#moro saga
galexibrain · 4 months
Something, something ... parallels. When I was 10yo and watching DBZ for the first time, when it was first aired in Germany, this was my favourite scene in the entirety of DBZ, and it still is to this day:
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When the people of Earth all give their energy for the final genkidama that's supposed to finish off Buu.
Linking the German version so you can experience the original soundtrack (I'm sorry, the US dub soundtrack (and the Kai soundtrack for the Buu Saga) can NOT measure up the glory of the original one, and I'm so grateful the German dub kept it):
I was (and am to this day) utterly in love with this particular track, so much that I simply needed to have it with me, at all times.
And here's how I got it in ye olden days before Youtube (well, before I had internet access and knew about YT to MP3 converting lmao):
I had this particular episode taped on VHS (I'm That Old)
I took my phone (Nokia that had the luxury of a COLOR display) and recorded the track. You could literally hear the people cheer on the recording
I put this recording on my phone and listened to it
Yes the quality was crappy. I didn't care
Now, I have it on my MP3 player lol. Still randomly listen to it sometimes <3
So, the things about DBZ that were the most formative to me are: this scene, and Vegeta (who started my love for reformed villains and redemption arcs).
Ok, this has nothing to do with the point I'm trying to make, I just needed to clarify just how emotionally invested I am here.
Now, two decades later, Super gives me this:
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Moro Arc, DBS chapter 61
Do y'all understand what this did to me?! Do you even have the slightest idea what I am going through here?
They probably thought nothing of it, but back in the Buu Saga it was Vegeta who came up with the genkidama plan: to take the energy of everyone on Earth, and other planets too, to defeat an enemy too strong for any single person to handle.
Vegeta, the guy who's perpetually allergic to ask for help.
Now, it's Vegeta who does the opposite, and yet, the same: he takes energy that was stolen, and returns it to where it belongs, literally giving people their lives back in some cases. (The symbolism of the Namekians being the ones revived by him is CRAZY.)
And the imagery is so similar? I just. ??!?!?!?! HOW AM I TO DEAL.
DB ch. 515 & 516:
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Goku receiving the energy from Earth, perfecting the genkidama, and he throws it.
And now:
Super, ch. 66:
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That's the god ki Uub sent, and Vegeta is the one to throw it to Goku to give him the power he needs to end Moro.
And that power literally comes from the reincarnation of the very being they destroyed last time? OH WOW.
(Initially I wasn't so sure what to think about this particular point but hey, the D in Dragon Ball stands for Deus Ex Machina, so ... whatever.)
I'm like. Did they do this on purpose? Is this coincidence?
How am I supposed to be normal about any of this?
Also funny how Buu Saga was the whackiest in DBZ while Moro Saga in DBS is a goddamn fucking masterpiece.
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sweetescapeartist · 9 months
Why Didn't Gohan Go “Beast Mode” When Goku Almost Died To Moro?
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The in universe explanation makes zero sense. Gohan's "Beast" power awakened after he had been training in secret & after he saw Piccolo almost die. In the DBS manga, Gohan had been training very hard for 2 months then saw Goku almost die in a much more graphic way than what woupd happen to Piccolo in the Super Hero Saga. Gohan should've awakened his inner beast at that moment.
Only excuse I can think of is that because Gohan didn't have a senzu to put him at full health in the Moro saga, he couldn't awaken to his beast form. Otherwise... not really am excuse.
So, instead of THIS embarrassment where Gohan doesn't get a rage boost that actually does something...
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THIS should've happened
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The out of universe explanation, Toyotaro wrote the Moro Saga mostly on his own while taking a lot of inspiration from past Dragon Ball Sagas, & inspiration from the DBS Anime Continuity. It appears that he was privy to limited information about the unreleased DBS: Super Hero film, so we get Gohan & Piccolo teaming up, a Cell reference, a Kaiju fight, ect. But Toyotaro did not know of Gohan getting a new form, likely due to Gohan getting a new form in the DBS: Super Hero film was more of a last minute decision.
