#morris info
isleofancients · 1 year
again, the slight slowing to their wag, to a stop. Blue approaches nonetheless, and after small hesitation, offers soft pats. Cyan is... a lot to take in still, but they have been before too, and it seems sweet, and is friends with Huitzii and Umbra, and helps Aiden, so...
"I know how bad some parts of undying can hurt," Blue admits, sadness touching their words now, "when you can't die, and can't heal. and it's awful that that's how things ended for them, but I think staying that way would have been worse. I'm glad they're not hurting anymore."
they... will shuffle the 'we ate them' part of that to the side to deal with later.
Happy happy wags thump against the floor, it very gently nuzzles you with a pleased whine.
"They're glad too." Cyan says with a soft smile. "Their existence wasn't as much pain as extreme cacophony. It probably hurt but it was just... too much, all the time. Sensations were pretty impossible to tell apart."
"Is still noisy, but like organized noisy!" It chirps, back to cheery childish talk. "We like it a lot better here!"
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newsiesminibang24 · 7 months
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Here it is folks! For those of us who benefit from a visual aid, the calendar for the 2024 Newsies MiniBang!
Biggest thanks ever to @somanywords for the amazing amazing AMAZING doodles I got to include! <3
As always, drop an ask if you have any questions :)
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queen-mabs-revenge · 7 months
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every day is socialist crafternoon actually
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jack-kellys · 1 year
What are your thought on the Delancys? Why are they such dicks?
oh. my. god. i haven’t talked abt them in five years
send me a fandom/ship/character(s) ig and i’ll throw down a thesis
im gonna use the 003 bc i’m talking abt them as characters ig
How I feel about this character:
so. the delanceys are the only other newsies characters besides albert that i thought up a canon era background for, idk if y’all knew that!! i think the backstory is on my ao3, it’s like the oldest thing on there. but i looooove to hate these mfs. their positionality are politicized bullies- barely a notch above the newsies in terms of class and actively choosing to push the newsies down even further as a result. there’s a desperation to them and a kind of bone-chilling cruel attitude that is horribly fun to write. i hate these guys<3 they’re SO good in uksies too oh god and their costumes??? amazingg. they r so good together
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
no. which is the correct answer
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
haha!!! my backstory. i had them as childhood friends of albert’s (who is mixed ok<3 brazilian and irish legend<3) who left him in the dust once they learned of his background- and albert’s income had dipped since his factory-working mother had passed away, it was a whole thing. but they have this intricate knowledge of each other. (albert’s the one who knows “the delanceys are spreading a story…” IM SAYINGG LIKE) and even though they had always been cruel in some sense it hadn’t been… societal/social until they’d moved in with wiesel when they were oh idk like 10. so normal bullies who tolerated albert➡️strikebreaking resentful young adults.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
um, i don’t think they’re like 17 or some shit. they are definitely 19/20 year olds and are made to look/act like it too. they only provoke shit with the older newsies (jack crutchie and race!!), which gives me reason to think that they wouldn’t smack a 15 year old around…. oh, unless they were paid, of course.
also stop shipping them with newsies. literally we got over that three years ago, we like. grew out of that. so grow out of it again, please. god
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
THEIR FUCKING DAD IS A TROLLEY WORKER!!! THEY GOT PAID TO BEAT THOSE MFS!!! where is this lore!!! why are they with wiesel and not their father, what is their exact resentment towards those in the next social class down? also i would sort of like to see them get paid- for the newsies strikebreaking, and also by pulitzer for hauling jack to the cellar. i want them to also be shown a wad of cash, just like how jack is, so it can be an eerie mirror of what greed and turn a person into! come on!!
Favorite friendship for this character:
george crawford and alex james hatton are extremely funny together so…. actor friendship slay
idk who asked me this but u rock. newsies has no tangible villains except these guys!! stay evil, delanceys, stay evil 😮‍💨
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noxexistant · 11 months
Uh raises hand uh question what's cameo??
it’s an app/website where you can pay for personalised video messages from celebrities!! they all charge different rates so prices depend on the person you want, and i believe there’s different things you can do too like message them, order a video, order a video call, etc
most commonly, you pay for a video, tell em what you’d like them to talk about or say, and they record it for you and send it back! people usually do it for, like, birthday messages or a lil motivational message, stuff like that, but you can really ask for whatever you want
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bigenderteruki · 2 years
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[ID: A picture with "Commisions!" Written on top. There is a drawing of the artist's avater with their thumbs up and smiling. There are sparkles around them. "I'm Opening Them!" Is written next to them. The background is a solid mint green, with a lighter green around the text. /END ID]
So im opening commisions finally!!
