coffeenuts · 2 months
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initial-lime · 1 year
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Acrylic on canvas, started spring 2020 finished summer 2023
4 notes · View notes
ladyarashie · 9 months
K*ll The Witch
Cold winds blew from the north signaling that the season of winter is coming. Two bodies lay at the center of the wide field with everything around them burnt as a result of their recent battle. The winds blew a shy kiss on a girl's face and after a short second her eyes fluttered open, showing orbs blue as the sea, she tried to recall everything that happened before and scanned her surroundings. She quickly rose to her feet as her hands registered the feeling of crispy hard grass as if it was burned.
The clouds darkened the rain heavily fell as if trying to heal the wake of destruction, the stench of moist ground filled her nose but she whipped her head and saw a body of an older woman lying flat on her stomach opposite to her direction, dark red hair pooling around her face. Mariposa, as she recalled her name approached the lying body and tucked a hair behind the ear for she might recognize a face but recognized a familiar smile on the dead woman's face.
"Sweet dreams, mother."
18 years ago, Town of Heiwa, 1:30 am
It was late midnight; a woman can be seen running away from the faint glow of torches hidden behind the trees towards a dimly illuminated town with a bundle in her arms. Loud hoots from an owl perched accompanied by the silence of the forest gave an aura of eeriness but the woman in black cloak payed no mind and continued running, soon followed by a pack of dogs barking and a horde of people with pitchforks and lit torches.
At last, after an hour and a half of escape, the woman finally reached her destination. Feeling the cold of the night and with her body numb from running, she held her chest to inhale and exhale air before knocking on a dark spruce door of a mansion situated in the southwest corner of the town. She patiently waited until she heard footsteps approaching the door, the woman looked down to the bundle she's carrying as tears stained her face.
"Morgenfrue?", The door opened and she heard a soft tired voice call out her name. Morgenfrue looked up to see a woman in her twenties, dressed in a long dark red sleepwear made of silk with lace trimmings.
"Sophia", Morgenfrue breathe out in relief and urge her to the bundle in her arms in which the other woman looked back with confusion.
"As my best friend, I trust you in taking care of my daughter.....Please, I don't have much time" The cloaked woman pleaded with urgency in her voice. Sophia stood unmoving for a few second before taking the baby wrapped in white in her arms, hugging her close to her bosom. The mother tearfully kissed the forehead of her child who was surprisingly fast asleep and held her tiny hand for a short while before turning around to take her leave.
Near the entrance of the town, Morgenfrue lingered to give one last look at the house where she left her daughter, pain and sadness welled inside her heart as her only happiness was taken away from her. A part of her wanted to go back and take her daughter along her travels but it is to protect her child from her persecutors who branded her as a black witch and sought to burn her. If only they would understand but as the saying goes, "Ignorance is a bliss" for her it's also a curse.
A promised was made that they will once again be reunited in the future after she has fulfilled her new goal to eradicate the world of its evilness and with that she left the town of Heiwa, the hood of her cloak blown away by the passing winds showing her long dark red hair.
Present, Town of Heiwa, Fall season
Warm winds of fall passed by, ruffling a few strands of red hair of a girl leaning beside the tree on top of a hill on the outskirts of town. She sighed and looked at the sky.
Mariposa's Point of View
"Another awful day as always" I sighed to myself.
I am known as Lady Mariposa of House Serpiente, eldest daughter of Marcus Serpiente the Captain of the Royal Guards of Heiwa and Sophia Malvagio, one of the wealthiest clan in land. Ever since I was young, my mother never treated me like her own which made me feel inferior to my younger sibling Claudette but even if they treat me like a peasant I will still love them because they are my family, no matter what.
I toyed with my amber colored necklace which the letter "M" is inscribed at the back before shifting my gaze to the West as I felt something amiss in those lands, 'I wonder when that time will come'. Brought up as a lady I was raised to be an excellent wielder of the sword as I was prophesied in my birth to fight and defeat the Crimson Witch yet the way my mother looked at me didn't change and another underlying question is how am I going to fight when I'm weak as a flower? I have nothing against my opponent!
First point of view end---
Mariposa's head perked up when she saw a familiar carriage nearing the entrance of town. She gracefully picked herself up and made a run for it through the second gate.
"Ahh!" She fell on the ground like a doll thrown without care, the man who bumped her scoffed but Mariposa never said anything. Children came to help her up and dust off her dress, she thanked them by giving all four kids a headpat and a smile before taking off in a hurry.
Alas, Mariposa Serpiente was too kind.
Town of Heiwa, Serpiente Mansion
"How was your trip mother?" the redhead greeted two women inside the wide mansion. One scoffed at her and the older one stared at her up and down before raising an eyebrow.
"Good, fetch us a cup of tea will you?" Mariposa felt bad at the cold reply but followed anyway.