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leftpostwerewolf · 10 months
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ojamayellow · 4 months
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he's so cute (sobs)
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awesomesauce2929 · 3 months
A random fanfic idea ft Shin and Gowasu
I love to see Gowasu and Shin to interact more in general but also after the Moro Saga, this time their dynamic would be slightly different because Gowasu had lost Zamasu who he cared about him and in a way by interacting with Shin, there are some feeling of redemption because he sees Shin as a young fellow at least he won't screw up, and for Shin to develop some faith in himself and his abilities of maintenance of his universe. I don't see why not Gowasu helping Shin out in return of his presense give him some respite due to Gowasu was at Shin's side and wasn't happy to find out Shin wasn't invited during the Kaioshins meeting before the ToP really began. Whilst I don't think Gowasu knew exactly what happened to Shin during the Moro Saga but he knew it was serious since Whis planned with the intervention with Cus' assistance, ordered by Beerus because he is not taking any chances with Shin if Shin was wiling to give up his life to the Grand Priest, if Shin dies, he dies as well.
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kakusboyfriend · 1 year
I can literally not find anything on Tumblr looking up seven-three. Have you guys forgotten them? That's so sad... Mine now
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itachi86 · 10 months
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jorongbak · 11 months
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Petition to have Moro's final perfect form as a complete goat instead of the humanoid form, and his ultimate attack is just aggressive headbutting.
And since we were recreating Buu saga Spirit bomb scene in the climax, we'll have Vegeta getting thrown around like a rag doll again- this time by a giant alien goat, Goku charging up very slowly, and everyone else enjoying the wholesome stupidness
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srtruth · 2 months
Do you like any other anime apart from bleach and what got you into it to begin with?
Also hiya
Helloooo, regarding your first question, I am a big fan of One Piece, I was up to date but sadly this year I lost my streak in the manga due to the difficulties I had at university, in fact if it weren't for Mayuri it would be my main fandom.
I am also a big fan of Dragon Ball, I stayed in the Moro saga for the same reason, university.other animes that I like are Golden Kamuy, Dungeon Meshi, Lupan III and last but not least is Full Metal, I watch this anime once a year.
I don't have a personal top of animes but I should.
And as for your second question, the answer will not surprise you. I started watching bleach because Mayuri caught my attention. I knew Bleach before because of Ichigo's fights that I saw on tiktok and the algorithm one day he showed me a compilation of designs that Mayuri has had and I said, I have to meet this character.
I don't regret it at all, Bleach stole my heart and became one of my favorite animes, I love its universe and its characters, and I hope to continue being a nerd with this anime/manga.
Thank you very much for your question, I like your art and I'm surprised that you follow me, I hope we can talk one day.
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ultraericthered · 5 months
So, Majin Buu....
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Thinking back on the original Akira Toriyama Dragon Ball run, it's pretty clear to me more than ever that Majin Buu, the final major villain of the series, the Big Bad in the story arc the series ended on, was by far the weakest Big Bad out of all the powerful, action-based Big Bads, making him second weakest overall next to Commander Red. Yes, even Tienshinhan was an overall more satisfactory main antagonist compared to how Buu got by the end. And for the longest time I just sort of took that as a basic truth without really examining why it was. I'd thought the main reason for it was that the concept of him as this ages old evil that was only just now being pulled back into the present day limelight to be the new all-powerful threat to the universe to surpass the last all-powerful threat to the universe was really cheap, as it felt like Toriyama lazily re-doing the premise of King Piccolo only more ancient and a threat to even the gods of this world's cosmology and lore. But if I'm being totally fair and honest, that shouldn't necessarily be a definitive restraint on Buu from reaching villainous greatness. After all, Buu is also a great concept for a villain and an undeniably original, distinguished, uniquely Toriyama one at that. He so easily could've worked. Why didn't he?