Prices start from £5! Paypal only
Commission Info (as well as some adopts from earlier) is here
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lxgentlefolkcomic · 2 years
How closely are you guys going to adhere to the books? Like, will Nemo eventually die on Lincoln Island? Also, did he ever wear a turban in the books?
wow, spoilers, anon
In all seriousness, while we're hoping to keep the characters faithful to their book counterparts (more so than Moore did, at least - not that that's a high bar to clear), there's necessarily going to be quite a lot of canon divergence once the League's adventures get going. None of these characters ever met each other in their respective stories, after all.
Nemo is described in the novel as wearing a cap made of sea otter fur - I just took some artistic liberties with the style of "cap".
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ya9amicide · 1 year
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The End of the World In a Woman’s Hands (complete)
Summary: Being a girl in the everyday world is difficult. Being the leader of the Manhattan Newsies and a girl? Even more so. Especially when nobody knows you're a girl and the truth is the closest kept secret you have ever had. For Jack Kelly, keeping the truth of her gender a secret is one she's found easy after doing so for many years. Unfortunately, having close encounters with the iron fist, Pulitzer, and a new Newsie who seems determined to get to know her, that secret might just become the opposite.
pairing: fem!jack kelly x david “davey” jacobs
♡ Prologue ♡ Chapter One ♡ Chapter Two ♡ Chapter Three ♡ Chapter Four ♡ Chapter Five ♡ Chapter Six ♡ Chapter Seven ♡ Chapter Eight ♡ Chapter Nine ♡ Chapter Ten ♡ Chapter Eleven ♡ Chapter Twelve ♡
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kurumeki · 2 years
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beeapocalypse · 3 months
ALSO to play into ors' own take on a cycle slowly breaking down i rlly like the idea of the creation of reality instead being a dual effort where the existence dragon vomited up the Bones of it and then requested its child (thule) to give it Definition with breath/fire. in morris interpretation of it its LITERAL bones that the existence dragon got from devouring an entire other reality and instead of a graceful request it was that the existence dragon was Unable to finish its work. that was the first falter in a reality flawed down to its very foundations
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isleofancients · 1 year
okay, they're cute. just by the sheer level of pure outgoing and excite they're cute. Blue smiles at them, their own tail still going. "pubby, got it!" they chirp.
"...three heads, and centipede-" if Cyan looked pubby and acted pubby, and it was at least partly by choice, what would Red be like if they chose to look like something that would likely terrify most people? Cyan did call them an asshole, but then, there's 'asshole, jerk,' and 'asshole, genuinely terrifying and for very good reason.'
they glance at Rasse, hoping he'll offer some insight to this later, but return their attention to Cyan. "I don't think I've ever met any beings with three heads, do they have three different personalities or are they all just, um-" they try to think of it, "working in tandem? is that the right way to say it? and are they nice, like you?"
Rasse gives you a smile and a scritch.
"Different personalities but pretty similar!" Cyan chirps. "We're all kinda, uh."
It looks at its paws thoughtfully.
"Bunches, stuck together. Like amalgamates but different." It looks back up, smiling a doggy pant. "We're like a couple hundred errors talking to you right now, all squished together!"
"We're sorta the nicer errors!" It borps. "Lotsa swaps n' stuff! D'blue's sorta the standard errors, but they got so many opinions that they like to split up a lil more!"
"They yell at each other a lot, but they're usually pretty nice!" It says. "They likes Bells a whole lot!"
"...Red's the mean ones." It shrugs, looking away, goopy ears slumped. "They're usually either in time out or huntin'."
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newsiesminibang24 · 7 months
Author Sign Ups Now Open!
Yes I know it’s early, but the coming few days and weeks are going to be kind of insane for me, so I thought I’d open these early to give myself some sort of reprieve from the hectic mess that is the holidays! Also I’m just hella excited and can’t wait 😛
Important Info:
Fill out this Google Form to officially sign up for the bang as an Author
(Artists, your sign up is coming in a few weeks)
You will need a VALID email address (used for check-ins, pairing, etc). A copy of your responses will also be sent to this email for your records
You can sign up now or you can wait until the 25th if you want. But this for will stop collecting responses on December 16th. That means December 15th is the final day to sign up for the bang as an Author.
If you have any questions, feel free to drop an ask!
