hils79 · 6 months
get to know me 🌻
got tagged by my beloved @morkofday. Thank you!
do you make your bed? - I do! It makes the room feel untidy if I don't. And it's not like my room is super neat or anything but I don't know it feels weird if I don't do it
what's your favourite number? - 5
what is your job? - I'm the assistant manager of an IT Service Desk
If you could go back to school would you? - Only if I could comfortably afford it and study something I was genuinely interested in. And by school I mean uni. I wouldn't want to go back to primary/secondary school.
can you parallel park? - I have to do it just about every day so yes. I don't always do it perfectly but I can.
a job you had that would surprise people? - People who have been following my blog for a while will know this already but I used to help run Misha Collins' charity, Random Acts.
do you think aliens are real? - Given the size of the universe I think it's pretty ignorant to assume our planet is the only one capable of supporting life.
can you drive a manual car? - The vast majority of British cars are manual. That's all I've ever driven.
what's your guilty pleasure? - A general rule I try not to feel guilty about things that make me happy. Why should I? That being said I did go through a bit of embarrassment when I first got into kpop but that's entirely a me thing and I got over it fairly quicky.
tattoos? - None. I'm too fickle to choose something to stay on my skin for the rest of my life.
favourite colour? - Puple
favourite type of music? - I really will listen to just about any genre, and I have most genres on at least one playlist on my phone
do you like puzzles? - I like crosswords if that's what you mean
any phobias? - Clowns, enclosed spaces
favourite childhood sport? - I've never really been into sport.
do you talk to yourself? - All the time. Not always out loud, but sometimes. And I give myself mental pep talks all the time.
what movie(s) do you adore? - I don't really watch many movies these days. I'd rather watch a TV show. Some old favourites though: Dirty Dancing, Titanic, The Princess Bride, most of the Terminator movies, The Man From UNCLE, The Craft
coffee or tea? - Tea
first thing you wanted to be growing up - A teacher
Tagging: @leatherbookmark @insidious-intent @lynne-monstr @killerandhealerqueen @pangzi @fan-man-huaisang @strandedchesspiece @yyaurii @halavibe @bunnakit @thesilversun
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somewhatavidreader · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here! 💖
I've been in a it's been a long week it's Tuesday kind of mood so I wasn't sure I could come up with 5 things that make me happy. But you know what @morkofday? Your ask made me think hard and realise that even if it's been a crappy week so far, there are at least 5 things that make me happy. So thank you for that.
Thanks to several public holidays happening one after another, I'll have a 5-day weekend next week. How cool is that? I don't know yet what I'm going to do but I look forward to it.
I'm rewatching tsukutabe season 1 & 2. Again. It's my happy place.
Teacher! Yuri! Teacher! Yuri! Teacher! Yuri! Anyone watching 23.5 knows what that means. Every time they appear on screen, I feel a big rush of pure joy.
Dog and cat posts on Tumblr. Look at this one https://www.tumblr.com/bengiyo/749196920558370816 puts a huge grin on my face.
I'm re-reading Ursula K. Le Guin's The Disposessed. Again. I won't call it a happy book, but it does good things to my brain each time I go back to it.
Thank you for sending this ask 💕
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jimmysea · 8 months
drop this sunflower 🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! let's spread some sunshine☀️
Vish my belovedddd 🧡🧡🧡 right back at you baby thank you so much for always bringing positivity to my dashboard you’re a treasure
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namchyoon · 8 months
drop this sunflower 🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! let's spread some sunshine☀️ (i hope you're enjoying all the taynew content <3)
ahhh thank youuu <333 (i am THRIVING and i am due to SCREAM in your inbox at some point about it and i hope you're enjoying all the jimmysea content too 😭)
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casualavocados · 8 months
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thank you so much for these tags, you get it!!! we're experiencing some morknight parallel insanity tonight
no thank YOU for that edit oh my GOD!!!! i didnt know i needed a mork and night parallel until i saw it right in front of me and then i exploded a little. Like i feel like i could say even more about it but my brain is short circuiting
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nongnaos · 9 months
re: your tags under my morkday edit, I am glad I was there when you were looking for me ❤️ thank you, mwah, ily!
