#merlin x harry potter
Merlin and Morgana decide to de-age and go to Hogwarts, since they're bored. They end up in Harry's 5th year.
Morgana is horrified with Umbridge's clothes and doesn't even realize Umbridge is actually a person or well, something close to it, so Morgana lets out a "For fucks sake, what even is that pink thing there?" really loud when she and Merlin are waiting the firsties to be classified so they can be classified, since they're transfer students. Umbridge is not happy, but it turns out Merlin and Morgana planned really ahead and made themselves untouchable to Umbridge 'cause their "parents" made a really generous donation to the Ministry, so Umbitch can't do anything to them, Umbitch just gives Morgana a really fake smile and says "I'm the Defense Against Dark Arts professor, dear" to which Morgana just nods and tells Merlin telepathically "This fucking toad is gonna teach? Please, let's go home Merlin, please, I'm not bored anymore" and Merlin just laughs and replies "It's too late now, love". The Hat lets Merlin and Morgana decide where they wanna go, since they really helped with founding Hogwarts. Both of them end up choosing Gryffindor, 'cause when they saw Harry they were like "Yeah, this one's gonna need all the protection and help we can give, he has the same vibe Arthur had of trouble finding him".
When the DA started, even though Merlin and Morgana didn't agree with that stupid idea, they were one of the first people to sign the parchment Hermione had.
Harry, Hermione and Ron think that these new transfer students are a bit weird, but if they wanna help and they actually believe Harry even though they seemed to have no idea who Harry nor Voldemort were before someone explained to them.
Harry is way too tired to think about the weird transfer students. He already has to juggle his time between his secret boyfriend (Draco), his friends, the DA and having Voldemort in his head doesn't really help with the stress.
Merlin and Morgana didn't signed up for this, but if this poor Harry Potter kid is being targeted by an insane guy with a snake face, then he really is a magnet for trouble like Arthur was-Wait, hold that thought, are we sure Arthur would return in his own body? 'Cause what if this kid is Arthur's reincarnation? Nah, 'cause honestly Arthur wasn't the first person to attract trouble every time he blinked, so they're just reading too much in that.
When Harry ran to the Ministry, Merlin and Morgana went with the group as well and when the Death Eaters attacked, they managed to capture all of them and leave a little note to Fudge that read "Here's a few gifts, Minister ;) " Harry and his friends just looked at Merlin and Morgana stunned 'cause they never showed that they could take someone out in a duel so quickly like they did with the Death Eaters! They didn't even had to leave the Prophecy room! When they were leaving and the Order + Voldemort and Bellatrix showed up, Merlin and Morgana just looked at them and Merlin asked Morgana "Oh, I think they have a veil here in the Ministry, should we give the Snake face to Cailleach? I think she'll appreciate the gift!"
So when they stun Voldy and go handle him to Cailleach, Cailleach says she's been wanting him for a while, but they also need to get the Horcruxes Voldy made and just throw them through the veil. Harry & Co are really confused by that, but Merlin & Morgana just nod and leave to go look for the Horcruxes. They come back pretty quickly and start throwing the fucked up thing to Cailleach. Merlin & Morgana feel that there's one in Harry, so they're like "Can we use a spell on you real quick?" and when Harry allows them to do it, they take the Horcrux out and put it in a quill just because and throw it through the veil. And with that Voldy is defeated. Harry & Co are still confused of how that happened and who exactly are these transfer students, but oh well, they helped so they can't be the villains here, right?
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flowgeeksout · 11 months
When you are reading fanfiction you are looking for something good and are reading the description/tags and you see something and you just nope and scroll so fast like it might contagious?
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dryadalisliv · 1 year
One thing that, without fail, makes me giggle and swing my feet like a happy little school girl, is when fics about a non-canon ship backs it up using only canon occurrences… like yes! Show everyone that this is bullshit! that this IS, IN FACT, canon! Literally get a grip, I can’t handle it
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johnmurphysgirl · 15 days
why am i, an almost 25 year old female obsessed with fictional gay men 😭 i shall never recover
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krug3r2312 · 2 years
Arthur: Do you remember me telling you that I had a very important meeting with the visiting nobles, and needed my ceremonial armour polished?
Merlin: *nods slowly*
Arthur: *gestures at the dirty armour on the table* and tell me, does it look like it's been polished
Merlin: No
Arthur: No sire
Merlin: There's no need to call me sire Arthur
Arthur: *throws a vambrace at him*
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Okay but do you know what I mean when I say Potter x Black is just another variant of Merlin x Arthur. Everything is always Soldier x King. I beg will you die for your love or would you kill for it instead?