This year of Toriyama's passing, it finally dawned on me - Majin Buu suffered from the same syndrome that would years later plague Xehanort from Kingdom Hearts. The syndrome of being a single character yet having so many different variations of him that feel like completely separate characters that makes it hard to reconcile them all as a single entity or to understand who that single entity is at the most fundamental level and what they're all about personally and in terms of narrative function. And indeed, it is only Buu who suffered this problem. Piccolo Jr. felt like the spawn/second lifeline of King Piccolo, Vegeta as a Great Ape still felt like Vegeta, Freeza in all of his transformations still feels like Freeza, Cell is still Cell in all three of his forms (even with his brainpower being more easily expended in the Semi-Perfect form), the Zamasus all feel like different variants of Zamasu, Moro, Mechikabura, and Demigra always feel the same, etc. Yet Majin Buu feels like he becomes four or five different people over the course of his saga, which gets either unnecessarily lengthy or incredibly rushed depending on the medium you're looking at it in!
So here's basically how I feel about the Majin Buus:
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Fat Buu, AKA Mr. Buu - Toriyama first created this character to be the Majin Buu, a complete subversion of expectations for how this all-powerful evil demon was built up versus how nonthreatening he appears to be once we meet him. The simple-minded, infantile, playful, whimsical and sweets-craving nature of this Buu is both the source of much comedy and becomes a source of tension that enhances the dread you feel whenever the deep malice he harbors within him comes out on display, as the tonal whiplash of this silly, chubby pink blob getting mad and doing horrible things is unnerving. But in addition, we're made to feel some sympathy for Buu since Babidi treats him in an abusive, exploitative way and it becomes clearer that for all the malice he has and all the wrongs he commits, Buu has the mind of a small child who does whatever he wants to do for fun in total innocence and naivete, not knowing or understanding what the morally right things to do and the right way to live are, and why things like killing other living creatures is morally wrong. The stuff with him and Mr. Satan is some of the best content in the entire saga, and it feels right that he joins the family and becomes one of the good guys in the end, even if not much really comes of that in future installments. I give him an 8/10, to me he's the Best Buu.
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Evil Buu, AKA Slim Buu - I mentioned the deep malice within Buu that he was born with, and this guy is the physical personification of it that Fat Buu conjures out from him during a breakdown where his desires are clashing with what he now knows about right and wrong. Visually, he's the exact 180 of Fat Buu - lean face and skeleton-thin body, open eyes that are black with white pupils, dark blue cape rather than a purple one, and he's the only Buu who's not pink but is instead gray. But he's the Mr. Hyde to Fat Buu's Dr. Jekyll, another side of the same person. Were Fat Buu to defeat him, he'd conquer his inner darkness, but instead this thing defeats and swallows Fat Buu, signifying that the inner darkness has won out and will change Buu's shape into something stronger and more evil. Ultimately this Buu has no personality to speak of besides "evil" and is only there as a plot device to up the tension and stakes again by becoming the new eviler version of Majin Buu who has no qualms disregarding the lessons he'd learned from Mr. Satan. However, he does get some extra points for killing Van Zant. 4/10, Basic Buu is Basic.
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Super Buu - I really like this Buu yet am really mad at him and have a bone to pick with him. 'Cause he feels so easily like the Buu I'd love the best after Fat Buu, owing a lot to a truly stellar introductory period, solid voicework in the anime, and much like Cell, some cool and catchy theme music from Bruce Faulconer in the US dub. He starts off so cool: popping his neck, yawning, sagging, screaming, and cackling maniacally in the course of seconds after he's formed, showing devastating power and killing Smitty in the most graphic and disturbing way, flying all the way to Kami's Lookout just to fight and kill his enemy, distinguishing himself from the well-spoken likes of Freeza and Perfect Cell by speaking very simply, responding to Piccolo's demand of him by simply and efficiently killing off the Earth's human population, nonchalantly turning a furious Chi Chi into an egg and not even bothering to eat her (he kills her by stepping on the egg), and retaining all of his hilariously childish dumbass qualities and sweet tooth yet possesing a raw, dangerously savvy cunning beneath his brutish exterior. And yet through all this, he it doesn't really feel like he's properly motivated in evildoing other than "he's evil", and more problems start to pile up once he and Gotenks are going at it in the Time Chamber dimention. For every golden moment he gets, he gets some ill-concieved moments (though in fairness, he shares them with Gotenks and Piccolo): it's he who instigates the "wall-breaking/plot-breaking scream". But not even that could ruin him. No, when he really does the unforgivable is when he turns into the next Buu. So he's a 7/10, should've been Buuetter but wasn't.