The younger woman with hair as black as her mother plopped on the sofa and sat like a queen, her head high with half her porcelain white face covered with a face, "Make it sweet Mariposa, I don't like things plain like you!" Claudette hurled those words like nothing, shrugging her shoulders like a spoiled child.
Claudette's point of view
I looked at her retreating form, my sister or whatever she is; A tall young lady with long ruby red hair and eyes bright blue as the sea. She was a strong, hardworking, kind and quiet girl who excels in swordsmanship, she never complained nor fought back...which makes it better for me to degrade her. I've always hated her existence, she took everything from me; Father is always doting on her as well as everyone who met her, meanwhile I am just there...I am always under her shadow and it makes me mad. I mean, what is good about her? She's weak, she cannot fight back, she can't wield a sword right not to forget, she's unladylike meanwhile I am good at those things and yet I am still inferior to her.
Only my mother cherishes me, I want to ask her why is that Mariposa is more favored than me but I can't bring myself to say the words. Nevertheless... she's just a weakling and I am strong.
Sophia caught her daughter in a deep thought, sipping her tea as Mariposa served them; Marcus is not around so they are free to put down their masks. She slammed her fist on the table making Mariposa flinch which rocked the contents of the cups she was carrying, the redhead hissed at the contact of hot tea which made Sophia laugh with Claudette pondering if she should join as well, "I'm sorry darling, could you clean that up?" and intentionally spilled her tea.
"This is such an entertainment" Claudette heard her whisper, she expected her sister to fight back but instead she obeyed like a plain boring person as she is.
Sometimes, she questions if Mariposa is even her sister.
Sounds of horses neighing outside their house alerted the ladies that the master of the house has arrived. Mariposa quickly got up and ran towards the door to greet her father by the gate.
She ran across the cobblestone pavement to meet her father who just got out of the carriage. Marcus Serpiente, a tall man in his forties, his auburn hair growing white due to his age. He always carries a calm expression on his face matched with his kind attitude and because of that, he became the role model of his oldest daughter. He thanked the coachman and set his luggage on the ground before welcoming his daughter with open arms.
"Daddy! How are you?" The redhead asked, feeling the warmth of her father's embrace, something she haven't feel for a long while.
"I'm well, just a little tired Mari. The south kingdom requires additional men so I might return after two days" Marcus soothes his daughter's head, "How is your mother and sister? Wait....why do you have a burn in your hand?" He was about to ask about the welfare of his wife until he noticed the burnt mark on her hand and raised it so he can examine.
"It was be-" She withdrew her hand and hid it behind her back.
"Your good daughter burned herself whilst making some tea for the three of us" Sophia appeared behind then and snaked a hand around Mariposa's hand and squeezed it enough for the girl to wince in pain.
"Let's talk inside shall we?" The was shining high in the sky as fall leaves danced along with the wind. Footsteps of horses as well as the low noises of people in the distance filled the background as the family retreated inside their house.
Later that night
Mariposa found her mother trying to clean the dining table which she rarely does as a maid or herself would fill in the task.
"What?" Came a cold, uncaring reply. She can only see her mother's ebony black hair and back facing her so she can't see her expressions and has no reason to back-out.
"Am I really your daughter?" Mariposa let go of those words with her lips quivering. After a short pause, she heaved a big sigh and closed her eyes, waiting for an answer.
She felt her mother stop what she is doing and turned around, by the clicking of her heels she's walking towards her.
Sophia saw her daughter's expressions but her cold eyes never changed, her shoulders slouched.
"What made you think that I am not your mother?"
"I- you...seem-
She walked towards the redhead and enveloped her in a hug, making it seem motherly.
"Of course I am your mother! I gave birth to you and gave you a wonderful name.... I'm sorry if I'm always in a terrible mood darling.... it's because of the issues in the clan, always know that.. I love you both because you and Claudette are my pride and joy." Mariposa's eyes brimmed with tears when she heard that single apology, it made her forgive all of the terrible things that her mother has said and done. She tightened her hug cried out her heart while Sophia stayed to comfort her.
She was a fake, a fake to herself, to Mariposa and to her husband, she could've, she could've just left Morgenfrue back then but she can't. That woman's daughter was her leverage to make Marcus stay and marry her. Her best friend? She doesn't care much about it, as long as she gets what she wants, she's willing to do everything.
"Now, now, are your worries gone?" Sophia choose to break the hug first and placed a kiss on top of Mariposa's head, the young girl meekly nods and wiped her tears.
"Thank you mother...I'm okay now" She said with a hint of happiness and relief in her voice, Sophia let out a ladylike laugh, "I'm pleased to hear that..now, I must return upstairs" She raised the skirt of her gown and walked away with urgency.