You really add so much joy to my experience on this website, I hope you know! Your edits make me so happy and I love seeing you on my dash in general 🫂 🥰 💜
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oswlld · 1 year
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! ✨ (love you jessi ♥)
✨😙🩷💛✨ LOVE YOUUUU🌸✨✨
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kexing · 9 months
i want to take a moment to thank the creators that blessed our bl fandom in 2023. we’d be nothing without your stunning gifs and edits, touching fanfics, thorough analyses and hilarious memes.
thank you soooo much for blessing us every day with your endless effort, dedication, love and amazing talent! and may we see each other in 2024 ❤️
@taeminie @seatawinan @loveisactivated @jimmysea @guzhu-furen @gunsatthaphan @daymork @alexshenry @dragonsareawesome123 @itsallaboutbl @seatawinans @baek1nho @yohankang @spicyvampire @mymycorrhizae @athousandbyeol @blmpff @wanderlust-in-my-soul @sparklyeyedhimbo @pranpats @milkpansa @raypakorn @ahxu-laowen @forcebookish @forcebookcorner @morkofday @chinzillas @seajimmy @selenophiles92 @dimpledpran @i-got-the-feels @bengiyo @benkaaoi @25shadesoffebruary @mooninagust @moonkhao @smittenskitten @respectthepetty @thisautistic @elliebirdwrites @earthfluuke @pharawee @khaotunqs @pranink @gabrielokun @piningintrovert @ahxiang @taikanyohou @zhaozi @markpakin
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feel free to add your favorite creators to this post! let’s spread the love!!!
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puppy-phum · 2 months
morkofday → puppy-phum
phum is me, i am him. i think this feels right. let's see how long this lasts when things like thamepo are waiting for me in the future :'D
(working on making all the links etc. work during the weekend, so everything will be a mess for some time... sorry about that!)
if you see this, i'd appreciate it if you interacted with this post!
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
The Great Thai Communal Wardrobe Advent Giveaway!
I've currently collected/documented 45 items of clothing (and accessories) that have reappeared in various Thai series over the past four years - these are only the ones that have been discovered, I'm sure there are more.
These 45 items are spread over 38 shows and are worn by 78 different characters (mains, sides, and random extras).
At the most, one item has been worn by 8 different people in 6 series, several have been used 3-5 times, but the majority have only appeared in two different shows (so far!).
There has been one recent show which has featured 15 items of clothing which have been worn in other series! The next highest number is 11 in a show which aired last year. And then the 3rd and 4th spot go to a show from two years ago (with 10 items) and one from this year (with 6).
I have currently ordered all the items by the number of times used and then by air date (with the highest and earliest first), but once I start posting them I will add any new discoveries to the end of the list (from 46 onwards).
And I'd like your involvement to post them!
Between now and Nov 15th send me an ask or a DM with one of the following requests to either have the item dedicated to yourself or you can gift it to another blog. (Anon is also fine but I'd suggest using an obscure emoji so you can identify yourself).
You can request:
A random number in the list (1-45)
The name of a particular show
A specific character or actor
Something funny or stylish or that I think you might like
A specific item (if you have a pretty confident idea of one that exists)
And a specific date you would like your post published if you have one (I'm mainly trying to decide what order to publish them all in)
A point to note: I've already published number 3 and number 6 (although the latter is now wrongly-numbered 😥 so I might consider editing the original post...again).
My plan is to post two a day from Dec 1st in the run up to Christmas, like an advent calendar, so I've set the deadline for requests early enough to give me time to organise the posts (since work does get in the way sometimes).
And if you do spot any more shared clothing across series, do let me know!
Tagging some people in case you're interested and to help me spread the word: @grapejuicegay @celestial-sapphicss @twig-tea @rocketturtle4 @waitmyturtles @respectthepetty @chickenstrangers @ranchthoughts @slayerkitty @colourme-feral @blmpff @telomeke @nothingsbetterthancoffee @lurkingshan @ephemeral-hiraeth @thegalwhorants @hughungrybear @i-got-the-feels @icouldhyperfixatehim @dragonsareawesome123 @sparklyeyedhimbo @first-kanaphan @italianpersonwithashippersheart @shouldiusemyname @gabrielokun @ghoststookournightmares @morathicain @nongnaopat @lamonnaie @natalias-pierogi @mysterygrl20 @nahaluk @callipigio @multifanofmultifandom @dramarec @cangse-sanren @williamrikers @justafriend-ql @heretherebedork @forcebook @non-binarypal7 @aprilblossomgirl @morkofday @brazilian-whalien52
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eohachu · 11 months
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requested by @morkofday: 🌵 + your favourite character in my journey to you?
in: 云之羽 My Journey To You (2023), dir. Guo Jingming
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hils79 · 8 months
for the wip tag game: tell me about liu sang's forced vacation!! where are you taking him?? 👀
It's everyone's favourite holiday destination! Yucun!