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Mystic Fusion Super Buu - Is just Fusion Super Buu when he absorbs SS3 Gotenks and Piccolo, the "Mystic" is added when he absorbs Gohan. Yeah, the problem is immediately apparent in that premise. Since when could Majin Buu absorb anyone and add their Ki power to himself? That was Cell's shtick, Majin Buu was all about transforming his prey into sweet treats and eating them up. He got the ability to take other fighters and their powers into himself from right out of Toriyama's ass! On top of that, he now looks hideous, with a long head antenna like SS3 Gotenks' long hair, a nose and facial features like Piccolo, and he trades out between Piccolo's, Gotenks', and Gohans' clothes, and neither look good on him! On top of that, his characterization changes as with Piccolo's intellect, he starts speaking in complete sentences and elloquently articulating everything which is just....no. Don't. This is killing Buu's unique vibe! On top of that, him defeating and absorbing Gohan is an utterly cruel slap in the face of any fan who might've actually wanted to see Gohan's ordeals and new power paid off by him being the hero to defeat Buu in the end like such a set-up would normally entail. And on top of all that, he's just a bore now. The whole section of the story where he's around has always failed to interest or excite me, he's just not fun to look at, watch, or listen to, and his existence is what derails Gohan's arc, brings Goku and Vegeta as co-heroes in the spotlight, and stretches things on the barren Earth out longer than necessary, including a gross, unwelcome trip inside of Buu's body! Near the end he loses his shirt and shows his character again, and we get the welcome return of classic Super Buu for one last stand-off, but that only bumps his score to 2/10. Buuuuuuuu, you suck!
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Kid Buu - Buu's final and also primal form. He's not only the most powerful, destructive, and maniacal Buu, but this is Majin Buu as originally concieved in-universe. When Bibidi first conjured him into this realm, he was like this - a living, breathing force of pure chaos who lives only for the slaughter and devastation that he finds fun. And he does work as being just that, retaining Buu's mixture of being comical yet also terrifying and dangerous. Almost everything that concerns him and the section in which he's the opponent/obstacle to destroy is perfectly fine, aside from Goku being the hero rather than Gohan and how drained you feel from all the earlier Super Buu antics, it all works and makes for a properly tense, thrilling and epic final battle against a worthy final boss for this saga. The issue with Kid Buu can found within his character set-up and in the way he gets implemented into the saga. We'd been given nothing foreshadowing his existence as the OG Majin Buu until after Super Buu has reverted to him. We had no reason to think that Fat Buu wasn't the default for Buu, nor any reason to think that this new Buu would be that much more powerful than the Buus that preceded him, making Kid Buu feel really, really cheap. For that matter, how does removing Fat Buu from inside of Buu revert him to Kid Buu yet Fat Buu expunging the Evil Buu from out of him didn't have that effect on either Buu? And as is said in this post, "Kid Buu’s defeat doesn’t feel as satisfying as it should because we barely spent time with him compared to Super Buu", and that when Kid Buu comes along to take Super Buu's place, in the manga it's in the last graphic novel volume of the series, the very same that began with Vegito VS Mystic Fusion Super Buu, while in the anime it's the point when "you’re about ready to scream “Oh my Kami, END already!” given how fatigued you are of watching Super Saiyans fighting this pink monstrosity by then. Ultimately, Kid Buu's a 7/10 - Buu Bye and guud riddance, Janemba did it better.