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
They Meet You And Your Powers
Characters: Merlin, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Theseus Scamander
Request: “My magic boys! Please, Merlin, Ron, Harry and Theseus reacting to meeting a girl with "Wanda's powers" and falling in love with her!” Anon
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She held the glass bottle full of the healing brew. It had taken days to collect all the herbs and stew the petals to create the antidote. It was going to be the saving grace for the infectious disease plaguing the town.
Merlin was sitting on the staircase to his bedroom, watching (Y/N) as she bustled about preparing the precious brew.
“Do you think it’s going to work?” he asked.
“It better,” she replied, “Gaius is no fool.”
“Which is why he asked you to make the brew instead of me.”
(Y/N) laughed aloud and knocked into a table, the bottle of medicine flying from her hands. As it fell in slow motion, she considered for a second whether to use her magic to save the bottle. But that would reveal herself to Merlin and risk her chances of all of Camelot knowing.
But in that instant a pillow came levitating off Gaius’ cot and cushioned the fall of the bottle.
(Y/N) looked up, astonished to see Merlin with an outstretched hand and golden eyes.
“Merlin, you have magic!”
“Yes,” he said quickly, “I can explain.”
She had her hands over her mouth, “I don’t believe it.”
“It was something I was born with,” he said, a clear panic in his voice, “Nothing evil about it.”
She laughed, “I’m not going to turn you in, Merlin.”
He stared at her, his look of fear turning into one of confusion. “I never picked you to be a supporter of magic, (Y/N).”
“You can’t help what you’re born with,” she shrugged, feeling her own power grow in her fingertips. “You’re not the only one.”
Merlin paused, “What do you mean?”
(Y/N) smiled, her eyes beginning to glow scarlet as ribbons of red mist flew from her fingers. It wrapped around the glass bottle and floated it to her hands.
It was incredible the shift of emotion on Merlin’s face. “(Y/N)!” he cried, “You have magic!?”
“I guess Gaius prefers apprentices with powers.”
They shared a laugh, Merlin shaking his head in wonder. His voice became soft and fond as he said, “You’re incredible, (Y/N).”
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She walked down the halls of Hogwarts with hunched shoulders, trying to keep herself as small as possible. Being an extraordinary student came with an upheaval of consequences.
Students saw her magical abilities as an unfair advantage and full of the potential to be evil. Professors revered her and often requested demonstrations of her talents.
Regardless, (Y/N) sought the solitude of her common room more often than not. There were few that regarded her as a friend and not as a magical abnormality, meaning she avoided social interactions as much as possible.
Another instance was now as a group of Ravenclaws passed her in the hall.
“Oh, look out,” they said, “Here comes the freak.”
She ignored their snickers, escaping down the next corridor, only to be stopped by a flying menace.
“Ah, the wee red witch is upset,” came the grading voice of Peeves the poltergeist. “People should run for their lives!”
“Shut it, Peeves,” a new voice appeared, “Go destroy the trophy room and leave her alone.”
(Y/N) turned around to see Ron Weasley defending her. He was one of those fair few that treated her more kindly than the others.
Peeves blew some raspberries in their direction, floating off to cause more mayhem.
“You alright?” he asked, approaching her.
She sighed, “I’m fine.”
“I bet you could’ve sent him off with that magic of yours,” he said, smiling.
“You think,” she said, a surge of power descending her arms and to her hands. It was involuntary how red mist began to spark between her fingers. “You’re not intimated by it?”
Ron looked at her in awe, “That’s the appeal.” He watched as the red tendrils of magic grew and danced in the air, “I think your magic is amazing.”
She grinned at him, that was until the sound of blowing raspberries returned above them.
“The red witch is at it again!” yelled Peeves, “Harming students, she is!”
(Y/N) grumbled, flicking her wrist and sending ribbons of magic towards the poltergeist. His hands and mouth were immediately bound in red. Another crack of her fingers and the ghost was sent flying through the wall.
Ron laughed aloud, “That was incredible,” he stared at her with clear astonishment. So much so that (Y/N) started to believe she really was something special.
“Thanks,” she said quietly, sending a few threads of magic to play with his robes and hair.
He continued to laugh, “I love you!”
He said it so causally and she knew it was because of the way she took down Peeves, but despite that…
… his words made her blush.
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The library was overly quiet that evening, books lazily floating to their respective shelves. The lamps were beginning to dim, and (Y/N) was peering over into the next cubicle, packing her schoolbag.