"Oh, um before you turn in to bed...can you clean this room first?" She requested, referring to the dining room.
"Yes, mother" And with that Sophia left without any care.
The Next Day, Town of Heiwa, Serpiente Mansion
Clashing of swords sounded in the backyard of the mansion as Marcus chose to spar with his daughter to see if she is ready to face the enemy which she is destined to defeat.
The two ladies can see that Mariposa can't keep up with Marcus as the latter is fast at dodging every attack, swift to parry and to strike while the former's attacks are sloppy, predictable and feeble. With five last consecutive strikes, her sword flew away and Mariposa fell on the soft grass. With her father's sword pointing at her, she tried her last resort which is by forcefully pushing off his sword out of the way and aiming to kick his chest but he threw the sword up and caught her incoming kick just in time as well as catching his falling sword with perfection.
Sophia and Claudette applauded at the mock swordfight infront of them, the former not missing to make a snarky comment, "How can you even fight the Crimson Witch if you can't even beat the Captain of the Royal Guards in a mock battle? Come Claudette, we are late with the theatre performance...Fare thee well!" Sophia closed her fan and went inside with haste Claudette followed after sparing a glance at her sister, her eyes seemed sad.
"Don't mind your mother...you did your best Mari, you're just lacking on something. Don't focus on your anger as it makes you open and vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy, remember he who can't fight his inner demons can't defeat his opponents. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"
"Yes Dad, I will reflect on what you have told me" Mariposa took his hand held out to help her up. She dusts the part of her clothing that came in contact with the ground and sheath her sword.
"Come on, I have something to show you..."
"Whoa, what is this place..." The redhead trailed in awe before seeing a portrait of a woman that oddly reassembles her.
"This house belongs to my family long before your mother and I are engaged....but this room belonged to the first woman that I have ever loved" Her father traced the face of the woman in the picture. She can sense his longing of her but she refused to ask about it.
"Her name was Morgenfrue....I loved her in the past but due to political issues, I married your mother. Morg was a kind, intelligent and independent woman...she was even great friends with Sophia. Oh how nostalgic were those memories." Marcus gave a small smile with a hint of sadness in his eyes.
Mariposa studied her surroundings; books are dust-free in shelves with freshly picked marigold flowers decorated the vase on the table filled with paperworks and a sole portrait of Morgenfrue was situated in the center of the room. She guessed that this is where her father would free himself from the pain and stress inside him.
"Dad? Why are you showing me this?"
"Sometimes you remind me of her, I want you to know about that woman and how she was a significant person in my life so that you won't kill her by anger but by pity...the Crimson Witch was a mask of her old self, full of anger and despise against humanity. I don't know what happened to her but I want you to free her" Marcus made a long pause before finishing his sentence, his gaze softened and looked at Mariposa who seemed like Morgenfrue's carbon copy with a tired smile. He assumed the Gods are playing tricks on his family but at least he got someone to remind him of her everyday so he won't easily let go of life.
"Let's go before your mother and sister gets home" He gave her a pat on the shoulder and escorted Mariposa to the door. Before Marcus could close the door, she saw a particular thing that made her breath hitched, a familiar amber necklace around the woman's neck.
Marcus let go of the messenger crow and turned to the girl behind him who seemed to be curious of what he read, "Ah..the crown calls me back to the South, Mor-the Crimson Witch seems to make her move. Can I count on you to protect your mother and sister while I am gone?"
"Yes you can count on me Dad! Let me help you pack up" Marcus gave a light-hearted laugh and gave her a headpat unlike Claudette who is self-centered and aloof Mariposa clearly wins the personality.
With Marcus gone, Mariposa is left vulnerable against the two ladies of the house who just got home after the theater performance.
Whilst cleaning, Claudette slid in the living room, she didn't say anything to Mariposa and instead bumped her shoulder hard enough to make her drop the linens she's carrying and fall to her knees. Claudette looked at her up and down with a smirk, she shrugged and went on her way. Mariposa was confused at her sister's antics not knowing that it was once again the plan of the demon to make her feel inferior. Shrugging at Claudette's typical attitude mistaking her to be on a bad mood, she went on to ask her mother about the special lady her father is talking about.
A few minutes later
"Morgenfrue? What about her?" She found their mother in her office, seated on a sofa reading a book. Mariposa twirled the amber necklace with her fingers.
"Um...Father mentioned you three are friends..is-" Mentioning Marcus in the same sentence with Morgenfrue made Sophia's blood boil. The red haired girl forgot to breath when her mother looked at her with dilated purple eyes which made her back away and tremble with fear.
"That woman was long gone! Yet he still remembers her?!" Sophia let a crazed laugh, "I did everything to make him forget!" She paused to laugh again, each laugher becoming more of a lunatic. Mariposa froze in her spot, has her mother gone mad?