I actually wrote a decent chunk of this one before work got super stressful and I took a 'short writing break' back in August and oops I'm still mostly on one.
Anyway, the premise is that Liu Sang shows up at Yucun for a quick visit and hasn't even made it into the house before he keels over from exhaustion. The Iron Triangle take it upon themselves to cancel all of his upcoming jobs and force him to take a proper vacation.
I still have this open in a tab on my laptop and I do have every intention of finishing it at some point so I won't talk too much about the ending
Ask me about my WIPs
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raypakorn · 9 months
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DAY 15: follow forever + my thanks
So those who have been around for the last few years know I usually post this on the last day of cheercember as a thanks for those who participated and sent in requests as well as just to thank all the lovely mutuals for hanging around and for giving to the fandoms in the way that they do. As you can see it's only Day 15 and that just kind of explains my year skjfslkjf. For those who don't know I was promoted earlier this year and I now have a dual role at my job and slowly as the year went by in order to keep up with things as well as for other reasons that happen within my career I started working 85-90 hours every two weeks. December was no different and by the time I got home I had little energy left to be creative or to sit in front of my laptop. However, that being said I do still plan to finish the requests and even my list (yes I had a list). I will slowly push them out through Janurary.
Now that that's all out of the way, I do really want to thank everyone (followers included) for making this such a fun space as we all need a little escapism in our life. And I also always appreciate your support! I hope you all have a happy new year and that good things find you throughout the year. Tagging my lovely mutuals beneath the cut & in the comments because tumblr put a limit on it . (if I forgot anyone I am deeply sorry)
first and foremost @akkpipitphattana, thank you for always being my biggest support and letting my ask your opinion when i'm being outright indecisive. couldn't function without your half of the braincell, love you silly goose.
@h-isforhome @khathastrophe @khaotunqs @markpakin @mooninaugust @theedorksinlove @taeminie @khaotungsfirst @seatawinans @moonkhao @khaotunq @dimpledpran @aprilblossomgirl @milkpansa @hup123hup123slapslap @smileytharn @sollucets @youdontloveme-yet @justafriend-ql @krystaljungs @icouldhyperfixatehim @heroeddiemunson @spicyvampire @firstkanaphans @jeongtokkie @revengeofthesiths @buckleys-diaz @buckhelped @bangchanted @fitfmybeloved @bellamygate @sunsetandthemoon @freensrcha @forcebook @sparklyeyedhimbo @liyazaki @daymork @celestial-sapphicss @piningintrovert @morkofday @alexshenry @ardentlytess @nicholasnelsons @weiwuxian @eddiediaaz @i-got-the-feels @disasterdiaz @tailoredshirt @oliviairodrigo
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jimmysea · 10 months
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Jimmy Jitaraphol as a hot shirtless Mork for @morkofday
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rin-moved · 9 months
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i'm a little late to the party but i still wanted to thank everybody who made this year so good. i love being part of a community that is so talented and funny and artistic and loving and i really hope that by this time next year, we're all still here suffering the same brainrot for new characters and stories together.
thank you for existing in this corner of the internet at the same time as me. i appreciate you so much!
@celestial-sapphicss @blneobin @sailoms @taeminie @pharawee @pondsphuwin @sandrayy @guzhu-furen @seatawinan @zhaozi @raypakorn @earthfluuke @forcebook @gunsatthaphan @moonkhao @bunnakit @firstmix @itsallaboutbl @chinzhilla @piningintrovert @namchyoon @loveisactivated @chinzillas @yohankang @alienwlw @khaotunqs @25shadesoffebruary @pranpats @spicyvampire @sparklyeyedhimbo @milkpansa @taikanyohou @blmpff @patchanons @smittenskitten @mooninagust @jimmysea @morkofday @gabrielokun @khaotungsfirst @smileytharn @khaothanawat @khaotunq @talksaxy @sollucets @krystaljungs 🩷
i'm sure there are people i've missed but just know that if you're a part of this community, i really really love and respect you and hope that 2024 is kind and soft and gentle with you. mwah!
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dimpledpran · 1 year
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Ancient Greek Words for Love : PatPran Version ↝ @morkofday did a PuenTalay version here
@userdramas event 10: emotions
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