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Uub - The reincarnation of Kid Buu, who before getting killed had been Mystic Fusion Super Buu, and Super Buu was previously Evil Buu before eating Fat Buu, who Evil Buu came from making Evil Buu and Fat Buu two different variants of the same being, so that guy gets reincarnated due to a wish to Shenron by Goku even though Mr. Buu is still alive as a separate being....yeah, the dissociative identity of Majin Buu and the flimsy idea of all forms of Buu being the same character really collapses here, and fittingly on a character whose very existence and the reasons for it, in-universe and out of it, are completely nonsensical. If Goku really wanted to keep Majin Buu as a sparring partner but only if he was a better person, why not start training Mr. Buu so that his power could grow to match Kid Buu's? And are we really expected to believe and be okay with the idea that the successor to Son Goku ends up being not Gohan, not Goten, not even Pan, but the hastily introduced in the final two chapters reincarnation of the last villain who we were also only just introduced to in that very volume of manga? I can't pretend to know exactly what Toriyama was going for when he wrote the epilogue in those last two chapters and came up with Uub, but if that was his way of leaving the door open for Toei Animation to continue the franchise on their own terms, it's pretty telling that GT had no interest in picking up on this thread and rendered Uub completely worthless, and we've seen no more from Uub in the DB continuations we've had since. Uub and the ending associated with him were just a total Uuber failure. 1/10.
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galexibrain · 3 months
I know it's not a secret that I really fucking love Super's Moro Arc but I have two complaints about it:
There's literally no fucking reason to say "Vegeta can only use instant transmission this one time and then never again". C'moooooooon.
Vegeta SO deserved to have this arc? Why didn't he get to finish Moro? PLEASE he deserved that win almost more than he deserved to kill Freezer in Resurrection F.
(I almost hope it won't get adapted into an anime bc I lowkey fear Toei would completely ruin it for Geets and have him, idk, fuck it up on purpose or something?)
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roses-bah-garden · 4 days
Could I request level 5 packs for both Melinoe and Moros from Hades II? If I can only request one, then I'd like to prioritize Melinoe! Thank you very much :)
here you go! might steal these packs myself tbh, i'm proud of these guys. don't know how much i like the melinoe moodboard, but it's done, so!
a new flower has blossomed! 🌹
melinoe + moros (hades ii) ... [LVL 5 PACK]
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name(s) ;; melinoe, mel, stella, luna
pronouns ;; she/her, they/them, ghost/ghosts, death/deaths, night/nights, night/mare
age ;; ageless
species ;; deity
gender(s) ;; ghosttypic, moonguardian
orientation(s) ;; sapphic, bisexual
role(s) ;; protector, comforter
source ;; hades ii
sign-off(s) ;; – Melinoe ; {★}
hex code ;; #00c8b5 (caribbean green)
personality ;; ambitious and courageous. they are determined, kind, and loyal. she can be a bit awkward at times, and as such values solitude or her inner circle heavily above others. ghost enjoys helping others.