"The necklace..." Sophia inclined her head at her daughter with a disturbing smile plastered on her face, her eyes twitching perhaps in anger or perhaps her old jealousy was unearthed. Mariposa, the daughter of the woman her husband first loved. The woman who was her best friend, the woman whose lover she stole for the sake of her own happiness. She designed that political marriage for her own selfishness and Morgenfrue was too kind to notice about her act. Since the other woman was open to her about her interest for magic, she also used that to accuse her of being a witch, turn her into a villain and finally, used her daughter as her own so Marcus would not leave her. She is already in her final steps in erasing Morgenfrue in the face of the world and she would not let anyone destroy her plans.
"Give that necklace to me.."Her voice deepened and became cold as ice, the young lady looked down with fear and clutched the necklace with care.
"Don't make me repeat myself! GIVE THAT NECKLACE TO ME" She lunged to grab the necklace but pushed Mariposa to the nearest bookshelf, books toppled over the redhead in which she tried to protect herself from the impact. Sophia straddled her and brought her hands to the young girl's neck, strangling her like a wild animal trying to kill its prey.
"M-mo...m" Bright blue eyes brimmed with tears with the look of hurt and desperation to be free from the hold around her neck. It was a battle of will and strength, with Sophia trying to pull the necklace off due to her overwhelming desperation and Mariposa trying to stop her from doing so.
Grunts and muffled screams alerted Claudette who was combing her hair in the living room wondering on the whereabouts of her mother and pathetic older sister. She hurriedly tracked where the sounds are coming from and a horrifying scene revealed in front of her eyes, her mother, the one she looks up to, strangling her sister who is crying and looking at her pleading for help.
She made the most reasonable decision that she could think of and tried to pull her mother away, shocked by the immense strength Sophia has that she have to hug her tight and exert full force to pull her away.
When everything has calmed, Mariposa is still cradling herself by the bookshelf, the look of fear and trauma evident on her face, small whimpers and sniffling can be heard as her tears flowed freely. They may not be in good terms but for once Claudette felt pity over Mariposa's state therefore she chose to guide their mother away and let her rest from whatever stress is causing her to act like a crazed animal far from the mother she knew and love.
With their footsteps fading from her ears, Mariposa sighed and clutched her head, letting her weight fall upon the bookshelf, rocking it slightly enough for a book to fall in front of her revealing a letter from a woman named Morgenfrue.
Fire enveloped a big part of the western town as the Crimson Witch lay her attack against the defenseless citizen. Houses burning, people running amok, her minions taking the life of anyone they want, she liked it all. The sounds of fear and panic, the smell of death! Seeing the people who took part in condemning her suffer brings a sinister smile on her face. Clad in a long red tattered dress with black accents and a pointed black hat on her head, she strode to the center of the town with her head high and her form poised, sparing a glance on the people cowering in the side without actually moving her head.
The Crimson Witch finally stopped at the center of the town and put a hand on her hip, she looked around her surroundings before speaking, "Dear people of the.... hmm I actually forgot since this town is insignificant as its citizens.....no one will come to your rescue as the North and South are also under my attack " She held her own chuckle before opening her eyes, leafy green eyes bore seriousness as she held her head high to look down on them.
"I am Morgenfrue, the Crimson Witch" Dark red colored lips spoke in a slow haunting voice, "You know what I came here for.....give me an answer and I'll spare this forsaken town, not that there's something that still remains intact."
Silence came as a reply, the dark red haired witch narrowed her eyes but soon realized something so she instead rolled her eyes, "I didn't know you all are dumb! HAHA! The answer is already obvious...anyone who can tell me shall be spared!" She raised her proposal.
A young man was confident enough to stand out of the crowd and tell his answer, "It's the oracle right?" Suddenly, the young man's body was levitated and slammed against a nearby wall, "If you know the answer already, why did you not guide me to this oracle...people are such selfish beings, always ready to save one's skin without thinking about its consequences" Morgenfrue sighed, pinching the bridge of her pointed nose.
"Well? Someone to take me to the oracle before I slaughter you all without a second thought!"
Town of Heiwa, Nighttime
Mariposa read the letter sent by Morgenfrue to her mother in the secret room she was introduced. Dim light of the oil lamp somewhat aided her in reading the letter amidst the darkness.
"My beloved Marcus,
I am pregnant with a baby girl...." She read out aloud the first sentence and finished reading the letter written in pastel yellow paper with a signature that indeed Morgenfrue wrote it but why didn't her father received the letter and was hidden in her mother's office.
Of course! It made perfect sense to her now...She was never Sophia Malvagio's daughter, instead she was Marcus Serpiente and Morgenfrue offspring. The portrait, the oddly close resemblance, her sister's attitude, the necklace and the way Sophia acted at the slight mention of the Crimson Witches' name..it was all making sense to her. No wonder she felt empty with her 'mother' and 'sister' but not with her father. No wonder she was treated like some poor maid or peasant whenever Marcus is not home.