Harry Potter was slumped over the table surface, head bent at an uncomfortable angle. He was fast asleep, his glasses digging into his nose.
He was twitching in his sleep, his face beginning to contort as if he were in pain.
He was dreaming, she thought, perhaps having a nightmare. She slung her schoolbag across her shoulder, finding herself drawn to him.
Making sure no one was watching, (Y/N) let tendrils of her magic empower her arms. Her eyes began to glow, and ribbons of red came from her fingers, searching for the open mind of her classmate.
He was starting to mumble, sweat dotting his temples as the red magic went for his dream.
She tried not to watch, keeping his thoughts private as she envisioned a peaceful scene for him to wake up to:
Sun on the Black Lake. A warm breeze across the cheek. Back resting against a mighty tree. Green grass tickling toes. Laughter filling ears. Friends gathered for a summer day outside, free from homework and exams.
(Y/N) knew of his friends and made sure they were there to calmly pull him from the previous nightmare.
His face was now serene as he awoke. He sat up, hands going for the crick in his neck. He caught the last remnants of the red glow in her eyes.
“Hello,” she said awkwardly, “You were mumbling in your sleep.”
Harry shook his head, as if to expel the fleeting tendrils of her magic. “Was that you?”
(Y/N) looked down sheepishly, “I know nightmares aren’t fun.”
He knew of (Y/N) and her extraordinary magic but normally she kept to herself. “How did you do that?”
“Change your dream?” she asked, wringing her hands around her schoolbag strap. “I can change realities and give visions to others. I just put a different picture in your head to cover up the nightmare.”
Harry seemed torn as he considered her, his fingers fidgeting with his own bag. It was long enough that (Y/N) started to back away, embarrassed by what she did.
“I’ll see you around, Harry.”
“Thank you,” he choked out. She turned around as he continued, “That was the first time, in a long time, where I woke up from a good dream.”
She smiled, “You’re welcome – anytime.”
“I might take you up on that,” he said more warmly.
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“What are you doing here?” she asked, resting against the countertop in the lounge room.
Theseus Scamander, head auror for the offices, was looking at her with an interrogative stare. “I’ve heard a few things floating around.”
“Such as?” she asked, stirring her coffee.
He smirked, “That you have some pretty extraordinary abilities. Things that the wizarding world has never seen before.” He tugged on his vest, “I’m impressed that MACUSA was able to recruit you.”
“Why?” she asked, “Surprised that I’m not one of those villains you need to take down.”
“I’ve had my suspicions,” he said all smug. “Can you show me?”
She scoffed, “I’m not a dancing monkey.”
His smile had a bit of mischief and (Y/N) had the impression that he might’ve been flirting.
“Then I’ll duel you for it.”
She raised her brows, “You don’t want to take me on.”
“I like a challenge.”
“I can tell,” she said, enjoying the banter more than she should. “I could obliterate you.”
He nodded, “You’re not instilling confidence in how you’re not a villain.”
She felt a flicker of power surge to her fingers. The heat was building behind her eyes. This auror was really trying to rouse something out of her and she was embarrassed to say that it was working.
“Oh no,” Theseus said, spotting the light dusting of red appearing between her fingers. “Losing some control there, are you?”
“Are you always this infuriating?” she said lowly.
He kept smiling, “I’m a perfectly pleasant person.” His eyes widened as her power grew, “What are you able to do?”
She sighed deep in her chest, raising her hand and bending her fingers. Rivers of red floated around her palm, matching the color of her eyes.
“Telekinesis and manipulation.” Her coffee mug began to stir itself, red mist levitating the mug between them, “I can invade your mind,” she said darkly, “I could make you see things – believe things.”
Theseus swallowed hard, trying to watch her demonstration of power without much of a reaction. “Fascinating.”
Her blood was boiling, “Had enough? Could you leave me alone now?”
The smirk returned to his face, “If you’re interested in auror work…” he tossed a business card towards her and watched as her magic caught it in midair. “… give me a call.”
He winked at her, and (Y/N) knew it was just the beginning of their relationship. The flirtatious, overconfident wizard was going to be the death of her. But she might as well have some fun with it.
Tag List:
@caswinchester2000 @aria253264 @bippity-boppity-boopa @kaqua @cameleonfrenzy @shyposttree  @andreasworlsboring101 @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @wife-of-mikoto-suoh @soundbreaker-harms @nicole-survivor @murder-swan  @mythandmagik @girl-lost-not-found @multifandomfix  @mxacegrey​ 
Remember to check out my tag list so you’re updated when a fic you like is posted on my blog! Tag List
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amphorographia · 3 months
My favourite genre is the accidentally but obviously queer duo created by writer(s) convince they're telling a story about "a couple of besties"
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James and Regulus in the forbidden forest
Regulus: How do you know this place was sacred?