bonus info ;; types some words in ALL CAPS for EMPHASIS
likes ;; frogs, collecting small things (shells, marbles, stickers, etc.), jewelry, astrology, the moon, hades ii
dislikes ;; lore olympus, real-life violence, large meals (prefers to snack, except on holidays)
possible front triggers ;; hellenic holidays, stressful circumstances, frogs, her source
cisid(s) ;; cisADHD, cthonic deity, nymph, follower of hecate, heroine, heterochromia, blonde hair, cisGreek
transid(s) ;; transOlympian, transConsang, transFangs, transBlackHair
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; teratophilia, spectrophilia, autobiastophilia, autosomnophilia, transConsang
moodboard ;; found here
playlist ;; "take me to war" - the crane wives / "cassandra" - florence + the machine / "you might not like her" - maddie zahm / "the hand that feeds" - the crane wives / "everybody goes to hell" - candi carpenter
kinlist ;; princess anastasia (anastasia) / coraline jones (coraline) / froghearted
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name(s) ;; moros, doom, moody, damian
pronouns ;; he/him, weep/weeps, haze/hazes, h-/h-m
age ;; ageless
species ;; deity
gender(s) ;; shadowgender, mascfluid, hazemasc
orientation(s) ;; demisexual, hyperplatonic
role(s) ;; sadness holder, autism symptom holder
source ;; hades ii
sign-off(s) ;; – Moros ; {🪡}
hex code ;; #4e3c53 (mortar)
personality ;; pessimistic and socially awkward. he is extremely respectful and polite, but can be overly formal due to his social difficulties. weep is extremely loyal to the system's melinoe, and can often be found at her side. h-'s often teary-eyed, and is a sensitive person.
bonus info ;; types in all lowercase ... and frequently uses ellipses ... ; always wears body's hair up when fronting (if applicable)
likes ;; epic: the underworld saga, stargazing, wine, tragedy films/plays
dislikes ;; toxic positivity, being told to smile, sugary foods, loud noises
possible front triggers ;; melinoe fronting, tragedy films/plays
cisid(s) ;; cisAutistic, cthonic deity, cisGreek, cisHarmless, cisPeaceful
transid(s) ;; transNocturnal, transNonverbal, transNarcolepsy, transMADD, transProphet
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; spectrophilia, (auto)somnophilia
moodboard ;; found here
playlist ;; "no longer you" - epic: the underworld saga / "once upon a december" - anastasia: the musical / "achilles come down" - gang of youths / "it will come back" - hozier / "something in the orange" - zach bryan
kinlist ;; swan therian / deer therian / fogkin (conceptkin) / oliver banks (the magnus archives) / tiresias (epic: the underworld saga)
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super manga Ch.55-58
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What a bunch of grap.
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Okay, so last time, Whis went to talk to the Grand Minister about Merus.  Turns out Merus is an angel, just like they are, and that’s why he’s been so secretive about his abilities.  The problem is that angels are forbidden from taking sides in mortal affairs. They have to be impartial in all things.  Beyond this, however, there’s no restrictions on what they can and can’t do.  So the Grand Minister allowed Merus to join the Galactic Patrol, since it was a way for him to learn about mortals, but he’s clearly developed a bias from his time with the organization.  He hasn’t violated the rule yet, but he’s come extremely close. Whis asks permission to deal with Merus himself, and the Grand Minister allows him to proceed.
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So Whis shows up at the end of Merus and Goku’s training, when they’re preparing to fight each other at full power.  That’s a bridge too far.  Whis has trained Goku himself, obviously, but an actual battle goes against what the angels are supposed to be about.  Also, Whis knows that Merus was planning to join the battle against Moro on Earth.  With the cat out of the bag, Merus agrees to go with Whis, leaving Goku on his own.
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Which would be okay, except Goku has to take Merus’ ship back to Earth, and he doesn’t know how to navigate.
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Meanwhile, Vegeta has completed the first stage of his training on Yardrat, and Pybara is ready to show Vegeta how to apply what he’s learned. 
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But before they can start, Yardrat is attacked by Moro’s scouts, led by a Zarbon knockoff.   Vegeta defeats him with ease, and he’s astonished by how much his power has increased, simply from learning how to balance his body and ki in the Yardratti way.
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By now, Moro’s henchmen have reached Earth, but Vegeta still refuses to go back there, since he hasn’t learned a technique that will even the odds against Moro.  Pybara agrees to skip Instant Transmission and show him something more useful for this situation, but he still doesn’t have much time to work with.