It hurt her that she smiled bitterly at the thought that all her life she was used and her heart ached knowing that she gave her love, care and trust to the people that was never even her family to begin with. Tears came out of her left eyes, tears that signifies she is hurt, after 18 years of mistreatment she endured it all in the name of love to find out that she was deceived. She continued to hope for love which she now realizes she will never get as well as a happy family.
Mariposa cried bitterly, clutching her heart because of the pain and anger boiling inside of her. She was the perfect daughter, she never fought back, never complained, never once disobeyed but they showed her that the world is dark and one must be careful who to trust.
She walked to the portrait of her mother and caressed her face, "I'm sure you have experienced it too"
Tomorrow, tomorrow...scissors are a need for she will cut some ties.
The Next Day, Western Town, Oracle's house
"Old hag" Morgenfrue started, long dress swept the floor as black heels walked towards the direction of a short mysterious woman with her white hair and face hidden by a long hood, holding a pink crystal ball in front.
"Crimson Witch" the old woman seated on a pillow cushion uttered in a low, raspy voice.
"You have something I want..." The Crimson Witch breathed, playing with fire in her hands before slowly turning her head to the old woman.
"I want to know the truth"
"I don't trust you"
"Oh?" The redhead chuckled, "Is it your intention not to trust me or it is what the people says? Do you know anything about me?"
"Then you can't say you don't trust me because you don't know me...Now hurry up before I fry your old wrinkly skin and feed you to my minions!" Her hair danced as if she was Medusa. She was getting impatient, for 18 years she has been searching for this legendary oracle only to find her in the town she least expects to be and now she's stalling her.
"Alright, calm down" The woman sing-songed, calmly assisting the situation and hurriedly grasped the crystal ball lying by her side.
"Crystal ball, tell me, who betrayed me 18 years ago. Who is the cause of this entire plight" The oracle looked at her with narrowed eyes for stealing her moment and sighed.
"It's someone.... close to you...someone you know and love" Morgenfrue's eyes widened not with shock but with anger, the air around the quaint house suddenly became hot.
"No, the other"
A heeled foot stomped hard on the floor that startled the inhabitant.
"That's all I need to know"
Town of Heiwa, Serpiente Mansion, Evening
"How many times would I tell you, I am your mother of course! What are you talking about?" The uneasy smile on her face hints that she is lying in everything she just said.
"Don't lie to me Sophia! You are not deserving to be called my mother!" Mariposa retorts with anger, her eyes flowing with tears while Claudette stood behind the two of them.
"How dare you talk to me like that!" Sophia's eyes widened with anger as raised a hand to slap her but Mariposa stopped it mid-way, swinging the letter in front of the other woman's face.
"Shut your mouth you shameless manipulator!" And gave her a slap which she didn't dodge but instead fell on her knees.
"MOTHER!" Claudette ran to her mother's aid and looked up at her sister helplessly, "Why?"
"Ask your manipulative mother, you think she all that kind and graceful? No, She's a demon in disguise!" Claudette shook her head repeatedly; she couldn't believe her ears. Sophia looked at her daughter and caressed her face, "Look at me darling, don't listen to her lies! She's trying to turn you against me!" At this point, she can't think of anything to stop her plans from falling apart. Claudette on the other hand was confused on who to believe.
"I will tell Father" Mariposa trailed off, the ebony haired woman looked at her with disbelief in her eyes, "Tell him that's you're the villain all along!"
"no..No..NO!" Sophia repeatedly shook her head with a desperate look on her face. She grasped her head and mopped her face with her hands, disheveling her hair.
She pushed Claudette away and head for the dining table next to them to take out a knife. Mariposa's breath hitched at the sight of her 'mother' going mad and held a hand to cover her gaping mouth. Sophia lunged at her with a dinner knife holding it like a spear, the redhead only sighed in dismay and flicked away the hand holding the weapon and pushed her back with her palm which she exerts so much force in.
Mariposa gave on last look on Claudette who mouthed her to run as she tended to the fallen woman. The siblings shared one last smile before the older sister sprinted out of the house to follow her father in the South.
2 hours later in the town of the South, Nighttime
"Did you hear?" People gossiped around the town center as Mariposa passed by mounted on her horse. "The whole cavalry is going to Heiwa" Her eyebrow raised at the mention of her town.
'Heiwa...why would-' She mentally gasped, holding the sheath of her weapon and the reins of her horse.
The entire cavalry is coming there...
Which means her father is coming there too...
Which means-
"I have to go!" She reined her horse to turn around and ran full speed towards the exit back to the road going to Heiwa.