General Information Post // Calendar
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stealingpotatoes · 17 days
Would Anakin and Padme ask Anakin’ Siblings the daughter and the son of the morris gods to babysit Luke and Leia when the parents want a date night and how would the Jedi react to seeing the avatars of both light and dark babysitting the twins?
i feel like at some point it would end up being the twins babysitting the mortis gods (which is even more confusing for any Jedi)
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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jack-kellys · 2 years
i’ve come to ask for hunted au hcs 😁 (i definitely like this au a Normal Amount and am Not unhinged about it at all)
oh no of course. it’s a totally normal au so yeah why would you
send me an au (mine or an idea u got!) and i’ll give you some headcanons!
so jack’s dad was a cop, which is complicated, because jack’s dad was an asshole.
but jack thought it was something that he could do better? like he never saw his dad as a cop just that his dad was an asshole and a cop as well. so the idea of doing it better, being the hero, seduced him into it… so jack’s hatred of the NYPD is much more systematic than davey’s because. that’s literally how they got his ass. and he’s sooo ashamed of it so it’s both a guilt complex and a driving force behind his work, which are my favorite kinds of characters.
jack is alsooooo not an alcoholic but not…… not…… he has an issue let’s call it
also he’s not adverse to blood, but he actually really doesn’t like it. like he’ll look away from a body when he can afford to.
most of my daveys are rationalizers and justifiers, whether it be funneling his own emotions or defending his actions. historically bad at being wrong, especially since he rarely is. but when he is, this davey specifically is… ugly about it. he’s uncomfortable with being wrong, and when he knows he is, he’ll nitpick and criticize and rip into the person who is right’s way of working. petty, as all the greatest daveys are <3
davey also has very few pictures of his family like on display in his apartment. not like he doesn’t have any, but for him, it distracts him since he’ll get emotional and therefore distracted.
charlie morris is the best character (headcanon). it’s a fact i’m joking
but is more of a little brother figure than i normally make him (despite. ok bfu is an outlier he’s young in that) like he’s five years younger than jack, finished college like a couple years prior. he’s also a really good sketch artist because jack taught him
he also very accidentally stumbled into whatever profession this is.. like he studied biomed in college and thought he was going to work in labs for the rest of his life, which was fine, since that’s not too much movement for him and also solid in like. job retention. but in the meantime he was going to do some assistant work. but jack’s ad for an assistant did not indicate the forensics of it all, so c didn’t learn on the fly per se bc it’s his background, but his detective work is seriously extremely impressive since that was newer for him.
basically he’s the genius of this story. big shock rizz gives charlie the coolest parts of the aus they write
finally we have katherine. and katherine is a reporter, which is bad. which can be good. but while kath is more protective of jack because of their personal history, i will say that she will stop at nothing for a good article.
which i’m hoping will bite ppl in the ass later. we’ll see what i do with her.
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noxexistant · 1 year
Oscar knows his little brother like he knows the back of his own hand, and, because of that, knows immediately when something’s wrong. He knows when there’s something that Morris isn’t telling him too, though that happens less frequently. Morris tells him everything.
Everything except whatever’s been tearing him up the past few weeks.
Or, while Oscar’s distracted soaking their Pa during the trolley strikes, Morris swipes a dropped pocketknife and falls back into old habits. He tries to keep it hidden, but he should’ve known his brother would find out eventually.
“Oscar reckons he spends more than most of his life worrying about Morris.
It’s just that he needs to. Morris needs to be worried about. He ain’t a problem kid, he don’t try to be bad, he’d just been dealt the same godawful hand of cards that Oscar had - been dealt less of them too, if Oscar’s being honest - and he needs to be looked out for. Needs help with stuff, even stuff that seems easy, and needs attention and talking to and slow explanations and an eye kept on him at all times.
It’s thanks to that eye he keeps on his brother that Oscar notices right away when Morris starts acting out of sorts.”
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spoekelse · 1 year
On a Scandinavian promontory fretted by a gray sea whose waters are never utterly tranquil, stands a forgotten stimulus, and the crudely set architecture of a cyclopean memorial. Sometimes the girdling ocean heaves slowly in long swells, and out of the white mists that wrap about its breast comes a low moan, as if a multitudinous dead lying within its sombre depths was stir- ring restlessly, and complaining through a heavy sleep. Rarely its surface shimmers into quick ripples ; often the storm-wind tramples over its wrinkled face, and towering walls of dark water crested with white, come roaring in wild succession to burst upon the shore and, sweeping far up the strand, hiss among the dunegrass and smite with javelins of spray, the dumb witness of dead men signalling down the clangorous years of change.
All the magic of ancient legend and shadowy history lingers about the solitary mounds and tumbled menhirs, many an one such as this, to be seen arching up against the sky-line from the bare fell-sides of the countries of northern Europe: eastward from Ire- land to the Baltic strand.
Love and devotion built them ; and before the driven brine was launched against them in aerial attack, salt tears had fallen upon them ; and from their freshly heaped sides were tossed back upon the night, wild farewells and the flaring lights of failing torches. In fear and defiance their runic characters were graven ; that memory of the dead might not pass from time; nor knowledge of their hardly-won faiths, which upheld them above the brute-beast, from succour of the generation of men—devoured by the laughing mystery of the ocean; and the travailing of deep with deep as some shuddering purpose went forth to unfold.
(read more)
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