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Meanwhile, the Z-Fighters have prepared for Moro’s invasion... just like they did in Resurrection F.  This arc is just one callback after another.  I can see why fans were so hard on Toyotaro while this thing was being published.  Merus seems to be the only original idea in this whole story, and we’ve just learned that he’s been forbidden from interfering, so what good is he?
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Oh, and Majin Buu’s still fucking asleep.  Keep in mind he fell asleep right before the Tournament of Power started, and didn’t wake up until well into this arc, and then he fell asleep again right after he fought Moro.  And now it looks like he’s on track to sleep through the rest of this arc. 
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So Seven Three goes after Gohan and Piccolo and he uses his copy ability on both of them, so he can match their powers completely.  This would seem to negate all the training they did leading up to this battle, except Seven-Three can only use one guy’s power set at a time.  So he can be as powerful as Piccolo or Gohan, but he has to fight Piccolo and Gohan at the same time, and they know a bunch of combo attacks that he can’t handle. 
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So Seven Three uses his trump card, which is to use the powers he copied from Moro, except this time 17 and 18 join the battle, and Seven Three can’t drain their ki because they don’t have any.  Well, why doesn’t Seven Three just use Moro’s other abilities?  Like how he made his allies stronger, or the way he could beat the shit out of Goku and Vegeta?   Moro couldn’t drain Buu’s energy either, but he beat him just fine, so why can’t Seven Three defeat 17 and 18?
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Here’s a bonus comic about Frieza’s whole deal during this Moro business.  He decides he’s just gonna stay out of this one.  I’m so glad we wasted two pages to explain that Frieza’s not going to do anything.  Maybe we could have a two page comic about how Yajirobe’s decided to sit this one out.  Or a comic about Bulma’s mom staying home to water the plants.
Seriously, fuck this Moro Saga.  We started with this whole bit about how Buu was the key to victory, and that went nowhere, then Merus’ dad made him quit the story early, and now Frieza’s just popping in to tell us he doesn’t give a shit.  Oh, and Moro keeps holding back because he doesn’t see any of the good guys as a threat, so most of the fighting in this arc has been pointless.
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So Moro’s group splits up to loot the Earth of its treasures before Moro consumes its life energy.  This means the Z-Fighters have to split up and tackle the henchmen.  Yamcha fights some guys, Master Roshi takes on some girl henchmen, and Tien and Chiaotzu get stuck with an Auta Magetta knockoff.  His species are vulnerable to insults, but Tien doesn’t know how to dis people, so Chiaotzu does it for him.  Excuse me, but Tien was insulting people all the time during the 22nd Budokai.  He was a colossal dick back then.  Sure, he became all polite and proper, but it’s not like he forgot how to be a raging asshole.
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Finally, Moro steps in to handle things himself, and Goku shows up soon after, when he gets close enough to Earth to sense Krillin charging his ki.  He prepares to fight Moro, but Moro empowers one of his goons more and more, in order to force Goku to show more of his true power. 
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So Goku finally obliges by using Ultra Instinct.  Specifically, he uses the incomplete version he had when he first discovered the ability.  Goku calls this “Ultra Instinct Sign”, like it’s some distinct thing separate from the complete version of UI.  That’s like saying half a cup of coffee is the “initial stage” of a full cup of coffee. 
The manga has been doing this crap all along, and I think I’m finally getting tired of it.  Toyotaro really, really likes showing off all of Goku’s forms, and now there’s so many of them that it’s becoming very cumbersome to go through them all.  Super Saiyan 3 and Super Saiyan God pretty much became obsolete once Super Saiyan Blue was available, but Toyotaro seems to feel obligated to cycle through all of them whether it’s justified or not.  Likewise, why would Goku ever bother using “Ultra Instinct Sign” when he knows how to use full-on Ultra Instinct?  This wasn’t an intermediate power-up, it was Goku discovering a power and not knowing how to use it.
Anyway, we’re about halfway through this arc, and I guess we’re officially in the final battle, so maybe things will get better from here, but I’m not optimistic.  Everything that led up to this moment has been a giant waste of time.