Thoughts ran rampant in her mind like waterfalls, her heart was beating fast inside her chest. Is she strong enough? Has she undergone change? All she knew is that her heart is free from anger and she's ready to fight back.
By the time she arrived in Heiwa, everything is already in flames. Mariposa coughed a few times before reining her horse to move forward, she must find a way to the mansion to save Claudette, even if they are not in good terms she saved her before, now she must return the favor.
Gray clouds enveloped the whole town as fire went wilder than before, people were bumping at each other to save their self from the Crimson Witch's minions and escape the town.
"Claudette!" With her horse safe somewhere, Mariposa called out in the foggy interior of the mansion and searched inside, coughing in the process with tears brimming in her eyes from the effects of the smoke.
She saw her helplessly stuck under a rubble of bricks in which she tried to get the huge block off of her but doing so made Claudette coughed up more blood.
"No...it's okay"Mariposa can see her sister's smile amidst the darkness who held her hand, "M-Morgenfrue came here and took mom away...I trie- my best to p-protect her" Pink lips quivered due to fatigue, her tired lashes fluttered like a dying butterfly as her breathing became rapid and slow at the same time. "Ma-ri...I'm tired...tell father I love h-him and I-m sorry..for ....being a disappointment...I waited to...tell you...tha..I'm sorry, I-im sorry..pleas...forgi-" She let out her final breaths before her eyelids dropped close, her head hung low and the hand that held hers lost its strength.
"I-I forgive you..." Mariposa's voice broke and covered her face to cry at her loss.
Creatures with long horns which some calls them demons run rampant in the town of Heiwa, destroying everything they encounter as well as eating anything that moves, it was a horrifying sight but Mariposa had a destiny to fulfill. She fought her way through the demons with the look of determination in her face, slashing and decapitating them which was her first time doing so. Her anger was immeasurable as she tore through the horde like they're some piece of paper, memories of a happy life flashes through her eyes as the town she grew up with became unrecognizable with flames eating the foundations and demons running amok.
Her father came to her aid before a demon could slash open her back, he told her that Morgenfrue took Sophia to the outskirts of town. Mariposa nodded at the direction and with her sword in tow she dashed off, leaving her father to deal with the minions alone before his comrades came to help.
"Save your mother for me!" She heard him say from afar whilst fending for himself.
"I will!" She don't know which mother but she will do everything to save both.
She found Sophia burning while tied to a stake in the middle of the field outside Heiwa, screaming for help as Morgenfrue circled her like a predator.
"Do you now know what it looks like to be a witch?" The red haired woman taunted and laughed as the other was painfully screaming as her skin was torn by flames, continuously begging for her life.
"YES BEG!" Morgenfrue breathed out with a satisfied smile on her face and her body shaking with excitement, her hands raised infront of her as if she was manifesting the flames to burn faster, "Beg until your skin is dark as charcoal! Scream until your last breath! But I will never forgive you for the pain you have caused me"The witch laughed at her misery.
She spotted Mariposa and snapped her fingers, with one painful shriek, the flames finally consumed Sophia and she vanished into nothing but ashes.
"An observer? Come closer girl"
"My destiny is to defeat you and here I am" Mariposa strides to the witch's direction with her hand ready on her weapon and a cautious eye to observe her surroundings. Dropping her condescending look, Morgenfrue covered her mouth as she let out a laugh, "Hah! Don't tell me you were a victim of illusion!" Disbelief laced her voice but she paused, now that the unknown girl is close and illuminated by the light of the moon, she bears familiarities that Morgenfrue cannot deny, "You seem familiar girl, speak your name"
"Lady Mariposa of House Serpiente, a pleasure to finally meet you...mother" Mariposa proudly spoke and raised her head but Morgenfrue remained defiant, she narrowed her leafy green eyes and chuckled, shaking her head upon realizing her unfortunate fate.
"What a lovely reunion don't you think?" She mused.
"Would you like a cup of tea then?" Her opponent replied, unsheathing her sword, the blade reflecting the light of the moon.
"Such seriousness...you must have taken most of my genes" Fireballs appeared on her palms and shot it to the direction of the other girl in which she dodged the first one and deflected the other.
'Focus, don't let your anger be the master of you' Mariposa lunged to attack her but her blade was met by a dagger, "You thought that witches couldn't carry weapons do you?" With her fast reflexes, Morgenfrue spun around and kicked Mariposa on the abdomen which flicked her away.
Mariposa insists that her training should pay off, that she should win and by that she stood up to engage in a heated swordfight with her mother, swiftly dodging Morgenfrue's dagger and parrying with her sword. Unlike in her old training, her movements were sloppy but now she was focused in her battle and carefully planning her next mov. She was moving like water and just by following her father's footwork and incorporating it on her own, she was able to hold against her opponent while Morgenfrue was at disadvantage due to her weapon but she refuse to surrender and used her magic to aid her offense.