James: That’s obvious
Regulus: Pretend it isn’t
James: Everything here … is so full of life. Every tree, every leaf, every insect
James: It’s as if the world is vibrating. As if everything is much more than itself.
Regulus: You feel all that?
James (smiling softly): Don’t you?
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“Will you wear my jersey tomorrow?” James asked, abruptly stopping in the middle of the corridor.
Regulus froze in his tracks, scrunching up his face in an attempt to restrain the ridiculous smile he knew was threatening to spill over. With a deep breath, and a face at least two shades darker than before, Regulus turned around.
“It’s alright if you don’t want to!” James quickly said. “I know there’s a lot of animosity between our houses, and I know people already treat you unfairly because we’re dating, so I completely understand if you don’t-“
“James.” Regulus stepped forward, standing on his tiptoes to press a quick kiss to James’ cheek. “I’d love to wear it.”
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gayandfairycore · 1 year
Finished fics ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Authors favourite: 🌷
Smut: 🍓
Fluff: 🌞
Angst: 🌛
Fem reader: ✨
Male reader: 🪽
Fandoms I no longer write for: 🍂
Warning: please check my request terms before requesting as I no longer write for some fandoms, and I no longer write male reader fics, any previous requests you have sent may be slow to release!
Lockwood and co:
Marmalade and mischievous mornings🌞🌷✨
Thin walls 🍓🌞✨
Jack dawson x reader🌞✨🍓🌷
Bbc Merlin:
Merlin x reader 🍓🌞✨
Merlin x reader 🍓🌞✨
Morgana x reader 🍓🌞✨
Morgana x Merlins sibling reader pt 1 🌛🌞✨
Pt 2 🌛✨
Just hold me 🌛🌞✨🌷
The prince, the magician, and the physician 🌞🌛🌷
Teen wolf:
Stiles stilinski:
Movie night 🌞🌛✨
Scott McCall:
Movie night 🌞🌛✨
The albatross 🌛✨🌷
My babysitters a vampire:
Ethan Morgan x male reader 🌛🌞🪽
Narnia headcanons 🌞🌛🪽
ೃ⁀➷ fics/fandoms I don’t write for anymore ⁀➷
Xo kitty:
Do you see right through me 🌞🌛🌷✨
Outer banks:
Distraction 🌛✨
The middle:🍂
Axl heck x reader 🌞✨
Love and monsters: 🍂
Joel dawson x reader 🌛🌞✨
The green necklace 🌛🌞✨
Tfw x reader 🌛🌞✨
Fear street: 🍂
Sacrifice Simon kalivoda x reader 🌛✨
Marauders: 🍂
James potter x reader
Nothing is as clear as the clarity of death 🌛✨
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Merlin feels the Old Region telling him to help Harry, so he watches Dumbledore putting Harry in the Dursleys door, and when Dumbledore leaves, Merlin takes a brief look around and when there's no one, he picks Harry up and takes the baby home.
Now, Merlin doesn't know shit about raising a baby, but he's gonna try anyways. Merlin can feel that there's something wrong with Harry, so he takes the baby to Gringotts for a test, said test reveals that the Horcruxes exist, so the Goblins do a ritual to take Harry's horcrux out and use it to trace the other ones + the main piece of Voldemort's soul. Once every horcrux is found and Merlin picks them up, the Goblins do a ritual to transfer the horcruxes to less valuable itens with the founders itens. So with that, Voldy is forever defeated.
When Harry is 11, Merlin isn't sure if he wants to send Harry to Hogwarts or just take Harry and move to America or France or whatever. Merlin doesn't trust Dumbledore at all ever since he and the Goblins found Harry's horcrux, so he really doesn't know if he should let Harry go to Hogwarts. Merlin ends up deciding let Harry do his first year at Hogwarts and see how it goes. Merlin and Harry go to Diagon Alley to buy Harry's things.