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theres another member of zarbons species in the moro arc of dragon ball super! he transforms into a differentmonster form than zarbon
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Yuzun! i know him! or well, i kinda know him. i'm not really caught up or invested in anything Dragon Ball related beyond Buu Saga, but i've learned somewhat about him.
i think he's pretty neat! and i'm really happy they expanded Zarbons race just a little bit with Yuzun. though you hate to hear how he went out... there's no peace for my mans race. i hate this solar system. fuuuck.
#ask#shelbybunny#i like his design :) although its really hard to top zarbon's.............. <- sorry just those combinations of words turned off his brain.#understand okay?#i think his monster form is cool! idk if id be as weird about his monster form as i am with Zarbons :) but i like him#i dont know if Super would have this part in the anime... idk anything about super... but i imagine Yuzun having a surfer dudes voice#kinda like yajirobe's voice yknow#atleast that was always my first impression. though i guess i could see a similar regal voice coming from him#though ogh those wrist bands. i dont think anything for me could top Zarbons arm warmers#Zarbons arm warmers have always stuck out in my brain as like one of my favourite details.#literally would love to have some like... thick pink nylon arm warmers. thats how ive always imagined Zarbons to be#or a fabric similar to nylon. that smooth soft fabric yknow. that good shit.#i think if i wore those my brain would turn off because id be stimming those shits.#anyway :) yuzuns really neat. continuously happy knowing theres more of his race than just Zarbon#fuck frieza girlies. there'd be so much more of Zarbons race if it werent for that bitch bastard.#i'll never get behind the frieza zarbon dynamic. ive always kinda seen zarbon as being afraid of frieza#like its more obvious near his last few episodes in the show but. ugh man.#i believe what zarbon said in his final moments of saying he'd turn to vegetas side and go against frieza.#then that little bitch put a hole in him. horrible horrible. hate on planet namek.#anyway! thank you for the ask :) i appreciate getting to talk about Yuzun a little bit
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justme068 · 1 year
Thoughts on Moro?
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I never typically liked him in the moro Saga he kind of just felt like a copy of cell but less entertaining
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But I did really like Og73, now that Frieza took all of the Heaters things I wonder if hes ever going to find and or do anything with the boy.
I also drew the coloration where people thought it was just going to be Hits color palette on him
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
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Spirit control is literally just "ki control." You know, the thing the warriors of Earth all know very well? Yeah that. It's just that the Yardrats have special techniques they can teach & those techniques obviously use ki.
So, Vegeta learning spirit control from the Yardrats implies that he had amateur ki control prior, despite the fact he was currently being taught god ki by an Angel. Wow...
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Vegeta still doesn't understand how to control his ki somehow despite training under the most powerful godly being in the universe. Such amazing writing. 😒
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And I know its been said before by many others, but here are examples of characters who used this so-called "spirit control" waaaaay back in OG Dragon Ball & DBZ.
TIEN: Making copies
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PICCOLO: Gigantification
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GOKU: Instantaneous Movement
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There's also Dende's ability to heal & Goku uses this occasionally as well after learning god ki. And Forced Spirit Fission is a copy of Goku's Genki Dama/Spirit Bomb. (I'll update this with the images at a later time.)
This just proves the DBS manga version of Vegeta has had everything handed to him. Vegeta somehow learned god ki despite being an amateur when it comes to ki control. Because training with the Yardrats made Vegeta's power increase exponentially.
Also... It's not impressive in the least that Vegeta learned Instant Transmission faster than Goku did. Why? Because that was Freeza Saga SSJ Goku learing Instant Transmission vs Moro Saga SSBE Vegeta learning it. Completely differentl levels of power and completely different levels of training.
But ppl will say its impressive because they are either Vegeta fans who take anything, or they are people who are afraid of angry Vegeta fans so they agree its impressive when its actually an insult to Vegeta's character.
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