"You lose..." A sharp dagger was inches close to her neck, with Morgenfrue behind her, there is nowhere to run. Just like her training with her father, she failed in defeating her mother.
"No." Her elbow forcefully hit a part of her opponent's body causing Morgenfrue to lose her hold on her weapon which made a shallow wound on her neck but it was a small price to pay, Mariposa quickly disarmed the Crimson Witch and turned around to hit her with her palms causing her to fly back distances away from the young girl who was noted to excel in martial arts.
Morgenfrue was furious for she was never been in a nearly defeated state, not by her own blood who she loved the most as her cause was all meant for her. The Crimson Witch rose up and levitated in the air, conjuring a magic circle adorned by rose markings which her redhead daughter noticed and was quick to form her defensive stance but she was sure to win this time.
"I can kill you without any regret!" The witch yelled, extending her hand as the magic circle grew bright as dozens of fireballs burst free, targeting a sole girl holding a lame sword to her defense. Morgenfrue smiled with satisfaction as her eyes reflected the color of the flames circling in front as they attacked their target one by one, forcing back foreign emotions aside from anger to well inside her heart.
Grass burned at the wake of the explosion while Mariposa lay on her stomach, bruises and burns decorated her skin with her sword nowhere to be found.
"My, my, what an awkward situation. The 'hero' of Heiwa knocked out after a small battle" Morgenfrue sarcastically remarked while walking towards her menacingly, pulling out a sharp dagger to strike her down but paused before she could make her next move.
Her eyes widened and a gasp escaped her red lips, those lips quivered and her body shook at the sight of a familiar smile from her daughter's lips which opened the gate to her old self.
Mariposa slowly stood up from her lying position, holding her left hand which was burned badly, her right eye wincing in pain as she staggered to stand. Her breathing slowed as her eyes was filled with sadness and confusion, dropping her guard at the Crimson Witch in front of her who was shaking while holding a part of her chest where her heart resides.
"How could I forget that smile......Mari, my daughter" She started, tears slowly fell from her eyes which was covered by her dark red hair.
"I fear that this world will worsen if I stay by your side.... I am known as the Crimson Witch and my minions will continue to destroy as long as I live" She held her dagger firmly and moved forward as Mariposa stepped back, shaking her head.
"My darling, I am sorry that we turned out this way.... if only fate was kind to us...I have no words to serve as your guide but I hope that you will live happily after this. You are always in my thoughts and I never stopped thinking about the day we would finally meet." She gently took Mariposa's hand and laced it around the handle before pointing the weapon to her heart, "I'm sorry.... I can't give you a happy memory of us together but know this that I will always be by your side" Morgenfrue's leafy green eyes softened as she caressed her daughter's cheek in which she leaned to her mother's touch with a look as if she was about to cry.
Mariposa's body trembled as her hand went cold, her heartbeat vibrated against her ribcage, her ocean blue eyes brimmed with tears knowing that another person close to her will leave her again. She closed her eyes as tears finally flowed with her lips parted open but she cannot find a word to say, "Thank you for this chance to meet and know that my daughter has grown into a strong, beautiful woman...I am proud of you Mari....you had it rough on your part but I'm sure you have met people who cared about you and cherishes you every day...be happy my little butterfly." Morgenfrue calmly closed her eyes, waiting for her death to come.
"I'm sorry...mother" She pushed the dagger forward, penetrating her mother's chest, drawing blood until the blade sunk deep into her heart. The Crimson Witch smiled, her role is over and she was finally free, free as a bird away from pain and deception of this world. All she could think about was a place where she, Marcus and their daughter happily talking around a dinner table, sharing all kinds of interesting stories of how their day went.
'Oh how wonderful it could have been.'
"Y-you h-have.....yo...ur fa..ther's eyes....."With that Morgenfrue's body became limp and collapsed to the ground, leaving Mariposa in a trance with her eyes seemingly lost its color, she witnessed a series of happening on this particular day which made her feel empty and grieving inside. But in this case, she retrieved the dagger from her mother's chest, leaving her lying on the ground while she took a few steps away before collapsing due to the trauma she felt and the fatigue weighing her body down.
At last she finally killed the witch.
She was named Mariposa, a butterfly, a harbinger of change, hope and rebirth. She was her butterfly, her guide to rebirth.
