused until he was at the age of five, where a Japanese couple the Kurusus found out about the abuse, when they witnessed, how his aunt hit him with a frying pan repeatedly. Calling the authorities, the Dursleys were arrested and charged and the Kurusus had custody over the boy. After many therapy sessions, the Kurusus found out through a letter from his biological mother, how the boy was abandoned by his biological parents to this abusive environment. With the help of Akira's (Harry's) therapist, they explained him, what his parents had done, but Akira didn't care and told them that they were his only parents and that these people are no longer his parents. But what would happen, if the past comes back you?
Words: 3466, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Persona 5
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Persona 5 Protagonist, Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Takamaki Ann, Kitagawa Yusuke, Sakamoto Ryuji, Sakura Futaba, Morgana (Persona Series), Niijima Makoto, Okumura Haru, Kurusu Akira, Sakura Sojiro, Niijima Sae, Persona 5 Protagonist's Parents, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Hermione Granger, Order of the Phoenix, Death Eater Characters, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Weasley Family (Harry Potter), Andromeda Black Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks, Ted Tonks, Dursley Family (Harry Potter), OC - John Potter, OC - Rosalin Potter, OC - Amelia Potter, Amelia Bones, Severus Snape, Filius Flitwick, Pomona Sprout
Relationships: Mishima Yuuki/Persona 5 Protagonist, Persona 5 Protagonist & Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Persona 5 Protagonist & Draco Malfoy, Persona 5 Protagonist & Blaise Zabini, Persona 5 Protagonist & Daphne Greengrass, Mishima Yuuki & Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Phantom Thieves of Hearts & Draco Malfoy, Phantom Thieves of Hearts & Blaise Zabini, Phantom Thieves of Hearts & Daphne Greengrass
Additional Tags: Persona 5 Protagonist Has Good Parents, Protective Parents, Protective Nijima Sae, Protective Phantom Thieves of Hearts, Good Malfoy Family (Harry Potter), Good Severus Snape, Good Slytherins, Abusive Dursley Family (Harry Potter), Dursley Family Bashing (Harry Potter), Past Child Abuse, Child Abandonment, Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, James Potter Lives, Lily Evans Potter Lives, Lily Evans Potter Bashing, Sirius Black Bashing, Remus Lupin Bashing, Ron Weasley Bashing, Hermione Granger Bashing, Ginny Weasley Bashing, Good Bill Weasley, Good Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Good Charlie Weasley, Good Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley Bashing, Character Bashing, Minerva McGonagall Bashing, Andromeda Black Tonks Bashing, Ted Tonks Bashing, Nymphadora Tonks Bashing, Bad Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter), James Potter Bashing, Harry Potter is Persona 5 Protagonist, Adopted Harry Potter, Harry Potter was Raised by Other(s), Wrong Boy-Who-Lived (Harry Potter), Harry Potter Has a Twin, Harry Potter Has Siblings, Harry Potter is a Good Boyfriend, Persona 5 Protagonist Lives With His Parents in Shibuya, Shujin Academy (Persona 5)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3x3AJJZ
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