Merlin is shocked with every letter Harry sends him, what does Harry mean with he saved a girl from a Troll in the bathroom? What does Harry mean there's a Cerberus in an empty classroom? Who the fuck names a Cerberus Fluffy, of all the things? And who's Hagrid and why the fuck this person had a dragon? At this point Merlin is ready to go to Hogwarts, kidnap Harry back and fly, the muggle way so they can't be traced, to the most distant magic school he can think of, he doesn't care if it's the middle of the year, sure the Headmaster of the school would understand why Merlin wanted Harry out of Hogwarts even before the first year ended if Merlin told said Headmaster what Harry wrote home. But Merlin controls himself and waits for the first year to end. Then it ends with the stone disaster, how Merlin likes to call it, 'cause come on, Voldemort's dead! But Dumbledore still tried something with that fucking stone! So Merlin decides to have a conversation with Harry and he decides he's not gonna take Harry that far away, but Harry is not coming back to Hogwarts again. Of course Harry can still keep in touch with his friends, Merlin will gladly take Harry to see them! Merlin will even get a muggle phone so Harry can talk to Hermione if he wants! Merlin will tolerate pureblood talks if Harry wants to go visit Draco at the Malfoy Manor! Merlin will tolerate screams if Harry wants to go visit the Weasleys! But there's no way Harry is going back to Hogwarts! Merlin ends up choosing to send Harry to Beauxbatons 'cause honestly Merlin just likes the Headmistress better.
A few years go by and now it's the 4th year. Triwizard Tournament thing happens, and Harry is one of the younger students that decided to go 'cause he will take that opportunity to see his friends! But then he regrets that decision when his name comes out of the Goblet. To say Merlin was furious is an understatement. The same day that this happens Merlin is there and he starts screaming at Fudge, Bagman and Dumbledore and he says he knows the rules and there's a rule for when this happens and they will follow that rule if they know what's good for them. The rule in question is to just decide for a game and play it as the tasks and then after the unwilling participant is done with that, they must put the names of the willing participants in the Goblet again and then the real tournament can begin. Merlin watches everyone as a hawk so no one can put Harry's name in that shit again...But not that they're going to admit this, but who put Harry's name is way too scared of Merlin to try and do that again.
Harry is honestly just glad that Merlin managed to fix his name being spit out by the Goblet, so he can spend some time with Draco, his now boyfriend that he started dating during the summer, and Hermione and the Weasleys.
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ronweasleys-world · 3 months
Yk that sound ‘soldier, poet and king’ and people argue if Ron or Harry are the king,
Reasons why I think Ron is the king:
1) for obvious reasons, ‘Weasley is our King’ I mean come on it’s right there!!
2) A kings destiny isn’t to die, that’s a soldiers destiny. Harry was literally born to die, the prophecy meant that he was to kill Voldemort, and in doing so, he has to die also.
3) a kings responsibility is to care for their people, and who cares more than Ron about Harry and Hermione’s wellbeing, he makes sure they eat, he’s reminds them to take care of themselves, he lifts their spirits through jokes and forcing them to have fun and laugh. Without Ron, Harry and Hermione kinda fall to shambles, I mean when Ron left in DH, they didn’t speak to each other for weeks. Ron is the glue and the heart, and what happens when a monarchy/governing body cracks…
(Monarchy and government in a ideal world y’all)
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turanga4 · 1 year
For @hinnymicrofic Prompt 15: Found
Read here or on Ao3.
The changing room was off limits, but Snape’s bloody office had been off limits, too.  Ginny’s movements were careful and stiff, but she wasn’t sneaking. Early morning light shot gold through the dust motes that drifted in the air. 
Two long benches in the center, curtained spaces on both sides. Lockers stacked on the back wall.  She’d always liked the one two rows over from his favorite. Exactly at his level—not above, not below. 
Something wadded on the ground, in the corner near the wall. Hidden, or forgotten? Impossible to tell. Maybe it hadn’t been there before. Maybe, like the sword, it only came if it was needed.
Ginny ignored her body’s protests as she bent to pick it up. 
Soft scarlet stitches and a ribbon of gold. On the back, the number seven—one strong slant, one straight line. 
It didn’t smell like him anymore.
Ginny rose, clutching the jumper to her chest. She’d need to hide it, when she walked out of the changing room. She’d have to be careful, if she wore it, herself.
A quick path towards the tower, where she stashed her new treasure at the bottom of her trunk. No time for breakfast: not safe to be late.
In Alecto Carrow’s classroom, Ginny sat, shifting her weight and blushing through her tremors.  Living, in advance, the night that would come—when she could finally pull the curtains around herself in bed. She’d put it on then, and feel the warmth of it around her.  With her body beneath it, the jumper itself might warm a little bit.
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fanaticloser · 3 months
You ever read a kid fic and they give them the ugliest kid name ever.
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szczepan-homeless · 5 months
My birthday cake
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