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lifecarecalina · 4 years
Marigold kropscreme
Marigold kropscreme Marigolds er ideelle til pleje af følsom, tør og træt hud med beroligende og regenererende egenskaber. >> https://bit.ly/38cWDQf 💛 Prøv Body Cream med BIO morgenfruer, Life Care® med blødgørende effekt. 😊 Hjælper huden med at genvinde sin naturlige smidighed og giver den et fløjlsagtigt og sundt look. Du kan finde den til en speciel pris indtil den 12. marts Marigolds er kendt…
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ecruecru · 5 years
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Nature is the true source of inspiration 🏵️❤️ #ecrúecrú #ecruecru #inspiration #morgenfrue #tæppe #rug #carpet #natur #nature #naturephotography #naturaleza #beautiful #colors #textures #velvety #lush #sustainable #sustainability #håndvævet #handwowen #upcycle #upcycling https://www.instagram.com/p/BwrYMf1lhq3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yckgm7mffjrt
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flinkelinks · 4 years
spent some time amassing songs for several different playlists for my NPCs and my one regular PC today. there are so many songs out there that would fit really well if they weren't also love songs !!
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Sonett håndsæbe / bodyshampoo / ansigtssæbe i en 🤗 lækre kvalitets produkter . . . . . #sonett #vegan #økologisk #håndsæbe #showergel #bodyshampoo #ansigtssæbe #citrus #lavendel #rose #udenparfume #urter #morgenfrue #rosmarin #lev_vel_by_hvornum #levvelbyhvornum #hvornumcom #webshop #renhed #luksus
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kurashinoshop · 3 years
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5月19日 水【暮らし】
メーカー:Royal Copenhagen /ロイヤルコペンハーゲン
シリーズ:MORGENFRUE /カレンデュラ
窯元:Aluminia /アルミニア窯
サイズ:φ15.5cm made in Denmark カレンデュラのお花を意味するMORGENFRUEは、
ファイアンスを行っていたアルミニア窯にて1950年代前後に製造されました。 クリーム色の中央にある優しいオレンジ色の花。
ヨーロッパでは日常にある、春に咲くハーブ系の美しい花模様です。 立体的に浮きあがって見える花模様と、
使い勝手の良い小皿ですので、まとめ買いも是非おすすめです。 プレート裏に支柱跡が3ヶ所ございます。
こちらは製造時に生じるもので欠けではございません。 クラシノ
通常通りの営業です (Sendai-Shi, Miyagi Japan)
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kvindevelveaer · 4 years
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~~~~~Reklame~~~~~ Jeg har hertil aften haft mig tid 🥰😊🤩❤💃♥️ Med den lækreste 100% naturlige ansigtsmaske,til pleje af ens efterårstrætte hud fra @cannaone.dk Virker rensende og fugtgivende, modvirker Tør hud og Acne 👌😀🥰 Med Mineralrigt ler fra Det døde hav og en masse lækre naturlige olier, hamp olie, 100mg CDB, solsikke olie jojoba nødde, morgenfrue olie, shea butter,Vitamin E, bivoks, hiscorybsrk Den er super let at påføre med pillet og pensel og ligeså nem at afrense. Anvende 10 min ved kompineret og olieret hud brug 2-3 gange i ugen. Tør og sensitiv hud anvendes 1-2 gange i ugen. Afslut med deres Yoghurt body mousse til ansigt og krop. Indtil videre glæder jeg mig til om 1 måned så jeg kan se om min acne osv er forsvundet. Vil ønske at jeg kunne slippe af med det, mister meget selvtillid 😔 (her: Marinaen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIRJlL7lU4O/?igshid=9itcr2x5xveh
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coffeenuts · 1 year
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October flower by Funchye https://flic.kr/p/2nTeyNT
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paaeventyr · 7 years
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Vi blev budt velkommen med morgenfruer 🌼
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madebynoone · 7 years
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Hånd og fodbalsam. Økologisk sheasmør plejer og beskytter, kan bruges til hele kroppen. Fodbalsam af økologiske jomfruolivenolie og bivoks med kølende æteriske olier. Håndbalsam nænsom, økologisk pleje og beskyttelse af dine hænder. Med morgenfrue og rosemarin 99,- #butikoewomen #springfashion #love #sæbeværkstedet (her: Butik Ø)
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💛❤️💜💙💚Sonett personlig pleje & rengøring 💚💙💜❤️💛 #sonett #personligpleje #håndsæbe #bodyshampoo #rose #lavendel #citron #urter #morgenfrue #universalrengøring #oovaskemiddel #pletfjerner #grovrengørimg #kalkfjerner # #vinduespuds #blødgøringsmidel #opvasketabs #økologisk #miljøvenlig #pleje #webshop #lev_vel_by_hvornum #hvornumcom #levvelbyhvornum 💛❤️💜💙💚 Link i bio 💚💙💜❤️💛
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hverdagsfoto · 9 years
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13 August 2015
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mariamarolle · 9 years
Morgenfrue? Godmorgen, frue!
whaevakat der går og snakker med blomster 
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coffeenuts · 3 years
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Calendula by Funchye https://flic.kr/p/2mkE2J7
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